#pregnant mermaid
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strijkdesign · 11 months ago
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Happy mothersday
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aly-corner · 2 years ago
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Since i already draw Odin for MerMay then what stopped me for drawing his cute little husband? Lemme tell U........nothing!!!!
Here is Donald in my Mermaid au. He is Odin's husband, so He is the 'queen' of the Mermaid. He is a Guppie fish and if u couldn't tell, he is pregnant ( yes my weird mind told me ''2 Mermaid should be able to have babies even if they are boys or girls'' so here am i).
Have a good day/night.
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moonandserpent · 2 years ago
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Rose gold plated pregnant male seahorse pendant with baroque pearl pouch
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starcrosstoons · 11 months ago
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Merman family!
Caspian (preggo), Reefs and their children! I’ve been having really fun just doodling this family’s antics! Kind of a chaotic family.
I intend to post some more of them because I’ve been out of inspiration of other stuff! Mermaids are a lot of fun to draw! And I still enjoy drawing pregnancy’s!
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dead-tree-tattoo-artist · 11 months ago
Slade Wilson AU
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So I have an Omegaverse AU that I’m working on for a bunch of DC characters. I also have an AU where Slade is an Atlantean, and I decided to combine them, so Slade is now an Omega Atlantean. The baby is Grant.
I’m going to do a background, but I don’t know if it will be good so I’m posting a wip.
Follows MayTernity prompts 3: masc; 15: swimming; 23: fantasy au; 24: monster preg
Follows MerMay prompts 18: smol; 27: honor
Base from @ilitiaforever
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soothedcerberus · 2 years ago
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Don't you hate it when your food starts talking to you and making you feel bad for trying to eat it 🙄 Late mermay art of my OCs! 🦭 🐠 🦈
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megalony · 2 years ago
Hidden Truths- Part 3
This is the next part of my Jonah Hauer-King series, sorry its taken me so long to get round to this part. I hope you all like it, feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys​ @luna2034 @mystiqueprincess @fangirl-tothemax @musicistheway @wandamaximoffbae @notagreekgal28
Summary: Jonah's wife is a well kept secret from the rest of the world, they like their privacy and anonymity. Especially with a baby on the way. But their privacy is threatened when a stalker starts to invade Jonah's private life.
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"Come home! Now!" Jonah was taken back by her high pitched voice and by how each word was spluttered between ragged breaths like she had been running a mile. Or panicking. He pressed his finger to his free ear and took a few steps away from everyone to try and concentrate but he could already feel the way his heart was jumping out of his chest. "Baby calm down, tell me what's going on. Are you alright, are you in labour?" That was the first thing on his mind. Jonah had a sneaking suspicion that whenever (Y/n) went into labour, he wouldn't be there. It would be just their luck that he was out running an errand or doing something promotional like this and (Y/n)'s waters would break without him there. He wanted to be there for every second, he didn't want to miss anything or have it start and him be miles away, racing back to her. "Jonah please come home… I- I think someone's trying to break in the house."
He couldn't even pull into his own driveway. Two police cars had wedged into Jonah's parking spot in the drive and an ambulance was parked out front. Was this a good sign or a very bad one? If the police were here it meant they could control the situation and stop whoever had decided to break into his house. But Jonah needed to know if the ambulance was here for a reason or just a precaution.
With his car wedged as close to the drive as possible, Jonah scrambled out and bolted down the driveway.
He had never driven so fast and carelessly in his life.
By the time Jonah had ran the situation past his manager and got to his car, the phone line went dead and he had no more communication with (Y/n). All he knew was that she had gotten upstairs and tried to baracade herself in their room. He didn't know what happened after that and he had been praying all the way home that this wouldn't be as serious as his gut told him it was.
Someone had broken into his home, sure, but maybe they were just trying to put the frightners on them. Maybe they were going to play a game and scare (Y/n) then leave.
That was the simple explination with no injuries or trauma or chaotic events. That was what Jonah was praying for.
As soon as the line went dead, Jonah called the police. He couldn't risk ringing (Y/n) and having the person in the house hear her phone and find out where she was. It was already on file that someone was stalking the couple so as soon as Jonah reeled off his name, address and situation, it was a high priority.
His feet curved and stumbled beneath him as he bolted through the front door that was wide open and almost knocked down an officer in the process.
"Is this your husband?"
He couldn't breathe. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure where to look, what to do or how to keep himself standing upright when he wanted to flop down to his knees and faint.
There she was, his girl, his wife, his one and only, sat on the stairs surrounded by two police officers and two paramedics.
As soon as her eyes latched onto him she was nodding her head and crying, gasping for breath from relief and shock.
Jonah bypassed the officers who let him through and the moment (Y/n) was within reach, he grabbed her. His arms wrapped around her upper back and shoulders and his fingers tangled in her hair like she had come back from the dead to visit him. His lips buried in her hair to kiss her head and he inhaled her scent, trying to stop the lightheaded feeling from overtaking his system.
He could feel (Y/n) kissing his neck and her shaking breaths soaking into his skin and her arm that coiled around his waist so her fingers could scrape up and down his back.
Out of all the scenarios he had been imagining on his way home, this was by far the best one. Having (Y/n) conscious and relatively unharmed like this was all he could of asked for and more.
"Oh, sweetheart," Crouching down, Jonah kissed her forehead repeatedly and sighed against her skin, moving his hands to cup her face so he could press his temple against hers and look her over. He kissed her lips, wet with tears, and soaked up her quiet murmurs and broken noises, sighing when he felt her fingers scraping through his hair.
With the little effort he had left, Jonah let his weight collapse down onto the second step on the stairs. His body went down with a thud and his hands were on (Y/n) in an instant while his eyes raked her over three, four, fives times to check for injuries she might have sustained. His palms roamed across her thighs and down her legs that bumped into his before his hands roamed upwards, eventually settling on her stomach where he pressed his forehead when his vision blurred.
A paramedic was knelt on the floor pressed up against the wall to deal with (Y/n)'s right wrist. When Jonah glanced over, bile dwelled at the base of his throat. She had a wound, a cut much more than skin deep that went from her wrist halfway down her arm. Gauze and bandages were being tightly wrapped around the wound until they could get it stitched up properly in a hospital.
Tilting his head up, Jonah let his eyes rake over (Y/n)'s features while his hand moved to cup the side of her face. She was flushed and her nose and cheeks were dripping with tears, but she had no cuts or bruises anywhere else and she wasn't screaming in pain so he could guess she hadn't badly hurt herself, much to his relief.
"What happened?"
(Y/n) leaned her aching head into Jonah's touch and willed the tears to stop falling. Everything had happened so fast, (Y/n) couldn't comprehend what had actually taken place.
"She… she had a knife, she was so, emotional and angry. I got the knife off her w-when she cut me, then she tackled me to the floor to g-get it back. She heard the sirens and ran."
(Y/n) couldn't stay hiding in the bedroom when the frantic girl was banging on the door to the point she was only going to break it down. There was no point staying hidden and let her wreck the whole house, and (Y/n) couldn't climb out the window to escape, not in her pregnant state. So she opened the door and tried to get past her, she didn't see the knife until it was too late and the blade sliced open her arm like melted butter.
She didn't know where her courage came from to wrench the knife away from the girl and then in a flash, they were both on the floor and (Y/n) threw it as far as she could so neither of them got hurt.
It didn't bear thinking about what the girl would have done if the police hadn't turned up at the right time. Their sirens scared her so much that she got up and fled back the way she came in. She hadn't counted on (Y/n) ringing Jonah and him calling the police, clearly she didn't know what she was doing and didn't have any kind of master plan.
"Have you found her, did you go after her?" Jonah craned his head to look behind him. Something inside of him would just errupt if they told him they didn't know where this lunatic had gone. She couldn't be wandering the streets, free to try and come back again to finish what she started or go and hurt anyone else.
"The team have her in sight, they're about to apprehend her now." That was something good, at least.
With a sigh, Jonah eased his right arm around (Y/n)'s waist and moved his other hand back to her stomach before her perched his chin on her shoulder and kissed her neck. He felt her lean her cheek against the top of his head and the comfort she gave him was overwhelming. He had visions of coming home to find her lying in a pool of blood or screaming in agony or finding her unconscious somewhere in the house.
"I- I feel sick,"
"Take some deep breaths, in through the nose… out through the mouth."
(Y/n) leaned forward until her forehead was pressed against Jonah's bicep so she was doubled over and her hands curled around his arm, holding it tightly against her chest as if it would take away the unease she felt.
The paramedic held out a sick bag in front of her for a minute, then two, but the nausea never came. An unsettling feeling bubbled in her stomach and at the base of her throat and the deep breaths she tried to take only made her feel worse, like she was flooding her head with helium and it was soon going to explode. She could feel Jonah's hand gliding up and down her back and his other hand stayed pressed flat against her stomach, keeping her held up so she didn't fall down to the floor.
"Okay?" Jonah whispered quietly against the back of her head while he curled around her side.
"Why, baby what's wrong?" The urgency in his voice was unmistakeable and (Y/n) felt his arms tighten around her until they were almost shaking. Why wasn't she okay? What was wrong, was she going to be sick after all? Was she about to faint?
Jonah couldn't help but dig his fingertips into her skin when he felt her start to shake against him. But when she started to quietly whimper and he felt tears soaking into his bicep, he went rigid. His eyes flitted across to look at the paramedic who tried to check her pulse, but he couldn't do much until she uncurled and told them what was wrong.
"Baby you're scaring me,"
"My water broke," A burning sob followed (Y/n)'s words and when she slowly straightened up enough for Jonah to see her tear-stained face, he looked down to see her leggings were soaked.
"Let's get you in the ambulance and to the hospital."
Pain burned in Jonah's eyes that were fixed down on his wife. It wasn't enough to be able to hear her sobs and endure her whimpers that cut through to his heart each time. He could see the anguish on her face as plain as ever. Her eyes were scrunched up so tight they were about to burst, her lips were rolled together and her nose was crinkled up. Sweat prickled on her brow and a steady shake had set in her bones.
Her right arm was resting on a pillow and a very attentative, understanding nurse was sat next to the bed, finishing off the stitches. The mild injection she'd given (Y/n) to numb the pain wasn't taking the edge off, even cleaning the wound had made (Y/n) sob and each pull of the stitch sent her reeling.
For the last twenty minutes, Jonah had stood leaning against the bedframe with one hand deadlocked in (Y/n)'s fist and the other raking slowly through her hair to try and calm her down. But he didn't know what else he could do and watching her cry out and writhe in pain like this was slowly killing him.
When (Y/n) moved their interlocked hands and roughly pushed them into the side of her stomach, Jonah glanced up at the ceiling to try and compose himself. The contractions hadn't stopped since the ride in the ambulance and the more (Y/n) had, the more worried they both became.
"Will the doctor be round soon?" They had been promised a doctor from the moment they were brought into A&E and it had been just over half an hour now since they arrived. Jonah didn't want to wait any longer, they needed to do something.
They needed to check on their little girl and make sure she was alright and see if they could stop labour from happening. Waiting wasn't going to help, it would only make things worse.
"I'll go and see if she's free," With the last stitch done and the wound freshly cleaned, the nurse stood up, removed her gloves and left the room with a small, friendly smile.
"I- I'm not even eight months yet."
"We might not have her today, they might be able to give you an injection, like the paramedic said." The paramedic wasn't able to give (Y/n) any medication on route to the hospital but he had told them this didn't certainly mean labour. It could be false contractions or (Y/n) might be able to get some meds that would lessen the contractions and put off labour for a few days or even weeks. If they could get that medicine, they needed it now.
Leaning down, Jonah pressed his lips against her burning temple and moved his hand from her hair so his arm could wrap around her shoulders when she sat forward.
(Y/n) leaned her head into Jonah's chest and curled her right hand around his bicep, albeit shakily. She wanted to be as close as physically possible and more so, she wanted comfort and touch and anything Jonah could give that would make her feel better and take away the panic she was feeling.
"Mrs King?"
A woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties came in with a calming smile and the same nurse as before, wheeling through an ultrasound machine. All (Y/n) could do was nod and fight back a scream when her stomach tensed and electric shocks rattled down to her toes.
"Okay, your notes say you had a fall, any pain before your waters broke? Tenderness or a tightening feeling?"
"No, nothing." (Y/n) didn't even fall on her stomach when the girl tackled her down, she stumbled back, grabbed the door and fell down on her bum. Other than a jolt, her stomach hadn't been touched or hurt in any way and she felt fine before the stupid girl ruined her day. All of them would have been fine if she hadn't of done what she did.
"That's good. I'm going to do an ultrasound, check baby's heartbeat and make sure your placenta hasn't moved, then we can take it from there."
Turning her head, (Y/n) glanced up at Jonah who smiled softly before he pressed a delicate kiss to her temple. He leaned his arm on the bedframe and kept his other hand tightly joined with hers when the doctor approached (Y/n)'s other side. the doctor didn't sound too worried and she wasn't fluttering about in a panic, that had to be a good sign.
(Y/n) rolled her stomach up to her bra and leaned back but her body wouldn't relax like she wanted it to. She felt like a coil, pulled in so tightly that at any moment she was going to snap back. Not even her legs would relax, the muscles in her legs were tense and tight and pulling upwards.
She could feel Jonah's nose tickling the top of her head and brushing against her hair but she knew his eyes were trained on the monitor across from him like they were watching the moon landing.
It was like a soft drumbeat filled the silence when the doctor moved the sonogram around and the image appeared in black and white.
Jonah wanted to smile, he wanted to laugh and grin and relax because he could sense the relief in (Y/n), but all he could do was purse his lips against (Y/n)'s temple and arch his back out.
Something didn't feel right, it was like a shift in the atmosphere and the longer he listened to his baby's heartbeat, the more paranoid he felt. The noise should have calmed him down like it did (Y/n) because he knew she had a small worry that maybe there wouldn't be a heartbeat after all the scuffle and panic.
Was it supposed to be that slow? Was it just slow in comparison to his erratic heartbeat? Was he imagining things or were the doctor and nurse murmuring to themselves and looking uneasy?
"Is something wrong?" His lips barely moved away from (Y/n)'s temple but his question was audible enough.
"The umbilical cord is around baby's neck and it's causing some distress," She spoke as if it was some minor inconvenience, clearly years of practice in calming down patients, but her expression was not so controlled.
This was anything but good.
"W-what do we do then?"
"We can't put off labour or wait for labour to start, baby is already distressed and could suffocate. I'm scheduling you for an emergency C-section, now."
(Y/n)'s cry was agonising but her breathless gasps and flooding tears made Jonah's own eyes start to water. He untangled his fingers from hers and moved both arms around her chest and back, coiling her into his chest as he buried his face in her hair, trying to smother his own noises of discontent. His arms tightened around her when she leaned forward as if she was about to climb off the bed and make a break for it. He wasn't sure if she was trying to get up or whether she was just too distraught to stay sat down, either way, his hold on his wife tightened significantly.
"Shh, sweetheart, breathe with me, please." He felt her hands wrap around his arm as he pleaded with her to calm down and listen to him.
If their baby was already distressed, (Y/n) panicking wasn't going to do either of them any favours and Jonah couldn't stand to see her like this.
"T-this isn't right!"
It's not fair!
"I know baby, I know." His lips stayed moulded against her burning temple and he found himself quietly humming against her skin to try and get her to calm down with him. He could feel her nails puncturing into his arm but he paid it no mind, it was nothing compared to the aching in his heart.
"Mr King, please lay her down flat on her back. Now."
The urgency in the doctor's voice was unnerving and it contrasted to the utter panic in Jonah's eyes when he lifted his head to look across at her. Her worried expression had changed to something stern and demanding, almost as if she was cross and for a moment, Jonah worried he had done something wrong.
"She haemorrhaging, lay her down." As quick as anything, she leaned over and swiped the pillow from behind (Y/n)'s back and urged Jonah to move her.
He barely felt himself tilting (Y/n) back until he had to press his hips into the bed frame and lean over when she wouldn't let go of his arm that she pinned across her chest. But when he managed to turn his head to the left, all the colour drained from his body. The bedding was changing from crystal white to dark rouge.
"Jonah? I don't feel good." (Y/n) gripped his arm as tightly as she could but she felt like she was going to be sick. Her stomach was twisting into knots but her pelvis was tingling and pins and needles were shooting down to her toes.
"I know, but you'll be alright soon. I promise, sweetheart, you'll be fine."
God, how he meant it.
"Can you see her?" Everything was turning and tilting. (Y/n) felt like the room was uneven and shifting beneath her like she was on a ship sailing on rough seas. The lights were too bright, the room was too warm and the noises were deafening and igniting the headache forming behind her eyes.
But she did her best to keep her eyes open and look up at Jonah. He looked different and not just because of what he was wearing. The gown he wore went from his neck down to his knees and covered his arms right up to the tight gloves he had been strapped in. And the hair net didn't do much to make him look any more normal, he didn't look right without his curls on show. But at least she could see his face.
Every emotion had crossed his face already, he went from panic-stricken to worried, to smiling and then back to sternly frowning like he was disagreeing or even disappointed.
Right now, he just looked concerned.
Both his gloved hands were wrapped around (Y/n)'s left hand but from where he stood, he could see both (Y/n) and her stomach, hidden from her own view by the large sheet pinned up. It was like her body had been split into two halves, both of which Jonah was permitted to see, but (Y/n) wasn't. She couldn't see below her breasts.
"Not yet, sweetheart," Jonah lifted (Y/n)'s hand up and down a few times, trying to shake out the nervous energy rattling through him. He barely smiled at her before he darted his eyes back to the doctors next to him.
He didn't want to miss the moment they held his daughter.
Jonah should be the first one to hold her. They should have been sitting in a delivery room five or six weeks from now, being handed their daughter crying and wriggling and relatively stress-free. Not laid here in an operating room, waiting for doctors to wrench her free and take her away before Jonah could even cuddle her.
(Y/n) figured out the moment her daughter was separated from her; she saw the light change in Jonah's eyes and the light twitch in the corner of his lips.
She didn't look the right colour to Jonah, instead of a dusty pink he could see a pale grey complexion on his daughter like she was dead. Her tiny body was wriggling- no, shaking, and a dripping, pastel pink cord was wound tight around her; neck like a noose!
"She's here," Jonah smoothed one hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm but he couldn't break his attention away from their daughter.
He watched, something close to anguish burning in his chest as the doctor carefully unravelled the cord from her delicate neck and turned her in his hands to try and get her to breathe. Jonah was relieved more than ever not to have to witness them stick tubes down her throat her whack her on the back to get her to breathe. A fickle little whimper spluttered past her lips and her small eyes scrunched up as she began to cry.
Music to their ears.
"I want her, please…" (Y/n) couldn't see any of the doctors, the only person she could see was her husband who was now a mix of crying and smiling while he started to shake.
She wanted to see her baby, even if they wouldn't let her touch or hold her yet. (Y/n) wanted to see her face and assure herself that she was actually alright and here. And she wanted Jonah to hold her, she wanted to see their daughter in his arms so their girl knew one of her parents was watching over her while the other one couldn't. She needed to know they were here.
Jonah took a step to the side, moving more towards (Y/n)'s head so the doctor could move beside him with their little girl wriggling in a towel in his arms.
(Y/n) didn't realise how badly she was shaking until she reached her free arm over and rubbed a shaky finger across her baby's forehead. She was so soft and warm, she felt like she was made from cotton wool.
"She's perfect,"
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devourable · 2 years ago
Soooo I’m guessing the mermaids and humans can’t have “fry” together the usual way, but how would the mermaids react to a darling who wants to start a family or pod with them? 🥹
P.S. hope you’re doing alright! Pls don’t overwork yourself <3
if you express a desire to have children with them, the girls would discuss it amongst themselves first. trying to pin down the logistics, if it'd even be possible for them to have kids with you, whether or not they'd be hybridized if you can, etc etc. but they all come to the same opinion; they're ABSOLUTELY starting a family with you, no questions asked.
orphan baby merfolk aren't uncommon pod members, so adoption is always a possibility. buuuut 👀 you don't know if you can't have kids with them if you don't try 👀 especially if it's the height of mating season 👀 soooo.... you'll definitely be dragged off to an underwater cave to try and make it happen
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hiredpencil · 10 months ago
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A micro may/mermay/mayternity commission for Mashterpotato on discord!
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nothing-behindher-eyes · 2 years ago
I would like everyone to know that I saw the little mermaid tonight. I am pregnant now. I cried 4 FUCKING TIMES. Anyways Jonah pls hit my line good lawrd the breasts on him
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GAH DAYUM 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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cjbolan · 20 days ago
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All done! More Emily Windsnap goodness. Mary Penelope announcing her pregnancy to Jake. I headcanon during this time they wore matching bracelets personally made by Jake. And if you look closely: these bracelets each have a Taíno/Arawak pendant on them. Inspired by @kisari-vibes ‘ headcanon of Jake being Taíno.
[Image description: a merman hugs a pregnant woman in a long white dress who stands knee deep in the sea. Both are smiling, with a lighthouse and the sea and starry night sky behind them. End description.]
Also here are some closeups …
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3d-destro · 2 years ago
Shantae hasn't seen Giga Mermaid in a while...
Suddenly she appears with a surprise-
I finally made my second animation ever lol
Water simulation was quite a thing prevent from crashing.
The whole thing has been rendered on my new PC unlike previous animation.
Hope it looks well! Better quality here: https://files.catbox.moe/j2snr3.webm
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toychest321 · 11 months ago
Ranking and Reviewing Every Pregnant Steffi Love Doll (1992-2024) 🤰🏼
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(Now that I've got your attention, before reading this, PLEASE donate to or boost Ahmed's GoFundMe to help get him and his family out of Gaza 🙏🙏🙏: https://www.tumblr.com/toychest321/748238434888466432?source=share)
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1992 - Newborn Baby/Twins
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find much information on these dolls' origins, aside from a few secondhand listings online. As far as I can tell, the body mold (and subsequently the very first pregnant Steffi Love) was created in 1992, and the rest above followed shortly after.
Overall, I give these six 7.5/10. At first glance the outfits are relatively simple, but I think they carry that late 80s/early 90s charm. As for each individually:
NBB: Navy Suit w/ Hat: 8.5/10 A standout look compared to the dresses most common for pregnant Steffi Love dolls. Points for being unique
NBT: Blue Floral Dress: 8/10 The flowers remind me of watercolors, and the pastel pink flower ties the colors all together.
NBT: Pastel Floral Dress w/ Pants: 7.75/10 Kinda reminds me of pajamas
NBT: Blue Polka Dot Dress: 7.5/10 A decent look in theory, but the silver pants make it look cheap. White ones would have paired better with the dress
NBB: Multicolored Floral Dress: 7/10 Too much going on compared to the blue florals, though fun fact this one is mistaken for Pregnant Midge in a lot of those "TOP 10 DISCONTINUED BARBIES" articles
NBB: Pink Floral Dress: 6/10 The cheapest-looking out of the six, I think I've seen that exact fabric used on a Barbie Fashionista skirt
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2006 - Welcome Baby
It seems a new body mold was made for these that would be re-used in future releases, though in 2019 the arms would be switched out. The variants available, unlike, the 1992 releases, were Caucasian and Black (coming with either straight hair or an afro). The initial release came with the darker pants, face mold, and middle part seen on the left, but later releases would use the face mold and side part seen today with lighter pants.
Overall, a 10/10. I honestly love the y2k vibes coming from this look, and like the vintage Navy Suit doll it's a welcome departure from her usual maternity clothes. I think the left's darker pants work with the outfit a bit better, but I prefer the right's face mold.
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There's also this variant with a pink polka dot dress (although I'm not sure when she was released) that I would honestly consider a completely different doll if it weren't for the title.
Unlike the previous, she's a 6/10. Her look is nothing special, and especially disappointing compared to the other variants of this line. I like that they used a different hairstyle, but she's just so... plain.
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2011 - Happy Family
Little information exists regarding this playset, especially considering a modern remake uses the same name. This does seem to be the first pregnant Steffi release to include both her boyfriend "Kevin" (🙄) and her little sister Evi Love.
Overall, 7/10. It's a fairly decent look that I have no particularly strong feelings towards.
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2015 - Happy Family
Seems to be a reproduction of the original 2011 playset with updated looks. Steffi and Kevin are using different face molds, but it includes the same accessories as the previous and next Happy Family playsets.
Overall though, 7.5/10! I like the pink pattern on Steffi with the solid color miniskirt, and it's so cute that Evi has a matching outfit!
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2019 - Welcome Surprise
I think this is the first instance of Simba using their most recent arm mold for their pregnant dolls. I can't remember how big Gender Reveals were during 2018-2019, but apparently they were big enough for Steffi to want a piece of that pie, confetti cannon and all.
Overall rank when putting aside the gimmick, 6/10. While I admire the coherence in theming with using light blues and pinks with a confetti motif in the skirt, the top makes the outfit look somewhat juvenile.
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??? - Sweet Expectations
This one might have the LEAST info available on it. I'm guessing by the arms that this was likely released as a budget alternative when that arm mold was first being used, so it was probably released from some point around 2019 onward. Not sure why the box says "Baby Arrival" when the name of the doll is completely different tbh
Overall, 5/10. Just a worse version of the polka-dot Welcome Baby variant. The dress looks like it’s made from wrapping paper.
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2021 - Happy Family
The most recent Happy Family playset, and yet again Kevin's got another facelift. He's becoming yassified.
Overall, 6/10. Ngl just a more boring execution of the original version.
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2021 - Welcome Twins
And here we enter the Pregnant Steffi Love renaissance! I'm not entirely sure why we get so many releases in 2021-2022, but my guess is Welcome Surprise sold better than they were expecting in 2020 so they probably started making all of these shortly after.
Overall, 6.5/10. I'm not really feeling the colors or pattern, and we'll see a better rendition of this outfit with the Newborn Baby set in 2022.
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2021 - Royal Baby
This playset actually has a brunette & brown-eyed variant that marks one of the only other times the hispanic(?) Steffi from the XOXO Friends line appears (ngl I should make a post about that line sometime as well).
Anyway, overall I give her an 8/10! While I would have personally given her puffed sleeves, I admire the overall aesthetic! Between this and the upcoming Mermaid Family, I also like how they're the only company making pregnant fantasy dolls.
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2021 - Mermaid Family
Here it is! If you've heard of any pregnant Steffi Love dolls, it's probably this one. Here we see Kevin's third facelift, and his most yassified mug yet. So many jokes I could make about his face I can't even list them all here.
Overall, 9/10. The concept alone sells this through sheer absurdity. I love that Steffi has a tattoo on her baby bump, and that this apparently confirms mermaids are a species of mammal. Even if I'm not entirely certain I'd buy this (just because of the space it'd take up), I respect the hell out of it.
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2022 - Baby Surprise
Fun fact, this one is currently the only pregnant Steffi Love I've been able to find in my area. As seen above, she comes in three variants: white & lavender dress with side pony, red & pink dress with side part, and rainbow dress with high pony. She comes with 9-18 accessories (toys, pacifier, etc.), and the surprise element is that she could be having a boy (9 blue accessories), a girl (9 pink accessories), two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl (9 of each color).
Overall, 5.5/10. The stock photos don’t get across how metallic the material for these dresses look in-person. And the ruffles at the sleeves remind me way too much of the Barbie Fashionistas for my liking.
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2022 - Newborn Baby
This one has a similar outfit to the Welcome Twins playset, and is the only pregnant Steffi love to have articulation. She comes with a baby carrier, and when you press her necklace it makes the sound of a baby crying.
Overall, 7/10. I like the colors and pattern much more here than the Welcome Twins set. Even though it isn't spectacular, the accessories are cute and its central concept is well-executed.
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2022 - Newborn Baby Room
And here we have the most recent pregnant doll released. My guess is the 2021-2022 batch didn't sell as well as they had hoped, so they've slowed down since then. But I doubt that'll keep them from making use of the body mold more in the future.
Overall, 7/10. At first glance the materials used for this dress looked very cheap, but it sorta grew on me the more I looked at it? It reminds me of a cupcake. However, I’d never have the room for the playset, and the doll itself is still relatively plain.
Even if a lot of these dolls were just decent, I still gotta give props to Steffi. There's only ever been one pregnant doll released under the Barbie umbrella, and that was for a side character ONCE. Steffi meanwhile may as well have being pregnant as a personality trait! Hopefully Simba makes more dolls like this soon, because I'd love to see what concept they might come up with next!
(And now that you're at the end of the post, I am reminding you to PLEASE DONATE TO OR BOOST AHMED'S GOFUNDME. THERE HAVE ONLY BEEN 49 DONATIONS SO FAR WE NEED TO GET HIS POST TO REACH FURTHER: https://www.tumblr.com/toychest321/748238434888466432?source=share)
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starcrosstoons · 11 months ago
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I call this drawing “let the poor man sleep, he’s going through it” a messy coloring and sketch!
Also his back is gonna be absolutely awful after that nap. He won’t be in less pain later either so it’s not going to help!
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flying-princess · 2 years ago
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Here’s some Barbie dolls I own that appeared in The Barbie Movie. 😁
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adamcasey · 11 months ago
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MerMay, Day 12
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