#pre order 66 bad batch
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questforgalas · 2 years ago
Passing the Time
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Notes: a quick little diddy I wrote inspired by this art created by @zaana that I couldn't get out of my head and I also need pre-order 66 moments with the Batch like I need air. Just Crosshair and Hunter being soft bros and reminiscing
WC: 900
Tay's Masterlist
Read on AO3
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Staring up at the night sky, Crosshair counts 7 different constellations laying within his vision. The midnight air still carried the day’s humidity, causing a thin layer of sweat to coat his skin underneath his armor even as he relaxes against the boulder he settled against at the beginning of his watch shift. A breeze rustles the palm fronds hanging above them, softly grazing his face, and in the distance, waves are heard softly rolling onto the beach on the other side of the grove.
Hard to believe just hours ago they were knee deep in Separatist territory doing what they do best. Especially what Wrecker does best with explosives. 
Checking his vambrace’s chrono, they aren’t due to leave for Kamino for another 5 hours. Finally returning home after nearly 5 months of missions. Giving a content hum, he crosses his legs in front of him, leaning further into the boulder and settling in for the remainder of the night. The only noise disturbing the soft jungle symphony coming from the GNK droid keeping him company. 
A thud from behind catches his attention, causing him to glance over his shoulder back at the Marauder. The gate was left open, letting the soft interior light spill onto the jungle floor and illuminate the figure walking towards him. Turning back to the jungle, Crosshair reaches into his belt taking out a toothpick to place between his lips as he waits for his sergeant to join him. 
“Can’t sleep?” he asks when Hunter settles in next to him, using the GNK as an improvised chair. 
“Can’t shut it down tonight,” Hunter replies. Crosshair gives a hum, understanding. As they grew older, the nights Hunter couldn’t shut his senses down became more rare, but occasionally, after a string of tiring missions, they could prove too much for his exhausted mind. 
“Echo and Wrecker out?”
“Like lights.” 
“Doing something to the Marauder. As always.”
Crosshair huffs a sigh. “He’s going to work himself to death.” 
“When did you become a mother hen?” Hunter jokes, playfully jabbing an elbow into the sniper’s arm. That earns him a grumble that loses its bite when Crosshair can’t help the smile tugging on his lips. 
“Simply keeping the efficiency of the squad in mind,” Crosshair counters. 
“Uh huh. Don’t worry, Cross. Your secret’s safe with me. Can’t let anyone think you’re not a prickly asshole,” Hunter teases. 
The sniper rolls his eyes and flicks the toothpick to the other side of his mouth as he looks back up to the sky, letting the comfortable silence between him and Hunter settle around them. Mind on the brother likely buried in wires, he smiles up at the stars as his thoughts bring up memories previously forgotten. 
“Remember when we were younglings,” Crosshair starts, “and he was determined to build his own battle droid? Wanted it to go on missions with us.” 
Hunter groans, “Convinced Wrecker to break into the training lab with him to scrap and carry parts back to our barracks. Was set on having it ready for our next simulator. Stayed awake for days to finish it. He was so tired, he accidentally mis-wired the activation so it came alive in the barracks. Started firing everywhere.” 
“A bolt went right by my head! Hit my favorite target card!” Crosshair exclaims as he pushes himself off of the boulder, turning his body towards Hunter. 
“I’ve never seen Wrecker move so quickly when he flipped the table and took cover,” Hunter continues. “I had to tackle Tech down since he was still in a stupor, just staring at the droid wildly firing. It finally ran out of juice after a minute, but the damage to the barracks…” 
“Can’t believe Nala Se’s check up was scheduled for that day. Remember the look on her face when she opened the door?” Crosshair says with a laugh. 
“Still not as good as Lama Su’s when I had to explain to him what happened after being called to his office,” Hunter snickers. “Only the second time that week too. Pretty sure that was a record for us.” 
“What was the most?” 
“In one week? Nine. Became more frequent after Echo joined. Who knew an ARC would be such a troublemaker,” Hunter chuckled. 
“He’s not so bad. For a reg.” 
Hunter flicked his gaze up to Crosshair and smiled at the fondness he found in his eyes. No one was more protective of their squad than the ARC, and no one was more protective of the ARC than their sniper. 
Turns out, Echo has as much patience for bullies as he does for Separatists, and the Batch learned quickly that something as small as a snide look sent their way resulted in it being punched off the reg’s face by a scomp. Naturally, Echo’s fierce loyalty and no hesitation to knock down regs earned him a high spot in Crosshair’s regard. 
“Pretty sure he gets it from that Fives he’s always talking about,” Crosshair says. 
“Can’t really picture Rex having a bunch of rowdy ARCs,” Hunter mutters. 
“I think Skywalker required all of his attention. Let the others get away with it,” Crosshair chuckles.
Hunter matches his chuckle with his own. “Remember when…”
Surrounded by the quiet of the jungle, the brothers swap stories until the dark hours of night soften with the first rays of the sun crawling up to the horizon. The quiet is interrupted by Wrecker’s laugh inside the ship, and the sergeant and the sniper join their squad as they prepare to return home.
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zaana · 2 years ago
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based on this snippet (x) about crosshair being able to nap anytime and anywhere
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maidenvault · 8 months ago
Several Acolyte characters are getting their own novels/comics and still we have no Bad Batch books, I am so bitter. 😞
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totally-not-your-babe · 2 years ago
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This is what keeps me alive right now! Waiting for this!
(I kinda hope it shows us how Wrecker got his face scar, even tho I know it would be heart wrenching to see the others worried about him...)
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fanfic-obsessed · 11 months ago
Well...That Esclated Quickly
Here is another idea that came to me during my walk to work.  I want you to know, though it goes in a humorous direction it really is not a full fix-it. 
When Order 66 went live, some of the chips did not activate. There is no rhyme nor reason as to which chips activate and which did not. Not a huge amount compared to the whole, but some. Enough that a few hundred Jedi and a Few thousand Clones regroup in the aftermath. 
While you can fill in most of the blanks the following are included in my idea
Obi Wan Kenobi and a company’s worth of 212th clones, including Cody: Obi Wan was still shot off the cliff, to the horrified eyes of the still free clones. The still free clones don't have enough numbers to take on their brethren who appear to have gone insane, but do have enough to steal one of the midsized transport ships, one capable of hyperspace flight.  They reluctantly allow Obi Wan to go to Coruscant on his own, with the rationale that one person can sneak to the surface much easier than a whole company, while the clones establish a regroup point.  From there Obi Wan goes on the Mustafar, which ends as it did in canon. Obi Wan brings Padme to the transport ship where she still dies of complications of her pregnancy
Fox, Hound, a dozen other members of the CG, and the Younglings: Fox and the few members of the CG that were unaffected by O66 raced to beat the 501st to the Temple. They made it just a few minutes before their enslaved brothers. Just barely in time to evacuate the children in the creche with the help (and insistent sacrifice) of the adult Jedi.  While there were a few Creche Masters evacuated with the children, it was now basically just Fox and his CG functionally in charge of baby Jedi ranging from Babies to Pre teens. They connect with remains of the 212th before the events of Mustafar. 
Yoda, who did still have to kill his commander in order to escape, but was able to bring a few clones with him.  They still end up being collected by Bail Organa.
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and  a portion of the maintenance team for their battalion: They do not meet up with the rest for quite some time (at least three years). Rex’s chip did activate but he was able to get Ahsoka the message about Fives. After Rex is freed they find Jesse and the other free clones (soft shells all) looking on in horror at their controlled brethren. With the help of the maintenance team they are able to escape from the ship without freeing Maul or crashing into the moon.  By the time they are able to look past the immediate situation, the Temple is already burning and it has been announced that the Jedi are traitors. These 25 or so go to ground in Mandalorian space and try to figure out how to free the clones from the chips (beyond surgery which really does not work with the numbers they have to deal with). They do not realize anyone else has survived. 
Aayla survived, due to one of the clones (not Bly) pushing her out of the way and sacrificing his life for her. Bly’s chip does work. She escapes with two dozen free clones and six chipped clones tied up in the back (Including Bly, even the clones agree they cannot save everyone and hopefully it means that they can figure out what is going wrong).
Shaak Ti, 10 Veteran clones, 40 ‘Shinies’, 300 child and teenage cadets, three junior Kaminoan Scientists (not Nala Se) none of which knew about the chip or Order 66, and Omega.  Shaak Ti had been working with a few Kaminoan Scientists to see the clones as sentients in their own right and the reactions of the clones under the chip's control horrified a few of those scientists.  Between them and Omega, who had been paying attention and used this as a chance to escape the lab (the Bad Batch being off planet at the time) they were able to evacuate anyone not under the control of the chip. 
All of these people (Barring Ahsoka and Co) converge on the ship that had been stolen by the free 212th clones. Had less children survived (about a third of the living Jedi are children under the age of 11, plus the cadets) they all would likely have split into small groups and made their own way through the galaxy. But there was just no way to break into small enough groups to be safe AND still make sure the children (and to some extent the Shinies) were taken care of.  They were also too large a group to go anywhere in the Republic, or even anywhere in Mandalorian space (There were an awful lot of uninhabited planets in the galaxy but most were uninhabited for a reason). Thus there was only one thing they could do.
Take over the Hutt Empire.
To be fair the take over part did start out accidentally. The actual goal was to find a place to lay low in the Hutt Empire, possibly the only place Palpatine’s Empire could not reach quite yet(at least until Palpatine solidified his rule). 
So they found a planet within the Hutt Empire to lay low on, While Bail Organa left to begin planting the seeds for the rebellion (No Leia as the twins were not being split up). As much as I want it to be Tattoine, it just has too small a population to not have a couple of thousand people (Most of whom hide their very distinctive faces) showing not be noticeable. So they choose a planet with a higher population. 
This is where the trouble began. All of our adults are deeply traumatized, trained warriors who are not used to sitting by, universally feeling useless. They are facing an insurmountable task, still mostly directionless, and deeply angry at life.  
It starts with the local Hutt’s minions trying to shake down some newcomers, who were not looking for a target to vent their spleen but found one just the same. It does not end well for the minions. Nor the next six attempts, with different groups of Clones and Jedi each time.  No one has told Command yet, but they look at each other and ‘shit we can’t keep drawing attention to ourselves but we can’t leave either’
The solution (Commander Cody himself would like to reiterate this was not the correct solution)? Take out the Hutt. Then they realize that taking out the Hutt has just drawn more attention to this city as the other Hutts for the planet try to figure out who took out this one.
The next Solution? Take out the rest of the Hutts on the planet. 
They have now drawn even more attention to the planet from yet more Hutts. This is the one thing that is critical they do not have. 
The next Solution? Try three to make this plan work (Commander Cody reminds you that trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results, is the definition of insanity) and take out the Hutts looking for answers. 
By the time that these small groups have admitted to Command (Obi Wan, Cody, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Fox) what is going on, a few months later, they have accidentally taken over the Hutt Empire.
The Hutt Empire that is still nominally allied with Palpatine’s Empire. The Hutt Empire that has to stay allied to Palpatine’s Empire if they do not want to draw the attention of the entire Imperial Forces to the largest concentration of living Jedi and free Clones in the galaxy.  The Hutt Empire that no longer has any active Hutts. 
In this the human centric leaning of Palpatine’s Empire is actually helpful.  They very rarely wanted to deal with other species, so it was easy to appoint someone unknown but human to deal with the com calls and visits. It does mean that they have to make up a Hutt that they essentially have to play ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with, a couple of times a year when a representative insists on meeting with the Hutt in charge. 
Also the fact that Palpatine’s Empire is more interested in enslaving their own citizens for free as opposed to buying them from the Hutts means that they can shut down the slave trade within Hutt Space (over time).  Fox both loves and hates running a criminal empire. 
It should be noted that, even with Bly and the five other chipped clones, no one actually knows what is going on until Rex and Co find their way back to them.  We are going with the thought that a level 5 atomic scan is a ludicrously high level of scanning. Like sitting on a Nuclear Reactor to get an X-Ray kind of ludicrous, so not only does no one think to do that level of scanning to see what is wrong, but they do not even have that kind of equipment readily available.  The reports about Fives from Rex never made it to any kind of centralized repository, there is no way to know why most clones suddenly started to kill Jedi. Bly and Co spend the three years before Rex shows up in a makeshift brig, they can function almost normally until a Jedi is brought up or in the room with them. 
Bail laughs his ass off when he is told, through several intermediaries and coded messages, that the Jedi and the Clones accidentally took over a criminal empire.  Then he starts funneling the Path and the people his rebellion are rescuing into Hutt Space to find the Jedi. 
Three years in Rex, Ahsoka, the clones with them (now having grown to nearly another thousand) arrive with the news that they can disable the chips from a distance of about a large cruiser. 
That is how the Hutt Empire became freedom fighters.
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thegreymarveljedi · 5 months ago
Friendly Flying Fun!
(Tech x Reader)
Here it is! The full fic of Friendly Flying Fun! I am so sorry that it took me so long to write this story. It’s been a busy few months and a lot has happened but here we are! (And I’m sorry for the added week after I promised to have it up almost a week and a half ago!!)
This was a request made by @ewokmurderbear
hello hello! i saw your request are open so uh here goes. techxf!jedi reader who is an exceptional pilot. they start having friendly flying competitions with lots of banter. eventally the banter turns into outright flirting bc they both love eachother sm but don't feel comfortable admitting it (yet). but like its obvious to tech's brothers that they like each other but not so much for him. then one time after flying around an alpine area tech takes a risk and does something like tuck a strand of hair behind her ear or fix her clothes or a sweet gesture like that. she returns the favor and then they are both like hey i kinda like you and the rest is history. i really like the idea of a first kiss being outside in a mountainy area where it's kinda cold. just fluff and banter, pre-o66 plz. sorry if its too long or confusing. have a great day/night!
I’m not usually one to write for Tech but I tried my absolute best with this one and I made it very VERY fluffy. Like, go see the doctor, your teeth are ROTTING type fluffy. This is also set closer to the beginning/ middle of the war so pre-order 66 and pre-season 7 (Sorry Echo fans) and I decided to make the reader Anakin’s twin sister. I hope you enjoy.
Warning: almost getting shot, tooth rotting fluff, Tech actually flirts like a pro, teasing, brotherly love, first kiss, head scratching is so relaxing, tech needs love and he gets it, FLUFFFFFYYY (Already said but it needs a second one)
Words: 5.2k
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It was a fierce battle on the surface and in the air, both sides fighting for control of the planet and the information that the locals held. The Bad Batch had been tasked with extracting as much information as they could, doing it quickly and quietly as not to alert the separatists that the local population was siding with the Republic.
The team had successfully acquired the information and were now fighting their way out of the facility. Crosshair had found a perch not to far away where he could clearly watch his squad, making sure to take down any stragglers who may have gotten close. Wrecker, Hunter and Tech were in the mix, fighting off the droids that came their way.
“Woah! Who’s that pilot?” Wrecker asked in awe as a Jedi star fighter flew through the atmosphere, taking out vulture droid after vulture droid and clearing a path for the evac ships.
“I don’t know but I like their style,” Hunter replied as he and Tech continued to take out the droids on the ground. When Wrecker had first spoke, Tech was uninterested, more concerned about getting out of there alive but the second Hunter agreed with Wrecker and Tech looked up, he couldn’t look away from the starfighter. He was captivated by the way it moved through the sky above them, the tricks the Jedi was doing making him feel a little warm inside.
This kind of distraction wasn’t something normal for the genius clone and it took him by surprise when a stray blaster bolt went past his left ear and straight into a stray droid that had snuck infront of him. He quickly shook his head, internally scolding himself for being so easily distracted.
“Watch it Vod. Don’t need you loosing your head,” Crosshairs drawled over the comms making Tech scoff.
“I was not distracted Crosshair, I was merely observing the Jedi’s manoeuvres,” Tech said, adjusting his goggles and taking another few shot at the remaining droids.
“Mmhmm. Sure you were,” Crosshair teased and Tech could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Tech just rolled his eyes as the droid army was finally defeated, the remaining clones of the 212th battalion gathering their things and preparing to load the evacuation ships.
Hunter, Tech and Wrecker finished up, joining Crosshair in speaking with Commander Cody and General Kenobi. Cody and Hunter linked arms in Greeting, with a smile as Obi-wan greeted them with a smile.
“Excellent work sergeant. You and your team have done very well. You have the intel?” He asked and Hunter handed him the drive with the intel they were sent to collect.
“Right here for you general,” Hunter replied and watched as Obi-wan smiled, pocketing the drive.
“You gentlemen have just retrieve data that should help turn the tide in our favour.”
“Just doing our job sir.”
“Speaking of job, I have someone I would like you to meet,” Obi-wan said and all four batchers looked a little confused before the jedi star fighter from earlier flew overhead, an excited ‘Woohoo!’ Coming over the comms.
“(Y/N), would you like to join us on the ground please?” Obi-wan spoke into his wrist comm with a smile and shake of his head.
“Be right there master!” The female voice said back, the starfighter making another loop around before the Jedi inside jumped out mid air, landing perfectly on the ground next to Obi-wan and Cody. The fighter flew off back towards the Negotiator, (Y/N) now facing the bad batch with a giant grin.
“Clone force 99, I would like you to meet my second padawan, (Y/N) Skywalker,” Obi-wan introduced and watched as the Bad Batch’s eyes widened.
They had heard stories of the infamous Skywalker twins but had never met (Y/N) in person. They had met Anakin over a holo but that was briefly during the mission briefing.
“Former padawan master, I just like hanging around you and the boys,” you said while maintaining your grin, watching as the Bad Batch was left stunned.
“Yes, former padawan but no matter where you or Anakin go I will still consider you my students,” Obi-wan said and placed a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at your surrogate father, knowing that he meant it all from a place of love.
“I appreciate it Obi-wan. Now, who do we have here?” You said and turned back to the Bad Batch, all four of them now standing at attention.
“This is Sergeant Hunter,” Cody informed, pointing to the clone with the red bandanna. You smiled and gave him a nod.
“Good to meet you Hunter. I look forward to working with your squad,” you said with a grin and Hunter gave a nod in return.
“Likewise general, our squad likes to get the job done.”
“Likewise sergeant. And who is this?” You ask as you point to Wrecker who is smirking at you. You return it just as intensely, walking up to Wrecker and sizing him up.
“The name’s Wrecker general!” He says enthusiastically, giving his palm a punch with his other hand. Your grin somehow gets wider as you mimic his action.
“I think you and I will get along just great Wrecker, especially if you like to have fun,” you wiggled your eyebrows at him which made him laugh.
“I like you already!” You laughed and turned to look at the silent on with the toothpick in his mouth. You met his eyes and remained staring at one another, neither of you breaking eye contact even to blink.
“That’s Crosshair, he’s not much of a conversationalist but when you need to hit a precise target front 10-clicks, Crosshair’s you man,” Hunter explained and watched as the two of you continued to stare. Crosshair, surprisingly, was the one to break first, eyes rapidly blinking to get moister back.
You stood triumphantly before reaching a hand out to shake his. The rest of the batch watched with baited breathes, knowing that Crosshair never shook anyone’s hand unless they earned his respect in some way. They all gasped when his hand met yours in a firm grasp, the corner of his lip lifting in a very subtle smile. You nodded in understanding, knowing that you still had a ways to go to get him to trust you but that you had earned the chance to prove yourself.
“I like a challenge ram’ser, and I look forward to seeing your skills in action,” you said, watching as Crosshair nodded and moved back. Lastly, you turned to look at the ever so slightly shorter brother, his face buried in his data pad as he tried very hard to avoid your eyes. You cleared your throat which made him look at you, your eyes locking as if in a trance.
“And who is this handsome trooper?” You said, voice taking on much more flirty tone. Tech continued to hold your gaze as you walked up to him, his data now hanging at his side in his hand.
“This is-“
“Tech, general,” Tech interrupted his older brother, taking the initiative to introduce himself.
“It’s nice to meet an even more handsome face,” you said flirtatiously, watching as a blush bloomed on Tech’s cheeks.
“Thank you for the compliment, though I do believe my brain is worth more than my looks,” he said back, his data pad finding a home on his hip as he gives you his full undivided attention. The rest of the squad was once again left in shock, not used to Tech being focused on something other than his data pad.
“I’m sure it is just as handsome as you,” you replied, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before retreating back to Obi-wan and Cody. They had watched the whole exchange from the side lines, knowing that you were not so easily corralled once you had your heart set on something. Instead, Obi-wan gave you a shake of his head with an another small smiling, his eyes turning back to Hunter.
“Sergeant, your squad has done great work so far in this war and to continue to improve your productivity, (Y/N) will be coming on as your general temporarily,” Obi-wan explained, receiving a few different reactions rom the squad.
Hunter nodded in approval, knowing not to argue with the Jedi master. He wasn’t opposed to having a new squad member, especially one who might have some new skills to teach him. He was looking forward to seeing you in action.
Wrecker hollered in agreement, excited to get to show you how he liked to do things. He hoped that you shared his love of explosions and would help him blast some clankers.
Crosshair was a little less enthused, mumbling about not needing a babysitter when he and his brothers could get the job done quick. He may have given you a chance to earn his respect but that didn’t mean he wanted you on the team. Though, as if sensing Crosshairs disagreement with this decision, you levelled him with another stare. Once again he tried to keep eye contact but backed down once again, rolling his eyes and placing another toothpick in his mouth.
Tech however was the most intrigued, knowing that there was still knowledge to learn from the Jedi. He hoped that maybe on leave, he could ask you questions and pick your brain for more knowledge. Maybe have you show him some flying tricks and manoeuvres that he may not know just yet. Tech met your eyes after your stare off with Crosshair and smiled as you winked at him, blushing a little before picking up his datapad and burying his face in it.
“This change is only temporary to see how well you work with a Jedi. It is not something that will remain if the results are inconclusive. If the results of this change are satisfactory, the choice to stay will be left up to (Y/N),” Obi-wan continued which made you smile, the Bad Batch all nodding in understanding.
“Sounds like a plan general,” Hunter said and watched as you and Obi-wan had your own quiet exchange.
“I trust you will work well with your new squad?” Obi-wan asked you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You smiled in response, placing your hand on top of his.
“Of course Master, I’m very excited to work with them after everything Cody and the boys have told me,” you said and looked to Cody who only smiled and gave you a nod.
“Of course (Y/N). Please be safe and don’t be a stranger.”
“I won’t Obi-wan, you can count on that.”
Obi-wan was a little sad to watch you go, his second student moving on to lead another unit in this war. He was proud of both you and Anakin and as Obi-wan watched you walk back over to the batch, he knew that he had done a good job as a teacher.
Hunter motioned for the Batch to begin heading back to the Marauder, wanting to at least clean it up a little for you. Crosshair and Wrecker were the first to turn and make their way to the ship, disappearing behind the facility they had infiltrated and cleared out. Tech however, stayed next to Hunter which surprised the sergeant greatly. He looked at Tech curiously but was met with no verbal explanation, Tech just having his head down until they watched you walk back over to them.
“Are we ready to go?” You asked, giving Hunter a smile and Tech another wink. Before Hunter could say anything, Tech jumped in, walking beside you and leading you to the marauder with a hand on your shoulder and beginning to ramble about their ship and all its capabilities.
Hunter rolled his eyes and smirked as he watched from a safe distance, his little brother talked their new general’s ear off. He knew that this was something new and exciting for Tech so he wasn’t going to ruin it.
~Time Skip~
You had been with the batch for a couple weeks now and it had been some of the most thrilling and memorable time of your life. The boys were outstanding in their work and knew how to get the job done quickly and quietly. You had adapted well to their tactics and had even dawned some of their spare armour. It had been a gift from all four of them but Crosshair’s idea.
Tech had taken it upon himself to modify the armour, making sure that it fit your body as well as worked for your maneuvering on the field. It was a welcome gift from them to you, making sure you stayed protected while with them on missions. They had even made sure to paint a 99 on the gauntlet for you as a symbol of you being their general.
Your first time wearing the armour, Tech couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were breathing in his eyes, the armour complimenting your skin well. Watching you fight was a whole other experience, your movements and skills unmatched by anyone other than a few of your higher ranking Jedi. You moved like the wind, quick and unforgiving while still being graceful.
Your flying skills however, were really what brought Tech to his knees. You were an exceptional pilot, knowing how to fly a ship even with your eyes closed, literally.
The first time you had done it the boys had panicked, Tech reaching to take over the controls but all you did was laugh, flawlessly maneuvering the marauder through the sky and to a safe landing Zone. Hunter has scolded you but with one look, you silenced him with a stare before standing and moving off the marauder. From that day on Tech knew he was fucked, your beauty, your skills, your fearlessness and confidence had hooked him.
And when you flirted with him? His soul was on cloud nine everytime.
“Hey handsome, how’s it feel to be the smartest man alive?”
“I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away.”
“I would ask if you wanted to see a holofilm with me, but I don’t want to get in trouble for bringing in a snack.”
“I’d buy you a drink, but I’d be jealous of the glass.”
Eventually he worked up the courage to flirt back after one too many comment from his brothers. Hunter was getting a little fed up with his younger brother’s rambling, wanting him to just reciprocate. Wrecker and Crosshair teased him relentlessly, laughing at his failed attempts to flirt back or respond with anything other than helpless rambling.
Eventually he got it down, managing to flirt right back with you much to your delight.
“I’m an organ donor. Can I give you my heart?” You said once, rest your hands on his shoulders from behind while he sat in the pilots chair.
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” He responded quickly while turning the seat to face you. The look on your face must have made him more confident because he followed up with another line very quickly.
“Even in zero gravity, I’d still fall for your beauty.”
It was your turn to blush before you gained your wits back, leaning into to be face to face with him again.
“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.”
That made Tech chuckle as he turned back to the window of the marauder, focusing on flying the ship once more. Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair had not been spared from the cheesy exchange, all three trying not to cringe or laugh at the display.
From there on, you and Tech flirted relentlessly with one another, always finding time and ways to squeeze in little comment to each other much to the dismay of the others. They all knew you and Tech had the hits for each other. And they all knew that both of you knew but were too afraid to act on it.
It was after another successful mission when Tech asked you to fly with him for a little.
“Would you care to join me for a friendly flying competition?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled widely at him and nodded, taking the copilots seat as Tech set off into the skies.
The whole time you were flirting with one another, even as you performed a perfect Cuban eight with your eyes closed. Tech was infatuated with you, watching as your eyes lit up and your smile met them. Your cheeks were tinted with a little red blush from the adrenaline rush.
When it was his turn to take the controls, Tech performed a flawless cobra maneuver, watching as you yelped with delight at the rush. You spent hours in the air before finally coming back to the ground where the others were waiting with knowing smiles on their faces.
~Time Skip~
“Now that our mission is over, General Kenobi is allowing us a week of shore leave, especially after this one,” Hunter explained and everyone visibly deflated with delight.
You had been with the Bad Batch for close to nine months now, working along side them smoothly and completing every mission successfully with very little issue. The squad trusted you now, even Crosshair had come to respect and trust you, making jokes with you here and there. Wrecker was always fun to talk too about explosions and all things food and Hunter was a very good conversationalist in battle strategies and handheld weaponry.
And Tech….
Oh Tech, he was something else; a handsome genius with an adorable smile and a heart of hearts. He flirted back with you all the time now and even initiated your flirting ‘contests’ sometimes. It made you swoon whenever he did and you made sure to flutter your lashes at him a little more.
“Where are we going to spend it?” Wrecker asked hesitantly.
“Please not Kamino again,” Crosshair hissed, an undertone of distaste seeping into his words.
“We could go to Coruscant?” Hunter suggested, looking to his brothers for any sort of agreement.
“I do not believe Coruscant would be the ideal choice,” Tech chimed in, adjusting his goggles in the cute way he always did.
“Why not?” You asked, head tilting in confusion as you looked at the boys for an explanation.
“We’re not really welcomed by any of the other clones,” Wrecker explained cautiously before Crosshair butted in.
“They don’t like us because we actually do our jobs right,” he sneered.
“But what about Cody and the 212th? They love you guys!” You said exasperatedly, not believing much of what they were saying.
“They put up with us because they have too. Cody likes us but the others whisper about us all the time. They don’t think we hear them but we do,” Hunter said and crossed his arms. Your mouth hung open in shock, not wanting to believe that your beloved battalion wouldn’t get along with your new squad.
“That’s bantha shit. I’ll give them a piece of my mind once our leave is over. In the mean time, let me go make a call,” you said and stomped off, far enough away that even Hunter couldn’t hear the conversation you were having with a certain senator.
~Time Skip~
When you had finished your conversation, you waltzed back over to the boys in much better spirits, explaining how you pulled a couple strings to get a week away in Naboo at a nice lake side cabin. They were very intrigued by your changed attitude and the prospect of going to Naboo to relax and recoup.
You and Tech had dropped the others off at the cabin, the beautiful place a great escape for shore leave after the close call of the last mission. Tech, however, had asked you if you would like to have another little flying contest before you both settled down at the cabin.
You had readily agreed, wanting any opportunity to spend time with the genius clone as well as to show of your skills. You had each taken turns at the helm of the marauder, performing tricks in the air that made each other laugh. You always liked to show off a tailslide and turn it into an inside loop, the adrenaline rush from both maneuvers making to you holler with excitement.
Tech on the other hand went for what the boys and yourself had branded as “the Tech turn” though he would never call it that himself. He performed the maneuver with ease, making you laugh. You each performed another few tricks before Tech took back control and landed you both on top of a grass covered mountain top. The air had a chill to it though neither of you seemed to mind as Tech let the gangplank down and led you out of the marauder.
He took your hand gently in his and led you to sit on the edge of the cliff, placing a standard regulation blanket down before guiding you to sit next to him. You smiled at his kindness and thanked him, joining him without any thought or care in the world.
You sat there in silence for a moment, taking in the view of the planet surface from so high up. Looking at the open fields below the mountain ranges, admiring the beautiful landscape that Naboo had to offer.
“How did you find out about this place?” Tech asked, watching the same landscape and view you were, only his eyes shifted to settle more on you.
“I have my way,” you replied and gave a Tech a wink causing him to chuckle.
“You are full of surprises general.”
“Call me (Y/N), Tech. There’s no one around. It’s just us,” you said and looked over to him. He nodded and tested the name on his tongue. He had call you by your name only once before but he had been so embarrassed to do it again even when you said it had been okay. Now with the confidence he had gained, he didn’t feel afraid.
“This is a beautiful place (Y/N). Are you sure you will not disclose how you came to afford such a dashing place for our shore leave?” Tech inquired, watching as a small shiver ran down your spine as he said your name.
“That will be a story for another time,” you said, knowing full well that you could tell him but wanting to save it for later.
“Very well then my Dear,” Tech chuckled and gave you the side eye. You both started at one another for a minute, not breaking eyes contact before once again, Tech lost. Your stare was so deep and intense that none of the boys could beat it. When Tech looked away and blinked you whooped in triumph, laughing at your victory once again.
Tech smiled as he looked back over to you, your eyes crinkled up as you laughed, feeling the adrenaline of the last hour lingering in the air. Tech’s eyes were filled with love and adoration for you, the months of flirting and playful banter finally sinking into his heart and making him think.
Maybe, just maybe she’ll reciprocate…
His mind was all over the place, for the first time in a long time and it took all his brain power to focus. How could he though? He was taken by your beauty, your heart, your confidence and your kindness. He was so madly in love with you. He knew it and his brothers knew it but he didn’t think you did.
Without thinking, Tech reached over to where to sat next to him on the cliff top, tucking a stray strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. The action cut off your laughter as you look at Tech whose cheeks were a tinge pink and his eyes mesmerized by something. Your eyes met his and he carefully pulled back before clearing his throat and turning away from you, fiddling with his hands awkwardly.
Your heart melted at the sight of the oh so smug genius being embarrassed by the little action of affection. You smiled at him and reached over to him, taking his hand in yours. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing and turning back to you, his cheeks still a little pink from the cold as well as embarrassment.
“I-I am sorry if I overstepped, I do not know what came over me and I-“
You cut him off by placing a warm hand on his cheek, the rest of his sentence dying in his throat.
“You didn’t over step at all Tech. I promise.”
“Are you certain? I understand that as a Jedi you do not have the lu-“
You cut him off again with a little laugh before leaning forward, connecting your foreheads together in a keldabe kiss. Tech’s breath hitched in his throat at the tender action, eyes closing and forehead sinking into the touch. You stayed there for what felt like forever before your other came to join your first on Tech’s opposite check. His breath hitched a little again as he let out a shaky sigh.
“Tech…” his name fell from your lips so gently and quietly, as if saying it any louder would break the atmosphere of the moment. Tech almost didn’t hear you but when his eyes opened to meet yours once more, it was clear what you were silently asking.
It took him weeks to work up the courage to flirt back with you instead of rambling when you spoke to him and when he finally worked up the courage to reciprocate the flirting, he was on cloud nine. You had been dancing around each other for months since then, playful teasing and shameless flirting. It all led to this.
Tech’s eyes closed as he brought his gloved hands to your cheeks and pulled you into a seering yet gentle kiss. The world around you both melted away as your lips connected, months of tension being released as you both engaged.
Tech’s lips were soft against yours, his hands radiating heat even through his gloves. Your lips were just at soft, your hands falling to hold his wrist so he wouldn’t pull away just yet. The kiss seemed to last a life time before you both pulled away for some much needed air, remaining close with your foreheads pressed together.
“That was..”
“Quite literally.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I am very much not opposed to doing that again.”
“Then why don’t we?”
Tech didn’t need to be told twice as he hoisted you onto his lap and crashed his lips to yours again. Sparks flew and a new found sense of longing settled in your bones. The kiss was more fierce this time, Tech slowly but surely finding his rhythm as his hands settled on your hips. Your arms settled around his neck, fingers toying with the wispy hairs present on the back of his neck.
Tech squeezed your hips and nipped at your lip, drawing a short but pleased sigh from you. He smirked against your lips and pulled away, once again out of breath. You weren’t much better, chest rising and falling quickly with the need for air.
“You - I - holy shit,” you breathed out, the words to describe what you were feeling right now escaped you. Tech chuckled at your fumbling, smoothing his thumb over your left cheek.
“Now it’s you who is left speechless mesh’la,” he teased as you rolled your eyes with a smile.
“What can I say? You’re a really good kisser,” you shot back making Tech blush a little.
“I try, my dear. I have never had the opportunity to do something like this with anyone. It never felt right if there were no feelings of infatuation involved,” Tech said huskily, his voice low and afraid of scaring you off. You smiled shyly at him and kissed his nose, your eyes conveying what you were feeling before your mouth could vocalize it.
“I understand Tech. Being a Jedi, we’re not supposed to form attachments or relationships with people but with you, it feels so natural,” you replied and watched as his eyes lit up slightly.
“Are you saying that you feel the same about me as I do you?”
“If you’re trying to tell me that you like me then yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say.”
No more words were spoken as Tech once again pulled your lips to his, the kiss firm yet gentle. Your lips moved together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together. It was as if you had been together for years, the kiss perfect in every way.
You ran your fingers through his hair as best you could, slowly removing his goggles and placing them down next to both of you. Tech blinked rapidly a few times, eyes adjusted to the world without his trusted eyewear. He looked at you with a confused expression before his shoulders slumped and he melted against you, feeling your fingers massage his scalp and neck. It felt so relaxing, the tension leaving his body like a puff of air.
You giggled as Tech let his head fall forward to rest on your shoulder, breathing deep and relaxed as you continued you movements on his neck. When you hit a particularly rough knot, Tech groaned, his hands flying to your hips once more as you worked the knot out.
“Cyare,” Tech whispered as you moved back to his scalp, scratching it gently.
“Hmm?” Was all you responded with, not wanting to be any louder for fear of disrupting the atmosphere.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For this, for everything you have done for our squad, for being there for us all and for treating us like people instead of expendable objects,” Tech’s words struck a cord in you, the sentiment behind them making itself clear. They had never been treated like people, always being sent on one mission after another, the fear of death or failure always there. They were soldiers yes, but that didn’t mean they were less than human.
“Of course Tech, you’re just as human as I am and you do so much for the galaxy. You fight for those who can’t and stand up for those who won’t. You and your brothers are good men and I will fight anyone who tries to say otherwise,” Tech smiled at your words, your words helping him to feel like a normal man instead of a soldier.
“Thank you Cyar’ika,” he replied and wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you close and letting himself dream of the future.
I don’t know if I fully like what I’ve written here but please, let me know your thoughts about it. I hope it’s not to bad!
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sergeantgoggles · 6 months ago
Lemon Yellow - poly batch <3
Whew. Anon, you really know how to pick 'em.
3800+ words later....
Tags/TW: Polybatch, Emotionally Intelligent Wrecker, Poly Negotiations, Pre-Order 66, Body Dysmorphia, Slightly Graphic Depictions of Cybernetics and Skin, Depression, Trauma, Nightmares, Echo Crying, Mentions of Former Poly Torrent Company (Rex/Fives/Echo/Jesse/Kix/Hardcase/Tup/Dogma), Grief/Loss, Neurodivergent Tech, Implied Neurodivergent Hunter, Happy Ending on Pabu, 10 Years later, Gay Old Men, Canon Compliant Hand Loss for Crosshair, Tech was CX-2, Batcher and Teenage Omega
Lemon Yellow: How does the first kiss go? (+2 Bonus kisses)
“I saw you and Hunter the other night,” Echo mentioned casually as he handed Tech a spanner wrench. He watched as Tech give him a quick, unconcerned look and went about his business.
“We are in an established relationship,” he replied matter-of-factly, as though it should have been common knowledge that Echo could have simply looked up on the comm chatter.
Echo was new to Clone Force 99. It wasn’t his place to judge them for anything, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t also been in a relationship with another clone or experimented with one before. Still, he chose his next words carefully, afraid that he might know too much now.
“…I also saw him with Crosshair this morning.”
That did give Tech pause, and he sighed with a bit of exasperation. “Look, Echo, I do not know how to tell you this gently, so I will simply be upfront with you. The truth is that the four of us, Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, and myself, are in a polyamorous relationship.”
Echo let the words sink in. He knew what they meant, and he knew sort of how it worked. Torrent Company worked similarly. There were obvious pairs, like himself and Fives, and Jesse and Kix, but they were sort of just, all together, the eight of them. So, the four members of the Bad Batch being in such a relationship wasn’t something that Echo was necessarily new to, but…
“You seem perplexed by this,” Tech teased lightly as he set the spanner wrench aside for now. “Perhaps if I explain—”
“No, no, that’s not it. I know what it is,” Echo defended. “I guess I just didn’t think that that sort of relationship was a clone thing.”
“As opposed to what?” Tech inquired with interest.
If nothing else, Tech was at least treating it delicately, if not forwardly. Echo appreciated that he didn’t try to sugarcoat it for him. He knew it was a little…weird…to explain to some people. Even some people in the GAR had a hard time wrapping their heads around it, so it was always more simple to tell people he was with Fives, instead of having six other boyfriends.
“My old squad…”
“The five hundred and first?”
“Yeah, Torrent Company specifically, we were…you know.”
Tech seemed to brighten at that, but why, Echo could only speculate. Maybe he was just happy that he didn’t have to keep sneaking around anymore, but to be honest, it sort of made Echo feel left out. For now, he swept the idea under the rug.
“I see. Do you miss that sort of dynamic?”
Echo pretended to think about it, but the reality was yeah, he really did. He hardly gave his remaining squad a chance to make him feel welcomed back, afraid of what they would think of him, maybe. Even he didn’t know some days, but he knew that this was where he needed to be, at least for now.
“Yeah, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss flopping onto a rack after hitting the showers and there would just be someone there to keep me company,” Echo sighed.
Tech had a curious look in his eyes as he adjusted his goggles. It was obvious that he was thinking hard about something from the way he nibbled on the pout of his bottom lip, and Echo couldn’t help the intrusive thought.
‘He’s so cute.’
With barely even a second to process the thought, Echo’s eyes flew open wide as Tech’s lips connected with his. Immediately, his cheeks darkened, but he settled quickly into the kiss. Tech’s lips were softer than he’d imagined they would be, not that he made a habit of imagining his lips, but sometimes…
Echo hadn’t expected it to go much further, but Tech’s fingers brushed his cheek, fleeting and soft, gloved hand coated in a sheen of grease from the Marauder catching on the stubble that had grown in. He sighed, giving in to feeling someone else’s lips for the first time since—
Fives. The first time since Fives.
Abruptly, Echo leaned away, eyes conflicted as he turned his gaze away from Tech’s imploring look.
“I…am sorry for assuming that you would—”
Echo quickly shook his head. “It’s not that. I liked it, a lot.”
It was as though Echo could feel the heat and hurt radiating from Tech’s stare, and he forced himself to look at him, even though all he really wanted in that moment was to forget the pain of Fives being gone and for Tech to kiss him again. “I’m sorry, Tech. I just…haven’t kissed anyone in a long time. It took me by surprise.”
Tech pondered his words, then, “did I misunderstand?”
This was getting complicated. “No, actually, I want to kiss you again, but I don’t know where the others stand, and I don’t want to come between anyone. That’s not how a polycule works.”
“Ah, I see,” Tech seemed to ease up a little after that and sat back to work on the ship again. “If that is your concern, then I will talk to the others. You are right, it should be discussed.”
Echo smiled and touched the greasy streak on his cheek fondly before he stood. Giddiness coursed through him, but he was also nervous about what was to come. All he could do was hope for the best. In the meantime, he needed to sort out his feelings about Fives, as well as those that remained in his previous situationship. There were a lot of factors to consider, but maybe this wasn’t so bad.
Besides, kissing Tech again would definitely be on the top of his list to do again as soon as possible.
“Stop that,” Tech scoffed and rolled his eyes. “This hardly warrants that kind of reaction.”
“You should have come to us first,” Hunter sighed, but he was far less condescending than Wrecker’s outburst had been.
“As if you’re actually bothered by it,” Crosshair quipped as he cleaned the barrel of his rifle. “You’ve been looking Echo up and down since he first stepped onto the Marauder.”
Tech looked between them with a smirk as Hunter’s cheeks lit up.
“WHAT?” Wrecker boomed again.
“Enough,” Crosshair drawled in his direction. “We’ve all thought about it. You’re just mad that Tech made the first move.”
“You’re not mad about it?” Hunter asked and kicked his legs up on Crosshair’s lap. There was a sneer on Crosshair’s lips that said he wanted to knock them off, but he didn’t, instead continuing to detail his weapon.
“No,” he answered, and his eyes flicked to Tech’s, “but I want to know what Echo tastes like.” The suggestive tone didn’t go unnoticed, and Tech appropriately blushed as Crosshair licked his lips. “Why kiss me when you could just go kiss him yourself?”
Setting his rifle aside, Crosshair hummed. “You’re right.”
He stood, now knocking Hunter’s feet off his lap with a smack, and he leaned over the pilot’s seat to steal a less heated kiss from Tech’s lips. “Good thinking, Ace.”
“Hey, that’s my nickname for him,” Hunter pouted.
Tech’s flush darkened further as he was fought over, but the argument died when Crosshair kissed Hunter on his way out of the cockpit.
“Heard you had a run in with Tech.”
Echo looked up from where he was swinging from the sling strung up by the gunner’s mount, setting his datapad aside. “If you mean he kissed me, yeah. Didn’t get him in trouble, did it?”
Crosshair chuckled and crossed his arms. “Not especially, but it took us by surprise.”
“Why’s that?” Echo inquired, eyes curious as he took in Crosshair’s relaxed posture.
“Well, Tech usually isn’t the type to make the first move, even with us,” he explained, and Echo could feel the heat starting to rise in his cheeks. “You must really wind him up.”
As Crosshair leaned into his space, Echo found himself shifting to meet him. “Only him? Or can I get a rise out of you, too?”
There was barely a beat between them before Crosshair ghosted his lips over Echo’s, and they were gone as fast as they came. Echo chased them, but Crosshair was quicker. “You sure you’re okay with this?” Crosshair asked, eyes darting over Echo’s parted lips.
Echo faltered and leaned back into his sling. Was he okay with this? He had told Tech that he needed space to think, but was that only an excuse to make him talk to the others? Sighing, Echo shook his head. It wasn’t fair to leave Crosshair hanging.
“Hn, so you do have some baggage,” the sniper stood, giving Echo some breathing room.
“I haven’t kissed anyone since my last squad,” Echo defended with a scowl.
Crosshair quirked an eyebrow. “You kissed Tech.”
“And I told him the same thing,” Echo shot back, “and he kissed me, for the record.”
This was getting nowhere fast, and Crosshair seemed to see the same thing. Quietly, he stepped back and crossed his arms again, effectively shielding himself from whatever feelings he was keeping locked away. Inwardly, Echo winced. He hadn’t meant to come off like he was rejecting him, or any of them, for that matter.
“Crosshair, I—”
“It’s fine,” he clipped coolly, “but don’t make a habit of kissing my partners if you can’t get yourself sorted.”
Echo bristled, but averted his eyes, staring a hole into the side of the ship. Maybe he hoped it would swallow him up and he wouldn’t have to confront his feelings yet. That sounded nice. He heard Crosshair’s footfalls and listened as they grew distance, disappearing once again into the cockpit, seemingly to tell the others about being turned down.
Frustrated, Echo slipped his legs up into his sling and turned onto his side, facing away from where the others were gathered. Maybe this had been a mistake after all. He should call Rex and rendezvous with him. At least Rex still wanted him, and Jesse and Kix were still there to keep him from running away with his thoughts.
Hardcase had sacrificed himself.
Dogma was arrested.
Tup had suffered and died from what was being reported as a ‘mental relapse.’
…Fives was shot and killed for knowing too much.
How was he supposed to just pretend like each and every loss didn’t feel like a gaping hole being scraped out of his chest?
“Echo…? Echo?”
A large hand shook his shoulder, startling him awake. The jolt as he sat up nearly tipped the sling, but a body beside him kept it from dumping him onto the durasteel floor.
“Wrecker?” Echo questioned, his own voice unrecognizable to him. He lifted his flesh hand to his cheek and frowned when he felt the dampness of hot tears on his fingers. Damn it. “Sorry,” he continued, shame coloring his features. It wasn’t uncommon for soldiers to cry in their sleep, though the nightmares were more common with shinies. He was usually better at hiding it, though. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
Wrecker fidgeted but made no move to go back to his rack. Worry was etched into his scarred face, and Echo didn’t have the temperament to be gentle about it.
“I said don’t—”
“Yeah, I heard you,” Wrecker murmured, “but I don’t believe you.”
Echo huffed and curled his cybernetic knees up to his chest. It was weird to try and hug them close. Metal dug into his skin, and it was uncomfortable to try and lay his forehead on top of the joints. More tears pooled in his eyes. Damn the Techno Union for saving him. He should have been left to die, march on like the rest of the Dominoes, like most of his partners…
Not be held together by fused skin and whirring parts like the monster that he is.
The sob that left him was quiet, but he might as well have been screaming the way Wrecker wrapped his arms around him and softly quieted his wails. It was weird, the way he could feel the ports in his head sinking into Wrecker’s chest, how tenderly Wrecker’s thumb grazed the skin where his scomp was connected to. Weird, but Wrecker held him like it was the most normal thing in the galaxy.
“…You don’t have to,” Echo sniffed. “I know what I am.”
Wrecker frowned. “I don’t. What do you think you are?”
Echo could have actually screamed. “I’m a freak, Wrecker. I’m more droid than human. I shouldn’t even be alive.”
His words must have struck something deep, because Wrecker sat back enough to grip Echo’s chin and gently force their gazes to meet. There was a softness in his eyes that wasn’t pity, though there was a bit of that despite how much he’d tried to keep it at bay, but understanding and compassion. Their noses brushed, and Echo let him press their lips together, firm, but chaste, with no hidden motives, the kind of kiss that was reassuring and grounding. It was the kind of kiss that reminded Echo of Hardcase after a mission with heavy casualties, kissing all of them and remining them that they’re all okay, they all made it. It was the kind of kiss that Echo gave Tup when he got into it with Dogma, promising him that they would make up and things would be okay.
It was the kind of kiss that Fives gave him their first night in the five hundred and first barracks, after they were extracted from Rishi, when they didn’t have any answers, but they had one another, and that was enough.
“We all have scars,” Wrecker whispered against his lips. “Some are small and hidden, and sometimes they’re big and obvious, but it’s how you wear them that makes the difference. For what it’s worth, I think yours are beautiful.”
Echo gasped, lip trembling slightly. It was the only time someone looked at him and thought that what was left of him was beautiful. No, not what was left, what he was. Wrecker thought he was beautiful as he was, even with the inconvenience of being mostly machine. It felt…well, it felt really nice to be thought of that way, even if he didn’t see it. So, he said the only thing he could in response and kissed him again.
“Thank you.’
Stars hung in the black sky and the moons of Pantora were high in the sky when Echo heard someone emerge from the racks. Normally, he wouldn’t pay any mind to it. It was likely Tech pattering around because he couldn’t turn his brain off. So, he continued to stare out the window from the co-pilot’s seat. That seemed to be where he fit in the best, and he and Tech worked well together.
He wasn’t expecting the glide of a bare hand on the back of his neck, massaging gently. Turning his head, surprise caught his features. “Hunter?”
“I wanted to apologize about earlier,” the sergeant said and took up Tech’s seat. “We should have been open about the nature of our relationship, and Crosshair had no right to kick you out because he wanted some action.”
Echo sighed. He’d almost successfully forgotten why he hadn’t been asleep in his sling between Tech and Wrecker’s racks. Crosshair had exiled him to the cockpit if he didn’t want to join in…activities. To Echo’s credit, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to participate, but having group sex was a hell of a first time with a new body, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for all that yet. Instead of torturing himself by staying to watch, he’d voluntarily left. Had he really been gone that long?
Judging by the way Hunter’s hair was mussed and the vaguely dark marks on his neck, he was certain that if nothing else, Hunter had gotten to partake in some activities.
“It’s fine,” Echo told a half truth. It was, to an extent, but he wished he had been brave enough to join them.
Hunter nodded, wringing his hands together. A nervous thing, Echo noticed. He was like Tech in a way, needing something to occupy his hands most of the time. It wasn’t as severe as Tech’s compulsions, but it was enough to draw Echo’s attention. Carefully, Echo reached over and took on of Hunter’s hands in his own. Immediately, Hunter latched onto it, tracing the lines of his fingers, pressing lightly on his palm, no doubt feeling his heartbeat through his veins. It seemed to calm him, though, and Echo smiled.
“I…understand why you didn’t want to join,” Hunter started, “but you should know that your cybernetic parts don’t bother us, and that despite our own feelings, we respect that you still have feelings for your old squad.”
Echo’s eyes softened. They really had been talking about him, but it wasn’t in the way that he’d thought they were. Not that he thought they were those kinds of people, but he had been so down on himself…it was easier to put the blame on someone else than face himself.
“Most of my old squad is gone,” Echo said aloud, maybe for the first time since he’d boarded the Marauder, “and the ones that remain…well, two of them were already together when we formed the polycule.”
“So, you were left out,” Hunter finished.
“Not really,” Echo shook his head. “They wanted to try…but I’m not the same as I was then, and I didn’t give them the chance to know me as I am now.”
Hunter hummed, still lazily outlining Echo’s fingers as though he were committing the way they felt to memory. “What about us? Think we might have a shot?”
A beat of silence fell between them as Echo considered the question. Was that what he wanted, to be part of another polycule? He certainly hadn’t wanted to assume that they wanted him in that capacity, but the last few days have proved that, if anything, they were willing to try. All of the pieces were there, most of them already put together, all that was missing was the final piece.
Hunter lifted Echo’s hands to his lips and kissed it, careful and deliberate. “You don’t have to give us an answer right now, but the offer is on the table. All you have to do is take it.”
He stood, letting Echo retract his hand, and winked before returning to the rest of his squad, of his polycule, the polycule they all wanted Echo to be a part of. Echo watched his retreating back for a few seconds before he stood abruptly.
Yes, he wanted to be a part of this, of them. He wanted someone to love, and for someone to love him, and he was going to find it here, with the Bad Batch.
Hunter turned just as Echo closed the gap between them, kissing him with so much need and longing that it took Hunter’s breath away, and he backed himself up against the console to steady the both of them. Hot, open-mouthed kisses left Echo gasping, and his hand shook as he tangled his fingers into Hunter’s hair, pulling him closer, flush to the line of his body.
It was only the soft clearing of someone’s throat that forced them apart and left them panting for breath. Echo blushed a beautiful shade of red as Tech watched them sheepishly.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Hunter teased.
“That is a shame,” Tech said with a small, crooked smile. “I was rather enjoying the show.”
“Then you shouldn’t have interrupted,” Echo smirked as Tech crowded into his space. This time, Echo was ready and kissed him with as much passion as he had Hunter. Tech became weak at his knees, forcing Hunter to hold him up, and Echo quickly decided that he could get used to this.
It wasn’t the same as being with the five hundred and first, but Echo didn’t want it to be. He would always love his former squads, but this new one wasn’t half bad. He hoped they would be around for a long time.
Waves crashed on the beach, shifting the sands below. Over time, Echo knew that this place would eventually change. Erosion would claim it, or nature would, but in this moment, it would always remain as it was.
Beside him, Crosshair sat amongst the grain. He didn’t complain about sand getting everywhere anymore, even when it got caught in his cybernetic hand. Next to him, Wrecker slept, head on Crosshair’s shoulder, not so much as budging when the waves licked his toes. Their hands were entwined, soft and familiar, and Crosshair idly stroked it with his thumb as he watched the sun begin its descent into the sea.
Out in the water, Tech watched the horizon as though he were looking for something. Echo could tell he was talking but couldn’t make out what he was saying over the waves. Hunter, though, hugged him from behind and nodded along to whatever Tech told him, and took every opportunity to kiss his cheek, his neck, anywhere he could reach. Never again would Hunter let Tech out of his sight, or go where he couldn’t follow, not after Eriadu and Tantiss.
It took them a long time, but finally, they were all where they were meant to be, together.
Something broke over the horizon, and Echo grinned as Tech waved to those who were waiting on the shore. Crosshair nudged Wrecker awake, but the way that Wrecker was on his feet and waving in an instant, no one would have ever known if not for the drool on his chin. As a ship sped into the cove nearby, Tech and Hunter trudged back through the water and waited patiently for the ship’s captain to emerge.
“Hey! I’m back!”
Omega waved as she ran across the beach to them, beaming proudly as Batcher trailed behind her. No longer did Echo have to kneel to be on her level, and she easily leapt into his arms, still not quite tall enough to keep her feet on the ground. Echo caught her easily and hugged her tightly. This was her first solo flight, to Lothal to bring supplies to a small rebel cell and back, and as far as he could tell, she had been successful. They had known that they couldn’t keep her out of the fight forever, even though they’d all wished they’d had a little more time with her. After all, Omega wasn’t just their sister, but their kid. They raised her.
“Welcome home, Havoc 5,” Echo murmured as he set her back onto her feet.
Omega smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. That…was new, not unwelcomed, but definitely new.
“It’s good to be home.”
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leapingbadger · 5 months ago
Story Index
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Thanks so much for checking out my blog!
I currently write exclusively Bad Batch and CodyWan Fanfiction. That might change in the future but that’s where my brain is right now.
Below is a snapshot, for my full works please visit my AO3 page.
I hope you enjoy and thanks again for stopping by!
The Bad Batch – Pre Echo
Cadets – Young Hunter struggles with his enhancements during an off-world war game the results of which could have a scary outcome. (Read on AO3)
The First Mission - As Clone Force 99 prepare for their first mission, Hunter struggles with his promotion to Sergeant and the changes their new life will bring. (Read on AO3)
Boom! – On an early mission The Batch are diverted from Kamino to help the Regs, with potentially deadly consequences. This is a multiple chapter project. Not finished yet. Chapters 10/? (Read on AO3)
Fallible - Hunter tries to help Tech process a mistake that he struggles to let go of. (Read on AO3)
The Bad Batch – Post Echo – Pre Omega
One of Us – The Batch help welcome Echo with his new armor. (Read on AO3)
Welcome Home – Echo has only been the Batch for a short time. Hunter tries to understand his new squad member. (Read on AO3)
Confined - The Batch are grounded on Kamino but are unsure why. Takes place after Echo joins but before they meet Omega. (Read it on AO3)
The Bad Batch – Season 1
Repercussions (an Aftermath AU) – The galaxy changes quickly in the midst of Order 66. A young Jedi, desperate and afraid stands on the precipice. Seargeant Hunter of Clone Force 99 desperately tries to save young Caleb Dume from the rest of the GAR and his brother, Crosshair. Caleb agrees to flee Kaller with Hunter and his brothers but in the process, they must navigate fear, loyalty, desperation and doubt. Will they be able to survive and stay together within this new Empire? Only time will tell. CH 11/11 (Read on AO3)
Missing - Set after the events of Season 1, Episode 9.  Hunter deals with the squad’s confrontation with Crosshair on Bracca. (Read it on AO3)
The Bad Batch - Season 2
Delivery - While on the famous Nerf Nugget delivery for Cid, Hunter and Echo clash over their philosophies and future plans. (Read on AO3)
Interrogation – Written as part of the Great Galactic Gift Exchange 2024. Tech asks Hunter for some advice about Phee. (Read on AO3)
The Bad Batch - Season 3
From Eriadu - The Batch deal with the immediate aftermath from the mission to Eriadu. (Read on AO3)
The Dark – Crosshair deals with his choices while in custody. (Read on AO3)
Amends - Takes place after the season 3 episode “The Return”. Hunter and Crosshair trust each other again and are on their way to a reconciliation, but they still need to communicate. That’s where Wrecker comes in. (Read on AO3)
Gone. Again – Taking place during the events of Season 3, Episode 11: Point of No Return; Hunter tires to catch up with Omega and Crosshair and wrestle with their precarious situation. (Read on AO3)
The Failure - Taking place during the events of Season 3, Episode 11: Point of No Return; Crosshair tries to come to terms with his failure to protect Omega and is heartbroken by the toll the loss has on his brothers. (Read on AO3)
The Bad Batch – Post Season 3 - Pabu Adventures
The Light – A few months after Tantis and Hunter is dealing with PTSD and nightmares. (Read on AO3)
Sunrise - 5 months since the events on Tantis. Hunter realizes there is more to his enhanced senses than he thought and gets a visit from someone he thought was gone. (Read on AO3)
The Phantom - Six months after Tantiss and Crosshair still struggles with nightmares. Hunter tries to help Brother through his biggest hurt. (Read on AO3)
The Melody – Hunter helps Omega after a nightmare. (Read on AO3)
Tested – Hunter joins Rex on a mission and meets some unexpected acquaintances. (Read on AO3)
Goodbye – Hunter has recently learned that he can sense Tech’s ghost and has shared that information with his family. Omega comes to terms with Tech’s death with the help of her brother. (Read on AO3)
Unconditional Love – My Entry for Pabu’s Festival of Love 2025. Hunter helps Omega with her love day gifts and ends up giving her a gift of her own. Read It on AO3!
 Tattoo – The Batch get tattoos to remember the fallen. (Read on AO3)
The Final Gift – The Batch celebrate their first Life Day since settling on Pabu. Omega is surprised by a gift from her brothers. (Read on AO3)
Decisions - Omega wants to join the Rebellion but has to work to convince her brothers. Chapters 5/5.Read on AO3
The Fallen – Hunter regrets not being able to save the young Jedi on Kaller. It’s through Omega joining the rebellion that he finally gets some closure. (Read on AO3)
Fennter (Hunter X Fennec Shand)
Entangled – The Bad Batch are in need of a new ship and are short on credits. Hunter takes on a job with Fennec Shand against his better judgement to make some money, fast. When things go awry and they have the whole Bounty Hunters Guild after them, they have to work together to get through it and learn more about each other's motivation in the process.  CH 11/11 (Read on AO3)
Spoken Truths – Hunter and Fennec have been seeing each other on and off for months. Hunter wrestles with the idea of the two separate parts of his new life colliding. (Read on AO3)
Ghosts of Corellia – Fennec Shand's dark past comes back to haunt her when she is kidnapped by a Corellian crime boss she once had dealings with. Hunter launches a search to find her with the help of his family, where both him and Fennec will be forced to combat the ghosts of their pasts. CH 4/? (Read on AO3)
Buried - Cody tried to keep his feelings for Obi Wan buried deep until unforeseen circumstances bring them to the forefront. (Read on AO3)
The Kiss - Obi Wan's recklessness on the battlefield draws the ire of his Commander, with an unlikely outcome. (Read on AO3)
The Fallout - When Cody does the unthinkable and disobeys order, he is unprepared for the ramifications to his relationship with his General. Ventress arrives at the perfect time to twist the vibroknife, leaving both Cody and Obi Wan struggling with how to proceed. (Read on AO3)
Rumors - Cody catches up with Hunter from Clone Force 99 in desperate needs of some advice about his relationship with Obi Wan. (Read on AO3)
The Jedi, The Duchess & The Commander - Obi Wan and Cody are assigned protection detail when Satine Kryze makes a last-minute visit to Coruscant. Trouble follows the Duchess by way of an assassination attempt and Obi Wan and Cody not only have to navigate the current threat, but the effect her presence has on their relationship. Ch 2/2. (Read on AO3)
Back from the Dead - Obi Wan is dealing with the ramifications after faking his death and going undercover as bounty Hunter, Rako Hardeen (TCW S4E15-18). While relationships are strained with Anakin and Ahsoka, Obi Wan desperately wants to make things right with Commander Cody. Through these unusual circumstances both men have learned how important the other is to them. (Read on AO3)
The Loss - As Obi Wan travels to Mandalore to help an old flame (TCW S5E16 - The Lawless) Cody struggles with his unrequited feelings for his General and jealousy. Upon Obi Wan's return, Cody has to find a way to help him through one of his greatest hurts. (Read on AO3)
The Close Call – Cody is injured during a LAAT crash (TCW S7E1). While Rex and the Bad Batch continue the mission, Obi Wan races to his Commander's side. (Read on AO3)
The Deserter - Commander Cody goes on his most important mission yet. (Read on AO3)
The Sands of Tatooine - Now that Cody has reunited with Obi Wan, he struggles to understand his place in the galaxy and in the home of his former general. (Read on AO3)
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levi-venn · 11 months ago
Accolades - Part One
Timeline: Pre-Order 66 Era Bad Batch
Summary: Hunter turns official accolades into something more meaningful for his brothers.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three Available on AO3
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Clone Force 99 never accepted accolades. It wasn't their thing. After all, they were created specifically for the missions no one else could do. Being rewarded for it seemed pointless.
And Hunter didn’t disagree…
…but when accolades were assigned, he always ended up sneaking out after his brothers had settled in for the night to speak to Commander Cody. 
The conversation was always the same.
“I’m sorry your brothers couldn’t make it…again,” Cody would say, handing the medals over.
“Yeah, well, they’re tired from the mission.” One of many excuses he had given Cody during this war.
“Tell them that, on behalf of myself and the generals, 'Keep up the great work, soldiers.'"
“Will do, Commander.” Hunter always said this with a smile. 
Cody returned that smile. They both knew Hunter wouldn’t relay the message. They both knew these medals weren't for his brothers, they were for Hunter.
Hunter had a painted box full of medals and ribbons for each of his brothers.
There was a digital skull skewered by a lightning bolt on Tech's box.
A bomb with a happy face for Wrecker.
And a skull with a crosshair vector over one eye for his youngest brother.
Recently, he added a box for Echo too. He went with a blue handprint for his newest brother, to honor Echo's old armor before the Separatists took nearly everything from him. 
With the exception of Echo’s box, Hunter had been filling these boxes since they were cadets. Their earliest medals had simple accolades from simpler times:
“Fastest Swimmer” - Tech. 
“Most Bullseyes in 60 Seconds” - Crosshair. 
“Feats of Strength” - Wrecker. 
“Leadership and Valor” - Hunter
The accolades shifted after graduation. They came from dangerous missions that ended in violence. Assigned to a bad batch of clones who were somehow expendable, yet the only ones who could survive these impossible situations.
This last mission had taken their toll on the whole squad. Too many clankers, not enough intel, they won the day, but throwing medals at them felt like an insult, even if Cody's appreciation was genuine.
Hunter wanted to turn those medals into something meaningful.
And so, Hunter sat on his bunk, a small laser tool in his bandaged hand, etching over each medal with his own accolades for his brothers.
Tech was awarded “Shooting the most clankers while slicing an AAT-1 and throwing barbed insults at Echo”.
For Crosshair: “The most WIZARD precision shot through a tank’s barrel while spitting a toothpick in a clanker’s eye”.
Wrecker received: “The loudest laugh while mowing down four dozen clankers and eating a hamburger simultaneously”. Hunter still didn’t know where he got that burger.
And finally for Echo, “The most somersaults during a stealth mission while throwing barbed insults back at Tech”
Hunter hesitated over his own medal, as he always did.
Giving himself accolades never sat right.  He could never think of anything, anyway.
So he wrote what he always wrote: “This medal is awarded to Hunter for being the proudest oldest brother in this Badass Batch. I love you guys.”
He tucked the medal away in his own box, a skull with cross-vibroblades beneath it, and tucked it under his mattress with the other boxes.
One day, this war was going to be over.
And on that day, Hunter planned to give these boxes to his brothers.
He couldn’t wait to see their faces.
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archivewriter1ont · 3 months ago
Ponytail: One Time Hunter's Hair Got in the Way
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Banner by @blackseafoam
Gift fic for @totallywizard07 for the @galactic-gift-gathering event!
Prompt: Injured Bad Batch (pre-Order 66) Word Count: 1,321
The sergeant blocked out the sound of Tech’s warning call because he had already felt the blaster bolts sailing toward him, his brain collapsing into a black web of split-second calculations as white-hot feedback from his senses wrote the script for his next move. If he dodged to the left, the first ball of plasma would slam directly into the left side of his ribcage, burning through bones and armor and damaging an unknown number of organs in the process. Then again, if he remained where he was or tried to go to the right, the second bolt would connect with his head and he wouldn’t need any of those bones or organs ever again.
He threw himself to the left.
Pain invaded his chest and ripped through his nerves. He heard a solid thud and realized belatedly that he was on the ground, right before the world went startlingly black.
“Stay down, you moron .”
Hunter grunted as he fell back hard against the clay wall, his shoulder blades scraping irritatingly against the baked earth. That was the second time he’d tried to get up, and the second time Crosshair had so rudely shoved him back down.
“I can walk,” the sergeant snapped. His teeth shunked together as he snarled out the words and he felt like his jaw was about to break from how hard he was trying to keep more than those three, relatively nice words from coming out. 
“You don’t need to walk,” Crosshair hissed back. The sniper shifted his Firepuncher, moving the rifle from his side to lay it carefully across his knees. The usually polished, jet-black firearm was streaked orange and tan by the dust roiling hotly from the parched ground. “You need to stay put until Tech and Wrecker bring the ship.”
[the rest is on Ao3, link above!]
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intricatechaosofyou · 11 months ago
The Right Wrong Turn
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Pairing: Crosshair x f!reader
Fandom: The Bad Batch; Star Wars
Summary: A hiccup in the mission ends up with you on a rooftop with the Batch’s sniper. Using the prompt “This did not go the way I expected.”
Warnings: 18+!!!!, blasters, shootouts, cursing, some sexual tension, a couple of references to lines in season 3 but NO SPOILERS (tell me if you find my references though ;) !!)
Author’s note: Happy Bad Batch season my loves!! Our boys are back and I couldn’t be happier (or sadder). I had the privilege of writing for @urfriendlyneighbornightfury so I hope you enjoy this babe! I had so much fun writing it. Italics indicate small flashbacks. Also, please keep in mind that this is post-Echo but pre-Order 66.
The Bad Batch has meant so much to me over the years and while it feels like the end has come far too quickly, I’m grateful for everything it’s done for me and the rest of the Star Wars community! Thank you to @ghostofskywalker / @cloneficgiftexchange for putting on this event!! I’m so grateful to participate in this huge event!!
Sending everyone a Wrecker-sized hug and a happy season 3!! <3
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You panted as you made a sharp turn down an alleyway, trying to lose your pursuers.
It was supposed to be a simple mission: sneak in while Hunter and Wrecker distracted the guards, download a few files, then Echo and Tech would pick you all up in the Marauder.
What you hadn’t planned for, however, was the heavy encryption on the files you needed.
“Tech, I thought you said I just had to plug this data stick in and the files would download!” You whispered into your comm as a red screen appeared on the datapad.
“Theoretically, that should be all you have to do. However, I do suppose the encryptions on the files could prevent the transfer,” Tech replied, his static voice from the comm making you angrier by the second.
Your failed attempts at transferring the files had set off the alarm. You needed to get out of there, but you needed those files first.
“Keep the data stick in,” Tech requested. “I can undo the encryption from my end and transfer the files manually.”
A blaster shot fired right past your shoulder and you immediately ducked behind the large desk in the office. Sneaking a look, you counted three guards with their blasters pulled on you.
Kriff. You had to get out of there.
“Cross,” you hissed into your comm as you pulled your blaster from its holster on your hip.
You didn’t even have to finish your sentence before you heard the sniper’s voice crackle through the comm.
“I’ve got eyes on them. I take middle.”
You couldn’t see him on the next rooftop over, but you knew he was already lining up his shot through the large glass window behind the desk you were hiding behind.
“No fair. I wanted middle this time,” you answered, a smirk forming on your face.
Crosshair tutted. “Too bad, sweets.”
You rolled your eyes as you shifted your blaster in your hands, getting ready to fire.
As soon as Crosshair’s shot came through, shattering the window behind you and killing the assailant in the middle, you stood and shot the two remaining.
“Tech, how’re we looking?” You questioned.
“Files are transferred. Make your way back to the Marauder.”
You grabbed the data stick and booked it to the stairs just as another group of guards bursted into the office.
You thought that they’d give up once you exited the building, but they were still managing to follow you through the busy streets of Bracca.
It was getting harder to lose the guards behind you as you dashed through the streets. One wrong turn and you knew you were in deep trouble.
As you turned down the next alleyway in hopes that you’d finally outpace the guards you heard someone hiss your name.
Looking up you found Crosshair, leaning over the roof of a nearby building, hand outstretched to you.
“Hurry up before those di’kuts catch up.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand, allowing him to hoist you up onto the roof.
“Could’ve used some help earlier, Cro—“
The clone’s hand covered your mouth before you could finish your snarky comment, pushing you to lay down the cold metal roof as he followed suit, laying halfway on top of you as the guards flooded into the alley in pursuit of you.
He lowered his head, sharp eyes watching the guards, ensuring that they didn’t spot the two of you.
But you? You watched him.
He had shed his bucket before helping you onto the roof, granting you full freedom to ogle at his face. You watched the way his eyes darted across the length of the alley, the way jaw clenched every time a guard spoke, the way his lips were parted as he took slow, steady breaths.
Suddenly, the chill of the night was replaced with a heavy heat and you were overcome with the need to move out from under him.
The hard plastoid of his armor dug into your skin as you attempted to shift out from underneath him. But your movement only caused him to hold you down harder, his free hand pressing your hips down to keep you from squirming.
You stifled a frustrated groan, going to shift again but the way he turned to look at you made you freeze. He stared you down, almost daring you to move again.
Unfortunately for him, you loved getting under his skin.
You tried to shift out from under him again, accepting the unspoken challenge from the sniper.
He retaliated, pressing his entire forearm against your hips to prevent your movements.
With a huff, you realized this might be one battle you wouldn’t win. You resigned yourself to watching him again as he took a glance back at the alley.
When his eyes found yours again, he finally took his hand away from your mouth but his arm across your hips stayed in place.
“You nearly got us caught,” he hissed.
“Yeah, well, this didn’t go the way I expected,” you replied, a sarcastic smile on your face as you once again attempted to get out from under him.
The way he put more weight on your hips told you he wasn’t letting you go that easy. “What did you expect? That I’d just let you stand around up here and let the guards catch both of us?” He questioned.
“Stow it,” you demanded, trying to ignore the way your face felt hot. “We need to get back to the Marauder.”
“Not until you answer my question, sweets.”
You huffed, letting your head fall back. Maker, this man was stubborn. “Don’t call me that. You know I hate it.”
“Hate what, sweets?”
“You calling me that!”
“Why, sweets?”
You bit back a snarl at the way he emphasized the name just for the sake of driving you crazy. “I said stow it.”
“What’re you gonna do about it? I seem to have the upper hand, sweets.”
You hated the way his lips curled up into his signature smirk as the nickname left his mouth. Your hands acted on their own accord as they grabbed his face and crashed his lips onto yours. His response was automatic, hands coming to cradle your face to bring you closer to himself.
The kiss was a mess of tongue and teeth, both of you still in an attempt to win an imaginary battle against the other. He pushed you and you pushed back harder against him. Around and around you two went in desperate attempts to put the other in their place…until Crosshair’s comm sounded.
The sniper let out a discontented huff as your mouth left his as you pulled the comm from the belt at his hips.
“We’re still on a mission, sweets,” you reminded him, reveling in the way his jaw ticked as you used the nickname against him before turning back to the comm and assuring Hunter that you and Crosshair were en route to the Marauder. “We gotta get going.”
Despite his groaning, he still shifted off of you and offered you a hand to help you stand up.
You brushed yourself off and took in Crosshair’s usual frown. “Cheer up, Cross.”
“I don’t like being interrupted,” he replied, pulling a toothpick from the pocket on his belt.
Shrugging, you grabbed the toothpick from his hand and put it in your own mouth. “Don’t worry. We’ll finish this later.”
The corners of Crosshair’s mouth ticked up at your insinuation. “I like that plan, sweets.”
Although you rolled your eyes, you couldn’t help the fond smile from growing on your face. Instead of granting him a response you simply turned and started the trek back to the Marauder with Crosshair right beside you, his hand resting on the small of your back. Yeah, you’d definitely be finishing this later.
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zaana · 2 years ago
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It's a late night. They're supposed to return to Kamino in the morning. Wrecker and Echo have passed out already. Tech is busy tinkering on the Marauder. These two take some time to catch up on stuff, which often ends up in talking about the past.
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badbatchsprincess · 7 months ago
Heated ~ pt.22
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18 ~ Pt.19 ~ Pt.20 ~ Pt.21 ~ Pt.22 ~ Pt.23 ~ Pt.24 ~ Pt.25
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Heat Cycles, rut/heat, might be dabbling into a little substance abuse related (tiny) hints of non-con? Idk I feel like that's dramatic but I'm putting the warning regardless.
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Your head ached and you could start to feel your heart beating in your ears. The overstimulation in this freaking cafeteria was starting to ware you down.
The harsh lights over head and the tinkering of metal cups and utensils grated against your hearing like claws on gunmetal. You could feel the beginning of a twitch starting in your left eye.
“Hey there, Y/N.” An unfamiliar reg and alpha approached setting this tray down cautiously in front of you.
You barked, “What?!” Looking up from your barely touched meal.
He gulped nervously clutching his tray slightly. 
“I-I uh…” He stuttered. 
“Don’t take it personally Champ.” Wolffe laughed sliding in beside you, “She’s in pre-heat. Got her real snappy and all that stuff.” He nudged you slightly making you growl and shove the Commander making him laugh. 
Wolffe raised a brow, “Though, I’d suggest getting lost before Crosshair catches you. Doesn’t like the regs flirting with his mate.” Wolffe flicked your collar making you slap at his hand.
Champ just raised a brow and gestured to the other 104th boys coming to settle in on your other side, “B-but-“ 
“Ahh, we don’t count.” Bolt chuckled, “Were on a very short list of approved regs that can socialize with little miss cranky over here.” 
“Bolts I swear to the maker I’ll spork your eyes out if you keep talking.” You were squeezing the only utensil you were permitted to use after your little collar and butterknife incident. 
“Yeah but then you’d have you eat with your hands for the rest of time.” He smiled cheekily shoving the lunch slop into his mouth happily. 
You just growled again and slammed your fist into the table making Champ jump. More 104th boys rolled up slowly crowding out the confused reg who seemed to just want to get to know you. That's unfortunate.
Eventually he was scooched out of your vision and you dropped the spork to rest your eyes in your palms and your elbows on the table.
“That’s like the eight reg to try and talk to me today.” You grumbled. 
“It’s your smell Ad’ika.” Wolffe chomped down on something crunchy. 
“What, now…” You rubbed your eyes even more.
“It’s changing, it’s like, sweeter than normal.” He said sniffing the air slightly around your head. 
“It’s getting stronger.” Bolts added, “Might be attracting the others.” 
“Ugh.” You groaned rubbing your tummy. The cramps were starting low and slow this morning. When you finally peaked up, you noticed them all throwing you cautiously concerned glances. 
You raised a brow at Wolffe. He just looked at your tray. You sighed knowing what he was asking on behalf of your mate. You just decided the fight wasn’t worth it and used your spork to shovel up the nutrient dense grains and vegetables. You chewed diligently making Wolffe relax and return back to his own lunch. 
You and the 104th garrison ate in calm silence as the rest of the mess chittered on and socialized. 
It was nice having the 104th. 
They reminded you of your pack, the 501st. It was so comforting to having familiar voices and smells again. You knew even Crosshair was starting to warm up to them, though he’d actually die before admitting such a thing. The fact he trusts them to watch you while he’s working was sign enough. 
You went to take another bite before feeling a pinching ache in your core making you whine. You dropped the spork to take a breath letting the cramp pass. 
“You okay?” Stunner asked watching you crinkle your brows in pain. 
You just nodded, “Mhmm.” Baring down and trying to ease the ache. 
“Bolts?” A sweet voiced Togruta approached the table making the clone turn around. 
“Hi Asha.” He smiled standing up to kiss her. 
You watched with a smile seeing the way he interacted with the omega. He was as sweet to her as Wrecker is with you. He gave her his portion of polystarch and smiled watching her nibble on it.
It was cute. 
“Found an omega yet, Commander?” You nudged Wolffe with an elbow. 
He just huffed, “None to my liking.” 
You smiled seeing the way the other boys all raised her brows in knowing. 
Poor commander. 
“You know you’re going to have to bite the bullet at some point. The admiral wants pups.” You sporked some more warm grains. 
“He wants your pups, omega.” Wolffe reminded, “We’re just extras.” 
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” You swallowed thickly. 
You watched as the other regs seemed to find themselves in little pairs the various omegas had scented out some strong alphas to their liking and you watched as they started their little mating rituals. The shared food. Little notes and doodles. Lingering touches. 
You smiled remembering the way Crosshair would let you use his data pad to blast his music while you hung out on the marauder between the action. Then the way Wrecker would always give you a bite or two of his snacks, which Tech never failed to remind you how rare that was. Then you remembered how Hunter and Tech had spent their free time in hyperspace building custom armor for you when you were working for Sid. It made you smile. They had always been doing their little courting rituals even if none of you had really noticed it. 
Then there was Echo who you were actually starting to miss the most. The comfort he brought you, as a best friend would. His sturdy presence was a reassurance like no other. You also missed the belly ache laughing you always had with him. The nostalgia was making your chest tighten with emotion. Fuck, being trapped in imperial custody was really getting old fast.
Your thoughts then moved into missing the way they would embrace you. Hunter’s little touches every time you’d pass him in the hallways. The way he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of you no matter where you found yourself. The galley? On your waist. Reaching for something high up? On your shoulder blades. Bending down to grab something? On your ass. He was always there. You shivered remembering the sensation of his warm calloused hands on your skin. You felt the goosebumps on your arms as Wolffe coughed snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Y/N.” He looked at you wide eyed. 
“What?” You returned the look. 
“It’s happening.” He slid back on the bench slightly giving you a little room. 
“What’s happening?” You sat up straight looking alert.  
“Your heat.” He coughed again, “I can smell it.” 
You stared blankly before watching him stand up abruptly, “C’mon, we have to get you back to Crosshair.” 
You stood up abandoning your plate. 
Wolffe was right, you could feel the cramping turn into a low pulse in your core. You felt your cheeks start to heat up as the pulse started to turn into a different kind of ache… a yearning. 
“Oh shit.” Stunner covered his nose, “I smell it.” 
“C’mon.” Wolffe urged. 
You let him lead the way out of the cafeteria while a couple of the others followed behind for good measure. The clones never went anywhere alone, they sure as hell weren't going to leave you either. 
“Fuck you smell good y/n.” Stunner nearly sighed. 
“Get a grip trooper.” Wolffe snarled making Stunner come back to reality. The reg straightened up instantly shaking his head trying to stay lucid himself. 
Fuck, you realized your smell could put this whole place into a rut if you weren’t careful. 
Grim cleared his throat, “You gotta walk faster Y/N, the others are starting to notice.” 
All around you, the other regs were starting to perk up seemingly ignoring their other omegas to chase the smell of the ori’sol. 
“Stunner. Go get Crosshair.” Wolffe ordered. He placed a warm hand on your back trying to help you along despite the cramps building in your belly. 
You whimpered at the contact making him second guess his placement. He retracted his hand like your skin was on fire.
You entered the residential sector of the base and your feet were starting to feel really heavy. The throbbing ache was starting to move even further south until it was pulsing in your clit. You sighed at the friction as you hustled along. 
“Wait!” You cried out doubling over feeling a roll of cramps power through, “Kriff.” The pain was like a punch to the gut. You were just praying to the gods that Crosshair would get here soon.
Wolffe looked around unsure what to do to help you. An Alpha’s touch could worsen the symptoms, but given that you were struggling to walk, he wasn’t sure what else he should do, it was becoming a pretty do or die/mate situation. He was struggling to ignore your smell as temping as it is.
Looking to his sniper, Grim just gave him an unsure glance before they both knew what had to be done....
Bending down, they each took one of your arms looping it around their shoulders before they carried you the rest of the way together. Just like they had done hundreds of times with their injured brothers, they carried you with precision locking onto the residential sector. 
You cried out feeling their hands on your skin making the warmth of your heat activate in your chest like forest fire. The sensation of multiple hands on you immediately made you think of your mates and the immediate slick response kicked in.
Other clones turned to see what was happening but Wolffe just gave them a death stare cold enough to made them whimper and lower their heads trying to ignore the dramatic scene. 
“Alpha.” You whined trying to press your face into Grim’s shoulder. He resisted as best as he could but it was getting difficult, your were smelling too delicious. It sent butterflied through his rib cage hearing you preen for him. 
“C-commander?…” Grim groaned trying to fight the need to comfort the omega. His alpha was starting to respond to your cries. He gently rubbed your hand with his thumb as a compromise.
“I know, just focus a little longer.” Wolffe tried holding his breath instead of inhaling the now copious amount of pheromones you were pumping out of your glands. 
Wolffe grunted dragging your body a little further before finding your door and using your hand to enter the scanner clumsily. 
They both hauled you inside walking over to the large sofa covered in blankets you had been fussing with the past few days along with rearranging Crosshair's boxers and shirts into little piles.  
They practically threw you into the unfinished nest before scampering out of the apartment like nervous virgins. You flopped down bonelessly with a yelp before feeling the soft cushy fabrics under you and rubbing your face into them forgetting about them.
Grim coughed roughly trying to dispel your scent from his nose. Wolffe pawed at his face trying to snap out of it. Your scent was beyond intoxicating, it was like a magic spell. Nothing he could ever think of smelled like ori'sol omega.
But, you didn’t belong to them. You belong to Crosshair. 
He had to adjust his pants slightly forcing himself to chill out. The Commander was suddenly regretting not snatching you up on Kasshyyyk and claiming you as his own before the Batch.
That smell would haunt him for the rest of his days. 
Through the door they could hear you whimpering in pain but luckily your smell wasn’t able to penetrate the sliding doors. That would have been it for Wolffe, nothing would be able to stop him from aiding you if he caught another whiff of that scent. 
Grim suffered slightly, “She’s a handful, huh?” 
Wolffe huffed, “You have no idea.” 
“Hey! Commander!” Stunner’s voice cut through the silence and soon they saw their pack mate and Crosshair approaching quickly. The sniper looked agitated as all Sith's hells as he broke into a sprint to the door closing the distance between him and his mate.
Both Wolffe and Grim side stepped out of the way letting the defective clone rush inside. Before the door slid close behind him, they caught a glimpse of you writhing in the blankets tearing at your clothes as the heat clearly had taken its course.
“Kark, that was closer than it needed to be.” Grim sighed. 
Wolffe just nodded in agreement before they all took off back to their dormitories. 
“Alpha!” You cried out seeing Crosshair through bleary eyes. He rushed over to you immediately kicking off his training boots before crawling over you. 
“What happened mesh’la?” He was frantically looking for something in his pocket before he knelt over you running his hand over your cheek. 
“I-I don’t know… it just came on so fast.” You whimpered pushing into his hand and turning your head to lick at his wrist gland. He shuddered feeling the slick of your warm tongue. 
“Alright little one,” He sat back on his heels yanking his shirt over his head. Then went yours and your binder. He grabbed the hips of your soaked panties and threw those off too adding them to the pile of useless clothing gathering in the nest.  
You ran your hands all over his exposed chest grabbing and pulling at anything you could, but he had to stand to step out of his pants and boxers leaving you in your pile of fabric to whine as you watched him strip and reveal his lean muscle covered body. It made you impossibly wetter, the slick was starting to leak from your core and soak the blankets just from watching him undress.  
He knelt back down taking pity on you and crowded your form, enveloping you in his warmth. You purred feeling his weight settle between your aching thighs. You spread them as far as physically possible trying to get him as close to you as you could. Crosshair was so damn tall, like Tech, you struggled getting him to listen to wriggling.
He reached down with his left hand to start rubbing slow circles on your clit making you absolutely vibrate with pleasure. Your little cries muffled into his chest as you vaguely felt him reach for something over your head. 
Crosshair pressed down a little firmer drawing you so close to your climax and you squirmed underneath him feeling your muscles contracting. 
Then, like a tiny little prick, you felt something sharp in your arm. You didn’t even have time to let out a yelp before your orgasm washed over you leaving you panting and twitching under his calculated hands.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before sitting back on his heels again stroking himself a few times looking down at you with a very satisfied grin. 
“My beautiful omega.” He preened leaning down and guiding his tip through your absolutely soaked folds. 
You rolled your hips trying to feel more of him and he happily surged forwards pushing past your opening and filling you with his solid length. You sighed feeling the air punch out of you as you purred feeling so, so fucking good. 
“Cross!” You cried out as he became flush to your body. He grunted letting his head fall slightly before rearing back to set a consistent pace. 
“Fuck’mega.” He growled into your neck making you whine, “You feel so damn good, pretty girl.” 
Running your needy flustered hands all over his rippling muscular back, you dragged your nails across his milky skin as he picked up his pace. 
Crosshair nibbled at your mating gland making you writhe against the cushions pulling and pushing at the soft fabrics.
“Alpha please!” You begged baring your neck to him trying to press your gland to his lips, “Please Cross.” You whimpered. 
“Not yet baby.” He choked out fighting the instincts in him seeing your submission to him. Nothing would make him happier to call you his, but it wasn’t something either of you had discussed yet. He could almost hear Hunter's responsible lecture ensue at the idea.
You huffed frustrated you wont be able to satiate the need, but it was like Crosshair knew exactly what you wanted. He ran his incisor along the fleshy part of your shoulder just next to the gland where he placed a gentle kiss before sinking his teeth into the neutral skin there. You yowled as he kept his mouth there making you spontaneously orgasm from the sensation. 
“Fuck!” You screamed tightening around him making him grunt as he was also suddenly thrown into an orgasm feeling your sudden and violent pleasure through the bond. He released your skin as he thrusted through his climax. He stopped when his knot inflated locking the two of you together as he pumped you full of his seed. 
Your breathing started to steady as he lovingly licked at your shoulder and the little indents he made with his teeth. 
When he pulled back to look at you, he noticed your irises were totally blown, you were lost to the heat. Reduced to the most base form of your designation. Fuck were you beautiful. He couldn’t help but trace your facial features with his hands memorizing the feel of your cheek bones and jaw. 
It was unlikely you’d remember much after this, he knew it could be a bit of a haze for the next few days. 
He carefully rolled the two of you over clinging you to his chest before settling you on top of him to let you rest. 
Crosshair massaged your mating gland with his thumb lightly making you pulse around his knot while you drooled slightly on his chest as you squirmed. 
“Such a good girl.” He whispered feeling his inner alpha start to really come forward. He had fought it as long as possible to make sure you were taken care of, but now he knew you were safely in your new nest for the next week, he could let himself fade into the back and let his alpha take care of you. 
It was a lot like Mimban, but at least he didn’t have to share you this time.
He nosed your hairline with a happy huff.
He nearly forgot about the situation outside these walls, and frankly he couldn’t make himself care much at the minute. Not with your hot cum filled cunt squeezing him like a vice and your bare skin melting into his. 
Nothing mattered besides feeling you cum again. 
The moment he felt his knot start to deflate slightly, he pulled you off of him just to place you on your hands and knees next to him with a tired whine. 
“I want you to give me another one before I let you sleep, omega.” He snarled surging forwards again making you lurch forwards from the force.
You flopped onto your chest squishing your tits into the cushions. You didn’t even have time to think through the heated brain fog before Crosshair was rutting into you again with renewed energy. His impossibly strong hands seized your hips in an iron grip as he fucked you mercilessly from behind. 
You cried out realizing there was no other option but to just take whatever he was giving you. There was no point in fussing with Crosshair, he was the dominant alpha just like you remembered and just like Tech, what they wanted they got. End of story. 
Those damn twins. 
You felt Crosshair’s shooting hand grab the back of your neck before pushing you further into the cushions securing you under him. You moaned as he stoked a particularly nice spot inside you. It was heaven. Your slick and mixed cum dribbled down your thighs giving him even more glide as he sped up his brutal pace. You just bounced slightly under him feeling his fingers flexing over your neck as he concentrated on breeding you. 
“Alpha!” You howled as he found your spot making you shudder. 
“My perfect-mega.” He mumbled lost now to his rut. His hands wandered over the slope of your ass before sliding between your cheeks and finding your puckered hole.
You squirmed feeling his finger lightly trace around your back door. “One day I’m going to fuck you here too little-mega.” He smirked feeling you flinch from his onslaught, “Might even knot you too if you’re good.” He kissed your shoulder making you moan. The idea of Crosshair taking your anal virginity sent sparks through your entire body.
You knew with four alphas it was inevitable, but you didn’t know if it was going to be Tech or Crosshair who tried first. The idea thrilled you. Being filled there by your beloved alphas. Maybe even hunter would fuck your cunt at the same time leaving you devastatingly full with your mates. An omega can dream.
The sniper continued his ramblings in Mando’a as he spanked you on the left cheek making you yelp and jolt forwards with a burning sting.
He growled happily doing it again until your ass was glowing and pulsing from the calculated strikes. The spanks only turned you on more, feeling your pleasure spike in the bond, he replaced his hand with his mouth on your neck. Pushing the property collar out of his way, Crosshair sucked a dark mark into the skin before sinking his incisors deep into your flesh, breaking skin at your nape. You screamed as you were suddenly forced into an orgasm once again as he held you possessively in place with his teeth like you were a rowdy a pup. 
You squirmed trying to escape the burning of his incisors, but he just doubled down squeezing your hips even harder pulling you back onto him. You could feel there would be bruises in the morning but you didn’t care. You soon felt Crosshair’s orgasm through the bond nearly making you cum back to back as his knot popped into place. 
He released you, licking at the wound leaving his alpha pheromones in its place. You shuddered remembering how Hunter’s tongue felt against your skin all those moons ago. 
Crosshair snapped you out of your thoughts as he dragged you with him as he flopped to his side curling around you protectively. 
His chest deeply rumbled like a loth cat as his alpha soothed the two of you post orgasm. He continued to lick and nuzzle the bite on your nape, nudging the collar way, making you moan, feeling his hot wet tongue soothe the angry skin. 
“Jete dala.” He murmured into your hair. 
You snuggled back into his chest enjoying his warmth and the slight swelling in your belly from being filled twice now with his knot. You were satiated and at peace with the heat pains now at bay. 
That was the last thing you remember from that day. You didn’t remember the second day either, but you vaguely recalled being fed some meats that made your mouth water and copious amounts of water. The brain haze was really in effect. You couldn’t distinguish between feedings and fuckings. Everything just blended together in an orgasmic blur. Not that you were complaining. You didn’t think you’d ever had a heat like this.
You’d never had one where you felt absolutely trusting in your alpha to care for your needs. 
But Crosshair was no normal alpha. 
You had the upmost trust that he wouldn’t let anything happen to you while you submitted to your baser instincts. 
It was heaven…
That was until what you thought was the fourth day.
You were near orgasm on your back as Crosshair was passionately eating your cunt like it was the last meal he’d ever had, when you heard a faint metallic clicking sound in the background.
Though you couldn’t bring yourself to care as Crosshair’s silvery tongue masterfully manipulated your clit into another powerful orgasm that had your entire body shaking with overstimulation. 
You were about to beg him to let you suck him, when you noticed a small cloud of pink start to accumulate over head.
You tried to open your mouth to speak but Crosshair was sucking a hickey into the inner bit of your thigh making you giggle and squirm as he latched on tighter. 
Pink cloud forgotten, you ran your fingers through his now wavy silver hair massaging his scalp as he left more and more marks on your skin. 
You knew you’d be coming out of his heat covered in Crosshair’s territorial markings and you were thrilled. 
The idea that every single alpha and omega on this base would know that Crosshair had you on your back whimpering for his knot made your tummy warm. You liked that Crosshair was feared, and therefore you were feared. Maybe you had a power kink you didn't know about until now.
Then you began to smell the most delicious sweet scent that had you raising your nose slightly into the air. When you opened your eyes, you noticed a red fog swirling all around you. The red powder danced along your skin landing lightly on your skin. 
Crosshair raised his head slightly, also sniffing the tempting scent. You raised a hand to play with the red swirling powder making you suddenly feel hot… hotter than you have ever felt before.
Instead of the heat gathering in your core, it spread all through out your body making you whine as you felt a copious amount of slick start to drip from your abused cunt like you were starting your heat all over again.
Crosshair shifted slightly raising himself to be eye level as he peered down at you. His eyes met yours and you watched as the black pools of his iris dilated, nearly consuming his entire eyes leaving them as black as dark matter.
You vaguely remember seeing something similar once, but your heat laden brain couldn’t quite get the memory to pop up. 
Then it was like a thin cord snapped inside the both of you, and your two bodies could focus on nothing else but the burning desire to absolutely ravish each other. 
Your bodies quickly became a tangle of limbs as Crosshair urgently thrust inside of you. You clawed and scratched as he caressed and pulled.
You pushed, he grabbed, it was madness.
Absolute sexual madness.
You had never had a heat like this before. The sensation of the frenzy, if you didn’t fuck you felt like you’d die. It was all consuming. Even through the bond you could feel Crosshair’s desperate need. Time became irrelevant. In fact everything became irrelevant. You felt your throat start to tire from screaming as Crosshair pumped you full with his pulsing thick cock without any breaks.
You could barely register the sound of your bodies squishing together over the pulse in your ears.
The pressure was building rapidly in your pussy the longer Crosshair ravaged you like an animal.  Something in you was beginning to awaken, and you started squirming trying to gain access to your alpha’s gland, you really wanted a taste.
You wriggled around until you could run your nose along the puffy gland at the junction of his lithe neck. Without much thought, you pressed your lips to his heated skin and bit down suddenly making him growl in pain.
You bit down until you tasted his crimson blood and he dropped his head and stuttered in his thrusts before regaining his drive to breed forgetting about what you had just done. 
Crosshair snarled and yanked you both up, spinning you around and planting you on all fours before he took you again with ferocity.
The sniper could feel the omega venom starting to burn in the wound making him twitchy all of a sudden. He zeroed in on the flesh wound on the back of your neck from a few days ago before turning his hawk eye attention to your matching gland. 
You didn’t last long.
The pulse in your core became like a tightening coil and soon you were cumming all over Crosshair’s soaked cock, making him roar before he surged forwards latching his teeth onto your mating gland and biting down as he came violently loosing all semblance of control. 
Feeling his incisors pierce your tender flesh, you orgasmed instantly again feeling the bond solidify into something concrete. You didn’t even register the pain, you were just filled with euphoric pleasure surging to every cell in your entire being.
He had done it. 
He completed the bond, binding the two of you together for all of eternity. 
Crosshair panted roughly feeling your blood drip from his lips as he continued rutting despite the two of you being locked together on his knot. He couldn’t stop. He literally, physically, couldn’t stop.
It was like the man was possessed. You purred and preened as he started to settle but it wasn’t long before he took you again. 
Rough and hard. 
You awoke eventually. Lifting your head, your tummy growled and the hunger pains had certainly made their presence known. 
You groaned rubbing at your eyes rubbing the crusties from them making you smacking your lips trying to re-wet your tongue before you blinked your eyes open taking in the scene before you. 
All around you, the once white and cream apartment was now stained a deep crimson red. You had to blink a few times before you realized you weren’t loosing your mind. Seemingly overnight, your home had been remodeled. You looked around seeing Crosshair facedown asleep in a pile of stained pillows. His naked form was also covered in a light dusting of the powder. You reached down swiping it against his skin before bringing up to eye level. 
“Oh kriff.” You suddenly shot backwards accidentally kicking up a plume of powder making Crosshair stir in his sleep with a groan. 
“Crosshair get up!” You shuffled onto your knees suddenly feeling the soreness between your thighs. It was soreness like no other. You winced slightly adjusting into the cushions again.
The grumpy alpha forced himself to sit up at your command rubbing the sleep from his eyes as well, “What?” 
“Look!” You covered your mouth and nose realizing you’re surrounded with the stuff, “Spice!” Your eyes filled with horror.
However, you noticed Crosshair didn’t seem to care about the drugs floating around your apartment. In-fact you watched as his usually pensive expression seemed stone cold as he stared at you. 
“What Cross?” You suddenly felt nervous under his scrutinizing glare. 
“Your neck…” He bit out. 
Your hand went straight to the marled gland making you hiss at the contact. 
You watched Crosshair’s soul shatter realizing what happened. He reached to his own neck feeling the little ridges where your tiny teeth had permanently claimed him. 
You were mated. 
You and Crosshair are a mated pair. 
You both sat there starring at one another trying to process this surprising information.
You started to panic. Your shallow breaths turned rapid.
Spice bombs forgotten, you were suddenly filled with an insurmountable amount of guilt realizing what you had done. 
You covered your mouth as a sob broke free. 
He just fingered the ridges trying to understand the gravity of the situation as you sat there and cried. 
You whimpered, “I-I’m sorry Cross…” Your voice broke with sadness. 
He looked up at you with a confused raised brow, “What are you sorry for Ad’ika?” He shook his head, “It’s my fault. I-I knew what you wanted and I d-didn’t stop you.” He shook his head sharing the guilt now. 
You sniffled trying to stop the tears streaming down your powder stained cheeks, “I bit you! Cross I’m sorry.” You were crying in earnest now. All you wanted was for him to comfort you, but you knew he was probably furious. Furious that he’s now permanently trapped to you forever. 
He felt the call through the bond and crawled over to you, forcing your shaking form into his arms, “Ad’ika, you didn’t know what you were doing. It’s alright sweetheart. I’m not mad.” He could feel your guilt ebbing away after his words and the little comforting rubs on your back. It was strange for Crosshair to feel you so intensely.
He already could before the bites, but now…. Now it was like an entirely different level of intimate. He could almost taste your thoughts and right now your guilt and anxiety left a sour taste on his tongue. He wondered if you could feel his too. 
He hoped you could feel the slight bit of shock and excitement. He felt a little selfish, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t envisioned this. Perhaps a little different, maybe a few candles and some romance, not a drug induced sex craze mid-heat, but regardless he wasn’t actually mad at the outcome. He just hoped you felt the same.
“You’re really not mad?” You sniffled. 
He chuckled leaning the two of you against the couch back, “Cyare, I’ve been dreaming about this moment since I saw you in the fresher.” 
You felt a rush of lust flutter through the bond then it was followed by a sturdy sense of… was it… love? 
You looked up at him wondering if he could feel the similar sensations emanating from you. His eyes lit up and you knew your answer...
“Cross…” You looked up at him letting him wipe away your tears with the pad of his thumb. 
“I know.” He tucked your head into his shoulder letting the two of you enjoy the silence, as temporary as it may be. 
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Well, well well.... Pip is mated.... hehehe I wonder what the other Batchers are feeling right about now. ...
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
35 notes · View notes
moltenwrites · 5 days ago
Welcome to my monthly Star Wars fan rant
I just started bad batch, I’m about halfway through S1, and HOLY SHITTTTT
I can see this show taking a solid #3 for Star Wars shows, behind Clone Wars and Mando if it keeps up!
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fionajames · 10 months ago
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Most of this is Star Wars (and mostly the Clone Wars), but there are a few other things ! ! !
WARNINGS: THIS WRITING CONTAINS: depicted gore, character death, death, war, violence, mentions of throwing up, mental health difficulties, and general star wars warnings.
spoilers for the clone wars, the bad batch, and star wars.
PLEASE NOTE: this took me a very long time, and so it is not very neat because i am very tired. this is roughly arranged in order of release, just because that is how i did it. i know there are a few pieces of writing missing so PLEASE, if you stumble upon something that isn't here but should be, dm it to me with the link so i can add it :)
✉ -> requested ☘ -> stuff i'm particularly proud of/fan favs
Star Wars
General One-Shots
carnivorous -> (rex learns about togrutas)
carnivorous pt. 2 -> (rex and anakin learn about togrutas)
tally marks -> (the reason behind rex's tally marks)
pre-christophosis -> (rex before the battle of christophosis) ✉
pt. 2 of pre-christophosis -> (rex before the battle of christophosis, 2) ✉
chicken soup -> (fluffy anakin and obiwan) ✉
two times newly knighted -> (how both obi-wan and anakin felt after getting their padawans)
how the wound heals -> (post order 66 ahsoka and rex) ✉
tonight -> (not all jedi are invincible, especially padawans)
the dress -> (fluff with ahsoka and padme) ✉
sorrow and solace -> (force ghost talks with anakin and obi-wan) ✉
return -> (disaster trio fluff) ✉
five times -> (fives and echo, but really just the death of palpatine) ✉
the victim with blood on his hands -> (cody comforts rex) ✉
guilt -> (a tiny snippet of angst) ✉
over-worked -> (the 501st convince kix to take a break) ✉
scars and stitches -> (how did anakin really get his scar?) ✉
cold outside - codywan -> (codywan stuck in the cold) ✉
three broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken femur -> (cody scolds rex) ✉
the blue death -> (the blue shadow virus taking it's toll) ✉
the unimaginable -> (some deaths are harder than others)
skako minor and beyond -> (headcanons about echo's time at skako minor) ✉
christmas -> (fluffy disaster trio christmas) ✉
wait for it -> (the way ahsoka views anakin)
me and the devil -> (palpatine controlling anakin)
rescue of the crazed -> (after being captured by the separatists, ahsoka is a little... out of it) ✉
captured -> (things don't always end happily)
war is over -> (how the clone wars should have ended)
tunnels -> (obi-wan and anakin get separated from their troops (slight codywan))
blood and bandages -> (rex after the kadavo arc) ✉
limbo -> (hunter doesn't do so well with the underground) ✉
early mornings -> (ahsoka and obi-wan's friendship) ✉
flocks of fireflies -> (disaster trio fluff) ✉ ☘
dreams of home -> (disaster trio angst, post order 66, sad obi-wan) ✉
Longer Series (although i'm horrible at continuing them)
delinquents club guide (includes links to the chapters) -> (a story about my oc fenrir in a fix-it-au of mine)
tcw circus au -> (an au in which the republic and separatists are rival circuses) ✉
circus barrisoka -> (barrisoka in the republica circus) ✉
jedi circus headcanons -> (headcanons about the circus au) ☘
ethereal pt. 1 -> (a mysterious mansion piques the curiosity of our five) ☘
ethereal pt. 2 -> (the mysterious yet beautiful mansion isn't the only strange thing about this world....) ☘
moonlit dances -> (part of my 'ethereal' au, but no spoilers really. soft and romantic codywan) ☘
My OCs
my ocs -> (an introduction to my ocs; dhole, vector, menace, dice, bloodshot, xi, mit, vick, meerrt.)
menace and the guard -> (menace pranking the guard) ✉
dhole and fives -> (headcanons about my oc dhole and fives interacting) ✉
satsuki meets rex -> (my oc satsuki meets rex for the first time)
my ocs aesthetics -> (aesthetics for my ocs; dhole, vector, menace, dice, bloodshot, xi, mit, vick, meerrt.)
a trip to 79s -> (the bad batch and my ocs meet) ✉
family - my oc -> (dhole gets injured during a battle) ✉
good enough - my oc -> (a little vent writing through my oc - satsuki)
slipping - my ocs -> (fox comforts dhole) ✉
thievery -> (dhole and anakin do something morally correct, legally not) ✉
human - my ocs -> (a view of my ocs; vick, meerrt, dice, dhole, xi, mit, bloodshot, and menace)
music in the winter - my ocs -> (my ocs and some others as musicians in a fix-it-au) ✉
icy comfort -> (bloodshot and dhole have a heart-to-heart) ✉
missing - my ocs -> (satsuki is captured, and no must escape, maybe with the help of someone new) ✉ ☘
nightmares on kamino - my ocs -> (iniko seeks some comfort, and finds it in captain rook) ✉
the beginning - my ocs -> (how brontide become captain of the 323rd)
unrequited love - my oc -> (xi has feelings for someone he can't love) ✉
heartache -> (xi has to deal with simple tasks complicated by feelings) ✉
the great wolf -> (ahsoka, rex, jesse and fives fight off an intruder)
the creepers, clone force 97 - overview -> (an introduction to some new ocs of mine, a defective batch) ☘
the attack -> (an oc of mine finds himself in a very terrifying situation) ☘
x Reader
oil smudges - captain rex -> (captain rex x mechanic! reader, fluff)
headache - kix -> (a very soft kix x sick! reader) ✉
cold and cookies - echo -> (echo x reader, echo returns after a few weeks) ✉ ☘
puppy love - howzer -> (just purely fluffy howzer x reader)
cuddles - rex -> (just a sleepy golden retriever rex x reader) ✉
are you awake yet - rex -> (absolutely fluffy rex x reader) ✉ ☘
line of fire - rex -> (rex x reader, reader stands up for the clones... and rex is concerned) ✉ ☘
hot chocolate - rex -> (fluffy, winter, rex x reader) ☘
boiling water - rex -> (fluffy, winter, rex x reader)
3am - rex -> (rex x mechanic! reader) ✉
t-shirt - cody -> (fluffy cody x reader)
dangerous - rex -> (concerned rex x civilian! reader) ☘
pancakes - rex -> (fluffy rex x civilian! reader) ☘
cyar'ika - rex -> (fluffy rex x civilian! reader) ☘
blankets - rex -> (fluffy rex x reader) ✉
coruscant nights - rex -> (fluffy rex x reader)
fix-it-fox -> (the basis of this au, with lots of headcanons) ✉ ☘
bad batch halloween -> (halloween with the bad batch) ✉
christmas with the clones headcanons -> (christmas with the clones) ☘
holofilms -> (bad batch movie night) ✉
home - the bad batch -> (fluffy bad batch) ✉
Other Fandoms
sam golbach x reader -> (fluffy sam x reader)
sodapop x reader -> (fluffy sodapop x reader)
christmas with the greasers headcanons -> (christmas with the greasers)
shark toy -> (darry gets a present) ✉
lams; almost gone -> (when alexander 'almost' died)
why, pt1. lams -> (lams angst)
the man -> (female teen wolf characters) ✉ ☘
devoid of all emotions -> (void stiles, platonic sterek) ✉
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(tagging: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902, @transmascanakin)
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weasleywizardpranks · 11 months ago
Just a little Bad Batch Goodbye
I thought I was doing well and now it’s ending in just a few hours and I’m completely not ready to say goodbye. It just feels too soon
I know everyone (me included) are hoping for a spinoff but it’s not the same you know? We might only get glimpses or mentions depending on what happens in the finale.
I just feel like we could’ve gotten way more seasons. Or more content. Honestly I’d love to see more of them pre order 66, like their first mission and just seeing more of Echo joining the group.
Regardless of what happens I’m going to be a crying mess I think. Really just gonna hope it isn’t a permanent goodbye and we at least get to see them again in something because I don’t feel like losing them completely. (Yes I’m reading into Dee’s thank you message too much)
Crosshair, Tech. Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Omega. All are definitely some of my favourite characters and it’s crazy to think we haven’t even had them for that long (Echo doesn’t count but he was gone for awhile) But their impact has been made.
Long Live The Bad Batch
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