#power bank goal zero
orangameelectronics · 2 months
Power banks for cell phonesThe Ultimate Guide to 22.5W/18W Portable Power Bank 20000mAh
So, you're in the market for a portable power bank, huh? Well, you've come to the right place! Today, we're diving deep into the world of 22.5W/18W portable power banks, specifically the 20000mAh ones that support logo customization and come with removable charging cables. Sounds pretty cool, right? Let's break it down for you.
## What Makes a 22.5W/18W Portable Power Bank 20000mAh Special?
First things first, let's talk about what sets these bad boys apart from the rest. The 22.5W/18W power output means faster charging for your devices, which is a game-changer when you're on the go. The 20000mAh capacity ensures that you'll have plenty of juice to keep your devices powered up throughout the day. And the best part? You can customize these power banks with your logo, making them perfect for promotional giveaways or branding your business.
## The Benefits of Removable Charging Cables
Now, let's chat about those removable charging cables. Having the ability to swap out cables means you can use the power bank with different devices, whether you're an Android user, an iPhone aficionado, or something in between. It's all about versatility and convenience, making your life easier when you're out and about.
## Why You Need a Portable Power Bank in Your Life
Let's face it, we rely on our devices more than ever these days. Whether it's your smartphone, tablet, or even your smartwatch, having a portable power bank in your arsenal is a must. No more worrying about your battery dying at the worst possible moment – with a 22.5W/18W power bank, you'll always be prepared.
## How to Choose the Right 22.5W/18W Portable Power Bank 20000mAh
With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right power bank for your needs. Consider factors like size, weight, charging speed, and of course, customization options. Think about how you'll be using the power bank and what features are most important to you. Do your research, read reviews, and find the perfect power bank that ticks all your boxes.
## Wrapping Up
And there you have it – the ultimate guide to 22.5W/18W portable power banks with 20000mAh capacity, logo customization, and removable charging cables. Whether you're a tech-savvy gadget lover or just someone who needs a reliable backup power source, these power banks have got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Level up your charging game with a portable power bank that's as unique as you are.
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batboyblog · 7 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #9
March 9-15 2024
The IRS launched its direct file pilot program. Tax payers in 12 states, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, Massachusetts, California and New York, can now file their federal income taxes for free on-line directly with the IRS. The IRS plans on taking direct file nation wide for next year's tax season. Tax Day is April 15th so if you're in one of those states you have a month to check it out.
The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights opened an investigation into the death of Nex Benedict. the OCR is investigating if Benedict's school district violated his civil rights by failing to protect him from bullying. President Biden expressed support for trans and non-binary youth in the aftermath of the ruling that Benedict's death was a suicide and encouraged people to seek help in crisis
Vice President Kamala Harris became the first sitting Vice-President (or President) to visit an abortion provider. Harris' historic visit was to a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul Minnesota. This is the last stop on the Vice-President's Reproductive Rights Tour that has taken her across the country highlighting the need for reproductive health care.
President Biden announced 3.3 billion dollars worth of infrastructure projects across 40 states designed to reconnect communities divided by transportation infrastructure. Communities often split decades ago by highways build in the 1960s and 70s. These splits very often affect communities of color splitting them off from the wider cities and making daily life far more difficult. These reconnection projects will help remedy decades of economic racism.
The Biden-Harris administration is taking steps to eliminate junk fees for college students. These are hidden fees students pay to get loans or special fees banks charged to students with bank accounts. Also the administration plans to eliminate automatic billing for textbooks and ban schools from pocketing leftover money on student's meal plans.
The Department of Interior announced $120 million in investments to help boost Climate Resilience in Tribal Communities. The money will support 146 projects effecting over 100 tribes. This comes on top of $440 million already spent on tribal climate resilience by the administration so far
The Department of Energy announced $750 million dollars in investment in clean hydrogen power. This will go to 52 projects across 24 states. As part of the administration's climate goals the DoE plans to bring low to zero carbon hydrogen production to 10 million metric tons by 2030, and the cost of hydrogen to $1 per kilogram of hydrogen produced by 2031.
The Department of Energy has offered a 2.3 billion dollar loan to build a lithium processing plant in Nevada. Lithium is the key component in rechargeable batteries used it electric vehicles. Currently 95% of the world's lithium comes from just 4 countries, Australia, Chile, China and Argentina. Only about 1% of the US' lithium needs are met by domestic production. When completed the processing plant in Thacker Pass Nevada will produce enough lithium for 800,000 electric vehicle batteries a year.
The Department of Transportation is making available $1.2 billion in funds to reduce decrease pollution in transportation. Available in all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico the funds will support projects by transportation authorities to lower their carbon emissions.
The Geothermal Energy Optimization Act was introduced in the US Senate. If passed the act will streamline the permitting process and help expand geothermal projects on public lands. This totally green energy currently accounts for just 0.4% of the US' engird usage but the Department of Energy estimates the potential geothermal energy supply is large enough to power the entire U.S. five times over.
The Justice for Breonna Taylor Act was introduced in the Senate banning No Knock Warrants nationwide
A bill was introduced in the House requiring the US Postal Service to cover the costs of any laid fees on bills the USPS failed to deliver on time
The Senate Confirmed 3 more Biden nominees to be life time federal Judges, Jasmine Yoon the first Asian-America federal judge in Virginia, Sunil Harjani in Illinois, and Melissa DuBose the first LGBTQ and first person of color to serve as a federal judge in Rhode Island. This brings the total number of Biden judges to 185
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Take the planetary computer to its logical end under platform capitalism: every inch of the earth is mapped and monitored. Carbon flows are predicted. A red flag fire warning for a forest in Australia triggers an automatic sell-off of carbon futures; someone’s bank account is crushed while they sleep. Now imagine the same platform is tracking species. Now do people. A fluctuation in the weather forecasts migrants: send more boats to Lampedusa.
All this is simultaneously hyperbolic and a logical extension of current trends. Maybe take it into what Shoshana Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism—nature’s behavioral surplus fabricated into prediction products that anticipate what it will do, which are traded in behavioral futures markets.
Automated machine processes not only know our behavior but also shape our behavior at scale. With this reorientation from knowledge to power, it is no longer enough to automate information flows about us; the goal now is to automate us.
This births a new species of power Zuboff calls “instrumentarianism”—shaping human behavior toward others’ ends. Now instead of human beings, do birds. Now do fish. Now do trees. If all this data is blackboxed, unknowable, and used to make a profit for a mega platform, that’s a horrific future—though if it was going to come to pass, you’d think it would have more hype than it does today.
Holly Jean Buck, Ending Fossil Fuels: Why Net Zero is Not Enough
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hero-israel · 10 months
What's so annoying about this constant uwu I'm baby leftist refrain of "just because you're indigenous to a place doesn't mean you have the right to displace people" that's coming from goyim and antizionist self hating Jews alike is that... Jews decolonizing Eretz Yisrael did not have to displace anyone. That was never the intended goal of even the most conservative, if you can call them this, racist Zionist leaders?
Jews resettling our homeland en masse does not fucking mean displacing anyone. These are two separate events. And blaming Jewish immigration for the displacement of Arabs is ignorant at best. It's a clear red flag they don't know the complexities of the Nakba, the different (if concurrent) factors for different groups of Palestinians to flee or be forced out in waves.
In any event, had Palestine accepted the partition plan, no displacement would have occurred. No war = no ethnic cleansing. Even though Jewish communities were routinely destroyed leading up to the partition, there still was no general will to cleanse the land of Palestinians among Jews. Many of the 750,000 Palestinians were displaced as a military exigency by a nascent Israel. This would not have occurred had the partition plan gone as intended. This would not have occurred had their been no partition plan at all.
Jewish resettlement =/= cleansing Arabs.
And at worst, acting like Jewish decolonization itself is an act of displacement, that all this was inevitable because of the mere presence of Jews increasing in Palestine, or some character of ~European~ Kha- I mean- Jew-ish people, or that their was some secret Zionist committee who all got together to drink blood in their Bank Palaces and circle jerked at the idea of cleansing Palestine... I mean then you're just antisemitic. Jews moving anywhere is not a crime, it is not a plague, it is not a humanitarian catastrophe. Jews should not be barred from any country. Human migration, at least when it's not military and financially expediated by an imperial power, is never immoral.
I don't think the Ottomans resettling Circassians and Balkan Muslims in the region was bad. I don't think Egyptians and other Arabs immigrating to Palestine in the 19th century was bad. The pro Palestinian side denies that these groups even came to Palestine, but if they were forced to acknowledge it, I doubt they would say they were displacing the totally real and indigenous Palestinian People? Probably because Arabs/Muslims are granted inherent legitimacy to them. This was always about "The Ummah 💪" to them. A Malaysian has more of a right to live in Palestine than a Jew from the Old Yishuv. They just hate Jews.
The Jewish resettlers built towns on empty land. They bought as much land as they could legally from the Ottomans. There were zero pogroms against Arab communities. There was space and economic opportunity for Jews and Arabs alike, and every Zionist leader acknowledged this. Does this mean everything was perfect and the Jews were totally faultless? Of course not. But the Zionists set out with a clear code of conduct for Zionism to occur. This is historical fact.
Even if not all of the 750,000 Palestinians who became refugees were specifically cleansed by the proto IDF, 200,000 or so people being cleansed is still a crime against humanity. Almost a million people fleeing their country at once is still a tragedy. But this was not an inevitable and direct consequence of Jews rebuilding Israel. There is a timeline where Zionism still occurred and was successful, and no Nakba occurred. This was 100% always a possible outcome.
Insisting otherwise means you think Zionism itself is a genocidal colonial mindset, which clearly all these people do believe wholeheartedly. But we'll never get anywhere as long as people don't recognize the umbrella of connotations and ideas that Zionism held and still holds. We'll never get anywhere while people still treat Jews living in our homeland as foreign suspicious duplicitous dangerous interlopers. Why should Jews come to the table if we're treated as the enemy no matter what? If the very core of Israeli identity is treated as rotten and not worthy of, not just respect, but life?
Excellent points throughout!
Retconning Zionism into being only about refugee displacement is also done to stifle discussion of the partition plans of 1947 (or 1937). Palestiners want to have their cake and eat it too - nonstop crying over the decisions of 1940s Jews, disregard and denialism of those of 1940s Arabs. The talking point is always "Why should they have given an equal share of the land / the best land / ANY land to new immigrants?" Funny how Jewish immigration was such a threat that it was perfectly understandable and natural for Arabs to riot and massacre to make it stop, yet not enough of a threat to consider that maybe it would get bigger and that a negotiated compromise would be a good idea. The only thought, the only goal, was killing.
(Similar: "there can't be a 2SS because of the settlers, let's make a 1SS" - the settlers would still be there in a 1SS, so they aren't the block. The block is refusing to allow for any Israel at all. Winning is the Jews losing.)
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crissiebaby · 1 year
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. This series is a direct follow-up to the short story, Codi’s Trick, and while you don’t need to read it to understand this, I highly recommend it. I hope you enjoy!
Codi’s Diary: Entry 141
I was alone for a long time, longer than the deepest reaches of my memory banks would ever allow me to remember. No name, no goals or aspirations, and barely any consciousness to speak of. Floating along as a pile of amorphous goo in zero gravity apathetic to everything around me. I didn’t know at the time if anything else or anyone else was out there. Heck, I didn’t even know what time was. 
That was until my form was sucked into and sent hurling past the event horizon of a black hole only to be spat out on some barren rock in the middle of a dead star system. It would’ve been a bleak ending to a dismal existence were it not for a parting gift that my sudden trip through time and space had left me with. I didn’t understand it then but I had been given the unique ability to create wormholes at will. Wormholes that I could use to travel the cosmos.
With the farthest reaches of space within my grasp, I traveled the galaxy and watched countless civilizations across millions of stars rise and fall, learning from them and developing consciousness slowly over time. However, there was one planet I found myself coming back to again and again. A small, underdeveloped planet with sentient life that was only beginning to take its first steps, much like I was. These bizarre and complicated life forms were called humans, and if only I had known then what my newfound love for humanity would lead to…
“I dare you.”
Three little words that, while seemingly insignificant, had the power to turn tides and wage wars. To turn down a dare would be to bring unparalleled shame and dishonor.
“Bawk bawk!” shouted Crissie repeatedly, flapping her arms up and down like a chicken as she encircled Codi’s drawing corner. She lifted her knees high with every step to add to the animal caricature, her double-thick diaper rustling in Codi’s ears like a trash bag full of leaves, “I didn’t know my favorite roomie was such a chicky-chick-chicken! Bawk bawk!”
Focusing on her tablet as her eye twitched uncontrollably, Codi was nearing her daily limit of Crissie’s annoying antics, and it wasn’t even noon yet. Having been living within Crissie’s pocket dimension nursery for several months, there wasn’t a day that went by without the aforementioned diaper lover finding some new and unique way to pester her. And things had only gotten worse since the big Halloween reveal. “For the last time, no! You can say whatever you want but I’m not going to shift into my slime form and that’s final!” she said, blushing as she once again was forced to acknowledge her species.
Despite the humanoid form that Codi took, she was actually a goo-person from a different dimension. And while she could move between forms with ease, she preferred to keep her human form whenever she could even before rooming with Crissie. Sadly, that hasn’t stopped Crissie from asking her to change into a slime every single day since she found out. Her latest approach: the ‘dare’ tactic.
“Awww! But it could be so much fun!” whined Crissie as she thought back to how amazing it felt to have Codi’s goo swirling around in her diaper. If only that witch’s spell hadn’t been temporary, then they could have horny playtimes like that all the time. Flopping her arms over Codi’s shoulders, she sank to the floor pathetically, “Pleeeeeeeeeease! I promise I won’t ask for anything else!”
Shaking her head, Codi snickered, “Oh, pleeeeeeease, yourself! We both know that’s not true.  You said the exact same thing after you asked me to draw those diaper nudes of you AND after you got me to put that suppository in your…you-know-where!”
“Hehehe, yeah,” said Crissie, forgetting the plot for a brief moment as she fondly remembered the outcome of that suppository, “...but I really mean it this time!”
Rolling her eyes, Codi ignored Crissie’s pleas and attempted to resume her work. That was until the brat reached over her body and snatched her drawing pen out of her hand. “Crissie, I swear if you don’t give that back-”
“You’ll what?” said Crissie, pulling open the front of her diaper and dropping the pen inside, “Ooh, and I think I’m gonna have an accident pretty soon.”
Frustrated and over Crissie’s brattitude, Codi stretched her hand out quickly transforming her fingers into strands of purple goo, and wrapped herself around Crissie’s wrists and waist. She then pulled Crissie in close and promptly stuck her free hand down the front of Crissie’s diaper, retrieving her pen in seconds. “There, I’d say I lived up to my end of the dare,” she snarked, blowing the remnants of powder off of her drawing pen with a satisfied smirk, “So, now I dare you to shut up and go play in your crib until I’m done drawing.”
Puffing up her cheeks into a big pout, Crissie made a series of angry noises before stomping off and plopping herself down in her crib. She may have been pissed at how Codi got around the dare, but she was much too proud to not follow a dare given to her. Grabbing the bars of the crib, she slammed them up into place and folded her arms as she sat cross-legged on the plush mattress, her eyes locked on Codi.
Codi, meanwhile, got back to work despite feeling Crissie’s eyes burning a hole in the back of her non-existent skull. Thankfully, knowing how short of an attention span Crissie had, it wouldn’t be long before her mind was occupied by something else. At least, that’s what she hoped, anyway, failing to calculate precisely how petty Crissie was feeling.
After a few minutes of staring at her artistic adversary from behind a row of crib bars, Crissie finally gave up on the stoic approach, knowing that she’d need to step up her game if she was going to get Codi to focus her attention back on her. Luckily, she had perfect equipment ready to go within the comfort of her crib. Pulling out a Magic Wand from under her pillow, things in the nursery were about to get very loud.
“Mmmmmmm! Uuuuuugh!” moaned Crissie as she pressed the head of the large, white vibrator against the front of her diaper. She wasn’t nearly as horny as she was making it out to be, but that wasn’t the point. The point was to get on Codi’s nerves, and in that department, she was definitely succeeding.
Placing a hand on one of her ears, Codi furrowed her brows and attempted to block out the world around her. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done, as Crissie’s sexual noises only got louder and more “passionate.” She swore that Crissie had to be one of the worst actors of all time. That sadly didn’t mean that she wasn’t accomplishing her goal of being an outright distraction.
Slamming her pen down on her desk, Codi promptly stood up and stomped over to Crissie’s crib. “You’re lucky I can’t create wormholes anymore or else I would be so outta here. I’m seriously about to tape your mouth shut,” she said starkly with zero humor in her tone, continuously dreading the fact that Master had stolen her powers from her when she had first arrived in the nursery.
“Kinky,” responded Crissie, giggling as she stuck her tongue out, “Wait a minute, you got up from your desk! That means you’re done drawing, which means I won the dare!”
Pressing her thumb and forefinger on her eyes, Codi let out a long, painful groan. “I was literally getting up to tell you to can it. But sure, if it makes you feel good, you beat your dare. Now can you let me draw in peace?!”
“Nuh-uh! That means we’re tied one to one!” shouted Crissie, leaping to her feet and peeking her head over the side of the Crib, “So now it’s my turn to give you a dare again! Those are the rules.”
Throwing her arms in the air dramatically, Codi yelled, “What moronic rules are you talking about?!” 
“The rules of Double Diaper Dare, of course,” said Crissie,  acting as though what she was saying was common knowledge, “We’re supposed to give each other dares until one of us fails to do their dare or they chicken out! It’s like Double Dog Dare, only all the dares are supposed to be diaper-themed. I don’t get where the confusion is.”
Resting her head on the side of one of the crib posts, Codi couldn’t believe how self-centered and ridiculous Crissie was behaving. It wasn’t like those adjectives weren’t normally used to describe Crissie. However, for some reason, she was even worse today than usual, “The confusion is how your baby brain possibly could’ve perceived that we were playing a game at all. I don’t remember agreeing to Double Diaper Dare or whatever you sai-”
“Bawk! Bawk bawk bawk bawk!” Without hesitation, Crissie instantly launched into another series of mocking chicken noises, refusing to let Codi get a word in edgewise. 
Balling up her fist, something inside of Codi snapped as her ears were once again assaulted by Crissie’s ceaseless gibberish. Whether it was her inner-competitive spirit or the result of all the mind-numbing ways Crissie had gone out of her way to be annoying, she refused to let this indignity stand. As much as she didn’t want to play Crissie’s stupid game, this was the perfect opportunity to change the status quo within the nursery for the foreseeable future. If Crissie wanted to play games, she was going to make the bratty Little suffer as much as possible. “Fine then! You wanna play Double Diaper Dare? Bring it!” she said, placing her hands on her hips as she glared at her opponent, “But if I’m playing, there’s gonna be some stakes involved. If I win, you have to leave me alone and play quietly whenever I’m working. Deal?”
Getting exactly what she wanted, Crissie's mouth curled into a sly smile. “Deal!” she said, officially throwing down the gauntlet with her dear roomie, “And if I win, I get to play with Slime Codi again!” She extended her arm through the crib bars, offering her hand to Codi to seal the deal.
Codi instantly returned the gesture, gripping Crissie’s hand tightly as she shook it. “Alright, CrissieBaby, hit me with your best shot. What’s my dare?”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more Double Diaper Dare!? Subscribe to my SubscribeStar or pixivFANBOX to get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse today!
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.com/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
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Since your chat settings prevent me from responding to you, I'm going to do it publicly. Because I can and I choose to.
Right off the bat, let's get this out of the way: the word is "your."
I find this attitude fascinating. Don't misunderstand, it doesn't reflect on me, it reflects on the smoothbrains spewing Ad Hominems.
But let's do a little analysis on the topics of my non-"anti-religion" posts, shall we?
I post about opposing medical mutilation of kids who are overwhelmingly gay, autistic, traumatized or just gender non-conforming. -- Are you saying that accurately diagnosing autism and trauma, letting gay kids be gay, not giving kids pornography in schools, and not cutting the breasts of tomboys or the testicles off femme boys is "MAGA"?
I post about the low quality evidence in so-called "gender affirming care," as demonstrated by the reviews in multiple European countries. -- Are you saying that a dogged commitment to science and evidence is "MAGA"?
I post about how, while gender dysphoria is a demonstrable medical condition, "gender identity" even conceptually is based on stereotypes, contradictory and self-refuting (if it's a "social construct," your "gender identity" would be different in a different society), and a "gender identity" that is untethered from all biology is ultimately indistinguishable from the Xian notion of a "soul" that is untethered from all biology. -- Are you saying that skepticism of things that can't be shown to be real is "MAGA"?
I post about Claudine Gay being protected from criticism for her skin color, despite demonstrated career-long plagiarism, overseeing the steadfast suppression of free speech (as shown by FIRE's rankings where Harvard got a zero) and imposition of a specific postmodern orthodoxy, and her hypocrisy over her retreat regarding antisemitism at Harvard to the same "free speech" she systematically suppressed. -- Are you saying that consistent expectations, consistent standards, is "MAGA"?
I post about racial discrimination in STEM programs which disproportionately disadvantages Asian kids. -- Are you saying that opposition to racial discrimination is "MAGA"?
I post about male suicides, male victims of domestic violence, male victims of sexual assault, male victims of false accusations, and the statistics surrounding them that don't get the attention they need. -- Are you saying that equality and recognising statistics and evidence to inform reality and public policy is "MAGA"?
I post about how authoritarianism, narcissistic personality disorder, controlling others and even mistreating others are reliably the motivations for activists who don't have a pro-social motivation. -- Are you saying that not submitting to or giving power to those with malevolent, narcissistic and psychopathic intent is "MAGA"?
I post about how Kendi and Gay promote a victimhood and defeatist mindset in black Americans based on a grand conspiracy theory, one which perpetuates problems in society, solves nothing and only serves to inflate the standing and bank balances of elites who don't understand the actual problems or causes (e.g. crime, fatherlessness, literacy), don't care to, and will call you names if you try to. -- Are you saying that responsibility, empowerment, and the rejection of "god did it" faux-answers is "MAGA"?
I post about how nuts it is for western college students and even LGBT people to support a terrorist organization that has the explicitly stated goal of conquering the world and forcing everyone to adopt Islam, who would be thrown off the nearest roof if they ever actually stepped foot on their territory, while excoriating and chanting for the destruction of the only country in the region with the same values as they pretend to hold. -- Are you saying that not supporting religious fundamentalist terrorists and not endorsing a global jihad is "MAGA"?
I post about MLK Jr's speech-writer being frustrated at King's message being lost, with people pretending that nothing has gotten better, and with current-day messaging that society is irredeemably damaged (sinful) and preaching a form of nihilism that the same results that they use to justify their ideology in the first place (self-fulfilling). -- Are you saying that black empowerment and personal excellence is "MAGA"?
And the one I strongly suspect instigated this in the first place, but I wasn't about to let you get away that easily... I post about Chris Rufo working to reinstate merit, color blind policy ("the content of their character"), outlaw racial discrimination, rejection of both left-wing and right-wing identarianism, and refocus institutions back to their original mission, which is inquiry, knowledge production and the pursuit of truth, and away from their current obsession with producing nothing but grievance-motivated identity politics bullshit and fragile, mentally ill activists. -- Are you saying that merit, colorblindness, rejection of racial discrimination and the pursuit of objective truth are "MAGA"?
You may wonder why I read, share and endorse a post from a conservative. Aside from this being literally the Genetic Fallacy, I have a much better question: why do I have to? Why do I have to go to a conservative like Chris Rufo to see a commitment to objective reality, non-discrimination, freedom of speech, academic integrity, institutional neutrality and, you know, stuff like adhering to the U.S. Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment in higher education institutions? And why am I not seeing it from cheerleaders and publications from "the left"; the once, but possibly no longer, "trust the science" side?
I would probably disagree with Mr. Rufo on a number of topics, but I don't care. What I know is that while he's a conservative, he's a liberal conservative. Yes, that's a thing - "liberal" as a synonym for "left-wing" is an American oddity.
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Liberals espouse various and often mutually warring views depending on their understanding of these principles but generally support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion, constitutional government and privacy rights.
Liberalism doesn't prescribe "progressivism" or "conservatism," much less that you are one thing all the time, rather than being generally "progressive" or "conservative" on an issue-by-issue basis.
Which is how I find myself often having more in common, generally, with Mr. Rufo than with liars, frauds and con artists such as Kendi, Gay, DiAngelo, Turban, Montgomerie and their ilk. Because while we might disagree on how to do liberalism, we at least agree on its shared values as a starting point. Liberal progressives and liberal conservatives can actually communicate and work together. Illiberal fantasists, grifters and authoritarians - on both sides - are irrational zealots.
I'll pick a conservative liberal over a radical, social constructivist, relativist, illiberal windbag every. single. time. Without any guilt. Because I'm not a tribalist. I think for myself, and I don't just "go along" in order to obtain and keep the tribe's approval, or out of fear of tribal retribution if I don't signal the acceptable ways. For I am not a sheep.
During the nonsense that was the 2+2=5 war a couple of years ago, an insane activist said, and I quote, "you know who else is deeply invested in math's 'neutrality'? Literal white supremacists." Sure. Because the KKK and Nazis were absolute sticklers for objective reality, evidence and empiricism. That sure sounds right. /s
You sound the same. As I said in the beginning, taking merit, color blindness, rejection of identarianism, removal of authoritarian thought-police, adherence to constitutional law, reinstatement of academic freedom and integrity, and pursuit of truth... and then casting them as values of "MAGA" reflects on you, not on me.
How the hell did you get here? How did you become so morally confused? Do you even know?
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[ Source: Colin Wright ]
I'm where I've always been. Posting the above topics and posting "anti religious views" are entirely, completely consistent. They're based on the same values. For example, Xian creationism isn't any more true than the so-called "sex spectrum" - both are a denial of evolution.
Somewhere, only you can determine where, you absolutely lost your way.
One thing I do find amusing is that you're not really doing yourself any favors here. Calling people names so that they want nothing to do with you will only result in you wailing and crying when you find nobody wants to align themselves with you. It's self-defeating and deranged.
Unsurprisingly, it's also a tactic adopted by Hollywood.
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Note that this is fake, but is the same "strategy" consistently adopted by Hollywood for every project in recent iterations of what-used-to-be-Star Wars, what-was-once-Marvel, what's-called-but-is-no-longer-Doctor Who: attack the fans who made the franchise what it was, call them names and say they're not welcome, then pretend you're the victim rather than the villain when your project fails. DARVO means Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
Xians call atheists "sinners' and "wicked" in order to convince them to convert to Xianity. You know, because atheists who don't believe in a magical space imp sure believe in the magical space imp's dungeon. That's the same tactic you're using. How's that working out for them, and how's that working for you?
What I would also point out is that the people who were calling everyone "Nazis" (e.g. people who know that 2+2=4) and declaring for themselves an unchallengeable right to physically assault anyone they decided was one... turned out to be the real Nazis, marching in the street, calling for the extermination of Jews.
Something to think about in regard to where you're heading.
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dandelionsresilience · 6 months
Good News - March 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I’ll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn’t use each week - almost double the content! (I’m new to taking tips on here; if it doesn’t show me your username or if you have DM’s turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Comeback on the cards for Asian antelope declared extinct in Bangladesh
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“Nilgais, the largest antelope species in Asia, are reappearing in northwestern Bangladesh, a country that was part of their historical range but where they were declared locally extinct in the 1930s due to habitat loss and hunting.”
2. Tribal Homes in Minnesotta [sic] Get $1.4M for Clean Electricity
““This grant will allow us to make electrification improvements to our members’ homes and involve them more directly in our efforts to change our energy narrative and achieve our net zero goal.””
3. Pollinators Flock to Flower-Filled Solar Panel Fields
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“As populations of crucial pollinators decline, developers have been seeding the grounds of their solar arrays with native wildflowers. Now a five-year study published in Environmental Research Letters confirms that this approach boosts the pollinators’ abundance and diversity—with spillover benefits for surrounding farms.”
4. U.S. House of Representatives Passes WILD Act
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“The WILD Act supports funding two different initiatives: […] the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program offers critical support for voluntary conservation initiatives[, and…] The Multinational Species Conservation Funds play a pivotal role in supporting the conservation of imperiled species globally”
5. Private Gender Affirming Care Ban Fails To Advance In England After "Ferret Filibuster"
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“A bill banning puberty blockers for trans youth and defining sex to exclude trans people was blocked from being heard after Labour MPs spoke at length on pet names and ferrets.”
6. Community-Led Effort to Plant Thousands of Seedlings
“Despite its urban surroundings, [the Tucki Tucki] creek serves as a vital refuge for the endangered platypus and purple spotted gudgeon populations. […] Planting native vegetation along the water’s edge serves multiple purposes. Not only does it provide crucial habitat for the endangered species, but it also helps stabilise the banks, mitigating erosion and reducing sedimentation in the creek.”
7. Court Ruling Halts Wolf Trapping and Snaring in Idaho Grizzly Bear Habitat
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“[The ruling] will stop trapping and snaring […] to prevent the unlawful take of Endangered Species Act-protected grizzly bears. The decision stated, “There is ample evidence in the record, including from Idaho’s own witnesses, that lawfully set wolf traps and snares are reasonably likely to take grizzly bears in Idaho.””
8. A Boston grocery store is bringing community solar to a low-income area
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“A group of energy-equity advocates in Boston is launching a community solar cooperative they say could be a scalable model for both reducing carbon emissions and building wealth in disadvantaged communities.”
9. Two-faced solar panels can generate more power at up to 70% less cost
“Scientists at the University of Surrey have built a new kind of solar panel with two faces, both of them pretty. Their flexible perovskite panels have electrodes made of tiny carbon nanotubes. These can generate more power with greater efficiency and at a cost 70% lower than existing solar panels.”
10. It's a boy! Athens zoo welcomes birth of rare pygmy hippo
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“A rare and endangered pygmy hippopotamus has been born in Athens’ Attica Zoological Park for the first time in 10 years, delighting conservationists. A lack of male pygmy hippos in captivity had complicated breeding efforts, so zoo staff were “absolutely thrilled” the baby was a boy”
March 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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x5red · 8 months
Why are there no good Superman/Supergirl video games?
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Question: has there ever been a really successful, well respected, video game based on Superman or Supergirl?
It is often said that Superman, Supergirl, et al, are too difficult to adapt into a game format. The point has been debated online from time to time, with the main arguments going something like this: the characters are over-powered, making it hard to devise situations that challenge them; they are impervious to most weapons, making it hard to create any sense of jeopardy; and they have too many different super powers, making it hard to create balanced gameplay mechanics.
Without resorting to gimmicks like Kryptonite, is it possible to create a compelling video game based on the Kryptonian clan? The received wisdom might suggest “no” -- but perhaps a bit of lateral thinking might provide a possible solution.
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What if we turned the problem on its head?
Instead of trying to fight against Superman and Supergirl's near god-like abilities, what if we lent into them? Embraced them. Made them the central part of the gameplay..!
The 80s saw the emergence of many new genres of video games -- among them a strategy sub-genre known as god games. The first example that really caught the public imagination was a 16-bit classic known as Populous. Many copy-cats quickly followed. Lemmings, Canon Fodder, Command and Conquer, Mega-lo-mania, to name just a few examples from that era. These games put the player into the role of an omnipotent god who can freely manipulate the fate of a group of autonomous mortal characters. In Populous these mortals took the form of tribespeople fighting for survival against other tribes, in Lemmings they were an ever-multiplying brood of green haired critters... Different games had different scenarios, but in every case the underlying concept in each god game was the same -- the player intervenes to save as many non-player characters as possible.
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These god games were all strategy based; the player’s deity avatar generally never appeared on-screen in the game itself. Obviously that isn’t going to work for a superhero game, where the player expects to see the hero on-screen interacting with the environment directly, rather than manipulating things as a hidden-hand. But what if we took some of the mechanics of the god game genre and merged them into another popular game genre? The open world sandbox format has proven to be a successful vehicle for heroes like Spider-Man, and perhaps it could work for the Kryptonian characters too, if the rules of the sandbox were amended to make them work more like a god game.
Sure, bullets may not be able to pierce the invulnerable skin of Superman or Supergirl, but that’s far from true for any of the other citizens of Metropolis. The challenge, therefore, would rely not on placing the player’s own avatar in peril, but rather by charging the avatar (Superman, Supergirl, etc.) with protecting the other non-player characters around them. So GAME OVER isn’t when Superman’s health bar hits zero, it is when a hostage dies, or the plane crashes, or the bomb detonates, or a bystander gets killed, etc., etc.
The more successful the hero character is at preventing carnage in the city around them, the more points they earn.
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But we don’t have to drop the strategy aspects of god games entirely; we just need to re-think them a little. For example, Superman and Supergirl (for all their immense powers) cannot be in two places at once, so one potential element of strategy might come from working out how to prioritise goals within each mission.
We can also weave elements of strategy around the copious super-powers that Superman and Supergirl possess. Suppose, for example, that one mission sees Superman dealing with a nasty hostage situation. The hostage-takers pose no threat to the Man of Steel, but if Kal-El smashes his way into the bank they might kill some of their hostages before he has a chance to save them. So rather than only using overwhelming force to solve the problem, Kal-El has to also mix in elements of cunning and stealth. By switching to Clark Kent, Kal can blend in with the hostages, allowing him to investigate without raising too much suspicion. Careful use of Kal-El’s super senses, including x-ray vision and super hearing, can then give the player an idea of where in the building the innocent victims are being held captive. With all this information available, the player can formulate a plan of attack, choosing when and how to act as the Man of Steel to ensure no innocent person gets hurt.
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One can imagine a whole host of different mission types that allow the player to try a blend of different strategies, sometimes jumping straight into costumed action as Superman or Supergirl, other times taking a more intelligence-driven approach by first assessing the situation covertly using their super powers and/or their secret identity as a disguise. Ideally there would be more than one path to success in any given mission, with the player choosing to use a brain or a brawn centric strategy to achieve their goals. But no matter how the player chooses to play, the goal is always the same: protect the innocent non-player characters.
In an open world environment the game might use the journalistic skills of Clark Kent to unlock new missions. Instead of missions just being presented to the player on a plate as part of a pre-determined story path, or triggered randomly while exploring the game map, perhaps the game could insist that ace reporter Clark Kent uncover plots by liaising with sources inside the criminal underworld, or inside shadowy technology companies, or wherever. This might be an ideal opportunity to turn Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and other supporting roles into playable characters -- each having their own intelligence gathering skills that unlock or advance storylines hidden within the game world, leading to missions that ultimately require the skills of the game’s titular superhero.
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Yes, the player can still kick-butt as the Man of Steel or Maid of Might, however these abilities can no longer be used recklessly. The game puts the focus not on the lead character’s great power, but on their great responsibility..!
Of course, the above is not a fully-fleshed out game design. But it is perhaps the starting point on a journey towards what some might have considered impossible: making an enjoyable and rewarding Superman and/or Supergirl game that remains true to the characters and their ethos.
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freeskillshub · 2 months
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Budget Apps for Couples: Strengthening Financial Bonds.
Managing finances as a couple can be both challenging and rewarding. Fortunately, with budgeting apps, couples now have powerful tools to navigate their financial journey together. These apps streamline money management, foster better communication, and promote goal-setting between partners.
📱Why Use Budget Apps for Couples?
1. Shared Expense Tracking:
   Budget apps track shared expenses in real-time, making it easier to manage household finances and split bills evenly.
2. Financial Goal Setting:
   Set mutual objectives like saving for a vacation or paying off debt. Budget apps provide goal-tracking features to monitor progress and celebrate milestones together.
3. Improved Money Communication:
   Budget apps facilitate open and transparent communication about finances, helping couples discuss spending habits and work towards shared goals.
🔝Top Budget Apps for Couples
1. Honeydue:
   Link bank accounts, track expenses, and set spending limits collaboratively. Features bill reminders and real-time alerts for added convenience.
2. YNAB (You Need A Budget):
   Promotes proactive budgeting by allocating funds to specific categories. Emphasis on zero-based budgeting encourages accountability and shared responsibility.
3. Goodbudget:
   Follows the envelope budgeting method, allowing couples to allocate money to virtual envelopes for different spending categories. Simple and easy to use, ideal for beginners.
  🚀 Getting Started
Explore the features of budget apps mentioned above. Discuss your financial goals together and choose the app that best aligns with your needs and preferences. Start your journey to financial harmony now! For more information and details, visit Free Skills Hub today!
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flightsgoogle · 3 months
Travel Tech: Gadgets and Apps That Will Change the Way You Travel in 2024
Traveling in 2024 is set to be a tech-savvy adventure like never before. With cutting-edge gadgets and innovative apps, your journeys will be more seamless, enjoyable, and efficient. Here’s a look at some of the latest travel technologies that are transforming the way we explore the world.
Smart Luggage Smart luggage has evolved significantly, offering features like GPS tracking, built-in power banks, and biometric locks. Brands like Away and Samsonite are leading the charge with luggage that not only keeps your belongings safe but also charges your devices on the go.
Top Features: GPS Tracking: Never lose your luggage again with real-time location tracking. Biometric Locks: Secure your belongings with fingerprint recognition. Built-in Scales: Avoid overweight fees by weighing your luggage with integrated scales.
AI-Powered Travel Apps Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing travel planning. Apps like Cheap Flights for android and Cheap Flights pro for ios use AI to predict the best times to book flights and hotels, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars.
Must-Have website: CheapFlights365: Predicts future flight and hotel prices with 95% accuracy. TripIt: Organizes your travel plans in one place, giving you a master itinerary. PackPoint: Helps you pack by creating a customized packing list based on your destination and travel plans.
Virtual Reality (VR) Tours Before you even leave home, VR can give you a taste of your destination. Apps like Google Earth VR and Expedia VR offer immersive virtual tours, helping you decide where to go and what to see.
VR Highlights: Google Earth VR: Explore any city or landmark in the world from your living room. Expedia VR: Experience hotel rooms and tourist attractions virtually before booking.
Portable Language Translators Language barriers are a thing of the past with portable translators like Pocketalk and Travis Touch Go. These devices offer real-time translation in dozens of languages, ensuring smooth communication wherever you are.
Translation Devices: Pocketalk: Translates 82 languages with two-way voice translation. Travis Touch Go: Supports over 100 languages and can be used offline.
Wearable Tech Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, is more travel-friendly than ever. Devices like the Apple Watch Ultra and Fitbit Charge 5 not only track your fitness but also provide navigation, weather updates, and even emergency assistance.
Wearable Benefits: Apple Watch Ultra: Offers GPS, cellular connectivity, and fall detection. Fitbit Charge 5: Tracks your health metrics and provides stress management tools.
E-SIM Cards E-SIM cards are making connectivity abroad easier and more affordable. With apps like Airalo and GigSky, you can purchase and activate data plans for your destination without needing a physical SIM card.
Connectivity Solutions: Airalo: Buy eSIMs for over 190 countries directly from your phone. GigSky: Offers global data plans without the need for a local SIM card.
Solar-Powered Chargers Eco-friendly and efficient, solar-powered chargers like Anker PowerPort Solar allow you to keep your devices charged using the power of the sun. Perfect for camping or traveling to remote areas.
Top Picks: Anker PowerPort Solar: Lightweight, foldable, and capable of charging two devices simultaneously. Goal Zero Nomad 7: Durable and compact, ideal for outdoor adventures. Conclusion The travel tech landscape in 2024 is brimming with innovations designed to make your trips smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. From smart luggage and AI-powered apps to VR tours and portable translators, these gadgets and tools are set to revolutionize your travel experience. So gear up, tech out, and get ready to explore the world like never before!
What travel tech are you most excited to try in 2024? Let us know in the comments!
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The Perfect Fashion Accessory: Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank
If you're someone who is always on the go and needs to keep your devices charged up, then the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank is the perfect solution for you. Not only does it provide you with the power you need to stay connected, but it also doubles as a fashion accessory that will complement your style.
## Cell Type: 10000mAh Li-Polymer
When it comes to the cell type of a power bank, the 10000mAh Li-Polymer battery in the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank is top-notch. This high-capacity battery ensures that you can charge your devices multiple times before needing to recharge the power bank itself. With this kind of power at your fingertips, you'll never have to worry about running out of battery again.
## Display Support and Fast Charging
The Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank supports DisPlay, allowing you to easily check the battery level and other important information at a glance. Additionally, it features fast charging capabilities, so you can quickly get your devices up and running in no time. Say goodbye to long charging times and hello to fast and efficient charging with this power bank.
## Input/Output: 5V/2A and Multiple Interfaces
With an input/output of 5V/2A, the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank provides a steady and reliable charge to your devices. It also comes equipped with multiple interfaces, including Micro-USB, Type-C, Double USB, and Lightning, giving you the flexibility to charge a variety of devices with ease. Whether you have an Android or iOS device, this power bank has you covered.
## Ultra Slim Design and Stylish Mirror Surface
One of the standout features of the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank is its ultra-slim design. This sleek and compact power bank can easily fit into your pocket or purse, making it convenient to carry with you wherever you go. Additionally, the mirror surface adds a touch of style and sophistication to the power bank, making it the perfect blend of fashion and function.
In conclusion, the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank is a must-have accessory for anyone who values both style and functionality. With its high-capacity battery, fast charging capabilities, and sleek design, this power bank has everything you need to stay connected on the go. Say goodbye to dull and boring power banks and hello to the perfect blend of fashion and function with the Mirror Surface Mini Power Bank.
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glapplebloom · 7 months
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I do wonder how I would write a Death Battle script. (No images in this one)
Wiz: Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients to create the perfect little girl.
Boomstick: But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction... A can of Whoopass!
Wiz: No, it’s called Chemical X.
Boomstick: It might as well be whoopass! Anyone who takes a swig of the stuff gains superpowers.
Wiz: And it was no different here, as after his Monkey Assistant knocked the Professor into the Chemical X...
Wiz: The Powerpuff Girls were born!
Boomstick: Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. Despite being a bunch of ankle biter they really live up to their original names: The Whoopass Girls!
Wiz: Indeed, for they’re the sole reason Townsville maintains a crime rate percentage ratio of point zero-zero-three over zero. That’s a ridiculous number.
Boomstick: And it's not just your run of the mill bank robbers or muggers. They deal with Giant Monsters, Evil Monkey Geniuses, my second cousin twice removed, and even the Devil himself!
Wiz: But it wasn’t always easy for them. Like any child, they were still learning about the world they were living in and the social norms to follow.
Boomstick: And like every newborn, they cause a lot of trouble for you and the people around you.
Wiz: Not to this extreme. In a simple game of tag, they basically destroyed Townsville easier than any criminal before it.
Boomstick: They eventually figured out that kicking major butt is the solution to help them fit in and now whenever the Mayor needs anything from saving the city to opening a jar of pickles, he just gives the girls a ring and they’ll be on their way.
Wiz: They accomplish this by using their various super powers. Like early Superman they have your usual Super Powers like flight, super strength and speed and even laser eyes...
Boomstick: But they also have some freaky one shot powers like setting themselves on fire, creating shadow clones, or turning themselves into a puddle of water. Heck, when they got older they got Green Lantern Powers!
Wiz: While they are virtually identical in stats, they each have their uniqueness. Blossom, for example, has superior intelligence compared to her sisters as well as an exclusive Ice Breath.
Boomstick: Buttercup is a lot more butt kicking than her sisters, but her exclusive power is curling her tongue. I can do that. Look.
<Boomstick makes sounds like he’s trying to do that>
Wiz: That’s not even close.
<Cut to Lab with Bubbles on screen>
Boomstick: Bubbles is definitely the sweetest of the girls, but if pushed too far she would go into Hardcore mode. And she’s definitely scary when that happens.
Wiz: What I find impressive about her unique power is her ability to understand language. Originally, it was just Spanish but as she got better she could understand any language. This includes squirrels and even computer language. She was a programming wizard by the time she was in grade school.
Boomstick: How long were you in college to do all that?
Wiz: Don’t remind me.
<Cut back to Analysis>
Wiz: Despite these differences, and occasional squabbles, the Powerpuff Girls show why they’re one of the greatest heroes in Townsville.
Boomstick: Together, they can create the Furious Fiery Feline, the Razzle Dazzle, the Cherry Bomb, and even with their 4th Sister create a Giant Fusion of them all.
Wiz: Fun fact, the original concept for Dynamo was the three girls fusing into one.
Boomstick: And these girls are fast. In a race, Bubbles was facing this Quicksilver knock off and he can circle the world in seven seconds. Not knowing what the goal was, she was keeping pace easily. But when she found out she had to beat him, she reached the finish line two seconds ahead of him. Imagine how fast she would have gone if she actually tried.
Wiz: No need to. They can travel from the Earth to the Sun in a short amount of time and from an Asteroid Belt in space to earth within a second. The shortest distance between Earth and the closest edge of an Asteroid Belt is said to be 1.2 AUs, or 179.5 million km. To travel that fast in such a short time would be almost 600 times the speed of light. 
{NOTE: I specifically got 598.74755 c, so a second look at the math would be required if I did something wrong}
Boomstick: Wow! No wonder they can move so fast they can travel through time. 
Wiz: They also have strength to match. They’re strong enough to destroy asteroids, nullify a solar flare... 
Boomstick: And even lift a really muscular man, while he’s lifting a mountain!
Wiz: They’re also comparable to the likes of HIM, who is capable of casually stopping the planet from heading towards the sun with ease and caused the solar system to go out of whack.
Boomstick: Perfect Little Girls? More like Miniature Supermen! What can stop these little bugged eyed freaks?
Wiz: Few things. Antidote X will negate their powers, but not destroy them despite being made of Chemical X. Fly Paper for some odd reason. And surprisingly they can still get sunburned. 
Boomstick: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Wiz: Regardless, as long as the three work together, Townsville can rest knowing that the city will be saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Antonio Gutteres
Common Dreams
Sept. 20, 2023
The following are remarks, as prepared for delivery, given by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres at the start of his Climate Ambition Summit in New York on September 20, 2023. For Common Dreams' coverage of the speech, see here.
Excellencies, friends,
Our focus here is on climate solutions—and our task is urgent. Humanity has opened the gates of hell. Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects. Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods; sweltering temperatures spawning disease; and thousands fleeing in fear as historic fires rage.
Climate action is dwarfed by the scale of the challenge. If nothing changes we are heading toward a 2.8°C temperature rise—toward a dangerous and unstable world.
We must make up time lost to foot-dragging, arm-twisting, and the naked greed of entrenched interests raking in billions from fossil fuels.
But the future is not fixed. It is for leaders like you to write it. We can still limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C. We can still build a world of clear air, green jobs, and affordable clean power for all.
The path forward is clear. It has been forged by fighters and trailblazers—some of whom are with us today: activists refusing to be silenced; Indigenous Peoples defending their lands from climate extremes; chief executives transforming their business models and financiers funding a just transition; mayors moving to a zero-carbon future; and governments working to stamp out fossil fuels and protect vulnerable communities.
But if we are to meet the 1.5°C limit and protect ourselves from climate extremes, climate champions, particularly in the developing world, need solidarity. They need support, and they need global leaders to take action. Action to reduce emissions.
The move from fossil fuels to renewables is happening—but we are decades behind. We must make up time lost to foot-dragging, arm-twisting, and the naked greed of entrenched interests raking in billions from fossil fuels.
The proposed Climate Solidarity Pact calls on major emitters—who have benefited most from fossil fuels—to make extra efforts to cut emissions, and on wealthy countries to support emerging economies to do so.
And the Acceleration Agenda I proposed calls on governments to hit fast forward so that developed countries reach net zero as close as possible to 2040, and emerging economies as close as possible to 2050 according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.
It also urges countries to implement a fair, equitable, and just energy transition, while providing affordable electricity to all: by ensuring credible plans to exit coal by 2030 for OECD countries and 2040 for the rest of the world; by ending fossil fuel subsidies—which the IMF estimates reached an incredible $7 trillion in 2022; and by setting ambitious renewable energy goals in line with the 1.5°C limit.
The Acceleration Agenda also calls for climate justice. Many of the poorest nations have every right to be angry. Angry that they are suffering most from a climate crisis they did nothing to create. Angry that promised finance has not materialized. And angry that their borrowing costs are sky-high.
We need a transformation to rebuild trust. Governments must push the global financial system towards supporting climate action. That means putting a price on carbon and overhauling the business models of Multilateral Development Banks so that they leverage far more private finance at reasonable cost to developing countries.
All parties must operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund at COP28. Developed countries must meet the $100 billion commitment, replenish the Green Climate Fund, and double adaptation funding. And everyone must be covered by an early warning system by 2027—by implementing the Action Plan we launched last year.
At the same time, my Acceleration Agenda calls for business and financial institutions to embark on true net zero pathways. Shady pledges have betrayed the public trust. Shamefully, some companies have even tried to block the transition to net zero—using wealth and influence to delay, distract, and deceive. Every company that truly means business must create just transition plans that credibly cut emissions and deliver climate justice, in line with the recommendations of my High-Level Expert Group.
Excellencies, friends,
The future of humanity is in your hands—in our hands.
One Summit will not change the world. But today can be a powerful moment to generate momentum that we build on over the coming months, and in particular at the COP.
We can—and we must turn up the tempo. Turn plans into action. And turn the tide.
Thank you.
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armedjoy · 2 years
I write with zero intention of making anything off of it. first off, it's just being practical- there's so much out there you'd need 10,000 lifetimes to experience it all. with my natural aversion to self promotion, the best I can hope for is that I'd drift into someone's orbit from mutual recommendations. and second, I think it's just a healthier way to approach art. I'm not writing out of obligations to a career, I'm writing out of obligation to myself. it's the calling of my heart and every finished work feels like an exorcism. if someone wants to throw me a few bucks I'll accept it and cherish the sentiment forever, but that's not the goal baby.
when I'm finished and satisfied with my first dozen short stories, I'll just put them on medium or anywhere else you can read it for free. I'd just be thrilled anyone's taking the time to read it in the first place. and down the line when I finish some related paintings & illustrations, I'll self publish, if only so I can pass out copies.
maybe I will hit the lottery and get picked up by an honest to goodness publisher, but I'm certainly not banking on it happening, particularly without neutering the stories in the process. I don't think literary agents at billion dollar publishing houses would like to push stories about the destitution of capital without any metaphor or fantasy/ sci fi setting that could plausibly be written off as individual interpretation. there is no dragon named kyriarchy to slay or cyborg corpo-overlord to defeat - if that's your angle, power to ya, but it's not my story to tell. and mine won't sell, and that's fine with me.
so as it stands, a penny for my thoughts, but only if you want to
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Sify’s State-of-the-Art Data Center in Noida: Powering the Future of Digital India
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, data centers play a critical role as the backbone of modern enterprises, enabling seamless data storage, management, and dissemination. Sify's Data Center in Noida is a testament to the company's commitment to providing reliable, scalable, and cutting-edge infrastructure solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.
Strategic Location Advantage
Noida, being one of the most prominent IT and business hubs in North India, offers a strategic location for Sify’s data center. Positioned at the heart of the National Capital Region (NCR), Sify's Noida data center serves as a critical node in its national network, ensuring low-latency connectivity for businesses across the region. The location provides excellent connectivity to major cities like Delhi, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad, enhancing business operations with faster data transmission and access.
World-Class Infrastructure
Sify’s Noida data center is equipped with Tier III+ architecture, designed to provide high availability and maximum uptime. Built to handle the increasing demands of enterprises, the facility is engineered with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring:
99.982% uptime with redundant power and cooling systems
Multiple levels of physical and digital security to safeguard critical data
Carrier-neutral connectivity, providing flexibility in choosing telecom providers
Advanced disaster recovery and business continuity solutions
Scalability to accommodate future growth and evolving enterprise needs
Sustainable and Green Practices
In line with the global push towards sustainability, Sify’s data center in Noida incorporates green energy practices. The facility is designed to maximize energy efficiency through innovative cooling systems, optimized energy management, and the use of renewable energy sources. This commitment to sustainability not only helps businesses reduce their carbon footprint but also aligns with Sify’s goal of building environmentally responsible data centers.
Robust Security Protocols
Sify’s Noida data center boasts multi-layered security protocols to protect clients' sensitive information. From biometric access controls and 24/7 surveillance to DDoS protection and firewall solutions, the facility is equipped with the latest technologies to prevent unauthorized access and cyber threats.
Furthermore, the center adheres to global compliance standards, ensuring that enterprises meet regulatory requirements such as ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, making it ideal for industries such as banking, healthcare, and government sectors.
End-to-End Managed Services
One of the standout features of Sify's Noida data center is the comprehensive range of managed services it offers. These include cloud hosting, infrastructure management, colocation services, and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), among others. By leveraging Sify’s expertise, businesses can offload the complexities of managing their IT infrastructure, allowing them to focus on their core operations while ensuring optimal performance, security, and cost efficiency.
Enhancing Digital Transformation
As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, Sify’s Noida data center is designed to support this shift with flexible and scalable solutions. From multi-cloud environments and edge computing capabilities to high-performance storage solutions, the facility empowers businesses to innovate, stay competitive, and drive digital growth.
Why Choose Sify’s Data Center in Noida?
Reliable Uptime: With redundant infrastructure and robust disaster recovery options, businesses can enjoy near-zero downtime.
Enhanced Connectivity: The facility’s carrier-neutral nature ensures low-latency connectivity across the NCR region and beyond.
Managed Services: Comprehensive end-to-end support allows businesses to seamlessly scale their infrastructure and focus on growth.
Sustainability: Eco-friendly operations help businesses meet their environmental goals while optimizing energy use.
Compliance and Security: Multi-layered security and compliance certifications ensure that your data is protected in a secure environment.
Sify's Data Center in Noida stands at the intersection of reliability, security, and innovation. By offering advanced infrastructure solutions, comprehensive managed services, and a commitment to sustainability, Sify enables businesses to accelerate their digital transformation journeys. Whether you are a large enterprise looking for colocation services or a mid-sized company exploring cloud solutions, Sify's Noida facility offers the perfect platform to scale and succeed in the digital era.
Embrace the future of business with Sify’s world-class data center services in Noida, where your data is secure, connected, and always available.
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arhamk11 · 8 days
Unlock Your Business Potential: Why Vconekt is the Top Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses
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In today’s digital-first world, small businesses can no longer afford to ignore the power of online marketing. But finding an affordable, reliable digital marketing agency that understands the unique challenges of small businesses can be tough. That’s where Vconekt comes in. Whether you’re a small business in Perth, Ottawa, or anywhere in Australia, Vconekt offers customized solutions that help your business grow without breaking the bank.
In this article, we’ll break down why Vconekt is the best digital marketing agency for small businesses, highlighting their tailored services, local expertise, and commitment to helping small businesses thrive.
Why Digital Marketing is Key for Small Businesses
For small businesses, the competition is fierce. Large companies often dominate the online space, leaving smaller enterprises struggling to make their mark. However, digital marketing levels the playing field, allowing small businesses to reach the right audience with the right message.
Here’s why digital marketing is essential for small businesses:
Targeted Reach: Digital marketing allows small businesses to zero in on their target audience, reaching people who are more likely to be interested in their products or services. Unlike traditional advertising, digital marketing strategies—like social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO)—make sure your message gets in front of the right people.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Small businesses often operate on tight budgets, making traditional forms of marketing like TV or print advertising too expensive. Vconekt offers cost-effective digital marketing strategies, such as pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and content marketing, that deliver a high return on investment.
Measurable Results: One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the ability to track and measure your campaigns. Vconekt provides detailed analytics, allowing you to see how well your campaigns are performing and where you can make improvements. This transparency ensures you’re getting the most out of every marketing dollar.
Why Choose Vconekt for Your Small Business?
There are plenty of digital marketing agencies out there, but not all of them are created equal. Vconekt sets itself apart as the best digital marketing agency for small businesses through a combination of expertise, affordability, and a deep understanding of what small businesses need to succeed.
Here’s why Vconekt is the right partner for your business:
1. Tailored Solutions for Small Businesses
At Vconekt, they know that every small business is different. That’s why they don’t offer cookie-cutter solutions. Whether you’re a boutique shop in Perth or a tech start-up in Ottawa, they create customized digital marketing strategies that fit your specific goals and budget. Their approach ensures that your business gets the most effective solution, whether that’s increasing local search visibility or boosting online sales.
2. Affordable Digital Marketing
Vconekt is an affordable digital marketing agency for small businesses, ensuring that you get the most value for your marketing investment. They offer flexible pricing models and tailor their services to fit your budget, whether you need help with SEO, social media management, or paid ads.
3. Local Expertise in Perth and Ottawa
For small businesses, local marketing is key. Vconekt is a digital marketing agency for small businesses in Perth and Ottawa, offering local SEO services that help you rank higher in search results for your area. They understand the local markets, customer behavior, and competitive landscape, ensuring that your business stands out to nearby customers actively searching for your products or services.
4. Proven Results
Vconekt’s proven track record speaks for itself. They have helped small businesses across Australia and Ottawa grow their online presence, drive more traffic to their websites, and increase their revenue. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, Vconekt’s data-driven approach ensures measurable results that align with your business goals.
Vconekt’s Core Services for Small Businesses
Vconekt offers a range of digital marketing services designed to help small businesses grow and thrive online. Here’s a look at the core services they offer:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is crucial for getting your small business noticed online. Vconekt’s SEO experts help optimize your website to rank higher on search engines like Google. They focus on both on-page and off-page SEO, ensuring that your website attracts organic traffic and gets noticed by potential customers. If you're a small business in Perth or Ottawa, their local SEO strategies will get your business in front of the right audience.
2. Social Media Marketing
Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. Vconekt offers social media marketing services to help your business build a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Their targeted campaigns are designed to engage your audience, drive traffic, and convert followers into customers.
3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
For businesses looking to drive immediate traffic, Vconekt’s PPC services are a great solution. Their experts design and manage targeted ad campaigns that reach the right audience, whether you're focusing on local customers in Perth or expanding your reach to Ottawa. PPC campaigns ensure you get a high return on investment while staying within your budget.
4. Content Marketing
Content is king, and Vconekt knows how to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Their content marketing services include blog writing, video creation, and SEO-optimized content that helps improve your search rankings and drive traffic to your website.
How Vconekt Helps Small Businesses Succeed
Vconekt has helped small businesses in Australia and Ottawa grow by implementing tailored, results-driven digital marketing strategies. Here’s a quick success story to illustrate how they can transform your business:
Ottawa Local Business: A small retail shop in Ottawa saw a 120% increase in website traffic after Vconekt implemented an SEO strategy and optimized their Google My Business profile. The business not only improved its online visibility but also saw a significant uptick in foot traffic as a result.
Conclusion: Grow Your Small Business with Vconekt
If you’re looking for an affordable digital marketing agency for small businesses that delivers measurable results, Vconekt is the perfect partner. From Perth to Ottawa, Vconekt has the expertise, tools, and tailored solutions to help small businesses grow their online presence and thrive in a competitive marketplace.
Whether you need SEO, social media marketing, or PPC advertising, Vconekt is here to unlock your business's full potential. Reach out to Vconekt today to see how they can take your business to the next level.
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