#princess amina hollan
pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
Quick Thinking
MGR Chapter 8
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TW: Fights, physical violence, death mentions, minor cursing
Goldie was a quick thinker.
She could come up with a plan in a moment, and acted on it quickly. This often got her out of tight spots, especially when she needed to evade an attack during training.
Unfortunately, her plans weren’t always great, and sometimes got her deeper into trouble, and she once had to run from a junior knight that tried to kill her during dinner. (It had been a tough day.)
So as she ran ahead to punch the man with the blue hair, she hoped that this wasn’t one of those times.
As her fist collided with his face, he stumbled back, his eyes hardening. 
“So the little girl wants a fight? Well, she’ll get one.” His voice was mocking, dripping with fake sweetness and barrels of sarcasm. 
He swung his spear at her chest, but she skidded over to the right, narrowly avoiding being stabbed in the shoulder. 
She was about to send a magic blast at him, but then remembered: the Fade.
She cursed, and hit him again, pouring all her rage into the punch.
She was vaguely aware of Eloise and Lauren, who had started to fight off the soldiers that had come running towards the rest of the group, but her focus was on the man in front of her.
“Alright, the time for games is over.” The man quickly murmured something under his breath, and water rose up from the ground. She wasn’t sure where it had come from, but he was obviously a water sprite, so she didn’t question it long. Suddenly, it lifted her up against the back wall of the alleyway. She struggled against it, but it wrapped around her wrists and ankles, somehow chaining her up to the wall.
She looked over at the rest of the fight. Lauren and Eloise were holding their own pretty well, but Aaron, Elisabeth, and Marigold? Not so much. The three of them seemed to be teamed up against four soldiers, and they were cornered, just barely holding them off.
Goldie struggled to fight against her bonds (they were just water, right?), but they kept getting tighter and tighter.
And then she noticed the sprite’s face. His eyes were closed, his brow was furrowed, and his fists were clenched— the only reason he was able to keep her chained was because he was concentrating hard. And thankfully for her, Goldie was really good at breaking people’s concentration. 
“Hey! Hey you, the one with the dumb face! Why’s your face so dumb?”
It wasn’t her best insult, of course, and she was a bit worried she went a bit soft. The man didn’t seem to react, but she saw his fists clench even tighter— it was working.
“And I mean, your hair? Dude? What’s up with that? First, it’s this crazy blue color. I mean, are you, are you like some kind of tropical fish? Fish-man? Should I call you fish-man now?? Yeah, ok, fish-man, not just that, but jeez, you need some conditioner. Take care of your hair, you damn fish-man!”
The man huffed, and looked up at her. “Shut up, little girl.” 
Goldie just laughed. 
And then his eyes became even harder and colder than they already were. Another bit of water started to rise up from the ground, and she kept on laughing. “What are you going to do, splash me?”
But as it got closer and closer to her face— closer and closer to her mouth— she realized what was happening. He was going to gag her. With water.
And that would not turn out well for her.
She tossed out an insult, but the water was inches from her face, and she started to panic, she was trapped, no, no, no—
And then, she wasn’t. The water holding her to the wall dispersed, and she dropped down onto the floor. She stared at the man, face down on the stone floor, and the young princess standing above him, with a sword raised above her head. There was a moment of silence.
“Ohmygods— did, did I just kill him? I didn’t want to kill him! I just hit him with the flat end of my sword because you were all stuck and it didn’t seem good for you to be stuck and I really, really, really don’t want to have killed someone because I’m nine, and when you’re nine, you’re not supposed to kill people, right? Right? Is that something nine-year-olds do? Is that something I  have to do? Because that’s not really something I want to every do, oh gods, oh gods, oh—”
“Your highness, I don’t think he’s dead. And I’m not actually sure if nine-year-olds are supposed to kill people. We’ll have to ask the others later. But now, we need a plan.”
She glanced over at the three in the corner. They were still there, but they weren’t dead yet, so that was something.
And then, she thought of a plan. It might be stupid, but maybe, maybe, it could buy them a bit of time.
“How fast can you run?” Goldie asked, a hint of a smile on her face.
“Ummm,” Amina started, “Kinda fast? I guess?”
“Good. Now, when I say run, run with me as fast as your little child legs carry you.”
“My what—” the princess started to say, but she had no time, as Goldie quickly picked up her former attacker’s limp body, holding it up.
“Hey! You!”
A few soldiers who weren’t really doing anything stared at her, gasping when they saw their leader unconscious. 
“Yeah. You see this guy? You want him? Because I don’t think he’ll be very happy if he realizes his little group just sat by as we kidnapped him. And do you really want to see him mad?”
There was a silence in the alleyway, as even the soldiers attacking her friends stopped what they were doing.
And then, just before the soldiers became a screaming horde, Goldie shouted. “RUN!”
She took a quick look to see what was behind her. The good news was that most of the group was behind her, with Eloise helping her brother fight off one stubborn soldier, but they’d be fine. Probably.
But she couldn’t think about that right now, she had to think about the bad news— the soldiers were just a foot behind them.
Lauren ran up to her so that they were side-by-side. “What happens now?”
“No clue. Get to the boat and try not to die? And I guess use this guy as a shield.”
Lauren nodded and they kept going on. In a few minutes, they had reached the bottom of the staircase that led them to Xan Ruz’s surface. Goldie took the moment to look behind her, and sucked in a breath— they were right on their heels.
She dashed up the steps, her breath heavy, and she tried to focus on the sound of her shoes hitting the stones to calm her down. Tap, tap, tap, they went, as she ran for her life. Tap, tap, tap, they went, as she was inches from something horrible.
And then, finally, after running through the tunnel, fresh air at last. She could see the suns rising in the northwest, and she suddenly realized that she had no idea where their boat was.
Thankfully, Lauren realized this as well, and took the lead. Still carrying the man on her back, she sprinted across the field, hoping it wasn’t far.
“It’s just down here!” Lauren shouted, and she ran down a small hill. Goldie could see the coastline next to it, and on it was a small rowboat, large enough to fit everyone. Maybe.
And then, a scream pierced the air. She turned back to face it— a soldier had caught up to Elisabeth and had grabbed hold of her. 
She quickly dropped the sprite and snapped her fingers, hoping that something would happen. Marigold had said that she had been propelling them with magic until they pulled ashore, so her powers would work, right?
And then, her bow appeared in her hands, and her quiver of arrows on her back. She smirked, and pulled one out, positioning the shot just right.
With a thwish and a woosh, her arrow sailed over to the soldier, hitting them right in the forearm. They quickly let Elisabeth go, and she ran up to the rest of the group, all of them trying to get to the boat as fast as they could. 
Goldie picked up the man (she wasn’t losing her hostage yet) and sprinted down the hill so fast it felt like gravity was reaching its hands up and pulling her to the ground, and that she had no say in any of it.
And then, they had made it. Everyone was piling into the boat, and Goldie practically tossed her hostage in, shooting the soldiers when they got too close.
“Goldie, come on!” Marigold yelled, and she hopped in the boat as Lauren started to row them away.
There was a brief silence, while everyone tried to catch their breath and process what just happened. And then, Eloise spoke the thought that everyone had probably been thinking at that point.
“What the hell do we do now?”
wooo chapter eight!!! haha yes neither goldie nor amina know if nine-year-olds are supposed to be killing people dakdlafla
Anyways, please let me know:
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also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you!!
@fire-sapphics @rat-with-coffee @dirty-racoon @jolieharkness
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
The Fourth Arrives
MGR Chapter Six
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TW: Mentions of destruction and fire
Marigold was tired.
And she didn't mean the sleepy sort of tired (although she was that as well).
No, this kind of tiredness was different. It was more like feeling drained, like something had sucked the energy out of her.
At first, she had just thought it was the empty feeling that came after Goldie had been gone for three days with no contact. That would have made sense. But that feeling was different. Empty, and missing. But it was only a piece of her life's puzzle, while this... this was the puzzle itself.
So that left the only other possibility-- that she was magically drained. She had been blasting raw elemental power into the water to propel the boat for hours now, a task that should have been easy and effortless. But it seemed to be taking a toll on her, something that should only happen to elementists, who had limited powers. These things just didn't happen to sprites. And that worried her.
So, she tried not to think of it. She focused on moving the boat forwards, and if her mind wandered too far, she would just bring it back again.
It was during one of these times that Lauren spoke up, maybe at around 2 or 3 in the morning.
"There's someone here."
Lady Elisabeth sighed from the other end of the boat. "How in the world could there be a fourth person? That makes no sense."
Marigold had her back turned to them, but she could feel the stare Lauren was giving her from where she knelt.
"I dunno. There just... is one."
And if this were anyone else, Marigold would have dismissed it out of hand. Anyone would. But this was Lauren, who always seemed to know just when someone was sneaking up on her, to a point where it was kind of intimidating. So, if she said there was a fourth person, there was one.
The boat fell silent.
"Then what do we do about it?" Marigold finally asked.
Silence again.
"Well, uh, we should... wait, no... oh..." Lauren stammered, trying to come up with a response. Her instincts may have been great, but when she needed to come up with a plan on the fly? That was more Goldie's department.
"Is anyone there?" the noblewoman finally asked, and Marigold held her breath, hoping it was nothing malicious.
And then, after a moment, a response came. "Uhh... yeah?"
The voice was young, and they seemed to have a Calinian accent, so at least it (probably) wasn't some sort of terrible creature.
"Do you want to come out?" Marigold asked, stopping her blast, and turning around to face the direction of the voice. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you," she quickly added.
There was a beat of silence, and then, in the back corner of the boat, darkness seemed to lift, revealing a child.
Marigold held back a gasp. This was not just any child—this was Princess Amina.
In the light of the moons, she looked exactly like Marigold always imagined her, yet still totally different.
On TV she had always seemed so regal and fancy—always dressed in frills and makeup. She had always stood still next to her parents as they made important announcements, as if she were just there for decoration. And maybe she was.
But now, she was different. There wasn't a bit of makeup on her face, and she was just wearing a simple purple dress with sleeves that ended just past her elbows. Her jet-black hair was down, and there was something in her brown eyes that seemed so... adventurous.
She quickly raised her hand in a wave. "Hey."
"Sup," Lauren replied, and Marigold groaned internally. You couldn't just say "Sup," to a member of the royal family, could you!?
No one seemed to know what to say for a moment.
"So," Lauren started, and Marigold started praying that she wouldn't get any of them imprisoned. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh..." the princess said, looking down at the bottom of the boat. "I don't think you'd believe me. Heck, I kinda don't believe me either."
Lauren smiled. "Hey, it's alright. Just tell us."
The princess looked up at them. "I, uh, got sent here. By Time."
Marigold wasn't sure how to react to that. It seemed completely unlikely, but then again, she wasn't about to question the future leader of her country. Elisabeth, on the other hand, did not appear to have the same thoughts.
"I'm sorry, you what?" she said, and Amina shrugged.
"Hey, like I said, I don't get it either. All I know is that she told me to find you, and stowaway in this boat. And that I'm part of some solution or whatever. And I think you all are too? It's confusing."
Marigold just looked at her, confused. What was this girl talking about?
"So what are you going to do about that?" Lauren asked.
The young princess looked at her quizzically. "What?"
Lauren shrugged. "If you were sent here on some sort of quest by Time, you must have been told to do something, right?"
"Um... I mean, I got a wooden box?"
Lauren sighed. "Ok, uh, why don't you start from the beginning."
And so, she did. She started from the meeting that she overheard to the part where she sneaked onto their boat. And Marigold was speechless. Time had just shown up and given this girl a quest!? These things didn't happen.
But, then again, a lot of things were happening that really shouldn't be.
"So, what are you going to do now?" Elisabeth asked. "Like Lauren said, you must have some sort of plan."
Amina faltered. "I, uh, didn't think that far ahead."
"You could always come with us," Marigold said, looking at the other two. Elisabeth shrugged.
"Yeah, if you want to, you could," Lauren said, and Amina thought for a moment.
"Umm, sure. What are you all doing anyways?"
The three looked at each other. "Well," Marigold started, "We're going to rescue my lover, Goldie. She's stuck in Xan Ruz."
Amina nodded her head. "Alright then."
And so, they went back to what they were doing, with Marigold propelling the boat, Lauren steering, Elisabeth playing with something in her hands, and Amina sitting in a corner silently.
It took about an hour, but finally, Lauren shouted. "We're here!"
She quickly conjured a rope, tying the boat to shore, then hopped out, with the rest of the party following close behind her.
Elisabeth went up to the front. "Alright, the entrance to the city should be close. Just follow me."
Lauren looked a bit startled by having the control suddenly taken from her, but didn't say anything, just slowed her pace to match Marigold's.
As they walked across the field, Marigold wondered about Goldie. Was she safe? Was she fighting or hiding for her life?
And then the worries about the magically drained feeling she was getting popped back—what was going on? She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task ahead of her. She just needed to find Goldie. Then everything you would be alright.
"In here," Elisabeth called, and they started to walk though some sort of entrance. And then, suddenly, they all stopped.
Marigold looked up ahead, and gasped. "Oh, Her."
She had known it would be bad. But this?
Buildings were smashed, in, with plumes of smoke coming up from them. She could see small fires on the streets, and large metal orbs stuck in the ground, a few having cracks stretching out from them. There were large pieces of rubble from the top of the cave everywhere, and even as she looked, more pieces started to fall. 
But the worst part was its size. Marigold hadn't realized the city was this big— how on Izan was she supposed to find Goldie?
hope you liked the chapter!!!! trying to get on a sunday schedule, praying that my motivation cooperates heh
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also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you!!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
The Bunker
MGR Chapter 7
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TW: Cursing, (parent) death mention
As the group walked down the long set of stairs to the city below, Elisabeth couldn’t hear a thing. And she hated it. 
Well, maybe “hated” was the wrong word. But it made her feel uncomfortable. Of course, she knew that all of the citizens of Marcain had been evacuated after the attack, but it still felt like the calm before the storm— and who knew when the storm would strike.
Finally, they reached the bottom, and Marigold turned to face her. “Where do we go now?”
Her voice was soft and light, and the rhythm in it was like a heartbeat-- slow and steady. But now was not the time to focus on that— now was the time to find Goldie.
“I last saw her outside the palace, that at least gives us a place to start.” 
Marigold nodded. “Lead the way.”
As they walked down the streets of Marcain, Elisabeth kept looking around. Only four days ago they were bustling and busy with life, and now? They were deserted and destroyed. She sighed. Hopefully someone would fix it soon.
She thought back to the council meeting earlier that day (or was it yesterday? She couldn’t tell anymore), and how stupid everyone was being. Xan Ruz had suffered a major attack, and no communication had come out of the country since the odd message they had been given, which was quite concerning. And yet they wouldn’t even send a single person to check to make sure everyone was ok, just because of a stupid treaty from a stupid war. Sending someone wouldn’t even break it! 
But then, Elisabeth’s internal rant was put to a stop. “Look!” Princess Amina shouted. “A trapdoor!”
And so there was one. Next to where they had stopped was an alleyway, and at the back was a trapdoor with a few crates next to it.. The princess ran up to it. “I’m going to go down it. If your friend’s not there, maybe something or someone helpful will be!”
“Your highness, I really don’t think—” Marigold started, but Amina was already gone. 
Lauren stepped up to it next, and stepped onto the staircase inside
“Lauren, don’t you dare do this.” 
The knight shrugged. “Hey, someone has to protect the princess.”
Elisabeth looked at the staircase. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go down, but everyone else seemed to be, so why not.
She looked over to the sprite. “You coming?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Nope,” the noblewoman replied, and started to follow after the two.
Lauren had turned on her phone light, so she could at least see a little bit ahead of her, but there wasn’t much to see anyways, just old stone walls. It smelled musty, like no one had really been in here in a while, and the only sounds she could hear were the sounds of water dripping down onto the floor, and the clack of the princess’ boots. 
Finally, after a few minutes, they all stopped. In front of them was a large stone door. Amina reached out to try the handle, but she had no luck in opening it. 
“Let me try,” Lauren said, stepping up to the handle, but still, nothing happened. She knocked on the door. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
They stood in silence for a moment, wondering what in the world was about to happen next.
And then, the door creaked open.
In the doorway stood a girl. She was in her teens, with blond hair just above shoulder length and pale skin with a scar on her cheek. She was short, and was wearing a slightly ripped up T-shirt with a band logo that Elisabeth didn’t recognize, and an orange skirt with tears in a few places. 
“Hey,” Goldie said. “What’s up?”
Marigold started to walk over to her, a smile setting into her face as she did. “Not much. You?”
She bent down to kiss her, and after a few moments, they pulled back. “Holy shit, I’ve missed you.” Goldie said, smiling.
“Language!” Marigold scolded, but Elisabeth could tell she didn’t really care.
Lauren stepped up to the couple. “Hey, this is sweet and really cute, but can I talk to Goldie for a moment?”
Marigold stepped back, and Lauren looked at Goldie. “You’re a bitch. The bitchiest bitch I have ever laid eyes on, you know that, right?” 
Goldie hugged her. “I’ve missed you too.”
And then, she looked right at Elisabeth, her expression unreadable. “Hey.”
Elisabeth looked at her shoes. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault you got stuck here, I should have come back for you, I—”
She let go of Lauren, and walked over to the noblewoman. “It’s fine. I would have gotten stuck in that hole whether or not you came back for me.”
And then her gaze set on Amina, and her eyes widened. “Your Highness! What a surprise! Uh, if I may ask, what are you doing here?”
The princess sighed. “It’s a long story.”
Suddenly, there was a crashing sound from behind Goldie that sounded something like tin hitting concrete. Elisabeth flinched slightly, while Goldie spun around. “You all ok in there?”
“Yeah, it’s just that El knocked over my bean-can tower. Again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Mhm. Just like you didn’t do it on purpose last time, or the time before that. What a strange coincidence.”
Goldie nodded, and then turned back to face them. Marigold looked over at her lover. “Goldie, who were those people?”
“Oh! Yeah! Uh, one sec, lemme introduce you all. Come on in.”
She led the group inside, and Elisabeth looked around the small space, although there wasn’t much to see. 
“Everyone, this is Princess Eloise and Prince Aaron of Xan Ruz,” Goldie said, pointing to a girl with pink hair and a boy that looked somewhat similar to her. Eloise nodded, and Aaron gave the group a soft smile and a small wave.
“Aaron, Eloise, this is Lauren, Marigold, Lady Elisabeth of Las, and Princess Amina of Calinas.”
The rest of the group said a few assorted greetings, and then there was a moment of silence.
“How did you get down here?” Eloise asked. Elisabeth wasn’t sure what to make of her tone. It felt intimidating, yes, but there was fear in her voice. The Xan Ruzian princess was not someone who was supposed scared or shaken, but she was now. And she didn’t like it.
It was Amina who answered. “There was a trapdoor.”
“Wait, it wasn’t covered up?”
“Um, no? It was just sitting there, plain as day. Honestly, you might want to be more careful in the future.”
“I am— you know what, nevermind.”
“Yeah, nevermind is right,” Marigold chimed in. “Enough about how we got down here, tell us about how you got down here.”
“Only if you tell me your side of the story,” Goldie said.
“Alright, but you first.”
Silence filled the room, broken only by the occasional sound of Lauren sipping her coffee. How the brunette had gotten a hold of said coffee, Elisabeth had no idea, but she wasn’t focusing on that. She was focusing on Goldie’s story. The kings, dead? No wonder Calinas couldn’t send any help— the only government that was confirmed to be alive was in this room, and it had no Wi-Fi. She had checked.
And the “Fade”. When Eloise had explained that, there was a panic in Marigold’s eyes. It made her want to make sure she was ok, but she knew she couldn’t do that.
“We need a plan.”
Elisabeth turned towards the voice— Lauren’s.
“Our original plan was for me, Lady Elisabeth, and Marigold to find Goldie and get back to Calinas, but with the addition of three more people, we may need to adjust. Any ideas?”
“We’re definitely taking the twins back to Calinas,” Goldie said, and everyone but the twins nodded in agreement. 
“Hey, you can’t do that! Our people need us!” the prince said.
“I know,” Elisabeth said, not even realizing the words were coming out of her mouth, “But you can help them better if you’re safe, alive, and with people who can actually help you. And you won’t get any of that by staying here.”
Neither twin said anything, but she knew that they understood her.
“Your Highness, did you need to stay here? For your mission?” Lauren asked Amina, and the girl shrugged. 
“I don’t think so. I’m honestly just going to see where this takes me, and hope that something happens.”
“Well, at least that’s some sort of plan.” Lauren said. “So, unless anyone has any objections, we’re going to just head back to Calinas with everyone?”
The group let out various noises of approval, and Elisabeth stood up. “Come on, let’s go,” she said, and everyone started to shuffle out of the bunker behind her. 
As she walked up the stairs to the trapdoor, she thought about that feeling she had earlier, like the calm before the storm.
So where was the storm?
And then, as she opened the trapdoor to the world outside, she found it. Because surrounding the door were almost twenty armed soldiers, with uniforms and crests the likes of which she had never seen. 
At the front of the party was a man that appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties. He was wearing a uniform like the rest, but with a few more accessories— he must have been the leader. He had curly blue hair, light brown skin, and brown eyes that sparkled with malice. His face was twisted into a smirk, and the second Elisabeth saw it, she knew that getting back to Calinas wouldn’t be as easy as they had planned.
i cannot believe that i posted chapter six just two days ago!! and now, here we are, with chapter seven!! aaaaa!!
Anyways, please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
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If I should add any other trigger warnings.
also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you!!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
more mgr picrews!! with newer flags! and side comments because i can!!
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idk they’re tired (she’s always tired tho) but fae’s just,,, lookin at someone and is just like,,, well,,,, <3 
also it’s not the right jacket but hey she needed a jacket
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bro she looks like a sweet southern kinda conservative girl who will give u a cheerful smile all the time but yet she’s still so gay and so badass
honestly she’s based on a person like that tho soo
also fjfjsd her hair looks kinda red, it’s not really supposed to be. like it’s a lil red?? but more brown-gold, ya know?
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this woman is looking at u like she’s ur mom. and she’s right. she is ur mom. respect her. she has dangerous and deadly potions in her pockets and although she will hesitate to use them on you, her friends will not. be glad that she loves you. bc she does <3
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fun fact: she wrote a short story about the frog on her pocket. it’s adorable. said frog is named jeremy. respect jeremy or get bonked on the head by her ancestor’s sword. she will not hesitate.
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tis a day for vibing. that’s all she’s gonna do today. u wanna do something else? hA, no. just vibes. schoolwork gets burned in the kitchen at three in the morning because ~vibes~ and *not* bc she doesn’t want to do it /s 
also maybe come cuddles. cuddles are vibes. 
also this ladybug sweatshirt. a vibe. maybe that’s not how the word is used, but i don’t care. v i b e s
and yes i know the scar isn’t there, picrew didn’t have it. ;-;
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
Amina and Time
 MGR Chapter Four
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TW: food
Princess Amina Hollan sighed, and leaned up against the palace wall. She had been waiting for her parents to exit their latest Royal Council meeting, so they could eat dinner together, but that had been two hours ago. And based on her knowledge of Calinian politics, she wasn't sure when they would leave.
But now the princess was getting hungry, so she decided to head off to the kitchen.
She grabbed her phone and turned on its light so she could see and started walking down the hallway. It was incredibly silent—you could hear a pin drop.
As she walked, she thought about what she had overheard.
The subject of the meetings had been the Xan Ruz attacks. The Council had gotten together the day after the attacks and were on their third day of discussing what to do. Due to the treaty that ended the War of Misconception, no country could send aid without a formal request of help from the country's leader. No such request had come from the kings, so they couldn't do anything there. But with the ominous message broadcasted on the alert a few days earlier, they couldn't exactly do nothing. Hence the debate.
She paused and turned left into the entrance to the East Wing. There, in behind a pair of fancy double doors, was the dining room. She pushed on them, and with a creak, they opened.
The girl pushed a button on the wall, and a few torches lit up, illuminating the dining room. It was quite majestic, with a long table that looked like it could seat over twenty people in the middle of the room. On it was a silver table liner, as well as some assorted tchotchkes. Decorating the walls were a few paintings, including one of Amina's favorites—a portrait of Lord Cal and Queen Inas, great heroes of the First Great War, who happened to be the creators of the island and the first elementists.
She walked towards the end of the room, where the kitchen was located. She kept the door open, so the light from the dining room made it just bright enough to see.
A few minutes later, she had finished making her dinner of choice—a porcelain plate filled with cheesy crackers, a china bowl with butterscotch ice cream, a crystal goblet of chocolate milk, and a single baby carrot. She set her meal on the prep counter, pulled up a stool, and started to eat.
Suddenly, she heard something. Footsteps, maybe? They sounded like footsteps, but the sounds were softer and seemed to be far apart, as if whoever was making them wasn't touching the ground all the way. Amina quickly shoved her dishes under the counter next to some silverware. It could be her mother, and she really wasn't looking for a speech on healthy eating tonight.
As the footsteps grew closer, she sucked in her breath. She knew it was probably just her parents or a member of the castle staff, but she still felt unsettled.
Then, there was a pause, and the figure entered the doorway.
It was a woman. She was tall, quite a bit taller than any human or sprite she had ever seen in her life, maybe seven or eight feet. Her hair was brown and curly, and it seemed to cascade down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were a sparkling hazel, and there was a light dust of freckles against her skin. She was wearing a sparkling cyan dress that cut off at her knees and had a sweetheart neckline.
But what captured Amina's attention was the silver pendant around her neck. It was like a closed pocket watch, but there were odd symbols on it. It looked like a language, but if it was, it wasn't one from this planet.
The woman walked over to her, and she hopped off the stool, slowly moving backwards. Noticing this, the woman stopped.
"It's alright."
Her voice was like caramel. Smooth, yet rich. Beautiful and powerful. Something about her was... right. The woman wouldn't hurt her.
"Who are you?" the princess asked.
The woman smiled. "I am Time, and it's guardian."
Amina stared her. This was the legendary Time? The one who was the only one besides the gods who could control the events of the world? The one who created the concept of time? The leader of the time elementals?  It wasn't that this woman couldn't be Time, it was just that if she was, why would she be here? According to the stories of old, she didn't interfere with Izani affairs, so this was extremely unorthodox.
"Why are you here?"
Time smiled sadly. "Do you know what my job is?"
She thought for a second. "To guard time?"
The woman chuckled. "Yes, but not just that. My guarding of time results in Izan's safety and stability. So really, maintaining that is my job. Therefore, when dangerous things plague your world... I must find a way to stop them. And you are part of the solution."
Amina blinked. "Are... are you serious? You can't be serious! I'm nine, almost ten. I’m literally just a kid! There is no way I'm a part of any solution to whatever's going on."
"I knew you'd say that. But that doesn't matter. I know that you're a part of the team."
The princess furrowed her brow in confusion. "Team?"
Time nodded. "Team. You'll meet most of them soon."
Amina looked around but saw nothing but pots and pans. Time chuckled. "No, they aren't here. Now listen, this is very important. You will need to pack for a longer journey. Bring Inas' sword. At 22:27 exactly, you will follow Lady Elisabeth Melly as she sneaks out of the Council meeting. Make sure to stowaway on the boat."
Barley knowing what she was agreeing to, she nodded. "Pack, sword, stowaway at 22:27. Got it."
Time got up, and turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, silly me. You'll need this," she said, handing the girl a box. "Do not open it until you see her. It will bring her out of her trance and briefly weaken her."
Amina started to ask who "her" was, but Time was gone.
She looked at the box in her hand. It was a bit bigger than her palm and carved into it's wooden surface were intricate patterns featuring two women. She felt like she knew them, but she couldn't put her finger on it...
But now wasn't the time to look at that. Now was the time to figure out what to do. According to Time, she had a part in something. And the only way to find out was to stowaway with Lady Elisabeth. She was destined for something. Not just for sitting around castles, but for something truly important and exciting.
She looked at the time, 21:42. Exactly 45 minutes.
She went to the pantry, looking for food she might need. There wasn't much, except a box of breakfast bars. They weren't her favorite, but they would have to do.
She ran out of the kitchen and dining room to her bedroom, bars and mystery box in hand. She placed them on her bed, and after a moment of thought, grabbed her pink backpack from the back of her closet. In it, she shoved a few dresses, some books, her toothbrush and hairbrush, and a foam toy she had been low-key obsessed with for the past month.
She put the food in there and placed the box in the front pocket. She looked around her room. This was it. She was really leaving this place on an adventure.
She went over to her desk and grabbed a sheet of paper. With her glitter gel pen, she wrote a quick note to her parents, explaining that she was safe and would be back soon. She walked out, then stopped. She was missing something.
She walked back in, looking for whatever it might be. And then she found it, right on her bedroom shelf.
Her family picture. Not a fancy one for a royal portrait, but the one she had taken a year earlier when they had gone to Julington for some festival. Her mom was in the back, a smile on her face. Next to her was her dad, holding her now three-year-old brother, Humza. And then there was her between them. She had remembered feeling a bit out of breath, not realizing the timer was a three-second one instead of a ten-second one. But she had made it for the photo.
She would miss them.
She grabbed it and added it to her pack. She was ready.
The armory wasn't that far from her room, thankfully. It was a dark and a bit musty room with all sort of weapons—swords, spears, bows and arrows were everywhere. She worried that it might take a while to find it (It was 22:03 now, only 24 minutes left), but then she saw it.
Hanging at the top of the wall directly in front of her was Inas' famous Black Iron sword. It was still in its sheath, decorated with spiral patterns. She had only seen it in pictures—and now she was about to steal it!?
She sighed. She had to do this. And anyways, wasn't it technically her birthright as future queen of Calinas?
She spotted a stool in the corner and after placing her backpack next to a shield, she dragged it over. She got up on it, and reached for the sword, barley grasping it. After a few tries, she finally un-hooked it from it's pin. She wanted to pull it out of its sheath and swing it around (she knew a little bit about how to use a sword), but there wasn't time.
She looped the sheath to the ribbon around her waist, picking her backpack back up, and checked the time. 22:25. She started to jog over to the meeting room.
Two minutes later, she was there. She ducked under a tapestry, and in moments, a teen the princess recognized as Lady Elisabeth walked out. She followed behind her, trying not to make a sound.
Soon, the noblewoman made a sharp left turn. Amina wasn't sure why she would do this, there were no exits there, until she realized what she was doing.
She was climbing out the window.
She had left it open, and after a few moments the princess climbed out.
(Amina silently thanked the Gods that they were on the first floor.)
Lady Elisabeth was running over to two figures in the water. That’s when she realized she wasn't sure how she would ever sneak on undetected. But then she remembered something.
She was a night elementist.
She chuckled, and quickly used her powers to make her area darker. If anyone spotted her, they would just mistake her for a passing shadow.
Soon, she made it over to the boat. She worried that someone would notice the slight rock of the structure as her weight was added to it, but a girl with brown hair in a long braid seemed to be arguing with Lady Elisabeth, and the other girl was staring off into space so hard, Amina thought she wouldn't even notice if she tipped the boat.
She crawled under a bench, setting her backpack next to her. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know where she was going. And she certainly didn't know who she was traveling with. But that didn't matter now. What mattered was that she could help fix things.
(hey look, i finally published this!! oh gosh. anyways, sorry it took so long, it’s just that this really sets off the plot, and I’ve had like,,,, four different versions of this chapter playing around in my head.)
Please let me know:
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If I should add any other trigger warnings.
Reblogs are way more helpful than likes, which don’t really do anything for me!
Thank you, and have a great day/night.
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
i just
i just
i’m low-key mad that there are no options to make age differences with picrews
like, magic trio + elisabeth are 14/15 so it’s cool
the twins are 13 so it’s cool
but amina is nine!!!! and she looks the same age as everyone else!!!!1!! yes she is mature but she is a smol child!!!! why can i not show this clearly!!!!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
do any of your characters have powers? if so, what are your favourites?
yeah!! (actually this is the basis of the universe)
In MGR (the continent that they live on), almost everyone has an element (a certain type of power like fire, wind, water, etc) . There are hundreds of them, so powers can vary, and some elements haven’t been discovered yet!
*Really quick, there are two types of Elementals (peeps with powers). Elementalists and sprites. Sprites are born with their elements and usually have the one that their parents had. Elementalists are humans with powers. They actually choose their elements somewhere between the ages of 3-7.
Lauren is a magic elementist! This means she can cast small/basic spells, conjure, and heal. She usually uses this for combat magic.
Amina is a night(/dark) elementist. She can make any area dark (and then return it to how it was originally, but not any lighter). She also has a special connection with the moons and the stars.
Marigold is a magic sprite! Being a sprite, she is a bit more powerful, and uses her magic to heal. (She also knows some basic combat stuff in case things get messy.)
Goldie is also a magic elementist, and uses it for the same purposes as Lauren.
Neither Elisabeth or Alice have elements, they’re just normal humans. But they do have other skills! Alice is one of the top fighters in the *continent*, and Elisabeth is a very skillful diplomat.
Red is a fire sprite! That means they can make small fires, and control most of them. Because of this, they’re also not that cold.  
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
another mgr picrew because why not
this one is a bit simpler so some details and designs might not be as accurate, but i really like it!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
do the mcs in mgr have any big hobbies or talents?
goldie likes to prank, doodle, and she’s trying to figure out how to sew. it’s not going well but she’s trying.
marigold really likes to cook, but she also sings to herself! (well, she thinks it’s to herself. once, when she thought she was singing alone, she was actually singing to the whole sector. no one mentions it, but it’s just a thing they Know™)
lauren loves astronomy. she loves all science, and is working on a theory to how elements work and why they work, but astronomy is just,, her thing. she also knows how to work a spreadsheet or database like a pro, although she won’t share when, why, or how she learned.
elisabeth likes to play the ukulele, among other instruments (she’s learning tuba), and also likes to bake! she also really likes fashion and design, and always keeps on top of trends.
amina likes to create stories! she has intricate plots and when she tells them to people, everyone is always at the edge of their seats with excitement!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
Lauren, off to fight someone: Amina, this is far to dangerous for you. Stay in the car.
Amina: Ok!
Amina: *runs over villian with car*
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
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it’s amina loving hours
because i love our girl
also she’s aro 
and she’s in the next chapter which i am working on
yes appreciate this wonderful child
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
[At the movies]
Amina : I snuck in some snacks
Lauren, emptying her pockets: Yeah me too, I brought some chips and-
Amina, clutching ramen noodles: Do you have any boiling water?
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
Marigold, dramatically: She was poetry, but he couldn’t read.
Lauren: His name was Jared, he’s nineteen
Elisabeth: When his parents built a very strange machine.
Goldie: Watch that scene dig it the dancing queen
Time, watching them: why did i entrust these people with the fate of the world
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
aaAH okay!!!! compare the mgr characters to kotlc! which is most like which and why? (ik you're not done it yet but still-)
ok ok ok ok ok 
let’s see
so real quick i’m 100 pages into lodestar so i think i have enough content to do this hmmmm
I can definitely see Goldie being similar to keefe. Fun, chaotic, parent issues? yep, that’s them
I can kinda see Tam and Eloise being similar, as well as Linh and Aaron??? i don’t know why?? maybe it’s the twin thing?? dunno but yes there is a bit there
Also, maybe Biana and Elisabeth? Biana is a vacker (practically royalty) and Elisabeth IS royalty, but their personalities are a bit similar, as well as their styles. (although Elisabeth’s is a bit more earth 90s)
Sophie and Amina do seem to also have certain similarities. Mostly because they play larger roles in things that they did not have power over.
And I’m not really sure about Lauren and Marigold atm...
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
answering an ask but like on a post because i needed to queue this one and i’m not sure if you can like,, queue asks.
@dirty-racoon​ said:
Okayokay, feel free to just describe them or use a picrew or whatever BUT- how would the main mgr characters look sex swapped? (Gender swapped but uh. Not gender? Ig sjsjs)
(ok ok so i'm just going to use like masc!character when talking about them btw)
k so masc!goldie has shorter blond hair, but like really fluffy. it's just,,,, fluff. lots of weird t-shirts and shorts. like band ones and musical ones and things from podcasts he’s never even heard of but the design was so cool!!! maybe hoodies when it's cold and he cannot steal some of masc!marigold’s sweaters. same scar and eyes and stuff!
masc!marigold has that purple hair, but it's kinda closer cropped and has none of the fluff of masc!goldie's. still covers most of the body, but instead of dresses it's pants and long sleeved shirts, mostly in purples because ~it's what he does~. also the sweater thing as well, at least 75% of his closet is sweaters.
masc!lauren probably has hair that goes down to his shoulders, but it's usually back in a what is kind of a braid but like,, not. it's got like one or two lil braid things but he tried. same glasses and same jacket, but usually over some sort of skirt or dress, that has pockets even when you're 100% sure there can't possibly be any. He has this cute lil plaid dress, and idk how to describe it really.
masc!elisabeth has all these spiffy suits, especially ones with floral patterns and stuff, although it’s mostly just a vest and polo and pants and maybe a tie on fancier days?? but he puts on a jacket when its Fancy Time™. The vest is somewhat 950s (our 1990s), and he has lil 950s accessories. His hair is also just a tad fluffy. Just a bit. Like, 7% fluff in there. Anyways, he still probably always wears flower crowns because,,,, idk why he just does. why does elisabeth love them either??? idk these are just facts of life. 
masc!amina probably has suits, but fancy royal ones. like idk how to describe them but somewhat similar to what roman sanders from sanders sides wears just in brown and green. it’s kinda simple tho, more like his first outfit. still has his lil crown ofc, and he has curly hair, but not really fluffy hair. like masc!goldie’s is fluffy and masc!amina’s is curly and there is a Difference. 
anyways, woo, masc!mains.
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 4 years
MGR Picrews!
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