#presentation swords
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ltwilliammowett · 8 months ago
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Presentation small swords, 18th century - early 19th century
Presentation small sword presented to Lt. General Sir Rowland Hill in recognition of his services under Wellington at the Battle of Vittoria on 21st June, 1813. Made by John Ray and James Montague, London.
Presentation small sword by James Morisset of London. Inscribed 'Presented to Lt. Colonel James Hartley in testimony of his brave & gallant conduct by the Honble East India Company 1779'.
Presentation small sword, by James Morisset of London. ‘Presented by the Committee of Merchants & of London to LIEUT.T FRANCIS DOUGLAS for his Spirited and active conduct on board His Majesty’s Ship the REPULSE. Ja.s Alms Esq.r Commander during the MUTINY at the NORE in 1797. Marine Society Office, May 1o 1798 } Hugh Inglis Esq.r Chairman’.
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awallofswords · 2 years ago
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Georgian era ‘horse head pommel’ presentation sabres. 
These highly ornate swords with ivory grips, gold or silver wire and gold gilding often featuring martial motives were often given to ‘noteable’ people by their peer or subordinates as a sign of respect. 
Very often, these hilts were matched to beautifully decorated but still functional sword blades. 
Source: images posted with permission of a private collector
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caffeinatedbasil · 19 days ago
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jason “crawled out of his own grave” todd x roy “was in a rock band” harper
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
It's always, like, mildly annoying when people see a het trans couple and go "all that work just to be straight?" like... one, you don't know if they're straight and two, trans people don't owe you a queer sexuality to "make up" for the fact we're trans. Transhet people aren't a subtype of trans people, they're members of the trans community, and the queer one if they so desire!
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sunfish5149 · 6 months ago
Thinking about Yoo Joonghyuk's sage eye that makes him have black-yellow heterochromia and it's so hilarious because not only is that eye so bright it could shine in the dark but it's the exact same color as like, a phone's camera with the yellow flashlight next to it like that's hilarious I wonder if I rattle his head a bit, the eye will turn on like a flash light and when yjh turns his head to look at you u can't see anything because of how bright it is
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sinnettini · 2 months ago
inspired by a conversation i had with mars the other day, i ask tennisblr:
*significant can mean a 1000, the wta/atp finals, the billie jean king/davis cup finals or something else i'm forgetting that's particularly important during the tennis season. some of these have dates that have varied more than others over the years but regardless since every tournament obviously happens on different dates every year i'm asking usually, so if most years your birthday is during, for example, indian wells or the davis cup finals pick the 2nd option even if sometimes it isn't, you know
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blueskittlesart · 5 months ago
How do you feel about concepts for redeemed/good guy Ganondorf? I don't remember if you've said anything on it before, so I am curious to see what sorts of thoughts you have to share or if you've thought about the idea before (especially since you've worked on SoF so I assume you've thought about many possibilities of a "what if" Zelda game)
For my part: I have mixed feelings, and I think a lot of concepts end up being "I want a buff guy to ship Link with"; I also think a lot of criticisms of the racism in many depictions of Ganondorf have merit (though I don't speak on them in depth because I'm white) and would love to see a more favorable/complex portrayal of him and other characters of color in LoZ. I personally haven't seen many versions of good guy/redeemed Ganondorf that really engage with the base structure of the LoZ games but I would love to see one that did.
Anyways I love your blog and analysis and I love seeing someone who finds analysis as inherently a part of their engagement with fandom as me, it's really nice :) I hope you're having a good day
I never posted about it much but sof did actually have a somewhat redeemed ganondorf, or as close to "good guy" as i'm willing to go with him in my own writing. sof was/is very much about me exploring the religious aspects of the lore and issues of fate vs self-determination, so my ganondorf was a much younger version of the character (similar in age to link and zelda) born into an extremist hylia-worshipping doomsday cult. in sof, ganondorf finds the remains of DEMISE'S sword and believes it to be the master sword, so when it starts ordering him around he follows the orders without question, believing that he's hearing the voice of hylia, and basically everyone in his life affirms to him that this is the correct choice and he's hylia's chosen one. Because of the intensity of the religious doctrine he was raised with, he has no problem following the sword's orders even when they become progressively more and more violent, and by the time link and zelda get to him he's nearly past the point of no return. (this is also partially a product of the setting I chose to put sof in--it's one of if not the first cycles after sksw, so the hyruleans' understanding of the reincarnation cycle and their own general history isn't super solid.) So that's my personal take on a "good guy" ganondorf, and, i think, the way i'd like to see it done in canon if ever they choose to go that route--because loz deals so much with the concepts of fate and cycles, I think leaning into a ganondorf who isn't inherently evil but can't escape the fate that waits for him is a fun way to take it.
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months ago
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A cased Lloyds £ 50 sword for valour awarded to Lt. Ogle Moore of H.M.S. Maidstone, 1804
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awallofswords · 2 years ago
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‘Horse head pommel’ presentation sabres by William Archer of Dublin. 
Horse head pommels are not commonly encountered and not a lot is know about them. Most are very ornate and are believed to have belonged to Yeomanry or Militia officers rather than regular army. 
That is not to say that they couldn’t have been the property of a regular army officer, since many of the Yeomanry and Militia did go on to serve in the military, only that the sword would not have been carried as part of their uniform. 
Both of these swords were presented to Yeomanry Captains by their fellow officers in late 1800.
William Archer appears to have been a prominent maker of this style of sabre with many carrying his trade name. 
Source: images posted with permission of a private collector
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muninnhuginn · 5 months ago
The good thing about this being a weekly airing series is that I'll get to see pretty quickly if I'm on the mark with this but rn am thinking of how pre-amnesia seven was unreadable and so people presumed the worse. Like, we know this part already. His (relative) silence and lack of clear expression let people read into him what they thought fitting.
With post-amnesia seven meanwhile, one of his main characteristics is how *chatty* he is. Someone will charge at him and he'll start commentating.
So, like, now he's getting his memories *back* (albeit in dribs and drabs), the first thing we notice is the whole earnestly trying to murder some guys (as opposed to half-heartedly fighting and/or being on the defence the whole time). But, we actually see in his mind during this. We see that he's been instructed to react in this way. That he's literally superimposing skulls/monsters(?) over the Stan guys in his head (#healthy coping mechanisms). But he doesn't say anything to anyone there and they sure can't see into his mind and so all *they* see is an unleashed killing machine. He's back to not explaining himself.
And, it's just, they presume the worst this time too. Dai Bo, especially, is clearly wondering if he's going to lose the Seven he knows. And sure, we don't have the whole picture as the audience yet, but we can still see that Seven's first *action* after being set off was actually to *protect* the healer. It was only after he'd acted to save that he got swept into the bloodlust.
I'm guessing a lot of this season is going to be us watching Seven acting more like his pre-amnesiac self, but this time, we'll be getting the inside scoop on what's going on inside his brain. So as the audience, we can see how he's both his past and present (how his past was never as different as it seemed), but those around him won't get that insight. They'll be forced to trust in the bonds Seven built with them previously. And it'll either come down to them seeing through Seven to the root of his actions or to Seven actually being able to *communicate* this time, now he's actually been able to make connections of his own. Connections his past self was sorely lacking.
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lunavagans · 5 months ago
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Continuation from the sketch. Not sure if I like the tunic being more elaborate than the canon version, but I‘m happy with the colours now (though I‘ll probably tweak the tunic again). I think the freckles being lighter than his skin is kinda cute, and if I do make him forest-themed, I could maybe go in a deer sort of direction.
Close-up of the face for the details:
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 year ago
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For a moment, Dark isn’t in the forest at all. The water soaking the grass and his clothes becomes that of a shallow bottomless lake, with him fallen onto the solid surface.
I am once again recommending that people go read A Dark Among the Lights by LuckyLectio on AO3.
Dark's sarcastic commentary has returned, though it appears to have come at the cost of his self preservation. Everything is fine (:
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fioreofthemarch · 2 years ago
I could never do a TOTK Roleswap AU simply because I would be unable to stop myself from making Link the Sage of Good Home Cookin' and have him rock up to the Imprisoning War like "Okay well, I know the perfect setup for 12-hour BBQ ribs would that help?" and Rauru would have to be like "It wouldn't NOT help" and then they all die because of course they do
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violetdisasterzone · 2 years ago
does it say anywhere in svsss whether or not the "legendary Xin Mo" is actually legendary? like are the other peak lords aware Luo Binghe was possessed for 80% of canon events? do they know he was being manipulated by an evil sentient sword or
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birthclod · 1 month ago
the memory scene with tabi and clown in chapter 1 still has me in a chokehold. literally the VERY first thing we hear not only from clown but in the scene as a whole is "Let me be the one to go. You have a longer life than I do, and you don't deserve to die." Which could mean nothing
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conscious-naivete · 10 months ago
“Not every fight is a sword fight, and not every sword fight is a fight.” might be nonsense to YOU. i get it tho
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