ssmoortiart11 · 2 years
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Designer Marble Pot Watch
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toomanywatchers · 9 months
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Lalafells are just Final Fantasy's Hobbits.
This came about when I was talking to a friend and pointed out how there's a lot of documentation of 'fells having something to do with food; In the first lore book it mentions how some 'fells enjoy certain foods, and if I remember correctly, it says that Papalymo or some other important shortstop has a notable appetite. This is on top of them frequently being potwatches, merchants, and just 'bout any other job that involves food, botany and fishing included.
Just observations an' whatnot.
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lsttcs · 4 days
Far out
Lip op soonds’
Rew theshort cut the directional
And shoot, hounds?
Bare resinary red tapestried horn bunnies
And any of them any
of the number
An as, such participle return to awesht spoken, straight ofthe vowels
Smash Potwatching!
0 notes
ghavialis · 9 months
99% of potwatchers stop watching before it boils
0 notes
ink-dreams-ffxiv · 3 years
Prompt 7: Speculate
“Blast! Rivvie, help me” “Yes Miss,” said the thin Duskwight girl in response as she dashed from where she was cleaning smaller fish. Rivvie was a Brume Rat who had been at the volunteer station looking for work when Sahxa had arrived at sunrise. At first she wasn’t sure if Rivvie was a boy or a girl, the man’s cable knit sweater hung down to her knees, and though she had rolled the sleeves up, they still hung down over her hands. Sahxa had taken a cook's needle and string, rolled the sleeves until the cuffs were up to the girl’s armpits, ran a quick loop of string to hold it in place, then rolled what was left up to the girl’s elbows and did the same thing. Her canvas pants at least were lined with karakul fleece, and the boots on her feet were sturdy, if new to her. Sahxa had learned she was twelve winters old, and a very quick study.
Rivvie moved towards the head of the large sleek thick scaled silver fish, “the tail Rivvie, let me worry about the head, put yer gloves on, and hold it tight, she’s still warm, so she gonna wriggle” “Yes Miss.” Sahxa grinned, waiting for Rivvie to put on the thick leather gloves and grab the tail with it’s sawtooth bone spines. “Keep it away from yer face ‘kay?” she said, to which the girl nodded, focusing on the tail. Sahxa slipped her claws under the gill plate, then slid her hingan cleave deep into the feathery red tissue. The fish thrashed weakly, “bloody damn,” hissed the Miqo’te sliding her hand deeper into the cut so she could get a good hold. “She’s heavy, ready?” Sahxa used the moment waiting for Rivvie to nod to toss her cleaver to the tray of rinse water, before lifting and sliding her other arm under the head of the fish. The pair moved together well, the wriggling fish trying harder, but it had been in the bin too long, smothered by the layers of fish on top of it. The fat belly sagged like an over inflated balloon. 
“Lean on the tail fer me,” Sahxa ordered, taking up her cleaver again, and sinking it deeply into the flesh just behind the gill she still had her hand shoved into. Once she felt the blade slice through the other side, she set it back in the rinse tray and grabbed the hatchet hanging from a thong at the corner of the butcher table. Moving around, bending the head from the body, she gave solid whack to the intact spine, severing it completely. The body of the fish stopped wriggling.
“Here, remember how I told ya”
“Yes Miss,” Rivvie replied, a smile on her lips and excitement in her eyes. She took the hatchet, laid the blunt side to her hand where it still held the tail, then rolled the hatchet up onto the blade as a measure, her tongue slipped out in concentration, Sahxa could see the focus in her eyes. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK WHACK! It was a messy cut, a boning cleaver would have done a better job, but this wasn’t the time or place to be worrying about it. The girl tossed the tail into the barrel that was already mostly full of mostly fish tails and fins, grinning at Sahxa as she handed the hatchet back to her. 
“Okay, go get a chafing dish, a big one lass,” Sahxa indicated the length of the fat baloonish belly. Rivvie just turned and ran along the back of the stalls to where the head off the cook staff was over seeing things. Sahxa in the meantime, pulled her cleaver from the rinse tray, and began stropping the edge on the leather at her waist. When Rivvie returned with the large ornate serving tray, looking sheepish, Sahxa realized that was what the girl thought was the most wealth she probably ever held in her hands, little did she know though. 
Sahxa ran her hand along the rubbery thick skinned belly of the fish until she located the opening she was looking for, “No Rivvie, this is where ya gotta be really careful, push yer finger in here,” the girl watched, then blinked as Sahxa’s finger vanished into the belly of the fish, then she made a disgusted face. “Isn’t that where the poo comes out?”
“Not on this one Rivvie, this one is different,” Sahxa replied with a grin, not sure if a talk about the birds and bees would be considered appropriate at this time. Resting the blade where she pressed out with a claw tip, Sahxa pushed the blade along the thick rubbery flesh, lightly scoring it, but not cutting all the way through, until she passed the end of the bulge, then she drew the blade back along the same line, slicing a little deeper. “This is gonna be heavy lass,” Sahxa added as the girl moved to place the tray against the edge of the work table. “Not like the other ones we did.” Rivvie nodded, and shifted the tray until her arms were under it, holding it tightly.
Sahxa slowly moved the rectangular blade back down the line she had scored, pressing out with the finger inside the fish at the same time, the skin and flesh under split in a slow controlled manner until she was about three fourths along the length of the belly, then a grayish white bladder spilled from the cut, sliding easily into the waiting tray. Rather than stop, Sahxa kept cutting until she passed the end of the belly, where she cut deep until the blade sliced through the cut end where the head had been attached. Rivvie pulled the tray away from the edge of the work table just before the intestines and viscera spilled from the cavity. Sahxa swiped through any membrane as the girl took the tray to her work table. The offal was pushed into the trough below the edge of the work table with the rest of the guts of the fish Sahxa had cleaned for the soup kitchen. Grabbing the head, as she put her knife back in the rinse tray, she carried it to Rivvie, who was rinsing her hands off and looking at Sahxa. 
“Remember what we did with the small ones?” 
“Yes Miss, cover the bag,”
“Egg Sac,”
“Uh? Wha?”
“It’s an egg sac Rivvie, that’s what it is, so practice calling it that.”
“Okay Miss, I uh, cover the egg sack with salt, then rub it down until it doesn’t feel slimy anymore. Then I put the egg sack in the rinse basin.”
Sahxa grinned, maybe later, she would ask the girl if she knew her letters, she could hear the ‘K’ on the end but it was okay, the girl was learning. “Right, while it’s in the rinse basin, take the dirty salty dish and dump it in the tail’s bucket, then take it to the pot cleaner. On yer way back, ask the potwatch for another chaffing dish, but ask em to weigh it and mark the weight on the tray, okay?”
Rivvie blinked at her in confusion, “We didn’t do that with the others”.
“Nope, this is a special case, we need to know how much the pan weighs, so we can figure out how much the eggs weigh.” Thankfully, Rivvie just nodded, and went to do as she was told. Sahxa took careful looks around. Most had written her off as was usual. Especially when she took out her hingan vegetable cleaver. They figured she was some kind of hack, even more so when she dug out her hatchet. But this job was about speed, not precision. Most of the meat was either being ground up for fish balls, or boiled in the huge stewpots dotting the stalls. Nothing was being cut up to be presented at the tables of the Lords and Ladies of Ishgard. This was food meant to fill the bellies of the workers rebuilding the damage.
The lantern lights were glowing brightly. Rivvie hung close to Sahxa as they made their way through the streets of Ishgard. The girl kept blushing and trying to hide in the thrift store coat Sahxa had gotten from one of the stalls inside the Firmament. She had also gotten the girl a couple more pairs of pants, some small cloths, under shirts, and a couple more of the cable knit sweaters. 
“Relax Rivvie, the guards aren’t going to bother you. They already know I am one of the foreigner’s working the restoration, they just assume you’re either my apprentice or my ward, probably think you’re from Gridania and not the Brume.”
The girl blinked at her, “Why Gr..Grey-dneeah” 
“They think all Miqo’te like me come from Gridania, and a Duskwight with me probably came from Gridania as well, since there are some there.”
“Oh, but, Miss?”
“Yes Rivvie?”
“Miss Sahxa? Why are we going to the Crozier?” 
“Speculating lass, you will understand when we get there.”
The shop was quaint, and it’s wares were anything but cheap. The tall sharply dressed Elezen behind the counter scowled when the pair came through the door, until Sahxa took her hat off, her sunkissed ginger hair and dark tan a very distinguished marking in Ishgard.
“Ah, M’Lady Sahxa, it is a pleasure to see you!” His joy and enthusiasm was not faked, and Sahxa was pretty sure she knew why. He took in Rivvie’s appearance next to her with a curious look. “My apprentice  Rivvie, Rivvie, this is Ser Marcelle DeCroix, this is his shop.” Sahxa grinned when Rivvie did her best to curtsy without a dress, and Marcelle raised an eyebrow as well. “Ahem, yes, welcome Miss Rivvie. Now I believe you wished to discuss payment?” 
“Twenty five ponze of the finest caviar harvested fresh Marcelle, I know for a fact you had it within your shop no more than one bell from when I pulled it from the belly of the still living sturgeon.” 
Marcelle smiled a merchant's smile, “yes, as you can see M’Lady Sahxa, word spread fast,” he nodded to a mostly empty cart to Sahxa’s left. The sign was marked 3000gil. Rivvie gasped and gapped when she looked at the small jars. “Let’s not quibble shall we?” Marcelle began. Sahxa grinned, and took one of the jars from the cart. “Come Rivvie, it’s time you got a chance to taste your hard work.” 
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youngshipper27 · 3 years
Do not watch potwatch
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Do not watch potwath
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lal-ffxiv · 5 years
Start of Summer (Complete)
A Start of Luka’s Story. How Luka comes to venture to Ul’dah with U’ketzia, their best friend. 
((a collective post of all three parts. Luka’s Timeline has been updated)).
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Luka help up a piece of dried drake to their companion. Together they chew at a passive pace watching dust clouds billow on the horizon. It was their turn at gate duty, but Luka lounged on the ground as U’ketzia stood leaning on the post with a distracted gaze into the distance.
“Don’t chacha get bored of this?” U’ketzia said.
“Noooo,” Luka stretched out the answer in a yawn.
“You’re yawning, lair.” She took the piece of dried drake from Luka’s mouth. “Hmmm, unless your yawning from sitting up all night.” She spit into the sand near Luka. “There is no other reason for a weakling like you to be on gate duty.”  
Luka didn’t take offense at this. U’ketzia was the closest friend Luka had in Forgotten Springs and this has been the way she always treated them and their reasoning was true. “U’loloma said gate duty would keep me from sneaking off into trouble.”
“Why do you even go out there?”
Luka didn’t know how to tell her. That the sands felt endless, it was calming and exciting that it felt like it could go on forever. Luka didn’t know how to tell U’ketzia that, so they just shrugged.
“I’m bored of this of this Luka. Don’t you ever think of walking out and really going somewhere?”
“No,” Luka looked away from their friend. “I never really think going back from where I came from or anything. I like it here. It is a very good place. It is-”
“I’m not like you!” U’ketzia couldn’t stand any more of Forgotten Springs. She didn’t care to hear Luka likes of this place either. “I can’t be complacent here. I am not content with guard duty and hunting for the tribe. I need more out of life. Don’t you?”
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“I’ve decided to go Ul’dah.” U’Ketzia didn’t wait for Luka to answer. Instead with her proclamation she glared into the sun. It felt as if she actually meant the words.
“Kets, you always say that and you never leave.” Luka rolled her eyes as they looked away from her.
“No! I am going,” U’Ketzia called back Luka’s attention. “I’m going, because you’re coming with me.” She kneeled to Luka’s level and looked into their eyes. Speaking softly as it were all a secret. “We can go and do what we always spoke about. I will learn to a real Pugilist and you can become a Thaumaturge. It will be you, me and Ul’dah.”
The silence was a long one as she was actually waiting for Luka’s answer. This closely Luka got to watch as the dust settled on Ketzia’s namesake cinnamon toned skin. In that moment as a sunbeam passed over their friend’s head Luka was blinded by a halo of light surrounding U’ketzia. However, it was not the sunlight that warmed Luka’s heart.
“Ok, Kets. You. Me. and Ul’dah.”
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It was not a tearful goodbye. In one way it didn’t feel like Luka was actually leaving. They hugged anyone that came towards them with open arms. They nodded at all the words of advice without really listening. Luka felt a bit distant from it all until Junkmonger came up to them. That is when Luka came crashing back down into their body, to feel all the pain that came with leaving the only home someone knew.
“Don’t forget about writing to me. You know how to hold a quill. You can figure out enough to let me know how you are. You too U’ketzia.”  Junkmonger pulled away U’ketzia away from the Huntresses who were having a watery goodbye with their sister.
Luka was pulled away at that time too by U’tykha. Who was mourning the loss of his bait for sandworms.
Luka watched U’ketzia and Junkmonger out the corner of their eye. The interactions between the two of them were always so curious to Luka. Junkmonger used the tight, pleasant smile she used to customer that consider themselves bargainers and her eyes always squinted at U’ketzia in a strange way. Luka would call it glare if they thought there was a reason behind it. After a whispered word that make U’ketzia’s face turn sour Junkmonger left U’ketzia. She began towards Luka as U’ketza was approached by U’khuba Tia.
Luka quickly snapped back into the conversation with U’tykha.
“Oh where will I find another who can outrun a sandworm Luka.” He bemoaned.
“I’m un-replaceable U’tykha, sorry” Luka shrugged with a genuine smile remembering the good times. Including the time where they had almost died teasing the sandworms before running them back to the awaiting party. It was not a very strategic hunting plan, but it was fun.
“I, for one am glad you aren’t going to find someone else,” Junkmonger chided U’tykha. “It is time, Luka, the porters are ready. You have the potions?” Junkmonger asked Luka.
“Yeah.” Luka answer holding up the sack of hi-potions.
The plan was for U’ketzia and Luka to take chocobo porters to Little Ala Mhigo, then trade some hi-potions for another porter to Ul’dah. It was decided this way since Luka couldn’t last more than a minute on chocobo porter without falling off in a distraction. It sincerely wasn’t Luka fault as the porter flew by everything so quickly. If the chocobo could be a bit slower than Luka wouldn’t need to lean so far off to see things.
Once Luka mounted the chocobo, it became hard to speak. It was as if a whole stalk of cotton had grown in the back of their mouth. Luka couldn’t even say goodbye as Junkmonger kissed their forehead a last time.
“Are you ready?” U’ketzia asked with a smile as bright as the sun itself.
Luka’s heart’s pain eased to see their friend so happy. Luka nodded as they still couldn’t speak.
Luka look at the whole tribe that have been the only people that Luka has known in their knowable life. The choking feeling got worse at the sight. Luka only wanted to say thank you, but the words couldn’t find its way pass the knot in Luka’s throat.
When they thought they could manage it, U’ketzia said, “Let’s go.”
Her porter started off ahead and Luka’s own chased after.
Luka looked back as the gates closed behind them. They blew a kiss towards Forgotten Springs and waved goodbye until the settlement disappeared into the sand within a single blink.
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The Steps of Thal took Luka’s breath away. The gates were the largest thing that Luka has ever seen. They gasped as the shadow overcame the merchant’s wagon.
“Kets, Kets, Kets wake up!”
“Calm down Luka. It’s a wall and nothing else.” U’ketzia was not sleeping, but still annoyed by her friend’s over eagerness to wake her.
“But look! It’s so big. How do think they made it so big?”
“Don’t overthink it. I can already see the smoke coming from your ears.”
“Huh?” The comment flew over Luka head, but it didn’t matter as they stopped on the Merchant Strip.
Luka had never seen so many in one place. There were Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, Roegadyn in battle armor, with swords, staves and scepters.  Luka’s body was vibrating with excitement as they ran off into the stalls. The avenue was bustling with business. Luka had already bumped into several people as they got closer look at dyes or the earrings of the jeweler. But oh how their heart leap as they saw someone purchasing a longsword. The hilt had blue stones and the blade shone like silver.
It was also louder than anything Luka have ever experienced. There was idle chatter of the people waiting for their armor to be mender. Shouts from merchant from their stalls and yells from adventures greeting each other.
Oh! And the scents had Luka half mad as they paused at the potwatch’s stand. Living off drake and dusty anglers at times, there were smells that overwhelmed Luka, but made them hungry all the same.
In the crowd of sounds, smells and colors Luka hadn’t noticed they stood amongst strangers without the one person they had come with.
Until U’ketzia began to yell for them.“Luka! Thal’s bollocks I thought I had lost you.” U’ketzia handed Luka their bags.
“Kets you’ve gotta see this!” Luka pulled her towards the merchant with the jeweler’s stall.
“No, no! We don’t got the gil to look at things.” She shoved the map into Luka hands. “Come one take us to the Pugilist Guild then we can find the Thaugmage Guild.”
“Why am I looking at this?” Luka flipped the map, turned it sideways, then flipped it again. The writing on the map was gibberish to Luka, but the one part seemed to look like they place they were standing.
“Because you decided to give the potion to a merchant instead of the Chocobokeeper. I’m sure he only gave it us because he took us through the wrong gate. And we lost a whole day waiting around in that rock, so now you have get us to the right place.”  
“He seemed so nice though and look Ul’dah so it all works out.” Luka talked as they took a turned down an alley that they were sure was a direction to a place that possibly could lead to the Pugilist guild.
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When they made it to large circular place with a hanging fountain Luka had forgotten where they were going. Instead they ran under the fountain to hold their palms to the falling water.
“Luka you dolt you’ve brought to the wrong guild.” U’ketzia shouted as she stood under a sign with swords crossing blades.
“Yes, I did. As I meant to bring us here,” Luka lied, “But- uh let me look again.”  Luka grabbed the map with their wet hands. “Okay let’s try this way.” Luka lead the way down the hall of the crossed swords.
“Argh. Give me this.” U’ketzia torn the map from Luka’s hands. “That is the Gladiator’s Guild. Come on this way.”
Luka dropped the clumps of wet pyrus as they turned to follow after her. U’ketzia brought them to another Gate.
“Alright, this is the Gate of the Sultana. That way is the Arrzaneth Ossuary.” U’ketzia pointed off to one direction.
“That is where the Thaumaturge’s Guild is right?” Luka began off in the pointed direction.
Only to be pulled back by their ear. “Ooww!”
“Don’tcha listen. Me first.” She rolled her eyes. “Come on, this way” U’ketzia when in the opposite of the pointed direction.
Luka followed as always.
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shofie-ffxiv · 6 years
Prompt #23: Alms
Shofie was strolling through Ul’dah’s Sapphire markets, the coin she earned from the airship salvage burning a hole in her pocket. She’d gotten an enormous amount of coin for the parts, even if it’d taken her a few days to sell all of it. Usually her contacts came through a lot faster, but she was content with the end result.
She stopped at a booth where a woman sold her tiny pastries shaped like rabbits, and several boiled eggs. She especially liked the pastry rabbits, she’d found, they were mildly sweet. “Best pies in Ul’dah!” Shofie told the lady with a big grin.
She immediately started stuffing the eggs in her face as she continued her leisurely perusal of the merchant booths.
All sorts had setup today; armor, weapons, fieldcraft tools, even a person selling dyes from all over the world, displayed on colorful bolts of cloth strewn about the booth. Shofie admired this one for awhile, trying to see if they had any good shades of green, or maybe some rich browns. 
She finally tore herself away from an impulse purchase, and absent-mindedly chewed on a fourth boiled egg. She heard a guard tell a beggar they couldn’t come near the booths, and she watched as the guard attempted to corral the man back into Pearl Lane, the city’s most infamous “back alley”. From the way he was gesturing, he was asking for food. Grudgingly, he finally turned away from the guard and retreated back into the alley.
Shofie frowned, and she couldn’t help but feel the weight of the food and gil she carried. Despite how much she hated Pearl Lane due to her past with it, she had to reluctantly admit she was not the same now as she was then. She finished her egg quickly, and avoiding the guard who had just rousted the man, took another alleyway back into Pearl Lane.
The whole alley was buzzing; beggars, wealthy people looking to hire the desperate who wouldn’t ask too many questions, some hucksters trying to sell bathtub wine, or small goods lifted from unwary travelers from the nearby Quicksand. Shofie found the man, hunched over on a ragged blanket. Shofie approached him slowly, and he didn’t even look up. “I didn’t take anything,” he explained tiredly. 
“Obviously, the guard wouldn’t have let you go if you had.” 
He finally looked up at her. “Whatever work it is you want--”
Shofie shook her head. She produced her pack, and pushing past the rabbit-shaped pastries, pulled out a large sack of coins. The man perked up at the distinct jingling.
“Miss, I don’t know what it is you want--”
She took a handful of the coins and offered them to him. “I don’t want anything from you.”
She turned and headed down the lane, handing coins out to everyone she saw who asked for them. By the time she got to the end of the alley, she was out of money, and she ducked back into Sapphire Avenue. She saw the guards irritably trying to stop people who now had the money to patronize the booths, and she smiled when they had to grudgingly let them through. She saw the man from earlier hurry over the the Potwatch vendor who’d sold her the rabbit pies, and smiled when he purchased one for himself.
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elderitchblaest · 6 years
best ruining history moments
- “Some people say history is boring- but I think Ben Franklin might’ve been involved in some weird sex parties.”
- “Bring me my bow and your sons.”
- All the annotations. All of them.
- Shane yelling “SMOKE ME!” really dramatically
- Shane saying that he had meaty thighs and Sara (his girlfriend) nodding in confirmation
- “What if we steal all these fuckin turtles?! That’s funny as fuck!”
- “This is kinda beautiful.” “Shut up, Brad.”
- Sara saying that she’s the judge of who has the cutest butt.
- "Dead men tell no tales.” “But I thought you believed in ghosts!” “Oh yeah, what about that, idiot??”
- Shane with his little earring.
- Ryan’s ongoing hatred of bears.
- Ryan making fun of the size of Shane’s head (and the fact that none of the pirate hats fit him)
- “He has a plus-sized head, it’s not his fault.”
- “Give [the stuffed bear] a little hug, Ryan.” “Nah, cuz’ then the tears will fall out.”
- Shane’s pirate name being “Bloodhead”
- Everyone (including Shane and Ryan) talking about attractive, muscular men
- “OH HE’S GOT A BACK ALRIGHT!”- Shane Madej
- “Eat that dude. Eat that dude.”
- #potwatch
- jack and rose turtles
- the annotations labelling the easter bunny as “zealot”
- [after describing what johnny appleseed looked like] “He sounds hot as fuck.”
- “Why did people keep feeding [johnny appleseed]?” “Because he was drunk and hungry as fuck and probably wouldn’t stop stabbing his feet until they gave him some corn on the cob!”
- Flames Badison
- Selorm describing pirates as “theater kids who didn’t make it”
- the annotations saying “shut the fuck up shane”
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nonotome · 7 years
FFXIV Muse IC Class Skills
Nonotome Tototome
D I S C I P L E S  O F  W A R
Gladiator || Paladin: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Marauder || Warrior: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Dark Knight: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Pugilist || Monk: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Lancer || Dragoon: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Rogue || Ninja: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Samurai: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Archer || Bard: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Machinist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Nonotome has a checkered past where he on more than one occasion had to get his hands dirty. A proficient ambusher of the dunes, he set himself and other bandits upon unknowing caravans, fighting tooth and nail with what ever was on hand. Threatening weapons were most often used to scare merchants into handing over their goods, a large, curved sword did good enough. In times where a most subtle approach would be required, daggers and bows were often put to use... and in the most dire situations themselves, his bare fists. Nonotome was locked up in Halatali for a portion of his life before the calamity, sentenced to fight gladitorially for the rest of it. There are no martial weapons that he is not familiar with using, failing that, there is no martial weapon that he has no knowledge of fighting against, as he was beaten with each and every one of them for years on end until he got the point. Save for guns and highly foreign / rare weapons that would have never seen the bloodsands.
He can stand his ground if he really must, but against the more proficient of melee fighters he is likely to be brought low. His martial knowledge is a good supplement to his thaumaturgy.
*Rogue - Not a rogue in the Guild sense. Uses one dagger in a hammer grip. Self trained. **Novice = Thoroughly knows how other people fight with them, but might not be as proficient himself. ***Adept = Knows how to use these weapons to intended effect and can fight effectively with them.
D I S C I P L E S  O F  M A G I C
Conjurer || White Mage:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Arcanist || Summoner || Scholar: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Astrologian: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Thaumaturge || Black Mage:  | Novice | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Red Mage:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Nonotome’s magical ability was discovered at a young age when he accidentally destroyed some of his caravan’s cargo with astral fire, almost slaying himself in the process. From that fateful day as a young, teenage boy he actively tried to avoid practice of his arts, much to the dismay of the caravan’s elders. When he finally fled his home to become a brigand of the dunes to escape his controlling, overbearing family, the attitude continued far into his career - he feared thaumatugy and the power that he could wield.
After surviving the Calamity and crawling out of his own grave just outside of Halatali, he thought he saw the end - nothing. Nald’thal didn’t want him. In fear or in spite, he turned to the Order of Nald’thal. He absorbed knowledge of thaumaturgy with a remarkable pace, he crushed all of his trials and refined himself into a man of the cloth in such a short space of time, only a few years. They saw fit to make this his repentance, and kept his past shadowed.
Nonotome has an expansive manapool and his aether circulates easily through his body. He is a natural thaumaturge in every sense of the word... Almost as if he was born for it. Strangely, he seems to have the inability to learn healing magicks and his progress with them has been slow if not nonexistent. 
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  H A N D
Carpenter: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Blacksmith:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Armorer:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Goldsmith:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Leatherworker:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Weaver:  | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Alchemist: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Culinarian: | Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Some skills were easier for Nonotome to grasp than others. When he was young, he would spend a lot of time around the caravan elders, listening to stories and helping out with their crafts. He learned a great deal about traditional dunesfolk medicines from them. He was something of a mother’s boy, she was the caravan’s potwatch and he often helped her cook.
Nonotome grew to be a self sufficient man. When he took up brigandry, he quickly picked up skills that helped him live off of the land and repair is equipment, though he rarely every had the chance to work with metal. He more often than not salvaged scraps of cloth from his victims and repaired his own clothing with them, and tanned leathers of dunes creatures for additional makeshift armour. His alchemy prowess grew during this period as he was making illicit goods. Drugs and the like. He also knows how to make glass. Fun. *Goldsmith - Knows how to appraise items, but has no idea how to make them.
D I S C I P L E S  O F  T H E  L A N D
Miner:  | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Botanist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Fisher: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
An outdoorsman at heart, the former brigand knows how to live off of the land and could tenaciously survive if he were thrown into exile. He knows how to tap rocks for water, he knows how to fish for food, he knows what herbs will be good for curing ailments. So long as he is in Thanalan, his experience is an asset.
TAGGED BY: @bride-and-bride
TAGGING: @myduden @swaganomi @oyuudatass + Anyone else who wants to do it!
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leftovercrust666 · 7 years
Mischief Brew "Smash Potwatching"
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ayce-tv · 7 years
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#Idiom #PotWatching
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blockheadbrands · 6 years
Anti-Cannabis Evangelist Kevin Sabet Launches Watchdog Site Against Legalization in Canada
A.J. Herrington of High Times Reports:
Not everyone is thrilled with Canada legalizing cannabis.
Anti-pot crusader Kevin Sabet traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia last week to publicize the launch of a website dedicated to serving as a watchdog against Canada’s new legal cannabis industry. Sabet and a small group of representatives from allied groups Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada, Air We Share, and Airspace Action on Smoking and Health gathered on the steps of the Vancouver Art Museum on Wednesday to protest the legalization of pot.
In an effort to oppose the newly legal Canadian recreational cannabis industry, Sabet said that Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada was launching a new website, www.PotWatch.org, “to expose the harms of Big Marijuana in Canada.”
“Join our coalition that is fearlessly investigating, exposing, challenging, and holding the marijuana industry accountable,” extolls the organization’s website.
In an email to supporters about the event, Sabet predicted dire consequences would result from the legalization of cannabis.
“October 17th, 2018 will be a day we look back on as a dark day in our history – the day Canada began nationwide legal sales of high-potency marijuana,” Sabet wrote. “It will be remembered as the day Canadian lawmakers put the interest of an addiction-for-profit industry over the health and safety of its citizens.”
Anti-Pot Arguments Already Addressed
At the protest, speakers and placards relied on anti-pot cliches including the fears of easier access to cannabis for youth and opposition to “Big Pot,” arguments already addressed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his call for the legalization of cannabis.
In 2016, Trudeau noted that “young people have easier access to cannabis now, in Canada, than they do in just about any other countries in the world. [Of] 29 different countries studied by the U.N., Canada was number one in terms of underage access to marijuana.”
Trudeau also refuted the notion that the legalization of recreational pot was a giveaway to business interests and said that regulating the industry could help keep cannabis away from youth.
“I have no doubt that Canadians and entrepreneurs will be tremendously innovative in finding ways to create positive economic benefits from the legalization and control of marijuana, but our focus is on protecting kids and protecting our streets,” said Trudeau.
The prime minister also noted that with or without legalization, Canada would have a cannabis industry.
“The other piece of it is there are billions upon billions of dollars flowing into the pockets of organized crime, street gangs, and gun-runners, because of the illicit marijuana trade, and if we can get that out of the criminal elements and into a more regulated fashion we will reduce the amount of criminal activity that’s profiting from those, and that has offshoots into so many other criminal activities,” said Trudeau. “So those are my focuses on that.”
Supporters of the legalization of cannabis also made their feelings known in Vancouver on Wednesday. Across the street from the launch of the PotWatch website, cannabis activist Anil Sthankiya was angered by a sign that read “Marijuana kills brain cells.” Cannabinoids have actually been shown to have neuroprotective properties.
“This is disgusting, and more and more of this, over again, from people who haven’t bothered to do 20 honest hours of research,” Sthankiya said.
Another cannabis advocate, Dillon Mcardle, was openly selling marijuana and displaying cannabis plants at a booth across the street from the art gallery. He told reporters that he was also protesting the influx of corporate interests into Canadian cannabis.
“We’re protesting for the proper legalization of cannabis. We want to see free weed for medical needs and equal rights for every Canadian citizen to grow it, smoke it and sell it, of course over the age of 19,” said Mcardle.
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lal-ffxiv · 5 years
The Start of Summer, Prt.3-Final Part
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The Steps of Thal took Luka’s breath away. The gates were the largest thing that Luka has ever seen. They gasped as the shadow overcame the merchant's wagon.
“Kets, Kets, Kets wake up!” 
“Calm down Luka. It’s a wall and nothing else.” U’ketzia was not sleeping, but still annoyed by her friend’s over eagerness to wake her. 
“But look! It’s so big. How do think they made it so big?”
“Don’t overthink it. I can already see the smoke coming from your ears.”
“Huh?” The comment flew over Luka head, but it didn’t matter as they stopped on the Merchant Strip.
Luka had never seen so many in one place. There were Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, Roegadyn in battle armor, with swords, staves and scepters.  Luka’s body was vibrating with excitement as they ran off into the stalls. The avenue was bustling with business. Luka had already bumped into several people as they got closer look at dyes or the earrings of the jeweler. But oh how their heart leap as they saw someone purchasing a longsword. The hilt had blue stones and the blade shone like silver. 
It was also louder than anything Luka have ever experienced. There was idle chatter of the people waiting for their armor to be mender. Shouts from merchant from their stalls and yells from adventures greeting each other. 
Oh! And the scents had Luka half mad as they paused at the potwatch’s stand. Living off drake and dusty anglers at times, there were smells that overwhelmed Luka, but made them hungry all the same. 
In the crowd of sounds, smells and colors Luka hadn’t noticed they stood amongst strangers without the one person they had come with. 
Until U’ketzia began to yell for them.“Luka! Thal’s bollocks I thought I had lost you.” U’ketzia handed Luka their bags. 
“Kets you’ve gotta see this!” Luka pulled her towards the merchant with the jeweler’s stall. 
“No, no! We don’t got the gil to look at things.” She shoved the map into Luka hands. “Come one take us to the Pugilist Guild then we can find the Thaugmage Guild.”
“Why am I looking at this?” Luka flipped the map, turned it sideways, then flipped it again. The writing on the map was gibberish to Luka, but the one part seemed to look like they place they were standing.
“Because you decided to give the potion to a merchant instead of the Chocobokeeper. I’m sure he only gave it us because he took us through the wrong gate. And we lost a whole day waiting around in that rock, so now you have get us to the right place.”  
“He seemed so nice though and look Ul’dah so it all works out.” Luka talked as they took a turned down an alley that they were sure was a direction to a place that possibly could lead to the Pugilist guild. 
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When they made it to large circular place with a hanging fountain Luka had forgotten where they were going. Instead they ran under the fountain to hold their palms to the falling water. 
“Luka you dolt you’ve brought to the wrong guild.” U’ketzia shouted as she stood under a sign with swords crossing blades.
“Yes, I did. As I meant to bring us here,” Luka lied, “But- uh let me look again.”  Luka grabbed the map with their wet hands. “Okay let's try this way.” Luka lead the way down the hall of the crossed swords.
“Argh. Give me this.” U’ketzia torn the map from Luka’s hands. “That is the Gladiator's Guild. Come on this way.” 
Luka dropped the clumps of wet pyrus as they turned to follow after her. U’ketzia brought them to another Gate.
“Alright, this is the Gate of the Sultana. That way is the Arrzaneth Ossuary.” U’ketzia pointed off to one direction.
“That is where the Thaumaturge’s Guild is right?” Luka began off in the pointed direction. 
Only to be pulled back by their ear. “Ooww!”
“Don’tcha listen. Me first.” She rolled her eyes. “Come on, this way” U’ketzia when in the opposite of the pointed direction. 
Luka followed as always.
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