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States with the highest recorded deaths rates due to drug overdose rank West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania at the top with a 450% increase from 2005 to 2017 in WV. These states deaths rates are double the national average. These drug overdoses are heavily caused by opioids. States ranked at the top for alcohol deaths and suicide are Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Wyoming and North and South Dakota. Healthcare coverage has appeared to be the defining factor for the health of citizens in each state. The top states with the good health citizens/most citizens with healthcare are: Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Washington, Connecticut and Vermont. The lowest ranked states with the most poor health/lowest number of citizens with healthcare are: Arkansas, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma and Mississippi. Multiple reports reveal that with more access to Medicaid comes an increase in drug abuse treatment even in the state with the highest drug overdose death rate. #MAGA #Conservatives #Liberals #ProLife #ProChoice #AbortionBills #LowIncomeFamilies #PriceOnHumanRights #LegalImmigration #LGBTQ #TransRights #TransgenderRights #MedicareForAll #Opioids #OpioidCrisis #HealthCareForAll #MedicaidForAll #TrumpAdministration #BabiesLivesMatter #FightForTheUnborn #VOTM Source: commonwealthfund.org, NBCNews.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Byy1klHjVyr/?igshid=1oif3zls3u5nl
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