shawnrealty · 26 days
Real Estate and Economic Outlook: Insights from Dr. Lawrence Yun
Home Sales: A Pre-COVID and Recent Comparison Let’s start by examining home sales data. Pre-COVID, approximately 5.5 million homes were sold annually. During the height of the market in 2021, sales surged to 6.12 million, fueled by intense competition and multiple offers on listings. However, in 2023, sales numbers dropped significantly to around 4 million homes. This decrease is attributed to…
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theemeraldteam · 5 months
How to Get Out of Pre-Foreclosure: Essential Steps to Protect Your Home
In this helpful guide, we give advice on how to deal with the difficult situation of pre-foreclosure and protect your home. Learn how to get out of pre-foreclosure and find good ways to stop losing your home and take back control of your money in the future. We can help you with different ways to deal with your mortgage, like selling your home for the right price or arranging a short sale. We can also work with your lender to change your loan or come up with a plan to repay it. We have a lot of different options and will find the best solution for you. Learn how homeowners can lose their homes when they don't make their mortgage payments, get notices from the bank, and have their homes sold at an auction. This way, you can act early to keep your property. Don't get too stressed out about almost losing your home - learn as much as you can and get the help you need to get through this tough time.
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tomicproperties · 1 year
How to Stop Foreclosure?
Discover ways to stop foreclosure and keep your home. Tips on communicating with lenders, seeking government assistance, and exploring other options. Foreclosure can be a difficult and stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be the end of the road. If you find yourself facing foreclosure, there are a few steps you can take to help stop the process and save your home. Check the link below to read the full article: https://tomicproperties.com/blog/f/how-to-stop-foreclosure
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theresattrpgforthat · 6 months
Two player world building games?
THEME: Two-Player Worldbuilders
Hello there! Almost everything I found for this request required a deck of cards of some kind, so I hope you like card games!
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Strata, by Vincenzo Ferriero.
A Mythopoeia Micro-RPG
Welcome fine archaeologist to your new digging ground! Strata is a tabletop role-playing game where you dig to uncover the history hidden under the many layers of rock that have formed over the millennia. Hope you brought along your Equipment!
A fairly simple one-page game, Strata mostly consists of rolling for random discoveries as you dig through each layer of rock. You’re also responsible for naming each age, usually after something you discover there. While this game looks like it could be played solo, with two people you’d be able to bounce ideas off of each-other as to what each discovery means about the age you’re digging through.
HOME, by Deep Dark Games.
HOME is a roleplaying and mapmaking game for 1 to 4 players. 
You are a Mech pilot who must protect their home from Kaiju. Explore and map an alien realm as you search for the source of the Kaiju. Prepare for battle by gearing up, building bases, and uniting the world against the terrifying monster. And when the moment of truth arrives, clash against increasingly dangerous Kaiju that will destroy your home if you fail.
Important relationships keep you going in your darkest hour, veteran pilots make sacrifices for the greater good, and you must decide whether to protect important military locations or cherished cities. 
This game is much more focused on action, moving your characters through a battlefield using d6’s to determine what boons and banes will help or hinder you in your battle across an alien space. While you’re going to be spending a considerable amount of time in battle, the game’s map is meant to be added to and elaborated upon as you play.
The link above is for the Kickstarter page, but the Quickstart is available now on Itch if you’re interested.
The Whimsy Collectors, by Stori_Lundi.
The Whimsy Collectors is a cooperative game for two people about exploring a fantastical universe together, finding unique items, and selling them to their special customers. You'll need a tarot deck, 2 tokens, and 2d6.
Using a tarot deck, this game uses the cards as locations where your characters can search for items and add them to their bag. You’ll also use the cards to represent customers and their wants; but be careful, your characters can only carry so much. As a result you’ll have to manage your resources carefully. You’ll tally up points according to how well your finds are suited to your customers.
The game comes with a chart to help you determine what members of the Major Arcana are like as customers, as well as a worksheet where you can record what you find where. The game also comes with two pre-generated characters with special abilities, which you can use to move strategically across the map. If you like a game that the two of you can huddle over while drawing cards, this might be your game.
This Old House, by CarrionComfort.
This Old House is a GMless game for 1 to 4 players that uses the act of building a House of Cards to tell the story of just that, a house. You will use a standard deck of playing cards, a 4-sided die, and prompts to tell the story of a home, the family and things that inhabit it, and the land it sits on.
These stories will be crafted by you, even with some friends, as a way for you to create land, give it life, and then tell the full history of a single home. From the first piece of lumber laid, through its first family celebrating new life, mourning death, and dealing with heartbreak. Then that story ends with the house being consumed by fire, lost in foreclosure, or just left vacant depending on whether the House of Cards tumbles or if a Joker is pulled.
This game looks like a good option for games that zoom in on the personal and intimate. You will focus on a house throughout its life, using playing cards as a construction material as well as a game oracle. If you want a game with an unexpected ending, this might be the game for you.
The Ground Itself, by Everest Pipkin.
The Ground Itself is a one-session storytelling game for 2-5 players, played with household materials (a coin, a six-sided die, and a deck of cards).
Focusing on place- one specific place, chosen by the group - The Ground Itself unfolds over radically disparate time periods that may range from 4 days to 18,000 years. By casting wildly into time, it considers how places both change and remember themselves. Fundamentally, The Ground Itself is about the echoes and traces we leave for others after we are gone.
This game is a reflection on a place that 2 or more people create together, using playing cards to generate questions about the location. Time may pass by as days, years, or even millennia. Players can choose when to zoom in onto what the game describes as a “focused situation”, allowing them to add an omen, a party, or some other narrative element to the story.
The game is meant to be played in a single session, so at the end you should find yourself with a location that bears the meaning of a number of events. The designer has also added a number of ways to change the game, such as using tarot cards instead of playing cards, playing places that have no inhabitants, or changing how much time passes in between each round of play.
A Traveller in the City, by Palleon Press.
A Traveller in the City is a collaborative map-drawing game in which you (& any friends you bring along) visit a CITY from your own imagination, drawing it out step-by-step! All you need is a deck of standard playing cards, a single six-sided die, & some stuff to draw with. 
Work together to guide the solitary TRAVELLER thru their stroll. Picture the sights they see, the people they meet. Gradually, sketch a map– not of the place itself, but of your own memory of it. For you are not its creator, nor any kind of expert. You are a visitor. How well will you know this place, when it’s already time to leave?
This is based on the Carta system, which involves using a series of cards to represent a map that your character will explore. In this game, both players will control the same traveller, and draw on a grid to represent what this traveller discovers while exploring the city.
The game itself is rather small, and can be printed as a pocket zine for easy of transport - great for just carrying in a pocket for a spur-of-the-moment game.
Aurora, by World Champ Game Co.
Aurora is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players. This game is deliberately designed to be played comfortably while practicing social distancing or together around a communal table when the necessity for distancing has ceased. Aurora uses 3 phases or modes of play, each of which can be used or removed from the entirety of the game, depending on how the group wants to play. In the first phase, players mail blank cards to another, which will be turned into a custom deck using the zip codes and other numbers. I can see using 5d10 as another way to generate random numbers to help create your custom cards.
In the second phase, city creation begins. Regardless of the setting you decide to create, the city is going to be torn between a Darkness and a Light. Your cards will help determine both of these, as well as the map of the city and the people who live there. If you don’t use the first phase, a deck of tarot cards might work as a good substitute for the oracle.
The final phase uses the map and the cards to generate a story inside the city that you’ve just created. Each player may be responsible for their own character, or they might take ownership of a faction or a number of characters - which might be a good option if there’s just two of you.
If what you want is a lot of room for creativity, this might be for you.
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thediktatortot · 2 years
The thing that is the worst with people saying Billy can't be poor etc cause nice car is they don't get how once upon a time in the 80's unlike now money used to go further and last longer if you happened to be in a two income household and as a teen had to work to get something like a car.
Very true. Inflation has accounted for many family now a days being less likely to be able to afford two cars or extra nice things in their house.
When my parents bought their first home (it was a foreclosure and needed to be gutted from top to bottom) they paid 20,000 dollars for the house in 1995. Now a days, even foreclosure, almost near condemned houses are listed in some areas for well above 100,000 dollars yet the income never really changed to accommodate it.
My parents have never made more than 30k in a year in my life time, and over the years it's gotten much, much harder for them to live off the same money they were doing fairly ok for themselves with before.
Cars didn't cost 20k+, houses did. Family homes didn't cost 100k+, mansions did.
And like, to judge peoples income based off what they own is ridiculous, especially when it comes to poor or working class people. Anything owned is what they earned on their own time and dime, and nothing less.
Besides, people need things like cars and phones to work (phones obv not applicable to the 80s) and working class children, especially pre 2000s were WAY more likely to be working and providing income for the household.
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eternalnight8806-3 · 11 months
I have officially received a pre-foreclosure notice for my house. I know it's a lot to ask, but any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Please share! Thank you!
Paypal Link
GoFundMe Link
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1americanconservative · 6 months
Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
Hardship withdrawals from 401k retirement accounts hit a fresh record. Up 30% on the year and tripling the pre-pandemic rate.
1 in 7 Americans now has a loan against their 401k. Nearly half borrowed to avoid foreclosure. With medical bills coming in #2.
With household debt also hitting a fresh record of nearly $150,000 while credit cards charge 24%, people are turning to the last pot of money they have left: Their retirement savings.
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Who is the worst founding father- bonus third place round! James Monroe vs Henry Clay
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Bonus round to determine third place!
James Monroe (April 28, 1758 – July 4, 1831) was an American statesman, lawyer, and diplomat who served as the fifth president of the United States from 1817 to 1825. He is perhaps best known for issuing the Monroe Doctrine, a policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas while effectively asserting U.S. dominance, empire, and hegemony in the hemisphere. He also served as governor of Virginia, a member of the United States Senate, U.S. ambassador to France and Britain, the seventh Secretary of State, and the eighth Secretary of War.
As president, Monroe signed the Missouri Compromise, which admitted Missouri as a slave state and banned slavery from territories north of the 36°30′ parallel. 
Monroe sold his small Virginia plantation in 1783 to enter law and politics. He owned multiple properties over the course of his lifetime, but his plantations were never profitable. Although he owned much more land and many more slaves, and speculated in property, he was rarely on site to oversee the operations. Overseers treated the slaves harshly to force production, but the plantations barely broke even. Monroe incurred debts by his lavish and expensive lifestyle and often sold property (including slaves) to pay them off. 
Two years into his presidency, Monroe faced an economic crisis known as the Panic of 1819, the first major depression to hit the country since the ratification of the Constitution. The severity of the economic downturn in the U.S. was compounded by excessive speculation in public lands, fueled by the unrestrained issue of paper money from banks and business concerns.
Before the onset of the Panic of 1819, business leaders had called on Congress to increase tariff rates to address the negative balance of trade and help struggling industries. Monroe declined to call a special session of Congress to address the economy. When Congress finally reconvened in December 1819, Monroe requested an increase in the tariff but declined to recommend specific rates. Congress would not raise tariff rates until the passage of the Tariff of 1824. The panic resulted in high unemployment and an increase in bankruptcies and foreclosures, and provoked popular resentment against banking and business enterprises.
The collapse of the Federalists left Monroe with no organized opposition at the end of his first term, and he ran for reelection unopposed. A single elector from New Hampshire, William Plumer, cast a vote for John Quincy Adams, preventing a unanimous vote in the Electoral College. He did so because he thought Monroe was incompetent. 
Henry Clay Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852) was an American attorney and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. He was the seventh House speaker as well as the ninth secretary of state. He unsuccessfully ran for president in the 1824, 1832, and 1844 elections. He helped found both the National Republican Party and the Whig Party. For his role in defusing sectional crises, he earned the appellation of the “Great Compromiser” and was part of the “Great Triumvirate” of Congressmen, alongside fellow Whig Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun.
[Clay and his family] initially lived in Lexington, but in 1804 they began building a plantation outside of Lexington known as Ashland. The Ashland estate eventually encompassed over 500 acres (200 ha), with numerous outbuildings such as a smokehouse, a greenhouse, and several barns. Enslaved there were 122 during Clay’s lifetime with about 50 needed for farming and the household. 
In early 1819, a dispute erupted over the proposed statehood of Missouri after New York Congressman James Tallmadge introduced a legislative amendment that would provide for the gradual emancipation of Missouri’s slaves. Though Clay had previously called for gradual emancipation in Kentucky, he sided with the Southerners in voting down Tallmadge’s amendment. Clay instead supported Senator Jesse B. Thomas’s compromise proposal in which Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, Maine would be admitted as a free state, and slavery would be forbidden in the territories north of 36° 30’ parallel. Clay helped assemble a coalition that passed the Missouri Compromise, as Thomas’s proposal became known. Further controversy ensued when Missouri’s constitution banned free blacks from entering the state, but Clay was able to engineer another compromise that allowed Missouri to join as a state in August 1821.
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April 3, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
On Saturday, April 1, the emergency measures Congress put in place to extend medical coverage at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic expired. This means that states can end Medicaid coverage for people who do not meet the pre-pandemic eligibility requirements, which are based primarily on income. As many as 15 million of the 85 million people covered by Medicaid could lose coverage, although most will be eligible for other coverage either through employers or through the Affordable Care Act. The 383,000 who will fall through the cracks are in the 10 states that have refused to expand Medicaid.
The pandemic prompted the United States to reverse 40 years of cutbacks to the social safety net. These cuts were prescribed by Republican politicians who argued that concentrating money upward would promote economic growth by enabling private investment in the economy. That “supply side” economic policy, they said, would expand the economy so effectively that everyone would prosper. In 2017, Republicans passed yet another tax cut, primarily for the wealthy and for corporations, to advance this policy.
As the economy fell apart during the coronavirus pandemic, though, it was clear the government must do something to shore up the tattered social safety net, and even Republicans got on board fast. On March 6, 2020, Trump signed the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, allocating $8.3 billion to fund vaccine research and give money to states and local governments to try to stop the spread of the virus. On March 18, he signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which provided food assistance, sick leave, $1 billion in unemployment insurance, and Covid testing. On the same day, the Federal Housing Administration put moratoriums on foreclosure and eviction for people with government-backed loans.
On March 27, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), which appropriated $2.3 trillion, including $500 billion for companies, $349 billion for small businesses, $175 billion for hospitals, $150 billion to state and local government, $30.75 billion for schools and universities, individual one-time cash payments, and expanded unemployment benefits.
Trump signed another stimulus package on April 24, 2020, which appropriated another $484 billion. And on December 27, 2020, he signed another $900 billion stimulus and relief package.
When he took office, President Joe Biden promised to rebuild the American middle class. He and the Democratic Congress began to shift the government’s investment from shoring up the social safety net to repairing the economy. On March 19, 2021, he signed the American Rescue Plan into law, putting $1.9 trillion behind economic stimulus and relief proposals.
Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Law, also known as the Bipartisan infrastructure Act, on November 15, 2021, putting $1.2 trillion into so-called hard infrastructure projects: roads and bridges and broadband.
On August 9, 2022, he signed the CHIPS and Science Act, putting about $280 billion in new funding behind scientific research and the manufacturing of semiconductors. And days later, on August 16, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Law, putting billions behind addressing climate change and energy security while also raising money to pay for new policies and to reduce the deficit by raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy, funding the Internal Revenue Service to stop cheating, and permitting Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over drug prices.
This dramatic investment in the demand side, rather than the supply side, of the economy helped to spark record inflation, compounded by supply chain issues that created shortages and encouraged price gouging. To combat that inflation, the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates. Numbers released Friday show that inflation cooled in February, suggesting that the Federal Reserve is seeing the downward trend it has been hoping for, although there is concern that the sudden decision of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) this weekend to slash production of crude oil might drive the price of oil back up, dragging prices with it.
That investment in the demand side of the economy also meant that the child poverty rate in the U.S. fell almost 30%, while food insufficiency fell by 26% in households that received the expanded child tax credit. The U.S. economy recovered faster than that of any other G7 nation after the worst of the pandemic. Wages for low-paid workers grew at their fastest rate in 40 years, with real income growing by 9%. MIddle-income workers’ wages grew by only between 2.4% and 3.9% after inflation, but that, too, was the biggest jump in 40 years. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level since 1969, and a record 10 million people have applied to start small businesses.
This public investment in the economy has attracted billions in private-sector investment—chipmakers have planned almost $200 billion of investments in 17 states—while it has also pressured certain companies to act in the public interest: the three major insulin producers in the U.S., making up 90% of the market, have all capped prices at $35 a month.  
As the economy begins to smooth out, Biden and members of his administration are touting the benefits of investing in the economy “from the bottom up and the middle out.” They have emphasized that they are working to support unions and the rights of consumers, taking on “junk fees,” noncompete agreements, and nondisparagement clauses. After the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, the administration has suggested that deregulation of banking institutions went too far, and Biden has continued to push increased support for child care and health care.
A recent Associated Press–NORC poll shows that while 60% of Americans say the federal government spends too much money, they actually want increased investment in specific programs: 65% want more on education (12% want less); 63% want more on health care (16% want less); 62% want more on Social Security (7% want less); 58% want more spending on Medicare (10% want less); 53% want more on border security (23% want less); and 35% want more spending on the military (29% want less).
This puts the political parties in an odd spot. A week ago, Biden and members of the administration began barnstorming the country to highlight how their policy of “Investing in America” has been building the economy: “unleashing a manufacturing boom, helping rebuild our infrastructure and bring back supply chains, lowering costs for hardworking families, and creating jobs that don’t require a four-year degree across the country,” as the White House puts it.
Meanwhile,  the Republicans are doubling down on the idea that such investments are a waste of money, and are forcing a fight over the debt ceiling to try to slash the very programs that the administration is celebrating. Ignoring that the 2017 Trump tax cuts and spending under Trump added about 25% to the debt, they are focusing on Biden’s policies and demanding  that the government balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes and without cutting defense, veterans benefits, Social Security, or Medicare, which would require slashing everything else by an impossible 85%, at least (some estimates say even 100% cuts wouldn’t do it).
As David Firestone put it today in the New York Times: “Cutting spending…might sound attractive to many voters until you explain what you’re actually cutting and what effect it would have.” Republicans cut taxes and then complain about deficits “but don’t want to discuss how many veterans won’t get care or whose damaged homes won’t get rebuilt or which dangerous products won’t get recalled.” Firestone noted that this disconnect is why the House Republicans cannot come up with a budget. “The details of austerity are unpopular,” Firestone notes, “and it’s easier to just issue fiery news releases.”
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classicquid · 10 months
Short Term Cash Loans: The Last Chance for Needy Scroungers
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It is often necessary to borrow money from relatives or friends, but you must accept No’ by them for bucks. Then, short term cash loans are an excellent financial bargain that can provide you with enough money in a hassle-free manner. Furthermore, you are not required to pledge or fax for these fundraising goods. As a result, obtaining funds is usually simple.
Simple qualifications such as the aspirant's age of @18 years, residency in the UK, full-time employment, and an active checking account allow the people to obtain favorable cash without having to wait for many days. Complete a simple online application form with complete information such as name, address, age, contact number, email id, and so on, and then submit it online for finalization. The approval fee is deposited into your bank account the same day you apply.
Relax if you have negative credit elements such as defaults, arrears, foreclosure, late payments, installment skipping, or even bankruptcy, which are allowed to make the most of short term cash loans without going through any credit verification. Under the terms of these credits, you can obtain funds ranging from £100 to £1000, with a repayment period of 14 to 31 days. 
If you're wondering whether a lender would consider you for loan repayments and wish to apply for a short term loans UK direct lender, no credit check is required. They want to know that you will be able to repay it, and they may consider you for pre-approval for one of their loan amounts.
If you have a bad credit rating, short term loans direct lenders for bad credit are available. While some lenders will not accept you if you are in this scenario, others specialize in it. Even if a typical lender rejects you for specific loan amounts, a specialized lender may approve you.
How to Compare Short Term Loans UK Lenders
To begin, keep in mind that there are two types of loans:
Direct lenders for short term loans in the United Kingdom
Short-term loans obtained through brokers
Brokers have significant business knowledge and may be able to get a loan from places you are not aware of. Assume you're looking for short term loans direct lenders with bad credit, no guarantor, and a direct lender. This excludes any lenders you would locate through a broker, limiting the potential sources of loans you might be able to find. A smaller pool of lenders would provide representative instances.
When you compare lenders, you can look at the loan amount offered, early repayment arrangements, how the loan amount changes if you spread it out over a longer period of time, and so on. Before considering an application, evaluate all circumstances, including whether you can make the repayments. Consider whether a short term loans UK direct lender is typical of the market or whether there are better options available elsewhere.
You can learn everything you need to know about payback terms, short term loan terms and conditions, interest rates, and everything else we've discussed here. If you want to borrow money over time, it's generally quicker to do your research online rather than going to a traditional lender. This method makes it easy to find more possible short term loans UK providers.
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amplivevip-blog · 1 year
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propertyexperttips · 1 year
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Home loan EMIs (equated monthly instalments) can put severe stress on your monthly budget if you don’t have a proper plan chalked out. So if you are planning to take a home loan or already have taken one, then consider the following tips –
Let’s get started 
1. Go for a shorter tenure – Longer tenures say 25 years or 30 years will cut down the monthly instalment amount, shorter tenures say 10 to 15 years, will help reduce the overall interest payable. So before you sign up for a loan, choose the tenure carefully so that you don’t end up paying higher interest rate. 
2. Pre-payment are a good option too – Lenders don’t charge prepayment or loan foreclosure charges or floating rate loans. So if you have signed up for a loan, try to make pre-payments from time to time. Making frequent prepayment will substantially bring down the principal amount. 
3. Pay more as Down-payment – Borrower often have to contribute 10-25% as a down payment while the rest gets financed by the bank. However, instead of paying the least, its better to contribute more from your pocket as down payment. 
4. Look for better deals – Its known fact that lenders prefer customers who have a good credit history. Banks often roll out preferential rates for existing customers or those who have a good history. So, if you have been a responsible borrower and have made all the repayments on time, chances are you will be offered lower rates on your loan.
5. Increase your EMI – There are lenders who allow you to revise your instalment annually. So, if you have switched your job with a higher salary, you can always go for higher EMIs to reduce the tenure. And once the tenure is reduced, the overall interest that you have to pay against your loan will come down substantially. 
Written By
Anurodh Jalan 
Jalan Property Consultants 
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humanperson105 · 1 year
What is Thinking? Part 5.
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Jameson’s thoughts on the sublime mirror (and are no doubt directly influenced by) those of Lyotard in his return to Kant after denouncing the “wicked Lyotard” of Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard’s turn towards the sublime is prefigured in Libidinal Economy in his definition of Jouissance as an unbearable masochistic excess enjoyment blurring the line between pleasure and pain. (Consider the infamous passage discussing the British working class being fucked by capital and loving it.) Deleuze is not only a key point of reference for Lyotard’s “wicked” period, but his notion of the imperceptible in the sensible that forces us to think is also an engagement with the Kantian sublime. (Deleuze explicitly makes this connection to his account of the genesis of thought, see Difference and Repetition Chapter 3 note #10 pg. 320 -321.) Jameson sees this turn back to Kant against Hegel as part and parcel of the broader historical turn towards a rejection of totality and contradiction in post-modern thought. Here we see another distinction in the stimulation of thought between the Heideggerian/Deleuzian approach and the Marxian one. For Deleuze, the sublime is a necessity that forces us to think whereas for Jameson the appearance of the sublime represents our failure to think.
The appearance of the sublime and the foreclosure of representation caused by our inability to perceive the world of multinational capitalism are the result of our outdated perceptual apparatus, which has not yet caught up with this new superstructural social reality. Just as Benjamin said that the base runs ahead of the superstructure, so too does the superstructure run ahead of our ability to process it. If the modern perceptual apparatus took root in a state of “distraction” that prevented the subject from falling into a state of contemplation, the contemporary fractured experience of the “sublime” takes root in a state of media hyperconsumption and constant overstimulation that Jameson calls “total flow” (It's important to remember that Jameson is describing the pre-internet cultural landscape of the late 80s and early 90s. Consider how much more all-consuming the “total flow” of images and stimulation has become since then). Thought must take place at a distance from the two extremes of immanent contemplation and the overstimulation of “total flow”. What prevents us from thinking is the seemingly impossible task of achieving the necessary critical distance from the enormity of this "total flow" that would allow us a conception of capital as totality. The task for contemporary thought lies not in just representing and conceptualizing the global totality but the conceptual formalization of the totality. Jameson sees this task as necessitating “a pedagogical political culture which seeks to endow the individual subject with some new heightened sense of its place in the global system…” (Ibid. pg. 54)
As daunting as this task may seem we still have the blueprint for Jameson’s pedagogy in the aforementioned works of Brecht, Eisenstein, and Godard, among others. In the contemporary landscape, there are artists like Hito Steyerl whose “How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File”, deals not only with the conceptualization of the global reality of capitalist totality but also the dialectic between the technological advancements in visibility that allow us to picture and map the earth from space and its negation in the form of everything that becomes invisible in this same superstructural reality. “Love is invisible, war is invisible, capital is invisible” 
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qjbuyshouses · 1 year
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homeloanindia · 2 years
Home improvement loan
Your home is a reflection of your own personality. From interiors, decors to wall colours now customize each and every detail to your desire with our affordable and tailor-made home improvement loan offering.
Whether you want to remodel your space or make home improvements like redesigning the interiors, installing new technology, making basic repairs and regular maintenance, you can do so with Home Loan India Home Renovation Loan. Now, get ready to fulfil every big or small housing need easily.
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Below are the exclusive features for Home Renovation Loans:
Affordable loan for house improvement
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High loan amount
Maximum loan tenure upto 30 years
No hidden charges are applicable
Hassle-free application with minimal documentation
Simple eligibility criteria
Interest Rates
Home Improvement Loans usually come at affordable interest rates as compared to other financing solutions such as personal loans. With Mahadev Finance Service Consultant, you can avail loan for house renovation at competitive interest rates, starting at just 9.55% per annum.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria for home renovation loans vary from lender to lender. With Mahadev Finance Service Consultant, you can avail loan for home interior design by fulfilling simple eligibility criteria:
Age between 21 to 65 years
Monthly income of at least ₹25,000
Minimum working experience of two years
Self-owned property
Below are the documents required for home improvement loan:
KYC documents (Id proof and Address proof)
Proof of Residence
Income documents
Property documents
Employment certificate
Estimate for renovation
How to apply for home improvement loans?
With Home loan India, applying for home improvement loans is easy. Below are the steps to apply for home renovation loan:
Step 1 – Visit our website or your nearest Mahadev Finance Service Consultant branch office
Step 2 – Check if you are eligible for our home renovation loan
Step 3 – Fill up the application form online or offline
Step 4 – Submit the required documents
Step 5 – After the verification process, loan amount will be transferred to your bank account
Understanding your timely needs, we provide a completely transparent loan starting at ₹5 Lakhs at competitive interest rates and with no hidden charges. Enjoy our simple eligibility and minimum documentation for a quick and hassle-free process with the convenience of flexible repayment tenure, no foreclosure/pre-payment charges and end-to-end doorstep service. And the best part about this loan is that the interest paid is tax-deductible.
So why dip into your hard-earned savings for your housing needs, when you can choose a smart financial solution for home renovation? To calculate the EMIs you need to pay, you can simply use our home renovation loan EMI calculator. All you have to do is enter the loan amount, tenure and interest rate.
Apply for a quick Home Renovation Loan and turn all your home improvement plans into reality. www.homeloanindia.net
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