mamitobe · 4 years
I had never experienced what it was like to be pregnant. My doctor from the beginning told me, "being pregnant is not being sick."  We have to pay special attention to taking care of ourselves at all levels during pregnancy. Here I share what helped me feel better during these months.
1. Take care of my diet.
It would help if you had a balanced diet in nutrients, vegetables, seeds, fruits, dairy. Meat and fish must be very well cooked.
2.Take care of the skin of our face and body.
The belly area will have to stretch a lot, which is recommended to apply a lot of cream or moisturizing oils constantly.
3.Create a daily physical activity.
It would help if you stay active, practice very quiet sports, such as yoga, swimming or walking.
4. Wear comfortable clothes.
You don't necessarily have to buy a lot of pregnancy clothes. With loose shirts or leggings, one or two sizes more for your day-to-day.
And the most important of all, be positive and enjoy the journey.  It is one of the most special moments in our life!
Image from https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/pregnancy-child-happy-white-love_1087782.htm#page=8&query=PREGNANCY&position=3
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bloginthegardn · 5 years
my whole entire heart goes out to the women who are trying to become pregnant, women who can’t get pregnant, and women who’ve struggled with miscarriages. if you are one of those women i want you to know that I love you and that I think you are so strong. Please keep trying, please don’t give up. I believe your time will come, I hope you believe it too. I never thought I could get pregnant. Not like I was trying or was even ready to have kids but it was always a fear of mine. In my past relationship we didn’t use protection because it was a personal choice. Like I said, we weren’t trying to get pregnant but I always thought “why aren’t I getting pregnant if we don’t use protection? Surely we should've had a slip by now.” This went on for almost 3 years (with the same guy) and I thought “I should’ve gotten pregnant by now, I’m 100% positive I can’t have kids.” Because we all know there are people out there that don’t even try but end up pregnant. And now I’ve become one of those people. My time came. I've been dating my boyfriend for a short 8 months and we’re now 6 months pregnant. Yes people, we were only together for 2 1/2 months when we found out I was pregnant. I think it was God’s way of saying I needed to settle down and that Cameron was the guy to do that with. I do believe that this was meant to be, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t have happened. You have to ‘believe’ that it will happen to you. I’m not saying it’s going to happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. Be patient knowing it may or may not take awhile. Take care of yourself, talk to your partner about how you feel. If you’re at that point where it’s now a burden on your relationship and you can’t talk to your partner about it, talk to your best friend. Try hard to not let it get the best of you. It’s always good to take a break from trying, give your body time to heal. Know that you're not alone, there are people out there that will talk and listen to you. I am one of those people. I’m not a counselor or a psychologist, just someone who cares about you. 
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xoxojessika · 6 years
My blood work shows I’m about 4-5 weeks pregnant with my third. Total surprise but wanted all the same. Even though I’ve had two pretty much Normal pregnancies with Katrina and Amari, besides bed rest and incompetent cervix with Trina, I’m a nervous wreck. With Trina I didn’t find out I was pregnant til about three months along. With amari I was 4-5 weeks and had to wait til 8 weeks to talk to the nurse. With him I also knew about when I ovulated to know when I got pregnant. This little one I have no idea. I’ve already met with the nurse and got 6 vials of blood drawn Friday. Got my results yesterday and had two more vials drawn today to recheck my progesterone and hcg levels. I’m terrified tht my numbers aren’t going to go up. I don’t know why I assume the worst and prepare for it all the time. I talk to Yeager and mine dead relatives all the time asking them to keep their hands wrapped around our baby and protect it and help it grow. Might sound totally nutty but it helps me feel better. I’m so scared of having a miscarriage or stillborn 😔 every cramp I feel I have to go to the bathroom and make sure I’m not bleeding.( haven’t at all yet).
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lunam00nlibra · 5 years
Week 32
Man. I never thought this would be a long process.
I mean sure, 9 months is awhile... but I expected it to fly by honestly.
Not the case.
I can’t tell you how many times I’m getting into bed feeling like a turtle. Getting up and feeling like a turtle, laying down and getting stuck in one position like a turtle...
I love this little babe though. And even if he kicks me all night, he’s still my little lucky charm. My baby.
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mybigfatpregnancyblog · 10 years
11 weeks today. Next week I have my 12 week appointment on Friday. Hoping to hear the heartbeat!
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28 days to go..
Such a tough day.. Mini mental breakdown from exhaustion and stress, not to mention the constant back pain and uncomfortableness.
Yesterday has really taken its toll on me today. It made me realise how much there is to do before the baby comes and it could come at any time.
Okay, so he has some bad points. But tonight, Tory stepped up when I needed him and I idolise him for that. The house couldn’t be cleaner and he even put the new door up in the baby room.
I had a bath to relax myself and when I was getting into the tub he was amazed at the size and shape of my belly. It all sticks out in the middle now and is always hard as a rock. He is used to it being somewhat squishy every now and then. This gives you an idea of how little time we have spent together lately, with him working away and me exhausted and sleeping all the time. Anyway, my changed tummy seemed to have shocked him a bit and reiterated the fact that the baby is coming very soon. He was an angel after that. Looking after me and making sure I wasn’t doing anything strenuous. He is a massive dork but he is my dork. And I love him irrevocably.
28 days to go. 27 in a few minutes.
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mybigfatpregnancyblog · 10 years
What's in a name?
My husband and I cannot decide on a name for this baby. Thank goodness we have seven months to go.
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