benosuke · 4 years
@pragmarage​ / hijikata toshizo - starter because why not.
seeing him always provoked a sparkle within the womans eye, a spring in her step, a flutter of her beating heart. most knew of him as a cold, almost stoic-like berserker who knew no bounds. but to musashi, she knew he was much more than that. skilled, beautiful, eloquent and intelligent. just the mere sight of him alone was enough to make her swoon.
and there he stood in all of his glory ( albeit with a seemingly disgruntled expression ), to which the tengen flower made her presence known with a simplistic beckon, hand raised to wave in his vicinity as she approached.
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❝ hijikata-saaan !! ~ ❞   
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demonwilled · 4 years
( @pragmarage​​ is a kill stealer pass it on )
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“What the hell old man, that one was mine!“ The training simulation’s floor was overflowing with the bodies of monsters, zombies and scoundrels from all eras. A freshly cleaved chimera head dropped to add to the pile, next used by its slayer to prop his foot on. Mori leaned forward, burning glare boring through the Shinsengumi’s vice commander.  “There’s no way you’re beatin’ my highscore anyways. What’s yours at?”
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ichibantai · 4 years
@pragmarage​ // you asked
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How indecent of him. 
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gamenu · 4 years
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         “Ha...hah...” Only stopping for just a moment to catch her breath, Nicole needed a moment. By no means was she athletic, and if not for the slight buffs she gave herself, she would have never outrun that man. What did she do? Nicole truthfully didn’t know the reason of her hunt. Be it from him...or those monsters! Why were monsters after her!? Not even the yokai bothered her this much! They treated her the same as any other human! With most times intent to kill, but still!
          Hidden out of sight, she’s just taking all the time she can breathe before either one of them catches her. Part of her wonders about cloaking herself. It’s going to require a lot more effort, and she truthfully didn’t have the energy for it. Besides...while the guy might miss her, those monsters wouldn’t. They didn’t appear to have eyes so they were seeing her a different way. All she can really do is keep running and hope for safety somewhere.
          Thinking on it though...would it really be safer to try and run for help? The man might not attack civilians, but monsters typically know no bounds.
          Hearing the trees rustling and branches snapping at a fast rate, she peered around the tree she had been hiding behind only to see that stranger who was chasing her. Taking off running again, this guy was built and her buffs could only do so much for her. He could catch her so easily if not for her using her small stature to her advantage. Through little narrow openings through foliage, tight spaces where trees and rocks met and became dense...all the little teen wanted to do was just get away. Just to go home and sleep.
          She’d be safe in her bed. Safe under her blanket. Warm and coddled...with her dad asking her what she wanted to eat for dinner...that’s where she wanted to be.
          Not here, literally running for her life from two unidentified enemies.
         “L-Leave me alone!!!” Shouting back at him is all the frightened teen can do before making headway through another small space. Trying to trip him up, trying to create more distance. Only when she does find a small alcove in a rocky surface does she crawl underneath, frantically and quickly as she can trying to dig more into it to create more space.
( @pragmarage​ )
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gerakuten · 5 years
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“Hijikata, is that you? Have you finally decided to become my nephew now?”  
// @pragmarage​
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homeport-moved · 5 years
pragmarage replied to your post:
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“Are you feeling sick, Hijimi?”
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wargod-archive · 4 years
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“ YOU  KNOW~  You  would  be  so  much  cuter  if-  ”  Their words spilled from painted lips so freely but stopped short, to breathe, just for a moment, of pure contemplation. And only then would they continue their statement. “  -  actually,  you’re  just  not  cute  at  all  are  you?  Not  even  a  smidgen.  ”     *   ‘   @pragmarage​
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ryogai · 4 years
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“Vice Commander? Can we please have the Summon Ticket..? This training so far is very um.. extreme, don’t you think?”
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witchingrey · 5 years
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“Now that’s the most entertainment I’ve had in a while . . . I doubt the Enhancement is at play here with this posturing . . . . he could have at least offered me some tea, but a man’s pride is a silly thing, who better to know than me?  “ She eyes the Berserker in the yard who had just recently gawked at being called ‘boy’. 
“I called you a man, didn’t I? Come back to the porch, Berserker. “/ @pragmarage​
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verfurdc · 4 years
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That bastard vice commander !!!
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ardenssolis · 5 years
@pragmarage​ replied to your post:
"These hawk eyes of mine see that you are indeed a Sunny Hikkimori" : |
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     DID...DID THIS MAN really just call him a hikkimori? He was --- he was not! He just liked being separate from all those peasants and their loud noises! That was perfectly normal! ❝That... Tch! At least I do not sit around eating pickles all day! There are only so many ways you can eat those! Go find some other snack in this vast universe!❞ Pickles were nice, he supposed, but why would anyone want to eat them all the time?
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hitokiller · 5 years
 “ --- GODDAMMIT !! ”   
the syllables reverberated throughout the enclosed space, echoing back in dull comparison to his temper.  there was magecraft at work and it placed a weakening effect, but it had registered too late.  the katana in hand had been drawn and it’s point directed at the vice commander, poised for an attack.
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“ i knew i should ‘ave killed ya when i ‘ad the chance ! yer just draggin’ me down, shinsengumi ! ”   eyes were narrowed with a fire of animosity and his lips curled into a grimace.  placed in what seemed to be captivity,  ( a foolhardy decision to pair the two, honestly ), their cleanup mission was in clear jeopardy.  but, in that same vein of reflection, lied a deeply wounded pride that stung like bee venom. he was a genius with the blade --- a genius !  there was no way a bunch of amateurs could have bested him this way.
he kept his weapon and gaze steady upon hijikata, before none too soon relinquishing his threat with a scoff.  jeopardized, the job may be, but the work is not done.  
“ tch --- what th’ hell is this ? ”   izou asked, rhetorically, and eyed the room. “ oi, i’m goin’ to look fer an openin’. you stay outta my way. ”  // @pragmarage​
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ichibantai · 4 years
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“Hiji~” A tap on his elbow. “Kata~” A tap on his shoulder. “San~” She smacked his chin lightly as a cheeky little grin appeared on her face. 
“Happy Birthday, since it’s a celebration, let’s go drinking.”
She just wanted to go drinking. 
// @pragmarage​
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elusivemaster · 5 years
@pragmarage replied to your post: " Just because you're my page doesn't mean you can...
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“I like this Kazama Chikage character.” 
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homeport-moved · 5 years
pragmarage replied to your post:
“Now THAT sounds like you.”
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“... What’s that supposed to mean?”
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“You know, the first time we met, he visited a brothel together with some other Tosa guys. And he almost passed out upon realization that people usually go there to have sex. He thought it was just a normal sake shop.”
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“... Togyo-san!!!”
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crimesplit · 5 years
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     “Oh, you have successfully captured me.”
     The voice rings soft and devoid of any emotion that would be appropriate for such a phrase: there is no surprise, no fear, no anxiety and definitely no desperation of a cornered beast. Fyodor isn’t cornered — that is why. Simply due to the fact that he never ever bothered to hide and let everything happen on its own pace.
     Nothing is done without calculations, though; and letting himself get captured is more beneficial than fruitlessly trying to search for information he requires to make even more exact predictions. He can do with the data provided to him already, sure, but in the world where his only weapon is his sharp mind, Fyodor prefers to assess the situation fully, and to not rush anywhere. After all, it seems like he now has quite a lot of time on his hands.
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