skullsnbruises · 1 year
Techno started this as a self insert comfort thing and then I (cat) finished it for them:) also I think the title is so funny I’m a stupid silly
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @da3dm
The Voices Demand Vore
(1576 words) [same size vore]
There was a burning passionate feeling aching its way through Techno’s chest for the past few months now. The voices that usually echoed violence through his mindspace, craving blood and the loss of life, had shifted slowly into a new desire. In place of their murderous rampage, was now a ringing fantasy of a different kind. Techno now felt the strong urge to open his jaws to his friends, followed by a hunger pain screeching through his system, and begging for a full stomach.
The pinkette wasn’t sure how to take it at first, when the thoughts arose he felt a sort of shame associated with them. He assumed, since they were the demands of his voices, that the intention was to kill. He wasn’t wrong for assuming that, surely? But as he listened with perked ears closer to their whispers, he realized not a single word muttered was of ill intent. They rang of protection, of comfort. It confused him.
Over the days as his thoughts intensified and burned away, he started to understand where the voices were coming from. Soon enough, he was playing into the ideas they offered up. Techno would imagine his friends curled around his tongue, tracing over his teeth to picture how they’d react. If his friends were miniature, how would they react to being scooped up and dropped into his mouth? Would they trust him, or panic? Techno shut his eyes softly, tongue rolling over an imaginary figure with pleasure.
One time, Techno was spending the day with his little brother. The blonde boy was being particularly obnoxious, disorganizing Techno’s collections of his hoarded trinkets, and tossing things around. Tommy was climbing over Techno’s bed, playfully racing away to get out of reach of Techno’s claws. The piglin cussed under his breath, fingertips just missing the collar of the blonde’s shirt.
“Come back here you little monster-“ Techno mocked anger. Then the voices peaked up.
Tommy stuck his tongue out, spinning around and crouching on the other side of the bedframe, little head poking up just so his squinted eyes could be seen.
Techno’s lips curled to show off his fangs and he growled, keeping the teasing tone clear. He bit hard on his tongue, “Get over here or I’ll eat you up.”
Tommy’s eyes widened slightly, before his eyebrows furrowed, “You weirdo, Blade. What you want to eat me, hm?”
The piglin halted in his spot, gulping embarrassed. His ears twitched and Techno could feel his face flush.
“I-“ the voices cried at him, ‘Tell him how you feel’, ‘Scare him’, ‘Go over there right now and swallow him whole’.
Techno needed a quick way out of the situation, something to deflect.
Suddenly, the blonde was climbing back over the blankets, and he flopped down staring up at Techno. He puffed his cheeks out and frowned.
His hands were shaking, he realized. The piglin was staring down at his little brother, salivating at the idea of scoffing him down his throat. The echoes in his head were now high pitched bells squealing and ringing out, causing him a migraine of desperation.
“T-that’s right, Tommy,” he decided it was too much. He was just going to let the demands take over, “You’ve been nothing but a pain. I might as well swallow you whole so you can’t wreck my house anymore.”
The blonde flinched, visibly not expecting a proper response. The cogs turning in his head were painfully obvious in his processing eyes, “Oh yeah?” Tommy gave him narrowed eyes.
Techno slid his hands under Tommy’s armpits, and lifted him up effortlessly. He met the blue eyes with an unreadable expression.
“I’m hungry too, Tommy. Very hungry. You’ll do as a nice snack for me.”
His little brother was now scrambling under his arms, trying to push away from the piglin, who’s maw was open wide and threatening. Techno had only a fraction of his full strength used on holding Tommy.
“OI- get off me, Blade!-“ Tommy struggled, pushing his palm against Techno’s snout, his fingers pressed half against his teeth, and half against his nose. That’s when Techno realized that Tommy was playing still. He knew the kid would hit him or tell Techno flat to his face to fuck off; but the blonde wasn’t even trying.
“Do you want me to eat you, Tommy?” Techno’s voice was low and gravely.
His brother went still, “Fuckin’ n-no obviously!” But his eyes kept flashing between Techno’s gaping maw and his bright glasses.
The voices screamed in delight as Techno laughed mockingly, “You’re going to taste so good, Tommy.”
The blonde yelped as Techno’s tongue licked over his face, swirling up his hair in thick spit. The wet appendage rolled over Tommy’s nose and he let out a noise of disgust, before promptly wiping the wet off.
“You’re gross,” Tommy whined.
Techno chuckled, “You’re delicious.”
He rolled his eyes and Techno licked back over him. And again, and again. Tommy was soon enough covered in a layer of saliva and held a very unhappy expression. The piglin scoffed playfully, then moved Tommy’s body closer, opening his mouth wider, listening to the voices screaming louder.
‘Eat him.’
‘Swallow him.’
‘Devour him.’
Tommy’s head was shuffled carefully into Techno’s mouth. The pinkette was spending extra effort and care not the nick the blonde with his fangs, tongue pressed against them cautiously. He could already hear Tommy’s heartbeat thumping faster as his body was shoveled back.
Techno felt his head meet the back of his throat, blonde hair tickling his uvula lightly. He took deep, shaky inhales through his nose, wanting everything to go right, and worrying unnecessarily about what could go wrong.
Tommy seemed to be just as nervous, body unmoving and his breath unsteady. His arms were practically plastered against his sides, fingers twitching. Two inexperienced nerds trying to play into their biggest comfort, who knew it would go so awkwardly.
The piglin stared downward, watching Tommy’s body as he slowly guided him further down his throat, holding back his gag reflex from reacting against his brother. Techno felt his throat bulge out with Tommy’s head sliding through his esophagus. He fought against the temptation to trace along the new bump, trying to focus instead on getting his younger brother into his stomach. The voices cooed in his ears, humming happily in echoes through his brain. It was genuinely comforting to not have the stressful intrusive thoughts in the background, making him feel awful every moment. For now, at least, Techno could be content, enjoying the comfort of his little brother gliding down his gullet.
He found himself purring around the blonde’s body inside him. Vibrating all around the boy with such a loving intensity. Techno was so happy to be able to provide a secure and safe area for Tommy to stay for the time being. He’d be so cozy inside of him, snuggling up inside his stomach.
The piglin couldn’t stand the patience, and as Tommy’s middle had been swallowed down, his clawed hands now came over the accentuation in his throat. His fingers rubbed into flesh, the younger’s torso right behind his skin. He was soaked there inside, sliding ever so slowly into Techno’s stomach, where he would be protected and held for as long as he would let Techno have him.
Several wet ‘glk’s later, the walls of Techno’s esophagus had pulled Tommy even deeper, that the piglin could feel the blonde’s head meet his insides, torso right at the sphincter. He steadily inhaled through his snout, as Tommy’s dangling legs were the last thing to shovel down. Tommy’s movements inside him were slow and squished.
Voices echoed the walls of Techno’s mind, cooing and coddling the image of Tommy’s body gulping down to his stomach, feet lastly left to the cold air. The piglin shoved him further, pushing on the soles of the teen’s shoes. His throat buldged impossibly outward, and once he lost sight of Tommy to his mouth, his teeth clicked down satisfied.
At last, there was just a few more heavy swallows before the voices would deem the situation perfect and resolved. The blonde’s body squirmed inside Techno, squished and soggy as it was hugged from every angle, leaving no space where Tommy couldn’t feel the piglin’s loving embrace. Emptiness had become a foreign concept to Techno’s stomach now.
Tommy sunk into the pit of his older brother’s belly, a large stretched rounded of pink flesh marking the juts and curves of the teen’s figure underneath. He’d shifted suffocated around until he was folded into the fetal position, rested comfortably tight inside Techno.
A burp made its way out Techno’s mouth, followed by a slight blush dusting his cheeks, covered by fur. He groaned, finding himself lying down his head down onto the pillow. His stomach gurgled and bounced as it jostled the boy inside, adjudging to the new position.
He realized the voices had ceased after his eyes opened ago several moments later. Techno was relived to not have those screeching things blasting his ears at last. Techno was a little grateful, at least, for their insistence. They’d pushed Techno along and given him the motivation to go through with this. Now, with his brother curled inside him, he felt a wave of relaxation and comfort wash over him, as tired eyes demanding to rest, the voices had quieted, and his limbs heavy.
Tommy and Techno fell asleep, perfectly content and together.
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Mosaic - Fragments Shaun Flaherty
wada sez: Welcome to the second of our script showcases! In late 2012, after the Mosaic project came to an end, Shaun Flaherty shared a bunch of his original scripts to his deviantART. Many of these never actually made it through production, but date all the way back to the inception of the project. Let's take a look, eh?
"Homecoming" (Slag) [2007-09-05 (file date), 2007-10-22, 2007-11-11, 2012-09-28]
Panels 1-2.  Slag drifts lifelessly through space.
CAP/RATTRAP: "I finished decryptin' the datatracks we ripped from that Pred orbital."
CAP/RATTRAP: "The humans never found him when they dug it up."
Panel 3.  In the background, Cybertron (reformatted/techno-organic) fills the panel.  In the foreground, Slag drifts close to the planet.
CAP/CHEETOR: "One of these mega-cycles you're going to have to let this go."
Panel 4.  Identical to Panel 3, except that Slag drifts closer to Cybertron.
CAP/RATTRAP: "He was on the Nemesis when it crashed --
CAP/RATTRAP: "-- they shoulda found him!"
Panel 5.  Slag enters Cybertron's atmosphere.
CAP/CHEETOR: "Forget about it, Rattrap."
Panel 6.  Slag begins burning up in Cybertron's atmosphere.
CAP/RATTRAP: "But what about what the bug said?"
Panel 7.  Slag crash-lands on the surface.  Debris and plumes of smoke mark the impact site.
CAP/CHEETOR: "I told you to forget it!
Panel 8.  Slag lies lifelessly in the center of the crater created by the impact.  Rattrap stands on the crater's edge, looking in.
CAP/CHEETOR: "It's over."
Panel 9.  Identical to Panel 11, except that Rattrap is silhouetted and out of focus.
RATTRAP: You okay, big guy?
Panel 10.  Rattrap's point-of-view.  Slag's head, shoulders, and upper torso fill the panel.  He is confused, but begins to reorient himself.
Panel 11.  Slag's point-of-view.  Rattrap's head, shoulders, and upper torso fill the panel.  He is concerned, yet hopeful.
RATTRAP (continued): Dinobot?
Panel 12.  Identical to Panel 10, except that Slag is reluctantly pleased.
SLAG: Vermin.
wada sez: This strip was originally solicited under the title "Home Again". Is the idea that Dinobot, the clone, goes on to become G1 Slag, eventually reuniting with Rattrap post-Beast Machines? If so, then why is the script so damn obtuse in communicating that that's what's going on? Also if so, that's a terrible idea. Josh van Reyk would later color the one preview panel released for this strip, as seen above.
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"Carry That Weight" (Kup) [2007-09-07 (file date), 2012-09-28]
wada sez: This one's set during The Transformers: The Movie, naturally.
Panel 1.  Toward the left side of the panel, Hot Rod sits near a wall of bars that separates one cell from the next.  He faces right with his arms rested on his knees.  He looks toward the window in the door.  Light shines through the window and casts a barred shadow on his face.  Toward the right side of the panel, Kup stands in shadow near a wall of bars on the opposite side of the cell.  He faces left with his arms crossed.  He looks toward the floor.
Panel 2.  Hot Rod looks up and to the right, toward the window.  The barred shadow crosses his face.  He is perturbed, afraid.  He quietly awaits the same fate as Kranix.
Panel 3.  Kup looks to the left, toward Hot Rod.  He is concerned.  His experience tells him that Hot Rod is in need of comfort.
Panel 4.  The same as Panel 3, but with Kup's eyes cast downward.  He searches for the right words.
Panel 5.  The same as Panel 3, but with Kup's mouth open to speak.
KUP: This reminds me of a story...
Panel 6.  Toward the left side of the panel, Pirate Captain stands, facing right, holding some sort of lance.  Pirate 1 stands in the background to the left of Pirate Captain.  Pirate 2 stands farther in the background to the right of Pirate Captain.  Toward the right side of the panel, Autobot Commander kneels, facing Pirate Captain with his hands bound behind his back.  To the right of Autobot Commander, Young Kup also kneels, facing Pirate Captain with his hands bound behind his back.  Pirate Captain stands over Autobot Commander and Young Kup, looking down at them.
CAP/KUP: "...I was part of a survey team stationed on Janguru 2.
CAP/KUP: "Pirates caught us by surprise.
Panel 7.  Pirate Captain gets right in Autobot Commander's face.  On the left side of the panel, Pirate Captain faces right, smirking toward Autobot Commander.  On the right side of the panel, Autobot Commander faces left, glaring toward Pirate Captain.  Pirate Captain should be slightly higher in the panel than Autobot Commander, as if Pirate Captain has bent down to be nearer to Autobot Commander's level in his knelt position.
CAP/KUP: "They wanted something from us.
Panel 8.  Pirate Captain threatens Autobot Commander.  Autobot Commander's chest plate fills the panel.  Pirate Captain's lance points to the right, directly at the insignia on Autobot Commander's chest plate.
Panel 9.  Autobot Commander's eyes fill the panel.  His expression is one of defiance.
CAP/KUP: "My commanding officer wouldn't give it up.
Panel 10.  Pirate Captain, now standing, looks down and to the right, toward Autobot Commander.  He wears a slight, contemptuous grin.  Autobot Commander will not yield, but his sheer force of will impresses Pirate Captain.
Panel 11.  Young Kup looks to the left, toward Autobot Commander.  He reacts with terror to the act of violence revealed in Panel 12.
Panel 12.  In the foreground, toward the right side of the panel, Young Kup faces left, still knelt and bound.  He stares vacantly ahead.  He is disoriented, defeated, powerless.  To the left of Young Kup, somewhat silhouetted and out of focus in the background, Autobot Commander faces left, also still knelt and bound.  He is hunched forward, his head slack, motionless.  He has been run through with Pirate Captain's lance and killed.  The butt of the lance rests on the ground; the shaft pierces his torso; most of the tip protrudes out through his back.  The lance is the only thing propping him up.
CAP/KUP: "They took it anyway."
Panel 13.  Kup faces left, staring vacantly ahead -- an aged copy of Young Kup's face from Panel 12.
KUP: No matter what happens, lad:
Panel 14.  Hot Rod looks to the right, toward Kup.  He is attentive, fascinated.  He is honored that Kup has shared this personal story with him.  It has given him strength.
KUP (OP): You look 'em square in the optics --
Panel 15.  The same as Panel 1, but Hot Rod and Kup's attention has been drawn to the door, which is now open.  Light spills in.  The time has come for their trial and likely execution.
KUP: -- and you give 'em the Pit.
"Mirror, Mirror" (Punch/Counterpunch) w/ Mike Ackerman [2007-09-30 (file date), 2012-11-12]
wada sez: This is another tantalising script, as much like with Martin Fisher's "Huffing & Puffing", it seems that full artwork was completed by Mike Ackerman; again, you can see the clean page in his portfolio overview. Presumably it never made it to the coloring or lettering stage?
Panel 1.  In an Autobot war room, Punch receives his orders from Springer while Whirl stands by.  On the right side of the panel, in the foreground, in extreme close-up, Punch faces left, in profile.  On the left side of the panel, in the mid-ground, Springer faces forward, looking toward Punch.  He stands, arms crossed; his mouth is open to speak.  In the center of the panel, in the background, Whirl stands by, looking toward Punch.  He is dimly lit, but his single eye "pops".
SPRINGER: It's the only way.
Panel 2.  In a Decepticon war room, Counterpunch receives his orders from Doubledealer while Sixshot stands by -- a mirror image of Panel 1.  In Punch's place, on the left side of the panel, in the foreground, in extreme close-up, Counterpunch faces right, in profile.  In Spinger's place, on the right side of the panel, in the mid-ground, Doubledealer faces forward, looking toward Counterpunch.  He leans back against a console; his arms prop him up.  In Whirl's place, in the center of the panel, in the background, Sixshot stands by, arms crossed, looking toward Counterpunch.  He is dimly lit, but his red eyes "pop".
DOUBLEDEALER: It's the only way.
Panel 3.  Counterpunch walks down a corridor, toward us.  It is a wide-shot in which we see him from head to toe.
CAP/PUNCH: Are you still you --
Panel 4.  Punch walks down a corridor, toward us -- a mirror image of Panel 3.  It is a wide-shot in which we see him from head to toe.
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- if after you've played a part for so long --
Panel 5.  Counterpunch surprises Springer and Whirl in the Autobot war room.  On the left side of the panel, in the foreground, we see the back of Counterpunch's head.  He has just entered the room and is slightly silhouetted.  On the right side of the panel, in the background, Springer and Whirl turn toward Counterpunch, surprised.
CAP/PUNCH: -- you can't remember --
Panel 6.  Punch surprises Doubledealer and Sixshot in the Decepticon war room -- a mirror image of Panel 5.  On the right side of the panel, in the foreground, we see the back of Punch's head.  He has just entered the room and is slightly silhouetted.  On the left side of the panel, in the background, Doubledealer and Sixshot turn toward Punch, surprised.
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- where it stops --
DOUBLEDEALER: Counterpunch?
Panel 7.  Punch-Counterpunch is in the center of the panel.  He is split right down the center.  His left half is Counterpunch; his right half is Punch.  His head is craned back, shouting; his fists are raised.  Energy, in the form of light, spills from his seams.  He is surrounded on either side of the panel by an explosion emanating from his center.
CAP/PUNCH: -- and you begin?
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- and you begin?
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"No Assembly Required" (Bumblebee) w/ Mike Paraiso [2007-10-05 (script file date), 2008-02-28 (sketch file date), 2012-11-13]
wada sez: I considered giving this one a post all to itself, but it's so clearly unfinished that it felt more appropriate to include with these scripts, which it was originally shared alongside.
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"Insult to Injury" (Beast Wars Scourge) [2007-11-09 (file date), 2012-12-19]
wada sez: This script picks up after the events of The Gathering issue #3, in which Scourge watches Powerpinch get dismembered by the Mutants.
Panel 1.  Scourge returns to the swamp where he and his squad of Predacons first encountered the Mutants.  He quietly surveys the area.
CAP: Southwest:
SCOURGE: No more Mutants?
Panel 2.  Scourge pulls Powerpinch from the muck.  Powerpinch is off-line and still missing his left leg.
CAP/SCOURGE: "Parts of you are missing.
CAP/SCOURGE: "I understand.
Panel 3.  Scourge transforms into beast mode and leaps with Powerpinch in tow.
CAP/SCOURGE: "Imagine if you'd chosen a beast mode with actual pain receptors!"
Panel 4.  Powerpinch's eyes are in extreme close-up as he comes back on-line, groggily.
SCOURGE (OP): Right now --
Panel 5.  Powerpinch shrieks in terror as he discovers that he is wet with a substance that is grotesquely dissolving his outer shell.
SCOURGE (OP): -- you're bathed in a naturally-occurring organic chemical compound.
SCOURGE (OP): Delightfully corrosive.
Panel 6.  Scourge tears a fistful of circuits from Powerpinch's throat, driving him into stasis lock.
SCOURGE: That'll do, thank you.
Panel 7.  Scourge drags away the unconscious Powerpinch.
SCOURGE (continued): A quick dip and a snip-snip --
SCOURGE (continued): -- and you won't remember this time either.
"Modes Make The 'Bot" (Hot Rod) [2008-01-25 (file date), 2013-02-23]
wada sez: Set in IDW continuity, between Escalation and Devastation.
Panel 1.  Wheeljack sits at a console.  Hot Rod stands, arms crossed.  They look up toward a hologram of Hot Rod’s Cybertron vehicle mode (as seen in Escalation).  The hologram is semi-transparent with a glowing effect.
WHEELJACK: So, I took into consideration all the features you're looking for in a new alt mode --
HOT ROD: Okay.
Panel 2.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Classic Rodimus’s vehicle mode.
WHEELJACK: -- and this is what I came up with.
WHEELJACK (continued): What do you think?
HOT ROD: It's nice.
HOT ROD (continued): Don't get me wrong -- I like it.
HOT ROD (continued): It's nice.
Panel 3.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Energon Rodimus’s vehicle mode.
WHEELJACK: Maybe something with a little more muscle?
HOT ROD: You're kidding me, right?
Panel 4.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Hot Rod’s Earth vehicle mode (as seen in Devastation).
WHEELJACK: Fair enough.
WHEELJACK (continued): How about this?
HOT ROD: Oh, yeah.
HOT ROD (continued): That's the one.
HOT ROD (continued): It's perfect.
"End of Discussion" (Grimlock) [2008-02-08 (file date), 2013-02-23]
wada sez: I think this is set towards the end of Megatron Origin, while the Decepticons are taking Kaon? "Prime" thus refers to Sentinel Prime, not Optimus!
Panel 1.  In the foreground, Grimlock walks toward us.  In the background, the other Dynobots stand in a staggered pack with Slag at the front.
CAP: The Battle of Kaon:
SLAG: Prime's forces are almost on top of us!
SLAG (continued): What are you doing?!
GRIMLOCK: Leaving.
GRIMLOCK (continued): Didn't sign up for a war.
Panel 2.  A close-up of Slag’s face.  He is angry and disgusted.
SLAG: Coward.
Panel 3.  Grimlock turns.
Series of Panels.  Grimlock kicks the asses of the Dynobots.  Fists collide with faces; maybe teeth and optics shatter; kicks to the ribs; et cetera.
SFX (?)
Final Panel.  Grimlock walks away from the defeated Dynobots.
GRIMLOCK: We're leaving.
GRIMLOCK (continued): End of discussion.
"Storytelling" (Animated Blitzwing) [2008-05-06 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing sits surrounded by a group of Children -- some stand, some kneel, some sit cross-legged, some sit on his lap, but all are recognizable faces from ANIMATED.
BLITZWING: Come, my little human protoforms -- attend your Uncle Blitzving und he'll veave you a tale...
Panel 2.  An illustration befitting "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, legions of Decepticons march in formation.  In the background, Megatron stands powerfully.  The image is cold and gray with clean lines and angles.  In a corner of the panel, "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "A brilliant military strategist und tactician, Megatron raised a mighty army to topple ze oppressive Autobot empire.
Panel 3.  An illustration befitting "Hot Blooded" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, Megatron tears an Autobot (or Gobot?) limb from limb.  His eyes are vacant and monstrous.  Fluid drips from his mouth as if he salivates for this.  In the background, a battle-ravaged city burns and explosions...explode.  The image is bright, hot, and passionately violent.  In a corner of the panel (a different corner than in the previous panel?), "Hot Blooded" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "Ze Decepticons devastated countless settlements across ze galaxy, annihilating Autobot forces in engagement after engagement.
Panel 4.  An illustration befitting "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, Megatron prances through a beautiful field or flower garden.  Happiness beams from his face.  Woodland creatures attend him.  In the background -- rainbows.  The image is anime-inspired, colorful, and obviously ridiculous, but it may be substituted with other such nonsense.  In a corner of the panel (a different corner than in the previous two panels or perhaps back to the original corner?), "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "Vonce upon a time zey lived happily ever after und vent ve-ve-ve-ve all ze vay home.
Panel 5.  "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing and the Children (as seen in Panel 1) are joined by Lugnut, who falls to his knees, raises his hands, and cries to the heavens.
LUGNUT: All hail Megatron!
BLITZWING: Yes, kids --
BLITZWING (continued): All buy comics.
CHILD: What's a comics?
Panel 6.  ALL HAIL MEGATRON promotional image.
CAP: On sale now!
wada sez: Ah, that old Mosaic classic: "what if that story I don't like was written by an idiot?"
"Compliance or Defiance" (Orion Pax) [2008-05-12 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  Orion Pax pushes a hovering pallet of energon cubes down a corridor.
Panel 2.  Orion Pax stands in an open doorway.  Light from the corridor behind him spills into the dimly lit room.
ORION PAX: Lord Megatron?
ORION PAX (continued): Delivery, sir.
MEGATRON (OP): Orion Pax.
MEGATRON (continued): My hero.
Panel 3.  In the center of the panel, we see Megatron from behind; his hands are clasped behind his back.  He looks through a floor-to-ceiling window that takes up the entire wall.  Lush, purple curtains adorn either side.  Through the window, we see Cybertron in a golden age -- a skyline of pristine structures, banners bearing the Decepticon insignia, et cetera.
ORION PAX (continued): You remember me?
MEGATRON: Of course.
MEGATRON (continued): The day we met, you chose the lives of your friends over the energon you were charged with protecting.
MEGATRON (continued): Your choice allowed me to have all of this.
Panel 4.  Megatron whispers to Orion Pax in extreme close-up.  On the left side of the panel, we see the right (his left) portion of Orion Pax’s face, including his left eye and left “ear”.  On the right side of the panel, we see the lower portion of Megatron’s face, including his mouth, but not his eyes.
MEGATRON: I suppose that's why they've demoted you to "courier", but look at it this way:
MEGATRON (continued): You may not know it, but you saved lives with your choice that day --
MEGATRON (continued): -- countless lives --
MEGATRON (continued): -- because I would have killed everyone on this planet to get here.
Panel 5.  In the foreground, we see that the pallet of energon cubes has been pushed into the room.  On the side facing us, we see that a small, black box has been stuck to the energon cubes.  In the background, Megatron and Orion Pax continue their conversation, in silhouette.
MEGATRON: In my book, that makes you one of the good guys.
Panel 6.  A close-up of the small, black box.  We see that it is a timer.  The display reads, "0:00:01".
MEGATRON (OP): Never forget, Orion Pax --
Panel 7.  Blackout.
MEGATRON (OP): -- you're a hero.
wada sez: I admit I'm out of my depth with this one. Presumably it's inspired by "War Dawn".
"Last Straw" (Huffer) [2008-05-17 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  Inside the Ark, headquarters of the Autobots.  In the background, Optimus Prime appears on the large, central view screen.  Smokescreen stands in front of the view screen with his head turned toward Huffer.  In the foreground, Huffer sneaks away from the view screen and toward us in an effort not to be seen by Optimus Prime.
OPTIMUS PRIME: -- and take Huffer with you.
Panel 2.  Smokescreen holds up a mirror.  In the mirror, Huffer’s face is reflected.  Huffer has been "repainted" to look like the Stunticon, Motormaster; Smokescreen has been "repainted" to look like the Stunticon, Dead End.  Huffer’s expression is one of angered disbelief.
CAP: Monday:
HUFFER: Somehow, I don't think this is what Optimus had in mind.
SMOKESCREEN: Relax -- it's gonna be fine.
Panel 3.  Huffer, followed by Smokescreen, falls toward us from a great height.  Huffer screams with terror; Smokescreen, less so.
CAP: Tuesday:
Panel 4.  Smokescreen speeds out of a cave in vehicle mode; Huffer follows closely behind, also in vehicle mode.  Smoke billows from the cave and trails from Smokescreen’s exhaust pipe.  Bolts of blaster fire fly out of the cave, only nearly missing Huffer and Smokescreen.
CAP: Wednesday:
SMOKESCREEN: We're okay --
SMOKESCREEN (continued): We're okay!
Panel 5.  Huffer and Smokescreen are tied up and hang suspended upside-down over a fire.  Members of a human culture indigenous to a rain forest dance around the fire, wielding spears.  Huffer stews; he is steamed!
CAP: Thursday:
SMOKESCREEN: You know --
HUFFER: Don't.
Panel 6.  Huffer and Smokescreen have been transformed into humans.  Human Huffer is shorter, has glasses, and wears an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up.  Human Smokescreen is taller, has blonde hair, and wears a red and blue leather jacket bearing his signature number, 38.  They stand in the rain, waiting for the bus.  Human Huffer shouts at Human Smokescreen.
CAP: Friday:
HUMAN HUFFER: You're dead to me!
Panel 7.  Optimus Prime sits at a console.  Over his shoulder, we see Smokescreen on a view screen.  Smokescreen winks, smiling.
OPTIMUS PRIME: I trust Huffer did well?
SMOKESCREEN: Huffer did great.
HUFFER (OP): I quit!
wada sez: This isn't strictly Sunbow continuity, but it references "Masquerade" and "Only Human".
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astraymetronome · 1 month
a au where Tommy is reincarnated as a villain from a book he heard/read about. It's like those manhwa where the protagonist reincarnates or wakes up as the villain/villainess. Maybe do to a curse or something everyone in the castle/estate shrinks or just a few main characters aside from Tommy. Maybe it's a sport of beauty and beast situation where while everyone is small Tommy is big and looks like naga/spider/dragom hybrid(he has a storage and instincts). Maybe the shrinking was never part of the of story and Tommy has no clue what is going on(thou if he never read the book he wouldn't realize it). Dream or ranboo could have have been the og stories protagonist and the svi the family
While this would be fun to write and go over, I don't think I have the time or the energy to put that much into another project right now.
College starts on the 19th and I really can't get bad grades this year. Plus I still need to work to pay for stuff and put money aside for future classes.
What I will do is scribble down this for the future! (And give you a few small ideas for now)
So I feel like if I was to write this I would prob make Tommy a Naga or a Drider just because I really like snakes and spiders. The idea of the whole castle shrinking is iffy to me but what if, instead, Tommy is naturally big and can shape shift. Think Stringbean from The owl house-
Anyways, I feel like Tommy wouldn't wanna shoot for being the bad guy. Yeah he'd probably admit it later on but I feel like, to start, he'd try to be good.
He'd probably bond with everyone quickly, at least on his side of things, because of the previous connections with them and would grow some pretty insane instincts.
If I get to this, and I hope I will, I'll probably have a big plot point be based around Tommy losing control, shifting, and eating a lot of people. Over stuffed preds are adorable in my opinion, now they'd all be in storage but they wouldn't know and stuff.
Then I'd probably throw in the villain arc which is mostly Tommy trying to make amends and stuff but them all being scared and stuff. I don't know who I'll have to be his go too person, probably Techno because Bedrock Duo is my heart and soul, but I'll figure that out in the future. If you have anymore questions for this and world building I can think up some stuff!
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Ako je možné, že aj po všetkom tom scrollovaní tvojho blogu stále nachádzam nové veci? Je chyba vo mne?
So, I just discovered (or re-discovered? I could swear I saw that art before) the holy grail au and I'm starving for more content. Is there anything you could spare me? 🥺
pravdepodobne je to len v tom obrovskom objeme vecí čo som za tie roky postla, tento blog mám od zimy 2020/2021 aj keď som ho poriadne začala používať len pred asi rokom
! english starts here ! warnings for: violence, abuse, torture and all the stuff related to prison arc and its aftereffects, nonconsensual drug use, overall fuckedupness
as of Holy Grail AU, I don't really know how much there is to share save for what has been already said. Aeri is no longer active in the fandom but at some point she mentioned to me privately that she would like to use some of the ideas from the AU in an original story (can't blame her, I do that a lot myself)
I went thru the tag and noticed that we only ever really talked about the first arc of the AU - it was going to be three arcs in total, with the first arc (Cotard's Solution) being centered around the happenings after Dream became Sam's puppet, combining multiple POVs to address what was happening on the SMP and Dream's day-to-day existence. tensions are rising all over and Sam greatly benefits from the death and destruction it brings with the Revive Book coming in handy to keep everyone wrapped around his finger, while Bad slowly grows more and more uneasy with how things are, only sticking around to make sure Dream is safe, or as close to it as he can get. Ant has little care or say in what happens, simply following orders in hopes of one day being on Sam's (or Dream's) good side so he can ask them to revive Red for him. the Syndicate catches wind of Sam's nefarious activities and his growing power, goes investigate and run into Bad who immediately seizes the opportunity and helps them get Dream out of the fortress, which Techno is more than happy to do.
the second arc (Kintsukuroi) then focused on Dream's recovery in the Arctic while the server slowly falls apart, as the Revive Book has gone missing and Sam's grip on power begins to slip. Dream has to slowly regain himself after spending months upon months drugged out of his mind, has to deal with the initial withdrawals and the constant anxiety and panic that all the time in inprisonment has brought him. Bad serves as Techno's informant on what is happening with Sam and Ant joins him soon enough, still hoping to benefit from the help. at some point, Kinoko residents catch wind of things happening in the Arctic and George and Sapnap find Dream hiding in there. both of them have since changed their attitude towards Dream, especially after Sam declared him dead months and months ago, so despite the lingering anger all they feel is relief at him being at least alive. Dream's mostly non-verbal and very cautious of everything and everyone around him. as time goes by and he's in a good enough shape to move around and be his own person, though more docile and way more weak than he used to be, everyone agrees on Dream moving to Kinoko to be with Sapnap and George where he spends his time tending to Karl's library. I don't remember as much of the political machinations that were running parallel to the recovery. some time after Dream's relocation, Quackity comes to Kinoko to speak to his fiancés and instead of finding Karl he runs into Dream. he recognises him almost immediately and draws a weapon and Dream bolts for the exit. a short scuffle follows but Dream manages to get away, making his way towards the dojo where he knows Sapnap is so he can get his help. when Sapnap comes out, Quackity demands Sapnap hands Dream over but Sapnap stands in Quackity's way. Quackity declares it a betrayal on both him and the whole SMP and says that if Sapnap won't cooperate he will have to take the revive book by force, thus starting the last arc of the story.
the third arc (Epitaph) then follows the ensuing conflict between Las Nevadas and Kinoko, which with the tensions across the entire server turns into a much bigger conflict than it initially seemed to be, everyone desperate for the revive book or disgusted by the truth of what happened to Dream behind closed doors and trying to help him get away from the abuse. George, Bad and the Syndicate immediately make plans to get Dream far away from the mainlands to avoid the conflict. Sam, upon learning part of the truth of what happened to his holy grail, drunk on power and paranoid out of his mind takes his anger out on Antfrost whom he discovered to have been involved with the "conspiracy" that took Dream away from him, locking him away in the fortress where he kept Dream earlier. a war breaks out, people die. this arc is the least fleshed out since it's the last part of the story that never was. a few of the key elements of the arc involved Bad freeing Ant and then burning down Sam's seat of power and Ant eventually getting his wish of reuniting with Red. during the conflict, Quackity ends up taking Sapnap's final life but is unable to cope with the guilt. Karl is the one to find Sapnap's body and he drags it thousands of blocks across the server to where Dream and George are hiding. Dream doesn't even have to be asked twice to revive his friend.
I don't remember what the ending was, or if we agreed on a definitive one at all. the story, despite being about the revive book, had Dream be mostly idle through its course and instead focused on the lengths people would go for the power of the book and the eventual destruction the thirst for power would cause.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Fuck it, shrunken manhunt timeline:
First time, between Sapnap and Dream, getting Dream out of the nether
Second time, Sapnap avoiding him and George and the two finally talk and Dream lets him store him again
Third time was Quackity shrinking by mistake, both Q and Karl’s first time being stored (Karl breakdown arc start) (At some point before or during this would be the first time Sam stores Dream)
Fourth time is when Quackity discovers his storing instincts/abilities, and going feral (around this time id say Sam and Dream’s continuous nom thing is going on)
Fifth time is the fiancés comforting/making Karl rest via noms (the two times he isn’t made completely uncomfortable by it) (at this time Eggpire Bad was getting closer to the point where he noms Skeppy)
Between these times is Q storing Slime for the first time, after being accidentally triggered into instincts by Tubbo’s visit
Sixth time is the game between the dream team, immediately followed by Sapnap shrinking to try and help George’s fear (and accidentally revealing feral Q) (around this time Wilbur would have made his agreement with Quackity about helping each other with instincts, and at some point between this and the next time he visits the fiancé household and teaches them how to preen him)
Between this and the next time Q noms Sapnap to make him relax after he spent all day mining and was achy
Seventh time is Sapnap being caught storing George by Sam, revealing Q as a pred and having difficult instincts
Eighth time is Karl being revealed as a shapeshifter with the ability to store people (and be stored in that form, that fics not done yet)
Ninth time is the feral boys hide and seek game (after which Sapnap and Dream start looking into the latter’s traits and find he’s an axolotl hybrid) (after that, Sapnap is called to save Skeppy from Eggpire Bad storing and trapping him there, and begins the recovery of the family)
Before the XD incident, comes the discovery of the purple potion and Dream nomming George to test it. It becomes common knowledge after that point.
At some point between these two is the XD incident with Sapnap and Dream
Tenth time is likely the Karl traveling incident
Eleventh is when the Karl breakdown arc comes to its close with George forcing all of them to talk to each other and Karl coming clean
Twelve is Hibernation™️ with all the households
At some point after hibernation is when Techno and Quackity finally come to good terms with each other, via each being nommed by the other for their safety and then actually talking.
Thirteen would be Tommy trying to prank Q and failing
Fourteen would be the Sapnap/Tommy incident with the ancient city
Fifteen would be the growing incident where George grows instead of shrinks Dream in a manhunt
The happy fam nom fic is our sixteenth
I think that’s got it pretty caught up? I’ll edit if I missed something
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unhonest-iago · 10 months
~Act IX~
The duo gets up from their sitting positions sprinting up a set of stairs deciding to take a shortcut through the natural history museum. The museum being currently under construction. 'Techno' Dawn and 2 rams can be spotted walking towards them from behind. Appearing out of nowhere. 'Mayor Bellweather' Techno thinking he can trust her walks to meet her, Fundy following his lead. 'We found out what was happening, someone's darting predators with a serum. that's what making them go savage.'
'I'm so proud of you Techno, you did such a super job' Techno blinks, a sudden realization, stopping himself from giving her the briefcase. 'How did you know where to get us?' placing it behind his back, out of reach. 'I'll go ahead and take that case right now,' retreating. 'uh Fundy and I can take this to the ZPD' another ram blocking the exit, stretching his neck cracking it like you would your knuckles. At the same time, 'RUN'
'Carrots' Fundy struggles to carry Techno, spotting him curled in on himself after tripping over a fallen pillar, unable to walk. Leaning against an upright pillar, 'ok, just relax,' using the handkerchief holding blueberries to stop the bleeding. 'Take the case, get it to Bogo' pushing the briefcase towards Fundy. 'i'm not leaving you behind, that's not happening'
'i can't walk' Techno stating the obvious. 'we'll think of something,' both looking towards the ground, discarded blueberries rolling. 'we're on the same team Techno, underestimated, under-appreciated, aren't you sick of it?' the 2 rams sneaking towards their hiding spot, shinning flashlight to and fro. 'predators, they may be strong and loud, but prey outnumber predators 10 to 1.' Dawn rushes forward, seeing a shadow shaped like Technoblade. 'think of it, 90% of the population united against a common enemy, we'll be unstoppable.' An attempt at jump-scaring the duo reveals it's not him—a statute propped up as a misdirect. The two book take the open window as an opportunity to book it to the exit. Body slammed to a lower exhibit, losing the case.
'well you should've just stayed on that carrot farm huh? too bad, i did like you'
'what are you going to do? kill me?'
'ohh no, course not, he is.' Dawn shoots the gun, hitting Fundy's chest, a spot of blue. Stumbling back from the impact. Techno, concerned 'Fundy?'
'Yes police! There's a savage fox in the natural history museum, Officer Techno is down, please hurry'
'No, Floris, don't do this, fight it,' unaware of it, Dawn looking down in mock pity. 'Oh but he can't help it, can he? Since preds are biologically predisposed to savages,' a growl emitting from the fox's throat. 'oh gosh, think of the headlines, 'hero cop killed by savage fox'' Fundy ripping a figurine, a mere chew toy. 'so that's it? prey fears predator and you stay in power?'
Shrugging, 'yea, pretty much.'
'it won't work'
'fear always works and i'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way,' Techno now cornered against a wall. 'bye bye bunny,' Fundy lunges forward, biting Techno's neck. Techno reacting with a screech before miming blood loss, 'bleh, blood, blood, blood and death.' Fundy laughing, before addressing Bellweather, 'alright you're milking it. besides, i think we got it. i think we got it. thank you yak-y yak, we got it up there, thank you. you ate it all up beautifully.' Fundy barely holds up Techno, keeping his weight off of the injured leg. Bellweather looks towards the gun in a mix of shock and confusion. 'you looking for the serum?' Fundy proceeds to pull the actual paintball from his shirt pocket. 'well it's right here.'
'you got in the weapon there, blueberries from my family's farm' popping a blueberry into his mouth. 'mwah, they are delicious, you should try some' making the motion of 'chef's kiss.'
'I framed Lionheart, i'll frame you too. it's my word against yours,' Techno and the iconic carrot shaped pen. 'ooh, actually, it's—' playing the recording, Bellweather's voice clear as day '—it's your word against your's, it's called a hustle sweetheart, boom.' The rest of the ZPD police force surrounding Bellweather, knowing she'd been caught.
A news broadcast showing Dawn Bellweather in an orange jumpsuit taken into custody. Fundy later joining the ZPD as their first Fox and Techno's partner in crime. 
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colossal-red · 2 years
World building for the mark? Idk I just wanna understand the world more while waiting for part 2 of the mark
Alrighty, world-building :D
First off, I'll start off with some history
Long ago, Preds and Prey used to pretty much operate like a normal Ecosystem, Preds hunting Prey, unmarked people just vibing, and that was it... until one day, the Preds 'disappeared' and the nature of their disappearance remains unknown to the present day of Chapter One... for now :)
Next, some talking of the other mcyt's
The SBI did all live together at some point in the past, however in present day of Chapter One, it is just Tommy, his brother Wilbur, and his father Philza, however... Techno is nowhere to be seen. The other three are all Prey, which has been confirmed... but Techno has not been :)
Ranboo does in fact exist in this au, but he has not been shown yet and hasn't met Tubbo and Tommy yet. :)
The Dream Team also exist, although I haven't decided what their roles will be in the story yet if at all.
Last thing... Tubbo is not the only Pred in existence, that is all for now :)
And there's a bit of world-building, I wish it was more @w@
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torssi · 4 months
[Danes je zame zmagovalni dan, zato delim z vami svojo brezmejno sreco. Napisala sem veliko besedil in ustvarila veliko techno projektov v slovenscini. Tale pa je nekaj posebnega. Imenuje se Srčna Ljubezen, ki po Platonski ljubezni, ki je tik pred izdajo, caka se uglasbitev. Zaljubljena sem do ušes in vem, da bo trajalo v neskoncnost. Koncno me je sreca nasla in verjamem, da te je bilo vredno čakati. Sem monogamno bitje, ki se veseli prihodnosti v dvoje. Tale je zate GaK] <3
Če me hočeš videti
Me poglej skozi srce
Ko v temi začutim tvojo toplino
Mi energija zakroži v osmico
Ko se telepatsko poveževa
Mi odgovarjaš z da in ne,
Tako razumem premike energije
Ker v meni prijetna vibracija takrat zgodi se
Ni ga lepsega
Kot je srcna sreca
Ki ogreje mi duha
Da verjamem
Da nekje, nekdo
name misli vsak dan
Kaj bi dala
Da vesolje me usliši,
Da zeleno luč
Da ta srčni ključ
Odprl bo pot do
pogumnega srca
Moje srce si
In vedi, gospa Knez,
Da Bije le zate
V barvah RGB
Tumblr media
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skullsnbruises · 1 year
If it's not too late, could you write about giant!ranboo encountering tiny! sbi+tubbo with some nom action and possible fear play? Also, I enjoy your artwork! ^-^
Anxiously setting this down because it’s been so long since I got this request I am so sorry
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @da3dm
(1199 words) [fearplay]
As the sun had set, and Michael was tucked into bed, and Tubbo was off spending time with the others on the server, Ranboo was left alone in their mansion with a certain sorrow in their chest. They were lonely and bored, but it was nighttime, and there was no need for any more activities to take up their day. Sleep would be a distraction from how they felt. Hopefully Tubbo would be back by the morning, and they could plan something like a picnic with their child.
Ranboo stood lonely over their king size bed, wishing for a moment that someone else was there, at least to talk to. They sighed and pushed the feeling down before climbing into bed, tucking themself in under the covers. They shuffled to their side and stared blankly at the wall, ender particles floating around dimly by their head. Slowly, they closed their eyes, drowning in late night thoughts until they dozed off.
When they woke, their brain was crowded with an uncomfortably familiar buzz, something speaking in a language that felt so natural, but so distant at the same time. They watched through their own eyes, as their body moved on its own. Standing up from the bed, kicking off the blankets, staring down at themself. Ranboo felt a dull panic, scared of this feeling but unable to do a thing about it. Something ached of deja vu, but between the amnesia the exact memory was lost.
Though, by the way Ranboo’s legs walked without them, they knew this had happened before. The particles that usually lazed about their head glowed brightly in neon hues of purple, blurring with speed as they circled and danced.
Oh yeah, enderwalking. Or whatever the server were calling Ranboo’s sleepwalk state.
Two toned hands met doorknob after doorknob, until they had left the mansion behind, out in the bitter cold of Snowchester. The country was frozen still as the snowstorm raged, sending icy flakes to battle against Ranboo’s ender particles. The body shivered, and Ranboo wished their sleepwalk state would have grabbed a coat before leaving, but alas. They were useless as they watched, body leaving fresh paw prints in their path, that would only soon be covered with more powdery white, judging by the swirling haze of snow.
‘Where were they going?’ Ranboo questioned as they took an unfamiliar path. The body stepped past into the garden, fields of crisp dead sprouts. ‘Why do we even plant here?’
They were in a clearing now. Plenty of room as the unconscious body stopped dead still. Unmoving, the eyes darted to the side, assuming the space around them. Ranboo was quiet in the back of their mind, viewing the space outside them carefully. It was beautiful, white filling the sky around a masterpiece of the same. The ocean lulled out powerfully against the icy shoreline. Wave after wave crashed, a gorgeous pattern of sound that echoed in the otherwise silent space. Something about winter was gentle and peaceful, silence and serenity. Despite the death of it all, between the lack of wildlife and the sleep of greenery, it was kind. Nature recharging for another year, where life would be brought back once again, a cycle of rebirth and death.
Maybe Ranboo was just tired to think so, though.
The world around them shook all of the sudden, and Ranboo felt anxious, unable to grab something to ground or hold still. Their heart thumped in their ears as they watched the landscape shrink around them. Everything became impossibly small, the frozen dead crops turning into tiny blips in their vision, and the mansion seeming like a dollhouse in scale.
They realized then, with a shocked horror, that the world didn’t shrink. Ranboo had grown. They were now a giant, towering over the infinite space of the server, scale stretched taller than the trees. ‘What is going on??’ They begged to nobody. Ranboo was aware they had powers, but this was unprecedented. They could do small things, like pick up grass blocks, not grow into a giant!
Suddenly, an insatiable appetite wracked through Ranboo’s body, his stomach growling to emphasize its point. His mind raced, demanding to meet his friends. The implications scared him, but they weren’t able to control the urge. They pulled out their communicator, and promptly asked for Tubbo’s coordinates. He returned them, and said he was hanging out with Wilbur, Tommy, Phil, and Techno. Ranboo purred deeply at the thought of more friends.
He quickly made his way over to the location, traveling so much easier with his newfound height, taking long strides over trees and otherwise annoying obstacles. They were making their way along with ease now.
It was only a few moments before Ranboo spotted the group, chatting happily with one another on the prime path. The first person to spot the looming ender hybrid was Tommy, who shouted out a yelp, pointing shakily to the sky. The others turned around and eyes widened. Tubbo faltered, Wilbur’s mouth was left agape, Phil and Techno reached instinctively for weapons, and Tommy was shouting incoherently.
Ranboo couldn’t care, his thoughts chirped away at wishing for his friends and husband. They crouched, movement slow. He cooed at the terrified group.
“Ranboo?!” Tubbo panted out in fear.
That was the last chance he had to speak before Ranboo’s hands came around his husband, and lifted him into the air effortlessly. He dangled his husband above him, opening his mouth with a swipe of his tongue. Tubbo screamed helplessly, before being dropped directly into Ranboo’s mouth. He felt him struggling and fighting against the squishy insides. Ranboo swallowed his husband down with a soft burp.
The others stared like deer in headlights. Too terrified to look away. Phil started to slowly back up, and Ranboo noticed immediately. He grinned and chuckled under his breath, causing tears to form in Tommy’s eyes. Then, their claws came back around, squishing the four into his palms. They laughed maniacally, almost enjoying the sense of fear he was inflicting onto them, the poor things didn’t realize they’d be okay.
His instincts had completely taken them over at this point, as the handful of friends was shoved into his mouth. They swished the bodies around from cheek to cheek, tongue curling around playfully. They felt weak punches from, probably, Tommy. His tongue came around something pointed, weapons. Using the prehensile appendage, he swiped the swords away from the two, and spat them out, the metal clanging against the path.
Then, a simple few swallows led the four down into his stomach. A sudden wave of fatigue washed over the enderman, and they rubbed at their mismatched eyes.
He made his way casually back to the mansion, watching scenically as the land transitioned from grass, to sea, to snow. When their presence was introduced back into Snowchester, they realized they were too giant to go back into the mansion. Upon this mild annoyance, he laid down among the snow, the coldness like a shivering blanket. They wrapped around themself, curling into a comfy little ball, tail curled over his legs.
The struggle inside his stomach amused him, as they dozed off to sleep.
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jkknight98 · 3 years
Thawing Icy Wounds
Got our boy Tommy and Techno in this story, will we see some comfort in this story, or will it be a trainwreck of emotions from the two of them, that for you readers to see. I hope you guy enjoy this story and remember to drink water and eat something today. warnings: soft vore, themes of self harm
Tommy just needed to get away from it all, just picking a direction and walking away, not realizing where his body is subconsciously leading him until he’s collapsing in the bitter snow not far from a familiar cabin.
Techno is still very on edge from his near-death experience escaping the prison, so when he hears the hounds barking like mad, he stepped out ready for battle. Imagine his surprise when he sees a passed-out Tommy almost fully covered in snow once again, but he knew the boy would freeze before he made it back to the cabin. Curse his sympathetic heart, he was going to need an old piglin trick to ensure the boy not dying once more
“God Tommy can you stop being so annoying for once, I need to focus on the burger van and I don’t have time for you right now.” The words that spilled out of Wilbur’s mouth hurt much worse than the feeling of his hand being shoved off, but Tommy could help but clench his own hand where he had been touched. Why was his brother figure like this now, didn’t he need him to go up against Quackity?? No...apparently not since he Ranboo now and he was more important to him now. It really made Tommy mad, but not at his friend, he knew that Ranboo had no part in him being excluded in this. The taller hybrid had confided with him on many sleepless nights on how much he wanted Tommy to be there to help him with his brother, that the two of them could work together to make Wilbur a better person, but even he knew that it would never happen; he couldn’t say it though.
“Fine… go have fun with your new little brother then since I’m no longer good enough for you!!!” Tommy turned and ran, not seeing how quickly Wilbur turned, ignoring any yelling that might have been directed at him as he jumped over a fallen tree to disappear into the bushes. He firmly equated the tears to just the pain from getting hit by branches and tripping over sweet bushes, not anything stupid like emotions. Who cares about that stupid burger truck anyways, it’s not like he wanted to help out his brother since he returned and seemed to be like he was before Lamanburg, not like he was happy to spend time with someone who didn’t physically hurt him. It’s not like he could still feel the awkwardness between himself and Tubbo, his death and resurrection clearly brought back regrets from his exile, and the relationship soured. Ranboo was a decent friend when he felt like he could admit that to himself, but he couldn’t help the envy he felt towards the ender hybrid when he spoke about his relations with Phil, Tubbo, and even Techno. It just got worse when he started to get close to Wilbur too, it was just so frustrating and he didn't know what to do.
He almost missed the few good times he had with Dream… He shook his head at that thought though, willing it away before it could root itself,  his therapy sessions have been helping keep those away; but not always. It just made him sigh as he slowed his desperate sprint into a more controlled walk, the only person...or mob really, he could show any weakness to would be Shroud. The spider was still just a spider though, he could rant to the creator all the times he wanted, but the most they could do in return was to gently tap him with its many arms in their best attempt at a hug..but that only helped so much.
Tommy was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t know where he was anymore, the oak forest replaced by spruce woods, but he found he really didn’t care as he continued to walk, mind delving back into the darkness he had only just escaped from. He didn’t even notice that his body began to shiver as the temperature got colder, just bringing his arms up to wrap around himself, and start itching at old pale lines in muscle memory.
Technoblade gave a loud huff as he swung the ax downwards, sending the weapon slamming into the propped-up log and splitting it in two, the pieces falling into the already made piles that had been forming. The Pigling didn’t need to harvest firewood often, but he found there was always something satisfying about doing it, especially when a fresh winter storm blows through. The cold wind felt good against his normally blazing skin, something Phil always appreciated and called him a walking furnace, and enjoyed the somewhat childish delight of watching the white steam escape from his snout with every exhale. It was also good for him to keep his muscles in shape should another… situation arise, he saw clearly from his time in the prison that Quackity was still aiming for his life, he wouldn’t be surprised if this Las Nevadas was just a new form of government that the smaller man was going to turn against him, but Techno was prepared for that war with his allies...He just hoped that the younger people in the server could get away from the conflict this time, especially Tommy.
He grunted slightly as he chopped another slice of wood, he really wanted the younger boy to find what he was looking for in this life, he already had too much taken away from him, and even Techno had to admit to himself that he played a part in making his life worse that he could never make up for. He also didn’t like how Dream spoke of the boy when he was brought up, it sent a mild flare of protectiveness as he heard how obsessed the older man was, but he was quick to end the subject every time it occurred. He knew he had a favor that he owed Dream, but he hoped it would just end at him escaping the prison and have nothing to do with Tommy afterward.
His left ear twitches when his hounds start to bark with a bit more energy than normal, glancing in their direction to see a few of them standing against the fence and looking out into the snowy forest that magically appeared in his absence, something that Phil forbade him from chopping down. “Weird…” after setting down his ax he strides quickly over the hound pen, making a few of the others perk up in excitement as he drew closer, but the one dog remained focused out in the main tundra even as he reached out a scarred hand to rub at its ears. “What are you so focused on, do you want to find it?” The dog seemed to perk up slightly at this suggestion and he was mildly surprised when he recognized the small short red bow tied to the dog's collar, when Tommy stayed with him he had favored this dog more so than the others and tied the bow to help distinguish them from the rest. Technoblade never had the heart to remove the bow when the boy left, and he definitely didn’t favor the saddened dog here and there when he got the chance,” Alright, let me suit up and we can find what's got you so excited.”
There were many things that Techno expected to find when he followed the dog into the tundra, maybe an injured cow or turtle that escaped the farm perhaps, maybe Phil if the old bird got lost in the coming storm. But not this. He did not expect to find a head of blond hair poking out of a hollowed-out snowdrift as the hound tried to further pull the unconscious boy out and towards him,” Heh? Tommy?!” He reached down and turned the boy over so he could clearly see his face and winced in worry, Tommy's lips were completely pale, and was taking on the first blue hints of frostbite, but the boy was still shivering despite being fully unconscious. His body was still trying to survive which was a good thing, but it wouldn’t be long before the boy succumbed to the unforgiving temperature, especially when a snowstorm was forming on the horizon. This was a horrible dilemma and Techno was panicking as he held the shivering form to his chest as the hound whined at his feet, the boy wouldn’t make it back to the cabin on time because he was an idiot and decided to not take Carl to go on this search… It's not like he could carry the boy all the way back under his own clothing after all.
Wait. . . 
He actually could do that if he used an old piglin trick that was normally used on children, but as he looked about the shivering form that was trying to burrow into his chest, Tommy was still just a child no matter how much he denied it. This technique should help him return to a safer body temperature and allow for Techno to get back to the cabin, a bit slower than his normal pace, but more time would allow the boy to become more stable. “ Sorry to do this to you Tommy, but it’s for your own good,” He took one moment to press a small potion to the boy's lips to make him drink, and after a short time of struggling to get the liquid down, Techno watched as the 6’1 boy shrink to a more manageable 3’1. He sighed as he pressed his snout against the boy’s cold forehead in an apologetic gesture before his mouth opened wider, sending out a large puff of steam and breaking off strands of saliva that slowly slid down his tusks. He had to be careful with those as he maneuvered the small head and shoulders into his mouth, flicking his tongue across the icy skin but grunted at the taste. The boy somehow tasted like spiced meat and it made the process a little easier as he continued to lick, feeling slightly relieved as each lick left the skin warmer. It was weird to feel his jaw shift wider as he pushed the boy further in his mouth, but a low rumbling purr started in his chest as he took in the crashing wave of protectiveness that flooded his mind, it was like feelings he had protecting him from Dream all over again. He quickly moved to lift the body high over his head to use gravity to his advantage, especially since its very difficult to swallow and not let his tusks touch Tommy at all, feeling his collar bone separate as the massive bulge slid downwards, the form shivering more violently as its temperature increased and moved aside his organs on its journey. Technoblade laid his hands over his stomach as he felt the normally flat surface start to swell, winching at the bit of pain as it went past what he had ever been used to and his clothing and armor became very restrictive. He was thankful that the last of the shoes slid inside his mouth so he could safely close it, wrinkling at the nasty flavor of the shoes, but was just happy to feel the form finally stop.
Techno gave a low huff as he looked at himself, even being reduced to half his size, Tommy still left a questionably large swell in his torso. He definitely couldn't hide this if he ran into Phil at the cabin, but as he held his stomach, he found he didn’t care as he let the feelings fully rush over him as he started walking. He could feel the boy’s body had finally stopped shaking from the cold and seemed to be trying to burrow through his flesh to reach his heart, making him purr louder as he reached down to pet the hound that was happily trotting along at his side. The hound didn’t move a muscle during the entire process as it stood guard, and now was relaxed and happier than Tecno had ever seen it,” Good Dog.”
When Tommy woke up he was extremely warm, thankfully not to the extent of the prison, but like he was in the desert...but wet?? He couldn’t see anything around him as he tried to uncurl and not fall back into sleep but found himself stopping as the walls around him pressed back at his attempt. The thing around him rumbled loudly as the walls moved in a rhythmic motion, and if he listened closely he could hear the sound of a loud heartbeat and a familiar set of snoring he hadn’t heard in forever….his breathing picked up quickly in fear as he started to realize who he was near and he tried his best to get away from whatever was holding so close,” What the Fuck!!!!”
Techno’s breath hitched slightly in his sleep as he felt fluttering inside his stomach but just continued to sleep on despite the motion becoming stronger. He had collapsed into the armchair he kept before his fireplace and promptly fell asleep, his instincts making his mind and voices melt into warmth as he had his charge back under his protection once more. He did shoot awake when he heard the panic-filled shout, one arm moving to cover his middle while the other ripped the ax from its stand next to his chair, nostrils flaring as he tried to identify the danger,” What, what the danger?”
Tommy yelped when his surroundings forcefully jerked to the side and he was slightly dizzy as he heard the voice rumble loudly around him as the heartbeat from earlier became much louder,” Techno, Techno, I promise I’ll go away just don’t kill me ok, I’ll leave!” He tried again to get out of whatever was holding him, positive that he will feel the familiar sting of a ax blade digging into his skin if he didn't get away now, but was shocked when he felt a force start to slowly rub up and down his back in soft strokes and he heard the low grumble again as the piglin spoke.
“You're not going anywhere Tommy, I found you nearly dead outside my cabin, be happy you didn't lose your fingers.” Tommy took this information in slowly as he moved to try and feel at his fingers, and could feel how stiff the joints still were despite now feeling much warmer despite the weather he knew surrounded the cabin,” I do want to know why you were so close to my home, and if you would stop struggling like that, it's not comfortable.”
This confused Tommy a bit,” What does my struggling have to do with anything, and I didn’t want to be near your shitty cabin in the first place!” The walls collapsed suddenly around him as a clear belch like sound rang in his ears and he heard the piglin give an annoyed groan and the stroking across his back returned… and Tommy felt his body turn cold once more when he realized where he was; impossible as it was. His breathing became more frantic as he started to thrash even harder, not knowing when he could die but knew it would be worse than being sliced by a bade,” Techno please tell me I'm not where I think I am, please tell me I’m not.”
Techno could only huff and let his tongue hang limply out the side of his snout, fighting between regretting his decision and his residual instincts.
He’s scared. He did get eaten. Not right. Comfort him. Release him. Gross. Fix him. Still angry. Still sad. Comfort him. Eeee. He’s safe. It’s comfortable.  Go back to sleep, he’s fine. He would scream.
The voices were just as conflicting as the squirming boy, why couldn’t the boy just go back to sleep,” You’re fine, you're not going to get digested,” his words were cut off by another forced belch when the boy managed a hard hit,” would you stop!” He couldn’t help but roar out his frustration, but when the boy was silent other than jerky trembles of fear, he felt guilty for yelling at him,” You were going to freeze to death if I didn't do this, I used a shrinking potion and stored you like I would have done a young piglin, your completely safe.” He used his hand to rub Tommys back again, feeling him freeze, but sighed in relief when he felt the form start to untense and lean into the soft touch,” will you tell me why you came here, and if you want out I will.”
Tommy couldn’t help himself as he leaned into the comforting touch as he listened to the rumbling words around him, as fucking weird as the whole thing was, it was actually comfortable inside the older male. “I didn’t mean to come here, Wilbur was being an ass and I had to get away from him and think…. I just kept thinking and didn’t realize I was lying in the snow.. I really didn’t think I cared.” He moved to curl tighter into himself as he felt the new raised lines he had made in his wanderings, he didn’t want to be by himself anymore since it just led to bad things, just like how they always did. He wanted to ask Techno if he could stay with him, but did the piglin forgive him… he knew he fucked up before, but he did save him from a icy grave. He took a heavy breath before reaching out and gently rubbing at the slimy walls in front of him, mildly surprised at how soft they were,” could I… could I stay here..so I’m not alone anymore… and I’m ok in here.”
Technoblade couldn’t stop the heavy purr that rumbled from his chest at the rubs against the sensitive flesh of his stomach, the voices and instincts on fire as they relished in the feeling that should have happened from the start if the boy was a true piglin child. He gently rubbed the boys back as he settled back into a comfortable position in his chair,” Yeah you little gremlin, you can stay, I’ll let you out later since you're making me look fat.” He gave a low chuckle at the indignant shout the boy made as he moved to get comfortable. He could tell that their relationship was still rocky, but it was slowly warming up which was good. He wouldn’t be too opposed if the boy wanted his basement room back, it's not like he changed it too much.
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tinytek · 3 years
Give me George info in the Royal Preds AU. I crave. Feed us. 🖐 -random-tinies
Hell yeah
Some of this information is stuff I haven't bounced off Squid yet, so it might not match up with their canon.
Also I am totally gonna use this to infodump about the entire royal family for a minute, sorry man
So first of all, George has the most fae blood out of any characters besides Phil, Quackity, and Technoblade. And among those four, no one but Quackity has more Unseelie blood. This is because Quackity is a first gen pred--his father was Unseelie fae.
Now you get the nerd part.
Here's a family tree with fae bloodlines included. H is percentage of human blood, S is percentage of Seelie blood, and U is Unseelie blood. The numbers next to their names are overall faeblood percentages.
Tumblr media
I had Phil and Techno as brothers by the same father. I gave Phil two wives and a concubine to explain why his three sons have different bloodlines. Disclaimer: his wives both died of natural means, he had to remarry because royalty stuff. He's not just a dick who marries and divorces a ton.
His first wife was George's mother, and it was a political marriage. They didn't hate each other, but they weren't in love. They were friends more than anything. She was also completely Unseelie in bloodline.
His second wife was Kristin, whom he loved dearly. She was also Unseelie, but less so.
After her death, he gave up on marriage. He did, however, spend one night with a concubine, which produced a child. just his luck, that his ONE night would give him a son.... he loves Tommy, though, and doesn't regret it. he only regrets laying with a woman who wasn't Kristin.
So as a result, Tommy is 10% seelie fae, Wilbur is 10% seelie and 4% unseelie, and George is 10% seelie and 6% unseelie.
Of course, they wouldn't know this. They can sometimes guess at their own bloodlines or trace it back, but they don't know for sure.
They just know that George acts the most predatorlike out of the three of them.
Okay, on to the George-specific stuff.
He's the eldest, but the least emotionally connected to Phil. He was always closer to his mother.
He's Unseelie, so he's somewhat of a monster at heart. He's a good liar, for how fae he is (making up for what his ancestors were unable to do, honestly) and fairly dismissive of others' feelings. (Though that could certainly be because of his royal upbringing.)
He sees Dream as a pet, ornament, or plaything more than a person. Upperclass social conventions typically label borrowers as "less than human," more similar to having a pet present in terms of social taboos. Because of this, George has no problem doing things like wearing underclothes that would normally be unacceptable for a prince to wear with company, or sleeping with him in the room.
He also likes to bring Dream with him to social functions like dinners and balls. Sometimes he treats Dream like a pet, carrying him in his hands and showing him off. Other times he instructs Dream to perch on his shoulder and not move too much... like a decoration.
He'll sometimes tug on or play with Dream's tail without his consent. He doesn't really think to empathize, since he doesn't have one.
He calls Dream and his kind preyfolk in private sometimes, though he defaults to "borrowers" more often.
(Aside: Tommy calls them "tiny folk" or "little guys" along with "borrowers." Wilbur calls them preyfolk or borrowers. Techno calls them borrowers, smallmen, or rats--"rats" is derogatory and "smallmen" mostly used by working class humans. Phil calls them borrowers or tiny folk.)
Hm, he's kind of--no, he's absolutely a prick and hates to be talked back to. (Reason number #2 that he and Sapnap don't get along for a while.) He's overly full of himself, as expected of royalty, and prideful, as expected of the fair folk.
His favorite color is blue, and so is his favorite doublet. Also his favorite cloak. Um, everything is blue.
And! His teeth are sharper than a human's ought to be :)
Not enough to be obviously inhuman, but enough to make him terrifying and uncanny when he wants to be.
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8dpromo · 3 years
KiloWatts & PointBender - Western Wolf Remixes (Harmonious Discord)
8DPromo · KiloWatts & PointBender - Western Wolf Remixes (Harmonious Discord)
Last summer Harmonious Discord released a rare vinyl feature highlighting two long-time label creators, KiloWatts and PointBender. The EP featured deep, cerebral journeys like “Circling the Crown”, pulsating nighttime anthems like “Western Wolf’, and low-swung cross-over classics like "Swangert." For this release, the two producers enlisted the brainpower of close friends, returning artists, and consistent innovators to help celebrate 20 years of the label. Included in this set is the return of house music legend Demarkus Lewis. Demarkus remixed Morgan Page on Harmonious Discord in 2004 and his applied skills to this project produced two fantastic flavors of "Western Wolf," ripe with bumping movement. Behind The Sky boss and genre-bending force, Bluetech applies his deep knowledge and context to deliver a beautifully evolving masterpiece. Berlin’s Noah Pred explores innovative angles of bio-mechanical feedback with a beautifully growing, often organic feeling re-imagining. The project starts off with a musically elevated remix of “Swangert”. Bluetech sets free the dithered musical undertones with modulated synth patterns that dance romantically by and through each other. The vocal treatment enters cosmic terrain while the subtle bass jamming keeps a funk focus flowing. Next up is the Deez Puppy Chow Mix of "Western Wolf" which tames the elements of the original into a body-moving selection prime for rocking big-sound speakers. The remix reaches peak-time tension with the introduction of expertly crafted acid lines. The following Deez Acid Free Remix delivers the same energy without the frontal acid line, but more emphasis on rising effects patterns that maintain the level of insanity. Our final guide into the deep crevices of a-cult warehouse worship is the Acid Reign Remix by Noah Pred. Pred doesn’t hesitate to get into melodically complex corners from the start and leaves plenty of room for sonic expansion as his synthesizer elements embody a mind of their own. A true embodiment of Harmonious Discord's 20-year celebration is perfectly captured in this high-powered collection.
Colin Dale (Abstrakt Dance Records) – “A solid EP with some really cool sounds.” Anthony Pappa (Bedrock) – “Noah Pred’s Acid Reign remix is cool.” Rory Hoy (Howlin’ Records) – “I really like the Bluetech remix. Funky stuff!” Scheibosan (Shanti Roots) – “I like the acid on Deez Puppy Chow Mix.” Black Mighty Wax (Irma Records) – “An intriguing release.” DJ Firefly (Couch Dancing) – “Great new takes on some excellent originals.” Simon Kirk (Proton Radio) – “Powerful remixes. Truly forward thinking music.”
Available Now From: Beatport, Bandcamp, Apple Music, And Spotify.
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
who in the manhunt au gets instincts to store their friends/partners?
There’s quite a few!
Phil, Wilbur and Quackity are all avians and get nesting instincts that is very similar to the netherborn instinct to store their friends and partners. I see Punz get represented as an avian a lot so he may be joining this list too
Techno, Bad and Sapnap are netherborns and have the instinct to store their friends/partners to protect them from the dangerous nether conditions.
Purpled has instincts to store friends and partners to protect them from what was the dangerous conditions of space, but he never acts on it.
Ranboo’s instincts aren’t really that effective, they’re more for holding things he cares about in his hands. It’s his anxiety that begs him to use his second stomach to hold his loved ones and protect them.
Slime gets instincts to absorb his friends from time to time, but seeing as that’s how slimes eat he only does it if it’s really bothering him and he makes sure his friends are safe the whole time.
Sam as a creepertaur has a second stomach, but his instincts aren’t completely related to his biology and more of “oh shit I need to protect my friends”
And I think that’s all our preds who have instincts! If I missed any and think of them later I’ll just reblog this anyway.
There are others who get instincts to be stored, but that list is smaller. Dream is on it and so is Fundy thanks to their hybrids (axolotl and fox respectively)
The rest of them are either human or hybrids or shapeshifters who do it just to mess around lol
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cyncerity · 3 years
Sizeshifter!Tommy au where he noms SBI and Beeduo all at once? He grows just big enough to where they all fit nice and snug in there and he can feel all them. Big man just wants to hold his family close and keep them safe!
I wrote this as quickly as I could because this prompt gave me so much brain rot. It also gave me an excuse to write one of my favorite vore tropes: overstuffed preds 💖
tw: vore
“Yes!!” Tommy yelled after his 5th consecutive win against the rest of his friends and family in Mario Kart. He heard the rest of them groan as he laughed harder at their defeat. “Alright, Tubbo, you came in last, you know what that means…” Tommy snickered as he leaned closer to Tubbo. The brunette simply laughed as he shoved Tommy’s face back. “Yeah, yeah, I owe you, but I have a feeling you’re gonna wanna cash that favor in now, aren’t you?” Tommy grinned mischievously in response. “Oh, you know me so well.”
Tommy and Tubbo scrambled off the couch and went to the living room as the other 4 continued to play. In a matter of no time Tommy was a giant, approximately 45 ft in height. Not huge, but big enough so that Tubbo had room in his stomach. And as soon as he reached that height, Tubbo shoved his arm in his mouth with a sly, silly grin. Tommy’s response to this was to close his mouth around Tubbo’s torso and slurp the rest of him in like a noodle, making the now much smaller boy burst into giggles. He licked him for a few minutes before getting impatient and swallowing him down, the now familiar feeling of the warm, squirming lump traveling down his throat bringing the shifter bliss. Tommy laid back, closed his eyes, and put a hand on his stomach as he felt Tubbo enter his belly, fully content to lay their the rest of the day.
“Tommy, get back in here, we’re starting another game!!” Tommy heard Wilbur shout. He peeked an eye open. Surely they knew he was giant right now, right? They had to have known what he and Tubbo had gone into the other room to do, they’d have to be stupid not to know. Tommy sighed and made his way back to the dining room where Mario Kart was set up, laying on his stomach (which Tubbo didn’t seem to mind, surprisingly), only bothering to fit his top half in the room. “Oh, there you are! Can you still use one of these?” Ranboo held a controller to Tommy, who’s face remained deadpan as he lifted his hand to compare it to the controller, which was barely the size of his finger nail. “Right, I guess that makes sense…” Ranboo continued a bit awkwardly. “You wanna just watch this round then, Toms?” Phil asked. Tommy shrugged and nodded as Techno started the game.
A few minutes later, Wilbur came out on top, with Ranboo being the loser. Tommy chuckled as Wilbur continued to gloat his victory to patronize Ranboo, when the mocking finally died down and the attention was surprisingly turned to him.
“Alright, Ranboo, new rule for the night: you lose, youre sleeping in the giant.” Wilbur said nonchalantly. Tommy’s face turned to one of utter confusion before he laughed a bit as an argument broke out between Wilbur and Ranboo. Ok, this could be something he could get behind. He was always up for the chance to nom his friends.
Soon Ranboo stared at Tommy with tired eyes as he pushed his lips open. Tommy quickly closed his mouth around the teen and threw his head back as hard as he could and swallowed down Ranboo in one gulp, taking Ranboo by surprise and making Wilbur lose it with laughter. Tommy rearranged himself as he felt Ranboo enter his stomach and Tubbo move over to make more room so that he was now lying on his back, watching the tv upside down. He looked down at his gut.
He had noted a while ago that 50ft was the minimum height he could be to swallow both Ranboo and Tubbo, that being the minimum height where they weren’t crowded and Tommy still felt full while not showing any signs of having eat someone from the outside. At his current 45ft, though, his friends started to make a bump on his gut. Nothing too noticeable unless someone was looking for it, but there nonetheless.
A few minutes later, Techno lost. “Alright, rules of the night, Techno,” Wilbur said as he shoved his twin brother towards Tommy, “down the hatch you go.” Techno just rolled his eyes, not excited or anything but seemingly not opposed to the idea. Tommy was beginning to think this wasn’t such a great idea anymore. Yeah, having two people fill his stomach was nice, but he was fairly certain that two was his max. It was already a little cramped as it was. God, if he even managed to fit Techno in their, would it give him a stomach ache? Tommy negotiated the idea of growing bigger so there’d be more room in his belly, but he had never attempted to shift with people in him, so he dropped the idea.
Nevertheless, a few moments later Tommy found himself watching the bulge of his stomach grow slightly, maybe a half inch to him, bigger as Techno entered his gut. The organ growled around its new occupant, probably realizing (just as Tommy had) that there was already to much stuff in his belly. Tommy drowsily rubbed his stomach and felt internal rubs back as he heard Phil shout from the couch, their last race seemingly over. Wilbur stood up and began shouting for a rematch. Tommy closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Rematch or not, one of them was going to end up in him, and he didn’t know if he could physically take that. He wasn’t sure where the point of unhealthy weight in someone’s stomach was, but he was sure he was close to reaching it. He’d never felt so full before, and he didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not. It’s didn’t hurt like he thought it would, and so much motion under his skin made a shiver run up his spine and melt his muscles in the best way possible. Of course, that could all change once a fourth person entered his stomach. He’d only ever eaten three at most, and at that point in time he was about 150-200 ft tall, so this get entirely different.
Phil proudly and snuggly pushed Wilbur towards Tommy, who readied himself as he picked up Wilbur and carefully placed him in his jaws. Tommy took slow, small swallows just in case any harsh or fast movements would give him a stomach ache. Phil seemed to notice his sons’s dilemma, though, and moved towards Tommy to rub his stomach, trying to push his occupants aside to make room for Wilbur, and making Tommy let out a sigh and start purring, to blissful to even feel embarrassed.
“Wil’s idea cause you a bellyache, mate?” Phil asked, continuing to rub Tommy’s gut as it swelled even more with Wilbur’s entry, giving another, louder low growl at the added weight. Tommy groaned slightly and nodded. Phil gave him a sympathetic smile and he placed his hands on the organ to rub it, and felt a second pair of hands rubbing from the inside. Tommy seemed to be on the verge if sleep, the over-stuffing making him drowsy.
“Does it hurt, Toms?” Tommy shook his head. “Then, do you mind if I go in?” Phil said as he laid a hand on Tommy’s gut. Tommy nodded as he picked Phil up, begrudgingly standing as best he could and moving to the living room where he could throw the couch cushions on the floor and make a makeshift bed, feeling the most likely equally drowsy people in his belly slide down the walls of the stomach as their surroundings shifted. Tommy soon felt them start to try and get into a comfortable position after having been moved, and out of curiosity looked down at his stomach. He was surprised to see that not only had Wilbur added probably another quarter inch to his distended gut, but he could make out their movements from inside him. To him, it only looked like his stomach had swollen about two inches bigger, but he could just barely make out when someone pushed at him or leaned their full body weight against his organ. It might have been somewhat disturbing to anyone other than Tommy, but at the moment, the young shifter was to entranced by the fact that now he could actually feel and see what was going on in his belly to care.
Once they reached the living room, Phil got gently popped into Tommy’s mouth as he began to take the couches apart before he was swallowed down, reaching the stomach within seconds, everyone else who had been eaten already fast alsesp. Phil chuckled as he felt his world shift as Tommy laid back down, rubbing what he assumed to be the front of the stomach.
“Hey, Toms?” “Yeah?” “How about next time, best two out of three?” Tommy only chuckled, poking where he felt Phil rubbing his stomach. “Oh, it’s so on.”
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maybenotaperson03 · 3 years
Morbid G/T Idea
New Au
Implies death
Wilbur was reincarnated in his past life he was a borrower, he was hunted down and eaten by a giant Pred, and now he was recianrnated as his son.
Wilbur however has unfinished business, his son, only a baby at the time maybe now his age.
He hopes he can find him and give him the life he never had as a borrower.
However, Wilbur will eventually have to comfort Philza and his brothers about his past life.
He knows the man, his dad now will do anything for him, but he is still scared not only for their reaction but of the fear of Philza still lingers in his mind.
Also, have a snippet of a conversation I imagined, its a draft
Wilbur sat his family at the table his heart pounding hard against his chest, he would almost think it was a warning bell.
Wilbur looked a Philza with a sadden smile.
Philza starred at his son in confusion.
"I remember my past life."
Philza raised an eyebrow before he can comment Tommy jumped in
"that's so fucking cool!" "What were you like a solider or something or-"
Technoblade cut his younger brother of
"Enough Tommy let the man explain."
Wilbur held his chest tightly
"Well, to answer your question no I wasn't."
For some unknown reason, Philza felt uncomfortable, maybe it was because Wilbur kept staring at him as if to see what he was gonna do.
"To be fair whoever up there must fucking hate me, to reincarnate me here."
Tommy faced sadden
"Why." He asked
Philza didn't say anything, for some reason he couldn't
"Unfortunately, I wasn't a Pred in my past life and-"
Tommy cut him of once again.
"Ew, where you just some plain human, gross."
Techno wacked Tommy on the head, and glared at him and Tommy decided it would be best to just stay quiet.
"No, I wish I was that lucky." Wilbur stopped himself hoping Tommy would interrupt him once again, so he didn't have to reveal much more.
However, everyone remained silent even Tommy.
Wilbur took one long breath before quickly glancing at Philza.
"I was a borrower."
(I plan to eventually writ this, who knows when it's a separate story from my other Au I mentioned yesterday.)
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thewiglesswonder · 3 years
ANY OF THEM FOR WASP I WANNA KNOW ABOUT HIM??? PERHAPS A HEADCANON ON AGE/AGING (someone once brought up what if their lifespans shortened when they became technoorganics i need to find that again but like)
For my mental health I will not be acknowledging the potential shortened lifespans of techno-organics because it makes me sad :)
If we’re talking the canon verse, I’d be really interested to see what would happen if the whole Predacon storyline had continued. Because the way that they set it up, there were tiny hints at the Maximals via their Beast Modes, but the only two techno-organics we had seen in the whole show were both Predacons. So, I’d like to think that BA would have created more Predacons, like Inferno or Quickstrike, and while Blackarachnia would technically be their creator, the newer Predacons see Waspinator as an older brother figure. BA is too preoccupied with science and hating being part spider, so as they all got older, Waspinator could have himself some new Preds to mentor.
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