#praphit worship
praphiteyes · 5 years
Black Lives Matter #1 (Jesus’ Skin Color)
Does the race of Jesus matter? This is a question that many have gotten into before, and are left with a variety of answers. What do you think? I always jokingly end the conversation with "Go to a church with a bunch of paintings of white Jesus, and replace them with black Jesus, and you'll have your answer." But, let's think this through.
Two things:
1) How do Christians view Christ vs how they should?
2) How do non-Christians view Christ?
First, we'll talk about the Christians:
Jesus was (and IS) God, but He is also MAN. In most cases, how we view Christ as a man shapes how we view Him has God; it shouldn't, but it does. We all have to manage the stereotypes that we hold in our heads about certain people groups. It is very possible to project those stereotypes onto Jesus (The Son of GOD). White people can certainly relate more to a white Jesus than a black Jesus (or any other race for that matter). There are even black people who subconsciously look for a "white savior", and Jesus (white Jesus), can be that for them. This is only scratching the surface when talking about this issue, and how various people groups react to seeing the race of Jesus. Not to mention how kids start to form their opinions about Jesus, religion, the world, and different communities, as they consistently see Jesus in a certain way.
All the while there is this scripture Exodus 20: 4-6, the second commandment.
Now, as an artist, I view painting a picture of Jesus as merely art and not a breaking of the commandment, but it becomes a problem when we add paintings as such to our times of worship. Especially, these days, when we're in the midst of social evolution on these types of matters.
So, to recap:
We SHOULD view God as God, as light, and not box Him in by a human shell. There is actually scripture on that as well in 2 Cor. (find scripture).
We are still very much impacted by Jesus' portrayal in art, including impacted by His portrayed race.
(Not to mention that we KNOW Jesus was Jewish, hung out in the Middle East, and often walked from place to place in an abundance of sunlight.)
Next, we have to talk about how non-Christians view Christ. For the sake of this post, I've narrowed views down to these (as a teacher, as a character, as a fairy tale):
#1 - Teacher
At the very least, one (who does not believe that Jesus is God) should acknowledge that the Bible has some wisdom in it; this includes the words of Jesus Christ. But, the teachers of whom we allow to shape our lives hold more power for us when we can relate to them, and us relating to them starts with whether or not we look alike. I am not saying that this is the way it should be, but this is the way that it often is when deciding how much weight to give a person's ideas or knowledge. We won't accept knowledge from someone of whom we do not respect. Ex. If someone who is white is trying to pass out wisdom to a black person, even if that black person respects that white person for other reasons, they still have in the back of their mind, "Yeah, but this person is white.". Or if a man tries to give advice to a woman, even if that woman respects that man, and is receiving the advice from him (in part), there's still a "Yeah, but he's a man." in the back of her head. It's the "Yeah, but..." that COULD end up being a problem, in a variety of ways.
#2 - Character
There are certain people in human history who are real, but I don't have enough information about them to make them real to me. Like George Washington, I know he existed, but he's just a character to me. I'm not moved by the thought of him one way or the other (in general). Now, if you were to mention MLK Jr, I would feel a certain way immediately, due to his race, and what he has done for people who look like me. It doesn't even have to be someone who is no longer with us. Kanye West, is quite a character. I have little in common with Kanye (that I know of, because I do not know him). He's a musician, as am I. And he is black, as am I. Not much more than that can we connect on, other than the fact that I like his music. If he were to speak on his financial situation, I would not be able to relate. But, if he were to speak on an issue of race, it's a different story. Jesus is the same here. For some, they know he was an actual person, but there would have to be a specific convo on a topic of which that person can relate, for Jesus' race to matter to them.
#3 - Fairy Tale
Here it doesn't really matter what Jesus' race is, because any angst or complaints to a fictional character always fall on the one who created the character, and in this case, for that person, it would be the church. Though racial issues can definitely projected onto the Church as a result.
So, where does this leave us?
If they were to make Batman black, people would lose their minds. If they were to make Wonder Woman black, people would lose their minds. There are even black people who would lose their minds over such a thing, because it's different. We are naturally against change. We are used to our heroes being as they are, completely pure in the notion of how we see them. We are naturally frightened when our beliefs are threatened.
There is a deeper problems within religion of our beliefs never being challenged; of our methodology never being questioned. We take all such challenges as an attack on the religion/the God in which we believe, but what if it's simply a opposition towards us, not our gods?? Sometimes, we need to be challenged in order to sharpen our beliefs. People in power (mostly white people, and mostly men) use their power to suppress these challenges. They feel the same way that others feel when threatened, only they have the means to do something about it. Their power gives them a sense of entitlement; a sense of purpose to keep their joint ideals "sacred".
Does Jesus' race matter? I believe that it does, but it's debatable.
What's not debatable, is that at the top of the power structures of Christianity, there are white people, who have the power and sense of entitlement to keep THEIR Jesus white. In doing so, they protect their "culture". In doing so, they feel safe. In doing so, they remain in control, while minorities either have to accept the fact that they're on the outside (in delusional joy or in disdain - because deep down we know what time it is) or continue to challenge the notion of a Jesus who only fits one type of person, and be seen as a rebel.
Ironically and thankfully, Jesus, no matter what race that we may see Him as, is always read in the gospels as a rebel.
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praphit · 2 years
Thor: Love, Death, and Beach Volleyball
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Gather round, everyone! I'm going to share with y'all a tale of adventure, love, faith, and vengeance.
Our story begins with a god named Rapu. I'm not sure what kind of powers Rapu possesses. He seemed to have created small plant-like creatures  to adore him, tell him how awesome everything he does is, laugh at his jokes, cook and clean for him... and he was probably banging them - so... they're like groupies, which makes him like a diva.
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While I don't know how to rank his power levels (he's mentioned as not being that powerful) I do know that he was powerful enough to kill an intruder who wielded a murderous item called "The Necrosword" (a sword that can kill gods). Someone apparently did not like something that Rapu had done or said, so for his own ego's sake, he did away with this nuisance - kinda a diva would.
Rapu and his plant-based groupies were celebrating the Diva god's triumph, when in walks Gorr (played by Christian Bale).
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Gorr had been a faithful worshipper of Rapu. He had posters of him all around the walls of his home. He had all of his records, and memorized all of his lyrics. He went to every show to get his worship on, but him and the rest of the worshipers (including his daughter) fell on hard times. He believed in Rapu to save them (that's kinda on him though, right?? Know your god. I mean, if i were to faithfully serve Loki, god of mischief and trickery, 
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and it turns out that Loki is actually a lying piece of shit.... that's kinda on me).
Not only had Rapu not had any intentions of saving them, but Gorr, his daughter, and his people were a joke to him.
Turns out Gorr's daughter, whom Rapu could have saved, died. And Rapu laughs in Gorr's face.
Rapu was like "Hey, thems the breaks."
Apparently, the weapons of space (and the realms of the gods) are kind of alive, and this Necrosword was no different. It sensed Gorr's hurt, and called out to him, and just like that -  Marvel's new batch of merch was produced.
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Gorr the God Butcher!
In one scene, Gorr goes from pure-hearted worshiper of the diva god to a racist intergalactic serial killer. His goal is to destroy (and butcher, i suppose) ALL gods. They all must be bad!
This is a problem.
BUT, with problems, come heroes:
We've got Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
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, the muscle and the looks.
Just look at him - the god of turning you on
Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), 
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the heart  of the team and all sober... ish, apparently... well, she def drinks a lot less here than she used to.... and I don't like it. She was mainly defined by her alcoholism in Thor 3. If an alcoholic isn't drinking, who are they?  It's like if Kanye West all of a sudden quit rapping about getting money and booty, and started making gospel music, and having "Sunday Services". What the hell, right?? Who are you??
That being said, go A. A. :)
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Jane Foster (the great Natalie Portman), 
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the brains and somehow holds the power of Thor now.
And Korg, the comic relief.
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They must band together to stop Gorr the Racist 
(some of y'all might be saying "Praphit, quit calling him racist. They're gods after all, and a lot of these gods that I've seen are shitty. They look suspicious. I don’t like their music, and honestly, I wouldn't want my children anywhere near them." 
Hmmm, y'all who are thinking that.... I've got my eye on you).
As I was saying, Gorr the racist god butcher was out there playing his own version of Pokemon ' "Gotta Kill'em all!"
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There were many CG battles:
Aliens, shadow creatures, Russell Crowe.
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  He was playing Zeus, so not just Russell Crowe; although that would have been pretty cool - Team Thor, battling Russell Crowe as he plays himself.
They tried to stab Gorr, reason with Gorr, shame Gorr, they even tried to cancel Gorr. But, someone comfortable with being called Gorr the racist god butcher, doesn't care about cancellation.
Cuz you see, it's not just about revenge, but it's about love.
There's a lot of love in the air:
Thor and Jane Foster, Thor and Stormbreaker (his axe), Thor and Mjolnir (his hammer), Thor and Starlord (his bromance)
- Thor has a lot of love to give. It’s hard being this hot.
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(... "turning you on": )
But, also Gorr and his daughter. This is no simple villain, who just needs a spanking. 
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This is no crazed villain, who just wants to watch the world burn. 
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This is a father who deeply loved his daughter, and that was taken away. And the god he believed in let him down.
When you've played as many psychopaths as Christian Bale has, and your love is snatched away, and some demonic swords calls out to you like a mistress in the night, while your wife is away, and definitely has Hepatitis B... then how can you NOT go on a murderous, racist rampage??
A lot of battles! A lot of love!  A lot of fun!
Then a lot of death and sadness!
Back to love! and Space Traveling quirkiness!
Then, back to darkness, sickness, and death!
More love! and power! and Thorness!
Annnnnd back to... you get the point, and then this exciting ride crash lands into an ending of "what?"
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The root flaw in the movie is that there's not enough time to do what they're trying to do. There's a lot of story to tell (especially about Gorr). It doesn't feel rushed , but more like some pertinent details are taken out. Some of the comedic edits are awkward, cuz you've gotta hurry up and get back to the genocide. And some of the thrills are deluded by down right silliness.
It's the opposite of the new Avatar that’s coming - about to tell us a long story (sequel) that we did not ask for.
"Thor: Love and Thunder" is a story that Marvel fans really want to hear, but all of the cuts and edits make it lesser than it could have been.
Grade: B-
Don't get the wrong idea, I really enjoyed this movie! I've heard some of the critics, and I believe that those critics are being kinda spoiled here. It's fun! Would I watch it again?? - absolutely!
Did it need to be made? - meh.
Great actors in this though:
Bale, Portman (two of my favs)... even Thompson and Hemsworth in their own lanes are really good. And frickin Russell Crowe! Think about all of that talent on one project!
Let's say someone created a time machine for you to go back and meet the greatest minds  and talents the world has known:
You get Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, Socrates, Sojourner Truth, Prince, George Carlin, Joplin, Marley, Betty White, Ronald McDonald etc etc
- and all you do with them is play beach volleyball, and send them back to their times.
You had a fun experience playing beach volleyball with them! You'll remember it for years to come, but... in retrospect, you think to yourself "Should I have done more?"
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praphiteyes · 2 years
Baltimore Churches: TWT
Baltimore Churches - That Worship Thang Church - John Praphit
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praphiteyes · 6 years
Emailers choice :)
"In Our Wake" by Atreyu - I LOVE "In Our Wake" (the single)
- a must download.
I also really dig "Terrified" (another must download)
Metal is not really my speed, but I can hear that this joint is the shiiiiii
Grade: A
"Road to DeMaskus" by Israel Houghton -
I dig it, but it's awesome musicianship at times gets in the way of church-type-worship-action (in my humble opinion). And I'm so tired of renditions of "Reckless Love". But, If you want to grow as a Christian artist, you can't go wrong with listening to any of this dude's stuff.
Grade: B-
New questions of the day on praphitproductions.com (BLAOW page)
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praphiteyes · 7 years
from TWT
Top Ten list of silly things churches fight over: #10 - Money: a normal issue of tension, but with churches it's usually centered in politics and greed #9 - Communion: You'd be surprised how much people battle between wine and grape juice. It the faith involved that matters. You could have communion with milk if you wanted to, as long as it's done with the proper attitude and faith. #8 - Aesthetics: Seems trivial... and it IS, but let's be honest, we like what we like. Getting what we like keeps us comfortable. #7 - Politics: I don't even really need to get into this; most of y'all know... and it's turrrible. #6 - Discipline: kinda like our desired aesthetics and our politics - we want the punishments dished out to certain people for certain things in certain ways... unless WE do something wrong. Of course if we ourselves mess up, we're crying for mercy and grace. #5 - LGBTQ: This is another one that I don't really need to get into, because we always see it. We've handled this issue (and everything surrounding it) poorly, to say the least. The gospel is for EVERYONE. #4 - Fun: Christians should be leading the league in fun. We have relationship with the God of the Universe! We should be the most peaceful, the most joyful, the most grateful, the most loving, and because of our understanding of how blessed we are... certainly the most fun to be around. BUT, we argue more about how people should and shouldn't spend their time. We judge who other Christians hang out with, what they post on social media, what pics they're been tagged in... we spend more time judging ALL of that and then some, more than we spend actually having fun and enjoying life. #3 - Clothes: Seriously.... it's shallow, but people care how you look. #2 - Music: As a worship leader, I know all too well about this issue. It actually goes deeper than the songs - it gets into politics, race, culture, and upbringing. Music is supposed to be used by the church to worship God and bring unity, but like I said earlier - we are creatures of comfort. We will hide our discomfort behind the cross real quick. #1 - Married sex: remember this is a list of the silliest things churches fight over. Personally, I believe that whatever happens in the bedroom with two grown people is their business; especially if they're married to one another, but there's no limit to our desire to control people. I didn't make this list only to shame those who are churchgoers (like myself), but more importantly that we might see ourselves in this ridiculous list and desire to turn from our silly ways. The issues I mentioned above are not Godly. How about we keep our eyes fix on the Lord. We thank God for His grace, and that He puts up with us... but even more so, that He can lead us to a better way. Amen:) Love y'all ~ Praphit
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