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thereissomehope · 5 months ago
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masterlist • archive of our own • pinterest chapter board
summary: Since a tender age, you have been raised to be the perfect noble lady. You yearned for a different life, to be free, but it wasn't possible, your destiny was to be married to the best suitor. Still, you could hope for something different. it could never happen to you, could it?
warnings: manwha/novel spoilers. unrealistic (and cute) bird behaviour.
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Chapter 2 : Amity.
A few days had passed since you had brought your unexpected guest home.
“You are so cute, aren’t you? So lovely!”
The maids' voices mingled over each other, their high pitch echoing on the room's walls. All of them stood around a little table, surrounding it, and in the middle of the table stood the little bird, gazing at the maids while occasionally chirping.
You smiled at the scene, almost tempted to join the maids in their cooing.
A few days had passed since you had brought your unexpected guest home. The start had been rocky, but everything was going smoothly. The bird was now responsive, moving around their cage. When you let her out of it, she moved with what you would call curiosity, jumping from place to place, looking at you with her large black eyes. Her presence alone would lift your mood significantly, something which also applies to the home staff.
All of sudden, your room needed much more cleaning than usual, because in the little time the bird had been here, half of the maids had taken to “cleaning” your room. They spent most of their time fawning over your little guest rather than cleaning, though.
You sat back in your chair, hearing the maids discuss something animatedly, and looked back at the book in your lap.
After wondering for days, your question about the bird’s species was soon answered after a look through ‘The Birds of the Western Kingdom’. Even though the book might be a little old (judging by the word kingdom instead of empire on the cover) its contents were still reliable. The grayish-blue color of its feathers and plump, round body had already given you an idea, but now it was confirmed. The species of the bird was a bluebird, a fitting name for your small friend. Additionally, the book had also revealed that your little friend was, in fact, a little lady, something that had delighted you greatly.
The maids also seemed delighted in the company of the bird, constantly cooing over her. Things were going well, the peace and warmness in the house was something that you could get used to.
“My lady?” The voice of one of the maids interrupted your thinking. It was Elli. She had been in the service of the manor ever since you arrived in the capital, and you were more than used to her, even considering her a friend. She cleared her throat, clasping her hands in front of her.
“Well, my lady. The rest of the maids and I were wondering…” She trailed off slightly, looking to the side. “Have you thought of naming the bird?”
That got you off guard. In the time you had with the bluebird, you hadn’t thought of giving it a name. It surprised you hadn’t thought one, but you supposed that in your worry, it didn’t even cross your mind.
“Erm, not... really? I hadn't considered it,” you confessed, standing up from your chair. The maids looked at each other excitedly.
“Then, what if we name it now? I mean, if you approve, my lady!” Elli was quick to calm herself, but she seemed as excited as the rest of the maids. You smiled, and walked towards the group, while the maids giggled.
“Yes, that is a good idea.”
You stood between the maids, looking towards the little blue bird on the table. The bird looked back at you, moving its head to the side and back to the front.
“Um, I can’t think of anything…what do you have in mind?” You asked, looking at the group around you. The maids quickly sprang into action.
“Let’s name it Betty!”
“I think Marian it's sweet-sounding, perfect for such a cute bird!”
“Well, I think Blue could be a nice name!”
“Blue? Isn’t that a little obvious?”
“Could you think something better?”
The voices of the maids sounded on top of each other while they discussed, the bickering growing louder and louder.
“Now, now, no need for that!” You tried calming the maids, but to no avail, since they continued arguing over names. “Hey, listen a second!... Please? Girls! HEY!” You clapped as loudly as you could, the sound echoing loudly in the room. All the maids stopped in the middle of their arguing and bowed their heads while apologizing.
“What am I going to do with you all?” you sighted, rubbing between your eyes. The maids continued apologizing while you did so, but one little voice made you raise your head.
“Excuse me, my lady?” From the back, one of the maids spoke up. The other ones stepped aside, revealing a young maid. She seemed nervous, shuffling in place. You gave her the chance to speak.
“Well, my lady, I was thinking…” she started, her freckled cheeks turning red with all the attention on her. “That, um, maybe we could call the bird.. er, Amity?
“Amity?” That name picked your interest, so you curiously asked her what she meant.
“Well, yes, it’s a word I learned the other day,” she smiled, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. “I thought it would be nice fit, since, well… things have gotten better, my lady. And this bird is the representation of that, isn’t it? I mean, we could still name it anything else, it --“ She started rambling, obviously nervous.
“No, no! Don’t be sorry, I think is perfect,” you stopped her, sending a reassuring smile her way. The rest of the maids nodded, accepting the name as well. ” But most importantly… what do you think, Amity?”
You picked up the bird in your palm, holding it close. For a moment, the bird only watched you, but then it jumped, chirping loudly and dancing in your palm. The maids and you laughed at the reaction, caressing the little bird.
“Well, I think that means she likes it!”
The rest of the evening was spent cooing over Amity, with the number of maids eventually descending, until only you and a handful remained. You were putting books back on the shelf when Elli interrupted you.
“Shall I prepare a dress beforehand, my lady?” Elli stood close to the closet, already opening it and rummaging through the clothes.
“A dress?” You turned to face her, not understanding what she meant. She turned and looked at you, confused for a moment before answering.
“For the tea party tomorrow, my lady.”
There was going to be a tea party in the palace, a reunion between noble ladies before the ball was held in some days. Lady Nevea had specially reserved a place within the palace to host it, so it would be rude of you to not attend. Amity seemed to be doing well enough as it was, and you had the help of the maids, so it wouldn’t be a bother. Besides, you could use the reunion to enjoy yourself, and being honest, eating the pastries was also high on your list of reasons to go.
“Yes, of course. Please get the dress ready for tomorrow Elli. Thanks.”
The tea party had been pleasant. The place had been decorated in beautiful white cloths that shone with the afternoon light. The mood at the place was warm and cheerful, with most of the nobles having a good time.
All kinds of delicacies were served at the tables, from puddings to cookies and cakes, and you had your fill. You met with your friends and chatted the evening away, laughing and enjoying the food. Everyone had enjoyed themselves so much that the party lasted until the sun had gone down.
By the time it was over, you were glad you had attended instead of staying home, even though your mind kept wandering to thoughts of Amity during the gathering.
You walked the halls, moving towards the entrance so you could go to your home. The afternoon sun had long since set, and the candles shone dimly in the dark hallway. You looked out of the window, watching the moon rise in the night sky. You were distracted, but the sound of another pair of footsteps made you turn.
At first glance, you didn’t realize who he was. Between the tiredness clouding your mind and the darkness, there was nothing you could pinpoint about them. You didn’t recognize the face of the man walking down the hall, mistaking him as just another noble who was going their way. But once you had gotten closer to him, you noticed.
The moonlight streaming from the windows enhanced his grayish hair and the golden-brown skin, his expression was firm and serious but what you noticed were those clear, sharp eyes posed straight ahead. Then, you realized that it was him, the man from days ago, the one you had – literally - run into.
The two of you were getting nearer with every step, and the increasing closeness only helped to increase your nerves. Did he recognize you? He didn’t seem to do so; he didn’t seem to have noticed you at all with the way his gaze was straight ahead. Ignoring him would be rude, but if he hadn’t noticed you, then apologizing wasn’t needed. If you just passed by and none of you interacted, it would be alright, maybe you wouldn’t have to---
His gaze was on you now.
This was it, there was no escaping. He was looking at you now and by how he was doing it you were sure he remembered you. You steeled yourself and tried to ignore the embarrassment you were beginning to feel, if you were quick then the shame you felt would be gone by the end of it and the incident with the stranger would be solved.
“Em, excuse me, sir?” You stopped yourself in front of him, cringing internally at the sound of your shaky voice. He had too stopped walking, staring firmly at you and that only served to make you hesitate.
“I’m not sure if you remember,” Your gaze moved to the floor on its own, unable to hold his gaze, but you forced yourself to look into his eyes once again. ”But the other day I accidentally ran into you … I just wanted to apologize properly for doing that…” You gave a bow. “I- I’m really sorry for doing that, sir. I hope it wasn’t an inconvenience for you,”
You waited for his reaction, half expecting him to be mad at you or mock you in some way, but unexpectedly, he didn’t say anything at all, all he did was stare at you for some incredibly long seconds. You thought your legs would give out in any second.
“It’s alright.”
He gave a slight nod, and just with those few words, he continued along his way until he turned a corner and disappeared from your view.  You almost fainted right there, but instead, you turned around and continued on your way home.
Somehow, that had been even more embarrassing than crashing into him.
When you arrived home, you went straight to your room and threw yourself face-first into the pillows. You were sure that Amity was looking at you strangely from inside the cage.
The ball had been a day expected by most, a major holiday that most looked up to during the year. This had been barely your second attendance, and you had been just as excited.
You arrived at the palace in the dress you had prepared weeks prior, the color was a pretty shade, giving you confidence. You walk to one of the groups where your friends are and start talking. The themes were simple, talking about the dresses, which person was here and the plans some of the nobles had. You were chatting with a young countess, who talked animatedly about the trip she was to take soon. However, your chat was cut short by the sound of loud trumpets.
Everyone turned to the entrance of the room, where the Empress and Emperor were making their entrance. Both looked radiant together, their arms linked together with golden crowns in their heads. Empress Navier looked astonishing, her signature red enhancing her regal aura. They walked together to their thrones and once they sat down, the nobles returned to their talks. The murmur of the crowd returned.
The theme changed, the most recent affairs concerning the royals conquering your talk. The heirs were healthy and the empire was thriving, an era of peace seemed to have begun. The diplomatic relations were prospering as well, with the empire as head with various trading deals. You listened as the nobles praised the reign as if they hadn’t ever judged the emperor or empress in their lives.
You looked back towards the emperors, only to notice someone walking over to meet them. Walking up the stairs to where their seats were being none other than the man you had run into. He approached the pair, and after giving a bow, he talked with them. The talk was natural, flowing between them without the stiffness of pleasantries. You could have even said the empress looked pleased.  They all seemed to know each other, and that surprised you greatly. Who was this man?
The countess followed your gaze to where the three of them chatted, and as if realizing your question, she began, “Grand Duke Kaufman is back in the Empire.” She watched the three of them. ”The trade agreement between Luipt and the empire seems to be going well, maybe he came to discuss that? Either way, their majesties and him are close, aren’t they?” She looked over to you, and you nodded. She turned back to the nobleman by her side and resumed talking, but you were still looking over the direction the three were at.
…Grand Duke Kaufman!?
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sharmeeeng · 5 years ago
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| Remarried Empress on Maybe Interactive Stories Game
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13elieve · 4 years ago
grand duke kafmen, whose in love with empress navier, decides to sacrifice himself, by lying to princess charlotte, who loves him btw, that he loves her too and wants to marry her, so that navier doesnt have to worry about koshar's and mastas's happiness.
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bearquirones · 5 years ago
But srsly why wouldn't foreigners be her type??? Kafmen and Heinley are 100000000x better than him in any universe
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This fucking asshole
They literally just came out of a bussinsss meeting?? And his first thought about Navier talking to Kafman is that she’s interested in him????
I’m guessing he’s either:
Trying to pawn his godamn wife off on some rando
Actually jealous of the guys that his wife is “interested in”, even though he’s the one that’s having an affair
Between the two I don’t know which is worse but fuck Sovieshu
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thereissomehope · 2 years ago
grand duke Kaufman x reader
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masterlist (TBA) • archive of our own • pinterest chapter board
summary: Since a tender age, you have been raised to be the perfect noble lady. You yearned for a different life, to be free, but it wasn't possible, your destiny was to be married to the best suitor. Still, you could hope for something different. it could never happen to you, could it?
notes: uploading this in tumblr. i didn't like Kaufman's ending in the novel (no hate to the autor tho) so I'm going to write something different. this is an sort of AU where the whole whitemond/princess Charlotte thing didn't happen.
warnings: manwha/novel spoilers
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Chapter One: Garden
From outside the room, you could hear the quiet mumble of the voices of the maids, their dainty steps against the floors. You could also hear the chirping of birds, and the voices from the staff outside the manor. All were indicators that the day had indeed begun, but you wouldn’t open your eyes yet. Choosing instead to bask in your peace, hoping to be able to savor those few moments where you were no one and the world couldn’t bother you.
The sunlight streamed through the windows, the rays of the sun streaming inside the manor, filling it with the golden haze that comes with the sun, basking in golden the lavish furniture and the marble floors.
The curtain from the bed was pushed to the side, the sunlight from the windows streamed through the opening, hitting your face and making you open your eyes. You squeezed them while rising, resting on your elbows and turning to the side.
“Good morning, my lady.” The maid by the side of the bed bowed, the ones behind her did the same. “It is time to wake up.”
Elli, one of the maids, grabbed a towel, basking it in a basin full of water before helping you clean your face. Other maids helped you stand up, bringing trays with food and drink. They helped you undress, getting the nightgown off of you and dressing you back into new clothing for the day. They brushed your hair and helped you get ready for the day.
This was how most of your days would begin. The maids would come in, rising you from your slumber and back to the routine that was your day-to-day life.
You were used to it, to the routine. To the way, most events would repeat themselves through the week, and once again happen the next, and the next one after that. It was part of your life, of who you were. You still couldn’t help but wonder about more and yearn.
- What dress will you wear today, my lady? Will you like the blue one? - The weather is lovely, it's sure to be sunny for the rest of the day - what do you wish to eat today? I will notice the chef immediately. – The marquis sent a letter, my Lady. They said they will be back in a few weeks. - The voices of the maids surrounded you while they dressed you. One tied the blue lace of the dress while the other talked, and you were in the middle of their swarm.
Before long, you were parting from the manor. You told the butler your indications for the day and got on the carriage for your leave.
“Did you hear that Lord Kosair is in a relationship? I’m so jealous!”
A group of noble ladies chattered in one of the gardens of the palace. The young women talked, waving their fans and giggling under their flowery sunhats. The long winter had finally faded, and everyone wanted to rejoice in the so waited spring. The young ladies were no exception.
“Ugh, yes, I heard that. There go any of my chances with him,” said one of the ladies, getting her blonde hair out of her face before continuing talking. “I guess I will have to find myself some company in the ball next week.”
“Some company? Why not better one pretender?”
The ladies laughed loudly, covering their smiles behind hands and fans. They continued laughing and joking about noblemen while you listened, laughing occasionally.
You enjoyed talking with the ladies during your free days. Their company was amusing, a welcomed change to the usual quietness of the manor and the boredom of most of your days. It was a nice way to spend the sunny days of spring.
You were deep in thought when someone called your name.
“What about you? Are you going to go hunting in the ball, too?” the blonde smiled at you, the other ladies also watching with expecting smiles in their faces.
“Um, no, no.” you smiled sheepishly, “I don’t think I will… It is not my kind of thing, I guess,” you laughed at that, albeit a little awkwardly.
“Oh, well, I guess that means more for us. Isn’t that right, ladies?” the blonde asked, a flirtatious smirk appearing on her face. The ladies giggled at that, looking mischievously at each other.
“Well, do not forget to wear your best dresses. I’m sure that it is going to be a fruitful night for us.”
“Oh, yes, I heard that foreign visitors would be attending.”
“Is that so? Pray tell, who are they?”
“Well, there is...”
The chatter continued for some time after that. With all the ladies sharing their excitement over the ball and discussing their dressings. Before long, you were all splitting up, each continuing with your day before the sun set.
You looked around the palace as you walked. You didn’t have any urgent matters to attend to today, so you could surely take a rest before returning home. With that in mind, you walked towards your destination.
The garden was a quiet place, as always. The leaves of the trees were greener than you had seen them, the flowers bloomed and the daffodils danced to the gentle sways of the wind.
It was a beautiful day. The sky was lively, with some white clouds dispersed across the blue. The sun shone in the endless sky, shining brightly giving you blissful warmth from above. You sighted upon feeling the welcomed warmth on your skin and looked around.
The gardens of the palace were of your favorite places. Filled with stunning greenery that made you feel like you were in a forest, the garden was like a paradise for you. The plants and the flowers transmitted calmness to you, and you would constantly seek solace there.
Even though the gardens were beautiful, they were quite lonely. There were other open gardens, much bigger and with splendid views, those were much more visited. This one had turned into a secondary one, almost forgotten, with visits being either lonely people who wished to enjoy their solitude, or couples that looked for privacy for their affections. You were one of the former, the quietness allowed you to think in peace. You would always go there to clear your mind and appreciate the view.
You walked along the path and observed. This was a favorite part of yours, with tall trees and bushes, some flowers were speckled here and there too, with yellows, pinks, and reds dancing in your periphery. There were little sounds apart from the distant cries of birds and the whispers of the wind between the branches.
You stopped walking past some bushes when you heard it. A quiet, pitiful sound that would have been imperceptible if not for the silence. You turned, contemplating the sound before walking towards the bush. You peeked, if ever so slowly, and discovered a blue spot among the sea of daffodils.
A little bird was writhing on the ground; the poor thing was the source of the pitiful cries. Its wings were sprawled, moving when it jerked and turned. You walked some steps closer, beyond the bush, and kneeled. Dirt stained your dress, and the daffodils protested your movements. Still, you moved closer, lowering your hands, and with the most care you could, grabbed it and raised it from the ground. The bird shrieked at first but calmed after a few seconds. You took the chance to inspect it closely.
At first glance, it looked fine. If it was just based on its looks, its healthy blue feathers and plump body may have fooled you. Yet, a closer look revealed the problem, you saw how one of its wings rested lower, languidly.
Its wing was broken. That alone could prove to be fatal. A bird with a broken wing was helpless against predators and unable to feed itself, simply helpless. Even, if it had hit one of the windows or walls nearby and fallen down the hit could have caused internal damage. Leaving it here meant a guaranteed death. The only way for the bird to make was for it to go with you.
But, did you know how to treat it? You had some knowledge of birds, but one thing was reading about it and another doing it. It felt more pressuring knowing that what you did would have a consequence on an actual living thing.
But the thing was, the bird had no other options besides you. It needed your help, and it needed it now. There was no time to hesitate, you would have to act now. There would be plenty of time to doubt yourself later.
With a newfound resolve, you stood up with the bird in your arms. You could run towards one of the carriages, and once you were home you would be able to start helping. So you turned around and started sprinting, looking down at the bird and checking on it. You were about to raise your head when you crashed, hitting your head harshly, giving some backward steps before you lose your footing and started falling. A solid, firm wall had appeared on your way, from where you didn’t know, but it didn’t matter now. You really hoped your dress would soften the fall, it would really--
You hadn’t hit the ground yet.
Instead of the cold, harsh ground, you felt warmth enveloping you, holding you in place. You slowly opened your eyes, and what you weren’t expecting was a pair of clear eyes greeting your own. The confusion quickly turned to realization.
You didn’t hit a wall – oh, no - you hit the chest of a man. A tall one at that. A tall man that was holding you in place, holding you pretty close to him.
You forgot how to breathe, you didn’t move, you didn’t even think because you didn’t know how to function anymore. Time had seemed to stop in that instant.
Your eyes were set in those clear ones, – silver, you realized – and you couldn’t move your gaze. His eyes looked right back at you, seemingly looking so deep they might as well be seeing your soul. You couldn’t look away, you didn’t wa ---
There was rustling against your chest and your gaze was directed to it. When you looked at it, you snapped out of the daze.
'The bird!'
Thoughts came back to you and with them, the awareness of your… position. You pushed yourself quickly out of his hold.
“I’m…I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to hit you!” You gave a quick bow to show you were sorry and hoped that the stranger understood your clumsiness. Yet, the man stared at you with an expression of surprise and heat rose to your cheeks. You could only hope your face wasn’t as red as you felt it was. You gave another hasty bow and passed the man, rushing to the nearest carriage you could find.
Thankfully, your arrived quickly at your home and started attending to the poor bird.
With care, you cleaned the bird, looking for injuries. You were lucky because apart from its wing, nothing else seemed to have problems. You checked the bird as one of the books suggested, and everything was well. Its eyes were normal, nothing was bleeding and apart from the shock, everything hinted that she was well.
You wrapped a cloth around her wing and body, immobilizing the injured wing, and placed it on a cushion on your bed. It hadn’t moved yet, and wouldn’t do so in some hours, so for the moment, it was alright to leave it alone. You still had to search for a place to accommodate her, and you had the right thing in mind.
You rummaged through your room, looking inside your closet and under tables until you stopped in front of your bed. You knelt down and placed your arm under the bed, moving your arm left and right until you felt the iron bars in your hand. Once you had grabbed it, you pulled it out, small clouds of dust rising with it. Even though it had been there for a long time, the cage looked in good shape.
When you were much younger than now, you had gotten this cage with the intention to start raising a bird of your own. You had read more than a dozen books about birds in your preparation for raising one. You were incredibly excited about it and waited for the day you could get one. You thought that if you had a little companion with you, your days at the manor would be a little less lonely.
Your parents were quick to put the notion away. You still remembered what they had said. They couldn’t have you distracted from your studies by some ‘pesky, parasite-ridden beast'.
So the idea of ever having a bird, (or even a pet of any other kind) was thrown away.
You cried profoundly after that, not even the maids were able to comfort you, and you felt down for the next month or so. But maybe it was for the better. Your younger self, no matter how enthusiastic, wouldn’t have been able to care for a bird. Thinking that didn't push the bitterness of the memory away, though.
You interrupted the memory by calling a maid, asking her for some old newspapers. You watched the cage again, smiling faintly.
Even after the harsh denial, you had kept the hope that one day you could have a feathery companion. You had kept the cage for many years and even brought it with you after moving from the march almost two years ago. It seemed that it was worth keeping the hope because you had one now. Even though it wasn’t under the best of circumstances.
When the maid came in with the newspapers, you thanked her and asked her to prepare you a bath. You put the papers on the bottom of the cage, and with care, placed the bird on the center of it. You moved the cage to the warmest spot in the room, one that was close to the window. You put a cloth over the cage, hoping that it would help with the bird’s shock.
The maid came back at that moment to tell you that your bath was ready. You checked for the last time that the bird was fine, and walked to the bathroom. You took off your clothes and gave them to the maid, and once you were alone, entered the bathtub.
You submerged yourself in the warm water. The smell of the essences allowed your body to relax and you rested your head against the tub. A sigh escaped your mouth, and you started to clean yourself.
The water swayed with your movements, and your mind started to relax, as well. Your thoughts wandered over to the preparations of today. You weren’t particularly excited about the party. But an opportunity to expand your social circle was something it was better to take advantage of. Getting to talk with people you usually didn’t sounded good, as well. Maybe you could see some new faces in there.
Thinking about new faces, you remembered the stranger you met today. Or more like, the one you crashed against.
‘He was so handsome.'
Blood rushed to your cheeks, what were you even thinking? You splashed some water into your face, embarrassed at your own thoughts. You tried to remember if you knew of any noble with the stranger's appearance, but none seemed to match. Besides, you were sure you could not forget eyes like those.
You submerged your face in the water, that should help the heat in your cheeks.
You stepped out of the tub and once you had dried yourself, dressed in more comfortable clothing. You got back to your room and checked the little bird. It seemed to be resting on the center of the cage, its breathing was calm and even.
You looked at a chair that was by the window, it looked very cozy, so you grabbed a book nearby and sat down. You read through the pages until your gaze wandered to the window nearby. The sky was a lively shade of blue, and you watched some birds in the distance, flying high under the shining sun. You smiled to yourself, it was a beautiful day.
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thereissomehope · 2 years ago
Unexpected: masterlist
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pairing: grand duke kaufman x reader
summary: Since a tender age, you have been raised to be the perfect noble lady. You yearned for a different life, to be free, but it wasn’t possible, your destiny was to be married to the best suitor. Still, you could hope for something different. it could never happen to you, could it?
slow burn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, fluff.
Post canon. Beware remarried empress novel/manwha spoilers!!!
ao3 • pinterest board •
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Chapter Index
Chapter One: Garden
Chapter Two: Amity.
Chapter Three: Greetings.
Chapter Four: Meetings.
Chapter Five: Books.
Chapter Six: Hostility.
Chapter Seven: Kindness.
Chapter Eight: Gift.
Chapter Nine: Differences.
Chapter Ten: Drizzle.
Chapter Eleven: Deluge.
Chapter Twelve: Farewell.
Chapter Thirteen: Oddness.
Chapter Fourteen: Masquerade.
Chapter Fifteen: Happenstance.
Chapter Sixteen: Reminisce.
Chapter Seventeen: Downfall.
Chapter Eighteen: progress: 65%
Chapter Nineteen: progress: 45%
Chapter Twenty: progress: 10%
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manhwachildzo · 3 years ago
Me and my moot talked about this together and they made some really REALLY good points about it. So I’m gonna put in some things that they’ve said while also stating my opinion. PS: this is my other account.
 The webtoon missed some important details that make Heinry and Navier more relatable/realistic, so I can see where you come from. How is Heinry a bad person for being friends with Navier? He never made moves on her and never disrespected her boundaries, he even made sure that she’s comfortable with him. It was her that asked him for marriage. He’s not creepy, he’s just a friend that never crossed that line. Yes, he flirted but made sure that she wasn’t uncomfortable.And putting racism in the argument is out of the question since slavery was caused by crimes, not race.
Neither Rashta nor Navier are Mary Sues. Rashta has way too many flaws to even be one, while Navier has so many people that dislike and hate her. She has no social skills because of how she grew up and her upbringing, everyone sees her as cold and emotionless. And her only supporters were her family, the maids, Kafmen, and Heinry who have spent most of the time with her and got to know her.
I stated that Rashta was a misogynistic hypocrite because she brought down Lady Nian, calling her a whore for having many male acquaintances and friends while 1, doing the same thing and even bragging to herself about it, and 2, not caring when the men around her do that. She also blamed Navier for seducing Heinry without even knowing anything about their relationship.
I never said that Rashta wasn’t dehumanized, I just stated the 0 sense in people who view nobles as spoiled and pampered since, being a noble doesn’t make you unable to have emotions and go through a lot. 
 I talked about people calling her a “cold empress” because it proves how society in TRE can dehumanize basically anyone. I was simply stating the fact that it’s wrong. Rashta’s babyshower incident happened because RASHTA provoked Navier in the first place. Navier clearly wanted to be isolated from society and was worried about keeping her reputation together, because of Rashta she was hated when she did something and was called “cruel and provoking” but when she didn’t do anything about it she was called “passive and a coward” plus, didn’t you say that Rashta’s actions could’ve been prevented. Well, so could’ve Naviers. If Rashta never tried to ruin her reputation unprovoked the babyshower wouldn’t have happened.  The decorative sword incident didn’t mean that Rashta’s kid was a decoration. She meant that the kid will live in luxury but won’t be a successor (which is exactly what Sovieshu also told rashta in the next chapter)
You completely went into a whole other topic of her ladies in waiting disrespecting Rashta, and I know you said that it’s dehumanizing, there’s a difference between spreading rumors about someone who’s minding their own business and without even being unprovoked. Which isn’t what happened, Rashta disrespected Navier’s boundaries and even ripped her dress. Although it was an accident the ladies in waiting’s reaction was realistic and understandable. Did she go too far? Yes. But she felt threatened by Rashta because she knew her intentions and only wanted to defend Navier. And yes I agree, it was wrong and disrespectful of her.
I hate Rashta because when she finally became empress she started bullying the maids. HER. OWN. SUPPORTERS. I can understand going for people who are in your way, even though it’s not ok it’s understandable. But she cut out Delises tounge out like nothing. She started bullying and tormenting her own supporters which makes no sense. After becoming empress her motive went from “I want to escape slavery” to “I want the empress position because I love the power I have over everyone” which makes no sense since Sovieshu already promised her a happy and safe live. But she ended her own career because being a rich noble wasn’t enough, she had to be above everyone.
 And if it’s so bad that Navier “supported slavery” which she had no power of controlling, what about when Rashta became empress? Didn’t she have the same power? Wasn’t she empress? 
 Heinry isn’t a bad parent because he chose Lari since he had to rule a WHOLE EMPIRE. He knew that she had more of a chance of being able to rule an empire because Kai was passive about even his feelings.Why did you read both webtoon and novel if you don’t even like it? You just misunderstood the story completely. I mean, maybe you didn’t like it while reading it so you might’ve seen it in a bad light.
The irony within the manwha community is that they love to see their main characters being girlboss and absolutely trashing people who’ve wronged them, but hate it when someone points out that they should girlboss and cut ties with an important character who is either one of the male leads or the dad (and it’s always men with these traits for some reason, there has never been a second female lead with toxic characteristics at the same severity as the men have unless it’s the main villain/ness. And even then, the second female lead is usually hated in the community more than the male lead or dad that shows/showed toxic/lokey abusive/apathetic/no morality characteristics or is just a plain bad person who did bad things/screwed up for no reason).
Like,,, isn’t the whole point of a ‘strong, independent female lead’ supposed to cut off those who are red flags? I guess it only applies to characters the fan base doesn’t like, because all hell breaks lose if it’s a character the fan base does like for whatever reason :|
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