#pretzel anon
pkmn-smashorpass · 9 months
There's a 🍩 anon
There's a 🥨 anon (i think)
How many anons are there?
Send an ask saying "hey 🌵 anon" and your emoji at the bottom so i know who you are
I have NO idea how many there are now. I think somewhere around 10
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fatguarddog · 2 months
ive been gaining noticeable weight lately and i find myself needing to be stuffed more and more lately thanks to your blog. i just love being big and stuffed - 🥨
Glad the blog helps even in my absence! Hope your pudge continues to bloom into glorious fat~
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senor-cummies · 10 months
Hey dad! This is the anon from yesterday and just to say things didn’t go to great, she broke up with me, we fought in a Wendy’s parking lot, words we’re exchanged, I broke her nose, she’s threatening to press charges and I’m threatening to expose her to her college for academic fraud and get her black listed. Thanks for the advice though, this is the same girl who threw that porcelain vase at me. I can give you the full story of what happened if you want. -🥨
Jesus Christ...
I am so sorry things went so horribly, but from the sound of it you're better off without her.
If it's something you're comfortable talking about, I am interested in hearing about the vase. I understand how painful stuff like this can be, so if you aren't comfortable discussing it, especially on so public of a forum, I understand.
Seriously though, this lady sounds like she sucks.
I hope you're safe and thriving and I hope she gets kicked out of college.
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Imagine if Sally somehow gets her hands on a pair of 3ft platform heels so she can kiss her girlfriend without poppy breaking her neck. Wally ‘borrows’ them to feel Bonita 💃🏻💅
finally, easily accessible kisses... she's too powerful...
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and ofc Wally's... experience
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causeimanartist · 5 months
your art looks very biteable (this is a good thing imo)
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Chomp chomp
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mafaldaknows · 7 months
Honestly, agree with Armie calling yall a brood of vipers. How quick are yall to throw him away when another man you deem more worthy, be it Troye or Jason Momoa or Hugh Grant, interacts with your saintly timmy. Having fans that only care about you when they can vicuariously live through you ther kinky fantasy about fucking your costar, no wonder he exploded and told that to the bulgarian weirdo.
We are not the ones in the everyone but armie train, you "charmies" are. If you can call yourselves charmie and not timothee shippers, that's the more accurate term.
Hello, Anon:
Are you lost again, darling?
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When did I ever say anything about throwing Armie away?
BTW, The plural form of “y’all” is “all y’all”. “Y’all” is singular. If you’re attempting to disguise your identity by using a ubiquitous American Southern colloquialism, at least use it correctly:
“… agree with Armie calling ALL Y’ALL a brood of pit vipers.”
Your preteen pretzel logic has apparently drawn the erroneous conclusion that we have abandoned Armie Hammer, which is wholly contradictory to this specific fandom (obviously), and that anyone standing next to Timothée Chalamet in a photo or video that’s blogged or reblogged in this fandom space on tumblr automatically MUST means we “ship” them instead, even when there’s nothing written or even implied in the photo to indicate anything of the sort in the blog or reblog. Not in any of mine, anyway.
Taking delight in the magical alchemy that comes from excellent casting in a production is not at all the same thing as your implication of wanting Tim and any and all of his current co-stars to live out your specific kinky fantasies. That’s where YOUR mind wants to go, Anon. Not mine.
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Armie is quietly rebuilding his life in peace and privacy after the trauma of a calculated character assassination over the course of the last three years, beginning shortly after the announcement of his ugly divorce from the perpetrator of that specific crime. He thankfully still exists, despite her best efforts, even if we don’t see him with the same frequency as we once did. Understandably, he is staying out of the spotlight to focus on the things that truly matter to him.
Tim is working hard right now to promote various projects so he’s automatically just that much more visible. He happens to be featured in some of these projects with fellow actors so he will naturally be associated in some way with them in the media. These promotional events are noteworthy to Tim’s fans so photos and press regarding these events get blogged and reblogged, and he may indeed be seen in close proximity to one of his co-stars in these photos. If your brain equates any of that with “shipping” Tim with his other co-stars, that’s on you.
For me, there is only one co-star with whom Tim has a deep connection worthy of my attention in this space. One.
However they choose to define that connection is up to them and none of my business. I’m just happy for them that they found each other.
Love is what brings us together in the Charmiesphere.
Love is love is love.
That’s it. That’s all.
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Thanks for your comment. ✨💚🚢💙✨
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I guess “motherly figure” must mean that he recognizes her as an authority figure. Man, seeing Knuckles and Maddie butt heads like that is pretty funny.😂
Pretty much, yeah! He definitely respects her in that way and takes his grounding with honor…
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bewitched-bullet · 4 months
As another mod of one of the characters; we were just as surprised as Sherlock. None of us were told.
He made a comment about quitting the roleplay, never replacing Sherlock. He also said things about other mods a lot. Like talking bad or even told us the new Sherlock (That one back in January?) was crazy and to ignore them.
Whenever I talked to the new (January) Sherlock, they never seemed at all what John said. John lied to us so we wouldn't talk to the new Sherlock. Why would an innocent person want to isolate their innocent friend? They wouldn't.
It's just weird John lied about their split, but when you go in depth John lies a lot. 🤷🏼
Very brave of you for coming out and speaking. I do have a few screenshots of way back of the new sherlock blogs that John interacted with. It is interesting that they are inactive or deleted now.
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same anon as this post: https://www.tumblr.com/real-fire-emblem-takes/746001335906926592/some-people-only-like-male-characters-because-omg?source=share
Some people are severely misinterpreting what i said. While the shortness and bluntness off my ask did come off as kinda rude, there was nothing about it that indicated it was about alear.
I meant that people more often talk about male characters while ignoring the female characters because they are boring, being called stupid or annoying for acting like a regular person would or sometimes being completely reduced to fanservice despite being written just as competently as the male characters.
Very few male characters face these criticisms while female characters are much more often hated or ignored by the fandom. This was not about Alear, Byleth or Corrin because the fandom (at least the tumblr side) treats them pretty much equally and understands that they are the same character.
I am not saying the male characters suck, just that some of them are more well liked than the female characters because of the sexism of the fandom and that more attention should be given to the female characters.
Anyway thank you Engage and Valentia sub fandoms (at least on tumblr) for basically not having that at all. Love y'all <3
-🥨 Pretzel anon
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Petition for 🥃 to start calling people sweetheart, but like in a sarcastic voice.
Sure, I can get behind it.
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ombrathefurry · 28 days
currently eating you pretzel anon
I will actually kill you
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fatguarddog · 4 months
i love going through your feedism tag on here. it always makes me just want to go have a meal, even if i wasnt hungry before ... maybe ill be able to stuff myself more and more the more i look at your account -🥨
Oh please do! Get nice and full and rub that deliciously swollen belly so it gets lots of quality attention ❤️
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pink-anonymous-person · 9 months
Have you seen Yan!Don?
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hello anon 👋 good question! he’s right here looking for you :D
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just-bendy · 2 years
Can… can he become a pretzel. I must know. For science.
(( i don't remember if this ask was related to the flexible bendy post or is it's own thing so i drew two versions of this ask just in case ))
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I'm super flexible so of course I can be in a pretzel pose! But if ya mean an actual pretzel...
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... then yeah, I can become one too! Just don't eat me!
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bluepallilworld · 3 months
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