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tina-aumont · 1 year ago
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Beautiful photos of María Montez and her sisters.
These photos come from the personal archive of Armando Gracia Sanfiel who gave them to Antonio Perez Arnay who published them in the biographical book of María Montez "La Reina del Tecnicolor" (Editorial Filmoteca Canaria, 1995).
Armando Gracia Sanfiel was Aquilino Gracia García's son, and Aquilino was María's uncle (her dad's brother), so Armando was María's cousin.
María sent these three photos to her cousin Armando as they kept contact through letters, Armando was living in Madrid and he didn't know anything about María's private life or from his Dominican family, he just knew from his uncle Isidoro and from his family from La Palma and Teruel.
María and her cousin Armando first reached contact when he sent her a letter when she was living in Hollywood telling her he was her cousin as their dads were brothers and from that day María started sending him letters with photos and she was really interested about her family in Spain and asked him lots of questions about them.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sending me these photos and the information that comes with them.
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vazaez · 2 years ago
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ramenstation · 8 months ago
✦   ๋࣭ ⭑ priv con @bitterswects.
"¡Sujinaaahh!" Exclama en cuanto la ve desde su asiento en una de las mesas y, por supuesto, sin importarle que pueda molestar a otros comensales. "¿No me vas a saludar? Vamos, hasta te traje un regalo de mi viaje." El cual tomó sin siquiera despedirse, a penas avisándole a sus padres. Tan espontáneo como siempre. Y por eso mismo ni se cuestiona el actuar tal no hubiera problema alguno.
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dickggansey · 10 months ago
anoche soñé con mi abuelo que murió haced 17 años y me preguntaba que qué me acordaba de él. mi vieja también estaba ahí y a ella también le preguntaba cosas. what does this mean.... what does this even mean....
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 1 year ago
hacerte preguntas de sonic se siente como hacerle preguntas del minecraft a mi hermano. yo creo que eggman no se llamo eggman toda su vida. para mi que su meta era tener la silueta de un huevo para cambiarse el nombre a eggman
emmm de hecho☝️ eggman se llama ivo robotnik ☝️ "eggman" es un apodo que le puso sonic☝️ pero que el reclamo como si fuera un slur y lo hizo su personalidad
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mossdogs · 30 days ago
nunca voy a entender de donde salio la moda de los carpinchos y lo peor de ella: que los nenes les digan CAPYBARAS
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xanderw · 9 months ago
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' vamos, jo. sabes que si dejas a una persona tan alta como yo sin comer, podemos morir en cualquier momento. ' dramatiza sin problema alguno, sintiéndose en completa comodidad para hacerlo cuando su prima estaba alrededor, apretando sus labios para evitar reír. bufó pero después asintió ' está bien, pero no quiero quejas si te pones toda hiperactiva después y tal. ' se burla, pero le hace un ademán de mano para que le empiece a guiar hacia la cafetería que quisiera ir.
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observó  de  soslayo  a  su  primo,  por  dentro  estaba  juzgando  sus  decisiones.  pero  era  una  idea  tentadora.  “  ¿qué  hay  de  bimbo?  ¿lo  vas  a  dejar  sin  su  madre?  sabes  que  esa  película  no  tiene  final  feliz para ellos…”  su  tono  denotaba  burla,  no  contuvo  una  pequeña  risa  al  referirse  de  esa  forma  a  su  profesor.  “  prefiero  los  snacks,  aunque  escuché  de  una  buena  cafetería.  ”  josephine  nunca  prometió  bajar  su  consumo  de  cafeína,  sería  una  vil  mentira,  esperaba  que  xander  le  diera  el  gusto  de  acompañarla.
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call-me-rucy · 10 days ago
Cetanganda ch. 6: The after?party
"I swear by my word as Vorkosigan" This is so nostlagic, he sounds like his dad.
Fake key, huh?
*yes I know it's not her title but she looks like shes gonna be empress since she wants the key and she had it from the previous empress.
"I already know enough to destroy you. Tell me enough to save you!"
Is a brilliant quote!!
Eight. Cetagandan. Capitals? Eh?? THIS IS CRAZY!!
(A thing I love about this books is that regardless of the info in each book, which is more than sufficient to carry the plot, you can also have the extra info of reading the other books. Like, if you read this book first, Cetagandan aspirations are well explained but knowing what they have done is. A whole other scale.)
"No battle-plan survives first contact with the enemy". Someone has said that. Idk if it was Aral or Tung but it has reference vibes.
An internet search says it was "Prussian Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke".
An internet search including "vorkosigan" is returning "A Civil Campaign". Which is in the opposite temporal direction.
A further internet search is returning Vorkosigan fanfic.
I'm giving up. (Does anyone happen to know this by heart?)
I hope I see you again too, Rian Degtiar! :"D
Ah. So Ivan is taking "a tour" "of the house" with two ladies. With two. Ay, Ivan...
POISONED?! It was supposed to be a joke!! Miles' paranoia!!
The fact that the first question is if he killed anyone...
"Primito" in English appears to be "coz" but primito, lil' cousin, is so adorable.
Miles reluctancy to rely on other SegImp personnel is gonna come bite us all in the back. The moment to confess is now, my boy!!
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gogog-s · 2 months ago
★┆Esta es mi humilde apreciación del papel de los miembros de la batifamilia: 🦇
–Bruce: El típico papá latinoamericano, el otro, no el que se fue a comprar cigarros y ya no volvió, es el típico papá que aparece cuando repruebas una materia. Dice que te ama, pero lo dice de una manera que lo dudas, simpre que le reclamas te dice que a él lo criaron peor, quiere que te vayas de la casa lo antes posible.
–Alfred: Ese abuelito que todo el mundo quiere tener pero que pocos tienen el privilegio de tenerlo. Tiene miles de historias que contar de sus días de gloria, no puede estar sin hacer nada, tiene un buen salario.
–Dick: Tiene personalidad de mamá gringa, el hermano mayor bueno que no existe y que casi nadie tiene, el tío genial que presume los músculos que tiene por ir al gym una vez a la semana.
–Jason: Es la tía gorda chismosa y loca, además de alcohólica y mandona. La que se la pasa criticando 24/7, come como animal, se sabe lo que pasa en cualquier lugar y nunca pierde una discusión.
–Tim: Es ese tío que se desaparece y que no vuelve hasta acción de gracias o Navidad porque se padre le ordenó venir. Actualmente es genial, pero parece un nerd porque no va al gym, se la pasa durmiendo y tiene depresión.
–Damian: Ese primito o hermano pequeño que es la cosa más odiosa y malvada que hayas tenido la desgracia de conocer, siempre hace maldades y nunca lo atrapan, si se pone a llorar mueve al mundo entero, te odia.
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tina-aumont · 10 months ago
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Bervely Hills, el 14 de noviembre de 1944
Querido primo Armando:
Con inmenso placer recibí hace tres días tu cariñosa cartita y tu foto y la foto del primo Isidoro que tanto se parece al pobre tío Joaquín (q. e. p. e.).
Tu carta y tu retrato estaban esperando en casa, pues yo estaba en Nueva York adonde fui a hacer una aparición en la Radio y al mismo tiempo ir a buscar a mis hermanas Ada, Consuelo y Lucita las cuales están como yo contentísimas de encontrarse con un primito tan simpático y elegante.
Yo enseguida que recibí tu primera carta le escribí a mis hermanos y al primo Aquilino para que se pusieran en contacto contigo.
Gracias por el recorte de periódico que me mandaste, eres muy gentil y tengo muchos deseos de conocerte personalmente, tal vez te das un viajecito por estos lares o te veré cuando yo vaya por allá que será tan pronto se acabe esta maldita guerra.
En sobre separado te enviamos las muchachas y yo varias fotos de nosotras, para que tú veas cómo en realidad son tus primitas de América.
Te agradecería infinito si me das la dirección del resto de la familia —de mi prima Australia y los hijos de tía Tomasa la cual me dijo Aquilino el primo, está muerta, ¡la pobre!— ¿Cuántos hijos dejó Tomasa? ¿y Gaudencia?
¿Y están aún vivos los tíos de papá?
¿Cuántos hermanos son usdes.?
¿Adónde están el resto?
¿Y hace mucho tiempo que están en Madrid?
Pásame la dirección del primo Isidoro —desearía escribirle a él también y enviarle unas fotos.
Nosotros somos diez, ¡sí, diez! Cinco hembras y cinco varones. Mamá se mudó a la capital que se llama: Trujillo City y queda sólo cuatro horas de Barahona adonde nacimos nosotros —allá con mamá están todos los hermanos, y la pequeñita que sólo tiene 12 años y se llama Teresita —y es lindísima—, mi hermano Isidorito que es el mayor está con mamá y es un señorito muy simpático pero holgazán, mi hermano Aquilino es el jefe de la familia y el encargado de nuestros negocios que es una plantación y negocios de madera los cuales importamos a Inglaterra y Estados Unidos y en tiempo de paz a Alemania y Holanda, Joaquín está aún en la escuela, lo mismo Luis y Jaime, que acaban de entrar en cursos teóricos —Luis se parece algo a tu foto, y Jaime es muy rubio. Aquilino se parece a papá y es muy alto y guapo. Teresita está también en un colegio, mejor debo decir, convento, muy buena estudiante y habla ya el inglés bastante bien.
Ada, Consuelo y Lucita, las cuales puedes ver en las fotos cómo son, se van a quedar aquí conmigo y tratan de hacer carrera —Lucita quiere ser artista de cine y Consuelo modista diseñadora de trajes y sombreros, y Adita no quiere hacer nada, sólo casarse con un millonario, lo cual no es mala carrera, ¿eh? Pero yo no la fuerzo a hacer nada, ella ya verá cómo le gusta la vida sin trabajar, lo cual aquí es muy difícil de sobrellevar. Aquí todo el mundo trabaja, es un vicio.
Tan pronto se acabe la guerra, mamá piensa ir a vivir a España, tal vez en Barcelona o Teruel y se lleva allá a Luis, Jaime y Teresita y formar hogar adonde está nuestra familia, pues en Santo Domingo no tenemos nosotros a nadie, sólo el primo Aquilino.
Espero, pues, hayas ya visto «Arabian Nights» que fué la primera película estelar que yo hice de importancia, después de ésta hice: White Savage que creo la llaman La Blanca Salvaje ó «La reina de la Selva», «La Mujer Cobra», «Ali Babá», «Alma Gitana” (Gipsy Wildcat), y una en trajes modernos llamada «Bowery to Broadway» (no sé cómo la llamarán en español) y mi último film llamado «La Reina del Nilo», la cual es muy bonita película y de un tecnicolor precioso. Aún no sé cuál será mi próxima.
Ésta es una carta enorme y llena de información, ¿verdad?
Cariñosos abrazos a Isidoro y la demás familia.
Ada, Consuelo y Lucita te envían sus afectuosos saludos.
Cariñosamente, tu prima.
Beverly Hills, November 14, 1944
Dear cousin Armando:
With immense pleasure I received three days ago your affectionate little letter and your photo and the photo of cousin Isidoro who looks so much like poor uncle Joaquín (r.i.p.).
Your letter and your portrait were waiting at home, because I was in New York where I went to make an appearance on the Radio and at the same time go look for my sisters Ada, Consuelo and Lucita who, like me, are very happy to meet with such a nice and elegant cousin.
As soon as I received your first letter, I wrote to my brothers and cousin Aquilino to get in touch with you.
Thank you for the newspaper clipping you sent me, you are very kind and I really want to meet you personally, maybe you will take a little trip around these parts or I will see you when I go there, which will be as soon as this damn war is over.
In a separate envelope, the girls and I sent you several photos of us, so that you can see what your little cousins from America really look like.
I would be extremely grateful if you would give me the address of the rest of the family—my cousin Australia and Aunt Tomasa's children, whom Aquilino, the cousin, told me is dead, poor thing!—How many children did Tomasa leave behind? And Gaudencia?
And are Dad's uncles still alive?
How many brothers are you?
Where are the rest?
And have they been in Madrid for a long time?
Give me cousin Isidoro's address—I would like to write to him too and send him some photos.
We are ten, yes, ten! Five females and five males. Mom moved to the capital called: Trujillo City and it is only four hours from Barahona where we were born - all the siblings are there with Mom, and the little one who is only 12 years old and her name is Teresita - and she is very cute - my Brother Isidorito, who is the eldest, is with mother and is a very nice but lazy young man. My brother Aquilino is the head of the family and in charge of our business, which is a plantation and wood business which we import to England and the United States. in peacetime to Germany and Holland, Joaquín is still in school, as are Luis and Jaime, who have just started theoretical courses —Luis looks something like your photo, and Jaime is very blonde. Aquilino looks like dad and is very tall and handsome. Teresita is also in a school, I should say, a convent, a very good student and she already speaks English quite well.
Ada, Consuelo and Lucita, who you can see in the photos what they are like, are going to stay here with me and try to make a career - Lucita wants to be a film artist and Consuelo a dressmaker, a designer of suits and hats, and Adita doesn't want to do anything, just marry a millionaire, which isn't a bad career, eh? But I don't force her to do anything, she will see how she likes life without working, which is very difficult to cope with here. Here everyone works, it's a vice.
As soon as the war is over, Mom plans to go live in Spain, perhaps in Barcelona or Teruel and she will take Luis, Jaime and Teresita there and make a home where our family is, because in Santo Domingo we have no one, only cousin Aquilino.
I hope, then, that you have already seen "Arabian Nights" which was the first major star film that I made, after this I made: "White Savage", which I think they call "The Wild White" or "The Queen of the Jungle", "Cobra Woman", «Ali Baba», «Alma Gitana» (Gipsy Wildcat), and one in modern costumes called «Bowery to Broadway» (I don't know what they will call it in Spanish) and my latest film called «The Queen of the Nile», which It is a very beautiful film and a beautiful technicolor. I still don't know what my next one will be.
This is a huge letter full of information, right?
Affectionate hugs to Isidoro and the rest of the family.
Ada, Consuelo and Lucita send you their affectionate greetings.
Kindly, your cousin.
First of some letters that are going to be published here just to know a little bit more about Maria, her family and her relationship she had with his cousin Armando Gracia Sanfiel.
This transcription is possible thanks to @74paris who sent me a document called "Los orígenes turolenses y canarios de la actriz de Hollywood María Montez" written by María Victória Hernández Pérez, courtesy of Cabildo de la Palma.
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xanderw · 9 months ago
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no pudo evitar carcajear por la manera en la que su prima actuaba, no le veía hace ya un tiempo por lo que pasar tiempo con ella no era algo que negaba cuando tenían oportunidad. ' he dejado mi vida entera en londres para venir a verte y dudas de mí, no hay nada que me rompa más el corazón, jo. ' bromeó mientras que una sonrisa se le dibujaba por los labios y después bufó. ' comes muy lento. ' le molestó el castaño antes de terminarse por completo su botella de agua, dejándola en la mesa. ' vamos pues, así me actualizas sobre tus grandes aventuras en reverie. ' añade mientras que se levanta de la mesa y estira levemente sus extremidades.
@xanderw ha dicho: ¿y si esta noche salimos a caminar un poco?
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RESTAURANTE DE LUJO // ʻ ¿qué hiciste, xander? ʼ fue lo primero que atinó a preguntar, su tono denotaba más picardía que preocupación. la propuesta no sonaba nada mal, pues estaba por terminar su cena; la langosta del mar egeo era una delicia y, de todos modos, con la gran porción que había llegado a su mesa, pensaba dar una vuelta a la manzana. ʻ te invité a cenar porque no he escuchado mucho de ti. llegaste hace, ¿semanas? tengo mis razones para sospechar que me ocultas algo. ʼ intentó verse indignada, pero la actuación no era su fuerte, y su primo lo sabía mejor que nadie. ʻ si quieres, podemos irnos ahora. no creo poder con el plato yo sola. ʼ
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gamerbearmira · 7 months ago
The worlds my oyster im the pearl
I started this a while ago and only just finished it, as per usual LMAOOO
Nan but uhhhh in between writing for the giftless grandkids and art, I did this at some point. Finally decided to finish it, and then I finished the drawing too 🤧
Luisa, Camilo, and Mirabel walked through the thick woods on the Encanto. Camilo led the way, the trio's only light being a lantern that Camilo was holding up. He had a smirk on his face as they walked, and Mirabel was close behind. Luisa's eyes kept darting around, and she nervously bit her lip.
"Guys, I don't know about this..." She said softly and Camilo snorted.
"Come on! We have to find something interesting. No one else will come up here. And it's not like anyone will notice we're gone," Camilo said nonchalantly.
He was right there. It was the dead of night. Well, not midnight, but late enough that the three could sneak out unnoticed. Normally people would've noticed; after all two barely 13-year-olds and a 17-year-old? Of course, people would notice. And they were the Madrigals no less.
"Come on Lulu," Mirabel gave her older sister a sympathetic smile. "We're just gonna find this cave, check it out, and leave. In and out."
Luisa's eyes flicked between her younger sister and younger primo. She sighed, continuing to follow behind them. She was the oldest, she was the strongest. Someone had to protect them if something happened.
They had been walking for who knows how long and were definitely a good ways away from the village. Camilo squinted his eyes, the lantern not much help. He was walking, walking, walking-
His eyes widened as his right foot suddenly found no ground and before he could even look down, he found himself slipping down a hole.
"Camilo? Camilo!" Mirabel had noticed quickly that her primo had disappeared and the lantern he was holding had dropped to the ground. Luisa stared, her eye twitching as Mirabel carefully walked forward, leaning forward.
"What happened?!" Luisa asked frantically.
Mirabel was panicking a bit too. "I-I don't know!" She moved closer, looking into the hole. It was big. Almost like a sinkhole but...there weren't many sinkholes. And the river couldn't bave erroded the ground this deep, especially near the base of one of the mountains... "Camilo! Are you okay?"
The two sisters waited anxiously before his voice finally echoed back. "Yeah I'm ok! I think I found the cave! It's mostly empty with some kind of pool!"
"Pool?" Luisa asked confused. Mirabek had gotten up looking around. Luisa watched her and she finally found what she was looking for. It was a vine, thick and sturdy. She watched her younger sister tie it around her waist and hand her the other end.
"W-What are you doing?" Luisa asked, following her sister to the hole.
"I'm gonna go down there and get Camilo. Hold onto the vine, and I'll tug so you can pull us up. Your gift makes it easier anyway."
Luisa shifted her weight from one foot to the other. With a hesitant nod, Luisa sghed "I guess."
Mirabel moved closer to the hole before sliding down. She watched the vine get shorter and shorter until finally it stopped. There was no noise, but then she felt a tug and heard Mirabel's voice.
"You can pull us up now!" Mirabel called. Luisa jumped before beginning to pull. It was hard, obviously, given her powers, but the vine jept getting caught on stuff. She wasn't paying attention and slowly it began to fray at where she was pulling.
It took only a second before a loud snapping was heard and she heard her hermanita and primito screaming as they were falling back fown. Luisa wasn't even thinking when she threw herself at the vine trying to grap it but instead slipped in the mud and fell into the hole herself.
After a minute she hit the hard ground, and she groaned softly as she sat up. Camilo and Mirabel rushed over.
"Luisa, are you okay?! What happened?" Mirabel asked and Luisa rubbed her now scrapped elbows. She'd have to eat some of her mamá food for that later.
"I...I don't know. The vine must've snapped under your guys weight. I tried to grab it but I slipped and fell in," she explained, standing up.
Camilo threw his hands up. "Well how are we supposed to get out now! The only other hole is up there," he pointed up, and above the hallow cave was the rest of the moutain, and a massive hole gave them a glimpse of the night sky, where the moon was slowly moving across it.
The three sat there for a moment beforr Mirabel looked towards the large pool of water. "Wait, if there's water coming in, than that means that there's gotta be water going out!"
Luisa amd Camilo nodded in understanding. "That must mean that this pool leads out to the main river! We could probably swim under and follow the current to get to the river!"
"And we'll be home free...you guys can hold you breaths for a whole right?" Camilo asked and both of his primas nodded.
"But how are we gonna explain coming home sopping wet?" Luisa asked and Camilo waved his hand.
"It's fine. Casita won't tell on us and everyone else will still be asleep if we're quick enough."
Luisa seemed satisfied withthat answered and the three made their way to the pool. Luisa offered herself to go in first. She was careful not to cause too big of a splash, and her eyebrows were raised as she treaded the water.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Mirabel asked and Luisa shook her head.
"No, no it's just...not as cold as I thought it would be. It feels...different." She mumbled.
"Different how?" Camilo asked, slipping in with Mirabel. She was right, it did feel strange.
"I don't know...but we don't have time to worry about that, we have to get out of here as soon as possible," Luisa said, looking between the two. "I don't want to get in trouble and I certainly don't wanna die here." The two younger ones nodded in agreement.
Before they could duck underwater, a bright light shone down on the pool. At first they didn't think anything of it. The moon was high in the sky, and sitting directly above them; it was midnight by that point.
It wasn't until a few seconds later that they noticed.
"Uh...why is the water boiling?" Mirabel asked hesitantly as the water around them began to become more turbulent.
"Why is it not hot...?" Luisa asked.
"We're gonna die," Camilo said in a dead pan voice.
"What?!" Luisa asked panicked.
"We are not going to die!" Mirabel said, glaring at Camilo. But even she wasn't sure. While the water wasn't hot, it was stil acting...strange, when only just a few moments ago, it was calm amd still. Only when the moon came across did it change.
"Hey, does anyone else feel...weird?" Luisa asked.
They’re so silly, I wonder what they will do…
Jkjk but uhhhh yeah they do NOT know what to and kinda just wing it 💀💀 and they have to keep it a secret. They’re excited asf when they learn about their new powers tho 🙏
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This is dumb idek why I drew it
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devildom-doll · 1 year ago
The Obey Me characters at MC’s Latino/Hispanic Party 🫠
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A/N: Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!!¡¡!¡ I am not sorry for this. The only thing I’m sorry for is my grammar. Remember this is joke, okay? ùwú
Word Count: 625 words (I think, idk, didn’t count)
TLDR: just read the title, man xD
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-Lucifer be talking with MC’s relatives, eating his pan con cafésito; probably telling them about how much his pendejo brothers don’t let him sleep at night. But also, he unintentionally brags about them cuz he loves them so damn much.
-Mammon be gambling with some of the drunk tiós; probably playin Lotería or somthn. He’s gonna lose, of course, and they’re gonna trash talk him but he speaks fluent Spanish so he’s gonna tire himself out and have nothing left. He’s gonna have to ask your abuelita for some dinero.
-Leviathan is playing video games with the primos who like anime, then he’s gonna realize interaction with people is a pain and he’s gonna lock himself in the room where someone’s baby is randomly sleeping.
-Satan tried learning some Spanish before coming to the party, but then he realized Lucifer is fluent af, now he tryna hunt Luci down with the piñata bat, jejeje. Then he’s gonna get drunk with the cool primos… drunk to the point where he’ll be fluent by morning.
-Asmodeus be dancing to Shakira and Daddy Yankee, and probably get concerning stares from your religious abuela telling you he needs el amor de Cristo. He probably gonna flirty with the tiás and brag about you being his amor. (he just learned how to say “te amo,” and he tryna find you… he drunk too)
-Beelzebub ate eveything he ate the pozole, y los tácitos, y los tamales, y las pupusas, y las empanadas… el come de todo.   El taquero is probably tired of seeing him and he keeps asking the relatives what each food is called and how to make it.
-Belphegor tomando siestas con el bebe y con Levi porque interaction is painful. Actually, he was with Beel earlier, and he takes note of the food Beel eats so both of them can find the recipes when they get home… if they actually do go home…
-Diavolo talks to all the relatives, like all of them, he says goodbye to all of them when it’s time to leave too. He probably is the drunk tío. Also, he speaks fluent Spanish. He probably plays games with the family and plays with los primitos too. Lord Diavolo doesn’t exist anymore; he’s Señor Diavolo now.
-Barbatos be helping in the kitchen making the food that the family is gonna eat (Beel too). Family be impressed, he makes some good ass food and knows damn well that Dia is gonna demand Hispanic human food to be served at RAD. He’s got the hands that perfectly shape las tortillas, people be impressed. (Also, he says sí mi Señor cuz mega lul)
-Luke is playing with los primitos, he got on the jumper, hit the piñata, and he had some pan dulce con leche. Then he got tired, and he be laying, stomach down on the couch or some random room waiting to leave. (Luke was the baby in that room btw jeje)
-Simeon also be helping the the kitchen, making the sweet stuff and preparing the coffee. 100% got along with your religious abuela; oradon y hablaron a sus vidas porque Simeon es un abuelo también. Your family loves him the most, probably, next to Luci and Barb.
-Solomon speaks fluent Spanish… cuz there’s a spell that makes him do that. He talked to some relatives, he probably scared your religious abuela con la brujería. Simeon and Barb kept him out of the kitchen. He’s just vibin tbh, probably sitting with you as you watch your demon/angel harem interact with your familia.
MC (tu 🫵🏽) is watching your demon/angel harem interact with your familia. Also, you comforting the sleepy boys telling them, “si ya vamos, solo un poquito mas…”
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dickggansey · 1 year ago
la señora del almacen de al lado de mi casa me trata de usted :( am i not young anymore :( do i look like a hag now :(
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elbiotipo · 8 months ago
De vuelta, perdón si me preocupo que cada vez que mis primitos abren Youtube o TikTok les bombardean con 20 videos sobre como el feminismo arruinó la vida y que hay que votar a Milei. No tendría que preocuparme, total ellos son nenes, digo, hombres, así que se jodan. Soy un boludo, como me voy a preocupar por estas cosas eh, perdón.
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lapidomucho · 2 months ago
Steven me dio el mejor regalo de Navidad
El y su primito
Me dejaron agotada, estoy en la otea habitación mientras ellos descansan
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