#pretty sure he's also the first one to say 'old friend' in the movies actually. in DOFP
distort-opia · 23 hours
Furthermore why is Erik the way that he is?? The man accidentally lodges a bullet into Charles' spine, panics, and goes "It's not my fault, it's the humans! This is what they want! We're both mutants Charles, we're brothers--"
He doesn't make it personal. When he says "I need you by my side," he's framing it as part of the Cause. "We want the same thing," which is the freedom of all mutants. And this attempt to distance himself just keeps going... when for Charles it was always, always personal. Hours after meeting Erik, Charles scoffs at him that "It's not just me you're walking away from," as if Erik is offending him by trying to leave. Charles brings up that Erik could be part of "something bigger" only afterwards, because to him this has always been secondary to his relationship with Erik. And in Days of Future Past, it's so painfully raw when Charles screams at him that Erik abandoned him on that beach-- but what does Erik do? He responds by framing it as part of the Cause. Again. He doesn't say that Charles left him to rot under the Pentagon or that he never bothered to find out if Erik actually tried to murder the President. He doesn't make it about him, he makes it about "us," as in all mutants. "You abandoned us all," he accuses. So it's tremendously fucking tragic and satisfying when, in Apocalypse, it's thinking of Charles alone that gets Erik to snap out of it and defend the X-Men. But even then! Despite the fact we got shown a literal Cherik fanvideo as Magneto cried One Single Tear, he tells Apocalypse that "I betrayed them." Not "him".
God, for the better part of 4 movies Charles keeps going "baby" and Erik responds with "fellow associate". I can't help but think of X-Men 97 and what Rogue said; that Erik wore the helmet because otherwise, he would've felt how much Charles loved him, and that would've interfered with his dedication to the Cause. Erik can't really handle that, the magnitude of Charles' love and his undying hope... can't really confront it, since he barely sees himself as a person. He calls himself a weapon, someone else's creation. He's so used to objectifying himself and sacrificing all that he is to a goal (first revenge, then the freedom of all mutants-- though in many ways, revenge on a larger scale) that the idea of having selfish wants and emotions is scary. Charles tells him he knows everything about him, and Erik immediately goes "Then you know to stay the fuck away from me". Except Charles doesn't, and for so long Erik wasn't able face that without a wall of some kind between them. Helmet or otherwise.
...And by God do I think Dark Phoenix is a bad movie. But the ending is the one time Erik makes it personal, and it's beautiful that we get to see it at least once (from him, and not just the older version of him). The first time we hear him admit to Charles that he saved him, and the first time he's the one to come to Charles with an offer to help. Yet he still does it when Charles is unmoored and vulnerable, and frames it as a kind of debt: you offered me a home, I'm offering one to you now. Because it's easier for him to take the initiative, this way: if he thinks of Charles as in need, and of himself as paying something back.
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screampied · 6 months
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profile. girl, matching with your best friend on tinder is pretty awkward. hooking up with him, even more awkward. wanna know what’s even worse though? saying that word—i love you.
wc 4.9k
warnings. fem! reader, modern au, humor, size kink, mutual pining, loser boy gojo, unprotected, cheesy pick up lines, praise, touch starved satoru, cunnìlingus, overstim, créampie, i felt silly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
an. old old draft ;') based on the song last friday night. damn!
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“mannn i’m so cooked,” gojo murmurs to himself, pacing back and forth. he’s dragging his feet against the silkened strands of the carpet before a soft pout spreads across his lips. “she left me on delivered for seven minutes…… seven.”
to be fair, in actuality you did. only because you were occupied with doing your hair. gojo being gojo was freaking out, thinking you were probably uninterested. albeit, once you finally did reply, his heart nearly fell out of his chest.
‘how does 7 pm sound?’
‘soid@:$:@) good’
‘um what?’
gojo mentally smacks his forehead, stupidly mashing on his keyboard, barely even letting a second go by once you responded. he was way too eager, he intakes a sharp breath before smiling — replying with a cheesy thumbs up.
he had the dumbest grin plastered on his face. after his best friend, you, advising him to give dating apps a try, he actually does. gojo matched with a lot of women not even minutes after installing the app onto his phone. how coincidental that the main person who caught his attention was you, the both of you matched and he made sure to text you first.
who knew though. that you’d be matching with the one and only satoru gojo. definitely not you, and of course, not him.
despite what everyone said, gojo was a bit of a womanizer, sure. but he was also a huge hopeless romantic.
he started fooling around on dating sites . . not looking for love necessarily but mainly to pass time. you mentioned it to him and he decided to give it a try.
pretty soon, time flew by quick. with a quick snap, it was just about to hit six o’clock pm.
gojo threw on grey sweats and ruffled up his hair a bit. he couldn’t lie to himself, first date and he felt a bit nervous. who was he kidding though, you told him to come to your apartment.
probably wouldn’t end up being a date, but still.
he read through your bio about three times, and your personality stood out to him.
you and him surprisingly had the same interests in lots of things, you loved sweets, and loathed scary movies. “…she’s so perfect,” he’d utter to himself, just imagining the sound of your sweet voice.
gojo abruptly snaps out of his thoughts—he didn’t want be too late, so with a quickness, he starts to make his way to your house.
with hands buried in his pockets, he gives a few hard knocks on the front of your door. about approximately nine seconds later, you open the door and his maw instantly drops. “y-you?”
“hey, y—satoru?” you mimicked the same reactions
the silence was practically deadly.
the two of you stared at each other for what seemed like centuries before you furrow your eyebrows. “satoru,” you mumble, bringing a hand towards your face to rub your forehead. “…you matched with me on purpose, didn’t you?”
“wha— noooo!” he protests, a cute pout tugging against the corners of his lips. he obviously did. you eyed him from head to toe. whilst his hands were buried into his pockets, you could tell that you made him a bit nervous. a light tint of color started to flush against his cheeks before he pulls on his sweater. “heh, is it gettin' hot in here or is it just me.”
“oh my god,” you suddenly spoke. “no wonder you didn’t have a profile picture,” and then you give him an abrupt glare. “satoru. why’d you even use the kfc logo as a profile picture anyway? idiot.”
“oh— it’s a long story.”
you deadpan, mentally face palming yourself.
gojo takes a good look at you, and he’s got a sudden sheepish grin. “woah,” he utters, and his eyes linger for a long time. he’s never seen you dress in such a formal pretty way. he felt a sudden heat rush to both sides of his face before without thinking, he murmurs. “you look kinda hot.”
“kinda? now i’m offended.” you scoff, tugging on your fishnets.
“all you’re getting from me,” he fake pouts. he then comes closer, closer . . all until he’s just inches apart.
one look at your dress and he just wanted to rip it off. you and him were so attached to the hip, he’s never expected to see you in this kind of light. if you were being honest, his gaze that ran against your entire figure made you a bit nervous.
throughout your long term friendship with gojo, he was known to be flirty every now and then. you figured that was just his personality but perhaps he started to view you different. “so,” he shrugs, bending down to your level as a way of mockery, “is this the part where we hook up?”
“well technically, yeah—” and you look right into his eyes.
he was just undressing you with eyes practically, cerulean bright irises roaming down your body before he hums. “…..oh,” and he awkwardly scratches his head. “so do i make the first move or—”
“you’re such an idiot. just kiss me, ‘toru.”
he snickers, and after what seemed like forever, gojo leans in for a kiss.
he was so pretty, he didn’t even have to try. long fluttering lashes that matched his snowy white strands flap closed. gojo tasted sweet, the moment his lips went against yours, you sink into his embrace. he was surprisingly a good kisser, not that you ever kissed your best friend or anything—but for some reason, it felt so warm.
so natural…
your heart, it starts to pick up a bit and your arms wrap around his broad shoulders.
gojo let off a soft grunt, your sweet aromatic perfume wafts right into his flared up nostrils. you shiver a bit, feeling his hands slowly drag up your body. minty, a good way to describe the brief taste that loiters on his breath. he was always chewing peppermint—an unserious guy with a sweet tooth, although this time maybe his sweet tooth was for you instead of casual sweets.
the kiss was passionate, you almost forgot you were literally making out with your best friend.
you did dream a bit about this moment, him holding you all close with his lips mashed against yours. his hand continue to wander, such big hands compared to yours. you slide your tongue against his before parting your lips just a bit further.
“….mhm,” he’d huff out in a muffled groan, and he made sure to focus his hands near your hips. his fingers brush against the thin fabric of your dress before he gives it a hasty yank.
steamy breaths collide against each other whilst each second passes—eventually, gojo’s leading you toward your bedroom.
no bother in asking you where everything was since he technically knew the layout of your house like the back of his hand. “wanted to do this for so long,” he finally speaks in shortened breaths—he’s panting, and you let off a soft gasp once he lifts you up. instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist and he slyly smiles. “you should really clean this place,” he murmurs, walking casually with you in his arms. “oh right, you can’t because you’re always at my house.”
“the point of hooking up is to not talk, satoru.”
“well excuse me,” he dramatically rolls his eyes.
at first you were a bit shy coming to the bitter realization that you ended up matching with gojo by pure luck. by now, things weren’t even that awkward—or at least awkward yet…
you didn’t wanna jinx it though, he leads you towards your bed before you plop down on your hands. you sit down, staring up at him and he starts to pull up his grey sweatshirt. you watch intensely, his abs peeking as he yanked it off before you spot a glance of his dark blue boxers hiding above his sweatpants.
so attractive . . .
you’ve seen gojo shirtless countless times but never completely nude. just imagining him, his glistening body presenting itself right in front of you… phew.
you intake a breath, mentally preparing yourself.
“awh,” he sneers, and you’re so secluded into your erotic thoughts that you don’t even realize he’s practically half naked now. all that was left was his wan-colored sweatpants. he was a tease, your eyes fixate towards his ripped chest—his abs, they were sublimely sculpted and chiseled.
you felt like if you ran a finger down his perfectly structured v-line, you’d get a paper cut. his six pack flexed and you had to squeeze your legs shut. it was no surprise gojo had a daily work out routine. he’d even try to drag you to come with him sometimes. majority of the time, that’d go to no avail though. “enjoying the show, yeahhh?”
“shut up.” you grouse with a swift eye roll.
a smug grin curls up against his pink lips before he grabs your hand. “wanna feel me?” and you’re confused by what he wants you to feel until he makes you slowly slide your hand down his clenched pecs. you peer up at him, his body feels so warm— it was brick hard, exactly how you thought. your fingers continued to run down his ripped modeled chest before feeling against a scar. “cute fingers,” he teases, making it trail lower and lower until you spot his happy trail that was just about poking above from the very hem of his boxers. “you should pull them off of me.”
“fine,” you mutter with a puffy blow, bringing both hands towards his lower half. gojo stares, watching you pull down his sweatpants— then his briefs. you made sure to take your time, tugging on the stretchy aqua-blue fabric before within seconds, his length springs out. “you weren’t lying.”
“hm?” he says, watching your eyes continue to wander — he was definitely big, your memory suddenly refreshes of the pictures you exchanged with him, and the carpets very much did match the drapes. his shaft was . . turgid, at least the tip was. it was a pretty flashing pink, smeared with a few droplets of his own pre-cum. gojo was well trimmed, but had a few left over white specks scattered all across his base. he even had a cute mole down near the very edge of his length. specks of white hairs near his happy trail decorated his body, it was attractive. he had a left curve too, it was quite noticeable—a strikingly long vein that pulses at the sight of you, running down the very middle part of his dick and you merely moan.
as you move yourself closer, he’s stood standing while you’re sat on the bed and your glossy lips give his swollen tip a few chaste kisses.
“damnnnn,” he pants, feeling his cock twitch from the way your lips made instant contact with his tip.
the more you stared at his length from your peripherals—the more you observed its color. it had a rich rosy tan. slightly—still the same pinkish color with a brief tapered ridge. he was hefty, there was no question. inch after inch, he stood tall right in front of you. gojo claws a hand into your hair softly before sucking in his breath. “baby wait, i wanna do everything. ‘m already hard.”
you hum, amused—giving his frenulum a subtle lick before backing away, jibing out a, “oh really?” and then once he makes you lie back against the bed, you sit up with a sly grin. “do you even know how to eat pussy? and i’m not just talking about from your 'experience' from reddit or twit—”
“girl shut up,” his tone pitches an octave and it’s quite funny.
always sassy—you watch as gojo strum his fingers against your dress, taking his precious time to lift it up before feeling against your thighs. so soft, he’s always wanted to feel you—especially right here, take in every part of your curves, your gorgeous physique. his lips form into a cute scowl as he pulls you closer towards him. “i know what i’m doing.”
“yeah you do.” you sing along, and he shoots you a pout. you loved the banter between the two of you, toying along with him—he always made it so easy. it doesn’t take long before he starts peeling off your fishnets with his teeth, it was so dirty. you felt yourself throb a bit, edges of his teeth softly pricking against your skin as he yanks the thin nylon material made fishnets that stuck against your thighs.
your back lies flat against the bed and you intake a single breath. gojo rubs a hand against your tummy, you quaver a bit simply from his touch. he’s keeping eye contact the entire time too, irises never looking away for a split second—he mimics the same motion, peeling your panties off with his pearly canines.
it’s lewd, he doesn’t even pull them off all the way. instead, he just leaves it on you but has it rolled down to your thighs. “lotta back talk for a girl this soaked, to be honest.”
“ . . . . ”
you don’t reply, and he chuckles to himself. he finds your lack of an answer quite cute.
gojo stares between your parted thighs and your lips were all stretched—glistening with a sheet coat of your sweet arousal.
“so pretty,” he coos in a low voice, and you watch as he leans in—pressing a soft kiss against your entrance. immediately, his lips gets all shimmery from your own wetness and it’s hot. gojo purposely runs his tongue against his lips because he knows you’re staring directly at him. “my best friend tastes soooo sweet.”
“quit talking, ‘toru.” you moan and you don’t realize how your voice is becoming more and more shaky by the second.
“fine. fiiiiine, can’t have shit,” he grumbles playfully.
you stare as he prods two lengthy fingers against your slit. with a gulp, you prepare yourself. he gradually starts to insert two fingers inside, curling them up whilst it adapts to your warm walls and his arm shakes. “oooooh,” he whispers in a mere raspy voice. sweetened squelchy squelches came from your cunt and it was so loud it rang throughout your ears like church bells on a wedding day. “she’s quite— the talker, huhh.” he continues, and that’s right when he places his lips against your folds.
you swallow, feeling your back immensely arch from his hot lips.
gojo’s tongue swipes against your pussy. the middle part of his tongue skims down and it feels so good, he’s slow at first. he knows the exact direction to go and your toes curl. a free hand of his slides near your pubic mound, applying just the right amount of pressure—he does this so you can quickly feel your sweet g-spot. you do, and a gasp leaves your lips, it’s mindblowing.
already, he made you feel your forbidden g-spot.
you didn’t even know gojo—your dumb best friend had this kind of experience. as his palm presses down against the particular spot, his other hand is still occupied. lengthy fingers curl all throughout your walls, reaching every spot by prodding with just the right amount of deepness.
“f-fuckkk,” you whine, and suddenly your nerves make you shift your attention back towards his slick tongue. as his tongue was lolled out, a pretty clean pinkish tongue. he slithers it by using the back of his tongue, merely copying a sort of vacuuming type technique. the sounds that ran out his mouth was so filthy, your thighs start to twitch profusely and your hands found its way into his hair.
“s—satoruuu.” you’d babble and its only been a few minutes. a few long minutes, your squirming was cute to him. you tried focusing on your breathing patterns but that was no use. your mind went blank, empty like a canvas.
“mhm,” he groans, feeling himself get hard simply from your pitchy moans that reverberate and bounce across the thin walls. his fingers still went in and out of your cunt at a decent thrusting pace. the way you easily swallowed his two digits was just perfect, it didn’t take long at all for him to find your clit. “there she isssss,” he hisses cheekily, changing up his tongue strokes just a bit. it felt so good, heavenly. the way he drags it against your pussy. your jaw hung open with only sweetened sobs and whimpers leaving right past your spit-glossed lips.
whilst he’s rummaging through your vulva, he occasionally breaks away to spit right onto your cunt. it was no surprised gojo satoru was a messy man. he couldn’t help it, he’s fantasized about this exact scenario maybe once or twice. as his saliva trickles between your slit, he grunts as he watches. just all sopping wet just for him. he blows against your entrance just to make you squirm even more.
with his fingers still buried into your cunt, he does the ‘come here’ motion—a simplistically erotic motion where he uses not one but both index and his middle finger to flick back and forth inside of you. right there, oh you could have came.
“o-oh my goddd,” you whimper, his warm breath colliding against your arousal. “i-i’m close, satoru. think ‘m getting close.”
“aw,” he purrs in a sweet tone, using the flat of his tongue to lap up against your clit even further. you’re so soaked—his chin starts to drip with your slick and it’s so attractive. he pulls himself back to grin at you, a dumb pussy-drunken smile and nothing but your slick arousal running down his chin, so sheeny. “suck a little harder, she says?”
you nod, although you were sure your inevitable orgasm was quickly approaching.
your favorite part was when he sucks deeply against your clit, practically tongue fucking you. he had quite a long tongue so it did wonders, it made sure to reach every particular crevice imaginable. “nah don’t run from me now, gorgeous,” he utters sweetly once you squirm a bit more—he grabs on your hips, removing his two fingers just to hold you steadily in place. “give it to me, baby. show me how much of a messy girl my best friend can really be, huh.”
his dirty talk was just the icing on the cake. gojo’s just coaxing you towards your incoming release, all the while—it felt so good. the way your legs quavered, a trembling mess.
gojo’s holding your jerking hips against his mouth so he doesn’t miss a single taste. your mouth forms into a surprised 'o' and it’s like he’s been waiting his entire life for this moment—to be fair, he could have just asked a long time ago.
he was shy though, he didn’t wanna ruin the friendship—yet now that he’s propped up between your legs, eating you out like a starved man, you don’t know how you could continue to be just friends. not in a negative way, but after this—every time you’d stare at gojo, you’d just see his face that was right between your legs that one friday night ago.
once your orgasm comes, you whimper out— a ripple surging out of you and you’re so squirmy.
it was so intense, you fell into a trance, feeling that familiar spark combust and you’re slump back. your maw still hangs open and you’re so cute—only inaudible whimpers, cacophonies of his name, the repetitive whiney, “s—satoru, ‘toru.”
his nose brushes against your entrance before he pulls away—he grows quiet for a brief moment before sitting up, you’re out of breath before he leans in for a kiss. you moan right into his mouth, running a finger down his cute undercut and that makes him whine into your mouth. his undercut, he’s always liked the feeling of you running a finger down there—it hypnotized him in a way, the entire scene was so salacious. tasting yourself on his damp tongue, your legs wrapped around his waist and his dick brushes against your parted legs.
“you’re not that bad of a kisser, you know.” gojo mutters as he finally breaks away—a stringy shiny trail of spit departs and he sits up. “why can’t we do this more often?”
“you never ask,” you breathe, still getting over your recent release—he talks so much, you almost forgot how much of a blabbermouth he was. literally seconds ago his face was buried between your thighs and now he’s rambling to you about a sale he spotted on one of his favorite candies. “. . yeah yeah, lie back now.”
he lies back against the bed and watches as you make your way towards him. he lands backwards with an ‘oof’ before raising his eyebrows in amusement. “oh? you’re gonna be on top? what if i wanted to have you bent over—”
“i’d rather die than let you see me arched over.”
“heh, woah now angel—that’s just mean. after i gave you that teeth shattering orgasm,” he says with a dramatic eye roll. you align yourself with gojo, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and for a concise moment he grows quiet. “hm. don’t really care though, you’re still hot. straddling me like this and—”
you lean forward, silencing him with a kiss because he just wouldn’t stop talking—it was cute in a way though, gojo would literally talk your ear off. he kisses back immediately, feeling you hover against his leaky tip before lowering yourself further and further down. “mhm,” you’d gasp at the current stretch. it was hard to ignore, he was big—no secret about that. due to how sopping you were, it made it easy to just sink right down. gojo’s jaw tightens as he brings a hand towards your waist, another near your ass. with a tight squeeze, he continues to fall into sinful bliss at your cunt holding him hostage. your walls hugged him tightly the more you sank down. his breath was heavy, he heaved and heaved before you’re finally all the way down.
parting away once more, he utters out a needy, “touch me.”
“ask nicely,” you whisper, starting to rock your hips swiftly in place—you were so hot, especially in his eyes. you’re so warm inside, feverish, tingly. gojo swallows thickly, a breath getting caught in his throat as his white lashes flicker towards your waist. you brush a thumb against your best friend’s lips before humming. “touch me pretty please, say that.”
“how about i tell you a joke—” he cuts off, yet moans once he feels you grind your hips in a specific rotation—so good. he’s at a loss of words before his eyebrows curl up and furrow, head throwing back in pleasure. “heh. uh, check, please! know what’s on the m-menu? me ‘n you.”
“…..you’re right, i should just shut up,” he puffs out, his cheeks burning with such heat. he holds onto your hips before he swallows his pride, speaking in a cute pout whilst avoiding eye contact. “touch me pretty please.”
you smile, trading a finger down his chiseled chest—so muscular, he was perfectly sculpted.
his loved your touch, it makes him ten times harder. your fingers roam against his body and he merely folds into putty, his abs—they clench as you’re being stuffed by full of his thick inches. gojo made sure to go slow, he didn’t wanna hurt you—especially considering how big and how much of a damn packer he was. so big you almost drooled.
he was mesmerized by the way you moved, with a single pivot of your hips it didn’t take long for him to locate that spot. you moaned, feeling a surge of haziness overtake you before you lean in to kiss near the crook his neck.
“man,” he croaks, and each time he speaks—his voice gets more raspy and out of breath. “uh, keep ridin’ me like that ‘n i’m gonna die. your pussy’s fuckin’ dangerous—shit.”
again, he rambles while you’re riding him in the same constant rotation. he falls in love with the jerks, the way you grind and delve your hips even further into him.
it’s amusing to study his facial expressions though, the way his blue irises would roll back into the very depths of his cranium—his pink sheeny lips parting, even his irregular breathing patterns. he was so whiney, your cunt swallowed him whole and he starts to feel fuzzy. hot, you felt so hot inside. it merely gives him whiplash once he feels your hands trail up toward his chest. his chest, more so his pecs—abs, his nipples.
“s-sensitive there…” he pants, and with his same grip against your hips he drags you closer—back and forth, it was so slow. you’re grinding against his body and he thinks he’s feeling a certain type away. you know, that word. this entire view, seeing you top him like this—gojo was about to lose his mind, a fiery sensation pools low into his abdomen. you had him all hot and bothered, it didn’t take long before his thigh starts to bounce.
“are you?” you tease, leaning in to run your tongue against his perky nipples—oh, his reaction. it was priceless, he grips onto your hair this time, moving a few strands away from your face while you’re still riding him before he whimpers. with shaky lips, he begs for you to suck harder. you didn’t even know if he was into something like this, perhaps your best friend was a freak.
a freak in bed.
you wondered if he’d be like this if he got matched with some other random girl on tinder. being this whiney for them, but since you two were close maybe you had an exception.
“angelllll,” he drags out his words, and it’s cute. his tongue rolls a bit and beads of sweat start to race down the side of his forehead. “i’m gonna—”
suddenly, he grows quiet once his cock that was buried into your folds abruptly slips out.
he slowly looks up at you with a head tilt, and you’re staring right back up at him—he’s still panting with his hands attached to your hip. “oops,” he sheepishly laughs, trying to ignore how he was so close to shooting right inside of you. it squelched, you break away from his chest before kissing near his neck. he moans, aligning himself back against your entrance. “f-fuck that was kinda hot.”
“i can’t tell who sounds like the girl more,” you start to pant yourself, and you feel yourself coming close right with him—you briefly bite your lip before feeling such nerves sneak its way inside. his girth, it never failed to leave you speechless. with gojo, he was a bit thick but more so lanky—thin, yet he made sure to reach every crevice of your cunt. you felt him deep, the more his hold against your hips tighten—the more he’s pumping you full. you’re constantly leaning forward, cupping his face before sneaking a few kisses near the corners of his lips.
“shut up,” he rasps, and he’s close. you’re about to milk him dry—his breathing picks up and he presses his fingers right into your hips. strands of his hair runs through his face before he whines, head throwing back in pure bliss. “god, you do it so good—so good, ‘m gonna cum,” and then with pretty hooded eyes, he swallows before reaching between your legs. he runs a hand against your sopping wet cunt that was a sheer mess itself before sighing lowly, “where do you want it, angel? tell me if i should—”
“inside,” you whisper, and your voice was so close up to his ear that he could have just came from your voice and your voice alone. shivers ran through his body, your chest presses against his and he’s maneuvering quicker circles against your pussy. “f-fuck, ‘toru. ‘m gonna cum too.”
his ruffled hair was all in his face, it was cute. you’re being stuffed full—he’s so hefty you’re dizzy, approaching that release before seconds pass and you gush out. it comes out slow, a shockwave ripples out and you whimper—softly nibbling your teeth deep into the inside of his neck.
“oh f—fuckkk,” he babbles, and his voice ends up cracking, its adorable. both of his ears burn with radiating heat before he finishes, dumping a sloppy load of velvety ropes into your cunt. you literally did milk him, you bring your hips to a more slow stop—deeply grinding against him still and he slumps back. he pours so much into you he’s speechless himself, a hand hooked around your waist as you continue to swivel. “i just— i need you—shitttt.”
you stare at gojo and he’s all dumb, panting heavily. his chest heaves and tightens, loving the warmth of your plush thighs wrapping around him. “i.. i think i love you,” he abruptly says, and with his tone—it’s like in more of a question, he watches your shocked stare peer into him and he sighs. “i don’t wanna use dinder anymore, i— i just want you.”
“it’s called tinder, satoru,” you kiss near the side of his lip. “and i love you too, dummy.”
“really?” he looks at you, still smothered with a look of fatigue—he could go for more rounds but he needed a minute—plus he may or may not have a cramp in his leg. “soo when’s the wedding then?”
you deadpan and he sheepishly smiles at you, he’s still got a firm grip on your waist.
the feeling of gojo’s remains of cum just seeping down your thighs as you straddled him—still with his twitching shaft inside made you kiss your teeth a little. “i’m sure you’ll get cold feet, you’re scared of literally anything.”
“pft. girl, that’s not even remotely true. do you realize who you’re talking to?”
the arrogant gojo came back — you roll your eyes and he slyly grins, yet all the meanwhile he’s holding you close against your chest. you let him kiss you once more before you both pull away once his phone suddenly beeps.
a loud screeching notification . . you were assuming it was a text. he feels you shift a bit, turning to see what it was but pulls you closer towards him, deepening the kiss. you give up, locking your arms around him once more, preparing to start up your hips again.
oh, he tastes candied, sweet…
you moan straight into his mouth before the phone ends up beeping again and again.
consistently until it starts to get annoying, gojo grunts, departing from your honeyed lips. “who’s texting me, angel? thought i turned tinder notifications off.”
you grab his phone, it brights up from your fingertips hovering against the screen before you squint. “uh, it says . . . suguru geto?”
he repeats. “suguru ge—” and then he timorously runs a hand through his hair with a raised eyebrow. “oh. eh, what’d he say?”
you pause for a long moment before reading the message, by long—seven consecutive seconds to be exact, your lip twitching, slowly realizing as you skim through the text by this ‘suguru geto.’
“. . . he says that he had fun last night.”
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canthelpit0 · 5 months
Pairing: Matt x reader
Wordcount: 1.8k +
Summary: you’ve always quietly watched the triplets, silently wishing you could be a part of a group like them. Until you and Matt talk for the first time…
Warnings: selective mutism, anxiety, crying, angst, praise, no use of y/n, no oc
(Disclaimer: I’m not mute in any way. This was a request from an anon that I accidentally deleted. Hope you like it ! Requests are open)
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I developed selective mutism pretty early on. My mom says that I didn’t talk even back in kindergarten.
But it’s been years now.
I can talk, and I can’t shut the fuck up for the life of me. I talk a lot, even have full conversations with myself.
Just not at school, or around new people. God, especially not in school.
It’s not like I want to be the ‘ weird’ mute kid. I would love to talk and make friends, I just physically can’t open my mouth and talk.
It even took months for me to utter simple words to my therapist, tho by this point I’ve known her for years and I’m pretty comfortable.
There are these triplets in my grade. We’ve always gone to the same school, but I don’t think they ever noticed me.
Well the first time I noticed them was in first grade, because there were three of them. Of corse my six year old self didn’t understand the concept of multiples back then, and I really wanted to ask, and talk to them. I really thought they were cool.
The first time I interacted with any of them tho was when I was in fourth grade and Nick had asked to use my dark green pencil since he only had light green and needed both dark and light.
Back in fourth grade I wasn’t just selectively mute, but also really shy. So I’d just looked down and stared at the desk giving him a small nod.
In freshmen year I shared a class with Nick again, he asked me for a pen, wich I gave to him.
Despite not having talked to him once in my entire life, he remembered my name. Wich isn’t too shocking since we’ve always been around each other, I was just kinda in the shadows.
He actually gave me that pen back. Most other people would’ve forgotten and just taken it, but Nick didn’t and I appreciated that.
I only ever interacted with Nick those two times. despite sharing a few classes with both Chris and Matt over the years, I’ve probably never even held eye contact with either of them.
I’ve been watching everyone.
Bullying isn’t really a thing. Sure there were some hurtful comments by jocks here and there but it really wasn’t as bad as in the movies.
Besides I think most people forget i even exist so they don’t even bother bullying me.
I’ve had my eye on Matt for a while. Not in a weird way. But Matt seems to pretty obviously have anxiety too. I don’t know if he’s open about it, I’m not in his friend circle.
But every time I’m feeling overwhelmed and we’re in the same room, I unconsciously glance at him to see if he feels the same or if I’m just going crazy.
Chris seems to be the loudest and most extroverted one. And while yes, Nick seems pretty extroverted too, Chris seems more… random? Bold?
I sulk in the back of the class my lips pulled into a tight line as I try to get myself together.
There is literally no reason for me to be feeling like this. Honestly no one has tried to talk to me today, nothing happened, I just feel so overwhelmed.
I raise my hand just slightly. I make eye contact with the teacher. Mrs. Evans. I literally love her, she’s so kind.
Her son is apparently mute too.
When I was diagnosed with selective mutism they thought it’d be a great idea to make me learn sign language just in case, and that’s just what I did.
Since Mrs. Evans son is mute, her son, as well as her and her husband also learned sign language.
So whenever I needed something I could sign to her. Not that I wouldn’t be too embarrassed too.
Our eyes lock. Everyone was working on some paper I should also be doing, but I’m too busy hyperventilating.
I let my hand drop on my desk and glance at the door quietly asking if I can go to the nurses office since I was too tired and ashamed to sign it to her.
She gives me a pitying smile but nods. I hate pity, but then again that’s better than getting told im faking.
I look around the class of students. I get up, as quiet as I can. I pack up my little stuff and quietly walk to the front of the class. I nod in appreciation and walk outside.
I stare at the ground while I walk down the hallway. I sigh.
I feel my eyes start to water and I bite the inside of my cheek.
Honestly I should probably go to the nurses office to get checked out, just so I can leave. But I don’t think I can handle communicating with another human.
I feel like I’m about to break down. I continue to walk down the hallway clutching the straps of my bag harshly.
I consider if driving home even is a good idea seeing as I’m about to have a mental breakdown. Or-
Suddenly I bump into someone.
I close my eyes trying not to cry right then. I don’t know who I bumped into but I want to apologize, but I know that I can’t, and since I don’t know who I bumped into I don’t know if it’s someone who’ll be mean about it or-
I’m taken off guard by a gentle brush to my upper arm.
“You’re good, it’s okay” I hear a soft voice say. I can feel my lip quivering, I feel like if I open my eyes the tears brimming at my waterline will actually fall.
“can you open your eyes?” It sounds more like a question, and that voice sounds painfully familiar but I can’t quite place it.
I want to tell him that I can’t, that I’ll cry if I do and I’ll feel even more embarrassed. But my curiosity takes over me.
So I slightly blink open my eyes. I don’t open my eyes fully, just enough to see the person through my tears.
It’s Matt, looking down at me all concerned.
I blink my eyes open. at the sight I watch his expression relax just slightly.
He himself looks overwhelmed, and honestly I don’t know if it’s because of how I’m acting, or if he had a shitty day himself.
“You okay?” He sighs slightly. I watch as he licks his lips and swallows thickly.
I take in another deep breath trying to calm down. I nod just slightly, but while I do the tears in my eyes finally spill.
I feel my hot tears run down my face. Matt’s eyes immediately widen and his mouth opens slightly like he thinks it’s his fault.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, no please don’t cry.” He holds up his hands in front of my face as if he wanted to wipe my tears away but was holding himself back because he didn’t know my boundaries.
He looked miserable, like he was about to cry himself. And I just know that something this wouldn’t have him emotional like this on a normal day. At least I don’t think it would. But he seemed to be overwhelmed as well.
I scrunch my nose slightly sniffling in response. I glance back up at him and the sorrow in his eyes makes me want to sink into myself. I breathe out shakily.
Before I know it I’m bringing my hands up to my face and covering it. I tilt my head forward trying to stop crying, because crying in the school halls is just pathetic.
“I’m sorry. Fuck- can I touch you?” I hear his frantic voice. I appreciate that he asked first. I want a hug, but then again I don’t know Matt. But he just seems so genuine.
I overthink not responding to his question. My thoughts spiral at the sound of the sweet nothings and apologies leaving his mouth, only being back round noise.
Matt seems to notice that I’m starting to spiral. I feel his hand tenderly touch my wrist. I flinch slightly, and as soon as I do I feel him retract his hand.
Everybody deals with anxiety differently, some people like to be physically grounded others liked to be comforted some other way and I just knew that Matt was trying to figure out what to do without overstepping.
I’d tell him that it’s okay, or that he can hug me, but I literally can’t speak and I feel too embarrassed to let him see my teary face.
“I’m sorry, I’m-“ I hear Matt let out a breath. I know an anxiety breath when I hear one, he is panicking.
I decide to bite the bullet, what’s the worst that can happen. I look up slightly and peak through my fingers.
His hands are up and frozen. He looks almost frantic, Matt looks like the only way he knows how to ground me is by hugging me or something, but he seems unsure if that’s okay.
Despite myself I let out a little nod. Matt lets out another breath but this time he actually touches me, and I don’t flinch.
He holds my wrist and gently pulls my hands off of my face.
I let out a shaky sigh. I can’t help it when I let my head fall forward.
“It’s okay.” He says sweetly under his breath. He puts his hand under my chin as he picks my face up. Our eyes lock. I see the way Matt is also crying, tears running down his face too and I relax just a little.
He never seemed like the type to make fun of someone for crying, but especially not now.
“You wanna go to my car?” He says softly, not in a way where he is forcing me to do anything, but rather offering.
And honestly as upset as i am I have to weigh my options. Would I rather cry in the school hallways or in Matt’s car?
The best option would be to go to the bathroom, but Matt wouldn’t be able to come with, and honestly I would feel too bad leaving him alone at this point.
So I nod.
I feel Matt’s arm go around my shoulders as he hugs me for a moment. He turns me, and starts walking in a way where his arm is still around my shoulder keeping me close to him.
We walk out to the parking lot. I watch as Matt unlocks the car and opens the door for me to enter.
And by this point, if I go out this way so be it…
Before i can even register Matt is also getting into the backseat next to me.
We just look at each other for a moment. He breathes out another anxiety sigh.
“You want a hug?” And with that I don’t really know if he’s asking for me, or to comfort himself. But regardless I nod.
I feel his arms come around me and I sink into the feeling of his hug.
I’m uncertain if by tomorrow he’ll act like this all never happened, or if he’ll try to get to know me, because I’ve been wanting to know him for a while and I would more then gladly let him.
A/n: I know this is really short and I’ve been uploading a lot of angst recently. But I’ve been feeling sad, and every time I do write smut it’s for Kinktober. Soon you’ll get smut tho. Also this ended up a lot like crybaby. <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo , @chr1sgirl4life
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k0juki · 4 months
Good things take time
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the pictures is not mine! Credit goes to owner! Not edited! Also BIG thanks to the @catherinewithu!! Couldn't do it without her.
Summary: If you promise something, you have to keep it. But even Joost makes a promise and doesn't keep it, just like you.
Warnings: alcohol, both sad y/n and Joost, mentions of sex but nothing is here!
A/n: I have mixed feelings about this xdd. Idk if it's happy ending...
Wc: 2.8k
Joost. Joost fucking Klein. That man was always very charming and he didn't even have to try. He was always the center of attention whereas you were just somewhere back, trying to fit in. Looking for your kind of people that lay back just like you. And if a year back someone would have said to you, that you're going to be in love with this man, you wouldn't believe them. Probably laugh in their face. You and Joost? Ha, you could never... could you?
He was the god of the party. Whenever he walked into a room, it was like the atmosphere shifted. People gravitated towards him, drawn by his effortless charm and infectious energy. He had this way of making everyone feel like they were the most important person in the world, even if just for a moment. Yeah, you know, Joost.
You and him met pretty easily, not in some grand, starstruck way, but through friends. It was at one of those low-key gatherings that start with a few people and end up with the entire social circle crammed into a living room. Joost was in his element, entertaining the crowd with stories and jokes. You watched him, intrigued by how natural it all seemed to him.
As the night went on, you and him somehow ended up in the same conversation circle. It wasn't long before you were chatting like old friends that have always known each other. He asked about your interests, your thoughts on music, movies, and life in general that night. And you found yourself opening up more than you usually did, his genuine interest made it easy.
Then, you started seeing each other more frequently. Your encounters were never planned, but always felt serendipitous. You ran into each other at the shop center, at friends' houses, and even at the grocery store. Each meeting felt natural, unforced, but then it wasn't just for talking and sharing stories. Now, you and Joost were friends, but with benefits. Of course you didn't mind at all at first. But after some time you wasn't so sure anymore. At first it was just because of some release. But after some time, you started to feel some...things.
Then came the night of this unforgettable party. You didn't want to come here at all, but your friend, f/n, she promised it's going to be just for a few hours and that Joost is going to be here as well. Maybe, that's why you actually agreed to go here. She knew about you and Joost, and how you actually felt about him. But she promise to not say anything.
Joost was, as usual, the center of attention. But this time, at this party, it felt different. Every time your eyes met across the room, there was a spark, a silent understanding that something was shifting between you and him. You watched him laugh, dance, and engage with everyone, yet somehow, it felt like he was always aware of where you were and what you were doing, of who you were speaking with and when you looked at him.
It was like sixth sense.
It started to get hot here, or maybe it was just the alcohol that flowed through your blood. Either way, you needed some fresh air, so you excused yourself from your friend that was just as tipsy as you and you made your way out by the back door that went to the garden. There wasn't anyone, but it wasn't so surprising. Whole party was thrown inside because of the cooler weather.
Enjoying the muffled sounds of a party in the house behind you, you were startled when you felt someone's hand on your hip.
"Hey, hey, easy here. It's just me."
"You scared me for life." Turning your head to look at him, you notice how his pupils were big.
"I'm sorry princess, I will try not to scare you away from me." You laughed it off. He was definitely a teaser. It was in his nature, to make people laugh, to forget everything, to enjoy their time with him.
"What are you doing here so alone, hm?" He whispered in the cold night and ran his hand that he had on your hip up and down. To warm you a bit. "It's cold out here."
"I know, but I needed some fresh air. I couldn't breathe in there." You said and pointed back at the house. Leaning your head on his shoulder you closed your eyes, but the drinks that your friend made you drink with her were a little bit stronger for your liking, so whenever you closed your eyes you felt the whole world spin, just like right now.
"Yeah, you're right." Joost put his chin on the top of your head after he kissed it, just as you relaxed in his hold. You always enjoyed his presence, but it wasn't just because of his personality, it was because he made you feel things that you believed that were never there. He was different, he made you feel different. Like no-one else before had. He lifted his hand from your hip and placed it on your arm, "You're cold." he said and raised his head for yours.
"It's nothing." You chuckled, "I will manage." you tried to assure him, but your skin was really ice cold.
"Yeah, in bed with a fever tomorrow morning. Come on, let's get inside." He took your hand in his and together you made your way to the house. He let you go in first, holding the door open for you like a true gentleman he is with a smile on his face. "Lady's first."
You returned his smile, never letting go of his hand. It wasn't strange for you to hold his hand and kiss here and there, but you weren't together, it made some people questioned your real relationship. But what they didn't know was that you and Joost have been sleeping with each other from time to time. And you had to admit, you were totally scared of your future with him.
He doesn't feel love. He never felt that way. You knew it because before you and him started to sleep together, you and him made a promise to not catch feelings, it's just gonna be about a sex. Nothing more, nothing less. And you knew you had crossed that line, but you couldn't tell him anything. That would ruin everything, it would have ruined you. So you swallowed your feelings and told yourself to not, ever, let or somehow show your feelings for him. Even though it hurts you.
"I need to find f/n. She's somewhere here and I need to stop her from doing something stupid." You told Joost and he actually laughed at that because he knew her and what she was capable of.
"That sounds like a good idea. I will be in the living room if you want to look for me after you find her." Joost winked at you with smug on his pretty face and left you here standing with red cheeks. No matter how many times he had flirted with you, you always gave in and let his charm affect you.
It took you some time to find f/n, but you also have found some other friends that were looking after her as well. They were leaving and told you they are taking f/n home too.
"Noo, Y/n I don't wanna go home." f/n pouted and hugged you before others basically dragged her off of you.
"You have to. I will text you in the morning, okay?"
She protested, but eventually gave in. Leaving the party and looking forward to your text when you will be leaving.
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a drink, not so strong this time and then you started looking for another person, Joost. But he already told you where he's going to be. Making your way through bodies to the living room, you greeted some faces you recognised. Sending friendly smiles and little waves. But just as you stepped to the living room, you couldn't help the shock that went thru you.
He was sitting here with some girl. No, the girl was sitting on his lap and what was even worse, they were making out. How his left hand was running through her hair and how his other hand was on her waist, keeping her closer, just like he did before with you. All you could do was watch the scene before you.
"Y/n?" Joost's voice was barely making any sense, but he knew that was you who he was kissing right now. He was so sure of it.
"Actually I'm Mila."
"You're not Y/n? My Y/n?"
"I can be her, if that's what you want."
"You're not her?" Joost asked the girl that he assumed was you, but she pulled him back to kiss her. He wasn't complaining, but he was hoping that was you who he was kissing right now and not some random chick.
When they pulled away to breathe, Joost looked around the room and saw you standing in the back with a shocked face and how it, in a matter of seconds, turned into a pained expression. That was the real you. You weren't sitting in his lap right now.
What were you thinking?
It hurt. It all hurt so much. You really thought he felt something for you, just like you did for him. But you were wrong, so, so wrong. "Y/n?" His words were slurred. "C'mon it was just for fun, you know that right?"
Drunk words are sober thoughts.
You heard him say somewhere towards you in his now drunk state, you couldn't even properly look at him, all you could do in that moment was to turn around and leave. On your way out of the house, you passed by people that gave you this kind of sympathy look. Did they think you and him were together too? You weren't, and he made that crystal clear.
"Y/N!" He was calling for you to stop, but you didn't. "Y/n! Can you stop for a second?!"
"What!? What is it Joost!?" You turned to him, stopping in your tracks. Barely holding tears in your eyes.
"What's wrong with you?!" Joost almost shouted, but held himself back because of other people near you two.
"What is wrong with me?" You had to ask. "With me?"
"Yeah, you're acting like I fucked that girl right infront of you, and even if I did, we're not together so it doesn't matter."
"I can't believe this." You avoided eye contact with him. "I'm such an idiot." Whispering, you looked down, letting the tears freely fall.
"What? So it's mine fault?"
"No it's mine."
An awkward silence was between you two.
Joost sighed looking down and put his hands on his hips. "Look Y/n, let's just get inside, get some drinks and forget about it. It wasn't that big of a deal anyway." He insisted and took a few steps towards you, trying to reach for you, but you backed down. You turned back around and said.
"Yeah, you're right, it's not that big of a deal anyway."
With that, you made your way home.
That was two days ago, and from that time you felt like shit. You barely slept and eating food was bad too. F/n was worried about you, she insisted on talking to him, herself or you. But everytime she threatened, you told her to stop. That you're going to deal with it by yourself. She stopped after that.
Two fucking days.
Your phone was blowing with missed calls and hundreds of unread texts from Joost, but you didn't want to talk to him. Not right now. His words still hurt you. "It's not that big of deal anyway." Yes, you promised something to each other, but his words hunt you.
As you laid in your bed and re-thinking every detail of that night, soft knocking brought you out of your head. At first you didn't want to get up and answer, if it's important then they will try it later.
But the soft knocking was getting louder and more annoying. You slowly got up and made your way to the door. Ready to scream on anyone that was behind them.
That made you stop in your tracks. Joost? What was he doing here? You didn't want him near you at all. That's why you distanced everyone.
"Y/n, open the door."
His knocking stopped and you saw his shadow under the door and how he was stepping from one side to another.
"Open the door. Please."
Joost begged. And that's something you never heard from him before. Part of you wanted to let him in and hug him, but the other not at all.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said that night." You heard him say behind the door. Him still waiting for you to open to him.
"You didn't say anything wrong. Only truth." You muttered on the other side.
"Yeah, but..." He sighed and leaned his head on the door. Closing his eyes for a moment before speaking again. "You didn't deserve that."
That made you cry. He was right, you didn't deserve it like that.
"I hear you cry." He lifted his head from the door and tried to open them again. "Please don't cry."
"You made me look so fucking stupid." You cried more. "I thought...I thought that we-"
"I'm sorry."
You took the handle and slowly opened the door, letting that awkward silence spread all around you and him.
"What do you want from me?" You finally asked as your eyes were red and swollen from crying for the past two days. Just like his.
"I don't know." He admitted. "Probably everything..."
"That's a lot."
"I know I want you in my life." He began. "I'm scared that if I told you how I feel, you're going to leave me like everyone else."
"And why would I do that?"
He didn't say anything to that. Like you had caught him off of guard. But that didn't mean that you felt any better. You wouldn't admit it, but you didn't feel better.
"My heart always seems to be disappointed." You admitted quietly, letting it sink in. "Maybe it was made just to be shattered into thousands pieces."
"No, no, don't say that. It's not the truth, you don't believe that." His eyes were pleasing yours to say otherwise, but he didn't find what he was looking for in them. "Do you?"
"What if I believe in that?"
Now you were more scared of his silence than your damaged heart. Is this it? Is this the very end of yours and Joosts path?
"Are you going to say something?"
"I'm sorry." He stepped closer and opened the door fully. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, I don't know what I was doing...I was drunk a-and I know that it doesn't change anything, but I'm still so sorry and I need you to know it." He kneeled before you and hugged your waist. Trapping you in his hold.
"Joost." You didn't know what to say. Or what to do at that moment.
"I love you." He breathed out. "I don't want you to disappear from my world, because you are my world."
You stopped breathing for a moment. He loves you? Joost loves you? From all of the people he knows and ever met, he loves you?
"I need you to know how I feel." Joost admitted and held your legs tighter. "I should have said that sooner."
A/n: I could do better.
Don't copy or translate my work!
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icarusredwings · 1 month
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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pumpk1n-writes · 2 years
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide
➥ in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in. {ft. stalking, in-depth descriptions of how the reader would murder someone, Billy uses “princess”, reader is a bit insane}
Part Two | Word Count ~ 720 (sorry, this one’s pretty short. The next few parts will be longer — this is more of an intro than an actual part and I was rushing to finish it)
The media you consume is your own responsibility and I will not be held accountable for your choices. I’m not going to block minors from this account, but proceed with caution anyway.
Taglist ~ @wasawattpadkid
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It was a normal Friday night for you, some old black and white horror movie on, parents gone, and homework lying forgotten about on the kitchen counter.
The phone behind you rang and you groaned, leaving it for a few moments before getting up to answer. “Who’s this?”
Somebody on the other end — clearly using a voice changer — began speaking. “Do you like scary movies?”
“Eh. I enjoy them but the suspension of disbelief needed for most of them is too much.”
“Oh? What do you mean by that?”
“Well, for one, the way that the killers in a lot of them actually do it is disappointing. They hardly toy with their victims and just straight up kill them. There’s hardly any fear, it’s just a single moment of blood and gore before it’s over.”
Billy grinned underneath his Ghostface mask. “You’re an interesting girl, what’s your name?”
“You don’t need to know that right now. What’s your favorite color?”
Without thinking Billy answered. “Red.”
“Like blood?”
“Sure, princess. Like blood.”
Billy smirked again. “Well if you’re not going to tell me your name I have to find something to call you. You got a boyfriend?”
“Oh god no. They’re all toxic little shits that don’t know how to act. Besides, it’s too messy to clean up their blood.”
A beat of silence then; “For legal reasons, that was a joke.”
And all of a sudden, you were a much more fascinating person than Billy had ever imagined you would be to him. He wanted to know everything about you, all your strange little habits and personality traits that made you the way you are, your daily schedule, what your blood looked like spilled over his blade and hands.
“Don’t worry, princess, I’m still here. And I have more questions for you.”
“Well I’m getting kind of sleepy so hurry it up.”
Billy smiled to himself, using his binoculars to glance around your room. You sat up on your bed, playing with something he couldn’t see. You also — he noticed, blood pooling southward — were only wearing an oversized t-shirt.
“What would you do differently as the killer in those movies?” That wasn’t the question you’d expected. Maybe your favorite band or your least favorite food. Maybe your name again. But not how you would commit murder.
You thought for a moment, humming under your breath. “For one thing, I wouldn’t make it so obvious it was me. In a lot of those movies the audience is guessing who it is in the first five minutes. That wouldn’t be me. I’m pretty outgoing and bubbly around my friends anyway, so I wouldn’t really be a suspect. Plus, my friends say I’m wicked smart but no one can tell when they first meet me.”
Billy nodded to himself. That much was true. He would never have expected you, one of his classmates who sits next to him in English, to go so in depth on how not to get caught murdering people.
You kept going. “So I would play that up. Cry at any mention of my dead classmates, but not too much or it’ll get suspicious. I’d keep up the facade of ‘perfect student’ and act disgusted when anyone brings up how I killed them. That alone would help.”
Billy laughed. “You sound like you’ve thought about this a lot.” But secretly he was taking notes.
“Sorry, I get really bored sometimes, and this is just what my mind strays to.”
Really? This is what your sick, twisted mind thought up in your free time? He wondered how many times he’d glanced over at you in English and you were plotting his death, spaced out with a happy smile on your face.
“Keep going, princess.”
“Well that’s just how I wouldn’t get caught. The actual murders themselves I would make as grisly and gory as I could think of so people would think a sweet, innocent, ‘perfect’ girl could never commit them. I would maybe draw satanic symbols on the wall in their blood or something to throw off police. I would only kill crackheads or past criminals so that the police wouldn’t really care very much to solve it. And I would only kill weeks apart so that they don’t feel immediately threatened.”
“Jesus Christ,” Billy was mostly thinking to himself, but still. He was impressed.
He also thought he might be falling in love with you a little bit.
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madxyy · 1 year
anything for munson - eddie munson x fem!reader
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| summary: you try to take care of a drunk eddie munson
| warnings: smut-ish, use of y/n once, mention of drinking, eddie being a menace even when he is drunk, friends to lovers, dry humping, kissing, pet names, a little bit of steve x reader, use of she/her, a lil fluff, flirting?
a/n: help.
You told him. No, you warned him. Damn you for giving in and going with him to this stupid party that you didn’t even want to go to in the first place, but dear-old-you loved him too much. All you wanted to do was spend the saturday night in his trailer, learning how to play dnd while the bad horror movies you both picked out roared in the background, glances—that held so much more than a glance—shared across the room, him offering you weed while you declined him but thank him for offering it to you anyways, which then leads him to respond with a dramatic knife to the heart and sad puppy dog eyes that you love oh-so-much. 
But no, now you’re stuck dragging drunk Eddie to his room while one of your arms is circled around his waist and the other one holding his hand that is resting on your shoulder. 
Damn Steve for challenging him to a keg stand, steve was already 4 shots in when he stumbled in your conversation, basically headlocking him, “hey munson,” he slurred “I bet I can beat your cult-loving-freak ass to a keg stand, what’d you say?” eddie craned his neck to steve, a sly smirk slowly creeping its way onto his lips “alright pretty boy, what do I get in return?” he scoffs, “you gotta be kidding me munson, you are in MY house, drinking MY beer, eating MY snacks, lounging around in MY kitchen while also getting the chance to flirt with y/n, thanks to me if I must say, so you basically got a whole package deal” you and eddie both tensed up as a tinge of pink overtakes both your faces
“i’m not flirting harrington that’s just my natural charm” he says humorously, steve scoffs 
“yeah sure, and I have a successful love life”  
“still as charming as ever steve even when you’re drunk,” 
His eyes darted to yours–a mischievous look behind those hazel eyes–as he looked at you up and down, slowly walking up towards you “mm only for you baby” he winks “oh well...in that case, let’s take this party upstairs shall we?” giving him a sly smirk. Eddie just watches you two, jaw clenched, eyes set on the way steve is leaning towards you, hands on his chest while you bodaciously bat your eyelashes at him, the way his lips are bitten between his teeth just by looking at you. He knows you and steve always joke around like this and that nothing will ever happen but he can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy, even though you are a free woman and can date whoever you want, he just can't help seeing you with anybody else. As soon as steve puts a hand on your waist, Eddie puts a hand on his chest, pushing him off just a little bit rough then he was meaning to, “alright harrington, let’s go” he said in a dark tone, steve gaze switches to you from eddie, blinking at him, “wait wait so just to be clear you know you are getting absolutely nothing in return, right?.”
 He glances back behind you “Damn babe, did a tornado enter my humble abode” he says while dramatically putting a hand towards himself to indicate ‘moi?.’  You pushed down the way the nickname made a blush crept onto your cheeks. “No munson, that would be you and your own drunken recklessness” he snorts. 
You let go of his hand and open his bedroom door, gently laying him on his side. You get up to get a trash can to put on the side of the bed but a hand stops you midway “where you goin’ princess?” he says looking up at you with a lopsided smile. “just going to get a trash can and a cold rag eds” he stares up at you with the most starstruck expression like he can’t believe someone wants to actually take care of him. It pains you. After beats of silence you clear your throat, he sighs “okay”. He reluctantly lets go of your hand, letting the touch of each other's hands linger “I’ll be back” you offer him a soft reassuring smile. 
After you come back and put the trash can on the side of his bed you ask him to hold the rag on his head while you undress him. As you start taking off his shoes and pants “jeez take me on a date first sweetheart” you ignore him as you continue to slide his black pants down his legs.
“Shut up munson, do you want to be sweating balls through the night?”, he gives you a pout that is just too cute, you just want to kiss it off him. 
You put the sheets over him and grab the cold rug from his limp hand “Thank god, my hand was exhausted!” you shake your head while giggling. Always one for the dramatics. “Oh no! We cannot let Eddie THE Banished hands go limp, we must save the hand doctor before it’s too late!” he gives you a look “har har har, very funny sweetheart” pride takes over you as you smirk down towards him. You realized, you never REALLY got to observe his features up close like the way his eyes crinkle when he gives you a slight smile, how his eyes are usually a dark shade of brown but right now the lamp on his nightstand is giving them a beautiful hue of caramel, the way his nose is so perfectly curve “Y’know you are very beautiful sweetheart” wait. Shaking your head to get out of your own thoughts, you nervously chuckled. “Eddie, you're drunk.” He rolls his eyes 
“No I mean it, sober and not sober,” softly cupping your cheeks, 
“you are so beautiful. Cross my heart”, you inhale sharply. 
You froze, you couldn't say anything, your mouth was opening and closing but no words were coming out. He laughs. HE LAUGHS?!?!  
“Sweet heart calm down, i’m pretty sure you get told that all the time” he said it so casually it astonished you. The only time someone has ever called you pretty was one of your family members, especially when you were little. The room all of a sudden turned silent. Oh. Oh shit. Realization quickly dawned on him as his eyes bulged out of his head while millions of thoughts raced through his head, ‘people are out of their goddamn mind for not telling you every single day how beautiful you are’, ‘what?!?! who? when? where? and most importantly why?, ’screw them all’, ’how can they not??’. He composed himself and slowly sat up “Well..” clearing his throat as he got closer to you. He looked up at you under his lashes then to your lips, god your lips. He didn’t know he was subconsciously licking his “they should.” You inhaled sharply. All of a sudden you’re aware of how close you two are “Eddie what..” he was still staring at your lips like he was in a trance and couldn’t escape no matter what you did, you even scooted back a little but that just made him scoot closer to you “Eds come o-” you were cut off by a pair of soft lips that made you gasp which to eddie, gave him access to slip his tongue in. You let out a whimper and god eddie swears it was the most beautiful noise he has ever heard. Embarrassed, you hastily disconnect your lips from his, “Eddie, oh my god i'm sorry” you both stare at each other with swollen lips and flushed cheeks “No baby, don’t apologize that was the hottest shit i’ve ever heard” he said breathlessly, before you can utter a response, his lips were on yours again, except this time more aggressive, more passionate, less gentle. 
He grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap. It was messy, everything about this was messy, sloppy, hands everywhere. His hand was gripping the nape of your neck while the other one was situated on your waist slowly making its way down your thigh. Your arms looped around his head. “Baby” he murmurs “you don’t know how long i've been wanting to do this��� you made a sound in the back of your throat as a sign of acknowledgement and nodded. He smiled into the kiss. His thumbs were rubbing back and forth on your thighs, making you subconsciously open them up wider. You started rubbing yourself on his thigh, back and forward, back and forward, until something made you freeze. Something hard touched the side of your thigh. oh Oh? OH You looked up at him breathlessly, guilt automatically taking over-shit-as much as you wanted this to happen, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. “Eddie holy shit. We really shouldn't have done this. I'm so sorry, i’m supposed to be taking care of you, oh my god, i'm so sorry” you say hastily. He understands, he really does but he can’t help it, you are so captivating that all he can do is smile at you with admiration “I mean…” he says dragging the ‘e.’ “technically you are taking care of me just in a…..unique way.” he smirks, this cocky son of a bitch. You rolled your eyes and giggled as you hit him on the chest “Eds i’m serious” you whispered “I want to do this the right way, when you’re sober”  he gently strokes your cheekbones “I understand sweetheart” You sigh. He connects his forehead with yours. After moments of silence “Do you want to go on a date with me?” asked in the most gentle tone you have ever heard, like the question was made of glass. He looked up at you with a hopeful expression -- like a little kid waiting in line to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas –  which you couldn’t say no to “Of course eds” he smiles up at you with lovesick eyes, before anything else “but we’ll talk more about this in the morning, I don’t think right now is the right time” you say giving him a gentle smile.
He exhales deeply but then nods because you’re right. He is sober for the most part but still a little bit drunk and not in the right mind space. You gently get off him and lay down beside him. Eddies turns to you 
“thanks for taking care of me” 
you smile “i’ll always take care of you munson.” 
His smile extends “goodnight sweetheart”,
you were about to say goodnight until you glanced behind his shoulder and caught the sight of something. Confusion settles in him as you turn him to face the other side of the bed “what are you doing babe” you blinked up at the set of curls facing you, “making sure you don’t choke on your own vomit munson, I put that trash can there for a reason.” The back of his head starts moving as he shakes his head “Damn baby, are you sure that’s the reason? Or Is it because you can’t handle looking at this beautiful, gorgeous, sexy face” rolling your eyes “can it munson or i’ll suffocate you in your sleep” slightly turning his head over his shoulder “I mean I have other ideas of what you can suffocate me with” you can practically hear the smirk in his voice “OH MY GOD” you say as you hit him with a pillow “eddie just go to sleep” he just keep on giggling like it was such a knee slapper. You hit on the arm, “okay okay” he says breathlessly 
“i’ll go to sleep, just for you princess” 
Now he’s the one that can hear the smirk in your voice and all he can do is shake his head as he turns back to the other side of the bed. After a few seconds you scoot closer to his back. Hands cautiously circling around his waist “Is this alright?” you asked softly. He chuckled “Of course” he whispers as his hands engulfs the one holding his waist. “Goodnight eddie”, smiling to himself, “goodnight sweetheart.” 
Maybe going to the party was worth it.
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placeholder-mcd · 29 days
(Obligatory "I sound like I'm speaking objectively from authority but this is just my opinion and it's okay for you to like media I dislike for whatever reasons you may have")
Okay so like. while "the minecraft move trailer is so bad that it makes minecraft story mode look good in comparison" is both true and funny, can we please not start pretending that story mode is a well-crafted piece of media. as someone who has played through it multiple times (first when it originally came out and I was 12 and thought it was awesome, then later as an interactive Netflix experience with friends for so-bad-it's-good reasons) I feel pretty qualified to say it blows
Like, yes. There are so many things that MCSM got right that the movie apparently got wrong. But, like, they're all extremely common-sense things to get right -- like having the whole thing be animated, and maintaining a visual style that feels consistent with minecraft, and spending time with individual aspects of the minecraft experience that have their own communities (like redstone contraptions). that sense seems a little less common now that the movie trailer exists, but still, these are all bare minimum expectations of a piece of narrative-driven media set in Minecraft.
MCSM still completely fails, however, to have any compelling characters (RIP Reuben you were just as annoying as everyone else) or non-grating dialogue. The universe they depict isn't even well thought out! Like, okay, example:
Right off the bat, they make a big decision about how they're going to handle MCSM: they are not telling a story about people playing Minecraft the video game, but are instead depicting a universe where Minecraft is inhabited by a civilization of NPCs that have identical abilities to a player (aside from like, pausing the game or changing settings or what have you). This, in itself, is not a bad decision, but it puts the writers in a position where they need to conceptualize what is effectively a Minecraft AU. You're not playing survival mode or creative mode, you're playing Story mode. In this AU, humans exist in the minecraft world and have for a long time (centuries, at least?), they've built cities, they have language, etc. Imagine you're Jesse. Imagine you've grown up inside of Minecraft. Everyone is playing on hardcore, there is no respawning, and you live in a world filled with strange and dangerous creatures that seem hell-bent on killing you. Why the Fuck does anyone go out at night. Why isn't literally everyone combat-trained. Why is Jesse acting like he's never seen a Creeper before. Why is Petra the only member of the main party who knows how to craft a pickaxe.
At the build competition, the party is surprised that the reigning building team has a beacon. But nobody takes a second to actually investigate what that means. Did their team intentionally spawn and defeat a Wither? Doesn't that make them more badass and legendary than the order of the stone? Is there a black market for nether stars? (I think Petra is probably the one who gave them the beacon since she also trades Ivan a Wither skull. But like. Why isn't literally anyone else just going and doing what Petra does. Why aren't they impressed)
Ivan having access to a Command Block is also insane. Like, it has potential to be an extremely cool choice -- did Ivan find a way to break the fourth wall? Did he find an exploit in Minecrafts code that allowed him to obtain this? The command block has the power to just generate resources out of thin air. Ivan could actually use it to become a god and give himself creative mode. But okay, we can assume that the command block is just... Different, in the AU. Fine. It's a computing center / power core for the Wither Storm. Sure
But, like. I, even as an 11 year old, knew everything there was to know about minecraft when I played story mode (and, unlike the Movie, MCSM was actually attempting to appeal to the existing fanbase), so watching these characters who have lived for DECADES within the Minecraft universe just. Be helpless and completely clueless as to how the universe works? It makes me hate like all of them. I don't care about Jesse or Gabriel and if I actually had the freedom to perform the basic actions I could perform in Minecraft -- mining, building, and crafting -- I could use my game knowledge to pretty swiftly end the entire conflict at like any point in the story. And I'm not very good at video games. But I would expect a character who's been LIVING IN THE MINECRAFT WORLD TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT. BECAUSE THEY'D BE BETTER AT MINECRAFT THAN ANY OF US.
The whole thing is a contrived and buggy mess that feels like it was written by a Hollywood CEO who watched someone play the game for 30 minutes, looked up some basic information like how to beat the game and whether there's any in-game lore, and then riffed on that until a script outline was finished. The programmers, visual artists, and composers clearly did a ton of work to make MCSM feel like minecraft. And they did a good job -- clearly, a much better job than the Movie is going to do. But that doesn't change the fact that the Story -- the focal element advertised in the title -- completely misses the fucking mark and centers around a group of characters who are largely incompetent and stupid in an unfunny and uninteresting way. MCSM was a shitty cashgrab by telltale games and I am not apologizing to it.
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 9 months
So like I am not huge on prison aus, it’s not my personal cup of tea but I just watched Shawshank redemption (and idk if anyone else gets like this where they see a movie and idea fill your head but that’s what happened to me)
A scared, barely twenty year old Eddie Munsons life ends with the clack of the gavel. The eyes of the judge staring and judging down at him, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes as the guards on either side of him move forward and take his left and right arm.
He’s in shock.
He didn’t do it.
Eddie Munsons world ends when he’s stripped naked, sprayed down, ass checked and tossed into a cell with his new identity in his hands. The hoots and hollers of other men echoing into his cell as he puts a brave face on.
His father didn’t raise a bitch, even though he barely raised him at all.
Eddie becomes what society wants him to be, after so many years of trying to prove them wrong he becomes the crook that everyone has seen since his birth. Not necessarily a monster but not necessarily an angel either.
The first two years in prison he finds himself in solitary confinement for numerous reasons. Looking at a guard wrong, making the wardens breakfast wrong, getting into a fight, caught fucking around, or his personal favorite talking too much.
The next two years he becomes pretty popular amongst fellow cellmates. Known to be able to entertain when things got boring. Not in a sexual way, as much as that sounded like an innuendo Eddie Munson actually made everyone laugh. With his story telling, jokes or charm. His talkative nature earning friends amongst the crowds.
Which was a good thing, he was living here for life.
Eddie’s twenty five when his world starts spinning again. His brown eyes landing on a newbie. A man whose name was currently blasted all over the radios.
Steve Harrington was a peculiar man. Walked around like he owned the place, something that most men around here didn’t appreciate. Whenever his eyes landed on Eddie, his stomach did flips. The guys joked about how he was pretty much drooling, twirling his hair and kicking his feet all at once when prissy boy was around.
It was no secret that Eddie had a thing for men, it was also no secret that Eddie never fucked around with anyone who didn’t give consent.
It must have been some sick joke from one of the guys, who must have pulled some strings to get the joke done. Eddie had a bunk mate already, one that slept above him and had ever since he got there. So when it was announced he was transferring out Eddie was suspicious.
His suspicions were answered when a certain brunette landed in his cell.
Neither of the say anything to each other the first three nights of sharing the cell. Eddie had taken over the top bunk, an unspoken rule that whoever was there first got it.
Steve slept on the bottom and didn’t put much fight to switching. It’s on the fourth night when the radio silence was broken. It was one of the guys from the cell next to them.
“Do you think they’re silently fucking in their frank?” Whoever had said it purposely made it come out louder so that both men could hear it.
“Nah, you know how loud Eddie gets his men. He’s been caught how many times by the guards?” Another voice returns, it’s further down the hall and Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes.
“Shut the fuck up frank! Or I’ll make sure the guards hear you choking on my fist!”
“Is that a promise pretty boy?!” Laughter goes through out the hall. Eddie’s rolling his eyes before he moves to glance down at the man below him. Who seemed a little red in the face and a bit scared, this was the first time Eddie’s ever seen him hold any obvious emotion to his face.
“Don’t worry sweetheart you’re not my type if I ain’t yours.” Eddie assures. Watching the others shoulders relax a bit.
Eddie’s hair is falling forward, hanging down as he grins a little. Moving his hand forward to the other. Careful not to fall as he holds his balance with the other. “Names Eddie.”
Steve hesitated before he moves forward and shakes his hand carefully. His hands smooth like he’s never worked a day of his life.
“I know.” Eddie grins as he asks, “so how long you in for. Need to know how long I got before I get a new face coming in here.”
“Oh- uh two years.” Steve answers gently.
“Oh that’s a cake walk, you’ve got this princess.” He winks before he moves to lay back on his own bed.
“How long you have?”
“I’m here until I stop breathing Stevie,” Eddie chuckles as he messes with the guitar pick he had. Scratching at it gently as he listens below him carefully.
“Oh.” A pause, “what did you do?”
“They say I killed a cheerleader,” Eddie answers easily. No longer bothered by answering that question. There wasn’t any point in trying to fight anymore. He was stuck in here forever anyway.
“Did you?”
Eddie snorts gently, “Nope. But lesson number one darling, we’re all innocent in here. Never gonna know who’s guilty until you get to know them, and even then that’s difficult.”
Silence falls over them once more before Steve asks, “how long have you been in here?”
“Going on five years,” Eddie moves and hops down from his cell. Moving to the built in shelf they had and grabs one of his comics.
“That’s a long time,”
“That it is.”
After that conversation things went more smoothly between the two of them. Casual conversations here and there, neither of them bothered bringing up the jokes that other cell mates made about them.
They don’t start to really get close until a year later. When Steve starts to grow out of his own shell and not the manufactured one his father made him. Eddie can feel the slight movement of his life going again, moving a few centimeters every couple of months.
It’s not until eight months after that when he starts feeling alive again. The hidden kisses, the silent moans and gentle touches of Steve Harrington fuel every beat of his heart.
It’s close to six years since Eddie’s been in here, and now he can confidently say that his father didn’t raise no bitch, because he didn’t raise him at all. It’s Wayne Munson who didn’t raise a bitch, he raised a lover.
And boy does Eddie love Steve Harrington. Every time the others hand carefully slides into his pants he feels like he can explode in more ways then just the obvious one. The way he tilts his head back and lets his mouth fall open, he doesn’t let a sound leave his mouth. Not wanting this place to claim anything else from him.
Though it’s not the prison that ruins it, it’s time. Steve’s last night comes way faster than either of them had expected. Both of them lay in the bottom bunk, carefully holding each other. Stars started to dim in both of their eyes as they talk about everything they wished they could do together.
Neither man knows what to do with themselves.
Eddie’s world stops spinning again when Steve leaves, his life leaving with him as he walks out of the cell and doesn’t return. He comes to visit once or twice but it hurts both of them more than it does any good.
Two years pass and it’s Eddie’s eighth anniversary of being in this cell. Cellmates coming and going.
It’s when a man comes to meet him when things start to change. Claiming to work for the innocence project who has gotten evidence (from another case similar to his) that proves Eddie didn’t do it. Eddie doesn’t know all the basics but he does end up walking out the door of that prison two years later. After a lengthy legal battle.
It’s been ten years and Eddie’s now thirty and unsure what to do with himself. Finding a job and place was difficult before he finds himself back at home with Wayne Munson.
Eddies life and world begin again when he hears the knock on his trailer door at the age of thirty five. When his eyes meet Steve Harringtons, whose eyes now have crow feet.
And as they land in his bed minutes later like they were at their prime Eddie lets the world, his world, Steve Harrington hear him for who he truly is.
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kaydens-agere · 2 months
🦄Wade W. Wilson/Deadpool Agere Headcanons and Moodboard Pt 1⚔️
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*just a note, I started writing these before Deadpool 3 came out, so all of these are from the first 2 movies, I'll do updated DP3 ones at some point ^^
GENERAL INFO -Has always had a regressed headspace of some form (he had a shitty childhood so it checks out)
-His age range is all over the place, so he doesn't really have a specific range. He's around 7 or under most of the time, but can regress into his teenaged years.
-Also a pet regressor, he regresses to a puppy and a unicorn (duh).
-Started regressing a lot more after he gained his superpowers. The process was super traumatic for him, so his brain needed to regress more often to compensate.
-Still loves hanging out at Sister Marget's, Weasel has tried to kick him out many times, but he refuses to leave (mostly so Wade can get on his nerves, he likes doing that regardless). Most bar visitors know about him being a regressor and they're all chill with it (and even if some aren't, they don't say a word because they know that Wade and his friends can and will fuck them up). Weasel will give him some colouring in to do, but he likes to do self portraits of him flipping people off (charming /sarc).
-Refuses to let go of his unicorn. It was a big comfort item for him when he was actually a child. It brings him comfort when he's big, but it really comes to the surface when he's little.
-He somehow swears even more when he's little, he thinks its funny when the adults laugh or give him a look of shock. Even while he's little, he loves getting attention.
-Loves to host tea parties with his caregivers, he'll tell them all the gossip that's going on between his plushies. "Yeah! Rainbow Dash is being a really big bitch and-" "Wade!"
-He's literally a pretty princess. He has one of those mini princess themed vanities that he does his make-up at, and sometimes he'll do other peoples makeup (sometimes willingly, but he forces them most of the time). He also has a lot of princess dresses and loves to play dress up.
FRIENDS, FAMILY, ETC -Very sweet around Vanessa. He puts up a tough facade around others when he's small to make them laugh, but that disappears around her (not entirely though, he's still Wade). He loves to cuddle up with her. She was the second person he ever told (after Weasel) and she was incredibly accomodating and accepting. She was always sweet and caring towards him, but knew when to put her foot down if she needed to. She was literally Wade's perfect caregiver.
-After Vanessa died, he pushed it off as much as he could. It was too painful to be small without her. He finally started regressing again after he got comfortable with his new family. (this one is inspired by @genderfluideadpool)
-Weasel was the first person he told about his little space. He didn't understand it whatsoever at first, but after a lot of talks from Wade and witnessing it enough, he finally understood. He may tease him for it a bit, but it's all in good fun and Wade doesn't mind because he knows that Weasel accepts him. He doesn't have a lot of time to take care of Wade properly, but he tries his best when he can. If little Wade is sitting up at the bar, he'll serve him a giant glass of strawberry milk while he colours. They still have their playful banter, but it's altered depending on how old Wade is.
-Dopinder absolutely adores little Wade and deep down he's extremely happy and grateful and he felt comfortable enough to tell him about it. If he's taking him somewhere, he'll play things like 'I Spy' to keep him entertained. In headspace, he likes to call him "Tiny Pool" and "Baby Pool", he loves seeing the gentle blush that forms across Wade's cheeks when he calls him those.
-Colossus has known about Wade's little space for a long time. Although they haven't always got along, he tries to be there for little Wade when he needs to. He tries to make sure that he's fed and hydrated sufficiently, and in Wade's words, he can give a mean piggyback.
-Although Negasonic can be rude and sarcastic to Wade at times, she tries to be nice to him when he's little, she understands that he's more sensitive and vulnerable and knows that being rude to someone in the mindset of a traumatised child is crossing the line. She's not the most responsible though, she loves to help him plan pranks to play on the other X-Men, which they find amusing (even Colossus, who struggles to hide his smile as he scolds them)
-Yukio is extremely sweet and gentle to Wade when he's little. She's good at calming him down if he's extremely overwhelmed or upset. She'll do some breathing exercises with him and talks to him in a very soft voice. It reminds him a lot of Vanessa, and while it was painful to hear at first, he eventually got used to it and finds it very comforting. She's usually the first one to join him when he colours (in case you couldn't tell, he loves colouring in)
-Domino found it very endearing. She's extremely educated on the topic and will gladly beat someone up if anyone treats Wade's little side badly. Like Yukio, she likes to play games. But she plays the more active ones like tag and hide and seek. She's good at getting all of Wade's energy out, which comes in handy when it's bedtime and he's running up and down the halls screaming.
-Much like Weasel, Cable didn't understand it at first, but after a lot of talks from Wade and the team, he accepted and understood it. He always goes soft around little Wade, he likes to carry him around and say silly things to make him laugh (Negasonic has a photo of this as blackmail because he refuses to show his soft side around anyone)
-Russell kinda poked fun at him at first, but after a very, very long talk, bordering on lecture, from Colossus, he apologised to Wade and reassured him that he won't judge him anymore. He's kinda awkward when Wade is on the smaller side, he's not exactly sure how to interact with little kids, but when Wade's in a teen mindset? You best believe they're running around the mansion, stirring shit up constantly.
I definitely needa do a part 2 for these, I have so many headcanons for him floating around in my brain
Image Creds/Where I found them ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️ ❤️🖤❤️
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chyckles · 9 months
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━ A Bucky Banes one-shot
━ Pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
━ Summary: Where you plan a masterplan to confess your feelings for Bucky.
━ Words: 2.6k
━ Warnings: None, just my bad grammar
━ A/N: Nat is alive in this one, just wanted a little AU were everyone is happy and alive.
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Bucky isn't in his best mood. Actually, he's been in a bad mood lately, at least when he's with you. So you know that you should wait until he seems better to put the plan into action. But you just can't wait anymore, you've been having a pretty bad week yourself, and you need to get it out of your chest just yet, or it may end up killing you.
So, arming yourself with courage, you approach him that night. He seems to be doing nothing, just scrolling boringly through his phone. He looks cute, using both of his hands to hold the phone, just like old people. 
"Hey, Buck" you say when you enter his range of vision.
He looks up from his phone, he doesn't look startled, probably heard you entering the room with his super-soldier ear.
"Hey" he says, and goes back to his phone. For a man who wasn't born in this century, he seems to enjoy new technologies.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" he says, even though he looks pissed. You don't understand why he's acting so strange around you lately, maybe you really shouldn't be doing this.
You sigh.
"So... I was planning on watching a movie with Nat, but she just went on a mission. Do you... want to watch it with me?" you ask quickly, like if you say it fast enough the words would change or something.
"I'm busy" he simply says, frowning. He doesn't look busy at all.
You look around as if looking for something or someone that's keeping him busy. You, of course, don't find anything, so you nod sadly and turn around "Okay, I'll ask someone else" 
Great, the plan hasn't even begun and you have already failed. You feel stupid. Why would a man like Bucky Barnes be interested in you? You're just a normal woman, there are plenty of better options out there, even inside the team. 
As you approach the door, you feel the pain of rejection wash over you. Bucky and you were always close friends, but lately, he's been acting all cold and weird with you. Maybe he found out you like him and is trying to push you away? That's the only thing that makes sense, and it hurts you. It hurts you because not only are you losing the man you have feelings for, but you're also losing a great friend.
"Wait" you hear Bucky's voice when you reach the door.
"Mhm?" you ask, turning around, he's now standing.
"You know what? A movie sounds great" he says with a nod.
You can't help but smile "Really? Cool. I was thinking of a horror movie, but if it's not your thing we can watch something else. You know, if you get scared easily?" you tease.
You're beginning to regret teasing him, now that your relationship is not at its best, but then he smiles:
"Yeah, I think I can handle myself, horror sounds good"
You nod, now excited "Great, I'll make some popcorn a prepare some drinks, we'll have fun"
"Sounds good"
You nod with a smile "You can choose the movie while I prepare everything. Choose a good one"
With that being said, you start to walk to the kitchen.
Now your plan can begin. To be completely honest, you didn’t have anything prepared with Nat, you just needed an excuse so you didn’t sound so desperate about it. You have everything planned: first, you will confirm if Bucky likes you, with subtle touches and light words. Then, you will finally confess your feelings. You just hope you don’t embarrass yourself.
Since he’s been so rude to you lately, you’re not so sure about the plan, but what can you do? Just stay there, watching him from a distance, but never making a move? You’re not like that, you have to do something, or you may combust. At least you have to find out if he likes you back, or if his sudden behavior with you is because he doesn't like you anymore, even as a friend. At least he has accepted to watch the movie, that has to mean something. Right?
With that in mind, you grab the popcorn and the drinks and make your way to the living room. Bucky is already there, scrolling through a streaming service with a frown on his face.
“Hey” you leave everything on the table and smile at him. He doesn’t smile back, just nods while you sit down next to him. Why is he being so reserved? You really don’t understand.
You can’t help but notice that he’s sitting in a way that his metal arm is not facing you, how convenient.
“So… have you chosen a movie yet?” you say as you eat popcorn.
“No, still trying to think what to pick” he says, turning his face back to the TV. 
"Anything's fine, really. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece (horror movies normally aren't)"
“Alright” and his eyes linger on yours, maybe longer than he intended. You can’t help but notice and smile.
Then he chooses a random movie and press play. He makes himself comfortable and you catch him looking at you. Is he looking at you with happiness, discomfort or something more? You can’t tell, his face is indecipherable.
You turn away from him, you don’t want to make it so obvious that you like him, not before putting your plan into action. So you stare at the movie, but you can still feel his eyes looking at you from time to time.
The movie plays and you’re too nervous to make a move. You sigh, now unsure about everything.
Then, the perfect moment for your plan occurs. There’s a jump scare in the movie. You’re not scared at all, but you jump a little and hold his hand, wanting to see his reaction.
His face doesn't change, but you can feel his body stiffening. Maybe he doesn’t like you after all? Maybe this was a bad idea? Maybe you’re making a fool of yourself?
But then he squeezes your hand and looks at you with a reassuring smile. All the doubts leave your mind when you see that smile that you love so much, when you feel his hand around yours, comforting you.
First part of your plan: done. He didn’t back off, he didn’t look at you like you’re crazy or called you out.
It still didn’t mean anything, right?
You continue watching the movie, and you proceed with the second part of the plan. This is a little more risky, but you assure yourself that it’s worth it. You fake yawn a few times.
Finally, you, slowly, rest your head on his shoulder. 
He doesn't move, maybe even being a little more frozen than he normally would be. You smile, this is a good sign, right? You wish you could see his face, or read his mind.
You continue watching the movie like this, resting your head on his shoulder and still holding his hand. There’s nowhere in the world where you wish to be more than here. 
You still have more things in your plan, but the movie ends before you can make them happen. You finally separate from him, your body hot where he was touching you.
“Hmm, not the best movie I’ve watched, but entertaining enough, right?” you ask with a smile.
“Yeah, it wasn’t bad” he nods. 
He looks at his hands, you can feel he’s nervous. Is that a good sign or a bad one? You can’t tell.
“I should get going” he suddenly says.
You feel disappointed.
You still haven’t decided if you’re gonna confess or not. He didn’t react bad to any of your moves, but you still feel unsure. What if he sees you just like a friend? What if you ruin your friendship? Then again, your friendship hasn't been in its best stage lately, you wouldn't be ruining anything.
You decide to do it. You just can’t stand this feeling. Looking at him, being close to him, but not being able to kiss him, to touch him… it’s just so painful.
“Got somewhere better to be?” you finally ask.
“Not really” he says “But… I should go. Thanks for the movie, tho”
He stands up and starts walking away.
“Wait” you say. You can’t just let him go like that, you may not have another chance like this, where you two are alone “Wait, I… need to tell you something, can you sit down for a minute?”
“Alright” he says with a confused frown, but he does as you say and sits down again.
You swallow nervously, unsure where to start. You decide to start with the beginning:
"I... I kind of lied to you. I wasn't planning on watching a movie with Nat, I haven't even seen her since yesterday. I... planned all of this to spend time with you" you confess "Alone time with you" you specify.
“You did?” he asks. He seems confused.
“Mhm, and you know why?” This is it, you’re gonna say it.
“Why?” he asks softly.
“Because I like you” you finally confess. 
The room falls completely silent. Bucky is apparently frozen. You are too.
You try to look into his eyes, looking for a sign. But he’s not looking at you.
“Well? You don’t have anything to say?” you chuckle nervously.
"I..." he stutters before he manages to get his voice back. “I like you too."
You sigh and laugh with relief "Really? I mean, I..."
“Yeah, I really do” This time he looks at you, and you can finally see his eyes. They’re shining, you have never seen them like that, you have never seen them as beautiful “I like you a lot”
You smile and lean in towards him. You look at his lips and then at his eyes, like begging him to kiss you.
You are so close… so close you can feel his breath. So close he can probably hear your fast heartbeat. “Kiss me” you whisper.
You don’t have to ask twice, he closes the space between you and kisses you. His mouth presses against yours, soft and gentle at first, then more firmly, with a hunger that has been growing for too long. His hand travels to your waist, holding you; and yours goes to his hair, holding him even closer to you. 
It feels like you two are melting into each other, his body pressed against you, every inch being touched. It feels almost surreal, almost magical.
Your tongues meet and you both let out a murmur of joy. Everything is perfect, this is how things should be.
You grab all the courage you have left and make your way towards his lap, putting each leg on either side of him. He lets it happen. Your legs are now wrapped around him, making it impossible to be closer.
He now holds you with both his arms, probably without thinking about it. Both the warm and the cold sides of him make you feel whole.
You finally separate from him to catch your breath, he seems to be just fine, tho.
He then smiles shyly, like you just did not kiss fiercely a second ago.
“I’m glad you told me”
“Yeah, I’m glad too” you say with a smile.
He shifts, making himself more comfortable, before he looks into your eyes with a smile "I… how long has it been that you feel this way about me?"
You raise your eyebrow, confused by the sudden question, but decide to answer:
“I think I liked you since the moment I met you, since the moment I saw that pretty face framed by that long hair" you laugh, and he blushes a little, making you blush too "But I thought I just liked you as a friend, I didn't realize what my feelings were until a few weeks ago, you know, after that mission... when you were injured, and I thought..."
“You thought what?”
“That I was gonna lose you” you confess and that makes him smile sweetly. Your right hand travels to his cheek and start caressing it "Yeah, and in that moment it hit me: I didn't want you as a friend anymore, I wanted to hold you, to take care of your injury, to kiss you until you feel better”
After a moment of comfortable silence you ask: 
“What about you? When did you start to have feelings for me?"
He seems to think about it for a moment, maybe contemplating if he should tell you.
"Do you remember when I told you I was having nightmares about the time I was tortured by HYDRA?"
“Yeah, that night neither of us could sleep?”
"Mhm, well... in that moment, when you comforted me... when you were there for me... I knew then. That was when I realized how much I liked and cared for you, more than any friend or teammate ever before."
You smile softly "That was a while ago, you should've told me sooner"
“I thought you would never feel the same way about me, though you were just being kind, like any friend would”
“That’s funny, I’ve been avoiding telling you because of the same reason” you chuckle slightly.
“I guess we’re both stupid”
“Yeah… But, anyways, I have a question… why were you being so… why were you avoiding me lately?” you didn’t wanna say the word ‘mean’.
“Oh, you notice?” he says, and you can feel embarrassment in his voice “I just… it hurted me being around you, but not being able to… you know… kiss you or…” he rambles.
You smile and kiss him again, this time the kiss is soft and short.
When you separate, you can’t help but laugh out loud with the thoughts that cross your mind.
“God, Nat is not gonna believe I told you”
“What? You've been telling Nat about me?" he raises an eyebrow.
“Of course, she’s my friend” you smile.
"Right, right. What else did you tell her?” he asks. Is he teasing you?
"Oh, nothing, really. Just rambling about how beautiful I think you are... you know, that kind of things girls talk about" you say caressing his cheek. That makes him blush again "I think she would be relieved that I finally confessed, because now I can tell you instead of her, she was getting irritated" you chuckle.
He chuckles too, probably imagining Nat pissed about you rambling about him. The thought of it is just too ridiculous.
"Did you always plan to confess to me at some point then?" he asks.
“Of course, I always have to make the first move” you joke.
"So, you really planned all of this? Not just the movie, but the whole confession as well?" he smirks.
"Yeah, the movie was just to make sure you liked me too. You know, holding your hand and all that... I'm a mastermind"
“And I guess that means you'll be making the first move the rest of the time as well?"
"Of course" you smile evilly.
"Of course," he mimics back. "Well, I guess I'll just have to get used to you taking charge then."
He smiles back at you in the same way you did and leans forward so that his face is close to you again.
"What are you planning next?" he hints with a smirk.
"Well, I was planning on asking you to be my boyfriend?" you ask with a sly smile.
"Be your boyfriend?" he repeats with a teasing smirk. "Did you plan that as well? Is this the next step in the mastermind's plan?"
"Mhm, is it working? Would you say yes?"
"Yes," he suddenly answers, not wasting any time. "I'll be your boyfriend."
"Great" you say and then give him a quick kiss.
"And now that I'm your boyfriend, what are our next steps?"
"I have to keep that a secret, don't want to spoil my masterplan" you wink.
"I should've known," he says, laughing softly. "Always a step ahead, isn't it?"
"Always" you chuckle.
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xomakara · 11 months
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SUMMARY | When you stepped into an adult store looking for new toys, you didn’t expect to step out of one with your office crush, Jungwoo. PAIRINGS | Jungwoo/Fem!Reader GENRE | smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (both male and female giving/receiving), dirty talk, sex toys RATING | Mature LENGTH | 3,696 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Here’s one for you Jungwoo stans. I really couldn’t think of another title but oh well LOL. Enjoy!
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You did not go into that shop intending on having sex, and certainly not having sex with the kind of big cock stud you just met. You went in to pick up a couple of new dildos, maybe a few porn movies, but you never imagined running into Kim Jungwoo, a colleague at the company you worked at.
Jungwoo was widely admired in the office. He was well liked, funny, a great worker, always there when you needed him, and incredibly good looking. Everyone talked about how he looked, but no one really knew anything about him outside of work. Everyone knew he had a 4 year old son that he clearly loved very much, and everyone also knew he was single.
You knew he wasn’t married because he was upfront about it, saying he wasn’t ready to commit yet. When asked if he was seeing anyone, he would smile and shake his head. There were rumors going around the office that he was gay, and that he had been briefly involved with another guy while in college, but no one really knew what had happened between them or why they broke up.
You only ever heard stories like this from co-workers who felt jealous of Jungwoo, as he was well off financially and got to do pretty much whatever he wanted. It seemed to be part of his appeal; you saw it all the time, people trying to get close to him, asking him out for drinks after work. Some would even come on to him right in front of you! He seemed to enjoy the attention, though, flirting back sometimes, giving people compliments or friendly nods.
But you were sure he was straight, as you had seen him around other women plenty of times. In fact, he made a point of being extra friendly whenever he ran into any of your female friends. He was respectful and sweet, not trying anything, just making conversation. It wasn’t until tonight that you realized just how close to Jungwoo you actually are.
After a day of training for a project you two were working on together, you walked down the street to an adult toy store near your apartment. The plan was to grab a few videos, maybe try something different in bed, as well as some anal lube and vibrators. But when you entered the store, your plans changed.
Your first stop was a section of toys labeled “For Her Pleasure Only.” This is where you usually stopped, picking out things that looked interesting. But tonight, as you picked up a few items, you noticed a few men staring at you. At first you thought it might have been due to you wearing an outfit that showed a lot of skin, but soon you began to wonder.
You were annoyed by their leers and were about to lash out at them but you felt a muscular arm wrapped around your waist. "Did you find what you wanted, babe?"
You turned to see who had grabbed you and was stunned to see that it was none other than the object of your office crush, Jungwoo. You noticed that the other men looked away immediately, embarrassed. "I…uhm..not yet."
"Ah. Well...let's look for something together."
As you stood there in disbelief, you began to notice that the other men in the store had backed off, leaving you alone with Jungwoo.
"Finally they backed off." Jungwoo said, taking his hand off of your shoulder. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Why are you here?" You asked him instead.
"Well, I live a few blocks from here." Jungwoo answered. "And I needed to pick up some supplies before heading home."
"You live around here?" You said, impressed. "I'm surprised we haven't run into each other before."
"I don't leave my house much these days." Jungwoo laughed. "My son and work take up most of my time, so I tend to stay at home. Are you here alone? You should be with your husband or boyfriend when you come to these stores. There are creeps around."
"Ah..." You bit your bottom lip. "I'm single. And I'm just looking for some stuff for myself since I obviously don't have anyone at home waiting for me."
"Oh...well then..." Jungwoo looked you over. "So, what kind of stuff are you looking for?"
As you tried to think of something sexy to say, Jungwoo interrupted you. "Come on, I know you want to look. What's stopping you?"
Suddenly, it hit you. Why was he here, shopping at an adult store with you? It was almost as if he knew you were checking him out, as if you two had planned this beforehand. You couldn't help but feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment as you remembered his hand resting on your bare hip earlier.
Your eyes drifted down to his crotch, which was bulging through his jeans. As you watched him shift slightly, you could make out the outline of his hard cock pressing against his zipper. His breath caught in his throat as you continued to stare at his crotch. It wasn't long before your curiosity got the best of you.
"So...are you interested in me?" You finally blurted out, feeling a little bolder now.
Jungwoo chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose you can say that. I mean, I've definitely had those kinds of thoughts. We work together, you know? We spend a lot of time talking, laughing, joking around, you know? It's hard not to notice someone like you."
You blushed. Was he flirting with you?!
He must have realized your confusion because he added, "I know what guys at work think of you. I guess I'm the same way. Maybe not quite so obvious, but you definitely turn me on."
"Wow..." You whispered, unable to believe your ears. "Are you serious?"
"Damn straight I am." He smirked, walking closer towards you. "Let's just say I like watching you walk around the office in those skirts."
"That's crazy!" You laughed nervously. "No one has said anything like that to me before."
"Have you really never noticed how hot you are?" He smirked again. "Maybe you're not used to guys thinking that about you."
"What do you mean?" You gasped, completely taken aback by what he was suggesting. "This is a strange conversation for us to be having."
"Maybe it is, but then again this is a strange place for us to meet outside of the office, isn't it?" He winked.
You suddenly became aware of the fact that you still hadn't looked away from his crotch, and realized what you had been doing. Your face burned red as you looked away, wondering if he noticed.
"I…" You started to say, but trailed off as Jungwoo placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing you gently towards the vibrators and dildos.
You looked back up to see him holding the biggest dildo you'd ever seen. "Um...what about this one?"
You stared at the huge thing, unsure if you wanted it. "It looks too big." You replied.
"Nonsense." Jungwoo shook his head. He grabbed your hand and placed it on this clothed crotch. "This is a good size to stretch you out so that you can take on the real deal later."
You bit your bottom lip, eyes darting back to the front of his pants.
"That's why I like you." He smiled, as he watched you. "You're adventurous enough to give it a shot, aren't you?"
You nodded quickly. "Yeah...yeah I think I am."
"Good girl." Jungwoo leaned forward and kissed you lightly on the lips. "Now, let's check out these movies, shall we?"
You nodded slowly, a grin growing on your face. "Yes sir."
He pulled your arm and led you towards the movie section. After grabbing a few movies, you headed towards the checkout counter. Jungwoo paid for everything without a word, smiling politely at the cashier.
Once he was finished paying, Jungwoo moved to stand behind you. "So, where are we going now?" He asked.
"Uh..." You took a deep breath. "My apartment. It's nearby."
He put his arm around your waist once again. "Perfect."
As you followed him out of the store, Jungwoo let go of your arm and tucked it under his arm. He held onto it tightly, turning your body so that your breasts were pressed up against his chest. With his free hand, he squeezed your ass cheek, causing you to shiver with pleasure.
"Mmmmmm...you're getting awfully horny, aren't you?" Jungwoo smirked.
"Mmmmmm..." You moaned. "Maybe it's the fact that you're practically groping me in public?"
"Maybe." He chuckled. "Or maybe it's just that I've been imagining fucking you for the past hour."
"Oh god." You breathed, not able to resist his charm anymore. "You have no idea how badly I need you."
With his hand still holding yours firmly, Jungwoo guided you across the parking lot and down the sidewalk. Once you reached your apartment building, he released your hand and helped you climb the stairs. As you opened the door, he pushed you inside.
"I've been dying to fuck you ever since we met." He groaned, lowering his mouth to yours.
His kiss was intense, and you were shocked to discover how talented he was at kissing. His tongue swirled inside your mouth, exploring every inch, as his other hand explored the curves of your body. Before you could respond, he pulled back, breathing heavily.
You gazed at him, surprised by his sudden retreat. Did he just reject your advances? Before you could ask him about it, Jungwoo dropped his bag and pinned you against the wall, slipping his hands underneath your shirt, cupping your tits. You moaned as he began to squeeze your nipples between his fingers, biting your lower lip to keep from moaning out loud.
"So sensitive." He growled, as he worked your nipple into a rock-hard peak. "Goddamnit, I can't wait to get you naked."
Before you could answer, Jungwoo gripped the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head. His eyes widened as he surveyed your bare body.
"You're so beautiful." He sighed, reaching out and running his hands down your stomach. He paused briefly at your navel, massaging it lightly, causing you to gasp softly. "Is this okay?"
You trembled with desire, overwhelmed by his passion. “Yes…”
“Touch yourself for me, baby.” He urged, helping you get your pants and panties off. “Do whatever feels good. Use any of the toys we bought if you want. Just touch yourself for me.”
His words sent a thrill through your entire body, causing you to shake uncontrollably. Before you knew it, you had reached into the bag of toys that you bought and pulled out the small black vibrating bullet.
Slowly, you brought it to your clit, sliding it in between your lips. The cool silicone sent waves of pleasure radiating throughout your body, making your pussy throb. When it finally slipped inside, it brushed against your swollen g-spot, sending chills throughout your entire body.
“Tell me how good that feels.” He demanded.
You moaned as you ran the vibrator up and down your wet slit, circling your clit as well. “It feels amazing…so good…”
“Keep going. Do whatever you want with that toy. I wanna hear you moan for me.”
As you continued to tease your clit, squeezing your muscles, you could feel the familiar tightening of your body. A low guttural moan escaped your lips as you cried out, falling over the edge of climax. The pulsing vibrations filled your pussy as you came all over the toy, forcing you to clamp your thighs shut in an attempt to hold back another orgasm.
After a minute, you began to relax, letting go of your grip on the toy as your orgasm subsided. Jungwoo watched you carefully as you regained control of your breathing, mesmerized by the sight of you riding the high of climax. He couldn't believe how incredible you looked as you fell apart right there on the floor.
Without warning, Jungwoo dropped to his knees, positioning himself between your legs. With a wicked smirk, he grasped your hips and positioned them directly above his head. He spread your pussy open with his hands, licking his lips as he stared at your dripping pussy.
“Oh god…” You gasped, feeling lightheaded at the site of him staring at your pussy. “Why are you doing that?”
He smiled. “Because I want to taste you. Because I've been dreaming about tasting you all day.”
With that, he buried his face between your legs, sticking his tongue out and dipping it inside your moist slit. The pleasure almost caused you to come again as he teased your clit with his tongue, nibbling on it lightly. He continued this until you were shaking with pleasure.
"You taste amazing." He panted, looking up at you. "You're such a dirty girl. So naughty."
"Fuck…that feels good." You moaned, unable to help yourself.
“But first, I want to eat your pussy some more. Then I want to fuck you so hard that you scream my name.” He whispered, taking a slow lick up your inner thigh.
You felt like you were going to die from the delicious sensations. “Please…oh god…do it. Fuck me. Eat me. Fill me with your cum. I want you to fuck me so bad.”
Jungwoo sucked on your clit harder, moaning as he devoured you. Finally, after several minutes, you screamed out as an orgasm ripped through your body. Your body shook violently as you struggled to maintain your balance, letting out muffled cries as the pleasure kept shooting through your body.
Finally, the tremors died down, leaving you weak and breathless. Jungwoo didn't stop sucking on your clit however; instead he increased the pressure of his tongue, coaxing another powerful climax from you.
Jungwoo licked his lips, panting. “Oh god…baby…I love how dirty you get when you cum. That was so damn sexy.”
You ran your fingers through his hair as he looked up at you. "Jungwoo...let me return the favor. Let me suck your cock before you fuck me."
His eyes lit up, as he nodded vigorously. "Are you sure?"
"God yes!" You cried. "Let me suck your cock. Please."
The look of lust in his eyes caused a chill to run down your spine. "Go ahead."
Jungwoo stood up and began undoing his belt. Once it was undone, he undid his zipper, pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and threw it off. He stepped out of his clothes, allowing you to stare at his muscular form. You saw his balls hanging beneath his dick, his thick shaft curving downward slightly. He was so incredibly gorgeous.
Jungwoo walked over to the couch and sat down, spreading his legs so that they were wide open.
"Suck it, baby." He encouraged, opening his eyes.
Taking his cock into your mouth, you swirl your tongue around his shaft while you slid your hand up and down his length. You licked the underside of his cock, tickling his balls, teasing him with each stroke.
Jungwoo moaned loudly, digging his fingers into your hair as you pleasured him. He closed his eyes, moaning quietly as you slid your tongue up and down his hard cock. His arousal was evident, causing his cock to swell even larger in your mouth.
"Mmmnnn." You hummed, bringing your mouth to the tip of his cock. You flicked your tongue over the soft skin, stimulating his sweet spot. Jungwoo gasped, his body shuddering with ecstasy. He grabbed the back of your head, holding you in place as he began to thrust his hips.
With his hips bucking rapidly, you bobbed your head faster and faster, covering more and more of his cock with each stroke. Soon enough, you had wrapped your lips around the base of his shaft and sucked it deeply into your mouth, eliciting a throaty moan from him.
"Do you like that?" You breathlessly asked, licking the tip of his cock with your tongue.
"Yes…" He grunted. "Yeah…yeah…yes."
You brought your mouth back to his cock, swirling your tongue around his soft skin. At this point, you were giving him one hell of a blowjob. His cock felt amazing in your mouth. It was warm and hard, and you felt like you could do nothing but please him.
"Fuck, swallow my cum, baby." He moaned, grabbing your head.
Tightening your grip on his cock, you quickly swallowed every drop of his cum. After he finished coming, you gave his cock one last kiss, allowing his hot seed to coat your tongue. When you released his cock, it was glistening with your saliva and his cum.
"Jesus fucking christ..." He moaned, laying back on the couch, resting his arms behind his head.
Reaching out, you touched his chest gently, causing him to turn his head toward you. You leaned forward and kissed him softly, trailing your tongue along his lips.
"Did you enjoy that?" You asked, smiling seductively.
Jungwoo groaned, as he slowly moved his hands down to your ass. He gripped your cheeks, pulling your body closer to his. "You have no idea what you do to me, Y/N."
Grabbing your waist, he began to grind against you, sliding his hard cock against your dripping pussy. "That feels so good."
Your legs began to shake, trembling as he pressed himself against you. "I need to be inside of you." He groaned, moving his hips.
Jungwoo pushed his hardness inside of you, burying himself deep within your tight warmth. Your walls gripped his cock tightly, welcoming him. It felt amazing. He felt incredible. You couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh as he began to pump his hips, fucking you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
He bit your neck, nipping it softly, causing goosebumps to cover your entire body. Every time he did this, you felt as though your insides would explode. It sent shivers throughout your body, causing your heart to race.
"You're so fucking tight, Y/N." He moaned, gripping your ass tighter.
"Ahh…god Jungwoo." You whimpered, your walls contracting around him. "This is so good."
He squeezed your ass cheeks tightly, grinding against you roughly. "Look at me, Y/N. Look at how much I'm enjoying this."
His words sent shivers throughout your body. Suddenly, his lips met yours, tongues intertwined as he fucked you hard and fast. "Tell me what you want, Y/N. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you."
Gripping his ass harder, you clenched your teeth as you tried to focus on his voice. "I want you to fuck me so hard that I forget everything but you."
With that, Jungwoo slammed his hips into you, slamming you onto his cock as hard as he possibly could. It was enough to make you scream out loud, moaning his name. The sensation was so intense, that you wanted to cry out. As soon as the word left your lips, Jungwoo began to increase the pace of his thrusts, thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside of you.
He stopped kissing you, his mouth remaining pressed firmly against your neck. “Do you like that, baby? Does my cock feel good? Is it filling you up nicely?”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you dug your nails into his back, moaning loudly. "Fuck…god Jungwoo. This feels so good."
Your body trembled, shaking violently as Jungwoo's relentless thrusts became too much to bear. "Ahh…I can't take it anymore! Jungwoo...oh god!"
He held your hips tightly, ramming himself as deep as possible, his moans becoming louder and louder as you began to scream his name over and over again.
"Come for me, Y/N." He growled, pushing you harder against his hips.
"Jungwoo!" You cried, as your pussy contracted around his cock, milking him dry. You heard him grunt as he came inside of you, coating your insides with his hot load.
After a few moments, you felt him begin to pull out of you, releasing you from his grip. A small amount of his seed remained trapped inside of you, seeping out of your hole and running down your thighs.
"Y/N, you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled softly, pressing your face into his chest. "I loved it. And no, you didn't hurt me. I just need a minute to catch my breath."
"Are you sure?" He asked, cupping your cheek.
"Absolutely." You assured him, pressing your lips to his chest.
"I'm glad." He said, rubbing your arm. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."
Smiling widely, you hugged him tightly. "I did. It was better than I ever imagined it would be."
"We should definitely do this again sometime." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
"Are you saying that you want to keep seeing me?" You asked him. "What will our coworkers think at work if they see us together?"
Jungwoo smirked. "If we're being honest here, I've been wanting to date you since day one."
Shocked by his words, you raised your eyebrows. "I never realized that you felt that way."
Jungwoo pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you once more. "Don't worry, Y/N. We'll figure something out. For now, I just want to spend some quality time with you."
Your body relaxed as he continued to hold you. "That sounds perfect."
Jungwoo cleared his throat, breaking the silence between the two of you. "Speaking of spending time with you, I really don't want to go back home tonight."
"What about your son? Won't he be worried about where you are?"
"He's with my parents tonight." Jungwoo told you. "Besides, there's no way in hell I'm leaving you alone tonight after all that happened."
A small smile spread across your face. "You want to stay the night?"
"Absolutely." He answered, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek. "If that's alright with you."
Smiling brightly, you nodded. "It's more than alright with me."
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
bonnie~! (Or question for finish line mc) In a bunch of race car movies I’ve seen the drivers are ripped… so’s Jk buff too? Mc’s answer to the interviewers question made me cackle, so… what is mc’s reaction to maybe first time seeing him work out or just meeting buff Kook for the first time?
yeah JK is kinda beefy not gonna lie...
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You remember the first time you noticed a change in Jungkook after he'd been 'discovered'- now put under a more demanding workout routine, an actual team now taking care of him to make sure he's in top-condition for training and every single race.
It was late summer. A simple barbecue, to celebrate one of the driving instructors' birthday- Jungkook already there with friends, since you had to work that day, only able to meet up later.
Maybe it was the hectic schedule he's had, the lack of sex you both had (and if you did have something slow and sloppy before going to sleep it would be in the dark), or maybe it just happened over night and you never knew- but when did he became so.. big?
"I uh- brought beer?" You announce yourself as Jungkook turns around from where he stands near the barbecue grill, nothing covering his upper body but a white sleeveless top, a bit of sweat in the back making the fabric slightly darker. He's always wearing that chain around his neck with the promise ring you both exchanged when you first started dating- Jungkook still a little shy, nerdy, glasses on his nose and voice a bit quiet.
You barely recognize that Jungkook from back then now.
"There's my baby." He beams at you happily, hugging you before he takes the plastic bag and carton of beer from you. "You could've texted me to help you carry everything." He says, helping you set everything down on a camping table close by.
You're familiar with this dirt-road by now. It's a little like a second home, that dusty racetrack he basically spends almost every weekend at.
"I brought you something for the mosquitos later?" You say, and he nods.
"Ah, look at him- he's got a keeper!" His instructor laughs, greeting you. "You make sure he keeps that head on his shoulders, eh?" He says, and you grin, nodding.
That old man is proud. Of course he is- he's pretty much adopted Jungkook as somewhat of his grandson by now.
A little on the side now, me runs his fingers over your bare arms, before he moves them to sit around his neck. "When did you become so.. beefy?" You ask him, eyes squinted in suspicion as he laughs.
"I think it's the new workout." He shrugs. "Is it too much?" He worries, but you shake your head.
"Honestly? Makes me wanna ride your thighs again. Feels like I don't know your body at all anymore." You simply say without shame. "Also makes me feel all fuzzy in my heart- so have such a strong, pretty boyfriend- like a knight in shining armor!" You sing-song, and he laughs, head tilted back for a second.
"I'll even carry you around like the princess you are." He purrs down at you, pecking your lips.
Twice, because once is never enough.
"...pretty sure you could just fuck me while holding me too, no?" You whisper up at him, and he bites his lip, playing with his lip ring.
"Guess we'll have to find out?" He responds, and you giggle.
"But right now I'm hungry, so too bad, beefy-boy!" You laugh, hitting his chest before you run towards the barbecue again to grab a beer for yourself.
Leaving Jungkook a little frustrated between his legs-
but he'll get his revenge.
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heart2beom · 2 years
second lead syndrome
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pairing: taehyun x gn!reader
genre: fluff, just tons of fluff
synopsis: taehyun, your neighbor, has been helping you out with beomgyu, the best friend you've been in love with for your entire life. when you finally score a date, albeit taehyuns plan working, you're in crisis.
because you start getting second thoughts.
warning: purposeful wrong tagging for more reach. sorry babes im greedy 😭 though i dont specify pronouns, this is more fem leaning!!
notes: i wrote this in only an hour, not the most quality work but i had to release something for my favorite man's birthday hello????!?! also was listening to this is what falling in love feels like by JVKE on repeat, if that helps with the reading experience. i have no idea if it does. lol as always, reblogging will help the algorithm pick this up so as a content creator, ill love you for it.
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you were extremely fidgety as you looked at yourself in the mirror -- this was the fourth outfit you've changed into. you slightly chewed on your bottom lip, furrowing your brows together thinking...none of this felt real, that was one thing you were sure of. preparing to go on a date with beomgyu...it's like dying and actually walking up the stairs of heaven.
the man that was all your firsts yet, felt like a distant, unachievable dream. the man that makes you go to sleep with the biggest smile, and the man that makes you kick your feet, squealing into your pillow even after long graduating high school. he felt just like a celebrity crush. a celebrity crush, someone you'll never ever have the chance to date.
that is, until taehyun moved in next door. you heard rumors from the old ladies at the apartments' lobby that he was a genius, a young einstein if you will, graduating seoul university with top marks.
you don't know what, but something possessed you to go knock at his door's flat, pushing a welcome basket of bread in his arms, saying word for word, "teach me how to make a guy fall in love with me". of course, you managed to squeak out a please for politeness sake.
it was the built up desperation, you guessed looking back. but despite thinking highly of taehyun's mind, you never expected whatever voodoo steps he made up to actually work. sure, it took...what? like, months and twenty bucks every now and then, but it worked.
you turned away from your mirror, looking back at the man occupying your bed, cocking your head to the side.
"what? are you feeling like you're dreaming again?" he asks, mirroring your action. "want me to pinch you?"
you exhale, exhausted. "i need to change."
which taehyun sat up straight to, "again? i already told you, you look pretty."
you roll your eyes to that comment. maybe getting a man to help you prepare for a date wasn't the brightest idea you've had, though, you aren't particularly known for having bright ideas anyway.
"i need an honest opinion, but you just keep on saying oh you look good, oh you look pretty" you mock, deepening your voice to mimic taehyuns'. before he could retaliate, you add "and it's not helping, at all."
it was silent for a while, until he folded his arms,"you want me to give my honest opinion?" he asked. and you nod, frantically at that.
"brutally honest, hit me with the straight, cold facts." you say, preparing yourself by straightening your shoulders.
"well, for one" he starts, to which you take a deep breath at anticipation, "you'll never make it on time for your dream date. that's one fact."
you groan, walking in your stupidly long heels to sit on the edge of your bed, next to taehyun. "okay, well, that's a given at this point. give me something else."
"and you're incredibly, weirdly nervous for a movie date with your best friend. that's another fact." he had put his phone face down next to him, now with his legs crossed, as he looked out for your reaction.
"taehyun." you drawl, beyond annoyed.
"what?", he asked innocent, like he wasn't just taunting you. all you did was give him a death glare, which earned an airy laugh from him.
"alright, i'll be serious now, i promise." he said, scooching up to sit directly by your side now, his legs touching yours with how close he was.
"starting with your face— don't get mad, you asked for this." he warned with a raised finger, which made you nervously gulp. did you really look that bad? you nodded to reassure him to continue anyway—you weren't going to risk going to this date looking bad.
"your eyes; the glitter, though it helps pull your whole look together," he makes a hand gesture, your breath hitched in your throat, as you nodded for him to continue "it's dull when you compare it to your eyes."
you furrow your brows, incredibly puzzled. "what does that mean?"
"your eyes shine more" he said with a cheeky grin, your mouth left agape at his playfullness.
"glitter doesn't shine. you..you suck at flirting." you said hitting his shoulder, letting out an unbelievable scoff.
he fauxes hurt as he rubs his shoulder, "this isn't flirting, i'm being very honest right now!"
you roll your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips. "mhm"
he shrugs, "i'm not going to continue if you don't believe me."
"okay, okay. i believe you, continue kang."
"alright. so, your brows," you nod. "perfectly trimmed, which..." he leans closer to your face, his thumb grazing your eyebrows. you didn't expect the sudden closeness, so your breath was hitched, stuck right in your throat. "which is good. there's no little hairs in between, or surrounding them."
he moves away after what felt like a whole hour, in reality, was just a few seconds. only beomgyu ever got that close to you — that's your justification for your heart quickening at the proximity. you just got reminded of beomgyu, that was it.
"going well so far." you breathed out, finally being able to talk.
"yeah? told you you don't look bad." you narrowed your eyes. "taehyun. you're not doing this just to say i told you so are you? that's, like, cheating!"
taehyun sighed. "y/n, do you think i'm trying to sabotage you or something? i'm not. i'm not praying on your downfall, i'm being honest."
your previously furrowed eyebrows turned into pleading ones, filled with insecurity. "yeah?"
"yeah." you looked up to see his eyes. they always calmed your anxiousness, you found that the eyes are the doors of the soul saying couldn't have matched anyone more than it did taehyun, you knew everything just by looking at them. and this time, when you looked at them, it was almost overwhelming how they looked back at you with such softness — sincerity.
so overwhelming, your heart picked up at a faster speed, once again. what was up with you?
"okay, now, your lips," and again, his thumb. the one responsible to all of this. it was on your lips, going back and forth on the bottom one, then facing it to his eyes. he looked a bit taken back, kind of shocked.
"what?" you ask with your brows raised. he turns his thumb to you, with an amused smile spread on his face, "there's no red."
you let out an airy laugh, he was way too cute. "well, yeah, it's a no smudge matte lipstick. it's impossible to get off without makeup wipes."
"huh. then, that's good. you can kiss beomgyu without it being all messy." you nod slowly to that. "hey, on that note, refrain from giving me details about the kiss... if it happens."
you're quick to retaliate with a scoff. "it will happen, why won't it happen? it'll happen!"
he shakes his head, which earns an offended expression from you. "i'm just saying, you're the biggest coward i know."
"you're the biggest coward i know." you replied immaturely.
"i'm going to...i'm going to ignore that lame comeback and pretend it wasn't awful." he said, taking a look at his phone. "it's about to be ten...are you feeling less..insecure?"
you look at your heels, then back at him with a smile. "think so, yeah."
when you finally lock your door with keys, taehyun hovering over your back, you turn to him chirply. you're ready, you're ready to go out with beomgyu.
"so." you started, looking up at him, a large smile on your face. "thank you, taehyun. seriously. i know it was kind of weird at first, like you know, spending a lot of time with a stranger but to be completely honest—"
"it wasn't." he interrupted.
"it wasn't weird spending so much time with you."
"oh—well, uh" again, taehyun catches you off guard with his aloofness, making you stutter like an idiot, completely forgetting your monologue.
it didn't help that taehyun somehow was closer than you thought, way closer than the usual arm length. seriously, what was up with the proximity?
when you catch a glimpse of his eyes, it was again, so soft, waiting for you to say something. then, when taehyuns hand found its way tucking a strand behind your ear, you couldn't hear anything anymore. your heartbeat was magnified to your ears, despite seeing that his mouth was moving, saying something, you couldn't focus.
he waved a hand at your face, and you refocused again.
"think you should go now, love of your life's blowing up your phone."
"um—um yeah" you stuttered, waking up from your thoughts. "it's probably beomgyu" you muttered, smiling weakly.
"yeah," he chuckled a little, and god, was it so fucking cute. "thats why i said love of your life."
it was weird how you didn't catch that, you've always been referring to beomgyu as the love of your life, especially with taehyun.
you watched as he unlocked his door knob, looking back at you with his eyes twinkling a little under the dim hallway lights, "don't get nervous, you really do look pretty."
then he was gone, cruelly leaving you with one thought as you looked at the texts from the contact name, 'love of my life'.
you weren't ready. you weren't ready to go out with beomgyu. at all.
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ending a/n: soooo how we feeling? cute? cute? readers so starstruck by taehyuns eyes and im just like..yup, same. me. this was originally apart of a very long fic i was working on, but that was scrapped, so..lol have this cute lil thing
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Crepinlore and the 30-50 random games 90% of fandom has never heard about
This post, like everything else about this blog, is very self-indulgent. I discovered many things during its making, and I simply can't not share. So, let's begin with something you likely have literally never heard about, and go to more popular things from there:
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Krosmaster arena online was a video game it seems nobody played, and honestly, I am mentioning it here because I fear that if I don't document it, it will disappear, and it will turn out that it was simply a vision I had, as if in a David Lynch movie. Evaporating, like tears in rain.
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I don't think anyone ripped/tried to rip/found a way to rip the models from it — and considering the fact they're pretty... mobile ad-core, not much may have been lost.
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Anyway, here's Keke beating the shit out of some guy.
Wakfu Les Gardiens
Joris appears in the quest "The Tree of Life" of this game, which, as far as I'm aware, was updated in time with Wakfu episodes.
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Even back then, Ankama knew that 1. Joris is very sus and 2. you cannot let him get close to you during a battle, or it's OVER.
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It's all very cute.
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There is something interesting I wanna say about this sprite, actually:
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An alternate version of it exists, made as a concept for the Dofus MMO. I am assuming it was Juien Druant elaborating on the ways Joris might look in the game. The first two designs are: baby Joris (probably not used because he looks too young to be a 200 year old man...) and Welsh & Shedar 60yo Joris. They were combined to make the iconic Dofus MMO-era 200yo Joris design.
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I'm quite sure that this sprite references the Les Gardiens one very heavily.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend
The first game in this list that actually has implications for real lore, and yet its plot is literally "it was all a dream that Oropo was having while inside the Eliacube"
For this reason, the events of this game are not entirely reliable — but are probably based in some way on the memories Oropo has.
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The main contribution this game has to Crepinlore is a third Crepin, who might be an ancient ancestor of the brothers, whom Oropo met and remembered, some sort of cousin, or he might be based entirely on fiction, and inspired by Kerubim (though ehhh I severely doubt Oropo would care so much about him that he'd hallucinate a guy like him within Eliacube's fake world).
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I really want to headcanon that the events of the game are based on something he really experienced, waaay before forming the brotherhood. But that's just my brain disaeses.
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Here we can see the store itself.
I saved the best for the last — Krosmaga.
A video of the casts of Dofus and Wakfu beating the shit out of each other
There are characters besides Atcham, Joris, and Kerubim in this game — Julith, Jahash, Lou... But I choose to concentrate on my favorite three ones. Or I will die fr.
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If this Ecaflip gives the impression of constantly having a bad hair day, it's precisely because he doesn't have any! Brother of Kerubim Crépin, Atcham is fiercely jealous of the man he considers his worst enemy. And how could he not be, when not only does he occupy the prestigious position of Ecaflip's favorite son, but also displays his dense, silky fur without any modesty or sensitivity?
Here are his three forms:
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I'm.,. unwell about the white one. I have to draw Atcham in a Bontarian getup one of these days.
They're really giving a fight to this Joris costume recolor from a Christmas event in one of the MMOs... (Now I want to see Kerubim in red too!)
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On topic of Joris,
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Adopted son of Kerubim Crépin, Joris is a curious and mischievous little boy. His favorite pastime is listening to the childhood adventures of his beloved "Papycha". And when he's too busy serving customers in his antique store, he's off playing with his best friend Lilotte! An avid boufbowl player and fan of Khan Karkass, Joris also hopes to become a star of the horned ball. While his destiny may already be mapped out on the stadium pitch, his origins are much less clear… But the good thing about not knowing where you come from is that you can imagine anything! For the little boy, there's no doubt: his parents were great boufbowl players, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not!
Here are his alternative forms:
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And now, last but not least: Kerubim.
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Judging by his adventures, Kerubim seems to have had more than 9 lives! From small-time opera rat, to Bontarian police officer, to lawyer: the least we can say is that during his youth, the man Joris calls his Papycha never stopped working! So much so that today, the owner of the antique store Aux Trésors de Kerubim takes advantage of his free time to purr quietly in his armchair, or to tell his adopted son about his past adventures. Past? Well, not quite! Because when the terrible witch Julith arrives to retrieve Jahash's Ivory Dofus, and seems intent on attacking Joris, the old tomcat doesn't hesitate to get in her way. With Kerubim, there's no age limit to being a hero!
Once again, it is confirmed that the store's name s literally "Aux Trésors de Kerubim". Sorry, I'm insane about the name of the show being the name of the store.
And his alternative forms:
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He's beautiful.
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 16!!!
My friends! I have heard your cries! You are worried about Muriel and yearn to know what has become of them! Rest assured, they are in this installment.
Let's do this.
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After a moment of commiserative silence, Sardis gets up to go to the bar for another round of drinks. He says sometimes magic just isn’t as good as a properly mixed drink, and leaves. You’ve barely had a sip of your fishbowl.
Jesus is a 13 year-old boy who is white and rich and lives in Los Angeles with his rich parents. The world is doomed.
Your brain is still simmering in the sauce of despair when Anathema suddenly leans in close, pushing glasses to the side as she does. She gets as close to the middle of the table as she can, and you look her up and down because you’re pretty sure the table is sticky (and you’re too scared of the answer to wonder why).
“Okay, listen,” she says urgently, “I need to tell you before Sardis gets back. I got a call from Newt. Muriel’s missing.”
Whatever you were expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. You feel like you’ve suddenly been dropped into ice water. Muriel’s….missing.
“Missing how exactly?” asks Crowley.
“Like missing missing,” Anathema says. How is it that something so vague can clarify her meaning so well? “They went to see a movie, and Muriel just disappeared. He hasn’t been able to find them anywhere.” You don’t have the words to speak yet, but the expression you turn towards Anathema seems to be enough for her. “Listen,” she says to you, “They had every reason to think that it would be okay. The Metatron was after us, remember? He wants us.” You turn your eyes back to the table, wishing that Anathema hadn’t moved your drink away. You could really use something to hold on to right now.
“Right,” Aziraphale begins in a take-charge kind of way, “Tell him that there’s a summoning circle on the floor in my bookshop--”
“-- He tried that already. He says he just got voicemail, and...uh...dial-up.” You’re not looking but you can feel Anathema’s expression without seeing it. Who in the universe still uses dial-up??
“Oh,” Aziraphale sounds deflated.
“Maybe they just popped out to the shop?” Crowley suggests. The question sounds ridiculous and even sarcastic, but what he means is maybe they’re okay and not actually in any trouble at all, and maybe they’ll come back safe and sound and everyone will have a good laugh about it later.
“I mean, it’s possible,” Anathema answers, apparently also understanding what Crowley meant, “But honestly, I don’t think it’s likely.”
“Well regardless,” says Aziraphale, “I highly doubt the Metatron would do anything to harm Muriel. Heaven doesn’t work that way, least of all him.”
“No,” agrees Crowley, “They usually outsource that sort of thing to Hell. Might be able to twist an arm and find out if they...ah...mmm…know anything.” You haven’t looked up yet, but you’re pretty sure Crowley noticed that you haven’t said anything halfway through that suggestion.
Muriel is missing. Your friend. Your wholesome, lovely friend, who came to earth dressed like a lighthouse and who you persuaded to adopt argyle. Your friend who spun around to music with you even though they don’t dance. Your friend who watched the first time you had to calm yourself down from a panic attack and gave you a button to help you with the next one. It’s still in your pocket, you remember. You pull it out and stare at it in your palm. A good large-but-not-too-large plain green button. A good thing to fiddle with whenever you’re anxious. Suddenly you feel tears around your eyes, and maybe it’s the alcohol, but you can’t exactly fight them back. The most you can do is keep yourself from sobbing with worry. Everyone else is still discussing what to do.
“Listen,” Anathema is saying, “I know it’s hard, but we can’t stop saving the world to go back and look for them. The Metatron could be using Muriel as bait for all we know, and we’d be playing right into his hands.”
“Well surely we can’t just leave poor Muriel either,” Aziraphale replies.
“No,” Anathema responds, “I suggested he call Adam. If anyone can help him, Adam can.”
“Do you think” You finally say, “that Muriel knows? That they know we’re coming to find them?”
“I don’t know,” Anathema sighs, “I like to think that they know us well enough to have hope. Wherever they are.”
“Perhaps we could send them a message,” Aziraphale suggests.
“Mmnn,” Crowley seems to agree, “We need to make sure it’s something the Metatron wouldn’t pick up on. Like a secret code or something.”
The three of them start to discuss what kind of message or code you could all send Muriel. Meanwhile, the only thing you find yourself able to do is fidget with the button. The debate has gotten the other three nowhere when a lightbulb goes off. The button.
In dramatic fashion that only Crowley could match, you slam the button on the table. Everyone stops their discussion to watch as you grab the miracle enabler out of your pocket and tear off the number 2 with your teeth. As you spit it to the side, you watch and notice that it stays gone. The miracle went through. Anathema blinks.
“Okay,” she starts, “First of all, I get that you’re upset and that’s perfectly reasonable. But this stuff is important so next time can we please forgo the dramatics and discuss with the group first?”
“Sorry,” You say, even though you’re not.
“What message did you send them?” Crowley asks. In response, you hold up the button.
“You see this? Muriel gave this to me before we left. To help me with my panic attacks. As...as comfort.”
“Okay...” Crowley says. You see Anathema and Aziraphale exchange a look.
“So I sent them an exact copy,” You finish.
“That’s rather clever,” Aziraphale sounds impressed.
“Yeah, not bad.” Anathema agrees. “But next time please tell us first.” You nod in agreement and take a sip of your drink just as Sardis returns with more for everyone else.
Hang tight Muriel, you think to yourself, or Muriel if they can somehow hear you, We’ll find you. We won’t leave you on your own.
Muriel scrivened away at their desk. It was hard to come back to scrivening after having such a lovely time on Earth, but they had been told it was an emergency and that they would be able to come back later once everything had been sorted out. Muriel hadn’t realized that what they’d meant was paperwork. They looked around their office and sighed. Every square foot of it was covered with teetering towers of file folders, leaving no way to see anything else. Not that there was anything else to see ever, it was Heaven after all. They had so much to catch up on.
“How are you doing in here, Muriel?” came a voice from among the towers of folders. Muriel jumped in surprise.
“Oh! Ah, I’m doing alright Metatron,” they answered, “It’s a lot to get through, but I’m starting to make some headway I think!”
“That’s excellent!” The Metatron replied. He wound his way through the stacks until he could see Muriel’s face. He smiled kindly. “I really am so grateful that you were able to return and lend us your help. As you can see, things have gotten a little out of hand in your absence.”
“Yes,” Muriel said, “Of course, Metatron! I didn’t realize that I was leaving everyone with so much. Please pass along my apologies to them.” The Metatron nodded with a thoughtful hum.
“It is the nature of our work, Muriel,” he said, “That we do now know or understand our own importance or place in the workings of things while we are doing them. It is not for us to know, after all! But when someone strays from their role, when they leave for a time and their absence is felt, then we often find out just how vital we are. Not one of us is a ‘nobody,’ we are all incredibly important in the workings of God.”
Muriel nodded. “Yes, Metatron, of course!”
“Ah Muriel,” Metatron said fondly, “You are a most diligent and dedicated soul. Be well assured that the Almighty knows just how grateful we are for you and your continued contributions.”
“Oh! The Almighty?! Really?? Wow! Thank you Metatron!” Muriel sat in awe. They had always thought that they were nobody really. But this whole time they had been so important that even God knew! Muriel looked around at the endless towers of files with new inspiration and purpose. If God knew that they were valuable, then they must do their very best to live up to it! “Don’t worry, Metatron, I’ll get all this sorted out!”
“I have utmost faith in your abilities, my dear,” Metatron began, “And yet I do sense a small seed of doubt. Is it perhaps something I can help you with?”
Muriel nearly jumped again. Could he read minds? How had he known?
“It’s nothing really,” Muriel said sheepishly, “It’s only...I wish I could have said goodbye. Newt must have been so worried for me to just leave so suddenly. My friends might all be very worried about me.”
“Well why would they be worried?” The Metatron asked jovially, “You’ve come back home! You’re much safer and happier in Heaven than you could be anywhere on Earth.” He looked at Muriel’s unconvinced expression, and relented to a thoughtful smile. “Although I suppose we could send them a message for you. Let them know that you are perfectly alright, and have returned at our request to save us from all of this,” he waved his hands to gesture at the mountains of paperwork. Muriel brightened.
“Oh that would be wonderful! Very kind of you, really Metatron. Thank you ever so much.”
“My pleasure, my dear Muriel,” Metatron cooed, “I shall be back to check on you later, shall I?”
With that, he left and closed the door.
“Ah! Metatron!” Saraquel called to him, speeding over, “Your Grace,” she nodded her head in deference, “Is there anything you would like for the Scriveners to...well...scriven? All of our paperwork has been redirected elsewhere and now I have scores of angels with nothing to do.”
“There is always something to do, Saraquel,” the Metatron smiled kindly, “I have the utmost faith in your abilities to lead. As always.” And he left.
Back inside the office, Muriel was beginning to feel much less...enthused. Now that Metatron was gone, the fatigue of tedious work was returning. There was just so much to do. And to think they had left all the other scriveners with all of this. They felt terrible for that. This was…horrible. This was...just so overwhelming. Muriel took a selfish moment to drop their head into their arms. This felt endless. For a short time, Muriel focused on breathing, before a small clatter made them look up. There was a green button on their desk. Carefully, Muriel poked at it. It was definitely a material object. How strange! They picked it up and examined it for a moment before recognition hit them. Oh! They knew what this was! They had given a button just like this to their new friend! The one that God had sent to help save the world with Aziraphale and Mr. Crowley! A smile of relief spread across Muriel’s face, and despite themselves they hugged the button close like it was the most precious thing in all of Heaven. Thank God. The Metatron had sent them a message, and now they knew everything was alright. For a minute there, Muriel had been worried that he wouldn’t.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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