#powers drop-in anchors pdf
testwintech · 1 year
Vectrorization Design and The Role Of Testwin Technologies
Testwin Technologies Pvt Ltd stands as a prominent organization in the field of graphic design, renowned for their team of highly skilled and experienced designers. With their deep knowledge and expertise, they have established themselves as leaders in the industry.
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In graphics design one of the major design category is vectorization design. Vectorization is the process of converting raster (pixel-based) images into vector (mathematically defined) graphics by using some design application software like Adobe illustrator, Corel Draw etc. It is often used to recreate or refine logo designs, flyer, banner, illustrations, and other any other formation of artwork.
Below are a step-by-step process to follow for creating a vectorization design:
Obtain the Original Image: Start by trying to collect as much as possible a high-quality version of the design you want to vectorize. This could be a scanned image, a photograph, or an existing digital file.
Choose Vector Design Software: Select a vector design software such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, or Inkscape or any other application software where you are master. These programs offer powerful tools and features specifically designed for creating and editing vector graphics.
Import the Image: Open the software and import the original image into the program. This process is different for depending upon application software depending upon the  Depending on the software, you can typically do this by selecting "File" and then "Import" or by dragging and dropping the image into the workspace.
Create a New Layer: Before you begin vectorizing, create a new layer in the software. This will allow you to work on the vectorization separately from the original image and make it easier to make changes and adjustments.
Start Tracing: Begin tracing the outlines of the design using the Pen Tool or similar drawing tools available in the software. Follow the shapes and contours of the design, creating paths and curves as needed.
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Use Basic Shapes: For simpler designs, you can also use basic shapes like rectangles, circles, and polygons to recreate the design. Combine and manipulate these shapes to match the original design.
Refine the Paths: Once you have traced the main outlines, go back and refine the paths to ensure smooth curves and clean lines. Adjust the anchor points, handles, and curves as necessary to match the original design accurately.
Add Colors and Fills: After you have recreated the basic shapes and outlines, add colors and fills to the vector design. Use the appropriate color palette and apply gradients or patterns if needed.
Consider Typography: If your design includes text or typography, recreate it using the software's text tools. Match the font, size, and style of the original design, and make any necessary adjustments for legibility and aesthetics.
Organize and Group Elements: As you work on the vectorization, keep your design organized by grouping related elements and layers. This will make it easier to make changes later on and maintain a clean and structured design file.
Save and Export: Once you are satisfied with the vectorized design, save your work and export it in the desired file format. Common vector file formats include AI, EPS, PDF, and SVG. Additionally, you may also want to export raster formats like PNG or JPG for specific use cases.
Sample work of Vectorization work              
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Please Note, vectorization requires attention to detail and may take time, especially for complex designs. Practice patience and refer back to the original design as needed to ensure accuracy. With experience, you'll become more proficient in vectorizing designs and maintaining the integrity of the original artwork.
The designers at Testwin Technologies possess a keen eye for aesthetics and a flair for creativity. They have a remarkable ability to transform low quality scalar design to a high quality vector design.  Their innovative approach sets them apart and ensures that each design they create is unique and impactful.
Staying abreast of the latest trends and industry practices is crucial in graphic design. Testwin Technologies' designers are well-versed in current design trends, color theories, typography, and visual communication techniques. This deep understanding allows them to create designs that are not only visually appealing but also align with the client's brand identity and target audience.
Testwin Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 
Contact Person: Subal Chandra Roy (Director) 
Fiverr Profile:
Address: Saha Market, Palta, Kolkata: 743122 West Bengal 
Mobile: 9899911874
1 note · View note
thedivinefish · 1 year
TGIWednesday: Clearing negative mind chatter
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TGIWednesday News
If I wake up and the marine drill sergeant is in my head screaming, You’re worthless and weak, now drop and give me 20 push-ups!” That’s when I know that some negative anchor that’s not even me has in fact infiltrated my head space.  It is imperative that you fish that out and then test positive for learned all the lessons I needed to from negative mind chatter and fish until you test the statement, “Being caught up in negative mind chatter still serves me” to a big resounding NO!  It is common to have this creep up on us. If you go to a crowded store, sporting or entertainment event or a large healthcare facility, then chances are that negative ick got on you like a wet fog and it’s not you talking all this negativity, it’s someone or something else.  Make every effort to become and remain positive as much for your sanity as for those around you.  Yet another boost to keeping you positive is our newly released Audio MP3 and I believe, think, know and feel that this could make a difference in your attitude and outlook too!  Be blessed and remain positive.
FLASH LAUNCH FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!  The LOWEST price it will EVER be! (Save $10, over 20% off) This is an urgent call and we don't want to waste any time getting you on board at the special price - this introductory $47 pricing ends THIS SUNDAY 4/23 at Midnight PT
"MyBeliefWorks for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life"
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Now more than ever we need to turn the tide energetically to the positive so that we do our part to contribute to all?; and still have hope to fulfill our own wishes and dreams on this ?life's? journey.  Let’s take out the feeling of drudgery and install optimism and better outcomes with this new Audio MP3.  It can happen! The audio recording is different because it's truly a turbo-powered positivity BOOSTER!  By listening, it will support you in elevating your observations of life’s blessings, taking time for yourself, reconnecting with loved ones and also honoring your guidance and empowering you to take the actions that will lead you to accomplishing your goals with enthusiasm!
**SPECIAL BONUS PRAYER INCLUDED!  7 mins - Downloads in 4-parts
This prayer is a spiritually divine call to action individually playable for each section of the day, arising in the morning, continuing through afternoon, evening and finally bedtime. It very well could be your new favorite "go to" daily pick-me-up in order to give you the added infusion of energy to stay strong throughout your day and your life! You’re going to really enjoy this one because it’s short and sweet, yet impactful and all encompassing.
Over 80 clearings delivered on 1 PDF with 5 total MP3 recordings.
Get it today - Only $47
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING NEGATIVE MIND CHATTER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as the negative came upon me that I can shake it off and fish it out and come back to being positive. I am ready, willing and able to put in the effort, get off the couch and out of my head in order to renew positivity and to regain an upbeat disposition. I know, when, where, how and why to call in more strength than protection and to accentuate the positive in all areas and to find that which resonates in an amazing and uplifting way to keep my positive enthusiasm for life cranked up!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is that making a little progress each and every day will co-create the rest of your life to be the best of your life.
JOIN US - WEDNESDAY APRIL 26TH at 7:30PM  EASTERN Theme:  Women's Challenges Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-2023-zoom-event
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I really salute the Goddess energy and love women.  I believe them to be wildly psychic, loving and caring and without them we would not be reading this now!  Granny Ruth used to say “you better be good to you’re momma, it’s the only one you’ll ever have.” So let’s launch into and support women worldwide by co-creating profound changes in the 3 categories below.
Physical issues and challenges that you are personally having right now.  Can be any topic. 
(Help to clear me of fibroids, Uterine issues, Breast lumps, pre/current or post-partum depression, or menopause, sleepless nights, hot flashes, etc)
Family issues and challenges
Help to foster a loving relationship/reconcile/rekindle between me and my spouse/mother/father/son/daughter/partner, send blessings to my loved one because they’re going through____.  And for there to be peace, and harmony in our home.
Worldwide view
Allow for women to be treated equally worldwide.  Ask for Spirit to foster acceptance for women to be recognized for all they’ve done and continue to do.  Erase genocide in all forms and especially trafficking, abuse of any and all kinds and mistreatment of our sisters in other countries.    You get the idea.  Oh and for the men, you’re still welcome to join in and participate and ask as if these are prayers are for YOUR partner, wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt etc.
  Pre-Register Now - $22
Come See Me In Tampa on FRIDAY 
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office on the last Friday of each month This will sell out so you’ll want to call their office to schedule asap!
Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
FREE Live Appearances
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Gain access to the FREE You Wealth Revolution Season 25 The New Energy - New You™ Gathering and Get Your Free Gift, a unique tool called The 1 Minute Miracle™ - 7777 Hz - it opens you up to the secrets of 1,787 documented energy awakenings. My LIVE interview is May 9th titled:  Navigating the Tides of Change: Charting Your Course for 5D Fulfillment
Get Free 7777Hz MP3 Here!
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy. You did two readings for me in feb. and march. I was very worried I had lung cancer or some other cancer because of a pain in my back. Both of your readings you didn't pick up on anything and said"nothing catastrophic" that became my mantra. Well I finally went to the doctor and had a series of screenings. You were right. I thought you should know that. I do have severe arthritis of the lumbar spine but everything else was clear. Thank you for all you do. - Kathy S.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
APRIL 19TH "Today I will watch closely what I do and avoid risks that could result in long lasting negative effects. As I move forward with my health, I will take a road less traveled. I will preserve and move in the direction of my goals and ignore the nay-sayers."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath *NEW* Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Energy Artist Julia https://energyartistjulia.com/ Use 15% discount code: JM1
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 1 year
TGIWednesday: Clearing negative mind chatter
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TGIWednesday News
If I wake up and the marine drill sergeant is in my head screaming, You’re worthless and weak, now drop and give me 20 push-ups!” That’s when I know that some negative anchor that’s not even me has in fact infiltrated my head space.  It is imperative that you fish that out and then test positive for learned all the lessons I needed to from negative mind chatter and fish until you test the statement, “Being caught up in negative mind chatter still serves me” to a big resounding NO!  It is common to have this creep up on us. If you go to a crowded store, sporting or entertainment event or a large healthcare facility, then chances are that negative ick got on you like a wet fog and it’s not you talking all this negativity, it’s someone or something else.  Make every effort to become and remain positive as much for your sanity as for those around you.  Yet another boost to keeping you positive is our newly released Audio MP3 and I believe, think, know and feel that this could make a difference in your attitude and outlook too!  Be blessed and remain positive.
FLASH LAUNCH FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!  The LOWEST price it will EVER be! (Save $10, over 20% off) This is an urgent call and we don't want to waste any time getting you on board at the special price - this introductory $47 pricing ends THIS SUNDAY 4/23 at Midnight PT
"MyBeliefWorks for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life"
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Now more than ever we need to turn the tide energetically to the positive so that we do our part to contribute to all?; and still have hope to fulfill our own wishes and dreams on this ?life's? journey.  Let’s take out the feeling of drudgery and install optimism and better outcomes with this new Audio MP3.  It can happen! The audio recording is different because it's truly a turbo-powered positivity BOOSTER!  By listening, it will support you in elevating your observations of life’s blessings, taking time for yourself, reconnecting with loved ones and also honoring your guidance and empowering you to take the actions that will lead you to accomplishing your goals with enthusiasm!
**SPECIAL BONUS PRAYER INCLUDED!  7 mins - Downloads in 4-parts
This prayer is a spiritually divine call to action individually playable for each section of the day, arising in the morning, continuing through afternoon, evening and finally bedtime. It very well could be your new favorite "go to" daily pick-me-up in order to give you the added infusion of energy to stay strong throughout your day and your life! You’re going to really enjoy this one because it’s short and sweet, yet impactful and all encompassing.
Over 80 clearings delivered on 1 PDF with 5 total MP3 recordings.
Get it today - Only $47
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING NEGATIVE MIND CHATTER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as the negative came upon me that I can shake it off and fish it out and come back to being positive. I am ready, willing and able to put in the effort, get off the couch and out of my head in order to renew positivity and to regain an upbeat disposition. I know, when, where, how and why to call in more strength than protection and to accentuate the positive in all areas and to find that which resonates in an amazing and uplifting way to keep my positive enthusiasm for life cranked up!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is that making a little progress each and every day will co-create the rest of your life to be the best of your life.
JOIN US - WEDNESDAY APRIL 26TH at 7:30PM  EASTERN Theme:  Women's Challenges Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-2023-zoom-event
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I really salute the Goddess energy and love women.  I believe them to be wildly psychic, loving and caring and without them we would not be reading this now!  Granny Ruth used to say “you better be good to you’re momma, it’s the only one you’ll ever have.” So let’s launch into and support women worldwide by co-creating profound changes in the 3 categories below.
Physical issues and challenges that you are personally having right now.  Can be any topic. 
(Help to clear me of fibroids, Uterine issues, Breast lumps, pre/current or post-partum depression, or menopause, sleepless nights, hot flashes, etc)
Family issues and challenges
Help to foster a loving relationship/reconcile/rekindle between me and my spouse/mother/father/son/daughter/partner, send blessings to my loved one because they’re going through____.  And for there to be peace, and harmony in our home.
Worldwide view
Allow for women to be treated equally worldwide.  Ask for Spirit to foster acceptance for women to be recognized for all they’ve done and continue to do.  Erase genocide in all forms and especially trafficking, abuse of any and all kinds and mistreatment of our sisters in other countries.    You get the idea.  Oh and for the men, you’re still welcome to join in and participate and ask as if these are prayers are for YOUR partner, wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt etc.
  Pre-Register Now - $22
Come See Me In Tampa on FRIDAY 
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office on the last Friday of each month This will sell out so you’ll want to call their office to schedule asap!
Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
FREE Live Appearances
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Gain access to the FREE You Wealth Revolution Season 25 The New Energy - New You™ Gathering and Get Your Free Gift, a unique tool called The 1 Minute Miracle™ - 7777 Hz - it opens you up to the secrets of 1,787 documented energy awakenings. My LIVE interview is May 9th titled:  Navigating the Tides of Change: Charting Your Course for 5D Fulfillment
Get Free 7777Hz MP3 Here!
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy. You did two readings for me in feb. and march. I was very worried I had lung cancer or some other cancer because of a pain in my back. Both of your readings you didn't pick up on anything and said"nothing catastrophic" that became my mantra. Well I finally went to the doctor and had a series of screenings. You were right. I thought you should know that. I do have severe arthritis of the lumbar spine but everything else was clear. Thank you for all you do. - Kathy S.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
APRIL 19TH "Today I will watch closely what I do and avoid risks that could result in long lasting negative effects. As I move forward with my health, I will take a road less traveled. I will preserve and move in the direction of my goals and ignore the nay-sayers."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath *NEW* Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Energy Artist Julia https://energyartistjulia.com/ Use 15% discount code: JM1
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Clearing negative mind chatter
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TGIWednesday News
If I wake up and the marine drill sergeant is in my head screaming, You’re worthless and weak, now drop and give me 20 push-ups!” That’s when I know that some negative anchor that’s not even me has in fact infiltrated my head space.  It is imperative that you fish that out and then test positive for learned all the lessons I needed to from negative mind chatter and fish until you test the statement, “Being caught up in negative mind chatter still serves me” to a big resounding NO!  It is common to have this creep up on us. If you go to a crowded store, sporting or entertainment event or a large healthcare facility, then chances are that negative ick got on you like a wet fog and it’s not you talking all this negativity, it’s someone or something else.  Make every effort to become and remain positive as much for your sanity as for those around you.  Yet another boost to keeping you positive is our newly released Audio MP3 and I believe, think, know and feel that this could make a difference in your attitude and outlook too!  Be blessed and remain positive.
FLASH LAUNCH FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!  The LOWEST price it will EVER be! (Save $10, over 20% off) This is an urgent call and we don't want to waste any time getting you on board at the special price - this introductory $47 pricing ends THIS SUNDAY 4/23 at Midnight PT
"MyBeliefWorks for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life"
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Now more than ever we need to turn the tide energetically to the positive so that we do our part to contribute to all?; and still have hope to fulfill our own wishes and dreams on this ?life's? journey.  Let’s take out the feeling of drudgery and install optimism and better outcomes with this new Audio MP3.  It can happen! The audio recording is different because it's truly a turbo-powered positivity BOOSTER!  By listening, it will support you in elevating your observations of life’s blessings, taking time for yourself, reconnecting with loved ones and also honoring your guidance and empowering you to take the actions that will lead you to accomplishing your goals with enthusiasm!
**SPECIAL BONUS PRAYER INCLUDED!  7 mins - Downloads in 4-parts
This prayer is a spiritually divine call to action individually playable for each section of the day, arising in the morning, continuing through afternoon, evening and finally bedtime. It very well could be your new favorite "go to" daily pick-me-up in order to give you the added infusion of energy to stay strong throughout your day and your life! You’re going to really enjoy this one because it’s short and sweet, yet impactful and all encompassing.
Over 80 clearings delivered on 1 PDF with 5 total MP3 recordings.
Get it today - Only $47
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING NEGATIVE MIND CHATTER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as the negative came upon me that I can shake it off and fish it out and come back to being positive. I am ready, willing and able to put in the effort, get off the couch and out of my head in order to renew positivity and to regain an upbeat disposition. I know, when, where, how and why to call in more strength than protection and to accentuate the positive in all areas and to find that which resonates in an amazing and uplifting way to keep my positive enthusiasm for life cranked up!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is that making a little progress each and every day will co-create the rest of your life to be the best of your life.
JOIN US - WEDNESDAY APRIL 26TH at 7:30PM  EASTERN Theme:  Women's Challenges Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-2023-zoom-event
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I really salute the Goddess energy and love women.  I believe them to be wildly psychic, loving and caring and without them we would not be reading this now!  Granny Ruth used to say “you better be good to you’re momma, it’s the only one you’ll ever have.” So let’s launch into and support women worldwide by co-creating profound changes in the 3 categories below.
Physical issues and challenges that you are personally having right now.  Can be any topic. 
(Help to clear me of fibroids, Uterine issues, Breast lumps, pre/current or post-partum depression, or menopause, sleepless nights, hot flashes, etc)
Family issues and challenges
Help to foster a loving relationship/reconcile/rekindle between me and my spouse/mother/father/son/daughter/partner, send blessings to my loved one because they’re going through____.  And for there to be peace, and harmony in our home.
Worldwide view
Allow for women to be treated equally worldwide.  Ask for Spirit to foster acceptance for women to be recognized for all they’ve done and continue to do.  Erase genocide in all forms and especially trafficking, abuse of any and all kinds and mistreatment of our sisters in other countries.    You get the idea.  Oh and for the men, you’re still welcome to join in and participate and ask as if these are prayers are for YOUR partner, wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt etc.
  Pre-Register Now - $22
Come See Me In Tampa on FRIDAY 
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office on the last Friday of each month This will sell out so you’ll want to call their office to schedule asap!
Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
FREE Live Appearances
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Gain access to the FREE You Wealth Revolution Season 25 The New Energy - New You™ Gathering and Get Your Free Gift, a unique tool called The 1 Minute Miracle™ - 7777 Hz - it opens you up to the secrets of 1,787 documented energy awakenings. My LIVE interview is May 9th titled:  Navigating the Tides of Change: Charting Your Course for 5D Fulfillment
Get Free 7777Hz MP3 Here!
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy. You did two readings for me in feb. and march. I was very worried I had lung cancer or some other cancer because of a pain in my back. Both of your readings you didn't pick up on anything and said"nothing catastrophic" that became my mantra. Well I finally went to the doctor and had a series of screenings. You were right. I thought you should know that. I do have severe arthritis of the lumbar spine but everything else was clear. Thank you for all you do. - Kathy S.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
APRIL 19TH "Today I will watch closely what I do and avoid risks that could result in long lasting negative effects. As I move forward with my health, I will take a road less traveled. I will preserve and move in the direction of my goals and ignore the nay-sayers."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath *NEW* Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Energy Artist Julia https://energyartistjulia.com/ Use 15% discount code: JM1
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Clearing negative mind chatter
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TGIWednesday News
If I wake up and the marine drill sergeant is in my head screaming, You’re worthless and weak, now drop and give me 20 push-ups!” That’s when I know that some negative anchor that’s not even me has in fact infiltrated my head space.  It is imperative that you fish that out and then test positive for learned all the lessons I needed to from negative mind chatter and fish until you test the statement, “Being caught up in negative mind chatter still serves me” to a big resounding NO!  It is common to have this creep up on us. If you go to a crowded store, sporting or entertainment event or a large healthcare facility, then chances are that negative ick got on you like a wet fog and it’s not you talking all this negativity, it’s someone or something else.  Make every effort to become and remain positive as much for your sanity as for those around you.  Yet another boost to keeping you positive is our newly released Audio MP3 and I believe, think, know and feel that this could make a difference in your attitude and outlook too!  Be blessed and remain positive.
FLASH LAUNCH FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!  The LOWEST price it will EVER be! (Save $10, over 20% off) This is an urgent call and we don't want to waste any time getting you on board at the special price - this introductory $47 pricing ends THIS SUNDAY 4/23 at Midnight PT
"MyBeliefWorks for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life"
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Now more than ever we need to turn the tide energetically to the positive so that we do our part to contribute to all?; and still have hope to fulfill our own wishes and dreams on this ?life's? journey.  Let’s take out the feeling of drudgery and install optimism and better outcomes with this new Audio MP3.  It can happen! The audio recording is different because it's truly a turbo-powered positivity BOOSTER!  By listening, it will support you in elevating your observations of life’s blessings, taking time for yourself, reconnecting with loved ones and also honoring your guidance and empowering you to take the actions that will lead you to accomplishing your goals with enthusiasm!
**SPECIAL BONUS PRAYER INCLUDED!  7 mins - Downloads in 4-parts
This prayer is a spiritually divine call to action individually playable for each section of the day, arising in the morning, continuing through afternoon, evening and finally bedtime. It very well could be your new favorite "go to" daily pick-me-up in order to give you the added infusion of energy to stay strong throughout your day and your life! You’re going to really enjoy this one because it’s short and sweet, yet impactful and all encompassing.
Over 80 clearings delivered on 1 PDF with 5 total MP3 recordings.
Get it today - Only $47
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING NEGATIVE MIND CHATTER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as the negative came upon me that I can shake it off and fish it out and come back to being positive. I am ready, willing and able to put in the effort, get off the couch and out of my head in order to renew positivity and to regain an upbeat disposition. I know, when, where, how and why to call in more strength than protection and to accentuate the positive in all areas and to find that which resonates in an amazing and uplifting way to keep my positive enthusiasm for life cranked up!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is that making a little progress each and every day will co-create the rest of your life to be the best of your life.
JOIN US - WEDNESDAY APRIL 26TH at 7:30PM  EASTERN Theme:  Women's Challenges Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-2023-zoom-event
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I really salute the Goddess energy and love women.  I believe them to be wildly psychic, loving and caring and without them we would not be reading this now!  Granny Ruth used to say “you better be good to you’re momma, it’s the only one you’ll ever have.” So let’s launch into and support women worldwide by co-creating profound changes in the 3 categories below.
Physical issues and challenges that you are personally having right now.  Can be any topic. 
(Help to clear me of fibroids, Uterine issues, Breast lumps, pre/current or post-partum depression, or menopause, sleepless nights, hot flashes, etc)
Family issues and challenges
Help to foster a loving relationship/reconcile/rekindle between me and my spouse/mother/father/son/daughter/partner, send blessings to my loved one because they’re going through____.  And for there to be peace, and harmony in our home.
Worldwide view
Allow for women to be treated equally worldwide.  Ask for Spirit to foster acceptance for women to be recognized for all they’ve done and continue to do.  Erase genocide in all forms and especially trafficking, abuse of any and all kinds and mistreatment of our sisters in other countries.    You get the idea.  Oh and for the men, you’re still welcome to join in and participate and ask as if these are prayers are for YOUR partner, wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt etc.
  Pre-Register Now - $22
Come See Me In Tampa on FRIDAY 
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office on the last Friday of each month This will sell out so you’ll want to call their office to schedule asap!
Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
FREE Live Appearances
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Gain access to the FREE You Wealth Revolution Season 25 The New Energy - New You™ Gathering and Get Your Free Gift, a unique tool called The 1 Minute Miracle™ - 7777 Hz - it opens you up to the secrets of 1,787 documented energy awakenings. My LIVE interview is May 9th titled:  Navigating the Tides of Change: Charting Your Course for 5D Fulfillment
Get Free 7777Hz MP3 Here!
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy. You did two readings for me in feb. and march. I was very worried I had lung cancer or some other cancer because of a pain in my back. Both of your readings you didn't pick up on anything and said"nothing catastrophic" that became my mantra. Well I finally went to the doctor and had a series of screenings. You were right. I thought you should know that. I do have severe arthritis of the lumbar spine but everything else was clear. Thank you for all you do. - Kathy S.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
APRIL 19TH "Today I will watch closely what I do and avoid risks that could result in long lasting negative effects. As I move forward with my health, I will take a road less traveled. I will preserve and move in the direction of my goals and ignore the nay-sayers."
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath *NEW* Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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Energy Artist Julia https://energyartistjulia.com/ Use 15% discount code: JM1
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
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ss or carbon steel drop in anchor
click here to see more of this product
0 notes
I love historical fics, I know about historical!Klaine tag, of course! I already read probably most of them, many on my 'to read' list, but I'm already looking for more. Anything new in this genre in the last few months what is not in the tags? Or maybe something older, less popular, maybe any of your followers know about less popular, not well known historical fics? Maybe something very old with very little feedback, just everything really. I love this genre so much. Thank you all.
The first three fics are newish historical Klaine fics. Many of the others listed are in the library but under a different tag. Make sure you check out the fics with the electronic files included - they were either posted on LiveJournal or removed from the Internet. Full disclosure: I haven’t read them all. - HKVoyage
Pretense and Obsession - Anderovska by @kfs1001
The first sign came with when armed might advanced beyond accepted borders. Confirmation arrived with the signing of a document on the night, when unbeknown to all, three old crones foretold the impending fate. With the might of Imperial France controlling Europe, two former allies shed blood on the vast open steppes. Ships flying the British ensign drop anchor in the harbour of Saint Petersburg intending to rekindle an old friendship. Forces within the Imperial Court of Tsar Aleksandr rally on both sides of a politically charged issue. Within this world of strict social convention and the absolute power of the nobility, the battle lines flicker in the crystal chandeliers of elegant ballrooms. Flamboyant music and the sway of eloquent gowns introduce the son of an Earl to an unprepared Grand Duke.
Guarding the Shadows by @jayhawk-writes
Too distracted by their love for each other to make their own choices, Kurt and Blaine are thrust into an adventure they know almost nothing about. Born in mid-1600 London, they must overcome many obstacles including their financial barriers and their desire to find true love. However, there's a hidden piece of the puzzle they know nothing about: vampires.
A Simpler Time by legallyblained
Best sort-of friends Blaine and Santana aren't exactly living their best lives in 2020. When a storm throws them the biggest imaginable curve ball, can they make it back home? And can they make a change before they do?
It Must Be Love by @lovely_sparkle [PDF and EPUB]
It’s 1987, and Blaine just wants to fit in with the cool kids at school. So he wears trendy clothes even though they aren’t his style, saves his singing and dancing for his bedroom, and keeps his sexuality a secret by dating a popular cheerleader. But everything changes when teen sensation Kurt Hummel, lead singer of the latest New Wave craze Social Heap, enters his world. And little does Kurt know that his world is about to be turned upside-down, too.
I Belong to You by DualWielding
Blaine’s ship is attacked by pirates! But captivity isn’t what he expected, and neither is the infamous Captain Black. Warnings inside.
Noble by JustLikeTheSong
Sebastian is a Lord, and Kurt is one of his servants. During a trip, their carriage is attacked by highway men. In an attempt to save himself, Sebastian offers to pay the men, and also offers up Kurt, to use however they like.
But before the men can do anything to Kurt, they’re attacked by a different group of men, led by Blaine. Blaine’s group kills or runs most of them off, and commandeers their belongings.
Including Kurt and Sebastian.
Half of me will always be you by lostinfictionalworlds
Eighteenth Century, London, England.
Kurt; a lonely vampire, stuck, frozen in time in his youth is forced to roam the cobbled streets of London, among the rife sickness epidemic which is wiping out a large percent of the town's population. He spends his night time hours giving aid at the local hospital, and it's when he's there that he realizes he can not only give something to himself, but also to the poor patients quickly approaching the end of their lives.
It's also there when Kurt meets a certain street performer, also very sick; but with a lot left to give to this life, to this world. And to Kurt.
Like A Toaster by Odd [PDF] [EPUB]
It’s 1995, and Kurt Hummel doesn’t know what he wants except to get the hell out of Ohio - preferably with his best friend, Tina by his side. When Miss Pillsbury and his father tell him he needs a better plan, he finds himself surrounded by the very people he’s been trying so hard to avoid. People like Rachel Berry and Will Schuester - the obnoxious lead soloists of the school’s glee club. And what about Free Beer? (No matter what they say, Kurt’s not convinced anyone really wants Free Beer.) Even worse, he’s stuck spending every Friday night doing volunteer work with what has got to be the single most earnest kid in all of Ohio.
Figuring out his future and adjusting to so much change won’t be easy, but somehow, he’ll find his way.
When The Night Falls On You by moonshoesangel [PDF] [EPUB]
In 1949 in Laramie, TN, Blaine Anderson, a precocious six year old, meets a new friend named Kurt Hummel. They grow to realize they may have feelings for each other and hide it from the world, but Blaine's father discovers their secret. By their mid-20's, they find each other as a soldier and an outspoken hippie. Can they reconnect and rekindle those hidden feelings for each other
Someone To Ride The River With by mmerainbows
Lima appears like a bustling frontier town with all the pleasures a man could want. Kurt however knows the truth about the town, and how the families in power abuse their authority. He wants to get out, but he's deep in debt. Meanwhile Blaine comes to Lima for the annual Cowpoke competition.
Sequel: Sittin' On The Fence
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sneakerdoodle · 3 years
"(Not) Alone", Chapter 3
Rated: K
HELLO here are some FEELINGS
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General warnings: trouble breathing; (states resembling) panic attacks; depression; familial tension, difficult parental relationships
You just wish there was still a place for you in the world.
If only the overarching symphony could accommodate the grating, pained sounds brewing in everything that is left of you. If only your song still belonged.
Even if you were still able to sound your heart, what is your lonely voice against the boundless dark around you? What is it without the crackling metal, without the thunderous echo, without the chorus of adoration pushing you forward, against the overwhelming threat of the cosmos?
Was it them who were a part of your song or were you a part of theirs?.. It seems to matter less now. You just wish it still held you up, anchored you; you wish it was still there to make your approach thick with gravity, pulling everything close. You wish you were still irreplaceable, front and center, the very rhythm of the march.
You wish desperately for the same security, promise of importance, to never, ever be left alone again. Just don't leave me alone again. Don't make me one of the many, forgettable, dispensable, easy to toss aside.
Not alone. Anything but alone.
Eya played a funny little joke on you, didn't she. Hilarious.
What an offer it was, to be given a chance on safety, to dig your feet firmly into the ground that had no choice but to cave. To be able to tighten your grip around the world, to hold onto your place in it as fiercely as your body would allow.
Why would you ever say no? Your every wish fulfilled so plentifully, all the comfort you had ever yearned for handed right to you, how could you ever stop? How could you possibly keep yourself from longing for more, for this to never be over?
Once the world started singing a new song, each heart alight, all equal, yours stood no chance. For the first time in your long, fearful life, it had the choice of control. It would never be able to change its tune in time.
The world made you scared. The world made you shake with the thought of the vast expanse of land, then sea, then bottomless skies, all profoundly indifferent to your pathetic little fate. The world never paid you much mind when you were stumbling through it, still just a kid, bruising yourself at every turn, giving your very best - yet never becoming special enough to draw another into your orbit, to be helped, to be loved.
The world seemed to have redeemed itself, by finally giving you every single thing you deserved. Guidance. Purpose. Adoration. It took you into its arms as the most incredible thing it had ever held within itself.
It took advantage of your every deep desire.
It threw you away with no hesitation once your part no longer served the whole. It branded your heart rotten for daring to want what it offered. It infected you with the bone-deep itch to matter, then flinched away in disgust once you tried.
You despise it with every fiber of your being. You hate everything that is alive and moving.
Your hatred is venom, and life rejects it. Life rejects you.
You wish to tear your bleeding, poisoned heart right out.
- Oh-hoh! Down already, muffin!
Kiwi lingers on the last step of the stairs, hand on the rails, an exhausted smile faint on their lips. They nod to Mom, then to Baron sitting in the big chair they watched him drag out of the bedroom and dust off just the day before. The mechanical morning greeting is dry and laboured, like their long-suffering neck has rusted through.
- Thought I'd have to go pester you more to get you out of bed, - Mom laughs, setting a teapot in the middle of the table. - Well, come help, since you're here!
Bard nods again, letting their mother's off-handed remark sink into the pit of their stomach – like swallowing an ice cube - and wordlessly makes their way over to the kitchen counter. Baron stirs and follows promptly, hulking behind his two family members. Bard feels incredibly awkward trying to maintain the appropriate amount of eye contact while handing him plates of porridge, which Baron accepts with another silent nod. Overworking one’s neck joints seems to be the most popular method of communication in the household these days.
Baron lumbers over to the table, and Kiwi follows, a bread basket filled with sugar buns and a little bowl of home-made jam in tow. They wince slightly at the sight of it. Rhubarb.
Mom places a round-bellied steaming teapot in the middle of the table and looks over it with a satisfied little hum.
- Don't let it all go cold, now!
Silently consuming the laid-out meal as Mom chatters over it is about the only experience Kiwi and their... dad can find any sort of solidarity in. Now and then, they exchange a wordless look, Kiwi reluctantly spreading jam on a sliced bun, Baron sending a spoonful of oatmeal behind his cheek. Although Baron's awkward silence has a distinct shade of guilt to it. That makes Bard wonder if they should feel worse about not engaging, too.
Mom watches them reach for another pastry and shakes her head with a laugh that is probably supposed to be affectionate.
- You're so hard to cook for, muffin!
Kiwi tries to mold their face into a noncommittal expression, but can feel it scrunch up around their tensely neutral smile as if they'd just bit down on a lemon. They glare at the bowl in Baron's hands with a weird mixture of resistance and jealousy. Not for the contents, for sure, they're more than comfortable with their preferences, but perhaps... for the freedom to casually share a meal.
Baron seems to intercept that look and puts the bowl down. The ceramic bottom taps against the table, a sound like a punctuation mark. He clears his throat.
- So...
Bard looks up at him, all but horrified. Mom throws a quizzical curious glance over the cup of tea she's holding up to her lips.
During the two weeks Kiwi has been staying at their parents' house, they have barely heard Baron utter more than a word, safe for the extremely awkward welcome the next morning after their arrival. Baron seems to be aware of that, too, shifting in his seat for a couple of seconds before continuing.
- I'm sitting in on some workshops and the community meeting at the Fa...- he stops and covers his slip up with a delayed cough, - the center.
He turns to Kiwi, full-body, brushing against the table in the process and causing the cutlery to clatter. Kiwi feels incredibly small.
- I thought that maybe, uh... - Baron rubs his knees, drying his palms. He looks about as nervous as Bard, if that is at all possible, -...you'd want to come as well.
Bard feels like choking, on food or tea, but there is none in their mouth at the moment. So instead they just glare, feeling their own hands become sweatier and sweatier. Spending a whole... day? With their wayward father, of all people?
- Oh-ho-ho, how wonderful! - Mom chimes in cheerfully. Of course, she does.
Kiwi barely has the bandwidth to ruminate on just how shamefully potent their annoyance is. They never voice it, but the sheer power of it still feels impudent, somehow. And they are growing more and more irritable, lately.
- A great day to go out, isn't it? - Mom continues, not helping at all. - It's about time you left the house, too, muffin!
Bard never even gets to reply. Mom moves on to packing the leftover pastries for the two to take with them, and urges Kiwi to have one more with his tea. Kiwi has trouble conceiving of eating anything at all, his stomach in the process of tying itself into several tight knots. He mumbles excuses inarticulately, speaking mostly with his hands that are held up in front of him in a politely defensive gesture. From time to time, he dares to throw a glance at Baron. The latter is stubbornly cleaning his glasses, bushy eyebrows lowered, obscuring his eyes in the lenses’ place.
This is going to be... a day.
Bard doesn't know what to do with their hands as they are walking down the street next to their... dad. Every usual gesture suddenly feels incredibly childish, and for some inexplicable reason, that feels... wrong. Far too... vulnerable? Is this how Miriam feels most of the time?..
Mom's not wrong, it... has been a while since they've been outside. Which makes her remark only more uncomfortable.
The first few days Kiwi diligently tried to engage. They checked in on all the neighbours; hung around the grocery store, sprawled over the counter as Tanya was detailing the stock on the large board behind it; took part in a cooking class at Beth and Katya's; clapped along to the live performances at the Pub. As their visit continued, however, staying in and endlessly re-reading old diary entries was becoming more and more of an easier choice. It got too wearing, desperately trying to enjoy Chismest's new, friendlier face despite the underlying sense of dread that greeted them every morning.
Now, walking down the streets in Baron's company, they smiled awkwardly at every surprised look or forced casual expression. People have been asking Mom if they had left already, Bard knows they have. Mom didn't fail to mention that.
The two walk in silence, neither of them really knowing how to even start to approach a conversation with the other. But Baron has apparently discovered an unsettling amount of gut to try nonetheless.
He clears his throat once again, and Kiwi feels their stomach drop at the prospect of having to handle small-talk.
- So... - Baron seems to be weighing his words in his mind, judging which ones would be best to follow with. Eventually, he sighs in resignation, the same low rustling sound from the other side of the wall. - Do you... like it here?
Bard is... at an utter loss of words. Does she “like it”?..
She likes what Chismest has become. She likes that every familiar face is now healthier, and happier. She likes that everyone is closer now, and caring. She likes that the children can play outside, without choking on poisonous smog.
Do they like being here? Do they like shutting themself in their room, glumly listening to the sound of snowball fights breaking out right under their window? Do they like the unexplainable, persistent sense of... being left behind...
Kiwi gulps down the sick feeling rising from their gut as all the dream sensations attack their body once again, and shakes their head in an attempt to snap out of it.
Baron seems to take that for their reply. His eyebrows move up a degree, and – weirdly – he seems smaller, for just a moment. The thought of letting a single person, let alone Baron, suspect they are the odd one out, fills Bard with panic. They leap into the energetic equivalent of a 180-degree turn and start emphatically nodding instead, trying to emphasize, somehow, that this is their chosen answer.
Baron seems incredibly confused as to what to make of it. He turns away and rubs the back of his neck before carefully, tentatively continuing:
- Y-yeah. Me as well. - He looks up ahead, wistfully, and adds quietly, barely audible: - Strange to think I'd kept myself from this for so long...
Bard shoots a look at Baron's face, conflicted. Are the two of them... relating? Is Baron just as conflicted over the sight of Chismest's thriving?.. They guess it would only make sense for him to be, given everything, but...
But... something.
Whatever the “something” is, it makes the poorly suppressed flurry of emotions within them intensify. They will not explore that. They are not going down that path.
Bard squeezes as polite of a smile as they can out of themself and turns away, looking right ahead. They seem to be approaching the grocery store.
Tanya sees the weird duo pass by the window and waves, bringing both of them to a stop. Soon, she is coming through the door, a little jar in her hands.
- Well hey there, - she seems to greet Kiwi specifically, only sparing Baron a wary side-glance. He does not waver under it. The step back he takes is almost demonstratively polite.
Tanya turns her full attention back to Bard.
- Haven't seen you around in a while, have I?
Kiwi shrugs with an awkward smile. Tanya shakes her head.
- Now, now, I ain't ragging on you. Just couldn't find a good time to give you this.
She extends her hand holding the small jar. Bard takes it into their palms, confused. The contents of it are beaming bright orange. The word “Marmalade“ is written in cursive on the brown label.
- Special delivery! - Tanya smiles warmly; her particular but welcoming demeanor is something Kiwi has grown to appreciate. - Got a whole crate of those, actually, but those pirate friends of yours insisted I keep one safe for you. No idea how they'd caught the wind of you staying here, - she shrugs, - but either way you're getting something sweet outta it.
Kiwi looks at the jar they are carefully holding in their hands, overcome. They suddenly find themself so tired and so fragile, the unexpected wave of gratitude and warmth make their eyes sting with the promise of tears. They look back up at Tanya, their smile for once genuine and heartfelt.
- Thank you 🎶, - they sing softly, struggling to find more words to express how much this is turning out to mean to them. Tanya interrupts it.
- Don't go thanking me, I'm just passing on. - She does the closest thing available to ruffling their hair: patting and flattening their hat with a similar hand motion. - Be good, hon.
She smiles one more time before heading back into the store. Kiwi squeezes their eyes shut, trying to covertly blink the budding tears away, then turns back to where Baron is standing. He seems to have been studying the paving for the last couple of minutes.
Bard takes a reluctant step towards the ex-factory building to signify they are ready to move on. Baron follows, looking at the jar of marmalade they are still clutching in their hands and attempting a slight smile.
- You have many... interesting friends.
Kiwi tries to smile with the same amount of genuine affection they'd just felt at the unexpected gift, but it comes out awkward and sour. They are suddenly very aware of not having said a single articulate word to their dad the entire morning. They clear their throat.
- Yeah!.. 🎶
Her voice is small, quiet, but it's... something, at least. It is bewildering to think about her recent encounter with Baron, the first one in years. It was so easy to challenge him, back when Kiwi had no idea who he was. Now, the overwhelming discomfort and confusion of having to interact with her long-forgotten... father... render her basically incapable of any solid verbal exchange.
They ascend the steps leading up to the entrance into the intimidating building that now houses the Community Center. Kiwi glances over the schedule as they pass it. Workshops, consortium meetings, training, public discussions... Chismest's busy schedule is a constant, at least.
Once inside the building, Kiwi and Baron take the stairs to the second floor of the factory, away from the narrow, menacing hallway leading into the ground. There is no low rumble echoing through it: the production lines are only brought to life to order these days. Bard tries their best to not feel like they are walking above the lair of a sleeping beast.
The two take their seats in a once-spacious conference room, seating rearranged and reimagined in a way that tiptoes along the thin line between ingeniously efficient and absurdly cramped. The room is gradually filling with people who recognize Baron, some giving reserved nods, few – more enthusiastic waves.
A tall dark figure leans into the space between them for a more conspiratorial greeting, murmuring something to Baron in low tones. Baron chuckles and pats the person's shoulder heavily, then turns to Bard. He is smiling; there is uncharacteristic and... frankly unsettling vivacity in that.
- You have met Vlad…,- Baron assumes, only somewhat sure, and Kiwi can finally recognize the tall person as the Clockwork Pub's bartender. They give a sheepish smile and a nod, and Vlad returns the latter, accompanied by a somewhat wistful look.
The sudden weight of a large, heavy palm on their shoulder, along with the pure emotional shock at this distinctly fatherly gesture, almost knock Kiwi's ghost out of them.
- This is my, – there is only a fraction of a beat before the final word drops, - kid.
Bard stares at Baron's face with enough dumbfounded intensity to notice the subtle signs of nervousness: the furrowing brows, the dry lips firmly pressed together. There is some relief in knowing he feels about as uneasy actually saying this.
Vlad nods, slowly, reflectively.
- I should have noticed the semblance, - he draws out, and, barely giving Kiwi time to recover from that, adds: - Good to have you back, young Bard.
Vlad takes an empty seat a few rows away, leaving Kiwi and Baron to sweat in the aftershock of the sudden f a m i l y m o m e n t. The weight of Baron's hand disappearing hardly registers. Kiwi mindlessly stares at the wooden desk in front of him. Vlad's “back” echoes in his mind, dressing in more and more foreboding tones with every encore. Is this it? Are they... staying?.. The thought makes their stomach churn.
They purposefully shift their attention to the people seated around them in an attempt to fight the sickness. There are at least a dozen conversations happening at the table at the same time, from confidential murmurs to loud exchanges interlaced with laughter. The room is bustling with sound and action, even with everyone sitting still.
A single voice rises above the neighbourly commotion, drawing it to a single focus.
- Hello, everyone.
Bard's eyes follow in tandem with everyone else's, and they shrivel up in their chair, wishing to make their body as small as humanly possible. At the center of the room and everyone's attention, there is Elara – the very person Bard has been avoiding since even before his self-imposed confinement. They hunch behind the desk, hoping to not draw her eye.
Elara glances around the room. Her eyes travel from one face to another, eventually meeting Kiwi's. He succumbs to agony as Elara gives him the same plain, honest look, accompanied by a subtle steady smile, before moving on.
- Thank you for coming. - There is a pause as the head astronomer and now community organizer considers what to say next, apparently less confident single-handedly orchestrating a public discussion. She turns to Elmer and gives him a quiet nod.
Elmer, fully in his element, clears his throat, preparing to project.
- Agenda for the day, - he shrieks out, enunciating: - updates on Chismest's research program; the public library initiative, session 1; trade and barter year plan; sustainability panel, session 3.
Elara throws another look around the conference room.
- Unless anybody has any last-minute pitches, - a second-long pause, - let us begin.
The public discussion turns out to be... draining. The many-voiced conversation ebbs and flows: one moment it is overwhelming with everyone’s impatience, people barely managing to not talk over each other; then it is tedious, the consortium mulling over the routine detail of the town's day-to-day functioning.
The worst part is that Kiwi can actually sense the rhythm of it, the rise and the fall; they recognize a skipping shifting rhapsody in the chain of interlinking exclamations, one prompting another; they feel the steady vital rhythm of cross-referenced numbers and well-practiced schedules. They feel the song of the moment.
It is like sensing the vague outline of a repeating dream, recognizing something that used to be vivid in their mind in a completely different state of it. Some part of them longs to join in, crush into the stream of collective life, move with it, be carried by it, naturally dissolving into the overarching symphony. But it is alien, it is a song they do not share with the rest. If there was a time when they knew how to join someone else’s celebration, – and they believe there was, even though it sounds like something from another life - it seems to have passed. Irrevocably.
Kiwi is pulled into the tidal wave only once, without any initiative on their part, as the sky-mapping project is being discussed. Elara's eyes stay on them, thoughtful, trying to puzzle them out, as she asks:
- Are there any news from Delphi? If you wouldn't mind sharing.
Kiwi thinks back to the letter entombed in the drawer of their bedside table, out of sight, yet still burning in her mind daily and making her shrivel up with guilt, then plunge herself into avoidance. They vividly re-live the sensation of crumpling yet another sheet of colorful paper up, failing to find the words for their reply. Their decision to stay (for a while? ...indefinitely? no, no, surely not) is already obvious. Why do they dread the idea of actually announcing it to Miriam so much?
Bard shakes the thought off, returning to the present moment, to the concerned, questioning looks of everyone who has just watched them zone out, lost in their own mind. They smile pitifully as they shake their head again, more emphatically. Elara nods, slowly, her eyebrows softly knitting together, and Bard makes a mental note to leave the room as soon as the meeting is over, sneak away with the crowd before they can be stopped and questioned further.
The conversation moves on, and Bard is left outside of it, rocked by irregular waves, thrown in this and that direction like old, soggy driftwood. She cannot follow the flow of the discussion, she cannot focus on the words bouncing from one end of the overcrowded room to another, and the unsteady rhythm she cannot keep up with leaves her queasy. She just wants to crawl back under her blanket, let it muffle all the sounds apart from her own breathing - and try not to think too hard about the latter, the tightness in her non-existent chest that haunts her every dream, the persistent pull somewhere out of cosmos--
Okay. She needs something to center herself. One single thing to focus on, to ignore the surrounding chorus.
Kiwi barely gets to think before their eyes stop on Baron's face – arguably, the worst possible subject for them to try to ground themself with half-through their unraveling. But Baron seems to feel out of place in the general harmony as well, and that provides Kiwi with a weird, uncomfortable sort of solidarity, another’s experience forcing itself on them through the sheer familiarity of it. At the back of their mind, they note how this feels sort of like being possessed by a ghost (again), but also… as if they are doing the possession at the same time?.. They could compare it to their nightmares. But they won’t. They are not thinking about those.
The chorus of the consortium is spontaneous, unpracticed, noisy. Kiwi thinks back to the rhythmic thumping of factory machinery, the unified movement of workers, in at nine, out at five. Up until recently, Baron hadn't heard anything but that steady march for more than twenty years. No wonder this is weird for him, too.
There is this specific hesitation to him, as well: how he frowns at something he feels the need to dispute, opens his mouth - but stops before producing any sound. He seems to be marking his thoughts on a piece of paper, but that hardly satisfies him, and he is left shifting in his seat restlessly, exhaling sharply through his nostrils.
All this fidgeting is much less subtle than he probably thinks. His immediate neighbours keep throwing looks in his and Bard's direction, some of them questioning, some incredulous. Associating with their father is not something Bard is generally excited about, but here, in the troughs of difficult history and unresolved hurt, the discomfort is all the more intense.
At one point, Baron leans on the desk with his entire lumbering frame, making it creak, and lets out a loud jingling sigh. The room goes quiet.
Heads turn.
People are looking at the imposing figure with overwhelmingly guarded expressions. Baron notices the kind of attention he has drawn to himself and fixes his gaze in front of him, visibly tense. Next to him, Kiwi is trying to slide under the desk undetected.
They think back to Tanya, to the look in her eyes when she saw Baron. They are suddenly acutely aware of how much of a pressuring, entitled presence Baron must be to many people in Chismest. Even those ready to give him a second chance must feel threatened when the person who once dictated their entire way of life tries to affect it once again, even as an equal.
Baron seems to be aware of this, too. He is demonstratively silent, barely even breathing when he raises his eyes, but there is a weird air of defiance to it. He looks around defensively, as if the room has just collectively reached for pitchforks.
For a moment, Bard sees him again the way they did some months ago, for the first time in many, many years. Prideful, self-righteous, towering over the rest of the world that simply does not know what is best for it.
Back then, that hardly had any effect on them, outside of Chismest's general depressing atmosphere. Now, knowing that this was their father, the very mythical looming presence at the back of their mind, casting its shadow onto every little misstep and every instance of rejection, a constant reminder of their insignificance... The thought makes Kiwi shudder. Nothing scares them more than the idea of this cold, dismissive look inevitably turning to them, saying everything that has previously only been implied.
Kiwi is sitting next to the scariest person this side of a life-sucking void outside of time and space, and all the eyes are on the two of them, and the rest of the word makes no difference between Baron and his lost, odd child, both of them glaringly out of place.
The longest few seconds of their life – not counting the world's impending end, they suppose - pass in deafening silence stretched so thin KIwi is scared it's going to burst any moment. Then the conversation slowly picks up, flows once more, avoiding the now isolated island of Baron's seat. Kiwi dares to look around from where they are half-hidden behind the desk. Have their neighbours to the right and to the left moved just a little bit further away?..
Elara's eyes linger on Baron's face just a fraction of a second longer, with some hint of rapport. Her chin moves ever so slightly in a secret nod intended only for him, before she turns back to the indignant speaker interrupted by Baron's display of frustration.
Baron himself spends the rest of their time in the conference room stone-still. Bard tries to mimic, hoping any further attention slides off of her if she blends into the background. Under the desk, though, her sweating hands are desperately clutching the marmalade jar.
When Elmer calls a break and Baron stands up, intending to leave, Bard all but deflates with relief. They do not have to follow him around, they know it. But, however deeply rattling it is to be around him, especially now, they feel a strange sense of obligation. Like the plan sprung on them over breakfast means both they and their parent are supposed to fulfill a certain quota before either is released from this weird, strained attempt on father-child bonding time.
Kiwi doesn't like this feeling. It's been a long time since they had to be someone's child, and they cannot remember the last time they were their father's. It was hard enough to balance their dreams and desires alongside Mom's off-handed but insistent expressions of all the regrets she quite openly held, about Kiwi's passions, their chosen path in life, their decision to leave and the lack of visits. This new, sudden and alien responsibility for yet another familial relationship feels only heavier with the weight of all the years Kiwi didn't have to bother with it, outside of the sleepless nights by the window or picking at their being in search of apparent faults.
Bard feels his fists clench at his sides as he sinks into a dark, glum state of low-burning anger. It was never his decision to put the two of them into this situation. Why must he feel any responsibility--
He is yanked right out of his thoughts as Elara's voice cuts through the background noise of moving benches and discordant steps.
- Oh, Baron. Good day. I was just about to find you.
Kiwi freezes, for just a second, then chooses cowardice. They look around, hurriedly, and slip behind Baron's wide back, trying to get lost in the crowd against all odds, pulling the glaring beacon that is their red feather hat off their head. Maybe it's their restless imagination, maybe it is the proverbial sixth sense, but they feel two pairs of eyes follow them to the exit. No one calls out, however, leaving them to their expeditious escape.
Outside of the conference room, Kiwi leans against the wall and lets out a long sigh, half-exhausted, half-relieved. The general commotion of the many groups of people moving up and down the hallways, of doors opening and slamming shut, is still hard on their frazzled nerves. They want to go home. They don't want “home” to be their mother’s.
They're not sure how long they stand there for until Baron exits as well, looking thoughtful, scratching his chin. He seems almost surprised to see Bard right next to the door and takes a moment to recollect himself. He clears his throat and attempts to... look cheerful?.. That does not quite work out, and eventually Baron gives up and simply sighs, despondent.
- I will not be staying around for the second half, - he announces with a glum expression. - You're welcome to, if you...
Bard shakes their head, and Baron nods, slowly, processing.
- Well... - he sighs again, then makes his way down the hallway, - this means I'm free to join a couple of workshops. - He looks at Bard, contemplative, then forces out: - Why don't you... try out any? See if there is anything you'd like.
Kiwi weighs her options. They need space, desperately. They do not want to aimlessly wander the streets, prompting polite conversations and letting the cold air freeze them all the way through. They would not be able to deal with the meaningful look in Mom's eyes right now, and it is coming if they return home so early, making their way straight to their room.
They just need a quiet corner.
They find it at the back of a room where a small-voiced, timid-looking person is delivering a lecture in low, unimposing tones. Kiwi leans against the wall, cradling their knee, feeling their eyelids droop with the weight of the past weeks of poor sleep, poor mood and general nervous exhaustion. They let themself node off, the incoherent scribblings on the board slowly blurring into even more meaningless shapes.
They sway on the very cusp of sleep and wakefulness, safe from the disarray of life and the cold thick terror of nightmares. There is an unsettling amount of comfort to be found in not having to deal with existing.
Bard places the marmalade jar on top of the bedside table. Their eyes linger on the handle of the drawer just below the board. Hesitantly, they curl their fingers around it and pull the drawer open.
Miriam's letter rests on top of a chaotic pile of paper and various craft supplies. It isn't folded, and the familiar words call out to them once again.
Hey, you
Uh. Hi.”
A weak smile tugs at their mouth.
The rest of the letter burns with long-overdue, not very well-concealed urgency, kindling the background sense of guilt that is now pretty much constant.
“...haul boards around on my broom like a mule while everyone is hovering and asking me questions and RUSHING ME. There's a lot of people and
We're holding off 'till you're here anyway, so like, hurry up?? I don't... know what to do with all of THEM wanting something from me all the time, and Saphy's no dang help!!! I don't know why she expects me to... UGH, whatever.”
The haunting vision of Miriam shutting further and further down under the pressure, knowing Bard was supposed to be there next to her, feeling abandoned and alone, starts turning Kiwi's guts inside out once again. But still, there is a bitter sort of comfort in reading this hesitant message from their best friend, examining the familiar antsy corners of her handwriting. Kiwi reaches for it, fingertips hovering just above the surface of the paper. Their eyes linger on the last line, scribbled on rashly, almost like an afterthought. Which means she really meant it.
“...Miss you.”
There is a shout from down the stairs. Bard's hand jolts back.
- Don't take too long, muffin! - Mom draws out, rushing him to take his place at the dinner table. Bard throws one final glance at Miriam's name at the bottom of the page before leaving the room.
He will write back today. Totally! Probably.
It's hard to make their dinner go down when Baron keeps throwing heavy glances in Kiwi's direction. They try their best not to notice, but the unspoken tension pumps their body full of adrenaline. Bard wants to shift and fidget and move their limbs to shake out the pinpricks of restless nervous energy, but hesitates, not wanting to draw even more attention. She is stuck sending one spoonful of veggie stew into her mouth after another in a mechanical, almost robotic motion, only occasionally nervously glancing over to where Baron keeps staring with the air of inexplicable dread.
Once the table is cleared and the unspokenly mandated fifteen to thirty minutes of quality family time begin, things escalate.
Bard is absent-mindedly picking at the stray threads of the couch's armrest when a cough up above calls for their attention. Baron is towering over them, looking sulking and miserable.
Oh no.
Kiwi's head snaps in the other direction, grasping at the last straw of Mom's presence, only to see her thoughtfully leave the room. Of course. Of course.
As Bard feverishly ponders whether Ira's usual lack of consideration is reserved for turning their life into quiet misery, Baron sits down, a full seat over. Kiwi feels the couch sag under his weight and grabs the armrest, scared of getting pulled into this sudden gravity well. They are staring at their knees, desperately hoping this isn't going where this is certainly, absolutely, one hundred percent going.
- So...
Kiwi is now staring holes in the floor, hoping to compel it to open on command and mercifully swallow her whole.
Baron sighs, and out of the corner of her eyes, Kiwi sees his shoulders fall into a tired, resigned posture.
She keeps begging Eya to let her disappear.
When Baron speaks again, the words come out on the exhale, heavy, weary, bare.
- You saw me out there. I... - a pause, as he searches for words, while Bard prays for them to never, ever come, - I... made a great mess of things. Too many mistakes, for too long.
He lets the thought sink in, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of it. He wants Bard to know he means it. He thinks this is better. This is so, so much worse.
Baron continues, eventually.
- Now no one... really knows what to do with me. Myself included.
There's a mirthless chuckle, and Kiwi dares to throw a single glance at Baron's face, a bitter smile cutting hard lines into it.
Bard is silent.
Baron sighs once again, heavier.
- Despite that, what you did... what all of you did, and what you played a large part in... it brought me here, like everyone else. I don't quite know how to move on. But the world has decided it was…, - he hesitates for a second, - better off with me in it. I can't pretend to understand why, but it has.
The last sentence barely reaches Bard's ears through the sounds of blood pounding in them. He is suddenly flooded with panic, his body locking up, leaving him short of breath. No. No, don't make him think of that.
Oblivious to the fact that his child is suffocating, choked by terror, right next to him, Baron continues.
- I've hurt people. In more ways than I can ever hope to make up for. But I'm still... here. And it seems that the only right thing to do is to try, still.
Don't think. Don't think of the implication. Don't consider the fact that the world is trying to force you out of itself every single night. Don't think about what it means, that the man next to you, the one that had haunted the bigger part of your life with unspoken judgment, the one that terrifies you with just how easily he could destroy any semblance of peace you might've managed to gather, just might deserve a place in this universe much more than you ever did.
Is this really how it works? Their father, who spent decades hurting others out of the self-serving notion that he knew what people needed better than them, gets to stay with those he had wronged, while Kiwi is tortured with nightly reminders of what it would be like, to be left eternally alone, for daring to not have had an immediate, magical change of heart. They clench their fists in their lap, trying their best not to shake.
Baron notices, finally. There are a few seconds of silence as he staggers, obviously unsure how to proceed. Out of the corner of their watering eyes (no, no, no, this only makes this worse...), Bard sees him take his glasses off.
Baron rubs his eyes, wearily, then places a heavy hand on Kiwi's shoulder. They shrivel up and look over, sheepishly.
Baron meets their gaze. One would expect his eyes to be a piercing cold blue, to match the white in his hair and his general demeanor, inexplicably reminiscent of frost. Instead, they are brown. Dulled, shadowed by his furrowed brows, yet still... warm.
- Kiwi.
If only there were words in any human language capable of explaining why his father calling him by his name has just made Kiwi so disorientingly sick.
- Things are changing.
Please don't say that. Please.
- I would like to change with them, if I can.
Bard turns away from the eyes that look unsettlingly like their own and chokes down a laugh, too afraid it will come out as a sob. It gargles in their throat, weird and vague and embarrassing. The hand on their shoulder tightens in an attempt to comfort, and Kiwi wants to run miles away from themself.
- I know I have... hurt you. More than anyone else, perhaps.
He should stop. Can he please stop. Can't he see how hard Bard is trying to not think about-
- You don't owe me patience, or forgiveness. But I'm here. ...If there is anything at all that you need from me.
Silence hangs heavy over them, threatening to crash Bard's stiff, trembling body. This is the part where they are supposed to say something. “I understand”, or “I will never forgive you”, or “Why did you do it?”, or “Did you ever miss me at all?”. Instead, they can barely push a single gulp of air down into their lungs. They stopped trying to sing when they discovered it is barely possible to get a spoken word out in their family's presence. How come being under this roof always renders them voiceless?
Baron waits. Patiently. It is terrifying, to think that he will continue waiting, always ready for Kiwi to walk in through this very door, announcing she is ready to mend their ill phantom of a relationship.
He is waiting for an answer. Any answer. Give him something, anything at all, just make it stop.
Bard nods, slowly, shakily, praying that this faint acknowledgment gets them off the hook. He could not possibly want more. He does not get to ask for more.
Baron's hand lingers on their shoulder another second, before finally releasing. Kiwi deflates in relief and immediately jumps off the couch, their legs wobbly, knees weak. Their eyes slide past Baron's lost expression. Without looking at him, they give another frantic nod and tear off towards the stairs, grabbing onto the handrails for dear life.
Her room is swaying softly before her. Kiwi takes one unsteady step away from the door, eyes wandering aimlessly. They catch the open drawer with the letter inside it, and Kiwi feels like she is about to crumble. She grabs the handle with a weak shaking hand and shuts it in a jerky motion.
The marmalade jar rocks with the bedside table, then tips over and hits the floor. The thick glass thuds loudly against the wooden boards. It rolls into the corner.
Bard lowers themself to the floor next to their bed, shaken, nauseous. They pull their hat off and do their best to breathe.
The ceiling light overhead is swinging slightly from the momentum of the door slamming shut just a few seconds ago. Bard's shadow is shifting, the outline vague and blurred. It looks little like themself.
For a second, they could swear they recognize the shape of a long scarf obscuring the line of their neck.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
Grab your friends and escape to another world!
You've found an enchanted portal — a transition point — between worlds. The portal, called a Crossing, takes you to a world you thought only existed in novels and films: a magical land where dragons roam the skies, orcs and hobgoblins terrorize weary travelers, and unicorns prance through the forest. It is a world where humans join other peoples such as elves, trolls, dwarves, changelings, and the dreaded creatures who steal the night. It is a world of fantasy — of imagination.
It is the Realm.
It is Legendlore.
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Drawn from The Realm and Legendlore comics, the Legendlore RPG will whisk characters from our world to a magical fantasy realm filled with dragons, orcs, unicorns, and hobgoblins. With over 60 comics published covering three volume runs, The Realm and Legendlore combined became one of Caliber Comics' most critically acclaimed series.
In the Legendlore RPG, players can choose to play as themselves or create a new character employing the 5th Edition Fantasy Rules System.
Tired of being stuck at home? Are you ready for a magical adventure? Here's your chance to find a Crossing and have some adventure in The Realm!
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Legendlore was originally a comic called The Realm, first published by Arrow Comics in 1986 and since procured by Caliber Comics, about four people who fall through a Crossing into the Realm. The Realm is home to fantasy creatures from elves to dragons, and the characters discover they too have ‘fantasy powers’ – the jock becomes a Fighter, while the bookish one becomes a Wizard, and so on. They go on adventures and some of them eventually find their way back to Earth.
This is the basic premise of the Legendlore RPG. You cross into the Realm, where you become a hairfoot Bard, or maybe an elven Sorcerer. You can change any characteristics you like. For example if you have hay fever and glasses, you choose if your Legendlore self keeps or drops those. Your identity might not always match your outward physique, but your Legendlore character does. We've also updated the 1980s setting so Realmborn characters represent all ethnicities, genders, and sexualities. No one in the Realm will bat an eyelash at your agender panromantic self.
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You are not the first from Earth to encounter the nations of the Realm. The Realm has had Visitors before, and each time these Visitors left something with the Realm: whether it be a new word, or even accidental technology. Some Visitors became stranded and formed their own communities out of an immediate need for survival. These communities can still be found in the Realm, though they tend to be pockets of isolation and have their own customs and concerns even if they are within the boundaries of other nations. Sharp-eyed Visitors may recognize aspects of their world turned into phenomena: in the depths of a forest, they may encounter a glider plane abandoned with vines anchoring it to the soil, its metal rusting, its markings faded under a strange sun its paint was never meant to withstand. These phenomena are considered Strange Things throughout the Realm.
Just as Earth had impacts on the Realm, the Realm can change a Visitor from Earth. Legends are the destinies Visitors may have when Crossing into the Realm: it is part of their Crossing, part of their destiny.
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Each character has their own Legend, which affects the story and is built up through relatively minor actions as well as through more obviously weighty choices. Legends are things like “Avatar of Peace” or “Regent of Dragons” or “Heir to the Mountain”: they represent the destiny of You (your character) and mechanically can resemble backgrounds. Perhaps the You you want to be in the Realm is trying to not spread any more violence than absolutely necessary for self-defense. As a Player, you might want their destiny to reflect that commitment to peaceful solutions and to avoid continuing cycles of revenge and violence: thus the “Avatar of Peace” Legend. The seeds of that legend are there, but how does that affect You throughout Your adventures in the Realm?
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Curious to hear what a session may sound like? Click HERE to crossover to an Actual Play recording, where three roleplayers are teleported into the Realm, where they must try to find a way home. Hitching a ride thrusts them straight into a missing person’s case, but all is not what it seems. ‘Into the Realm’ is an introduction to Legendlore, and used as an example of a campaign opening.
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The Legendlore RPG setting is currently available as a "Rough Draft" text-only PDF file from DriveThruRPG.com. We want to take the next steps to turn this into fully-illustrated, beautifully laid out PDF sourcebook that befits the legacy of this setting.
We also want to take it a step further - creating an 8.5" x 11" hardcover with a beautifully designed, striking cover image printed in four color gloss, with  more than 200 full-color pages and endpapers on high-quality paper stock. Exceptional funding may allow us to add Stretch Goals that further develop the setting and provide additional materials for play, We also want to get at least one print run into traditional distribution and available for sale at game and hobby stores.
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The Legendlore RPG uses rules based on the 5th Edition of the world's most popular fantasy tabletop RPG system, and comprises three sections (Player, Setting, Game Master) including an introductory adventure!
During this campaign, we will feature spotlight previews of various sections to highlight the different aspects of The Realm and the Legendlore setting. You can download the entire rough manuscript for free from DriveThruRPG.com now!
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The primary goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to create the best version of the Legendlore RPG possible. Your support allows us to fund the best production, use the most appropriate components, and possibly even contract more art for the core book. We hope to not only deliver a beautiful book to all of our backers but, as noted, also fund at least one print run to be sold through distribution and into book and hobby stores that are so vital to our community.
Beyond that main goal, we hope to gain additional funding to explore more of the world of Legendlore, possibly expanding into rules companions and other Game Master and player tools and accessories. The greater our funding for this project, the more resources we can use to explore these scenarios and challenges.
Beyond those campaign-specific goals, we hope to do what our games have always done — build a community invested in each other's stories and shared imaginations. Every person who participates is joining with the goal of bringing this game into the world, and that common goal is a powerful binding element that we can't help but want to share. When you back this project, you join us on this journey and become part of our fantasy family.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, July 2 2020 7:00 PM BST
Website: Onyx Path Publishing
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Essential oils
Essential oils are all the rage as a homeopathic remedy for nearly everything from the common cold to back pain to hormone balancing to (tada!) infertility.
Consult with your doc about EO use and consider the chart below. Very limited use is recommended during the first trimester. While it may be best to avoid using EO’s all together during the first trimester of pregnancy, to assist w nausea during that time, you may want to consider adding a drop of peppermint or spearmint to a tissue and gently inhaling to relieve symptoms.
What essential oils can have a positive impact on fertility?
Clary sage - Use as a massage oil above the reproductive area. Works best when paired with Geranium. Stimulates the pituitary gland, which helps regulate your cycle. It’s helps regulate hormones and boosts your sex drive (woohoo!). Keep in mind that clary sage is a uterine tonic and should NOT be used in the first two trimesters.
Geranium - Use as a massage oil into lower abs and back after your period. Acts as a hormone balance, cycle regulator, and mood stabilizer.
Lavender - Best used when put in a diffuser or directly on pulse points. Helps regulate emotions and relax the body. Works great with geranium and clary sage. Do not use during pregnancy, esp if there’s a hx of miscarriage.
Ylang ylang - Rub directly onto lower abs and lower back. There’s also research to show that inhalation reduces stress. Supercharges your reproductive organs so they run efficiently.
Fennel - Massage on hips and lower back. Works best during the beginning of your cycle and helps with painful menstrual cramps.
Frankincense - Apply directly to skin. Consider putting on a few drops on your feet before bed and cover feet with socks to allow oil to penetrate skin. Helps regulate cycles and can support implantation of an embryo. Reduces inflammation and supports immunity.
Wild orange - Inhale. Great for combatting anxiety, insomnia, and fear. Pairs great with frankincense to inhale in the morning as a powerful aromatic anchor for your day.
How do you use essential oils? There’s two main methods:
Inhalation - Get ready to breathe in baby. Put a few drops of the oil in your hands, cup your hands, and breathe in deeply. This can have instant effects bc the inhalation can signal your nerves that go straight to your brain.
Topical - You can directly apply oil to the troubled body part, pulse points (wrists, temples, and back of neck where blood vessels are closer to the surface, which allows for quick absorption) or (if you’re fancy) to your feet, which is connected to every bodily organ.
Hot bath or compress - add a few drops directly to the water. For a hot compress, it’s desirable to hold it on the abdomen.
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castielusive · 5 years
Ray’s Miscellaneous Rec List
Several of these are unique, and a lot of my favorites are on here because of that. Assume all fics are rated explicit unless stated otherwise. WIPs are marked, but few and far between. Updates regularly.
Title: Asunder by rageprufrock
Word count: 23,817
Summary:  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)
Sam gets married, Dean gets a wake up call. Easy top 3.
UPDATE: Pod fic version. It’s so good. (x).
Title: Carry On by TamrynEradani
Word count: 148087
Summary: When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby’s garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
Edit: The author took this one down, but she’s said she’s fine with people reading it if they have the pdf. Hit me up if you want it.
Edit 2: Podfic version: x
Title: The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Rating: T
Word count: 65,404
Summary: Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralyzed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It’s only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.
Easily number three in my favorites.
Title: Drop Anchor by almaasi
Word count: 42,124
Summary: AU. A sailor and an enemy pirate are marooned on an island together, and while awaiting rescue they accidentally achieve domestic bliss.
Dean Winchester is lieutenant of the Royal Trading Ship Echelon. On a pleasantly sunny but particularly catastrophic day, he is marooned on an island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with only one man for company. That man is Castiel, captain of the black-sailed Leviathan: a pirate, no less. Given the circumstances under which they are stranded, rescue seems unlikely, and it could be aeons before a ship even comes by. The two of them may as well make the most of their own private island, personal differences be damned.
This is lovely.
Title: In the Weeds by Nanoochka
Word count: 40,265
“Dean knew, from the minute he laid eyes on Chef Castiel MacCarthy, the day would come that he would have to kidnap the man and dump the body in the darkest, dirtiest crack den in Ireland. Given that this was Dublin city, it wouldn’t be hard to find.”
Title: make you whole by casfallsinlove
Word count: 4,531
Summary: In which there is a funeral, mixed-up feelings, quiet motel rooms, and a long journey home.
Title: 300 Things by cautionzombies
Word count: ~76,500
Summary: Dean’s life at twenty-four makes him feel like he’s forty–he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let’s be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major…except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule. This is how Dean grovels and begs Dr. Castiel Milton to make a special arrangement for him, and Dr. Milton does.
Easy top 5. Ashton’s art is what got me to read this one in the first place, and I didn’t notice it linked anywhere in the fic, so I’m sticking one here quickly.  [x]
Update: Tenoko1 did an audio fic and I am completely enamored with it. [x]
Title: Significant by holyhael
Word count: 4,547
Summary: Dean Smith’s and Castiel’s unconventional morning after.
This is? Amazing?
Title: There’s No Going Back by Catchclaw
Word count: 2983
Summary: Some of the things you find on vacation are hard to bring home.
Dean Smith/ Endverse!Cas is quickly becoming my favorite thing ever.
Title: put your hands on my waist by mcpadalackles
Word count: 2,182
Summary: “Dean is sitting at the window seat in their dark bedroom, the one that opens onto the fire escape. He must be cold. He’s wearing nothing but boxers, miles and miles of lovely bare skin exposed to the cool breeze drifting in. If he is, he doesn’t seem to care.”
Short but sweet. One of my top 10.
Title: Bicker by followyourenergy
Word count: 7947
Summary: Sam Winchester is nervous.  He’s taking his girlfriend of eight months, Jess, to meet his brother, Dean, and his brother’s best friend and roommate, Castiel.  Sam loves his brother and loves Cas, but it seems like all the longtime friends do is bicker and he hates it.   Sure enough, from the moment they arrive Dean and Cas are at it.  Sam thinks he knows what’s best for the two of them, but Sam ends up learning a few things about love and relationships that he never expected.
[NEW] Title: Smells Like Queer Spirit by ChasingRabbits
Word count: 8,364
Summary: It's been ten years since Sam Winchester has seen his brother. However, just as he's come to terms with the likelihood that he will never see Dean again, fate (and the internet) intervene and Sam is finally able to track him down.
What he finds throws him for a monstrous, brain-scrambling loop.
A series with a lot of variety. Not every piece is my favorite, but this one and the last two are great.
[NEW] Title: Mr. & Mr. Smith by amarillogrande
Word count: 26,550
Summary: Dean and Castiel Winchester are a normal married couple, living a normal life in a normal suburb, working normal jobs—both as secret deadly assassins. When they find each other as targets, their quest to kill each other leads them to learn a lot more about each other than they ever did in five (or six) years of marriage.
Canonverse and (mostly) canon divergent:
[NEW] Title: A Little Company by VioletHaze
Word count: 48,585
Summary: After Cas became human, he and Dean finally stopped dancing around what existed between them. The vulnerability of the newly-fallen angel scared the hell out of Dean, scared him enough to decide that he was ready to stop pretending and make some serious changes.
Now, five years later, they'd retired from hunting to live a "normal" life in Sioux Falls complete with a house and a brand-new adopted baby daughter.  Against all odds, Dean had found that the civilian life he'd always scoffed at nearly overwhelmed him with joy. 
But Dean knew better than to bask in it; the world was a dangerous place and a happiness like that depended on him safeguarding his little piece of it.
[NEW] Title: Hunting for Faith by  perunamuusa and riseofthefallenone
Word count: 270,952
Summary: It starts a few days earlier.
Castiel first notices it in the middle of the night when the dreams of fire and screams have kept him awake. He’s kneeling before the altar, praying, when the glass in the windows start to shake, the very air vibrating around him. Castiel is on his feet and reaching for the gun tucked into the back of his pants as the shutters over the windows start to rattle.
Title: Bring up the Deep by beenghosting
Word count: 22,679
Summary: They went back and forth on whether or not to make the drive until Sam found an article in the town’s local paper dated a week earlier about a lobster fisherman who swore a monster sank his boat.
Case fic!
Title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by amarillogrande
Word count: 22,237
Summary: Heaven is white.
Well. Isn’t that fucking stereotypical
Dean isn’t really sure how he got here. Or even why he’s here. And hell, for all the times the Winchesters have died, he thinks he ought to know the drill by now. But what he doesn’t know is when most folks go, they find something different.
There’s a system God put in place. That when you’re gone (for good) there’s a couple things you gotta do first.
There are five people waiting for you.They are the five people you meet in heaven.
Best canonverse fic I have ever read.
Title: Faith Healer by punkascas
Word count: 75,087
Summary: Dean hates faith healers. Scam artists and power-hungry dicks, all of them. But with Sam nearing the end of his rope and desperate for a way to keep their father’s last words from being true, Dean has no choice but to turn to the enigmatic and irascible Castiel, more tattooed junkie than spiritual leader, in hopes of finding a way to cure Sam. Yet Castiel hides dangerous secrets, and Dean soon learns they have more to worry about than just Yellow Eyes and Sam’s growing demonic abilities. War is coming. Canon divergent after 2.10.
Title: Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx by pantheon_of_discord
Word count: 82,450
Summary: Dean eases Baby down the frontage road, trying not to look in the rearview mirror as his home gets smaller and smaller behind him.
He’s done this a hundred times. He’s driven down this road in the soft morning light, heading out to some little town in some distant corner of the country. This is a job like any other.
“It’s not like we’re never coming back,” Cas says from the passenger seat.
Dean and Cas and the open road, to the tune of Led Zeppelin. A post-series story in thirteen parts.
Title: where the weeds take root by beenghosting
Word Count: 16,450 (so far)
Summary: “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”
Title: new testament [just more of the same ‘verse] by outpastthemoat
Word Count: 46,880
Summary: No heaven. No hell.  Just Dean and Cas and the status quo.
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rahulpande15 · 3 years
Offshore Supply Vessels Market - Industry Size, Competitor Analysis & Forecast to 2027
Business Review
In its research report, Market Research Future (MRFR), emphasizes that the global offshore supply vessels market for generators 2020 is projected to rise exponentially over the forecast period, thereby ensuring significant market valuation of USD 25 billion by 2023 and a healthy 5% CAGR over the review period. 
Drivers and Restraints
The key drivers of this global offshore vessel support market are technological innovation, rapid growth in Asian countries, strengthened trade policies, increased offshore regasification terminals due to increasing demand for LNG, and increased investment in the worldwide oil and gas and renewable energy sector. The biggest challenge operators need to focus on is high operating performance. Though government bodies are also revising the safety regulations on equipment and growing emphasis on safe operation of offshore vessels. On the other hand, it is expected that the global demand for offshore support vessels will face the difficulties associated with high replacement and maintenance costs. However, technical advancements in the field of offshore supply vessels that have allowed the challenges faced to be overcome thus extending the lifetime of wells ensure the increasing demand for operations of offshore supply vessels.
Get Free Sample PDF @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2067
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge effect on the global shipping industry as a result of the downturn in demand for products, impacting everything from cargo ships, oil tankers and offshore supply vessels. Inside the shipping industry, China is considered a major trading partner for different countries, and one of the shipping industry's main leaders. In addition, the pandemic outbreak came in China when shipping companies generally experienced lower demand due to Chinese New Year (CNY), and the shipping industry 's situation further deteriorated. It is also reported that the Shanghai International Shipping Institute has contributed to a reduction in capacity utilization, which dropped in the largest Chinese ports between 20% and 50% and caused a sharp rise in the usage of port storage facilities.
Segmental Analysis
Based on type, the market has been segmented as Platform Supply Vessel, Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Multipurpose Support Vessel, Standby & Rescue Vessel, Standby & Rescue Vessel, and seismic vessel. Among these, Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel is projected to have high growth and the largest market share in prognosis period as it holds numerous functions together such as positioning of site, mooring chain of drilling rigs, towing of rigs, and other supply duties as and when required. Anchor Handling needs high power, deck space aft, winch capacity and other auxiliary handling equipment.
by application the market has been bifurcated s as Shallow water and Deepwater
Regional Evaluation
The global business regional analysis was conducted in four major regions including Asia Pacific , North America, Europe and the rest of the world. Asia Pacifique is one of the leading offshore technology growth areas. Geographic factors have driven offshore market growth. However, in the APAC region, China, Thailand , India, Malaysia and Indonesia are mainly driving the growth of the demand for offshore support vessels. Additionally, the Asia Pacific market is booming equipped with increased cargo capacity, panoramic bridge visibility, greater accommodation spaces, improved crew amenities, and automation system.
The rise in global oil & gas production from North America and the Middle East has shifted the focus of operators towards offshore markets. Secondly, liberalization of the Mexican oil & gas industry is another key driver fuelling the demand for offshore supply vessels. 
Competitive Analysis
The major market players operating in the global market as identified by MRFR are Siem Offshore AS (Norway), Maersk (Denmark), SEACOR Marine (U.S.), Tidewater (U.S.), GulfMark Offshore Inc. (U.S.), and Vroon B.V. (Netherlands). Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd (Singapore), Havila Shipping (Norway), Abdon Callais Offshore LLC (U.S.), Edison Chouest Offshore (U.S.), Solstad Farstad (Norway), and Bourbon Offshore (France) are among others who are exceedingly capable to serve the best in the industry.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/offshore-supply-vessels-market-2067
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Edibles.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
Market Research Future
528, Amanora Chambers, Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar
Pune – 411028, Maharashtra, India
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Drop in Anchor Expansion Anchor
click here to see more of this product
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
10 Task View Windows 10 Rituals You Should Know In 10 | task view windows 10
Robotic action automation (RPA) startup UiPath today appear it has bankrupt a $225 actor allotment round, bringing its absolute aloft to over $1.2 billion. While the new annular is almost bisected the $568 actor UiPath aloft aftermost April, it catapults the New York-based company’s post-money appraisal to $10.2 billion, up from $7 billion in 2019 and $3 billion in 2018.
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How to use Task View features on Windows 10 | Windows Central – task view windows 10 | task view windows 10
CEO Daniel Dines says the allotment will be acclimated to calibration UiPath’s belvedere and deepen its investments in “AI-powered innovation” as it expands its billow software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings. The annular will additionally acceptable lay the background for approaching cardinal deals, afterward UiPath’s accretion of startups StepShot and ProcessGold aftermost October.
RPA — technology that automates monotonous, repetitive affairs commonly performed by animal workers — is big business. Forrester estimates that RPA and added AI subfields created jobs for 40% of companies in 2019 and that a tenth of startups now administer added agenda workers than animal ones. According to a McKinsey survey, at atomic a third of activities could be automatic in about 60% of occupations. That may be why Bazaar and Markets anticipates the RPA bazaar will be account $493 billion by 2022, with a admixture anniversary advance amount of 19%.
UiPath was founded in 2005 by Romanian administrator Marius Tîrcă and Dines, a above Microsoft software engineer. The aggregation was headquartered in Bucharest afore ambience up boutique in New York City and accretion to London; Bangalore; Paris; Singapore; Washington, D.C.; and Tokyo. UiPath grew its applicant abject from 100 barter in 2017 to over 5,000, with added than 750,000 users as of aftermost year. Moreover, UiPath says the solutions developed by its over 2,800-person workforce now automate tasks for added than 65% of the Fortune 500 and eight of the Fortune 10, including GE, Virgin Media, Airbus, Google, Autodesk, NASA, HP, Fujifilm, McCormick, DHL, Swiss Re, McDonald’s, and Equifax.
UiPath takes a multipronged access to RPA that begins with assignment discovery. The company’s action mining tech produces an “X-ray” of end-to-end desktop, web, text-based, business apps, email, IT, and appointment workflows by affairs log abstracts from absolute action systems, allowance assay basis account issues through recommendations, visualizations, tags, and KPIs. Assignment abduction is the abutting footfall in UiPath’s onboarding alternation and comes as advisers move through a assignment action they’d like to automate, demography screenshots and accretion abstracts like window names, titles, and descriptions afore affairs aggregate calm into a action analogue certificate or XAML file.
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Task mining complements action mining and abduction by anecdotic and accumulation workflows. UiPath applies AI to map tasks to automation opportunities and aggravate out the best common patterns from the data, deeply recording metrics from whitelisted applications, including accomplish and beheading time. Thanks to AI-powered certificate compassionate capabilities, the belvedere can ingest, analyze, and adapt PDFs and images — alike those with handwriting, checkboxes, signatures, rotated or skewed elements, and low resolutions. When acclimated with UiPath’s Orchestrator product, assignment mining can be provisioned, deployed, triggered, monitored, measured, and tracked at every footfall from a browser or smartphone.
A able-bodied set of computer eyes algorithms underlies UiPath’s certificate compassionate features, which can admit and collaborate with on-screen fields and apparatus like Flash and Silverlight. Drawing on a neural arrangement with a aggregate of awning optical appearance acceptance and argument down-covered analogous with a multi-anchoring system, the Linux, Android, and Windows software robots powered by the algorithms can “see” basic desktop interfaces via Citrix, VMWare, Microsoft RDP, and VNC audience and accredit automations with activating elements like drop-downs and checkboxes.
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UiPath offers three kinds of robots: abounding robots that anticipate directions, abandoned robots that don’t crave animal intervention, and amalgam robots that accomplishment circadian tasks with the advice of abounding robots and leave the abandoned robots to abridge reports. From a dashboard dubbed Action Center and Insights, IT teams can appearance up to bags (or tens of thousands) of robots’ tasks and acknowledging abstracts and booty alleviative accomplishments in the accident of a bottleneck.
The assault affection of UiPath’s apartment is the Automation Hub, a aperture from which advisers can acquire rewards for accidental automations. It’s additionally area admins can see automations and ascendancy them from abstraction to production, leveraging an algorithm to assay tasks account automating. And it’s area associates of the C-suite can anticipate automation complication and aftereffect costs. UiPath Studio provides a toolset developers can use to almanac workflows, borrow prebuilt automation activities, accommodate third-party components, and allotment and reclaim components, with a amalgamation augment administrator that ensures compatible sources and workflow analyzer rules that authorize development paradigms.
Orchestrator facilitates these authoritative tasks with zero-touch provisioning, pluggable action credential stores, and the adeptness to add processes by abacus users to Active Directory groups. Another product, alleged AI Fabric, aids with AI and apparatus acquirements lifecycle management. Application AI Fabric, barter can acceptation their own models or accept from a library of prebuilt options, and they’re able to accumulate tabs on retraining and versioning through a assay apartment with drag-and-drop interfaces for assay planning, claim traceability, and birthmark reporting.
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Above: UiPath Studio for designing processes
UiPath’s assignment has acquired absorption during the coronavirus pandemic. The aggregation told VentureBeat that in Dublin, the Mater Hospital is application its RPA accoutrement to action COVID-19 testing kits, enabling the hospital’s onsite lab to accept after-effects in account and extenuative the nursing administration three hours per day, on average. In the U.S., the Cleveland Clinic leveraged a UiPath artefact to assassinate a alternation of accommodating assimilation tasks in 14-16 seconds, against the 2-3 account it took a human. UiPath additionally claims to accept assisted with U.S. government automation efforts about COVID-19, for instance allowance the Administration of Homeland Security use 500 bots to accomplish coronavirus-related abstracts analysis. Among added agencies, the Administration of Veterans Affairs is investigating how it ability administer RPA accoutrement to its environment.
UiPath ability accept drive on its ancillary — anniversary alternating acquirement hit $400 actor this year, an uptick from $300 actor in October 2019 and $25 actor three years ago. But it additionally has rivals in Automation Anywhere, which aftermost anchored a $290 actor advance from SoftBank at a $6.8 billion valuation. Within a amount of months, Blue Prism aloft over $120 million, Kryon $40 million, and FortressIQ $30 million. Tech giants accept additionally fabricated forays into the field, including Microsoft’s accretion of RPA startup Softmotive and IBM’s acquirement of WDG Automation.
Competition and added headwinds affected UiPath to lay off 300 to 400 advisers (roughly 11% of its workforce) aftermost year in what it characterized as a move against efficiency. (It charcoal to be apparent whether the aggregation will move advanced with the antecedent accessible alms it reportedly planned for the abutting year or so.) UiPath’s competitors haven’t been allowed either — Automation Anywhere has let go of 10% of its workforce as it adapts to stronger appeal for billow casework motivated by the pandemic, and FortressIQ says the accepted bread-and-butter altitude has slowed the advance of its 70-person workforce.
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Alkeon Capital Administration led today’s alternation E, with accord from Accel, Coatue, Dragoneer, IVP, Madrona Venture Group, Sequoia Capital, Tencent, Tiger Global, Wellington, and funds and accounts brash by T. Rowe Price.
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The 9-Minute Rule for Pool Coating
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SUNTUF polycarbonate skylights/rooflights and corrugated polycarbonate sheets are readily available in numerous profiles as well as match all standard metal profiles. Our MetalMatch innovation gives us a virtually unrestricted capacity to personalize new services, and also make a custom-made corrugated profile for your framework. SUJNTUF's complete line of setup accessories and also guidelines allows you to rely on a weather-tight fit and lasting efficiency.
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What Does Leaking Roof Mean?
When designing products for outdoor usage, plastic is an effective material that must be offered severe consideration. Plastics are increasingly being made use of to construct greenhouse panels, play grounds, outdoor furniture, and also various itumim.co.il/ other structures that were previously dominated by products such as timber and also glass. There are numerous reasons for this, yet plastic's lightweight as well as resilient nature certainly aid in making it an optimal prospect for outside frameworks.
The ideal plastic choice for exterior use depends on potential spending plan restrictions, the designated life expectancy, as well as the required resilience. Plastic is expanding in appeal for outdoor use, but it may be hard for the laid-back observer to determine why this is. Simply put, alternative building products can not match the performance and convenience that plastics can attain, especially in the context of outdoor use.
With time, it has actually mostly been replaced by similar plastic frameworks. This is since despite having the correct chemical treatments, wood is not suitable for outside usage. It is still vulnerable to rotting, warping, and also splintering, every one of which can create injury. In addition, it can not be formed in as many means as a plastic cantypically, timber can just be shaped into stiff, angular plans.
Pool Coating Fundamentals Explained
For a long period of time, glass was the most effective way to ensure light transmission, making it prominent for usage in structures such as greenhouses. Sadly, glass is extremely vulnerable, and even a weak effect can create cracks or entire panels of glass to ruin. Not just is glass rather weak, it is also much larger than clear plastic alternatives.
Generally, plastic is the exceptional selection for outdoor use when compared to various other materials. While timber rots and splinters in the rainfall, plastics can stand up to severe weather conditionseven snow. Also, several type of plastics can resist UV light and are long lasting, leak-proof, and fade resistant. Nevertheless, there are a number of kinds of plastic you might wish to consider when mounting your exterior application.
Acrylic plastic, particularly in the form of a clear acrylic sheet is quite possibly fit for outdoor use. This is since acrylic plastic has fantastic weather condition resistance, permitting it to be left outdoors without substantially weakening. Acrylic plastic can sustain high levels of UV light, extreme cold, and also even saltwater without its structural honesty being jeopardized.
This isn't the only manner in which acrylic plastic is sturdy. It resists scrapes and also damages a lot more successfully than several various other type of plastic, keeping structures in great problem for longer. This explains acrylic sheets an excellent replacement for glass, as it stands up to damaging and can maintain the impact of projectiles or dropping products.
However, acrylic isn't optimal for every single circumstance. Brightly tinted exterior frameworks should look for an alternate plastic, because tinted acrylic is accountable to fade in straight sunshine. Furthermore, depending on the application, a more powerful or more warm immune plastic might be better suited. Polycarbonate plastic was when a particular niche plastic as a result of its expense, and as an outcome, was usually only made use of commercially.
Our Roof PDFs
Polycarbonate is very risk-free and also has actually also been approved by the FDA for food-contact applications. It's thirty times more powerful than acrylic, yet also significantly much more pricey than acrylic. Polycarbonate plastic is readily available in a large range of densities and also strengths, providing it to a selection of various objectives. It is also strong, available in an array of colors, as well as can be produced with differing degrees of openness.
Actually, polycarbonate is so solid that it's a typical option for storm panels or roof covering panels. This plastic is also frequently used as a substitute for glass. Like acrylic plastic, polycarbonate sheets are lightweight, long lasting, and can be produced with high optical clarity. Nevertheless, as formerly mentioned, it is even more effect immune than acrylic.
Actually, polycarbonate plastic won't also start to melt until 120C, or 248F. HDPE is extremely well suited for usage outdoors. As a matter of fact, HDPE plastic is the most typically utilized product for play ground devices. This is since the material is extremely enduring, however likewise softer than choices https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=sealing using pvc sheets like acrylic or polycarbonate.
While HDPE does not offer the exact same degree of influence resistance as polycarbonate, its long lasting construct will sustain a formidable quantity of weight as well as has the integrity to outlast many other kinds of plastic. HDPE is likewise simple to develop with it can be formed right into plastic sheets or boards that can be cut with conventional woodworking devices.
This makes it fast and simple to construct play ground tools or outside furnishings out of HDPE plastic. Like polycarbonate, it is extremely resistant to acids, alcohols, and bases. In addition, it will certainly ward off any type of graffiti making HDPE popular for usage in public areas. Marine board is a term for HDPE plastics made specifically for aquatic usage.
The 30-Second Trick For Roofing Contractors
It is very effective at driving away the unfavorable results of watereven saltwater. It is additionally very resistant to acid, smell, and also mold, calling for very little upkeep to maintain optimal quality. As a result, aquatic board is utilized to build hulls, anchors, swimming pool devices, decks, and outside cabinets. It is easy to maker as well as thermoform as required, making it a wonderful product for Do It Yourself building projects.
As an example, repainted PVC is commonly utilized to build frameworks like garden fence, trellises, or outside furnishings. PVC is not naturally UV immune but is typically covered in UV-resistant paint to avoid degradation. Even if unpainted, PVC is generally used to provide securing for below ground cables that need added protection from the elements.
UHWM sheets are exceptionally immune to abrasion as well as impact and can stand a lot of continuous water. It is usually utilized for marine building applications, such as overviews or joggers. It is additionally made use of to develop bed liners as well as fenders for automobiles. Depending on which outdoor framework is being constructed, it is really potential that plastic will certainly be the best structure product offered.
Therefore, plastics are a suitable option for outside applications. Prepared to browse plastics for your next outside project? See our polycarbonate plastic, acrylic plastic, HDPE plastic, or aquatic board offering page to read more about the specs of these plastics. Or, contact us to speak with an expert today.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Persuasion Skills On Steroids Deconstructed
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Persuasion Skills On Steroids Deconstructed
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    WARNING: Many NLP and Hypnosis Trainers can’t or won’t train you to unleash the power of Covert Persuasion Skills
“Do you want the skills to:
Command attention
Get people to say yes,
Generate more business
but struggle with confusing, theoretical and downright unworkable hypnotic persuasion techniques?”
 “What if you could get into the mind of an Internationally Acclaimed Best Selling NLP Persuasion Skills Author and download his skills directly into your head?”
Siegfried – “Understanding his tricks of the trade and watching the videos again is like stepping into the mind of a master persuader.”
Kevin – “Who else does this? How many seminars have you been to that have a separate class after the event to teach you how they persuaded the audience? None??…….Rintu does!”
Edward – “DANGEROUS. This material is DANGEROUS. Think twice before you get it. This is like playing with dynamite.”
Anna – “Imagine my surprise and excitement when, after getting mid-way through his ‘Black Book’ course (and doing all the exercises, of course), I realized that reframes, language patterns, embedded commands, etc. started popping up in my language without any conscious effort.”
From the Desk of:
Rintu Basu
International Best Selling Author
The Persuasion Skills Black Book
Wednesday 2:06 pm
Almost every human endeavour requires some level of persuasion skills. Even if  you are the only person involved,  you still need to persuade yourself to stay focused and motivated. So it would make sense to develop your hypnotic persuasion skills. To me it is just an application of the 80/20 rule.
A small increase in your persuasive ability means a huge shift in the results that you can get over time. As an experiment think this through for a few moments.
Where do you want to be in the next six months, this time next year and in five years time?
Would using some element of persuasion play any part in securing that future?
If they do how much further forward would you be if you had just a 1% increase in your skills?
If you can see the sense in this you must have looked into developing your hypnotic persuasion skills before. So here is another question for you.
Are you frustrated reading about Powerful, Covert Hypnotic Persuasion Skills and every time you go to learn anything you immediately get plunged into a world of strange phrases, bizarre buzz words and incomprehensible theory?
I went through the same when I first started to learn about hypnotic persuasion skills. I took hundreds of courses, read thousands of books and even did all the exercises however bizarre they seemed. For over thirty years I dedicated myself to studying all the material that was around and several questions kept coming up:
If these guys are so good at hypnotic persuasion skills why aren’t they using these skills to train me in these skills?
If these guys are experts in communication why am I so confused by the content of their books and courses?
Do these guys actually use these skills for anything or are they just making a buck trying to teach them to me?
I discovered some Communication Skills Trainers don’t use and often don’t know how to use the material they are supposed to be delivering to you.
How frustrated would you be after hundreds of hours of studying not being any further forward in learning how to use language patterns in your personal, professional or social life. And then finding out the people that are delivering the content don’t know how to use it themselves?
Some NLP Trainers in an effort to look clever have hyped up and overcomplicated Hypnotic Language Patterns to the point of incomprehensibility. But that’s not all. How crazy is it that they try and teach you about brain chemistry, motor neurone functions and advanced grammar when all you want is to learn are persuasive patterns that work?
When you want to watch TV do you want someone to explain electricity, how they transmit and receive pictures over the airwaves and the internal workings of a television set or do you want them to explain the buttons on the remote control and just let you pick some programmes to watch?
Some Hypnosis Trainers have gone so far into the theory of how it works that they have forgotten that there was a reason why you want to learn the material in the first place.
I have spoken with hypnosis trainers who will tell you that you should not use hypnotic tools without first asking permission from the “client”. I was banned from an NLP Practice group for just suggesting that you could use these tools for sales and business. I have had a variety of hypnotists and NLPers telling me that I am being irresponsible for teaching this material in case someone “dangerous” gets their hand on it.
 But there are some Great Trainers out there
You could spend thousands of dollars and several days sat at the feet of the Covert Persuasion Skills Gurus as they distill their wisdom.
It is not just about the time spent on the course though. If you are going to invest a large sum of money, plus the travel and accommodation you really want to make sure you are getting something valuable. So you need to investigate the trainer and spend time evaluating the course to make sure it is exactly what you need.
To get the best value from any course you need to do some pre-course studying. Then when you come home you have to spend your time integrating all the new knowledge into your life before you lose it through non-use. That means post-course self-coaching.
You can get great results this way, I know, I have done enough of it. I get people regularly spend the time and money with me and they get great results but quite frankly there are only a select few that have the resources and opportunity to learn in this fashion.
But what if you could EASILY learn covert hypnotic techniques to get people to do what you want and thank you for the opportunity afterwards?
How would you feel if you have a world class hypnotic persuasion skills trainer on tap, who is prepared to demonstrate every pattern first on you, then on others so you can watch the impact and also deconstruct exactly what he is doing so you can put it back together in a way that you can immediately go and use it?
This was my thinking which led me to create:
This course is not another jargon loaded, theoretical tongue twisting pile of tripe that has no relevance to the real world. The course I have created will help you to:
Use powerful hypnotic training concepts to consciously learn covert persuasion skills whilst also suddenly finding yourself using them in everyday situations.
Discover the one distinction that many wannabe hypnotists completely fail to grasp that will allow you to drop people into a deep hypnotic trance within seconds every time.
Dramatically increase your persuasive ability to getting the date, the job and the sale within minutes of picking up the programme.
The course is a transcript of a three hours Persuasion Skills on Steroids Seminar. It is transcribed “warts and all” and it includes my notes deconstructing the action, why I made the choices I made and how you can adapt the patterns for your own use.
In it you will find everything from The Persuasion Skills Black Book Master Training Programme plus more demonstrated overtly and covertly and completely deconstructed by me. I discuss the impact on the audience as I use these patterns overtly and covertly on them. The whole course is transcribed.
But what makes this course unique is my notes explaining:
The patterns that I am using covertly
Things to notice about the impact on the audience
Voice shifts and non-verbal anchoring that I use
Sensory acuity, what to look for and what to do about it when you have found it
Why I selected particular patterns to use
Suggestions on how to use these patterns in different contexts
Ideas on how to practice these skills and patterns
What do I get when I download the course?
A 105 page pdf report that includes the whole seminar transcribed and my notes deconstructing the whole thing. Available for immediate download. Here is briefly some of the material that is covered overtly and covertly:
Section One
Preframing your subject so you blow out any negative beliefs or agendas before you even start the conversation, meeting or presentation
Installing positive beliefs so your audience quickly comes round to your way of thinking
Generating massive motivation by eliciting values for groups and individuals and binding them to what you want them to do
Setting expectations in a way that people give you what you want
Controlling the frames of a conversation so it only goes where you want it to, whilst still letting your subject have the illusion of control
Long and short versions of redefine patterns giving you complete control and flexibility with how you apply your hypnotic language patterns
Using body language and tone of voice to control and switch conversations creating smooth transition towards what you want to talk about even if the subjects are wildly different
Using stories to covertly blow out fear of failure so you can get people to want to do more for you without worrying
Using stories to covertly set up time distortions and create huge motivations for a compelling future as well as blowing out past results that are holding them back.
The conversational belief destroyer pattern to take away unhelpful beliefs
Covertly sensitising individuals and groups so you can pick the most useful trance to put them in when you need to
The key components to making trance work so people go into the trance you want them in quickly and easily
Peripheral vision to control your negative emotions
Developing your sensory acuity to becoming a human lie detector
Techniques to increase your reading speed to over 1000 words a minute
Section Two
Shift your body language to change a train of thought helping people focus on what you want them to focus on
Creating anticipations loops to get your audience to hang on your every word
Using a personality profiling model to find people’s deepest unconscious values and desires and then dramatically motivating them by binding those desires to what you want them to do
How to develop your sensory acuity using values based questions
Learning how you can use any question asked of you to just supply what you want to tell them
Pacing and leading people to redirect their focus whilst making them feel it was their choice
Using sneaky body language tricks to build control and rapport with your audience
The secret to how to practice so you accelerate your hypnotic language skills development
Giving people the illusion of choice whilst staying completely in control
A tried and tested process to get a group to do almost anything for you
Using pacing and leading statements to covertly drop people into deep trance
Section Three
Using presuppositional questions to direct a conversation
An agreement frame that drops people into trance and motivates them to your goals
An anchoring exercise to create an irresistible unstoppably persuasive personality
Using metaphors to covertly induce trance and install motivation to do what you want
One line generic anticipation loops to use with people to instantly have them desperate to hear more from you. From these few examples you will be able to generate hundreds more that are more specific to your world and your applications
A process to embed commands in the middle of an anticipation loop so you are embedding covert post hypnotic suggestions
How to stack the deck so whatever choice your subject makes they are always moving in your direction
Also you have hundreds of examples of embedded command, hypnotic language patterns, demonstrations of covertly applying anchors and managing conversations.
This course has material complete beginners can use immediately and because of the multiple perspectives even master hypnotic persuaders will be working with this material for many months.
The end result is this is the fast track to Hypnotic Persuasion Skills Mastery. But note I really do mean mastery. Throwing a few hypnotic language patterns around is easy despite what some NLP and Hypnosis Trainers will try and tell you. This is a whole new step change in what you can do with covert hypnotic and NLP language skills.
Imagine being able to go through my material as a participant, then looking through my eyes and also as a third party just noticing the impact of my patterns on the audience.
Consider just how dramatically your understanding, knowledge and application of these skills increases when you go through material in this way.
Hypnotic Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is about you being able to quickly and dramatically alter people’s emotional states, capture and lead their imaginations, as well as talk them into deep hypnotic trances to get the results you are looking for 
Originally I didn’t want to include the video and audio recordings of the seminar. The real value is in my notes and transcript and I felt that the video just detracted from that. Also, the video is recorded live and the quality, whilst watchable is not perfect. But several people that have seen the recordings have said that they got a huge additional benefit from following along with the transcript and watching the action.
For a limited time you can get the original recordings of this live seminar. With these recording you can use the transcript to follow along and see how I use my non-verbal behaviour to embed commands, anchor the group and shift their state. You will be able to see the impact on the audience as you read through my notes and watch what was going on.
You will also be able to see the whole workshop from multiple perspectives, as a participant, using my notes to see it through my eyes and as an observer noting the impact on my and the participants. It is the ability to be able to do this that makes the course a unique accelerated learning experience.
In fact let me throw in an audio recording of the event as well just in case you want to analyse some of the verbal patterns, tonal inflections or just listen to it on your mp3 player.
Who Would Benefit from this Course?
This material is designed so everyone, no matter what level, will find it easy to assimilate the content. People familiar with NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques will find that the approach, the content and the way it is applied is subtly different from more traditional approaches. For beginners, this is an ideal structure because you can learn advanced material without the need for a steep learning curve.
This course has a lot of applications so here are a few ideas on how various people could benefit from this course:
Managers – Make your teams more productive by developing team beliefs, values and identity using the Results vs. Identity Model
Parents – Teach your kids to read at over 1000 words a minute using Peripheral Vision
Leaders – Drop your audience into trance and sell them into your vision in minutes using just your tone of voice and a simple hypnotic language pattern
Teachers – Blow out unhelpful beliefs in your students using comfort zones and learning curve metaphors so they assimilate your content five times faster than normal whether you are teaching Maths, Physics, Geography, Music or any other subject
Trainers – Use anchoring to create your ideal trainer state and stay in your ideal state no matter how challenging your audience becomes
Marketers – Use thought binds to link your prospect’s imaginations to your products and services so they are screaming with the desire to buy
Coaches – Bypass any conscious resistance in your clients with redefine patterns so they are excited, motivated and rising to the challenge
Networkers – Open anticipation loops so people always remember you and keep coming back for more from you
Flirters, Daters and Seducers – Capture and lead the imagination to new emotional heights
Law and Policy Enforcers – Use sensory acuity and conversation management techniques to become a human lie detector
Project Managers – Preframe your project to automatically generate buy in, good will and a desire to help
Job Seekers – Use your body language to take covert control of the interview
Politicians – Reframe any question to one that you want to answer
Sales Professionals – Use conversation management techniques to covertly shift your prospects into a buying trance
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners – Use anchoring to develop an irresistibly persuasive personality
A Quick Word about Ethics
I will not allow myself to be set up as the NLP thought police. This material is extremely powerful. People can, and do, use it in very bad ways. You can use this material to con, cheat and hurt people in many different ways. I know I have, to my shame used this material in ways I am not proud of. In each case, it has come back and bitten me on the arse.
Alternatively, I will say most of the time I use this material with a sense of fun and a wish to do the best for me, the people close to me and the world in general. As I do this I find I get better results, I gather people to my cause that will move mountains on my behalf and I enjoy life more than I could really expect.
I leave it to you to decide how you will use these skills, you are in fact in charge of your results but I will ask you to consider this. If you already know my skills, expertise and experience in terms of hypnotic persuasion skills you can trust me when I say, “use your skills to create win/win situations”. You will get infinitely better results.
How long is the course and how is it delivered?
The beauty of this course is that it can be as long as you like. The videos of the live seminar take three hours but a ten minute skim of the report will give you patterns and ideas you can use immediately in your life.
If you just watched the videos it would take you three hours in total and you will have a powerhouse of hypnotic persuasion material ready to go that would make you more persuasive than a lot of NLP Master Practitioners that are out there.
But there is a whole lot more depth than that.
 What results can I expect from this course?
I am not in the habit of creating magic bullets. Anyone who is promising you complete mastery of these skills by watching a video or reading a report for a half hour is lying to you. I can promise you that just skimming through the report will give you huge amounts of material that you can apply immediately. But for this to truly work you need to practice. All I ask is ten minutes a day to practice. If you do you will notice results at the end of the first day, you will notice bigger results by the end of the week and you will notice massive results in 30 days.
If you take the ideas, concepts and tools from all the material on this course and just practice for ten minutes a day in the ways that I suggest I can promise you, you will be trancing people through the floor, inserting post hypnotic suggestions but more importantly getting more of what you want… I can’t do this for you. You have to be responsible for your results.
If you want a magic bullet then this course is not for you. If you want to learn some of the most secret, powerful and applicable hypnotic persuasion skills on the internet AND are prepared to spend the ten minutes a day practising then this is a course that will keep you going for months.
In my view this is quite simply the best most powerful and unique course I have put together to date. But don’t just take my word for it; here are the views of a few others.
But I want to make absolutely certain that you will succeed?
If you read through the many reviews and testimonials about Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed it seems that this is a very advanced course and that people should have some foundations in place before getting to this course.
Whilst I agree there is very advanced material included, I don’t completely agree that you need anything more than this course. But it makes perfect sense to listen to the wise words of my students and testers. So I have put together a range of bonuses that will ensure you have a complete foundation in hypnotic persuasion skills before you even have to look at these videos and the deconstruction. So here are the bonuses:
The Persuasion Skills on Steroids Video and Audio Recordings
The whole three hour seminar recorded on mp4 video format and mp3 audio so you can follow along with the action as you read my notes and the transcription.
The Persuasion Skills Black eBook.
This book lays the foundations for developing your hypnotic language patterns. It will show you how you can:
Develop huge amounts of skills in just ten minutes practice a day
Take control of your thoughts and focus them with laser like precision
Manage conversations, talk people into trance and get them to focus on what you want
How to use your body language to take covert control of a conversation
Plus a whole lot more
Take the Trance to Use Your Voice
Many baby hypnotists, numpty NLPers and junior persuaders fail to take people in and out of trance states because they don’t know how to use their voice.
In comparison all the great hypnotic persuaders can take people in and out of deep trance and emotional states just using the sound of their voice. It doesn’t matter what they are saying, just how they are saying it.
In this twenty minute mp3 audio file you will be shown exactly how you can use your voice and how you can develop the voice of a master hypnotic persuader.
The Unconscious Hello, Rapport on Steroids
In this eighteen-minute video recording you will discover why lots of the NLP community have got rapport spectacularly wrong. As well as how you can nonverbally take covert control of a conversation and develop magnetic charisma that is almost cult building in its effectiveness.
Conversation Management
In this forty minute video I take you through a conversational model that allows you to give the participant the illusion of control over the conversation whereas it will only go where you want it to.
It gives you the opportunity to appear as a great wit and raconteur with massive charisma and knowledge whilst all you are doing is taking people through some trance experiences and pointing the conversation to wherever you want it to go. This works with any conversation, personal, business, formal or casual.
Developing a Persuasive Personality
This forty-five minute video takes you  through the exercise demonstrated in part three of the Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed step by step. This video gives you extra details and dissects the process in a more precise way than a live demonstration could. By the end of this recording you will have actively installed a massive persuasion personality directly into your brain ready for you to use whenever the situation demands.
Hypnotic Story Telling
In this 40 minute video you will learn how you can easily start creating hypnotically persuasive stories from your life experience. You will hear how you can wrap all your embedded command, NLP language patterns and emotional anchors into a hypnotic story so that they become almost completely covert.
Metaphor Demonstration
In this hypnotic mp3 audio you will discover how to take your metaphors, assemble them into covert trance inductions whilst embedding commands and post-hypnotic suggestions into your listeners.
Hidden Hypnotic Motivators
This thirty-minute video shows you how to uncover a specific motivator for people. You will learn how this affects their thinking, their results and how to frame your language so you are always appealing to them.
This is one of the most powerful deep unconscious motivating profiles and a small shift in your language can bring massive results when you are aware of this factor.
Direct Hypnotic Feedback
The main reason many conversational hypnotists and hypnotic persuaders plateau at a very poor level is because they do not know how to give themselves high quality feedback. This thirty minute video will take you through all the tools and techniques you need to keep your hypnotic development accelerating.
After you have used your hypnotic persuasion skills spending less than a few minutes with your imagination  will ensure that you have continual dramatic development. Incidentally this does not have to apply to just developing your hypnotic persuasion skills. This process will work for any skills that you want to develop.
MP3 Audio Versions of all the videos
You really need to see the videos of these presentations for the diagrams, illustrations and models. But after that you can embed the knowledge by listening to them on your mp3 player when you are at the gym, driving home or doing the cooking. Just remember though that some of these recordings are intensely hypnotic so don’t listen to them when you are doing anything that demands your full attention.
Also there are patterns and covert persuasion techniques running through all of these videos so you could practice all the skills you have learnt by creating your own deconstructions.
The Original Persuasion Skills Black Book Five Week Master Training Report
This is the collected version of the five-week Black Book email master training programme in PDF form. It is packed full of new patterns, exercises and new ways of practising. Used diligently this report will show you hundreds of new ways of using and developing your hypnotic language patterns.
Free Upgrades for the Life of the Course
I am constantly tweaking, changing and adding material. So long as the course exists you will be entitled to the latest version. In practice, what this means is that when I modify the course I will send an email to you showing where you can download the latest version.
How can I get immediate access to this course?
The original workshop was approximately $500. But the value of this course is far higher. If you wanted me to sit with you and debrief a training event, presentation or recording I charge more than $1500 per hour, so for the three hours that would be $4500. But the value of Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is even higher than that.
In fact to the best of my knowledge no NLP trainer records live courses and then deconstructs them for you. Sure, YouTube is jam packed with trainers showing you stuff, doing demonstrations and selling you their programmes but how many are prepared to take their training and deconstruct the hypnotic persuasion patterns that they are using on their audience?
The value of Hypnotic Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is the fact that you can watch it again and again from multiple perspectives. Including seeing the whole thing through my eyes with my thoughts on what worked, what didn’t, what I would use again, what I would change and most importantly, how you can apply all of this for your situations. Each time you watch, you will learn more and because you have learnt more, watching again will take you to a whole new level. That is where the value of this course is.
When I sent this course out to people to review the prices they suggested ranged from $2000 to $5000. But I am a trainer. When you spend some time on my website and articles, you will find one of my core values is about having people take my material and do spectacular things with it. With that in mind, I want to do you a deal.
I want you to study this material, put it into practice, go out to do some big audacious things and get some brilliant results. I want you to make that commitment to yourself but I also want you to commit to posting your results from this course so we can all share in the learning, fun and excitement. If you are prepared to do this I will give you this course today for only $297
Do I get any guarantees?
You know at this point I should offer you the guarantee that takes all the risk away and lets you buy with confidence. I will give you that guarantee but before I do, here is a thought for you. I want you to commit to yourself, learn some of this material and get some bold spectacular results. I want you to guarantee your results.
If you have any doubt about this course, any niggling hesitation about being able to use it then don’t buy yet. This course is not for you. Spend some time on my website. Go through the wealth of articles, videos and free material on the site. Then come back when you recognise the power of my material and are ready to commit to yourself.
I don’t want you to buy this course because you are reading this page. I want you to buy this course because you have recognised the power of covert hypnotic persuasion, realised the difference it can make to your life and are committed to taking this course because you already know the difference it will make to you.  I have put lots of good quality free material all over the internet so you can make an informed decision.
For the reasons above I am not expecting to refund people. That said I am fully compliant with Distance selling regulations, PayPal and Clickbank terms of service. So I will fully refund within the first 60 days if you are not happy with the product in any way.
Let me give you another guarantee. I have no intention of taking away this offer in the immediate future. I genuinely want you to have Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed and succeed with it. But if you value your persuasion skills development you will have already made the decision to buy this course. It is the only logical conclusion based on what you have seen. The only question is can you afford it?
I can’t answer that question for you. It is for you to decide if this is the right time for you. I will suggest though that you have just been learning about the course, what it contains and what people have been saying about it. In terms of when you are likely to take the most from the material it is probably now.
If you are worried about having the time to study because you are in the middle of other life stuff just stop and consider how much easier the other stuff gets when you have better persuasion skills. If it does then don’t waste another minute. In fact having a direct application and focus will make Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed infinitely more useful and easy to learn from.
Order Now And Get Instant Access
Yes! Rintu, I am ready to learn powerful covert hypnotic persuasion techniques
Yes! Rintu, I have some huge goals that these hypnotic persuasion skills will help me achieve
Yes! Rintu, I am ready to use this material to immediately improve my personal and professional life
Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed
I understand I’ll be downloading the entire Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed for a tiny one-time investment of just $297 when I act now!
I understand that this includes a recording of the seminar recorded live at the time so I can watch along with the notes.
I also realise I have nothing left to lose since you’re generous enough to offer me a 60-day money-back guarantee if I’m unsatisfied in any way.
Get It Here
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Even with my courses I have to work really hard to keep people motivated and working at their skills. Let’s face it even for the most focused of us the process of life starts to intrude and it is easy to let things slide.
You could choose not to buy right now and you might have some good reasons for it. But let me ask you to consider this point.
Where do you want to be in the next six months, this time next year, in five years time?
Do hypnotic persuasion skills play any part in securing that future?
If they do, how much further forward would you be if you had just a 1% increase in your skills?
I will promise you that you will get much more than a 1% increase in your skills just by listening to the audio recording at odd moments as you go through your day. And I will promise you that by just putting in a tiny amount of effort (ten minutes a day) you will get a quantum step change in your skills and therefore your results.
So the big questions to ask are; When do you want to start? Are you going to be the person in six months time still making a decision to start moving their life forward? What if in a year you still haven’t started and the stuff of life is still in the way; how long would you be prepared to wait before accelerating your growth and changing your life? If on the other hand you are committed to getting great results, improving your life and achieving your dreams then Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is here ready for you.
One of my students, after reviewing this whole package, has pointed out that I have not included my most powerful frame setting pattern. This pattern allows you to install beliefs so powerfully that your subject or audience thinks they have created it. Combining this pattern with a commitment pattern will covertly get them to agree to change their beliefs as you discuss, present, sell or train them.
I have created an exclusive report that consists of a seven-minute video of these two patterns being used as well as some really sneaky frames that draw your audience in automatically. Also included is an audio-only version and a report. The report is not a transcription of the video but it is a full explanation with multiple examples of how you can use these patterns in different situations.
This extra exclusive bonus is now included in the whole package
Rintu Basu
International Best Selling Author
Persuasion Skills Black Book
Persuasion Skills Black Book of Job Hunting
PS. I know some people just skip to the post scripts so briefly, this is the best course I have created to date. It consists of the transcript of  a live seminar and my notes deconstructing the event. The workbook contains a full transcription and my notes on the patterns that I am using on the audience. The course is structured to have multiple levels and enough content to keep people busy developing their hypnotic persuasion skills for months.
PPS. I have now included the video of the whole seminar as a special bonus for this deal.
PPPS. The course works on both the conscious and unconscious levels. So you will suddenly find yourself becoming more persuasive…and you will be able to notice, describe and replicate those changes in your hypnotic persuasive ability consciously. Spending a little time working with this course will skyrocket your persuasion skills.
PPPPS. Because the course deals with some very advanced hypnotic persuasion skills I have included a wealth of bonuses that will teach you how to master all the foundations skills to a master level so there is enough material here for novice and master alike.
Order Now And Get Instant Access
Yes! Rintu, Please Give Me INSTANT ACCESS To The Entire
Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed
I understand I’ll be downloading the entire Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed for a tiny one-time investment of just $297 when I act now!
I also realise I have nothing left to lose since you’re generous enough to offer me a 60-day money-back guarantee if I’m unsatisfied in any way.
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