amirisqueer · 2 years
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OLD 2016/2017 ART
A plethora of old Warriors OCs, part 3.
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dawnfinchh · 2 years
i made full "canon" allegiances for the start of bramblestar's storm: link to google doc
this is a part of a little series im doing, where im making full allegiances for the first book of every arc in order. next up was the apprentice's quest, but because of the huge gap between that and the fourth apprentice, i decided to do bramblestar's storm as a midpoint
here is the original post for the into the wild allegiances, the original post for the midnight allegiances, the original post for the sight allegiances, and the original post for the fourth apprentice allegiances
“canon” is in quotations because a lot of this is guesswork about who logically would be around at that point in time, but aren’t listed in allegiances or mentioned in the book.
this is mainly meant to be a resource for fanworks
general stuff that’s all still same as last time:
wiki pages are linked to character’s names
med cat = cleric
characters are listed by age. where there are no concrete ages, i make my best guess
tc is the only clan without a “kit” rank as all kits in the clan have known parents
pretty much just the bramblestar's storm allegiances, listed in accordance of age
berryheart, cloverfoot, and rippletail - not introduced by name until avos, but are about the same age as graystripe and millie's litter. also, berryheart wouldn't be pregnant with needletail quite yet
pouncetail - is introduced in this book and then straight up disappears
stoatfur - i listed both descriptions for them because unlike other cats who have conflicting descriptions that are later corrected, stoatfur only shows up twice. so allow your heart to decide ig
dawnpelt - just as a note, even though dawnpelt is listed as being in the nursery bramblestar's storm, she would not have been pregnant as her kits are about the same age as spark and alder
stonekit/stonewing and waspkit/wasptail - newly named warriors in the apprentice's quest, so making them kits here works
sneezepaw/sneezecloud - honestly he should probably be a warrior by now, but he isn't officially stated to be a warrior until the apprentice's quest. also i think it's funny
pouncetail - he is mistakenly listed as pouncefoot in bramblestar's storm. i think maybe the shadowclan pouncetail introduced in this book was meant to be pouncefoot?
rushtail - he's like the same age as dovewing. another victim of the riverclan early retirement beam
nightcloud - since whitetail retired, she is (probably) windclan's oldest active warrior. literally the only windclan cats older than five years at this point are her, crowfeather, whitetail, and onestar. honestly crazy how young windclan skews
featherpaw/featherpelt - she's larkwing's littermate, but didn't become an apprentice until way later
whiskernose - also the same age as dovewing. riverclan accidentally hit him with the early retirement beam
jessy, frankie, benny, and minty - all listed. benny does die super soon into the book, though
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jumpstunsneeze · 1 year
Sneezeclan Allegiances
Leader - Lizardsneeze, previously Lizardcry - a silver and white long-furred trans molly. 82 moons.
Deputy - Pouncefoot, previously blaze - a tortoiseshell short-furred she-cat. 38 moons. Lizardstar has focused a ton on her training. She takes care of most decisions day-to-day, while Lizardstar acts as a figurehead and focuses on relations with the other clans. Minnowpaw’s mother.
Medicine cats -
Heatherfin - a white medium-furred she-cat with blue eyes. Deaf. 99 moons.
Flowertuft - a slender, dedicated, and opinionated medicine cat, with downy, sepia point fur and foggy brown eyes. 49 moons old.
Minnowpaw - an elegant and gullible medicine cat apprentice, with flowy, golden shaded fur and olive eyes. They are defensive and quick to snap at cats from other clans. 12 moons old.
Spikepoppy - a pale ginger tabby and white medium-furred she-cat. 52 moon.
Yellowbrook - a pale ginger long-furred she-cat. 58 moons. Shoe-in for the next deputy.
Hootsplash - a dark grey medium-furred tom with vitiligo. Fennelpatch and Flowerpoppy’s littermate. 16 moons. Spikepoppy’s kit
Fennelpatch - dark grey and white medium-furred she-cat. Flowerpoppy and Hootsplash’s littermate. 16 moons. Spikepoppy’s kit
Flowerpoppy - dark grey and white medium-furred she-cat. Fennelpatch and Hootsplash’s littermate. 16 moons. Spikepoppy’s kit
Spikeleaf - calico long-furred she-cat. Heathercreek’s littermate. 22 moons.
Heathercreek - dark brown long-furred she-cat. Spikeleaf’s littermate. 22 moons.
Needlefall - silver long-furred trans she-cat with white spotting. 46 moons. Lizardsneeze and Heatherfin's daughter.
Blackbranch - black point long-furred she-cat. 25 moons.
Bramblelily - light brown long-furred tom. 15 moons. Flowertuft’s son.
Kindlingfox - average built, considerate, and ignorant warrior, with patchy, cinnamon silver ticked tabby fur and dark green eyes. He is known for being able to speak fox. 61 moons old.
Spiderpaw - silver tabby long-furred tom. Yellowbrook and Needlefall’s kit. 6 moons old.
Dewpaw - a large, dramatic, and hostile apprentice, with feathery, ginger ticked tabby fur, an angular face, and aqua eyes. They were a very weak kit and seem to be trying to make up for it. Yellowbrook and Needlefall’s kit. 6 moons old.
Starlingdusk - calico medium-furred she-cat. 86 moons. Spikeleaf and Heathercreek’s mother.
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applestrikez · 2 years
[lists all characters present at the beginning of the timeline]
Leader: Redstar - ginger pointed tom Apprentice, Applepaw Deputy: Leafstorm - tortoiseshell molly with a white underbelly Healer: Goldendew - large ginger tabby tom Smokemist - black cat with a bushy tail
Warriors Frosteye - white molly with black spots and odd eyes Dawnsky - cream tabby molly with odd eyes Cloudleap - large fluffy scarred white tom Raccoonmask - brown pointed tom Apprentice, Sandpaw Ashwhisker - gray ticked tabby molly Amberstrike - reddish-brown pointed tom Icefang - black-and-white molly with curled ears Apprentice, Snakepaw Hedgefur - black-and-white tom with spiky fur and curled ears Dustdapple - tan ticked tabby tom Apprentice, Lightpaw Snowberry - white molly Eagleheart - brown tabby molly Apprentice, Nightpaw Daisystripe - white molly with brown tabby patches Darkpelt - black cat Frigidflight - black molly with small white specks
Apprentices Lightpaw - light brown-pointed tom Applepaw - dark ginger-pointed molly Sandpaw - cream tabby tom Nightpaw - black ticked tabby molly Snakepaw - brown ticked tabby molly
Queens Dusknose - dark ginger tabby tom
Elders Hickorytail - brown longhair tom with tattered ears Spottedshadow - mottled black-and-white cat
Leader: Tigerstar - muscular ginger tabby molly Deputy: Yellowpetal - white molly with cream tabby patches Healer: Thornberry - bright ginger tabby molly Apprentice, Cherrypaw
Warriors Gingerleap - cream tabby tom with a bob-tail Apprentice, Lightningpaw Wingfoot - black tom Featherflight - dark brown tabby molly Hawktooth - ginger spotted molly Fogheart - pale tortoiseshell molly Finchgaze - cream tabby molly Apprentice, Birdpaw Squirrelfang - ginger tabby tom with six toes on one paw Sunburst - ginger tabby tom Pouncefoot - skinny white tom Dovetooth - white molly missing an eye Apprentice, Boulderpaw Fizzleface - lilac pointed tom Cracklestripe - brown torbie cat Splitpelt - lilac tortoiseshell tom
Apprentices Boulderpaw - stocky gray molly Birdpaw - brown tortoiseshell molly Lightningpaw - cream tabby tom with curled ears Cherrypaw - ginger tabby molly with seven toes on one paw
Queens Blueberryclaw - dark gray molly with six toes on one paw
Kits Willowkit - pale gray tom Bubblekit - white tom with gray patches
Elders Flowerspot - white molly with small calico patches
Leader: Willowstar - lanky tortoiseshell tom with a long tail Deputy: Buzzardthroat - lithe fawn tom Healer: Meadowmist - sleek brown tabby tom
Warriors Snowfern - skinny white tom Robinscar - skinny brown tom (retired healer) Weaselbelly - reddish-brown tortoiseshell molly Apprentice, Sagepaw Daisyleap - solid lilac tom Berryclaw - mostly-white fawn tabby molly Elmstripe - fawn tabby tom Yarrowfang - lilac tabby tom Poppyfoot - solid fawn molly with one white paw Apprentice, Foxpaw Primroseface - solid lilac molly Flaxtail - fawn molly with small white spots Apprentice, Lizardpaw Deermask - sepia brown pointed tom Birchclaw - silver tabby tom Heatherpelt - tan tom Lichenpounce - gray molly Woolstripe - thick-furred gray tabby molly Pebblespots - gray spotted-tabby cat Puddlenose - fluffy gray spotted-tabby molly Sandstripe - cream tabby tom Emberfang - large ginger tabby tom
Apprentices Lizardpaw - dark brown tabby tom Foxpaw - ginger tabby molly Sagepaw - large fluffy reddish-brown tortoiseshell molly
Queens Briarstripe - brown tabby molly Lupineclaw - lilac molly with a white tail-tip (mother of Flowerkit, Mosskit, and Peatkit)
Kits Flowerkit - gray tom Mosskit - lilac molly Peatkt - lilac tom
Leader: Aspenstar - silver tabby molly Deputy: Owlstep - cream tabby molly with a twisted front paw Healer: Splashtail - silver tabby tom Apprentice, Troutpaw
Warriors Creekmist - muscular black tabby tom Apprentice, Cedarpaw Quickwing - gray molly Apprentice, Tinypaw Ambershade - fluffy white tom with ginger tabby patches Blossomheart - tortoiseshell tom Crowsplash - black tom with white splotches Wolfsong - silver tabby molly Apprentice, Featherpaw Spiderclaw - long-legged black molly Mintbreeze - light gray tom Roseheart - white molly with ginger ears and tail and odd eyes Barkfeather - brown tabby tom with striking blue-green eyes Otterfang - brown molly with dark ears, paws, and tail Mapleshine - calico molly Perchpool - ginger tabby molly missing an eye Stonetooth - gray tabby tom with a snaggletooth
Apprentices Featherpaw - fluffy white tom with ginger tabby patches Troutpaw - chubby brown tortoiseshell tom Tinypaw - undersized reddish-brown tom Cedarpaw - dark brown molly
Elders Minnowstream - gray tabby tom Newtpelt - gray tabby molly
Leader: Cloverstar - pretty tortoiseshell-and-white molly Deputy: Brightclaw - cream tabby molly Healer: Oakfoot - solid brown molly with wide paws
Warriors Pinefang - large black-and-white tom Apprentice, Umbrapaw Foxcurl - wiry ginger tabby tom Apprentice, Sunnypaw Cloudshade - black-and-white tom Darkstrike - small muscular black molly Beetlenose - small black molly Deerpelt - brown spotted-tabby tom Nettlespot - brown spotted-tabby molly Apprentice, Thistlepaw Lionburr - stocky cream molly Hailpelt - gray molly Apprentice, Streampaw Frostcloud - white tom Ivystripe - dark gray tabby tom with a white underbelly
Apprentices Streampaw - tortoiseshell-and-white tabby tom Thistlepaw - sleek gray molly Sunnypaw - cream tabby tom Umbrapaw - black molly with a white tail-tip
Bumblebee - gray tabby molly with a white underbelly Raccoon - dark gray tabby tom Scooter - small gray tom Lavender - fluffy gray tabby molly Clouds - white tom with a black patch on his head Peaches - ginger tabby tom Sugar - stocky ginger tabby tom Twilight - black-and-white tom Twigs - skinny gray tom Pigeon - round-faced gray tom Blackberry - black-and-white tom Heather - black molly with a white spot on her chest Pepper - mottled gray tabby molly Juniper - gray tabby molly with a white underbelly and legs Rhodes - calico molly Luna - gray longhair molly Simba - fluffy ginger-and-white tom Nala - fluffy ginger-and-white molly Dylan - black-and-white tom Kona - skinny black tom
Apple Pie - muscular ginger tabby molly Fescue - fluffy brown tabby cat Buster - large ginger tabby tom Roman - gray tom with blind green eyes Riley - cinnamon molly with a notch in her ear Magnolia - sleek, hard-muscled white molly Star - blotchy black-and-white cat Sky - long-legged black cat Sun - tortoiseshell cat with a twisted hind leg Moon - white cat with small tortoiseshell speckles Haybale - Cream tabby tom
Puzzle - fluffy calico molly with a bobtail Marshmallow - large white cat Mango - ginger tabby tom
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silversong-wc · 3 years
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Some more blossomclan warriors, all three of these ones are mates, and they are the sweetest lovey dovey couple ever! Grassmask is Diamondnose's son, and his father died before he was born. They have a single kit who is their pride and joy, who I'll post tomorrow.
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It's pride month kids! And never a better time to draw some girlfriends - Tarot & Pouncefoot!
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gougarpaw · 3 years
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[Image: A digital drawing of Pouncetail of ShadowClan from Warriors. He is a brown tabby with yellow eyes, light yellow teeth, dark brown eyebrows, a dark brown nose and a pink scar. His front left leg has been amputated, and his tail is longer than average. His legs, chin and chest are light brown, his paws, tail and ear tips are dark brown. Pouncetail is standing facing the viewer with a concerned look on his face and his mouth is slightly opened. Above his back “Pouncetail” is written in yellow. End Description.]
Pouncetail is a brown tabby tom.
- headcanons: probably related to Raggedstar, he felt a lot of pressure to be a good warrior. Pouncetail was super reckless, but had a kind heart. 
- According to Su Susann, his parents were Nightwhisper and Darkflower, and Kinkfur was his sister. After Bramblestar's Storm, he died from greencough
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For the sake of this AU, Dawncloud is not Featherstorm’s kit, but she is Blizzardwing’s. She’s also older than the litter he had with Featherstorm
Also, Brokenstar is the father of Dustpelt and Ravenpaw. He was only a sire because he was trying to make sure there’d be kits born with his blood so ShadowClan would be stronger. He is also the father of Littlecloud, Wetfoot, Brownwhisker (Brownpaw), and Oakfur. Littlecloud, Wetfoot, and Brownwhisker are Newtspeck’s kits, while Oakfur is Tangleburr’s kit
A few other ShadowClan relationships:
Ratscar and Oakfur are mates and are the fathers of Owlclaw. Tangleburr offered to surrogate for her son and his mate, making Owlclaw’s bio parents Ratscar and Tangleburr. Oakfur stayed in the nursery after Owlclaw was weaned. He was raised alongside Blackstar’s daughter Shrewfoot, who was surrogated by Snowbird because he wanted kits but wasn’t interested in mollies
Snaketail is the father of all of Kinkfur’s kits. In addition to her canon litter, she is the mother of Smokefoot and Scorchfur
Darkflower is the mother of Rowanclaw and Cedarheart. Their sire is unknown, as is the sire for their half-siblings Olivenose and Redwillow
Ivytail and Whitewater are littermates and the kits of Wolfstep and Fernshade, who finally felt ready to have another litter of kits after Badgerfang
Owlclaw and Ivytail were mates and are the parents of Ferretclaw, Starlingwing, and Pinenose
Toadfoot is the father of Spikefur and Grassheart, and Applefur is the mother of Stoatfur and Pouncefoot (both of whom perished soon after they became warriors, unfortunately). Wetfoot is rumored to be the other parent to one of these litters, but they refused to say anything (Wetfoot is nonbinary)
Snowbird had two litters of kits with Boulder: Nightwing and Wildfur were her first litter, and Buster, Cloverfoot, and Berryheart were her second. She surrogated for Blackstar between litters with Boulder’s permission. After Boulder’s death, she would become mates with Scorchfur and have two more litters. Her third litter is Beenose, Bluebellkit, and Yarrowleaf, and her fourth is Gullswoop, Conefoot, and Frondwhisker. Additionally, she and Ratscar are the kits of Ashheart and Finchflight, and they were their first litter. Their second litter all died during the outbreak of Carrionplace disease, when they were young warriors and Snowbird was close to having her first litter
Nightwing and Cedarheart were mates and the parents of Smokepaw and Talonpaw. Cedarheart retired early as a result of the deaths of his mate and sons, in addition to a bad injury from fighting Jacques and Susan
Dawncloud took a true mate in Nightwhisper, who declared his loyalty to ShadowClan over Tigerstar in the BloodClan battle. They are the parents of Crowfrost and Spiderfoot
Stonewing and Wasptail were former loners that Rowanclaw took in
Blackstar and Brokenstar were cousins. Hollyflower’s mate was Scorchwind, Raggedstar’s brother. It’s part of why Brokenstar picked Blackstar as his deputy
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moonpaw · 7 years
are there any homestuck characters who still need a warrior design in warriorstuck? i have a few ideas for characters i havent seen yet but dont want to submit my designs if they already have one!!
yeah we’re still missing shadowclan!
roxy - voidstar
nepeta - pouncefoot
aradia - lambheart
equius - horseleg
calliope - caliheart
damara - cherrytail
meulin - lionear
kurloz - silentstep
caliborn isnt in shadowclan but we’re missing him too - calicorn
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vriska · 7 years
Why is pouncefoot in shadowclan?
Bc she’s a sneaky lil kitty!  ShadowClan cats are known for their stealth, so it just fit
plus i thought it’d be cute to put Roxy and Nepeta in the same clan
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jumpstunsneeze · 2 years
Sneezeclan Notes
Sneezeclan is the chillest of the clans - they don’t go looking for fights, and they try not to take sides when the other clans argue. In fact, they're often the peace keeper between them.
They focus on the individual, and see everyone as special. All of the clans and local cats are family to them, and they welcome them as such. They live near a beach and are the closest to human settlements.
They are known for being artistic and often decorate themselves for fun, rather than just for ceremonies.
Sneezeclan cats are stereotypically spindly and spiky-furred, active and naively kind.
Sneezetail was the middle child, and the other clans see Sneezeclan as the middle child of the clans - just kind of here, existing, trying to keep the peace between the other two whenever they can, and keeping out of the argument when they can't. However, this gives Sneezeclan the freedom to bend the rules without anyone noticing. They are definitely the wild child of the clans.
At the start of the story, Sneezeclan is doing fine. As far as they're concerned, nothing exciting has happened in moons. They lost a few cats in the disease, but not many. They have no kits or queens right now, but their apprentices are doing well, and there are plenty of young cats who will likely kit next newleaf. Honestly, Lizardsneeze doesn’t quite get why Jumpclan and Stunclan are acting the way they are, and she's quite content to just chill. Pebblestun is too self-effacing, and Riverjump is too proud, but she'd never say that to their faces.
Lizardsneeze is on her last life, so her deputy Pouncefoot takes care of most decisions day-to-day, while Lizardstar acts as a figurehead when facing the other clans. To her clan, she's basically a cool hippy mom.
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silversong-wc · 4 years
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Little oc art dump, these are all for my fanclans! I'll try to tag them all but i might miss a few eutxjgdit
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Today we have some WindClan OCs! Pouncefoot and her girlfriend, and former loner, Batswoop. Also Tigerpaw and I love his design. owo
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silversong-wc · 7 years
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A bunch of oc doodles. They’re all canon to my story except for the Cavernclan lineup, there’s more of them now.
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silversong-wc · 7 years
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Another Huevember! Ik I’m late, that’s why I included two cats in this one! I’m still a day behind though, I’ll make another two parterer again next. This is Pouncefoot and Softkit! Grassmask’s mate and daughter. They’re running though the territory, in deltaclan they’re much more separate so the rules are very loose with kits leaving camp. It also keeps the queens from feeling cooped up. I hope you enjoy!!
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silversong-wc · 7 years
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My next Huevember!! This is Grassmask, the Deputy and probably future leader of Deltaclan. He has two mates, Mudwing and Pouncefoot, and one daughter, Softkit. I’ll draw all of them later for Huevember. Grassmask clearly has a way to go before he’s leader material, and i have somthing planned for him later.
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