#priceless selfie!!
dreamsandflowers · 2 years
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the real mvp of the match 😂
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐬
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Your hero was determined to save the day, but you were about to discover something more precious than his priceless smile.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ღ Nurse!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ღ 999
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ღ Fluff, literal tooth rotting fluff, period fic, sick fic, hurt/comfort
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ღ Look, I fell in love with Nurse!Bucky and it seems a lot of you did too.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ღ Stuff We Did by Michael Giacchino
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ღ @the-slumberparty Week 3 Artistic Liberty Challenge — Masterlist
𝑺𝑰𝑪𝑲𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺 ღ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒍𝒍.
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𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It had been a few weeks since you were discharged, and by some miracle, it had been a few weeks since your favourite nurse had slipped you a piece of paper with his phone number. You still couldn’t believe it. The two of you hit it off so well when he took you out for coffee on one of his days off, that, naturally, you gathered up what courage you had and asked him out. It was how you had ended up being Bucky’s girlfriend. 
Life wasn’t always going to be so kind, however.
It was like being run over by a truck, and then a train, and just to make matters even better, your period was the final touch. 
You could hear rain pattering against the window and you felt a rush of gratitude to your past self for having the brilliant idea to gather blankets the night before. 
Then, the realisation dawned on you that today was the day - Bucky had today off and he was planning to take you out for a surprise, and you groaned aloud. You reached for your phone and snatched it from your bedside cupboard, the screen lighting up to show a cute selfie you had coerced Bucky into taking, on your first date. 
Bucky’s number dialled and you shuffled back into the covers, burrowing into self-pity while your stomach cramped and everything ached. You didn’t want to disappoint Bucky, but you didn’t think you could even stand long enough to prepare any damn food, let alone cope with the ‘surprise’. 
“Hey, baby girl!”
It was an effort to stem the tears and choke back a sob. “Hey, Buck,” you replied. “I, uh–I’m sorry, I can’t do today-”
“What’s wrong, are you alright?”
You could hear the concern in his voice and you pictured him frowning, a deep furrow between his brows. “I’m sick again, a-and I got my period and-” The dam broke. Your sobs were quiet and muffled behind your hand but you could hear Bucky on the line moving around. 
“Hey, you’re alright, baby, hang on-” There was a clatter and a distant muffled curse. “Are you at your place?”
Nodding automatically, you realised he couldn’t see. “Yeah, I am, please you don’t need-”
“Nuh-uh, stop that.” There were more clattering sounds and then you heard the rustle of a coat. “I need to make a couple stops first, and then I am going to come and take care of my girl, whether she wants me to, or not.”
Sniffling and hiccuping, you didn’t answer. “You sit tight, baby. Can you get up for me and have some water?” You attempted to move but a rippling pain tore through your stomach and hips, all the way up to your shoulders and down to your toes. Your cry of pain was enough to make Bucky speak louder into the phone, “Okay, no, you stay there, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Can you time me, baby girl? It’ll distract you, and if I am late, every minute is a tub of ice-cream I owe you.”
“Okay,” you whispered, hoping that the gratitude you felt could be heard in your small voice. 
“Atta girl, I’ll see you soon.” The line clicked and you opened the timer, doing as he had said. 
Twenty-seven minutes later, there was a shuffling sound at your front door, then a quiet knock. “It’s me, baby girl, can you open the door? Or should I get Wanda?” You pulled your phone closer and messaged: Wanda has the key, she’s WFH today. 
Footsteps sounded and then voices sounded out your door - your neighbour, Wanda, was a close friend and the two of you had keys to one another’s apartments, in the likely event that either of you forgot your keys. “Give her my love, Bucky,” Wanda said and you heard a set of footsteps retreating, while the lock on your front door unlocked with a quiet click. 
“Hey, baby, I’m here.” The door creaked closed and then you could hear Bucky walking around your apartment. “Where are ya, sweetheart?” Bags rustled in his hands and then his head appeared around your doorway, finding you at last amongst your burrito of blankets. “There you are.”
Bucky padded softly into your room and you watched with glassy eyes as he placed down a bag from Target and CVS on the end of your bed, and a brown paper bag on your bedside cupboard. “How’s my girl?”
“I look and feel horrible-”
“You are never not beautiful, even when you’re hurting.” Bucky knelt down so he could look into your face. “Baby, I am a nurse, remember? Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
You were silent for a moment and Bucky brushed his thumb over your cheek, over the tear tracks. “I feel crappy and everything hurts, and my tummy aches.”
“Well, I have a couple things,” Bucky began, shuffling over to grab the Target bag. “This lil’ fella,” he pulled free a teddy, the material soft and fluffy and in your favourite colour. You stared in shock at the bear. “I knew he was perfect for you.” 
Bucky offered you the bear, and you held him to your chest, tears falling down your cheeks. “And I brought some pain relief–I didn’t know what you preferred so I just bought the lot, and some pads, tampons, that sorta thing–and a hot water bottle, and some soup,” he gestured to the paper bag. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, staring at him with wide eyes. Bucky smiled. 
“How about a warm bath, and then we have a movie marathon?” You nodded and Bucky helped you to the shower.
Bucky had kept himself occupied by changing your sheets, being sure to pile the blankets back on, and you couldn’t ignore how your heart fluttered at the sight of him concentrating on making your safe space comfortable. When he looked up to find you in the doorway, he smiled. 
And dammit all, you fell in love. 
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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Headcannon: Kirishima LOVES wearing Bakugo's clothes.
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When they first get together, they can't keep their hands off of each other. Eijiro is constantly running his fingers across the hard planes of Katsuki's abs, and Katsuki constantly has his hands wrapped up in Eijiro's bright red hair.
After hours of passionate kisses and experimental touches, Eijiro loves to dig through Katsuki's drawers and find the perfect pair of worn-in sweatpants. He loves the way that all of Katsuki's clothes are well loved and lived in.
Eijiro is constantly stealing Katsuki's band t-shirts and sweats, his gym shorts and fitted jeans. Every time Katsuki's clothes go mysteriously missing, the explosion hero just rolls his eyes and sends Eijiro a mock-angry text. He always receives a cheeky photo in reply - a mirror selfie of Eijiro wearing Katsuki's favorite t-shirt, pulling up the hem to flash a toned stomach. Or even a scandalous pic of Eijiro in nothing but a pair of Katsuki's boxers; Eijiro's sweet face mean mugging for the camera.
Katsuki finally gets his revenge when he swipes Eijiro's favorite black crewneck. He's surprised to find himself drowning in the material, not having realized that Eijiro loves his clothes oversized. The look on Eijiro's face when he sees Katsuki in his clothing is priceless. He immediately cancels all of his plans for the day as he pulls Katsuki into his bed and takes his time stripping off the beloved black crew.
They keep trading and stealing clothes this way until their closets are completely intertwined, and no one is quite sure whose shirts are whose any longer.
Thanks for reading!! You can check out more of my Katsuki + Kiri fics on My Master List! ❤️
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emojellyace08 · 5 months
Found you're writing really good 😈😈 and now you're my next target 😂😂 How do you think gun would react finding someone 100x times beautiful from crystal with great body anddddddd 👀👀👀 is strong like ui daniel but is not quite rich and lives a normal life working at a part time cafe ??? 😮😮😮 lordddd 🤌🤌 the reaction would be priceless, please do it 🥲
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Gun Park (Park Jonggun x Female Reader!) short story
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A/N: Hello fellow human! Sorry if I ever replied back REALLY LATE. I'll still make Lookism x reader content, but I'm really busy rn so sorry if this felt rushed (and I have a periodical exams to take in Wedensday oof). Genre: fluff? Warnings: mild cursing and mentions of mafia activities (unedited)
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Gun isn't exactly the type to easily fall in love, even impressing him alone without trying hard is challenging by itself as many successors, enemies, and other people tried to show their all to the Shiro Oni. But every blood, sweat, and tears were wasted just trying to lay a finger by the unstoppable man, if they would even call him one.
And it is also just a normal day for everyone, people in the city are either spending their money off by their personal plans or continue on with their daily lives. Other women were having their shopping galore either with their friends or alone with quite noticeable make-up plastered on their face yet making their face sparkle up with the cosmetics. Ulzzangs posting their new selfies getting tons, if not millions of likes and social media users having a debate who's prettier or more attractive. Students were stressing out with their school activities or gossip drama with the adults wanting to slack off and get a chug of beer after a long day of their shifts or just take a long nap like a lazy cat with their eyebags being dark and hollow like a panda.
And to most people, you're just an ordinary woman living her life in the crowded city of Seoul. You wouldn't exactly call it the best life ever, but you were somehow thankful to make it this far after long days of shifts and even sometimes working on Holidays even if you want to have a sip of your own coffee at your own place. You're already a functional and working adult yet you sometimes miss your home despite you and your family having your own personal problems. Yet you continue to strive not only for them but mostly for yourself. If it weren't for some men forcing you to have a chat with you by offering their numbers quite rudely, you might even have better days without them putting you into situations you don't even want to experience just because you were considered beautiful.
It was already five in the afternoon, yet you're still there at the cafe doing your duties as a barista and a waitress. The place will be quite silent, almost weird with the sound of silence if it weren't for the chatty customers with some chilling with their drink and pastries of choice. College students doing their research in groups, office-workers updating their marketing plans, and angsty teenagers listening to their melancholic music with their Airpods on. With the stress that you are feeling right now, you felt the need to listen to your own playlist while you watched the sun sank in the sky with a splash of pink, yellow, and blue creating a splash of colors that felt nostalgic yet different at the same time.
Hours passed with people coming in and out, the sky already turning night time with white stars sparkling at night. The yellow lights of the place illuminating at the dark to not only make the place more atmospheric, but to also make the customers feel comfortable with the chill yet warm vibe.
"Miss Y/N, are you already getting the order done for customer five?" your manager with a dark perfect bun for her hairstyle with pale foundation, reddish blush and lip tint, and sunken eye bags (reminding you of a porcelain doll) asked with a raised eyebrows and strict tone as you responded with a hum for agreement while you're mixing and preparing the drink condiments. "Yes Sajangnim (boss) I'm already done with the coffee macchiato and I already have the egg sandwich." you replied while hurrying to prepare the Americano. "Good, more tickets are coming you better hurry up." she replied while she scolds your co-worker that you are deeply annoyed at when she's slumping on the side clicking on her phone instead of helping you out. "She's probably texting someone to date huh?" a voice on your side whispered while you yelped in surprise. "Fucking, geez stop spawning randomly on the side like that." you hissed as he chuckles silently trying to minimize his voice while you also tried not to laugh hysterically. "Okay fine. You're working too much. I'll do the coffee latte and get the mango graham and the croissant." he suggested while your eyes widened in confusion and a bit of surprise. "You sure Jace?" you asked the young man with big ears as he raises a thumbs up "It's fine Eonni (older sister ; metaphorically). Now you go." "You just want your fees to go higher." you teased as he manners to go shooing you away. "I need it since I got to repair Vasco's phone." "Whatever, just do the job right and smooth." you smiled while he finger guns with a tongue-click sound.
You took the orders in your hand and approached the table before you quickly noticed the two familiar guys. You sighed before going closer to the very annoying customers just then the blonde with dark shades greeted you with a dramatic enthusiasm.
"Yo Y/N! It's nice to see you where have you been?!" Goo stood up while waving his hand making the other customers look in confusion. You not wanting to create a scene, you placed the tray in the table and planned to go away. But a hand held your own in a soft but not rather affectionate touch before you swat it away.
"What the hell are you doing in here?" you asked while you felt your blood boiling in frustration. "But we're here to-" "Shut the fuck up Walmart Ken." you scolded Goo while he created a insulting gasp while the ebony-haired man smirked in amusement. "We're here for Charles orders. We're going to take you back in the place where you truly belong for unfinished business." he commented in a calm yet teasing manner making you even more agitated. "This is my business, Gun." If it weren't for the other customers if they ever got frightened and with your manager firing you, you might created a miserable scene that you don't want to happen in the first place. But these people haunts down your biggest fears like a black hole swallowing your entire existence.
"And how did you even find me here? And don't you see the no smoking sign?" you rolled your eyes making Goo and Gun grin more while Gun huffs his smoke, "We have our own ways." "And c'mon Y/N, we know you miss doing tough missions with us!" Goo again interfered while you stood their in cold feet not knowing what to do with this situation. "And besides Charles is offering you a billion won with making the four major crews stronger for him to pay you, even make it thrice the price if you did the job well." Gun offered while taking a sip of his coffee and the other man looking at the menu sheet to order more of the sweets. "Well don't you contact me when either the Workers tried to interfere or your goons stabbing all of your backs." you replied with a sass while Gun just replies. "If that ever happens, I'm not going to hesitate to beat their-" "Yo Y/N, can I get a latte with a chocolate doughnut?" the childish guy ordered interrupting Gun's long speech. Though his eye accessory hides his orbs, you can imagine (almost see) Goo flickering his eyelashes like a puppy begging to play with it's owner. "Whatever, I'm leaving." you rolled your eyes in frustration before going to the employee room and aggressively slamming the door. "Wait what? Y/N We still have lots to talk about and my order-" Goo was about to chase you before Gun kicked him in the legs under the table, successfully earning a hiss of pain from the other guy. "Let her be, she'll change her mind." Gun interrupted while Goo raised his eyebrows. "Hah?! For fuck's sake we're just going to let her run away? Again? You'll be in fault if Charles scolded our scrawny asses again." Goo ranted as the people in the cafe started to weirdly glare at them for being to noisy. "I know where she's going, besides she would get scolded, even probably fired since she left during her shift. So just stay calm." Gun replied while stealing the sweet and umami food that Goo just offered that's been sitting for a minute now. "Hey! that's my sandwich!" "Just buy another one you got twenty thousand won on your wallet." Gun replied while he wipes off the extra mayo on his mouth with a tissue. "Says the one who's chomping off my toast right now, idiot." "Stop making Gordon Ramsey references or I'll kill you."
"Y/N where the hell have you been! Don't you see that there's lots of tickets flooding in here?! Oi you brat answer me!" your manager who's been flickering your guts scolded you while your co-worker from earlier smirks at your downfall, you not only fixing your bag in your locker but also trying to make yourself composed as you don't want to lash out your anger to the people who have done nothing wrong to you (they do, a lot but you just don't complain about it). "If you won't answer my question-" "Shut up." you murmured interrupting her speech in a lifeless manner. "I'll leave. You can fire my ass." "Hey Y/N what is going on in here?" Jace asked before you again slammed the exit door, leaving the poor guy confused and lots of responsibility in his hands...
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You ran, as fast as you could. You kept running and running. You ran past the tall buildings filled with city lights creating a beautiful atmosphere, yet the familiar feeling of sorrow began to linger on your mind and heart reminding you of the memories of the past that you tried to bury deep down to start a completely fresh start of the first chapter of your life. But it looks like even books can have it's pages ripped and burned.
After a long mile, you stopped your movement as you breathe deeply trying to catch air like you're being suffocated by your feeling of dread. You didn't want to go in this place, but it is the only place that you called home.
This is the place where you met them, where you grew up, and where you were turned into a monster.
It is an old and abandoned park, the fake wood texture of the metal benches started to rust with the colorful paint with vulgar words and drawings adding to the stain. Trash were everywhere, even a scary place like this looks like it's been a hang out for runaway teenagers or addicts. The trees and plants look completely dry and lifeless since it's not been watered and just not being cared of, making the crunchy leaves fall down into the ground. Newspaper with the dirty and used ashtrays and used beverage bottles were also scattered in the area. It is a complete mess like what you are right now, but the smell of toxins and beer makes your mind hazy and in peace as you try to think of the good memories that you have in here (if you ever had one).
You thought that you can finally have your moment of peace and solitude. But it looks like you have to deal with these fuckers you kept whistling and cooing at your existence. Looks like they're drunk men who's been wasting their life, completely indulged in alcohol and other things that are addicting even though they mostly look formal, decent, and clean. The police were doing a bad job for shooing away people who don't have a home but doesn't arrest people like this. People who were supposed to act normal and responsible now that they have everything, not chugging on alcohol.
"Who is this chick over here?" a skinny man with a white polo asked as his friend's arms snaked into your shoulder, making you uncomfortable. "What are you doing here alone? Is your boyfriend supposed to take-" "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone retards." you swatted his hand away and getting distance from them, but this doesn't alarm the men keeping their annoying behavior in touch. They started making laughs and mocking faces making your blood boil. "Feisty huh? Don't worry, We will take care of yo-"
Everything went fast as you slammed him into the ground. His friends were caught off guard but the other goon decided to take you down. "You bitch!-"
It looks like a bad idea huh? Since you were so fast, you managed to capture and block his punch. You put pressure on his hand as you then twisted it making it dislocate and elbowing him on his armpit impacting pain on his shoulder and upper limb. He is now crying on the ground, coughing and crying like a little toddler who scratched his elbow as the other men decided to attack you besides the leader of the group who cowers in fear. Kicks, punches, and attacks are made by you causing them to get knocked out by your bare strength. You clicked your tongue in dismay when a familiar figure approached the scene. "I knew that you would be here." he muttered while you huffed in pure disgust as Gun smirked at the damage you have inflicted. "If you asked again for me to be a slave of your shitty management I'm not going with you." cutting him off with a unsatisfied tone, you started walking away from the place but then he tapped your shoulder. But you're not in the mood to interact with anybody. You didn't even thought twice that you punched him in the face yet he didn't even budged. A flow of blood starting to drool down on his chin. The masochistic Shiro Oni starting to get excited about your sudden aggression as he let himself get hit in the first place. "Will you stop following me around like a dog?! GET LOST YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"
"Punching me on the face would not end great for you, but this is why I like you Y/N. Now show me what you got can you?~" his demonic grin appearing on his scarred face.
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rainbowsky · 11 months
Hi! I hope your August is going well. Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put into your blog.
My ask is - out of all the wonderful photos we have of GG and DD, if you had to limit yourself to just 3 photos of each, which 3 of GG & which 3 of DD would you choose?
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Hi emrinalex! Thanks, it's going well - I hope yours is too! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
Your question is a bit cruel, but also fun so I'll forgive you!
As much as I'd hate to imagine a world where I'd only get 3 photos of each of them, thankfully there are some clear standouts (and I won't cheat by picking six of them together, although that tactic did cross my mind!! I also purposely stayed away from character photos because the post would just end up being a bunch of Ji Chong and Chen Yu photos 😅):
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Simply the best photo ever taken of DD. Captures aspects of him that are elusive and multifaceted, which are a big part of why he is so priceless and irreplaceable. I dig deeper into that in my post about Like Sunlight (which has been in my drafts for ages, I'll get around to finishing it one day). In this photo you can see his strength, his vulnerability, his youth, his emotion, his power as a performer.... his pure-heartedness. Love this photo.
It also reminds me of that performance, which I am in no danger of ever forgetting. All the photos from the studio photo shoot for that performance completely gutted me, but this one from the performance itself is... 💋👌🏻
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Even though there's reason to suspect he might have been upset by the reaction to this selfie (via a fake rumor that he griped to GG about fans calling him piggy, and also just based on what we know about his personality, and based on the fact that he hasn't shared a full-face selfie ever since) this is still and always will be a favorite of mine. Precious Bobo.
It's just a nice, candid shot of the sweet, handsome guy. Bobii being added to the photo by the artist really took it over the top for me. Sorry DD. I can't help it! I love this pic!
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This is another favorite of mine. As much as I wanted to put in one of the 'boy next door' photos from DDU when he had short hair (which totally kill me), I had to put this pensive, intense photo. I can't quite explain what I see in it, it's just some elusive quality that I really love.
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No contest. Every time I think of favorite photos of GG, this is the first thing that springs into my mind. That smile of his is a lethal weapon. It's truly a heart-stopping photo.
Is he mocking our stolen hearts with that gesture? 🤔
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UGH. Need I say more?
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This photo. I can't get enough of hockey player GG. He looked so adorkable and joyful that day, and this smile is too much. No matter how many other photos of him I look at I keep coming back to this one. It really captures his personality - his earnest 'up for it' attitude that is so charming and disarming.
This really was a painful process. There are too many great photos of them, and too many angles the task could be approached from. But these are definitely favorites.
More favorites in this post and also under the following tags:
Chongqing Beauty
GG Favorite Looks
Devastating DD
DD Favorite Looks
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amailboxlemur · 4 months
What even was this last week? The post concert/post trip depression is so real.
Visiting Sweden for the first time was crazy. I’ve done a little solo travelling through Canada, but I’m so proud of myself for going to Europe on my own. The city was beautiful and so full of history I knew next to nothing about. Even if this trip had just been about the city of Stockholm it would have been one of the best and most memorable vacations of a lifetime.
Then there was Omar. My god that man is too perfect to exist. He looked like fire and was so sweet at lyko, the selfies he took of us are absolutely priceless to me. And his concert? The vocals, the dancing, the outfits the production was all top notch. Getting to be so close and see just how emotional he was during the show was an unbelievable experience. He really put his whole soul into that performance for us. I’ve been reliving it constantly through videos, but I’m gonna need his acoustic build a girl and in the sunrise mashup injected directly into my veins. Going in, I figured this was my one shot at hearing him live and he SO lived up to my hopes.
To @elphiessolsikke , @the-words-we-sung, @crownedwille and @illuminescent thank you 💜 when I first sent that ask to @youngroyalsconnections I was so so nervous no one would reply or that meeting strangers would be really awkward but getting to gush about Omar and young royals with you all was so surreal. So was talking about tumblr, fanfic, fandom and all the other crazy stuff I never dare mention to irl friends. You all made queuing so much fun and it was great having people to bounce excitement off of after the concert. If any of you are ever in Toronto or anywhere else close to me, please let me know 💜
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just-another-siimp · 1 year
I was wondering if you could write a fluffy piece about Gaz and his partner having a sweet domestic moment in bed. Thank you
The Gaz homies are in the house today???? Please keep the Gaz requests coming!!! I fucken insert feral screaming here love him. This is more than a sweet domestic moment, but it counts right???
Warnings: No use of Y/N, Reader goes by Chip. Read the Enemy at the Gate series to understand some of the lore about where Gaz and Chip live!! I overdid it again. I'm sorry
Leave was something that every military member craved at one point or another, for you and Kyle leave was something neither of you saw often. When the Captain had announced that the 141st would be going on a two week leave it was a surprise, a pleasant one at that.
There was a buzz of excitement that radiated from Kyle as you both packed the jeep, an excitement that once upon a time you did not share. Except now that excitement was shared with him as you both prepared for the long journey home, it was roughly a 9 hour drive from the base in London to your home in Metz, France.
Normally you and Gaz would divide the driving into 2 hour blocks, arriving home just as the sun set and with enough time to go into town and buy a hot meal. On this occasion however, Kyle had convinced you to stop in Paris for a few nights. It had taken quite a bit of convincing, even Ghost had stepped in telling you about a new exhibit at The Louvre. When you finally caved in Gaz promised that he would organise the rest.
That was how you ended up in one of the fanciest hotels you'd ever stepped foot in, you almost felt out of place with some of the dirt and grime from previous missions still clinging to your skin. While Gaz spoke to the lady at reception you took a moment to send Soap a selfie, trying your hardest to showcase the grandness of the foyer.
S: Looks fancy as dove! I'm staying at Lt's place for a few nights, I'll show him the picture.
C: Try not to murder each other while you're there.
S: No promises, C. Ghost says congratulations!
Before you even had time to think about what Soap had said Gaz was by your side again, gently taking your phone from your hands and replacing it with a keycard. You gave him a questioning look, head tilted to the side as he ushered you forward.
"Come on, love. Our room is ready."
You didn't have a chance to interrogate Kyle on the way up to your room, the attendant in the elevator having struck up a conversation with you both as he took you to the top floor. Kyle's hand had slipped into yours as you were guided through the halls, eventually stopping in front of room 141.
Kyle laughed.
To say that the room was lavish would be an understatement, the evening sunset gave the room a gorgeous orange glow as you rushed forward to look out of the window. The busy Paris nightlife bustling below your feet as you turned to look back at Kyle.
"This is amazing!" You took a second look over the living room. It was spacious, decorated with plush white couches, priceless artwork and fresh flowers. "Kyle this is perfect.. thank you."
"Just wait til you see the bedroom." There was a joke hidden somewhere within that statement, one that you would have made if Kyle hadn't practically dragged you into the bedroom. You could've sworn that this was all a dream when your eyes caught sight of the familiar tower just outside the window.
It was hard to contain the squeal that came from you as you ran out onto the small balcony, taking in the magnificence of the Eiffel Tower. This really was the perfect surprise.
"This is- Kyle this is too much." You blurted out, turning to face him with a smile.
"I wanted to surprise you with something nice, dove." He stepped closer to you, body framing yours against the balcony. "Do you remember when you first joined the 141st? That time I got shot-"
"Because you jumped in front of a bullet, to save my life." you interrupted him, chest clenching at the memory. Kyle soothed your worry with a kiss.
"Yes, that time. Do you remember what you said to keep me awake?" Your eyes went wide, suddenly remembering what you'd told him that day. "You said 'one day when I go on leave, I'll book a hotel room that looks out at the Eiffel Tower and eat enough croissants to last a lifetime."
"I really did didn't I?" Your heart felt as though it could burst out of your chest, smile never leaving your face even when you kissed him. That night was spent in the hotel, admiring the view and eating croissants until you both passed out in the comfiest bed imaginable.
Kyle had always been an early riser, something you secretly hated about your beloved. It was the way that he could be awake and functioning before 9am, while you were still trying to consume enough caffeine to wake you up. For once both of you slept well past noon.
The both of you took your time to wake up, over time you'd moved from his side to laying on top of him. Enjoying the feeling of his hand in your hair, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and how it rumbled when he laughed at something you said.
It was moments like these that made everything you both fought for worth it, all of the violence you'd both seen made moments like these possible. Even then the selfish part of your brain never wanted it to end.
"Kyle?" His hum in response forced you to look up at him, slowly creeping forward so that you could press a kiss to the corner of his lips. "I wish we could stay like this forever."
"Me as well." He whispered, lips pressing to your forehead silence taking over the room again. Eventually you rolled off of him, settling against his side and taking his hand. Comparing it to yours.
"You have pretty hands, Kyle."
"I think yours would look prettier with a ring on it." he spoke softly, index finger pointing to your ring finger. "Right there."
"Chip- I was going to wait for a more romantic moment but I realised.. laying here in this bed with you. It's the perfect time. Because there is nothing more in this world that I want, than moments like this spent with you in bed but with you as my partner." Suddenly he was moving, taking a small velvet box out of the nightstand offering it to you. "Would you do me the honour.. of marrying me."
It took a moment to process what he was saying, tears threatened to fall as you nodded your head. "Yes.. A million times yes." You whispered, face now hidden in his chest as he held you to him. It wasn't clear how long you'd both stayed like that for, eventually you'd pulled away to kiss him. Your phone aggressively vibrating in the background, ruining the sweet moment.
"It's probably Soap-" You mumbled turning the phone off, realisation hitting you like a ton of bricks.
"What is it love?"
"So that's what Ghost meant by 'Congrats'" You laughed looking at Kyle, watching as he glared at your phone.
"I knew one of those bloody idiots would ruin it-"
It wasn't until a year later that you and Gaz visited that hotel, as newly weds.
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Old School
Summary: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, nor an aged fighter like Ryu how to text.
But he was willing to learn how to pleasure you best.
Rating: R
Pairing: Reader x Ryu
It was the best way that you could describe the motion of Ryu’s fingers. Big, thick hands roughened by years of battle, blunt thumbs doing their best to press onto a tiny screen. Whereas his precision strike at an opponent was as accurate as could be, the same could not be said to his attempts at texting.
You would always giggle at the memory of firm yet flustered “No such thing would be needed” that one time you suggested that he try using a stylus.
The quiet awe in his stare when he saw Luke texting a caption for a selfie with one hand while lifting weights at the local gym was something you would cherish forever.
Leading up to the first time you were intimate together, he was as hot-faced as could be when the truth of him being a virgin became known. Initially, he was calm and composed when he remarked that his training and fending off the evils of Akuma took precedence over carnal bodily pleasure.
However, the moment you tilted your head to the side and innocently asked whether he had ever gotten a blowjob before had him glad that he was growing out his beard, the thick bristles of hair helping with covering the blush that soon spread across his face.
As the significantly older one in your relationship, he thought it was him who should lead once the two of you wandered over to his humble bed.
Yet it was with the wicked glint in your eyes as you eagerly straddled his hips while pushing him down onto the mattress that he realized he was outmatched. Your fingertips ghosting along his chiseled torso before dipping beneath the waistband of his training pants was him succumbing to you in defeat.
Far be it from him to remain helpless and weakened to the tantalizing touch of your hands and lips every time the two of you were in bed together.
What he lacked in experience he made up tenfold in passion alone.
He could have fiercely fought through an entire tournament spent squaring off against the best of Metro City and still have the drive and energy to bury his face between your thighs, happily welcoming the pressure of your legs on either side of his head while he feasted away at your core.
Much like in any match where he knew which point that his opponent protected the most, as soon as he found which spots on your body were the most sensitive, he never failed to seek it out, whether by the curl of his fingers, the suckle of his lips, or the powerful swing of his hips.
From once a hapless yet loving trainee to a well-versed and dedicated master in the art of your body.
That was Ryu and he was yours.
And while his texts were slow, the astonished drops of his jaw whenever you sent any risqué pictures of yourself were priceless. He would get there eventually.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments - Part 6
Part 6 of maybe (?) more to come that is.
A page from JM and JK’s book of “How do we do the couple in the group without others noticing it (or so they thought)”.  
cr./to the owners of the media in this post.
Let’s start with Jikook selfies.
Innocent looking, not hot boyfies posing what so ever.
Super subtle... 🤣🤣
Why don’t we start with the piece de resistance? 
This was literally shown at the BTS exhibition.  The lighting.  The pose.  The angle of the camera. The sultry eyes, swollen lips, JK looks like he might not be wearing a top, JM’s upper body seems to be blacked out (there are photos circulating with JM bare chest but they seem to be an edited version of the actual photo that was shown at the exhibition, said photo with JM’s chest blacked out).
Nothing sus what so ever.  
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Ok then...
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And this one...Bon Voyage Hawaii.  The night they slept in their own room together, after JK ‘lost’ the game they were playing not on purpose at all (wink wink).  No, seriously guys, he’s absolute shit at that game, he didn’t lose on purpose, and that definitely wasn’t a happy dance he was dancing there after not losing the game on purpose...
This is the only documentation of them in that room.  No cameras entered that room (other than their own).  And if they did, we definitley did not get to see any of the footage (unlike our footage from their ITS night escapades).
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Let’s round up this part (the selfies) with a not at all bf selfie coming off their Tokyo trip.
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Moving on... to other very subtle, not “I have bf privileges at all”, moments...
Like these ones here...
Where’s your hands at Mr. Jeon?  Where you going with those hands of yours, eh?  
And once again staff member’s back to the rescue...
Everything that followed in that moment was definitely not boyfriendie either.  Not JM’s reaction, nor JK’s scolding.  Nope.
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And if hands is what we’re talking about, what is it you are doing with your hand Mr. Park?  Not to mention that insistent JK claiming what’s his, no matter the cost (in this case a hit to the privates).
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Ok, so here they were definitely caught off guard.  JM’s reaction was smooth like butter.  It’s JK, same JK that was caught just leaning into JM staring up at him.  Same JK that 'walked away’ from the whole thing stress written all over his face while hyperventilating.  
Yes, it looks like a pretty intimate moment.  JK looking up at JM, not the camera.  But his reaction, that panic you can see on his face...
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JK being real subtle teasing his boyfriend.  Cause man, boy was sucking on that corn ice cream, like his life depended on it.
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All while:
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But JM, he got this:
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Run editors: “Such a jokester”...
Ok, and what joke is that exactly?  You know, the not gay one, that is.
Now to the special relationship between JK and JM’s butt.  
We have the stares.
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And we have the smacks.
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Not the first or last time we talk about this, but you see, there are those very special moments where you look and go: “well, that’s REALLY too much”.  Even for the butt loving JK, who will hit any butt (well of the people he knows, loves and that won’t have him charged for sexual harassment, that is).  JM does have a very special affiliation with JM’s back side, and I have spoken many a times about it, with MULTIPLE examples, lol.
But, pun intended, these few examples are JK kind of crossing a line between what can be perceived as a friendly butt tap and a whatever you wanna call what he was doing, lol.  
Oh, and do I have to talk about JM’s reactions too?
Shall we start?
And side note: I’m not gonna describe each and every one of these, mainly because they are beyond description, lol.
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The difference between the members reactions is priceless.  Hobi smiling and laughing, cause it’s real funny.  Is it though?  Cause Jin doesn’t seem to think it is, lol.
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And then you have the others just ignoring it, like it ain’t happening in the room and on camera.
I also kind of wonder how these moments made it to the content.  I guess there is just so much you can cut...
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You know what? 
Scratch that.  It’s not suspicious at all.  Super subtle.  You see, JK, he missed out on his boxing workout on those days, and what better boxing bag than JM’s ass(et)?  See?  Super innocent.
But then, what do we call this?
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Or this, for that matter?  Cause believe you me, I’ve been racking my brains to find a logical, or even semi-logical explanation for this one, and even my criminal mind has not yet found a way to explain this one off.
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As I was about to wrap it up this moment just revealed itself, and although I have already posted it in my Coway clip post, I couldn’t pass the opportunity, not with this JK supposedly being ‘subtle’ post, right?
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This man, a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook, has mastered the art of finding his way to JM’s side.  Near or far, no obstacle will stand in his way, not even a leader or a very scary Suga.  In this case, at the sight of a walking away Mr. Park Jimin.  He notices and speeds into action.  Road Runner is no match for a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook.  Not with a Park Jimin in sight.
To be continued?  You guys tell me.
But I do need your help.  Send me moments and ideas you would like to see in this series of posts.  You can leave them in the comments or DM me.
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso S3E8 We'll Never Have Paris - Thoughts on an eventful episode!!
-I don't know what to feel about Nate and Jade's relationship but I love seeing Nate happy!
-Please God I hope the writers aren't setting up some elaborate Jack sabotaging Keeley arc..... I just have a bad feeling...
-"Is this a game or child labour?" "In late-stage capitalism, what's the difference? "Word."
-Roy calling the Diamond Dogs "a living fucking nightmare" while still being part of their meeting from the other room...typical!
-Trent's expression when Beard started barking was priceless!!
-Nate's dismal Diamond Dogs parallel the "Love Hounds" is so sad... please let him rejoin the Diamond Dogs... Nate needs a gossip circle!!!
-"Or, they go to see Oscar Wilde's grave" and "I didn't know Oscar Wilde was dead, some of his quotes feel so modern, so of our time"- there have been lots of Oscar Wilde references in this show... what are you saying with this Ted?
-Poor Keeley.. but some of the reddit usernames under the leaked video are killing me.. 'SendMeBigFilthyFeet6969.. AnonAndAnnoying00227... ScrappyDooEnthusiast1289.. and BringTheMayonoise_0327.... i mean come onn
-Jamie is still taking selfies in the locker room.. some things never change!
-"Do we delete our memories too?" "No, cause no one can steal your memories." Bumbercatch: "That's not entirely true." .... very mysterious..
-OH NOOO Isaac just got Colin's phone please my heart just dropped.... why am i so afraid for him ....Isaac is so nice.. what was that reaction... what was that ambiguous reaction??? ... did not expect That To Happen.
-Beard: "There is an immersive Jack the Ripper walking tour that Jane's been raving about. It's like, six hours long, and at one point, you get chased." Jane is an enigma.
-ah to live in ted's idyllic neighbourhood where people sing and dance spontaneously and walk around the pristine streets kicking footballs
-Welll i guess that's the end of Jack and Keeley's relationship.. would've seen that coming if I hadn't deliberately ignored the 3000 signs in the last few episodes.
-Jamie having made his password 'password' is so accurate to the first season himbo version of him..
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komiloves · 2 months
time to change that.
i would like to request shiraishi an, and kohane azusawa x reader who loves to fall asleep on their partner, especially in public? thank 👍
♡ FALLING ASLEEP || Shiraishi An, Azusawa Kohane x Reader
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Note: I am very sorry for the late respond, I have been very busy lately with school works and exams! I will try to be more active in responding next time 😭 EXPECT SOME GRAMMAR / SPELLING ERROR BECAUSE ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE !
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Let's start with how An absolute adores your sleeping face. Oh you drool? You snore? You sleep like the bed is YOUR bed? All of that ain't matter nuthing to her.
Believe it or not, An definitely has some small amount of selfies of her and you sleeping on the couch.
Overall, this girl adores you very much no matter what you do, even sleeping. The shock and awe in her face when she sees you falling asleep on her are priceless.
You were cheering so hard on her live event shows that you fell asleep on the way home with her. If the rest of VBS is with you, she will definitely ask them to be quieter because you're sleeping.
"Shhh, guys, my love is sleeping. Aren't they cute?" "Why do they sleep like that-" "Akito shut the fuck up."
An definitely doodles on your face with those non-permanent markers, making you look like a cat, or some tiny hearts and stars on your cheeks.
An would take her jacket off and put it over your back so it can act as a blanket, and seeing you shift comfortably in it only adds to her internal screaming.
If you two are on a train, An would pull you close to her with her arm, before falling asleep on top of you.
BONUS: She would VBS pictures and selfies of you sleeping (even set it as her lock screen wallpaper)
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Kohane, the type of lover who would be so confused on how she should react to you sleeping on her. She wants to be in awe to your adorable sleeping face, but she also feels so flustered now that her dear is sleeping on her shoulder! (or head if you're taller than her lol)
Kohane first saw your sleeping face when you visited over at her place and falls asleep on her desk. She would never admit it to you out of sheer embarrassment, but when she first saw that, she took a picture of your sleeping face with her camera with the most gorgeous angle ever.
For some reason, this girl barely gets tired at all even if her schedule is so tight for the entire day! You followed her along through her tight and busy schedule of the day and that's when you fell asleep on her on the way home.
Kohane would stare at you in awe after getting over her temporary embarrassment before nuzzling you softly like a hamster.
If VBS is with her, she would do the same like An; tell them to be quieter.
"Guys, my partner is sleeping.. Can we please be quieter?"
When you two are now the sleepy lover, alias Kohane falls asleep on you too, An would gush about how cute the two of you looks like to Toya and Akito and take a picture of the two of you sleeping with her phone.
When you wake up, you'd find a humanized hamster in your arms all snuggled up to you <33
BONUS: Toya and An sends Akito glares when he tease the two of you.
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Jun from A to Z
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That nsfw alphabet
Pairing: Park Junhee x female reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He becomes a softie right after he orgasms, playing with your hair (which is damp with sweat) and smiling at you. Anyways, Jun suggests a shower together after a few minutes and wants to talk in the bathroom.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, it's his face. I wouldn't say he is smug but he knows how handsome he is. His smile is a fatal charm.
On you, it's either your neck or your butt. He can't decide. He is often smelling your neck, it's like his face was made to fit onto its soft curve. But your butt also looks amazing. He uses to say it's appetizing oops
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
On your butt when he rails you from behind and inside when you all go for it in another position.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He sometimes considers sharing you with a friend or being shared omg.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has quite a lot of experience because he can't say no to pretty girls.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary with your legs on his shoulders or reverse cowgirl.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Come on, Jun is a clown. He loves it when he does something dumb such as losing balance and you laugh with him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He definitely has hair down there, sometimes more than you expect.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Not really romantic when he is in a mood. He gets too energetic and reckless, he's not the type to say "I love you" while he is inside you but he definitely will do it afterward.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does it often because he is a horny person. Usually in the shower, so when he is not singing there, you should suspect.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Top three:
Biting (giving and receiving)
Choking (giving and receiving)
Pet play (either role)
L = Location (favorite places)
in the comfort of the bedroom or on the table before dinner.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Junhee is turned on by visual stimulation: you wearing revealing clothing for him, sending provocative selfies, purposely licking your fingers soaked with sauce in front of him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He can't take degradation well. It makes him feel ridiculous.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving: the way you look up at him as he feels so lucky is priceless. He enjoys taking a fistful of your hair too.
It doesn't mean his tongue skills are weak nonetheless. He gives a quite decent head. Stays down on you for a while especially if you stroke his head.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Junhee is pretty rough and fast when he dominates. However, he loves it when you take control and fuck him slowly while pinning him down on the mattress. Girl, just pierce his soul with your gaze while he is inside and he will stay quiet in anticipation (maybe cursing a bit but otherwise he'll be a good puppy)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's frequently craving quickies because he enjoys them so much! Fast, passionate sex simply put him in a good mood to do anything. He uses to suggest it before going out.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to whatever. If his babe wants something new she's getting it.
He also can take the risk of being caught as long it is minimal. I mean, he's okay if you get heard but not if you get spotted in the act. He can be possessive about your body so he hates the idea of anyone seeing you naked.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He fucks fast hence he can go for many rounds. Absolutely LOVES having his soft dick sucked to life again so he can fuck you one more time quickly.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes!! He is attracted to vibrators so he have at least 3. Jun often lets you use them on him so you know where to find his toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't tease much, boy is eager himself so he won't make you wait much. He starts kissing you more deeply and his hands don't take much to force your clothes off.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man is so freaking loud. Your neighbors probably talk about him because sometimes he goes overboard. You might have gagged him one time because you got ashamed. Anyways his moans and whimpers are adorable.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jun likes to be guided towards your bedroom when he's playing your puppy. You don't need a leash, just grab his shaft and start walking him down the corridor.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's a bit longer than average when it's hard, average thickness. It looks smooth at first but there's a vein on the underside. It's slightly tanned too.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
4 days a week when you are in the beginning of your relationship. It decreases after some time but sex remains pretty frequent between you two.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes a good half-hour to doze off because he wants to talk and cuddle. It might ge a monolog though, he doesn't mind if you don't know what to say. He speaks surprisingly low after sex, so he might accidentally lull you.
Check the tag smut alphabet for more alphabets like this.
Don't forget to like it. leave a comment/ask if you feel like it, that will make me really content. Thank you for reading it!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Chris Evans - The View rant and Dodger Appreciation
Wow, do we have a lot to unpack...
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So, let's start with his using of his left hand... for the love of God, what is with him needing to show that watch off?
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He started the interview with it up, and at one point, you can see him purposely moving his sleeve to show the watch, WHEN HE REMEMBERED.
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He also did it again towards the end... So, I'm going to ask...
What is the deal with that watch?!
Let's cool off for a second. I'll get to Chris' overall behavior after this, but can we PLEASE, fucking appreciate the bestest boy ever?!
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Also, is that selfie old? I've never seen it before...
Dodger is the star of THE ENTIRE FUCKING SHOW!!! And you can't tell me otherwise 😆 He just looks so happy without a certain she-devil incarnate around 🤭☕
And we're back...
So, to start, he looked comfortable, and oddly normal. Like he didn't look like the crypt keeper (👸's words not mine 😆), and Dodger looked happy and healthy and is hanging around his dear old Dad...🥹 It actually made me melt, and get emotional.
But I noticed, when they congratulated him about his marriage, he took a beat before saying thank you. Like he was waiting for them to add something so that he'd be saying thank you for both, instead of one(I'm probably reading into it too much, huh?).
And when he started to talk about the Marvel movies, he cuts himself off to show Dodger! Not that I'm complaining, but kind of sus that he never finished what he was talking about. Again, I might be reading into it too much, but it caught my attention.
And my favorite part, other than Dodger ofcourse, is that in the mid point of the interview, he was so animated. And he looked and acted like old Chris! It was like he was the guy everyone thinks he is... And then he remembered his leftie, and old Chris was gone in a second...
Honestly, I'm just glad he didn't blow up the Fandom this time. But he might soon, considering the Albitch is still very much around...
So, I'll leave this on an ominous, sad, and then fun note!
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I'm sorry, but whoever put "Paid Spokesperson for Jinx" should get a raise, because THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PRICELESS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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ageingfangirl · 25 days
Don't Tell Anyone! (Donghae) Super Junior
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'It's a disaster, Eunhyuk, what do I do?' I whisper into my phone.
Eunhyuk howls with laughter down the other end, 'Oh man this is priceless, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall right now.'
I hung up and decided to phone Leeteuk, maybe he could help me and anyone was more mature than Eunhyuk. Luckily he picks up on the second ring, but it was clear Eunhyuk had gotten to him first because he straight up laughs.
'Real mature, this is partly your fault hyung,' I hiss.
'Babe, are you in there?' y/n calls out, and knocks on the bathroom door, 'are you talking to someone?'
Leeteuk snorts, 'What did you think would happen when you mixed multiple products together?'
I roll my eyes, 'All three of you were adamant y/n would like yours best so I went with all four including mine and only left them alone for a few minutes.'
y/n knocks again, 'Are you okay Donghae?'
'Everything is good y/n, give me a minute,' I reply.
'Don't bother Shindong, Eunhyuk already messaged him. Why are you stressing out about this anyway?' Leeteuk asks, sounding calmer than before.
I throw my free hand in the air, 'y/n's been super stressed at work and I wanted to do something nice and they love bubble baths. Now I've ruined everything, and when I open the bathroom door y/n will be even more stressed because they hate mess,' I whisper.
Leeteuk sighs, 'y/n loves you and will see the sweet gesture you tried. You can both laugh about this one day. Now be a man and open that door. Also, the guys and I will want details later, bye.'
He hangs up.
I put my phone down on the counter, the only free space in the whole room, take a deep breath and unlock the bathroom door. y/n's eyes widen as they take in everything behind me.
'Fucking hell, why are there so many bubbles in there?' y/n asks, face and tone serious.
I shuffle on the spot and swat some bubbles away, 'you really don't want to know y/n.'
y/n's lip twitches, 'you can tell me anything, babe.'
'You've been stressed at work so I wanted to run you a bubble bath but couldn't decide on the scent, so I asked the guys for advice. They told me to use all four bubble soaps, I only left it alone for a few minutes, and then bang so many bubbles.'
y/n's lip turns into a smile and they throw their arms around me, 'You're so thoughtful, I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much, but maybe next time don't ask the guys for advice.'
y/n then pulls out of the hug and takes out their phone, and poses for a selfie, 'what are you doing?' I ask, very much confused.
y/n laughs, 'Say cheese, Eunhyuk wanted proof.'
That traitorous friend I think wearing a scowl while y/n smiles and takes some photos, he'd already told y/n leaving me to panic. When I next saw him I was going to make him pay for this.
'Why don't we clean this up, enjoy a shower together to relieve both our stresses, order takeout and cuddle on the sofa,' y/n suggests.
The scowl leaves my face and I kiss y/n's forehead, 'that sounds like a much better night to me.'
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
You know how Joseph's already brought his mum and his dad to conventions? Imagine one day he brings Wes along.
First, picture that potential chaotic giggly mayhem at the autographs table.
Second, people would 100% ask if Wes can also sign their stuff and you know what, he probably WOULD.
Third, the face of Joseph "so funny you know who Wes is" Quinn when he sees his fans taking selfies with Wes would be absolutely fucking priceless.
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charming-merlin · 1 year
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These two deserve the world. They are the most generous, caring, lovely humans and I'm so happy to have them in my life.
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They mean so much to me and I can't believe it's already been a week since I met them. I have no words to describe how I felt on that day. Just so much love. When the people you look up to the most remember your name and welcome you with a big warm smile...just happiness. I miss them.
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fun fact: I asked Jasper if he could think about a pose for my third duo photo with them. "Let's carry you like a salmon! 🙂" Peter was so confused. Their faces are just priceless.
bonus our crazy selfies:
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