#mgr chapter seven
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MY LOVEEE IM BACKKKK still a bit sick but i have been ITCHINGG to get this reaction to you bcs DT chapter six and seven was….it was something else thats for sure and plus THE DOUBLE CHAPTER?!? brings back the good ol’ mgr days😮💨
im going to start with chapter six first shall we…..
“Stop….Heeseung stop….this…this is wrong…we can’t!”
OMG! HAHAHAHA I swearrr hee was like…”hmm did you hear something? I dont hear anything 🤔”
“Oh yes we can….watch me.”
dude after ALLLLL that tension in the last chapters I guess heeseung finallly cut the restraints and just gave in, kurt was the last straw 🫣😏 and im HEREEE FOR ITTTTT WHOO
the fact that the whole chapter/s was purely smut is just *chefs kiss 🤌🏻🤌🏻 like FUCK YEAAAHHH man I absolutely love the way you write smut, all the details and the dialogue UGHHH I can FEEL the HEAT and VIBRATIONS and the TENSION emitting from the SCREEN gahdamn this is a bad week to get fucking horny esp when ur sick omg
and the lines with the red outline? DEAD.
"Breathe baby.....mmm...breathe....yeah....good girl. Breathe for me."
shit I have no words left I just fucking love the smut oh my lord
"I love you.....you're mine....you're all mine.....nothing is going to take you away from me.......I'm keeping you.....forever.....y/n."
giving dejua vu but you are very much welcome to take me forever YK IM FREE (sorry kurt maybe in another universe)
and owemji the hella obvious breeding kink in this chapter? 😵😵
cant wait for heejeong’s turn….I wonder what he’s like….more feral? less gentle? hmmmmmmm
that smut at the first part….please dont dont dont dont…….dont stop 😏😏😏
PLEASEEE AHAHAHAHAH I was actually giggling when we were relieved that no one’s in the house just for heejeong to show up wearing that goddamn smirk on his face 🤣
"Oh hey, you're awake."
I just KNOWWWW she about to get fucked into oblivion ahh shit
our poor y/n not getting any breaks….
"......I have to go....um....I think it's best if I move out....I just..."
girl I love you so much baby but there is just no point in moving out….heebros will find you sooner or later you cant escape hee in ANY universe…..learn from readen and realena darling
"You tell me......what are you doing?......Walking around looking pretty all the damn time......getting a boyfriend and flaring him in front of us....."
you made 1/2 points it aint our fault that we pretty come on 🙄🙄🙄
"Please.......please dont......I-I'm begging.....i'm begging you...."
"Yeah?.....Beg some more baby......"
LMAOO i swear the heebros have selective hearing….its just how it is 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
"Huh.....Heeseung was a little hungry last night, hmm?"
"Where do you think Heeseung went to this morning? He's obviously not happy with someone else staking their claim on something that belongs to him.....and me."
"Please......please....I'll do anything...I wont....I wont see him again. I wont do anything. Please.....please just call Heeseung...please.......for me.....will you please do it for me?"
muehehehehehe using that charm on heejeong I see 😌😌
"Hey.....got baby girl in front of me. Did you wanna say 'Hi'?"
"Hiiiii baby giiiiiirll! How's my little minx today? Did you sleep well?"
"Y-yes.....I do.......I miss you....and......I.....I want you here.....I want you to come home.....come back home...to me....please?"
"Y-yes....I miss you.....and........I just want you back home.....so please......if you leave......leave Kurt alone I wont....I wont speak to him or ....or see him.....and.....i'll.......be good......I promise i'll be good......please.....for me?" you trembled, hoping that you had him.
YESSS THATS MY GIRL RIGHT THERE PERIODT its all cus I can see that kurt’s a good guy, if he would’ve been more like a samuel then he would’ve gotten a GOOODDD beating but he’s nice and genuine. my girl making the right choices over here mhmmmm
although yeah kurt’s a pretty nice boy….heebros just hit different yk? sorry my guy theres plenty of fish in the sea 😅
"Yeah baby.....thats it....move with me."
my gosh the way you write smut is….just….fucking incredible
You felt the touch of his fingers gently grazing against your cheek, moving the pieces of hair that was stuck to your skin. Shifting your eyes over to the side, you noted how both Heejeong's hands were on your chest, and the other was resting on his hip.
So whose hands were touching your face?.......
Looking up, standing and leaning against the back side of the sofa, hovering his chest above you, was Heeseung.
WAIT I ALSO LOVED THIS PART, I was literally like…”who the fuck???” “ohhh heeseung”
"Well baby girl..........time for round 2."
chapter 8 bout to be the hottest one of all
you in for it now..😏
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
I seriously love this reaction! Lol but I hope you’re feeling better. Ngl after our long drive in to our trip and when we had dinner last night I started to get some heart burn. It wasn’t pleasant.
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The Bunker
MGR Chapter 7
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TW: Cursing, (parent) death mention
As the group walked down the long set of stairs to the city below, Elisabeth couldn’t hear a thing. And she hated it.
Well, maybe “hated” was the wrong word. But it made her feel uncomfortable. Of course, she knew that all of the citizens of Marcain had been evacuated after the attack, but it still felt like the calm before the storm— and who knew when the storm would strike.
Finally, they reached the bottom, and Marigold turned to face her. “Where do we go now?”
Her voice was soft and light, and the rhythm in it was like a heartbeat-- slow and steady. But now was not the time to focus on that— now was the time to find Goldie.
“I last saw her outside the palace, that at least gives us a place to start.”
Marigold nodded. “Lead the way.”
As they walked down the streets of Marcain, Elisabeth kept looking around. Only four days ago they were bustling and busy with life, and now? They were deserted and destroyed. She sighed. Hopefully someone would fix it soon.
She thought back to the council meeting earlier that day (or was it yesterday? She couldn’t tell anymore), and how stupid everyone was being. Xan Ruz had suffered a major attack, and no communication had come out of the country since the odd message they had been given, which was quite concerning. And yet they wouldn’t even send a single person to check to make sure everyone was ok, just because of a stupid treaty from a stupid war. Sending someone wouldn’t even break it!
But then, Elisabeth’s internal rant was put to a stop. “Look!” Princess Amina shouted. “A trapdoor!”
And so there was one. Next to where they had stopped was an alleyway, and at the back was a trapdoor with a few crates next to it.. The princess ran up to it. “I’m going to go down it. If your friend’s not there, maybe something or someone helpful will be!”
“Your highness, I really don’t think—” Marigold started, but Amina was already gone.
Lauren stepped up to it next, and stepped onto the staircase inside
“Lauren, don’t you dare do this.”
The knight shrugged. “Hey, someone has to protect the princess.”
Elisabeth looked at the staircase. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go down, but everyone else seemed to be, so why not.
She looked over to the sprite. “You coming?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Nope,” the noblewoman replied, and started to follow after the two.
Lauren had turned on her phone light, so she could at least see a little bit ahead of her, but there wasn’t much to see anyways, just old stone walls. It smelled musty, like no one had really been in here in a while, and the only sounds she could hear were the sounds of water dripping down onto the floor, and the clack of the princess’ boots.
Finally, after a few minutes, they all stopped. In front of them was a large stone door. Amina reached out to try the handle, but she had no luck in opening it.
“Let me try,” Lauren said, stepping up to the handle, but still, nothing happened. She knocked on the door. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
They stood in silence for a moment, wondering what in the world was about to happen next.
And then, the door creaked open.
In the doorway stood a girl. She was in her teens, with blond hair just above shoulder length and pale skin with a scar on her cheek. She was short, and was wearing a slightly ripped up T-shirt with a band logo that Elisabeth didn’t recognize, and an orange skirt with tears in a few places.
“Hey,” Goldie said. “What’s up?”
Marigold started to walk over to her, a smile setting into her face as she did. “Not much. You?”
She bent down to kiss her, and after a few moments, they pulled back. “Holy shit, I’ve missed you.” Goldie said, smiling.
“Language!” Marigold scolded, but Elisabeth could tell she didn’t really care.
Lauren stepped up to the couple. “Hey, this is sweet and really cute, but can I talk to Goldie for a moment?”
Marigold stepped back, and Lauren looked at Goldie. “You’re a bitch. The bitchiest bitch I have ever laid eyes on, you know that, right?”
Goldie hugged her. “I’ve missed you too.”
And then, she looked right at Elisabeth, her expression unreadable. “Hey.”
Elisabeth looked at her shoes. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault you got stuck here, I should have come back for you, I—”
She let go of Lauren, and walked over to the noblewoman. “It’s fine. I would have gotten stuck in that hole whether or not you came back for me.”
And then her gaze set on Amina, and her eyes widened. “Your Highness! What a surprise! Uh, if I may ask, what are you doing here?”
The princess sighed. “It’s a long story.”
Suddenly, there was a crashing sound from behind Goldie that sounded something like tin hitting concrete. Elisabeth flinched slightly, while Goldie spun around. “You all ok in there?”
“Yeah, it’s just that El knocked over my bean-can tower. Again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Mhm. Just like you didn’t do it on purpose last time, or the time before that. What a strange coincidence.”
Goldie nodded, and then turned back to face them. Marigold looked over at her lover. “Goldie, who were those people?”
“Oh! Yeah! Uh, one sec, lemme introduce you all. Come on in.”
She led the group inside, and Elisabeth looked around the small space, although there wasn’t much to see.
“Everyone, this is Princess Eloise and Prince Aaron of Xan Ruz,” Goldie said, pointing to a girl with pink hair and a boy that looked somewhat similar to her. Eloise nodded, and Aaron gave the group a soft smile and a small wave.
“Aaron, Eloise, this is Lauren, Marigold, Lady Elisabeth of Las, and Princess Amina of Calinas.”
The rest of the group said a few assorted greetings, and then there was a moment of silence.
“How did you get down here?” Eloise asked. Elisabeth wasn’t sure what to make of her tone. It felt intimidating, yes, but there was fear in her voice. The Xan Ruzian princess was not someone who was supposed scared or shaken, but she was now. And she didn’t like it.
It was Amina who answered. “There was a trapdoor.”
“Wait, it wasn’t covered up?”
“Um, no? It was just sitting there, plain as day. Honestly, you might want to be more careful in the future.”
“I am— you know what, nevermind.”
“Yeah, nevermind is right,” Marigold chimed in. “Enough about how we got down here, tell us about how you got down here.”
“Only if you tell me your side of the story,” Goldie said.
“Alright, but you first.”
Silence filled the room, broken only by the occasional sound of Lauren sipping her coffee. How the brunette had gotten a hold of said coffee, Elisabeth had no idea, but she wasn’t focusing on that. She was focusing on Goldie’s story. The kings, dead? No wonder Calinas couldn’t send any help— the only government that was confirmed to be alive was in this room, and it had no Wi-Fi. She had checked.
And the “Fade”. When Eloise had explained that, there was a panic in Marigold’s eyes. It made her want to make sure she was ok, but she knew she couldn’t do that.
“We need a plan.”
Elisabeth turned towards the voice— Lauren’s.
“Our original plan was for me, Lady Elisabeth, and Marigold to find Goldie and get back to Calinas, but with the addition of three more people, we may need to adjust. Any ideas?”
“We’re definitely taking the twins back to Calinas,” Goldie said, and everyone but the twins nodded in agreement.
“Hey, you can’t do that! Our people need us!” the prince said.
“I know,” Elisabeth said, not even realizing the words were coming out of her mouth, “But you can help them better if you’re safe, alive, and with people who can actually help you. And you won’t get any of that by staying here.”
Neither twin said anything, but she knew that they understood her.
“Your Highness, did you need to stay here? For your mission?” Lauren asked Amina, and the girl shrugged.
“I don’t think so. I’m honestly just going to see where this takes me, and hope that something happens.”
“Well, at least that’s some sort of plan.” Lauren said. “So, unless anyone has any objections, we’re going to just head back to Calinas with everyone?”
The group let out various noises of approval, and Elisabeth stood up. “Come on, let’s go,” she said, and everyone started to shuffle out of the bunker behind her.
As she walked up the stairs to the trapdoor, she thought about that feeling she had earlier, like the calm before the storm.
So where was the storm?
And then, as she opened the trapdoor to the world outside, she found it. Because surrounding the door were almost twenty armed soldiers, with uniforms and crests the likes of which she had never seen.
At the front of the party was a man that appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties. He was wearing a uniform like the rest, but with a few more accessories— he must have been the leader. He had curly blue hair, light brown skin, and brown eyes that sparkled with malice. His face was twisted into a smirk, and the second Elisabeth saw it, she knew that getting back to Calinas wouldn’t be as easy as they had planned.
i cannot believe that i posted chapter six just two days ago!! and now, here we are, with chapter seven!! aaaaa!!
Anyways, please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
If I’ve made any spelling mistakes
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If I should add any other trigger warnings.
also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you!!
#dame lauren baker#lady elisabeth melly#princess amina hollan#princess eloise jamison#prince aaron jamison#goldie potter#marigold dia#mgr#mgr story#the bunker#mgr chapter seven#fantasy#wlw#lgbtqia+#fantasy story#ocs#oc story#original story#og chap seven
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Regarding the hiss video game idea: what would the order of the mini and main bosses be,from first mini boss to last main boss
If this does go full video game (and I have some developments that I'll be sharing on that within a few weeks), you'd have a lot of repeat bosses, since the villains are enemies that the heroes encounter multiple times across their journey.
That said, it's worth noting that, design-wise, the bosses wouldn't be like, say, anything Souls-like where they have a whole few dozen different attacks and you gotta memorize all sorts of different attack patterns to defeat them. This would be more like Shovel Knight, a game that featured well over two dozen boss fights in perfectly-sized levels. Basically, bosses that are challenging but only have a few attacks to really work around, and it's just the speed and frequency that make dodging their onslaught the real trick.
When I try to actually make HISS a game, like my current game, I don't start with an entire gameplan. It starts as a vertical slice. So, if I were making my vertical slice, then I'd start with a single level that ends with a single boss fight, and in this case, that boss would be Koloss. And his attack patterns would be straight forward:
- Charge Attack (Bane running at the player in Arkham Origins)
- Claw Swipes & Chomp (he swipes and bites at the player if they're too close)
- Jumping Stomp (he leaps in the air and lands heavily where you were)
- Rocket Attack (he fires his RPG straight from the ground)
- Rocket Evasion Phase (he jumps onto a cliff out of range and fires a series of rockets that the player has to evade without being able to attack Koloss until he jumps back into range)
So in Koloss' case, there'd be five attacks, and coding them is fairly straightforward since I'm using GMS2 for my current game, and would basically commission models a la MHOJ2, but use Mixamo to render a series of animations of the character as png's or gifs that I can import into GMS2 and use for sprites, giving the illusion of 3D models, like Killer Instinct did for the Arcade and SNES.
This would be the one boss I create in my vertical slice. And if this proof of concept works, then I would replicate that for a full "chapter," and then if that's successful, replicate that for a full video game.
And IF I were to make a full video game, then I think the order would look something like this, and I'll put a spoiler tag just in case because this is based off of the skeleton I'm working on. So anyone who doesn't want the order of certain events spoiled, beware:
1. Hawk (Stealth sequence where you're platforming to avoid his line of sight, not actually fighting him (E.M.M.I. from Metroid Dread))
2. Mako & Mauler
3. Deimos
4. Cadmus (unwinnable boss fight (Sam from MGR: Revengeance))
5. Jian (mock boss since they're training)
6. Koloss
7. Omen
8. The Crimson Ronin
9. Hawk (final fight against him)
10. Straymaker
11. The Crimson Ronin (final fight against him)
12. Cadmus
13. Mako & Mauler
14. Koloss
15. Flashback Boss Fight
16. Straymaker (final fight against him)
17. Deimos (final fight against him)
18. Cadmus (final fight against him)
19. Seven (your only goal is to escape him, since his attacks will kill you instantly)
20. Kasumi
21. Sentinel (stealth sequence where getting caught means instant death)
22. Sentinel (transformed)
23. Omen & Mirage (final fight against them)
24. Koloss (final fight against him)
25. Seven & Kasumi
26. Seven (think Vamp from MGS4)
27. Seven (final boss)
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SPB, Simply Phenomenally Bountiful

SPB’s death has caused immense grief. When Steve Jobs died, his step sister Mona Simpson said, “We all die medias res—in the middle of a story.” What makes SPB’s passing an inconsolable mourning is that he died in the middle of a beautiful melody—in the midst of a music career that would have gone on and on. The philosophy that life on this earth is not permanent seems to offer solace. Some stalwarts push us into a delusion of immortality. And we thought SPB could never die. He was hearty, radiated warmth and remained jolly good. Ageing never seemed to have happened to him. His voice still generated awe and even at 74, he was amenable to music. That’s surely a rare gift that God bestowed on him. But slightly probing to see the effortless ease with which he went about his art, he made it possible only by winning over all the ordeal he had to endure—multiple surgeries on this vocal cord, bariatric surgery, and numerous ailments that kept coming to him, small and inconsequential. God had given him another gift that his voice was not cracked by any surgery. He kept making remarkable recoveries and comebacks. He was able to preserve his voice through time and multiple strains. But it was also a gift for which he didn’t do anything special for his voice. The deadly coronavirus finally infected him, snatching him away from us, and perhaps that was one time he rather gave in to the illness against his will.
SPB’s personality remains surreal as how someone can lower himself to such remarkably humble levels. Vinayam is one way to greatness and it was a so natural part of him. He was no doubt a phenomenal talent, evident by his five-decade-long career in music. He traversed the careers of genius composers and lyricists and sang a mindboggling 45,000 songs in 16 languages, probably an unsurpassable achievement. His popularity is not restricted to Tamil cinema. He was equally feted in Telugu film world, where he was the Ghana Gandharva, and more appropriate as Telugu was his mother tongue. And in Kannada, he was not far behind in popularity and also gave memorable numbers in Hindi (even as the Hindi world didn’t welcome him with open arms to begin with and it is to the credit of ace director KB that he debuted in Hindi with Ek Duje Keliye). And that repertoire extends to several other languages.
He embellished his talent with being extraordinarily human, which pulled even people on the fringe to his fan circle. Initially very outsider to his fan circle, soon I jumped in, dissolving in his melting voice that kept my company on many long nights at my desk. Maybe he was so contented with his gifts that he never saw the faulty side of humans. As Kamal Haasan said, he simply swallowed every insult and harboured no ill will. If God is love, he was all of love. His demeanour defied his impossibly tall achievements. It used to be asked of Charles Dickens if he never slept or rested that he just churned one work after another. Rarely went a day when SPB didn’t sing perhaps. His corpus of work not only shows his versatility and talent but also his dedication to work. To surpass every possible singer on earth in terms of numbers is a feat that he seemed to have achieved with felicity. Behind it lies hours of hard work and unmatched sincerity to his art. Though he created history, he didn’t receive public felicitation for his achievements. He consciously refrained from it. Maybe, if he were alive to give us 50,000 songs, he would have agreed to a felicitation. His exemplary manner kept all his genius under wraps, but can passing clouds hide the blazing sun? And his manner was as sweet as his music. Grace and humility a part of his persona that just endeared people to him. Big or small, those who knew SPB also knew his generosity of spirit and his warm way of treating others with dignity and respect.
SPB’s career started in the music world that was already filled with stalwarts of the era. If MSV and Kannadhasan combo was ruling Tamil cinema, TMS and P. Susheela were their favourite crooning pair for romantic numbers. TMS had perfected the music voice of MGR and Sivaji Ganesan. S. Janaki was another popular singer giving her nectar-filled voice to many a heroine. And then Yesudoss just had broken into this talent pool. Into this heady mix, SPB made his entry with a two-year wait after debuting in Telugu (that’s because MSV asked him to perfect his Tamizh). SPB’s first song in Tamil happened to be a non-starter for a film called Hotel Ramba, which wasn’t released. But his next two numbers (Iyarkkai Ennum Ilaya Kanni for Gemini Ganesan and Aayiram Nilave Vaa for MGR) made him a household name. After then there was no stopping him.
With no formal training in classical music, his remarkable ability to turn into a musical voice for the MGR and Sivaji generation and then for the Rajini and Kamal generation turned the tables for him. He could modulate suitably for different actors and infuse variation into his singing style to suit their personality and voice at some level. This proved to be a clincher for him right down to Vijay, Ajit and Dhanush, the fourth generation of actors in his long career. If Vaali was a permanent fixture as a lyricist in Tamil cinema until death, SPB etched his place with equal ease for also his unique ability to offer emotions inside songs. He would giggle, laugh, cough and emote all inside a song to give that ‘feel’. And his romantic interludes and modulations just made lovers seek their sweethearts by just singing his numbers. He was a constant in the musical dreams of youngsters hopelessly in love.
His camaraderie with Ilayaraja, hailed as the god of music by his fans, was special and the duo gave Tamil cinema vintage songs that still accompany many a fan on their car travel and at night. Perhaps fans still relish the memorable and melodious numbers this combination made for Mic Mohan, who shone in film world for a short time, that are inerasable by time. SPB hits composed by Ilayaraja is an indelible chapter in Tamil film music. His romantic numbers for Kamal and opening songs for Rajini were special treats to fans of both stars. He also gave musical voice to the present-day stars Ajit, Vijay and Dhanush.
SPB just captured millions of hearts by his melting voice, another plus to his talent. And as melting was his voice, equally pleasing was his manner, which proved to be a magnet for people to get attracted to him. He propounded love of unmatched proportions. He loved life, loved people, loved music, loved everything in life. As he knew no hate, no one could hate him.
He left the world in tears more than anyone in recent memory. It looked that a day will never come when we would sing eulogies for him. For someone immortalized already by his songs, his passing is just the end of his bodily frame and pleasing manner. We would miss his live concerts where he would greet the audience with a bow and extol people who gave him life to heights of glory. His pat on the back for many upcoming talents was all the boost they needed in affirmation of their abilities. He may not be there to do all this but his songs will still float in the air waves for many many years to come and he will die only when his last standing fan would pass on, and that would be seven generations from now, as Kamal Haasan said.
But a man in whose music we soaked in left us soaking in tears too!
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So your masterlist is in my TBR pile but is there something in there you're especially proud of? Something I should start with?
Oh you're too sweet! I think either Merry Go Round of Life or Far Across the Land. Merry Go Round is my favorite work - it's my passion project. We're seven chapters in now and I have no idea how long this ride is gonna be.
Far Across the Land is just starting (I'm putting up chapter 3 probably tomorrow) but I think it has a lot of potential. Another one that I don't have a chapter count or timeline for - I'm playing that one more by ear than MGR.
Thank you so much for asking, friend!!
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CBR9 Review #11: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas gave me all the emotions
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas deserves all the hype and awards. The story centers around teenager Starr Carter who lives in the African-American community of Garden Heights while attending an expensive private school on the posh side of town. She has two sides of her life, two faces she shows each environment. Her white boyfriend Chris has never met her Dad. Her friend Kenya, who she shares a half-brother with has never met any of her high school friends. The two worlds collide after she witnesses a police office kill her unarmed childhood friend, Khalil.
The book focuses on the aftermath as the police department and DA decide whether to charge the officer. An all too familiar story that mirrors contemporary America. Her father was a former gang member, now gone straight after a small stint in prison when Starr was born. He owns a local grocery store in Garden Heights. He refuses to leave the ghetto. Starr's mom however disagrees. They both did agree to send their kids to a private school when a drive-by claimed one of the neighborhood children years before. Nevertheless, they continue to live in the epicenter of riots and Black Lives Matter protests. To further complicate matters, her Uncle is police officer making Starr feel conflicted about how she feels about the police. Her half-brother, Seven, lives with his mother and her boyfriend King, the head of King Lords gang and certified villain of the tale. As you probably can guess, Starr ends up in the middle of all the danger once she is outed as the witness to Khalil's slaying. All while trying to survive high school.
Starr struggles to understand WHY her friend was killed and whether there will be any justice. Why does the media and police assume he was a thug? The title of the book is a play on a 2PAC's THUG Life, which the characters discuss and question throughout.
I'm glad I broke down and joined Audible to get the audiobook. The narrator does a superb job relaying the class YA teen angst, realistic violence and the varied responses of the characters. This debut novel was the Mocha Girls Read pick for November. It's nearly tied with Born A Crime for my favorite MGR pick of the year. Definitely one of the more memorable in-person discussions for the LA chapter. Even though much of the plot was predictable, it's a glorious and emotional ride. I had to take breaks after a few chapters. It gave me major feels throughout the book. It was a surprisingly touching story that praises the bond of a family and their community coming together when tragedy hits. I loved all the dialogue, Angie Thomas's characters were hilarious and heartbreakingly accurate. Since it's YA, much of the story focuses on Starr's private school life interactions. The violent events force her to grow up and figure out who her real friends are.
I would seriously recommend this book to EVERYONE. Even if you're not a big fan of YA, this book is worth the read. It's not perfect, but it's an amazing debut from a new writer. Excited to read her forthcoming work!
This is my eleventh review for Cannonball Read 9. An annual, memorial book challenge to read and review 52 books in a year. Or 26. Or 13. Choose your level and read to meet your goal all while fundraising for the American Cancer Society in the memory of AlabamaPink.
#the hate u give#angie thomas#book review#mocha girls read#cannonball read#sticking it to cancer#ya#ya novel#fiction#debut novel#award winning novel#black lives matter#female author#black author#goodreads winner#audiobook#cbr9
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Yes I can see that Heethan is popular here on your blog, i mean we can’t blame them can we I suppose? Lol, the way you write and portray him have people hooked even managing to look past the blaring red flags haha. And yes if I have any more questions I will be sure to ask! I have an interest in psychology so I like that bit of extra information to satisfy that curious itch; why is Heeseung is the way he is? What happened, Was he always like this or did something trigger the split? Did he have an iffy upbringing or was there always a darkness in him? But I suppose we will find out in future chapters so I’m happy to wait for the explanation I know the rest of the series will be great as always!!
And ooh seeing that you mentioned it, I briefly read through the first chap of se7en after reading the synopsis and man!! Is that right up my alley! The characters seem very interesting (all one of the seven sins I love that) and I see there’s multiple chapters for all the boys (although I do already know she’s Heeseung’s from the get go haha). I will definitely be indulging in that series too.
Seeing as MT is reaching its peak i will be reading that first so I’m all caught up before it finishes♥️
Its funny you mentioned your interest in psychology because i took quite a bit of classes in my college program, and that somewhat helped me draft up heethan's character. depending on what arc you're in, with MGR being the first arc, MRE the second, and HHP the third and ongoing, if you haven't reached HHP yet, you'll find alot of the questions you have will be answered in that arc 😉 heethan is just a very interesting character, he's actually my favorite to write about because i always find the alter ego aspect so intriguing, the whole Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde effect, where he can switch from gentle to rough in a split second at will. its' very interesting and there's never a boring moment. I think the red flags is what also makes him addicting, because yes, he is sooooooo toxic, obssessive, possessive, and just downright insane, but its all stemming from his insatiable love for his y/n. I didn't have a full understanding of the 'yandere' term when i started the series, but i knew that's where i wanted his character to lead to, so i started him off as a nice guy, then after seeing y/n he became a soft yandere, then it just grew from there and onto the hard yandere he is right now. it's very fitting since he's a dominant and intimidating type. so all of that combined just really makes him a fascinating person. i just love how, despite his flaws....which are very heavy, he loves his y/n to the ends of the earth. its twisted and romantic lol. which i love.
MT and SE7EN are both great series. if you like heethan, you'll love heelel. ofc we love heedam and since MT is at a very good spot right now, i think you all will swoon for heedam lol. but def let me know your thoughts when you finish the SE7EN series bc i love talking about it and the MGR series. Once MT and DT is finished, i know everyone is going to be buzzing about heedam and heebros. omg DT is reaching a climactic spot that may shock alot of the readers. 😉
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Hello! I really like your stories the are very good and creative!! I really liked MGR and Seven series it’s really thrilling and fun to read.
I have a question about all the members in Seven specially the poetry in each chapter when they say their names. Are those poems real liek from the Bible or another source or did you make them yourself? Cuz I love poems and when I read those I was shocked and how good they are. Actually your writing is good peridot and I’m very shocked that you’re on tumblr and not an actual writer. The seven series should be an actual book or movie it’s soo good.
anywhooo lmao I just had to express that cuz I love the mixture of smut with an actual decent storyline and dialogue. It’s really good. I can’t wait to read more.
Oh my…🥴😳 sweet anon you’re making me blush lol. And the fact that you’re asking me about the riddles/poems and inquiring if they’re from a source is super flattering because I did make those up entirely on my own and formatted it to each character and associated it with their Deadly Sin. So thank you for asking that because that truly made my day!
#anon aks#anon answered#heeseung x reader#heeseung scenarios#heeseung smut#heeseung hard thoughts#heeseung fanfic#enhypen smut#enhypen hard hours#enha heeseung#enha x reader#heeseung hard hours#kpop smut#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#k pop smut#enhypen hard thoughts#enhypen imagines#enhypen#enhypen drabbles
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Masterlist (Not for minors)
- Heeseung-
My Girlfriends Roommate / MGR (1st arc of series) Chapter 1 - Mmkay Chapter 2 - Oooooookaaaaay Chapter 3 - Getting there Chapter 4 - Almost Chapter 5 -Oh damn Chapter 6 - ........ Chapter 7 - Here we go Chapter 8 - Omg theres fluff Chapter 9 - Fluff, fluff, fluff, and fluff. Chapter 10 - OMFG Its finally happening!!! 18+ Only Chapter 11 - ...THE HELL!?!! O...M...G 18+ Only Chapter 12 - DAFUQ!!!? ERMAHGAWD!! JDASHWGEI!!!!! 18+ Only --End-
Vicky's Roommate
Knowing me, Knowing you Part 1
Knowing me, Knowing you Part 2
Its not enough Part 1
Its not enough Part 2
Wont you say my name?
!!!!!!!!Netflix and Chill SMAU should be the very last smau to read after reading all the other smaus (to include in MRE and HHP) because the references in it will be too confusing. I highly recommending reading MGR at the very least before reading this SMAU as well. it's very sentimental and also..there's tension that hits deep that can only be felt once you read MGR. Enjoy.
Netflix and Chill Part 1 - Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
Netflix and Chill Part 2 -Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
Netflix and Chill Part 3 - Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
My Roommates Ex / MRE (Sequel to MGR, 2nd arc of the same series/universe)
Chapter 1 - Oooooh the fluff be strong in this chapter
Chapter 2 - Drama, drama, drama.
Chapter 3 - Let the juiciness commence. 18+ only.
Chapter 4 - This made y'all go crazy a little bit, huh?
Chapter 5 - Don't say I didn't warn you. Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, its one of my favorites actually. (18+ only)
Chapter 6 - Let me know what you guys think of this one. This is the last chapter for this arc, working on the third arc of the same series as we speak along with MT. (18+ Only)
Olive Juice Part 1
Olive Juice Part 2
Say it again and move with me
What is "it" ??
Send me a selfie or else...
I worship you.
Why are you not answering?
I need you
You really wanna know?
One and Only...
Give and take back
Unknown Number
Group Chat Part 1
Group Chat Part 2
Car Door
His and Her Perspectives / HHP (Sequel to MGR/MRE, 3rd arc of the same series/universe)
Chapter 1 - Yay first chapter! (18+ Only)
Chapter 2 - Heeseung/Ethan POV on you, omg such a beautiful chapter. (18+ only)
Chapter 3 - Just another day in the life of you and MGR/MRE/HHP Heeseung. Only for those that are 18+ older. Adults, enjoy!
Chapter 4 - Enter beotch Tiff, you guys aren't going to like her at all and she is based off of a very unpleasant person that was rude to a friend of mine back in HS. so yeah. 18+ only for this chapter so minors, pass over on this one pls.
Chapter 5 Part(s) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. - sorry this is divided into so many parts, tumblr was acting up and would not let me paste anything beyond 1k words at a time for some reason.
Chapter 6 Part(s) 1 , 2, 3, 4,
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 Part(s) 1, 2, 3
Chapter 11 Part(s) 1 , 2 , 3, 4 OMG......This chapter i swear to God.
Chapter 12 Part(s) 1, 2 .....aaaah...redemption.
Chapter 13 Part(s) 1 , 2, 3. (Part is adult rated MDNI)
Chapter 14 Part(s) 1, 2, 3. - PLEASE understand that this is a very dark and twisted chapter. Heethan is PISSED and he's not in the right mind and shit just got real. but read the warnings bc Eden even gets back at Tiff....in a very brutal way. (recall her warning to her in earlier chapter when Tiff tried to confront her in the campus building) so please read at your own risk (it's still a good read)
Come rain or shine
Vegan Food
Good at acting :P
The Sun and the Flower
Ethan's hungry
Feeling a little lonely
Blood and Carnage
MGR/MRE/HHP One shots
Halloween Part 1
Halloween Part 2 - coming soon
Jealous - coming soon
Shark Week
Mermaids Tale (New series)
Chapter 1 - Slay! You are the Daughter of the Seven Seas
Chapter 2 - Whoo hoo! Chapter 2! I really like this story guys.
Chapter 3 - Yay its finally here! there's alot to this chapter, please feel free to send anon asks or message me if you need me to explain because alot of historical (made up, mythological) references are in this one.
Chapter 4 - Coming 05/31
You're a fan. I'm a fan. - One shot (maybe a couple chapters long) but is going to be good. Smut writers, this one is for you guys. (hintity hint hint)
#heeseung hard hours#heeseung hard thoughts#enha x reader#enhypen smut#heeseung x reader#heeseung scenarios#heeseung smut#enhypen hard hours#enha heeseung#heeseung fanfic
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MGR masterpost
Quick Overview + main things (not necessary to read to understand, but you can if you want to!)
What is MGR?
Goldie’s playlist
Map of MGR
Marigold’s background
Lauren’s playlist
Marigoldie origins
Actual story/main plotline
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
List of MGR tags
#mgr - anything mgr related, from sh!tposts to in-depth descriptions.
#mgr universe - things about the universe itself!
#mgr doodles - sh*tty doodles of the mgr characters
#mgr moodboards - moodboards of characters or ships or other stuff
#mgr playlists - playlists for characters/ships/the whole dang series maybe why not
#mgr asks - asks!
#mgr incorrect quotes - the childrens are crazy. i have no idea if they “incorrect” because i am the creator of the thing but oh well
#mgr picrews - picrews of the characters! (honestly these are all pretty self-explanatory but idk)
All character tags are the characters’ first and last name, as well as their title if they have one.
Ex: #dame lauren baker, #lady elisabeth melly
Taglists I have + members (ask to be added/removed)
MGR story
MGR doodles
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Really Important MGR Thing
Lauren uses she/they/fae pronouns!
Fae comes out to the group in a future chapter, as they have been figuring this out from about a month or so before the Lunae 7th attacks and a few days after the chapter (chapter seven) But that chapter has a bunch that come before it, and my motivation is currently flopping around on the floor like a fish on land so I wanted to just let y’all know.
So yeah!
Taglist because this is important (sorry for tagging y’all twice in like five minutes)
@fire-sapphics @rat-with-coffee @dirty-racoon
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Amina and Time
MGR Chapter Four
[Previous] [Next] [Masterpost]
TW: food
Princess Amina Hollan sighed, and leaned up against the palace wall. She had been waiting for her parents to exit their latest Royal Council meeting, so they could eat dinner together, but that had been two hours ago. And based on her knowledge of Calinian politics, she wasn't sure when they would leave.
But now the princess was getting hungry, so she decided to head off to the kitchen.
She grabbed her phone and turned on its light so she could see and started walking down the hallway. It was incredibly silent—you could hear a pin drop.
As she walked, she thought about what she had overheard.
The subject of the meetings had been the Xan Ruz attacks. The Council had gotten together the day after the attacks and were on their third day of discussing what to do. Due to the treaty that ended the War of Misconception, no country could send aid without a formal request of help from the country's leader. No such request had come from the kings, so they couldn't do anything there. But with the ominous message broadcasted on the alert a few days earlier, they couldn't exactly do nothing. Hence the debate.
She paused and turned left into the entrance to the East Wing. There, in behind a pair of fancy double doors, was the dining room. She pushed on them, and with a creak, they opened.
The girl pushed a button on the wall, and a few torches lit up, illuminating the dining room. It was quite majestic, with a long table that looked like it could seat over twenty people in the middle of the room. On it was a silver table liner, as well as some assorted tchotchkes. Decorating the walls were a few paintings, including one of Amina's favorites—a portrait of Lord Cal and Queen Inas, great heroes of the First Great War, who happened to be the creators of the island and the first elementists.
She walked towards the end of the room, where the kitchen was located. She kept the door open, so the light from the dining room made it just bright enough to see.
A few minutes later, she had finished making her dinner of choice—a porcelain plate filled with cheesy crackers, a china bowl with butterscotch ice cream, a crystal goblet of chocolate milk, and a single baby carrot. She set her meal on the prep counter, pulled up a stool, and started to eat.
Suddenly, she heard something. Footsteps, maybe? They sounded like footsteps, but the sounds were softer and seemed to be far apart, as if whoever was making them wasn't touching the ground all the way. Amina quickly shoved her dishes under the counter next to some silverware. It could be her mother, and she really wasn't looking for a speech on healthy eating tonight.
As the footsteps grew closer, she sucked in her breath. She knew it was probably just her parents or a member of the castle staff, but she still felt unsettled.
Then, there was a pause, and the figure entered the doorway.
It was a woman. She was tall, quite a bit taller than any human or sprite she had ever seen in her life, maybe seven or eight feet. Her hair was brown and curly, and it seemed to cascade down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were a sparkling hazel, and there was a light dust of freckles against her skin. She was wearing a sparkling cyan dress that cut off at her knees and had a sweetheart neckline.
But what captured Amina's attention was the silver pendant around her neck. It was like a closed pocket watch, but there were odd symbols on it. It looked like a language, but if it was, it wasn't one from this planet.
The woman walked over to her, and she hopped off the stool, slowly moving backwards. Noticing this, the woman stopped.
"It's alright."
Her voice was like caramel. Smooth, yet rich. Beautiful and powerful. Something about her was... right. The woman wouldn't hurt her.
"Who are you?" the princess asked.
The woman smiled. "I am Time, and it's guardian."
Amina stared her. This was the legendary Time? The one who was the only one besides the gods who could control the events of the world? The one who created the concept of time? The leader of the time elementals? It wasn't that this woman couldn't be Time, it was just that if she was, why would she be here? According to the stories of old, she didn't interfere with Izani affairs, so this was extremely unorthodox.
"Why are you here?"
Time smiled sadly. "Do you know what my job is?"
She thought for a second. "To guard time?"
The woman chuckled. "Yes, but not just that. My guarding of time results in Izan's safety and stability. So really, maintaining that is my job. Therefore, when dangerous things plague your world... I must find a way to stop them. And you are part of the solution."
Amina blinked. "Are... are you serious? You can't be serious! I'm nine, almost ten. I’m literally just a kid! There is no way I'm a part of any solution to whatever's going on."
"I knew you'd say that. But that doesn't matter. I know that you're a part of the team."
The princess furrowed her brow in confusion. "Team?"
Time nodded. "Team. You'll meet most of them soon."
Amina looked around but saw nothing but pots and pans. Time chuckled. "No, they aren't here. Now listen, this is very important. You will need to pack for a longer journey. Bring Inas' sword. At 22:27 exactly, you will follow Lady Elisabeth Melly as she sneaks out of the Council meeting. Make sure to stowaway on the boat."
Barley knowing what she was agreeing to, she nodded. "Pack, sword, stowaway at 22:27. Got it."
Time got up, and turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, silly me. You'll need this," she said, handing the girl a box. "Do not open it until you see her. It will bring her out of her trance and briefly weaken her."
Amina started to ask who "her" was, but Time was gone.
She looked at the box in her hand. It was a bit bigger than her palm and carved into it's wooden surface were intricate patterns featuring two women. She felt like she knew them, but she couldn't put her finger on it...
But now wasn't the time to look at that. Now was the time to figure out what to do. According to Time, she had a part in something. And the only way to find out was to stowaway with Lady Elisabeth. She was destined for something. Not just for sitting around castles, but for something truly important and exciting.
She looked at the time, 21:42. Exactly 45 minutes.
She went to the pantry, looking for food she might need. There wasn't much, except a box of breakfast bars. They weren't her favorite, but they would have to do.
She ran out of the kitchen and dining room to her bedroom, bars and mystery box in hand. She placed them on her bed, and after a moment of thought, grabbed her pink backpack from the back of her closet. In it, she shoved a few dresses, some books, her toothbrush and hairbrush, and a foam toy she had been low-key obsessed with for the past month.
She put the food in there and placed the box in the front pocket. She looked around her room. This was it. She was really leaving this place on an adventure.
She went over to her desk and grabbed a sheet of paper. With her glitter gel pen, she wrote a quick note to her parents, explaining that she was safe and would be back soon. She walked out, then stopped. She was missing something.
She walked back in, looking for whatever it might be. And then she found it, right on her bedroom shelf.
Her family picture. Not a fancy one for a royal portrait, but the one she had taken a year earlier when they had gone to Julington for some festival. Her mom was in the back, a smile on her face. Next to her was her dad, holding her now three-year-old brother, Humza. And then there was her between them. She had remembered feeling a bit out of breath, not realizing the timer was a three-second one instead of a ten-second one. But she had made it for the photo.
She would miss them.
She grabbed it and added it to her pack. She was ready.
The armory wasn't that far from her room, thankfully. It was a dark and a bit musty room with all sort of weapons—swords, spears, bows and arrows were everywhere. She worried that it might take a while to find it (It was 22:03 now, only 24 minutes left), but then she saw it.
Hanging at the top of the wall directly in front of her was Inas' famous Black Iron sword. It was still in its sheath, decorated with spiral patterns. She had only seen it in pictures—and now she was about to steal it!?
She sighed. She had to do this. And anyways, wasn't it technically her birthright as future queen of Calinas?
She spotted a stool in the corner and after placing her backpack next to a shield, she dragged it over. She got up on it, and reached for the sword, barley grasping it. After a few tries, she finally un-hooked it from it's pin. She wanted to pull it out of its sheath and swing it around (she knew a little bit about how to use a sword), but there wasn't time.
She looped the sheath to the ribbon around her waist, picking her backpack back up, and checked the time. 22:25. She started to jog over to the meeting room.
Two minutes later, she was there. She ducked under a tapestry, and in moments, a teen the princess recognized as Lady Elisabeth walked out. She followed behind her, trying not to make a sound.
Soon, the noblewoman made a sharp left turn. Amina wasn't sure why she would do this, there were no exits there, until she realized what she was doing.
She was climbing out the window.
She had left it open, and after a few moments the princess climbed out.
(Amina silently thanked the Gods that they were on the first floor.)
Lady Elisabeth was running over to two figures in the water. That’s when she realized she wasn't sure how she would ever sneak on undetected. But then she remembered something.
She was a night elementist.
She chuckled, and quickly used her powers to make her area darker. If anyone spotted her, they would just mistake her for a passing shadow.
Soon, she made it over to the boat. She worried that someone would notice the slight rock of the structure as her weight was added to it, but a girl with brown hair in a long braid seemed to be arguing with Lady Elisabeth, and the other girl was staring off into space so hard, Amina thought she wouldn't even notice if she tipped the boat.
She crawled under a bench, setting her backpack next to her. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know where she was going. And she certainly didn't know who she was traveling with. But that didn't matter now. What mattered was that she could help fix things.
(hey look, i finally published this!! oh gosh. anyways, sorry it took so long, it’s just that this really sets off the plot, and I’ve had like,,,, four different versions of this chapter playing around in my head.)
Please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
If I’ve made any spelling mistakes
If I’ve made any grammar errors
Your general feedback
Your questions
If I should add any other trigger warnings.
Reblogs are way more helpful than likes, which don’t really do anything for me!
Thank you, and have a great day/night.
#mgr#mgr story#writing#my writing#original universe#original characters#fantasy#princess amina hollan#mgr chapter four#amina and time#mgr time#tw food#cw food
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s t a r s ! !
mgr chapter seven might be posted today or tomorrow!!! i haven’t posted chapters this close together since december!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaa!!
on that note please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!! (either story or doodle)
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