#prince heinley
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blues824 · 1 year ago
Heya bestie I mostly request a lot of females but this one is for the lads.
Akaza In the remarried empress
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🏀Just imagine how a man like akaza would react he drinks his respects woman juice daily and the remarried empress is set in a medival setting so sadly woman rights are different.
🥊Like her is a childhood friend of heinley(that's how heinley got so much respect in this story for most women except rattrash ) and Duke ergi is just on the border of being his friend because of the bad luck he gives to woman.
🏀He came along with heinley the the new year Ball and people instantly knew who he was he is known in the western kingdom for his recpect to women and his brutalness towards weaker men.
🥊Akaza being surrounded by women and wanting to talk to him because they see him as a good man and they want to see if its tru he is the most respected man in the western kingdom and its tru he treats them with so much respect they fall in love.
🏀I can see the akaza reader being pissd of with sovieshit how he misteats navier for a woman who has the personality of a mere child instead of making her his concubine he could have given her a better place and gets her away from her status as slave.
🥊Imagen when sovieshit pulled the sword on heinley for "slandering his womans image " he accepts the dual and beats the shit out of sovieshit and tells him that he needs to respect all women not just one especially a woman he cheats one especially when he has a wife.
🏀I see rattrash wanting to pull him on her side by talking shit about navier that she is infertile and that doesn't make her a woman only for him to explain that she is a well respected woman and instead of being hateful to navier she needs to hate sovieshit for not hepling her how she deserves.
🥊Rattrash then talking to Duke ergi and him explaining that he beat his woman respect vision in to him when he was a child along with heinley "that's why her is a gentleman towards her "
🏀and her hearing stories of him beating women their abusive husband for hurting their wives and that he got away with it because he is so loved in the western kingdom and explains one time there was a riot because he was jailed by a noble and that even the king of the western kingdom was pissd.
🥊Meanwhile navier hears from heinley how he whoud never treat women like sovieshit does to him because of his friend akaza she knows about his story and reputation and is glad that he is friends with heinley.
🏀Later on navier gets married whit heinley and akaza visits and said if he becomes like sovieshit to tell him so he will beat the lesson of respecting women into heinley and heinley sweating in the bg.
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Does not include Kosair or the Grand Duke Kaufman or Duke Ergi.
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Sovieshu Vict
You were a noble in the Western Kingdom, right hand man to King Wharton III. Your reputation preceded you as a man of great respect when it came to women. The swarm of women around you was basically a dead giveaway. However, instead of ushering them away, you addressed each by name and you promised each of them a dance… that was unless they were married. You were not about to make other men angry and cause a disturbance of the peace.
However, when you saw Empress Navier upset with the Emperor, who was dancing with another woman, any thought of respect for His Imperial Majesty flew out the window. Instead, you went to Heinrey, in whom you could see the lovesickness, and you ushered him towards Her Imperial Majesty. You knew your friend like the back of your hand, and if anyone would treat her right, it would be Heinrey.
A few days later, when the prince got in trouble for “slandering Rashta’s image”, you took his place in the hypothetical duel. After all, you were the most expendable option here, as you were no heir to the throne. However, in order to prevent any fatal harm, you offered to bring Sovieshu to fisticuffs instead of a swordfight. Needless to say, it ended with him being bruised and you being scratch-free. You hadn’t studied martial arts for nothing, after all. 
Of course, this is when the story of you being thrown in jail for nearly beating an abusive man to death. You had seen the fear in his children’s and wife’s eyes, and you couldn’t take it. The King had enough with your anger issues and threw you into prison, but there was a huge riot within the Western Kingdom. Because it was disturbing day-to-day life, you were let out with a large warning and a criminal record. However, you managed to charm the Queen, befriending her in the process, which made her a valuable ally.
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She had never heard of you, but by the way that all the ladies at the New Year’s Party were swarming you, she judged that you were a good man. That being said, she definitely did want to talk to you. However, Sovieshu kind of swept her up to dance, causing a ruckus even after the whole dress drama and people debating whether Navier was copying her or if Rashta was copying Navier.
Anyway, when she was done, she saw you standing with Prince Heinrey, who seemed to be staring at the Empress. You were speaking to him quietly with a glass of wine in your hand, nudging him with your elbow. As much as the young mistress loves to pretend that she is, she is not naive. She knows what you two are doing. However, she’s not going to disrupt anything. If Navier is out of the picture, then Sovieshu is all hers.
During her—rather toxic—friendship with Duke Ergi, she asked how he knew how to talk to her and calm her down. That was when he told her about how you actually fought him for daring to disrespect a female friend that you all had in your youth. With his reputation as a womanizer, you thought it unjust that these girls who were drawn to him would be disrespected in such a manner, so you gave him a black eye, a busted shoulder, a busted lip, and a bruised pride.
Through her maidservant, she found out about your criminal record in the Western Kingdom. Even though you were the right-hand man to the king, you were still thrown in prison for nearly murdering a man who turned out to be abusive to his wife and children. However, the citizens held a riot to let you out. That wasn’t anything she could use against you, but it seemed like your respect even went to her as you could see her plans, but you both knew that it would be more beneficial if Navier went elsewhere.
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Navier Trovi
She wasn’t the one to invite you, but she knew of your reputation. She had met you previously as you were an ambassador for the Western Kingdom as well since King Wharton III was constantly too ill to travel. Seeing you at the New Year’s Party was a pleasant surprise, as she had not known that her husband had invited you.
One thing that she didn’t know was that you were the one to usher Heinrey to get to know her better and even begin to court her. Infidelity was not something you often encouraged, but seeing the Emperor dancing with his mistress rather than his wife pissed you off. When you yourself spoke with her to introduce Prince Heinrey, she noticed that you were not nervous. You still spoke to her with respect, but there was a spark of mischief in your eye.
You were known for being ruthless with men who you deemed unworthy of even being alive. Your scars were kept visible because you were feared among all men in any empire or kingdom. Navier found herself curious about them, but she knew better than to ask because the last thing anyone would want is your criminal record being outed to the media
However, someone else seemed to get a hold of the papers at the time, where the headline was ‘WESTERN KINGDOM NOBLE BEATS MAN TO DEATH’. Instead of being ashamed, though, you smiled as you asked that person if he would have let that man’s wife be beaten to death along with his children if he allowed that abusive man to keep living. That shut everyone up rather quickly.
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Heinrey Lazlo
You were his best friend since youth, along with Ergi. However, you were not afraid to beat your shared friend after he made a girl cry. As you all grew up, you all were heartthrobs, but you were not in the habit of leading women on. You instead wanted to find ‘the one’, as did Heinrey, but Ergi was still set in his womanizer habits.
Anyway, at the New Year’s Party in the Eastern Empire, you were there for him to talk to when he visited the Empress in his bird form. He reminded you of a puppy, but you were happy because you knew that he would never let her down the way her own husband did by ignoring her presence and not taking his wife’s side when rumors started floating around.
Unfortunately, try as you might, your criminal record always found a way to be in the spotlight. Rashta had hired someone to expose you, and you had gone to prison years ago for beating a man to death. However, what neither knew was that Prince Heinrey and Duke Ergi had your back, as you clarified that the man was abusive and you were not going to stand to see a woman and their children be beaten because he had gambled on the wrong horse (literally).
That being said, you no longer held any respect for the mistress and vowed to be there when her crimes caught up to her. You had allowed Ergi to use his charm to manipulate her into trusting him, and you gathered a bunch of evidence to help Navier and Heinrey build a case against her. Also, you had visited Viscount Lotteshu, and while he himself was a piece of shit, you learned even more about Rashta.
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
y'all remarried empress chap 64 has me SCREECHING ???? HEINS IS SO CUTEEEEE
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...and that one panel i bet nearly EVERYONE screamed at-
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not these two putting the whole ass sun out of business 💕
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webtoon9715 · 3 years ago
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Heinley as Queen ⋋(◍’Θ’◍)⋌
Webtoon name: Remarried empress (재혼 황후)
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alicehattera03 · 4 years ago
Y'all a reminder that Heinley is literally amazing(Navier is literally a queen- nah, an empress, look at her goooo bitch look at her gOOO!!), and ok fine his looks help him a lot but underestimate him??
His smarts?? His personality???? His love for Navier!?!? JAIL! Jail for ten thousand years if you underestimate him!! And now that he's got his love Navier next to him on the throne!!!!?? The end, goodbye that's it- the world says it's logging off because of the perfection.
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r0se-street · 3 years ago
this is an excuse to keep posting regularly
"The Taming of the Tyrant " Season 2 - November 14th
"Revolutionary Princess Eve" Season 2 - November 8
"The Remarried Empress" Season 2 - November 4th
unfortunately idk if roxana/way to protect the female lead's older brother is going to have a second season next month, s1 ended on late July so- T_T
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"I Raised A Black Dragon"will be released on November 25th
"The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly/ Unseemly Lady" is Released on November 1st
(i think it has already come out tho)
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"A Princess's Hundred Ways to Martyrdom" was released today
"Handmade" was released today
"Lillian of Turin" was released two days ago
"I Lost the Leash of the Yandere Male Lead" was released a week ago
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i feel like everyone knows abt s2 of remarried empress but who cares, apparently its also getting a tv series?? i just feel like people appreciate knowing abt new manhwa's bc sometimes they're rlly good but are left unnoticed >:(
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cyriledits · 3 years ago
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Prince Heinley icons
fav or reblog if u save
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yuna143 · 4 years ago
Kosair Sketch
I really like this character and I hope we will be able to see him more as the webtoon continue.
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sweettooth-87 · 4 years ago
OK so I've finished the webtoon of the remarried empress and I was wondering where I can continue from the web novel. Please if anyone can help me it would be great
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nais-doodles · 4 years ago
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obsessedwithfandoms · 4 years ago
I saw a post earlier about fancasts for The Remarried Empress and it kept bugging me - who has the right look to play these people?! I think I’ve finally managed to get it right but I know it’ll be for naught once they do actually cast it for the drama. Nevertheless, here’s what I came up with for the four main characters:
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Shin Se Kyung as Empress Navier
For some reason, Shin Se Kyung was the first person to come to mind when I thought of Navier. She can come across as cold and beautiful to me on screen but has enough range to pull off Navier’s softer moments too.
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Hwang In Yeop as Prince Heinley
This wasn’t that hard to think of - Hwang In Yeop has the exact swagger and charm that screams Heinley to me. Plus his pretty boy looks!
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Woo Do Hwan as Emperor Sovieshu
I initially put Lee Jae Wook down for Sovieshu but in retrospect, he is too young compared to the rest of the cast despite. Instead, I found Woo Do Hwan who I think would actually be ideal.
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Chae Soo Bin as Rashta
I like Chae Soo Bin, I do! But she has that sweet innocent look that Rashta has but I know from her previous work, she can play a devious character well too, making her a perfect balance for Rashta.
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Choi Jin Hyuk as Grand Duke Kaufman
This came to me as I was looking at the newest chapter and Sovieshu was being terrible again so I started thinking of more pleasant people like Kaufman and how much I missed him and who could play him and suddenly Choi Jin Hyuk came to mind. His beautiful voice and appearance as well as his longing looks (remember Last Empress? Good times) would make him a perfect Kaufman.
These remain entirely my own opinion, feel free to disagree! I’m a little obsessed with this webtoon, ngl. I hope the drama gets picked up soon!
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
heinley: sorry, i can't make it, my wife just gave birth
mckenna: you've known the baby for, what, a day? and me 18 years? but ok whatever
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webtoon9715 · 3 years ago
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I can't wait for the second season ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
Webtoon name: Remarried empress (재혼 황후)
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sharmeeeng · 5 years ago
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| Remarried Empress on Maybe Interactive Stories Game
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flastar13 · 4 years ago
I imagine it would be the two of them running a family business, Heinly is the new boss after the sudden death of his older brother, Mckenna his sensible cousin and secretary who tries unsuccessfully to make him stop sighing for Navier, the wife of the owner of rival company Sovieshu. .
Heinrey, singing: Can we pretend those airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
Mckenna: I could really use a wish right now for you to shut up.
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rainberrydrops · 4 years ago
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while her shitty husband cheated on her with a trashy woman, Navier got two esteemed gentleman fighting for her hands 😍
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yuna143 · 3 years ago
Any feedback ?
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