Hirschers Freundin Laura äußert sich zu Berichten
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Hirschers Freundin Laura äußert sich zu Berichten
Ein Instagram-Posting von Laura Moisl, der Freundin von Marcel Hirscher, hat der TV-Sender Puls4 offenbar falsch aufgefasst. Es wurde berichtet, dass die 29-Jährige während ihrer Schwangerschaft für den Ironman trainiert.
Bei einem Ironman legt man 3,86 Kilometer im Wasser, 180,2 Kilometer auf dem Rad sowie einen Marathonlauf zurück.
Ihrem Ärger über diesen Bericht machte Laura Moisl in einem langen Statement auf Instagram Luft: "Zu behaupten, ich würde allen ernstes aktuell für einen normalen Ironman trainieren, ist von euch liebes @cafepuls Team an den Haaren herbei gezogen und zugleich verantwortungslos. Nicht nur dass ihr euch auf Beiträge vom letzten Jahr beruft, so nehmt ihr auch noch einen Bewerb, der für mich auch ohne schwanger zu sein in etwa so realistisch ist wie die Besteigung des Mount Everests", stellte die im fünften Monat Schwangere klar.
Ein paar Tage zuvor hatte sie ein Bild veröffentlicht, auf dem sie in Sportkleidung mit einem Mountainbike posiert. "… zur Vorbereitung aufs Triathloncamp nächste Woche", steht darunter. 
Marcel Hirschers Freundin hat auch verraten, dass es ihr am Anfang ihrer Schwangerschaft wegen Übelkeit nicht ganz gut ging. Jetzt fühle sie sich aber deutlich besser, und hält sich mit regelmäßigem Sport fit. Mehr dazu lesen Sie hier.
  Liebes @cafepuls Team und diverse weitere Medien… irgendwie ehrt es mich ja, dass ihr so großes Vertrauen in meine sportlichen Fähigkeiten setzt und glaubt, ich werde an einem Ironman (3,8km Schwimmen/180km Radeln/42,2km Laufen) teilnehmen – noch dazu in der Schwangerschaft. Um das „locker“ zu schaffen, bräuchte ich wahrscheinlich eine Routine von mindestens 3-4 Ironman im Jahr. Doch wer meine Reise hier auf Instagram verfolgt, weiß, dass ich mich noch nicht einmal an die Mitteldistanz (die Hälfte eines Ironmans) heran gewagt habe und das auch in diesem Jahr ganz sicher nicht werde. Das Training selbst ist wunderbar und macht Spaß, bis jetzt tut es mir gut. In Abstimmung mit Ärzten und Hebammen ist alles ok, solange es mir gut geht, denn der Körper ist und bleibt hierbei der wichtigste Indikator. Zu behaupten, ich würde allen ernstes aktuell für einen normalen Ironman trainieren, ist von euch liebes @cafepuls Team an den Haaren herbei gezogen und zugleich verantwortungslos. Nicht nur dass ihr euch auf Beiträge vom letzten Jahr beruft, so nehmt ihr auch noch einen Bewerb, der für mich auch ohne schwanger zu sein in etwa so realistisch ist wie die Besteigung des Mount Everests. Und dass ich nächstes Jahr – wenn alles passt – gerne mal einen Triathlon versuchen möchte, ist für mich eine schöne Motivation. Eure bewusste Entscheidung, euren Beitrag nicht auf Tatsachen beruhen zu lassen, nimmt euch die wunderbare Chance, Frauen die schwanger sind oder es werden möchten, in sportlicher Hinsicht zu unterstützen und zu bestärken. Eine Schwangerschaft ist eine aufregende Zeit. Und wenn wir Frauen gerade da nicht mehr das Recht haben, in uns selbst rein zu hören und selbst zu bestimmen, wann es uns gut geht und wann nicht, wann dann?! #pregnanttraining
Ein Beitrag geteilt von Laura Mäusl (@lauramaeusl) am Mai 24, 2018 um 1:34 PDT
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hangtightwmarcie · 5 years
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I love this before a workday 💋👶🏽 . Hugs from us today! . Look to HIM today and block out the 👿 Devil aka those ppl that drive you crazy and take your spirit off HIM. . #sweetbaby #exerciseforbaby #welcomebaby #pregnantlife #momandbaby #starttofinish #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #postpartumbody #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #babyworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Yhb3LFDpp/?igshid=1spcgl1ia6bpm
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hangtightwmarcie · 5 years
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Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful women in the world and those who have gone to see & be with our amazing Lord. . MOTHER’S ROCK. . MOTHER’S WORK HARDDD AND I MEAN HARDDD. . MOTHER’S ARE NURTURERS and typically full of hugs and kisses too. . MOTHER’S ARE ALSO FUN, even though we might get annoying/ed at times. . MOTHER’S ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR THEIR CHILDREN. . Either way all mothers are most importantly BEAUTIFUL AND SPECIAL. 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 Many have asked over the years, “Marcie do you have girls, boys, or one of each?!?” What not a better day to make my children reveal, to those who are interested. God has blessed me to make 2 beautiful little girls.👩‍👧‍👧Happy Mother’s Day. . #babyfingers #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #mothersday #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #maternityfitnessclothes #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #preggers #momof2 #fitpregnancy #love #pregnancyworkouts #familygoals https://www.instagram.com/p/BxW4Wlohxos/?igshid=u83j0jodkfz7
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
Moving with grace ladyism looks like this for me #BecauseImALady. Being a strong mom with a little one introduced into this world and not stopping my lifestyle of working out and being healthy for anything or anyone. Yes I'm busier than ever but life continues on which makes me a strong woman that loves to move with grace. It's life changing having a child and I'm so grateful to have this experience. As a result, I consider this moving with grace interacting with my baby as I exercise. Babies like faces under the age of 1 and movement and jumping around can only help the excitement! I exercised my entire pregnancy, had a wonderful delivery (minus the obvious pain lol), and have a very alert little baby getting into everything. That means, my little one is moving with grace too! #Talbots #ad mommyandbaby #fitpregnancy #baby #babyonthemove #newmom #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #momlife #babyabs #deadlifts #babyworkout #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumworkout #mommyworkout #athomeworkout #workoutwithbaby
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
Moving with grace ladyism looks like this for me #BecauseImALady. Being a strong mom with a little one introduced into this world and not stopping my lifestyle of working out and being healthy for anything or anyone. Yes I'm busier than ever but life continues on which makes me a strong woman that loves to move with grace. It's life changing having a child and I'm so grateful to have this experience. As a result, I consider this moving with grace interacting with my baby as I exercise. Babies like faces under the age of 1 and movement and jumping around can only help the excitement! I exercised my entire pregnancy, had a wonderful delivery (minus the obvious pain lol), and have a very alert little baby getting into everything. That means, my little one is moving with grace too! #Talbots #ad mommyandbaby #fitpregnancy #baby #babyonthemove #newmom #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #momlife #babyabs #deadlifts #babyworkout #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumworkout #mommyworkout #athomeworkout #workoutwithbaby
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hangtightwmarcie · 5 years
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✅‼️NEW WORKOUT VIDEO ALERT🚨 10 Exercise Diastatsis Recti Workout that RIDS your MOMMY Belly! https://youtu.be/QuE-ClcsWB4 ‼️✅ . Diastatis Recti is very common post pregnancy that many women don't know they have. Better yet, if the problem is never fixed you can have a mommy belly for❌⚠️‼️ YEARSSSSSS‼️⚠️❌ to come!! This video has 10 exercises that you can do daily to help shrink the gap of your ab separation and close your abs so you can have abs again. . #starttofinish #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #postpartumbody #fitpregnancy #umbilicalhernia #diastasisrectijourney #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #fitmom #postpartumworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bFGkTle-1/?igshid=ey11kvu30z9p
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hangtightwmarcie · 5 years
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A little #yoga to end my workouts are #thebest!! Stretch daily and you’ll feel so much better!! . ✨POSTPARTUM JOURNEY🤰🏽➡️🏃🏾‍♀️➡️🏋🏾‍♀️✨ . #postpartumworkout #atlpersonaltraining #atlfitness #atlbootcamp ask! #postpartum #starttofinish #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #postpartumbody #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts https://www.instagram.com/p/B3o6RNWlEUz/?igshid=1gaohu7pifx00
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
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Workout for busy moms with a baby. Try this workout with your baby is in his/her crib while they are chillin and blow little kisses why not. Turn your volume up for part 1 and 2 baby noises too ❤️👶🏽❤️👶🏽❤️. . mommyandbaby #fitpregnancy #baby #babyonthemove #newmom #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #momlife #babyabs #deadlifts #babyworkout #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumworkout #mommyworkout #athomeworkout #workoutwithbaby
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
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Baby legs!! Don't you just love em". On the move..just like her mommie. We already have baby exercise routines we do. Starting early is half the battle. Do you exercise with your baby and kids? 😙💋👶🏽 . #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #baby #babyonthemove #newmom # #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #babyshoes #babylegs #walkertime #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
Mommie and Baby time = fun times😙💋👶🏽 . #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #babyhugs #babyhairsonfleek #firsttrimester #newmom # #pregnanttrainer #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #fullheadofhair #thirdtrimester #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
More of my postpartum journey thus far!. This is the first time in my life I've had to lose weight and really try hard to tone and shape. It took nine months to get this belly of mine so I have excepted the fact that it will be a little while for my body to get back to normal and for me to start seeing major definition in my abdominal region ...which I'm OK with. So far I'll take my 2 pack with definition on the other 4.im coming for you abs! 😡😡😬I'm on it. . #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #firsttrimester #pregnancyprogression #secondtrimester #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #maternityfitnessclothes #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #preggers #thirdtrimester #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
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When all you can saw is awww 💋👶🏽💋.Growing up so fast, changing every week. The fascinating thing I love is the first year baby book is so accurate of what you can expect your baby to be doing at each week/age. Pretty neat! Oh, and when they say add on an hour to everything you do and go when you have a baby that's so true!!! . Happy Saturday! . #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #firsttrimester #pregnancyprogression #secondtrimester #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #maternityfitnessclothes #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #preggers #thirdtrimester #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
Here is a quick snapshot of my postpartum journey thus far. This is the first time in my life I've had to lose weight and really try hard to tone and shape. Oh and guess what...I'm super geeked out about it. I will continue to share with you my journey along the way, but this is the first eight weeks. The first couple of weeks I didn't do anything and then gradually started working out and doing yoga and getting back at it. I'm even taking this challenge a step further by having a couple more cheat meals than I would ordinarily have just to enjoy life for a little bit before I start losing the weight. Not to mention that it took nine months to get this belly of mine so I have excepted the fact that it will be a little while for my body to get back to normal and for me to start seeing major definition in my abdominal region ...which I'm OK with. . #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #firsttrimester #pregnancyprogression #secondtrimester #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #maternityfitnessclothes #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #preggers #thirdtrimester #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth #postpartum #postpartumbody
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hangtightwmarcie · 7 years
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Blessed to have a good nursing experience with my baby. #breastfeeding doesn't hurt, only initially. It can be exhausting at times for sure, but it's such an intimate and rewarding way to bond with your baby. ##breastfeeding #nursing #mommyandbaby #fitmom #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyfitness #firsttrimester #pregnancyprogression #secondtrimester #newmom #pregnantselfie #pregnanttrainer #maternityfitnessclothes #atlantamom #ilovebeingamom #pregnancylife #preggers #thirdtrimester #fitpregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyworkouts #naturalbirth
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