abbyslev · 1 year
Power with a busty reader headcannons!
A/N: anon…you have discovered my favorite topic of all time. BOOOOOOOOBS. AND POWER?? BOOBS + POWER = HAPPY JUNE!! thank you for this amazing request, as you can see, boobs are all i can think about. enjoy! thanks for this, ily my angel!
WARNINGS: literally all boobs
DISC: i opened request again! i apologize if i never got to write yours, life gets in the way but after finals i will be able to work a lot more! i apologize once again.❤️thank you all for your support and patience!
oh prepare yourself 
powers hands GRAVITATE towards your chest any chance she gets
when you stretch or denji distracts you she takes the chance to catch your off guard and slap your boobs
“Ha! Gotcha!” And you’re all like “:/“
bite marks. bite marks. bite marks. BITE MARKS. 
sleeps on your boobs 
she greets you like “hey baby!!” and just snuggles on your boobs
“Hmmm i have to think,” And she grabs your boobs to “concentrate”
steals lingerie that’s way to small on purpose 
knew your bra size without even checking 
when you wear low cut shirts she start stuttering and her eyes avert straight down to your boobs 
loves when you wear button-ups and leave the few buttons on top unbuttoned 
she saw denji eyeing you one time and she smacked him so hard he literally saw heaven 
“gotta warm up my hands hehehe.” While sticking her FREEZING COLD FUCKING HANDS in your bra
she is your personal bra shhh
when she rides you and grabs your boobs TAGSHWJSU RAHHH 
you give her piggy back rides but she just looks straight down into your shirt 
“elbows” your boobs on accident 
is mesmerized by you walking 
when you two run or something she’s like 👀
bite marks once again (sorry i’m just so gay help) 
when you put on your bra she’s like “oh you don’t need that <3”
LOVESSSSSS when she can see them through your shirt 
power is so gay someone help her 
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nevert-the-guy · 11 months
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I love their design, but I hate them in battle.
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sphynxskullz · 2 years
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Old powie drawing i lowkey almost lost woops
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lightnovel333 · 3 months
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Miłość w kwiatach wiśni (桜の中の愛) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/365927971-mi%C5%82o%C5%9B%C4%87-w-kwiatach-wi%C5%9Bni-%E6%A1%9C%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%AD%E3%81%AE%E6%84%9B?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=SlayerX_X Light Novel o skrytej miłości dwóch najlepszych przyjaciół z dzieciństwa : skromnego chłopaka który nazywa się Izumaki Yuta i jego przyjaciółki Amane. Oboje są w sobie zakochani na zabój ale wstydzą się i boją że zostaną odrzuceni. Czy miłość przezwycięży strach????
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pwrcsm · 5 months
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lionfloss · 1 year
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Powis Garden
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craterdogs · 2 years
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Denji and "Powy" compilation
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travelbinge · 6 months
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By Matprice
Builth Wells, Powys, Wales
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hayakawashousewife · 2 years
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💔 The Many Faces of Power-chan 💔
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radbunctious · 3 months
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Congratulations, Kishibe!
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nordicsublime · 7 months
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abbyslev · 1 year
Power with a flirty reader who gets FLUSTERED SO BADLLYYY when someone flirts back….
(you said I’m projecting myself…WHATTTTTT NEVER HA….ha ha *stares off into the fake camera…*)
A/N: power. just power. that’s all. SHES SO FINE also bro same anon like i’m all talk but as soon as they flirt back i get all shy it’s BAD
WARNINGS: suggestive ish
Power had always been really confident and out there, until she met you. 
        She had never met a human who could make her blush as much as you did. She loved that you were not afraid to challenge her, and especially be a dominant. Power usually had control and since she was so outgoing, it came natural to her. She discovered she liked giving in to you, she liked you having all the power. 
        Until last night, Power decided she wasn’t gonna  let you have this one. She was going to surprise you and it was gonna be good. 
          Power stood at the sink, brushing her sharp teeth. You snaked your arms around her, pressing a sleepy kiss against her neck. “You always look so good when you wake up, baby.” You press another kiss on her ear, resting your thumbs inside her soft sleeping shorts. 
       “And you always look so good under me.” Power bent over, spitting in the sink. She watched as your face turned red in the mirror, lips moving but no words coming out. Your ears turned slightly pink, eyes blinking. Power washed out her mouth, turning around. 
        She wiped her mouth with her shirt, her lower stomach exposed. “What’s wrong?” Power smiled, pushing herself up against you. “Uh,  nothing. Just admiring how beautiful you look.” You tried to play it off. Power always got all shy, why was she acting up now? 
     “You look even prettier.” Power pulled you down, pressing your lips on hers. Your hands landed on her waist, pulling her closer. She slammed you against the door, jumping on you. 
       You liked this, you never really got to experience Power taking control. She usually got all shy and flustered. Power pulled away, sticking her tongue out and laughing. 
      “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” She laughed before pulling you back into a kiss. 
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planetyard-art · 1 year
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Chainsaw Man dump 1
Aki and Angel’s shirts are from this post
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sphynxskullz · 1 year
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meownotgood · 8 months
aki talking to you: have you eaten anything good for you today? sweetheart... if you don't eat well, you could get sick or give yourself a stomach ache. c'mon, I'll make you something, what would you like? maybe some soup, that'd be easy on your stomach. and next time, if you've only got snacks at home, just call me and I'll come over for dinner, okay?
aki talking to denji & power: eat your fucking vegetables
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pwrcsm · 4 months
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old powy fanart :)
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