sketchy--akechi · 11 months
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Handcuffed (7/?)
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klodwig · 1 year
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Based on Edmund Leighton - The Accolade (1901) 
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
[12 May 2022] How would Ren react to a teasing MC? For example, MC would do things like bending over in front of them because they “accidentally” drop something, all while giving them a smirk?
Error 404: REDACTED.exe has stopped working
LOL Ren would most likely just awkwardly stand there for a brief moment with red cheeks, sweaty hands, and a dry throat. He'd also have trouble looking at you while his brain tries to processes everything, and it would take him a solid minute or two before he can respond properly.
If y'all previously went to the bone zone though, then he'd be a lot more bold and playful with it, and would purposefully drop something in front of you just to see what you'd do. He might even go as far as to tease you back by "innocently" lifting his shirt to wipe sweat from his face, or "subtly" brush up against you whenever he walks past.
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: For more context, this post was made before any information about Day 2 was released (and Day 1 was still relatively new). So Ren was a lot more shy and timid when it came to any form of interaction from Angel. What you saw in the Day 1 demo was all the lore you had to work with, so I didn't write Ren with the same level of confidence he shows in Day 2 onwards.
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ihavesomejays · 6 months
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scum vidyadhara's self-saving system legitimately these two are the most rendered characters i've ever drawn and idk how to feel about that. anyways i'll be dropping some doodle comics about this au sometime soon and if you do draw or write svsss renheng tag me i need to see it im so ill about the thought of shizun!dan heng
closeups under keep reading
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heartscrypt · 5 months
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link click soul eater au ft. the Fuck You twins. they're both pistols that can be dual wielded but usually its just li tianchen wielding li tianxi. because i dont think ltx would like holding a gun even if the gun is her brother
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months
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(S1 Episode 6 | Chapter 181.1 | Chapter 93 | Chapter 119 | banana_slug_army's A Bizarre Proposal | 2020 Exhibition Interview)
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
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Jaune: Ready for training, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: *holding a bottle of olive oil* I think we’ll practice a little hand-to-hand combat today~! 😏
Jaune: 🙂 ?
Ren: *cooking* …and I’ll need two teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil…
Ren: *smells, then taste-tests his olive oil*
Ren: Hm? This doesn’t taste like virgin…?
Arkos couple: 😗🎶
The sequel:
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elmothedictator · 11 months
Ren’s Drink
Ren: Sooo, what do you guys think
Pyrrha, trying to hide her disgusted face: I-i-it’s good, Ren *Her face turning green slowly but Ren didn’t notice*
Nora: *Fainted on the ground, her mouth is foaming*
Jaune: *Taking a sip of the drink, visibly disgusted* I’ve got a name for it. The Bloody Awful!!!
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
just generally musing to myself what makes thematic and plot sense for the link clink ending after reading some other people's takes the past few days. no real conclusions here, just some thoughts tied together with a string.
I've seen arguments that what needs to happen is that Lu Guang needs to accept Cheng Xiaoshi's fate and move on without regrets. This idea that the past has to remain as-is and you have to move on is a thread that the show has played with quite a few times. It's written into the very rules underlying the dives. The most obvious instance being the earthquake arc, where Cheng Xiaoshi was unable to save Chen Xiao's mum, but he *was* able to deliver the messages and thereby help CX gain closure. It's laid out by Lu Guang that it *was* worth it to deliver the words, and Cheng Xiaoshi takes this conclusion with him when he confronts Emma. (Of course, the fact this lesson was given by *Lu Guang* casts a different shade over the whole affair. I don't think it can be entirely discarded, given LG even admits he's going against his own rules, but it reads more like something he's trying and failing to convince himself of.)
So, the past has to stay as it is. We see a few different approaches to this idea in s2 - of people refusing to move on and trying to change the past. Qian Jin wants to force his wife "not to cheat"; he wants to alter her behaviour because she didn't act as he wanted. Li Tianchen wanted to change how *he* acted back then, even if indirectly, because he sees himself as his mother's killer, and thinks this is the point at which his tragedy was locked into place. They both thought their 'tragedies' were down to a single event. It's not that simple.
Lu Guang wants to personally protect Cheng Xiaoshi by controlling all scenarios. Not exactly taking his will, but limiting his choices. There's probably a whole post to be made on how QJ/LTC/LG each approach the agency of the ones they want to protect, but that's not for now.
Anyway, Li Tianchen as the foil to Lu Guang. At the end of s2, he has in theory let go of Li Tianxi but in practice he's just burying himself deeper by following Liu Xiao. Trying to entirely shun the past so he can believe that he still has some element of control. Both LTC and LG are at the extreme ends of clinging on vs letting go and that means the correct answer has to lie somewhere in the middle. Not shunning the past, but accepting it, and using that resolve to move forward.
So, Liu Xiao. We don't have much on him but what we do have is his belief that uncertainties should become certainties. He's deterministic and set explicitly as the counter to Lu Guang, whose own aim is to change events rather than lock them into place. They both want to *control* all aspects, but for differing reasons. In fate vs free will, it makes sense that our protagonist is on the side of free will, but it's interesting that he's presented himself so much as the opposite previously. He and CXS haven't exactly switched places, but to the audience, they've definitely taken on traits of the other.
Liu Xiao's whole spiel about how all options will eventually lead to the same outcomes, with him set *against* Lu Guang, very much seems like it's a setup for a "defeat fate" type plotline though. It's hammered in that there is no escape, no other option. Are we expected to accept this? It doesn't seem so. It's something I'm struggling to reconcile somewhat with the earlier messages about accepting the past, but maybe that's not quite it. Maybe it's about control vs freedom?
Trust fall. Every dive with LG and CXS is an act of mutual trust where they need to act in tandem. Dives go astray when one party acts without the other. For CXS, this is about him acting against LG's instructions (texting Emma's parents, staying in the earthquake dive). For LG, this is about him withholding info because he doesn't trust how CXS will react.
Lu Guang needs to put his trust in CXS before his withholding of information creates an unresolvable rift. He needs to stop trying to control CXS in order to keep him safe. We saw how that spun out for Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi. LG needs to put the choice into Cheng Xiaoshi's hands and let him decide his own fate. It reminds me of how Cheng Xiaoshi laid everything out for Emma and let her decide whether to live. It was only outside interference that prevented her, but she did make the choice to survive. And she did it by remembering those small moments. By accepting that tragedy happens but there are still people that make it worth it.
For LG and CXS, they need to mutually trust each other and that's how they'll find their way through.
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townslore · 1 year
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i long for the beach . . . [pro/ship dni]
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wolfgang1097 · 8 months
Disclaimer: If you are too young and/or sensitive for the subject matter involved, I wouldn't check this out if I were you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you one of the most graphically violent moments of Spy vs. Spy (pre-Kuper, apparently):
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Jesus Christ! This reminded me of a certain scene from a certain banned episode of Ren and Stimpy (I'm looking at you, Man's Best Friend).
I may have been rather bold, but even my jaw dropped when Black (which was actually a realistic robotic clone of him) straight up went ape s*** on that clone of White. Regardless, the actual Black still apparently got the upper hand over the actual White in the end. For how disturbingly violent that whole scenario is, this is just from Prohias' era, of course; so imagine Kuper's era. Either way, this is among one of those comics that makes me feel like Spy vs. Spy was basically Ren and Stimpy before Ren and Stimpy (either that or Beavis and Butthead before Beavis and Butthead), you know what I mean?
Anyhow, this was taken from the paperback book "Masters of Mayhem," (That title reminds me of the band name "Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem.") which is a reprint of the "Spy vs. Spy Follow-Up Files." Ten dollars plus a few more in shipping and handling off of Amazon was quite a smokin' deal, considering that's it is in mint condition.
I do not claim ownership of any content. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and the late, great Antonio Prohias.
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People are always using stats like "physical strength" and "intelligence" to rank Star Wars villains. I propose a new factor: "Can they be picked up by the scruff of the neck and shaken around like a pathetic wet little creature?"
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blorbocedes · 2 years
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lil bro's single shirt button was fighting for its LIFE here 😭😭😭
(x) giffed and recoloured by the lovely @hensunrik
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upandnorth · 1 year
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kylux advent calendar day 1: Turn of the season, part three.
Part one Part two
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zerozeroren · 2 years
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Sophie's primary joy in life is to make people laugh. Naturally, she fell for someone who laughed the hardest XD
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
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If I were greedy…
I spend a disproportionate amount of time appreciating the addition of these four simple words to the "I really wanted to develop these myself…" line in the manga side scene with how much insight they provide the audience into Ray's mindset during this arc.
Greedy people don't pull off successful escapes. Greedy people risk getting their friends killed. Greedy people end up losing everything.
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(Chapter 181.1 | Chapter 4)
It's a layered message to Isabella as well.
You've known what I've wanted for a long time now. None of those three things have changed. You don't have to worry about me betraying you.
The way he looks at her when he says it, too; tries to make himself both nonthreatening to not invoke her ire or suspicion, yet aware enough to convey he can still competently complete his side of their agreement (along with a bit of pettiness, wanting to believe he has more control of the situation and not wanting to let it seem like she can pull a fast one on him. Knowing what's to come in less than 48 hours is heartbreaking), all while having the most subtle sad and tired tinge to his eyes and subdued grin to mask it.
(Because what if things were different for the two of them. For all of them.)
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He already believes he's asking for so much, and yet…
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(Chapter 181.1 | Chapter 93)
They're worth it.
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