#ppl really wanna blame two ppl for a war. that’s like crazy talk. it’s like saying ww1 started bc of that assassination of that one dude
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starry-eyer · 9 months ago
danys marriage to drogo is the story of a teenage girl losing her autonomy after she was sold to an older man by her brother
in asoiaf, there are two versions of rhaegar and lyanna’s relationship
the first is the one robert baratheon (the man the starks were trying to sell lyanna to) tells us readers. the one where rhaegar kidnapped and raped lyanna.
the second is the one hinted at, the one readers slowly uncover. the one where lyanna ran off with rhaegar willingly. in this version, lyanna daringly takes back her autonomy. in this version, there was love.
robert baratheons version of events is reminiscent of dany and drogos relationship. the second (and likely the real) version of events is the complete opposite.
i do headcanon that there’s more to rhaegar and lyanna’s relationship than meets the eye, but even if the truth is that lyanna simply wanted to flee her arranged marriage and rhaegar provided her with the means to do so, then i’ll still look positively on their relationship as i’ll always root for women when they try to take back their bodily autonomy :)
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torishasupremacy · 4 years ago
cobra kai season 3 spoilers!!
so I finished watching cobra kai season 3 and as I went I wrote down some thoughts so here they are! under the cut because it got pretty long
Episodes 1-4
soccer fight was hilarious but why did only the miyagi kids got in trouble
nooo why’d hawk beat up the little kid “he kicked the shit out of me” was such a funny line tho
i would die for kumiko she’s so fucking pretty in those flashbacks especially
danny and johnny had major couple energy when looking for robby holy shit
love whatever’s going on w louie and anouche
mr miyagi is so short??
glad the hate toward sam is getting addressed i feel bad for her
ok didn’t expect miguel to hate johnny like that damn i think ppl are blaming him too much when he says “show mercy” he’s not expecting his son to paralyze miguel??
kreese backstory what what??
omg I feel bad for tory she’s def got anger issues but she’s in such a rough situation as much as I hate him I’m glad kreese was able to get that perv off her back
also sam moon and tory are so pretty, moon was ROCKING that car wash look
so I guess piper doesn’t exist huh
demetri and hawk as enemies is entertaining but I wish they were friends
what is that guy who keeps bullying robbys deal it’d be crazy if kreese paid him to mess w him to drive him to kreese
danny intimidating robbys old friends and then johnny beating them up was hysterical
so they can’t find a place for aisha in the story but they can for yasmeen??? excuse me?? everyone check ‘aisha leaving the school and moving away’ off their season three bingo cards
the mr miyagi letter was so sweet my heart
i wanna go to japaaaaaaaan (i was gonna go last summer but covid)
im glad johnny and danny are trying really hard to be there for robby even if it’s not working out thank god danny apologized but when robby said he couldn’t change I was like noooooooo my boy
the middle finger on the contract amanda larusso is a damn legend can’t wait for her to slap kreese
i don’t give a fuck about tom cole fuck off
i heard a rumor that there would be more queer rep in this season so where the fuck is it bring piper back
“it feels good to talk about it” sir please go to therapy
demetri is being a little shit but hawk is being an asshole so I guess it cancels out 
aww man that scene with bert and the hamster.. hawks face during that was so funny tho he really said :o
if they create a love triangle between kumiko danny and amanda I’m gonna have some issues
aww I’m glad that shannon is trying to be there for robby even in rehab
there’s no way that octopus card actually exists right
bro the difference between johnny and danny w the bullying and everything was shown so well when johnny was beating up that guy and danny was like no!!
“i heard you were the real bully” sir shut the fuck up who fucking cares it was 30 years ago and also you’re wrong 
Episodes 5-6
everything ab chozen was so good. the mutual respect, karate cousins, forgiveness, tHE HONK
the good coming back to danny was so well written my family was tearing up
they fucking broke demetris arm holy shit hawk 
tory and miguel’s relationship ended pretty lamely 
wish hawk had fought kyler but it was actually kinda cool for kyler to be like oh shit this guy is scary
COBRA KAI = TANG SOO DO i literally yelped and pointed at the screen when that was revealed bECAUSE THATS THE STYLE I TRAIN IN HOLY SHIT
kreeses war backstory is actually really interesting. terry silver cameo! if we’ve got johnny obviously in s1 and then karate rival number two chozen in the third season we gotta get silver in there at some point right? anyways I kinda like young kreese except I fear being in any kind of military situation so it’s kinda hard to watch
an edit after watching the finale: i fucking called that
so did kreese kill armands nephew or uhhhhhh
anouche jumping into larry’s arms god that was incredible 
everyone acted like that snake was a bomb just get a long stick or step on it but actually don’t do that I like snakes
i feel so bad for sam she’s really struggling with panic attacks and stuff I feel like danny is gonna train her in pressure point stuff so she can wreck cobra Kai
miguel at the concert!! miguel standing up bc he got mad at johnny!! Let him be happy again please
robby and the bully guy gaining respect for one another yes
robby blowing off kreese was fantastic loved that
please someone check on my boy demetri he was in so much pain :(
did hawk always have a grim reaper tattoo?? where is his mother?? ... I want a mohawk so bad you guys have no idea
“did you date me to get back at some” girl he was literally creating a “let’s get back together” video for her when you asked him out im sorry but you should’ve know he wasn’t over his ex going into the relationship. he still shouldn’t have kissed sam while dating tory but didn’t tory know she was the rebound??
i like the balance theyre using w sam’s character, she’s not a doormat and wants to fight back but she still has trauma surrounding tory 
Episodes 7-8
surprised tory and robby didn’t fight (because thats something i was hoping for) but the way they set it up made sense. really hoping they don’t become a couple I don’t see the chemistry and the last thing we need is another love triangle 
the adults were a mess at that meeting thank god miguel and sam jumped in and made excellent points ab bullying and how their voices mattered most
noooo poor robby seems to walk in at the worst of times 
I’m glad danny and johnny are trying to be there for robby but it’s no wonder he doesn’t want anything to do with them
when is danny gonna teach sam those immobilizing moves huh??
glad that they took sam’s mental health really seriously but im surprised that danny was never like hey you seem pretty traumatized let’s get you a therapist 
god that scene w tory drowning sam was so startling thank god it was a dream
there was so much sexual tension between danny and johnny before robby came out of juvie my brother yelled NOW KISS (in front of our parents) I think he ships them
why did amanda go and hand that random guy lemonade he takes one sip hands it back to her and leave that was such a weird way to get her in the scene
robby joining cobra kai hooooo boy I think hawk is gonna have a lot to say about that
also yasmin and demetri is such a weird pair but they’re pretty entertaining
bring moon piper and Aisha back please 
eagle fang is such a bad name johnny better get cobra kai back soon
so is the rumor that 3 ppl are gonna die in this season true or
i honestly didn’t want sam and miguel to get back together but now that it’s happening it’s pretty cute
miguel got over his injuries pretty quickly which is good for the story but I still feel like cobra kai is ignoring the realities of disabilities again 
hawk is such an asshole I can’t wait for his redemption arc
im sooooo ready for the arc with kreese to be resolved but he does such a good job of being a villain. the close up smirk when robby entered the dojo literally had everyone in my family screaming
johnny and carmen really went for it huh... that was painful to watch
my dad and i are debating ab whether the final all valley fight will be sam v tory or sam v robby, he thinks sam v robby but im really hoping for sam v tory 
honestly I’m surprised miguel wasn’t mad at robby for paralyzing him but I guess they didn’t have much time to talk ab that. miguel was kinda kissing robbys gf so I guess it balances out?? as in its dysfunctional on both sides
yasmin writing on demetris cast was fucking hilarious amazing save not sure why he had to be on the floor for that scene
robby trying to fight miguel like he wasn’t on probation and had already landed the guy in the damn hospital 
johnny training kids in the park is amazing that’s where I train w my karate class since we can’t be inside 
i still don’t know which one is chris and which one is mitch
can hawks posse please get some names and exposition I’m tired of them being nothing but props for the story 
i thought there was gonna be more queer rep this season but guess not
robbys whole predicament is making me saaaaaaad
also I want more tory backstory let us see her brother and mom!!
you know that guy that kept beating up robby in juvie? what the fuck was his deal
yknow things might’ve gone a lot better if johnny and danny took sam with them to pick up robby seriously did they just let him walk home?? where is he staying??
“how long does facebook take to deliver messages” johnny ur killing me here
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fruiitycas · 4 years ago
Hello, I would love to know about the dtscu; can you please enlighten me? ❤️️
oh of course i love spreading the good word of our lord taylor swift. the dtscu refers to the “destiel taylor swift cinematic universe” and is a collection of songs that ms swift has written that I think directly apply to destiel (its okay ms swift i saw your lyrics you can come out as a destiel shipper). i also tag destiel edits that use taylor swift songs/lyrics to make a whole collection of works that ppl have made that combine t swift w destiel. 
this is the link to the playlist with all the destiel songs in my dtscu. (more details under the cut)
some notable additions to the playlist: 
dont blame me (Echoes, love your name inside my mind / Halo, hiding my obsession //  baby, for you, I would fall from grace / Just to touch your face //  Don't blame me, love made me crazy / If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right / Lord, save me, my drug is my baby / I’d be usin' for the rest of my life)
peace (And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences / Sit with you in the trenches / Give you my wild, give you a child / Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other / Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother / Is it enough? / ‘Cause there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west / I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best / But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me / But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm / If your cascade ocean wave blues come / All these people think love's for show / But I would die for you in secret / The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me / Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?)
false god (Remember how I said I'd die for you? // They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith //  But we might just get away with it / Religion's in your lips / Even if it's a false god / We'd still worship / We might just get away with it / The altar is my hips / Even if it's a false god / We'd still worship this love)
sparks fly
safe and sound
ivy (How's one to know? / I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith forgotten land / In from the snow / Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand // Oh, goddamn / My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand / Taking mine, but it's been promised to another / Oh, I can't / Stop you putting roots in my dreamland / My house of stone, your ivy grows / And now I'm covered in you // How's one to know? / I’d live and die for moments that we stole / On begged and borrowed time //  it's a war / It's the goddamn fight of my life / And you started it / You started it)
this love (In silent screams / In wildest dreams / I never dreamed of this // This love is good / This love is bad / This love is alive back from the dead / These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me / This love left a permanent mark / This love is glowing in the dark / These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me)
cowboy like me (You're a bandit like me / Eyes full of stars / Hustling for the good life / Never thought I'd meet you here / It could be love / We could be the way forward / And I know I'll pay for it / And the skeletons in both our closets / Plotted hard to mess this up // Now you hang from my lips Like the Gardens of Babylon / With your boots beneath my bed / Forever is the sweetest con / I’ve had some tricks up my sleeve / Takes one to know one / You're a cowboy like me / And I'm never gonna love again / I’m never gonna love again)
there are also notable subsections: 
The Divorce Arc:
i wish you would (I wish you would come back / Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did / I wish you knew that / I’d never forget you as long as I'd live / And I wish you were right here, right now It's all good / I wish you would / I wish we could go back / And remember what we were fighting for / Wish you knew that / I miss you too much to be mad anymore)
my tears ricochet (I didn't have it in myself to go with grace / ‘Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave / And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? / Cursing my name, wishing I stayed / Look at how my tears ricochet / And I can go anywhere I want / Anywhere I want, just not home / And you can aim for my heart, go for blood / But you would still miss me in your bones / And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky)
i almost do (And I just wanna tell you / It takes everything in me, not to call you / And I wish I could run to you / And I hope / you know that every time I don't / I almost do)
all you had to do was stay
death by a thousand cuts
story of us (This is looking like a contest / Of who can act like they care less / But I liked it better when you were on my side // Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room / And we're not speaking / And I'm dying to know / Is it killing you like it's killing me? // And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now)
the other side of the door (tell me why you couldn't see That when I left I wanted you to chase after me? / I said leave but all I really want is you / To stand outside my window, throwing pebbles, screaming I'm in love with you / Wait there in the pourin' rain, come back for more / And don't you leave 'cause I know all I need is on The other side of the door)
come back…be here (this is when the feeling sinks in, I dont wanna miss you like this / Come back… be here)
The Widower arc/ Post 15x18:
haunted ( I know, I just know You're not gone, you can't be gone, no // Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Can't breathe whenever you're gone / Can't go back, I'm haunted / You and I walk a fragile line / I have known it all this time)
marjorie (What died didn't stay dead / You're alive, you're alive in my head / What died didn't stay dead //  You're alive, so alive //  If I didn't know better / I’d think you were still around / I know better / But I still feel you all around / I know better / But you're still around)
Cas to Dean:
tied together with a smile (no one knows / That you cry; but you don't tell anyone / That you might not be the golden one / And you're tied together with a smile / But you're coming undone // I guess it's true that love was all you wanted / ‘Cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change / Hoping it will end up in his pocket)
innocent (Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything / And everybody believed in you? / It's alright, just wait and see / Your string of lights is still bright to me / Oh, who you are is not where you've been / You're still an innocent //  Did some things you can't speak of / But at night you live it all again)
enchanted (This is me praying that this was the very first page / Not where the story line ends / My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again / These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon/ I was enchanted to meet you)
everything has changed (all ive seen since 18 hrs ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like i just wanna know you better now)
mirrorball(Hush / I know they said the end is near / But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes / Spinning in my highest heels, love / Shining just for you //  I'm still a believer but I don't know why / I've never been a natural / All I do is try, try, try / I’m still on that trapeze / I’m still trying everything / To keep you looking at me )
Dean to Cas:
untouchable (I know you're saying / That you'd be here  / But you're Untouchable / burning Brighter than the sun / Now that you're close / I feel like coming undone)
mine (You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded / You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes // Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? / You put your arm around me, for the first time / You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter / You are the best thing, that's ever been mine )
state of grace (So you were never a saint / And I've loved in shades of wrong / We learn to live with the pain / Mosaic broken hearts / But this love is brave and wild / And I never saw you coming / And I'll never be the same)
this is me trying (This is very specifically The Trap!Dean) (Pulled the car off the road to the lookout / Could've followed my fears all the way down / And maybe I don't quite know what to say / But I'm here in your doorway / I just wanted you to know / That this is me trying / I just wanted you to know / That this is me trying / They told me all of my cages were mental / So I got wasted like all my potential / And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad / I have a lot of regrets about that)
the archer (Combat, I'm ready for combat / I say I don't want that, but what if I do? / ‘Cause cruelty wins in the movies / I’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you  // And all of my heroes die all alone / Help me hold onto you / I've been the archer / I’ve been the prey / Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? / But who could stay? // Who could stay? / You could stay)
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