#powerful ​mage ✅
Losing it over that very slight pause before Harding says “what relic?” where you just know she’s thinking “oh, so he’s dead dead.”
31 notes · View notes
crystallizsch · 7 months
Random Thought, please humor me.
SURPRISE: YUUSHA GAINS MAGIC (By absorbing the Magic around her & dealing with Overblots)! Even better, she doesn't need a Mage Stone to control it! What would Yuusha's Unique Magic be & how does she use it? How would Jamil react?
"Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled."
"That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted."
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HELPPP anon your random thought sent me down into a rabbit hole and i was hyperfixated on this for at least a WEEK 😭
anyways i also had an agonizing realization that yuusha is somewhat twisted elsa/anna because she has:
braid in front ✅
light-colored hair streak ✅
love interest that used her for his schemes ✅
desire to connect with people bc of years of loneliness (and emotional instability) ✅
unresolved childhood trauma in general ✅
(and probably more idk, these are the ones that stand out to me at the moment)
i haven't thought about frozen for YEARS and somehow it's still haunting me.
i have a lot of mixed feelings about this realization in general but the reason i brought this up is because i ended up basing yuusha's unique magic on frozen (not the ice powers part, but more the emotions aspect since elsa's powers work based on her emotions) while also still having aspects of yuu's own personality on it.
(also I'm sorry in advance i keep on dropping random lore about yuu and jamil's dynamic that only makes sense to myself hndsfhdsj)
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I'm your friend. You don't have to hide. SHOW YOURSELF.
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"Show Yourself" forces the target to say what's actually on their mind as long as she touches them. Since she's not particularly powerful and skilled with her own unique magic in the beginning, it's limited to skin-to-skin contact, and it only lasts for as long as she's touching her target.
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If Yuu trained it more, it doesn't have to be skin-to-skin, just as long as she makes some kind of physical contact with her target; and it could last for as long as she wants even if she is no longer making physical contact. (But the longer she keeps it up, the more blot accumulates.) Yuusha would mostly just use her unique magic to mess with people. It'll only be rare that she chooses to use it for something serious.
To add more onto how Jamil would react to these magic shenanigans: They've both agreed on not using their unique magic on each other. To do so would be a breach of trust. (Of course there would be special exceptions but generally that's their agreement.) And since Jamil is still a scheming prick (affectionate), her "Show Yourself" unique magic would be useful. Plus, Yuu would not be against using her unique magic 99% of the time since she is also aware of the usefulness of her ability. Jamil would insist on helping Yuu out on how to use her magic because there was no way she'd get the hang of it immediately. And he knows she would refuse to ask any other (capable) magician for help.
An alternate idea that I scrapped was "Let It Go" where it's essentially Yuu telling her target to let go of their (usually negative) emotions. But those feelings can't just disappear so Yuu basically absorbs them so now it's her burden to carry instead. I scrapped it because I can't settle on how it works. (But it still had angst potential so I couldn't help but draw a bit about it anyway.)
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(extra rambling below about yuusha overblot thoughts if anyone's interested hdlfhjgj)
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this is a brief tangent from the original question because i also thought, "hey what if she overblotted, wouldn't that be fun"
i could see the overblot going in either two ways:
yuu accidentally hurts grim (or another friend) with her magic. she’s so distraught thinking that even with magic she can't protect those who are dear to her. and so during the overblot she will not actively try to hurt anyone but instead exhausting her magic reserves in an intentional attempt at self-destruction. (yes i also see the frozen parallels shhhh)
something happens that was simply THE LAST STRAW. now she’s too pissed at everyone that she no longer cares about what happens to her or anyone else, going on a destructive rampage. which can also be considered an intentional attempt at self-destruction.
either way, basically, if she can’t go home she’s just going to take herself out and/or the school instead. the girl is not okay.
(there's actually nothing good she can home to, but she's convinced she'll be happy again if she returns. but she doesn't know that because she can't remember shit about her home. that's a separate lore dump post hgdsjfkld)
also the blot monster behind her would look something like marshmallow (elsa's snow monster from frozen) :)
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(i also used to have a similar idea for yuusha. i planned to have her be immune to magic *because* she was absorbing it and she didn't realize. leading to an inevitable overblot) (but i scrapped it because yuusha became my victim for jamil x yuu stuff) (like if i can't have the excuse to have jamil use snake whisper on yuu then what is the point)
140 notes · View notes
teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 171
TL;DR - The 2 Chois versus Yoon. HD, Sword Saint, and LSH versus Hoya.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Fight Scenes Oh, wow. We get actual fight scenes today! And none of it was centered on Cale!
But unlike other series were fight scenes had this tension, Team Cale is too OP, so it felt boring for me. So what if the enemies were of the highest martial arts rank? CH and CJS plus their black and white yongs are much stronger. The good thing though is that the two Chois are no longer that awkward with each other.
The fight against Hoya were a bit tense, but LSH just cut off any tension afterwards. At least we get some poetic description of HD's power. 🥰
I've been reading the novel of Drug-Eating Genius Mage, and the fight scenes there always had this tension despite Van being OP. But here in TCF... haaa... 🫤I guess that's the downside of reading a munchkin novel. To balance it out, I read I'm the Villain Mastermind, But I Wish for World Peace, a RidiBooks exclusive novel, where I kept screaming at the stupidness and weakness of our MC, hahaha. MC's deep trauma + true villain's OPness = lots of anxiety and frustration for the readers... 😖
Ending Remarks Next chapter will probably LSH's fight scene? Surprisingly, we had almost no Cale scenes today. Just him running towards the castle assisted by his Wind AP.
Anyway, I'll end this post with a funny part in today's chapter:
Yoon: W-What are you? CH: Hunter. Yoon: ...Huh? CH: A hunter who catches a hunter like you. CJS: Pfft.
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briarpatch-dragon · 1 month
next up in fun little guy simulator: reina, my “cosmic accountant”
the gimmick for the character is pretty simple aesthetically: I wanted a character focused around a life/death balance! so ideally, we’ll be a switch hitter between healing and damage. as an accountant, getting a book as a class feature is a really nice aesthetic bonus. so we’re going to look to get that too!
mechanically, this is a fucking nightmare.
reina is built for a long-term D&D 5e campaign, so her build needs to work well from 3rd level (game start) through high level. honestly it would have been easier on me if we started at 5th level, but them’s the breaks!
the origin of the concept was the never-published strixhaven UA warlock/druid Witherbloom archetype. this archetype RULES. I love that it does a nice mix of necrotic damage and healing, some at the same time! not all of the features really work for us, though—the potion one in particular is kinda bad.
if I was a normal person, I would simply build a warlock mage of witherbloom and call it good. however I am a crazy person and there is two-part key problem:
warlocks don’t really get healing spells and are pure damage and
they specifically don’t get the wither and bloom spell, which is exactly the bit we want
going straight witherbloom druid gives us the opposite problem—too much healing, not enough necrotic, with the extra annoyance that wild shape does nothing for the build, and there’s no pact of the tome to get us our book.
to combat these problems we’re going to multiclass.
now, multiclassing is always a bad idea in 5e. ASI/feats being tied to class levels means you’re always taking a substantial penalty for anything less than a 4-level drop. but we’re gonna work through it.
my split: druid 3 / cleric 1 / warlock n
warlock is obviously going to be our main class as mage of witherbloom. we’re going pact of the tome, so we’re going to go 2 levels of warlock before we do anything else and then go from there. this lets us start with the book, though no essence tap. my real preference would have been a level 5 start purely for that :(
for druid, we’re going to be going circle of dreams. circle of stars also would have been okay, but I liked the grab of an extra healing class feature. we will need 3 levels in druid to grab wither and bloom, which is the real reason we’re in this class at all.
i went this route because it nets the best of both worlds for aesthetics and mechanics between warlock and druid. unfortunately, it has one major downside, and that's how pact spells interact with regular spell progression. we're going to be stuck with a small pool of low-level spells, and while pact slots will eventually catch up, it's going to take a long time to get there.
what we're not short on is cantrips, so we're really going to lean into that. and that's why we're going to do a 1-level drop into arcane domain cleric.
adding a third class is almost never a good idea in 5e, but i'm arguing for it here. arcane domain gets us two things: more cantrips (way more cantrips!), and access to the cleric spell list. if we can't have power, we can have versatility, so we're going to have a cantrip for all situations. this route nets us more cantrips than a feat would and adds the same spell progression that druid 4 would, making it the better alternative to an otherwise dead level.
so how are we stacking up against our design goals?
✅ necrotic damage: we're doing okay. we've got some necrotic damage via cantrips and warlock/cleric spells
✅ healing: solid. druid/cleric are pulling the weight here and we've got some good healing via spells and class features. however, reduced spell levels hit the hardest here.
✅ utility: we've got a lot of utility casting options here. we're not doing high damage with anything that isn't necrotic, but we can fill in a lot of gaps.
✅ book: we got one via pact of the tome!
there is one crippling over-specialization in this build, and it's that it is extremely reactive. it doesn’t want to go first; it wants to go later in the round and support what other characters are doing.
I found this out the hard way from a combat that gave me nothing to react to. it doesn’t do a good job of being independently aggressive (though I do have eldritch blast, so there’s an okay fallback).
still, I’ll give this build a solid 6.5/10. it does what I want it to, even if it’s only doing an okay job of it. it would really work better if I could run a single class, but 🤷‍♀️ I’m sacrificing build quality for aesthetics.
0 notes
aliumfungus · 8 months
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✅ one of the most powerful mages on the planet
✅ looks cute in a latex bodysuit
✨ get you a girl who can do both!!!! ✨
sketching my OC Laika and I couldn't decide on my favourite colour scheme :V which one do you like the most?
0 notes
mahamid110 · 11 months
👉 Newsletter Linchpin AI Review ✅ Automatically Crafts High-Value Newsletters People Eagerly Read
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9 to 5'er or Entrepreneur, Ready to Discover the AI-powered Way To Ready to Level Up?
NEW Groundbreaking AI App Curates & Automatically Crafts High-Value Newsletters People Eagerly Read.
Transform Any Website or YouTube Video into a Newsletter Superior to Anything You Could Write Yourself 
Be First in Line for the Newsletter Revolution with the World's First 'Newsletter Linchpin AI' – Your Gateway to GPT-4 Turbo Breakthroughs
Step Into the Future with 'Newsletter Linchpin AI' – Primed for GPT-4 Turbo's Next-Gen Capabilities
Embark on a journey with "Newsletter Linchpin AI," the first platform poised to embrace the transformative power of GPT-4 Turbo’s Threads, Retrievals, and AI Assistant Agents. As pioneers in the newsletter space, we're ready to unlock a new realm of possibilities for our users, ensuring you're always one step ahead.
Turbo Threads will redefine your storytelling, enabling "Newsletter Linchpin AI" to weave intricate, engaging narratives that capture your audience's attention from headline to CTA. Our readiness for GPT-4 trubos's extended context capabilities means your newsletters will soon flow with unparalleled coherence and relevance.
With Retrievals, we're set to elevate your content curation, seamlessly integrating the most up-to-date and pertinent information into your dispatches. "Newsletter Linchpin AI" is on the cusp of offering you the ability to deliver newsletters enriched with cutting-edge insights, keeping your readers informed and ahead of the curve.
Our anticipation of AI Assistant Agents promises a future where each newsletter you create is not just content but a conversation with your audience. These intelligent agents will assist in honing your unique voice, ensuring that every issue resonates with personalization and professionalism.
By choosing "Newsletter Linchpin AI," you're not just selecting an app; you're future-proofing your content strategy. You're joining a visionary community ready to leverage the next wave of AI advancements. Prepare to lead the newsletter revolution with intelligence, creativity, and a partner that's as forward-thinking as you are.
Think you need a massive following to take advantage? WRONG! Our AI Curation Matrix launches human ghostwriter level newsletter straight into your subscribers' inboxes. It's like having a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a Silicon Valley genius working for you.
Give it 10 minutes, and it'll blow your mind! Our Multi-Step Prompting isn't just a feature; it's your secret weapon to readers engagement. Imagine crafting a newsletter that's so engaging, it's like you're building a LEGO masterpiece, guided by the genius of the man who designed the Empire State Building!
Watch out! The 5 Deadly Sins of Email Marketing are lurking to sabotage you. But with our Creativity Control, you're untouchable. Dial your imagination up to a scorching 1 or bring it down to a cold 0. You control the heat.
Tired of not knowing what to write about? Our Idea Processor is the game-changer you've been praying for. It's like having a genius editor who takes chaotic data and forges them into Pulitzer-worthy gold.
Our Step Rewriting feature is your truth serum. Rewrite history, erase mistakes, and perfect your message without starting from scratch. It's a time machine for your words.
Ready to double your engagement? Our Style Customization isn't just a feature; it's a revolution! Dress your content for a black-tie gala or a beach party; either way, you're the star of the show.
What if I told you our External Data Sources could make your newsletter curate a divine mixtape from the universe's coolest content and become the prophet of engagement.
Want to turn lead into customers? Our AI Curation Matrix is the modern-day mage. Transmute your drab content into opportunities that you did not have before.
What People Are Saying About Newsletter Linchpin AI:
Comments from before app release
The Letter That Could Change Your Life
First, let's get real:
Millions are out there, just like you, trying to break free from the 9 to 5 shackles and live life on their own terms. A lucky few will manage to ditch the daily grind, rediscover what makes them tick, and even get to enjoy precious moments with family and friends. But let's face it, most will still be clocking in and out, their dreams gathering dust.
What the stats say:
Recent polls show that the majority of folks looking for that perfect side hustle are drowning in their day jobs. They're so bogged down by the daily grind that they can't even think about freedom. Research backs this up. For instance, a Harvard Business Review study found that the average person is so swamped with work that they barely have time to eat dinner with their family.
Been there, done that?
You've probably tried to kickstart that dream project, only to be swallowed whole by your day job. You're left feeling stuck, frustrated, and downright miserable. And it seems like no matter how hard you try, freedom is just a pipe dream.
Listen, if this hits close to home, know you're not alone. And it's not your fault. The reason you're still stuck in that draining job is because so-called experts are selling you outdated advice.
Imagine this for a second:
Instead of being a cog in a machine that doesn't even notice you, picture yourself as the captain of your own ship.
Here's the game-changer:
Picture reclaiming your time, saying adios to the daily slog, and embracing a life where you call the shots. But let's be clear: this seismic shift in your life can only happen if you dare to step outside your comfort zone, take that leap of faith, and put in the work, especially at the beginning. So later Newsletter Linchpin AI can do 90% of the work for you.
People Are Selling & Buying Newsletters On Duuce. com
Duuce is The #1 Newsletter Marketplace For Newsletter Creators, Enthusiasts, and Investors, Offering A Seamless Space To Buy & Sell Newsletters While Fostering Growth, Creativity, And Insight
Those are just sample transactions listed on the platform. It is up to you to build newsletter and find buyers. We do NOT guarantee any results. We sell AI software so you can write newsletters people love to read saving you 90% of your time.
Results not typical. Most people trying to make money online make nothing.
Screenshot From Post I Have Seen On Facebook On Monday
This unverified Facebook post is from an entrepreneur we know of, but since we cannot verify the claim, take it with a grain of salt. Results like those are not typical; most people attempting to make money online earn nothing.
Screenshot From Post I Have Seen On Facebook On Tuesday
This unverified Facebook post is from a Facebook friend. We cannot verify the claim, so take it with a grain of salt. Results like these are not typical; most people attempting to make money online earn nothing.
From Sunburnt Nashville Hotdog Vendor to $27 Million Newsletter Sale
Results not typical. We do NOT guarantee that you will sell your newsletter at all.
Results not typical.
Dominate the Newsletter Business Without Breaking the Bank
What Are The Costs Without Newsletter Linchpin AI
1. Below $35/hr it is hard to get anybody good enough to create a high value newsletter people would actually want to read, and no, ChatGPT does not solve that without advanced Prompt Acrobatic most people don’t know how to do.
2. Countless hours going back and forth with ghostwriters... This is actually the biggest cost because you could use all that time to build your business.
Transform Any Website or YouTube Video into a Newsletter Issue Superior to Anything You Could Write Yourself In 3 Simple Steps:
Step 1 - Choose the number of youtube videos or webpages you want to use
Step 2 - Paste links, choose style, and optionally write newsletter topic
Step 3 - Click Start
That's all it takes to have your newsletter issue written. If you choose so you may then customize your newsletter however you like.
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Main Ways To Make Money With Newsletter:
1. Relevant Affiliate Links: Use the newsletter to provide valuable content and include affiliate links as a natural part of the content. Treat these links as your own sponsorship.
2. Ads: Use ad platforms to inject ads into your newsletters. You can approve these ads, so they are relevant to your content and audience.
3. Sponsorship: Different from ads, sponsorship can be more targeted and can come from within or outside the platform you use for your newsletter. You can start getting sponsors even with a small but niche-focused audience.
4. Paid Newsletter: Offer a paid version of your newsletter, which could be a direct way to monetize your expertise and content.
5. Courses and Services: Use your newsletter to promote your own courses and services. This can be done alongside other monetization methods like ads and affiliate links.
6. Promote Your Own Business: If you have a business outside of your newsletter, you can use the newsletter to promote it. For example, if you're a chiropractor, you can use the newsletter to talk about chiropractic services and attract clients.
7. Exit Value: If you do a good job with your newsletter, focusing on quality content and a good choice of niche, you can potentially sell the newsletter as a business.
Minor Ways To Make Money With Newsletter:
1. Private Label Rights: Create a subscription-based newsletter with content that others can buy, rebrand, and distribute as their own. This is a smaller-scale method but can be a good starting point.
2. Offline Business Newsletters: If you have an agency that supports local businesses, you can add newsletter writing to your portfolio of services. Local businesses often have an audience but lack the time or skills to create content, making this a valuable service.
Accelerate Idea Execution for Faster Profits
One of the most daunting hurdles in running a newsletter is the limited time available to brainstorm, develop, and experiment with new newsletter ideas.
This often leads to analysis paralysis, as you're left pondering whether a particular concept will resonate with your audience.
However, with the "Newsletter Linchpin AI" app, this concern is virtually eliminated. Equipped with AI-driven capabilities acting as your ghostwriters, you can implement and test tenfold the number of newsletter ideas in a fraction of the usual time.
This enables you to quickly identify what engages your readers and scale your newsletter, all without the added stress.
Say Goodbye to AWOL Ghostwriters: AI-Powered Newsletters for Consistent and Uninterrupted Engagement
No need to stress about a ghostwriter going MIA on you, which we know happens. With AI-based ghostwriters, they're always there when you need them. The best part? AI is super reliable and won't have any of those real-life hiccups that could slow down your business growth.
Skyrocket Your Newsletter Game with Zero Overhead: AI's Got Your Back 24/7
No need to stress about a ghostwriter going MIA on you, which we know happens. With AI-based ghostwriters, they're always there when you need them. The best part? AI is super reliable and won't have any of those real-life hiccups that could slow down your business growth.
Stay Ahead of the Curve Effortlessly with 'Newsletter Linchpin AI'
You know how fast the AI world is changing, right? Well, don't sweat it. Our app, 'Newsletter Linchpin AI', has got you covered. We're constantly updating your AI ghostwriters with the latest trends and tech. So, your newsletters will always be on point, and you won't have to lift a finger to keep up with the latest research. How cool is that?
Unlock an Agency Business with AI-Powered Local Newsletters
Ever thought about supercharging your agency's services for local businesses?
Here's the deal: local shops often have a ready audience but just can't find the time or talent to churn out newsletters.
That's where you come in. With our AI ghostwriters, you can add newsletter writing to your service offerings and make it a game-changer.
Imagine running an agency with minimal effort! The best part? These AI pros can write about anything under the sun, pulling from web pages and YouTube to keep things fresh and informative.
It's like having an extra team member who never sleeps!
Kickstart Your Revenue with a FREE Commercial License to “Newsletter Linchpin AI”
Ready for some awesome news? When you jump on board with “Newsletter Linchpin A”' today, we're throwing in a commercial license for free. Yep, you heard that right—FREE! This means you can use our platform to serve both local and online businesses without any extra cost.
Fast Action Bonuses
FREE BONUS GIFT #1 Organic Traffic Tsunami - From 0 To 1,000 Subscribers
Imagine a masterclass that is your secret roadmap, a digital treasure map leading you to the X that marks the spot: a newsletter so magnetic, it's the digital equivalent of Times Square on New Year's Eve. Instead of wasting your life away in the social media trenches, begging for a smidgen of attention... ...picture yourself lounging in a plush chair, sipping on a cocktail, as your newsletter transforms into a black hole of engagement, irresistibly drawing in readers like a magnet attracting iron filings to a treasure trove.
This training should be at least $1000
FREE BONUS GIFT #2 Subscriber Growth Secrets - 1,000 to 10,000+
This isn't just a guide; it's your toolkit for building a subscriber list that grows. Consider it akin to having an expert coach you through the proven strategies for rapid expansion. ...imagine your subscriber list growing like a snowball rolling downhill, each new subscriber adding weight and momentum to your digital empire.
This training should be at least $1000
FREE BONUS GIFT #3 Audience Engagement Hacks
This is your cheat code, your secret sauce for turning casual readers into die-hard fans. We're talking psychological triggers and strategies so effective, they should be classified. Ditch the agony of crafting newsletters that get tossed into the digital void, as ignored as a lone tree falling in an empty forest... ...feel the adrenaline rush as your engagement metrics rocket skyward, like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
This training should be at least $500
Total value of bonuses should be: $2,500
Questions & Answers to Help You Make the Best Decision About "Newsletter Linchpin AI" app
Do "Newsletter Linchpin AI" work with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4?
Yes, "Newsletter Linchpin AI" work with both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
Do I have to install "Newsletter Linchpin AI" on my computer?
No, "Newsletter Linchpin AI" is cloud software so you do not need to install anything on your computer.
How much do updates cost?
All "Newsletter Linchpin AI" updates are FREE for the entire year.
Is ordering completely risk free?
Of course. At any point in the next 14 days, you decide "Newsletter Linchpin AI" is not right for you, simply send us your receipt and we'll promptly send you a refund. You will, however, lose access to your "Newsletter Linchpin AI" account.
How many newsletters can I create every week?
You can generate either 1 or 2 newsletter each week using your Open AI API key. The amount depends on the option you chose.
Do you include step by step instructions?
Yes, we provide a detailed step by step tutorial.
How do I get support?
Easy! Just visit us at newsletterlinchpin. com
Is there a monthly fee to use "Newsletter Linchpin AI"?
Currently, "Newsletter Linchpin AI" membership is being offered with a one off payment on this page. We plan to switch to a recurring membership model in future, when new customers will pay a monthly fee for software use. BUT anyone that orders now is grandfathered so you will never be billed again.
Is it Possible to Replace Human Freelancers with These AI Ghostwriters for My Newsletter Content?
Absolutely. Our app is tailored to handle the content creation aspects of your newsletter that are vital for your success. Just provide the guidelines, and the app will take care of the rest.
How does the AI Curation Matrix actually work?
The AI Curation Matrix is like having a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a Silicon Valley data scientist in your corner. It dives deep into a sea of data, curating content that resonates with your audience's unique desires and pain points. It's not just automation; it's artistry. You add the final touch, making each newsletter unmistakably yours.
Is this tool for tech-savvy people only?
Absolutely not. Think of it as a friendly guide that takes you by the hand, leading you through the process step-by-step. The Multi-Step Prompting feature is like building a LEGO castle one block at a time—simple, yet the end result is magnificent.
How much time do I need to invest?
The beauty of” Newsletter Linchpin AI: lies in its efficiency. The AI does the heavy lifting, leaving you to add the final, personalized flourish. It's like having a Michelin-starred chef prepare an exquisite meal, leaving just the garnish for you to apply.
What if it doesn't work for me?
We offer a straightforward 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you're not thrilled with the results within 14 days, you get a full refund. It's a zero-risk portal to a life of unimaginable freedom.
How do I ensure the quality of the AI-written content?
The AI Curation Matrix and Idea Processor work in tandem to produce high-quality, relevant content. It's like having a top-tier editor and a data scientist ensuring that your newsletters are not just good, but exceptional.
Can I customize the style of my newsletters?
Absolutely. The Style Customization feature is like having a wardrobe for your words. Dress up your newsletter in different styles to make it uniquely yours.
What about incorporating external content like YouTube videos or Webpages?
 The External Data Sources feature allows you to mix in content from various platforms, making your newsletter a rich tapestry of curated information. It's like being a DJ who knows exactly what the crowd wants to hear.
Can I rewrite sections without starting from scratch?
Yes, the Step Rewriting feature allows you to fine-tune your newsletters. It's like being a sculptor, chipping away until your masterpiece is revealed.
How does this compare to other expensive alternatives?
Consider the alternatives: hiring a team of content creators, risking your money in volatile ventures, or even going back to school. “Newsletter Linchpin AI” is a one-time investment. It's not just a cost; it's an investment in your future.
We hope these answers help you realize that “Newsletter Linchpin AI” is not just another tool; it's your passport to a life of freedom and fulfillment.
0 notes
review-with-metul · 1 year
Bookly Pro Review || Introduction:
Bookly Pro Review 👉 It Help Your Subscribers Make Crazy Affiliate Commissions by Creating & Selling Stunning eBooks, With No Prior Tech Or Marketing Skills In 3 Easy Clicks.
✅ First To Market AI Technology Creates 50,000+ Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations In 3 Clicks
✅ Drive Maximum Audience Attention by Adding Eye Catchy mages, Visuals Etc
✅ Help Users Grab Their Share from HUGE $20 Billion eBook Industry
✅ Create EBooks in a Variety of Formats, Including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI
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✅ Profit Instantly by selling these eBooks globally to Hordes of Hungry Audience
✅ No Learning Complex Software or Having Prior Design Experience
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Bookly Pro Review | Overview:
✅Vendor: Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra
✅Product: Bookly Pro
✅Official Website: Click here
✅Front-End Price: $19
✅Niche: Software
✅Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommended
About Vendor || Bookly Pro Review
Bookly Pro Review || What is Bookly Pro?
✅Bookly Pro Review 👉 It Creates Professionally Looking 50,000+ Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations loaded with Beautiful Templates, Powerful AI Images with 100% PLR Rights.
💵Instantly sell them in PDF, ePub or any format or Print in Hard format to Make Instant Profit without having to learn complex design software.
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🎯Create eBooks in a variety of formats, including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI Format text, insert images, and add interactive elements.
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How Does Bookly Pro Works?
❇️ This software can get the job done by just following three easy steps:
👉 Step #1: Login
👉 Step #2: Create
👉 Step #3: Sell & Profit
✅And Now - Here’s YOUR Chance To Gain Lifetime Access To Amazing Technology That Creates Professional Books & Business Documents Loaded With Mind Blowing Images & Content For A Low One Time Fees!
Bookly Pro Review || Watch Demo Video:
Bookly Pro Review || What Are the Cutting Edge Features of Bookly Pro?
✅ First To Market AI Technology Creates 50,000+ Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations In 3 Clicks
✅ Drive Maximum Audience Attention By Adding Eye Catchy mages, Visuals Etc
✅ Help Users Grab Their Share From HUGE $20 Billion eBook Industry
✅ Create Ebooks In A Variety Of Formats, Including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI
✅ Instantly Create e-book Covers That Are Both Attractive And Professional
✅ Profit Instantly By Selling These eBooks Globally To Hordes Of Hungry Audience
✅ No Learning Complex Software Or Having Prior Design Experience
✅ 100% Newbie Friendly & Super Easy To Use
Does It Worth Buying & What Kind of Benefits Will You Get From Bookly Pro?
✅Bookly Pro Makes Getting Max Sales & Profits Fast & Easy.
🔥Bookly Pro Review 👉 Every business owner needs to maximize their growth potential by creating professional books & documents to convert random website visitors to lifetime happy customers.
But, creating them yourself or hiring freelancers to do the same is a tough nut to crack. 👉Now, If you too faced this issue, It’s time to take a breather as we present…
❇️A Brand New 100% Google Bard+ Leonardo AI Powered App That Creates Professionally Looking 50,000+ Documents & Books With PLR Rights To Sell As Your Own Without Any Coding Or Designing Skills
👉With Bookly Pro, Anyone Can Create & Sell Premium Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Science Fiction eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations 👉Loaded with Beautiful Templates, Powerful AI Images Under Their Brand Name To Business Owners.
👇Here are some of its benefits-
🎯 First To Market Next Gen Technology That Creates Professional Books & Business Documents Like Never Before
🎯 Instantly Grab Your Share From The HUGE $28 Billion Professional Books & Business Documents Industry
🎯 Create Premium, Mind Blowing Books & Documents Loaded With Stunning Images To Convert Visitors Into Customers
🎯 Drive Maximum Audience Attention To Your Professional Books & Business Documents By Adding Eye Catchy Images, Visuals Etc
🎯 Create & Sell Professional Documents In In A Variety Of Formats, Including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI
🎯 Bank In BIG By Distributing These Documents To A Variety Of Platforms, Such As Online Retailers, Social Media Marketers, Affiliate Marketers Email Marketers Etc
🎯 Instantly Create Professional Covers That Are Both Attractive And Mind Blowing
🎯 Make Professional Books & Business Documents For Any Offer In Any Niche With No Prior Tech Hassles Or Coding Skills
🎯 Use These Industry Standard Documents To Create Multiple Set & Forget Passive Income Streams
🎯 Proprietary Tech Helps Join Thousands Of Marketers Who’re Making Billions Of Dollars Creating Professional Documents For Their Clients
🎯 Never Worry About Paying Huge Money Monthly To Expensive Third Party Platforms
🎯 100% Easy To Use, Newbie Friendly Technology That’s Never Seen Before
🎯 Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide Top Notch Services
Just imagine the kind of growth prospects in store without any coding, designing, prior tech skills or experience?
⭐It’s All Going to Soon Become Your Reality.
>>>Get Bookly Pro at Low Earlybird Price Here<<<
Who Is Bookly Pro Review Is The Perfect Choice For?
👇"Bookly Pro Is PERFECT For Anyone & Everyone"
✅ Everyone Who Owns A Business, Service or Is A Marketer
✅ Everyone Who Wants To Survive In This New-Age Digital World
✅ Everyone Who Would Like To Generate Max Attention on Professional Books & Documents
✅ Everyone Who Would Like To Retain Their Profits and Avoid Paying A Hefty Monthly Fee
✅ Everyone Who Wants To Take A Giant Leap Over Their Competitors
✅ Everyone Who Doesn’t Want Their Customers to Be Pissed Off Because Of Outdated & Plagiarized Images, Content, Visuals Etc
✅ Everyone Who Is Looking To Take Complete Control of Their Business
✅ Everyone Who Aims To Give the Best Customer Experience
✅ Everyone Who Wants To Be Safe & Not Pay HUGE Ransoms To Third Parties
Bookly Pro Review || Users Opinion:
Bookly Pro Review || All OTO’s Details Information:
❇️ OTO #1 Pro ($37-$47): Remove Watermark of Powered by Bookly Pro and create Whitelabel ebooks
🎯Remove Watermark from Images
🎯Unlock Formal Letter Maker
🎯Unlock Custom Content Maker (create any custom document that can be written in the world)
🎯Integration with Pixabay, Pixel, Unsplash Also to get more Image creative.
❇️ OTO #2 Unlimited ($37-$47): With FE you can only create 1 Document per day in any category like eBooks, Presentation, Novels etc, that means it will take 136 Years to Generate 50k eBooks
🎯With Unlimited create unlimited documents within a Day
🎯Unlimited Images
🎯Unlimited Languages
🎯Unlimited Formats
🎯Unlimited Downloads
❇️ OTO #3 Ultimate ($37-$47): Unlock Stunning Cover Maker to Create Stunning Covers for Your eBooks, Reports and Presentations
🎯Unlock Unlimited Cover Maker
🎯Insert your custom link to your documents to get more traffic, leads & Profit (1 link)
🎯Insert Unlimited Custom Links
❇️ OTO #4 Bookly Pages ($37-$47): Create custom Landing Pages for Your selling your eBooks for Free or charge Price
🎯Unlock eBook Selling Platform to sell your ebooks from one marketplace
🎯Integrate different Payment options
❇️ OTO #5 Agency ($97-$127): Get Premium Agency of Bookly Pro and
🎯Create unlimited accounts for your clients and charge them as you wish.
❇️ OTO #6 Reseller ($97-$127): Sell Bookly Pro to Anyone You Want & Keep 100% Profits with You
🎯Start Your Own Software Business & Make 6-7 Figure Income
🎯No Need for Initial Investment or Any Maintenance Cost
🎯Nothing to Upload, Host or Configure At Your End
🎯High in Demand Product That Sells Like Wild Fire
🎯Budget Friendly- Get Back Your Investment with Just 1 Sale
❇️ OTO #7 Whitelabel ($197-$225): e-brand Entire Tool -
🎯Add Your Own Branding, Your Own Logo & Product Name.
Bookly Pro Review || EXCLUSIVE BONUSES:
🔥 1) Manga, Graphic Novel & Comic Reader ✅This is a reader for Manga, Graphic Novels and Comics, You build up a store of your own novels, uploading to the viewer as you go
🔥 2) FlipBook Pro ✅Most Powerful Digital Flipbook Maker [Converts your PDFs into 3D Flipbooks in just a few seconds.
🔥 3) Online ePub Maker, Composer & Manager ✅This is a web-based app that runs on your own host, it allows your visitors may create, edit, compose and manage ePub eBooks online.
4) Document Generator ✅This is the document generator software, It provides all the tools necessary to write complete guides, user manual, documentation and ebooks in a user friendly and very easy to use environment.
🔥 5) Bookly Pro Online Store ✅Online Store created for the business owner who wants to start and promote their business in the ecommerce business arena
🔥 6) EBook download and management ✅You will be able to arrange your favorite eBooks as categories and publish that online. Visitors can download those ebooks as PDF format easily.
🔥 7) Digital Bookly Pro ✅The eBook is a digital version of a physical book that has to be designed to reading on a computer, Smartphone, tablet device, Users can download eBooks.
>>>Get Instant Access Now<<<
Bookly Pro Review | Pros & Cons:
❇️ Pros:
✅Paying monthly for expensive freelancers
✅No proper traction on your professional books & business documents
✅No getting low or zero commissions
✅No waiting for real results
✅No prior tech or marketing skills needed
❇️ Cons:
⛔ No significant cons until now
Bookly Pro Review || Is there a 30 day money back guarantee facility?
😎Friends, you will be very happy to know that with Bookly Pro you get a full 30-day money back guarantee.
That is, after buying Bookly Pro 👉 If you feel that you are not getting the benefit from it, you can return it and get your money back without any hassle.
Bookly Pro Review || My Final Honest Opinion:
👉Bookly Pro Helps to tap into the huge $28 Billion professional books & business documents industry & provide red hot services to hungry audiences with no third party dependency.
✅Bookly Pro is The Coolest Business Centric eBook & Document Creator For 2024 & beyond
👇With this, business owners can easily-
❇️ Reduce dependency on multiple apps and expensive monthly subscriptions
❇️ Stop paying huge on money sucking third parties that charge like crazy
❇️ Get started with no prior tech experience needed
❇️ Not worry for any profit sharing or additional charges
❇️ Take complete control of your destiny
🔥There’s nothing like this available at such a low price. So, grab it today before it goes away forever.
👉So, I highly recommend you to get your hands on this like all serious & top marketers do.
>>>Visit Official Website<<<
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fox-mcc1oud · 2 years
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@realmeglobal : Powerful, fast, fit. #Miniismighty! Type 💪, if you like the mighty mini💪💪💪. #realmePadMini ✅ 6400mAh Mage Battery ✅ 22.09cm Large Display ✅ Unisoc T616 Processor ✅ UFS 2.1 Flash Storage https://t.co/lIeh55Kfiv (via Twitter https://twitter.com/realmeglobal/status/1519632521163464704)
0 notes
projektimpworld · 3 years
Tumblr media
[Koikatsu] Genshin Impact Series ~ Lisa Minci
Name : Lisa Minci
Origin : Genshin Impact
Costume : Default.
Birthday : June 9th, Height : 5'11" / 180.3cm
Character Build : Projekt IMP
Mod by : Kraitx
Profile : https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Lisa
Today character card is from Genshin Impact series, Lisa Minci.
A powerful mage recognized as Sumeru Academia's most distinguished graduate in 200 years, Lisa has since returned to Mondstadt to become the humble Librarian of the Knights of Favonius.
She can be obtained for free in the Prologue Act I: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind during the quest Sparks Amongst the Pages.
---------- Card & Mod Pack ----------
► Download : https://projektimp.gumroad.com/l/QJDre
►Install Note :
~Card : X:\Game\Illusion\Koikatu\UserData\chara\female\(Put file in here).
~Mod : X:\Game\Illusion\Koikatu\Mods\(Put file in here).
► Gumroad download instruction : Put any amount inside "$ box" before check out. Ex : $.0 and click Check Out/I Want This. Fill the email section, and download will start. Click trolley notification and "View content" to get your card.
► Guide and tutorial to download and install : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ubmg-NUPaU ---------- Gameplay Instruction ---------- ► Play Character in story mode : MUST go to "Option" Mischellaneous - Graphic - Show Accessories - Click ALL. ► [Mod] Gamplay mode tested : School Roaming : Outfit  : ❌ Accessories : ✅ ► [Mod Gamplay mode tested : Conversation, H-Scene, Extras (Live & Free H) and Studio : Outfit  : ✅ Accessories : ✅ ► Please have a download Head and No Hair mod (free), all Projekt IMP character is mostly use both of this mod. Free Download : https://projektimp.gumroad.com/l/kopRP
---------- Social Media ----------
► Twitter : projekt_IMP
► FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/Projekt-IMP-%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C-106820791520798
► Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjektImpWorld
► Deviant Art : deviantart.com/syncvloid
► Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/ProjektIMPworld
---------- Direct Donation ---------- 
► Paypal : paypal.me/shincanfloat
Best regards, Projekt IMP 世界
Disclaimer :
All character used in all of Projekt IMP artwork are fully original creation by Projekt IMP. All character created in this channel is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this creation are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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