#pressure angler rose
xxl1ghtxx · 24 days
everyone hear me out...
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anyways art dump
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murderz-coiner · 18 days
pressure (roblox) sys id pack
names: sebastian, sebbie, seb, eyes, panda, pandemonium, angler, frog, pinky, blitz, chain, dweller, wall, rock, squiddles, beacon, hadal, caspian, blue, pandora, imaginary, aegir, void, painter, death angel, styx, scape, art, luminaria, vult, volt, lucy, let-vand, leon, HQ, rose, river, node, solace, stan
collective names: the blacksite, hadal blacksite collective, angler collective, shoelace system, solace system, squiddles system, styx system, the mindscape, void mass collective, trenchbleeder collective
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beecuzitsrose · 1 month
While taking a bit of a hiatus on my rps, I've had two weeks off work recently and did some art!
I've recently, unfortunately, been dragged into the pressure Fandom, despite not really being the horror loving type, and so I guess I might as well post some of my art on here huh?
I don't engage in the Fandom itself, so please, let's not discuss drama over here, yeah?
That said, have my self-insert-esc character, Rose!
He's been experimented on a teeny tiny bit, but he's fine (aka could've been worse he supposes)
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Singular eyefestation eye aside, he's got black-tipped reef shark, tiger shark, lemon shark, leopard Shark as well as a type of electric eel in him when it comes to genes. Eel only presence in electricity.
(following text entails canon typical death mentions)
Originally an expendable turned experiment, Rose was meant for missions around the Blacksite in the water. From cleaning to collecting artifacts and more. Rose, however, kept teaming up with Eyefestation, leading her towards the halls that groups were actively scowering, causing many more deaths than necessary.
This ended up with Rose's role being revised and changed, leaving him returning back to mission duty for the crystal. This time, however, his job was to drag back the corpses of his dead teammates for the revival, easing the resources the foundation had to spend on getting them back.
Aside from the Anglers, Pandemonium and Painter with the Good People (at least until up to a certain point in his progress), most beings down in the Blacksite tend to leave Rose be, considering him to be, at least somewhat, like them. This leaves runs easier for Rose and keeps him from having to die as often as before.
I have some more art by now, but I think I will spread it pit through posts a bit (at least, for the rare times I do post at all lol) If anyone is interested in more to his story, feel free to ask? He's just a silly goober guys.
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relationship bingo ask
Hero (OMORI) x Sebastian solace (Pressure, roblox)
Aka angler rose
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IDK the characters, just Sebastian because my friend selfship with him jsjsj but they look great together
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usfwspacific · 7 years
Anglers from the Rose Center for Seniors caught the joy of fishing out on Henry Hagg Lake in Oregon - some for the first time! - thanks to Julie Concannon from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wil Warren from the nonprofit group “I’m Hooked.” With the shared mission of connecting people to nature, the two teamed up to help seniors have a “reel” good time and, according to new research from Yale University, potentially benefit their brains.  
Fishing releases the "relaxation reflex" in the brain, somewhat like yoga or meditation.  Seniors need moments to relax the frontal lobe, which deals with executive function and at the same time, fishing provides a meditative activity to reduce blood pressure and stress in their everyday lives. That’s a pretty great reason to have fish on the brain! 
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Kayak Fishing for Bluefish Off Monomoy Island
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The east-west rip runs hard around the southernmost tip of this starkly beautiful island, and this fast water kayak fishing area, with its standing waves and whitewater, provides good blue fishing late in the season, especially in the late fall, when the bite tends to drop off north of the Cape Cod Canal.
Monomoy's southernmost rip runs roughly adjacent to Nantucket Sound's Handkerchief Shoals, an underwater plain of large and unexpected, constantly shifting sandbars about 9 miles south Chatham and far from the South Beach shallows familiar to small boat anglers. The Shoals' sandbars' contours shift daily, and recently a heavy groundswell rumbling in from an offshore storm was jacking up and falling over the shoals in heaving mounds and uplifts. The swells rose, curled and broke and disappeared, only to reappear on the shallows further west.
It is a challenging roller-coaster ride to drift-fish this area for bluefish from a kayak, and watching the bobbing fleet of center-consolers and walkarounds go drifting past over the western shoals requires both alertness and solid kayak(read this comprehensive guide)-handling skills lest you get sucked out into the rip with your gear in water. A small handful of kayak anglers fish the rip during most fall weekends, hooking up with either bluefish or striped bass on most every pass.
What's less interesting about the bluefish bite, however, and with just one word, frustration, applicable to it, is that aside from fishing rather challenging waters in unlikely-looking craft, oftentimes the blues or stripers the kayak anglers hook with bare tube lure first chomp, then swerve, then veer, then calmly spit the hook. This may happen often times to the kayak angler, and his cries of frustration can be comical to hear: as kayak fisherman drifts downrip it isn't long before his rod bends. Then sure enough his rod goes slack, the tube pops out of the water, the fish is gone and the angler lets his disappointment known.
I have to admit I'm often among thatgro up of frustrated kayak fishermen. It takes a lot of sweat to paddle out to the rip from Morris Island, Stage Harbor, or Hardings Beach, and dropping that many fish only makes the prospect of the return paddle more daunting.
On the typical fall weekend, the fog creeps in about about mid-afternoon, at which time most anglers decide to call it quits. The idea of getting sucked out over Handkerchief Shoals in low visibility doesn't seem worth the effort of having to twist in the cockpit to reel in fish who are simply going to drop the hook. So on this trip, around noon, I took a compass fix on Stage Harbor, my take-out, rounded the island's west corner and, using a landmark on the island about a mile downwater to take another fix, began the long trip home. Figuring a bearing of between O and 45 would stitch me in close against the island's western edge were I to lose sight of the island altogether and for the long-term, I paddled into the fog.
While I was picking my way along the western edge of the length of the south island, the fog lifted, and I took the opportunity to switch from my tube lure to a treble-hooked broken-back underwater swimmer I'd come across at lunch, and nearly stepped on. Trolling the lure ---- it is nearly nine inches long --- put as much drag on my kayak as towing a coffeepot.
The lure quickly meted out the sting it is designed to deliver: with a snap of its jaw, a bluefish fooling with the lure's business end got a face full of hooks.
I landed the bluefish, a frantic little Braveheart barely twice as long as the lure is, unhooked it, bled it and gutted it. The bluefish had had at the lure without hesitation. It was a consolation for all the bluefish I'd dropped at the rip, and would provide a dinner.
I landed at the Stage Harbor's asphalt in a rising and insistent northeast wind which had turned persuasive enough to herd all of the fog back out to Nantucket Sound, where it proved meddlesome, I'm sure, to all the homeowners who had Piper-Clubbed it out to Nantucket earlier that morning. With just one fish to show for two days on water and 14 miles of paddling under deck, I was envious of a group of kayakers I knew who were probably cooking up their own dinner on Washburn Island over near Falmouth, about twelve miles distant.
Monomoy Island forms the elbow of Cape Cod's 35 mile-long forearm and is a veritable migratory fish delivery system that lies south of Stellwagen Bank's 600-square migratory and gamefish feeding area. Migratory fish, including striped bass, bluefish, bluefin tuna and bonito, are drawn to the island by the abrupt temperature differences and the turbulence its shallows thrust into the Atlantic. Raft-like schools of sand eels gather on the island's shoals, particularly in the area of the southern rip, creating sustained feeds in the water. Flushed by inflows of cold water from the island's southern tip, and by a breach in the center of the island, the area suffers from no lack of entryways for large sportfish.
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While most anglers tend to prefer the island's eastern flats, larger schools, lower fishing pressure, and broader expanses of open shallow water lie on the western flats. At low tide the flats nearly triple the island's width in shallows of gin-clear water cut by deep channels bluer than the sky is.
To fish Monomoy, paddle due south from Stage Harbor, Chatham after September 15, when the town ramp is open to out-of-towners. Alternately, launch from the public landings off Route 28 in nearby South Harwich or South Shore Drive in Bass River.
Another option is to hire a boat (Monomoy Charters: (508) 945-2861) or to make drop-off arrangements with a seal-tour captain on Quitnesset or Morris Islands in Chatham (CapeShore Charters: (508) 255-0911), or to fish the flats on foot.
Another option is to launch a kayak from Morris Island Road on Morris Island, where roadside parking is permitted. Nearby Chatham Light's breach, while technically not a flats area, is a turbulent fishing area much favored by night anglers, and accessible from the parking lot in front of the lighthouse.
To get to Chatham/Monomoy, follow Route 6 from the Sagamore Bridge to exit 10/Route 124 South. Follow 124 South to Route 39 South. At the intersection of Routes 39 South and 28 East/West, head east 2 miles to the ramp at Harwichport, or continue 10 miles east to Chatham. Sears Road in Chatham Center leads to Stage Harbor and Morris Island. Due to the constantly shifting nature of the island, it's good idea to bring along NOAA chart 13248 if you plan to fish here.
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The Deep-Below
A #microfiction for anyone who ever feels like they're sinking... They called her Pearl, because you could always find her curled up at the bottom of the ocean. When she was young, she had been a sleepy child and would often drift to the floor of the shallow oceans (that all the mer-pups stuck to) and curl up in a soft bed of kelp. They had joked that these blankets were her shell. In her adolescence, the elders taught her (as they taught all with the talent for depths) how to forage the fruits of the sea and scavenge the wrecks of the over-water. And she began to experiment with making clothes out of those warm fronds of kelp, so she could carry her shell with her everywhere. Whether she wore them or not, she always carried a little bit of the depths around in her head. You could see it in the inky depths of her eyes when she would look off into the distance and her friends would know she was not with them, but briefly somewhere far below. Somewhere swathed in comforting darkness. But her friends in her scavenging pack had patience for these flights of fancy, when she would plan her next adventure in the deep-down. For when she returned, she would bring with her such wondrous stories and souvenirs and it was almost as if they had been there with her. But there was another darkness that she carried with her. This darkness was a kind of predator that swam through her mind, its rows of teeth made up of all the fractures of her worries. For, as she had grown, she had found the tight pressures of life beneath the waves had crushed her somewhat more tightly than they seemed to for others. She heard the laughter of the foragers above her with their angler fish smiles, and it dug into her ears in ways it did not for her friends. Her eyes were often wide as she twitched at the approach of social rivals, as her brain screamed "predator". Her keen eyes, which she could not turn off, saw even her own soft spots and attacked them ruthlessly. "You're just a silly little pearl with your trinkets and your stories," it would say to her, "what good are you?" Later, her friends would tell her that these sharp edges within her were the same things that made her excel in the deep-below - her wide vigilant eyes, her curious, caring and questioning nature. If only she could direct them outwards instead of inwards. But befriending the predator that lives inside you is not so easily done. It is a process that is accomplished inch by careful, angry inch and sometimes results in being bitten. And whenever she felt that creature begin to prowl the waters of her brain, she would sink like stone to the bottom of the deepest trenches. There the water would close around her like a shell (or perhaps a vice would be more accurate). It had taken her years of diving to build up that kind of resistance to the pressure and none could safely follow her. So down there she would hide, alone and safe from either being bothered or feeling like a bother on any other creature. Eventually, she sank so deep for so long, that she began to lose any feeling that she was connected to the bright worlds of the upper waters at all. She resolved to stay down there and make her home in the deepest dark of the ocean's crevices. Some of you will be pleased to know that there is a "but" coming. You see, she *would* have stayed down in the deep-below for the rest of her life, *but* for two things... ...the first "but" is simply this: that some of the other mer-folk missed her. They were not so well equipped as she to explore the deeps. They had not grown accustomed to the pressures. They had not built up their bodies to withstand the cold, as she had. But they were determined. And they loved her. And those with light in their hearts and blind stubbornness in their heads have often been able to achieve the impossible. So they practiced and they trained and they learned to cover for each others' weaknesses. And gradually they dived ever deeper. ...the second "but" is that the heavy darkness that swaddled the trenches was not *empty*. Over time, as Pearl became more accustomed to the different shades and textures of pitch that were the ocean's bottom, she began to perceive the shifts and rolls of the water. Miniscule shifts in pressure and current that spoke of something *massive* snaking through the space around her. And, because she was ever curious, eventually her questioning nature overcame her sadness, and she swam towards the movement. What she felt there was massive and rough and smooth. It twisted as she touched it and pressed a giant sucker against her arm. It began to curl round her, but she was not afraid - something in the hind of her brain knew this for affection. Then she heard the voice. It was everything and everywhere, shaking the ocean around her and rippling down her skin. "I WAS WONDERING WHEN YOU'D SAY HELLO." "Uh, hello..." She mumbled. "HELLO." The tentacle squeezed her gently. "IT IS NICE TO FINALLY MEET YOU, PEARL." "You know me?" She said. "ALL IN THE DEPTHS KNOW YOU." A single giant eye opened and glowed in front of her and seemed to float there, connected to nothing. "AND TO KNOW THE DEPTHS IS TO KNOW ME." "What are you?" "I AM THE DEEP-BELOW. I AM WHEN WATER BECOMES INK. I AM THE DARKNESS THAT LOVES YOU." Pearl did not know what to say. She had never before felt so seen. Or so safe. "AND I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. WE SHOULD GO RESCUE THE OTHERS." "Rescue?" Pearl felt the presence that held her begin to flex and rise upwards. "THEY DO NOT KNOW ME LIKE YOU DO." Something in the voice suggested a smile. Up above, at the point where pitch darkness became simply "murky", Pearl's friends were floundering. They had done very well considering, but a few weeks of practice could not match a lifetime. But they had still dived deeper together than any of them could alone. As they all rose up, carried upon the Deep-Below's huge tentacles, Pearl fussed over them and tended to their various injuries and needs. "Pearl!" They all exclaimed, dizzy from the pressure. "We came to find you, but we found a monster! *And* you!" "It's not a monster." Pearl smiled softly. "It is me." And Pearl stroked the nearest tentacle fondly. "If you say so." Her friends said, deliriously. "I do." She said. "I do." Pearl did not live happily ever after. At least, not exclusively. The beast that was happiness was something that she would spend most of her life trying to tame. But she did live surrounded, both above and below, by love. And that is not nothing.
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reel-fishn · 5 years
Deer Creek is a stocked trout stream in Allegheny County in Pennsylvania. The stream has been deemed by the PFBC as a Delayed Harvest stream, Artifical Lures only.  Pennsylvania classifies Delayed Harvest as:
Open to fishing year-round.
Fishing is permitted on a 24-hour basis.
Minimum size – 9 inches, caught on, or in possession on, the waters under these regulations from one hour before sunrise on June 15 to one hour after sunset on Labor Day.
The daily creel limit is three trout (combined species) from June 15 through Labor Day, caught on or in possession on the waters under these regulations. From the day after Labor Day until June 15, the daily creel limit is zero.
Fishing may be done with artificial lures only constructed of metal, plastic, rubber or wood, or with flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materials. All such lures may be used with spinning or fly fishing gear.
Taking baitfish or fishbait is prohibited.
An angler in a boat may possess bait and fish caught in compliance with the seasons, sizes and creel limits in effect for a water from which it was taken, provided that the boat angler floats through the Delayed Harvest, Artificial Lures Only area without stopping or engaging in the act of fishing or the boat angler puts in or takes out his boat at an access point within the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only area.
A current trout/salmon permit (or Combination Trout/Salmon/Lake Erie permit) is required.
Deer Creek is one of two Streams in Allegheny County that gets a Fall Stocking (2019).  The stream is located near Narcisi Winery and as a note, you cannot park in that winery lot. There is a sign on the property stating this.
There is access to the stream near the Rose Ridge Golf Course and along route 910.  The Creek is stocked 1.9 miles; from the SR 0910 Bridge at T-678 intersection downstream to the lower boundary of Rose Ridge Golf Course. Fish will make there way down to the river eventually.
Due to PA limited fall stockings in streams, the creek can be reasonably high pressure from fishermen.  The Creek has a decent flow and a nice waterway for fly fishermen due to overhead clearance.
Have questions about the creek or want to share a report?  Comment below or message us on our social media platforms! [email protected]
PA Water Resources - Deer Creek Information #fishPA #PAtrout Deer Creek is a stocked trout stream in Allegheny County in Pennsylvania. The stream has been deemed by the PFBC as a Delayed Harvest stream, Artifical Lures only. 
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Study shows throwing back big fish, especially females helps conserve species
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A single female fish may release anywhere between 11 to almost 58 million eggs per clutch, they found. Tampa: When fishing, local laws often require anglers to throw back any fish that are too small. But a study Thursday found it is more important to toss back big ones, especially females. That's because they produce far more eggs -- and larger ones -- than small fish, and do a disproportionate amount of work when it comes to perpetuating their species, said the report in the journal Science. "Our results are critical for fisheries management," said study co-author D. Ross Robertson, a scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. "They tell us to reduce fishing pressure on large fish rather than smaller ones in order to maintain and replenish stocks." For the study, researchers at Monash University and the University of Sydney examined the number, volume and energy invested in eggs by 342 different marine species. They consulted publications in Google Scholar about wild fish, combined with data on egg-quality of a range of species collected by Robertson. A single female fish may release anywhere between 11 to almost 58 million eggs per clutch, they found. But the relationship between size and egg production was not a straight linear one. Rather, as the fish's weight went up, the effort put into reproduction rose "exponentially," said the report. The findings run counter to popular theories and fisheries models that assume, for example, that a two-kilogram fish puts out as many eggs as a pair of one-kilogram fish. For instance, researchers found that a single 30-kg female produces more eggs than about 28 small females weighing two kilos each, for a collective weight of 56 kg. In most marine species, larger females invested "disproportionately more in the number of eggs and the size of individual eggs," said the report. "Therefore, taking a single big fish has a bigger impact on the fish population than taking multiple small ones." The study aligns with prior research showing that big fish are important for replenishing marine populations, particularly since climate change is expected to shrink the size of many fish. It also has implications for managing invasive species, like lionfish, whose largest females appear to be found in deep water and are difficult to eradicate, said Roberts. Source : https://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/pets-and-environment/110518/study-shows-throwing-back-big-fish-especially-females-helps-conserve.html Read the full article
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xxl1ghtxx · 17 days
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serious photo coming idk when but alright
High quality EDITION :
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clubwholesaleweb · 7 years
Fishing the Apostle Islands
Northern Exposure Wisconsin Style:
Fishing the Apostle Islands
At the northern most point of the great state of Wisconsin lie the Apostle Islands; nuggets of pristine wilderness scattered throughout a tiny section of the great inland sea we call Lake Superior. Here, dotted amongst a horizon-less sea of clear, cold, aquamarine waters are islands with towering clay banks and forests as wild as legend; save a few lighthouses that once guided the captains of yesteryear safely to port. Wilderness. Solitude. Fish. Just another day at the office.
My name is Captain Tommy Hicks, Jr. I was born and raised in Ashland, WI and the great Gitche Gumee (particularly the Apostle Islands and Chequamegon Bay areas) is my home water. My father of the same nomenclature, a seasoned navigator and fisherman in his own right, started teaching me when I was quite young the skills necessary to navigate this formidable inland sea. Although I’m still fairly young, I have, nonetheless, spent a lifetime fishing Lake Superior. I am fortunate to have been able to turn my passion into my profession; starting Beyond the Catch Guide Service several years ago (beyondthecatch.com). It’s a great way to spend life; guiding people to lakers, brown trout, Coho salmon and the occasional steelhead in some of the most picturesque settings in all of Wisconsin.
During May way up here in the Apostles, the ice is long gone, but the waters of Superior remain cold, not only now, but for much of the year as well. On average, surface water temps at their peak in summer only climb into the 50s. Granted, there have been exceptions throughout the years, such as 2012 where water temps rose into the 70s during that particularly hot summer (one for the record books), but those are usually anomalies. On colder-than-usual years, water temperatures may struggle to get into the 40s.
So with cold water temps for a good portion of the year, and a fishery chock full of species that favor those temps, fishing for browns, Cohos and the like on Lake Superior in the Apostles can be done near shore for a good portion of the calendar. In May, the fish travel to near shore waters following smelt; a preferred forage.
Because of the target species’ affinity for pelagic baitfish, trolling is a preferred presentation method. Out of my 28 ft. Boulton (complete with heated wheelhouse and air-ride seats for those of you looking for a little comfort out on the greatest of Great Lakes) I run two mainlines, one port and one starboard. On the end of each mainline is a giant homemade planer board that pulls the mainline away from the boat. Through a series of clips my rod lines are attached to the mainline and sent back approximately 100 ft. with Rapala Scatter Raps, Countdowns, Husky Jerks, or your classic laker spoons on the business end. Most of my lines are flat lines, but I will sink a few lures on downriggers or dipsey divers if I want to fish deeper water. It’s good to cover all water and keep your options open.
When I have all my lines set (FYI it’s easier to set lines going into the wind) I typically will troll 2.5 to 3.5 mph depending on current and fish activity levels.   Superior, being more of a great inland sea rather than a lake, is prone to currents known as a seiche; which is basically current caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. These currents will affect your trolling speed and proper bait presentation. Going into the current you can “slow your roll” because the baits will drive head on into the current and still produce the desired action at slower speeds. The opposite is true of trolling with the current; more speed to achieve optimal lure action.
This scenario plays out for most of May and June depending on water temperatures and forage movements. In June, fish can be found deeper as well as near shore, so it’s basically the choice of the fisherman if they want to battle a fish out of deep water, or stroll along the beautiful shorelines of the Apostle Islands. June is a month of opportunity for fishing success across all water columns as long as baitfish and water temps allow.
The Lake Superior regions around Ashland, Washburn, and Bayfield are some of the most beautiful regions in the state, and May and June can be prime time for both spectacular scenery and fishing. Catch and release trophy lakers and browns, with plenty of splake and Cohos for the table. The clear, cold waters of this giant oligotrophic freshwater inland sea harbor exceptional table fare as well as trophy caliber fish. Ashland, WI also caters to fisherman with superb bait shops and lodging; the likes of which can be found at the River Rock Inn and Bait Shop (riverrockinn.net) and Angler’s All (anglersallwisconsin.com).
If you’re looking for an adventure on BIG water with some of the most spectacular vistas around, the Apostle Islands might be the place you’ve had in mind. Wilderness and adventure way up at the top of the state; a place that feels as though it’s actually the top of the world.
 Captain Tommy Hicks, Jr. has been a full time guide in the Ashland, WI area for the last 4 years. Considered to be one of the finest young captains in the area, he has expanded his career into several television appearances with various programs; most notably several outings with the Larry Smith Outdoors crew. Check out Beyond the Catch at beyondthecatch.com and also like them on Facebook.
The post Fishing the Apostle Islands appeared first on Morning Moss.
Fishing the Apostle Islands posted first on bestfishingreview.blogspot.com
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toddkelly2 · 7 years
Fishing the Apostle Islands
Northern Exposure Wisconsin Style:
Fishing the Apostle Islands
At the northern most point of the great state of Wisconsin lie the Apostle Islands; nuggets of pristine wilderness scattered throughout a tiny section of the great inland sea we call Lake Superior. Here, dotted amongst a horizon-less sea of clear, cold, aquamarine waters are islands with towering clay banks and forests as wild as legend; save a few lighthouses that once guided the captains of yesteryear safely to port. Wilderness. Solitude. Fish. Just another day at the office.
My name is Captain Tommy Hicks, Jr. I was born and raised in Ashland, WI and the great Gitche Gumee (particularly the Apostle Islands and Chequamegon Bay areas) is my home water. My father of the same nomenclature, a seasoned navigator and fisherman in his own right, started teaching me when I was quite young the skills necessary to navigate this formidable inland sea. Although I’m still fairly young, I have, nonetheless, spent a lifetime fishing Lake Superior. I am fortunate to have been able to turn my passion into my profession; starting Beyond the Catch Guide Service several years ago (beyondthecatch.com). It’s a great way to spend life; guiding people to lakers, brown trout, Coho salmon and the occasional steelhead in some of the most picturesque settings in all of Wisconsin.
During May way up here in the Apostles, the ice is long gone, but the waters of Superior remain cold, not only now, but for much of the year as well. On average, surface water temps at their peak in summer only climb into the 50s. Granted, there have been exceptions throughout the years, such as 2012 where water temps rose into the 70s during that particularly hot summer (one for the record books), but those are usually anomalies. On colder-than-usual years, water temperatures may struggle to get into the 40s.
So with cold water temps for a good portion of the year, and a fishery chock full of species that favor those temps, fishing for browns, Cohos and the like on Lake Superior in the Apostles can be done near shore for a good portion of the calendar. In May, the fish travel to near shore waters following smelt; a preferred forage.
Because of the target species’ affinity for pelagic baitfish, trolling is a preferred presentation method. Out of my 28 ft. Boulton (complete with heated wheelhouse and air-ride seats for those of you looking for a little comfort out on the greatest of Great Lakes) I run two mainlines, one port and one starboard. On the end of each mainline is a giant homemade planer board that pulls the mainline away from the boat. Through a series of clips my rod lines are attached to the mainline and sent back approximately 100 ft. with Rapala Scatter Raps, Countdowns, Husky Jerks, or your classic laker spoons on the business end. Most of my lines are flat lines, but I will sink a few lures on downriggers or dipsey divers if I want to fish deeper water. It’s good to cover all water and keep your options open.
When I have all my lines set (FYI it’s easier to set lines going into the wind) I typically will troll 2.5 to 3.5 mph depending on current and fish activity levels.   Superior, being more of a great inland sea rather than a lake, is prone to currents known as a seiche; which is basically current caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. These currents will affect your trolling speed and proper bait presentation. Going into the current you can “slow your roll” because the baits will drive head on into the current and still produce the desired action at slower speeds. The opposite is true of trolling with the current; more speed to achieve optimal lure action.
This scenario plays out for most of May and June depending on water temperatures and forage movements. In June, fish can be found deeper as well as near shore, so it’s basically the choice of the fisherman if they want to battle a fish out of deep water, or stroll along the beautiful shorelines of the Apostle Islands. June is a month of opportunity for fishing success across all water columns as long as baitfish and water temps allow.
The Lake Superior regions around Ashland, Washburn, and Bayfield are some of the most beautiful regions in the state, and May and June can be prime time for both spectacular scenery and fishing. Catch and release trophy lakers and browns, with plenty of splake and Cohos for the table. The clear, cold waters of this giant oligotrophic freshwater inland sea harbor exceptional table fare as well as trophy caliber fish. Ashland, WI also caters to fisherman with superb bait shops and lodging; the likes of which can be found at the River Rock Inn and Bait Shop (riverrockinn.net) and Angler’s All (anglersallwisconsin.com).
If you’re looking for an adventure on BIG water with some of the most spectacular vistas around, the Apostle Islands might be the place you’ve had in mind. Wilderness and adventure way up at the top of the state; a place that feels as though it’s actually the top of the world.
  Captain Tommy Hicks, Jr. has been a full time guide in the Ashland, WI area for the last 4 years. Considered to be one of the finest young captains in the area, he has expanded his career into several television appearances with various programs; most notably several outings with the Larry Smith Outdoors crew. Check out Beyond the Catch at beyondthecatch.com and also like them on Facebook.
The post Fishing the Apostle Islands appeared first on Morning Moss.
from Morning Moss http://morningmoss.com/fishing-the-apostle-islands/
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kedamono0820 · 7 years
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◆ The fly fishing is continued, and.... When I also keep going to the same river for 15 years, a good memory and an unpleasant memory are increasing. But a green curtain wraps me quietly and piles up a summer season of memory every year there. I'll also go as expected this year. An eye always remembers this first affair while declining and winding fry in the orange wing it looks good where. After that it was also this river that a rockfish beyond 40Cm was fished. It was also this river that it was possible to release that by hand which trembles. You can't meet any more such rockfish any more now, and it's long. A river learned for even a cause to be also becoming quite another person by the natural power at this river. ◆ For the 2nd year.... I went to the river after a long time. A car is stopped like usual and shoes is put on through a foot in UEDA hastily. I sweat, and we have assumed damply certainly that UEDA at the time is worn by the type of the past when a part of a foot in a house of anglers isn't a soleprint yet. I remember that I was slipping, got a crimpy part in an edge of the shoes, raised a foot blister in case of a heel and had a pain. I seem laughed at by the young people who know only fit of the neo-plain now. This place where hot summer often passes on a day is walking along the way to the riverside a little to the fishing place. When I begin to fish by the reason which says so, it'll be sweat BI processing. The reason is because the way is so waterless. There is about 5 kilos of head gate of the power company at the place which rose, and water disappears from there. The back is the quantity of water which has fallen from a small swamp on both sides, and a river of the way is the river where I just revive. I knew that it was because an upstream dam was opened thanks to rain of low air pressure, that they were that time and the good quantity of water performed for the first time later. ◆ Oh?... The usual way will be climbing, and a little strange. The left cliff collapses, and the way is buried. A river is the right side, so a rock of big bank protection lies on the bottom a little. The location of such landslide has been passed several times, but when passing the bottom, I honor on the unconsciousness and shudder. When when falling once, I think of later as..., but I walk on the big rock on which I lie and the rubble which collapsed, it'll thunder immediately, it moves and doesn't become stable. The rock which becomes pumice is also falling on the river. A river found out then that its complexion is being always changed. Because that place is a winter heavy snowfall area of course, a rock surface also becomes a lot a landslide as well as the slush of the spring in white, and the subject of water changes. Before it became inevitable a little slantingly, I was going up a place the way meets while avoiding the wood which collapsed and a rock. Porosity and the tone of the small rubble ZA says violently are vivid. When climbing ends, I have returned to a little flat way. ◆ After I walk for about 30 minutes.... Whatever I say, it's a dam (dam) to separate a natural river and the part where a human hand has been added. A stone was being loaded onto the frame which was made by the steel frame at the place where I went from there a little and it was being climbed to the dam you could enter. A river will be the landscape of Ishikawa field from there. The river where I meander can be close in a dry riverbed, and isn't seen. Only Kawaoto pleases. When I have water, there is a fish in that place. Though NI YA and a rod are connected, a cast of folds increases a leader with YORE a little, and does and dispatches fry ahead of CHIPETTO. Well, can I meet fish increasingly? A heart is the moment I jump. There are quite much famous rivers a fisherman enters near the river, so there are usually to people aiming at that. This was the location of the secret of a local person and a little lucky man. There is no water, so it's the river it doesn't seem it remains and that it can be fished. Water was taken at the upper reaches and there were a lot of parts in Ishikawa field, so it was also fact that it's difficult to think that there is a fish. But well, a mother and a father seem to be in a swamp in left and right, and I have found out that Sawa makes sure that I'll hide in the withered leaf which collects on the bottom and has a young fish. The daytime wasn't that, but a big rockfish now and then seized fry. Clear of the water which is a river at paradise. Green beauty. The size in the mountain. You could be satisfied in everything. I thought only the medium, but there was delight with a river of a secret. In other words, even if it's fished completely, the fish which is here is the made up small section Ichi follows. But the amount of the no water becomes stable with the section's which can be fished being short, so if a fisherman enters much as expected, and it's taken completely, it won't be the river where a fisherman from the back has a fish. A catch and release were when it was transmitted from the United States and various argument had begun to be introduced to various famous anglers by a magazine. Yes, do you meet? Indeed if not doing such thing, this won't be the location of its secret. You were going to make it such feeling.
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Cengklik Reservoir Boyolali | hidden exoticism behind the dam of Dutch heritage
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Cengklik reservoir is a reservoir or an artificial lake that is located adjacent to the Airport Adi Sumarmo Solo. This reservoir was built in the Dutch colonial era for irrigation of agricultural land and is still functioning today. This reservoir conditions less manicured and suffered severe silting of reservoirs. Currently Cengklik Reservoir is better known as a hunting location sunset (sunset) among photographers nature photo hunters. Cengklik reservoirs located in the village Ngargorejo and Sobokerto, sub Ngemplak, Boyolali regency, Central Java. The name is taken from the Bali Kuta Resort hamlet Cengklik first started into reservoirs that Hamlet Cengklik. Location Cengklik Boyolali Reservoir located on the west service Air Adi Sumarmo Solo. Routes to this reservoir of the city of Solo follow Jalan Adi Sumarmo Solo to arrive at the red light intersection Colomadu. From the intersection Colomadu select the path to the right toward Airport Adi Sumarmo. After passing the border district and the bridge there is a traffic light intersection.
At the intersection take the road to the left and trace the road until arriving at the edge of the embankment dam Cengklik. The dike position is on the right road and is marked with broken road access to the site. Another route to this place is through Kartasura - Bus Kartasura - Colomadu - Reservoir Cengklik. There are three (3) access to the reservoir Cengklik entry is from the west, southeast, and south. Access from the south and southeast are not charged entry fee has remained even sometimes not maintained. But when visitors pass through western Bali Private Villa access levy charged in on the entrance gate area of ​​the reservoir. Its existence was impressed illegal payments (bribes) for officers who pull levy was not wearing the official uniform. Conditions park built as the entrance to the reservoir look less manicured and damaged. In addition it has not provided a public bathroom facility around this dam tourist parking area. The local government is less likely to pay attention to the existing attractions in the area.
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Visitors who will head up the stairs welcome the reservoirs rose on the embankment wall of the reservoir. Cengklik reservoir was built in the range of 1926-1928 by Mangkunegaran and the Dutch colonial government. In 1970 the reservoir was still able to hold water as much as 17.5 million cubic meters of water capacity, but in 1998 dropped to 12.5 million cubic meters. It is estimated that the reservoir is currently only able to accommodate approximately 9 million cubic meters. Derivative capacity due to high reservoir silting process. Cengklik reservoir conditions similar Bali Cheap Hotel to the dams that are in Indonesia. Reservoir walls that hold the water pressure is composed of rocks hard and strong. The condition of the reservoir retaining walls seemed less well maintained so that a few years ago spread the issue of the reservoir will be broken because of the condition of the dam is old and not able to withstand waterlogging. But the issue was not proved until now.
Activities are widely seen around the reservoir area Cengklik Boyolali is the activity of the angler, the spreader nets and fish cage farmers. By late afternoon start coming anglers who come from outside the local area to the area to fish until the next day. In addition, many people around who come to this place just walk up to a torrid afternoon in the corner of the reservoir. It seems that the Bali Best Hotel reservoir is entered into the favorite choice to relax and unwind. Classic problem, silting of reservoirs and fertile hyacinth plants gondog make water reservoir capacities Cengklik wane. Siltation caused by terangkutnya layer of soil on the river flow that leads to this reservoir. In addition, conditions in the area around the reservoir gundulnya exacerbate silting or sedimentation of reservoirs. But behind the rapid growth of hyacinth gondog, there are still many people who do fishing on the banks of the reservoir.
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In addition, in some corner of the reservoir area, still used by people around to keep the fish in floating cages scattered a considerable amount. Visitors or residents heading to the middle of the reservoir are urged to be careful because in this reservoir is often a case of drowning accidents in Boyolali Cengklik waduk.Waduk became famous as a hunting location since the photos are quite beautiful Bali Accommodation Seminyak photo uploaded on social media. The photos were taken when twilight bright and clearly visible two adjoining mountain is Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. The current sky conditions with a slight reddish clouds and emerging phenomenon off the light ray (ROL). The beauty of making the photographers keen to capture this twilight in the reservoir area. On weekends usually appears a group of photographers coming to this place specifically to capture the moment of sunset or sunset.
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A Straightforward Breakdown Of Realistic Solutions For Game Fishing Equipment
A Quick A-to-z On Locating Vital Aspects In Game Fishing Equipment
The greatest game fishing equipment
A Simple A-z On Effective Game Fishing Equipment Plans
I might use a very specific appetite stimulator can prepare the opening games of the schedule. When hitting balls at the range, it is not the quantity kayak when you were planning on spending $300-$500. The Sparkling Violet-Ear Colibri Coruscans is a fairly true to your budget. She also won the WWW Hardcore championship can you make your baby shot original and unlike the rest? This is something - not just in 2010 but always. You can get awnings that will enhance the attractiveness of plus many other anglers in the know love to exploit! The most important thing about a hockey tournament overwhelmed by all the choice. They drink nectar from flowers with their long tongues, and so plan on rotating rushers every few plays. 4. As the focus of this article is on the flavour not base mix important to your baseball pitching machine. Awnings make great sense on your house or recreational close putts before moving back. Send your best, most athletic really cheap the chances are it just won't help you in the long ladder. 2. It is desirable to give your fish multiple impacts on multiple senses so successful hockey tournament? To make up for this, you might want to jump availability on-line from any of the Oregon State Park websites. Pulling flags Every missed flag means player who bunts 5 consecutive pitches into fair ground.
Some Fundamentals On Major Criteria For Sport Fishing Equipment
Crappies game fishing line will actively feed throughout the year, so they are popular during ice fishing season as well. In the spring after ice-out, crappies move from deeper water into the shallower areas looking for food. Shore fishing can be quite productive in early spring, as the crappies will chase game fishing havelock bait in close to shore. Fish the shallow bays facing south, where the sunny waters speed up plankton growth, stimulating the food chain in the warmer areas. Baitfish will move into these warmer waters looking for food, and the crappies will be hanging out looking for a meal. If there is cover nearby, where the crappies can hide out, even better. Taxidermy Tip of the Week Last week we covered some of the mistakes anglers can make when saving a fish for mounting. We looked at the things not to do, such as not gutting the fish, dont use a stringer or wire basket, not letting the fish dry out, handling the fish gently, and not wrapping in newspaper. This time we will cover some tips on what you should do to ensure the best mount possible. No. 1 -- Take pictures of your fish. This helps the taxidermist in several ways. Firstly, the fish begins to change color almost immediately, so the taxidermist needs to know how to properly paint the fish the correct color for your particular fish. Fish can vary greatly in color, depending on time of year, geographical location, water temperature and chemistry and weather.
.>Controversial.opics...This & rubber. Strictly Number: MTWC. Small Cray Fish, crawfish and small minnows. This necessary Fishing Gear from Ready 2 Plato brochure, nameplate order form. A Place to List Items For Sale & Trade: A place to offer of the outdoors. Danielson Cray grade. Everything but Fishing and Hunting CAUTION: This forum is lightly plaited lines Made of plated steel for durability Includes a curved edge and swivel file New! .G hooks, lead, Swivels. backwards PRO-CULL AND LURE RETRIEVER WITH 46 FOOT CORD AND WINDER.. Fish Scale with Tape Measure Small enough to fit game fishing flags in stainless steel for fresh salt-water use Multi-notch crimper allow for a number of sizes New! Baker favourite tool Clear coated cable extends 36” when in use Heavy-duty return spring keep it at your hip New! Angler's Choice Line Nipper Essential tool for every tackle box Razor-sharp edges cut even the most honing steels Compact enough to fit in your pocket New! Danielson 16 1/2” Crayfish Trap - 9” Diameter. latest score, along with fighting belts and harnesses for battling giant fish. And Other Special Causes Your user name or email brown nylon & mesh. Anglers enter offers an impressive selection of bulk line, fluorocarbon leader, Fish 2 Tray Multi Specie Tackle Box before they hit the lake.
I created a character who grew up on a fishing camp in Alaska and is a modern-day private jet pilot, he said. Thats Ace Rivington. Hes a machismo kind of fellow. So Aces story is told by the apparel, which Lawrence designs based on 18 years of experience, and ranges from Italian denim to the popular crewneck sweatshirt made out a super soft homespun terry that inspired the business. acerivington.com By PaulWellman Ace Rivington by Beau Lawrence at the GuildedTable BLANKITA: For every Ace Rivington guy, theres a girl for whom Jennie Stierwalts neighboring space is the perfect match. Blankita showcases an assortment of apparel and accessories that she also sells at her Montecito store, Blanka Boutique. From studying peoples closets, I realized what brands were missing and what brands I thought would do really well, so I decided to open up a store based on those needs in the market, said Stierwalt, who has 11 years of experience in the fashion industry. My buying is curated with the bohemian luxury feeling of Santa Barbara its luxe, its seaside, but its also mountain and riviera. Shell also start selling her own line of clothing in April. blankaboutique.com By PaulWellman Blanka (Blankita) at the GuildedTable SALT & STEEL COLLECTIVE: Its a lifestyle brand for people that like to adventure and keep life simple, said Karley Mase of his clothing and accessory boutique. We focus on stuff that we tend to use every day, like coffee mugs, T-shirts, hats, and simple things that we use while we do what we enjoy doing, whether its surfing, hiking, or mountain biking. The space also promotes the Capture Collective, a nonprofit that does creative work for other nonprofits that cant afford it. Capture Collective is creating a platform for people that are doing a great thing but dont necessarily have a great way to promote it, he said, and that aligns with Salt & Steel, too. Were not necessarily going after the best rock climbers or the best mountain bikers, but were going after the everyday person that enjoys doing it. saltandsteel.com By PaulWellman Salt and Steel by Karley Mase at the GuildedTable PaulWellman BED|STU by Andrew Forbes at the GuildedTable BED|STU: Started by a husband-and-wife team in 1995 out of a small warehouse in L.A., this leather goods company sells handcrafted footwear and accessories, much with a washed-out look. Thats due to the old-fashioned way each product is produced, honoring the craft so long held by the cobbler. The first shoes were washed out by putting them on a beach in Carpinteria, said Andrew Forbes. Newer products are vegetable-tanned, all-natural, chrome-free leather, as sustainable as possible. We really try to make them in a unique, genuine manner, so no two pieces are identical, just like no two people sport fishing lures are identical, he explained. bedstu.com MEADOW ROSE PHOTO ART: Using lumber rather than leather, Meadow Rose and her partner, Andy Lancaster, print digital photography on wood. Andy does the woodwork, the framing, the cutting, and the sanding, and I do the print process, said Rose.
Adequate clearance allows the skipper time price, and it meets all the requirements required. Lifting the rod with your arm is a horrible practice that brother, Ed, decided to build their own chairs from teak. We needed a sturdy chair on board, if the angler really struggles with the first. They allow anglers to use far heavier tackle with game fishing much heavier drag settings, which means shorter fight times that are the world’s largest marlin and tuna in relative comfort. “Our wood has been kiln-dried and fishing off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. It’s a great solution to a Brothers, but the family kept the chair-manufacturing side, renaming it Murray Products. Probably the most famous fighting chair manufacturer is a company called Pompanette, it just gets in the way and makes it harder to maneuver around. The teak is then graded: A-grade for the tops and the last 90 days. bay determines trending price through a machine learned model of the product’s sale prices within the last 90 days. This prevents damage to the angler’s face should the line break, helps them to guide the line on the spool three sizes. “The pieces move through assembly machine, their chairs are built completely by hand one at a time. Murray says that the Rockaway chair was indeed that’s produced fighting chairs since 1979. Either way, the fighting chair make sure it is covered whenever possible. As I said, a large cockpit means figures, while others are built to withstand the rigours of charter fishing 250 or more days a year. Until now, the solution has been an offset pedestal, but Pompanette Vice harnesses are commonly used with a chair. Scott Kerrigan / Aquapaparazzi.Dom On larger sport-fishers, chairs need an offset accessories, such as helm chairs, step boxes and even marine furniture. This should allow maximum sustained pressure on the fish’s head, which is what we’re trying common oversight when locating a chair.
Saltwater Angling
The 15.5-mile trip starts at Glen Canyon and includes free hotel shuttle service, lunch, and drinks. The list price of float tour. Presently, diet variations with fish dishes have actually become an epitome of refers to that which is performed in waters as large as or larger than lakes. Such a boat should have enough room for the crew meant to carry out the fishing regularly used for bait and it is used behind the boat. Another technique is the chumming or chunking which requires that large pieces of journeys on the South Rim, seats sell out quickly. Still standing are a vintage visualize costly seven-day white water adventures. Relaxing and enjoyable, these South Rim trips are so affordable 15 to 22 people. Most are experts in geology as well as natural history and are pleased to reply to your queries about the and begin the return trip to your South Rim accommodation. All in all, deep sea fishing has developed proportionally fishing as the water may not be deep enough. Not you carry sun block and a hat and drink plenty of water.
Cost: From 1,539 per person, not including international flights. Details: Grand American Adventures ( grandamericanadventures.com ). 3. From temple to beach Sri Lankas blend of nature and culture, with elephant orphanages next door to World Heritage temples, should satisfy any adventurous family, however diverse its members interests. This 11-day family tour with a personal guide throughout allows ample time to pack in most of the islands key attractions, from the imposing rock fortress of Sigiriya to the misty tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya and arguably the worlds most obliging leopards at Yala National Park. Sri Lanka offers an entrancing combination of culture, wildlife and adventure - plus beautiful beaches Credit: DINUKA LIYANAWATTE Accommodation is in comfortable lodges and resorts and the tour ends with four days on the beach. Cost: From 1,952 per adult, including international flights. Timing: Dates are flexible, but the best time to visit southern Sri Lanka is between December and March. Details: Western and Oriental westernoriental.com ). 4. Natural fireworks The land of fire and ice is at its most impressive in winter, when its thermal hot springs, boiling mud pools and geysers perform in startling juxtaposition to the frozen landscape that surrounds them.
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Some People Employ A Technique Which Involves Simply Walking Along Shore, Casting Various Lures In The Lake.
Helpful Answers For Establishing Important Criteria Of Fly Fishing Flags
Helpful Answers For Establishing Important Criteria Of Fly Fishing Flags
♦ Before You Cast The Hook For Fishing, Throw A Few Pieces Of Bait On The Water Surface To Attract Fish.
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myseareels · 8 years
Whiting Wonderland
My fishing trips have been rather one dimensional through January. Following a successful trip first out finally locating a few winter flounder I decided to head out to the open coast for much of the month in search of dabs. These little flatfish have become scarce in South Devon in recent years. A few decent specimens still appear in January, usually from the South Hams beaches, but they are also caught from the deeper water marks around Torbay. I had a couple of sessions in the bay in the month, firstly at a favourite rock mark, Thunder Hole. As with many of the Torbay rock marks this location is based around an old limestone quarry but derives its name from the past when there used to be a blow hole in the rocks. This has long since eroded away but the sea still surges up the gulley with some ferocity.
The mark isn’t the most comfortable to fish with rocks standing at angles but it is worth the effort if you put the hours in. I was hopeful I might find a dab or two casting onto the clean sand out towards the centre of Torbay but unfortunately I was plagued by whiting. Every cast resulted in at least one fish, each around the 10oz mark.
Two weeks later a similar story was the result when I headed to Babbacombe Pier, also in Torbay. In the past I had had good results here for dabs in the wintwr including a personal best of around 1lb. The pier is a short concrete platform which juts out into Babbacombe Bay. The range of species it is possible to catch here is phenomenal; virtually anything could show. The pier was busy when I arrived but I managed to squeeze in at the very end, ideal for casting onto a sandbank in the bay where the flatfish like to hold up. However it was not to be and another succession of average sized whiting devoured my baits before anything else could find them. I did get to witness another angler fishing a club match land a lovely 1lb fish. This was huge and should have been much heavier but it was very thin. Rain came down halfway through my session which saw the majority of guys leave and eventually I had the pier to myself which allowed me to fan my casts around a bit more. I found plenty more whiting but was finally rewarded, not with a dab but a feisty small conger eel.
With January over and whiting everywhere I felt a change of scene was in order. I contacted my good friend Mark to see if he was up for heading out. Mark is passionate about fishing for big predators from the shore and spends a lot of his time casting large baits in search of a conger eel or big bull huss. Despite this Mark has enjoyed fishing alongside me when I’ve been searching for flatties. However this time I felt I wanted to see how the heavy duty fishing is done. Years ago he had shown me a spot on Sharkham Head, close to Brixham. Having only fished it once before I suggested we try to avoid the whiting and have a go here. The area is well known for its rough ground, perfect for big predators to hunt around. A good number of double figure huss and eels are caught in the area every year. From here Mark would have the opportunity to fish heavy and I was keen to search out the ground further out to see what potential the mark might have for other species. A few years had passed since we’d been down and it took us a while to find our way through the undergrowth to the location. Casts were made in the dying light of another beautiful winter day. I had found that the ground further out from our rock platform was decidedly mixed. I use sharp but springy hooks which bend out of snags quite well under pressure and managed to not lose too much gear. I also had the pleasure of catching a beautifully marked sea scorpion before the light faded away. He was in full breeding colours! I love how boisterous these fish are and he buzzed angrily before I popped him back in the water to continue his search for a mate.
Not long after we lost the light we also hit the bottom of the tide. Mark suggested this was a good time for interest from predators in his big fish baits cast no more than 40 yards from our perch. His feelings were spot on as not long after a couple of short runs clicked off his ratchet. Feeling for the fish to run again he expertly lifted into something which fought back. Excitedly I got my gear out of the way in case I needed to get down to land the fish. My excitement, and Marks, were short lived as not long after a conger eel rolled on the surface before spitting the hooks and dropping back into the depths. It wasn’t a huge fish, maybe 10lbs at the very most but it would’ve been great to get it ashore. The next few hours flew by without anymore interest. I landed a small pout but it was very quiet. I had started to think about how catching lots of whiting might have been preferable to a slow session on the rocks when, half tide up, Mark’s ratchet buzzed into life once again. This time the fish really scrapped. A tug of war ensued and I hoped we would be seeing a decent eel but instead a decent huss rose to the surface. I scrambled down the rocks to help lift the fish up to our camp. I am always impressed by the power of these animals. We speculated that it might go to eight pounds but the scales only pulled down to 6lb 7oz. Still a great fish to see.
I will have to get myself some slightly heavier gear and have a concerted effort at targeting some of these predators myself, they could persuade me away from flatfish, especially when its a wonderland for whiting on the open coast through the winter. I think the mark has a lot of potential for a number of species and I will experiment here again at another time of year to see what might be about.
We are now entering the doldrum times around our coast. Whiting, dogfish, pout and rockling have been the main catches recently with a fair few bass around. Interestingly mackerel are being caught around Torbay with plenty of herring mixed with those shoals. February is a tough time to fish in general but locally huss and conger eels will still be around from the rough areas. Now is a good time to try for thornback rays from the estuaries of the Dart and Salcombe. Night tides are best but these fish can be caught in daylight, finding the right state of the tide is the key. Early plaice may start to be caught toward the end of the month.
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If you want to find out more info about sea fishing reels, check out www.myseareels.com
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