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3416 · 5 months ago
Send this to all your favourite moots and pass the pumpkin round! KEEP THE PUMPKIN TRAIN GOING 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃
LOVE YOU PRIYA!!!!! you're a sweetheart, hope you're having a beautiful beginning of fall 🫶🫶🫶
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mcmorare · 4 months ago
sorry for the disappearance the past few days, i haven’t been on the dash at all because i have not been feeling great but i might do some writing after classes we will see
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pinkseas · 2 months ago
i miss ren zrenia every day
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hechose · 9 days ago
tucks a flower behind ur ear & blows a kiss
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thuringwedhil · 6 months ago
You lived! I haven't seen you in ages! 🎉
Yes!!! I am so sorry tbh (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) I've been mostly active on twt bc less .... censoring, if that makes sense haha but I'll definitely try to be more active here again <3333
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andypantsx3 · 2 years ago
was it hard to re-establish your self-identity & friendships after your breakup? sorry for the personal q but I think I need to be single for awhile but I'm scared lol
Omg this is a deep cut, I'm surprised you remember me talking about this!!
Yes and no! For the first little bit I felt really aimless. I was shocked by the amount of time I suddenly had on my hands, the very present lack of a person to talk to about all my little daily things and to cuddle with at night. I felt like I had absolutely no hobbies and couldn't remember what my personal interests were, because my boyfriend and I had done every little thing together for close to six years!!
But after a little while I found it so strangely freeing. I'm sure it must be different for different personality types. But I took special pleasure in cooking the kind of food I wanted to eat without having to cater to his tastes, going places on a whim without checking in, having time and space to pick hobbies back up. I liked not having to pick between social engagements, where we'd have to do something with his family the weekend another friend wanted to hang. I liked not having to remember all his family birthdays and make sure he'd gotten them something when it was his damn family and he should have been responsible!!
Idk! I genuinely feel like the summer after my breakup was the best summer of my life. I spent so much time reconnecting with friends—cooking with them, going to wine bars, getting messy at karaoke— going on trips, netting myself a promotion, etc etc. My roommates became the people I could go grocery shopping with and gab with after work and stick my feet under during a movie lol. I started writing for the first time ever, went to the gym regularly again, discovered what my routine looked like if it was meant to suit me and only me.
And I really liked it. I still really like it. I'm actually worried about what happens when I meet my next boyfriend because I love the time and space that I've found for myself and I guard it selfishly now lol.
I think you have to sit with it for a while, but life rushes back to you very quickly and you will find all those holes in your heart plugged in again so very easily. Maybe it could be different for you, if you're a little less of a lone wolf type personality, and maybe it will take longer!! But I hope you enjoy the time and space you will have to get to know yourself again. Some people don't ever get that.
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liaisun · 3 months ago
✅ 🧮 📚and 🔥 :) refraining from asking them all
HEHE i would gladly answer them all!! thank u lovely :3
✅ - i saved one of my favorite lines for u (which are usually beginning and chapter endings) <3 this is from the ch2 summary:
When Kevin extends an offer that can't be refused, it’s a nostalgic feeling— after all, the first time Neil made a deal with the devil, she became Nathaniel.
LIKEEEEE sorry i have to sit for a second and process the sheer cunt levels this line has. like what do you menannnn she became nathaniel. neil's pronoun fuckery 4 life <3 . i rewrote this line 394i4p5 times because it needed to HIT. it's written a bit differently within the scene itself so hopefully the context will make it slay even more
this one a bit longer so maybeee cheating but i make the rules 😈
A small grin appears on Kevin's lips for a split second before she covers it with her hand, giggling. [ ] lifts his shoulder to nudge her out of his neck. “What’s so funny?”
KEVIN SMILING? KEVIN GIGGLING???? (meanwhile neil is having the worst night ever LOLLL) it's so joever for everyone in the vicinity. no one stood a chance
and bonus from my notes that always makes me laugh 😭
can't wait to get into the twins' relationship in girls au. they're so compelling. it's killing me to not say anything lmfaooo
🧮 - besides girls au, i'm not writing anything actively but i am brainstorming >:) my current wip setlist is like:
riko's pov - character study thru vignettes over his life (#make riko a dynamic character 2025)
defang him rah - vamp jean has a very bad time
wit - renee never goes to juvie; mary kidnaps her after she runs into neil
kevjean venom - jean crawled into kevins ribcage and wont leave
neil+wymack thoughts - neil thinks wymack is too good of a man to be true; something is amiss
+ girls au missing/additional scenes and dusting up parts of old wips, getting inspired, then putting them back on the shelf bc school has been ruling my life lol
📚 - usually i'll do it before i start writing! (kinda like field research. lmfao) i'll also read similar works when i'm taking a break from a writing a particular concept, because i'm tired of my version LOL. it doubles as enjoyment and motivation/inspiration because i want more of the thing! i dont intentionally avoid it, but i guess i dont really do this during the process of writing 🤔 what a good question!!!
🔥- knowing my limits and being less ashamed abt my drafts! i noticed that i overwork and overthink things while writing and i need to separate the acts of writing and editing more lol. i've always loved betaing but when it's your own work, you need another party's perspective to keep you from going insane. with that, i'm becoming more open to the idea of having my own work beta'd, but the mortifying idea of being known persists. when it's more polished it's easier to separate yourself from it, whereas when u start it's like here, see a visualization of my thoughts in their barest form. a lil scary! so i'm hyping myself up about it :P
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clochanam · 3 months ago
it's just me and my rescue remedy against the world (west coast of ireland coming to one pub) today besties so send good vibes, prayers, questions, everything and anything to save me from collapsing in that pub today--
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3416 · 5 months ago
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had THE™ time of my life this past weekend visiting minnesota, spending time with one of the best people ever @thedreamthieves over her birthday, and getting to see the leafs. st paul and the people there did NOT disappoint me even when my hockey team did <3. what a beautiful and lowkey place........ i will for sure be back some day.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 1 year ago
for accountability reasons: i am going to FINISH my essay plan and then as a special treat i am going to give u all a wip post for snippet sunday. I SWEAR IT
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venomgender · 5 months ago
Your yaoi kin assignment is Kang Isae from Kang Isae's Happy Ending !
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tetzoro · 1 year ago
good morning friendz !! i hope everyone has a great monday and wonderful start to their week ^_^ !!
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imperatorcopia · 9 months ago
YOU♥️🖤 🌈✨️
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this has been a great day like i just woke up feeling great today
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dabihaul666 · 7 months ago
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i dont care about a brand u weirdo a title is just a title a name is just a name u get a better endorsement n they change the name right out from under u. u follow what, the money? the management? weiiiird.
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neige-leblanche · 1 year ago
ok. if u couldnt tell by my nottposting that i went to look @ feh's catalogue of heroes & got distracted thats ok bc i just successfully did that & here are a few musings abt buff femme women & buff women in general in fire emblem:
- they were actually kinda cooking with effie. its true some of the fates girl designs are painful but credit where credit is due
- it made me so sad when hapi called herself buff ingame while having the standard twiggy model. 3h is so good already i wish they didnt try to be more than they were. hapi is so good. we can just let her be what she is its okay
- tellius
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