#pressure oc ask blog
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sirenofthedeepsea · 1 month ago
@mrlopee is drunk again 😑
Who gave the old fart alcohol?
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ask-chartreuse · 2 months ago
There's a bitch in the facility who acts like a couple and never admits they're couples.
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sluggles-errands · 3 months ago
I finally feel ready to open up the pressure ask blog discord server!
Everyone is welcome.
It's not perfect, but I hope all of us ask blogs (and anons or lurkers!) can unite and have a single space to share our interest or just interact. I'd appreciate it if this was reblogged :)
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mothball-pressure · 3 months ago
|| I kinda wanna YaP about Vince! I'll do a mass post of this fluffy boy♡
Vince yap post :D
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Yaps under cut! (And Document transcript)
》 The Nightstalker; Z-163, codename; Nightstalker, real name Vince Castello, is to be KILLED ON SIGHT if encountered. Caution is required when in the presence of Z-163. Despite his size, he is agile and can squeeze himself through small openings as long as his head can fit through. He is capable of being underwater for an extended period of time. He is INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS. [Redacted.]
Z-163 was released by Z-129 and proceeded to add to the chaos during lockdown. Z-163 is often seen within the dark, so remain cautious and preceptive. Z-163 has been seen scavenging for data and classified documentation, assumingly, to assist with Z-13 in his plans. Z-163 is rarely seen on CCTV and glimpses are far and few in between.
After sightings of Z-163, no reports were made. Those who have managed to return to the surface have suffered major injuries and found paralyzed and dead within the submersible. [REDACTED] traces have been found within the corpses. Each member have been returned with their middle fingers up. Z-163 seems to be mocking Urbanshade.
If Nightstalker is encountered IMMOBILE, it is HEAVILY recommended to SHOOT TO KILL.
Z-163 was brought in as an LR-R in mid 2015, charged for 1st degree murder of [redacted] different accounts and acts of cannibalism. By late 2015, all investigations were closed and he was sentenced to death. He was quickly taken into custody by Urbanshade, with a false death certificate to indicate his death.
Z-163 was selected for human experimentation for lost limb growth and regrowth of lost limbs. In addition, he was selected for additional testing for better performance and stealth on the field. Hoping for a way to give ther disabled a way to generate limbs lost by medical and/or outside means. With strands of Axolotl, Spiny mouse, Zebra Fish. female Orchid Mantis, [redacted], Semioptila Fulveoland Moth, [redacted]. This resulted in few desired effects, and many undesired side effects. While being able to regenerate and regrow, Z-163 was unable to regrow his missing leg. Further tests were planned but unable to be performed. Mutations of Z-163 include but not limited to; Antenna, large Motha like wings, amphibious lungs, manibles on the face, [redacted], height growth, extra arms, manibles on the waist, cartilage-like bone density, neck fluff, extention of body limitations, and 3 rows of teeth. extra eyes, digigraded legs. Further changes within Z-163 have not been able to be noted. During experimentation years, it is possible Z-163 may have been tested on without proper authorization. Some side effects have not been documented and therefore, deemed as a failed test subject. Elimination for Z-163 has been authorized due to unauthorized testing and contamination of final produce.
Z-163 has been spotted within darker areas and within the ceiling. Often speaking warnings before he appears. Z-163 is agile and flexible in movement and is able to blend into his surroundings. In dark areas, black lights are able to detect his where abouts. It's is advised to hide and stay silent if ever encountered. 《
Moff Ball; otherwise known as Z-163 aka Nightstalker aka Vince Castello!!
DOB: Oct 30th 1985!
Birth Location: Somewhere in the UK.
TW/CW: Mentions of addiction/substance abuse, chronic illness, deds, general abuse, and murber/gore!
Human background:
Bio parents never wanted the kids; mother was an addict and often jumped from father to father.
Once she "settled down" in a small town she left the kiddies at home with the father of her youngest. He was neglectful and abusive.
Vince was the oldest of 4, he took it upon himself to protect and take care of his younger sibling. Due to living in the middle of nowhere without many modes of transportation other than the school bus or walking hours into the closest town, he started gardening and hunting.
From a young age he was taught how to kill and harvest his game. Grew tough skinn and a very very grey morale.
By the time he hit the senior years of primary school, his mother was no where to be found, and father passed due to drunk driving. He and his siblings were taken into Foster care.
Which is where he got a bit more care from others than himself and his eldest sister. At this time (around 12/13 years old) he found out he had cancer, undergoing treatment and ultimately losing his right leg due to the illness.
Around Freshmen year of High school is when he committed his first murder. It was accidental, and within self defence. However, due to his fear, anxiety, and pure adrenaline and shock, Vince shut down into an auto pilot mode. Thus harvesting and storing the meats from the victim.
He was always taught to thank the earth for what it's given, and cherish each hunt as of it were a gift. Nothing ever went to waste... making the "disappearances" difficult to trace and figure out.
Each kill was with respect and modesty. It was rare that he harmed out of anger. Although, he thought he was helping... as if weeding out the "lesser beings."
Vince was good at what he does, cleaning up, hiding evidence, etc. Its what he was taught from early on.
Regardless, he graduated high school and even went into college, majoring in Culinary and hospitality, while minoring in music!
He is fluent in both French and English with some itsy bitsy knowledge of Gaelic (though he doesn't count it as a language he knows, its just "trivial" to him)
Vince often went out for fun nights, loved to go out for karaoke, four wheeling, swimming, drank often! He even hosted dinner parties and BBQs :3
His love life was never... *lucky*. To say the least, first girlfriend ended up being a poser, only using him for bragging rights, often talked shit about him and victimized herself.
Second girlie was abusive in a large array, she was a less intense version of his mother. That should say plenty.
Third was his last girlfriend, she was a cheat. Although, Vince didn't know this, he thought she was *the one*!— She didn't even show up to his Court dates... didn't visit him in jail, never answered his calls, fill his cantine... nothing.
He was taken by Urbanshade when he was sentenced with the Death penalty in mid 2015. Convicted with 36 murders, and more that were considered to be his doing.
Upon being in Urbanshade's custody, he was elected to experimentation and testing to further the research of limb regrowth, growth of limbs that have been long removed or never have been, and a few other tests for the militia.
Often used as a toy and a practice. Most procedures never got recorded and often weren't authorized by the higher ups. He was an experiment set up for failure from the beginning due to neglect and disinterest from the doctors and scientists who worked on him.
Vince, Game mechanic wise, is a passive aggressive entity your encounter.
He is normally found in the dark, so dark rooms, halls, and flooded rooms are all places he can appear.
(LiKe Squiddles)
Though he's not bothered by light sources, he'll hide if you shine your light source at him. BLACKLIGHT and the NECROBLOXICON is the only light sources you can see him with and he won't hide.
He will follow you for at least 3 rooms as long as they're all dim or dark. If your next room is lit he vanishes into the vents.
He won't move closer to you if you look at him but he'll start *taunting you.*
`"Aw, Come on pet~" "keep looking... I dare you~" "oh? Is there something behind you?"`
The longer you look at him the more he gets aggressive, and angry.
This can trigger his attack
(Again like Squiddles)
Hes very playfully and hunter like, often saying you're going to play hide and seek.
He'll give you warnings.
His final warning is much like multi monster! Red text in game and you have a short time to hide etcetcetc.
If you're not out of line of sight he'll kill you and eat you.
But if you hide and are, say, in a locker, you play a fun little mini game to keep the locker shut! Etc
(Like Pandemonium♡)
He's fast. He will vanish after an attack. But like the others, he will come back.
Flashing him with a flash beacon triggers an attack.
The only way to keep him passive is ignoring him or another monster coming.
He will attempt to interact with you verbally, sweet talk you, and even taunt you.
TW/CW: Medical talk, ♋️, medical procedures
Before Urbanshade:
Mild asthma
Bee allergy
Long history of respitory infections and issues
- Depression
- Compassion fatigue
- Agoraphobia
- Panic/Anxiety disorders
- Dissociative disorder
- acute Autism
After Urbanshade:
He was tested on with a handful of main DNAs
- Luna Moth
- Semioptila fulveolans moth
- hawk moth
- female Orchid Mantis
- Axolotl
- Zebra Fish
- Spiny mouse
- Lemon shark
- Rex Bunny
Again, he was brought in for regeneration, but due to them having success with others, they didn't care too much for what concoction they put into Vince. He was just a little pin cushion for the science and medical aspects. Something to fill their boredom and/or sadistic urges. Etcetc
*i don't have them all filled out, either or they didn't care at all for Vince and he often pissed them off with his quirks and sarcasm.*
In addition to that DNA
He was also mixed with:
- Deathstalker Scorpion
- yellow jacket
- black widow
- silk moth
- dumbo rat
- cheetah
- starfish
- Armenian Viper
While enduring exposure to different drugs and gasses to test the active regeneration process for a faster regen
Vince's body has withstanded the changes of mutations
Hes capable of breathing underwater, he's rendered amphibious.
He holds vemon within his body. It is Deathstalker venom that over takes all sources of venom.
His insect like arms and manibles all hold stingers,
He is also capable of injecting venom via his teeth.
Traces can also be found in his saliva, but it's not lethal.
(*its due to him being irritated from having shit in his mouth, its normally not found there*)
Vince is also capable of squeezing through small spaces.
Shark DNA has rendered his bone density similar to cartilage-like density. His skeletal structure is strong but is flexible enough to reform his body for very short periods of time.
Has adopted 3 rows of teeth.
Body hair has increased and is dense but naturally soft and fluffy. (This doesn't seem like much though, he is albino, therefore, minimal body hair prior to mutation)
The fluff around his neck is rather sensitive but is able to help sense things around, much like his antenna
He has also endured long procedures strapped to a table, torn apart, injected with substances, and had limbs and organs removed just to see the process.
Teeth pulled, limbs chopped, things removed,
Drained of blood to see his performance.
Vince was also put under immense stressors and torture to measure what his body us capable of.
He has limits. Not all are recorded, but bro isn't invincible.
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I might drop trivial and fun facts later :3
I'm done yapping for now♡
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askexpendablecaelis · 2 months ago
"Oh. Hello."
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"Oh, right, I gotta introduce myself." "Sorry. Introductions are hard." "My name's Caelis. Pronounced Kay-Lis. I think it's Irish, I'm not sure."
"I'm an Expendable. You know, those guys they throw into that place underwater to be killed again and again and again by those monsters. Yeah, that."
"They say as soon as you get the Crystal, you're pardoned of whatever crimes got you in prison in the first place." "But I've gotten the Crystal 6 times." "Explain that to me, Mr Shade."
OOC: Hi! Rogue here from @rogueartlad . Welcome to Caelis' ask/roleplay blog! Who is Caelis? Caelis is a he/they, mid-twenties in age. He's a transmasc Expendable OC that seems to be very hyper-aware of the circumstances around him. He is autistic, but in the monotone, verbal encyclopedia kind of way, so times where he should be asking a question tonally sound like a statement (as shown above).
What I will happily do!:
Engage in roleplays and any stories you want to make.
I will answer any questions you have.
Engage in oc x oc, oc x canon interactions.
Silly interactions!
Caelis has a questionable relation to Sebastian, you should ask him about it...
What I will not do!:
Any comments/asks that are harmful in nature will be ignored.
Harassment and rude asks will not be answered.
Proshippers DNI.
Nothing explicitly NSFW. Implications are okay.
Tag reference: #dontfearthereaper - Roleplay and asks.
#ramblersgetrambling - Joke or silly asks.
#calmbeforethehurricane - Angst, sad, angry Caelis content.
#lightupthenight - Misc Caelis art. Will be tagged with #roguespaceladart .
#stayvigilantcaelis - OOC stuff of any kind.
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"The God who made me was cruel."
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soleilguppypuppybee · 1 month ago
💥 ;; . "whag"
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dr-redacted-urbanshade · 6 months ago
"Hello! Uhh..oh, that's right- I'm going to give you a small run-down of how things work around here, yay! I think I'll start with colour coding?"
Blue -> Z-13 (I prefer to call him by his name, but I've been told not to do so.)
Orange -> things expendables can collect. Such as data, flashlights, keycards, things like that.
Red -> discussion about more serious topics such as the Blacksite lockdown, and things I'm not meant to tell you.
"I'll come up with more to colour code later on.. now where was I? Oh!"
"Please don't attack me in any way, I have no control over what my superiors do and I am trying to find ways to reverse the effects on Z-13 and others. I already have ideas if you'd like to see them!"
"Do not ask personal questions, I will not be revealing any of my personal information for safety reasons. Thank you for understanding!"
OOC under the cut
Dr [REDACTED] is a bubbly, almost sweet young man who got into this whole business because he actually wanted to help people. By the time he figured out what was really going on it was too late for him to back out, so he attempts to help out Sebastian and others in his own way. He wants to befriend Sebastian but Sebastian isn't too fond of him, settling to tolerate him as the pair grow closer agonisingly slowly. The only reason they grow closer is because Dr [REDACTED] wasn't involved in the experiments on Sebastian.
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ask-chartreuse · 5 months ago
I wanna suck em tits
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caught off guard
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bugzheadquarter · 3 months ago
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[Me and my fishy husband]
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ubebunny-920 · 15 days ago
Here's my redesign of my redesign! It doesn't look too different, I know. :P
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More anatomically correct scutes! And added a third pectoral muscle for the third arm [but I hc it doesn't function as well as the two main arms]
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sirenofthedeepsea · 17 days ago
**One of the expendables of the group comes, he got a mask and seem to have removed his arm bands, he got a toaster connected to a plug with a commically long cable**
{Calypso looks confused and she tilts her head to the side}
"Uh...hi? Can I help you?..."
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askexpendablecaelis · 1 month ago
"Hey now. I'm not like other expendables." [He flicks his hair dramatically.] "I came to you with a gift."
[He pulled out a closed jar of water and hydrated orbeez. He tilts it upside down, the orbeez falling to the top.] "C'mon how is this not cool."
What is wrong with expendables these days?....
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ask-chartreuse · 2 months ago
So like, little Marie acts so childish and stuff i don't even know why
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mothball-pressure · 4 months ago
A little art dump for the Moff Ball!!
Just mostly silly little doodles :)
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"I am kidding when I say this... please. I'm UPSET!"
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"Sebastian found a tiny me... now we both of tiny versions of each other. Ironic."
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|| i attempted drawing on roblox man.. this is all I got outa it—
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"This is Emmit... squidface doesn't know when to shut the hell up..."
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"Went to the Rave with Seb for Halloween!! I dressed up like him— it was amusing."
|| They were certainly a show
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|| These two are just stupid doodles! They're cute nonetheless though.
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slipfailedexr-p · 4 months ago
Jezzie returns back to her hoard on one of the broken walkways up above the background. Their tail wagged happily as they spilled some new items into the pile, giddy with excitement. A noise. The ear fins on either side of their head flicked as they perked up.
They yelped upon seeing Slip on the ceiling as well.
-@jezztar ( hope you dm the ask :D )
[Slip looked to Jezzie and waves coyly, wiggling his fingers as he clung to the ceiling with six crab arms dug into some notches.]
"Hi thereeee..."
[Slip says quietly, his neck turning to awkwardly look at her. He blinks slowly then drops from the ceiling to stand next to her.]
"Quite a haul you have here."
[He tilts his head to the side looking at the pile of random assortments.]
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blacksites-apex-predator · 3 months ago
We're here too! Come check it out!
I finally feel ready to open up the pressure ask blog discord server!
Everyone is welcome.
It's not perfect, but I hope all of us ask blogs (and anons or lurkers!) can unite and have a single space to share our interest or just interact. I'd appreciate it if this was reblogged :)
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