#preg 130
akookminsupporter · 6 months
Waiting for people to "OT7fiy" and set aside JK doing the background vocals for Letter bec of him featuring in Hobi's album. Like clockwork, I'm sure 🙃🤷‍♀️ Suddenly they're going to acknowledge that it happened when they've been ignoring that it really happened. Sad that these people ignore Jikook's bond like that.
But they did it at the time. You can bet they will do it again but they already oti7ied Letter. One of the arguments they used is that Jungkook always does the background vocals for BTS so it made sense for Jimin to ask him to do the same for his song.
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inorganicpixie · 1 year
Last updated : September 2024
HW (in life not counting preg): 165lb
SW: 144 lb, 65.3 kg
GW: 145, 60.8 kg
1st UGW: 140
2nd UGW:135
3rdUGW: 130
4th UGW: 125
5th UGW:120
5’7” Tall (I am 5’8” but I use 5’7” to calculate my bmi to help me stay more on track)
Starting waist measures: 29 in, 73.6cm
Current waist measurement: 27 in
1st UG waist measurement: 28in
2nd UG waist measurement: 27in
3rd UG waist measurement:26in
4th UG waist measurement:25in
5th UG waist measurement:24in
(I want to be able to hold a ruler to my waist and not go over the sides of it)
Starting BMI: 22.6
Current BMI: 21.9
Goal BMI: around 22.5
1st UG BMI: around 21.5
2nd UG BMI: between 20-21
3rd UG BMI: 19.5-20
4th UG BMI: 18.5-19.5
This is my place to vent, share, and generally be all over the place like my eating and weight loss (or lack of or weight gain) habits…Welcome.
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chimtaesty · 6 years
This list can help you requesting! Just drop a request with up to 2 promts and a genre in my inbox! Make sure to tell me which idol or group you would like the writing if you have preferences!
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1) "Stay the night. please"
2) "You know we're supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you knew it, too. I know you did"
3) "Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"
4) "I'm not going to apologize for this. not anymore"
5) "That's almost exactly the opposite of what i meant"
6) "Marry me"
7) "Do you want me to leave?"
8) "You are not going without me"
9) "I can't believe you!"
10) "Are you still awake..?"
11) "Don't yell at me"
12) “That's payback bitch”
13) "I swear it won't happen again"
14) "What did you say?"
15) "I'm not jealous"
16) "We can't keep doing this"
17) "Isn't this amazing?"
18) "I'm going to take care of you, okay?"
19) "You can't die. please don't die"
20) "Run away with me"
21) "You did WHAT?"
22) "Were you ever going to tell me?"
23) "Never in a million years"
24) "Don't ask me that..."
25) "W-what are you doing?"
26) "Say it!"
27) "I could kiss you right now!"
28) "What's going on here?"
29) "Stop pinning this on me! you started it!"
30) "Did you do this on purpose?!"
31) "Kiss me"
32) "This is all your fault!"
33) "I shouldn't be in love with you!"
34) "It's not fair!"
35) "I could kill you right now!"
36) "Knock it off!"
37) "Screw you!"
38) "You're an idiot!"
39) "Make me"
40) "Don't tempt me"
41) "I hate you"
42) "You are infuriating!"
43) "Just shut up"
44) "That doesn't even make sense"
45) "Bite me"
46) "I'm OK, thank you. just please, stop talking to me"
47) "Could i sit here? all the other tables are full"
49) "I have something to tell you... (pregnancy)"
50) "I think I'm pregnant"
51) "Sorry! i didn't mean to touch your butt"
52) "When were you going to tell me you're pregnant?"
53) "What, does that feel good?"
54) "Are you wearing my shirt?"
55) "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this"
56) "Did you just... finish?" smut
57) "Are you getting any closer?" smut
58) "Shit sorry, am i going too fast?" smut
59) "Take off your clothes" smut
60) "It hurts!"
61) "Fuck, don't do that to me"
62) "He did what?!"
63) "Wait, you've never done this before?"
64) "You know that i love you, right?"
65) "Don't touch me"
66) "I'm not actually feeling anything" smut
67) "Wow, you're hot"
68) "Don't give me that face, i might not be able to hold back" smut
69) "Are you sure about this?"
70)"I don't think you're doing it right?"
71) "I couldn't care less, I'm with you, that's what really matters"
72) "Pregnancy suits you..."
73) "Hello little one, we can't wait to meet you (preg)"
74) "We aren't ready for a baby!"
75) "Your hair is so soft"
76) "You're so cute when you pout"
77) "Just relax I'll wash your hair for you"
78) "Have I ever lied to you?"
79) "Let go of me!"
80) "You're beautiful, you know that?"
81) "Can you come with me? i'm scared"
82) "Leave"
83) "I'm not ready"
84) "I'm not ok"
85) "You are as intimidating as a puppy, my dear"
86) "Fuck, do that again"
87) "I'm not done yet"
88) "I'll show you weak"
89) "You're a little too rough lately, yeah"
90) "No, no.. take it off, please"
91) "Don't cry. just don't fucking cry"
92) "I'm sorry for being awkward, i just really like you"
93) "I hate you for making my life a living hell"
94) "I don't care anymore"
95) "I just love looking at you"
96) "I'm just not strong enough"
97) "I'm not really into that kinda stuff"
98) "You frustrate me"
99) "It's okay to not be okay"
100) "It feels strange"
101) "What did you just call me?"
102) "My hands?"
103) "Say what you want, I'll stay"
104) "Let go of him/her!"
105) "What would your mother say?"
106) "Come here. right now."
107) "You're still my favorite"
108) "It's the thought that counts"
109) "Need help?"
110) "You're making me feel good, don't worry"
111) "She hates me, doesn't she?"
112) "God, I miss/ed you"
113) "Babe, stop it or i swear I'll tie you down"
114) "I'm sorry, next time I'll be more careful"
115) "I know i fucked up"
116) "Do you even realize how much stuff like this hurts me?"
117) "What a sight in the morning"
118) "Push me away all you want, I'll always come back"
119) "What are you staring at?"
120) “You belong to me”
121) “Did you think I wouldn’t notice you sneaking out?”
122) “You’re not allowed to see them anymore”
123) “You’re being too friendly with them”
124) “I don’t like when they touch you”
125) “I can’t stand how they’re looking at you”
126) “You can’t leave me, I won’t let you”
127) “Give me your phone, I’m going to read your messages”
128) “You don’t need them! You have me!”
129) “Who were you talking to?”
130) "You don't have to stay"
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inviernos-tristes · 6 years
Del 120 al 130
hdpppp mira todas las preg qe son,,120_uso/he usado maquillaje? me pinto las uñas a veces,cuenta?121_perdiste la virginidad antes de los 18? se122_tuviste sexo oral? sí, qe ganas d un pete123_teñiste tu cabello?nuncaa, mi pelo es re suave124_votaste en una elección presidencial? se125_estuviste en una ambulancia? nunca126_tuviste una cirugía? sí, más de una pero no tan importantes 127_conociste a alguien famoso? SÍ, TENGO TERRIBLE HISTORIA CON ESO NO SABEN,nunca la conté 128_vigilaste a alguien por redes sociales? vigilar eso de ver con quién sube fotos y eso ni en pedo, no me kbee129_orinaste en lugares públicos? sí jajsjajsjaja qe feo dani ahre130_he pescado? nunca, jamás agarré una caña tampoco
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years
Femdobling i evakueringer
Femdobling i evakueringer
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Dato: 22-01-2018 13:22 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Femdobling i evakueringer Kategori: , Orkan Jordskjelv Terror Reise Jordskjelv, terror og orkaner setter sitt preg på forsikringsåret. Gjensidige har registrert en femdobling i evakueringer i 2017 sammenlignet med for fem år siden.
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Jordskjelv, terror og orkaner setter sitt preg på forsikringsåret. Gjensidige har registrert en femdobling i evakueringer i 2017 sammenlignet med for fem år siden.
I fjor hadde Gjensidige 130 evakueringer, med en gjennomsnittserstatning på nærmere 10 000 kroner. Antallet er også betydelig høyere enn gjennomsnittet for de fem siste årene. I tillegg hadde Gouda Reiseforsikring, som er en del av Gjensidige, 40 evakueringer.
Jordskjelv i Egeerhavet, branner i Kroatia, orkan i USA og terror i London bidro til flere evakueringer enn før.
– Det er dessverre grunn for å tro at denne utviklingen kan fortsette, sier kommunikasjonssjef Bjarne Rysstad i Gjensidige. Vanlige erstatninger ved evakueringer er knyttet til merutgifter for hotellrom, flybilletter og annen transport.
Gjensidige behandlet mer enn 51 000 saker innen reiseforsikring i 2017.
Andre fakta fra 2017
Over 20 % økning i antall sykehusopphold, over 1 100 saker De dyreste sakene er i vanligvis i USA 20 % flere forsinkelser – antallet har økt fra fra 5 600 skader til 6 500 25 % økning i behandlingsutgifter (fysioterapi, tannlege og lignende) 270 tannskader, herav 60 alvorlige ved at man for eksempel blir utsatt for en bilulykke eller faller på sykkel 
Kilde: Pressekontor Gjensidige Forsikring ASA – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Orkan Jordskjelv Terror Reise Orkan Jordskjelv Terror Reise
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What is Lamborghini's "Fashioned Composite"?
Carbon fiber is known all through the world in innumerable enterprises for its mind boggling quality to-weight proportion. Regularly, carbon fiber composites are entwined strands of carbon sheets called "pre-preg" which is then impregnated with an uncommon tar. Delivering carbon fiber is costly and tedious yet gives unimaginable quality per weight unit toward the filaments. Automobili Lamborghini made their own inside division, "Propelled Composite Research Center" (ACRC), which handles all features of Lamborghini's carbon generation. ACRC's essential destinations are creating carbon parts while all the while diminishing expenses and generation time through imaginative outline and research of carbon fiber components. Following quite a while of testing, research, and generation streamlining, Lamborghini uncovered their recently created "Manufactured Composite" for the world to see.
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"Manufactured Composite" is from numerous points of view diverse contrasted with the run of the mill carbon fiber most know and love. First of all, "Fashioned Composite" is basically a glue of carbon and pitch that can be formed or shaped. Essentially, it is pressure formed in extraordinary warmth. In detail, "Produced Composite" highlights shorter length carbon filaments and is unidirectionally more grounded than run of the mill carbon fiber. "Fashioned Composite" is made when the glue blend of carbon and pitch is squeezed with 60 bar of weight (870 psi) in a form warmed to 130 degrees Celsius. The advantages of this generation strategy are: adaptability of delivering complex parts from molds, to a great degree short restoring time, cost decrease, and quality equivalent to or superior to titanium at just 1/third the thickness. Restoring time in a run of the mill carbon fiber pre-preg creation takes 6 hours, "Produced Composite" takes just shy of 9 minutes. Add up to creation costs for "Manufactured Composite" are diminished by an amazing 30% contrasted with the generation of the commonplace carbon fiber sheet. As should be obvious in the figures over, the advantages with respect to generation are to a great degree alluring on all fronts.
Using this new type of carbon, Automobili Lamborghini propelled another venture to grandstand their recently created "Produced Composite". In this way, the "Sesto Elemento" idea was conceived from a standard Gallardo drivetrain. The Sesto Elemento was a specialized exercise planned to exhibit this present reality applications for this new type of carbon fiber. Outwardly, "Fashioned Composite" loses the regular weave design and rather picks up a marble-like appearance that is randomized and novel, correspondingly to how snowflakes are remarkable to one another. The Sesto Elemento's suspension arms, monocoque, crash structures, body shell, and even the high temp depletes were altogether made from this new "Manufactured Composite". Highlighting coordinated dashing pail seats into the monocoque and titanium latches all through, the Sesto Elemento tipped the scales at just 2,200lbs demonstrating a 1,100lbs net decrease of weight from a standard Gallardo. This empowers the Sesto Elemento to quicken from 0-60mph out of a mind-desensitizing 2.5 seconds with a capacity to-weight proportion of 1:4. As though the execution figures weren't sufficient, the styling all around coordinated with sharp points, hexagonal outline subtle elements, and fierceness just a Lamborghini could manage.
Lamborghini's ACRC office flaunts an immense database and research office that completely analyzes, recreates, creates, and repairs carbon innovations. Concerning reproduction, the ACRC office tests materials for conduct and portrayal of carbon components, segments testing, consumption tests, static and dynamic testing, alongside generation procedures and techniques. The Lamborghini Aventador highlights a total carbon monocoque with front and back subframes of aluminum. Should a Lamborghini Aventador ever require carbon repairs to its monocoque, a flying specialist who has practical experience in carbon repair is dispatched via air. The carbon repair authority utilizes ACRC's investigation advancements that are non-ruinous and use ultra sounds, thermography, and X-Ray examinations to find out about the state of the carbon structures and components. These non-intrusive and non-ruinous examinations enable the flying specialist to pass judgment on the harms to the carbon and assess the best methodology of repair for the composite structure. Over ACRC's repair examines, ACRC likewise thinks about the erosion attributes, recyclability, and plan of carbon composites.
In spite of the fact that creation and use of "Manufactured Composite" is in its childish stage, we can see "Produced Composite" in Lamborghini's all-new Huracán LP610-4. In particular, the Huracán LP610-4's motor cove boards presently have the discretionary "Manufactured Composite" complete, an all-new alternative for Lamborghini. Lamborghini likewise has embarked to make outside and inside segments for the Lamborghini Aventador which were shown at Geneva Motor Show of 2014 through Lamborghini's bespoke program, "Promotion Personam". In 2014, Lamborghini likewise revealed the Veneno Coupe and Veneno Roadster, an Aventador-based Carbon-perfect work of art using "Fashioned Composite" all around. All the outside body boards are of "Fashioned Composite", similar to the seatbacks, alongside a blend of Carbon Fiber and "Manufactured Composite" all through the inside.
Presently, Lamborghini is the sole producer on the planet to have gotten a Carbon Fiber repair authentication from TÜV. Lamborghini, with their very own inner ACRC office, is additionally the main car producer on the planet to execute everything in-house, from recreation to generation, and research. As of now, Lamborghini is trying and surveying the qualities of "Fashioned Composite" as far as age debasement, crash tests, and erosion tests for future applications and employments. Exactly how far will Lamborghini take their "Produced Composite"? Just the future will tell.
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thin-cute-queer · 7 years
So I'm incapable of keeping up with a blog lmao.
A lot has happened with my health. I gained weight and went back up to 173 but then I lost a few pounds when I started throwing up uncontrollably to the point where I just refused to eat or drink anything for a few days. I didn't see the point because it would just upset my stomach and come back up. Even foods I thought were safe and would settle my stomach, and pepto bismol, and ginger tea all came up within minutes of getting them down. I know my vomiting problem gets worse around my period, but come on. Fourteen times in one day is overkill. Not to mention the dizziness and weakness I've been having. For weeks now I've been really dizzy and weak and lightheaded and I can barely get around on my own most of the time. I don't know what's wrong. My mom took me to a doctor last Friday(I had started my period Wednesday) and they did blood work and a pregnancy test(which came back ambiguous) and gave me a shot of nausea medicine and some prescriptions. I freaked the fuck out about the preg test. Then I started having other symptoms so on Monday they told me to go to the ER in case I was having a miscarriage. At the ER they did more blood work and it turned out I wasn't pregnant.
I haven't thrown up in about a week and I'm trying to keep everything down that I can. I have nausea medicine, ginger tea, and my chiropractor gave me some ginger pills and liquid potassium magnesium.
I'm still fighting to lose weight but it's so hard when I have to eat so often just to be able to function. But my mom has been giving me kale and berry shakes, salads, and soup, so at least I'm not consuming a lot of fattening foods. And I'm drinking lemon water daily to get rid of water retention. I bought some stevia today so I can drink sweetened tea again without worrying about the calories from sugar. I haven't had any black tea in weeks because my stomach couldn't take it, but I might have some soon because if I can keep down lemon water, surely I can keep tea down. I've missed my Earl Grey.
Anyway. I'm currently sitting at 166 pounds, which is definitely better than 173 but I won't be happy until I'm in the 120-130 range.
So today I've had part of the shake and some Taco Bell(a chicken burrito and some mountain dew and a small bag of Doritos) and a cup of lemon water. I'm pretty nauseous but I'm fighting to keep it down. Later I'll probably finish the shake and maybe have a salad or something.
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