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One pancake to rule them all. (Or in this case, three pieces.) 🥞🥞🥞 This heart-attack on a plate is so worth the spin class I’ll be subjecting myself to after eating. 💖 Brownies in your pancakes, tahini, maple syrup on the side, lots of butter, and some pomegranate seeds on top. A whole party in my mouth. 💖 Thank you for the recommendation, @nicolescooter! Alvin had the Okonomiyaki and it was equally divine! . @thelastmorningonearth is at @prachtwerkberlin every weekend, serving brunch from 11-1700. You. Have. To. Go. Chef Patrick — the brains and talent behind the whole thing — was born and raised in LA but is of Filipino parentage. So Pinoy crowd in Germany, please go and support him! . . #AlmostDiplomatic #Berlin #Twitter . . . . . . . . . #brunch #brunchfood #thelastmorningonearth #neukölln #berlinlife #berlinerin #berlinblogger #blogger_de #germany #deutschland #diplolife #diplowife #diplomaticlife #diplomatswife #foodporn #esseninberlin #europe #expat #expatlife #expatliving #livingabroad #globetrotter #liveauthentic #liveunscripted #womenwhohustle #lifewelltravelled #living_europe (at Prachtwerk Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AFGXZAUM1/?igshid=mead5igsnsce
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