#prague pride parade
anyydidi · 1 month
The best thing about attending Prague Pride Parade and then going home while still wearing the flag and everything are the weird looks and especially when people step away from me. Like,
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scarecloud69 · 1 month
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some popular headcanons I saw circulating here
(you can make your own! I posted .pngs of the charaters on my art blog @scareclouddraws!)
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and mysterious queer Vetinari based on this post (he has complete control over my mind, help!!!!)
left to right, up to down:
Angua von Überwald - Lesbian
Granny Esme Weatherwax - Aroace
Rincewind - Gay
Samuel Vimes - Bi
Nobby Nobbs - Non-binary
Cheery Littlebottom - Trans
Havelock Vetinari - Aro, Ace, Aroace, Bi, Gay, Trans
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vila-petronel · 1 month
Ahoj Čumblráci!!
Tady suplikdandelion -chtěla jsem jen dát vědět, že jsem si udělala blog jen pro Čumlbr, aby se to na mým suplikovi nepletlo s ostatníma věcma!
Amyway držte si klobouky, protože teď přichází smršť fotek a pocitů z Pride Parade!!
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crowleyaj · 3 months
pride today. of course it's cold and raining and isn't supposed to be sunny until the evening. of fucking course
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lunitaspandemonium · 1 month
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Bylo super vidět tolik lidí
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barbarakaterina · 1 month
CodyWan Wekk Day 7: Modern AU - Academia
Cody loved all aspects of Pride.
Most of his queer brothers tended to show up mostly for the parties, and obviously they all went to the Parade, but he always tried to take in as many of the lectures and panel discussions as possible, too. Not that he objected to a good party, but the educational program tended to be so <i>interesting</i>.
This one was shaping up to be especially so, though in a rather different way than Cody was used to. 
It was a lecture by some big shot academic especially invited for this purpose from London, about LGBTQIA+ in different religious traditions across time. Religion wasn’t normally Cody’s area of interest, but he’d decided to come and listen to this, given how prestigious the guest was.
He was already feeling grateful he had, because even if nothing else came of it, the guy was hot.
He seemed to be in his mid thirties or so, so older than Cody but not so much that it would be a problem, and he had long red hair tied in a bun and beard that made Cody wish he could feel it absolutely everywhere. He was very glad now that he’d picked the first row and would have a completely unobstructed view. Even if the lecture was completely boring, he’d leave happy.
And then the guy started speaking.
“Good afternoon, everyone,” he said in a perfect honeyed voice that had Cody melting. “My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I want to thank you for your attendance and the warm welcome,” he nodded to the host. “This is my first time in Prague, actually, but it will definitely not be the last. Now, to start, I should clarify that I will not focus on modern Christianity much. Frankly, there is enough information about that out there, and there are better qualified people to speak on it. So if you came here for Christianity, sorry to say, you would be better served by some other events. Now, let’s get to it…”
Cody was falling in love.
The feeling only intensified as the lecture went on, discussing different examples from across history and showing what the different approaches had in common and how they differed, dazzling Cody with the simple array of options that existed in approaches to gender and sexuality.
When it came to questions, his hand was one of the first ones up.
“Hello, my name is Cody, and my question is, do you believe we can take inspiration from any of these approaches?” He asked Kenobi when his turn came.
Kenobi looked at him, and then his eyes seemed to sort of snag. “Thank you for the lovely question,” he said slowly, still keeping his eyes on Cody, “but sadly, I’m afraid that it would be rather complicated. All of these approaches I described were rooted in wider cultural ideas and social structure that I didn’t get time to get into here, so that without them, they wouldn’t work.”
Cody frowned, not sure exactly what to imagine with such a brief description. “Could you give an example…?”
“I can try a brief one, but if you are interested in this in detail, I can also recommend some books - come speak to me after the lecture.”
Well, that was just the perfect invitation, so of course Cody did. He wasn’t sure he would be actually reading those books, but a chance to speak to Kenobi one on one was too good to pass up on.
He did, indeed, get a list of books, and then Kenobi said: “Actually, I will be starting a new job here in Prague in the autumn, at the Faculty of Arts, so you could always come to some of my lectures that will be dealing with that, too.”
Oh. Oh.
“That is an absolutely irresistible invitation,” Cody said, leaning just a bit closer and carefully observing Kenobi’s reaction.
His eyes went to Cody’s lips. <i>Score.</i>
“...but if I may, I would extend an invitation for something a little bit sooner, and perhaps a little bit more personal…?”
“Why, Cody,” Kenobi replied, “this is what I would call irresistible.”
It's Pride this week in Prague and I wanted to honour it somehow. It's nicely symbolic to have CodyWan week at the same time, though it also means I have less time for writing because of all the Pride events. Anyway, today is Parade Day, so have an academic Pride fic that was very vaguely inspired by the lecture about same-sex marriage in Catholic theology I attended yesterday. Happy Pride to any Czechs reading this!
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-08-14
Accidentally did the Pride Parade.
Listening: I finally finished the Haitian Revolution in Revolutions. I have to actually pay some attention to Revolutions so I can't just put it on idly at work, so it goes slow. The Haitian Revolution is absolutely buckwild, there's so many different actors at play and it doesn't help that simultaneously to all of this is the French revolution, with a several week to month delay in communications between Haiti and France.
Reading: A load of 3D printing docs, the Kobra Neo that I just got is only kind of half-assedly supported by the slicers. You can use the older Kobra profiles but you'd have to forgo some important features, so I'm now learning about how to write profiles for Prusa Slicer. There are some community profiles but for something like this I like to know what the hell I'm doing so that I can debug problems.
Watching: Nothing.
Playing: At the behest of noted tuesdayposter @girlfriendsofthegalaxy I played through Abzu, the astoundingly gorgeous underwater game.
It's a very beautiful game, very Journey (same composer) and it controls well (like Journey) and that's what to go there for. It reminds me a little of Terra Nil, which was on the Mondaypost a few weeks back, as "a game with ecological trappings but little actual concern for ecology." I don't dislike that genre but I do dislike when people try to claim that things like this are ecologically minded, which I've seen in some coverage of both Terra Nil and Abzu when I look them up.
Terra Nil is often called an "Anti-Citybuilder" but that's pure set dressing, it's a city builder with one major caveat, which is that you also have to clean up the infrastructure behind you, but it's still a citybuilder at heart. An anti-citybuilder would be, I guess, about disrupting an existing complex interlinked system as efficiently as possible, causing it to collapse. Or something like that.
Anyways I did like Abzu, I got actively loudly excited when I found that you could ride on a sunfish and even more excited when it let me ride a giant squid.
Making: The 3D printer is here and I am setting it up. Printed the test-owl that came with the system but I'm still working on getting the slicer set up satisfactorily so that I can print some handy parts for around the house. Stated CAD'ing up some parts, though, which is making me get back into FreeCAD. FreeCAD is good but it is decidedly Open Sourcey.
Also out doing photography during Prague Pride, which was this weekend. I wandered into the middle of the parade while out in town and figured "hey, I have little else to do today" and then ran into a friend and hung out. Good day. Those photos will be along as soon as I get to them.
Tools and Equipment: A secret they don't tell you about extremely heavily patterned shirts is that it's much, much harder to tell if you forgot to iron it and just went out in an unironed shirt. There are many reasons why I wear extremely loud ridiculous shirts and this is one of them.
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esynk · 1 year
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prague pride parade - 12th august 2023
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nancypullen · 1 year
The End of May
How’d that happen? Holy cow, June is knocking on the door and I feel like I just turned the calendar to May.  May is always a busy month though, lots of gardening, mulching, praying to the flower gods, and that sort of thing.  No surprise that it passes in a blur.
Since the last time that I posted on this space we’ve spent another day in D.C., gone to the Caroline County Pride Festival, and to the strawberry festival in Ridgley, just down the road.  We picked up the grandgirl Friday morning and she put mileage on all of the bouncy houses at the festivals.  That girl loves to bounce. D.C. was fun. It was a gorgeous day and we caught the Metro at the New Carrollton station...
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just after the morning rush, so it was an easy breezy ride into the city.
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We popped up a very short walk from the National Air & Space Museum and had timed entry tickets for opening at 10am. Perfect!  This is Mickey’s favorite museum, so I told him to  go play and I’d just wander.  There’s always something new and interesting.  You can follow the journey from first flight to space stations and rovers.  I was in the area devoted to the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the brothers who gave us all wings, when I learned something new. 
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 Without Mother Wright we might not have flown, reached the moon, or explored space.
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Thanks, Susan.  You can’t help but learn things in any Smithsonian building.  Even the bathrooms are educational.
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After spending time in Air & Space ,we went to lunch in Chinatown - and ate at a Mexican restaurant.   That was my fault.  I wanted to go to a place that I remembered, a place I’d loved, and I knew exactly how to get there.  I told Mickey that when we exit the Chinatown Metro station we hang a left and it’s about half a block down.  And that’s exactly where it was...ten years ago.  Oops.  It has moved, we were hungry, and so we ate at a spot nearby.  It was adequate.  We wrapped up our day around 3 o’clock to beat the afternoon rush and hopped a nearly empty train back to New Carrollton where our car was parked. This is where we hang a right.
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 It’s really an easy and fun way to swap our sleepy little town for D.C. for a few hours.  
Know what else was fun? The Pride Festival!  Denton is home to Caroline County’s Pride Festival and they do it right - games, food, music, vendors (I bought some yummy linen spray), and just a truly wonderful vibe.  The crowd was so kind, the spirit of the event was pure fun, and everywhere I looked there were messages of love, tolerance, and unity.  It was great.  A temporary wall was put up so that festival attendees could paint on it (kind of like the Lennon wall in Prague!) and it was fun to watch it fill in.  Little Miss tried her hand at dunk tanks, bubble wands, and much more.  If you asked her she’d probably say the best part was the snow cone.
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Obviously not the best pics, but her face isn’t showing so I can share them here. She spent most of her time in a bouncy castle and had a ball.
On Sunday we traveled about ten minutes down the road to Ridgely’s strawberry festival.  I’d give it a pass next year.  They had a great kids’ area, numerous bounce houses and obstacle courses, but everything else was overpriced, long lines, and there was real Trumpy vibe to the whole thing.  Not the lighthearted and friendly crowd from Saturday. A lot of the booths were political (aren’t we all sick of that?) and kind of hateful, and there were surprisingly few strawberries.  There was a long line to pay $8 for a styrofoam bowl with strawberry shortcake in it. Nah. Little Miss did get some gorgeous, glittery face paint though.
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  We stayed for the parade which was basically every fire truck on the Eastern Shore and some Shriners.  We came home and the grandgirl jumped in her pool and Mickey grilled burgers for dinner.  Good day.
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Tomorrow we’ll drive to Rehobeth Beach to visit BrowseAbout Books and enjoy some readings and Q&A with David Sedaris.  All of this is more than we usually do in a month and I’m tired.  I’m not doing a darn thing today. I tossed in some laundry but that’s it.  I did wipe a couple baseboards, but that’s really it. I have resisted the urge to do anything else.  We have leftovers so I’m not even cooking dinner.  Well, I’ve got some Georgia sweetcorn that I’ll cook, but everything else is already in the frig.  Mickey picked out a great watermelon so I may just have corn and melon for dinner.  It’s enough. That’s all the news that is news from the Pullen homestead.  In June we have Tyler’s birthday and Father’s Day, in July we’ll celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary, I think we’re in the clear for August, in September I’ll turn 60 (omg!!), and in October we fly off to Ireland!  After that there won’t be much of 2023 left.  Seems to be whizzing by faster than usual.  Is that what getting old feels like?  I’m not a fan, so I’m just going to enjoy this day. I’m going to listen to the birds sing, read a good book, maybe work on a little craft ,and make the most of this handful of hours.  That’s all a life is, right, moments strung together? I’ll build a happy life one moment at a time. Wishing you all of the happy moments your heart can stand.  Little ones, big ones, even moments of sighing and thinking,“this is nice” - that can be a cool drink on a sunny patio or a long soak in a steamy bath.  It all adds up.  Sending out love, grab it if you need it.
Stay safe, stay well, enjoy the moments. XOXO - Nancy
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lexa-el-amin · 2 years
No language questions atm but.. what are your favourite German cities?? Cologne looks so schön. And beyond that, favourite places in Europe? Aside from Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria are on my list 🤩 oh, and Prague!
Hello dear anon!
I am not much of a city person but Cologne is indeed really great, mostly because it's so gay! Going to a pride parade there just is amazing! my state NRW is a great spot to go to, because there are just so many big cities next to each other and you'll have many sights and museums and also beautiful nature to visit here.
Last year i visited Rothenburg ob der Tauber for a few days, which is a bit more in the south of germany, it's a small city and it's like a trip to the middle ages cause the architecture is still very much intact. you can walk around the old city walls and such.
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But honestly most of our cities are very old and the history is quite apparent with many old Fachwerkhäusern in the old city centers. I took a trip to Halle (Saale) and Kassel this year and the museums there were really good. Also Berlin of course, there is so much to discover!
I haven't travelled around that much, but France and Poland are two countries I've been to many times. my favorite city in France is Paris, the architecture is amazing and I love all the museums and the atmosphere. Alsace and Provence are two more regions i really enjoyed. Also the Ardeche region in the south of France is absolutely stunning, if you're looking for a beautiful time in nature!
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Well and in Poland i can really recommend the region up north, near Gdansk. all the museums I've been to in Poland were very accessible with english signs and audio guides. the world war two museum in Gdansk is great and there is the old concentration camp Stutthof not far from the city that's open to visitors too. if you go in early spring and are lucky you can find amber lying around at the beach.
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my favorite place is Malbork castle, it's massive and beautiful, one of the biggest castles in the world and an unesco world heritage site.
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but i guess if you enjoy nature and history as much as i do you will have a great time in any of the countries you listed above :)
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Hi, it’s Jules with another blog in Prague! Last weekend, my roomies and I took our first weekend trip together to the beautiful city of Vienna in Austria. After classes this week, my friends from Michigan flew in from all over to visit me in Prague, giving me my first taste of home since my study abroad started. Let’s jump in with a few pictures from Vienna first. 
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We got so lucky with the weekend that we visited Vienna because it fell during the annual Summer Orchestra Concert at Schonbrunn Palace and the Vienna Pride Parade. We bought a Eurail train pass, so we took a 4 hour high speed train early Friday morning. On Friday, we visited the Belvedere Palace and museum where we observed the infamous painting “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. Following our art expedition, we checked into our hostel. It was my first time staying in a hostel, and it was definitely an experience! I loved being able to meet travelers from all over the world and being given so many great recommendations by the hostel. The Summer Orchestra Concert occurred on Friday night, and it was nothing short of magnificent. From the orchestra conductor’s passion to the color-changing light show, we were all mesmerized by the production and beauty of the concert in the garden of the palace. 
On Saturday, my friends and I explored the city of Vienna and joined in walking in the Pride Parade for a little bit. The vibes and food were amazing. After a full day of shopping and touring, we headed to a bar called Travel Shack, one of our hostel’s recommendations, and met so many people traveling around Europe. We even met a group of guys visiting Vienna that weekend who were also studying in Prague and live just one block away from our apartment. On Sunday, we had a peaceful day of brunch and views before training back home to Prague. I think one of the only downsides of Vienna was the price. Compared to Prague, Vienna is definitely more expensive. 
My week of classes felt familiar and flew by. I explored a few good study spots this week, including the National Library of the Czech Republic and Cafe Du. My favorite Golden City class expedition this week was the trip to Baroque churches, especially the Church of Our Lady Victorious. Thanks to the help of my roomies and TikTok recipes, I’ve improved my cooking skills in the kitchen. My roomies and I typically make breakfast in the mornings separately but cook together for dinner.
I had special guests in Prague this week: a couple friends from the University of Michigan! Two of them flew in from the Bay Area on Wednesday before heading to London for study abroad. Another one flew in from Madrid, where she’s studying abroad through LSA. I got to re-explore more of Prague with them, check off restaurants that have been on my “want-to-go” list, and give them a taste of Prague’s nightlife. I will forever keep the memories of my dining out experiences with them. Here’s a short highlight from our sushi dinner: I asked our server if the restaurant served hand rolls; both the server and chef had never heard of them before; using pictures found online and a list of ingredients they had gotten from me, the chef made me a spicy tuna hand roll for the first time for free!; and I (of course) had to give them a glowing 5 star review. 
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My special visitors!!! && Custom spicy tuna hand roll.
Anyways, my week here has been such a blast. I can’t even begin to think about moving back to America again. I feel so lucky to have had such a fun weekend in Vienna and to have such incredible friends from school who came to visit my life here. And next weekend, it’s my turn to walk in the shoes of my friend who’s studying abroad in Madrid! I’ll catch you guys next week with another blog!
Jules Hwang
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Engineering in Prague
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POV: Local raging bisexual (me) and their ally friend make the pride parade cheer for the ninth time, 2022, colorized. @missdictatorme
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the-havranisko-t · 2 years
Já: Jako moc bych chtěl jít v průvodu, ale hlavně ať mě nikdo nefotí, chci bejt třeba někde úplně vzadu nebo tak, přecejen je to můj první průvod ☺️
Stránky Extra o několik hodin později:
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Shut up. I loved it.
(tři hodiny tvořenou ceduli "sterilizujte okurky, ne trans lidi" jsem vrazil kamarádovi, který v průvodu ani nechtěl být, ale nechtěl se mě pustit. Tak to měl za to.)
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krajtaz · 3 years
when my friends say i complain about everything but i only ever complain about my family and then everything else is for comedic purposes 😒 if it makes you laugh why are u mad
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miya-in-the-park · 4 years
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my nails are kinda cute 💅🏼🏳️‍🌈
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archaickysodomita · 5 years
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Díky všem co nás poznali bylo to skvělý 🖤
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