#potty train a dog in 7 days
AITA bc I hate my dog?
My live in gf and I got a puppy. I never wanted a puppy. I told her many times I don't want puppies for the same reason I don't want kids: they need too much and I get overwhelmed. I have a cat and that's exactly the relationship I want with a pet. My cat will cuddle with me while I work but she doesn't impede my ability to work. The puppy is the opposite. Everything is about the puppy all the time. The only time I feel like I can think is the brief periods throughout the day when the puppy is in the crate. Apart from that it's constant. The puppy is eating the furniture and the carpet and harassing my cat and potty training isn't going well. I have to watch the puppy every single second to avoid disaster. It's so draining.
My gf meanwhile is in love with the dog. She plays with it and it's much better behaved for her than for me. I do everything she says I'm supposed to to keep the puppy from biting me, to assert myself, but none of it works. Taking care of this dog is my personal hell.
I know the dog will grow up and grow out of this phase so I'm trying not to let my gf see just how angry I am. But I'm angry. I'm angry by how much time this dog takes up and I'm angry about all the stuff it's destroying, and I'm angry that my gf is apparently having the time of her life. We haven't even had sex since she brought the dog home because she spends every second with it. It used to be we'd cuddle on the couch or in the kitchen and things would progress from there but now she's just focused on the dog 24/7 and I can't even get close enough to cuddle her on the couch. This dog that's peeing on my floor and eating my dresser gets more affection from gf than I do.
I told her about the sex thing and said I was a little hurt that we haven't been intimate recently and she told me I was being a dick and that I should just know puppies are a lot of work and that it'll all get back to normal eventually.
So AITA for telling my gf I feel like she likes the dog more than me? AITA for being so upset about this dog and wishing we never got it?
What are these acronyms?
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midnightjewel · 2 months
Plushy Surgery
Did the puppy get to your favorite plushy when you weren’t paying attention?
A/N: this is a very real thing that just happened to me I swear I was sobbing. My Jack Russell (bless his heart) thought that my weighted pink Dino was one of his toys and now my Dino is missing a tail. So poor Strawberry Lemonade will have to be a brave boy and go into surgery. Anyway! Enough of my oversharing!
Kirishima x Fem! Reader
I can do more parts with more characters!
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You and your husband had recently gotten an Australian Shepard named Riot. He was a cute puppy, don’t get me wrong! But, he was very mischievous as well.
It had been about 4 months and he was doing very well with his potty training. There was a few mishaps here and there but all it was at this point was just you and Kirishima trying to find out his schedule and what times he particularly likes to go outside.
Riot was basically you guys child. You two didn’t have kids yet so he was the perfect first step until you two decided you were ready to discuss that topic. But because Riot was the puppy son of pro hero Red Riot and his spoiled little wife, that meant Riot got spoiled rotten. Any toy, treat, or accessories you wanted him to have is what he got. He had a little basket full of bandanas to wear and he even had his own little pajamas and a shark bath towel!
But nothing could compare to the massive bucket of toys that sat in your living room. That dog was living the absolute dream, a big house with a pool and a huge backyard, all of the meat and treats he could ever want, and any dog toy he could think of was right at the tip of his paw!
Riot was so well behaved! Well… most of the time…
You we’re cooking up some chicken and rice for dinner and according to the time on your phone it was 7:30 so that meant it was 30 minutes until your husband got off of work.
You were a bit nervous about leaving Riot slightly unsupervised while you cooked but it had to get done! You turned bluey on in the living room and you thought he would stay still because he loves that show. But Riot was learning how to climb the stairs as of recently so you were keeping your ears open for that.
As you checked on the rice you heard and felt your phone buzzing on the counter next to you. As you glanced over at the screen you saw that it was your husband. Of course, you always thought the worst so you immediately picked up.
“Kiri?” You inquired as you picked up the phone fearing it was one of his sidekicks and he had gotten into an accident or something
“Hi baby!” He spoke cheerfully “I’m alright! I hear the tone of your voice” he reassures you
“Oh ok” you breathe out in relief “So what’s up?” You ask him as you keep an eye on the stovetop
“Well I ran out of body soap last night and I was going to pick some up on my lunch break but I was swamped with paperwork” he tells you “So essentially what I’m asking is do you need anything while I’m at the store?”
“Oh I could’ve picked it up for you” you tell him “But actually, I’m running low on my sugar scrub can you pick one up for me?” You ask
“Of course baby! I’ll see you soon! I love you and Riot!”
That’s when your stomach dropped. Riot…
You hadn’t heard him walking around the kitchen looking for scraps
“Okay! We love you too!” You quickly hang up the phone and call out for the puppy “Riot?!” You peer into the living room bluey was on the tv but there was no sign of Riot.
“Riot!” You called out once again and you heard his paws practically jumping down the staircase to see his mommy. “Oh there you are” you sighed in relief “Wait.. what do you have in your mouth?!” You saw a indigo fabric that looked all too familiar
You got him to give you the piece of fabric and then you dashed up the stairs only to find that you had left your bedroom door open and your beloved shark… the one Eijirou had bought for you for your first Valentine’s Day together… it was slightly destroyed…
It was missing a fin that you were holding and it’s tail was halfway hanging off of his body. Your stomach was a pit as you picked up all of the stuffing and the pieces of small fabric off of the hardwood floor.
You brought it back downstairs and showed Riot what he had done and boy did he look guilty! As much as you hated to be stern with him, he wasn’t going to learn otherwise.
“Riot no! This is not Riot’s Toy!” You scolded him as you walked over to the toy basket “This is Riot’s toy!” You firmly state as you hand him a plush of a popsicle with a squeaker
You quickly bagged up all of the pieces to poor Mr Cuddles and continued to work on dinner. It was on low heat so luckily, nothing burned. You couldn’t help but notice how the un-involuntarily tears pricked your eyes.
Some people would say “it’s just a stuffed animal” but it wasn’t just a stuffed animal. It was an object that you cherished and loved. It had sentimental value.
As you began to plate the food and get drinks out of the fridge you heard the front door become unlocked and opened followed by Riot’s happy barking and squealing signaling that his father was home
“Hey gorgeous” he set his grocery bags down on the countertop and urgently came to kiss your lips as if he hadn’t done that just before he left for work. To be fair, it felt like an eternity being away from you.
“Hey” you tried your best to mask your sadness but of course he saw right through that. Could you blame him? You two had been together for almost 10 years now and married for 5 of them.
“What’s wrong?” He gently tilted your head to look up at him with a warm smile. “Well Riot broke Mr. Cuddles” you tell him as you point to the bag that was holding the contents of your stuffed shark
“Oh I see” he examined the broken plush “I’m sorry that happened” he pulled you into an embrace. “Tell you what, I’ll make some calls and we’ll get this fixed” he rubbed your back and you nodded in response
“Let’s eat” you smile at him “You’re probably hungry from saving the city all day” you pat his forearm as you hand him his plate to take to the dining room
Kirishima had gotten ahold of Bakugo and he was fortunately willing to fix it. Growing up with his mom as a fashion designer had its perks.
“Hey man” you hear your redhead husband talking to his best friend on the phone.
“What do you want it’s 10 o’clock!” The blonde scolded his friend
“Yeah I know it’s past your bedtime but I need a huge favor” he pleaded with Bakugo
After a deep sigh from the blonde he responded “go ahead”
“Thanks man! Can you sew good?” Kirishima inquired and the ash blonde laughed
“Can I sew? Is your hair unnatural? I’ll answer that for you! Yeah I can fucking sew and I’m pretty damn good at it!”
“Awesome! The dog got to (Name)’s plush and it desperately needs to be fixed. I’ll pay you!”
“No, shut up, there’s no need for that. Just drop it off in my office tomorrow morning and I’ll fix it on my lunch break”
After cleaning up dinner, getting showered, and ready for bed you two could finally settle down for the night. “Riot come up” Eijirou patted the bed and made kissy noises for the puppy to jump onto the king bed. After spinning in a few circles he finally settled down.
“Goodnight honey” you smile and kiss Eijirou as you turn off your bedside lamp. “Goodnight sweet girl” he smiles and turns his off as well.
As you turned over to sleep you felt Kirishima grab his phone off of his nightstand. It was a habit of his to go on his phone before bed and you didn’t mind but you knew that could never work for you. You needed to distance yourself from the phone if you wanted to get some rest.
But something just felt wrong. You weren’t holding onto your shark. To be fair, you had slept with it for almost ten years now. You tried to subtly get comfortable but you just couldn’t. You knew you couldn’t sleep with it, it was broken and you didn’t want to risk breaking it even more in your sleep.
“I can’t sleep” you sigh out into the open as you turn your head around to look at your husband who just smiles and shakes his head while grabbing the remote “come cuddle and watch some tv maybe that’ll make you sleepy” he pulls you close to him so that you’re laying your head on his chest “I’m probably not as good as Mr Cuddles but I assure you, I’m the next best thing” he rubs your back gently
“You’re the best” you smile at him as you feel yourself becoming sleepy
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skyfallslayer · 2 months
A Careful Whisper || Chapter 1
-AQP D1: Eric x Fem!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🔇Chapter Summary: You knew that this day was going to be full of risk and danger, but you didn’t think you’d be stumbling through New York with a hole in your side. All you needed to do was wait for the signal and everything should be okay. Everything… well… from the sound of it, you might be too late anyway.
🔇Pairings: Eric x Fem!Reader
🔇Rating: Mature
🔇Word Count: 3,077
🔇Date: 7/11/24
🔇Warnings: Reader Has Military Training; Reader Has a Potty Mouth; Death/Murdering; Talks of How to Unalive People; Reader Might Have Done This a lot In This Chapter; Gun Use; Assault; Fighting; Mention of Blood and Open Wound. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
(And let me know if I missed anything)
🔇A/N: Hot damn! It's finally here. A bit of trial and error here for this one. I hate when I have an idea of what I want and then you either A) have trouble writing it out, or B) start write it until a new and better idea forms and changes everything. Lol. Anyway, it's short, but enjoy!
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The day was June 18th, 2020. How did you know this? Well… this was the day you were looking forward to. It was the day you were supposed to change everything, to make sure the inevitable doom didn’t destroy lives. But of course–
Your life went to shit. It always found a way to go to shit. The day had turned sour before you even could blink. And now–
You’re stumbling through the Big Apple with a huge wound on your side.
This whole situation was supposed to be easy, a quick pop in on your ally, a quick exchange that was supposed to be easy – not traumatizing and changing your plans immensely. You’re already feeling dazed and confused as you run out of your colleague’s apartment, a death grip on the laptop he left behind. You’re sure you can hear your attackers moving around and trying to find you.
No. They can’t find you. Not when you had something that could literally save billions of lives worldwide. They can’t stop you. They shouldn’t stop you. You don’t understand why they didn’t want this info to be public. Sure, maybe questions will be thrown around about them, but–
As you turned and were about to bolt down the stairs, you saw one of the men a few feet behind with his silencer trained on you. You duck and nearly throw yourself down the stairs as the casing jams itself into the wall. You pretty much just took as big of a step you could without falling to cut some of your run time down — while you listen to the echoes of the three footsteps above. As soon as your feet touched the floor on the last level you were out of the building in less than a second, blending into the everyday busy streets. 
You and your colleagues agreed to meet at the apartment for that very reason in case someone unwanted came along and wanted to end the party. Yet to be honest, you thought you guys would be out of the blue, safe in a busy city that could have a hundred witnesses at a time. But you were wrong, and now you’re struggling to get through the crowds without passing out. 
You heard the laptop, the ones that could fold in half like a tablet, beep and you glance down. An error message popped up on the screen making your curse.
Fuck. No. You nearly stumbled into a passerby-er upon reading it.
“Sorry.” You said, looking frantically around. The smell of freshly grilled hot dogs hits your nose, your stomach rumbling from the lack of eating for several days, but you push it aside and hide beside the food truck. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You start furiously tapping the screen, typing any code you could muster to get the error to disappear. “Come on, you piece of shit. Work.” You kept typing and typing, the screen beeping and returning to normal. You smile. “...Yes.”
Your eyes snap up and you see one of the men storming towards you, bitterness on his rough features. With all your strength, and your deepest apologies, you grab and shoved the civilian next to you at the attacker before bolting. You duck through the crowd, occasionally looking back. Your heart was in your throat, dark spots danced through your vision, and your head was pounding.
Come on! Will this stupid thing finish uploading already?! You yelp in surprise as someone’s hand latched around your wrist, pulling you to a stop.
“Hey, Baby.” The man said, grinning, and started pulling on you – there was also a lie resting on his very punch-able lips. “Why did you leave in such a hurry? We didn’t even finish our meal.”
You groan at the pressure, and how he starts tugging into an alleyway. You look around again, realizing how ‘normal’ this must look in a city like New York. He starts reaching for the laptop, and you shift your body away from his reach; Upon doing so, he starts applying more force, ready to snap your bone if necessary. You hissed through your teeth, trying to find some kind of an opening. 
“Come on, Lieutenant.” He urges, a deranged look in his discolored eye. “Comply.”
“Comply, my ass.” You spat, before headbutting him in the nose, temporarily stunning him.
You dodged the punch and the attempt to put you in a choke hold; You even managed to grab his own wrist and put him in some type of submission. When you finally see your opening, you push him gently forward while grabbing his gun off his belt, and proceed to shoot him once in the back of the kneecap. He falls flat with a cry, and your gaze looks out of the alleyway, checking to see if anyone heard or saw that (Shocker, nobody notices a thing in this city). You then made your way out of it when your coast was clear.
“L-Lieutenant!” He choked, trying to reach out for you. “You don’t know what you’re doing! Lieutenant!”
You ran back into the crowd, the silencer tucked underneath your jacket. You needed to get out of the city, but how? You look around, you see a taxi, an electric scooter, a subway sign.
A subway sign!
That’s perfect. You made your way down the stairs to the underground system, pulling your jacket closer to conceal the weapon – your ever oozing wound. You knew the subway lines pretty well, it was just the matter of getting on one that’ll take you far, or at least get on one that was already pulling into the station when you get there (You can’t really afford to wait around for one too long). 
But of course, your luck continues to be shitty as you hop over one of the turnstiles. You immediately feel the worker’s hand on your shoulder and you cuss mentally.
“Subway pass or ticket?” 
You bite the inside of your cheek before flashing up a smile. “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot.” You reply, trying to look and sound really genuine. “I-I lost track of time and I’m running late for work, completely forgetting my wallet.”
The woman’s face softens a smidge, but she doesn’t budge. “I’m sorry about that, but you still need a ticket or pass to get on.”
You sigh, sadly. “Can’t you let this slide once, please?” I mean, people jump these things all the time. Come on, Lady.
“I’m sorry–” She continues, and your eyes catch the two remaining men coming down the stairs. “But it’s policy. Or otherwise–”
“Hey!” You perk up with a giant grin. “What a coincidence!” You start pointing as they suddenly spot you. “That’s my boyfriend over there coming with his brother. Maybe he can pay for my ticket.”
“That’s your– HEY!!”
You’re already flying down another set of stairs when she shouts after you, and your attackers pick up the speed. The platforms were crowded, but that can only give you so much cover, especially since your ride wasn’t here yet. 
“Fuck…” You mumbled, and stole a peek from your laptop. The uploading sequence was almost complete, but god damn it! It was slow as hell. “For Christ’s sake.”
“Y/N!” One of your attackers yelled out, as he and his partner came down the steps as calm as cucumbers. “Sweetheart! Where you at?”
“Shit…” You know what they’re doing. They’re going to try to out you in public. Make people feel bad and accidentally out you. And it seemed to be working as you can faintly hear them describing you to someone what you look like.
You start hanging your head low and slouch your body. Alright, what can I do? If I get on the subway they might not be able to do anything with the amount of people… but what if they don’t care? This is New York. They could just shoot me blank in the head and scare civilians enough to blend into the crowd at the next stop.
You gnawed on the tip of your thumb. But what if I get on the subway and there’s hardly anyone? I’ll definitely be a dead man for sure so…
You heard someone mention what you’re wearing and took a peak, watching as a random civilian nodded at your attacker before gesturing your way. Jeez, thanks, man. 
What do you do? What do you do? What do you do? What do you do?!
You heard the intercom chime and announced the subway was pulling up from your right; So that’ll give you less than a minute for arrival time, and probably around the same time to load everyone up. That’s enough time for what you’re thinking about do–
You saw the men start stalking closer and you said a little prayer. This has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. 
That’s when you took a risk and jumped onto the tracks, heading to the left tunnel and booked it. You heard people shouting, and your attackers screaming your name and telling you not to do this. You wanted to roll your eyes at the thought of what “backstory” they came up with to try to woo people over – probably told everyone you were his wife who forgot to take her meds this morning and is storming NYC in a crazy state. – Sounds like a story two out of three people would believe.
Despite your very vague idea where you were going, your plan was to run to the next platform, crawl out, get above ground and take a taxi out of the city. Or maybe, in the mince of panic you’re about to ensure, you can possibly sprint to your apartment in Central, get some stuff before you’ll have to go off the grid for betraying your country. Heck, the more you think about that, the more that’s probably compromised too. 
But first things first. Get this thing–
The wind was knocked out of you as soon as you tackled from behind. The laptop gets slammed onto the tracks by your weight before slipping out. The guy uses his size as an advantage to hold you down with his legs, and begins applying pressure to your neck with his hands. You make a gasping sound for air as your own try prying him away. Meanwhile, his partner picks up the device to examine it.
“How’s it coming?” The guy holding you down, asks.
“It’s at 96 percent.” His reply made you wheeze. You were so close. So close to finishing what you started. 
“96 percent?” His eyebrows shoot up before looking relatively cocky again. “Man, Lieutenant, I got to say you were one of our best hackers, so I guess I’m not surprised it’s almost complete in… hmm. How long have we been chasing you since Captain Reeds’ apartment?” His gaze catches his partners. “What’s your guess? 8 minutes? 10?”
“I’d say 10.”
“Yeah? Ten’s a good number.” He grins, creepily. “You did quite the number on Michael back in the alleyway. Didn’t think you–”
You managed to slip out your gun and press it under his chin, igniting the trigger. His body falls and you push it off you with a gasp of fresh air. Maybe you really should try to hide away in Hawaii before the world went to–
The other guy heaved you up from behind, an arm around your waist, a hand over your mouth. You start kicking the air and frantically wiggling your body. Your attacker was much taller than you, bulkier too – it was hard enough for you to try to use your gun on him ‘cause he was restricting your arm movement.
“Lieutenant, come on. Just listen.” He pressures, as you send him a nasty look before sinking your teeth into his palm. “Ow!” He removes his bleeding palm to wrap his arm around your head and press it against his shoulder. “Lieutenant–”
“Let me go!” You snarled, wiggling some more. “For fuck’s sake! You know I’m just trying to help!” Can’t these dummies see any kind of sense of what you’re doing? You’re not the bad guy here!
His moments slightly faltered. Slightly. But he still didn’t give in to your reasoning. “Sorry, Lieutenant.”
He starts shifting his stance, placing his hands in the position to snap your neck as you start pleading with him. Maybe… lady luck is going to be the one to pity you this time. ‘Cause now, lights were in your view and the rail line was shaking below you.
Like a deer in some headlights, your attacker froze at the sight. He mumbled something and his grip loosened enough for you to elbow him in the chin. You dodged his efforts to grab you again, swooping down to snag the laptop and run – the damn subway hot on your tail. The tunnel was coming up to a split, and you noticed which direction it was going in and headed for the clear side. But…
You had to deal with the other issue first. You still had the silencer you stole, not sure how much ammunition you had left, and part of you wants to risk it all and try to wing it. So when you whipped around to see he was a few steps behind you, you had to wait for the perfect moment to get him off guard. However, in that very moment, something was nagging you. What if there weren’t just three guys? What if there was more waiting for you somewhere around the city? Then what? Your hand-to-hand combat could only get you so far. 
You don’t know what you’re thinking, you almost felt guilty for taking out the man in this form of fashion; Yet when he got to be about an arm’s length away…
You plant a kick square in his chest and sent him into the passing subway car. Then…
You nearly collapse.
You let out a mixture of a sigh and a groan, your hand subconsciously touching your side. You felt like it was bleeding more now, but your adrenaline was so high and your body was a big ball of sweat, you could hardly tell. But you need to get it checked out soon, especially when the dark spots return to your (Y/E/C) orbs. 
Wonder if I do have time to go home? You lick your chap lips, thinking just as the device beeped. You pull it up into your view, the words illuminating your face making you smile like you won a prize.
You did it. 
You actually did it. You managed to get the words of the invasion out to every newsroom, radio station and any big social media platforms out there worldwide. 
You did it. You could almost cry, but you laughed with joy instead.  Andrea, Jose, Matt, Winston. We did it. You guys’ plan actually worked. Took a bit, but it all came together in the end. Now I really have to go off the grid.
But maybe you could help a few souls along the way, point them in the right direction, tell them what they have to do when the invaders come. You know as soon as the news station gets wind of it it’s going to be all over people’s phones and TVs. And when it comes to a place like NYC, you know despite the warning you sent of ‘Not Panicking’, there’s going to be panic. Maybe it’ll be a blessing in disguise for you, a crowd running wild in the streets maybe will give you enough coverage to run and hide.
It’s almost too good to be true. You managed to pull yourself up onto the platform at the next station, surely getting one or two looks, but whatever. You didn’t care. You could care less as you unplugged the USB from the laptop and tucking it away before discarding the device in a trash can. I’m going to head back home, address my wound, get new clothes and take anything that can help me along the way. I just hope nobody’s waiting in my living room for me.
You took the last step up and out from being underground, stopping at the top with a smile still on your face. Sucks that I’ll never get to– What?
It was like time itself had frozen, and you wonder if your dizzy head is causing this, but you suddenly saw that everyone in the city had stopped. Stopped. Stop their walking, their phone calls, their cars, their bikes – stop everything to…
Look up.
You felt the immediate fear and dread in your gut as you dared to see yourself. You swallow and stare into the bright blue sky. That’s when you saw the very thing you swore to stop – The thing came in the form of what people would think would be meteors, coming down so slowly in great balls of fire… great balls of death.
Your eyes widened as you took a step back in disbelief, nearly tripping down the stairs (You steady yourself on the railing). Everyone was so… quiet while watching. Even the birds didn’t chirp, even the dogs seemed too scared to even breathe. You were too, no doubt. 
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no–
You had time. You had time. You were supposed to have time before they got here. Time to prepare everything and everyone. It wasn’t supposed to be this early, they– they–
You mentally slapped yourself. Pull yourself together, Y/N!
You knew what to do. You had training. You prepared yourself for this moment when it came. 
“They’re not meteorites!!” You screamed, getting most attention (Even though your throat burned and ached after being choked, you still had to try). “You need to move away! Hide! And stay quiet! These things are attracted to–”
You didn’t even get to finish your warning when one came crashing down just a few feet in front of you.
The impact was strong, strong enough to throw you and a few people backwards like you weighed nothing. You flew back down the stairs,
And that was the last thing you recall before hitting your head and blacking out.
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A/N: Sorry it was a bit short. Consider it a teaser.
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@idontreallyexistyet @pantheracatluv1105 @tjohn63 @temptressofthetarrot @sunmoonstars666
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Do you want a skittle, Mommy?
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
Part of the 'Spitfire' Universe
Can be read as a standalone but makes more sense if you've read some of the other stories.
Potty training started the moment your son Eli was even slightly interested in the potty. You definitely didn’t encourage Jake to convince him that peeing in the potty was the coolest thing ever and you definitely didn’t have the rest of the dagger squad tell him the same thing every time they saw him. So the moment Eli was interested you were throwing the family headfirst into potty training. He was two. It was time. And with a new baby on the way? Yeah you needed him out of diapers. Buying one size of diapers is enough. 
Potty training was easy at home. Being a stay at home mom was extremely helpful for potty training even with you being 7 months pregnant. A couple child size potties around the house and you were golden. You’re pretty sure Jake was a little jealous of his son’s toilet that sat right in front of the TV. You shut that down before Jake even thought to ask if he could also pee while watching football. 
Going out while potty training wasn’t really hard either, especially if you were out with your husband’s co-workers since there was always someone willing to run Eli to the bathroom. 
Your only potty training hiccup was when you had gone down to Texas for Thanksgiving this year…
Now you love Jake’s dad. Love him to pieces. He’s amazing. After all these years he’s been more your father than your actual father ever was. You couldn’t ask for a better grandfather for your son. He’s a wonderful Pop Pop to Eli and dotes on him every chance he has. Eli thinks he’s the best grandfather in the world(as long as Grandpa Mavvie isn’t in the room, then it’s a toss up to who at that exact moment is bribing him with the best stuff). You know living on a ranch in Texas is a different lifestyle than your own back in California, you just wish Pop Pop would have thought of that before teaching your son your least favorite new habit. 
“Mommy! I go potty!” you hear Eli call from the living room after the song playing on the tv was paused. 
You stop rinsing dishes and wipe your hands on the towel hanging from the oven door then head into the living room, “Okay buddy, let’s go potty. Maybe we could use the bathroom this time?” 
“Outside!” Eli yells while racing to the back door with your dog, Radar, chasing after his little legs. 
Ugh. Outside. Your son’s favorite bathroom. 
Potty training had been in full swing when you last went down to Texas for Thanksgiving. Jake’s parents were both on board to help potty training while you visited. Pop Pop had taken Eli for a walk around the ranch one afternoon while you were there  and showed your son how he can pee outside and since then outside has been your son’s favorite potty. Eli especially thinks it’s super cool that he and Radar now share a “bathroom”.
You’re very proud of Eli getting better and being able to hold it until he’s outside but you just wish with everything you are that he’d pee in a bathroom. A real bathroom. An inside bathroom. With a toilet. 
You sigh as you walk to the backdoor and push the door open enough for your son and dog to both race outside to pee. Thank goodness you bought a house with a privacy fence. You watch your son as he strips off his shorts to go pee then you turn and gently bang your head on the door frame. You have no idea how you’re supposed to stop this. Maybe you should get him one of those fake grass patches for dogs who are inside all day. 
“Sure hope you’re not hurting my best girl,” a voice from behind you says, causing you to jump and actually bump your forehead on the frame. 
You groan and rub your forehead, “I wasn’t until you scared me.” 
Jake fakes a pout as he walks over to you and from behind he wraps his arms under your baby bump and kisses your head then maneuvers you both so you’re facing outside, “I’m sorry, darlin’. I thought you heard me come into the house.” 
You shook your head, “Sure didn’t. You’d think someone as tall as you would make more noise.”
Jake chuckled, “I’m not Rooster but if you want me to lumber about I’ll sure try my hardest for you. Anything for you, darlin’.” 
You roll your eyes at your husband’s words, not that he can see, then close them reveling in your husband’s arms practically moaning as he lifted up on your belly to lift some of the pressure off your stomach. 
“That sounds more pornographic than when we…” 
You then hear a small voice call from your backyard cutting off his daddy’s sentence, “Daddy! Look! I’m peeing! Outside! Daddy! Look!” 
“I see you, Eli. Thanks for the update. I’m sure the neighbors all wanted to hear about your bathroom habits, son,” your husband calls back to your son who grins at his father as if this is his greatest accomplishment. Jake groans against your hair murmuring about how he hopes Mr. Andrews next door isn’t watering his garden right now.
“That’s your dad’s fault you know,” you say to Jake as you point at your son who is now chasing after your dog without putting his shorts back on, completely uncaring about the slight chill in the air. 
He grumbles, “Yeah, yeah, I know. And I’m trying to fix the damage he’s done. I've been asking around if anyone has any ideas on what to do.” 
“Any good ideas? I mean actually good ideas. I can only imagine the things that might come out of their mouths.”
Jake snickered then shrugged, “Phoenix suggested having him decorate his bathroom so maybe he would be excited to pee in there. Maybe go online and see if there's some Bluey bathroom items or something.”
You consider it for a moment, “Not a terrible idea. Grass can’t be hard to beat. And we all do love Bluey.” 
“No, I hope grass isn’t more exciting than Bluey. It’s Bluey!,” Jake says while softly swaying the two of you from side to side as you watch your two hooligans run around the backyard chasing after each other. “Payback said that his sister gave her daughter a treat every time she used the potty.”
“What kind of a treat?”
“Like a sticker, a skittle or an M&M something small like that,” Jake said as he continued to sway. 
“Bribing our son to use the bathroom? He would probably like that,” you reply. You don’t tend to give Eli candy often. Well you and Jake try not to. The rest of your extended family including the Dagger squad however don’t share those same ideas. You’ve caught Payback sneaking Eli gummy bears more than once saying he couldn’t resist those green puppy dog eyes of his. 
Jake nodded, “I figured. Picked up a giant bag of skittles on the way home from work. Thought we might as well try it.”
And so you did. Eli was excited to get a skittle every time he went to the bathroom. He loved getting to pick out all the fun new things for his Bluey/Spiderman/Plane bathroom. Jake loved to show off the bathroom retheme to his buddies which pleased Eli to no end because clearly if Wooster loved his new bathroom then it had to be the best bathroom in the world. 
You finally felt like you had a handle on this potty training thing until you went to today’s preschool story time at your local library. Eli loved going to the library so you tried to make it to every story time. 
You were a little apprehensive about this week’s story time already due to the word your son picked up from Fanboy recently when Fanboy made his feelings about Santa Claus known to everyone and said, “Fuck Santa!” due to not getting a toy he wanted. Last Christmas. When he was very much an adult. So now any time Santa is mentioned near Eli he announces to everyone listening, “Fuck Santa!” 
You may have mentioned this to the librarian last week and she made sure to pick out a Hanukkah book. Thank goodness. 
Afterwards, because you know not to tempt fate, you made sure to hit up the bathroom since the baby in your belly loved to play footsy with your bladder. 
After your son peed you made sure to give him his well deserved skittle and then after you used the bathroom, in his adorable little voice he asked you, “Do you want a skittle, mommy? You went potty all by yourself like me!”
You chuckled and got yourself one too. 
When you both stepped out of the stall a mom you didn’t know was washing her hands with her daughter.
She turned to you as you approached, “You know I didn’t have to bribe my daughter to be potty trained. Maybe your son just wasn’t ready. My daughter was potty trained in no time at all.”
You stood there for a second, flabbergasted. Who in their right mind would care that much to comment about another person’s child? 
You shook it off and made sure to smile at her, “You know I might give my son a skittle for using the bathroom because he clearly earned it but at least I’m never going to have to worry about my son being nasty to someone he doesn’t know.” 
From beside you came a little, “Yeah! If you jealous I got a skittle you can have one too. It’s nice to share.” 
The mom scoffed at you and picked up her daughter who whined at her mom for wanting a skittle as they walked out. 
You gave your son a giant kiss on the cheek for that before you helped him wash his hands. 
Later that evening when you told Jake he laughed and told you he wouldn’t be so lazy all of the time and wait to go to the bathroom if he got a skittle every time he went which Eli made sure to let his daddy know that if Jake wanted a skittle every time he went potty then he would be more than happy to share his skittles with him. Yeah, no doubt in your mind that your son isn’t going to be anything but the nicest boy in town forever.
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kangals · 6 months
kep report card, month 2! 13-17 weeks:
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢/🟡 enormous appetite and drive, however he's started trying to hoover up trash/sticks/dirt/etc on walks which is annoying
leash walking: 🟢 walks like a champ on both collar and harness
sleeping: 🟢/🟡 - perfect at night, fights it during the day but will eventually once i ignore him long enough.
crating: 🟢/🔴 - perfect at night, daytime i haven't actually revisited since i've been using the porch as my interim holding pen. but presumably still bad during the day. need to try this again and see.
potty training: 🟡 bladder capacity seems to have finally started to increase, rejoice. but he still doesn't understand that inside = no potty, and will go inside rather than asking for out if i'm late at all with taking him.
general training: 🟢 smart as hell and very handler-focused
manners: 🟡 nothing major but he is up on my counters 99% of the time and it's driving me crazy
grooming: 🟢/🟡 good for most anything as long as there's a food distraction
cars: 🟢 outgrew his car crate and now rides perfectly without it
outings/socialization: 🟢 loves going new places, does get wary sometimes but always recovers quick.
other dogs: 🟡 better at leaving stellina alone when asked. still extremely dog social, but has started barking at other dogs a lot. stellina also went through a very long, persistent bark-at-dogs phase so it's not unexpected.
other people: 🟢 all the world's a bestie
small animals: 🟢 being very polite with butters even though he REALLY wants to be annoying
overall i'll once again give him a 🟢 with a few footnotes. this month was definitely easier than the first, as we're slowly weaning off needing to be watched and micromanaged 24/7. i remember really enjoying the 4-months age with stellina, so i'm excited to keep going. he continues to be super smart, personable, and definitely more velcro than stellina was. seems a little more sus/alert to the environment but nothing concerning. he's very classic collie personality IMO. hopefully teething doesn't turn him into a total monster :')
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invisiblebloggirl · 11 months
My dog is stressing me out
My (f20) and my boyfriend (m22) recently moved in together into an apartment. 7 months ago I adopted my little four legged daughter, Fennec. She is a one and a half year old chihuahua mix. She is stubborn as any chi is and struggles with training and is a terrible listener just like her owner. Since we moved we have had 3 inside potty incidents. Twice in one day about two weeks ago she did her business under my boyfriend desk no less than 20 minutes after going outside to pee and she did pee when I took her outside. She is on a semi regular bathroom schedule since moving. And she will come sit by my feet whenever she wants to go outside and we go. Well tonight my boyfriend got home at 2:30am from work, we were talking in the living room, ten feet from where she decided she wanted to pee on her dog bed. She made no indication she needed to go outside, she decided to pee on her dog bed and then jump into my boyfriends lap with her paws that are soaked in pee cause she had also decided to play in the pee. We immediately reprimand her and tell her no and bathed her to get the pee off her paws. I had to toss the dog bed cause its not washable, or well it is but I don't have the means to wash it. My boyfriend is beyond livid and he said she has one more strike till she's out. I know she is my dog legally and he has no say in what I actually do with her. I'm starting work again after not working for a month and I am stressed out and worried about how he will handle her. I'm not worried about abuse or anything of the sort, I'm just worried the strain it'll put on our relationship and my relationship with my dog.
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felixfellowish · 4 months
My truthful, personal dog ownership story so far...
I've been wanting to write about this for a long time already but never seemed to find the right time for it. It's not a thing you can describe quite easily or just with a few words, but I decided to try my best just before going to bed. Enjoy :3
So, some background: I had wanted a dog for a loooong time. Ever since I was a kid, I had asked my parents if we could get a dog. We didn't, but we got a cat instead and I ended up growing up with the said cat and I loved him more than I could ever describe. But yeah, long story short, after we lost our cat and I had recovered from the most painful grieving stage, I started researching different dog breeds. Because shiba inus have cat-like quirks and my bf, who knows a loooot about dogs, encouraged me, it was the dog breed I settled on. And I waited around 5 years until my life situation allowed me to start the process to get a dog of my own.
As I said, I had waited around 5 years. I knew getting a dog was going to change my life, but I was ready for it. Because I had social anxiety, I thought having a dog would help me, even though it wasn't going to be pleasant at first. I was ready to love another animal again and create wonderful memories together. The moment I saw the photo of the the puppy I was going to get was wonderful and unforgettable. We drove to the breeder with my bf and brought the little baby home.
And then I got the most major puppy blues ever after my bf drove back home (we're in a long distance relationship.) Do I really know how to take care of the puppy? No one told me it was going to be this hard. Am I ever going to be able to have some alone time again? After experiencing lots of hardships in my life, I always felt like my home was a safe space for me - somewhere where I could hide from the world, and now there was this needy creature there distracting me 24/7. My mental health was killing me - I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't sleep, I was like a walking zombie and I felt like I had made a big, big mistake. I had to be honest to my folks and my bf: I don't know if I'm going to make it.
They could've been really nasty to me about the whole thing. After all, it was my own decision to get the dog and hell, why was I whining about it after waiting for so long. But no, everyone was very, very supportive towards me. I ended up travelling to my mom's place with Toru (the puppy), just so I could get some sleep. My mom promised to help however she could, and sometimes it's enough when you have someone by your side when you're feeling down.
Adjusting was hard, but I'm more than happy to say that I don't feel the puppy blues that much anymore. The word itself, "puppy blues", really doesn't describe how bad it can get, because I was having a full blown mental breakdown. Toru himself has been an easy puppy overall: he's smart and was mostly potty trained from the start. He started teething quite fast, and so me and my mom's ankles have suffered a looooot, but we've survived even that (thanks to my bf who has made lots of visits and helped me to become better at understanding dogs and different training methods). I'm still veeery stressed sometimes, but things are getting better day by day, and I know recovery doesn't isn't always - if ever - linear.
Having an animal in your life is not easy in my opinion. It's not easy to make space for them in your life and to love, because they end up meaning the world to you. And even though the beginning has been rough, I don't know, I'm extremely proud of myself for enduring everything.
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and-so-he-rambled · 2 years
Lref kid fic
Kaz and Oliver get turned into kids. Skylar is calm because it’s happened before, but has no idea how little kids work since the boys minds are reverted too. Bree and Chase are also useless. Donald and Douglas are called over and Douglas is completely useless while Donald is surprisingly decent? Leo keeps them occupied and is amazing with them somehow, especially when they’re at their youngest.
Chase and Skylar have a B plot where they look for the cure in the lab they had been looking for clues at the week before. It’s a comedy of errors at the superhero world and scientific world collide.
- Kaz and Oliver have only known each other for weeks at their first age (7)
- They are half aware and half not “this had happened before and we fixed it!” “How?” “With the help of Brain Matter!” “…where is he?” *the boys start crying as they suddenly remember MM*
- They lose a year each day, and soon they aren’t even echoes of being 16, instead full kiddos
- They love each other but want their families
- Oliver is anxious and can’t take his meds, he’s not used to doing anything alone without his mother.
- They boys still have powers and it’s chaos
- Skylar is horrible at babysitting but both boys adore her
- Kaz is a biter, will not stop biting Oliver
- They fight and accidentally hurt each other, lots of tears
- Donald and Douglas are called and Donald helps calm the kids down. Bree is confused since she doesn’t remember him being such a good dad.
- Feels, father daughter heart to heart
- The boys decide that they should get married so they can be best friends for the rest of their lives, they try and bully Bree into marrying them.
- Oliver and Kaz get matching backpack leashes to go in public once they stop using their powers
- Oliver cries at everything and Kaz trips them up like a dog wrapping around their legs
- Oliver comes home with a ton of stuffed animals and Kaz with action figures and they have a blast playing together
- The balcony is OFF LIMITS and Kaz is determined to jump off and try to fly
- Days go 7,6,5, and 4 before they get fixed
- Four year old Ollie isn’t potty trained
- They remember some of each day like an old memory, but are still little kids more focused on playing.
- Kaz tries to use his full name at this age and calls himself Kazimewees
- Oliver goes by Ollie
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dealsxciting · 6 months
🐾 Transform Your Dog's Habits: Master Potty Training in Just 7 Days! 🏡
🚀 Ready to take the stress out of potty training? 🚽
Are you tired of coming home to unexpected accidents and messes? Do you dream of a house where your furry friend knows exactly where to do their business? Say goodbye to frustration and hello to a happier, cleaner home with our proven potty training solution.
With our comprehensive program, you can transform your dog's habits in just one week. No more endless hours spent cleaning up after accidents or feeling stressed about your pet's behavior. Our method is simple, effective, and designed to work for dogs of all ages and breeds.
Here's what you can expect from our program:
Step-by-Step Guide: Our easy-to-follow guide breaks down the potty training process into simple, manageable steps. From establishing a routine to teaching your dog where to go, we provide clear instructions every step of the way.
Proven Techniques: We've spent years researching and testing the most effective potty training techniques. Our program incorporates positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience to ensure long-lasting results.
Personalized Support: Have questions or need guidance along the way? Our team of experts is here to help. Whether you're dealing with stubborn behavior or just need some encouragement, we're dedicated to your success.
Fast Results: With our 7-day program, you'll start seeing improvements right away. Imagine the joy of watching your dog confidently use their designated potty area without any accidents. It's a game-changer for both you and your furry companion.
Lifetime Access: Once you purchase our program, you'll have lifetime access to all resources and updates. Whether you're training a new puppy or need a refresher down the line, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Order now and transform your dog's bathroom habits for good!
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#DogCare #DogPottyTraining #DogTraining #DogTrain #HouseTrainedDog #HousebrokenDog #DogHouseBreaking
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someoneinjersey · 9 months
Deano. My boy my first born my little bastard. My full sized yorkie with floppy ears and he stinks and he chews on his feet and has chronic ear problems and is my rotton soldier and is currently wearing Christmas pajamas and almost snoozing near me on the couch/ottoman/blanket. He is also keeping a wary eye on the kitten, who loves him, and who he wants nothing to do with. He turned 8 in October and he's shaggy and needs a haircut and another bath and he has to eat prescription food to prevent developing more bladder stones because THAT was a thing goddamn. He loves adult humans but anyone and anything else is his enemy and he must protect from them. He is so spoiled and so cute and so whiny and honestly he deserves better than I can give him and I hold him and cryyyyyyy every time I watch a sad animal video.
Wimby, Kate's cat, mine by proxy. He's the old man, we call him Peepaw Wimby since we got the kitten because he's 10. Currently curled up at the top of his living room cat tree, nose tucked in his paws. He mostly doesn't like strangers but he liked me right away, and by "liked me" I mean he let me pet him and gave me bumps with his head and screamed at me a lot. He still does this. He screm. He takes smelly shits and acts like a moody teenager; whenever something happens that he doesn't like he runs upstairs and will loudly complain for like 10 minutes. Now that there are 2 other cats in the house he's gotten more brazen with bad food manners and will just stick a nose or a paw in Kate's food and he debates a LONG time about jumping up on the kitchen counters before I can convince him to be a good boy and not do that. The kitten harasses him constantly, fearlessly, and he hates it, but then we find him being nice to her when no one's around. That's when moody teenager comes out because he gets embarrassed. He is enjoying eating the kitten's food.
Larry. A stray cat that wandered around near our house that just like ... decided she lived here now. She has a quiet raspy meow unless she's really distressed so Kate named her Larry, short for Laryngitis ... then we figured out she was a girl. She's a tortie and we can't litter train her, she'll piss anywhere but a litter box, so we just let her go potty outside like a dog because she always comes home. She's gotten REAL fat because she eats cat food here in the house and then hunts when she's outside so now she's a chonker. The kitten makes her angry and she was mad at me for like a month but finally she's back to wanting my affection and snuggles. She's actually really snuggly and very friendly. I don't know where she is at the moment, she's out of eyesight so probably in the spare bedroom on the bed or upstairs on the couch under the window. I really want to get her to wear a collar so we can put an air tag or a tile on her or something so we know where she goes when she's outside since litter training her seems out of the question. I really wish we could just keep her inside 24/7 because I don't want her getting hit or attacked by a coyote or local dog.
Bizzy (government name=Important Business). Our newest pack member. She is a terror and a menace and she is so snuggly and sweet and maddening and only 5 months old. She is missing an eye and sneezes all the time because we adopted her right as she was getting over a respiratory infection and every time I find or wipe up a cat booger I wanna barf. She was kind of an impulse adoption, because she just happened to be in the local dog bakery downtown when we went in to visit for the first time. Two days later she was home. She came litter box trained but she keeps stepping in her poop in the box and I'm like PLEASE I'M TIRED OF WIPING POOP OFF YOUR FEET but her poops are touchy because of all the meds she was on. She's curled up between Deano and me on the ottoman right now, snoozing a little because she had a big day what with us vacuuming and Kate's aunt and uncle coming over. She is FEARLESS, even when the other three animals are clearly telling her to fuck right the hell off. She likes to climb into the fridge and sleep around your neck like a scarf. She has a little black patch on her chin like a goatee. We love her.
AND THOSE ARE OUR PETS. Leaving out the chicken Nancy that adopted us before she passed away and my fish that I had a decade ago that I loved like a child lmao.
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emma-the-brave · 2 years
Emma's been killing her potty training lately, she peed on living room pad & went back to bed on Tuesday when Jack wasn't feeling good, and she got access to the bed (with a cover) yesterday & today during the day with no accidents on the bed!
On the flip side, she's been getting a bit more food-hound, and also showing more guarding behavior. Specifically, she's been increasing her barking at Joel when he gets home, plus if she in bedroom and he's moving around the house. So we've been working out plans to help keep that from getting worse. There's a few things impacting the behavior & plan.
Background causes - I realized today, we've had like 4 different strangers at the house in 2 weeks between friend, repair guys, and fix it family member doing some stuff around the house for us. That's a LOT and certainly more than we expected for the first several months. No wonder she's on edge. She's been doing so good, we got complacent. So once we're done getting stuff fixed in the next few days, back to lockdown for 2-3 weeks to let her unwind. Then we can start again with having our quiet friend come over.
Complications - some of the things she doesn't like about Joel, are just Joel things and can only change so much. He's active, he moves a lot, he's tallest in the house, and he's got a deeper voice. There's a limit to what he's able to do right away on changing his routines without tanking his mental health, so there's some compromise there.
Planned changes from us - Joel now has a treat pouch in his work bag so he can give treats easier and faster when he comes in. He's letting me know when he leaves work and an ETA, give or take 5 minutes, so that I can be ready to manage Emma better - either giving her treats or taking her outside while he's coming in. We told him he should work on giving her treats more often in general around the house, so she starts expecting positive things from him too.
Additional changes after talking to her training team - going to dry some hot dogs for Joel to have in his treat bag so that he gets the high value treats. The rest of us can do regular ones, but Joel will have the good shit. Joel & Arte are also going to do a bit more of the positive dog things when possible, such as letting out & in, and giving food. They included Arte so that she doesn't just swap them in her mental hierarchy.
And a good one that hadn't even occurred to me, I can also just. Get up & move around when Joel's getting home & if she starts barking. She can't guard me if I'm not staying still, and she'll be more focused on following me & seeing what I'm doing instead of getting upset about Joel coming in.
It's opposite from what we'd been doing while she was settling in, which was giving her a safe person that stayed put while she processed everyone else moving around. But duh, it's 7 weeks later, she's past that point & now we have a different behavior & situation, thus different approach.
Looking forward to seeing how the changes work!
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atencio · 1 year
10 Best Tips for New Dog Owners: Expert Advice for a Pawsitively Wonderful Journey
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Congratulations on embarking on a fur-filled adventure as a new dog owner! Welcoming a furry friend into your life can be an incredibly rewarding experience. As an expert dog trainer, I'm here to share with you the top 10 tips to ensure a smooth transition into dog ownership. So, grab a treat and let's get started!
Tip 1: Puppy-Proof Your Home
Before bringing your new pup home, make sure your living space is safe and secure. Puppy-proofing involves removing any potential hazards like toxic plants, loose cords, and small objects that could be swallowed. Think of it as preparing a dog-friendly fortress!
Tip 2: Establish a Routine
Dogs thrive on routine. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, walks, playtime, and potty breaks. A predictable routine will provide a sense of security and help your furry friend settle into their new environment.
Tip 3: Socialization is Key
Introduce your pup to various people, animals, and environments from an early age. Socialization is crucial for a well-rounded and confident dog. Organize puppy playdates, visit dog-friendly parks, and enroll in training classes to foster positive interactions.
Tip 4: Positive Reinforcement Training
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in shaping your dog's behavior. Reward good behavior with treats, praise, and belly rubs. Avoid harsh punishments, as they can lead to fear and anxiety. Remember, a wagging tail is a happier tail!
Tip 5: Consistency is Everything
Consistency is the magic ingredient in dog training. Use the same commands and hand signals consistently, and ensure that all family members are on board with the training approach. Dogs thrive on clear expectations and consistent messages.
Tip 6: Engage in Mental Stimulation
A tired dog is a happy dog. Engage your pup in mental exercises like puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive games. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and promotes a well-behaved and content canine companion.
Tip 7: Healthy Diet, Healthy Dog
Feed your dog a balanced and nutritious diet suitable for their age and breed. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best diet plan for your furry friend. Remember, a healthy diet is the foundation for a vibrant and energetic dog.
Tip 8: Grooming and Hygiene
Regular grooming is essential to keep your dog's coat, nails, and teeth in top-notch condition. Brush their fur, trim their nails, and establish a dental care routine. Grooming sessions are not only beneficial for hygiene but also provide bonding opportunities.
Tip 9: Patience is Paw-sitive
Training takes time and patience. Don't expect your pup to master commands overnight. Celebrate small victories and be patient through the learning process. Remember, your dog looks to you for guidance, so maintain a calm and positive demeanor.
Tip 10: Love, Care, and Lots of Cuddles
Above all, shower your furry friend with love, care, and plenty of cuddles. Dogs are social creatures who thrive on companionship. Spend quality time together, offer belly rubs, and cherish the unbreakable bond you'll develop.
Congratulations once again on your new journey as a dog owner. With these expert tips in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to create a harmonious and loving relationship with your four-legged companion. Remember, every dog is unique, so embrace the journey with an open heart and a wagging tail!
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1. When should I start training my new puppy?
You can start training your new puppy as early as 8 weeks old. Puppies are like sponges during this period and are highly receptive to learning. Begin with basic commands and gradually progress as they grow.
2. How often should I walk my dog?
The frequency of walks depends on your dog's age, breed, and energy level. As a general guideline, aim for at least one walk a day for adult dogs. Puppies may require shorter, more frequent walks to accommodate their growing needs.
3. How do I deal with chewing and biting behavior?
Chewing and biting are common behaviors in puppies. Provide appropriate chew toys and redirect their attention when they bite. Consistent training and positive reinforcement will help them learn proper behavior.
4. How can I help my dog overcome separation anxiety?
Separation anxiety can be distressing for both dogs and owners. Gradual desensitization techniques, crate training, and providing engaging toys or treats can help alleviate separation anxiety. Consult a professional trainer for specialized guidance.
5. What should I do if my dog has accidents indoors?
Accidents happen, especially during the early stages of training. Remain patient and avoid punishment. Establish a regular potty routine, reward successful outdoor elimination, and consider crate training to help with housebreaking.
6. How can I prevent excessive barking?
Excessive barking can be addressed through consistent training and socialization. Teach your dog the "quiet" command, redirect their attention, and reward calm behavior. Identify the underlying causes of barking, such as boredom or anxiety, and address them accordingly.
7. What vaccinations and healthcare should I provide for my dog?
Consult your veterinarian for a comprehensive vaccination schedule suitable for your dog's age, breed, and local regulations. Regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care are crucial for your dog's overall health and well-being.
8. How can I introduce my new dog to other pets in my household?
Introduce new pets gradually and in controlled environments. Use positive reinforcement, reward calm behavior, and provide separate spaces initially. Seek professional guidance if you encounter any challenges.
9. Can I train an older dog?
Yes, you can absolutely train an older dog. While puppies may learn faster, older dogs can still learn new commands and behaviors with patience and consistent training. Tailor your training methods to accommodate their age and previous experiences.
10. What if I'm facing specific behavioral challenges with my dog?
If you're facing specific behavioral challenges with your dog, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can assess the situation, provide specialized guidance, and help address any unique challenges you may be experiencing.
Remember, every dog is unique, and individual needs may vary. Don't hesitate to seek professional advice and always approach training with love, patience, and understanding. Enjoy the journey of building a strong bond with your canine companion!
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good morning from my roommates and their cousins the pugs! we are a full house this week while my brother & SIL are in europe. his dogs aren’t reliably potty trained in new places which is the one liiiightly annoying part about taking care of them. but my dogs looooove wrestling nonstop with their cousins all day and gracie (the lighter pug) is like the one dog in the world who saw Pip and was immediately like GASP! OMG! THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!for some reason other dogs often ignore Pip and it’s so sad because he desperately wants to play with them 😭 but gracie is his #1 pal AND the president of his fan club. Pip bosses her around like crazy and she’s like WOW HE NOTICED ME!!!! WOW HE’S MY HERO AND MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!! so that is a delight and makes cleaning up their accidents semi-worth it I guess lol.
dogs woke me up at 6 wanting to PLAY PLAY PLAY so I only got to sleep 7 hours instead of the 9-10 hours I craved 😔 but it’s ok I’m starting to feel marginally more human. I leave at 12:30 and have a lot of small things to do around the house before I go. here’s the morning:
8-9 coffee/laundry/make April-May to-do list
9-9:30 IUI appt
9:30-10 pack, roll up rug, Clorox toilet
10-10:30 brief recovery break
take dogs outside
10:35-11 shower/get ready
11-12:15 wipe down kitchen counters, take down dishes, run dishwasher, take out trash and recycling, vacuum living room, eat lunch, pack that notebook and pen, put out sheets and towels for housesitter, LEAVE OUT KEY
12:20-1 drive to airport and park
1-1:45 shuttle to airport, check in, security
2:30-7 flight 🫠 but I can buy wifi if I want and read fic and maybe even write too
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dailydogtraining · 2 years
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jpknineacademy · 13 days
Top Puppy Training Tips for New Dog Parents
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10 Essential Puppy Training Tips Every New Dog Parent Should Know can make all the difference in helping your new furry friend grow into a well-behaved and happy dog. As a new dog parent, it's important to start puppy training in Sacramento early to establish good habits and prevent unwanted behaviours from developing. These tips are designed to guide you through the early stages of your puppy's life, ensuring that both you and your pup enjoy a smooth and fulfilling journey together.
1. Start Training Early
Puppy training should start as soon as you bring your new buddy home. Starting early will make it easier to inculcate positive behaviours. Puppies are like sponges; they learn quickly and are eager to please. By starting early, you can prevent issues like dog aggression training Sacramento might offer for older dogs, saving you time and effort in the future.
2. Be Consistent with Commands
Consistency is key when training your puppy. For particular behaviours, use the same gestures and commands. Use the same term and hand gesture every time you teach your dog to sit, for instance. This consistency helps your puppy understand what you're asking and reinforces the desired behaviour.
3. Positive Reinforcement
Among the best training techniques is positive reinforcement. Every time your puppy behaves well, give them a reward, some praise, or some playing.  This encourages them to repeat the behaviour. Remember, puppies respond best to rewards rather than punishment, so focus on the positive.
4. Socialise Your Puppy Early
Socialisation is crucial for a well-adjusted dog. Introduce your puppy to different people, environments, and other dogs as early as possible. Later in life, this lessens the likelihood of fear and aggressiveness. Puppy Socialization Sacramento can be a great resource if you're looking for local classes or groups.
5. Crate Training
Crate training can be an effective way to teach your puppy boundaries and provide them with a safe space. Start by adding toys and goodies to the crate to make it a happy environment. Your puppy's time in the crate should be gradually increased, but you should always make sure they're comfortable.
6. Establish a Routine
Puppies thrive on routine. Establish regular feeding, potty, and playtimes to help your puppy understand what to expect. A consistent routine also helps with house training and can prevent accidents.
7. Focus on Basic Commands
Teaching your puppy basic commands like sit, stay, come, and leave is essential. These commands provide a foundation for more advanced training and help keep your puppy safe. To keep your puppy interested, practise these commands every day in brief, enjoyable sessions.
8. Handle Unwanted Behaviours Immediately
If your puppy displays unwanted behaviours such as chewing on furniture or jumping on guests, address them immediately. Redirect their attention to appropriate behaviour or toys. Consistency in correcting these behaviours will help your puppy learn what is and isn't acceptable.
9. Puppy-Proof Your Home
Just like with a toddler, it's important to puppy-proof your home. Remove any items that could be dangerous or tempting for your puppy to chew on. This includes electrical cords, toxic plants, and small objects that could be swallowed.
10. Be Patient and Persistent
Training a puppy takes time and patience. There will be setbacks and moments of frustration, but persistence is key. Keep training sessions short, positive, and fun. Remember, your puppy is learning and growing, and with consistent effort, they will develop into a well-behaved adult dog.
Understanding Your Puppy’s Needs
Every puppy is different, and understanding your puppy’s specific needs is crucial. Some puppies may require more behaviour training due to their breed, temperament, or previous experiences. If your puppy shows signs of aggression or fear, consider seeking professional help early on. Dog aggression training Sacramento offers can provide specialised techniques to address these issues before they become ingrained behaviours.
Potty Training Basics
Potty training is one of the first challenges new dog parents face. Start by taking your puppy outside frequently, especially after eating, drinking, or waking up. Select a specific location for the toilet and give a consistent order, such as "go potty." When your puppy poops in the proper place, give them praise. If accidents happen, clean them up immediately without punishment, as this can confuse your puppy and hinder the training process.
Teaching Bite Inhibition
Puppies naturally explore the world with their mouths, which can lead to nipping or biting. Teaching bite inhibition is essential to prevent this behaviour from continuing into adulthood. When your puppy bites too hard, let out a yelp to mimic the response they would get from another puppy. They will learn to regulate the force of their bite from this.
Leash Training Essentials
Leash training is another important aspect of puppy training. Start by introducing your puppy to the leash and collar slowly. Allow them to wear the collar and leash around the house to get used to it. Begin with short walks, rewarding your puppy for staying by your side. If they pull, stop walking and wait for them to return to your side before continuing. This teaches them that pulling will not get them where they want to go.
The Importance of Mental Stimulation
Puppies are full of energy and curiosity. Providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys, interactive games, and training exercises is essential for their development. Bored puppies are more likely to engage in destructive behaviours, so keep their minds active with a variety of activities.
Addressing Separation Anxiety
Many puppies experience separation anxiety when left alone. To prevent this, start by leaving your puppy alone for short periods and gradually increase the time. Provide toys and treats to keep them occupied while you're away. Crate training can also help, as the crate becomes a secure and comforting space for your puppy.
Joining Puppy Training Classes
Puppy training classes are a great way to socialise your puppy and learn new training techniques. These classes provide a structured environment where your puppy can interact with other dogs and people, helping to build confidence and reduce fear. Dog trainers in Sacramento offer a variety of classes that can cater to your puppy’s specific needs.
Building a Strong Bond
Training is not just about obedience; it's also about building a strong bond with your puppy. Spend quality time with your puppy through play, training, and cuddling. The more positive experiences you share, the stronger your bond will become. A strong bond makes training easier and more enjoyable for both you and your puppy.
Raising a well-behaved and happy dog starts with effective puppy training. By following these top puppy training tips, you can help your new furry friend grow into a confident and obedient adult dog. Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive throughout the training process. Whether you're working on basic commands, socialisation, or addressing specific behaviours, the effort you put in now will pay off in the long run. Happy training!
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blonde-n-dirty · 2 months
Can a millionaire plz just hear my idea, fall in love w me, & leave me in his will so I can open a home for doggies & kitties who’ve been neglected or gunna get killed at the shelters & “flip” them like you would a house? Take a dog who keeps getting glanced over at shelters for their behavioral issues or whatever, train them, give them love, help them medically, whatever needed to help them become an “adoptable” dog. While I believe in behavior euthanasia when necessary, it’s used too quickly- people get animals as Christmas presents then forget them, they get puppies & kittens forgetting they turn into adults w actual medical problems, they require 24/7 care��� & that’s my life purpose.
I truly believe God hasn’t given me kids bc animals must be my calling, animal motherhood.
Like imagine you’re in the market for a dog, but you have other animals, kids, older fragile ppl, but you’re aware you’re capable of giving love to another being- your instant choice is going to be a puppy, but everyone truly wants to help shelter dogs, they just come w baggage not everyone can handle. So imagine if you could find just a regular ranch style home, who houses shelter dogs on open land w other puppies & kitties so they’re associated, then you can come play on the farm to pick which animal seems like it’ll fit in your home like a farmers market lol OR we have like a Tinder for our pets. You can find all our adoptable pets on our app, put in the age you want, type, other animals in home, potty trained, etc, & it’ll match you with your perfect best friend on the farm! You’ll know you’re getting an animal who’s had a rough life & deserves a second chance, but you’ll also know that animal has been re-trained & taken care of so they’ll be safe in your home. Re-adjusting them to know love is possible- the hardest part- has been done for you.
Imagine that. & imagine how many animals I’ll save, & how many ppl I’ll save by getting them a best friend they can actually handle.
That’s my dream. Now can someone just leave me a large inheritance bc the finding sponsors portion of this dream is crazy work lol non-profits, respect. Y’all put so much effort into caring about something, & that’s goals.
One day I hope I look back on this post while I’m sitting on my farm looking at all the pups, & say I fuckin made it🙈
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