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Destination: Wedding: 31k
Harry keeps accidentally getting married by not knowing the customs of cultures he visits and Draco is his long-suffering divorce attorney. Is Harry doing it on purpose? Are the people he's marrying doing it on purpose? Is everyone involved just an idiot? Read on and find out!
#30k+#drarry fic rec#drarrry#harry potter fic rec#bisexual!harry#oblivious!harry#divorced! draco#divorce attorney draco#Chad (country)#Las Vegas Wedding#norway (country)#san francisco#cute#fluffy#humour#healing#toursim#travel#past relationships#previous draco x astoria#accidental marriage
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you might still have me
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 2
warnings - angst, theodore nott's asshole friends, cursing
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slytherin boys masterlist works
The entire rest of the week took forever to pass. All you could think about was your Hogsmeade date with Theo. Astoria was downright giddy that he'd asked you and was currently helping you pick out your outfit for the event, which was finally tomorrow. Daphne on the other hand was unsurprisingly, sitting on your bed with a slightly disdained look.
"I'm telling you, Y/n." Astoria flashed her sister a look that begged her to please, shut up, but Daphne continued while picking at the edges of her cuticles. "It's really suspicious that out of nowhere he just suddenly wants to go on a date with you." You rolled your eyes and attempted to ignore the slightly older girl.
"Besides, you've had a crush on him for so long there's no doubt that at least someone else has noticed who might've told him or something, not to mention, you've barely spoken more than two sentences to the boy save for your carriage escapade--"
"Daphne will you shut up!"
Immediately the room was silent. Both girls were staring at you with their eyes wide. You'd never yelled or exploded like that. Ever. Everyone knew you to be a shy girl who mostly kept to herself save for a few longing looks at Theo when you were sure he wasn't looking.
The rest of the time in your dorm was suffocatingly silent. When you opened the door to head down to dinner, tension exploded from the room like a pressurized cannister and seeped into the quiet halls. You could feel that your face was still hot from the interaction. Why couldn't Daphne Greengrass just be supportive for once in her life? You hadn't meant to scream at her like that, but you were riding a high for the first time in a while, and you didn't want anyone to ruin that. As your best friend, you thought she'd understand.
Instead of sitting with Astoria and Daphne at dinner, you sat secluded at your own little space at the table. A little while into the meal, Theo entered the Great Hall. You made eye contact with him and smiled. He smiled back and offered a small wave while blushed covered his olive colored skin.
Your surprise (and smile) widened when he made a beeline straight for you instead of making his way over to where Mattheo and Draco were perched on the other side of the hall. Draco look confused and honestly a little put off while Mattheo was smirking slightly to himself. You tried not to think too much of Mattheo's weird looks. He was known to be quite an odd boy, always well beyond his years, older than he needed to be. If anything, your heart clenched for the poor boy who had to grow up far too quickly.
"Your face is quite red, Y/n. Are you feeling okay?" Theo pressed a hand to your forehead and you reveled in the feeling of his skin against yours for a moment or so before pulling back and offering what you'd hoped was a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Theo. Just a little minor disagreement among friends." Theo nodded in mutual understanding and threw both legs over the bench, one after the other, until he was plopped comfortably at your side.
He stared at the empty plate in front of him for a bit, then suddenly, an intricate and delicious looking pasta conjured. Magic never ceased to amaze you, even though you'd been around it since you were born. "What's that?" Theo's head turned slightly and he made partial eye contact with you. A light sparked in his eyes before fizzling out.
"An italian dish my Nonna used to make when she was alive. It's called cassarecce di pollo." The deep drawl of an Italian accent made it's appearance as he spoke. You leaned over to get a catch of the scent. The smell of the dish in combination with Theo's natural earthy swirl had you practically drooling. In your bliss, you didn't notice Theo subtly scoot closer to you on the bench. When your eyes opened, he was there. Inches from your face. He kept his eyes locked on yours while he collected some of the dish onto a fork and held it out for you to taste.
The moment the pasta hit your tongue, flavor exploded. The sauce was creamy and tangy. The tomatoes were perfectly cooked. The chicken was grilled and rubbed in a sort of dry seasoning that you surely couldn't name, but which made your tastebuds dance on the tip of your tongue.
"Well? What do you think cuore?"
"It's delicious." The word he used with you had your eyes flicking to his in a moment. "What's that word you used?" Theo smiled amusedly and started to dig into his dinner like nothing happened. "Don't worry about it. Eat your food."
After consuming the entire plate of your most favorite dish and laughing vibrantly with Theo, you were on clouds. Daphne had to be wrong. There's no way that Theodore Nott could ever do anything like that to anybody. Sure, he'd never taken much interest in girls before, but he was finally breaking that streak. And for you no less. To be the girl that Theodore Nott chose was nothing short of explicit and perpetual happiness.
When the sun rose the next morning, you all but skyrocketed out of bed. It was finally the day of your date with Theo. The warm September sun was casting bright golden rays throughout the open fields of the castle grounds and you could only imagine what Hogsmeade looked like at such a beautiful time. You grabbed the cute sundress that you'd picked out last night and slid it down your body so quick that you may have gotten carpet burn.
Finally, the fruition of three years of longing stares. There was no way that life actually got this perfect. When you made your way down to the courtyard with a thrung of other students, Theo was already there waiting. He jogged up to you with a bright smile and his permission slip clutched tightly in his right hand. The two of you exchanged greetings and made each other howl with laughter on the trip to the village.
Theo was crouched over and holding his stomach with hoots of laughter bursting uncontained from his throat when you arrived at Hogsmeade. You'd made a joke about Draco's unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter bordering on an occult following and the poor boy doubled over. His laughter was booming and contagious. Seeing the boy you'd liked for so long, so happy made your heart swell against your ribcage. Like it always did when Theodore Nott was around.
The two of you began your day with a trip to Zonko's. When you'd mentioned wanting to go, Theo's eyes lit up. I've never met a girl that liked Zonko's. Your body blushed from the inside out at the comment. Something about Theo subtly implying that he'd never met a girl like you make your skeleton feel like dancing right out of your skin.
After a long few hours at a few other places in Hogsmeade, the two of you decided to end the date with a stop in the Three Broomsticks. Madame Rosmerta smiled largely at Theo as he entered. She asked of his Aunt Georgia, to which Theo happily replied that she'd had a healthy baby girl and was recovering nicely.
The entire date was going perfectly. Until Mattheo Riddle walked into the Three Broomsticks. Theo's eyes widened as Mattheo took a seat next to him at your table. You'd never really interacted with him too much. Mattheo's crass and abrasive personality set you slightly on edge. Still, wanting to be friends with Theo's friends, you offered him a smile and a small wave. "Hi Mattheo."
Mattheo offered a conniving smile that made you so uncomfortable you wished to look away. You held your ground though. "Well hey there Y/n." He slung a heavy arm over Theo's shoulders and leaned his other thick forearm on the rickety table. "You two seemed pretty content."
Theo hastily shoved Mattheo's arm off of him and put a good five inches between himself and the dark haired boy. "Shove off, Mattheo." Mattheo's eyes darkened and his smile faltered before he turned his attention back to yours and the same unnerving grin returned. "Aww don't be that way, Theodore. I just figured since you and Y/n are clearly so close that she should know."
Your head cocked sideways in clear confusion. Your eyes flickered between the two and when neither of them spoke, your patience began to run thin. "Know what?" Still both boys were silent. Mattheo was staring at Theo intensely and clapped a large hand on his back. "What Theo?" You hissed at the boy across the table.
Mattheo released a heavy sigh that seemed far too fake. Your suspicion grew tenfold. "Here's the thing Y/n. Theodore here only asked you out because Draco and I bet him twenty-five galleons that he couldn't break your heart in less than a week." An iron hammer appeared out of nowhere and swung at your ribcage until the bones shattered and your heart fell right from your chest onto the floor.
Theo didn't deny the accusation and stared at you apologetically with tears brimming the bottom of his eyes. He didn't have any right to be crying. You stood from the table so loud that all the patrons in the Three Broomsticks stared. A few nearby even offered you pitying looks. Tears clouded your vision so heavily you didn't see the withering look that Theo cast at Mattheo or the disappointed one that Madame Rosmerta cast at Theo.
Theo was on your tail as the door to the Three Broomsticks slammed behind you. He caught you just outside on the pavement. The setting sun gave your skin a glow that was nothing short of angelic. But the broken look that you gave him caused permanent shards to stab at his insides until they twisted themselves into dozens of little knots.
"Theo why would you ever do this to anyone?"
"I didn't want to. I didn't want to do this to anybody, let alone you."
"Then why?"
"Because! I've been in love with you since the moment we met and I saw an opportunity to get close to you! What was I supposed to do? I never planned for you to find out."
You laughed brokenly through your sobs and had given up on trying to wipe your running mascara. Your heart shatters all over again. Not only did Theodore Nott do a downright horrible thing to you, but he did it out of 'love'. The biological phenomenon labeled 'heartbreak' settles into every cell in your body. Evidence of your blind, trusting faith in Theodore Nott. Faith that broke and bled and now moves in shockwaves through your body, mind, and soul. The only person capable of truly hurting you had obliterated every part of you until the pieces lay on the ground at his feet. All for a stupid bet.
"You should've said no, Theodore." His name was soft from your lips but the boy still noticeably winced. The sound cut his skin like knives leaving invisible scars. "I should've known that loving you would be the end of me. To love you Theodore Nott, is to lose my mind. You and your stupid little friends justifying it. 'She's already fucked in the head.' Is that what you've been telling yourself to sleep for the past week?"
The rage began to simmer under your skin until it felt like it was pouring out of every inch of your body.
"Actually don't answer that. I don't care."
For the first time in three years, your heart rate didn't jump when you looked at Theodore Nott. Your heart didn't swell, it deflated. Your cheeks didn't heat up. For the first time in three years, when you looked at Theodore Nott, you felt nothing.
Nothing at all.
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Masked Pt 5 - Draco Malfoy
Part 5 of a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
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Summary so far: Well, you've made it onto the train at Hogwarts... now how will the rest of your time there go? Who will you encounter? What will be revealed? Well basically... no I'm not going to do that, read the whole MASKED mini series!
A/N: Well this is weird. I'm not a Draco girl never have been, never will be.. and yet this is probably one of the best yet most cheesy things I'll ever write in my life. I love Masked so much, and now that it's nearly finished, I can actually tell the people who follow my tiktok about it... If you haven't found this oneshot book from my tiktok, go follow me over there @azrakaban x
It had been a month since you arrived at Hogwarts. You were privately sorted after the feast in professor Dumbledore's office, and it had confirmed most people's suspicions: you were a Slytherin. (the house was necessary for plot, but I'll do others with yn as other houses <3)
You were settling into life at the castle well.. aside from one thing. You saw Draco every day, and it was awkward to say the least. He had elected to ignore you in person as well as by letter. Not that you were surprised; it was expected, although a small part of you wished he had made some attempt to explain his sudden silence.
That was, until the new Professor Slughorn paired you together in potions. He was silent throughout the class, ignoring your questions in every lesson, leaving you to ask someone else. And, rolling your eyes, you would. It was stupid.
Of course, you understood that there was pressure on him. Your group recently heard that Draco had been given the dark mark by the dark lord, branding him as a death eater. You had no idea what that entailed. But that didn't excuse his complete ignorance of your existence.
"Do we add this?" You asked, not expecting any kind of response. You were holding up an ingredient from your cupboard. Draco remained indifferent, and you sighed.
Then, you turned over the ingredient in your palm and cried out. It had a sharp side, and was slightly buried into your hand. You pulled it out, throwing it into your potion, no longer caring if it was supposed to be in there.
Draco completely ignored your small yelp of pain, aside from stiffening slightly as blood ran down your palm. (No he's not a vampire, calm down Twilight and tvd fans).
He just watched as you pressed fabric against it to stop the bleeding, and as Pansy helped you wrap your hand in a spair clean rag. You could have sworn you seen his mouth quirk up at the corner. That was it.
With your good hand, you wrote him a note: "Meet me after class. We need to talk." His eyes roved it for a second before crumpling it into his pocket.
You waited until class was over, unfortunately leaving after Draco. You found it unlikely that he had decided to wait for you, so left with Pansy, Astoria and Rhia, who you had quickly found was an incredible friend.
To your surprise, you were wrong about him. Draco was waiting outside the dungeon classroom, leaning against the wall looking bored. You excused yourself from the girls, and walked over to him.
"Hi." You said, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive. "Hey." He replied. Wow, your first words in over six months and they were incredibly awe inspiring. Not.
"Okay so I don't exactly want to be overheard, so do you mind coming with me? I just don't want people finding dirt to use on us." You said, giving him a small smile.
"Ah yes, because it's such a bad thing for you to be seen with me." Draco said, sarcasm evident in his voice.
"That's not what I said." You said, the smile fading from your voice. "But actually, it doesn't matter too much if we're seen, Theo won't tell my parents, and nobody else actually gives a shit about the whole rivalry thing." You continued, leading him into an empty classroom.
"I know. I heard you reprimanding your brother. Nice job with that by the way."
You closed the door and turned back to Draco, who was leaning against a desk with his hands in his pockets.
"Thanks. So, I don't really know how to say this, but let me start with a quick WHAT THE FUCK DRACO?" You said, nearly yelling the last part.
"What in the salazar do you mean Nott?" Said Draco, still maintaining his bored attitude but with a slight edge to his voice.
"You know what! You've been ignoring me for over a month in potions, letting me mess up, and now hurt myself! And not to mention your complete-" You said, pacing.
Draco grabbed your wrist, forcing you to stop walking. "I'm going to stop you there. You haven't spoken to me in six months, yn, and suddenly I'm the bad guy for ignoring you as well?" He said, looking mad.
"What the hell do you mean? I wrote to you so many times when I didn't hear back from you! I only stopped because I heard nothing from you. You went silent!" You said, spitting out the last word.
"Oh really? What about the hundreds of letters I wrote to you during the sixth months of silence from you? What about the fact that throughout the time I was writing those letters, all I could think about was whether or not you were okay? The anxiety that kept me awake worrying about you? Thought not." Said Draco, his voice getting louder. You were silent, in shock.
He scoffed, pushing off the desk. He opened the door and walked out, disappearing around the door. You unforze and went after him immediately.
"Draco! DRACO!" You yelled, getting his attention. He turned around, and you nearly walked straight into his chest.
"What yn?" He said, looking down at you with a look of disappointment, tinged in sadness.
"What letters Draco?" You said, looking into his eyes, completely serious. His expression changed to one of confusion.
"What letters Draco?" You repeated. His mouth opened. Then closed. Then opened again, and spoke. His voice was hoarse, with seemed disbelief.
"I wrote to you yn. Every day, up until the day I saw you at the feast, completely fine. Every day I wrote, asking if you were okay, trying to check if you were still alive.
I was terrified that your father had followed through with his threat. I found excuses to come by the Nott Estate, trying to see if you were fine.
But I never saw you. And I still kept writing. Why? Because of some crazy spell you have on me. I haven't been able to think straight for seven months, because I didn't know if you were dead, or if you straight up were done with me. Did you not get my letters?" He said, hand running through his hair, dislodging what was clearly previously styled.
"I wasn't okay." You whispered, eyes brimming with tears. Draco looked at you before grabbing your hand and pulling you into him. You looked up and met his eyes, tears spilling over.
"I missed you Draco. Every day. And while I didn't write every day, I didn't give up, I kept writing every month. I only stopped because I thought you were done with me, and wouldn't want ot hear from me. Because I knew you were alive. You come up in death eater meetings. And it was torture, knowing you were alive, but thinking you didn't want me anymore. And no, I didn't get your letters." You said, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face into his chest.
Draco's hand cupped your face, tilting your head to meet his gaze. "I would never give up on you." He said, resting his forehead against yours. "Do you want to know why?" He questioned.
"Maybe?" You said, arms moving to wrap around his neck.
"Just maybe?" He repeated, leaning back a little bit.
"Probably?" You offered, repeating the words you both said before your first kiss.
His lips met yours, soft and sweet, but passionate. You kissed him back, fingers tangling into his previously messed up hair. You both pulled back for air, foreheads rested against each other.
"It's because I love you, yn. I didn't stop during the last seven months." He said, not nervously. There was no hesitation as he said it. And maybe that was what prompted you to speak. "I love you too Draco. I didn't stop."
His lips found yours again, gently pushing against you. You returned the kiss, letting him pull you closer to him.
You looked into his eyes. His ice blue eyes, the ones that first intruiged you from under his mask at the very beginning of your relationship. So much had changed, yet so little. But now, you had Draco to go through it with. And neither of you had any plans to leave any time soon.
Hope you guys enjoyed Masked! Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed<3
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#harry potter#slytherin#slytherin boys#slytherins#slytherin boys headcanons#slytherin boys fluff#lorenzo berkshire#theodore nott#draco x y/n#draco x you#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy#mattheo riddle#tom riddle#astoria greengrass#pansy parkinson
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one shot: morning after
♢ morning after
written for @sapphicmicrofics
prompt: morning after
relationship: Hermione Granger x Narcissa Black Malfoy
rating: mature
synopsis: Hermione Granger had found that alcohol really helped with dealing with the trauma from the Second Wizarding War even though she knew that it was probably not the best way to deal with her problems but it worked the best for her. But, then this was how she always ended up in the bed with someone that she probably shouldn't be with. The morning after was always a surprise to see who Hermione had slept with the previous night. Some of her hook-ups had included Draco Malfoy, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, multiple random differently aged Muggles while Hermione found herself in Australia to check up on her parents, and Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, though not at the same time. However, this current morning after was the most surprising for Hermione. She hadn't expected to find herself back in Malfoy Manor but in a different bedroom and with Narcissa Black Malfoy's arms wrapped around Hermione's naked body.
word count: under 1k
! ON AO3 !
#femslash#sapphic#WLW#Bisexual#wlW love#WLW PRIDE#wlw ns/fw#fanfiction#fanfic#harry potter fandom#harry potter fanfiction#Fanfic writer#Hermione Granger#hermione#Hermione Jean Granger#narcissa malfoy#narcissa black#Narcissa Black Malfoy#Hermione x Narcissa#Hermione Granger x Narcissa Malfoy#fanfic smut#Smut#bisexual characters#ao3#ao3 link#AO3 stuff#ao3fic#ao3 author#spring#short
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Betrothed Part III
Fred Weasley x Reader x Draco Malfoy
Series Synopsis: Having been raised in a pureblood family obsessed with keeping the bloodline pure you’re betrothed at birth to a boy you’ve never met. Unaware of just how strange this is, you have few qualms with it, until you meet Fred Weasley and find that love is much more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined. But what happens when everyone is all grown up, and the real world can’t be stopped?
Genre: Angst
Content Warnings:
Forced Marriage
Word Count: 3,516
“Sorry for the mess.”
You muttered softly as you unlocked the door to your apartment, sighing in relief at the sight of it. Your mother had called you foolish when you’d told her that you had no intention of breaking your lease with the landlord, but evidently she hadn’t taken Draco’s odd post war demeanor into account. He would stay anywhere if it kept him from that damned family manor, and that was becoming all the more evident as time inched forward. He had grown significantly less tense the further away you had traveled from his family home, and now that it was confirmed that he could stay elsewhere, that hint of a smile that you had seen during the wedding had returned to his lips once more.
Was Draco’s only response to your previous apology, his words soft and almost uncertain as he turned to look at you, before suddenly dropping his gaze towards the ground, his hand fiddling with the ring on his finger once more.
“Is it uncomfortable?”
You asked suddenly, trying to make up for the heavy silence that was slowly filling your apartment. You didn’t want to feel uncomfortable here, it was all that you had of yourself and your comfort now that you were married, and if that changed you weren’t sure how you could ever remain sane.
Draco’s head snapped up to meet your gaze once more, his brow cocked in confusion as he tried to make sense of the question you had just asked him.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked sincerely, causing you to gesture down to the ring on his left finger.
“The ring,” You murmured, suddenly less sure of yourself as you tried to push forward with the conversation, desperate to keep the silence from eating away at you any longer. All of these months of hearing Fred’s voice so consistently had made you dreadfully afraid of what could be waiting on the other side of the sound he was almost always providing.
“You’ve been playing with it a lot.”
You clarified gently, clearing your throat in hopes that it might make your voice sound less weak as you continued.
“I thought it could be because it’s making you uncomfortable. I’m certainly not used to mine yet.”
You touched your ring finger as you said that last part, feeling the cool emeralds housed within their silver setting against your skin, a reminder of the promise you had made today, and the agreement others had made for you prior to your birth.
Draco nodded in understanding as you clarified before he cleared his own throat, a nervous smile gracing his lips as his gaze returned down to the ring on his finger. He seemed happy to have it there, and you wondered again if he had worn one there before.
“No, it isn’t uncomfortable.”
Draco’s voice was soft as he spoke, so different from the boy you had grown up with and the man you had thought you would be marrying prior to the war. The man you had been dreading lying to for the rest of your life.
“I uh...”
He trailed off, breaking into a chuckle while bringing one of his knuckles to his mouth, something you had seen him due a great deal of times when you were younger. He always did that when he was nervous, because back when his adult teeth were growing in, Astoria had told him he looked like a rabbit when he smiled. Afterward, he had taken to biting down on his knuckles when he laughed, and as he grew older, biting on his knuckles when his nerves got the better of him. You were surprised to know this, and found yourself aware that maybe this man before you wasn’t as different as the boy you had known as a child, before the stress of being the Malfoy heir had turned him into someone new.
You were broken out of your thoughts as Draco began to speak once more, his fist slowly lowering back down to his side, before it moved to his other hand once more, fiddling with his ring even as he talked about that very action.
“This is a little bit embarrassing, so please don’t think less of me, but...”
He began, letting out a small sigh as you motioned for him to continue, your expression soft and curious.
“I started wearing a ring on this finger when I began my attendance at Hogwarts. I didn’t want to give any of the girls there the wrong idea, and thought it would be best to let them know in advance that I was taken. Plus I uh... I thought it would be good practice for the real thing someday, but mostly it just led to this habit of fiddling with it when I think.”
You found yourself nearly wide eyed at Draco’s confession, unable to force a response to your tongue as you stared at him, watching as he continued to twist his silver band on his finger repeatedly.
“I never knew...”
You began quietly, watching as Draco looked up to meet your eyes as you spoke, letting you know that your next words should be chosen carefully. He was paying attention now, and slowly but surely you were getting the feeling that he always had been, even if you hadn’t noticed.
“I never knew you cared that much about our betrothal.” You finished softly, feeling yourself begin twisting your own wedding ring to keep your hands from shaking.
This was not how you had imagined your wedding night. That being said, although you would never admit it aloud, your wedding night dreams died with Fred Weasley, and anything that came after would always pale in comparison, because the most important piece of the puzzle was gone for good.
Draco laughed softy, a cool tone to his voice that you recognized from all of his in between years, the ones that rested between his gentle childhood and his tortured present. This sounded like the Draco that you had thought you could never know, the one that angrily stalked the halls of your once shared school, looking for a reason to argue with anyone on the off chance that it might earn him some praise from one of the many deceitful and hate filled patriarchal figures in his life. It never had. Perhaps now, that was why he had returned to that gentle childhood. Why he lived in this tortured present.
“I know you didn’t. I was always too proud to admit how I felt, but Y/n...”
That coldness you had heard before disappeared the second the man in front of you said your name, a softness returning to him that you had not even realized had momentarily faded away.
Draco was watching you intently now, his eyes staring into your own from where he stood just a mere two feet away, beside the door to the apartment that you supposed the two of you now shared.
“There was not one moment growing up where I wasn’t near bursting with excitement over the fact that I could call you my wife someday. Even if I never said it, and even if you never noticed, I swear to you that what I say is true. I felt a great deal of pride over being your betrothed, even when I knew the truth.”
Your eyebrows creased at that last part, confusion creeping into your expression as what he said started to sink in.
“The truth?”
You asked, your head tilting as you waited for a response, your breath caught in your throat and unwilling to spill forth as Draco chuckled once more, that shake returning to his head, as if he were exasperated or shocked by your response.
“The truth,”
Draco muttered, raising his gaze to meet your own again, taking multiple steps forward until he was less than a foot away, his eyes flickering down to the way your calves pressed back against the couch, as if he had cornered you there during your efforts to escape. For all that you knew, maybe he had. You could no longer recollect if you’d moved in response to his steps forward. You could barely breathe at all. The air was so heavy with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on, and for some reason you felt as if you could burst into tears at any moment.
“Is that you loved that Fred Weasley more than you could ever love me.”
You felt as if you had just been punched in the gut as Draco spoke these words, your balance faltering and ultimately failing as you toppled backwards onto the couch, your gaze turning into a blank stare as he continued.
“And I can’t even blame you.” Draco spoke, laughing cruelly under his breath, seemingly oblivious to your blank stare and your freshly seated position. It was as if he was lost in his own world, his words having as much power over him as they did you.
“I have never been much more than the monster my father wanted me to be.”
These words were whispered, as if the man speaking them wasn’t sure he wanted you to hear. As if he were hoping it was a secret he was telling, rather than a truth that you had long since accepted.
Suddenly, Draco’s eyes snapped up to meet yours once again, and when he found himself met with that blank stare, he seemed to understand immediately that he had said something he shouldn’t have.
He spoke, his tone concerned and almost pained as he knelt in front of you, his hand reaching out to grasp your own before he suddenly pulled back at the last second, as if afraid he would burn you with his touch.
“Salazar, I’m sorry.”
He muttered, running his hand through his hair before continuing his familiar ministrations on his ring, his eyes searching yours for any signs of emotion or life as his eyebrows creased with concern. You had never seen him look worried over anyone before, and it was this face of near horror that brought you back, the dim light of feeling returning to your eyes once more. If you could see yourself through your new husband’s eyes, you would have found yourself wondering if that light had been brighter before, but thankfully for you, the only eyes you had to gaze into right now belonged to the man in front of you.
“Y/n please say something, I didn’t mean to upset you, I just wanted you to understand...”
Draco let out another gravelly sigh before continuing, his hand raking through his platinum locks, messing up his carefully done wedding night hair.
“I don’t have any expectations for this marriage.” Draco continued, his hands moving to seek yours once more, only for him to stop himself again, his eyes squeezing shut as if he were struggling with some deep and rolling agony within.
“I know you loved him, and I don’t want you to think that I expect you to lo-”
“I never told him.”
You whispered suddenly, cutting Draco off before he could finish his sentence. Your voice was shaky and full of fear as you spoke, and as you looked deeper into your new husbands clear blue eyes, you found that your reflection looked just as terrified as you felt.
Draco asked, his hand finally moving to rest almost weightlessly above your own, as if he wanted to help soothe whatever fears you had but didn’t know if he had the right to do anything more than a slight hover, the heat of his skin more prevalent than the actual touch of his hand.
“I never told him that I loved him. He was never supposed to know.”
You finished, that fear never leaving your eyes nor your voice even as you tried desperately to quell the shake of your body beneath the gaze of this sometimes familiar and sometimes unknown presence that you now called your husband.
Draco looked more confused than ever, slowly withdrawing his hand from above your own as he tried to understand what meaning your words held.
“Did I do something wrong by saying it aloud?”
He asked finally, his eyebrows still creased with curiosity and something close to fear that told you how bad he felt and how scared he was to have messed up.
Clearly, some things never changed.
“Oh, no, I just uh...”
You desperately searched for an answer to his question, trying to silence the deafening noise behind your eyes as you stood, dizzy and desperate to be alone.
“I just wasn’t prepared to have someone say it.”
You finished, knowing full well how nervous you sounded and how much of a lie it was.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
Draco whispered in response, as if he had been waiting his entire life to say it. This apology was different from all of the others, and there was a pain within it that made you stop before you could excuse yourself to your bedroom.
You looked down to meet that strong gaze once more only to find it full of tears, a broken man behind those usually strong and sure eyes.
“Draco, I-”
“I’m sorry for being so selfish for so long. I’m sorry for never just admitting it to myself and letting you go. I wanted so badly to be a different husband, a better husband than the one that I had grown up under, and somehow I ended up worse.”
That cold and cruel chuckle returned as Draco turned his gaze downward, seemingly unable to look you in your eyes as he continued.
“If I had known what was going to happen, I never would have held onto you. If I had allowed myself to see it sooner, I wouldn’t have remained an obstacle on the path of you finding someone who actually deserved you. I have tried for so long now to convince myself that I never held you back, but I know it’s all a lie.”
Draco sniffled softly, his tears dripping to rest on his cheeks and slowly slope down his nose as he struggled to meet your eyes once more, his sincerest words yet forming on his lips,
“Please just know that I never wanted this to happen, that I would have set you free in a second had I been strong enough to admit to myself that you loved him far more than you ever could me. I never meant to do this to you, and I swear that I will spend every second of this marriage making up for what I’ve done, and what I never had the strength to do before.”
With those words, Draco straightened out, drying his tears on his jacket as he took a deep breath to steady himself once more.
Watching him as he desperately tried to tape the broken and guilt riddled pieces of himself back together felt wrong, so on shaky legs and with long held breaths you walked silently over to the linen closet, pulling out a comforter and a few pillows, which you dressed with carefully selected matching pillow cases, the act of choosing forcing you to consider anything but the conversation you had just had, and the voice that was raging in your mind.
“Thank you.”
Draco smiled genuinely as you handed the blanket and pillows over to him, his eyes reading your expression before you even had the chance to speak.
“I’m perfectly fine with sleeping on the couch for the time being.”
He stated calmly,
“I’m just grateful that I don’t need to stay back at the manor. I’ll gladly sleep on the sofa as long as it takes if it keeps me away from there.”
He nearly shuddered as he spoke, making you wonder once more what he must have endured there to feel so uncomfortable within its walls.
You watched as Draco settled in, making sure he had everything he needed before you ended up standing against the wall opposite the living room that he would be sleeping in, your hand poised over the light switch. You had said your good nights, pleasantries had been shared, and now the only thing left to do was turn the light off and leave. But even still, watching the blond laying there on your sofa like that, you couldn’t help but feel like you had to say something more.
“Draco I -”
You began softly, your voice shaky as tears threatened to spill over your cheeks just as they had done his not long prior.
“I know you’ll probably never believe me, but I want you to know that I don’t blame you.”
You said gently, feeling the confusing urge to comfort the man in front of you further, despite the fact that you had absolutely no idea how to do so.
“I was a coward. He was never meant to know, betrothal or not. Please don’t let this eat away at you the way I know so many other things do. You were a victim, not a villain. I have never seen you as the monster you think that you are.”
You finished quietly, not waiting for a reaction or a response to your words as you switched the light off quickly before taking long and gentle steps to your bedroom, latching the door behind you before you sunk down against it, finally allowing the tears to fall.
“I am so sorry Fred.”
You whispered weakly after a few moments of gentle sobs and painful hiccups, the agony in your words prevalent as you recalled the way that his pained voice had echoed around your mind when Draco had accidentally told him your biggest secret of all.
“You loved me?”
It had asked you, softly at first, as if in disbelief, before it increased in volume over and over and over again until you felt as if your head was about to split in two.
It had taken a painstaking amount of effort to not respond to him as he begged you to tell him that it was a lie, that choked up voice playing endlessly as he pleaded for an explanation.
“Godrich Y/n, I never made you explain what I saw before I died, and I never asked you why you never told me about this godforsaken betrothal, but I need you to tell me this isn’t true! I need you to say he’s making this up, or that this is some dream you can’t wake yourself up from! Tell me he’s lying!”
Your tears fell faster as you remembered those words, your body shaking in a nearly violent manner as you curled up on your side, wishing with everything you had that he were here to hold you together.
But he wasn’t.
You were all alone, an emptiness in your heart that you had not felt in quite some time. Since before you had heard his voice in your head for the very first time, just two days after his death.
“Please come back.” You pleaded, not caring if Draco heard you from the living room as you did.
There was a strong silence within the air, before that familiar voice appeared once more, making your tears fall faster, but your heart beat slower.
He wasn’t gone forever, at least not yet.
“I don’t know what to say.”
His voice sounded hopeless, and entirely humorless in nature. You had never heard him like this before, and it further solidified for you the fact that you weren’t just hearing things after all, something you had tried to convince yourself of for months following your best friend’s death.
It as an easier thing to accept than the idea that he was there within your mind, but not outside of it, never to be seen again. Oh how you wished that you could look into his eyes just one more time.
“Please don’t hate me.”
You whispered, more tears threatening to spill over as you awaited Fred’s response, your cheeks cold with half dried sadness.
“I could never hate you.”
His voice spoke soothingly, almost as if he were hurt that you could ever think such a thing.
There was a long silence between the two of you before finally, Fred spoke up again,
“I think that is the worst part of all of this,”
You could almost feel him sigh as you waited for him to continue speaking, your breath stuck once more within your strained lungs.
“I love you, Y/n L/n,”
His words sounded tearful as he spoke, as if his disembodied voice were crying the same way that you were.
“I was just too afraid to tell you. I was so sure that you could never love me back that I...”
Fred never finished that sentence, and for the rest of the night, you lay on the cold floor of your nearly empty bedroom, choking down tears in an effort to stop them from flowing endlessly down your face and into a puddle on the wood below.
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You’re Pretty! (D.M. x Reader)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 1.3K
Genre: Pure fluff that is meant to be light hearted. Enjoy!
Summary: Draco can’t stop calling his girlfriend pretty.
Warnings: Some very mild bad language. Very small, you’ll probably miss it. Medical inaccuracies, sorry I am not an expert.
Universe: No Voldy :)
{Draco Masterlist} { Main Masterlist }
(Credit to gif owner)
Things were going well for you today. You had woken up early, they served your favorite breakfast and you had even received amazing marks in your classes today. You had also spent some of your time with your boyfriend Draco before he had to go to quidditch practice. It was one of those ideal days you loved.
You were currently sitting on the couch of the common room catching up on a book series you have been meaning to read. You grabbed a piece of chocolate and popped it in your mouth. Your peace and quiet were soon interrupted by an out of breath Theo. He ran into the common room still dressed in his quidditch uniform and broom in hand. If he didn’t look so serious, you would laugh at his current state. You lifted your eyes slightly from your book, enough to notice him making his way to you.
It seems things were going too well for you today.
“(Y/N)…yo-you need to go to the i-infirmary.” He attempted to catch his breath. “Draco’s in there.”
“What happened to Draco?” You lifted yourself off the couch quickly and stood up. The book left idly now on the floor.
“There was an accident on the quidditch field.” You were now following out of the common room and up the stairs out of the dungeon.
You tried your best to keep up with him as he was basically running down the halls. “Explain Theo!”
“So Crabbe was eating this snack right? It was really greas-”
“Nott, I don’t give a damn what Crabbe was eating.”
“There is a point to this! Well, he went straight to grab his bat because you know he plays beater position. Right, so the grease caused it to slip and it hit Draco in the head!”
“You’re telling me he got hit in the head?!” The two of you had finally made it to the infirmary and were now standing outside of it.
“Yes! You should have seen it (y/n)! It was such a bloody freak accident!”
You ignored that last part and instead pushed the doors open. There were only a handful of students in there so finding your boyfriend wouldn’t be hard. You spotted a familiar blond head towards the back of the infirmary. You rushed to his side where Madam Pomfrey was tending to his injury.
“Ah! Miss (y/l/n)! I suppose you’re here to see Mister Malfoy?” You had stopped in your track once she had turned her attention to you. You carefully made your way to the chair next to his bed.
You grabbed his hand and took it in yours, giving it a light squeeze. “Will he be alright?”
“Yes, dear. Received a big bruise to the head but I’ve already healed that. He has a concussion, poor thing was out of it before you arrived. But he’ll be okay.” She gave you a reassuring smile in an attempt to calm your nerves and the turmoil that was occurring in your head.
You sat next to Draco in silence waiting for him to wake up once again. Minutes turned into an hour quickly and you were starting to doze off yourself when you heard grunting coming from beside you.
“Draco, are you alright? Do you need anything? I can get Madam Pomfrey if you would like?” You were quickly by his side as he started to gain consciousness.
“What’s going on? Who are you? And why does my head hurt so much?” He winced as his hand touched the top of his head where the injury occurred. You quickly grabbed his hand and kept it away.
“Who do you think I am?” You asked him curious as to what he would respond.
“A really pretty stranger.” His voice came out sounding a bit groggy since he had just woken up.
“I’m your girlfriend Draco.” You explained giggling at the situation beforehand. “And you had an accident.”
“Girlfriend? Wow, you’re so pretty!” There was a hint of awe in his voice as he stared up at you. “I’m really lucky.”
“Let me go get Madam Pomfrey so she can make sure you’re okay.” You left to find her and come see him. She did another evaluation of him and came to the conclusion that he was fine. The hit to the head must have caused him to be confused but he was not suffering from amnesia. You sighed a breath of relief. She instead gave him a potion to help with the pain.
“So you’re really my girlfriend?” Draco questioned you once again as soon as Madam Pomfrey left his side once again. You took a seat in the corner of his bed and held his hand. “How long have we been dating?”
“Since fifth year when you finally got the courage to ask me out.” You joked with him. “Two years now.”
“Can’t blame me. You’re so pretty, anyone would be nervous to ask you.” A blush spread across your face at this.
“I can’t believe I got so lucky. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” His voice had started to become softer as he started to feel sleepy. The potion given to him for pain finally started to have an effect on him. “Will you be here when I wake up?”
“I’ll be here again in the morning. They won’t let me stay the night. I’ll bring you breakfast okay?”
“Okay, I love you (y/n).”
“I love you too Dray.”
You had been right, the night before shortly after you were sent back to your dorm with the promise you could see your boyfriend in the morning. You unwillingly left his side and headed back to your dorm.
It was now breakfast time and you had only come to get a plate for you and Draco. You rushed to your usual stop where all your friends sat. You quickly greeted them and started to look for foods you knew Draco liked.
“How’s Draco doing?” Pansy asked you.
“Last night I saw that I saw him, he was out of it. But he’s doing better. I’m going to go see him now and see how he's doing.”
“Let us know how he’s doing okay?” Blaise spoke up and gave you one of his rare smiles. No matter the tough exterior, you knew he was worried about his best friend.
“I will don’t worry.” You grabbed the plates and made your way out of the great hall. Moving against the crowd of students still coming for breakfast.
You quickly arrived and opened the door that led to your boyfriend. You could see from here that he was already up and much better. He saw you coming his way and his eyes lit up as soon as they saw you.
“Hey babe, you’re finally here to see me.” He said as you put the two plates of food on his bedside table. He pulled you into his side and gave you a kiss.
“You don’t remember I was here yesterday.” You pulled away laughing a bit in amusement.
“Not at all. Yesterday was blurry. All I remember was being on the quidditch pitch and next thing I’m here.”
“Oh? So you don’t remember calling me the prettiest girl ever? Or forgetting I was your girlfriend?” You kissed the side of his temple gently.
“Can you blame me? Any bloke who would have just woken up not remembering anything would think the same about you. Because you are darling.” It was his turn to place a kiss on your blushing cheeks.
“Well, you were definitely shocked I would date you.” You laughed recalling the events of the previous night.
He laughed along with you as you told him what had happened the night before. “It’s a good thing I only said true things last night.”
“Now let’s eat so I can leave this place. I have to go see Crabbe.”
“Here you go”, you placed the plate of all his favorites in front of him. Having just a pinch of pity on Crabbe but not really seeing as your boyfriend was injured because of him.
“Hey, Draco?”
“Yes, love?”
“You promised me last night we could do whatever I wanted this weekend?”
“I don’t remember.”
“I do and you promised.”
“Only because I love you I’ll take your word for it.”
He in fact did not say that last night but he didn’t have to know that.
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pairings: draco malfoy x reader
warnings: mentions of bully, injury, blood, panic attacks, but it ends super fluffy :,)
word count: 3k, omg baha
genre: fanfic romance
⟶ summary: what happens when draco is the boy you love most, but his girlfriend is your violent bully.
a/n: in honor of 100 followers (ilyasm, i never thought that would happen!) i decided to bless you with this. i hope my writing is not cringy or anything because I didn’t fully read it over when it was done and i wrote it while listening to a emotional classical song bahaha. but thank you so much, this is my gift to you!
You heard the echoes of Astoria Greengrass in your ears. “You don’t amount to anything, so stop acting like you do.”
You kept your head down in the corridor, you didn’t want any attention as you felt a tear trickle down your cheek. The voice in your head of her was still fresh, the confrontation happening right before your previous class.
As you walked, you couldn’t exactly see where you were going and before you knew it, you slammed into somebody.
Your books fell to the ground and you stumbled back, “Oh my gosh I-I’m sorry.” You said your voice cracking. You bent down, hair in your face to grab your books and stood up brushing yourself off. Your eyes widened behind your hair to see it was none other than Astoria,
with Draco Malfoy.
Draco didn’t know what Astoria did to you, how she made your life miserable, and you didn’t have the heart to tell him. After all, he was the closest person in your life, and up until Astoria you were his most important being. She was his girlfriend, and no matter what you felt for him, you wanted him happy.
“Oh my goodness, are you alright?” Astoria asked you in a fake voice of concern, so Draco couldn't tell what she was up to.
The words caught in your throat, all you could do was open your mouth and stutter. You felt Draco’s eyes on you, unmoving and analyzing. You refused to look at him, even though his gaze was asking you too. Astoria walked towards you slowly, and moved your hair out of your face, “Oh dear, you didn’t see us while crying did you? It's okay, no worries!” she said, smirking at you.
“Wait, Y/n’s crying?” Draco said walking quickly up to you, concern lacing in his voice, “Y/n, are you alri-“
“Yes, I’m fine.” You interrupted, voice breaking. You bent down to pick up your quill and sped off the opposite direction, never making eye contact with Draco.
You could never lie to him, so you didn’t look at his blue eyes as you ran away. You felt bad treating him like that. You cared about him so much, and if he was happy, that’s good enough for you. You’d help keep him that way.
You knew why Draco panicked, you never cry. You hate to cry in front of people, so he had never seen it happen before. It’s why you had to leave so quickly, he’d be drilling you with questions, knowing you would tell him.
The next few days were a nightmare. Astoria seemed to have taken pride in your tears, you didn’t know why she hated you, neither of you had ever spoken until she started dating your best friend. She filled the day with glares, hidden snickers in the back of the classroom, and slamming your books to the ground, whenever her boyfriend wasn’t around.
Draco noticed the changes in your behavior, and what’s been bugging him is he hasn’t even gotten a moment to hold a conversation with you about it. He currently was holding hands with Astoria, in the halls of the castle and his heart dropped when he saw you.
Your hair was out of character, as if you hadn’t slept right, your skin losing its healthy glow with bags under your eyes. You looked like you were trying to shrink into your robe, as if you never wanted to be seen or found. Your books were raised a little too high and you were hunched over them, head down.
This is the exact opposite of who you used to be. The girl who slept too much, and ate everything in sight. The girl who helped the first years find their way around. The girl whose laugh and smile was so contagious, everyone was happier when you were in the room. He always wanted to express emotions the way you did, and the feeling he had when he was around you was unlike anything he’s ever had before. It was like he was brand new. No worries, no fear… he was just himself. But right now, you were anything but those things.
So what happened to you?
You were now approaching him and his girlfriend, he raised his hand to wave softly at you as Astoria tried to greet you. You jumped at the sound of her voice and walked past them as fast as you could without running.
“Huh, that was funny.” Astoria said lightly, linking her arm with his own. Draco didn’t say anything, he was too lost in thought, panicking in it.
What is happening to you?
It was now dinner time in the Great Hall. The sky was dark, and the crisp leaves were falling off the trees. Draco usually saved you a seat across from him, but today one of Astoria’s friends took the spot. He watched the large doors as students piled in, looking for your lost soul of a figure among them.
Eventually, all the students sat down and Dumbledore’s speech began. Yet you still weren’t there, he swears up and down he hasn’t seen you all day since the hallway incident. It felt like you were avoiding him.
“Is everything okay, honey?” Astoria questioned, as he stared at the empty archway.
“Yeah, this bloody speech is draining me.” He lied, causing Astoria to snicker. But that wasn’t it at all, he couldn’t find you, and it was beginning to make him nauseous.
The food appeared, and there was no sign of you. He didn’t eat, studying the doorway for your anticipated arrival.
“Really honey, are yo-“ Astoria began.
“You’re distracting me.” he snapped, without hesitation.
She seemed taken aback, “From looking at the archway of the doors?” She asked slowly.
“Yes. Shush.” He demanded, angrily.
Astoria looked at the archway, and back at him. She stood up, “I’ll be back, just a quick run to the loo.” She smiled, and her friend waved as she quickly left.
“Eat some food, Draco. You’ll-“
“It’s Malfoy to you, and I don’t even know you. So what makes you think I’d listen to you, exactly?” He hissed at Astoria’s friend. She quickly silenced herself, but to her relief, Astoria came back a few moments after.
“Sorry, did I miss anything?” Astoria asked, much happier than before.
“Just these amazing pastries you have to try!” Her friend answered, excitedly. The girls began to chatter and Draco never took his eyes off that door.
And then it happened.
You walked in towards the Slytherin table, and he jumped from anxiously waiting. The closer you got the worse he saw you were. Your eyes were red, your lip was cut and bleeding and you had a bruise on the side of your face you tried to cover with makeup.
You made eye contact with Draco for the first time in months and he watched as your eyes widened. You suddenly whipped around and at full speed, and left as fast as you could. The blonde boy immediately flew out of his seat after you, knocking over his goblet of pumpkin juice
“Draco!” Astoria yelled. But it was too late, the both of you were gone as fast as you came.
“Y/n!” You heard Draco yell. You ran faster, trying to out run him.
“Y/n! Stop! Now, please!” His voice echoed through the empty halls.
You ran faster, tears streamed from your eyes, you rubbed them away knowing your injuries you were hiding were most likely visible. You ran up the staircase, Draco catching up you now. He just made it behind you when the trouble striked. You felt the stairs begin to move,
“No!” You screamed, voice hoarse from all the crying you’d done.
You did something rash, something that could have accidentally ended your life, if Draco wasn’t trying to get to you.
You tried to jump to the other staircase.
You ran and just leapt off the last step, when Draco’s hand caught yours and he pulled you down at a full force. You slammed into him and you both stumbled down the staircase into an unknown corridor.
Draco groaned, his head banged hard on the floor, a loud ringing in his ears. The corridor was a dingy dark, only visible by firelight. As soon as the ringing went away, it was replaced by another sound. A sound he never heard, but hated as soon as it reached his ears.
You were sobbing.
Draco winced as he sat up and saw you. You were stomach down, hiding your face in the floor, arms wrapped around both sides of your head, crying harder than Draco ever could.
He crawled over to you, and turned you around. His eyes widened, bruises were all over you, on your neck, forehead, and even a whole handprint was on your cheek. Your lip was cut open, and blood smeared over your whole bottom lip.
You stopped your sobbing as best as you could as he analyzed you once again. “Y/n, was any of this from the fall?” He asked you firmly, but also fairly gently. You were a fraction of who you were supposed to be, he didn’t want to scare you away.
You couldn’t look at him, you just couldn’t. The look that would lie in his eyes would be too much for you. “Y/n please. It’s just you and me here. It’s okay, love.”
You slowly turned to him, locking eyes, and you couldn’t hold in tears as you shook your head ‘no’. Immediately, he scooped you up into his lap, and wrapped his arms around you. One hand on your back, the other on your head, as rubbed circles though your hair while you sobbed. He felt you clinging onto him, as if your life depended on it.
“Y/n, I think you need to go to the hospital wing, you-“
“No!” You yelled again. It’s a word that you had to keep on using.
“No, Astoria please!” You screamed as she slammed you across the face.
“No! Please!” You screamed as Astoria, kicked your curled up body on the lavatory floor.
“No….. stop…. please!” You choked as Astoria’s hand was on your neck, her friends holding you back.
“No, Astoria! No, please no!” As she busted your lip with a spell to your face.
Panic set in at the memories, and you forgot Draco was there, it was like you were in another world. Draco tried not to freak out, but he had never seen you like this, which severely worried him. He grabbed you softly, “I’m right here, nobody is going to hurt you. It’s me and you. I’m right here.” He said it over and over, rocking you back and forth, until your heartbeat slowed and you caught your breath.
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered. It was almost inaudible, you weren’t even sure if he heard, but you continued in the whispering tone, it was all you could muster.
“I’m sorry I disappeared, I’m sorry I couldn’t look you in the eyes, I’m sorry I hid from you, I’m sorry I avoided you, I-“
“I’m not mad at you, darling. I’m worried about you. I’m mad at whoever did this to you.” He gestured to your beaten up body. You sniffled and he wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“Please tell me who did this to you, y/n. I can kill them for you.” He joked, attempting to make you laugh, but your eyes widened. It got Draco’s brain in motion, because you always laughed at his jokes.
“Y/n, do I know them?” He asked you, sternly.
You hesitated and then nodded slowly, watching fury take over his features.
“Dear God.” He ran a hand through his hair. “And you’re not gonna tell me?”
“Tell me, I don’t care who it is. If it’s Blaise, or Potter, even a random first year, I don’t care. I need to know who’s bloody hands were on you.”
You looked at him, he was in distress. Draco always had a facade, everyone has one, but his was strong. He hid his emotions so well, people questioned if he even had them, but he always showed you who he was.
“Draco, I shouldn’t. I’m sorry.” You stood up, wobbling. Draco was quick to follow, he stood up and caught you.
“Please tell me.” He whispered, holding you close. “We aren’t leaving until you do.” He added softly, his tone lacing with a meaning of business.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Astoria, you jumped and grabbed onto Draco to steady yourself upright even more. The last thing you wanted was to look vulnerable in front of her.
“Draco! My dear, where have you- y/n!” Her eyes turned to daggers, seeing you pressed up against Draco. You quickly let go of him, and stepped backwards, slowly, into the wall.
“Astoria, please. It’s not what you- you are thinking. I fell down the steps and I-“
“What did I tell you?” She hissed, as she advanced towards you. You were terrified to say the least. She had you against the wall, ready to strike and out of you screamed,
“Astoria, please, don’t hurt me again! Please! No!” You fell to the ground out of fear, your head hidden under your hands.
But, a strike never came. Slowly you opened your eyes to see Draco, dragging her out silently, but coldly, by her wrist. They seemed to be yelling but you were so horrified at the situation, you couldn’t make any of it out. You closed your eyes, wanting all the fear to be a bad dream.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, you flinched, but quickly recognized who it really belonged to. You looked up and saw him looking down at you.
“I’m so sorry, Draco.” Your voice was shot, it was like sandpaper in your throat. He bent over and scooped you up, then carried you out the door and towards the dungeons.
You must have dozed off in his arms, because you woke up to Draco kicking the door to the boys dormitory open with his foot. He set you on his bed and pulled out a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie.
“Get changed, I’ll be right back.” He said, fire lingering in his voice from earlier.
Slowly and carefully, you changed into the pants, wincing from the pain. You had the hoodie just over your chest, when Draco walked in and froze. Your whole stomach was covered in cuts and bruises, even slightly swollen in some places. He saw it as quickly as it came, as they were covered by his hoodie.
“I brought you stuff.” He said softly, walking over to you with a plate of your favorites, along with some pumpkin juice. “You need to eat, and you need to talk too.”
He let you take a few bites, and relaxed seeing you eat, knowing you were okay. Well, as okay as you could be, and then he spoke what he has been holding.
“Love, how long has this been going on?”
“How long have you been talking to Astoria?” you mumbled back to him.
He paled, “Y/n… that’s months.”
You felt like you wanted to throw up, you didn’t ever want to have to explain this to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You quickly turned to him from that sentence, because of how he said it. His voice was broken, the whole thing wobbled. You never heard sadness from him... ever. As you looked at him, his eyes were deeply looking at yours, almost begging, but for what you didn’t know.
You sighed, “I knew you were happy,” you admitted bleakly. “I didn’t want to take that from you. I was handling it.”
He ripped up the sleeve of your arm, “ Does this look like handling it?!” He hissed, with ice to his tone. You jumped, and his eyes widened. “Y/n, I- I’d never hurt you… oh my god.” Then something happened you never thought would.
He completely broke down in your arms. It was strange to see someone who always seemed to be strong, completely disheveled.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.” His body shook as he said it over and over. “I should have known what was happening, and I didn’t, I-“
He felt you rubbing his back, he felt so guilty. All this time of pushing his feelings down because he cared so much about you, and you took so much for him, and he didn’t even know. He thought you’d be safer without him, but it turns out you were safer with him.
“Draco, none of this is your fault. Please don’t blame yourself. I should have told you, and… I’m the one that should be sorry.”
You wrapped your arms around him and he grabbed you, and he moved to lean against the headboard of the bed. Stroking your hair, which calmed you, but also seemed to calm him. You began to explain your side of the story.
“Draco, it wasn’t always like this… But for some reason she always hated me, and I never knew why. It was just glares and rude looks at first, from the way my hair looked or whatever I was wearing, I don’t know. Eventually, she brutally grabbed my wrist and threw me into an empty classroom. She told me if I ever got near you that I would get it. To be honest, I thought she was bluffing… but she wasn’t.” You sniffed.
Draco was staring at you, hand on your back, soaking every word.
“After that, I didn’t leave you alone. I let our relationship as friends stay the same, that’s when everything started. I let her belittle me, I let her bully me, attack me, you name it. First it was just her, she would beat me up in the girls lavatory, the outside when leaving Care of Magical Creatures, basically anywhere she could lay her hands on me, she did. Then she decided to invite her friends, and that’s when things started getting severe. It seemed like they were everywhere, I couldn’t sleep, I was scared to eat thinking I’d be beaten to where I would throw it all up. Living was a nightmare, and what was worse is I had to keep myself away from you. I didn’t know what she was capable of. I didn’t want her to break your heart, I knew you were happy. I decided that it would be best to keep you that way, so I let her beat me so she would never hurt you. I just…. let it happen. I know it doesn’t make sense. But, I was so scared I couldn’t tell my left from my right, you know?”
Draco was furious, and as soon as you looked back up to him, you saw it. “I swear, if she wasn't a woman, she’d be dead by now.” he growled, eyes glaring like daggers.
It caused you to smile, tiredly. “I don’t doubt it.”
He brushed your hair behind your ear, his face softened from the touch of it. “It’s over now, she won’t lay a finger on you. I got you always.” You relaxed into his chest and let him say what was on his mind.
“You’re the most important person in my life, heck y/n, you’re my person. I can’t tell you how I felt when I saw your face as she approached you.” He sighed, hand running through his hair again, refusing to name his now ex-girlfriend.
“That’s my worst nightmare, the lack of your safety. It’s engraved in my brain, the look of pure fear in your eyes. Never again, I promise. Just… if something dangerous ever happens, tell me okay? I don’t want this to happen ever again. I'm going to have you by me at all times…”
He went on about his plans to keep you safe, how he couldn’t believe it. He went on and on, but you smiled laying on his chest, you head against his heart. It was pounding, Draco admitted you were his person. He couldn’t handle emotions really well, so you knew what that meant.
After he finished, he heard the soft, rhythmic, breathing coming from you. He smiled and pulled his covers over you. Knowing you were safe, he saw you smiling in your sleep. It warmed his heart knowing he was the one you felt at your best with. That he was your protector. Knowing you were not awake, he pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead, and began to lazily play with your hair.
One day, he would actually be able to tell you his feelings, but right now, this was more than enough. Wounds were fresh, figuratively and literally, and knowing you’re safe is all he wanted for you right now.
He felt himself drifting, the girl he always loved on top of him. This is all he could ever want, and all you ever wanted too.
He squeezed you tightly, and fell into a deep sleep. You still smiled in your dreams, knowing you won’t ever get belittled again.
UPDATE: part two on my pinned masterlist!
tagslist 🏷 @thatsassyhufflepuff @dracomalfoys-wh0re
a/n: i really hope there are no typos, i didn’t read it all the way through :/
#fanfic#fanfiction#draco#draco malfoy#dracotok#harry potter#romance#slytherin#draco malfoy x gryffindor#draco malfoy x reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x anxiety!reader#draco malfoy x insecure!reader#draco fanfiction#draco malfoy fanfiction
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The Game | D.M.
Summary: You and Draco are friends with benefits but a game of spin the bottle causes you both to rethink your situation
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x reader, slight Fred Weasley x reader (hot make out scene 👀)
Warnings: Smut, angst, daddy kink, baths, alcohol
Word Count: 3,651
A/N: You’ve just lost the game, you’re welcome xx I also wasn't going to post this tonight but @fuckingdraco and @dracoswift hyped me up, ily <3
FOR THE NON-BRITS: touchwood = knock on wood
You weren’t anything special. No golden girl like Granger, not a descendant from anyone of significance, no. You were just you. And perhaps that was why he was so surprised when his heart started tugging at his chest every time you left his arms.
He had been with countless the girls.
He had touched you the same as he had touched Pansy.
He had kissed you the same way he had kissed Daphne.
He had held you the same way he had held Millicent.
He had fucked you the same way he had fucked half the girls in the year.
Yet you still managed to be different.
You had started out as just another pass time, but you had lasted longer than any of his other flings, and beating Pansy was a trial in itself. She had stuck to him like glue in between other flings. He didn’t hate her company; he just knew he your company hadn’t become annoying to him yet, and that was all he needed. Maybe that’s why you had lasted so long, as soon as he realised girls started falling for him, he would pull away and break things off. But it had been almost half a year of your mutual agreement and you showed no signs of infatuation, no pesky feelings that would get in the way of good sex and he liked that.
He hadn’t grown tired of you. Hadn’t begun to find your voice annoying or your kisses dull. He still loved the way you felt in his arms, loved waking up to you curled into his side and most of all, being inside of you.
He wasn’t in love, feelings may be there, but not love. Not that he was willing to jeopardise his consistent shag of course, finding another girl to take over would be easy, finding one who wouldn’t catch feelings would be the hard part. Besides, he was used to you, if you wanted to break off the arrangement, he wouldn’t stop you but he sure as hell wouldn’t be the one to do it. He would simply wait it out, wait for you to fall for him like all the others before you had. Except this time he would give you a chance, test out your compatibility perhaps, though clearly you were both very compatible in bed.
You had both set some rules early on.
1. There would be no labels attached to whatever relationship you two had
2. If either of you wish to pursue a romantic relationship with someone else, you must break off this agreement first
3. Could use the other to keep unwanted advances off
That last one was more for him than it had been for you, not many people had noticed you before you started sleeping with Draco, but none had attempted to even flirt with you since the two of you became public. Everyone knew of course, that you weren’t together together, just fuck buddies as it were, that was all of Draco’s relationships after all. But that didn’t mean anyone dared try to interfere.
Astoria Greengrass. The younger sister of Daphne Greengrass, someone Draco still considered a friend despite their history and her feelings. Astoria however was not someone anyone expected to try and cosy up to Draco, especially considering how Draco’s arm was still wrapped firmly around your waist as she threw on a flirty smile. Astoria was innocent, she was young, and her sister had surely warned her away from him judging by the look of hurt flashing across the elder sister’s face. Yet here she was.
A 7th year party was the last place you expected Draco to be stolen from your side, but you let him go, you don’t really have a say after all, rather, he’s the one that lets go of you.
You knew the game well, you had watched the girls before you fail at the final hurdle but you were determined. You had first noticed him properly in 3rd year, started developing feelings in 5th before finally getting your chance in 7th. You had managed to catch his eye; you had learnt the failures of the previous girls and you used it to your advantage.
You finally had the chance to be something more, to pretend he loved you when he held you, when he fucked you, when he moaned praises in your ear. You wouldn’t ruin your chances. Not yet. Not when you had spent the past 6 months hiding your emotions, willing your face to give off no sign of jealousy. There was only one emotion you found hard to find, hurt. But that usually came after he was gone, when he wouldn’t stay some nights and instead left you the second he was done with you. Those were the nights that you realised just what kind of game you were playing, that in the end, you would be the one to lose everything.
You try not to look, you really do. But it’s an itching behind your eyes, fingers fiddling with the cup you’re drinking out of and it’s the anger in Daphne’s eyes as she watches their exchange that makes you finally turn and look. He’s leant against the wall with Astoria stood infront of him, fingers innocently strung together as she stared at him from under her perfectly curled eyelashes. A whisp of her perfectly curled hair falls infront of her face, you watch as her mouth forms an innocent ‘o’ before trying to blow it away only for it to fall back. Her giggle makes you want to hex her. Draco tucking the strand of hair behind her ear makes you want to shave her head. The flush that comes across her face at Draco’s actions and his hand that lingers in her hair a second too long has you joining in on the spin the bottle game you had previously sat out of.
Downing the contents of the glass in your hand, you wince at the burn before sitting at the empty spot between a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
You look up to see yourself directly across from Cormac McLaggen which has you cursing under your breath and sending a silent plea to every god and deity there is to save you from that. Anyone but him.
You cheer when the circle cheers, watch as horny teenagers practically swallow each other’s tongues. Cormac gives you a greasy smile that has you wanting to get up, but it’s better than watching Draco and Astoria flirt their perfectly compatible arses off.
“Anyone but that bastard McLaggen.” You whisper it just before you spin, hoping that it works in your favour rather than jinxes it, tapping the table leg behind you with a quick “Touchwood” just to cover all grounds.
You’ve fucked it.
It spins, but the universe is mocking you. It slows down, likely to land on fucking McLaggen. He could be a fucking prince for all you cared but there was no way you’d let that slimy shit kiss you.
You cross your fingers, willing for it to pass him. And for a while it looks like you’re screwed, but just as you’re about to feign alcohol poisoning it passes him, by barely an inch, but all the same it passes him. You watch with wide eyes as it lands on Fred Weasley by that one inch and you let out the breath you hadn’t known you held. The worried expression on your face quickly became one of relief, a look of relief could’ve been mistaken for happiness, and for a certain blonde, it had.
Fred raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not expecting that reaction from you, before offering you a toothy grin that you return before crawling to where he sat, settling your arms around his neck as his guided your face to his.
You couldn’t stop the moan that sounded at the first touch of his lips against yours. They didn’t know your lips as Draco’s did but that didn’t stop him from being a damn good kisser, knowing exactly where to put his hands and when to use his tongue. Fred Weasley was good. You briefly wonder if the alcohol was why you couldn’t pull away but that didn’t matter when he took your lower lip between his teeth and bit hard.
Forgetting yourself and where you were, you didn’t object when he grasped your thighs in his hands, pulling you to straddle his lap. You don’t hear the cheers erupt around you; you don’t hear Astoria shout after Draco as he leaves her mid conversation, and you don’t notice he’s gone until Fred pulls back to catch his breath.
You catch Pansy’s gaze from over Fred’s shoulder and that’s when you realise something was wrong.
She was smirking at you.
She only ever did that when things had gone her way, which, when concerned Draco, was never a good sign.
You were in half a mind to just turn your head slightly and kiss the man you were sat on senseless again, especially with the way his fingers gripped your thighs under your skirt. But you also knew they were trying to keep you from running as soon as you could, as if knowing you would inevitably follow the Slytherin out but wanted you to stay anyways.
Your head drops to Fred’s shoulder, breathing in a scent you could only describe as homey and warm, the opposite to Draco’s crisp, sharp aftershave, a scent you loved and could almost describe as home.
All these years and not even a magical first kiss with someone (though you were very drunk) could waver your love for him.
“Draco is one lucky bastard.”
“I’m sorry, Fred.”
“It’s okay, it’s just a game after all.” You grimaced at his tone but dug yourself deeper into the hole.
“If it’s any consolation you are a damn good kisser.” Complement a man then leave him high and dry for another, great job y/n. You were doing great.
“The second he fucks up you know where to find me though yeah?”
You couldn’t stop the giggle that left you lips, in a life where you weren’t already enamoured with Draco, perhaps this could’ve been the start of something.
“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”
His fingers slip from your thighs, offering you a hand to steady yourself before you take off, the bottle continuing to cause messy drama as you watch Harry’s spin land on Theo. Damn Draco and his fucking temper tantrums for causing you to miss that moment.
The walk back to Draco’s room sobered you up, head clearing and realising what him leaving meant. Was he mad that you had kissed another person or was he… jealous?
You had never let yourself hope before, but then again, you had never found a reason to.
He’s waiting for you, pacing around the room with his brows furrowed in a way that reminded you of a child throwing a tantrum. The thought of it making you laugh, giving away your presence in the room.
“Draco, I-“
He pushes you against his door, hands trapping you against the hard wood of the door behind you as his mouth swallowed your words. His hands worked quickly to strip you of your clothes as you tried to reciprocate his actions as best as you could, mind whirling as this was not where you had expected this to go.
Fred’s kisses had been new, they’d been exciting and addicting. But Draco’s? Even whilst he was pissed and rough, they were home. Lips you were used to, lips that could mould to yours perfectly instantly, lips that knew exactly how you liked to be kissed.
He pulled away to bring his mouth to the column of your neck, giving you a harsh suck where he knew would have your knees buckle, using the movement to sweep you off the floor and onto his bed.
Draco works fast when he’s angry, nothing in his mind but fucking his anger out of his system. He’s out of the remains of his clothes before you even have a chance to catch your breath. He stares at you with an unreadable expression so you match his, your features showing indifference rather than the usual lust you would allow yourself.
His narrows his eyes at you one last time before he brings his body between your spread legs, his warm mouth making contact with your cunt, tongue swirling around your clit. Your hips raise of the bed, wrists pulling at the charm that held them in place over your head as the rest of your body tries to get as close to the source of pleasure as possible.
A whine leaves you as his mouth stops its ministrations, one of his hands pushing your writhing hips back onto the bed as his darkened eyes find yours once more.
“Good girls behave, y/n.” You can’t stop the moan that falls from your lips when eases a finger into you, eyes never leaving yours.
A second finger joins the first, curling at a certain angle that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, a heavy weight starting to form in the pit of your stomach.
“Only good girls get to cum y/n, you haven’t been very good tonight, have you?” The tightness in your stomach ready to uncoil when his lips met your clit again, giving a harsh suck before pulling away from you completely. Without his hands holding you down your hips rise up, following his fingers as they pull out and away from you, his cold gaze telling you everything you needed to know.
“I’m sorry Draco, please. Please. I was so close; I swear I’ll be good from now on. I promise. Draco please.”
“I don’t think you have.”
He’s standing again, hands on his hips, tongue running across his lips, the lips that had just almost pushed you over the edge. You didn’t have time to be frustrated over the near orgasm, besides, Draco had a thing for orgasm denial, you were all too used the edging.
“Unbind my arms.” He raises an eyebrow at your attempt to shift in power, but does as you ask all the same.
Your hands reach for his heavy cock, mouth giving a tentative suck at the swollen head, tasting the salty precum on your tongue. Your hands give him a few hard strokes before you take him back into your mouth, eyes watering as you struggle to fit even a third of him in your mouth.
“As much as I love to see you choke on my cock, I don’t think you deserve it today.”
You stare up at him through your eyelashes, the twitching of him in your mouth was all the confirmation you needed to know he was very much enjoying the view of you struggling to accommodate the size of him. 6 months of practise but you still couldn’t manage to take him in all the way.
His hands cup your face as he pulls you off his cock, replacing it with 3 of his fingers instead. His fingers press down on your tongue, forcing your head back, the rest of your body following as he lowers himself over you, his free hand already lining himself up with your entrance.
“Beg for it.”
All it would take would be one small shift of your hips and he would slip inside of you but the last time you had tried that he had bent you over his knee and slapped your cheeks until they were burning. You knew when to test him, and right now was not the time.
“Please fuck me Draco, I’m yours-” You’re not done practically purring your words when he thrusts so that his hips are flush with yours, giving you no time to adjust before he starts pounding into you with deep satisfying thrusts that have you drooling on his fingers.
His hands hold yours above your head, his mouth hot against your ear as he grunts and reminds you of who you ‘belong’ to.
“That Weasley could never fuck you like I can. This cunt is mine; it’s made for my cock and my cock only, do you understand?”
You whimper as your only response as his hips switch from their long deep thrusts to sharp snaps of his hips against yours, his mouth still reminding you who you belonged to.
“This cunt is mine; do you understand?”
You don’t know if you had responded with a “yes” or if it had simply merged with a moan to become incomprehensible.
“Yes what?” His hips continued their thrusts all the while, never losing their rhythm as your body arched into him and squirmed trying to get closer.
“Yes, daddy.”
You don’t call him that a lot, only when you’re truly in need of a trap card and apparently you were as it fell naturally.
His eyes snap up to meet yours, his grey eyes turning even stormier than before as he claims your mouth in a bruising kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth and fingers finding your swollen clit again.
“Be a good girl for daddy and cum.”
You don’t have to be told twice and finally let go of the heaviness in the pit of your stomach, your walls clenching around his as your body clings onto him, mouth unable to keep up with his kisses. The sight of you lost in pleasure, body writhing under his own, the fact that he had been the one to bring you this much pleasure was all he needed to paint your walls white. You hadn’t even noticed his stuttering hips, hadn’t noticed him still before pulling out. You were still in a daze, collecting your breathing as you came down from a high you had never experienced before.
“Are you okay?” You blinked away the blurriness in your vision to see Draco’s worried eyes scanning your face, hands keeping your gaze on him. “Was I too rough love?”
You know you must look horrendous right now, sweat coating your skin, a dazed expression on your face but you still give the biggest smile your tired muscles could.
“I’m perfect.”
“Want me to carry you to the bathroom?”
You’re in that space between reality and dreams when he picks you up, an arm hooked under your back and knees. He places you on the toilet first, you made the mistake of forgetting once and you made him promise to never forget again.
You watch as he moved around the bathroom, eyes appreciative of the view. Watching his back muscles become taunt as he stretched was something you could never get tired of. The red markings down his back from a couple nights ago were still prominent, you had offered to heal them, but he insisted on wearing them like ‘battle scars’ to show off in the quidditch changing rooms, you had rolled your eyes when he gave you that reason.
He had charmed the bathtub to fit the both of you, sliding in first before helping you step in. You rest against his chest, humming appreciatively as he runs his hands across your skin, focusing on the way they felt rather than the ache between your legs and on your wrists.
“I mean what I said.”
“hmm?” you had almost fallen asleep, his voice pulling you out from your haze.
“You’re mine. All of you. If you’ll have me.” You’re fully awake now, body tensed up as you realise exactly what he meant. You turned your body to face his, ignoring the water splashing over the sides of the tub as you settle between his legs again, facing him, “You want me? What happened to wanting no strings attached?”
You knew the game he played well, you wouldn’t fall at the final hurdle, if that was even what this is.
“I want you y/n. I’m not going to spout some bullshit love confession like some first year drugged on Amortentia, but I can’t share anymore.” Draco Malfoy was bad at communication but good lord this was a new low even for him. You were half inclined to continue feigning indifference to protect what you had, but the other half was greedy. Draco was offering you more, how could you not take this opportunity. You had beaten the game, you had gotten Draco to want more with you, well at least you were 70% sure.
“Is this some roundabout way of you asking me to be your girlfriend?” His upper lip twitched as you said the word girlfriend, the action making your own eyes drop to the space between you. Wet fingers cup you face, bringing your face back to his as he captures your lips in a slow, deep kiss. You had had lazy kisses together before, during lazy morning sex. But this, this was slow and meaningful and full of emotion. He might never be good with words, but this, this would be enough.
You pull away from him by a hair’s breadth, lips only millimetres apart. “Okay.” Each syllable you said caused your lips to touch again, neither of you moving just yet. He lets out a shuddering breath that he must’ve been holding in, a grin covering his face in a way you hadn’t seen before.
“You’re lucky you asked now, I was hoping to visit Fred soon.”
The ache between your legs only became worse as he kept you awake for the rest of the night, edging you and taunting you for hours to prove you belonged to him and that a Weasley wouldn’t even begin to compare (too bad you never got the chance to).
Waking up with sore limbs and a satisfying ache all over your body was worth every second it had taken to get here. To win Draco Malfoy.
TAGLIST: @bbeauttyybbx @pipppaaaaalouisee @theslytherinprincessworld @fangirl-3d2y @tttyrus @scriptingslytherin @justmimithings @purpleskymalfoy @minigigglybabi @505weasleys @secretaccshh @obbrssession @whatwoulddracodo @thatoneniceslytherin @thehumanistsdiary @mariah-can-dream @futureofanthropology @pixieflutter @tobarmaidswhodontcount @dray-cookies @xuckduck @dreamyginny @dracofeltonmalfoy @lord-byron @inglourious-imagines @audreythehufflepuff @beiahadid @moonlightorbit @imonlyherecauseimbored @dracosgoodgirl @dreaming-about-fanfictions @goldensatine @avengers-end-me @sad-bitch-h0ur @zhangyixingxing1 @yourenotafailureoverall @pastelpuffbar @miso-tang @pixiedustsupplyco @harry-and-draco-loves @tsukibaby @dracoswhore007 @hogwartslut @mischiefisbeingmanaged @raylovessarcasm @drxcomvlfx @dracosballs @standingandstaring @its-chickenwing-450 @iamproudtobeaslytherin @mischiefisbeingmanaged @pxroxide-prinxcesss @slytherinxraven @jinnbie @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend @Utzelh8 @gloryekaterina @capkatie @jquick-18 @imcedricdiggorys @osterfieldnholland @explxsion @big-galaxy-chaos @malfoycrave @softlyqoos @krazykendraisnotinsane @minsuuwu @lumlfy @mllzhxrrs44 @weasleyis0urking @slytherinwh0re @gwlvr @m3ssytrash @aubreyanna02 @akaaaaashiiii @carrobrumbrum @dracoswift @bitchybeatle @samnblack @dumspirospero-1 @dracomalfoyswifeee @fuckingdraco @myshaahmad77 @you-sunshine @little_me204 @lipstickandloveletters @pillowjj @meipotter @dracoismybabey @rennaisancebaby @gwlvr @alastheadventurebegins @dracosbaibe @sydnee-kom-spacekru
#Harry Potter#Draco Malfoy#draco x reader#draco smut#Draco Malfoy x reader#Draco Malfoy smut#tw smut#tw alcohol#tw bath#tw daddy kink#fred weasley
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Hi! May you please do a Draco x reader fluff wherein the reader is trying to do something (baking/ her make up/etc.) and Draco can’t keep his hands to himself, not in a sexual manner. Rather, it’s just, he feels so much love for her, that he has this strong need to hug her from behind, kiss her, or any touch of affection. The plot would be up to you if you decide to do this! Thank you so much, and I hope you are well and healthy! 🥰
Hi dear, hope you're doing good too! I hope this is of your liking :')
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: reader tries to bake but draco won't let her.
Warnings: mentions of food and fluff (unusual, i know)
Word Count: 539
Baking had always been a hobby of yours, both because of the results and the process. You loved mixing ingredients and watching how they turned into something new and incredibly more delicious than before.
Draco didn't see the excitement in cooking since had had never done it himself and he absolutely despised getting his hands dirty. You couldn't blame him really, but making a mess in the kitchen was always something that lightened up your mood, even if you had to clean it afterwards.
Sometimes you even managed to convince Draco to bake with you, but those times were very rare; he much preferred tasting rather than cooking.
Today, however, you didn't manage to. You started to select all the ingredients you would have needed to bake Draco's favourite cake and placed them on the counter. His eyes watched you from the couch in the living room, surveying your every motion.
You smiled at him and he reciprocated, sending you a small smirk before you turned your back to him to begin the actual preparation.
You heard shuffling beside you but didn't bother to turn around. Cold hands enveloped you from behind, resting on your stomach as your back made contact with his.
You continued your activity, smiling to yourself as his head snuggled in the crook of your neck. You felt him hold you closer to him, tightening the hug in which he had already closed you, and started laying gentle kisses on your collarbone and on your neck.
"What's got into you, dear?" you asked softly as you tried to reach the flour, but his body so close to you made it impossible to move anything but your arms.
He didn't answer, instead peppering even more kisses on your skin, almost igniting it.
"I can't bake with you like this, Draco." you continued, struggling to free yourself from his clutch, however comfortable.
You were an inch away from the bag you needed when he took your outstretched hands in his, entangling your fingers together and spinning you so you were now facing him.
You giggled uncontrollably at his silly attempts at keeping you from getting something done, but in his eyes there was no silliness; he was incredibly serious, so serious you were scared something happened.
"Is something-" he hugged you again, resting his chin on the top of your head, one hand cradling it while the other traced circles in the small of your back.
You pulled back a little, enough to allow you to grasp his face in your own hands to scrutinize his features, searching for any sign of hurt or sadness.
"Are you ok, Draco?" he simply looked at you, grey eyes filling with warmth and devotion directed to you only and his mouth curling up slightly to take in your worried face.
"Wonderful." he kissed your forehead in an effort to soothe you and then mimicked your previous motions, settling his hands on your own cheeks, stroking them oh so tenderly. "Just wonderful."
"I won't bake today, will i?" you asked playfully, gazing in his eyes with as much adoration as he displayed.
"No, no you won't, darling." he replied sincerely, earning himself a roll of your eyes and a so-longed kiss.
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#draco malfoy#fanfiction#harry potter#draco lucius malfoy#draco x reader#fanfic#draco imagine#draco x y/n#draco malfoy fluff#fluff#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x you#draco malfoy x reader
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Milk & Honey
Summary: Recently widowed, Draco and Hermione give dating a try.
Pairing: Draco X Hermione
Word Count: 4,201
Warning: none
A/N: Inspired by the quote “I’ve had sex, she said. But I don’t know, What making love, Feels like” by Rupi Kaur.
Find Chapter 2 Here
Chapter 1
Hermione has almost forgotten how she landed a date with her ex-death eater coworker. She always knew Pansy Parkinson would be a thorn in her side, but she never knew the witch would be the ultimate matchmaker.
“What about Blaise?”
“Adrian, maybe?”
“How about Draco?”
“I don’t think Malfoy's dating.” Hermione sighs, placing her quill down in defeat as she glares up at Pansy, who is currently trying to get her back into the dating world.
“Oh come on,” Pansy sniffs, leaning against Hermione's desk. “You and Ron broke up years ago, and I’ve heard you admit the following two things; you and Ron are better off as friends, and Draco is ‘quite handsome’.” Pansy holds her hands up, making air quotes around the last two words. Hermione glances at the back of the blonde's head, his shoulders straight as he pours over documents.
Working at the ministry did have its perks, but being in such a close, constant proximity to the forever gossiping Pansy was not one of them. Pansy rolls her eyes, placing a manicured hand flat on the desk.
“He hasn’t dated anyone since Astoria, and based on previous experience, I know he can be a doll of a boyfriend. He just hasn’t…” Pansy pauses, glancing over at the man of her subject, “branched out.”
“Well can you blame him? And no, I’m not hung up on Ron.” Hermione snaps, grabbing her quill. Astoria Greengrass and the sole heir to the Malfoy estate had been something of a coveted item for nearly two years. It was assumed that they would marry, and based on how Malfoy had been with her, it seems that marriage had been his intention as well.
Everyone knew of Astorias blood curse, so when she fell ill, it truly came at no surprise to the public. However, when she publicly broke up with Draco by posting an article in the Daily Profit, well, that indeed came as a shock. Both Astoria and her sister Daphne left for Switzerland a few months after she had grown sick, and when Daphne had returned alone, nearly a month later, everyone understood why.
“I still don’t think Astoria should have done that. Left him so he could ‘be free of an illness that has so raptured my body’ as she so kindly put it.” Pansy says, and Hermione rolls her eyes.
“Do be kind, Pans.” She replies, looking away from Malfoy's head, her voice low. “She knew what was going to happen. She wanted to spare him the pain, I suppose.” Pansy nods, her bob moving along with her.
“Please Granger, let me set you up on a blind date with someone.” Pansy pleads, eyes shining. “And if you don’t like them, you can hex me into next year.”
“I'm just so busy with work at The Ministry and Ginny's pregnancy.” Hermione replies, hoping Pansy would bugger off soon and let her work in peace. Pansy stands, holding her hands in defeat.
“Just promise if someone asks, you’ll give them a shot.” She asks, clasping her hands, earning yet another eye roll from Hermione.
“Fine.” Hermione replies, waving Pansy away. “If someone asks, I’ll give them a shot. Maybe.”
Hermione is early to the office the next morning, surprisingly, since she stayed up all night with Ginny on the telephone. Harry and Hermione had finally convinced Ginny to allow the Potter household muggle-machinery, a telephone being one of them, and Ginny was often hooked into having late night conversations.
Yawning, Hermione pushes open the door, waving to the clerk that sat behind the front desk as she makes her way to her own desk. To her surprise, Malfoy is leaning against her desk, his arms folded over his chest and eyes staring into the distance.
“Goodmorning,” Hermione says politely, placing her briefcase on the surface. “Is there something…I can help you with?” Malfoy turns to look at her, a slight scowl dancing across his features, uncrossing his arms as he says, “Pansy has an extraordinarily obnoxious voice.”
Hermione laughs. “Well, you should know since you did date her.” Draco rolls his eyes, replying with a tone dripping with sarcasm. “I suppose, but I must’ve forgotten how much she can harp on and on about anything.” Nodding in reply, Hermione flicks open her briefcase.
“Well, what does Pansy say this time?” She asks, carefully unloading the documents she needs for today's work. She can see Malfoy stand straight, fixing his color slightly and he takes a breath.
“Let's have it out, Granger.”
“Have what?”
Malfoy stares, his grey eyes hard and she can almost physically feel his annoyance grow. “She won’t leave me alone. She nearly wrote me a dozen letters saying you and I would be…decent, together. So, let's try it, tomorrow night, maybe, after work?”
He’s looking at her with such exasperation, Hermione's cheeks begin to warm. “I'm missing something, aren’t I?” She asks, and he nods fevertly.
“A date, Granger.” He says, his eyes boring into hers. “Go on a date with me and you can tell Pansy how much you dislike me after, then she’ll leave us both alone.”
Hermione could smack herself with how oblivious she feels, and by the expression on his face, Malfoy would smack her too.
“Malfoy, we don’t need t–”
“Tomorrow then, after work?” He interrupts, straightening his cufflinks. The whole situation is so bizarre, so out of character and odd, that Hermione has no reply. He takes it as a yes, nodding once. “The Three broomsticks should work. Let's say 7pm.” And he walks off, leaving Hermione gaping awkwardly at her desk.
Ah yes, that was how she landed the date. The rest was history, at least in her world.
In the months that follow, Hermione and Draco date. After a cautiously yet enjoyable evening at the Three broomsticks, Draco tells her he hasn’t talked this much to one individual in months. They go out again and again, each place slightly nicer and more upscale than the last, Draco fronting the tab every time. Hermione isn’t sure how they click, how their war-wounded souls fit one another, but they do, and she simply can’t get enough of it.
After nearly three months of fine dining and timid hand holding, Hermione begins to fret that he wants out.
“Hermione, why on earth would you think that?” Ginny asks, her feet propped up on the loveseat she picked out for Easter, her hand caressing her swollen belly. “He’s obviously smitten with you.”
“Well, he hasn’t really…made any moves.” Hermione whispers, wringing her hands as she sits across from her oldest friend, fretting about her relationship. “Sometimes he holds my hand but we haven’t even kissed.”
“You haven’t even kissed?” Ginny echos, sitting up slightly. “My goodness what are you a nun?”
“No no,” Hermione sighs, waving away the comment. “It’s just…with how his last relationship ended, I don’t want to push him into anything that he’s uncomfortable with.” Hermione knows Draco likes her, maybe even deeply cares for her, but living in the glittering shadow of Astoria’s ghost was hard. She always feared she could never live up to the standards of his past, a beautiful socialite who died far too early then was fair.
“I get your anxiety, ‘Mione, really I do but,”Ginny says softly, reaching out to Hermione. “Astorias gone. You know it, Draco knows it, and he wants you. If you’re tired of waiting, why don’t you kiss him?”
“Me?” Hermione gasps. “I couldn’t, I just, I wouldn’t know how to even go about that. Plus, he might not want me to.”
“Oh he does,” Ginny counters, wiggling her brows. “Harrys told me something and I’ve gotta say ‘Mione. You should jump on that.”
The next evening as Hermione cleans up their dishes from dinner in her flat, she decides to jump on it.
“Draco, do you not find me attractive?” She instantly regrets the words as they leave her mouth. He looks at her in confusion, his white blond brows furrow together as he leans forward.
“Heavens no, I find you incredibly…” he falters, looking from her face quickly down her body and then up again. “I find you incredible.”
“Well I just…well what are you waiting for then?” She replies, determination seeping into her voice. “I am fine with taking things slowly, for I am a slow and steady person myself, but I just want to know if there’s a reason, is it my hair?” She reaches up, pushing a curl back. “I know it's incredibly unruly.”
She opens her mouth to continue with her protest, but Draco leans forward—the both of them standing by the kitchen table—and takes her hands in his. He’s tall, several inches taller than her, and she has to crane her neck to look into his face. Adoration sparkles in his grey eyes, and he smiles.
“Granger, do you want me to kiss you?” He asks, his voice soft. Her stomach flips, the room suddenly growing warmer.
“Only if yo—”
“Don’t think,” he interrupts, squeezing her hand softly. “Just answer.” She pauses, looking between their clasped hands and his tall frame.
Dropping her hands, he slowly cups her face, his long fingers supporting her jaw and inching slightly past her hairline. “Do you want me to kiss you, Hermione.”
It’s posed as a demand, not a question, and he’s so close she can feel the soft caress of his breath across her lips.
“Yes.” She whispers, abandoning fear and she closes her eyes as he leans down, pressing his lips against hers.
It’s slow, and soft, his hands dropping hers as he frames her face, and it’s everything she’d hoped for but more. Draco cranes her face close to his, fingernails scraping gently at the hairline on the base of her neck, and she envelopes her hands over his. When he pulls away, dreadfully too soon, she leans forward to nuzzle her face into the base of his neck, hands leaning against his chest as she breathes in his scent.
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• request guidelines
requests open! masterlists
NOTE: please only send 1-2 requests at a time !! you’re not the only person i write for, be considerate. and please don’t send requests to multiple writers — it’s not only rude but will guarantee you a special spot of hatred in a writer’s heart. and one more thing: please don’t request n*fw content if you’re over 19 !! i’m not stopping you from reading it but i explore sexuality a lot and am uncomfortable interacting with adults sexually.
♥︎ content i create:
can be fluff, angst, and/or smut. for preferences, specify fandom ─ for HP, unless a gender or era is specified, all characters i write for will be included.
❨ fics/imagines
❨ blurbs/concepts
❨ headcanons
❨ preferences
❨ gifsets
❨ icons
❨ headers
❨ moodboards/aesthetics
♥︎ who i write for:
see above section and specify what you’re requesting. if not specified, i’ll choose. my personal favourite characters to write for have a 𐐪𐑂 beside them :)
❨ hermione granger 𐐪𐑂
❨ draco malfoy
❨ pansy parkinson 𐐪𐑂
❨ harry potter 𐐪𐑂
❨ luna lovegood
❨ ron weasley
❨ ginny weasley 𐐪𐑂
❨ fred weasley
❨ george weasley
❨ cho chang 𐐪𐑂
❨ lavender brown
❨ fleur delacour 𐐪𐑂
❨ angelina johnson
❨ padma patil 𐐪𐑂
❨ parvati patil
❨ daphne greengrass
❨ astoria greengrass
❨ nymphadora tonks
❨ narcissa black
❨ andromeda black
❨ bellatrix lestrange 𐐪𐑂
❨ lily evans
❨ marlene mckinnon 𐐪𐑂
❨ remus lupin
❨ pandora lovegood
❨ tina goldstein
❨ queenie goldstein
❨ jade west 𐐪𐑂
❨ cat valentine 𐐪𐑂
❨ tori vega
❨ diana prince
❨ harley quinn 𐐪𐑂
❨ pamela isley
❨ dinah lance
❨ helena bertinelli
❨ kara danvers
❨ wanda maximoff 𐐪𐑂
❨ natasha romanoff
❨ emily prentiss 𐐪𐑂
❨ jennifer jareau
❨ elle greenaway 𐐪𐑂
❨ jordan todd 𐐪𐑂
❨ tara lewis 𐐪𐑂
❨ penelope garcia
❨ ashley seaver
❨ cat adams 𐐪𐑂
❨ leia organa
❨ padma amidala
❨ qi’ra
❨ mara jade
❨ ahsoka tano
❨ jyn erso
♥︎ ships i write:
blurbs or headcanons, more ships included in the 'x reader' section. no smut for mlm ships as i'm a girl and am also not comfortable.
❨ pansmione
❨ dransy
❨ panstoria
❨ linny
❨ hinny
❨ lunsy
❨ romione
❨ fleurmione
❨ daphsy
❨ drastoria
❨ pavender
❨ wolfstar
❨ jori
❨ cade
❨ catorade
❨ jemily
❨ temily
❨ prentiway
❨ jemelle
❨ jelle
❨ jenelope
❨ catsey
♥︎ ships i write 'x readers' for:
smut fics, blurbs/concepts, or headcanons ─ if your ship is not included in the previous section, i won't write for it alone. i'll only write poly fics for ships that have a *
❨ dransy*
❨ pansmione*
❨ panstoria*
❨ lunsy*
❨ linny*
❨ huna*
❨ hinny*
❨ ginsy*
❨ romione*
❨ dramione
❨ fleurmione*
❨ fredmione
❨ georgemione
❨ ronsy*
❨ ravender*
❨ drarry
❨ rarry*
❨ daphsy*
❨ drastoria*
❨ harmione*
❨ remadora
❨ belladora
❨ bellansy*
❨ jori*
❨ cade*
❨ cori*
❨ catorade*
❨ harlivy*
❨ jemily*
❨ temily*
❨ prentiway*
❨ jemelle*
❨ jelle*
❨ jenelope*
❨ catsey*
♥︎ things i won’t write:
your request will be rejected if it's any of these. if it says male, i’m ok writing it for female characters.
❨ real people fics (any celebrity x reader)
❨ sibling or otherwise family reader
❨ incest (including threesomes/twincest)
❨ detailed triggering topics
❨ pregnant reader (not comfortable, sorry!!)
❨ male slapping or spitting kink
❨ anything an*l
❨ soulmate AUs
#harry potter#fantastic beasts and where to find them#victorious#criminal minds#marvel#dc#x reader#imagine#wlw#sapphic
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We're Worlds Apart (7)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: none (other than blaise being jealous)
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: my workplace is under construction and i'm stressed bc i have to work around all the rubbish and it makes me stay longer when i wanna come home and write 😭 anyways, this is unedited so i'll come back to it after i clock off tonight
(gif cred)
Being friends with you was kind of weird. Draco couldn't really tell you about his day because it consisted of magic nearly the entire time. He’s also at work for almost the entire week, so he wasn't really at home much.
Except for now. Draco finally had twelve days off to spend with his best mates. He had been so caught up with the chaos that surrounded him at work that he wasn't able to plan any sightseeing activities to do with them, so he just let them pick whatever it was they wanted to do.
“I could always ask Y/N what to do,” Blaise suggested. Yes, Draco hadn't forgotten the small fling between you and his best mate. Blaise would go over to your house at least three nights a week while Draco stayed overnight at Santa Marie's. Theo didn't mind being by himself and was grateful that the guest bedroom was farthest from your bedroom window. Draco was also grateful that he chose to go on nights he wasn't home; he didn't need to hear you two throughout the night.
Now that a hatchet was somewhat buried, Draco thought that asking you was a good idea. He nodded his head and headed for the door. Blaise also got up, but the both of them stopped when their hands nearly collided on the door knob. “Oh, did you want to ask her?” Blaise questioned.
“Uh… no you go. She's your…” Draco paused, “You go ahead.” Blaise gave him a weird look before walking out the door and headed to your house. Theo watched the whole thing and waited to start laughing at Draco. He glared at Nott and spat out, “What are you laughing at?”
“What was that?” Theo held his stomach as he caught his breath. “Did you want to talk to her?” Draco didn't appreciate whatever his friend was trying to say. It's just a bloody question. He sat down on the couch and picked up the Daily Prophet from Theo’s hands. He wasn't surprised to find Harry Potter in it, a column about his recent marriage with Weasley’s sister. He was surprised that they hadn't gotten married sooner.
“Do you think it's weird that Blaise is dating a muggle?” Theo asked. His face was neutral, but his tone was suggestive. Draco internalized the question. On one hand, it didn't really disturb him all that much. He was confused as to whether or not you were his girlfriend, but Blaise doesn't really talk about you too much. On another hand, he knew Blaise and even though you annoyed him – or did you? – he always took pity on any girl that mixed with Blaise. Draco didn't know what Blaise would do, but it was enough to get anyone on their knees for him in more ways than one.
“I don’t care who or what he dates,” Draco stated. Theo went to minding his business, until something caught his attention from outside. “Oh Salazar, what is he doing?” Theo’s voice was filled with amusement. Draco turned from his sitting position and saw what was happening.
Blaise was fully making out with you right on your porch. Out where anyone could watch. One of his hands were tangled in your hair while the other one was resting gently on your waist. Your hands rested shyly on his shoulders and it looked as if you were on your toes just to reach up to his height. The kiss was slow and sensual.
It was exactly what Draco needed to see. Because from that, he felt nothing at all. Just a gross feeling that he was potentially invading someone's privacy. Sure, they were outside but it still felt weird. Draco wasn't one to enjoy public displays of affection.
“Wow, he’s really milking it out. You reckon he asked her about sight-seeing?” Theo kept observing them from the window. Draco hit his head with the newspaper rolled up. Theo laughed and turned to look at the blond man next to him. “How come you’re not with anyone?”
“With where I work, do you honestly think I have time to find someone?” Draco sassed as he continued reading. Dating was the last thing on his mind. He was too focused on work to even flirt with another woman. Pansy was the last person Draco had ever dated. He was meant to be betrothed to Astoria Greengrass, but Draco declined and started his path to becoming a healer. He also didn't want to be in a marriage knowing he couldn't genuinely love her.
Moving to America, he never found anyone interesting. Ashley was nice but not only was she already married, she was married to a woman. Other women in the department, or hospital as a whole, took an initial liking to Draco, but he figured it was solely due to the fact that he’s a foreign British man with an accent. After a month of women flirting with him, it died down almost completely and everyone treated him as normal which pretty much confirmed it to him. Would Draco like to date someone? Absolutely. But right now, he was perfectly happy being by himself.
Theo knew Draco enough to know when he was fibbing and this wasn't one of those times. He was glad to see Draco be okay with himself after all this time. He remembers the constant need of validation during their days at Hogwarts. And it was because of a certain wizard who Draco was always competing with. Now as for Theo, he had been out of the dating scene for a while and he was nearly desperate to get laid.
He dropped the topic and got up to take a short nap in the guest room. A few moments later, Blaise was knocking on the door. Draco got up to open it and was caught by surprise to see you standing behind Blaise. You looked like you weren't really sure what you were doing there either. “Mate,” Blaise started off, “what if we brought her along with us?”
You blinked at the tall man standing in front of you and then looked at Draco who had the same facial expression. “Who else better to show us around than someone who actually lives here?” Blaise suggested. It made sense; you would know your way around and Draco could save himself the trouble of not only Blaise and Theo being lost, but also Draco also getting lost. He still had a hard time with some of the streets. One-way streets, round-a-bouts, and bike lanes were still new to him. And you once mentioned how Manhattan was worse than the streets here in Buffalo, so how would he deal with that?
You stood unusually quiet. Blaise had only just asked you to tag along with them and before you could even process the question, you were being dragged to Draco’s house. “I don’t know, I don't want to intrude on–”
“Nonsense, you’d be our guide. I highly doubt Draco knows where he’s going,” Blaise assured. He got a stern ‘Hey’ from the blond but ignored it. “What do you say? Come with us?” You looked back and forth from the both of them and settled on Draco, your eyes asking him if he would even want you there. He shrugged his shoulders, leaving it up to you.
“Uh, sure. I’d just have to fix my schedule and–” you started before Blaise cut you off, “Great! We leave tomorrow at seven in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and walked inside. Draco stood at the door and was still confused as to what just happened. You started to walk away before Draco asked you, “Should we take my car?” You turned around and thought about it. “If you want.”
Draco preferred it, so he just agreed to it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” You smiled sheepishly and raised your hand to say 'bye’. Tomorrow was surely going to be… something.
You were hoping to be able to rest your head on Blaise’s shoulder for the ride to the airport. But here you were, in Draco’s car with the largest cup of coffee that was barely keeping you awake as you drove there. You were glad that Draco had common sense to book two flight tickets for everyone to go there because there was so way in hell you were going to drive six hours to Manhattan and another six back.
Theo, however, was resting his head on Blaise’s shoulder as he snored away during the short ride. Blaise tried to shove him off, but it turned out that the sleepy friend was heavier than he looked. It was funny, really. Draco sat in the passenger seat next to you on his phone trying to read out directions. You insisted you didn't need them, but he said they were more for himself when they come back home.
Once on the plane, you finally got some shut eye. You stayed up all night thinking about what to do for the day. Where to go, what to eat, what to see. And other things kept you up, but that's besides the point. During the security check, you had to hold your laughter. It was hilarious to watch the three men be so confused as to what was going on. They acted like it was their first time in an airport.
The seats you had were nice and surely expensive. Draco insisted that you didn't have to pay him back. Must be nice being rich you thought. Blaise looked at you and poked your nose, “Is someone sleepy?” You glared at him before laying back into your seat, “Maybe if you didn't keep me up all night, I wouldn't be tired.” You didn't know how the man could have this much energy in the morning.
The hour went by quick and you were in Manhattan by ten in the morning. You suggested a local diner that was near the airport which they all agreed to since they didn't know their way around. At the diner, Blaise and Theo had made a dash for the restroom. You laughed at the view of Theo pushing Blaise behind him and Blaise glaring at him as he smacked the back of his head.
“I swear, they’re still childish gits,” Draco groaned. “26 years old and they still don't grow up.” You nudged his arm from across the table. “Leave them be. They’re still young, and so are you. Let loose, we’re in New York City after all. Can’t be brooding the whole time.” Draco rolled his eyes and looked at the menu that was under the glass on the table.
A waitress came up to your table with a small clipboard and notepad. “Are you two ready to order?” she asked sweetly. “Not yet, we’re waiting on two people to come back,” you answered. “Oh that’s cute, is this a double date?”
Without hesitation, you and Draco stated at the same time, “We’re not together.” The waitress looked between the two of you and just nodded. “I’ll be back, then.” The both of you hadn’t said a word when she left and patiently waited for his friends to come back. Shortly after, they did. Blaise took the spot in the booth next to you and Theo next to Draco.
“Alright, what do you suggest I get?” Blaise asked you. He had his body slightly facing yours and an arm over the top of the seat around you. He hadn't bothered to look on the menu and just focused on your features. “Depends, what do you like?”
“Anything,” he lowered his voice and was close to your ear. The breath tickled your ear which made you giggle. “Okay, we get it. You two are cute. Now keep it down, I’d like to be able to digest this food,” Theo’s nose crinkled as he complained. You still didn't know Theo all that much. This morning, he walked like a zombie and he probably just became fully awake, so to see his best friend making kissy faces at you before his first meal wasn't an ideal way to start the day. Draco chuckled in his seat as he was still figuring out what to order.
“I have to make a quick call,” you announced before pulling out your phone and called one of your employees, “Were you able to open fine on your own? Okay, call me if anything happens. Okay, bye.” The waitress came back and took down the order after she set a pot of coffee for the four of you.
Theo was the first to say something, “So, Y/N is it?” You nodded in response as you took a sip from your mug. “What is it that you do in your free time? Other than Blaise, of course.” He had a smug smile watching as you blushed. Two seconds later, the table shook and Theo groaned in pain. Unbeknownst to you, both Blaise and Draco had kicked Theo in his shins.
“Stupid git,” Draco said under his breath. Theo glared at his friends as he rubbed his legs. You cleared your throat and started to speak before Blaise stopped you, “You don’t have to answer that.”
“It’s okay, he was just joking,” you defended. “No he wasn't,” Draco added. You ignored him and looked at Theo, “What do you want to know?”
He had your full attention and ignored the looks from his friends, “What do you do for a living? What’s your work like?”
“Well, I uhh,” you started, “I own a store downtown. I’m there almost everyday.”
“What kind of store is it?” Theo asked as he leaned over the table closer to you. “What do you sell?”
“Candles,” for the second time that day, you and Draco synchronized. “Yeah, I sell candles and little… knick knacks,” you still hadn't opened up to Draco or Blaise for that matter about your Wiccan activities. So to say that you sold sage bundles, specially made oils and healing crystals would raise questions you weren't ready to answer now.
“Draco, have you ever been to the place? What is it called, by the way?” Theo kept on. Blaise was certainly not kidding when he said that Theo loved to talk. “No, I haven't,” Draco answered. “It’s called Soul Beads, wasn't it?”
“Yeah, that’s the name.” The food was brought on a large tray. Blaise handed your plate to you and you grabbed your fork to dig in. He was eating slowly, looking as if he was thinking about something. “Hey, you okay?” you whispered to him, Draco and Theo having their own conversation. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine, love,” Blaise continued eating at a faster pace now. You looked around the men that surrounded you and smiled. Today’s gonna be fun.
The day went… weird. Blaise tried to have as much fun as possible but something was bothering him. Was it Theo talking his head off the entire time? No, I’m used to that. Was it his legs tired after walking almost all day? No, not that. Was it how even though you held his hands the whole time and gave him occasional kisses on his cheek or lips, you had gone the entire day talking to Draco and shared a couple laughs with him? Absolutely.
Jealousy was always an ugly emotion to Blaise. It annoyed him during his time at Hogwarts, and it annoys him now. The way girls would ask him if he was messing around with other girls and he’d always say the same thing. “How could I when you’re the most beautiful girl in these halls?” They’d all swoon over it. And by the looks of it, you swooned over his every word as well. But the looks you gave him were different from the ones you gave Draco.
From all the letters he had gotten from Draco, Blaise knew how much he hated you. No, loathed. But after the two of you decided to make nice, it was like you had been friends since day one. Draco may have even looked comfortable talking to you. And it bothered Blaise. His time with you may have been short, but today made him realize something.
Blaise is nowhere near being in love, he knew that much. But he knew that he didn't want to be messing around anymore. He wants to have an actual relationship, and right now, he wanted it with you. Blaise was confused by it all. He should be happy that his best friend and a girl he likes gets along. It would make it all that much easier.
But something about the two of you was odd today.
Maybe there was a look that lasted too long. Or a tone that came out differently. Or maybe… no. Blaise knew what it was. He just wants to have that same friendship with you. Blaise still didn't know that much about you. He didn't even know you had your own store until that morning. And to hear that his friend who supposedly hates you even knows not only the name of the store, but what you sell, hit something in him.
So, he was going to change that. Because for the most part, you were pretty interesting. He knew you were a Wiccan and as much as he doesn't really care to know what it was all about – considering he can just do any magic with a flick of a wand – he’d at least know you a little better.
Momentarily, as he was deep in thought, Theo’s annoying voice popped in his head. Hey, at least you know her in a way Malfoy won’t. He mentally cringed at it for a second before he thought Wait. I do. It was a start, not one that someone usually prefers, but it was better than nothing.
You sat beside him on the ride back home and had a smile on your lips while you rested on him. Draco was driving and Theo wanted to raise the volume of the music but his hand was slapped away. “She’s sleeping, idiot.” Draco scolded.
“Merlin, look at this,” Theo looked at Blaise as he pointed to Draco’s face. “Malfoy caring for a muggle? I’ve seen everything now.”
“M-muggle?” You rubbed your eyes and yawned. The three Slytherin’s had wide eyes, Blaise cursing Theo with his eyes. “I've heard,” you let out another yawn, “Draco say that before.”
Merlin, how many times have these actually talked? Blaise thought. “I-it’s just slang from London,” he tried to cover up. You nodded your head and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before going back to sleep.
Once everyone was home, Blaise walked you to your door. “I had fun today, did you?” Blaise gave his most convincing smile, “Yeah, I did.”
You said ‘Good night’ and almost closed the door when he stopped you. “Is it alright that I stay with you tonight?”
“I'm kind of tired, maybe tomorrow–”
“No, not for that,” Blaise chuckled at your insinuation. You looked slightly surprised. And it made sense considering that's almost all he came over for. Nonetheless, you let him into your home. Blaise stayed true to his words and just laid beside you in bed until the two went to sleep.
In his own bedroom, Draco smiled as he thought about the fun day he had. Maybe being friends with you wasn't so bad. He went to his kitchen to grab a drink when he noticed there was one person missing. “Where's Blaise?”
“I think he's staying at Y/N’s,” Theo stated. Inside, Draco felt an unusual pang in his chest. He let it go and went to bed. Hopelessly trying to get out of his head whatever you two were up to.
next chp
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Falling Stars (Sequel to Tell A Tale of You and Me) - Chapter One
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Reader
Summary: In the midst of a brewing war you fall for one of your classmates, a boy that you used to know. When you have the chance to fight against evil, you fight for what you believe in.
Chapter Summary: When Harry gets back from a trial that determines his Hogwarts career, your father wallows in his feelings. Meanwhile, Dean’s hostility towards you reaches new heights.
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, mentions of death, probably gonna be a slow burn
Words: 2552
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this part, please let me know what you think and if you would like to be tagged! Also, I haven’t read The Order of The Phoenix in ages so the timeline in this fic might be a bit wrong! Also I know that Astoria Greengrass is a couple of years below Draco (I think) but for the purpose of this she’s gonna be in the same year! I love you all! xxx
previous part masterlist prequel next part
Chapter One - The Start of Something New
You had been tossing and turning all night and for most of the early morning, you couldn’t get a wink of sleep. You were worried about Harry because he had performed the patronus charm in front of his muggle cousin. He had to go to a hearing at the Ministry; if he lost then he’d be expelled from Hogwarts. You weren’t exactly friends with Harry but you knew how much he loved Hogwarts, it was his home and you wanted him to win his hearing.
Sighing, you decided that it was useless and you threw off the covers before you padded downstairs to find your dad in the huge kitchen, nursing a glass of scotch. He looked so sad as he stared at his glass and your heart went out to him. You knew that there was a part of him that wanted Harry to get expelled so they could both live at Grimmauld Place. But Harry belonged at Hogwarts and you knew that Sirius knew that.
He glanced up to see you standing in the doorway and he offered you a tight smile, “you should be fast asleep Cass.”
You let out a short laugh as you sat next to him, “so should you dad.”
He shrugged as he took a swallow of his drink, “I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to keep your mum awake with my tossing and turning. She’s been working nights for the Order.”
You nodded, biting your lip, trying to be gentle with what you said next, “Harry belongs at Hogwarts dad, I know there’s a small part of you that wants him to be here with you but he needs to be at school.”
Sirius let out a bark of laughter as he looked at you, his eyes glittering with amusement, “you’ve been talking to Molly haven’t you?”
You sighed as you fiddled with your fingers, “she’s right dad. He’s not James.”
Sirius flinched at your words slightly but he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “I know she’s right,” he hesitated as he grinned at you, “please don’t tell her that I said that.”
You giggled as you shook your head and rested your head against his chest, “I promise that I won’t. I’ll stay up with you until Harry gets back.”
After a few hours, Harry apparated into the hallway alongside Mr Weasley and he had a beaming grin on his face. You just knew that he had won the hearing, your heart filled with joy on his behalf, he was a good person and he deserved to be happy. Before you could stop yourself you ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“I’m happy for you Harry, there shouldn’t have even been a hearing,” you said, smiling up at him.
“Thanks Cass, that mean a lot coming from you,” he smiled as he ran a hand through his unusually neat hair. He looked away from you and nervously looked over your shoulder where your mum and dad were standing.
Sirius gave Harry a tight smile and he clapped a hand on Harry’s shoulder as he walked past him before stomping up the stairs and slamming his bedroom door shut.
“Oh Sirius,” you heard your mum sigh and you glanced over at Harry who looked crestfallen, “don’t worry about him sweetheart, he’ll come around soon enough,” your mum smiled and Harry nodded as she enveloped him in a warm hug.
Apart from The Daily Prophet printing lies about Harry and Dumbledore, the rest of the summer went by without a hitch. Your mum had been right, Sirius had come around and accepted the fact that Harry was going back to Hogwarts. Both you and Harry were delighted that Sirius had stopped sulking. When it was time for you, Harry, Ron and Hermione to go back to Hogwarts he accompanied you all in his Animagus form. Your mum and the rest of the order thought it wasn’t a good idea but you and Harry appreciated it all the same.
You smiled and looked out of the train window as it began to move and you saw Padfoot running alongside it and you waved at him until he was out of sight, you knew that your dad would be just fine. You nodded at Harry, Ron and Hermione as you went your separate ways and sat with your Slytherin classmates. The spell of the summer had now been broken.
As you got onto the platform in Hogsmeade you saw that Draco and Harry were fighting – as usual – and you really didn’t want to deal with it right now so you walked ahead and climbed into a carriage. The atmosphere was tense as you realised that you had just climbed into a carriage with Dean and Seamus.
Seamus nodded at you while Dean completely ignored you, but you couldn’t exactly blame him. You chanced a glance over at Dean and admired the way that he had matured over the past two years and he had grown even more handsome. You terribly missed those dimpled smiles but you knew that Hell would freeze over before he ever sent one your way again.
An apology was on your lips but before you could say anything, Seamus spoke up, “hi Cass,” he gave you a polite smile though his eyes were hard as steel as he looked at you.
“Hi Seamus,” you offered him a small smile, “hello Dean.”
“Sorry about last year,” he refused to look at you as he mumbled and he didn’t seem sorry at all.
His words caused a terrible wave of sadness to wash over you, last year Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament and your friend Cedric had been a champion but he had died. According to Harry, Cedric had been killed by Voldemort and you knew that Harry wouldn’t lie about something as grave as that. Most of the wizarding world didn’t believe him but you did, and if Cedric had to die then you were just glad that he hadn’t been alone in the end.
“Thanks Dean, Cedric was my friend.”
Dean sniffed at your words, “at least you deemed someone worthy of being your friend,” he hissed as the carriage stopped and he wrenched the door open and got out.
“Dean, wait!” you called after him as he disappeared into the castle, refusing to look back.
Seamus sighed as you both got out of the carriage, “you really hurt him Cass.”
You nodded as you teared up, you knew that you had hurt him but hearing it from his best friend made it seem even worse. Seamus rested a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to meet his eyes, “I’ll try and talk to him but I can’t promise anything.”
Your bottom lip quivered as you nodded, Seamus didn’t have to do that for you, not when you had hurt his best friend, “thanks Seamus, I appreciate it.”
Seamus nodded, looking mildly uncomfortable, “sure, I’ll see you around Cass,” he gave you a tight smile before going after his best friend.
You shook yourself out of your sad thoughts, you were so glad to be back at Hogwarts, the place you loved most in the world. As you walked through the magnificent oaken doors into the candlelit Entrance Hall, you caught up with your best friend Astoria Greengrass. You hadn’t really seen her on the train because she was a Prefect with your cousin this year.
She beamed when she saw you and pulled you into a hug, “hi Cass! How was your summer?” she asked and you grimaced a little bit.
“Oh, it was eventful with Harry’s hearing and everything,” Astoria nodded understandingly, “and the Ministry is still looking for my dad.”
“Do you know where he is Cass? It must be horrible.”
“No, I don’t know where he is,” you bit your lip, Astoria was your best friend but you knew it was unwise to trust anyone outside of the Order with your dad’s whereabouts, “how was your summer?” you asked, quickly changing the subject.
“It was shit,” she laughed before she blushed, looking uncharacteristically shy, “I was wondering if you could introduce me to your cousin properly. I have Prefect duty with him but I’m too nervous to properly speak to him.”
You smiled as you reluctantly walked over to the Slytherin table, wishing that you could sit somewhere else. Your insides ached with hunger as you stared at the empty golden plates; you hoped the Sorting Ceremony would be over quickly, “you’re way too good for him Astoria.”
“Oh, trust me, I know that,” she smirked, making you laugh.
As you sat down, Pansy Parkinson glared at the two of you, “there you are! You weren’t talking to any mudbloods were you?” you winced as she used that horrid slur.
“Fuck off Pansy,” Astoria hissed.
Pansy scowled at her before turning her attention to Draco who was sitting a little further down, “by Salazar, he’s so handsome.”
“It’s never going to happen Pansy,” you grumbled as you looked up at the teacher’s table and grimaced at the ugly toad like woman all in pink. You felt like you recognised her from somewhere.
Pansy gave you a teasing look, “why? Do you want him?”
You mimed being sick, “he’s my cousin, that’s disgusting!” you rolled your eyes and looked over at Astoria, lowering your voice, “okay, I’ll introduce you. I’d much rather it if you married into the family.”
The air in the dungeons was stifling, almost to the point of unbearable, the heat and humidity was caused by the multi coloured vapours that were rising throughout the room. What was worse was the fact that it was double potions, with the Slytherins. Dean grimaced as he poured disgusting sloth brains into his potion mixture, being careful not to splash any of the juice on himself. He huffed as his potion turned into sludge green rather than the forest green the potion was meant to be.
Dean was surprised and amused that Seamus hadn’t blown anything up yet, he was something of a fire starter. With a smirk on his face he glanced up to point it out but stopped short when he saw his best friend glaring at something on the other side of the room. Seamus was glaring at Harry who was reading something under the table with Ron. Seamus believed all the things that The Daily Prophet had been printing about Harry and he believed that Harry was lying about Voldemort being back for attention.
On the other hand, Dean couldn’t think why Harry would lie about the way Cedric died or about Voldemort coming back and he knew that Harry didn’t like being the centre of attention. Dean had tried to tell Seamus this but it seemed to fall upon deaf ears. Dean was just so glad that his muggle parents didn’t read The Daily Prophet.
“Dean, I need to talk to you,” Cass whispered beneath her breath, borrowing some potion ingredients as an excuse to come over.
Dean raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, her eyes sparkled prettily beneath the dim light of the dungeons and she was smiling slightly as she nervously twirled her wand between her fingers. For the first time, he felt nothing but hurt and anger. Her pretty face and soft words could do nothing to make him forgive her. He wasn’t sure whether he ever could forgive her and that was the worst part of it all.
“Yeah, well I don’t want to talk to you Cass, it’s too late, nothing you can say will ever change what happened. So just give it a rest and leave me alone, alright?” it would have been a different story if they had naturally grown apart but in the past couple of years, Cass had turned into a bitch.
Cass’ face fell and she looked at the floor but Dean wasn’t budging, he genuinely didn’t want to speak to her, not at the moment. When she looked back up at him she looked determined and there looked like there was a fire starting in her eyes, “fine, I’ll leave you alone for now but one day, you’ll have to hear me out and let me explain because then you might realise that I never wanted to hurt you.”
Dean scowled at her as she walked away, on the way back to her seat she walked past Neville who was panicking while his potion emitted grey smoke rather than the silver vapour that was required. It also smelt of burnt food. Cass stopped and rested her hand on Neville’s shoulder as she spoke to him with a sympathetic look on her face. She left Neville for a moment, only to bring her things over so she could help Neville set his potion right.
Dean shook his head and sighed, looking down at his own potion, “you know if you want to forgive her, just walk right over,” Seamus smirked at him and Dean rolled his eyes.
“Oh, come off it,” he laughed, “I’m not forgiving her,” Seamus shrugged but he still had the ghost of a smirk on his face and it looked like Seamus didn’t quite believe Dean’s words.
After class, Seamus was still going on about Harry, “I can’t believe he would like about You-Know-Who and the way Cedric died, it’s all for a bit of attention. That’s why he entered the tournament last year.”
Before Dean could reply, they heard a scoff behind them and a voice piped up, “I can’t believe you two,” Dean and Seamus exchanged amused glances as they looked behind them and saw Cass glaring at them with hot fury in her eyes.
“Do you really think that Harry would lie about something like that? The Prophet is lying about him and Dumbledore; I can’t believe you can’t see that! And you!” she glared at Dean, “I know that you’re hurting but so is Harry, I thought you of all people would understand,” she shook her head with disappointment on her face and Dean felt his heart clench painfully.
“You didn’t hurt me.”
Seamus coughed but it suspiciously sounded like, “liar.”
Dean glared at his best friend before turning back to Cass who had her eyes narrowed at him, “don’t make out like you’re some sort of angel,” he folded his arms, “why would you help poor Neville with his potion? You never do anything for anyone else unless there’s something in it for you.”
Cass scowled at him, “he was panicking Dean! We all know that Neville is terrified of Snape and I felt bad for him, I knew that Snape was going to make his life a living hell if he saw how badly the potion was going. I only wanted to help him, I’m not the monster that you want me to be Dean,” she shook her head as she flipped her hair over her shoulder as she turned and stormed back down the corridor.
Seamus whistled as he watched her go, “she is so hot, if you don’t forgive her then I wouldn’t mind dating her,” Seamus smirked as he raised an eyebrow.
Dean let out an exasperated laugh, his dimples on display as he pushed his best friend to walk, “shut up Seamus.”
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✦just an arrangement - Draco Malfoy x Reader (part 2)
summary: the return to the school year with the dark mark is hard enough, but now they must fulfill a more intimate request or they expect a happily ever after with an old death eater.
warnings: cursing and mentions of sex
word count: 2,383
a/n: hey! i think i will do at least 2 more parts to this story but idk so tell me what u think :)
another thing, i imagine y/n with this dress: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/623185667178835548/?nic_v2=1a1Y1Zk4c but you can imagine her with any dress, suit or whatever you feel most comfortable with
that sunny morning, draco had received a letter from his mother.
my dearest draco,
severus informed us about your relationship with the girl y/l. I am surprised that you didn't tell me sooner, according to your teacher your relationship is now three months old. your father is delighted with the news, so he wants to have you both this weekend to present you as an official couple. y/n's parents will surely inform her about it.
we look forward to seeing you.
much love.
your mother
when he had gone down to the slytherin common room and saw her sitting down, he assumed that she had already received the news.
"magnolia brought my letter too, we are expected this friday for dinner" y/n explained mentioning her beloved owl.
"are you ready?" draco took a seat on an individual sofa in the living room, which was opposite hers.
"i'm not going to lie to you and say yes" this was their first talk like that. it was the first time they spoke from heart to heart about the subject that united them so much, the darkness that surrounded them.
when draco wanted to answer her, some first year children entered the common room and looked at them. they could not continue talking about the subject so y/n got up from her place to continue with their performance.
"see you in the great hall, darling" leaving draco in shock, she placed a kiss on his forehead and went to the exit of the place.
he sat on the couch for what he thought had been hours. still feeling her soft lips on his forehead and her sweet voice calling out a lovely nickname. unknowingly they felt the same, both trying to push out those feelings that fluttered in their stomachs whenever they were near.
that wednesday, the day they received the news, y/n was taken by her mother to hogsmeade in search of a stylish dress. having such intimidating and influential parents had its benefits as being able to leave to hogsmeade just to look for a dress in the middle of a typical morning.
"looking for your little girlfriend, malfoy?!” one of the weasley twins shouted as they watched the blond boy look for his 'girlfriend' in the chaos of the great hall. draco only gave them a determined look, saying that he would only lend them his attention for a few seconds. "her mother came to look for her this morning and she hasn't yet returned"
draco and y/n had spent their mornings apart and lunch was the time where they should make a daily show of affection. they had never reached the point of kissing but they knew that they should do so, in the way not to arouse suspicion.
draco did not want to feel worried but the mention of y/n’s mother made him alert. when he was about to violently ask the twins how they had this information he saw her enter the room with a smile, which he thought was probably fake.
he saw her walk the long way to him greeting many people giving them warm smiles and looks. for a moment he wished he was her and so that people would like him.
"hello, draco” the smile that involuntarily came out on his face was bigger than he would have liked.
she was so close that he smelled her perfume and saw the sparkles in her eyes in the light. without knowing where so much courage came from, draco approached her face with the intention of kissing her lips briefly and giving their audience, that were staring at them, what they wanted. but she discreetly refused his offer of a kiss and allowed his lips to reach her cheek; despite the failed attempt, both blushed and y/n gave him a look that he could not decipher.
"where were you?” his long white hand took hers to sit on the table and start eating lunch, side by side.
"mum took me to buy a dress, according to her your tie will be the same colour"
"aww your first official couple's dinner! i want to see your dress y/n! where do you have it?" astoria was a causeless romantic, so she was always attentive to what they were doing or not.
"it's in my dorm, i'll show it to you later” draco knew that astoria had something up her sleeve, because of the way she looked at y/n and how attentive her movements were; maybe it was jealousy, his parents had informed him that one of his suitors was astoria greengrass and that if he didn't find a girlfriend on his own, she would be an option as a future wife; maybe astoria's parents had already told her that too.
the remaining days to dinner, passed in the blink of an eye. so when they least noticed, y/n was coming down from her dorm knowing that draco was waiting for her in the common room, ready to disparate and head for the malfoy mansion.
he was standing leaning his back on an armchair, his hair perfectly combed and clean with an immaculate suit that made him look mature and handsome. his tie was the exact same colour as the dress that adorned y/n's body.
she came down the stairs with an elegance that she wore in her day to day life even though she was not wearing such fine clothes. when draco saw her his heart turned as he was grateful that he was bringing home such a beautiful companion.
"hello draco" y/n greeted him cordially when she reached his side, he seemed bewitched and although he tried to hide it she noticed and was happy to see that she was not the only one impressed.
he said, "are you ready?" gently his hand approached hers, to take her and travel by magic to his home.
"you don't want to know the answer"
despite being in high shoes, y/n landed on the manor door as if it were nothing. the big black door was not a very cheerful welcome, but both knew they had to enter with the best of faces.
and so they did. draco took the initiative and entangled his arm with y/n’s to start their performance.
as soon as they entered the house a wave of people looked at them; many more than they expected. their parents had told them that the guests would not exceed fifteen people but in front of them were at least thirty wizards and witches.
"well hello to our guests of honor!” bellatrix made her way through the crowd to greet her nephew and the pretty girl who accompanied him.
draco’s nerves were too noticeable so y/n, and her theatrical skills, had to take the lead.
"good night everyone..." there were many pairs of eyes on them, all quietly waiting for the couple to debut the night "you all look very elegant...emm thank you for receiving us on such a beautiful night"
y/n parents were looking at her proudly from the other side of the room. both they and the malfoy were swallowing the farce like a shot of imported whiskey, worshipping the new alliance; their children's relationship guaranteed wealth and power to both families.
"say something, draco" y/n whispered, keeping her eyes and smile up high.
"thank you so much for the great organization and preparation, we appreciate it" with that said, each guest seemed to agree and continued their previous conversation.
they were all adults except blaise zabini and the greengrass sisters. draco thought that seeing people his age would calm his nerves but it did not.
they all exuded airs of wealth and elegance as they spoke and drank such expensive drinks. y/n thought that by collecting all the money from food and drink she could help the weasleys build that new room that molly wanted as a knitting workshop.
draco and y/n moved among the guests, still with their arms intertwined, to meet their parents in front of one of the tables with gourmet snacks that surely had taken the elves hours to make.
"welcome draco and y/n" lucius was the first to speak when he had the teenagers in front of him.
“you two look so beautiful together!” y/m/n watched how their clothes matched and was proud to have insisted y/n to wear that dress.
“we are all amazingly happy for the two of you" it was really striking how well they looked together, side by side pretending to be a couple that they were not.
"may i ask, how did this happen?" a newcomer bellatrix asked them with a questioning look.
the nerves of both of them grew, as they had not organised any pre-dinner stories to tell and leave people satisfied.
"emm...we used to meet a lot in the library and one day draco came over, we started chatting, and that's how we fell in love" draco had to swallow so hard that his throat hurt. her voice had sounded so convincing, that he was overwhelmed to hear that they were in love. he didn't know how y/n had managed to sound so real and at the same time invent on the fly; he didn't know much about her childhood but assumed she had developed that skill at that stage of her life.
"we want to know all the details!" astoria greengrass took y/n’s arm to get her off draco's side faster than light.
people were eating and drinking as if there was no tomorrow, while they were questioning the recent couple who had been separated by the living room for an hour.
in spite of the distances, draco and y/n looked at each other constantly; y/n thought it was to continue their pretense of teenagers enjoying love, but draco could not take his eyes off the girl, with that dress decorating her body as if it had been handmade for her.
y/n had heard questions from how many children they planned to have, when they planned to get married, to whether or not he kissed with his tongue a question she questioned herself
draco, for his part, had been shot with questions from how they had met to whether she was good in bed or not; he had not needed to act angry when he heard the question, he was angry without the need to act.
until his aunt reappeared.
"dear nephew, how has the night been treating you?"
"very well, aunt. how about you?” blaise had quickly disappeared when he saw bellatrix make an appearance; what a pussy, draco thought.
"oh great, i’ve been chatting with y/n for a while ...how did you meet again?"
"emm...in the library a few months ago" he knew that his aunt did not believe that they were a couple. at that time, draco begged merlin to please make y/n appeared at his side and help him with his lack of skills in what pretending in front of death eaters was all about. but she was talking kindly to a woman, who seemed to be watching her so closely that in the muggle world y/n could have been x-rayed. the girl was not easy to read, she pretended so well, that if she was uncomfortable or upset it was difficult for draco to find out. as bellatrix continued to talk to him he wondered if any of her friends could read her to the point of acknowledging her discomfort
"I thought you already knew each other, you know the y/l and the malfoys are families who hang around each other a lot" her voice was analytical as if she was waiting for draco to break character and spit out the truth.
"in the library we really met, just y/n and draco not y/l and malfoy" draco knew that if y/n had heard him at that moment, she would be proud.
"do you plan on having kids?” draco had a moment of lucidity and recognised that it was probably one of the questions his 'girlfriend' had been bombarded with; it was almost impossible that his aunt would been asking him about future children, she hated them. he did not know what y/n’s answer had been, so when he saw her alone he apologised gently and approached her, quickly but without looking desperate.
y/n was pouring some pumpkin juice into her long glass when the blonde appeared beside her.
"you would not know the amount of nonsense i have been asked, people really are gossi-"
"kiss me" he whispered, causing her to leave her glass on the table confused.
"excuse me...what?"
"my aunt is suspicious, do it now"
it was strange, her first kiss was going to be with a boy who pretended to love her. y/n had imagined this moment completely different, but there was no choice.
so when draco took her cheeks and kissed her sweetly as if she could break at any moment she let herself go with it. she rested her hands on his chest and let draco move his lips over hers; he had to erase any doubt that someone at the party might have, not make a scene; so they parted away after a few seconds.
it had definitely not been as y/n expected; because she had loved it and wanted more. but when she saw that draco turned his head in search of some distrustful look, she wanted to run to the guest bedroom and curl up to cry. y/n remembered that it was all a farce, something she had forgotten the instant his lips touched hers.
she didn't know that draco had turned his head so that she wouldn't have seen him blushed. he thought that the tickling on his lips and the bubbles in his belly were visible to her, because they felt so strong that his brain seemed to get dizzy.
"good job" what? good job? what was that? she hadn't finished a herbology essay, why did he say that? draco wanted to punch himself, he had been an idiot.
y/n was about to say something random to avoid awkwardness, but her mother called from afar so that she could introduce herself to some newly arrived adults; and she left, leaving draco with a shy smile that he was too confused to answer.
what did he feel in his stomach?
#draco malfoy#draco x y/n#draco x reader#draco malfoy imagine#draco malfoy fanfiction#one shots#fanfic#fanfiction#tom felton#harry potter#hogwarts#death eaters#malfoy manor
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Nihil Novi Sub Sole [Draco Malfoy x reader] - part 2.
previous parts: intro, part 1.
The Greengrass Sisters
I followed the blonde girl through the castle; it looked nearly the same as my version of it. I entered the Slytherin common room behind the younger girl, scared that someone I didn't know would notice me. The password was "Pureblood" and when she said it I scoffed under my breath, but she still heard me and gave me a funny look. Ever since the war there was no more blood purity. There weren't any crazy people who judged people by their blood or families. The war has changed everyone so much, but there still were some things that were left untouched and I wished I could've done something about it.
"Greengrass." A deeper voice called. The blonde girl who was walking before me turned her head towards the sound. A nearly white haired boy with stunning features came into view. "Your sister was looking for Y/l/n." He said, looking straight into my eyes. For whatever reason I held his gaze and looked away only when she replied to him. His stare was so intense, I felt as if my knees would give up and I'd collapse.
The blonde Greengrass nodded. I remembered my mother telling me about the Greengrass sisters, Daphne and Astoria, who remained neutral during the war, so they'd be safe no matter which side won. My mother, a pureblood from a well known family of slytherins, was very proud of her house, even if she was a gryffindor. She was only a few years older than the Golden Trio, meaning that depending on which year we were in, she might still be at Hogwarts.
"I know, Malfoy." Astoria, I supposed, said. My eyes widened. He was Draco Malfoy. My mother told me many stories about what he had to do. Malfoy rolled his eyes and went back to his friends.
Astoria grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dorm rooms. Right before she opened the door to one of the dorms, I spotted the names that were written on the wall next to it. 'Greengrass, Daphne; Y/l/n, Y/n; Parkinson, Pansy; Bulstrode, Millicent; Davis, Tracey,' in the order of the beds.
"Where have you been?" Daphne, a girl as tall as me, with shoulder length light brown hair asked me with raised brows.
"Um," I shrugged uncomfortably; how could I tell her that I was from the future? But I also obviously had a life here, the Greengrass sisters knew who I was. And also Draco Malfoy! So, I thought, I must be at least a bit popular, right?
"I found her wondering around outside." Astoria said.
Daphne rolled her green eyes and smiled, "You have to stop doing that." Her smile slid off her face, a frown replacing it, "Did you have another fight with Malfoy? That's what you always do after you fight with him..." I furrowed you brows, another? That meant that I talked to Malfoy and probably were some kind of friends. "You should really stop doing that, you could get hurt-" she continued but you cut her off. "Um, no, why? Did he say something?" She shook her head. "Anyways, Blaise has asked me on a date." A cheeky smile slowly grew on her face.
"Oh, finally!" I said. I shocked myself for a second, where was this coming from? I shrugged, grateful that my mind helped me.
"I know! That's what I said!" Astoria said. I gasped, "You told her before me?!"
"Well I couldn't find you anywhere..." she shrugged.
The conversation flowed continuously. We talked about anything and everything. I waited for Astoria to go back to her friends until I asked Daphne something that's been on my mind since I arrived in the dorm room.
"Can I ask you something, even if it'll sound really weird?" My small frown caused her face to fall slightly.
"Sure. Did something happen?" She raised her eyebrows cautiously.
"No. I mean, yes. Ugh! Kind of..." I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face.
"Do tell." She winked at me.
"Well, when I arrived with Astoria in the common room, Malfoy came to tell her that you'd been looking for me. Why didn't he tell me? I mean, I was right there, why did he ignore me?" I wondered.
Daphne frowned, "I don't know. Maybe it's because you told him to come to you when he was ready to tell you, and I quote, 'whatever the hell's been going on'". I gasped in recognition. I remembered that conversation. "But you know how he is, you should let him be until you both cool off." She added as an afterthought.
"Well, I didn't mean to completely ignore me until he's ready." I mumbled. Daphne nodded, "Yeah, he's been a bit weird lately." I frowned again, but decided to keep quiet this time. If I had too many questions she'd become suspicious.
"Do you want to shower first, or should I?" Daphne asked, seeing as the dorm was empty.
I shrugged, "You can go first."
As I was trying to fall asleep that night, random conversations popped into my head. "Y/n, you know you can't be mad at me right now." Draco told me as I sat on one of the couches in the common room, quite far away from him. "And why not? If I knew why you're acting this way, I'd probably understand." I huffed, trying to mask my sadness with anger. It bothered me to know that Draco didn't want to tell me something clearly important. "Y/n, you'd be the first one to know if it wasn't for your safety." He wasn't annoyed with me at all and that made it even worse. I stood up, "Alright, come to me when you're ready to tell me whatever the hell's been going on."
part 3 - Potions
Author's Note: Hello!! So this part is a bit longer, but I still need to set some things straight. Hope you enjoyed this part!!
#Draco Malfoy#draco#draco x reader#draco malfoy x reader#Harry Potter#harry potter imagine#nihil novi sub sole
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push and pull like a magnet do
Category: F/F
Pairing: Ginny Weasley x Astoria Greengrass
Summary: Ginny Weasley is a Gryffindor Quidditch player and a proud leader of DA. She started out as a damsel and a victim, but she never stayed that way. This is her one-witch journey on the path to recovery, victory, and getting the girl.
This fic can be found on AO3 here. Part two, three.
When Ginny first boards the Hogwarts Express at 11 years old, in secondhand robes and mind full of hope, she opens the first compartment she sees and finds another girl already sitting there. Ginny’s brothers have already found their own friends, leaving her, the annoying baby sister all alone.
Ginny is usually never nervous, or at least tries to act that way. She is a Weasley and she shares genes and parents with Fred and George. But she thinks of what Bill has told her about the Hogwarts Express--how everyone always becomes the closest friends with whoever they sat with on the train to Hogwarts--and this dries her throat.
Ginny has never had a friend before, who voluntarily chose to become close to her. She has been surrounded her whole life by her Weasley brood of brothers and she has been neighbours with Loony Luna, but she would never think of them as friends. Tom, perhaps, was the closest thing she had, but he was living inside the diary that her mum had bought for her. He couldn’t sit next to her on the train, or to be sorted into the same house, or work together during class, like she desperately wants.
The other girl--a brunette, with an unmarked tie so she must be a first year like her--is staring at her, having noticed the open door and the scruffy girl by now.
“Um, hi.” Ginny manages to squeak out, her palm sweating with nervousness. She wants to make a good first-impression, wants to find the thing called friendship like all her other brothers have, but in front of the other girl, she feels very self-conscious.
The other girl doesn’t say anything, only raising her eyebrow lazily as if she is unimpressed. She scans her from head to toe with her very blue eyes, and Ginny is painfully aware of the worn robes that her mother took in and mended and used to belong to Fred or George.
“My name is Ginny,” she blurts out to avoid the awkward silence. “I’m in first year. Do you mind if I sit here with you?”
The girl is silent for a moment, casting unimpressed looks on her ratty trunk, but rolling her eyes, she replies, “If you must.”
Ginny grins and bounds in the compartment with her trunk, the door sliding close behind her. She heaves the trunk up on the luggage rack by herself, although it takes her a few tries to brace herself and to maneuver it up. When she turns around and throws herself on her seat, the other girl has resumed her previous activity of staring out the window, her posture the meaning of dignified.
Ginny looks out the window but doesn’t see her parents in the crowded platform. She glimpses a brief flash of red hair and thinks that could be it, but it is heading away from the platform back to the archway that leads to the muggle side of the station. She sneaks glances at the other girl, and decides to make conversation.
“My name’s Ginny.” She says. “Ginny Weasley.”
“I know.” The other girl says. “You told me.”
Ginny is beginning to be annoyed. Can’t this girl take a hint? Or is she being purposely rude?
“What’s your name?” She decides to just ask straight out.
“Astoria Greengrass.” The other girl--Astoria--says, her chin jutting out slightly.
“Are you excited to go to Hogwarts? What house do you think you’ll be in? I want to be a Gryffindor like the rest of my family.” Ginny says, smiling. Her brothers call her a motormouth sometimes, saying that she talks too much, but Astoria doesn’t seem like the type that talks very much. Still, Ginny is good at speaking, and she will try to get to know Astoria. Perhaps they could be friends by the end of the journey then.
Astoria is looking at Ginny with a clinical eye, like she is just studying something not particularly interesting. “Don’t you have something else you could be doing? Like reading or something instead of making stupid conversations?”
Ginny opens her mouth to retort scathingly--the good thing about growing up with six brothers was that there was no shortage of colourful words she could use--but then the door opens again and another girl, older than her by the looks of it and Slytherin, judging from the tie, is standing on the other side of it.
“Astoria.” The girl says. She is blonde with blue eyes and tall, but she looks very much like the girl sitting across from Ginny. “What are you doing here all alone? Come on, you can join us in our compartment--I’ve even told Malfoy to behave himself.”
Astoria stands up and follows her sister out without any glance back to Ginny, and the compartment door closes silently behind them. Ginny, with her wounded pride as her first attempt at friendship got rejected harshly, just quietly pulls her diary out with a scowl and begins to talk to the one person who has been there for her.
It doesn’t matter anymore that Tom isn’t real, that he isn’t sitting beside Ginny right now. The only thing Ginny wants right now is the companionship of a friend, someone she could talk to and share her hopes and fears with and who isn’t one of her brothers who’d just make fun of her. Just because Tom doesn’t have a body doesn’t mean he’s any less real, and right now, the quietness of the compartment and Tom’s unquestioning sympathy is beginning to heal the wound she received from the earlier rejection and making her feel better.
Ginny is beginning to think that the rumour of the Hogwarts Express that Bill told her won’t ever come true for her.
Then the door opens again and a different blonde this time--Loony Luna with her ridiculous spectroscopes saunters in and throws herself down--in a much more delicate way than Ginny did--without so much as a hello. An eager looking boy with mousy brown hair and a camera in his hands trots in after her and begins talking a mile a minute, and Ginny is denied even this simple comfort of talking to Tom in privacy now.
Ginny looks around the compartment, a crazy blonde in front of her, reading a magazine upside down and a boy bounding around like he’d had too much sugar, taking a photo of everything, even attempting to open her diary until she’d threatened him, and agrees with her previous opinion that the Hogwarts Express theory is absolute bull.
Later, at the sorting ceremony, Ginny watches “Greengrass, Astoria” be sorted off to Slytherin amidst a round of polite applause, and thinks that there is no way the two of them would ever have been friends. When she is sorted to Gryffindor, the hat barely taking a moment to decide because she is a Weasley, and it takes a special kind of courage to grow up as an only girl in a house with Fred and George, the mousy haired boy with a camera, a “Creevy, Colin”, is waving at her enthusiastically with an empty seat next to him. Fred and George accidentally drop a water balloon full of red and gold slime on their heads while she’s eating pudding, Percy is lecturing them in an annoyed sort of voice and Ron and her crush; the famous Harry Potter, is nowhere to be seen.
She doesn’t know why she glances over at Astoria in that exact moment, but she makes eye contact with her, who is surrounded by Slytherins--her sister on one side, Draco Malfoy talking to a pug-faced girl on the other, and still she can’t shake that feeling of anger at the brunette from her mind, who had been the first person Ginny had wanted to be friends with.
Ginny looks away.
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