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geekcommander · 8 years ago
The recipe to enchant the world: Take two lovely, beautiful ladies, one cello - or even a campanula - and a wonderful song - et voila...❤️🎶😍 Thanks for the enchantment last night, @reemamusic and Stefanie John! And thanks to @charlieltgrant for the great vibes! 😎#musiciansofinstagram #berlinstagram #berlin #instaneukölln #prachtwerkberlin @prachtwerkberlin #reemamusic #stefaniejohn #campanulacello #enchantingmusic #singersongwriter #cellomusic #livemusic (hier: Prachtwerk Berlin)
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youseejimhickey · 6 years ago
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Last rehearsals for the @lowswing_studio records release concert this Friday supporting @port_almond at #prachtwerkberlin x (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0C6PBnpE1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=925spbeunvmf
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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It’s starting tomorrow! My band and Accidental Bird are playing Cologne, Hamburg, & Berlin together if it’s the last thing we do! Come and tell your friends 📯 @accidentalbirdsongs @jaki.klub @knusthamburg @prachtwerkberlin 📸 by @giesenbauer https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBgrUAsyy8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tapethat · 7 years ago
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We taped these artworks for an exhibition @prachtwerkberlin . In total we exhibited eight artworks and a room-installation in the basement of the artcafé.⠀ Through contrasts, highlights and shadows we created a geometrical and futuristic look.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #tapeart #tapethat #tape #berlin #contrast #colors #colorful #futuristic #artwork #art #modernart #contemporaryart #exhibition #foil #artist (hier: Berlin, Germany)
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raphaelagilla · 5 years ago
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My highest, greatest Joy is to sing to people!❤️Come and see me singing today at @prachtwerkberlin if you are in the city💜🎶 Photo by @ingohampe 🙏💕 . #singinglive #performer #concert #today #livemusic #spirituality #joy #gabe #gift #vocalist #Originalmusic #RaphaelaGilla #angel — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2rrEfkC
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jeniferbulcock · 5 years ago
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@smallsessions @prachtwerkberlin #berlin #neukolln #livemusic #vsco (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yRj_tApzF/?igshid=1crr89j6vauu
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tagsde · 5 years ago
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Something delicious is in the air at @prachtwerkberlin : @solfoodcinema Pop Up Restaurant - How to make a cookbook (or d... https://ift.tt/2BOHALZ https://de.tags.world
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almostdiplomatic · 5 years ago
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One pancake to rule them all. (Or in this case, three pieces.) 🥞🥞🥞 This heart-attack on a plate is so worth the spin class I’ll be subjecting myself to after eating. 💖 Brownies in your pancakes, tahini, maple syrup on the side, lots of butter, and some pomegranate seeds on top. A whole party in my mouth. 💖 Thank you for the recommendation, @nicolescooter! Alvin had the Okonomiyaki and it was equally divine! . @thelastmorningonearth is at @prachtwerkberlin every weekend, serving brunch from 11-1700. You. Have. To. Go. Chef Patrick — the brains and talent behind the whole thing — was born and raised in LA but is of Filipino parentage. So Pinoy crowd in Germany, please go and support him! . . #AlmostDiplomatic #Berlin #Twitter . . . . . . . . . #brunch #brunchfood #thelastmorningonearth #neukölln #berlinlife #berlinerin #berlinblogger #blogger_de #germany #deutschland #diplolife #diplowife #diplomaticlife #diplomatswife #foodporn #esseninberlin #europe #expat #expatlife #expatliving #livingabroad #globetrotter #liveauthentic #liveunscripted #womenwhohustle #lifewelltravelled #living_europe (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AFGXZAUM1/?igshid=mead5igsnsce
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musichenrik · 6 years ago
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About last night. ⭐️ @erin_kleh #ineedsound album launch @prachtwerkberlin in Berlin gestern with @frankiemaiberlin @massiminovoza Oui! #frametofreeze #sometimes #assholio Pix by @suzannesjbarnes 🙌😘⚡️ (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-K6yRnxDZ/?igshid=zswny8ubeljt
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dom-enica · 6 years ago
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It‘s Fem Jam time again this Friday!! At @prachtwerkberlin ! Come on over and bring your #instruments !! . . . . . . . #femjam #femjamsession #jamsession #jamsessions #thefemjam #thefemjamcollective #womenonstage #femalemusicians #femalemusician #femaletrumpetplayer #jazz #allthatjazz #femalebassplayer #thisfriday #berlin #livemusicberlin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-811rHJrS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lwmn72w8ilz9
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thefemjamberlin · 6 years ago
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Come to the #femjam this #friday at @prachtwerkberlin ! Link in bio, doors open at 7 pm!! . . . . . . . . . .#femalemusician #femalemusicians #femaledrummer #femaletrumpetplayer #femalesaxplayer #womenonstage #lgbti #linkinbio #thefemjam #femjamcollective #femjamcollectiveberlin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-8IXAnqAB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vrz46yfnen1p
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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This week we’re going on tour! 🛸 May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A) May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A) May 21 - Milla - Munich (D)** May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A) May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D)* May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D)* May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D)* May 30 - Horch! - Pforzheim (D) * - support by Accidental Bird ** - support by Matthew Austin @hausdermusik_vienna @bart_timelkam @milla_club @komma_woergl @jaki.klub @knusthamburg @prachtwerkberlin @accidentalbirdsongs @matthewaustn Photo by @il_presidente_del_cuore https://www.instagram.com/p/CdnrxmUM9e9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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Our tour starts next week “down south”, but in two weeks we’ll take the band north for the first time and play a few shows with our old friends Stefan Honig from @honigsongs and Harmen Ridderbos from @townofsaints with their new project Accidental Bird! It’ll be a mini Tour of Tours family reunion. 🤝 May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A) May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A) May 21 - Milla - Munich (D) May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A) May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D) May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D) May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D) May 30 - Horch! - Pforzheim (D) photo by @giesenbauer @accidentalbirdsongs @touroftours @jaki.klub @prachtwerkberlin @knusthamburg (at Jaki) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfpgjwMwFO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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If you’ve ever seen me play live, then you’ve probably heard me perform a song by Woody Guthrie. If I didn’t play one from him, then it wasn’t intentional. Woody deserves a place in every set of mine, because without him none of us folk-singers would even be here. Hell, Bob Dylan basically started out as a Woody Guthrie cover band. That being said, today I shared Guthrie’s “Do Re Mi” in my Fanklub country cover collection. If you wanna hear, then go to fanklub.com/ianfishersongs. The track is a happy-sounding little ditty that follows a Midwestern family (probably from Oklahoma like Guthrie himself), who leave the dusty plains in search of the proverbial greener pastures of California and find that the only thing that was greener on the other side was the color of the dollars that they don’t have. As many of you know, “do” is short for “dough” and “dough” is slang for “money”. I’ve had to think about that a lot lately because I’ve sold so few tickets for the upcoming tour that I might lose more “dough” than a forgetful baker. ;-) So if you’d like to get a ticket for one of the upcoming shows, then go to ianfishersongs.com/shows after you check out this list: May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A) May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A) May 21 - Milla - Munich (D) May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A) May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D) May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D) May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D) May 30 - Horch! - Pforzheim (D) #beingaprofessionalmusicianaintnoponyhof #woodyguthrie #dorime #fanklub #tour @fanklubcom @hausdermusik_vienna @bart_timelkam @milla_club @komma_woergl @klub_jaki @knusthamburg @prachtwerkberlin @matthewaustn @accidentalbirdsongs Picture by Walter Wackerlig https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc7m-u5s_R1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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Touring... What? Is my life starting again? I can't believe it, but I'm going to play for the first time north of Bavaria with my new band made up of old friends and new friends from the band the Steaming Satellites! We'll also have a few great support acts, like Matthew Austin and fellow Tour of Toursers Stefan Honig, Martin Hannaford, and Harmen Ridderbos in the new project Accidental Bird! 🎟Tickets are on sale now at: ianfishersongs.com/shows May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A) May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A) May 21 - Milla - Munich (D) ** May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A) May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D) * May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D) * May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D) * May 30 - tba - Pforzheim (D) * support by Accidental Bird ** support by Matthew Austin photo by Tobias Neugebauer @accidentalbirdsongs @matthewaustn @martinhannaford @townofsaints @touroftours @steamingsatellites @il_presidente_del_cuore @hausdermusik_vienna @bart_timelkam @milla_club @komma_woergl @jaki.klub @knusthamburg @prachtwerkberlin https://www.instagram.com/p/CbzcqVPgxBt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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We’re playing tonight in Berlin! It’s the first time in years… I can’t wait to see some old friends! Tonight - Berlin - @prachtwerkberlin Tomorrow - Erfurt - @franzmehlhose (sold out) Sunday - Vienna - @chelsea_vienna (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVnlpSg_TF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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