#pridoo talks
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pridoo · 3 months ago
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Whoa, it's like looking in a mirror!
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chauvessb · 3 months ago
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Wen I saw that comic I was like “What if I-“ (even though I kinda didn’t know what was going on lol)
I’m talking about this comic by @pridoo (It looks so cute 😭)
This was a lot of fun to make :D
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sotavalta · 8 years ago
pridoo replied to your photo “self-help literature”
 sun boschsona :>
using my boschsona is my new sneaky way of drawing myself w/o people realising it 👀
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mandobogwitch · 2 years ago
Awww! Thanks @firealder2005 for tagging me! 😘😘😘
Let’s see…
Three ships: DinLuke, BobaDinLuke, LinkRevali
First Ship: Uhhh, don’t remember my first ship ever but can say that my first ship when The Mandalorian came out was actually MandOmera and I discovered DinLuke on accident. I didn’t think I would be into it at first but when I found Separate Ways by Pepperprints, I immediately jumped ship and never looked back 😆
Last Song: Last songs I remember listening to were coming back from my run: One Day More from Les Miserables and All Loved Up by Amy Shark
Last Movie: I haven’t watched a movie in ages! It’s been all tv shows and documentaries. Probably Encanto for like the 3rd time
Currently reading: The Immortality Key by Brian C. Muraresku - it’s a non-fiction book and utterly fascinating! Highly recommend to anyone and everyone!
Currently watching: have several series on the go right now: Clone Wars, Farscape, Sens8, Vikings, Stranger Things
Currently craving: got talking to some Scots that came into work about travelling through Scotland back in 2019 and trying hagis for the first time.
All my life, it has sounded so f**king gross but OH MY GOD, how wrong I was! It’s DELICIOUS! So smooth and creamy!!!
Talking about it just recently made me realise how much I miss it but I live in Australia with no return trips to Scotland on the horizon 😢😢😢
Now, who shall I tag?
@iamscoby, @positivityjediprince, @jspookywolf, @veradragonjedi, @lil-ace-of-spades, @pridoo
Tag meme
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
hey @carmarthenfan, @system-of-cells-interlinked, thanks for tagging me and sorry for being so slow in responding i'm making you guys share. i really do appreciate it 🥰🥰
three ships: probably Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker/Vestara Khai, and the mess that is Church/Tex from Red vs Blue
first ship: uhhh I’m gonna say Rumo/Rala from Rumo And His Miraculous Adventures
last song: They’re Taking The Hobbits To Isengard 😌
last movie: this made me realize I haven’t seen a movie this year yet… last one I saw was Glass Onion back when I was paying for netflix. last time I was in the cinema was the second avatar movie and the last time I had a good time in the cinema was a double feature showing of Nightmare Before Christmas and Tokyo Godfathers. that slapped
currently reading: hilariously I am also reading Roadside Picnic (it’s my dad’s favorite book and we were reminded of it while playing the boardgame Zona, which seems to be an (unauthorised) adaptation of its world). thing is, I started reading it on the train/public transport and now that I’ve been home for weeks the environment just isn’t right somehow. so it’s on hold till I go back to college lmao
currently watching: The Last of Us (fucking amazing), Poker Face (really fun so far), and RWBY (RWBY)
currently craving: literally any chewable food. being on a liquid diet makes me want to punch drywall pasta ❤
tagging @strangeeesnowman, @bluntblade, @kaleidoscope1967eyes, @bloodgulchbluess, @tylerloki-talks, @easterndreamer, @my-last-brain-cell-is-socrates, @gicolette, @bluemilkandchocolate. no pressure!
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fishsupportgroup-blog · 8 years ago
Good Omens Fandom Welcome Pack (4/3/17)
Yo my dudes!!!! So I got a message from @dirktective-assassina who just found out that there’s a good omens fandom so I figured I’d try and pull together some resources as an up to date fandom welcome pack :D It’s pretty long and comprehensive so I’ve put it under the cut.
So first things first: the ship name of Aziraphale/Crowley isn’t Crowaphale or anything like that but is Ineffable Husbands. We also sometimes use Air Conditioning (like A/C if you see?) although this is less used now than it was, largely because of the way tumblr tagging works versus livejournal and it’s a bit of a hassle to traipse through posts of people’s air conditioning not working, but there are still posts on that tag and it's a good way to find older fan-works. Other wise we generally just tag as Good Omens.
As with a lot of fandoms with a slightly longer history, livejournal used to be the main site for the good omens community and we transferred across bc, let’s face it tumblr is a hell site but it’s also a hell of a lot more accessible than livejournal. However, there are still a lot of things going on with livejournal!!! my main resource there is the Lower Tadfield Air Base: Fighting off Armageddon since 2003! The Good Omens Holiday Exchange is also organised on livejournal, I’ve linked to this year’s entries :)
Which brings me onto fic!! (Some of these fic will be explicit but they all have warnings at the beginning). Two fics always recommended in older fic rec lists are The Sacred And The Profane, and A Diamond Sky Above Titanic (although, personally, they’re not really my favourites). Also, The Lower Tadfield Air Base has a good fic tag :) Finally there’s this post which also adds some extra links and info on joining the good omens fandom, it also has a gen fic section if that’s more your cup of tea.
My main source of fics however, comes from our Lord and Saviour, Archive Of Our Own. Just take note when you’re using the search tool you fully type in Aziraphale/Crowley rather than letting it autocorrect you to Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) then you’ll only get 217 works in comparison to the 1178 fics available and all the fic of Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) is filed under Aziraphale/Crowley anyway. If that makes any sense?
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Personally, I’ve been horribly remis in tagging my own favourites because I’m fairly useless. However, I know I love Fridays by ylc. If you like human! aus then I also really love Ordinary People by daeger which has a wee Jewish painter Crowley :D
Ruby Tears by @not-a-space-alien is also a really good fic in highlighting the fandom’s perspective on Crowley: essentially in that he’s a HUGE FUCKING NERD who tries so hard to look cool and suave and is actually just very vulnerable and sweet and loving. Aziraphale, on the other hand, is very much an oblivious banana that’s too self-obsessed to really recognise this and has an incorrect view that Crowley is The Adversary and should be thought of as such. There has been A LOT of AMAZING meta on this, I would really recommend @futureevilscientist‘s essay on The Arrangement as p. much essential reading. They also have a tag for meta which I also really recommend.
My final fic to recommend is HAS to be the Crown of Thorns series by @irisbleufic (often shortened to cot). For me, this is The Fic, you know, and I feel like it really defines the Good Omens fandom in many ways. It’s based on the fanon that after the events of the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley moved into a cottage on the South Downs together. All the details of the fic are in the introduction :D Other Iris fics to recommend are Regulars and What to Say (and How Not to Say It) if like me you’re trash for 3rd person pov. Finally as someone from York I’m honour bound to mention Promises to Keep.
We also have some Amazing artists in the fandom, people like @kogla and the like are just so great to have posting content for us!! basically just turn to the good omens tag and follow some of the suggested blogs (see below) we’re always posting everything :D One of my faves is this one by @6utton (who also gives me my raffles fix). @lunasong365 has also sent me this beautiful video and their playlist of other videos :‘) You also have the good omens tag on the hell site of deviantart
Also in terms of art, @askajcrowley is utterly brill, they don’t post much anymore but when they do I cry because they’re great.  If you want a really interesting view of how fandom has changed over time, go back through their posts as far as you can, it’s seriously worth it. In terms of fandom changing, the Good Omens fandom has generally imploded; it did used to be a very big active fandom, with a lot of ask blogs and a much greater focus on the other characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley. The current day fandom does feel bad about not talking about the other great multifaceted characters but we don't tend to do much to rectify it, as not-a-space-alien highlights in this post.
The older fandom also used to have A LOT of discourse surrounding fancasts. Oh God. Suffice to say if I ever see another post casting Bajkfbgjgiug Cskjfbgkjfba/Tom Hiddleston in all the roles I will actually throw up. This trend lead to our Worst Meme, Cage Omens: in which all the characters are played by Nicholas Cage. This meme likes to make a reassurance every now and again, so FOR GODS SAKE DONT SUMMON IT. (We all secretly love it).
Speaking of fancasts, we should probably mention adaptations. When the news of the latest adaptation came forward, a lot of us were very apprehensive because We Have Been Here Before. Lots. Like 5 Times. (I think in like ‘02 there was going to be one with Robin Williams but It was just after 9/11 and everyone ran as fast as they could from apocalypse based media). However, this one does look like it’s going ahead and will be airing next year maybe :) We do also have the beloved radio adaptation, which we will all suggest had it’s flaws but was also p damn brill. (The BBC sometimes replay it around Easter?)
However the discourse over fancasts did actually raise some pertinent points to do with race, with a lot of people feeling really uncomfortable with how white the suggestions were for characters that have no explicitly stated race. This is especially the case in regards to Aziraphale where there might be inbuilt preconceived conceptions of a white angel. This post and @a-poc-alypse‘s commentary on the subject I think is really important. I think the fandom now makes a concerted effort to try and produce more diverse art and the like, and I think we are better than we were, but it is something we have to actively work towards rectifying.
Other discourse of far, far less importance is in regards to their wings. Essentially, a lot of older fanart has Crowley with bat like wings which a lot of the fandom disagrees with, and there’s a lot of discourse about the colour of their wings too. Traditionally, Aziraphale is depicted with white wings and Crowley with black, but as is oft pointed out within the fandom, the colour of their wings is not stated and, given the significance of heaven and hell just being names for sides with no tangible distinction, and that demons are of angel stock, this separation has been questioned. Basically, the consensus now is play around with it!!!!! My head canon is that Az has owls wings and Crowley has duck wings :D
As for Hogwarts Houses, no one actually knows tbh either of them could fit into any house I think? We've had a lot of discussions and I think the ultimate conclusion we’ve come to is just go with what you want. At the moment I think I like Gryffindor Crowley and Ravenclaw Aziraphale. Some good Harry Potter AUs are Potter Omens by sadaf, St. Joseph of Cupertino, Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles, and the Legacy of James Bond by Interrobam, A Look into a Magic Mirror by athousandelegies, and Saturday by Elvendork.
This leads to another point which is the links Good Omens have with other fandoms. There are Obviously the links with Supernatural given that their Crowley was literally named after ours, but there are also a weird amount of Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black) crossover fics and a lot of them involve them all sleeping with each other?? Anyway. I’ve also noticed that p. much all the Raffles fandom tend to be Good Omens fans too.
Finally you have the Shakespeare/Marlowe fandom so there are a lot of jokes in fandom at the moments about Crowley/Shakespeare (ship name: Snakespeare). I’m laying the blame firmly on @macdicilla and this post.
Music!! I LOVE @ajcrawly‘s The Ritz Does Not Admit Nightingales but 8tracks is useless for UK pals atm. Every playlist of Good Omen will have Queen and A Nightingale Sung in Barkley Square, I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.
And then there are the blogs!!:
@audiomens (with transcripts of the radio 4 adaptation)
@thisbutgoodomens (taking posts and making them Good Omens, tag them if you think there’s a post they would appreciate!!)
There are the blogs I’ve mentioned above, like @not-a-space-alien and @macdicilla (you can’t have one without the other), and @futureevilscientist, @irisbleufic, @kogla, @lunasong365, @askajcrowley, @a-poc-alypse, @ajcrawly
Also worth following are, @milkythefrozen, @pridoo, @maniacalmole, @ladylier, @thisisadecisionimayregret, @la-petite-robe-jaune, @sous-le-saule, @rocksalive, @nemeankitten, @everything-good-omens, @fyeahgo and tbh there are heaps more, I’m sorry if I’ve missed you off, I have a memory worse than like 99% of the population (according to my educational psychologist). If you want to be added just put a reply or message me or smth :D
Finally, I’d like to thank @not-a-space-alien for their welcome kit, @futureevilscientist for theirs, @ladylier for giving me ideas to talk about, @lunasong365 for showing me their playlist, and @a-poc-alypse for pointing me in the direction of their tags.
Okay. I think that’s it?? If you have anything further to add just post it below or message me or put it on the tags or replies whatever basically. If you disagree, or I’ve got something wrong, or you want to be added/taken away as a source then don’t hesitate to tell me!! (but please don’t send me hate, I’m trying my best and I’ll work hard to compensate)
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pridoo · 5 months ago
Me: ok I'll take ONE test print page of my yaoi at work. Ok the coast is clear
Coworker: /materializes from thin air/ are you printing personal stuff
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pridoo · 2 months ago
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Wish you all peaceful Christmas time!
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mandobogwitch · 3 years ago
Oooohhh! I love these games! Thanks for tagging me @firealder2005 !
Favourite colour: Actually very similar to you, @firealder2005 - it fluctuates between purple, green and blue
Currently reading: Besides a tonne of DinLuke fics (like everyone here, I imagine) I am currently reading a non-fiction book called The Immortality Key by Brian Muraesku. Literally EVERYONE should read this book - especially people from Western cultures and especially women! Everything we as a society think we know about the birth of western civilisation is wrong!
Last song: Part of me is embarrassed to admit this. So, I’m a 90’s baby and Boy Zone became huge while was a kid. Was driving somewhere with my dad and he asked me to pick the music, so I scrolled his Spotify until I found the Boy Zone album we thrashed to death when I was a kid. It’s been about 20 years since I’ve listened to any of their music and I still remembered all the lyrics 😳😳😳
Last series: OBI WAN KENOBI!!!
Last Movie: Pretty sure it was re-watching Encanto with my mum. We have been healing a lot of generational trauma together lately so I wanted to show it to her. It was very on point for both of us. Cried like a baby, as usual 😭
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: I’m very much a savoury girl. I like a bit of chocolate now and then but I rarely do dessert after a meal. My favourite snack is cheese and crackers. I’m half Italian but take after the Italian side, especially with food. I love blue cheeses, Italian cheeses plus Swiss & Dutch cheeses the most 🧀 😋
Currently working on: My sequel fic, Tooka Ever After. I know after my last super long fic that a lot of people are going to be Tooka’d out, but I’m still publishing for my own enjoyment and for the few people out there who are still crazy about Tooka! Luke 😸
Tagging, tagging…hmmm 🤔
I’ll tag @positivityjediprince coz even though we talk endlessly about everything from the cosmic to the mundane, I don’t think we’ve actually covered these things 😜
@iamscoby - don’t know if I’ve already tagged you for this game or not.
@giacarangi86, @jspookywolf, @flaccid-rats, @feralsunspotandtincan, @solosclark, @tatooineknights, @pridoo
No pressure! And ignore if you’ve already done
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @materassassino ✨
Fav colour: basically all neon colours but If I had to choose, Electric Purple and Acid Green 👀💜💚 I use them everywhere
Currently reading: a shit ton of DinLuke fics, my phone is full of ao3 tabs. I’m also reading The Gods Themselves by Asimov, I like imagining sci-fi environnements
Last song: Running Up That Hill (a Deal with God) -Kate Bush , I’m always listening 80’s music
Last series: Prehistoric Planet 🦖🦕
Last movie: Jurassic World: Dominion (more dinosaurs💚)
Sweet/savory/spicy: All 😂 Candies here have them all together sweet-spicy-salty-sour, but my fave is sour
Currently working on: more drawings than my human capacity can do 😂
Dinluke nsfw sketches
Scene thumbnails from a Willing Vessel (I can’t decide which composition I like the most to do a full artwork, damn it)
A dinluke comic
A Syd Mead art study, I wanna recreate it as a dinluke fic scene 👀
More sci fi illustrations for personal portfolio
And lot more 😵‍💫
Tagging some binches:
@aureutr @malakia215 @veradragonjedi @surfing-on-a-soundwave @lovey-dovey-and-sad @thecosmicmushroom @stupidfatpenguin @smokingthemoutbasement @iamscoby @ebonybow @its-kinda-snowy @lizirinzs
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pridoo · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year! ✨
My year was pretty uneventful - I travelled a bit, got worse, read books, planted zucchini, did some teaching, started running, studied, did some art and got better. Nothing grand happened and I'm actually pretty grateful for that. It's alright to have a perfectly boring year.
I hope next year will be good to all of you!
🧡 @kowabungadoodles @klaineka @macbethoff @hatchizero @kuunkukkia @coveredwithsnow @cartwheelies @vanillabean-97 @kriskukko @toriidoss @marcomarumaru @sayatsugu 🧡
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pridoo · 22 days ago
There is a fox that lives in the neighbourhood and she likes to make her rounds at night screaming that horrible fox scream of hers while stepping around the yard. Why does she have to sound like That™
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pridoo · 2 months ago
Sometimes my guy snores so weirdly that it's more off-putting than the volume
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pridoo · 5 months ago
Kinda humbling to expect that my unhinged lifestyle choices aren't disclosed until I walk into a class at 2 pm and 100% genuinely chirp 'good morning'
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pridoo · 2 months ago
Last year my language skills peaked when I ordered breakfast in Italian, a hot dog in Swedish and explained what it's like to be a yaoi artist in English
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pridoo · 3 months ago
In honor of our independence day, let me tell you guys something that happened earlier this fall.
It was a midday show interval in a theatre and I was looking for an empty spot to sit down for my pastry. After circling the whole area I decided to ask the two old ladies near the doors if a seat next to them was free.
"No!" an oddly familiar voice answered, then corrected: "Nobody's sitting there. Go ahead."
It was too late to back down even if I now noticed that this old lady was actually the former President of Finland. She was the president when I was a kid, so, iconic. I thanked her and sat down, happy I wasn't sniped by some bodyguard on the spot. The interval bell rang and the old lady - mrs President - took balance of my chair since she was using a crutch.
"Hurry now" she said to me with a smirk, and I babbled something sheepishly. I actually had talked to her before, because years ago we coincidentally went to the same croquis nights for years.
I had sat next to her and looked at a naked person for hours and now I enjoyed this cold pastry on a random Saturday afternoon next to her in such a nonchalant way. I like that this is such a small and weird country.
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pridoo · 2 months ago
Anyone else in the Northern Hemisphere forgetting regular mealtimes now that it's so dark? I feel like a dumb badger not remembering to eat twice after the sun has set
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pridoo · 2 months ago
The "your body, your choice" feminist in me leaving my body when my husband announces that he wants to shave off his hair AND his mustache
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