#power cycler
sw5w · 8 months
Triple Quad Turbolasers
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:48
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thepoppedbb · 3 months
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Given the centrality of maternity centers to the life and culture of every major city and town in the Verdant States, nearly 60% of maternity specialists spend their entire careers serving a single community.
Thus, for most maternity specialists, there comes a time when the first round of bearers they delivered are themselves lying in the same doctor's birthing beds with their own feet now in the stirrups, just as their mothers' had once been, giving birth to the Verdant States' next generation of seeders and bearers.
For Clayton Widdowes, that day arrived on the week before his 45th birthday. The news that he was about to become a Full Cycler had reached his senior colleagues, who kidded him about his graying hair and his barely-detectable paunch. It was all done with sincere affection and admiration. To all of them, becoming a Full Cycler represented something important: a milestone in one's service to the community and to the continued fertility of the nation.
The bearer whose feet were in his stirrups was Uriel Ambrose, the wife of Hugh Ambrose, an up-and-coming official in the Ministry of Justice, and the eldest bearer of the senior magistrate William Blakeley. He had first seen Uriel nineteen years before as he emerged from his mother's womb, just three months into Dr. Widdowes' service at St. Agnodice's Maternity Center.
As the years went on, he became a close friend of William and Ellis Blakeley and was a frequent guest at their home. He thus had the pleasure of watching Uriel grow from an assertive and precocious imp to a mature, witty, and naturally maternal bearer. It was inevitable that Uriel would find a good match, and the deep affection growing between Hugh Ambrose and Uriel was apparent in the weeks following the latter's debut. Their engagement was announced quickly, and Uriel was already showing by the time they were on the steamer returning from their extended honeymoon in the Mediterranean.
Uriel had handled the pregnancy with maturity and even-headedness, qualities which were now on display in Dr. Widdowes' birthing bed. Uriel had cried only twice thus far, and only during significant spikes in the intensity of his uterine contractions, softly crying into his husband's chest as the latter stroked his hair and praised him. He stuck to his breathing, kept his heart rate down, and allowed the process of childbirth to do its work through his body.
Removing his gloved fingers and letting the privacy cloth fall back down from the lower fetal monitoring belt on Uriel's gravid abdomen, Dr. Widdowes informed the Ambroses that Uriel's dilation had increased to 7 centimeters and that his body would be entering the transition phase of labor within the next hour. Dr. Widdowes suggested that Hugh Ambrose take the opportunity to hurry to the commissary and grab a quick meal before the true work of delivery began.
Brendan, the head nurse on duty, gave Uriel's arms and underarms a gentle scrub, his forehead a gentle wash, and patted the perspiration from his hair. Dr. Widdowes sat beside the laboring bearer, offering him gentle encouragement and a hand to hold. In between contractions, they reminisced about long-ago gatherings at the Blakeley's home, the mischief that young Uriel had committed, and Uriel's hopes for his children, the first of which was working its way through his beautiful laboring body into his birth canal.
In between two particularly intense contractions, Uriel confided that his deepest fear about motherhood was that he could not live up to the patient and compassionate example set by his own mother. Dr. Widdowes flashed back to the sight of Ellis Blakeley in his stirrups, calmly and bravely pushing Uriel into his waiting hands. He looked at the bearer now in his stirrups, bravely soldiering through increasingly powerful contractions and keeping his mind on his acute sense of maternal responsibility despite the mounting pain.
He wanted to tell Uriel how important this moment was to him. How glad he was that it was Uriel whose laboring represented such a milestone in his life and career, that gave his work new meaning. How proud he was of Uriel, whom he was the person to lay eyes on nineteen years before, and for whose child he was about to do the same.
“You’re already a good mother,” Dr. Widdowes said as he held Uriel’s hand. It seemed so inadequate, but Uriel smiled at this avuncular family friend, tears collecting in the corner of his eyes.
“Thank you, Dr. Widdowes.”
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markrosewater · 1 month
Do you have any concerns about the long-term impact of double faced lands and 1 mana land cyclers on the mana system? I think things are ok now, but at the rate you release sets and up power levels, it seems possible that in 5-10 years you could build a deck for modern or legacy that's impossible to mana flood/mana short thanks to those type of modal cards.
We can't hold the future hostage of the past. If older formats have issues, we'll deal with them through banning rather than not making more of a cool thing.
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goggles-mcgee · 5 months
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Bloom redesign!!
I said a while back that I would share them, so we will be going in season order for characters so I can explain parts of my rewrite that is being worked on. Meaning Aisha won't come for a bit but she will be present at some point!
Anyways, on to the headcanons and such.
As you can see, there are two different casual Blooms. The first is her before awakening her powers, and the second is when her powers were awakened. Her hair and pants are inspired by the 70s as I headcanon Bloom to be a thrifter and up-cycler. The bell bottoms used to be her adoptive mom, Vanessa's. She added the sunflower embroidery herself. Her shirt is a self-cropped City of Gardenia shirt, and she wears a green friendship bracelet that Selina made her. She will get rid of it at some point when she's at Alfea. Not forever, she just puts it away.
In her awakened form, she has a little flame that floats above her head. Not many know why, but it is a sign of her being the lost princess of Domino. When she realizes she is said Lost Princess, no one believes her at first because it kind of became a meme for people to claim they are the Lost Princess of Domino. Somewhat like an Anastasia situation where people did pretend to be her, but we're found to be fakes. It then turned into, "and I'm the Queen of England," type joke.
Her hair now resembles that of a flame in color, her nails are sharper, as are her canines, and she now has the elf/fairy ears. She also has new accessories. The silver bracelet she wears helps cool down her temperature since it fluctuates due to her powers being suppressed for so long. The necklace contains enchanted candy water drops that help soothe her throat as she is prone to breathing out smoke in her bouts of anger. These things happen because, as I mentioned in my original redesign post, each fairy and all magical beings have a drawback to their power. Even witches.
Small Headcanons:
• Has multiple versions of the Collections of Grimm Fairytales because the covers are different so of course she needs them.
• Loves Marissa Meyers, The Lunar Chronicles series.
• Sews pretty well and is self taught.
• Amazing artist but prefers to draw people more than anything.
• Anime lover, specifically Magical Girl Anime Lover.
• Is constantly baffled by the fact she and her new friends really do save the day with friendship and love.
• Starts a blog on the Realms Wide Web where she does a docu-diary of her time as a new fairy and such.
• Her full name is when she was born was Bloom Charlotte Feniatare, when she was found by Mike and adopted, it became Bloom Allison Gardner. Then, when she found out her origins it changed for the last time to Bloom Allison Charlotter Gardner-Feniatare. She wanted to honor all her parents by keeping the names they gave her.
• Not anything new, but she loves spicy food.
Next up will be Stella! I'll post her tomorrow.
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halfbakedspuds · 4 months
Thanks so much to @honeybewrites for the tag!
Find the word tag
My words are: Bold, Fire, Survivor, Chase
TW: burning alive, stabbing
Bold: (From The Tempest Prince book 3)
"Statement: That was a bold move, Haliday" the Archmagos turned to me with her signature clockwork stutteriness, two hollow pits staring through me out of her porcelain face, "Standing up to the Inquisitor-General like that,"
I grunted, not bothering to look up from the glyph I was drawing, "Are you really going to stand there and tell me that you wouldn't have done the same thing if not for politics? You of all people?"
A whirr emanated from her voicebox, the closest she could manage to a laugh with her body. I caught her picking up a page from the pile, scanning over my work, "Amused: I said that it was bold, not that I disapprove. Annoyed, indirect: Where I stand on the matter is that that bigoted einhusfilfr has been in power for far too long. It's about time someone stood up to him,"
She was silent for another moment, a few soft clicks whirred inside her body as its life support did its job. For a moment as the greatest Magos in Allyrian history turned my work about to look at it from different angles. Finally, giving up, she slid it over to me.
"Confused, Concerned: Child, what the hell were you doing here?"
I only spared a moment's glance at the page she held before redirecting my attention to the glyph I was seeing into the page beneath my hands, "Redirecting the output from AH-11 through a Gaussian cycler and into the arcana null with a resistance path to the arcana-thermal cross-converter," I shrugged at the somehow blanker than usual look she gave me, "Remember your old buddy Nikola Tesla? This is effectively the arcane version of his coils. I'm using it to build up some backing-power before firing. Might be a hell of a lot slower but contextually I feel like trading speed for force is worth more to this design,"
"Impressed: That is... genius, actually," The Archmagos said in a warm monotone, "A bold solution by a bold individual,"
Fire: (From Echoes of Shadows)
TW: Burning alive, stabbing.
"Johan!" Sasha cried out, her voice fraught with panic.
Hold on! Spirits, just hold on for a few more seconds!
"Nyet! Get the fuck off of me! Idi nahui, ty suka!" She called out again.
Johan was practically dancing around the things now, ignoring them just to get to Sasha and help her.
A sudden sharp pain in his side tore a cry of anguish from him. Through hazy, swimming vision, he looked down to spot a dagger in his side, gauntleted fingers still wrapped around its pommel. He fought to look up into the crow's mask of the cultist before him...
...and watched their lenses crack as the ambient temperature suddenly fell to that of the Rostovan heartlands.
He heard an uncharacteristically feral growl come from Sasha, and quickly whipped his head around, just in time to watch her put her hands to the face of the cultist who had been harassing her.
"You want me so badly? Fine then, I'll drag you down to the hells with me!" She screamed into their face.
A moment passed, then they began to spasm and thrash, clawing at her hands and drawing long, crimson streaks of crimson from her skin as they fought her grip. The only other indicator of their struggle were muffled cries for help and of unknowable pain, and a steady red glow beginning to shine through their leather mask.
She slowly turned towards the rest, who had all gone still with fear. Johan was fairly certain he could smell urine from the one closest to him, but that could've also been the sewer water. Not that he would've blamed them, though, and besides, he had a knife in him.
There was a sudden, horrible crack as the glass of her assailant-turned-victim's lenses burst outwards, and two plumes of white-hot fire spewed forth like geysers from their eyes. After a moment, it subsided, and the cultist's limp form splashed into the sewer, leaving billowing steam where they lay among the filth.
"You hear me, fuckers?!" She cried with a crazed laugh behind her words, her hands out to her sides and engulfed in blue-hot flames, "I'll kill every last one of you!"
Survivor: (From Children of the Stars)
"Perhaps that's why the two of you seem drawn to each other," another one of the machines answered, this one working a console of some kind. Lyanni was starting to lose track of all the places that Apollyon's voice emitted from.
"How so...Admiral?" She rushed to correct herself.
A chorus of barking laughter erupted from the androids around her, and when the new machine spoke, it was the one in the navigator's chair, "My girl, I've wandered the universe for two centuries, you don't have to play the fool with me. You're both survivors, you both carry unknowable pains and have committed unspeakable acts all in the name of one more day," Lyanni started as an Android put its hand on her shoulder, coming around to stand before her, "You who survived a genocide, and Adam alone knows what he's been through,"
The Android gave Lyanni's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "If you'll permit me to share some insight from one non-human to another?"
Lyanni felt her hearts in her throat. Why was this... inorganic thing so gods-damned terrifying.
She swallowed, "If you'd do me the honour, Admiral,"
The interlocking plates of the android's face, a facsimile of a human's, shifted into a tooth-baring smile, "The Callistoans aren't an easy group of humans to read- believe me, I know what it's like- but they respect skill and grit, and purely from how much he relies on you (don't give me that look, surely you've noticed)- I'd say you've earned his respect. Hell, if I didn't know better I would've said you've gotten the great Adrian Castellan to like you, little miss Sverik,"
Chase: (surprisingly, throughout three active WIP's, I haven't used this word even once)
No pressure tags for @illarian-rambling, @pb-dot and anyone else who wants in
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Some quick notes on SPACE in the Biopunk World:
Earnest settlement of space began with the development of reusable rockets by the US and China in the 2030s, and later single-stage-to-orbit rockets by Brazil and Argentina in the 2050s. With proper infrastructure, soon trips to the Moon and space mining became commonplace.
The peak of space exploration was in the 2090s, when radiotelescopes found evidence of alien civilizations and manned expeditions were sent to Jupiter. It culminated with the opening of the Santos-Dumont space elevator in Brazil in 2096.
This golden age was cut short by World War 3 and the Ecocide. The destruction of space infrastructure generated a Kessler Syndrome that is still being cleaned up by the new UN. Most space projects have been suspended or with skeleton crews.
The US-EU and Sino-Russian programs are still around, but kind of obsolete. The main space powers are the UNASUR joint programs, India and East Africa.
Brazil has the largest space fleet, not surprising, since they have the only space elevator. The orbital city of Hy Braseal hosts most of international space infrastructure, including the UN's cleanup program (think the guys from Planetes). Brazil mantains bases all over the Solar System, and in fact Brazilian "icebreakers" supply bases that were isolated from the Kessler Syndrome.
The second largest space organization in the UNASUR is Tawantinsuyu. Buillt on a modernizing effort in the 2080s-90s, they own two Aldrin Cyclers that make the Earth-Mars trip. Notably, they never stopped their space program even at the height of the Ecocide; most of the growing population of Mars is of Andean descent (they're very much "Mars to Stay").
The third largest in the UNASUR is Argentina. Out of national pride and reliability concerns, they keep their own shuttle and space fleet. They also have the third largest asteroid mining program, behind China and Brasil (about 15% of Argentina's GDP).
Before the Ecocide, the space population (permanent and temporary) was reaching the tens of thousands. Now this is much reduced. There are other concerns rather than space exploration... but that might change.
Some major space milestones: Disovery of first alien biosphere (USA, 2030s) First men on Mars (USA, 2030s), Permanent Moon base (China, 2040s), Commercial space mining (USA, 2040s), First child born in space (China, 2059), first child born on Mars (USA, 2061), discovery of alien dyson spheres (2084, international telescope led by India), first space elevator (Brazil, 2096), manned mission to Jupiter (UNASUR, 2098), interstellar probe to Alpha Centauri (international, led by India, UNASUR and East Africa), manned mission to Saturn (UNASUR, 2113), WWIII, Ecocide and Kessler Disaster (2114-2123), reopening of the space elevator (2129)
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boltslutters · 7 months
Are all your ocs robots in some way? Or I guess what species would you classify them as (for the non tf ones)? 
Nope! They might look like it, but a large portion of my ocs are anthro dragons because my writing started as a wof au and it'll cherish those roots goddamnit. And some of the more robotic ones too aren't man-made, so it's like a flavor of biological. As for species, 90% of them are made up for this world specifically. Of the ones in the image, the non-man-made-robot and organic/semi-organic species are:
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Illizyka's species isn't named, but she's a void-corrupted creature that uses a metal body to be able to interact and operate in any world as sol pleases.
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Don't have much on this gal's species, but it's bug-like with a chitinous exoskeleton.
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9H7R-A (Niesserae)'s species is the closest to organic machine I have. They are specifically lab-grown and designed to keep a highly mechanical and technically precise civilization running essentially forever.
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I think this guy is mechanical, but he sure as shit doesn't stay that way for long.
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Peyon is part of a race of mortals who compliment and worship their gods. They're small, mammalian, and are trait-dependent to which god/arcana they live in. Doll is their sentient doll based off an old sona of mine.
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Don't remember this guy. Think their species is semi-mechanical
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This guy is completely mechanical, but wasn't built by mankind, instead, by a self-sustaining mechanical race of quadrupeds I call Cyclers due to wheels they hold on their body magnetically. (there's actually lots of more ocs of this species, but they have distinct beaked snouts instead of strict triangle and I was not going to subject myself to more torture than I had too).
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Rose, Thunder, & Torus are all members of a species of insanely powerful but insanely empathic species that runs the dominant governmental body of the main world. Torus was on a diplomatic mission, had too much of their old power and was too empathetic. Through accident, they became an amnesiac and through their empathetic powers, latched onto the memories and emotions of the local populous, and ended up believing they were a member of said species and would live on before someone figured out.
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Killjoy, Toizon, Heron, Guziel, Datar, Banott, Stung, & Professor Tebya are all pat of a race known as Ermista or Ista depending on how badly I cringe at the name Ermista. They're a race of bug/bird-like bipeds who completely lack sexual dimorphism, live on a planet with a sun that hates them, and has a metamorphosis where they get their wings.
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Of any race here, Ermista have the most lore and culture, such as most Ermista who live up north tend to live in small villages. Most know how to hand-weave fabric, as they make a flag they put into the ground to mark where they're cocooning (they go through metamorphosis unground), then carry that flag through the rest of their lives as a mark of identity and a sort of right of passage. They have different systems of magic and those systems interact differently with each other (although some are more fleshed out than others). They don't have a dominant sex and don't really exercise gender roles at all.
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This one's a god. He could use a philosophy class about pain.
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These two are creations of that god (called Paragons), designed to be perfect, never rot, and never suffer, and essentially lead the happy lives he never got to.
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Ionize is also a member of that same species, just far, far into the future after Titatiaraum is dead and members of his perfect race have since either left, evolved, and otherwise altered.
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I've almost forgotten everything but I do remember her species was pretty short compared to everyone else.
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I'll save these because you mentioned them in another ask ;)
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Another god, this one turned mortal willingly and got to watch his god-siblings tear themselves to shreds.
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Part of a race of immortal beings that rot into animals, and grow back/heal into trees. I suppose this guy also needs to be included too
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Yet another god, this sucker's puppeting a mechanical body though
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Semnastica and Mourana are both members of the same species, Semnastica being male and Mourana being female. They're both quadrupeds and have powers because they hatched under blood moons because I made Semnastica when I was 14 at most. (I'm thinking about making these two's species (or Xulanium's) predecessors of the race Torus disguises as and later amnesias themselves into.
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I THINK Salisun was supposed to be a fusion of a Cycler and something else organic, but he's also 90% aesthetic.
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I've never figured out how to flesh out her species or Ouna herself, but they've got goo for hair and horns. That's coincidentally the only goo-species I've ever made. Huh.
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Don't have many details on his species but they were somewhat civilized warrior-cats style and built little huts despite being quadruped.
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No details on Mono, they're 100% aesthetic.
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These two are the member of the same species and they're small and fluffy and have only one sex. They're also fluffy.
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While Bypin is a pure machine, built by "man" and a full robot, I want to highlight them because they're one member of a race of centaur dragon tanks, who live on a planet in the same System as the Ermista, but closer to their hateful sun god that frequently sends down increasingly disturbing bird-angels to destroy all life on its planets (its planets are its children so its like fleas on your child). The race on that planet stays mostly underground until they developed the technology to remove their souls and place them in mechanical bodies they can use to fight back (Remizular is an example of a member of that race who was once organic, but later became tank (I lost their redesign that account deletion comes back to bite me in the ass)).
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(Honestly, tank dragon centaurs are really cool FIGHT ME)
There are a few more species that don't have triangular faces and don't have characters in them as like, prey or purely animalistic species. I really need to focus on that side of it more wtf.
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atarev · 1 year
Avantgarda: Richter - Set 13
Your blade and my soul!
Hello again! With Will+Dress (and Yuyu's story in general) rounded out, content for the WD gang might've stopped in animated form, but rest assured I still have plenty of decks to go through! Not just with Set 13, but earlier stuff as well!
So why not keep the energy going with a deck that I have gotten Extremely familliar with since its new boss units released 2 months ago! Avantgarda, Richter!
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[ACT](Hand):If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [reveal this card & bind a "Blue Deathster, "Skyrender" Avantgarda" on (VC)], ride this card as [Stand], and it gets all of the original [ACT] abilities of the card bound for this cost until end of turn. [AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if your soul has a "Blue Deathster, Sora Period", COST [discard two cards from hand], choose a "Blue Deathster, "Skyrender" Avantgarda" from your bind zone, ride it as [Stand], and it gets [Power]+10000/drive -1 until end of turn.
Thsi card takes Avant's 'make big swings and blow up the opponent' approach and turns it up to 11! By combining it with support like Arla, Req, and the big bad Death Winds, the heights this deck can soar to are incredible!
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Here's the list that I settled on! Code HQFZ in Decklog!
Starting this lower section off with talking about Ala Dargente (or however you spell it) as she is the most important card in the deck outside of richter himself!
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Immediately, her ability to power up for each Avant swing means that she's going to get massive on a full-power Richter turn! By combining a persona ride, richter's skill and deathwinds together, Ala can end up reaching 55k before triggers or boosts! Her ability to search deck or drop for strategy cards is amazing too! It'll keep you in the game as long as you need to be in terms of offensive capabilities!
Outside of Ala, the other card I mentioned also segues nicely into one of the main creative choices I made with this deck, Req Gewehner!
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Req's power might not go up as high as Ala's, but it goes up a lot easier and will go up to its maximum no matter what from turn 3 onward! Combine him with a boost from a card like Asagi (13k if you set a strategy that turn), then persona and deathwinds? You're hitting the opponent with 53k! No matter what triggers they play that's a 3 card guard!
My choice of Req also means that i dont run the cycler, Habitable Zone. While that card is great for discard fodder which helps keep the deck alive, not only is it expensive and i own this deck IRL, but its functionality is limited without reducing copies of stuff like Asagi or the set-orders to make room for Refablishment Dock (a set order that makes your g2s boost).
Aside from that, front's help your power go even higher and act as even greater shield! What's not to like about that?
That's all on my Richter deck! With Ala releasing just a few days ago in EN, I hope to pick up some copies and make this deck as good as it can be IRL!
Until next time! Ciao!
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Amazing the power that a good old 'shut the fuck up' holds over junior cyclers when it's coming from a sixth year
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carnelianwings · 1 year
Another week, another shop tournament!
Didn’t win the promo pack gacha but someone else did so I bought my 4th Thasus off of them, so now I’m all set for Set 11 Minerva. 🥰🥰🥰
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Played Gandeeva this week, managed to go 2-0 into the 3rd round … where I promptly lost to Prison. Again. 😅 Still, 2-1 is a solid finish for me and I’m pretty happy with the result (but I’m happy with it every time I go net positive).
(More card game ramblings under the cut)
First game was actually a Gandeeva mirror. Won in the end going second because I had the stronger G3 turn and kept pushing advantage from there. Also helped my opponent didn’t get 5 into bind on his G3 turn so I didn’t have to use up as many cards to guard.
Second game was against Messiahs, also went second, so I had a turn to Do Gandeeva Things before my opponent went all in with the Locks. This is also my first game against the new Messiah Stride deck, so I was mostly going off of “generally good anti-Link Joker strats” I’d learned from going up against Link Joker and Messiahs in Zero. Kind of nice that the Lock effect doesn’t pass through into my turn, but to be honest Gandeeva naturally counters against Messiah somewhat because it tends to pass turn with 2 units on the board. This game ended because I managed to scale just hard enough my opponent had to no guard one of my rear guard swings despite having an 8 card hand (of mostly G1+ units, no triggers, and no PGs). After the game I learned he had to bot deck 2 PGs on a check Top 3, call 1 bot deck the rest skill, which is just ☠️ vs a high powered deck like Gandeeva.
Match 3 was Prison, and my god that match up just lives rent free in my head now. Despite actively trying to play against it (tried to empty Soul as much as I could for the Purelight turn), I still ended up losing because of Penetrate Aquas’ guard restrict. That said, I was starting to realize I needed to fine tune my deck some (the ratios just didn’t quite feel right and made some things kind of clunky) plus while running Bavs G0/G1 can help me deck thin I think I’d rather run pure Gandeeva Ride line so I can take advantage of the Dragon Empire cycler to maintain hand size and to either find more pieces or draw some defensive power. Definitely could’ve used it on the Snow turn so I think I’m going to do that.
All in all, another fun week of locals, I think next week we might all agree on a “fun” week so I’ll probably chill and enter with Bavsargra (because I do really enjoy how she plays with the Set 9 support).
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sw5w · 11 months
Yo Bana Pee Ho-tah, Meendee Ya
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:46:06
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scribbleboxfox · 2 years
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Small Target
Backstory: Striker has an energy cycler in his chest that powers his augments. If pierced, it can trigger a meltdown that will make him straight up fucking explode. This pic takes place after that happens in front of Asher. Afterwards, Asher got frustrated that Striker goes into combat without sturdier armor, and Striker explains that the energy cycler is a really small target and that what just happened wasn't something that happens often. Asher, of course, is stubborn, so Striker takes his hand and has him feel just how small of a target it really is.
Anyways it takes them like 3 more years before they finally kiss bc they're both idiots sdjfhjkshfhdh
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semcoinfratechworld · 2 months
Understanding Battery Testing Parameters with Neware Battery Testing System
Understanding battery testing parameters is crucial for ensuring the safety and performance of lithium-ion batteries. Neware Technology Limited, a prominent manufacturer of battery testing systems, offers a range of sophisticated testing machines designed to meet various industry standards. This article explores the key parameters involved in battery testing using Neware Machine, specifically focusing on their capabilities and applications.
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Overview of Neware Battery Testing Systems
Neware has been a significant player in battery testing since its founding in 1998. The company specializes in developing reliable and cost-effective battery cyclers, analyzers, and testers for various battery types, including lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), and nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries. Their systems are widely used in research, development, and quality control across multiple sectors, including electric vehicles (EVs) and consumer electronics.
Key Features of Neware Battery Testers
Neware’s battery testing systems, such as the BTS4000 and BTS9000 models, are equipped with advanced features that facilitate comprehensive testing:
Multi-channel Testing: Each model can handle multiple channels independently, allowing simultaneous testing of different batteries or configurations. This is essential for efficiency in research and production environments.
Programmable Testing Parameters: Users can set various parameters such as voltage, current, and time for each test. This flexibility enables precise control over testing conditions, which is vital for accurate performance evaluation.
Dynamic Internal Resistance Measurement: Neware Battery Testing Machine includes built-in pulse sources that allow for the measurement of a battery’s internal resistance, an important factor in assessing battery health and performance.
Data Analysis Tools: The BTSDA (Battery Testing System Data Analysis) software bundled with Neware systems provides powerful data processing capabilities, enabling users to visualize and analyze testing results effectively. This software can export data in various formats, making it easier to integrate with other analysis tools.
Important Battery Testing Parameters
Battery testing encompasses several critical parameters that ensure the battery’s safety, performance, and compliance with international standards:
1. Charge and Discharge Cycles
Testing the charge and discharge cycles is fundamental in evaluating a battery’s capacity and longevity. Neware Battery Testing System enables users to perform these cycles under controlled conditions, allowing for the assessment of cycle life and performance degradation over time.
2. Temperature Cycling
Temperature cycling tests are essential for understanding how batteries perform under varying thermal conditions. Neware Testing Machine can simulate different temperatures to evaluate the battery’s thermal stability and performance in real-world applications.
3. Overcharge and Forced Discharge Tests
These tests assess the battery’s safety under extreme conditions. Neware Battery Testing Machine can conduct overcharge tests to ensure that batteries can handle excess voltage without failure. Similarly, forced discharge tests evaluate how batteries respond when discharged beyond their rated capacity.
4. Compliance with Standards
Neware battery testers are designed to comply with various international standards, including IEC 62133, UN 38.3, and UL 1642. These standards outline safety and performance requirements for lithium-ion batteries, ensuring that products meet regulatory requirements for transportation and use.
Neware battery testing systems provide comprehensive solutions for evaluating lithium-ion batteries. By understanding and utilizing the key testing parameters offered by Neware, manufacturers, and researchers can ensure their batteries meet safety standards and perform reliably in various applications. With a commitment to innovation and quality, Neware continues to lead the way in battery testing technology, supporting the growing demand for safe and efficient energy storage solutions. As a leading battery manufacturing equipment supplier, Neware Battery Tester India offers top-tier Neware Machines to customers worldwide.
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spatzwear01 · 3 months
Exploring the Latest Trends in Cycling Jersey Design
Cycling jerseys do not just ease the cyclist; they go that extra mile of being not only a fabric as they are a fashion statement. Since cycling is becoming more popular both in competitiveness and for leisure, the concept of Bikes Shorts has accordingly expanded in response to such varying cyclists. The developments in cycle Jersey materials technology and their new features have placed the latest designs as the paragon of trend-setting cycling apparel and Bikes Shorts.
Advanced Fabric Technology
This is arguably one of the most contemporary developments, with designers integrating fabric technology into their Cycling Jerseys. New jerseys are made of more advanced fabrics with enhanced capability as far as breathability and dryness as well as protection against ultraviolet light are concerned. These fabrics assist in maintaining the riders dry throughout cycling sessions including when they are involved in a vigorous cycling adventure. Moreover, the infusion of antibacterial materials makes jerseys to be fresh and scent-free thus suitable for long-distance cycling.
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Aerodynamic Efficiency
Aerodynamics is a significant factor in cycling and the design of these jerseys adheres to this maxim. Contemporary jerseys incorporate accurate cuts without seam stitching to minimize air resistance and boost dispersal. Components such as laser-cut sleeves, silicone grippers, and the perfect fitting ensure that the wind resistance is accorded to an optimal level so as to enable cyclists to ride faster, easier, and with less power. Such aerodynamic designs are more particularly used by cyclists who are in the competitive category so that they can gain some competitive edge commonly witnessed most especially during races.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Materials
Due to increasing consciousness about the environment, many cycling apparel are incorporating sustainable policies. Recoiling and green raw materials are emerging as design trends as jersey wearers become more conscious of the environment. Today, brands are dressing teams in jerseys of recycled polyester and other fabrics that act as an antidote to the damage wrought by conventional fabrics, all while offering performance qualities as good as or better than their traditional counterparts. The change to extended frame durability demonstrates that the culture of cycling is better for the planet.
Bold Aesthetics and Customization
Another appeal of cycling jerseys is the area of absolute aesthetics and appearance where individuals freely express themselves. Bright tones, fashionable images, and neon colors won the cyclers’ preference and became priorities on the roads. Other novelties have also been developing with regard to the Jersey being produced in the modern world; for instance, brands have adopted ways of specifically designing jerseys that fit customers’ preferences and those of the teams. This trend not only improves the aesthetics of the jerseys but also boosts the cycling group identity among the cyclists.
Conclusion There is a perfect combination of form and function in cycling jerseys more than ever. Optimization, weight, sustainability, and beautiful designs are the main factors that determine the features of cycling clothes to meet the needs of cyclists and help them ride as safely and comfortably as possible. For the professional racer or a cycling enthusiast who wants to get into racing, these trends must be followed to increase cycling excellence to another level. To get your Cycling Jersey Online, visit https://www.spatzwear.com/.
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robertemma27-blog · 5 months
Battery Cyclers Market Size, Trends, Industry Growth and Analysis
The battery cyclers market size is predicted to grow from USD 794 million in 2024 to USD 1,609 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 15.2%. Battery cyclers play a fundamental role in the field of battery technology by serving as essential equipment for testing and characterizing batteries. 
These sophisticated instruments are designed to simulate real-world conditions and assess battery performance, reliability, and durability across various applications. Battery cycles work by subjecting batteries to controlled charge and discharge cycles while monitoring key parameters such as voltage, current, and temperature. This comprehensive testing process enables researchers, manufacturers, and engineers to gain valuable insights into battery behavior, including capacity, power output, cycle life, and degradation mechanisms. The importance of battery cyclers in testing batteries cannot be overstated, as they provide critical data essential for optimizing battery design, enhancing performance, and ensuring safety in diverse industries such as automotives, renewable energy, consumer electronics, and other power storage applications.
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The End-of-Line application segment to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
The end-of-line applications of battery cyclers are integral to the battery production process, ensuring battery quality, reliability, and safety before reaching consumers. As the final stage of assessment in battery manufacturing, End-of-Line (EOL) testing with battery cyclers encompasses several vital aspects. Firstly, battery cyclers facilitate meticulous quality assurance by scrutinizing the electrical characteristics of batteries and assessing their functionality under various operational conditions, thereby ensuring compliance with predefined standards. Furthermore, EOL testing involves performance validation, where battery cyclers evaluate if batteries meet promised performance metrics such as energy density and cycle life, guaranteeing that they meet required standards.
The market for cell testing is expected to gain substantial market share during forecast period.
Cell testing is crucial for battery development, especially for new technologies, because it allows researchers and engineers to assess and validate battery cells' performance, safety, and reliability under various conditions. Testing provides valuable insights into the behavior of battery cells, helping to identify potential issues, optimize design parameters, and ensure that the cells meet the required specifications and standards. For new technologies, such as advanced lithium-ion batteries or solid-state batteries, cell testing is essential for understanding how these batteries perform in real-world applications, predicting their lifespan, and improving their overall efficiency and safety. By conducting thorough cell testing, developers can fine-tune battery designs, address potential challenges early in the development process, and ultimately accelerate the commercialization of new battery technologies.
The market in Asia Pacific is projected to grow at the highest CAGR from 2024 to 2029.
The Asia Pacific market has been segmented into China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia Pacific (India, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia). The Asia Pacific region emerges as a thriving center for battery production, fueled by abundant raw materials and a robust presence of industry players. With China leading the charge in manufacturing capacity, the lithium-ion battery sector is witnessing remarkable growth in production and consumption. This expanding market is also seeing a parallel surge in demand for battery cyclers, driven by escalating research and development efforts to advance battery technologies across the region. Further, the demand for effective testing equipment intensifies as the battery market flourishes, highlighting the Asia Pacific region's fundamental role in the increasing battery cyclers market.
Key Market Players
AMETEK.Inc. (US), BioLogic (France), Chroma ATE, Inc. (Taiwan), Arbin Instruments (US), DIGATRON (US) are among a few top players in the battery cyclers companies.
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hospitalstore · 5 months
Unveiling the DNA Detective: A Look at Thermal Cyclers and Their Role in Molecular Biology
The building blocks of life, DNA, hold the secrets to our biology, health, and even our history. Molecular biology has emerged as a powerful field, unlocking these secrets through various techniques. One of the most fundamental tools in this realm is the thermal cycler, often simply called a PCR machine (polymerase chain reaction). This blog will explore the fascinating world of thermal cyclers, delving into their role in amplifying DNA and how they are revolutionizing various fields of science and medicine.
Beyond the Microscope: The Power of Thermal Cycling
Unlike microscopes that allow us to see biological structures, thermal cyclers work on a molecular level. They utilize a precise temperature control mechanism to facilitate DNA replication millions of times, a process known as PCR. Here's a simplified breakdown:
Sample Preparation: Isolated DNA containing the target sequence is placed in a reaction tube along with primers (short DNA fragments), DNA polymerase (an enzyme that builds new DNA strands), and necessary chemical components.
Thermal Cycling: The thermal cycler precisely regulates temperature changes through multiple cycles. These cycles typically involve denaturation (high temperature to separate DNA strands), annealing (lower temperature for primers to attach to specific target sequences), and extension (optimal temperature for DNA polymerase to synthesize new complementary DNA strands).
Amplification: With each cycle, the target DNA sequence is replicated, resulting in an exponential increase in copies. Millions of copies can be generated from a tiny starting amount of DNA.
Applications of Thermal Cyclers: Transforming Research and Medicine
Thermal cyclers are versatile workhorses used across various scientific disciplines:
DNA Cloning: Amplified DNA can be inserted into plasmids (circular DNA molecules) used for further analysis or genetic engineering applications.
Genetic Testing: Thermal cyclers are vital for detecting genetic mutations, diagnosing inherited diseases, and identifying pathogens like viruses and bacteria.
Forensic Science: DNA profiling from crime scene evidence utilizes thermal cyclers to amplify trace amounts of DNA for identification purposes.
Oncology Research: Cancer research heavily relies on thermal cyclers to study genetic mutations involved in tumor formation and progression.
The Ever-Evolving World of Thermal Cyclers
Thermal cycler technology is constantly advancing:
Real-Time PCR: These machines monitor DNA amplification as it occurs, providing real-time data for faster analysis.
High-Throughput Screening: Automated systems allow parallel processing of multiple samples, increasing efficiency for large-scale studies.
Miniaturization: The development of compact thermal cyclers facilitates DNA testing at the point of care in clinical settings.
Thermal cyclers are indispensable tools in molecular biology research and diagnostics. By amplifying DNA, these machines enable scientists and medical professionals to diagnose diseases, understand biological processes, and develop new therapeutic approaches. As technology continues to evolve, thermal cyclers will undoubtedly play an even more significant role in shaping the future of medicine and scientific discovery.
When selecting thermal cyclers, research institutions and laboratories should partner with reputable suppliers like HospitalStore to ensure they receive high-quality, reliable equipment backed by excellent customer service and technical support.
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