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24-7-testing · 10 months
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The end of the year can be tough for a lot of people. My goal? To make it a little bit brighter. That's why I'm pleased to once again announce the return of...
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To help bring a smile to people's faces this year, I will be sending FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! There are a few changes to the cards this year because life has gotten very busy for me and I have less free time than in years past.
This year there will only be one card design, featuring artwork from one of the Portal Fandom's awesome artists! The cards will still be customizable to any Winter Holiday of your choosing, but you'll have to wait for your card to arrive in order to see how (the method takes cues from the Portal game's sense of humor, so it will very much be on-brand).
This year is also special because it is PHSI's 5th Anniversary! I can’t express the amount of thanks everyone who has participated over the years, whether you've reblogged and shared, requested cards, helped with artwork, or helped in other ways. You all deserve my recognition and thanks for volunteering your time, talents, and support! Thanks for helping to make PHSI a special fandom tradition!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/PHSI-2023 ...
Answer the questions in the forms...
Wait for your card to be sent!
It's that easy! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! The card service I've chosen says they ship worldwide and, while it might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, the cards will get mailed to whatever address you provide, domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 164 cards to Italy, Canada, Germany, England, Poland, The US, The United Kingdom, Brazil, India, and Slovenia!
I’m happy to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! Making and emailing Holiday Cards takes time and effort, and sending physical cards is expensive. While it isn't a requirement to receive a card, I would greatly appreciate if you'd like to give $4 to cover the cost of your card or someone else's. Please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you want to help out. 
Also, feel free to DM me with any questions or comments. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $4 to cover the cost of your card or someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $4 to the initiative helps me pay for the printing service and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
The artist’s social media is listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! Physical cards take 1-2 weeks to arrive. If your physical card fails to show up after the first week of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
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myemuisemo · 5 months
In both #3 and #4 of the Letters from Watson for The SIgn of the Four, Watson loses his mind and babbles when he's trying to have a conversation in the presence of Mary Morstan, and I'm here for it.
For the rest of these two letters, especially #4, I feel like I've stumbled into a story by Edgar Allen Poe or Wilkie Collins. Mr. Thaddeus Sholto feels like exactly what would happen if a colorful Wilkie Collins character -- say, the terrifyingly affable, rotund Count Fosco from The Woman in White -- stumbled into Holmes' world of deduction and logic.
Thaddeus Sholto had me digging for physiognomy texts, as that protruding lower lip feels like a detail meant to say something specific in an era that took "facial composition as a sign of character" very seriously.
The Pocket Lavatar (1817) gives us one possible interpretation:
When the lower lip projects beyond the upper, it denotes negative goodness.
Also, relevant to Sholto's watery blue eyes:
Blue eyes are frequently found in persons of phlegmatic character; they are often indications of feebleness and effeminacy.
Physiognomy and phrenology both had multiple rounds of being in fashion in the 19th century, with different gurus disagreeing on what exactly your nose or the shape of your skull meant. The whole field is, of course, wildly racist, with a garnish of ableism and a drizzle of classism. It was also a fairly familiar vocabulary to contemporary readers.
Meanwhile, I feel like every reference to Thaddeus Sholto's snobby little habits is meant to make the reader chuckle at his pretentiousness and poor taste, but I can't prove it.
Since the premise of this story seems to require acting as if plundering India for gems and wealth is okay, my hackles went up at referring to Major Sholto's long-time Indian servant as Chowdar. Turns out this was a common transliteration of a name we'd now render more like Chaudhuri.
(Major Sholto had had malaria, by the way, as evidenced from the quinine bottle present when he received his startling letter. It's likely that malaria contributed to his fragile health.)
Major Sholto's relationship with his manservant Lal Chowdar is solid enough that they hide a body together, but I have to raise an eyebrow at the major's naivete.
If my own servant could not believe my innocence, how could I hope to make it good before twelve foolish tradesmen in a jury-box?
His own servant saw how he behaved in India and probably has an accurate view of his ethics. That he'd kill out of greed happens to be wrong in this case (assuming a reliable narrator, which is a big assumption).
A face was looking in at us out of the darkness. We could see the whitening of the nose where it was pressed against the glass. It was a bearded, hairy face, with wild cruel eyes and an expression of concentrated malevolence. 
My bet was "monkey," but then the Sholtos found boot prints, so either it's a monkey that wears shoes, or it's a man. Oh well.
My hackles weren't up about taking Miss Morstan's mysterious pearls from a "chaplet," but they should have been. I blush to admit that I was envisioning some sort of tiara -- but I googled before making a fool of myself and discovered that a chaplet is prayer beads. It's like a rosary, but not all chaplets are rosaries, and not all rosaries are chaplets. Is this an Anglican chaplet made from stolen gems, or were Sholto, Morstan, and their friends straight-up stealing prayer beads of another culture?
Honestly, I'm up for the Sholtos being actively cursed, but since Holmes is a rationalist, I'm also up for the more plausible outcome of their actions having brought mundane vengeance down upon their heads.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 11 months
Worldbuilding: !@#$ the terfs, be more creative with gender and bio sex than a binary system.
9.5 times out of ten the majority of gender systems I read in US books are really, really uncreative, and I do mean that because manga, has more creative gender systems than a lot of US books. I love you Melanie Rawn, but still, the inversion as good as it was in the uncompleted Ruins of Ambrai, still was largely a European system because it was largely a commentary on the European system. (Yes, I did understand that.)
And the US tends to, very much accuse other countries of having uncreative gender systems that are absolutely rigid, say the US to Japan. (Though the usually [white] understanding of Japanese gender is usually abysmal... but that's a whole paper and a half there.)
When building a gender system, be more creative! You have this other fake culture. You can do whatever the heck you feel like. Say, the Barbie Movie, which hilariously the alt-right USian detested, though it still was a commentary on mostly US gender norms.
Can't we loosen this up a little? You have literal aliens and you can't imagine a more creative sex and gender system than the binary? Oh really? Humans aren't even binary on either. I'm going to give cultural examples.
Bugis have 5 genders.
BTW, someone got so mad when I pointed out the page they cited said that Bugis recognized 5 genders, they went on a youtube rant about it. lol Deal. BTW, people put a lot of emphasis on Bissu like how people hyperfocus on trans women in the US because masculinity is that fragile. Albanian is complicated.
Some countries/ethnicities have 3.
India has a 3 gender system in Northern India. Women, men, Hijra
I mean this list:
Some countries don’t even define the two gender system the same way (Europeans are sooo uptight. Loosen up.)
For example, a Korean man wearing pink--no problem. No one flips the hell out when a man in Korea wears a hanbok with a chima and a jeogori. They are like cool. He can do as he likes. Even baksu wear chima in religious ceremonies. They believe it gives them extra powers.
The whole pants. are. for. men. and. women. only. wear. skirts.
Oh c'mon...
Pants were invented for horseback riding--like the heel.
So let's get this mind-numbingly straight (pun somewhat intended here) Men, are men because of horses. (haha, yes, Barbie reference), thus have to wear pants. But are absolutely effing forbidden from wearing heels, which are also associated with what? Horseback riding. Hmmm...
And men still wear dresses and skirts, but they call it by other names.
Judicial robes for sale, and look, a man is wearing them.
But--But that's soo different from a dress...
This is a dress because as Webster's Dictionary says:
: an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt
Yes, it's worn by a woman. I couldn't find another definition.
But men also wear sarongs. And bath towels, and kilts all of which look suspiciously like skirts. And togas. Which shows how fragile the definition is that you need to narrow the definition that much.
And freaking for those religious, God on the Sistine Chapel, by suspected maybe gay Michelangelo, has a vaccuum sealed butt on the Sistine chapel wearing a pink dress.
C'mon, we can be more creative than this, surely. I mean, if you look at this super rigid gender system, does it make any sense at all? OK, I'm NB and all, but seriously, I look at it and go, WTF happened to you?
You get so uptight about men wearing lace, stocking, high heels, dresses, pink but forget so quickly that less than 200 years ago, no one gave a damn, and if a man didn't wear those things, he couldn't make it in high society.
I mean...
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Lafayette, wearing pink, heels, stockings, lace (his collar), and a wig. Give me a break here.
And gender definitions change over time...
Just about 100 years back, in order to be out and gay, it was thought your entire gender was different. There was nothing like a butch gay man. You were considered part female, in fact. And no one in the 19th century would have taken exception to that. It didn't change until much later in Europe.
But also Europe imperialized the world with gender expectations, leading to a rise of violence against third gender communities.
What was one of the first three rules of culture I posted? Culture changes. Koreans like to say, even in ten years the Mountains and rivers change. So gender can and will also change in definitions becoming more rigid, more fluid, recategorized, etc over time.
So given all of these things... let's rethink gender.
Gender doesn't have to be Defined by Sex Assigned at Birth
A lot of Human cultures assign gender this way. Born one way, raise them that way, hope it works out.
But you have a whole FANTASY WORLD and you can see, humans don't make a lot of logical sense when it comes to gender. I mean heels are for women, and men should never wear them, except when they are attached to boots, but the boots better not be too high , or you're *gasp* gay is the European "logic" system. And only what? 50 or so years ago, women were finally allowed to wear pants.
So you don't have to do it by genitals. You could do it by hair color. Gender affirming care would be changing your hair color, or horns, or whatever tickles your fancy. You could, say have a cephlapod species with smaller males that can present female part of the time, and based on their texture of their skin, that's their gender.
You could do it by color--the species has actually blue, dark blue, green, yellow, etc skin colors and they can change them at any moment and the one they tend towards, well, that's their gender.
You could also make it so you automatically need a polycule for the species to work out and reproduce. And thus there might be, say a 6 gender system. 2 possible genders for the three adults there.
C'mon. Nature is creative and sometimes has an all female species. Look at Mourning geckos. There are so few males, and they are sometimes called a lesbian species of gecko.
Even then, you have intersex, and not all intersex people are infertile.
Terfs only think it's wrong to "go against nature" when it has to do with gender presentation. Nothing else. But they have no, no problem with assigning a sex to an intersex child without their consent. That's culture taking over for nature. And how that is shaped, or not shaped, absolutely belongs in world building.
If your men aren't horseback riding, and your women aren't either, then dresses for all are fine. Deal with it.
I think it would be entertaining to see an alien species determine the gender of the child by holding up paint swatches to the child's say eyes and then saying, "Yep, a girl."
Or even well, the birther stayed in # temp rooms, for # amount of days, Oh, this is the expected sex of the child. But the gender, well, we will determine that by these [arbitrary] factors.
But seriously, you can define gender and sex however, you want. Is medical/magic intervention necessary or not? Who gets to determine it?
Next step is to find the rules for how gender is expressed in an idealized world.
Do you constantly call all of your girls and tell them they can grow up to be a princess? But tell all your boys they are going to grow up to be doctors and lawyers?
This is what Social Scientists would call socialization.
For this, I would suggest you make a spreadsheet and then put down arbitrary lists of things the "ideal" gender would wear. So for the US, Pink is for girls. Blue is for boys. How they should act. And finally, how they are taught.
It's so ubiquitous that even feminists often trip up and see a baby in a pink dress with lace and automatically pick up a doll. (I'm just saying, maybe think that one over a bit.)
Make a list for each column. And then for the individual characters figure out how they DON'T fit those norms and then terrorize them with it...
What do you threaten the privileged group with if they come out of line?
For men in the US, for example, you go with homophobia. "That's gay."
Because the threat of being gay is sooo outlandish. *eyeroll* It's an threat to everything masculine.
I'll go over this in more detail later in the series, but you need things to discipline the privileged group and the disadvantage group(s). What's the threat if you become this other group? Death? Social ridicule? Financial loss? Being outcast?
Or, do you get rewarded and become a shaman, a healer, or a celebrated hero for being able to not fit in? (This also is possible).
Cultural justifications
Cultural justifications for this are different from the actual historical reasons or the facts.
The historical reason that pink and blue switched was because dyes became more readily available for both and they felt like it.
Blue used to be more rare, and thus considered "virginal" because blue is rare in nature, but under industrialization as people became more and more disconnected from nature, and blue dyes became available, the idea of this became more diluted, and the switch was from blue to pink.
That's not what the cultural justifications were for this thought originally. The thought was that blue was a more "delicate" color, clearly more suited to women.
Because, if you have forgotten (yes a joke coming), humans constantly get amnesia on where things come from. Constantly. We've lost information in your own lifetime. You were born 2 seconds ago? Well, I hate to tell you, we've lost information in that 2 seconds.
So, when they can't remember the reason, Humans make up a reason to go with it, that's often frivolous and silly. Something that feels, what? Natural to them. Though remember the rule, Nature gives no fucks. So find and make up a logical reason for the cultural item and then find a stupid reason that people are willing to double down on it and there you go, that's culture. So say your species of aliens, the ones that are temperature linked to sex, link Iunno, gender to horn size. Bigger horns mean a certain class of gender. The original reason might be that bigger horned females are better at digging nests back when they were a pastoral society, thus better able to have larger clutches of children. But they've now reached the stars, so they completely forgot why and now just say that bigger horns are simply sexier because reasons. Or it could have flipped that smaller horns are in more demand, because big horns get in the way of industrial tasks, but no one says that. And now the bigger horned females, are considered a lower gender than the smaller horned females, who then raise all of the eggs.
See, the justification doesn't even have to follow any sort of logic. It's what they tell everyone to make them feel better.
And truthfully, a lot of culture is built this way. The reason you tell everyone isn't really the actual truth. I mean I did a whole series on Story Structure, and the justifications versus the reasons why it was made that way don't even close to match. People blindly parrot what other people tell them if it will help them succeed. (BTW, not saying I'm not guilty of this, I absolutely am.)
So I think this gives you a good basis to free yourself up for a larger system and be more creative with your gender definitions. Because absolutely both gender and sex are defined by culture, but in different ways.
You have effing demons, and you can come up with a more creative gender categories? You have unicorns and you don't have more creative gender categories. And you have kracken climbing buildings, but you can't imagine a third sex category for them when it absolutely exists in nature. C'mon. Hit me with your most creative and free yourself of your own culture's definitions of gender.
What if you nuked the entire Male/female/NB system. What would that look like? How would you justify it on two fronts? Blow that system out of the water and rework it. What would the Sexual orientation work like with a 3 sexes, 2 gender for each each system?
What stupid prohibitions would you put in for such a system?
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ralexsol · 2 years
One of them is a 7z file called “Sneak Peak.” When you try to extract what’s inside, you’re met with another 7z file called “Not that easy sorry”, and it requires a password to extract. Haven’t figured out the password yet, but the next thing will probably give us the answer.
There is an extra track in the files. It is the very last one, titled “Something Else.”
It starts as the normal bitb intro, but then suddenly turns into a strange robotic voice spouting different words, accompanied by radio static and I think a printing noise in the middle? Here’s the transcription of what I could make out.
0 Hotel India? Victim Echo White? India November Delta *printing noise?* Hotel India Echo Black November
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-10-16
Another year older. Stealing the Untitled Wednesday Library Series format from Morrak for an open Reading section and then we'll get to the normal post.
Untitled Monday Wednesday Library Entry No. 0
Do you like a recipe book? Do you like an unbearably comprehensive and frequently incorrect recipe book? Well boy do I have an item for you:
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It's Indian Delights, the de facto standard book of South African Indian cooking. Assembled in the 60's by the Durban Women's Cultural Group and in print ever since then.
The How
A birthday gift from my parents, who sent it from South Africa.
There are apparently places that carry this book outside of South Africa but I do not know what those are.
The Text
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Dubious, but useful despite this. It was written in the 60's by a bunch of people who had never and would never again write a recipe book. You may note from the frontmatter that while it has had sixteen impressions since its first publication in 1961, there has only ever been a single revision of the book. There are numerous errors, omissions, and flaws. Recipes may list ingredients that are not used, call for ingredients in the method not given before, begin preparing components and never use them, or outright lie about the quantities of ingredients you need. A challenging exercise.
Any given individual's copy of this book is full of little pen notes, slips of paper, and scratched out experiments. I have a blank canvas.
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It is absolutely stuffed to the brim with recipes from the then-almost-century of South African development on South Asian cuisine. It is intended as a one-stop-shop for cooking from a diaspora of extremely wide origins.
South African Indians arrived in South Africa as indentured labour for British sugar farms and could just as easily be from the relatively cold and mountainous North Indian regions or the low, rainy, hot coastal areas of South India. As a result you've had almost a hundred years of adapting to the locally available ingredients, intermarriages across wide geographic origins, and failing memories. There are frequently many duplicates of any given recipe, each with some unique variation of note.
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It is also extremely dated. It still lives in an era where "adding an elachi (cardamom) pod to your rice" is a luxurious choice that requires financial considerations, and where meat was still expensive. It also has a delightful section on mass cooking, such as the above "Biryani for 100 people" which has an additional note on the ingredients for a "Biryani for 800 people" on the opposite leaf. These things come up sometimes, although the largest biryani I've ever been involved in was for about 60 people.
It is not really for beginners but it does have a lot of introductory matter, in part because it has to contend with the mishmash of languages and loanwords that exist. You don't know if the reader uses the hindi word for cumin, or the tamil word for cumin, or makes a formal distinction between roti and chapati. As a result, there are extensive opening tables of translations.
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The Object
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Big, blocky hardcover recipe book. Cheap but hardwearing coated pages. I have seen these in every imaginable state of disrepair, unfortunately I do not have a photo on hand of my mother's which is completely beat to hell.
I mentioned that there have not been many updates, and this continues to the outside. Not a single impression has, for example, corrected the misalignment of the spine and the cover that means it stands out on any book storage system.
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Some damage to the cover from the rigours of air travel. It'll recover, or rather, it'll get beat up in ways that make that negligible.
The photography is antiquated, having been taken by a photographer who was certainly good but was operating a) with 1961 camera technology, b) 1961 photographic sensibilities, and c) no real experience in food photography. As a result the images can look somewhat alien if you're familiar with more modern food photograpy. Colours are not accurate, framing is flat, and composition is often packed.
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In addition to the colour glamour plates, there are black and white instructional photos, which are much more timeless.
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The Why, Though?
Indian Delights is a very important cultural reference for the South African Indian population, and it's a pretty standard leaving home/getting married/leaving home and getting married gift. I've bought a copy for many friends and now this one is mine.
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Will I actually use this much? Certainly not that often. My mother and her sisters learned to cook from this book, so it is the root of my personal culinary tradition. That means I already know a lot of what can be distilled from this for day-to-day recipes. Where it is handy is for more technical dishes, which require some guidance, or as an ingredient reference for something new you want to try.
In particular Diwali is coming up and while both my mother and I are staunch atheists, we will also take any excuse to make a ton of sweets for friends. If you are in Prague in the week of the 12th of November you can probably hit me up for something.
Listening: Acheney is a shockingly talented synth designer for the niche softsynth tracker sunvox, available now on windows, mac, linux, windows CE, android, and iOS. I was tooling around with their Guitar synths and decided to check out their music, which is a couple albums of very high concept EDM inspired ambient and/or noise stuff. Here's Euler Characteristic Zero
Watching: @humansbgone is an animated sci-fi series about intelligent giant arthropods and their attempts to deal with invasions of pesky little humans
Big spec-bio focus with a lot of end notes on the arthropods in question.
Playing: Played the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator demo, which I recorded and put up here, with crap audio because it's authentic to what I had lying around after I forgot my headphones at work.
Also: the digital version of the D&D themed agent placement game Lord of Waterdeep with my family, which works quite well. It's weird to have the game handling the admin of moving points around and automatically deducting resources, but it does make the game go very quickly, even if your parents are still figuring out the interface.
Making: Big cooking experiment with a slow roast lamb shank. Came out very well. Lamb shank definitely one of the more animal parts of an animal you can cook. Smells intensely of lanolin and other hair smells. Real greasy. Big honkin' bone. Smooth and fine but sturdy musculature. This thing used to be a very specific part of something alive and that thing lived the kind of life that develops the very particular smells of the insides of a sheep that are very close to the outside of a sheep. You will find some wool fibers in your pan from where the follicles reach down close to the bone and sinew.
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Tools and Equipment: Easyeffects is the successor to PulseEffects and is a very complete set of audio tuning and manipulation tools for Linux. You can use it to process incoming and outgoing audio with basically any plugin you care to imagine.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 6 months
My magnus opus body of work, "The Melody of Love" is incredibly anointed. I do not dare utter the word "anointed." I mean it with every bone marrow of me. I need your prayers though. I always tell people that I know I look young but I'm actually a really old soul and I believe in the power of prayer. Help me to get this book series out of you. When I say "prayer" I don't mean "begging." Prayer is decreeing and declaring and expecting that it is so! Birthing this 3-5 book series has been a slow journey. I adore the slow. I honor it. I also honor the dedication required to create audio books alongside The Melody of Love Series kindle and print formats is the most tedious and rewarding act of my life. To weave voice to text, rhythm to sound, texture, sensation and emotion in real time, is otherworldly creation. My voice in all of its range, mysticism, and uniqueness, it's all there. The length of measure you have to go through order to curate a “no sound” treatment in your space is pure magic. Authors who do this additional work I absolutely bow to you and salute.What you don't see behind the undeniable beauty, love, and regenerative arts on my social media page is how much of my life force chi I have devoted over the last 9 years to birthing this body of work. The only person who knows how much I had to raise my chi is my Beloved partner. I am proud to say that it will be a reading experience unlike anything else. I am very clear that something deeply loving, (internally) beautiful, unique, and truthful has bloomed in me since my first book was released 10 years ago. I do believe it is due to me being so close to this work--devotedly writing, listening, and reading and refining it over and over again over the years changed my own tissues for the brighter. My body profusely shakes as I type this to you. Amazing grace. One loveliness, India
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school56df · 2 days
Maximizing Best Credit Card In India Insider Tips and Tricks
 What is a Credit Card?
Best  Credit Card India is a economic tool issued through banks or economic institutions that permits cardholders to borrow budget to pay for items and offerings. It operates on a credit score limit, that's the maximum amount you may borrow, and is normally paid again monthly.
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Types of Credit Cards
Rewards Credit Cards
Cash Back Cards
Offer a percentage of your spending lower back as coins. Ideal for ordinary purchases.
Travel Rewards Cards:
Earn factors or miles for travel-associated expenses, frequently with delivered tour advantages.
Low-Interest Credit Cards
Designed for folks that may also carry a balance from month to month. These cards generally have decrease annual percent prices (APRs).
Balance Transfer Credit Cards
Allow you to transfer high-interest debt from different playing cards, regularly with promotional low or 0% hobby charges for a certain period.
Secured Credit Cards
Require a coins deposit as collateral. They are beneficial for constructing or rebuilding credit score history.
Student Credit Cards
Tailored for college college students, these playing cards frequently have decrease credit limits and can offer rewards for responsible utilization.
Business Credit Cards
Designed for commercial enterprise fees, imparting capabilities like fee monitoring, higher limits, and rewards tailor-made for business spending.
Key Features
Credit Limit
The maximum amount you could charge for your card.
Interest Rate (APR)
The fee of borrowing cash, expressed as an annual percentage.
Annual Fee
A price charged every year for the use of the cardboard, which may vary based totally on the card kind.
Rewards Program
Points or cash back earned on purchases, which may be redeemed for diverse rewards.
Introductory Offers
Promotions like 0% APR for a certain period or bonus rewards for brand spanking new cardholders.
Benefits of Using Credit Cards
Building Credit History
Responsible use can improve your credit score, which is crucial for loans and mortgages.
Easily make purchases on line and in-save without carrying coins.
Rewards and Discounts
Earn rewards on spending and access special offers.
Fraud Protection
Many credit score playing cards offer zero liability for unauthorized transactions.
Emergency Funds
Can function a backup in case of surprising costs.
Responsible Credit Card Use
Pay On Time
Always pay your payments by using the due date to keep away from late expenses and hobby costs.
Monitor Your Spending:
Keep song of your purchases to live inside your finances.
Keep Balances Low
Aim to use no greater than 30% of your credit restrict to preserve a healthy credit rating.
Read the Fine Print
Understand the terms, charges, and interest fees associated with your card.
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Review Statements
Credit Card Apply Online regularly check your statements for accuracy and document any suspicious hobby.
It  can be valuable financial tools when used responsibly. They offer flexibility, rewards, and the opportunity to build credit score, however it’s vital to manipulate them wisely to avoid debt and keep a wholesome financial profile. Before applying for a credit card, evaluate your spending behavior and pick out one which aligns together with your economic dreams.
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cmitimesnews · 1 month
NEET UG Counselling Round 1 Results to be Declared Today; Documents Required for Admission Process
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NEET UG Counselling Round 1 Results: The consequences of the first spherical of NEET UG 2024 counselling Round 1 could be declared by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) today on August 23. Candidates who have been allocated seats must file to their respective colleges among August 24 and August 29, 2024, for file verification and admission techniques. Candidates have to convey all of the necessary files to make certain that the verification and admission method runs smoothly.
After the reporting stage, the facts of the appearing applicants may be tested through the respective university. After that MCC will percentage this statistics between 30 and 31 August, 2024. This step is vital in finalizing the admission system, making sure that each one seats are allocated as it should be.
To test the Round 1 results, applicants can follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the legitimate internet site- mcc.Nic.In.
Step 2: Click at the “UG Medical Counselling” phase.
Step 3: Enter credentials NEET UG roll wide variety, password, and safety pin.
Step 4: Access the end result click on Seat Allotment Results” link.
Step 5: View the result, down load and take a print the end result.
Step 6: Report to allocated university (if allocated), among August 24 and 29, 2024, with vital files.
Candidates need to assessment the legitimate statistics brochure provided by way of MCC, which details the steps to be accompanied after the result assertion. These encompass reporting to the allotted colleges with the desired files.
Documents Required for Verification and Admission:
Candidates are required to give the following files for the verification and admission process at the time of reporting.
Allotment letter
NEET UG admit card
Date of start certificate (if date of birth no longer included within the tenth Certificate).
Class 10 and 12 mark sheets
Passport-length pictures (equal as affixed on the NEET UG application form).
Proof of identification (Aadhar/PAN/Driving Licence/Passport). If relevant, applicants ought to offer extra certificates consisting of SC/ST Certificate, OBC-NCL Certificate, Disability Certificate, and EWS Certificate.
It is usually recommended that candidates verify the precise requirements of the allotted university, as extra documentation may be essential.
NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Registration:
If you had been no longer allocated a seat in the first spherical or want to upgrade your seat, registration for Round 2 of NEET UG 2024 counselling will begin from September five and could keep till September 10. Eligible candidates include the ones who've no longer got a seat. In Round 1, folks who have been allotted seats however did now not document, and people searching for improve.
MCC will behavior four rounds of counseling for NEET UG 2024, protecting 15% of the All India Quota seats along side seats from imperative universities, AIIMS, JIPMER and other scientific institutions across the u . S . A .. This procedure is designed to make sure that every one eligible applicants get an opportunity to steady a seat in the medical college.
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rockyjulesxx · 2 years
the correct marauders head cannons
Sirius Black
GAY AND TRANS ASS MOTHER FUCKER!! #endthecisaficationofsiriusblack idc if it’s genderfluid, non-binary or ftm this bitch is trans and loves men.
he’s like 5”6-5”9 in height.
obvi has black hair that is up to his shoulders/ collarbone and is also very layered.
he’s tattooed and pierced. some tattoos are of the moon cycle, his and regs stars, dog foot prints and something prongs and wormtail related. he also has multiple ear piercings with a side nose stud, a navel and a bottom labret piercing.
he loves dressing hyper feminine but also masculine. he doesn’t have a set style, he just dresses to serve cunt and have clothes that match his docs and chunky rings and leather jackets.
he has borderline personality disorder that he is very ashamed about because the characteristics of his mental illness remind him of his mother. he also has ptsd that affects him the most through nightmares. he also gets a lot of gender envy that fouls his dysphoria from his friends, but refuses to tell them about it because he doesn’t want to make any of them feel bad.
he’s pale and has silver eyes that can be kind of intimidating.
he’s half french and east asian ( him and james first bonded at hogwarts over being the only asian kids in their year) .
Remus John Lupin
bicon. no other acceptable answers.
sweaters. knitted sweaters. lots and lots of knitted grandpa sweaters. (many gifted to him by lily).
his style is very cottagecore, but also mixed in with some street style. he loves his beat ass crusty ass converse that are breaking at the seams, but he also wears docs when he wants to feel superior. he is either spotted in heavy knitted sweaters or old band tees. and a book bag. he cannot go anywhere without his fucking book bag.
he has tattoos. idk what tattoos, but definitely tattoos. and maybe a few ear piercings.
he’s 6”- 6”4 in height.
loves david bowie and sometimes wears makeup inspired by him.
wears fishnets under his jeans that are visible on his waist when he wears crop tops. this is slutty remus.
he has honey brown curly hair. it’s soft and bouncy and sometimes falls into his eyes that are obviously hazel.
freckles scattered between scars <3
has a physical disability that requires him to use crutches or a wheelchair from time to time. he also suffers from severe migraines that leaves him unable to leave his room.
he has ptsd and severe anxiety that went years without being medicated because of his “i can handle myself” mentality.
he’s welsh and/or jewish or maybe even latino anyone of those work tbh. he has soft tan skin that very glowy.
long eyelashes. like incredibly long eyelashes that are light brown and always curl towards the sun.
James Fleamont Potter
a pansexual himbo at his finest.
he’s from south asia, more specifically india.
he’s super sporty but not overly buff. he has the body type of a football player (or soccer player, whatever you call it).
his style is very relaxed in a man whore kind of way. he loves his red converse- they’re his staple piece.
he has one ear piercing he got with sirius. he thinks it looks stupid but sometimes puts it in when he wants a different look.
first started wearing skirts with sirius so that he felt more confident, but actually really liked how they looked on himself. he has slutty skirts he wears when he goes to the gay bar.
he has adhd and maybe anxiety that somehow went years without being diagnosed.
he has deep brown hair that’s messy and could possibly curl but always remains more fluffy than curly. it’s short cut but falls into his eyes that are a dark brown but look burgundy in the light.
he’s 5”9-5”11 in height. (sometimes he purposely tells people he’s shorter so that he makes guys who said they’re 6” feel stupid).
obviously wears glasses (he’s technically legally blind and has a lot of anxiety of loosing his vision. he got eye sugary once and had to wear an eye patch for a week. he still wears it sometimes for halloween or just for fun).
has a beauty mark under his left eye (lily likes to kiss it).
Peter Pettigrew
he’s asexual.
has a baby face and is often mistaken for remus’s little cousin.
he gets rosey cheeks very easily.
he doesn’t have tattoos but he has a few piercings.
he has a unibrow (it’s very pretty and has a beauty mark in between closer to his right eye).
short king! 5”4-5”6 in height.
his style is cardigans with jeans that are cuffed (half because of his height and half because of fashion).
he has dirty blonde hair that’s straight and cut short.
he has bright blue eyes.
he has body dysmorphia and social anxiety.
he has a very small gap between his teeth that he hates and tried to get braces for but couldn’t afford. everyone tells him it suits him though because the gap adds to his charm.
he’s a brit through and through, a full englishman
i’ll make a part two of this with all the other marauder icons.
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walks-the-ages · 6 months
Ya know, I thought being a Faction Paradox fan meant it could be hard to find books.
But the things I'm finding while looking up Arsène Lupin books? Which are public domain, with some very rare, very expensive first editions from 1908-onward still floating around?
hoooooooo boy, some of the literal scams I've come across...
... First, there's this monstrosity.
first, you know something is up already when you see the cover:
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(functional ID: ) The book itself is yellow, and the entire "cover" is just a medium-sized, plain white rectangle with plain text that reads "Arsene Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes (1910)". The only bit of color outside the yellow background is a tiny rectangle at the bottom of the white section, that has a simple red rose in it, and at the bottom on the yellow portion, it says Maurice Leblanc and Georgie Morehead; they are the author and english translators respectively.
Not only is this cover incredibly ugly and boring....
They didn't even put the accent on the è in Arsène !
Now, granted, I still don't know the key-combination needed to type out the è (on a regular keyboard, that is; mobile is much easier), but I also literally have a pinned tab leading to the Arsène Lupin wiki so I can literally just copy and paste his name whenever I need to, lol. I'm also not a supposedly wide-spread, professionnel publisher who specializes in reprinting rare books....
speaking of reprints!
This is their reprinting statement in the book.
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[ID: plain text on a white background that reads: "Printing Statement: Due to the very old age and scarcity of this book, many of the pages may be hard to read due to the blurring of the original text, possible missing pages, missing text, dark backgrounds and other issues beyond our control. Because this is such an important and rare work, we believe it is best to reproduce this book regardless of its original condition. Thank you for your understanding. end ID]
Now, all this wouldn't be so monstrous.......
Except this is what it looks like, reading the book.
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[ID: A photo of the inside of the book, showing an unnumbered page which is mostly blank, with extremely large margins around the top, bottom, and sides of the relatively tiny "inner page" of text, which is originally labeled as page 171.
So, on top of admitting they have having zero quality control for their reprints, they're also not even selecting the correct page or printer size for their "rare reprints!" Literally so much paper is being wasted here.
"Arsène Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes" is 350 pages long in its original 1910 First Edition. That's with text that actually filled up the original page. If they'd at least chosen a smaller page size to fit their clear PDF-print, it would have been fine....ish.
But they didn't, so now this book is 350 pages long, and probably wasting half of those pages on pure blank paper.
Also, they're charging $30-$40 for these, "brand-new" on Amazon; going to their publishing website just leads any search to a generic Amazon page, full of the same extremely blatant ripoffs, including "leather hardcovers" from a print of demand location they can't even be bothered to not use a stock photo that requires them to blur out three different titles on the spine for each different angle.
Oh, and the real kicker?
Here's the exact Archive.org listing they're scraping to reprint for exorbitant amounts of money:
Literally down to the exact title, without an accent.
And this isn't the worst one I've found, either; another "public domain scraper" as I've taken to calling them, has taken this book:
and downloaded the ancient, autogenerated Epub from the Internet Archive, and without any human being looking at that Epub, converted it into a PDF and sent it off to a Print-On-Demand company to make those same generic, leather-bound hardcovers for $30+.
Would you like to know what the ancient, auto-generated epub looks like for this very old, very old scan of a book looks like? The one these scammers are reprinting and selling for an arm and a leg without anyone actually looking at the contents of what they're selling?
As a reference, this is what the original, old scan looks like:
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[ID: a black and white image of two pages of text from an old book, the text is cramped, slightly blurry and tilted, and is difficult to read; the scan is from an old enough time that, from the shape of the pages not being physically joined together, that the book had to be manually cut page by page to be scanned. There are artifacts, dots and smudges throughout. end ID]
So, you ready to see what these scammers are selling to paying customers with no warning?
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[ID: A screenshot of the Calibre ereader app, showing a page from the auto-generated epub from the old scan described above, showing a message in bold across that top that reads "The text on this page is estimated to be only 39.04% accurate." followed by a paragraph of complete gibberish; numbers, symbols, sanskrit letters, various special characters, etc, with no rhyme or reason. End ID.]
I don't know if this scam listing is still out there, I reported the one I found on Abe books, but they're also probably out there with a million duplicate listings on various websites.
So, yeah. Please,
If you are looking for physical copies of the Public Domain Arsène Lupin books, please make sure you carefully check what you are buying before ordering, especially online.
Make sure the 'è' in Arsène has the accent; make sure there's actual quality control, and for Arsène's sake, make sure what you're buying isn't slapdash gibberish.
If you don't know already, most of the Public Domain books that are in English and are PD in the USA can be found on Project Gutenberg (18-19 are PD in the USA this year if you include the play and its subsequent novelization; Gutenberg has 16 of these (including the play) , and you can read them completely for free, 100% legally:
I highly reccomend having the wiki page for Arsène Lupin opened up as you're reading through the books for the first time, because many of the books released at various times (and in various languages) with multiple different titles, so no two reading guides use the same title and leads to sheer confusion.
if you speak French, you can also read all of Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin books, barring 1 that wasn't published until 2012, 75 years after his death, which you can read in french on:
Since USA and French Copyright law are different, if you are in the USA you cannot use any books published after 1928 (except post-humous) for derivative works, as France has a shorter copyright term of 75 years after death (except post-humous), while the USA is based on 95 years after publication, so us poor Lupin fans in the USA have to wait until 2037 before they all are Public Domain :'(
TL;DR: If you're a fan of a series which is Public Domain, you can read them online for free 100% legally; if you're looking to buy phyiscal books and you're shopping online, please take care to check for quality to make sure you're not getting scammed with an extremely poor quality ""book"" which could be complete gibberish, and/or a huge waste of money and paper.
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axisdesigners1234 · 3 months
Axis Designers: Award Winning Exhibition Company in India
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In the vibrant and ever-evolving world of exhibitions and trade shows, one name stands out as a beacon of innovation, creativity, and excellence: Axis Designers. As an best exhibition company in India, Axis Designers has redefined the standards of exhibition design and execution, establishing itself as a leader in the industry.
A Legacy of Excellence
Axis Designers' journey to becoming the top exhibition company in India is marked by a commitment to quality and a passion for creativity. With a team of seasoned professionals, the company has consistently delivered outstanding exhibition solutions that captivate audiences and create memorable experiences. This dedication to excellence has earned Axis Designers numerous accolades and awards, solidifying its reputation as a top-tier exhibition company in India.
Innovative Design and Execution
At the heart of Axis Designers success is their innovative approach to design and execution. The company's design philosophy centers on creating unique, immersive environments that not only showcase their clients' products and services but also tell a compelling story. Each exhibition stand is meticulously crafted to reflect the client's brand identity and objectives, ensuring a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality.
Axis Designers leverages cutting-edge technology and design trends to create exhibition stands that are not only visually stunning but also highly interactive. From advanced lighting solutions to immersive multimedia displays, the company's exhibitions are designed to engage and inspire visitors, leaving a lasting impression.
Comprehensive Services
One of the key factors that set Axis Designers apart from its competitors is its comprehensive range of services. The company offers end-to-end exhibition solutions, from initial concept development to on-site execution and post-event support. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of the exhibition is meticulously planned and executed, allowing clients to focus on their core business activities.
Axis Designers' services include:
Exhibition Stand Design and Fabrication: Custom-designed stands that reflect the client's brand and message.
Project Management: Seamless coordination and execution of all exhibition-related activities.
Graphic Design and Printing: High-quality graphics and promotional materials that enhance the exhibition experience.
Audio-Visual Solutions: State-of-the-art audio-visual equipment and support for engaging presentations and displays.
On-Site Support: Dedicated on-site teams to ensure smooth and successful exhibitions.
Client-Centric Approach
Axis Designers' success is built on a client-centric approach that prioritizes the needs and objectives of each client. The company takes the time to understand the unique requirements of every project, offering personalized solutions that deliver exceptional results. This commitment to client satisfaction has earned Axis Designers a loyal clientele that spans various industries, including automotive, technology, healthcare, and more.
Award-Winning Excellence
The numerous awards and accolades garnered by Axis Designers are a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to excellence. These honors not only recognize the company's outstanding achievements in exhibition design and execution but also highlight its role as a trendsetter in the industry. Axis Designers' award-winning projects serve as benchmarks for innovation and creativity, inspiring other companies to strive for similar levels of excellence.
The Future of Exhibitions
As the exhibition industry continues to evolve, Axis Designers remains at the forefront of this dynamic landscape. The company is constantly exploring new ideas and technologies to enhance the exhibition experience, ensuring that clients stay ahead of the competition. With a forward-thinking approach and a dedication to pushing the boundaries of design and execution, Axis Designers is poised to shape the future of exhibitions in India and beyond.
In conclusion, Axis Designers is more than just an exhibition company; it is a symbol of award-winning excellence, innovation, and client-centricity. With a rich legacy of success and a vision for the future, Axis Designers continues to set new standards in the world of exhibitions, making it the go-to choice for businesses seeking to make a lasting impact.
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decentprintlines · 5 months
Uses and Functions of Non Woven Bag Printing Machine
In recent years, the global movement towards sustainability and eco-consciousness has spurred a significant shift in consumer behavior and industrial practices. As businesses strive to reduce their environmental footprint, the demand for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic bags has surged. Enter non-woven bags — lightweight, durable, and reusable alternatives that have gained widespread popularity. At the heart of this eco-friendly revolution lies the non-woven bag printing machine, a marvel of modern engineering that enables the mass production of customized, environmentally responsible bags. Let’s delve deeper into the efficiency and functionality of these innovative machines.
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The Rise of Non-Woven Bags
Non-woven bags are crafted from synthetic or natural fibers bonded together through a mechanical, thermal, or chemical process — without the need for weaving. This manufacturing method results in bags that are strong, tear-resistant, and capable of carrying heavy loads. Moreover, non-woven bags are reusable, recyclable, and biodegradable, making them a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers and businesses alike.
Advantages of Non-Woven Bag Printing Machines
Customization: Non-woven bag printing machines offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing businesses to create bespoke designs and branding solutions tailored to their unique requirements.
Speed and Efficiency: With rapid printing capabilities and automated processes, these machines enable high-volume production without compromising on quality or accuracy.
Cost-Effectiveness: By streamlining production workflows and minimizing material waste, non-woven bag printing machines help businesses optimize their operational costs and maximize profitability.
Environmental Sustainability: By facilitating the production of reusable and recyclable non-woven bags, these machines support sustainability initiatives and contribute to the reduction of plastic waste.
Non-woven bag printing machines are the unsung heroes of modern manufacturing, offering a multitude of uses and functions in various industries.
Functions of Non Woven Bag Printing Machine
Customization Made Easy
These machines empower businesses to personalize non-woven bags with logos, designs, and messages, enhancing brand visibility and communication.
Promotional Powerhouses
Ideal for creating branded merchandise, custom-printed non-woven bags serve as effective promotional tools at trade shows, events, and marketing campaigns.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
In retail, these machines help elevate packaging by customizing non-woven bags with brand aesthetics, product showcases, and eco-friendly messaging.
Memorable Event Souvenirs
From conferences to weddings, custom-printed non-woven bags make practical and memorable giveaways, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.
Environmental Advocacy
By enabling the production of reusable and recyclable bags, these machines contribute to environmental sustainability efforts, promoting eco-conscious consumption.
In essence, non-woven bag printing machines are more than just production tools — they’re enablers of creativity, sustainability, and brand empowerment in a rapidly evolving world.
Best Non Woven Bag Printing Machine Companies in India
If you are looking for a Best Non Woven Bag Printing Machine in India, then look no further than Decent Print Line. Decent prinline is a leading manufacturer and supplier of non woven bag printing machine in India.
For more details, please contact us!
Website — https://www.decentprintline.com/
Contact — +91–9911433180
Address — Plot №4, Gali №1, Rao Colony, Sihi Gate, Faridabad, Ballabgarh — 121004, Haryana, India
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
how do you find unbiased sources about the historical events/political events? do you just read all the newspapers? could you mention some sites/places you get your info from? i'm interested in knowing all perspective and deciding for myself, but ugh its hard when biased media and prejudice is all around
Hindustan times is a good enough source, the news is reported by minute on their yt channel so there's not much scope for favourable editing, although I feel like there might be some BJP bias there (idk,might be the cautionary within me speaking). Wion and surprisingly firstpost are good aswell these days, but you need to know that unbiased news sources tend to leave some corners uncovered.
For making up for those, I look at biased sights next, I read the same article from Print or Quint and Op India or Swarajya (worrying how the sites that clearly claim to favour right still deliver more aspects of news than those claiming to be neutral, tbh)
Watching leaning channels like Mohak (liberal) and Sham Sharma (right) helps aswell. Dhruv and Akaash are all BS not to mention, they deliberately hide stuff and present things in a way that changes the entire meaning. Although right wing channels like AKTK, String, and again, Sham are great if you are trying to put things in perispective, especially the last one since he acknowledges the whole issues and never leaves stones unturned to favour his side. (Well, neither do the other two, they are very thorough with their research, String is outright impressive in debunking the propagated narrative of the left. Its just that they favour right too much to not be considered a bit too politically motivated, even though they are correct and don't pull the cheap tricks Banerjee and Dhruv do)
Other than that, if I come across a claim like "abc attacked xyz" or other such stuff from past, the first thing I do is search it up on wikipedia, they are biased but cannot lie about the timeline and such of incidents. From there you get a lead and can search up with required keywords.
As for claims of present day incidents not on wikipedia, search up and look at articles from newspapers and live news that reported the whole thing. When it comes to newspapers, how it is worded might vary, some may be vague enough to not name who started it or how it happened, but the subsequent sequences will make it clear. And if it does not, that too can be sorted.
One example is:
"The group of attackers killed 100 people, and inflammatory slogans were chanted. In retaliation, following this the mob from xyz community attacked"
Now search up with words "attackers kill 100 people and chant religious slogans" and you will see a biased news sight or live news portal give you the names of who these attackers were. From there you can construct your own timeline.
Sometimes, Quora too can prove to be useful.
This is all I can think of for now, if yoy need more feel free to hmu in DMs again <3
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sgkprinters · 8 months
Best Flex Print Advertising Services in Delhi, India
In the dynamic landscape of advertising, flex printing remains a stalwart method for businesses to reach their target audience effectively.
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With its versatility, affordability, and eye-catching appeal, flex printing continues to be a popular choice for outdoor and indoor advertising campaigns in India. However, with numerous flex printing advertising services available, selecting the best one can be daunting.
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This comprehensive guide aims to assist businesses in navigating the selection process and identifying the top flex printing advertising services in India.
Understanding Flex Printing Advertising:
Flex printing involves the use of flexible vinyl material known as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) to create visually compelling banners, hoardings, signage, and other promotional materials. The process typically employs large-format printers capable of producing high-resolution prints on the flexible substrate.
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Flex printing offers several advantages, including durability, weather resistance, vibrant colors, and cost-effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for both short-term and long-term advertising campaigns.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Flex Printing Advertising Services:
Experience and Expertise: Evaluate the experience and expertise of the flex printing advertising service provider. Look for agencies with a proven track record in delivering successful campaigns across various industries. Experienced providers are adept at understanding client requirements, suggesting innovative ideas, and executing projects efficiently.
Portfolio and Reputation: Review the portfolio of the flex printing advertising service provider to gauge the quality and diversity of their work. Pay attention to the design aesthetics, printing quality, and overall impact of their previous projects. Additionally, consider their reputation in the industry, including client reviews, testimonials, and awards received for excellence in advertising.
Printing Technology and Equipment: Inquire about the printing technology and equipment utilized by the advertising service provider. Opt for agencies equipped with state-of-the-art printing machinery capable of delivering high-resolution prints with precision and clarity. Advanced printing technology ensures superior color reproduction, sharpness, and durability of the final output.
Customization and Design Capabilities: Assess the customization and design capabilities offered by the flex printing advertising service provider. Look for agencies that provide tailored solutions to meet specific client needs and preferences. Evaluate their design team’s creativity, attention to detail, and ability to translate concepts into visually compelling artwork.
Material Quality and Durability: Consider the quality and durability of the materials used for flex printing. Ensure that the advertising service provider utilizes premium-grade PVC flex material that is weather-resistant, UV-stabilized, and tear-resistant. High-quality materials ensure longevity and maintain the visual appeal of printed advertisements over time.
Turnaround Time and Logistics: Evaluate the turnaround time and logistics offered by the flex printing advertising service provider. Choose agencies that can accommodate tight deadlines without compromising on quality. Additionally, inquire about installation services, transportation, and logistical support for the timely deployment of printed materials at designated locations.
Cost-effectiveness and Budget: Compare the pricing structure of different flex printing advertising services to ensure cost-effectiveness. Request detailed quotations that include printing costs, design charges, material expenses, and any additional fees. Balance cost considerations with the quality of services offered to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for your advertising campaign.
Top Flex Printing Advertising Services in India:
Aditya Flex Printing Solutions: Aditya Flex Printing Solutions is a leading provider of flex printing advertising services in India. With over a decade of experience in the industry, they specialize in custom-designed banners, hoardings, signage, and promotional displays. Their state-of-the-art printing facility and skilled team ensure high-quality prints that captivate audiences and drive engagement.
Shri Guru Kripa Printers & Advertisers (SGK Printers) : SGK Printers offers premium flex printing advertising services tailored to businesses’ unique needs. With years of expertise, they deliver high-quality banners, signage, and promotional materials that captivate audiences. Using state-of-the-art printing technology and premium materials, SGK ensures vibrant colors, durability, and weather resistance. Their skilled team combines creativity with precision to produce visually compelling designs that leave a lasting impression. From concept to installation, SGK Printers provides end-to-end solutions, making them a trusted partner for businesses seeking effective and impactful flex printing advertising campaigns in India.
Printland Digital India Pvt. Ltd.: Printland Digital India Pvt. Ltd. offers comprehensive flex printing solutions tailored to the unique requirements of businesses across various sectors. Their cutting-edge printing technology, coupled with a commitment to innovation, enables them to deliver visually stunning and impactful advertising materials. From large-format banners to custom signage, Printland Digital India Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted partner for advertising success.
Flex Printing India: Flex Printing India is renowned for its expertise in producing premium-quality flex prints for advertising campaigns of all scales. With a focus on customer satisfaction and attention to detail, they deliver exceptional results that exceed client expectations. Flex Printing India offers a wide range of customization options, ensuring that every project stands out and makes a lasting impression.
Vijay Flex Printing & Advertising: Vijay Flex Printing & Advertising is a prominent player in the flex printing industry, known for its reliability, creativity, and commitment to excellence. Their team of skilled professionals combines artistic flair with technical expertise to deliver visually striking and impactful advertising solutions. Whether it’s outdoor banners, vehicle wraps, or retail signage, Vijay Flex Printing & Advertising ensures maximum visibility and brand exposure.
ColorJet India Ltd.: ColorJet India Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of digital inkjet printers and provider of flex printing solutions in India. Their cutting-edge printing technology and eco-friendly ink formulations enable them to produce vibrant, high-resolution prints on a wide range of substrates. ColorJet India Ltd. offers end-to-end printing solutions, including design, printing, and installation services, making them a preferred choice for businesses seeking quality and reliability.
Selecting the best flex printing advertising services in India requires careful consideration of various factors, including experience, reputation, printing technology, customization capabilities, material quality, and budget.
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By evaluating these factors and exploring the top providers in the industry, businesses can make informed decisions and ensure the success of their advertising campaigns. Whether it’s promoting products, services, events, or brand awareness initiatives, partnering with a trusted flex printing advertising service provider is essential for achieving maximum visibility and impact in today’s competitive market landscape.
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srisairaghu · 9 months
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We do Bulk Document & Photo’s  Digital Scanning / Bulk Legal Document & Study Materials Digital Color / Black & White Printing with Bulk Hard Binding / Perfect Glue Binding / Spiral Binding.
SRI SAI ENTERPRISES is a Bangalore based firm dealing with Digital Bulk Hard Copy to Soft Copy, Digital Bulk Xerox, Digital Bulk Color & B/w Printing, Bulk Perfect Glue Binding / Hard Binding & Spiral Binding, Bulk PVC ID Card’s Printing Services & also we do Bulk Digital Study Materials Printing & Bulk Digital Legal documents printing.
We have emerged into the domain to prove how passionate we are about what we do to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. We are committed to providing a High Quality Bulk Digital Printing / Xerox / Scanning experience at affordable price to our customers, which is why, lot of our customers are happy and satisfied with our services and are our permanent customers.  We ensure to provide the best services with 100% clarity & quality.
To serve our clients efficiently, cost effectively and fulfilling the end user requirements through our prompt Digital Xerox / Printing / Scanning / Spiral Binding / Hard Binding & Perfect Glue Binding services.
Our philosophy and our success are based upon treating and maintaining long-term business relationship with our customers.
Our customers are also experiencing our services through Online & Offline booking for printing.
We have built an active and extensive online & offline store that sparks much of our innovation – we are always finding new ways to engage with our customers.  We look forward for positive customer satisfaction in every order we go through because our motto is “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”, so stop wandering and begin exploring with us for printing services at SRI SAI ENTERPRISES.
If you would like to know more about our customer satisfaction Reviews & Ratings, then go through at
Like Share and subscribe to my YouTube Channel @srisaienterprises1
Purushotham G
No. 346, 11th “A” Cross, 14th main, J P Nagar, 2nd Phase,Bangalore–560078, Karnataka, India. 
Mobile: + 91 - 9739289295 / 080 - 26582233.
Land Mark : VET College.
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