randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
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Narcissa ✤ Praeclarus 
For as long as she could remember, Narcissa had been raised to be the perfect queen. Beautiful and charming, clever without being obvious, equally capable of finding a perfect husband, ruling a kingdom, and disposing of her enemies. And as much as she had learned from her mother, she’d learned just as much from her mother’s mistakes. Narcissa wasn’t going to be another second rate has-been, trapped on the isle forever reliving her glory days. No, when she took her shot, she was going to win. But even the best laid plans ran into roadblocks on occasion, and Narcissa was no exception. Her fling with Harry Hook was a minor inconvenience at best. Her invitation to be among the first VKs brought to Auradon, more of an opportunity than a hindrance. Her four fellow transfer students and their half baked plan to take down the barrier and set every villain loose? A hassle, but nothing she couldn’t handle. A growing interest in her fellow Evil Princess, along with a love potion in need of interception? Definitely a problem. But the one setback that even Narcissa couldn’t charm or manipulate her way around? That her step-brother Edward and his wife wouldn’t resent her for her mother’s crimes, and would instead be fighting for her freedom from the Isle while welcoming her into their lives and their home with open arms.
Fandom: Descendants
Face Claim: Olivia Cooke
Love Interest: Evie & Harry Hook
Parents: Queen Narissa
Theme song: Once Upon A Dream, Lana Del Rey
Pinterest: tbd
Playlist: tbd
( format / layout insp )
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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kirbsmakemesmile · 2 years
Maybe some grown Bandee and Saildee fluff ? I love when you draw the duo ! Or maybe a future au of everyone, that would be interesting to see.
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interretialia · 1 year
salve! aliquid rogandum mihi est, quod spero te explicare posse.
civitas mea nomen "Nova Zelandia" habet. quid autem nomen adiectivum hominibus huius civitatis adhiberi debet? sumne mulier novazealandica? novazealandensis? neozelandensis, sicut in linguā italicā? praecipue miror quemadmodum vocabulum "nova" ut pars adiectivi declinatur - suntne exempla ex antiquitatis?
(si civitatem "Aotearoa" appellem, nomen adiectivum "aoteroana" sit - sed pauci externi hoc vocabulum Maorianum cognoscunt)
Gratias tibi ago quod mihi nuntium dedisti. Dicere tibi possum quemadmodum nomen adiectivum e Nova Zelandia nomine facere debeamus et quae figurae nominis adiectivi iam factae sint.
Si veras ac solitas regulas iuncta et derivativa verba Latina formandi restrictissime rigidissimeque sequamur, habeamus Novizelandiensis aut Novizelandicus aut Novizelandianus. Bene nota quid alibi antea dixerim sed Anglice: “Duo verba in unum simpliciter commiscere nec morphologiam utriusque verbi nec syntaxin irritam facit.” Idcirco res ita se habet quod, ut Zelandia, cum novum nomen adiectivum ortum est, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit, ita Nova quoque, eodem tempore, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit. Quare Novazelandiensis et Nova(-)zelandicus menda re vera sunt, quippe quorum -a terminatio casus in i Vocalem Conectentem mutari debeat.
Scriptores autem novae Latinitatis, ut “New” pars derivativi nominis adiectivi e nomine Latino formati in Latinum converteretur, Neo- elemento (quod e Lingua Graeca venit) aut Novo- elemento uti constituerunt, etiamsi Novus in hoc nomine Latino loci ipso apparet, condentes igitur modum propter quem Novum Eboracum ac Neo-Eboracensis (in quo fortasse hypen est ut “eoe” grex inconcinnus vitetur) et Novum Brunsvicum ac Novobrunsvicensis nunc videri possunt. Romani ipsi Novocomensis adiectivum e Comum fecerunt, quae sine dubio origo Novo- elementi est. Exemplum adiectivi e nomine Latino formati, quod et Neo- elementum monstrat et a Romanis ipsis factum est, invenire non possum, sed Neo- elementum novae Latinitati insertum firme est (ut significant scriptores hodierni, quorum est Gulielmus Stearn, scriptor Botanical Latin libri). Adde quod e nominibus Latinis in -landia desinentibus adiectiva facta sunt quae in -landicus aut -landiensis aut (irregulariter quasi e -landum) -landensis desinunt.
Secundum Davidis Morgan lexicon, Carolus Egger, praeclarus scriptor novae Latinitatis, has tres figuras adiectivi nobis dedit: Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis. Pagina “Nova Zelandia” in Vicipaedia situ posita porro Neozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis tres figuras monstrat, sed ibi non est nota quae fontem Neozelandicus figurae indicat. Novocomensis adiectivum a Romanis ipsis iam factum nobis exemplar Novozelandiensis novae figurae dat.
Inter omnes figuras adiectivi e Nova Zelandia formati iam dictas, ego, quoniam sententiae Caroli Egger fido et veram etymologiam verborum indicare volo, Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis figuras commendo, quorum hoc nomen substantivum hominem Novae Zelandiae indicans fieri potest et illud adiectivum tantum plerumque remanet. At profecto, si nobis omnes hae figurae adiectivi desunt, Novae Zelandiae figura genitiva nominis pro adiectivo uti possumus! Ergo tu, ut puto, mulier Novozelandica aut mulier Neozelandiensis aut Neozelandiensis aut etiam mulier Novae Zelandiae es.
Utinam hoc tibi prosit!
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mascula-sappho · 1 year
no one:
typical politician giving a defence speech in Republican Rome:
you see your honor im different. the guy prosecuting me is actually my bf. yeah. we had a bad breakup and I married his ex wife. who owns half the vineyards on Vesuvius cause she is actually sister of my ex wife's ex husband's uncle's mentor, praeclarus orātor ille, who was famous for starting a civil war, saving Rome from a second civil war, and was also famous for tax evasion. yeah. so obviously I didn't commit [insert trumped up charges here]
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EPHEMERIS_ Nuntii Latini Universi (ephemerisnuntii.eu)
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Pactus est cum Boreoamericanis
Cum quinque annos detentus esset in carcere Britannico maxima securitate, composita controversia cum Civitatibus Americae Unitis, Iulianus Assange, conditor societatis “wikileaks” (fuga nuntiorum) liber est. A.d.VIII Kal. Iul. eius patroni pactionem fecerunt ex qua praeclarus diurnarius, peritus disciplinae informaticae, praeparator instrumentorum electronicorum,  confessus est   se reum coniurationis fuisse, quod  nuntios suduxisset et vulgavisset de nationis praesidio, sed non occultae explorationis. Ille detector secretorum, civis Australianus quinquaginta tres annos natus, damnatus erat custodia CLXXV annorum; cum poena  redacta esset in carcerem sexaginta duorum mensium, iam persoluta est. Uxor Stella Morris, patrona viri, ex quo duos filios genuit, maxime laetatur de eventu contra spem commodo, etiamque constituit gratiam a Praeside Biden petere.
Pactio decreta est a tribunali in insula Mariana Saipan sito, id est in territorio Americano Oceani Pacifici. Itinera aeria constat valde sumptuosa fuisse, prius Londinio ad insulam Marianam, alterum ad caput Canberram, in eius patriam.  
Res iudiciariae Iuliani Assange eruperunt ex actis diurnis mense Iulio anno MMX cum vulgavisset publico quater centum milia documenta et et duo centum quinquaginta milia  capligrammata secreta de rebus bellicis  et legatis Boreoamericanis in Iraquia et Afghania. Mense Novembri eiusdem anni accusatus vi sexuali, iussu Suetiae, custodia domestica  Londinii  detentus est. Quamvis crimen postea falsum exstitisset, tamen id impedivit quominus  traditio expostularetur in manum iudicum Civitatum Americae Unitarum. Postea auctor societatis tot secreta enuntiantis, asylum petiit a legatione Equadoriana: hic septem annos mansit sub tutela praesidis Raphaelis Correa. Deinde  derelictus mutato regimine,  a custodibus Publicae Securitatis Londinii comprehensus est et detentus in carcere maxime defenso, postquam custodiam domesticam transgressus erat. Attamen si in Boreoamericam traditus esset non licuisset ei peregrino primam emendationem Constitutionis invocare de libertate nuntios accipiendi et communicandi.
Sic  adversa fortuna viri qui tantum clamorem rumoremque toto orbe excitavit, quod constat, finem habuit.  Societas wikileaks fecit ut omnes cognitum haberent quomodo res occultae  non solum rei publicae defensioni faverent, sed interdum crimina administrationis celarent.  
Scripsit Lydia Ariminensis - 29/06/2024 19h38
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...he began to gently pet at his wild hair, not enough to disturb him but in the hope of calming some of his distress. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect. Harry let out a particularly loud groan which might’ve been a denial of some sort, and then he said something audible that had Tom on his feet and yanking the curtains angrily closed.                “Cedric.”                Hissing mutinously to himself, the dark brunet threw his long body down on his own bunk and nearly ripped the drawings off their rod before burying himself in his pillows and sheets.                Cedric? Cedric! A man’s name. A man’s name and not his! What was so great about this ‘Cedric’ that he’d been dreaming about him? What had ‘Cedric’ done that he, Tom Riddle, no Lord bloody Voldemort, hadn’t or couldn’t? What was this ‘Cedric’ person that he wasn’t?                Harry had a boyfriend.                Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!                He’d kill this bastard ‘Cedric’, whoever he was! Harry was his! His! His! And no one was allowed to take what was his, no matter who they were.                Tom snarled into the mattress and commenced efforts to strangle his pillow. From somewhere beneath his bed, Nagini sighed.
“Praeclarus Anguis” by KaedeRavensdale
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limonium-anemos · 7 years
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“Who would stand by my side if I were to not become Lord Voldemort? Who would stand beside Tom Riddle? Tom Riddle is weak.”
               “I would.” The other looked at him then, fighting not to show a slight but stubborn trace of reluctant hope. “Remember what I told you: there’s more to life than taking over the world.”
 “And if I can’t change?”
               “I doubt anything is impossible for the ‘great’ Tom Riddle should he put his mind to it.”
               “Do you, now?”
               “I’m not going to give up on you.”
-- Chapter 15, Praeclarus Anguis
hello @literaryavalanche
fanart inspired by your amazing fic bec time travel au is ASFDHGKLJLKL <3 <3 <3 i hope you like!!!!
The Fox and The Stag Series
Part 1: Praeclarus Anguis
Part 2: Argenti Vulpi
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basilisklist · 4 years
harry/tom (m/m)
“Dance with the Devil” by Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33)
(64,057 words) in progress
horcrux tom
harry/tom (voldemort)
“‘I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. Quite the opposite, in fact. I wish to help you.’”
“(OR, Horcrux!Tom helps Harry restore Voldemort's sanity and unite his soul.)”
Dance with the Devil - Chapter 1 - Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“If you whisper to death it whispers back” by Lytri
(18,101 words) in progress
time travel
“The Final Battle went far worse than expected, leaving Harry alone in the aftermath. Desperate, he performs a ritual to go back in time, just not as himself. However, the time he ends up in is far from what he intended. Unsure of what else to do, he finally decides to go back to Hogwarts. Tom Riddle is instantly obsessed.”
if you whisper to death it whispers back - Chapter 1 - Lytri - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“A Dangerous Game” by Cybrid
(263,533 words) in progress
horcrux tom
“Tom Riddle opens the Chamber of Secrets in Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts. After a botched attempt to extract the Horcrux in Harry’s scar leaves their souls tied together, Tom is forced to kidnap him when he makes his escape.”
“A story of Horcrux hunting, adventure and unwilling attraction.”
“Son of Magic” by PurplePebbles
(156,481 words) in progress
time travel
“After decades of war, the world is on the brink of destruction, with no hope for survival. The only way to go on is to travel back in time and change everything that's gone wrong, starting with Tom Riddle. That's how Harry Potter found himself in 1941, a time he had hoped never to find himself in again. Why 1941? Death has a pretty messed up sense of humour, that's why.”
Son of Magic - Chapter 14 - PurplePebbles - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Custodarium” by Tina48
(73,149 words) complete
time travel
“The war is over and the Wizarding Britain has been slowly rising from the ashes. Harry just wishes none of it ever happened – what will he do when he’s given a chance to change the past? Was Dumbledore right about ‘the power he knows not’ after all?”
Custodarium - Chapter 1 - Tina48 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Meant to Be” by phoenixmaiden13 (LadyPhoenix)
(141,197 words) in progress
“One Night of passion leads to drastic consequences that changes the war completely. Harry must go into hiding to protect himself and his most guarded secret. But will that secret bring Harry and Tom together?”
Meant To Be - Chapter 1 - phoenixmaiden13 (LadyPhoenix) - Harry Potter - Fandom
“Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat” by VivyPotter
(221,010 words) in progress
time travel
“‘This is Mr Riddle, one of our Slytherin prefects. I’m sure he’ll make you feel right at home. Mr Riddle, this is Harrison Peters. He’s just been sorted into Slytherin and will be joining you in sixth year,’ Dumbledore announced jovially, though Tom could see that sliver of constant suspicion in his gaze that had never quite faded.”
“‘Harry,’ the boy hurried to correct. ‘Just Harry.’”
“And then he stuck his hand out. How… plebeian, Tom noticed with delight. Walburga would probably faint.”
Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat - Chapter 1 - VivyPotter - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Exhibit A” by WereBunny87
(57,502 words) complete
“Harry Potter has been gone for some time. When he returns he's covered from head to toe in bandages and appears cold as ice. Only a few people know what's been happening to the one time boy wonder...and some of them will live to regret ever being a part of his pain. He'd make sure of it.”
Exhibit A - Chapter 1 - WereBunny87 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Explosion” by orphan_account
(77,000 words) in progress
time travel
“Usually, in other Fics, Harry goes to the past, meets an older or same age Tom in Hogwarts, and is sorted into Slytherin. Harry is usually there to change Tom and Tom is a ‘teenage Dark Lord.’ In THIS Fic, Tom is a bullied 3rd year, believed to be a Mud-blood, and has his first ever crush on Henry Peverell, the 6th year Gryffindor, who is not there to change Tom, but rather...”
The Explosion - Chapter 1 - orphan_account - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Times of Peace” (2 part series) by conquerorofheaven
- Times of Peace (40,305 words) complete
- Times of Change (61,851 words) in progress
time travel
Times of Peace- “Harry is drinking his life away as usual. Suddenly, he's back in the past, 1943 to be exact. Harry's given a whole new chance at life as Harrison Evans and this time he's not planning on saving anyone.”
“Unfortunately, the Potter luck strikes again and Harry's sucked back into the conflict and face to face with one Tom Riddle. Somehow the more he tries to stay away the more entangled he gets.”
Times of Change- “Harry is still in the past and Tom Riddle is still as persistent as always. This time though, Harry won't get away with pretending to be weak. His secret's out and Tom has made it his mission to figure out his others as well.”
Times of Peace - conquerorofheaven - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Again and Again” by Athy
(334,615 words) in progress
time travel
“The Do-Over Fic - a chance to do things again, but this time-To Get it Right. But is it really such a blessing as it appears? A jaded, darker, bitter, and tired wizard who just wants to die; but can't. A chance to learn how to live, from the most unexpected source.”
Again and Again - Chapter 1 - Athy - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Aware.” by sfk
(160,171 words) in progress
alternative universe, no magic
“There are so many fanfics about heartless mob bosses. This is one of them. Only this one kind of falls in love.”
Aware series - sfk - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Rise of a Dark Lord” by LittleMissXanda
(239,985 words)
“Dumbledore was sure he had made the right choice. Ten years later Harry shows him just how wrong he was. With little regard for most, Harry makes a name for himself at Hogwarts, and shows everyone that he is far more than just the BWL. In doing that he attracts the attention of the Dark Lord, making Voldemort believe that the Boy-Who-Lived could be far more than an enemy.”
The Rise of a Dark Lord Chapter 1: The BoyWhoLived, a harry potter fanfic
“Kitties and Crowns” by Lillyleaf101
(63,816 words) complete
Harry goes to school with tom but not time travel
“Fifth year Harry Potter was known only for being the outcast, mudblood of Slytherin and also an immense bookworm, while sixth year Tom Riddle was of course the most popular kid in school. Harry however had never much liked Riddle, watching him like a hawk...he was probably the only kid in school who would not bow down at Riddles feet... Which is surprising seeing as Harry has a HUGE secret crush on him. So what is in store for these two very different yet so very alike boys?”
Kitties and Crowns - Chapter 2 - Lillyleaf101 - Harry Potter - Fandom
“The Fox and The Stag” (2 part series) by KaedeRavensdale
- Praeclarus Anguis (171,641 words) complete
- Argenti Vulpi (96,761 words) complete
time travel
horcrux tom
Praeclarus Anguis- “‘Tell me Harry, if I were to tell you that you could go back in time and prevent one event of your choice from ever occurring would you do so?’”
“Go back in time? A chance to change the past for a better future? ...At once Harry knew what he would do. ‘I would stop Tom Riddle from ever becoming Voldemort.’”
Argenti Vulpi- “Dumbledore is dead, five Horcruxes remain scattered across Wizarding Britain and the only real tool they have to destroy them now rests in the hands of the enemy: worse yet, Voldemort may be slowly catching on to who Tom really is...the truth of what happened that horrible night in Godric’s Hollow is at last revealed. The Dark Lord and the Chosen One race towards their final confrontation, and when that time comes both Harry and Tom stand to lose everything that ever mattered to either of them.”
The Fox and The Stag - KaedeRavensdale - Harry Potter - JK Rowling  
“Turn Back 53” by Kefalion
(126,255 words)
“It's the summer after Harry's sixth year. Voldemort is close to taking over and things are becoming real. On the night of his seventeenth birthday Harry gets a time-turner that can be used to travel 53 years back in time. Without thinking it through too much Harry decided to use it.Back in 1944 he starts a new life, a life where he will do anything to make sure that Voldemort never rises to power. Part of the plan is to get close to Tom Riddle who will attend his seventh year at Hogwarts along with Harry. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, just don't become too close.”
“Will Voldemort's rise to power, and answers the question about who will change who. Will Tom see the light or will Harry descend into darkness? And just how tightly bound are Harry and Tom?”
Turn Back 53 Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic
“Castle of Glass” by ChibiTsukiHikari
(20,144 words)
time travel
master of death
“A chance to change the past, who wouldn't take the opportunity given the choice? All he had to deal with was a unfortunately devilishly handsome teenage Tom Riddle and his inner circle of baby death eaters. What could possibly go wrong? Especially with Death looming over his shoulder at every turn quite literally mind you. Who was he kidding? This was going to be a complete disaster!”
Castle of Glass - Chapter 1 - ChibiTsukiHikari - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Can’t Break the Silence” by Dark_Cyan_Star
(100,291 words) complete
“Harry’s a Magus, the problem is, he doesn’t want that power and desperately tries to hide his talent. Professor Riddle, a rising Dark Lord, sees through him and tries to court Harry away from Quidditch and into Wizarding politics.”
Can't Break the Silence - Chapter 1 - Dark_Cyan_Star - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Mors et Tempus” by Madriddler
(135,931 words)
time travel
“Scared about the coming war, Harry went to the Astronomy Tower to reflect. Magic, it seemed, has another plan and Harry has swept away from his present and landing right into Hogwarts in 1943. Stuck in Riddle's time, and now under the name of Harry Peverell, Harry must do his best to keep under the radar of Time. However, it seems that Tom Riddle has other plans, and wants the boy for his own.”
Mors et Tempus - Chapter 1 - Madriddler - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“A Change of Heart and Mind” by Tiswabley
(89,457 words) abandoned
time travel
“Harry didn't expect to run into a familiar face on the way back from an errand for his aunt, the summer before his sixth year at Hogwarts. He really didn't enjoy running into Malfoy Senior, either, regardless of the circumstances. Of course, being an active Death Eater, Harry anticipated the man's attack.”
“What he didn't anticipate was the vial spilled all over him, golden sand-like liquid sinking into his skin. When he woke up, well. That was something else entirely. Harry Potter is thrown back in time to the 1940s, right before his sixth year at Hogwarts, and during the same year Tom Riddle would be attending HIS sixth year. What follows are plenty of revelations, more questions than can be answered in that time period, and the potential to meet a group of people who care about him for more than just his fame.”
A Change of Heart and Mind - Chapter 1 - Tiswabley - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“When in Rome” (2 part series) by XblackcatwidowX
- When in Rome (164,267 words) complete
- When in Rome II: The Lost Children Connection (54,988 words)
time travel
When in Rome- “When Harry and Hermione inadvertently tumble half a century into the past, they find themselves in the same year as the notorious Head Boy, Tom Riddle. Both Harry and Hermione's courage will be tested when they are confronted by chances of romance from the most unexpected of places, and unlikely enemies hiding in the tallgrass.”
“Lost in the past, they may well forget the way home.”
When in Rome II: “A year has passed since Harry returned to the present day. Voldemort’s empire is growing, but Harry remains set on saving the man he knows to be Tom Riddle. When unexpected circumstances lead him back down the rabbit hole of the past, he discovers the world to be a far less forgiving place than he remembers, and Tom is a completely different person from the one he left behind. With an empire to tear down and old and new faces to confront, it’s impossible to know who to trust.”
When in Rome - Chapter 1 - XblackcatwidowX - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Love They Haven’t Thought Of Yet” by Snoweylily
(84,541 words)
“Boy Who Lived, Saviour of the Wizarding World, Defeater of Grindelwald, never received his Hogwarts Letter. Five years later, a 16-year-old Harry Potter is found on the streets of London and immediately sent to Hogwarts, where he catches the eye of one Professor Tom Riddle. When Harry is sorted into Slytherin, well... that just makes things a whole lot easier for him, doesn't it?”
Love They Haven't Thought Of Yet - Chapter 1 - Snoweylily - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Moments in Time” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(46,858 words)
“Tom Riddle thought he was dreaming the first time, but when he repeatedly visits the same boy, he realizes that bigger things are at work. He watches the boy in the cupboard grow from a small child and into a young man. His brotherly affections begin to wane. What will he do when the boy isn't so little anymore? Could he even imagine? Those Avada eyes calling to him.”
Moments in Time - Chapter 1 - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“If Them’s the Rules” by MayMarlow
(214,040 words)
time travel
adopts tom
“Unable to accept the aftermath of the war, Harry decides to travel back in time to become the parent Tom Riddle obviously should have had. Except that things don't go as planned and Harry finds himself part of a game with hidden rules, trying to survive while raising a boy whose understanding of family has nothing to do with love.”
If Them's the Rules - Chapter 1 - MayMarlow - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“I Will Always Come Back To You” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(30,633 words)
harry/tom (voldemort)
“Tom had a friend when he was little. His friend taught him that he was special because of what he could do and that people who hated him, were beneath him. When an accident occurs, Tom's friend promises that he'll never truly be gone. Hadrian always comes back to Tom, in the forms of Haraldr, Harish, and finally, Harry. Magic grants wishes.”
I Will Always Come Back To You - Chapter 1 - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Hidden Abyss” by AmicablePandemonium
(33,893 words)
“Being able to communicate with Tom Riddle in his mind from an early age, Harry quickly learns the truth about Dumbledore and death of his parents. Join Harry as he helps bring about the fall of the Light.”
The Hidden Abyss - Chapter 1 - AmicablePandemonium - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Sweet Darkness” by BerryMoon
(106,489 words)
“Harry had enough of all the betrayals and abandonments. So when an unexpected ally turns-up and offers help out of a sticky situation he decides to accept. Really, it's not like things could get any worse.”
Sweet Darkness - Chapter 1 - BerryMoon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Forsaken (Old, being rewrote)” by CrossTheCrossedPerson
(127,876 words)
master of death
time travel
“Harry was forsaken his whole life, nothing ever stayed the same and if it did it endangered or hurt Harry in some way shape or form. This revolves in all things, and his pass with fortune ends when after he finally destroys Voldemort, a Death Eater decides to murder him. Death is unhappy with Harry being his master, but acknowledges Harry never had a chance of anything but a horrible life. Granting Harry with his full amount of power with no compulsions, Death sets him up to go to Hogwarts in 1940s where he can truly discover who he is.”
Forsaken (Old, being rewrote) - Chapter 1 - CrossTheCrossedPerson - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Deathly green eyes” by Smolangryslytherin
(177,850 words)
time travel
“They keep their eyes on the body. They jerked back when it moved again. A small and pale hand went to the blade, and it was retired from the open wound, blood rushing out of the cut; they stayed still as it whined again, a curse parting from his lips. He sat slowly, head hanging forward, face covered by the long locks of black hair dripping the black substance on the floor. The only sound was the drops of black ooze on the marble floor. They walk away from the grumbling body, until one bumps into a table, the wooden object making a harsh racket against the floor.”
“Hadrian’s face turns to them, green eyes shining in the gloomy room like lanterns. or Harry kills himself and instead of doing bye-bye, Death throws him back to the past because he is bored. or Harry, now Hadrian, is a sweet murderous child and Tom Riddle is a simp.”
Deathly green eyes - Chapter 1 - Smolangryslytherin - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Better Be” by Assapanick
(61,588 words)
horcrux tom
“Draco thinks it’s rubbish that people suspect Harry is the Heir of Slytherin, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use that to his advantage. Harry? He’s all alone now, unable to face his friends. Lucky for him, he’s found a Diary that he can confide in.”
“I Have Seen Your Heart” by Arliene
(41,860 words) complete
“The arrival of his nemesis is the least of Harry Potter's problems. Now that the war is over, he finds himself drifting away from all that held him together in the past, trying to find a new purpose in his life. Being framed for murder forces Harry to be on the run and this time the only company he takes with him is Tom Riddle. The young Dark Lord faces a future he did not expect, meets an oddity who killed everything he strived to be. And yet he finds himself obsessed with his murderer, a determined man searching for answers and reaching for the sky once more. Harry Potter's purpose and Tom Riddle's destiny, seemingly entwined. They say change is overrated. But choice is everything.”
I Have Seen Your Heart
“Not Strong Enough” by Sayon_170
(85,319 words)
“Even at the age of five Tom was a great manipulator. He knew what to do to get what he wanted, and right then he wanted to get out of the orphanage and be with Harry. A promise of love, care, and protection from a beautiful man that wanted him, enticed Tom. If anyone were going to have Harry and the love he offered, it would be him. Harry was too overjoyed at Tom’s acceptance to notice the possessive look in Tom's eyes nor the sharp nails that dug into Harry's neck like fangs trying to latch onto Harry, marking him as his own.”
Not Strong Enough - Chapter 1 - Sayon_170 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“I Waited For You, In The Shadows Of Time” by watchingvfall_n_drown
(120,090 words) complete
time travel
“In a twist of fate, Harry is stranded in a time when Grindelwald has just been defeated and the  First Wizarding War hasn't begun yet. Desperate for answers, he still has the presence of mind to keep himself hidden from all, especially the power figures of the Wizarding World. And then all his carefully built hope and shelter shatters one day, in the shores of the black lake.”
“Formerly Tom Riddle, now Voldemort comes upon one that captures him with their beauty and magic, stroking the inevitable desire. Like all the pretty things he has collected, this will be no different. Unfortunately for him, his newest obsession has a will of its own and no intention of quietly acquiescing.”
“Will Harry be able to find a way home? Or a reason to stay? And will the Dark Lord find more than a desire to possess in his heart? Even as the two fated ones find each other again, the world moves on. There is still a Dark Lord and still a headmaster with sharp eyes on the horizon.”
I Waited For You, In The Shadows Of Time - Chapter 1 - watchingvfall_n_drown - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“For the Good of Us All” by toomanysunkenships
(48,341 words)
time travel
“Hermione has finally managed to corner Harry and convince him to listen to her plan. ‘Harry, going back in time to save Tom Riddle before the monster envelops the man is the best plan we have. It's for the good of us all.’”
For the Good of Us All - Chapter 1 - toomanysunkenships - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Forget Me Not” by partofforver
(24,213 words) complete
horcrux tom
“Harry Potter finds an empty diary in the bathroom of Moaning Myrtle. Why doesn't he throw it away?”
“Lest You Are My Enemy” by Maeglin_Yedi
(6,415 words) complete
“Some books are better left unopened.”
“Counting Bodies Like Sheep” by rightonthelimit
(70,941 words) complete
alternative universe, no magic
“It’s a crazy world torn straight out of a horror movie - the undead roam the earth and destroy everything in their wake. When Harry Potter narrowly escapes a horrible death he finds himself a companion in Tom Riddle - a mysterious, heartless man who doesn't hesitate to take lives to save his own. Savage as the man is, Harry still finds himself enthralled... He quickly starts developing strange needs and feelings.”
“When they decide to finally find a safe place to settle down for a while they encounter dangerous enemies on their path. Tom's past demons come back around to haunt the both of them and it becomes very clear that even after the years they spent together, Harry really doesn't know Tom at all.”
“Death is but the Next Great Adventure” by TheObsidianQuill
(261,123 words)
“What if that night in Godric's Hollow went differently? What if Harry did die? What if Death stepped in and made a deal with the Savior of the Wizarding World? How different would Harry's life be after that deal?”
“(Or, Harry makes a deal with Death and in exchange gains something Voldemort has fought his entire life for. Immortality. And a strange friendship with Death)”
Death is but the Next Great Adventure - Chapter 1 - TheObsidianQuill - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“When Harry Met Tom” by The_Carnivorous_Muffin
(154,299 words)
time travel
“When the battle in the department of mysteries heads south, Harry finds herself flung backwards in time to 1942, where Tom Riddle is a prefect in his fifth year. Armed with this knowledge, but little else, Harry desperately tries to find a way home and for once in her life not screw it up. Tom, for his own part, wonders when Harry Evans will head back to the mothership.”
When Harry Met Tom - Chapter 1 - The_Carnivorous_Muffin - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“you belong to me (i belong to you)” by Child-OTKW
(80,718 words)
“‘What I find absolutely fascinating,’” Riddle said, stalking closer, “‘is you.’” He marched forward, backing Harry up until he was pinned to the cool wall of the common room.”
“After an accident, Auror Harry Potter wakes up in the body of fourteen year old Nathan Ciro, a tormented Slytherin who recently tried to end his own life. His return to Hogwarts causes quite the stir through the staff and students, especially when they realise he is not the same boy as before. He tries to keep his head down, but with the keen eyes of Tom Riddle hounding him through the halls, Harry finds himself unwillingly drawn into a dangerous game with an equally dangerous boy.”
you belong to me (i belong to you) - Chapter 1 - Child_OTKW - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“47 Days to Change (a translation)” by Snow-owl01
(200,888 words)
“Harry Potter and Tom Riddle are enemies, born adversaries, prophesied leaders of opposite factions (2001 to 1932, forty-seven days to change the fate of the Dark Lord).”
“This is a 'Harry travels back in time to raise Tom' story. An unfortunate tale of one man's failed attempt to mold young Tom into a decent, law-abiding citizen. Instead, as Fate will have it, young Tom grows up to become the same twisted psychopath, who is hell-bent on winning the love of his adoptive father. Harry's consent be damned.”
47 Days to Change (a translation) - Chapter 1 - snow_owl01 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Lord of Time” by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan
(452,985 words)
time travel
“Harry Potter is the Master of Death and Lord of Time through his joining of the three Hallows together. During a duel that wasn't going well, he jumps to the 1940's and has a talk with the true Master of Death. Can Harry prevent the destruction that will occur? Can he change Voldemort to prevent him from becoming the darkest wizard of all time? Or will he be caught in Tom's web?”
Lord of Time - Chapter 1 - DebsTheSlytherinSnapeFan - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“60 Years in a Summer” by Isys Luna Skeeter
(74,416 words)
time travel
“One night, once a year, was more than anything else Tom ever had. This is the story of how two people destined to be foes were actually destined for something else”
60 Years in a Summer - Isys Luna Skeeter (IsysSkeeter) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Other Side of the Coin” by Zennith6
(9,276 words) complete
“Harry Potter, defeater of Grindelwald, has come to Hogwarts. Raised by Sirius Black and sorted in to Slytherin, Harry finds his way under the guidance and watchful gaze of his mentor and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, one Tom Marvolo Riddle.”
Fanfic: The Other Side of the Coin Ch 1, Harry Potter
“To Define Treachery” by en extase
(44,595 words) complete
“Blind faith is easily shaken. In the Chamber of Secrets, the Horcrux-shade of a Dark Lord regains physical form and Harry finds within himself something he was never meant to know: ambition.”
Fanfic: To Define Treachery Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Riddle’s Legacy” by GenvieveWoolf
(50,273 words)
horcrux tom
“Miraculously, the boy hesitated. Realizing what was at stake, Tom dropped the wand and fell to his knees. ‘Don't do it!’ The next words came very hard. ‘Please, don't kill me.’ What might have happened if Harry had not stabbed Riddle's diary?”
Fanfic: Riddle's Legacy Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Touch of Evil” by DaggersBloodPain
(78,358 words)
“What if the Chamber of Secrets events didn't turn out the same? A secret learned will make it so Harry will find himself growing up yearning for the touch of evil.”
“This is what may have happened had Harry not saved Ginny and Voldemort was able to return to his 16 year old self. Harry will have to choose who to give his loyalty, power, and love to. This story will go into the nature of Darkness, tinged with a spark of evil, and this will include the bashing of several Light sided wizards.”
Fanfic: A Touch of Evil Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Enduring Obsession” by whitedwarf
(41,067 words)
“It's Riddle's time at Hogwarts. He can charm anyone but one: Hadrian Carrow. A dichotomy, friends with everyone and yet no one. A Slytherin, he chooses to drink with Gryffindors, debate with Ravenclaws and associate with Hufflepuffs. He's Riddle's obsession.”
Fanfic: Enduring Obsession Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Dark Tide’s Pull” by SyrupylikeBreakfastinMontag
time travel
“Harry goes back in time to 1944 to deal with Voldemort before he decides to make seven horcruxes. Unfortunately for Harry, though, dealing with a 17 year old Tom Riddle isn't as easy as he thought it would be.”
Fanfic: The Dark Tide's Pull Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Black Coat” by Hermione Prime
(77,918 words) complete
time travel
“Seized by Voldemort at the end of his fifth year, in the Department of Mysteries, Harry was transformed into a cat and sent tumbling through time. Armed with nothing except teeth and claws, Harry has to handle the threat posed by Tom Riddle and his teenage followers. He intends to stop the genius young Dark Lord and sabotage him at every turn...in the form of a cat. Sounds simple?”
Fanfic: Black Coat Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Androgynous Lover” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(69,791 words)
“Hadrian is an androgynous boy who meets a special 'snake' in the zoo on his cousin's eleventh birthday. This 'snake' will help him through his journey into the magical world. Hadrian will learn to use his looks to sway the masses and to use his cunning to get what he wants. Imagine his shock to find out that his new 'snake' is actually a person!”
“Stars, Hide Your Fires” by Audair, Ophidias
(41,270 words) in progress
time travel
“Riddle’s undivided attention snapped to him with the swiftness of shattering glass. His turbulent magic receded from where it had besieged the shop. ‘You,’ he breathed. Coiling in leisurely motions, the eager tendrils of his magic reached for Harry, swathing about his limbs and neck and chest with a liquid, flowing fascination. ‘I’ve been looking for you,’ Riddle continued, tilting his head to the side and sweeping his gaze over Harry. It was an appraisal that felt simultaneously like the raking of iron nails and the tender drapery of silk. It was so familiar, and yet… so foreign. In the winding streets of Knockturn Alley, an intricate dance of mutual obsession unravels between twenty-three-year-old Tom Riddle and a time-travelling Harry Potter.”
Stars, Hide Your Fires
“Inevitabilities” by EclipseWing
(103,199 words) complete
“Tom and Harry are inevitable in any universe.”
Inevitabilities - Chapter 1 - EclipseWing - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Pet’s Curse” by Isys Luna Skeeter
(79,416 words) complete
time travel
“Harry gets cursed and sent back in time. Now he has to find a way to save himself while getting used to the constant presence of his enemy, how does he always gets himself in these things anyway?”
Pet's Curse - Chapter 1 - Isys Luna Skeeter (IsysSkeeter) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Turning the Tide” by DanniCat
(105,720 words) complete
“Harry becomes doubtful of Dumbledore's side of the war. Things are no longer how he remembers them. When he listens to Draco's side of the story how will his own path change?”
Fanfic: Turning the Tide Ch 1, Harry Potter
“White Innocence” by Emriel
(85,725 words) abandoned
time travel
“Harry is given another chance to live but there is a catch. He wakes up in the past. Thinking it was all a mistake, Harry plots to get back but has the misfortune of attracting the attention of Tom Riddle. They become friends and Tom starts to feel things that are foreign to him. So he keeps Harry close. What starts as curiosity turns into an obsession.”
“The Black Bunny” by windseeker2305
(465,513 words)
“Harry's had it with his destined role after the Order does something he can't forgive. Now he's done with both sides of the war and wants to be left alone. But since when have his wishes ever counted for anything?”
The Black Bunny - Chapter 1 - windseeker2305 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Rebirth” by Athey
(269,743 words)
“Two boys grow up together in an orphanage, grow powerful at school, are torn apart by death and brought back together by rebirth. Horcruxes aren't the only way to live forever.”
Fanfic: Rebirth Ch 1, Harry Potter
“The Journal” by Bear-Bell
(54,324 words)
“Harry finds Tom Riddle's journal when he's only 4-years-old”.
Fanfic: The Journal Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry Potter and the Sympathy of Souls” by MorticiaYouSpokeFrench
(59,978 words) complete
“Voldemort succeeds in stealing the philosopher's stone, but not all is as it seems.”
Harry Potter and the Sympathy of Souls - Chapter 1 - MorticiaYouSpokeFrench - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
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vaiarieslibrary · 4 years
Collection of Tomarry Fics
Hope everyone is doing well! I decided to make my own little collection of great Tomarry fics I had the pleasure of reading.
Please do check these out if you ever have the time! ^.^
╭┈table of contents.· * • ˚
│ i. collection of tomarry fc ✶ : · •
│ ii. additional comments .· *
│ iii. notes ✵ ˚ : ·
│ iv. ❀ - must reads * ˚ ✵
╰────────✬ * ˚ ✶
Praeclarus Anguis by KaedeRavensdale 
This was the first fic that fueled by obsession for Tomarry, and I definitely recommend reading it at least once. It’s story is well written and the possessiveness displayed by Tom in this was absolutely DELICIOUS. There is also a sequel posted for this fic  O_O
 Extra Notes : 171k Words, Time Travel Fic, COMPLETED. 
#2. ❀
Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat by VivyPotter
Anyone who likes Tomarry HAS to read this fic. It is literally god’s work. A slow burn rom com that is SO GOOD. I definitely definitely DEFINITELY suggest you read it if you haven’t yet. 
Extra Notes : 221k Words, Time Travel Fic, INCOMPLETE. 
In Noctem by windwrites
Ahh. This is definitely an underrated gem. Having Harry become a vampire is definitely a refreshing twist. I also recommend reading The Art of Hidden Personas by whitedwarf if you enjoyed In Noctem, as In Noctem was inspired loosely based on that fic, although the plot diverges later on. 
Extra Notes : 128k Words, Vampire! Harry, INCOMPLETE. 
#4.  ❀
Again and Again by Athy / Athey 
Another one of my all-time favorites. It is simply just... chef’s kiss. My eyes were completely glued to the screen while reading it. The interactions between Tom and Harry were so adorable, and the chemistry between them just. QAQ I have nothing other to say than read it!!!
Extra Notes : 335k Words, INCOMPLETE.
#5. ❀
Paraselenic by EmpyrealFantasy 
I absolutely ADORE this fanfic. It’s also one of my Tomarry all-time favorites, definitely worth a re-read. This fic was so rewarding. I really do love Harry’s character development in the fic. An extremely good read ><
Extra Notes : Currently being rewritten, 221k Words, COMPLETE. 
A Snake Named Voldemort by estalita11
This fanfic gradually made it’s way into my heart and planted itself there. Definitely would put forward this fanfic, it was a pleasure to read. I became enamoured with the way Harry was being portrayed in this fic, and also thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he didn’t turn dark like he usually does o_o
Extra Notes : 73k Words, COMPLETE.
#7.  ❀
The Consort Tournament by Watermelonsmellinfellon
The BEST OF THE BEST, The cherry on the top. Also another rom com, with Tom hopelessly pining after Harry. Set in an AU where Tom succeeded, and is the Dark Lord of Magical Britain. ಠ‿↼
Extra Notes: 175k Words, COMPLETE.
#8.  ❀
The Courtesan by Drops_of_Nightshade
Mmh this fic captured me completely from the first chapter. Very intriguing and unique take on what would have happened if (AU) Voldemort had won. Voldemort also displayed possessiveness in this fic, leaving me drooling helplessly. ♡
Extra Notes : 137k Words, COMPLETE.
Xerosis by Batustousai 
I enjoyed this fic immensely. Harry’s a bit of a lunatic in this one but it’s SUPER GOOD. I love his friendship with Barty and Lucius in this fic. Definitely one of the fics I always turn back to. Please do check it out if you have the time!
Extra Notes : Time Travel Fic, 145k Words, COMPLETE.
#10. ❀
Butterfly Heart by The_Fictionist
Hannibal AU. This fic is basically my lifeline. Every time I read it, I cannot help but have butterflies in my stomach (♡´౪`♡) . ALL-TIME FAVOURITE. This fic is arguably the best Tomarry fic I have read. The amount of detail that went into the fic is ASTONISHING. A must-read. 
Extra Notes : 103k Words, COMPLETE. 
#11. ❀
The Guile and Devotion of a Black Heir by StarLight_Massacre
Okay, I know this one isn’t a Tomarry, it’s actually a Rabastan x Harry fanfic, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to add it in this list. Arguably one of the best HP fanfics I have read!
Alright, that’s it for me. Please do let me know if you would prefer shorter fics lolol I notice most of the fics I recommended are 100k and more. 
Adieu ≖‿≖
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Decendants plot bunny: Queen Narissa from Enchanted kid?
Princess Narcissa in Praeclarus ( x Evie & Harry )
For as long as she could remember, Narcissa had been raised to be the perfect queen. Beautiful and charming, clever without being obvious, equally capable of finding a perfect husband, ruling a kingdom, and disposing of her enemies. And as much as she had learned from her mother, she'd learned just as much from her mother's mistakes. Narcissa wasn't going to be another second rate has-been, trapped on the isle forever reliving her glory days. No, when she took her shot, she was going to win.
But even the best laid plans ran into roadblocks on occasion, and Narcissa was no exception. Her fling with Harry Hook was a minor inconvenience at best. Her invitation to be among the first VKs brought to Auradon, more of an opportunity than a hindrance. Her four fellow transfer students and their half baked plan to take down the barrier and set every villain loose? A hassle, but nothing she couldn't handle. A growing interest in her fellow Evil Princess, along with a love potion in need of interception? Definitely a problem.
But the one thing that even Narcissa couldn't charm or manipulate her way around? That her step-brother Edward and his wife wouldn't resent her for her mother's crimes, and would instead be fighting for her freedom from the Isle while welcoming her into their lives and their home with open arms.
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yetremains · 3 years
"Senex potes' dicere ad'vos de linguis? Praeclarus! No' satis d'dici populum ant'quum modus loq'endi." Lucan says eagerly in quick, accented Latin. One of his few remaining hidden skills.
Oh! Lucan could speak Latin! Perhaps she should have expected as much, considering his knowledge of certain things, alongside the personality. While the accent made the language sound a bit rough too the ear, seeing as Yang hasn't heard it in some time, she could still understand after a few moments.
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It only took a few seconds for the woman to remember how to roll the proper sounds, how to pronounce the words. "Scilicet didici. Scire debet aliquis talis res." Her smile broadened widely. "You never know when you might need it! "
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ckret2 · 5 years
kweh-not-wark replied to your post: shit I got to the “xiliens turn the kaiju into...
Disney’s Enchanted spell to turn into a dragon. “Speciosus, formosus, praeclarus.”
*pulls up latin dictionary*
... Those are three synonyms for “beautiful.”
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orphicrp · 5 years
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Deep in the southern portion of the Harena Desert, a valley exists that, at first glance, looks like something of a garbage dump. Not a soul lives nearby, and items are piled together in a vast area of space with little room to exist between them. Closer inspection reveals just how different the items are from each other, though, and how foreign most of them appear to the world. Could these be relics from the worlds the gods have opened up? Could some of the once-belongings of the newcomers exist in this great repository, discarded by the deities?
To the northeast area of the desert, days and days of travel from the beginning of the sand, a bright spot of green and blue stands out from the wasteland around it. The oasis is several miles across, with a crystalline lake of water to be found at it’s center, full of fish with the surrounding ecosystem supporting other wildlife. The oasis is unsettled by humans and is not charted; it only exists to most as a vague rumor.
Between the edge of the desert, the Repository to the south, and the Oasis to the north, exists nothing but rolling sand, like an ocean. It stretches for hundreds of miles, exposed to the scorching sun and prone to harsh sandstorms. This area is not thoroughly explored for a good reason, though there may be some rare creatures who call this area home.
After traveling on foot a day west (or a few hours upon the back of a pegasus), a large canyon of red and bronze rock lies, with a narrow, often dry river running between two tall walls of rock. The views are gorgeous - but caution is advised, as the jutting cliffs can lead to a quick death if one steps an inch too near to the crumbling edges. The sunrise and sunset and claimed to be among the most beautiful in Kairos, and if one has the patience to travel, the changing of the moons is picturesque.
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everafterhighmoon · 5 years
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Rainha Narissa
₊⸱❁̸̸̸໋۫┄─ Rainha Narissa foi criada para ser semelhante a três famosas Vilãs da Disney - Rainha Má, Malévola, e Lady Tremaine. Ela utiliza disfarce bruxa da rainha, assume uma forma de dragão semelhante a de Malévola e tem o papel de Lady Tremaine como uma madrasta malvada. Em geral, os vilões todos compartilham a mesma função básica e personalidade.
  ┌❁⃪໋࣭݀⃗ୁୖ◍̸̸໋۪̫۪̫࣪⭏ Speciosus, formosus, praeclarus.
    ── Ao dizer tais palavras, estes podem mudar sua aparência, sendo ela apenas humana. Caso seja dito muitas vezes, o corpo pode entrar em um distúrbio, fazendo o usuário desmaiar e acordar apenas cinco dias depois, pois, a transformação é perfeita, copiando até os cheiros que deseja, o que é logicamente impossível.
  ┌❁⃪໋࣭݀⃗ୁୖ◍̸̸໋۪̫۪̫࣪⭏ Manipulação de eletricidade.
    ── É a habilidade para controlar ou manipular eletricidade e raios. Usuários são capazes de alterar o movimento dos elétrons, permitindo eles quase qualquer poder baseado em eletricidade. Poderes simples iriam incluir a habilidade de generar energia, atirar raios, ou sobrecarregar um circuito. Poderes mais complexos talvez incluam manipular a energia em uma pessoa, iniciar incêndios, direcionar a correnteza em uma rota mais complexa do que uma com menos resistência, atirar faíscas para desligar aparelhos eletrônicos, ou construções elétricas, etc. Magnetismo e Estática são normalmente associados com esse elemento. Muitas pessoas com esse poder podem sofrer um curto-circuito na água e são inúteis contra aqueles que tem maneiras de isolar eles.
  ┌❁⃪໋࣭݀⃗ୁୖ◍̸̸໋۪̫۪̫࣪⭏ Feitiçaria avançada.
    ── Narissa tem ensinamentos de magia do nível avançado aprendidos por ela mesma e repassado a seu descendente. Tendo uma grande variedade de feitiços, como por exemplo, feitiços de levitação, teletransporte, gerar campos de força, canalizar sua energia e provocar explosões, cura, disparar rajadas de energia, descobrir o que as pessoas fazem através de certas palavras mágicas [deve ter algum espelho por perto, para que funcione] e até mesmo se transformar num enorme dragão.
The End
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shouldknow · 8 years
i don’t wanna dm you bc that feels confrontational but i love you and if you need/want to talk ever i’m Here
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