#priya's moots
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lifeofpriya · 8 months ago
⭐ hi ily ❤️
ily too heheh ❤️
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lifeofpriya · 7 months ago
Love you, Jenn!!! 🫶🏼❤️
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noicevibes · 2 years ago
Feed my military men addiction, mother
Hm, off the top of my head? Decided in .02 seconds? I offer my husband from a show I've never watched and only know of him, one (1) Guren Ichinose.
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ivy-diaries · 11 months ago
And if I say I am one of your moots 🥹🥹🥹?
it makes it even better for me to interact more freely 🥹🥹
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year ago
run away with me - part two
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Part One Here
Pairing: Nor/Fem!Sarentu!Reader
Summary: Nor hesitantly returns. And while Ri'nela is quick to forgive and welcome him back into the Sarentu... he knew that you would not be as forgiving. But you wouldn't be the woman he loved if you did.
Word Count: +3k
Warnings: Spoilers for AFoP, only one or two uses of Y/n, proofread by me, ANGST!!!
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter
A/n: This needed a Part 2 (especially now that I finally got to that you-know-what scene on AFoP. I had a feeling it would happen but still!)
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Ri'nela is tsahik now.
Nor is honestly so proud of her, and of everyone he left behind. When he returned and realized that everyone in the Resistance was still around -apart from those who were lost to the attack on HQ- even after so long, he was internally relieved. While he initially hated the very sight of his human allies, he had spent so much time traveling alone, surviving in the wild, and reflecting on himself and his inner demons... to the point where he knew that the Resistance was not part of his pain and Priya and the others were innocent. He had come to the same conclusion as So'lek did. They were his allies, and they wanted Eywa to be free from the pain the Sky People inflicted on her just as much as he did.
As Ri'nela shows him around, keeping her arm linked with his as if afraid he would disappear, Nor quickly notices a few things are different among the new Sarentu clan and their tawtute allies. There were several more Na'vi than he remembered. All of them come from different backgrounds, wearing various clothes and different styles from one another, and none of them bore the mark of the Sarentu. Some had very young children among them, and to his surprise, they bore the mark of the Sarentu. They all greeted Ri'nela respectfully as she passed by them, addressing her as their tsahik. The only one who appeared to treat Ri'nela the same as before and call her by her name was Teylan, but Nor suspected that she likely asked him to. Teylan gave the other Sarentu male a wide berth, and Nor couldn't blame him. 
While Ri'nela leads Nor away from the clan to journey to the Hollows, he notices one other thing about the Na'vi living among the reformed Sarentu.
You were not among them.
He didn't dare ask, no matter how much it pained him to do so. He felt as though he had no right to know about you, to know what you've been up to or if you were even still alive. He knows Ri'nela will be expecting him to ask, but he's still as stubborn as when they were kids, so he bit his tongue.
And maybe that's why Ri'nela brings him to the Circle of Ancestors, something he dreaded but knew it needed to be done. He had felt like a stranger in Eywa's presence, not having connected to her since he and his friends first found a Tarsyu flower. Nor felt as though he didn't deserve to connect to the Great Mother, not after growing up in the shadow of the Sky People, learning their ways and forgetting everything he had been taught as a child. After he left the Resistance, he felt more ashamed of who he became and was convinced Eywa would hate him now more than ever after what he did. 
Ri'nela was patient with Nor, encouraging him to connect to Eywa, at least just this once. She promised she would never make him do it again if that was what he wanted, and so, Nor knelt in the grass and slowly took his kuru in hand, finally making the connection. 
He finally got to see the truth for himself, revealing what Alma did... or, technically what she didn't do. While his anger and resentment still festered, there was also unimaginable guilt. After he saw Alma's memories, he also saw yours. 
He saw your fear and pain while walking through the remnants of the Circle of Songs, the place the Sarentu were butchered during their annual moot, now laid barren within the yavä'. He had been on the radio with you as you traveled through it, remembering how he listened to your distress at your discovery in the midst of searching for proof of Anufi's innocence. He remembered feeling helpless, wishing more than anything that he could have gone with you. He should have gone with you...
He saw your grief and pain... your anger and fear. He saw everything you went through, and most of it was without him, when you needed him the most. He saw you every time you connected to the Circle of Ancestors, downloading your memories in case something happened to you. He saw how you wept in front of Eywa while clutching a familiar carved stone in your hand, the one he had gifted you after promising to always stay by your side.
Your memories did little to comfort him, and as he finally disconnected from the Circle of Ancestors, his curiosity got the better of him, glancing over at Ri'nela as she carefully watched him with folded arms.
"Where... where is she?" He finally asked.
"She's persistent in spreading stories and democracy across other clans, like a true Sarentu," Ri'nela doesn't hesitate to answer, having been waiting for him to ask, "While I remain here to lead our clan, she ventures out there, as our envoy, to find new friends and spread our wisdom. She always comes back with stories of her adventures and sometimes brings home other Na'vi who wish to join the Sarentu. She always has something new to tell me from her travels."
"So..." his ears begin to rise with hope, "She eventually comes back?"
"Always. It could be days or months, but she always comes home. Although... she never stays long."
Ri'nela sucks in a deep breath, her gaze heavy, "I can see it in her eyes. She is saddened by us. She looks at me and Teylan and thinks of you. That is why she travels so much... to be rid of your memory. To forget that you abandoned her."
Despite how her tone was soft and gentle, her words cut deep into Nor's skin, making him flinch in pain as his ears and tail lowered in distress and guilt. Ri'nela lowers herself to her knees, meeting Nor's eyes with a stern, cold expression, "When she returns-- and she will, you will not abandon her again."
Nor swallows sharply and nods once, his voice so quiet and strange to him, "What do I even say to her?"
The Sarentu tsahik lifts her chin, "I would do nothing less than beg for her forgiveness on your hands and knees."
Nor had been living among the Sarentu and the Resistance for two months before you finally made your appearance.
You flew in by ikran, fast and agile, your Bonded barely giving herself time to fan out her wings to stop her descent before her talons landed gracefully on the ground. Luckily, no one was close enough to be ambushed by the harsh entrance, but once people began to realize who had made a quick landing in the center of their community, they all began to flock toward you and your ikran, eager to see you and hear about your travels.
Nor didn't know that it had been you who landed, but when Ri'nela came to fetch him, both relief and dread fought each other in his stomach, his lungs barely expanding enough for him to breathe. He follows the tsahik out of his new kelku and toward the crowd, unconsciously keeping his head down so you wouldn't immediately see him.
Not like that was an issue as you were currently occupied by your friends and family, barely giving you time to dismount from your ikran before you were bombarded with hugs and warm welcomes.
"Teylan!" You laugh excitedly, hopping down from your banshee as Teylan runs up to you. He bends low just before he scoops you up in his arms and swings you around in the air enthusiastically, causing you to let out a soft squeal of surprise.
Nor watched this soft display from a distance, a small twinge of his tail indicating he was slightly jealous. He was aware of what Teylan had done and knew why neither you nor Ri'nela felt the need to tell Nor about their friend's betrayal after the first HQ was destroyed. At the time, Nor was hateful and blamed everyone who wronged him and his loved ones. He understands why he was never told about Teylan's betrayal, knowing it wouldn't have gone well... knowing that it might have ended up like what happened with Alma's avatar.
Despite coming to terms with himself and calmly accepting both Alma and Teylan's betrayals, Nor couldn't help but feel bothered as he watched Teylan set you down and begin rambling about everything you might have missed while you were gone. It bothered him that you had forgiven Teylan easily enough, your smile wide and keeping your eyes solely on your dear friend as he talked so he knew he had your full attention. 
So'lek walked up and greeted you as well with a small yet warm smile, asking about your travels and other clans. Nor felt his eyes lower in shame. While the lone warrior was sympathetic to Nor and how he felt, So'lek has yet to speak to him, only watching from a distance with those disappointed eyes. Nor couldn't blame him. He had let So'lek down, just like many others.
He stands back, letting everyone else greet you first, but Ri'nela won't let him run away, no matter how much he wishes he could. Keeping Nor to stay put with just one, pointed glare, she turns away and walks up to you, embracing you tightly before whispering into your ear,
"There is someone here to see you."
"Is it Anufi?" You asked excitedly, not yet catching whatever dire note was in your friend's voice as you pulled out of her hug to inspect her face, continuing to ramble, "Or Okul? I promised them I would bring some of Relun's best recipes the next time I visited. I didn't think Okul would be so impatient--"
You cut yourself off, voice faltering on your tongue as your eyes catch movement behind Ri'nela. Peering over her shoulder, words fail you as your eyes widen in shock, face quickly losing color as if you had seen a ghost. 
Nor felt his skin prickle under your watchful eye, noting the way your ears and tail fell before he could even blink. Standing closer to you than before, he made a quick observation about your attire, his eyes scanning the songcord running up and down your arm, longer than it had ever been before. His own ears lowered when he noticed a familiar item dangling from the cord.
You still had his stone. He wasn't sure if that made him feel better or worse.
After you were given time to relax and have a home-cooked meal with your friends and loved ones, you found yourself in a secluded part of the forest near the base, arms crossed and internal walls up as you stood before Nor, alone. Ri'nela insisted the two of you talked privately, and the two of you both had your own reasons to disagree with her, but didn't dare protest. 
You let the two of you linger in a long, sullen silence, making Nor's skin crawl uncomfortably, keeping his eyes lowered to the ground while yours practically bore into his flesh. He wished he didn't deserve your hatred, knowing that you were unforgiving when you wanted to be. Perhaps it was because you were younger, but you always seemed so... kind and gentle, but eager to fight for what was right. You always wanted to fight for your home, for the memory of your mother and sister. You had wanted to fight so that other Na'vi children never went through what you went through with Nor, Ri'nela, Teylan, and the other Sarentu children who were abducted. Nor has seen your fire directed at the Sky People and he was always proud to witness your ruthlessness... but he never thought he'd be on the receiving end of it. 
And now that you were less young and less naive, it was hard to picture that younger, more hopeful you. As he stood before you, he couldn't help but wonder where had the time gone.
Your eyes never leave his form, your expression impassive as you finally spoke, "How long before you leave again?"
Nor flinched, eyes still downcast, "I... I don't intend on leaving."
"Like you did last time."
He winced once more, voice quiet in response, "Could you ever forgive me?"
Your eyes narrow, "Why should I?"
"You seem to have forgiven Teylan easily enough."
"Because at least Teylan stayed and did everything in his power to show he deserved forgiveness," you snapped. Although you never raised your voice, your words still felt like a punch to the gut, "At least Cortez stayed and tried her best to right her wrongs, instead of running like a coward and avoiding her responsibilities."
His eyes finally lift to meet hers, irises riddled with guilt and pain, "I'm so sorry..."
You glared at him for what felt like forever when really it was only a few minutes. Eventually, your posture relaxes, the anger bleeding away into defeat and quiet resentment. You shook your head, voice equally as quiet as his, "I don't blame you for how you feel. I don't even blame you for what you did, despite how much I wish you didn't do it."
Your own eyes lowered, unable to look at him as you whispered, "I blame you for leaving and not making it right. For abandoning us-- your family."
Nor wanted to reach out and touch you, but instead curled his hands into fists to restrain himself, keeping them at his sides while looking out over the forest, "Why... Why didn't you just track me down and drag me back?"
He couldn't help but wonder. You were an excellent tracker and hunter, far more observant and patient than he had ever been. Many times while he was alone out in the wild, he would dream of you ambushing him, screaming at the top of your lungs before you grabbed him by the ear and brought him back... back home. Nor would often wake up from these dreams and feel cold, often looking around to see if you were actually there or not. But you never showed up.
You bite your lip, "I thought about it... many times actually. Sometimes it was almost an unbearable temptation and I had to keep busy to stop myself."
He glanced back with disbelief, "Why?"
"Because as much as I hate you..." If you had realized just how much those words hurt him, you didn't show it, your mind far away even as you looked directly at him, practically looking right through him, "I would never make you do anything against your will. That would make me no better than Mercer. You wanted to be left alone. So that's what I gave you... even if it left the most unimaginable pain in my chest. It was worse than Aha'ri because at least I knew my sister was dead... but I had no idea where you were or if you were alive."
Nor was harshly reminded of what he saw in the Circle of Ancestors, your pain still at the very front of his mind, the very pain he caused for disappearing without a trace. His eyes glance down to your wrist, longingly staring at the small stone with the mark of the Sarentu he had carved into its surface.
"I'm sorry."
"You said that. You also said that you go wherever I go," she followed his gaze and lifted the stone up to her eye level, staring at it while remembering all of those promises he made the day he gave the stone to her, "You said if you ever leave, it would only be when I was ready to go with you. You lied."
Nor finally stepped forward, hands reaching out to you as he tried to bargain, "B... But I'm here now. I-- I'm here to stay and make things right again. I can make things right. Teylan and Alma... they came back to make things right. I want to do the same."
"Yes. Now. When the fighting is over, not when it mattered." You bite back.
He sucked in air through his teeth, hissing as though he was in pain, your words like venom, "I know. I know I made a mistake. I should have returned immediately after leaving. I should have gone to cool off and then come straight back to you. I... I should not have hurt Alma. I should not have hurt you." 
"And unless you can turn back time, you can't change what you've done," you step away, keeping your distance, keeping your walls high and on guard as you mutter, "I should be grateful you wanted to try and traditionally court me. If we hadn't taken things slow... had we mated... I don't think I could have survived what you did."
Your eyes glare deep in his soul, "What was that phrase Mercer used to say? 'I dodged a bullet?'"
Nor's ears stay low and pinned to his skull, looking like a kicked puppy, "Please do not say that."
"Because you are not Mercer."
"No, but as of right now, it's easier to say his name than yours," the words stung, hurting Nor even more when he caught the way your voice cracked. Glancing up, his heart shattered at the sight of tears slowly spilling down your face, your lip trembling as you tried to keep your words steady, "I expected Mercer to do terrible things. I... I never expected for you-- for you to--"
You scoff to yourself, your words ashes in your mouth, "I should've known. You wanted to leave from the start. Maybe if I had let you go from the start, this would have hurt less."
"But I am here now," he quickly soothes, "I'm here."
You don't glare at him, but your wet eyes bore into him as though he had betrayed you all over again. You let out a shaky sigh through your nose as you slowly open your mouth, making your tongue move before you could hold back your words, "... I don't need you right now. I needed you back then, but not now. I needed you when it mattered."
He could almost see your walls building ever higher in your mind and heart, his own beginning to crumble to dust, "Y/n, please--"
"I'm not going to make you leave again," you quickly add, turning your back to him as you start walking back toward the Resistance base, distantly speaking without sparing any emotions, "I'll do that myself. I have to leave at first light tomorrow to meet up with the Zeswa before they take off for migration. I think it would be best if you and I don't interact from here on out whenever I come back home. Stay or leave, I don't care anymore."
You walk back without uttering another word. You don't even look back to see Nor's reaction. He watches you retreat until you completely disappear from view, the urge to run after you so strong he has to bite his tongue from calling out to you. Something made him stay put, letting you go despite how his anger and sadness were pleading with him to pick up his feet, to follow you, to say everything he didn't know how to say but by Eywa, he wanted to try.
But he didn't. He knew this was no more than he deserved for what he put you through alone.
A/n: This is definitely getting a Part 3 😈 Lemme know if you would like to be tagged in it!
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lifeofpriya · 8 months ago
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lifeofpriya · 5 months ago
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
AAAAAAAA, thank you, Maleeha, i love you so much, bestie 🥺😭❤️
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jimothystu · 2 years ago
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 🥰
Priya!! Thank you <33
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hangelic · 1 year ago
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‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 001: INTRO ✩ ‧˚ ⊹ ‎
⋆ ┆ Vee is my name on here ^^ but honestly any nicknames are welcome just remember to stop using it if i express any discomfort . I go by she/her pronouns so please respect that!
⋆ ┆ '04 liner➡ so anyone younger than 15 please don't message and I may reblog nsfw works so minors please block the #nsfw tag
⋆ ┆ MBTI - infj-t this really tells about like 60% of my personality & my birthday - December 24th so I'm a Capricorn <3 and this is the other 40%
⋆ ┆ desi➡ I'm from India and I go by IST (Indian standard time) if it helps you !!!
⋆ ┆ work➡ I'm currently pursuing my degree in college so if I don't respond to messages or am late please respect that !!
⋆ ┆ DNI➡ Blank Blogs | Porn bots | Ped0philes | Anyone against the LGBTQ+ community | Fet!shizers (of any kind) | Rac!sts | Disrespectful towards others’ gender, beliefs, religions | Hater of kpop | Krp accounts | Plagiarizer | Other basic criteria.. !!
⋆ ┆ pls interact➡ literally anyone who isn't in the dni criteria but special mentions to animal blogs | kpop writers | fanfic nets | oc creators | moodboard creators | poetry blogs | positivity blogs. etc
⋆ ┆ reminder➡ this blog is a safe space so please make sure to keep it as such. You are welcome to drop in your rants or vents in the askbox but please follow the guidelines and remeber to not hurt or offend anybody. I am free to block you or remove your ask if it violates any of those guidelines after previous warning. Be respectful and kind to everyone here and enjoyy !!!!
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 002: LIKES ✩ ‧˚ ⊹‎ ‎
⋆ ┆big yess ➡ CATS !!!! and other animals too but mainly cats, psychology, music no specific genre and ofcourse recs are always appreciated, reading any genre but especially thriller and fantasy, i love food and drinks, poetry and quotes, the scenery and cosmic elements, watching movies and anime and reading mangas, cooking asmr not eating, the rain and snow, plushies, and taking candid pictures ! don't think twice to drop me pictures or recommendations on any of these topics !!!
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 003: DISLIKES ✩ ‧˚ ⊹
⋆ ┆ major pass ➡ everything in the 'DNI' criteria, peas, overly slow walkers, people who can't take the same energy that they give, unnecessarily rude people, people who shame others based on their lifestyles, people with superiority complexes, partiality, biased judgement, horror movies and stories, insects.
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 004: AT THE MOMENT ✩ ‧˚ ⊹‎ ‎
⋆ ┆reading ➡ one of us is lying
⋆ ┆ watching ➡ brooklyn 99
⋆ ┆ listening ➡ the grudge, olivia rodrigo
⋆ ┆ status ➡ trying to be active
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 005: LOVELIST ✩ ‧˚ ⊹ ‎
⋆ ┆ ultimate groups ➡ stray kids, nct, the boyz, seventeen
⋆ ┆ ultimate biases ➡ Seo Changbin, Lee Taeyong, Na Jaemin, Kim Sunwoo, Xu Minghao (The8), Hwang Yeji, Ha Sooyoung (yves), Lee Yubin (dami).
⋆ ┆ other groups ➡ day6, enhypen, ive, newjeans, txt, dreamcatcher, itzy, one pact, loona, ateez, blackpink, twice, lesserafim, p1harmony, stayc, aespa, gidle, astro, the rose, riize
⋆ ┆other biases ➡ remaining skz members, jeon wonwoo, (haechan), dong sichen (winwin), choi beomgyu, kim bora (sua), lee chaeryeong, shin ryujin, jeong jinsol (jinsoul), jung wooyoung, kim hongjoong, ji changmin (q), yoon keeho, haku shota (soul), park jihyo, myoi mina, huh yunjin, yu jimin (karina), ning yizhuo (ningning), song yuqi, song eunseok, hong sunghan.
⋆ ┆ non kpop ➡ I do listen to a lot of non kpop artist too and in multiple languages as well, currently I'm listening to sings in multiple Indian languages, Japanese, Chinese, German and French. I am always open to new recommendations so feel free to drop in your favourites anytime!!!
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 006: TAGS ✩ ‧˚ ⊹
⋆ ┆Document currently unavailable
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 007: MOOTS ✩ ‧˚ ⊹
⋆ ┆odette🌹 ➡ @anqelws | @svt-rosalie
⋆ ┆mars 🪐 ➡ @stayconnecteed
⋆ ┆mattie 🪼 ➡ @stealanity
⋆ ┆priya 🎀 ➡ @lost-leopard-beanie | @ivy-diaries
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 008: BLOGROLL ✩ ‧˚ ⊹
⋆ ┆click here !!!!
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lifeofpriya · 5 months ago
i'm just treating you with gifts 😭😭😭
someone stop @lifeofpriya she is trying to kill me
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supriyawithoutsu · 2 years ago
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Who TF is this
Abe apni gaand main chhupe hue chaman chutiye,Shukr mana ki mujhe pata nahi hain tu kon hain...nahi to main tere Ghar main ghuske tera murder karti
Aur pata hain murder kaise karti?
Pehle tere teen tukde karti-1)Head 2)Body aur 3)Legs
1)Sabse pehle teri jeebh nikalti aur fir tere ek ek baal ko kheech kheech ke nikaalti aur tere kaan ke paas ek metal ki sheet rakhke uspe nakhun se scratch karti taaki tu uss awaaz se mar jaaye
2)Fir teri jawaani bhari kaya pe safety pin se holes karti aur usme se jab Tera saara khoon nikal jaaye tab apni garma garam chaay chhanti aur wo chai tere gharwalo ko pilati bhenchod
3)Ab teri taange-Sabse pehle to main Teri gaand main gun daalke chalati aur jab tujhe bohot zor se susu aaye tab tera non existing lauda kaatke tere muh main daal deti
Fir jab teri body khaane se kauva bhi mana kar de tab main Teri body ke itne tukde karti itne tukde karti ki tujhe waha Tak ki ginti bhi na aati ho (kya matlab ginti to bas mujhe 2 tak ki aati hain)Fir unme se 10007 tukde side main rakhke baaki ke tukde acid main ghol ke flush kar deti aur un 10007 tukdo ma soup banake China bhej deti
Aur jis jis ko mere nudes chahiye main bata rahi hoon dm main aao tumhe nanga karke chaurahe pe khada na kar diya na to mera naam bhi priya nahi
(I know @alhad-si-simran ne jhagadne ko na bola tha lekin in behen ke laudo,chhipkali ki tattiyo aur kutte raando ke saamne main shaant nahi baith sakti)
Aur main nahi off kar rahi apna anon ka option-Teri tharak ki wajah se mere pyaare introvert moots jo mujhe anon banke message karte hain wo suffer kyun kare?And anyways tu mere liye itna matter nahi karta ki tere liye main apne anon off karu
Aur ha
Aakhri main bye bye bolne ke liye-Bhai ke vagina teri ma ki chut
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3416 · 5 months ago
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
LOVE YOU PRIYA!!!!! you're a sweetheart, hope you're having a beautiful beginning of fall 🫶🫶🫶
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d4isywhims · 2 years ago
sims tag game!!
i was tagged by these lovely people @seokolat @pxeltownie @mdmszee @moonriesims @magpiesims @oasivy @tbeanie-sims !! <3 lots of love to you!!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? death by vending machine just because that's the only "unique" sim death i've gotten so far lol (it happened to mawar btw but i immediately quit the game bc of obvious reasons)
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? i'm personally a maxis mix girl but i loveeeee looking at sims with alpha cc
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? nope :)
4. Do you use move objects? yes. i would not be able to survive without it
5. Favorite mod? bed cuddle mod my beloved <3 no but in all seriousness, mccc and iu cheats are a gamechanger! i also love a bunch of adeepindigo's mods
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? get to work ;)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? live as in aLIVE :)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? aww just one? :( i have so many! priya, kohana, harlow, jae!!!, hunter and sooooooo much more. but if i have to choose one i'd say my favourite is probably harlow because i based her off of savannah smith and she is gorggggg (both savannah and harlow!)
9. Have you made a simself? yeap
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? foodie for sure, umm maybe creative and dog lover :D
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? the ash brown swatch? the one hunter's hair colour is in
12. Favorite EA hair? i don't knowwww 😭 i mostly use cc hair yikes
13. Favorite life stage? young adult! i get to do so much :D
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? both i think? but if i had to pick a side, i'd say that i'm more of a gameplay person in ts4 :) i'm an avid builder in ts3 tho hehe i’ve always loved the building aspect of the sims and i loveee watching speed build vids on youtube
15. Are you a CC creator? i wish! but unfortunately i’m not :(
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i like to think we're all friends here so i'm going to say yes! i've met sooo many amazing simmers on here and i intend on making more :D
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) i’ll say ts3 just for the nostalgia :’) but ts4 is pretty good too minus the bugs lmao
18. Do you have any sims merch? do knockoff plumbob headbands count? :p
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i do actually lol my yt username is still d4isy-nukes but i currenty have no vids up.......YET
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? when i first started playing the sims, i was obsessed with making the "perfect" sims with "perfect" lives and would aaalways cheat away negative moodlets or never give them "negative" traits ykwim? but now i just go with the flow at whatever the game throws at me lol it's much fun that way :D also it helps to not stress about the things in game too much, it takes the fun out of it :p
21. What’s your Origin ID? same as my tumblr name!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oof i can't name just one 😭 @littlbowbub @oni28 are my go-tos for food cc! @simstrouble @johnnysimmer are also very cool! idk man i feel like if i list all my fav cc creators it would be never ending lol
23. How long have you had a simblr? ohh omg i think i made this account somewhere mid-2021? not sure tho but i've only started being active earlier this year :) and hopefully for the years to come!
24. How do you edit your pictures? i use photoshop! i don't do much besides adjusting the brightness, cropping the pics and run a few actions. if i'm feeling fancy i'll add a moodlet/thought bubble or text :) gshade basically carries my editing process atp lol
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? give me hotels/resorts!!!! but ngl it's probably going to be buggy af tho lmao
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? cottage living AND seasons. i canot live without seasons
i know for a fact that a bunch of my moots have done this tag already so i'll be tagging whoever sees this lol
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lifeofpriya · 1 year ago
it had to be done 😆🫡🫶🏼
I am cackling so hard @lifeofpriya of all people 😂
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ayusr · 2 years ago
Bade Aache Lagte Hai 3 | Episode 8| Full Moon, Food and Firsts
Tera mujhse hai phele ka nata koi
Yu hi nahi dil lubata koi
Priya is questioning herself if she was the one who was not able to read spineless Yuvraj disinterest in her. Classic example of gaslighting.
Beware of people who make you reason your thinking. Huge Red flag. Hold on to the truth as you know it. Not some twisted reality they are telling you and the world.
Spineless Yuvraj have the audacity to label Priya as some psycho ex in front of Ram and others. This along with the fact Ram overhead Priya's mum asking paparazzi to tag her daughter while covering spineless Yuvraj doings made him prejudiced against her. He now thinks Sood's are doing it for publicity stunt. Priya is aware of it. She is perceptive that way.
Jaan's doubt is further strengthened after seeing Priya's face in the paused video footage from the scene created by eldest and youngest Ms. Sood. Did Mr. Kapoor want a better look at someone? Ram is protective of Alu's privacy and have purchased the footage from the media.
Jaan is ecstatic now. She dances with her late husband photo and tells him about Priya. She addresses him as Kapoor saab.
Ram and Priya finally decide to meet. Priya cancelled at first sensing Ram's prejudice. She changed her mind mainly because she want to explain why her mum behaved the way she did.
It's full moon. The leaves of the trees rustling in cool breeze from both sides of the road. The moonlit sky and the brightest stars shines brilliantly as Priya steps down from the taxi looking effortlessly beautiful. She is wearing a red kurta. Her hair is not in guchha this time :D. It's open.
Ram is there already. He is standing on the side of his car with his back towards Priya. He is wearing a green suit which brings out his beautiful deep eyes. His white shirt has pineapple drawn all over it :D
This is what I mean. And he always holds his phone this way. Or at least 99% of the time.
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The place was secluded. It was selected by Priya as she wanted her privacy. Mr. Kapoor travelled 3 hours to get there. There is also tight police security as some local goons are set free. The public is advised to stay home. The trees, moon and the brightest stars of sky need no such protection and are there to grace the occasion providing their blessings on their first unofficial date.
Priya moves towards Ram on spotting him. Ram is fiddling with his phone standing next to his car. She clears her throat to let him know of her arrival He greets her and notices she is alone. He immediately suggests getting inside the car. Priya declined. In her mind it's a quick 10 mins affair and can be conducted without getting in. That's not Mr. Kapoor style though and let's her know. He could be more polite to her here but he is crabbier when hungry. Priya realizes he is the more delicate one when he mentions he can catch pneumonia from the rain which has not yet poured. She gets in and he joins her and puts his seatbelt on asking her to do the same. She asks are they going for a drive. It was more pointing it out than asking. Ram said no but didn't remove his seatbelt just in case. Mr. Kapoor is all about being prepared. He even got a tab for punching in his notes.
He must be really hungry to have a slice of pizza without offering it first. He got it for himself and maybe for her as well. He did offer her though. He is getting back to his senses now that he have something in his system. She declined again and Mr. Kapoor concluded it's because of dieting. It would take more than one slice of pizza to kick some sense in Mr. Kapoor.
The questionnaire started. He wants to know the relationship timeline. At one point, he calls her a psycho ex if the break happened before Alekha's proposal. It didn't sit well with Priya as she correctly points out it's moot having this conversation if he is being biased in all this. Mr. Kapoor should be well fed before having a serious conversation.
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noicevibes · 2 years ago
Jack in the box the mascot i mean 😍
He's so hot
Man's a snowman head in a three-piece suit, I'm CRYING
But then when you go to the fanart end of that, I'm also crying, because I get it???
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