#pp ss first guardian
cleverwolfpoetry · 5 years
PP Sinners of the system Case 2 First Guardian ch. 02
Finally chapter 2 is ready. This is a great chapter where we get to know what the hell is this Footstamp operation, what happened during it and what triggered the clouding of Sugou’s hue. I found it very sad too...
Before the chapter some notes for the Readers:
1- In chapter 01 I wrongly translated シーアン with Xi’an. I had searched a lot on that word but I couldn’t find any different reference from Xi’an on dictionaries and on the net. However, In my mind that didn’t make any sense. Why a city in China that has no connection with the past story? is it just a reference to something the authors hadn’t shown us? Has it some meaning? Chapter 02 gave me the answer. シーアン is the pronounce of the word SEAUn. I didn’t get it at first because SEAUn has never been written in katakana in any book until now, but always as a word with roman characters or with kanjis… Anyway, I have already fixed it in the chapter available on mangadex.
2-To the people who repost pictures from my mangas translations: no problem with it, really, but would you mind doing it with a credit to the translation? I would really appreciate it. Thanksss. 😊😊
And now chapter two: READ HERE
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nyaaan63 · 2 years
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Happy belated birthday to both Teppei-kun and my best friend @vilcade ✨
art gift of the Sugo siblings, Teppei & Masumi celebrating 🥳🎂🎉
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vilcade · 5 years
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Sugo in 2116 || PP SS Case 2: First Guardian
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homemade-spirits · 5 years
I will be patiently waiting~
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ziqiyue · 5 years
Social media and Political Advertising
Political advertising can be said to be a thing with American characteristics. In the United States where political elections are highly streamlined and even entertaining, politicians release advertisements through various media forms to express their political opinions and attract votes, which has become a necessary measure.
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When political advertising exists only in traditional media such as television, print, and radio, everything is reasonable and controllable. But in the age of social media, the tacit partnership between political advertising and the media has soured -- and even brought disaster to social media platforms. Political advertising is a big part of the reason why Facebook, Twitter, and other social media are suspected of manipulating the election and leaking citizens' data.
The first President which truly connect with social media was Barack Obama. During the 2008 election campaign, Obama not only set up his own official website but also personally approached Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook, in the hope of promoting himself through opening an account and establishing Q&A activities on Facebook (Gerodimos &Justinussen, 2015).
Later, through a series of performances on Facebook, Twitter, and even Reddit. Obama's young, elite, and the politically correct image was well suited to the tastes of young Internet users at the time. In the 2008 election, 87% of the Obama campaign's money came from Internet donations of less than $200. In 2012, perhaps in keeping with the then-booming tech industry, the Obama team began touting how it used big data to deliver political ads with precision, beating its rival Mitt Romney by $100 million (Gray, 2017). But after the Obama era ended, so did the honeymoon of social media and political advertising.
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Cambridge Analytica, Blue state digital, SS+K and other companies are listed together as several famous political advertising companies in the United States, which are specialized in serving politicians and providing them with services in data marketing and new media marketing. Blue state digital has served Obama, SS+K has served trump, and Cambridge Analytica has served trump's party rival, Ted Cruz. It's scary to think that Cambridge Analytica's illegal access to Facebook came to light in 2018 (Graham-Harrison &Cadwalladr 2018), and it seems that political ads have already mined our behavior data. Therefore, Obama looking more like a President of the invasion of privacy than a President of the Internet or big data.
When the use of social media for political advertising was no longer a secret, the hype began to cause resentment. As the number of political advertisement providers grew, these companies began to compete. And the best way to compete is to promote how they use control of social media and social media data to influence the outcome of political elections. Cambridge Analytica once made a public speech at a promotional conference, claiming that they used social media data to analyze users' personalities and thus delivered accurate advertising to Ted Cruz, which increased his approval rating from 5% to 35% (Graham-Harrison &Cadwalladr 2018). In the comment, most YouTube users responded with the phrase 'creepy'. That is why the reaction to the Cambridge Analytica scandal has been so strong.
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At present, social media is no longer a new form of media, and there are more and more relevant restrictions. While political advertising still generates a lot of revenue for social media, an overly transparent delivery system can influence election teams ‘decision. As with any form of media, the greater influence with greater responsibility and limited freedom. Perhaps, politicians are already looking for new media to use for political advertising today. AR, VR, games...The next media space that is about to explode will also have room for political advertising amid growth. Maybe the next US President will be the "VR President".
Gerodimos, R, & Justinussen, J 2015, ‘Obama’s 2012 Facebook Campaign: Political Communication in the Age of the Like Button‘, Journal Of Information Technology & Politics, 12, 2, pp. 113-132, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
D. M., Gray 2017, ‘Social media on the campaign trail: Barack Obama and Donald Trump’, Content Group.
E., Graham-Harrison, C. Cadwalladr 2018, "Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach". the Guardian. 
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cleverwolfpoetry · 5 years
PP Sinners of the system Case 2 First Guardian ch. 01
Hello again, I’m back with a new translation and this time it’s Sugou time!
I have tried to figure out what the title meant many times... I first thought it was the name of a novel like in Case 1 (Crime and Punishment by Dostoevskij) and Case 3 (Beyond love and hate by Kan Kikuchi) but then I had my answer while reading this chapter. 
First Guardian is Sugou, his name as a captain, so no wonder that he is the prota of this story. Buuut.... there isn’t only Sugou in this chapter. The (in)famous Frederika enters the stage and we’ll have the first impressions on her character.
So, no more waiting. Read the first chapter HERE.
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nyaaan63 · 3 years
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So, who's the ultimate cinnamon roll on here?🥰💕
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nyaaan63 · 4 years
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nyaaan63 · 4 years
Sugo: *Eating Cinnamon Roll*
Me: Cannibalism!
Sugo: *Innocent, confused chewing*
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nyaaan63 · 4 years
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vilcade · 5 years
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Aoyanagi Risa || PP SS Case 2: First Guardian
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vilcade · 5 years
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Sugo in 2112 || PP SS Case 2: First Guardian
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vilcade · 5 years
Here’s the link to Case.2, guys! :) (Def download it for better quality than 360p. xD)
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