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witekspicsoldpostcards2 · 1 month ago
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 1 year ago
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USTI nad Orlici = Uście nad Orlicą / Czech Rep.
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autistictortoise · 1 year ago
Dneska je to 71 let, co je Kléma na pravdě Satanově
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mdmb-brainrot · 5 months ago
Všichni: V divadle je to samý sex, drogy a divoký párty, na nic jinýho nemyslej, nemravové!
Mezitím v divadelním zákulisí:
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morella-of-pressburg · 6 months ago
Kniha noci - Holly Black
Dobrý večer, prinášam vám svoju prvú knižnú recenziu :D
3.5/5 ⭐
Celý koncept tejto knihy bol podľa môjho názoru veľmi originálny a zaujímavý. Často sa vo fantasy literatúre môžeme stretnúť s tieňovou mágiou, ale ešte nikdy som nečítala knihu, ktorá by to spracovala týmto spôsobom. V Knihe noci existujú tieňotvorcovia - ľudia s oživeným tieňom. Títo ľudia vedia svoj tieň ovládať, akoby to bola ich ďalšia končatina. Dokonca môžu do svojho tieňa vložiť spomienky a pocity, na ktoré chcú zabudnúť. Avšak na to, aby ich tieň zostal oživený, ho musia kŕmiť krvou. Je tu ešte jeden háčik. Ak budete svoj tieň kŕmiť priveľa alebo cudziou krvou, môže sa od vás tieň odtrhnúť a spôsobiť naozaj veľa problémov.
Postavy, dej, celkový dojem: ↓
Hlavná postava je bývalá zlodejka Charlie Hallová, ktorá sa rozhodla skoncovať so svojím bývalým spôsobom života. Zamestnala sa v bare, našla si frajera, ktorý platil polovicu jej nájomného, a snažila sa zabudnúť na svoju minulú prácu.
Charlie sa mi ako postava páčila a jej osobnosť bola dobre napísaná. Je to impulzívna, ale šikovná mladá žena, ktorá však často robí zlé rozhodnutia (a je si toho vedomá).
Vince je Charliin frajer, ktorý býva spolu s Charlie a jej sestrou Posey. Jeho postava sa mi na začiatku zdala nemastná-neslaná a ktovieako neprispieval k deju, ale to bolo zamerné. Jediné, čo o Vinceovi na začiatku vieme, je, že nemá žiaden tieň a nerád rozpráva o svojej minulosti. Jeho osobnosť sa však počas deja vykryštalizovala a čoskoro sa z neho stala naozaj veľmi zaujímavá postava.
Na začiatku sa dej hýbal celkom pomaly. Autorka nám predstavovala postavy a vysvetľovala, ako funguje mágia v tomto svete. Toto bol môj hlavný problém s touto knihou. Autorka vysvetľovala magický systém takým spôsobom, ktorý pripomínal takzvaný info-dumping. Dala nám veľa informácií naraz a strácala som sa v tom. Hneď od začiatku boli používané slová ako tieňotvorca, oživený tieň, bábkar, maska (nie tá na tvár, ale povolanie) a rôzne iné pomenovania vecí, ktorým som vôbec nerozumela. Autorka potom vysvetlila význam týchto slov, ale potrvalo mi celkom dlho kým som vôbec pochopila, ako táto tieňová mágia funguje. Častokrát bol spomenutý nejaký detail (väčšinou nejaký druh tieňotvorcu alebo nejaká magická kniha), o ktorom som vedela, že ho autorka spomenula a vysvetlila niekde na začiatku knihy, no bolo ťažké tieto informácie už spätne nájsť.
Avšak, keď už som si zvykla na tento magický systém, a prijala, že niektoré vysvetlenia už pravdepodobne ani nenájdem, príbeh nebol vôbec zlý. Bolo vidno, že si autorka dala na tomto magickom systéme záležať a bol naozaj detailný a originálny.
So samotným dejom som nemala žiadne veľké problémy. Hýbal sa tempom, ktoré dávalo zmysel a nič nebolo ani príliš pomalé (až na úplný začiatok knihy), ani príliš urýchlené. Hlavne sa mi páčil záver knihy (približne posledných 100 strán), pretože sa tam stále niečo dialo a stále ma niečo prekvapilo. Úplný záver knihy (posledná kapitola) bola šok za šokom. A už úplne ma dostala posledná dvojstrana. Túto knihu som dočítala, a hneď som si išla vyhľadať, kedy výjde druhý diel.
Celkový dojem:
Dobrá kniha s originálnym nápadom a zaujímavými postavami, ale na začiatku bolo trocha ťažké pochopiť, o čo tam ide, a ako funguje mágia v tom svete.
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videli-jste-tento-film · 1 year ago
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milka-savic51 · 11 months ago
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Poslijednji pozdrav...
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dijetemjeseca · 1 year ago
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lilybarthes · 2 years ago
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 1 year ago
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Tagging this with gay fandoms sorry
There's currently a European proposition to ban conversion practice in Europe
If you're European please sigh it
If you're not please reblog
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alettertosanta · 1 year ago
Writing a Letter to Santa - Personalized Letter From Jesus For a Child
Every year kids across the country write letters to Santa letting him know what they want for Christmas. These letters are then answered by Santa himself via the USPS!
The Postmaster General first authorized postal workers and citizens to answer children's letters in 1912. Over 100 years later, it is still a tradition. Check their site to know more details dopis ježíškovi.
When writing a letter to Santa, be sure to use a pen, marker or pencil that is easy to write with. If your parents have colorful construction paper, that makes a fun choice as well. You could also add drawings and stickers to the letter if you like.
When listing what they want for Christmas, kids should try to be as polite as possible. It is also a good opportunity to teach them how to say please.
The USPS has been answering letters to Santa since 1912 when Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock authorized postal workers and members of the public to answer children's letters, and they are still doing so today. This year, they went digital in seven cities, and volunteers from charities and corporations are also stepping up to help. They will "adopt" a letter to read and reply to, and all names, communities and contact information will be kept private. This will keep the magic alive for every child who writes to Santa this year!
Santa is pretty busy at the North Pole with millions of letters from children (and adults). He can’t get everyone everything on their list, but he does his best. Encourage your child to write a polite letter and to focus on their top items.
Santa’s elves respond to every letter that gets to the North Pole before Christmas. They also archive all of these letters for future generations at the Santa Claus Museum.
Parents should help their child write their letter, then put it in an envelope addressed to Santa Claus, North Pole. Place a first class stamp on the envelope before sending it off to the post office. USPS has been answering children’s letters to Santa since 1912 when Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock authorized postal workers and everyday citizens to reply to them. Eventually, charitable organizations and corporations joined in to write responses and send gifts along with them. This is still a popular tradition.
Getting your wish list together is a fun and important Christmas tradition. It shows Santa you are polite and respectful, and it helps him get you the presents you want for Christmas. Write down what you want in a letter and then give it to your parents to mail off to the North Pole.
The Postal Service has been receiving letters to Santa for more than 100 years. Each year, volunteers read and fulfill the wishes of children who wrote to him. They do this through a program called Operation Santa, in which people can sign up to be adopters by visiting the USPS website. To protect privacy, all identifying information is removed from the adopted letters, including last names, communities, locations and addresses. Read about the wonderful wishes fulfilled by the Operation Santa program, from elementary school students in a wildfire-ravaged town to a young girl who wanted books on how to change the world.
Santa loves to hear what kids are thankful for. They may be thankful for a good bed, their parents love, or even their friends! This is a great way to tell them that being good is more than just getting presents – it’s about taking care of others too.
Kids’ letters to Santa help Old Saint Nick decide what gifts to bring. They also give his helper elves on the streets the insight they need to make Christmas wishes come true. Add a little magic to your child’s letter by including fascinating details about Santa, his reindeer and life at the North Pole.
The Postal Service takes privacy seriously and works to always protect the information submitted in these letters to Santa. Last names, communities, locations and other identifying information are removed from all letters before they are shared publicly. This helps preserve the integrity of Santa’s program and ensures that those who receive these responses are safe and happy.
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zdravljeilepotaema1 · 2 years ago
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25 posts!
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milka-savic51 · 2 years ago
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homosekularnost · 1 year ago
prewritten email in croatian under the cut
Poštovana (ime),
obraćam vam se kao Hrvatica čiji glas predstavljate u Europskom parlamentu. Tražim od vas da zatražite hitan prekid nasilja nad civilima Palestine i osudite ratne zločine koje Izrael vrši. 
Molim vas, stavite nas na pravu stranu povijesti.
if you're european, you can go to this site, click on your country at the top bar, and it will tell you how to reach your representatives and also provides an already written script which you can simply copy and paste. alternatively, this google doc also provides scripts for different countries.
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dijetemjeseca · 1 year ago
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