#praying i can meet him again this year 🙏
crazykuroneko · 1 year
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i don't care about christianity, but i'm happy our k-pop jesus is back
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1-900-venusluvs · 5 months
I adore you, I swear.
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🍃! Plug! Miguel O'Hara x reader !🍃
A/n: I got an ask about a plug Miguel x reader but my laptop crashed and I lost the ask. I'm so sorry stinky butt but here it is 🤞🙁, but dw this is only part one the next part is smut🙏. btw credits to JesGreenEight on Deviant art for the banner! ngl it might be short.
cw: miggy fw's u heavily 😼, reader's kinda like shy when they around him, weed, a cheesy porn plot boo me all y'all want!!
You needed to get some weed from none other than your dealer Miguel O'Hara. There was no problem having a favorite client but you were different. With your timid voice and shy actions, you had him swooning. Lately having alone time has been pretty tough on you and you needed a release, the sad thing was, you didn't have any money. You thought to yourself,
 “how can I even buy weed if I barely have any money” 
you pick up your phone and you start to text your dealer. 
Y/n: hii do you still have any left? :((
He immediately texts back. Before you can even close your phone. He was into you but can you even realize that he wants you? His favorite client. 
Secret Spidey: So needy for weed? Come to the same spot. I’ll be there in 20.
You rushed to change. Even if you were in a hurry you didn’t wanna look bad at least. You quickly noticed what was the point. It’ll be quick. you put on a jacket as you walk out of your apartment. You walk to your destination, the back of an abandoned corner store. Usually, you two would meet in his car but since it’s under repair he used his motorcycle to meet you. He doesn’t treat you like other clients, He even offers to smoke in his car with you. If you were some other client he would’ve given you only just weed and a cold glare with it. As he walks up to you you both realize how he was much taller than you and most definitely towering over you.  
“Hey, Miguel..”
 you say with a bit of a grin. 
“Oh bunny, what's up, you told me you needed some right? 
“Bunny? Where in the hell did this nickname come from?” Your thoughts cloud your head as you think about all of this, how close he was to you, the cute nicknames, how his eyes practically show hearts in them when they look at you.  
he puts his hand on your back and smiles as he does you start shaking slightly from a cold breeze hitting the back of your neck. you were gonna ask a stupid question and you knew he would get a bit pissy. 
“Miguel.. uhm..I was wondering if you can give me..some for free..you don’t have to it's just-“ you say ranting, hoping for him to at least hear you out on why you want the free deal. He cuts you off with a sudden deep sigh. He looks you in your eyes and in reaction, you put your head down immediately. 
“Aren’t you just the cutest huh?” He says with a faint chuckle before disappearing. Before you can even get a single word in, you open your mouth and something comes out but yet again he cuts you off. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head yea? I’ll get you some weed, I just need you to do something for me..” your eyes light up with interest then he smiles at your eagerness. He always had eyes for you and you were just his type.
“Okay I can help but how so?” you asked biting your lip. you pray that he would say something back that you would like. It sounded like a cheesy porno but honestly, he was attractive and so were you. You have known this man for years so what’s the harm in that? you guys are just two people wanting to have a release and maybe more. Who knows?
this was my old taglist but here you go pookies ♥: @moon-rivr @monstera02 @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @lazyjellyfish300 @chiwhorei
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violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
So I recently went to go watch KOTPOTA again. I wanted to share my thoughts overall on the film, I couldn't properly do it before because I had forgotten some stuff lol
The pacing: at first watch I though it was kinda weird but watching it again I realized it pretty much went straight to the point, if anything I wanted MORE but you know the movie would've been too long but I wouldn't have minded either way. I mean, I've watched the Avatar and Harry Potter movies, so yeah I could've handled that lol
I really like the environment they set up with the eagle clan; their culture, their tradition with the eggs, and their bond with the eagles. I hope we get to see more details in the next movie.
The cinematography was amazing, they really nailed it. The sceneries were outstanding. A lot of that stuff reminded me back to Rise, back when it was filled with human life, now sadly the structures are abandoned and overtaken by nature but look pretty either way. The action scenes omg were so engaging and just done so well.
Let's talk about the main characters:
Noa: Great character. He's curious, smart, brave, and compassionate. I know a lot of people wanted him to be Caesar's descendant but i didnt really care about that. I'm excited where his next journey will take us if they have the chance to make a sequel (please 🙏) I'm pretty sure at the end of the film, Noa now has a new view of the world he lives in and now questioning his entire existence lol
Raka: loved him!! I really like how he truly understood what Caesar stood for. I did notice some things he believed were wrong lol but he's got the spirit and would lighten up the mood after what happened with Noa's clan. He's got a good heart, he sacrificed himself for Mae despite knowing her for a very short amount of time after all. Also I refuse to believe he's dead so there's that also and I hope he comes back to guide both Mae and Noa onto the path for the coexistence of both apes and humans.
Soona: I really wish we could've gotten more scenes with her, but I really like her. She's brave, sweet, and a ride or die for both Noa and Anaya. I hope we get to see her more in the next film
Anaya: yall already know cause I made a seperate post lol but loved him and I wish we had more scenes with him as well! I felt so bad for him when we see him again with Proximus, he's been through enough!
Proximus: he was a great villian and I did not like him, which is good! Not all villians need a sad backstory, this dude was clearly only hungry for power. He was twisting Caesar's words, enslaving other apes, killing humans, and wanted access to technology capable of bringing destruction and chaos. He's smart and knows how to be resourceful. I find it funny that he was talking smack about humans yet his way of thinking and actions are similar to the bad side of humanity. I only wish we could've gotten more scenes with him; he was underused and I thought he would have a much bigger role based on the trailers, but I enjoyed his presence overall.
Mae: I've already made a seperate post about her character and I still sorta feel the same way about her. Rewatching it again, I got to sympathize more with her situation. She's a survivor who clearly grew up and was taught misinformation about apes, but after meeting Raka and bonding with Noa; i truly believe she'll come around and change her mind. I believe in her, and I hope we get to see her again and get more of her backstory to understand her better.
The movie was great. The plot, visuals, and acting were so well done. I took about 5 years for them to work on this, and it SHOWS. Their dedication shows that when enough time is given; movies that involve CGI can be done properly. I'm sick of projects being crunched and the visuals ending up looking like 💩 because the teams/artists aren't appreciated enough. I definitely recommend watching at least twice, and I pray for a sequel.
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To someone I used to love so much.....
.......... I know you might never read these words of mine but I need to put them down somewhere so I can breath again...
I just want you to know that you are the biggest disappointment of my life😞🖤... I loved you more than I loved myself and I sacrificed and risked a lot for you and for your well being and just because I failed you always judged me harshly and treated me like I was nothing for you. Maybe indeed I never was and all your feelings for me were not real.
I am here on Tumblr since more than 10 years and I deleted 3 big blogs because of you and I suffered a lot because for me this is not just a simple blog on a social. It is a way to express my feelings and my moods, my pain, my sorrow, my sadness and once in a while my good mood... It's part of my soul putted in photography and videos that I create,it's everything I am and sometimes I express it with my favorite music... So yes you are a big disappointment for my heart and soul and I know that your memory will never leave me alone for as long as will live. In a certain way I have become like you, loving everything you love, your tastes in music and photography, in videos and flowers and so many other things I made them mine too. I loved everything about you, even your dark side I found it seductive and I loved it too.... I spent many many many nights crying with my pillow in my arms thinking of you, praying God for you and missing you while you were lost somewhere else with someone else... I never complained about you to God because I don't want him to punish you for all the pain you caused me... that's how much I loved you... And anyway, God already knows everything. Not even a leaf moves without his acknowledge so I leave everything in the hands of God... I had so many dreams with you but you killed them all. Now I lost the capacity of dreaming and I stoped believing in love. I push away whoever tries to get close to me and when I force myself to give another try I find myself incapable of loving or feeling. You are a curse over my soul. And over my heart.
However, despite all this, I don't hate you and I never will and I hope and pray that God help you to fulfill all your dreams and take care of your health and family...
That's all I wanted to tell you but since you blocked me I put it down here to get it out of my chest.
May God be with you always and.... maybe in another life we will meet again and things will be better... Inshallah 🙏🌹👋
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
Hi Beloved✨🌸🩷💚💜💙💜
I’m not sure if I’m the anon you meant to resend the ask, but first of all, please let me sincerely apologize for sending it while you were on a break.🙏💛🥺 I completely missed your pinned post and for that I am sorry!! It was very kind of you to take time away to try to draft a response to me (if I’m the anon), and I really do appreciate this from the bottom of my heart!🩷🥹✨
Perhaps the draft was deleted to allow me to resend my ask with more details so you can see exactly what’s happening.
Hermès has worked with me for a while in many ways and he always comes through for me! He has shown up “romantically” in relation to my FS (Future spouse/soulmate) because I believe in the signs he has given me in relation to showing me who my FS is and their characteristics, personality and overall being.
Hermès is kind (to me), funny, athletic, generous, handsome and represents Gemini amongst other things, which I think my FS is/will embody character-wise.
This has strengthened my bond with him as well as him just coming through for me when I need something done fast or just help. He shows up, whether I ask or not. He helped me finish my over 50 page thesis paper which I was struggling and procrastinated to write, literally two weeks before the deadline. He helped my Mom along with Arch Angel Rafael to get better quickly. That is how good and powerful he is to me!
Usually, he shows up in tarot readings, in passing or dreams but the connection is always spiritual, mental and emotional. It is never physical in that sense of being in his presence or seeing him.
Recently, I asked him to help me complete one of my goals, which was to meet my FS sooner and for us to come together quicker, because there have been delays in this connection and I do get sad and frustrated over it even though I understand Divine timing and the delays.
I told him that even though I understand that the delays are most likely necessary and for a good reason, I would like them to come to an end because I want to meet my FS and I’m finally ready to reach this desire now, because it feels like right now is the time and if he could help me out with this, and finally how grateful I am for all that he does for me and I know I can trust him with this next part of my life.
I have a drying mat that I usually hang up over the dish rack in the kitchen to air it out so it dries better/faster. Usually if it falls, (which isn’t very often) it falls over the dish rack. While I was talking/praying to him, it literally just fell, hit me on the head with a plop. This has never happened before and it was a very light, funny, mischievous moment. I did not feel any malice, but of course I was shocked and felt it was him, just being playful.
This is the first physical encounter I believe I have had with him (outside of the dreams and tarot) and I’m not sure how to interpret it. I don’t know if it means, I may need to take a moment to consider the request because you do have to be careful what you ask for or more of a, don’t be silly I’ll help you do it kind of thing (I feel it’s the later, but I’m uncertain )… I don’t want to bother him to ask for anything else, but this is the one goal I really want to reach before the year ends. It was just such a powerful moment for me and I’m still shaken.
I don’t have anyone else I can ask to help me make sense of this and I know you’re very gifted, which is why I came to you🩷✨
I would really appreciate any insight and guidance you can give me, if possible. I’m so sorry that this is long and again for disturbing you on your break. I hope all is well with you and it's going well!
Thank you so so so much for everything!
Hello, Nonny, thank you for resending this! I appreciate the added detail, and I am so sorry about the delayed response; life has been actually insane for me offline. ☠️
So firstly, I'm going to direct you to this link here which will take you to one of the sections listed on my pinned post. I believe there is some helpful information you might find there, specifically concerning interpreting signs from deities.
With that out of the way, I want to say that, honestly speaking, no one can interpret a deity sign for you. All deity signs are meant to be personalized - things that are meant to be interpreted by that specific worshipper - so what makes sense to one person might not make sense to another regarding signs. For example, Hermes tends to send me birds as signs, but for a friend of mine, who lives in the middle of a massive city, the only birds they see are pigeons, so birds aren't much help as signs. Instead, Hermes chooses to a specific mail company's trucks to them.
I say this mostly to let you know that other worshippers can't interpret - specifically such important-sounding - signs for you. I personally encourage you to rely on your own intuition here. Did it feel like a sign to you? Did it come at a strangely opportune moment? Did the sign answer a question or provide a response to something? These are just some good questions I think about when interpreting signs in my own practice.
Along with that, I'll tell you a trick I used to use at the beginning of my practice that helped a lot with interpreting signs. I personally call it The Rule of Three because I think it sounds cool. Here's how it goes: once is a coincidence, twice is a curiosity, and thrice is intentional. This helped me a lot when I struggled with over-rationalizing things and being a bit too skeptical within my practice. I'm not sure if it'd be helpful for you, and it's important to note that not every sign can be easily applied to this rule, but I hope it can help in some way.
If you want my personal opinion, though, I'd say it could be a sign of something. I don't really know what it could mean; it's possible he was just being playful with you. I encourage you to communicate with him directly through divination or other means to get a more concrete answer. If you don't know how to do divination, I have a section for it on my pinned post that may help. You could also try asking, through prayer or otherwise, for another sign from Hermes or maybe for him to send you a dream. That's typically what I do if I'm unable to do divination.
It's very nice that you had a fun little interaction with Hermes, and I hope that my answer helps you in some way, although I couldn't really give you a direct answer. No one can really speak for the gods, so it's difficult for me to say what his intentions were. :/ Regardless, though, I wish you the best of luck in finding your future partner and in continuing down your spiritual journey. Take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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sade-alicious · 2 years
summer reading list except byler edition (all AO3) - im still reading new fics btw so there’ll be updates on this post (updated 10/22)
a dream always the same
Mike learns more about himself in four months than he has in fourteen years and comes to realise that he's fallen in love with his best friend.
A four part historically accurate coming of age story set between July and October 1985.
this one is my number one, its set between the battle of starcourt and when the byers move away, its from mikes pov and not short of amazingly written, it includes all of the canon events in the show towards the end of the s3 finale but manages to tie them in really well, absolutely read this
over a bridge of time
Hawkins isn't the same without Will. So Mike goes to visit him in Chicago.
Set during Thanksgiving in November 1985.
this is a sequel to adats, same thing goes for this work, but be warned, this is the second (but not last) completed work in a series, so its gonna end on a cliffhanger/unresolved problems like the first fic
the red envelope
Will writes a letter to Mike, confessing everything. Unknowingly and stupidly, he lets Mike take the envelope home, forgetting just the amount of secrets inside. At the end of the letter he tells Mike to meet him at Castle Byers Saturday at two, to tell him yes or no. Because of course Will had to ask for Mike to be his boyfriend at the end of the letter. So now Will has two choices, somehow get the letter back, or wait at Castle Byers praying for a miracle?
this one is good, it has an interesting concept and was “will they or wont they?” for me. u can read the sequel, but i really dont like because 1. smut (ew, but dont worry only the sequel has it) 2. it follows a will byers has powers trope, and i dont care for it
touch like velvet
It was easy for Will Byers to fall in love with Mike Wheeler.
The trouble came when he had to pretend it wasn't real.
this one is an au of will and mike not meeting until they’re 17, there is no upside down and el isnt a lab experiment but instead a normal person. will still has the rest of the party, but its sort of split in two. will, lucas, and dustin are all bsfs, and el and max are gfs who are coworkers/friends with mike. this one i truly recommend so so much. its a lengthy slowburn, but it is unfinished and updates slow
im tearing you asunder
The world ends, and then some. Mike and Will find each other again, amidst the debris and distance.
someone made AMAZING fanart based off of this which ill link here. but anyways this ones really nice, mike isnt an asshole and actually treats will like a friend. its a lead off of the s4 finale and ive been obsessed with those fanfics rn. (if you have any recs please comment them🙏)
kiss it better
Mike and Will, through the years and in between the lines of friendship and something more.
i LOVE young mike and will and this one has plenty. it has byler scenarios over the course of their friendship from 5 to 18 which shows their relationship evolving the years. its a great concept in it of itself. but yeah, please read this one
let me lead
this one just has a snippet of the fic so ill try to explain. basically this is a lead off of s4, so pretty much everyone thinks this is their last night alive, and to which mike says “screw it” and invites will over and confronts him about some things
so for my opinion, they wrote it in a scenario like, if i dont say what i think/feel now…when will i? which is great because it helps move things along quickly, so its not exactly a slowburn but they write everything in just under 6k words from el breaking up with mike, to an angsty fight, to byler confessing in a way that doesnt feel rushed
pictures of you
Will is the last one left at Mike's house after a day playing DnD.
Mike brings out an old box, full of memories of their past.
ugh this one is short but its so good. it does a lot in under 3k words and is a great byler first kiss scenario
a game of truths
Mike and Will play a game of truths.
this one is amazing, like the rest of the fanfics ive listed. its one of the more byler centric ones. most of it is just mike and will talking and having their moments. its really cute (esp with young mike and will) and does byler justice without writing two long paragraphs of them just making out. 
where is my mind?
On November 6th, 1985, Will Byers crashed his bicycle while riding home from the Wheeler household, damaging his head and waking up two days later with no recollection of who he was.
Plagued with the absence of his memories and a dark haired boy who refuses to tell Will his name, all Will Byers has to do is remember. That's the hard part.
this is by the same author that wrote “touch like velvet” and they’re a GENIUS. this one like the other fic, its an au aside from the upside down where will just suffers from memory loss instead of getting kidnapped and everything, but its really cute because its like no matter what will and mike still love each other
static re-connection
A miles-apart, oblivious mutual pining, emotional summer vacation disaster-fest starring Mike, Will, and one incredibly unreliable radio connection.
miscommunication trope at its FINEST. once the angst started it hurt, the confession is great and we get plenty of mike and nancy sibling moments👍
i never find out ‘til i’m head over heels
Wherein Mike believes he’s being obvious, Will doesn’t know what he believes, and the pair of them could use a lesson or two in effective communication. Somehow all of this has both nothing and everything to do with five years' worth of school dances.
this ones great but also kind of funny because will’s being the oblivious one instead of mike. its light angst btw so u dont have to worry abt your heart being ripped out of your chest.
head over heels
On their way to Hawkins, the group decides to stay at a motel for the night.
Mike and Will get a moment alone to talk.
i was praying for more byler scenes in volume 2 whether be at a gas station, motel, or literally anywhere else so this fanfic gave us what we deserved, but yea its really cute def recommend !!
Will has never had his first kiss. Mike is happy to lend a hand
as you can tell its gonna be a mike teaching will how to kiss and those are always cute even tho ive only read two successful versions of this scenario. also madwheeler🫶🫶 its really fluffy and cute at the end so this was also a good 3am read
force of gravity
Will loved ordinary things, an uneventful existence was something he craved. Sadly, when Mike Wheeler walks into his life, Will’s easy going path snaps right in half. A passion he could never imagine overtaking his whole being.
It was too bad their friend groups hated each other and his sister had a huge crush on the musician. Off limits.
you already KNOW i had to include this one, its too good not too. and you probably already heard of this if not read it bc its like the most popular fanfic among the byler ship/fandom (it might as well be a fandom at this point) right now. but yea the amount of times when i thought they were gonna have a normal conversation but then start argueing is INSANE. hella angst. fluff if you look past the bucket loads of angst and just GO READ IT IF YOU HAVENT
to hell and back again
After Mike unwittingly stumbles into a series of interpersonal bombshells, he immediately sets out to find Will so he can find out what, exactly, that painting meant, and why Will lied about it. Unfortunately, Mike is obsessively obstinate and relentless to a fault, and he'll go to the literal ends of the earth to get the answers he needs.
Or: Mike and Will's Apocalypse Romcom Spectacular
this one is actually super underrated and i havent seen many people talking abt it, and the author has been updating the fic recently too. but ANYWAYS im on chapter 11 rn and its really giving apocalypse byler, what we’ve ALL been praying for for season 5🙏 but other than that its really good so far but OML MIKE NEEDS TO GET HIS PRIORITIES STRAIGHT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THINGS GOOD HE IS SO DOWN BAD ITS LAUGHABLE
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imaslutformaybank · 3 years
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A/N: hey, hi, hello.  no, this is not a request.  this is actually stolen from my wattpad that i don’t use anymore😩anyways, sorry i haven’t updated in a while, school has been KICKING MY ASS.  hope you enjoy😏
one shot, blurb, or head canon?: one shot
summary: after one hookup between jj and the reader, the dynamic of their friendship is thrown off.  the reasoning for this is discovered one night at a party.
pairing: jj maybank x reader
warnings: cursing, jealousy, possessiveness, dominance, mentions of underage drinking, dirty talk, fingering, oral (fem receiving), slight edging, car sex, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), and i think that’s all.  let me know if i missed anything🙏😩
wc: 2987
“there he goes, off to flirt with the first girl he sees,” kie said as we sat down on a log.  i followed her gaze to see jj flirting with a tall, blonde girl.  i watched as he threw his head back in a fit of laughter and i couldn’t help but be disgusted.
jj maybank, my best friend since the 3rd grade.  we met one day on a playground and have been inseparable ever since.  something that happened pretty recently though, has changed the way i look at him.
about a month ago, jj and i hooked up.  it was a moment of weakness.  we were both drunk out of our minds and fresh out of broken relationships.  we thought it would be a good idea to just fuck, and never talk about it again.  it has not been as easy as i thought it would be.  
i know i fucked up by having sex with him in the first place, but i thought i would still see him as my best friend.  i don’t.  now i see him as someone i’m in love with, and it’s killing me because i know he doesn’t feel the same.
things haven’t been the same since that night.  i mean, we’re still super close and everything, but there is an unspoken tension in the air.  i’ve tried to bring the topic up to him, but i just get nervous and bail every time.
“hello, are you good?” kie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“i was asking you if you wanted a refill?” she asked, nodding toward the empty cup in my hand.
“oh, yeah, sure,” i said, handing it to her.  she took it and stood up, making her way over to the keg.  i directed my attention back to jj, and saw that he was now alone.  he was leaning against a large branch, using his arms to prop himself up.  i admired the way his muscles flexed when he shifted his weight.
“y/n?” i heard someone say from behind me.  i turned and faced them to see that it was the sweet guy from my 8th grade science class.
“holy shit, alex?” i asked, standing up.
“yeah! how are you?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.  i hugged him back, taking in the pleasant smell of his cologne.  
“i’m good.  how are you?” i asked, pulling away and assimilating his appearance.  puberty hit him like a truck.
“i’m doing pretty good.  it’s great to see you! you look.. different,” he said, his eyes scanning over my body.  i guess you can say that puberty also hit me like a truck.  
“yeah, you too.  what are you doing here? i thought you moved to wilmington?”
“oh, yeah, i did.  i’m just here for the summer,” he answered.  i nodded my head and prayed that he would talk again because i didn’t know what the fuck else to say.
“hey, who’s this?” kie asked, coming up beside me.  thank GOD. 
“oh, hey, thanks,” i said, taking my cup from her, “kiara, this is alex.  alex, this is kiara.”
“nice to meet you,” she smiled as she shook his hand.
“you too,” he replied.
“hey, alex, get over here!” i heard someone yell.
“well, i guess that’s my cue,” he said, “kiara, it was nice to meet you.  y/n, i’ll see you around, yeah?”
“yeah,” i said, nodding my head.
“bye,” kie waved as he walked away.  i took a sip out of my cup and kie turned to face me with a bewildered expression. “he is cute as hell! how come you’ve never told me about him?”
“i don’t know,” i shrugged, “the last time i saw him, he did not look like that.  it’s been like 2, 3 years.”
“shit, girl.  you should get with him,” she said.  i shrugged, knowing damn well that the only person i’m interested in is jj.
“hey, kie! come here!” i heard someone call.
“i’ll see you later, alright?” she said.  i nodded and waved goodbye to her.
a few seconds later, i felt someone tap me on my right shoulder.  i looked to my right to see no one there.  i then rolled my eyes and looked to my left, knowing it was jj.
“’sup?” he asked, taking my drink out of my hand and bringing it up to his mouth.
“hey!” i said, taking it back from him.
“who was that you were talking to?” he asked.
“it’s kind of sad that you don’t know our best friend’s name after all these years,” i answered.  he sucked his teeth.
“not kie, asshat. the guy,” he said.
“alex,” i replied.  he stayed silent for a couple of seconds, waiting for me to elaborate.  i didn’t.
“alex who?”  he asked.  
“he was in my science class a few years ago.”
“do you think he’s hot?” he asked, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.  
“what an odd question,” i said.
“just wonderin’.  he seems like he’s your type,” he said.
“and you care what my type is, why?”
“would you fuck him?” he asked, ignoring my last question.  
“would you?” he asked again.
“i seriously don’t understand why you care-”
“just answer-”
“what if i already did?” i bit back.  i don’t know why i said that.  i guess a tiny part of me wanted to see how he would react.  i came to regret that decision when jj began pulling me by my arm.
“you ass, you made me drop my beer,” i whined as the cup landed in the sand.  he ignored me as he tugged me away from the party.  i trailed behind him until we ended up outside of the twinkie.  he finally let go of my arm.
“jj, what the hell are we doing?”
“get in,” he said as he slid the door open.
“no,” i said, crossed my arms over my chest.
“no?” he repeated.  i shook my head, “why?”
“because you’re not giving me a good reason,” i said.  he raised his eyebrows.
“you need a good reason?” he asked, stepping closer to me.  i nodded my head slowly, losing confidence in my answers as he stared down at me.
“how about this?” he asked lowly as he leaned down, closing the gap between us.  
when his lips touched mine, memories of that night flashed inside of my mind.  i didn’t realized how needy i had been for this kiss until it was happening.  
my back was pressed against the side of the van as jj slipped his knee in between my legs, forcing them apart and causing me to gasp.
“will you get into the van now?” he asked.  i nodded my head yes and basically scrambled into the twinkie, eager for what was coming next.  jj climbed in after me and closed the door behind us.  i grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him toward me, rekindling the kiss.  
his lips were soft, and he tasted of weed, beer, and mint.  this is a combination i would usually be opposed to, but since it’s jj, i don’t care.
he slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss as he crawled on top of me.  
“you ever think about me?” he mumbled against my lips as his right hand ran up and down my body. “about that night?”
“all the time,” i replied, the words coming out muffled against his lips.  
“remember how good i made you feel?” he asked.  i nodded. “want me to make you feel like that again?”
“please,” i replied, my voice coming out more pathetic than i wanted it to.  he pulled away and sat up, pulling his shirt over his head.  he then beckoned me toward him with two fingers. 
i crawled over to him and settled myself in his lap.  he placed his hands on my hips, guiding them as i began to rock back and forth against his growing dick.  
“fuck,” he breathed out, a sound that made the place between my legs ache.  his hands moved up from my hips to my back, tugging at the edge of my shirt.  i got the hint and pulled it over my head, throwing it somewhere in the van.  he began kissing my neck, sucking and nibbling lightly as he reached behind me to unclip my bra.  he then pulled away for a few seconds, admiring my bare chest.
“so fucking beautiful,” he mumbled, “lay down for me.”
i did as told and got off of his lap, laying down on my back and unbuttoning my shorts.  i then lifted up my hips so i could slide them down my legs with minimal effort.  
i let out a gasp when i felt jj’s fingers rubbing against my clothed clit.  when i looked at him, i realized that he was left in only his boxer-briefs.  when the hell did the happen?
“you’re fucking soaked, baby,” his low voice spoke as he looped his fingers around the hem of my underwear, pulling them down my legs.  after throwing them into an unknown corner of the van, he took his middle finger and ran it through my slick folds, sending shivers down my spine. 
“fucking perfect,” he mumbled to himself before pulling his finger away from me and bringing it into his mouth, a sight that was almost enough to make me cum on the spot.
he then began kissing my inner thighs, causing another shiver of anticipation to run down my spine.
“jj, please,” i whined, tugging at his hair.
“please what?” he asked in between kisses, getting closer to my heat with every one.  i huffed and bucked my hips upward, trying to get the friction that i so desperately needed.  finally, jj held my hips down and pressed his tongue against my clit.  a sigh of content left my lips as he began sucking on my sensitive bundle of nerves.
as the time went on, i could feel myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. my legs began to shake slightly and i bit my lip to prevent from being too loud.
“fuck, that feels so good,” i whimpered out, “i’m close jj.” just as i was about to fall over the edge and cum, he pulled away.
“what the fuck?” i asked, sitting up.  i reached down to play with my clit, desperate for a release, but he slapped my hand away.
“what are you doing?” 
“chill out,” he said, leaning in to kiss me again.  although i was skeptical of his actions, i kissed back.  all of a sudden, i felt jj’s hand graze against my clit again, causing me to moan into his mouth.  he pushed two of his fingers into me and my hips started rocking against his hand involuntarily, causing him to smirk into the kiss.
before i knew it, i could feel my climax building up again.  i whimpered against his lips again, grinding my wet cunt against his hand.
“are you close?” he asked.  i nodded my head yes and he pulled his fingers out of me.  i pushed him back with a scowl on my face.
“what the hell are you doing? you’re pissing me off,” i said.  he suddenly grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks together.
“if you don’t shut the hell up, i’m not gonna let you cum at all tonight,” he said, “got it?”
i huffed and nodded my head yes.  jj let go of my face and i ran my hand through my hair.  jj took his briefs off, letting his length spring free and hit his lower stomach.  fuck.  i forgot how big he is.
“lay down,” he ordered.  i did as told and laid on my back while he got himself situated on top of me.
“you ready?” he asked as he lined his cock up with my aching pussy.  i nodded my head yes, eager to have him fill me up.  he leaned down to kiss me when i finally felt his dick slip inside of me.  i let out a breathy moan against his lips as i felt him pull out, then push back into me.
“fuck, i missed this,” he groaned as he sped up his actions.
he began fucking into me at an ungodly speed and i became a moaning mess underneath him.  low grunts escaped his mouth as he snapped his hips into mine at an alarmingly fast rate.
“fuck!” i moaned out when i felt his dick rub against my g-spot. “harder!”
he did as told and began thrusting into me harder than he was before.  my legs began to shake as he hit my sweet spot over and over again.
“did alex fuck you this good?” he breathed out, “was he as good as me?”
“fuck!” i moaned, scratching at his back. “no, no one’s as good as you.”
multiple moans, groans, and profanities flew out of both of our mouths as we found ourselves approaching our highs.
“jj, i’m so fucking close,” i whimpered, “if you stop i’m gonna fucking kill you.”
much to my content, he reached down and began rubbing my clit in quick circles.
“i’m not gonna stop.  cum for me,” he said.  as if on cue, i finally felt my orgasm wash over me.  i felt my pussy pulsating around his dick as i came harder than i ever have before.  he continued fucking into me, helping me ride out my high and trying to arrive at his own.  
soon, his thrusts became sloppy and broken moans spilled out of his mouth as he came inside of me.  he then stilled himself, trying to catch his breath as he came down from his high.  i wiped the back of my hand against my sweat-coated forehead as he pulled out and flopped down next to me.  
“that was fucking amazing,” i said as i stared at the roof of the van.  
“better than alex?” he asked, a smug tone clinging to his voice.  i rolled my eyes and sat up, searching for my clothes.
“i never fucked him,” i said, slipping into my underwear.  
“you didn’t?” he asked.  i shook my head no as i put my bra back on.
“nope.  and you’re a hypocrite for that,” i said.  he furrowed his eyebrows.
“for what?”
“for flirting and fucking with multiple different people, but when you thought i did it with one person, it’s bad.”
“i haven’t fucked anyone else since we were together that night,” he said.  i raised my eyebrows.
“are you serious?”
“yes, i’m serious.  sure, i’ve been flirting with other people, but that was to try and get my mind off of you.  i haven’t been able to stop fucking thinking about you since then,” he said, causing my cheeks to flush a dark red.
“we just fucked around for a good 30 minutes, and that’s what gets you to blush?” he asked.
“shut up,” i laughed, slipping my shirt over my head.
“have you been with anyone else?” he asked.  i looked up at him and shook my head no. “good.”
“good?” i asked.
“yes, good.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“what are you, fucking dense? it means good.  i don’t want you with anyone else.”
“so, what are you gonna do to prevent that?” i asked, digging deeper to try and see if he wanted to be exclusive.  he pursed his lips as he slipped his shirt on over his head.
“you’re really gonna make me say it?” he asked.  i nodded my head.
“you, me, together.  yes? okay, good.”
“that’s not good enough,” i said.  he sighed.
“you know i’m not good at this,” he said.  i shrugged, “i love you.  and i would like for you to be my.. girlfriend.” a wide smile took over my face and i crawled toward him.
“you love me?” i asked.  he looked away from me, his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek trying to prevent a smile.
“yeah, i love you,” he said, looking down at me.
“guess what?” i said.
“i love you too.”
“yeah, you better after the way i just made you cum,” he said.  i pushed his shoulder playfully.  
all of a sudden, we heard chatter and footsteps approaching the van.  we both scrambled to put the rest of our clothes on before the van door slid open revealing pope, kie, and sarah.  john b hopped into the drivers seat and started the car.  
“where’d you two sneak off to?” sarah asked as she climbed into the van.  
“uh, just got bored of the party,” i lied.
“why are you all sweaty?” kie asked, following behind sarah.
“we were... playing.. tag,” jj said, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose.
“it smells like sex in here,” sarah said.  i opened my eyes to see the dumbfounded look on their faces.
“wait...” kie started, realization flooding her features.
“holy shit, you two are fuckin’!” john b exclaimed.
“uh, yeah you are.”
“in the van?!” pope yelled.  i covered my face with my hands.  
“when the actual fuck did this happen?” kie asked.
“how long have you two been doing it?” sarah asked.
“we haven’t, it was just tonight and one other night,” i said.
“please for the love of god tell me it wasn’t at the chateau,” john b said, causing jj and i to exchange a look.
“you have to be kidding me,” pope said.
“okay, look, we don’t care that you two are fucking, alright? just do it at your house,” john b said.
“yeah.  anything else you need to get off your chests?” pope asked.
“well, i mean, we’re dating now,” jj said.
“wow, how cute.  now, don’t ever fuck in the van again”
“what are you gonna do to stop us?” jj asked, causing me to hit him in the chest.
“we won’t.”
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