#previa mix
musicaelectronica · 1 year
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Do you know a Fiero Guy? You either answered in the affirmative to my question, or you're wondering if I'm talking about the dude who hosts a restaurant review show. The Pontiac Fiero changed the world, and continues to forge the art of message-board shitposting even today.
With its NASA-grade composite bodywork, snazzy mid-engined handling, and grudge-filled axing of the entire program by jealous General Motors accountants, it was a revolutionary vehicle that didn't get enough time to shine. This, of course, inevitably leads to many people who bought these cars for approximately six hundred dollars and proceeded to make it the cornerstone of their entire personality.
Now, Mid-Engined Guys of all stripes have existed since the first time that anyone jammed an engine into the mid of a car. Toyota MR2 guys. Ferrari guys. Corvair guys are honorary members, to a much lesser extent, before they snap-oversteered into a tree because their suspension turned into every letter of the alphabet before fatally ejecting them while they were busy screaming at me about how Ralph Nader is the Antichrist. Even the humble Previa minivan has its rabid adherents, foaming at the mouth with the urge to tell you that their powertrain design is simply superior to our crude front-engined shitboxes.
For the Fiero, things are even worse. You've got national pride mixed up in it. Guys with a Fiero often have several thousand miles of once-pristine farmland dedicated to an infinity of undervalued parts cars they have no intention of ever restoring. And they won't sell them to me at a discount, so that I can embark upon the quest of becoming a Fiero Guy myself, which is the worst part of the whole thing. I was gonna put a Slant Six in one.
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kikimurphys · 27 days
Behind Closed Doors (Part 15)
Pairing: Cillian x Y/N
Warnings: Pregnancy complications, anxiety.
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Your phone buzzed, and Ash’s name popped up on the screen. “Just saw your message. Calling you now,” the text read.
A moment later, her name appeared again, this time with an incoming call. You quickly answered, trying to steady your voice. “Hey, Ash.”
“Hey, what’s going on?” Concern was clear in her voice, though she tried to keep it calm.
Taking a deep breath, you started to explain everything—the frightening moment when you first noticed the bleeding, the rushed trip to the hospital, and the eventual diagnosis of placenta previa. Ash listened closely, offering quiet reassurances, her understanding like a balm. Even though her own pregnancy had been different, she instinctively knew what to say.
“I’m here for you, always,” she assured you. “Do you want me to come visit? I can figure something out with my husband and Liam. You’re gonna need help, whatever the doctors say. Plus, you haven’t even met your nephew yet.”
The thought of her coming to Dublin was comforting, but you hesitated. “I don’t want to mess up your plans, especially with Liam,” you replied, though the idea of her being there was tempting.
“Don’t be daft. You’re my sister. If you need me, I’ll be there,” she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument.
“I’ll think about it,” you said, still wavering between needing her support and not wanting to cause trouble.
“What about the father? I know you said you weren’t together, but…” Ash’s voice trailed off, the curiosity and concern evident.
You hesitated before telling her. When you finally did, there was a brief pause on the other end, followed by her surprised reaction. “Oh! So that’s why you were being so secretive. Cillian Murphy, huh?”
You sighed, feeling a wave of mixed emotions. “Yeah. We met while I was working on Peaky Blinders last summer.”
“Oh right, I remember you mentioning that gig. Didn’t realize you’d gotten so close with the cast,” she nudged you.
“Well, I wasn’t supposed to,” you admitted with a chuckle. “But things happened, and, well, here we are.”
“And are the two of you… together?” Ash asked, her curiosity piqued.
“Not exactly… yes… I mean, I don’t know,” you said with a laugh, feeling the weight of the complicated relationship pressing down on you.
“Well, are you or aren’t you?” she pressed, wanting clarity.
“It’s complicated,” you replied, frustration creeping in as you tried to explain the emotional rollercoaster you’d been on.
You took a deep breath and started to spill everything—how your relationship with Cillian had developed, the moments of deep connection that made you feel loved and cherished, and the doubts that had crept in, leaving you feeling insecure and unsure. You told her how you sometimes wondered if he was ashamed of you or the baby, how that fear gnawed at you, making it hard to fully trust what you had.
There was a thoughtful pause on the other end before Ash spoke again, her voice full of empathy. “From everything you’ve told me, it doesn’t sound like he’s ashamed of you or the baby. It sounds like he really cares about you. Maybe he’s just trying to protect you. I mean, he’s really famous, and the press can be brutal. Maybe he’s just shielding you from all that.”
Her words struck a chord, making you reconsider. “You really think so?”
“I do,” Ash affirmed. “And honestly, the way you talk about him… it’s obvious you love him. Maybe you should give him a chance, see where it goes.”
You nodded, even though she couldn’t see you. “Yeah… maybe you’re right.”
Ash’s reassurance lingered in your mind long after the call ended. You couldn’t help but replay your moments with Cillian—the tenderness he showed, the way he’d rushed to your side without hesitation. It was hard to believe that someone who didn’t care would go to such lengths.
Just then, a nurse entered your room, gently pulling you from your thoughts. “Good morning, mummy,” she greeted with a warm smile.
“Morning,” you replied, smiling back as you finished the last bites of your hospital breakfast.
The night had been filled with regular check-ups, the medical team carefully monitoring your baby’s heartbeat and your blood pressure. The nurse’s gentle demeanor and reassuring words helped ease some of the tension that had settled over you.
“The bleeding’s reduced significantly,” she said, checking your chart. “You and the baby are doing well.”
Relief washed over you at her words. After she left, you closed your eyes for a quick nap, but your thoughts kept swirling around the conversation with Ash and your uncertain feelings for Cillian.
A soft sound woke you, and you opened your eyes to see Cillian’s silhouette against the light filtering through the curtains. He moved quietly, not wanting to disturb you, but when he noticed you were awake, he came closer, leaning down to place a tender kiss on your lips.
“Did you sleep well?” you asked, reaching up to touch his face, your fingers tracing the worry lines that had settled there.
“Yeah,” he replied softly, his hand resting gently on yours. “I brought you a change of clothes.” He placed a suitcase on the bed, opening it to reveal your neatly packed belongings. “And lunch,” he added with a smile, handing you a bag of takeout.
The sight of the spicy chicken burrito made your heart skip a beat. Hospital food had been bland, and your cravings had been anything but satisfied. “You remembered!” you exclaimed, a genuine smile spreading across your face.
“Course I did,” he said, clearly pleased to see you happy.
As you settled into the chair by the window, the comforting aroma of the burrito filled the room. It almost felt normal—like a quiet lunch between two people, not one shared in a hospital room.
“Thanks for this,” you said, your voice full of gratitude as you took your first bite. The flavors were a welcome change.
“Just glad you’re eating,” Cillian replied, watching you closely. His eyes softened as he saw how much you were enjoying the food. “You need to keep your strength up.”
You nodded, appreciating his concern. As you ate, the conversation flowed easily, a nice distraction from the stress and fear that had dominated the past few days. You updated Cillian on what the nurse had said—they wanted to keep you in for a few more days, but everything was looking up.
But even with the light conversation, your sister’s words lingered in your mind. You found yourself wanting to address the uncertainties between you and Cillian.
After a brief pause, you decided to share. “I talked to my sister this morning,” you said, covering your mouth as you finished chewing.
Cillian raised his eyebrows, giving you his full attention. “Yeah? How’s she doing?”
“She’s good. She’s coming over to help me once I’m discharged. The doctors said I need to be on strict bed rest until the next ultrasound.”
“That’s great,” Cillian replied, nodding. “It’ll be good to have her here. I’m sure she’ll cheer you up.” He paused, then added, “But I want to help too. I can take care of you.”
You looked at him, surprised. “What do you mean?”
“The doctor said you need to be on bed rest—no moving around too much. I was thinking… maybe you could stay at mine. I can make sure you’ve got everything you need, and that you won't be alone if anything happens” he suggested, his voice sincere.
The idea touched you, but it also made you hesitate. It felt like a big step, one you weren’t sure you were ready for. plus you didn't want to burden him throughout the day if you could have your sister help you. “I don’t know… I mean, my sister’s coming, and I haven’t even met my nephew yet. He’s nearly a year old.”
Cillian nodded, understanding your hesitation. “I get that. And I’m glad your sister’s coming. But I just want you to know that I’m here too. I want to help, to be there for you and the baby.”
Your sister’s words echoed in your mind—maybe you should give him a chance. You did love him, and he had been nothing but supportive. Maybe this was the right move, not just for you, but for the baby as well.
Taking a deep breath, you looked into his eyes and smiled softly. “Okay… maybe staying with you would be a good idea.”
Cillian’s face lit up with relief and happiness. “I promise, I’ll take care of everything. You just focus on resting and getting better.”
As the days in the hospital dragged on, each one felt like a blur of repetitive tasks—watching TV, trying to catch sleep despite the discomfort of your growing belly, and spending endless hours on your phone. Your backaches had eased a bit, thanks to all the lying down, but finding a comfortable position was still a challenge. The only real highlight of the day was when Cillian arrived, bringing lunch and a much-needed distraction.
He made it a point to visit every afternoon, juggling his work and your care while arranging your prenatal appointments. Despite everything on his plate, he never let on that it was too much. His presence brought comfort, even though it made you more aware of the complicated feelings swirling inside you.
One afternoon, while you were picking at your hospital lunch, your phone buzzed. It was your mom, calling for her weekly check-in. You hesitated for a moment, knowing you couldn’t keep hiding your truth from her. When you finally answered, you decided to be more open.
“I’m in the hospital, Mom. Placenta previa,” you said, cutting straight to the point.
Her concern was immediate, and the conversation that followed was filled with both worry and relief as you reassured her that you and the baby were being closely monitored. You avoided mentioning the complications and kept the details light, just enough to keep her from panicking. When the call ended, you were emotionally drained but relieved to have been honest with her.
When Cillian arrived that evening, carrying a bag of takeout, he noticed the tension in your shoulders. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked, concern etched on his face.
“I told my mom about the hospital,” you admitted, playing with the hem of the blanket.
He nodded, understanding. “I’m glad you did. I’m sure that wasn’t easy.”
“It wasn’t,” you agreed, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “But it’s done now. They’ll be here when she’s born, at least.”
The next few days were a mix of hope and trepidation. The doctors monitored your bleeding closely, and to your relief, it finally stopped. Dr. Nelly decided it was safe for you to leave the hospital, though strict bed rest was still necessary until your next ultrasound. You were grateful to finally be heading home, but the prospect of strict bed rest weighed heavily on your mind.
As you packed your bag, anticipation and a hint of dread bubbled up. Living with Cillian was a big step, one that you weren’t sure you were fully ready for. Your relationship with him had always been intense, and the thought of being alone with him, day in and day out, felt overwhelming. You sent a quick text to your sister, letting her know that you were ready for her visit. Having her around would help ease the tension and provide a distraction from your emotions.
When the nurse came in with a wheelchair, Cillian helped you into it, his touch gentle yet firm. You couldn’t help but feel a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. The next few weeks were going to be a test—a test of your relationship, your patience, and your ability to manage the challenges ahead.
As you settled into the wheelchair, Cillian’s hand rested on your shoulder. “Ready to go home?” he asked, his voice soft.
“Yeah, I am,” you replied, forcing a smile. But inside, you couldn’t help but wonder how the relationship was going to develop once you were living together.
As you left the hospital with Cillian by your side, a mix of relief and anxiety settled over you. The realization that you’d be spending the next few weeks alone with him made your heart race—not just because of your condition, but because you didn’t trust yourself around him. The connection between you was undeniable, and every glance, every touch, seemed to ignite something within you that you knew you couldn’t act on. Dr. Nelly’s strict orders of no sex until further notice echoed in your mind, making you all the more aware of the need for restraint.
Once you were settled in the car, you quickly texted Ash. “Just got discharged. Ready for you to come to Dublin whenever you can. Could really use the company.”
You hit send before you could second-guess yourself. You needed her there, not just for the help, but to keep your mind occupied and distract you from the intense feelings Cillian stirred in you. The last thing you wanted was to complicate things further by giving into temptation, especially when your health was on the line.
@mamawiggers1980 @xsweetcatastrophe @galactict3a @thistheivyseason @cillianmurphyvevo @sweetcheesecakesblog
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atomomirahija · 4 months
Shapeless シェイプレス by Buck-Tick | 1994 part I
Scans from the BUCK-TICK's Album/Photobook. The photobook included both members and travel photos from their trip to Turkey. (I did not scan all the photos but most of them)
This part has only a clip of the page flipping, first page and last page with the tracklist. Plus some facs about the album.
[Esp] Escaneos del CD álbum/fotolibro de BUCK-TICK. El fotolibro incluía fotos de ambos miembros y de su viaje a Turquía. (No escaneé todas las fotos pero sí la mayoría)
Esta parte tiene sólo un clip pasando páginas, primera página y la última página con el lista de canciones. Además de algunos datos sobre el álbum.
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Fun facts: All songs are remixes of European/British artists such as Aphex Twin, Hardfloor, Richard Kirk of Cabaret Voltaire among others.
Imai originally requested that the remixes be trance/ambient as the concept was to transform previous songs into ambient. She was surprised to hear that in the end they sounded much better than she expected.
Sakurai said that he really liked ambient and that his favorites from the album were "In the Glitter" and "Killing (Urb mix)" in addition to mentioning that the artists managed to change and give a new shape to all of them.
Hoshino said that he likes "D • T • D (Air Liquide mix)" and "In the Glitter PT1 (Gutter mix)" also expressing himself impressed by the variety of sounds achieved.
The album is a square hardcover book about 30cm wide with a lot of photos of them as well as "random" photos of the trip they took to Turkey.
The stylist/designer who appears in the credits of the last slide is Tomoharu Yagi, who is responsible to this day, including the outfits for the Buck-Tick Phenomenon last December.
The album's graphic designer is Ken Sakaguchi who also designed covers such as Seventh Heaven, Six/Nine and some others from the early years.
[Esp] Fun facts: Todas las canciones son remixes de artistas europeos/británicos como Aphex Twin, Hardfloor, Richard Kirk de Cabaret Voltaire entre otros.
Imai originalmente solicitó que los remixes fueran dentro del trance/ambient ya que el concepto era transformar en ambient canciones previas. Se sorprendió al escuchar que al final sonaban mucho mejor de lo que esperaba.
Sakurai dijo que le gustaba mucho el ambient y que sus favoritas del álbum eran "In the Glitter" y "Killing (Urb mix)" a demas de mencionar que se logró cambiar y darle una nueva forma a todas por parte de los artistas.
Hoshino dijo que le gusta "D•T•D (Air Liquide mix)" y "In the Glittter PT1 (Gutter mix)" también expresandose impresionado por la variedad de sonidos conseguidos.
El album es un libro cuadrado de tapa dura de unos 30cm con un montón de fotos tanto de ellos como fotos "random" del viaje a Turquia que realizaron.
El estilista/diseñador que aparece en los créditos del ultimo slide es Tomoharu Yagi, quien es responsable hasta el día de hoy, incluidos los outfits del Buck-Tick Phenomenon el pasado diciembre.
El diseñador gráfico del album es Ken Sakaguchi quien también diseñó las portadas como el Seventh Heaven, Six/Nine y algunos otros de los primeros años.
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva noticia de arqueológica del archipiélago nipón, en esta ocasión hablaremos de el ADN, japonés pero antes de publicar esta noticia, ya hay una previa que sirve como introducción ya hablaremos de esto en un directo de instagram dicho esto comencemos. - Se han descubierto 12 genomas en el ADN, nipón ¿De donde vienen estos genomas?¿Los Ainu tienen algo que ver? Recordemos que japón fue habitada hace 30.000 años, aunque hemos visto que los Ainu llegaron antes, los pueblos que vinieron a japón eran cazadores recolectores(Periodos Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun), seguramente cuando llegaron, se encontraron, a diversidad de pueblos, con los que se fueron mezclando, durante el periodo Yayoi llegaron inmigrantes de china y corea que influenciaran este periodo y kofun(III y VII /300 y el 700 d.C.) - Durante el periodo Jomon la población fue de 1.000 personas durante varios milenios, alrededor del año 15.000 empezó a subir el nivel del mar. Los humanos pasaron por el estrecho de Corea, los restos arqueológicos más antiguos datan de 16.000 a 17.000 años de antigüedad. Hay que recordar, que los Ainu, fueron los primeros en llegar al continente.De todas formas de todo esto haremos un video en directo para aclarar las ideas. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones un cordial saludo. - 日本列島の新しい考古学ニュースへようこそ考古学ジャポニスタ、今回はDNA、日本人について話しますが、このニュースを公開する前に、紹介として役立つ以前のニュースがすでにあり、これについてインスタグラムライブで話します始めましょうと言った。 - 日本のDNAで12のゲノムが発見されましたが、これらのゲノムはどこから来たのですか? アイヌはそれと関係がありますか?日本には3万年前に人が住んでいたことを思い出してください。アイヌが以前に到着したことはありますが、日本に来た人々は狩猟採集民(縄文、弥生、古墳時代)でした。弥生時代には、この時代と古墳時代に影響を与えた中国と韓国からの移民が到着しました(IIIとVII / 300と700AD) - 縄文時代の人口は数千年で1,000人で、15,000年頃から海面が上昇し始めました。人間は対馬海峡を通過しました。最も古い遺跡は16、000年から17、000年前のものです。アイヌが最初に大陸に到着したことを覚えておく必要があります。 いずれにせよ、アイデアを明確にするために、これらすべてのライブビデオを作成します。 - よろしくお願いします。今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome archeological japonistas to a new archeological news of the Japanese archipelago, this time we will talk about the DNA, Japanese but before publishing this news, there is already a previous one that serves as an introduction and we will talk about this in an instagram live said that let's start. - 12 genomes have been discovered in the DNA, Japan. Where do these genomes come from? Do the Ainu have something to do with it? Let us remember that Japan was inhabited 30,000 years ago, although we have seen that the Ainu arrived before, the peoples who came to Japan were hunter-gatherers (Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun periods), surely when they arrived, they found, a diversity of peoples, with the that were mixed, during the Yayoi period immigrants from China and Korea arrived who influenced this period and kofun (III and VII / 300 and 700 AD) - During the Jomon period the population was 1,000 people for several millennia, around the year 15,000 the sea level began to rise. Humans passed through the Korea Strait, the oldest archaeological remains date from 16,000 to 17,000 years old. It must be remembered that the Ainu were the first to arrive on the continent. In any case, we will make a live video of all this to clarify the ideas. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications a cordial greeting.
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bluepoodle7 · 6 months
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#VideosIRemember#Nostalgia #VidsILike#MyThoughts
My favorite character from the Atom Ant groovies.
I wonder if this character has a name?
I highly doubt it.
Cartoon Network Groovies - Atom Ant - Atom's Theme - 4K Restoration (youtube.com)
Earthbound Tribute (youtube.com)
Their voices in the Earthbound video give me Popsicle zone Starship vibe to it.
Popsicle Starship Commercial (youtube.com)
"Frothy Dawg" • CARTOON NETWORK Interstitial (youtube.com)
Just some more vids I remember or like.
Rihanna - Disturbia (Lyrics) (youtube.com)
Justin Timberlake & Madonna - 4 Minutes (lyrics) (youtube.com)
Official Wrigley's Doublemint Gum commercial featuring Chris Brown (youtube.com)
If I produced a Knuckles Stage Song in Sonic Adventure 2... (youtube.com)
Funny Viva Pinata commercial (longer video version) (youtube.com)
I feel great! Nutrigrain Commercial (Best Version) Babies Everywhere! (youtube.com)
Nickelodeon - Juicy Fruit Grapermelon Camouflage Officeflage (2004) (youtube.com)
Cartoon Network - Juicy Fruit Strappleberry Pinata (2004) (youtube.com)
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There was a rare plushie of the main Twistables sergeant.
WorthPoint - 404 Page not found
What is this plush? My friend got it at his elementary school. We just want to know what it is. : r/toys (reddit.com)
Fruit Twistables All Ads - YouTube
Ennio Morricone: L'alibi (Belinda May + Fantastic Plastic Machine Rmx) (youtube.com)
Ennio Morricone L'alibi [Belinda May Fantastic Plastic Machine] Rework latin house by Max Belloni DJ (youtube.com)
Panda Cheese Commercials (All 5) (youtube.com)
Nestea Cool - Snowman Ads (youtube.com)
Hilltop Chase - Kirby Super Star (youtube.com)
Silent Hill 2 OST - Black Fairy (In-Game Version) (youtube.com)
Foreign (youtube.com)
AVGN - Tiger Wrist Game (youtube.com)
im here to see mf doom (youtube.com)
Hedgehog Stew (youtube.com)
Win the Race (youtube.com)
What'll It Be? (youtube.com)
EAT YOU //MEME// House hunted #househunted #novela - YouTube
UN Owen Was Her- Full version (youtube.com)
Eirin's Theme - Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon (youtube.com)
MASSIVE X - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day (youtube.com)
MASSIVE X - Eschatos (Extended) (youtube.com)
Bid You Goodbye - Bakamitai English Cover (Yakuza Parody) (youtube.com)
I'm Nobody's Mayor [Donkey Kong Country- I'm Nobody's Hero x Animal Crossing New Leaf- 5PM] (youtube.com)
PaRappa The Rapper Anime Opening (1080p Upscale) (パラッパラッパー OP) (youtube.com)
PaRappa The Rapper Anime Opening 2 (Creditless) (youtube.com)
lets hear it for the boy.mov (youtube.com)
best anime dub 1989 (youtube.com)
Secret Room (Beta Mix) - Escaped Chasm (youtube.com)
Dweller's Empty Path - Temmie's Room (YM2612 + SN76489 Arrangement) (youtube.com)
IXxuSmw2HFNWXLUyJFO7xKIT3E7diFUSa86wgFiMI413xtfZga5hClZ/AgdzP33dhpj+0qc1d5sK2jyH5EqK6g== (youtube.com)
Gene Miller (山下達郎) - Wonderful Afternoon (youtube.com)
8-Bit Beast's Haunted House Fusion Collab (youtube.com)
Title Theme & Ending - 7 GRAND DAD (youtube.com)
Wood Man Fusion Collab (youtube.com)
File Select Fusion (youtube.com)
Snowman Fusion Collab (youtube.com)
Boss Battle Fusion Collab - YouTube
Lifelight Fusion Collab (youtube.com)
Jamiroquai- Love Foolosophy lyrics (youtube.com)
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Official Video) (youtube.com)
Checker Dance - Deltarune - YouTube
Webinar™ - w w w . d e e p d i v e . c o m (youtube.com)
Skydiving! (youtube.com)
If Mozart Composed Deltarune Music On Drums! (youtube.com)
Mad Mew Mew (Beta Version) - Undertale (youtube.com)
Toyota Previa Video 1990 (youtube.com)
Mister Rogers Intro (youtube.com)
Mr. Rogers Will Have His Revenge! (Family Guy) (youtube.com)
Haddaway - What Is Love (Animation Music Video) (youtube.com)
Everytime we touch lyrics (youtube.com)
The Weird Al Show Intro (youtube.com)
Dreams of Our Generation (Night Walk) - Rhythm Heaven Fever (youtube.com)
Love Potion - Rhythm Heaven remix (youtube.com)
Acid Tunnel of Love (OST Version) - Deltarune (youtube.com)
Interrupting You (youtube.com)
Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep | Adult Swim (youtube.com)
THE MOST BORING VIDEO EVER MADE (Microsoft Word tutorial, 1989) (youtube.com)
Joe Pera Talks With You | The Grocery Store | Adult Swim UK 🇬🇧 (youtube.com)
Pancake Breakfast Critic with Joe Pera (Episode 1) | MTV (youtube.com)
Mr. Rogers Will Have His Revenge! (Family Guy) (youtube.com)
Its 1992 in Kmart - Actual Reel Tape Music Playlist . Vaporwave . Mallsoft (youtube.com)
Attention Shoppers!! Actual K-mart store tape from 1973 (youtube.com)
Survive A Visit To A House That's Not What It Seems friends are floor - The House (youtube.com)
The Open House - A Real Estate Home Buying Horror Game...? ( Open House Simulator ) (youtube.com)
[4K] Feed Me Billy [FULL] (youtube.com)
Long Lasting Flavor - Laffy Taffy from Wonka Candy Commercial (2002) - REMASTERED (youtube.com)
Wonka Laffy Taffy Commercial - Flavor Flippers (2002) (youtube.com)
WONKA Laffy Taffy TV Commercial (youtube.com)
Homegrown Pet - All Endings (Finally Found All 21 Endings) Monster or Handsome Boyfriend? (youtube.com)
Fountain of Dreams (Unused Version) - Super Smash Bros. Melee (youtube.com)
Fire Emblem (OST Version) - Super Smash Bros. Melee - YouTube
#art #anime (youtube.com)
hassy happy - YouTube
i hate randy fairbanks (youtube.com)
FIGHTCLUB CHINATOWN - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day (youtube.com)
SPILLY CAVE- I WANT A NAP. (youtube.com)
alucard (youtube.com)
Hong Kong KFC breakfast ad (youtube.com)
Everyone Knows That (munchies chips commercial) (youtube.com)
Everyone knows that (unknown song instrumental) (youtube.com)
Pokemon - Japanese McDonalds Commercial (youtube.com)
KFC Pokemon beanbag commercial (1998) (youtube.com)
Pokemon KFC Commercial (youtube.com)
Maison Talo || House Hunted (youtube.com)
When your yousona is looking at John Doe when the do you think he's cute message appears be like.
Video not mine but link is there.
John Doe Game//he looks at me and I look at him //meme // - YouTube
These bad Weird Ai John Doe videos I randomly found.
🩸 | John Doe but It’s an AI version of his voice (Ending 1) (youtube.com)
John Doe | ending 2 Doe "REALLY" love you | his voice-Ai cover | #johndoe #johndoegame #game - YouTube
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Luka Doncic chegou aos playoffs por três anos consecutivos, incluindo às Finais da Conferência Oeste no ano passado, mas essa boa sequência está seriamente ameaçada. Com um recorde de 37-39 e seis partidas por jogar, o Mavericks está em 11º, meio jogo atrás da zona de classificação para o play-in.
Mark Cuban apostou alto na troca por Kyrie Irving e, embora o ataque do Dallas tenha permanecido ótimo, sua defesa ficou ainda pior. O Mavericks está com 8 vitórias e 13 derrotas desde a troca de Irving, incluindo uma sequência de quatro derrotas seguidas que só foi interrompida ontem.
Kyrie foi apontado como culpado pela má sequência da equipe, mas, apesar de ter perdido alguns jogos devido a uma lesão, ele não é. Além de seguir sendo um fenômeno como pontuador, Irving tem dividido a bola e, segundo todos os relatos, sido um bom companheiro de equipe desde que chegou a Dallas.🔴 A defesa é o maior problema do time, assim como era antes da aquisição de Kyrie. 🔴 MAS: trazer Irving significou perder Dorian Finney-Smith, o melhor defensor do elenco. 🔴 Desde a troca, o Mavs está entre as cinco piores defesas da liga.
Um dos que contribui para esse fracasso defensivo é Luka Doncic: ele demora a voltar na transição, não ajuda nas infiltrações e sua movimentação lateral é lenta. Defesa boa exige energia e, ao longo dos últimos jogos, ele parece cansado. Pior: parece abatido, com uma má linguagem corporal.
“É realmente frustrante. Acho que deve dar pra perceber. Às vezes não sinto que sou eu. Eu costumava me divertir, sorrir em quadra, mas tem sido frustrante por vários motivos, não apenas pelo basquete”, disse Doncic após a derrota na última sexta-feira.
Vale lembrar que Jalen Brunson era uma peça ótima no time e queria ficar em Dallas, mas os Mavericks não achavam que ele valia 14 milhões por ano. Se tivessem o contratado por esse preço, teriam um dos melhores contratos da liga e seriam um time muito melhor.
Eles não teriam tido que trocar o Finney-Smith pelo Irving, que foi basicamente trazido para preencher o buraco deixado por Brunson.🔴 Nesta temporada, Brunson está com médias recordes da carreira em pontos (23,8), assistências (6,2) e percentual de acerto dos 3 (41%). 🔴 Desde 1º de janeiro, Brunson tem média de pouco menos de 28 pontos, com 45% de acerto da linha 3 pontos. 🔴 Nesse período, os Knicks subiram para a quinta posição do Leste e são o terceiro melhor ataque da liga.
Em resumo: graças à má defesa, a uma série de má decisões da administração, à falta de profundidade do elenco e ao Jason Kidd como treinador principal, as esperanças de título dos Mavs parecem distantes. Para piorar as coisas, Irving pode sair da equipe como um agente livre irrestrito ao final da temporada.
Doncic tem apenas três anos garantidos restantes em seu contrato. Se as coisas continuarem assim, não deve demorar até que ele perceba que perder em Dallas não é sua melhor opção. E é aí que entra a nossa história.
Porque o mais impressionante disso tudo é que já tinha analista que não só previa a derrocada do Dallas, como apostava que isso seria uma ótima estratégia para o LAKERS. Veja o que falou Ben Golliver, jornalista do Washington post, antes da troca do Irving para os Mavs: "Os Lakers precisam tratar Kyrie como um cavalo de Tróia. Eles precisam valorizá-lo, tratá-lo como uma aquisição imperdível. Fazer os Mavs morderem a isca. Se há outro time tão desesperado quanto o Lakers, ou quase tão desesperado, por uma adição de uma super estrela, é o Dallas Mavericks. A primeira coisa que Nico Harrison fez no trabalho dele foi perder Jalen Brunson, um jogador praticamente de nível All-Star. Já faz tempo desde que eles estiveram no mix para recrutar grandes estrelas. O negócio com o Porzingis explodiu. Brunson foi embora. A reputação da equipe em frangalhos. A conversa sobre Luka já está fervendo, e ele acabou de assinar sua extensão contratual. Então, o que estou dizendo é 'Cavalo de Troia'. Não há melhor maneira de explodir a coisa toda do que mandar o Kyrie pra eles. Esperar a equipe sair dos trilhos. Se o Kyrie não conseguiu fazer funcionar em Broolyn, como ele espera conseguir viver no Texas? O plano a longo prazo é roubar o Luka, torná-lo a próxima cara do Lakers. E a melhor maneira que o Lakers tem pra fazer isso é persuadir o Kyrie a ir pra Dallas. Mandar ele pra lá e assistir a coisa toda pegar fogo. É assim que você faz o número 77 usar o roxo e amarelo."
Rapaz, se alguma coisa dessa teoria que o cara montou tiver respaldo com a realidade, o nível de estratégia das equipes da NBA vai bem além do que eu havia imaginado, que isso!
Considere apoiar a continuidade da existência do HBNSB! Apoia.se/HBNSB ou PIX: [email protected]
Esse texto traz informações de Brad Botkin (CBS), Kevin O'Connor (The Ringer) e Ben Golliver (Goat NBA Podcast).
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ambientalmercantil · 6 months
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Gran Galà del Calcio 2023, il Monza porta a casa 4 premi
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Gran Galà del Calcio 2023, il Monza porta a casa 4 premi. Nella prestigiosa e lussuosa cornice del Saint Joseph Resort, a Salerno, l'edizione 2023 del Festival del Calcio Italiano, ideato e prodotto dal giornalista e project manager Donato Alfani, giunge all'evento culminante del programma: il Gran Galà del Calcio. Rinomato ed atteso da migliaia di italiani, il Gran Galà del Calcio torna martedì 21 novembre ad aprire le proprie porte ai campioni del sistema calcistico italiano e alle personalità di spicco del settore, premiando chi, nel corso della stagione 2022/23, si è contraddistinto per i suoi risultati sportivi ed umani.  Il prossimo martedì 21 novembre, tuttavia, non sarà solamente la notte delle stelle per eccellenza, ma anche la notte dedicata alla solidarietà e al supporto alla ricerca. Il Gran Galà del Calcio sarà accompagnato, anche in questa edizione, dal Football Gala Charity Dinner. Il Festival del Calcio Italiano, rinnovando il proprio impegno sociale e comunitario, organizza anche quest'anno una cena benefica con prodotti provenienti dalle eccellenze locali, i cui proventi finali raccolti saranno devoluti per la lotta alla distrofia muscolare. «L’edizione del prossimo Martedì 21 novembre si aprirà alle 18:30 con la Mixed Zone, non esclusiva, dove i colleghi avranno la possibilità di intervistare le grandi personalità presenti in serata – così il giornalista e project manager Donato Alfani -. Alle 20:30 si aprirà la serata di gala, dove potranno partecipare gli invitati. Per la stampa è previsto, in contemporanea al Football Charity Gala Dinner, un buffet esclusivo, a cui sarà possibile accedere previa registrazione attraverso il sito web Festival del Calcio Italiano». Grande exploit del Monza, che porta a casa ben 4 premi. Il primo va alla società come Miglior Club per aver giocato con più calciatori italiani, poi riconoscimenti anche per mister Raffaele Palladino (miglior giovane allenatore) e per il ds Michele Franco (miglior giovane direttore sportivo). Premiata anche la Responsabile Area Comunicazione dell’Ac Monza, Daria Nicoli come “Miglior Responsabile Comunicazione” della scorsa stagione. Sono centinaia, anche in questa XII edizione, i premiati nella prestigiosa serata del Gran Galà del Calcio. Dalla Serie A alla Serie D, rivolgendo il proprio sguardo al mondo dei Media e dell’informazione. GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE A Miglior Portiere dell’anno – Ivan PROVEDEL Miglior Difensore dell’anno – Nicolò CASALE Miglior Centrocampista dell’anno – Riccardo ORSOLINI Miglior Attaccante dell’anno – Ciro IMMOBILE Miglior Calciatore dell’anno – Giovanni DI LORENZO Miglior Giovane Calciatore dell’anno – Fabiano PARISI Miglior Gol dell’anno – Antonio CANDREVA Miglior Procuratore dell’anno – Mario GIUFFREDI Miglior Allenatore dell’anno – Luciano SPALLETTI Miglior Giovane Allenatore dell’anno – Raffaele PALLADINO Miglior Responsabile Settore Giovanile – Gennaro DELVECCHIO Miglior Responsabile Area Scouting – Maurizio MICHELI Miglior Club dell’anno – SSC NAPOLI Miglior Presidente dell’anno – Aurelio DE LAURENTIIS Miglior Dirigente Sportivo dell’anno – Pantaleo CORVINO Miglior Direttore Sportivo dell’anno – Cristiano GIUNTOLI Miglior Giovane Direttore Sportivo dell’anno – Michele FRANCO Miglior Addetto Stampa dell’anno – Arturo MASTRONARDI Miglior Team Manager – Matteo TAGLIACARNE Miglior Club per aver giocato con più calciatori italiani – AC MONZA Miglior Responsabile Comunicazione – Daria NICOLI Miglior Arbitro C.A.N. Serie A e B – Fabio MARESCA Miglior Arbitro VAR Lega Serie A – Massimiliano IRRATI Miglior Giocatore Rivelazione dell’anno – Luca RANIERI Miglior Esordiente dell’anno – Salvatore ESPOSITO Premio Gestione Social – SALERNITANA Premio alla Carriera – Faustino CANÉ Premio Speciale – Antonio Pio IERVOLINO GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE A – TOP 11  Miglior Portiere TOP 11 – Alex MERET Miglior Terzino Destro TOP 11 – Pasquale MAZZOCCHI Miglior Terzino Sinistro TOP 11 – Cristiano BIRAGHI Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Giorgio SCALVINI Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Federico BASCHIROTTO Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Destro TOP 11 – Matteo POLITANO Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Sinistro TOP 11 – Mattia ZACCAGNI Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Nicolò BARELLA Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Davide FRATTESI Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Domenico BERARDI Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Stephan EL SHAARAWY Miglior Mister TOP 11 – Maurizio SARRI GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE B  Miglior Portiere dell’anno – Stefano TURATI Miglior Difensore dell’anno – Federico BARBA Miglior Centrocampista dell’anno – Michael FOLORUNSHO Miglior Attaccante dell’anno – Matteo BRUNORI Miglior Calciatore dell’anno – Giuseppe CASO Miglior Giovane Calciatore dell’anno – Gabriele CAPANNI Miglior Gol dell’anno – Anthony PARTIPILO Miglior Procuratore dell’anno – Giovanni TATEO Miglior Procuratore dell’anno – Valeriano NARCISI Miglior Procuratore dell’anno – Claudio PARLATO Miglior Allenatore dell’anno – Fabio GROSSO Miglior Giovane Allenatore dell’anno – William VIALI Miglior Presidente dell’anno – Luigi DE LAURENTIIS Miglior Direttore Sportivo dell’anno – Ciro POLITO Miglior Dirigente Sportivo dell’anno – Stefano MARCHETTI Miglior Responsabile Settore Giovanile – Alessandro FRARA Miglior Responsabile Area Scouting – Gianluca LONGO Miglior Club per aver giocato con più calciatori italiani – CITTADELLA Miglior Addetto Stampa dell’anno – Leonar PINTO Miglior Squadra dell’anno - FROSINONE Miglior Arbitro C.A.N. Serie A e B – Ermanno FELICIANI Miglior Giocatore Rivelazione dell’anno – Giovanni FABBIAN Miglior Esordiente dell’anno – Gabriele MORACHIOLI Premio Gestione Social – PALERMO FC GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE B – TOP 11 Miglior Portiere TOP 11 – Alessandro MICAI Miglior Terzino Destro TOP 11 – Raffaele PUCINO Miglior Terzino Sinistro TOP 11 – Gianluca DI CHIARA Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Fabio LUCIONI Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Valerio DI CESARE Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Destro TOP 11 – Alessio IOVINE Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Sinistro TOP 11 – Luigi CANOTTO Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Luca GARRITANO Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Luca MAZZITELLI Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Samuele MULATTIERI Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Walid CHEDDIRA Miglior Mister TOP 11 – Michele MIGNANI GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE C  Miglior Portiere Girone A dell’anno – Semuel PIZZIGNACCO Miglior Portiere Girone B dell’anno – Giacomo VENTURI Miglior Difensore Girone A dell’anno – Alessandro PILATI Miglior Centrocampista Girone A dell’anno – Davide BALESTRERO Miglior Centrocampista Girone B dell’anno – Gianluca CARPANI Miglior Attaccante Girone A dell’anno – Franco FERRARI Miglior Attaccante Girone B dell’anno – Alessandro CAPELLO Miglior Allenatore Girone A dell’anno – Luciano FOSCHI Miglior Giovane Allenatore Girone A dell’anno – Matteo ANDREOLETTI Miglior Allenatore Girone B dell’anno – Aimo DIANA Miglior Giovane Allenatore Girone B dell’anno – Massimiliano CANZI Miglior Giovane Allenatore Girone C dell’anno – Michele PAZIENZA Miglior Goal Girone A dell’anno – Giorgio GALLI Miglior Goal Girone B dell’anno – Davide GUGLIELMOTTI Miglior Goal Girone C dell’anno – Giuseppe FORNITO Miglior Presidente Girone A dell’anno – Giuseppe PASINI Miglior Presidente Girone C dell’anno – Alfonso MAZZAMAURO Miglior Direttore Sportivo Girone A dell’anno – Andrea FERRETTI Miglior Direttore Sportivo Girone C dell’anno – Giuseppe MAGALINI Miglior Direttore Sportivo Girone C dell’anno – Antonio AMODIO Miglior Procuratore Serie C dell’anno – Matteo COSCIA Miglior Procuratore Serie C dell’anno – Francesco IOVINO Miglior Giovane Procuratore Serie C dell’anno – Luigi MATRECANO Miglior Addetto Stampa Girone A dell’anno – Matteo OXILIA Miglior Addetto Stampa Girone B dell’anno – Enrico MARINÒ Miglior Addetto Stampa Girone C dell’anno – Ciro NOVELLINO Miglior Addetto Stampa Girone C dell’anno – Giovanni CAPORALE Miglior Squadra Girone A dell’anno – FERALPISALÒ Miglior Squadra Girone C dell’anno – CATANZARO Miglior Giocatore Rivelazione Girone A – Nicolò BUSO Miglior Giocatore Rivelazione Girone C – Francesco MAISTO Miglior Giocatore Esordiente Girone A – Erik GERBI Miglior Giocatore Esordiente Girone B – Vincenzo ALFIERI Miglior Giocatore Esordiente Girone C – Mattia TASCONE Miglior Arbitro Lega Serie C dell’anno – Davide DI MARCO Miglior Tifoseria Girone A – VICENZA Miglior Tifoseria Girone C – CATANZARO Premio Speciale Lega Serie C – Pasquale LOGIUDICE Premio Gestione Social – VIRTUS FRANCAVILLA  Miglior Dirigente Sportivo Girone A – Christian BOTTURI Miglior Dirigente Sportivo Girone B – Iacopo PASCIUTI Miglior Dirigente Sportivo Girone C – Vincenzo GRECO Miglior Responsabile Settore Giovanile – Saby MAINOLFI Premio alla Carriera – Fabio MAZZEO GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE C – TOP 11 Miglior Portiere TOP 11 – Davide BAROSI Miglior Terzino Destro TOP 11 – Tommaso CANCELLOTTI Miglior Terzino Sinistro TOP 11 – Walter GUERRA Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Giuliano LAEZZA Miglior Difensore Centrale TOP 11 – Nicolò BRIGHENTI Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Destro TOP 11 – Giuseppe IGLIO Miglior Centrocampista Laterale Sinistro TOP 11 – Franco LEPORE Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Fausto ROSSI Miglior Centrocampista Centrale TOP 11 – Federico CARRARO Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Antonio VERGARA Miglior Attaccante TOP 11 – Cosimo PATIERNO Miglior Mister TOP 11 – Emilio LONGO GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS SERIE D  Miglior Squadra Girone A – US SESTRI LEVANTE Miglior Squadra Girone B – FC LUMEZZANE Miglior Squadra Girone C – FC LEGNAGO SALUS Miglior Squadra Girone D – AS GIANA ERMINIO Miglior Squadra Girone E – SS AREZZO Miglior Squadra Girone F – PINETO CALCIO Miglior Squadra Girone G – SORRENTO CALCIO Miglior Squadra Girone H – BRINDISI FC Miglior Squadra Girone I – CATANIA FC GRAN GALÀ DEL CALCIO – BEST AWARDS MEDIA & INFORMAZIONE Giornalista Sportivo dell’anno Uomo – Gianluca DI MARZIO Miglior Conduttrice Sportiva – Giorgia ROSSI Miglior Opinionista Sportivo – Andrea STRAMACCIONI Miglior Giornalista Bordocampo Uomo – Tommaso TURCI Miglior Direttore di testata sportiva “Quotidiano” – Ivan ZAZZARONI Miglior Direttore di testata sportiva “TV” – Federico FERRI Miglior Programma Televisivo Sportivo – CALCIOMERCATO L’ORIGINALE Miglior Format Televisivo Sportivo – SUPERTELE Miglior TG Sportivo – SKY SPORT 24 Miglior Programma Radiofonico Sportivo – TUTTI I CONVOCATI Miglior Redazione Sportiva TV – SKY SPORT Miglior Redazione Sportiva WEB – TUTTOMERCATOWEB Miglior Redazione Sportiva Quotidiano – CORRIERE DELLO SPORT Miglior Redazione Sportiva Online – TUTTOC Miglior Quotidiano Sportivo – CORRIERE DELLO SPORT Miglior Quotidiano Sportivo Online – TUTTOSPORT Miglior Portale Sportivo – SPORTMEDIASET Miglior Web TV Sportiva – SPORTITALIA Miglior Radio Sportiva – RADIO SPORTIVA Premio Speciale Trasmissione Sportiva – LA DOMENICA SPORTIVA Miglior Speciale Sportivo TV – 90° MINUTO Premio Speciale – FANTACALCIO Premio Speciale – TUTTOSALERNITANA Premio Speciale – FOCUS C Premio Speciale TV – Silver MELE Premio alla Carriera – Adolfo MOLLICHELLI... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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cercocane · 1 year
fantastica cucciola solo 3 mesi e mezzo
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L'abbiamo chiamata Gamma, è un mix di mix forse maremmano di soli tre mesi, data presunta di nascita 21 febbraio 2023. Trovata abbandonata con le cinque sorelline; lei è la più vivace del gruppo. Senza paure ti accoglie al cancello del box. Vuole giocare e fa i dispetti alle sorelle. Presunta taglia media da adulta, attualmente pesa solo 5 kg. Si trova in Puglia ma arriverà ovunque nel Nord Italia per una super adozione. Verrà affidata sverminata, vaccinata e microchippata previa compilazione di un questionario preaffido e visita preadozione. Solo maggiorenni, no perditempo. Si richiede massima serietà e adozione consapevole. Per informazioni, foto e video: ADOTTAMI COL CUORE – ODV; Veronica , Giulia . Gli interessati potranno fare richiesta di informazioni tramite whatsapp anticipando una loro presentazione esaustiva (nome, cognome, località, tipo abitazione, composizione nucleo famigliare, altri animali in casa, esperienze pregresse ecc.). Mail: [email protected]. Read the full article
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naturisticaperu · 2 years
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musicaelectronica · 1 year
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msnbcnews05 · 2 years
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nba.com/bucks NBAdictos Cap. 465: Previa 227's YouTube Chili' Milwaukee Chili' Bucks #FearTheDeer Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/milwaukee-bucks-32f5c https://www.americanexpress.com Spicy' NBA Mix! 22/23 con Julián Guede (MassiveBall) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ieue0gQ5PtA&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr kia.com
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nbcnews05 · 2 years
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nba.com/bucks NBAdictos Cap. 465: Previa 227's YouTube Chili' Milwaukee Chili' Bucks #FearTheDeer Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/milwaukee-bucks-32f5c https://www.americanexpress.com Spicy' NBA Mix! 22/23 con Julián Guede (MassiveBall) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ieue0gQ5PtA&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr kia.com
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the-womanscompany · 2 years
Exercising during Pregnancy
Exercise may not be very high on the agenda of a lot of people, however if you want to exercise during pregnancy , it is important to know that it is completely safe. Just remember to consult your gynaecologist before commencing any exercise regime.
The best time to start exercising during pregnancy is any time after the first trimester. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most or all of the days of the week. However, if you have not exercised for a long time, you can start with small bouts of exercises (e.g. 15 minutes) and then gradually increase the duration of exercise.
You can keep your exercising up until the day of delivery, that is if your pregnancy is complication free. It depends completely on your comfort or whatever your doctor advises.
Remember comfort first when deciding what to wear while exercising. Loose clothes might come in your way while tight ones may be uncomfortable. So, find your balance.
Why should you consider exercising during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is no picnic so adding exercise to the mix may seem daunting in the start but it has its own benefits. Exercise:
Maintains healthy blood sugar levels and keeps blood pressure in check.
Eases and prevents body aches and injuries.
Speeds up your recovery process post-delivery and prevents post-partum musculoskeletal dysfunctions.
Boosts mood and reduces fatigue.
Improves blood supply to the baby and ensures better brain growth and oxygen levels during pregnancy.
Enables better performance during labour and delivery.
Exercise with caution, in case of:
Pregnancy induced high blood pressure.
Any other risk factors
And do not exercise if you have the following complications during your pregnancy:
Certain types of heart and lung diseases
Cervical Insufficiency
Placenta previa after 26 weeks of pregnancy
By The Womans Company
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archangelmag · 3 years
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*& here we go to the day three. I am actually thinking about add a translator to these posts on my tumblr.
O dia 3 da SPFW começou com o projeto SANKOFA.
Com Ogãs tocando para Exu, a saudação a divindades afro-brasileiras e o pedido “salve o povo de rua’ que ecoava no evento, a marca Meninos Rei abria a SPFW com maestria. A coleção trouxe cores vibrantes, mix de padronagens e tecidos, e homenagens as raízes brasileiras e africanas da diáspora. A marca foi também responsável por trazer um dos castings mais diversos do evento.
A SPFW tem sido marcada pelo streetwear, com significado de ponto de encontro entre cultura, vivência e trocas. Foi partindo dessa premissa que o Ateliê Mão de Mãe trouxe sua coleção. A marca uniu streetwear e crochê em um mix de produtos sofisticados, quase como uma conversa fluida entre mãe e filho. Tons terrosos se encontram com brancos e vermelhos, trazendo sobriedade. O resultado da coleção são peças elegantes, mais maduras, e que lembram o estilo navy.
Dando uma mudada na atmosfera, que agora é mais experimental e ousada, o estilista João Pimenta trouxe o clássicos eternizados do guarda roupa – tais como vestido trapézio, jaquetas e saia godê – em criações mais limpas, feitas com tecidos fluidos e uma cartela de cores que vai de tons mais neutros, pretos e brancos para cores mais exuberantes e escuras.
Ainda falando de experimentação, temos o debut da Bold Strapp. Questionando heteronormatividade, binarismo de gênero e usando a hipersexualidade que transita pelo mood da marca, o estilista Peu Andrade aposta em peças que trazem fetichismo, surrealismo, corsets, couro, cinta-ligas, renda e lingeries, tudo construído em um paleta que contém branco, preto e vermelho em seus diversos tons. O Fashion film trouxe uma performance única e aesthetically pleasing para os olhos, além de contar com diversidade de corpos. Algo quase não visto até agora no evento.
E falando em aesthetically pleasing: inspirado no grunge, o estilista Weider Silverio trouxe sua mais nova coleção para desfile. O grunge veio nas silhuetas, estampas e texturas das peças, que são bem elaboradas e elegantes. As peças, até mesmo as mais fluidas ganham estruturas que desenham a silhueta do corpo.
Já que o tópico é anos 90, o estilista Walério Araújo se inspirou na coluna “Noite Estrelada”, escrita por Erika Palomino. Numa época onde djs, drag queens, clubbers, performers e estilistas se reuniam na cena underground. Para criar a coleção, Walério utilizou peças do próprio guarda-roupas, juntou com pérolas e brilhos e deu uma nova vida a elas.
Voltando ao tópico de experimentações, a Von Trapp pegou a premissa de marca que é o detalhismo e construção primorosa de suas peças e juntou com plissados e bordados, cores fortes e exuberantes, referência ao art déco no intuito de falar de questões naturais.
O fashion film que acompanha a coleção traz um universo inteiro digital, com mood divertido e dividido em 5 atos, focando em novas formas de expressão e interatividade por meio das roupas que ali são apresentadas.
E para fechar a noite, a Ellus retorna a SPFW com uma “coleção previa’, que será apresentada em março de 2022. Tons neutros, pretos e marmorizados predominam a coleção. Tecidos como denim, couro e algodão estão presentes, mesclando com o utilitarismo presente nas peças.
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