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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Humsafar - Badrinath ki Dulahniya Guitar Cover and Tabs by @prateekkrypton and sanjeev babbar part 2 #bollywood #sangeet #music #hindisongs #abhishek #akhilsachdeva #pritamda #palakmuchhal #shalmalikholgade #jonitagandhi #tulsigabbard #tulsikumar #usa #uk #canada #india #mumbai #rock #sufi #pop #indiepop #country #blues #jazz #fender #ibanez
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dilipkpandey · 7 years ago
Playing (or trying to #play is better?) my #Meinl #Cajon on bollywood movie #YeJawaniHaiDiwani's song #ShaameMalangSi, sung by awesome #ArijitSingh & #PritamChakraborty. Watch and share, and to encourage, please subscribe this channel :) Longer version: https://youtu.be/myyh56dH7E0 (Please subscribe the channel) 👉Video shot by: Kanha (my cute lil son) #Music, #Literature, #Archery #Cajon #ShaameMalangSi #Rockstar #RanbeerKapoor #ArijitSingh #MuzicForAll #TheFakeerCafe #BollywoodMusic #Bollywood #PritamDa #Pritam
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drantimkjain · 5 years ago
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*आए जाने 🤔सी.पी.आर. द्वारा अपने निकट एवं प्रिय व्यक्ति का जीवन आप खुद कैसे बचा सकते है*....... *विश्व ह्रदय ❤ दिवस एवं स्व.श्री माधव राव सिंधिया की पुण्यतिथि 🙏के उपलक्ष्य में* 🗓 *29 सितंबर (रविवार)* 🕤 *9:15 बजे* 🏦 *स्वामी प्रीतमदास सभागृह*( सिंधी कॉलोनी के पास ) इंदौर म. प्र. वक्ता:- *प्रसिद्ध कार्डियोलॉजिस्ट डॉ भरत रावत*(मेदान्ता हॉस्पिटल) द्वारा 🤔जाने ठहरी हुई श्वांस या फिर रूकी हुयी हृदय धड़कन को पुनः शुरू करने की प्रक्रिया को पुर्नजीवन प्रक्रिया या *सी.पी.आर.कहते है* । इस प्रक्रिया में छाती को एक निश्चित अवधि एवं नियमित गति से दबाया जाता है एवं श्वास दिया जाता है। " *सी.पी.आर." द्वारा अपने निकट एवं प्रिय व्यक्ति का जीवन आप खुद बचा सकते है*। हृदयघात या फिर श्वास अवरोध कहीं भी, किसी भी समय किसी को भी अकस्मात् हो सकता है। इसका समय पर उपचार न मिलने पर सैंकड़ों-हजारों लोगों की मृत्यु हो जाती है। लगभग तीन मिनट के अंदर मदद मिलने पर उनकी अमूल्य जिन्दगी को बचाया जा सकता है। 🤔 *कौन यह कार्य प्रवीणता से कर सकता है*।" जाहिर है वह व्यक्ति जो पीड़ित के निकटतम खड़ा हो। पर यह तभी संभव है जब वह खुद सी.पी.आर. की प्रक्रिया से अवगत हो । अधिकतम हदयघात या श्वास अवरोध घर पर या फिर प्राकृतिक आपदा एवं मानवीय दुर्घटना की वजह से होते हैं। 🤔 *क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप यह सरल प्रक्रिया सी. पी.आर. देना सीख सकते है* तथा समय रहते अपने प्रियजन के जीवन को बचा सकते हैं! एक परिवार की खुशियां लौटा सकते हैं!" *बेसिक लाइफ सपोर्ट* जन जागरूकता कार्यक्रम ÷ *टाइगर यूथ क्लब एवं 🤝 *सुन्दरबाई फूलचंदजी आदर्श शिक्षा संस्थान* द्वारा *सी.पी.आर. के सन्दर्भ में जन जागरूकता के लिये आयोजित किया जा रहा है* । *इस वर्कशॉप कार्यक्रम का मुख्य लक्ष्य यह है कि, सिर्फ चिकित्सीय क्षेत्र के लोगों को ही नहीं अपितु आम व्यक्तियों को भी इस प्रक्रिया की शिक्षा देकर उन्हें सी.पी.आर. की प्रक्रिया में प्रशिक्षित किया जाये जिससे अकस्मात् दुर्घटना के समय अपने निकट एवं प्रियजन की वे जान बचा सके*। अतः कार्यक्रम का लाभ उठायें एवं समाज और प���िवार में आकस्मिक प्रकोप एवं मानवीय दुर्घटनाओं के लिए तैयार रहें और समय रहते सी.पी.आर. द�� सकें। इस कार्यक्रम की अधिक जानकारी के लिए निम्न फोन नम्बर पर सम्पर्क करें 📱9039901233 📱9425075636 *आए "अपनों को और अपने आप को सुरक्षित रखने का निःशुल्क प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करे"* 🙏 *श्री गिरीश वाधवानी* *(अध्यक्ष *टाइगर युथ क्लब) *अब इंदौर बनेगा स्वास्थ्य में भी नंबर1* (at Swami Pritamdas Sabhagrah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uMBdOFUNl/?igshid=zglodepe7dxl
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gagbrag · 6 years ago
Pritam Has Been Roped In For The Music Of Ranveer Singh’s ‘83
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In Bollywood, Pritam is one of the most popular music directors. Right now, Pritam is having a great run with his music scores. For both the big projects as well as small projects, makers try to bring Pritam on board. Now, Pritam has been signed for the music of Ranveer Singh’s 83 which will be directed by Kabir Khan.
Regarding brief for music to Pritam, director Kabir Khan has said “The brief for any film comes from the script. It’s a process where we read the script together, discuss the various situations for a song, decide the mood of the song and then Pritam starts creating the melody. ’83 is an extremely inspirational story of human triumph with a lot of humour and emotion along the journey and the album, which Pritam is creating, will capture all these elements. Needless to say, we will be making an iconic sports anthem.”
Excited Ranveer has expressed, “Pritamda is an extremely special and rare talent. His contribution to Hindi music is immense. He’s given us some of the most memorable songs of the past decade. I’m a huge admirer of his work. I’ve wanted to collaborate with him since many years and it’s finally happening with this film. I could not be more thrilled about this prospect. We are hoping to create a memorable film with an iconic anthem to go with it.”
Thanking Ranveer and Kabir for welcoming him on board, Pritam has said “Kabir’s solid presence and Ranveer’s vibrant energy together promise an exciting sports film and I am looking forward to working on the score for ’83 with music that matches their madness. The movie is even more special because the memory and the euphoria of the 1983 World Cup victory is still fresh with me even though I was a young kid! It was a moment for India like no other.”
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katrinakaifo · 8 years ago
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Jagga , jughead and a true genius . (We❤you pritamda) @ipritamofficial #JaggaJasoos #MusafirTeaser
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anotherbollywoodblog · 8 years ago
Ok.. but has anyone read Amaal Mallik’s open letter calling out Bollywood award shows?!?!?!
“I have not spoken about this, but I need to address the issue !!!!!
A big thank you to the award functions that nominated me and a bigger thank you to the ones That didn't....
I am nominated for my Albums #KapoorandSons & #Baaghi at the award shows which is an honour because Kapoor and Sons was a beautiful collaborative effort by Me #Badshah, Tanishk Bagchi & Arko Pravo and the result is for all to see !
But if you nominate a #Baaghi that has had average music, only a #SabTera #ChamCham & till a point it was #AgarTuHota that did decent, it's funny because a #BaarBaarDekho & #MSDhoni are bigger albums with 4 successful songs in each.
It is so funny & surprising that you go out of your way and give a star kid all the new comer awards for the best debut, for a performance no one even saw,l....
Whereas a #DiljitDosanjh who deserved that award for #UdtaPunjab is nowhere !!
#Sarbjit had #RandeepHooda almost kill himself to bones, and play that character, and you nominate only #AishwaryaRaiBachchan hahahahaha !
Why forget albums like #Kahaani #Neerja by a new composer, #BaarBaarDekho #MSDhoni #Airlift #Jugni and what about a super albums like #Fitoor & #Banjo....
#MSDhoni makes it to the Oscars and it doesn't even get considered as a best film by the award functions.....
#NeerajPandey not nominated for #MSD, #RajaMenon not nominated for #Airlift, and no #AkshayKumar for Best Actor seriously ?
Why don't these honest to script yet commercially successful films and albums make it to the nominations list.....
A nomination is an acknowledgment of Good Work , well that's what I know, but we are disragarding the contribution people have made to the year with their good music and good films, and great performances.
What happened to Aligarh & Airlift as films, #ManojBajpayee was incredible and so was #AkshayKumar.
When I won for Roy last year at almost every award function I was disappointed the most, that an album like #Badlapur was not even considered, it was an album on par with Roy, if not better.
That year even #BajrangiBhaijaan was a great album, but Dilwale and Tamasha were considered better whereas there was so much musical Range #PritamDa showed in #BB
Coming to folk Hindustani music, why not nominate #PremRatan for Filmfare then, it was beautiful folkish melody, which works with rural india just like a #Mirziya.....
No they nominated #Piku lol !
By not nominating some ones' work is a mark of disrespect to that Individual.
First things first to clear out - #AeDilHainMushkil is by far the best music album by Pritam Da and Arijit is the best singer and Amitabh Bhattacharya is the best lyricist.....And I root for that album as it is the greatest album of the last 5 years.
But and a very big BUT !!!!!!!
Why do you have a jury that is still working in the film industry, you need a non-biased jury, not people who are still part of the industry, who end up nominating themselves lol for their own music, their own productions and directorials.....
I am ashamed to be nominated for #Baaghi, and I know my director and producers might hate me for making this remark, but it was a a very pathetically average album....I'm not crying about my self here, I should be happy I have 2 nominations almost everywhere this year but yes it's funny !
Please do a survey and you will know only #ADHM #Dangal & #Sultan #KapoorAndSons #BaarBaarDekho #Airlift & #SanamRe till a point are the albums that the public has loved....
Please be fair and nominate a #Dangal that was honest to script too and yet is a rage today and is topping charts....
Out of respect for seniors you can't just keep nominating them for stuff that hasn't Even been appreciated or even heard by 90% of india....
That's the funniest thing I've seen in long l
Winning or Lose doesn't matter the point is, After tremendous hit singles like #JabTak #KaunTujhe #Besabriyaan #SabTera #BolDoNaZara , the award jury decided not to nominate Armaan Malik for his work.
Now coming to the final crux, this is me as a 3rd person who is seeing things happen, and I'm not speaking as a brother here.
The problem lies in the way people operate here, we all ball talk about welcoming youngsters with open arms and supporting them, well I think the rise of #ArmaanMalik as a voice has barely begun, and even if you try to duck youngsters like him, they will keep bouncing back and hitting charts.....
Not nominating Manoj Muntashir for his work in #MSD & Kumaar for #Airlift is as funny as it can get, Amitabh Bhattacharya will win and he deserves it too, but if you don't nominate good work you aren't even inspiring the deserving hard working people to deliver better....
Nominating music & albums that no one has ever heard, that's crazy as hell boss !!!!
A last request, please don't nominate music that only your jury members sit at home and applaud over starters and drinks.
Really ?!???
Award Gaya bhaad mein yaar, but atleast nominate people as per their talent and their body of work every year....
By not doing so you are making a joke of our film industry and the public backslash is huge, every accolade seems so so unreal and planned, new awards to keep people happy are coming up....
If after this post even if I don't get nominations ever in my life, it is okay, I've always voiced my opinion, and I stand by it !
Good Day.”
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santnirankarimission · 8 years ago
Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: April 22, Manav Ekta Divas and Blood Donation Camp
Updates Manav Ekta Divas and Blood Donation Camp Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: April 22, 2017 The countries in Middle East celebrated Manav Ekta Divas on Friday, April 21, Nepal, China and Thailand on Saturday, April 22, 2017 and America, Canada, UK, Europe and other countries of the world celebrated the day on Sunday, April 23. Blood donation camps were also organized by the branches outside India as per their convenience. Some of the reports received at HQ are given below: In Malaysia, two blood donation camps were organised, one in Kuala Lumpur at Sime Darby Medical Centre on Saturday, April 22, 2017 and the other in Batu Pahat on Sunday, April 23, 2017. A total of 35 units of blood were donated, 20 in Kuala Lumpur and 15 in Batu Pahat. The devotees came forward with great enthusiasm, keeping full faith in Almighty Nirankar and to surrender themselves in this noble cause to serve humanity. They all were guided in the benign presence of Smt. Binwani Bhag Pritamdas Ji, wife of Malaysia’s Pramukh Rev Pritam Dass Binwani Ji. Rev Sunil Khemani Ji, Rev Dr. Nanda Ji and Rev Narinder Malik Ji also proved to be a source of encouragement for all. Some people, the close acquaintances of our Nirankari saints in Malaysia, who heard about the Mission, also came forward to donate their blood. They also seemed to be inspired by the teachings of Sant Nirankari Mission and the selfless service by Mission’s devotees. All the saints, whether they donated their blood or were not able to donate due to age factor or some medical reasons, were wearing the same dress with the Mission’s logo on their T-shirts. This attracted passers-by and they were also curious to know about this blood donation drive. This was explained to them by members of the Mission to their full satisfaction. Hospital authorities had arranged some drinks and snacks. Members of the Mission also volunteered and contributed to serve lunch to all at both places. To commemorate the supreme sacrifice of the former spiritual head of the Sant Nirankari Mission, Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and hundreds of other devotees who laid down their lives for the noble cause of truth, love, peace and unity, Manav Ekta Divas or Human Unity Day was observed on Sunday, April 23, 2017, at the Sant Nirankari Satsang Bhawan, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, which was attended by about 30 saints. A community lunch was arranged after the congregation. The congregation concluded with the video documentary and Vichar of Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, sent by Sant Nirankari Mission, Delhi. *   *   *         http://dlvr.it/P4X1cH
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover 4 by Sanjeev Babbar thanks for production to RohanSandhir Photography www.rohansandhir.co.in Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover by Sanjeev Kumar Babbar Rohan Sandhir Rohan Sandhir Photography production .....www.rohansandhir.co.in hi friends i am not a singer but the desire to sing is always there i hold my self for long and played guitars for other always this is my first SOLO Cover .Kabira is one of the most succesful and beautiful sufi composition i have ever heard ..i had a heartfelt desire to sing this song .. special thanks to My Vocal trainor Varinder Singh Khalsa for unconditional support always would like to have ur reviews ..Like Share and Comment and keep subscribing to my Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6ozR-q5O91iBHa2a5CSag) and Facebook Official page Official Sanjeev Babbar Twitter https://twitter.com/sanjeev_artist instagram https://www.instagram.com/skbguitar/ soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sanjeev-kumar-babbar #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #bollywood #rock #sufi #indiepop #pop #sufiyana #indianmusic #folk #sangeet #raga #arijitsingh #harshdeep #kailashkher #abidaparveen #mererashkekamar #hindisongs #adityaroykapoor #kalki #shradhhakapoor #deepikapadukon#australia #canada #france #england #ragge #country
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover 3 by Sanjeev Babbar thanks for production to RohanSandhir Photography www.rohansandhir.co.in Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover by Sanjeev Kumar Babbar Rohan Sandhir Rohan Sandhir Photography production .....www.rohansandhir.co.in hi friends i am not a singer but the desire to sing is always there i hold my self for long and played guitars for other always this is my first SOLO Cover .Kabira is one of the most succesful and beautiful sufi composition i have ever heard ..i had a heartfelt desire to sing this song .. special thanks to My Vocal trainor Varinder Singh Khalsa for unconditional support always would like to have ur reviews ..Like Share and Comment and keep subscribing to my Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6ozR-q5O91iBHa2a5CSag) and Facebook Official page Official Sanjeev Babbar Twitter https://twitter.com/sanjeev_artist instagram https://www.instagram.com/skbguitar/ soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sanjeev-kumar-babbar #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #bollywood #rock #sufi #indiepop #pop #sufiyana #indianmusic #folk #sangeet #raga #arijitsingh #harshdeep #kailashkher #abidaparveen #mererashkekamar #hindisongs #adityaroykapoor #kalki #shradhhakapoor #deepikapadukon#australia #canada #france #england #ragge #country#yogi #pujara #keshavmaurya
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
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Thanks for an amazing response on Kabira Guitar Cover on Facebook Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover 2 by Sanjeev Babbar thanks for production to RohanSandhir Photography www.rohansandhir.co.in Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover by Sanjeev Kumar Babbar Rohan Sandhir Rohan Sandhir Photography production .....www.rohansandhir.co.in hi friends i am not a singer but the desire to sing is always there i hold my self for long and played guitars for other always this is my first SOLO Cover .Kabira is one of the most succesful and beautiful sufi composition i have ever heard ..i had a heartfelt desire to sing this song .. special thanks to My Vocal trainor Varinder Singh Khalsa for unconditional support always would like to have ur reviews ..Like Share and Comment and keep subscribing to my Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6ozR-q5O91iBHa2a5CSag) and Facebook Official page Official Sanjeev Babbar Twitter https://twitter.com/sanjeev_artist instagram https://www.instagram.com/skbguitar/ soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sanjeev-kumar-babbar #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #bollywood #rock #sufi #indiepop #pop #sufiyana #indianmusic #folk #sangeet #raga #arijitsingh #harshdeep #kailashkher #abidaparveen #mererashkekamar #hindisongs #adityaroykapoor #kalki #shradhhakapoor #deepikapadukon#australia #canada #france #england #ragge #country
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Humsafar - Badrinath ki Dulahniya Guitar Cover and Tabs by @prateekkrypton and sanjeev babbar part 1 #bollywood #sangeet #music #hindisongs #abhishek #akhilsachdeva #pritamda #palakmuchhal #shalmalikholgade #jonitagandhi #tulsigabbard #tulsikumar #usa #uk #canada #india #mumbai
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
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Hello friends KABIRA is my first Solo cover Ever i am excited .stay tuned this week.thanks to Rohan Sandhir Photography and my Vocal trainor @varindersinghdelhiwale for support #kabira #yjhd #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #arijitsingh #harshdeepkaur #guitarcover #piano #guitarchords #bollywood #sangeet #raga
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Practising for Naina my next venture Guitar Solo plus Chords #naina #dangal #aamirkhan #phogats #geeta #babita #bollywood #guitarcover #guitartabs #tutor #musicschool #country #indiepop #america #usa #india #pritamda #wrestlemania
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Naina - Dangal practising this beautiful song .love it ! #vocalist #guitarist #bollywood #music #arijitsingh #monalithakur #neetimohan #benny #shaan #salim #voice #blinds #performance #livesinging #hindisongs #pritamda
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover 5 by Sanjeev Babbar thanks for production to RohanSandhir Photography www.rohansandhir.co.in Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover by Sanjeev Kumar Babbar Rohan Sandhir Rohan Sandhir Photography production .....www.rohansandhir.co.in hi friends i am not a singer but the desire to sing is always there i hold my self for long and played guitars for other always this is my first SOLO Cover .Kabira is one of the most succesful and beautiful sufi composition i have ever heard ..i had a heartfelt desire to sing this song .. special thanks to My Vocal trainor Varinder Singh Khalsa for unconditional support always would like to have ur reviews ..Like Share and Comment and keep subscribing to my Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6ozR-q5O91iBHa2a5CSag) and Facebook Official page Official Sanjeev Babbar Twitter https://twitter.com/sanjeev_artist instagram https://www.instagram.com/skbguitar/ soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sanjeev-kumar-babbar #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #bollywood #rock #sufi #indiepop #pop #sufiyana #indianmusic #folk #sangeet #raga #arijitsingh #harshdeep #kailashkher #abidaparveen #mererashkekamar #hindisongs #adityaroykapoor #kalki #shradhhakapoor #deepikapadukon#australia #canada #france #england #ragge #country
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sanjeevbabbar · 8 years ago
Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover 2 by Sanjeev Babbar thanks for production to RohanSandhir Photography www.rohansandhir.co.in Kabira Accoustic Live Guitar Cover by Sanjeev Kumar Babbar Rohan Sandhir Rohan Sandhir Photography production .....www.rohansandhir.co.in hi friends i am not a singer but the desire to sing is always there i hold my self for long and played guitars for other always this is my first SOLO Cover .Kabira is one of the most succesful and beautiful sufi composition i have ever heard ..i had a heartfelt desire to sing this song .. special thanks to My Vocal trainor Varinder Singh Khalsa for unconditional support always would like to have ur reviews ..Like Share and Comment and keep subscribing to my Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6ozR-q5O91iBHa2a5CSag) and Facebook Official page Official Sanjeev Babbar Twitter https://twitter.com/sanjeev_artist instagram https://www.instagram.com/skbguitar/ soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sanjeev-kumar-babbar #yehjawanihaideewani #pritamda #bollywood #rock #sufi #indiepop #pop #sufiyana #indianmusic #folk #sangeet #raga #arijitsingh #harshdeep #kailashkher #abidaparveen #mererashkekamar #hindisongs #adityaroykapoor #kalki #shradhhakapoor #deepikapadukon
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