reid-fic-recs · 4 years
Hysteresis by potterlockedintheshire (1196 words)
Insight into Reid’s addiction following Revelations and Morgan’s attempt to help him break it. 
“On his knees, digging through his bag; there’s got to be more, the bottles weren’t empty, he’d never be that careless.
“Reid!” Morgan’s behind him, then. Spencer ignores him even as Morgan comes up next to him, taking hold of his wrists as they search in the dark for the bottles.
“I can’t find them.” He pulls his hands out of Morgan’s grasp and sticks them back in the bag. “Where are they- I can’t find them!”
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potterlockedintheshire ---> transitoryenchantedmoment
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samwwise · 10 years
Found and followed because of your beautiful Hobbit edits, and stayed because you're a quality Tolkien blog and also because you seem quite nice in general :)
thank you so much, dear :)
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watsonly · 11 years
Saw your posts about the Moriarty/Moran thing, and I have to say I completely agree, unfortunately. I really want Jim back, but it just wouldn't make sense for him to have lived. That plus the voice manipulation and the fact that it was a still image...I want to celebrate Moriarty's "return," but unfortunately it just doesn't add up.
i feel the exact same way! also there's no way they're starting up season four with "HOW MORIARTY SURVIVED THE ROOFTOP" like we already did all that and i????
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isthatacalzone · 11 years
Hi there! ★
url; 9/10
icon; 10/10 snape feels much
theme; 9/10
posts; 9/10
overall; 9/10
following? yes ever since we had that discussion about reid :D/ no / we are bound by a contract
send me a ★ for a rate
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reinstall-existence · 12 years
I was thinking today, because that's what I do,
and I started thinking about a poem potterlockedintheshire wrote.
She's a fantastic writer, really. o3o
Just thought I'd advertise that.
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chicamalachicatriste · 12 years
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[ add_to_image_queue('notification_avatar_f9shu5hu46d743m', 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/avatar_47de67317ce6_40.png', 'src'); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: ]]> potterlockedintheshire replied to your post:...
Of course it’s a good idea- when is it not a good idea to give yourself unbearable feels? :)
Hehe, true, true.  
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variety-of-hugs · 12 years
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: potterlockedintheshire replied to your post:...
Awwwww :( Yeah, I guess spoilers are kind of hard to avoid for something this popular. At least that means you won’t be hit quite as hard by the feels since you know what’s coming, I’d guess :)
 True. But I'm still shockingly entranced with Sherlock after one season despite previously seeing all sorts of gifsets, so I'm still scared, hahaha
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reinstall-existence · 12 years
Matt: You're really self-deprecating...
Me: Uh-huh.
Matt: And it's starting to worry me.
Me: No, no, don't worry. It's part of my charm, man. It's why everyone loves me.
Matt: Well, not everyone..
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chicamalachicatriste · 12 years
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[ add_to_image_queue('notification_avatar_2xwm54fhzwmvrzv', 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/avatar_47de67317ce6_40.png', 'src'); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: Man, I started Brokeback Mountain like, months...
It’s so sad, but it’s a really great movie. I’ll be here to provide emotional support if needed :)
Thank you, I shall need it. I was thinking about finishing it tonight, but, I don't think that would be a good idea...
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Thank you, I really appreciate that.
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angstmongertina · 12 years
I've been tagged!  This is unexpected.  Thanks to jayneausten for tagging me.
Rule 1: Post the rules. Rule 2 : Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make eleven new ones. Rule 3 : Tag 11 people and link them to your post. Rule 4 : Let them know they’ve been tagged!
1. If you could live in any other time period (past or future) when would you live? I would live... some time in the future, I think.  I like technology.  And for all I romanticize the past, I would die without Internet and I would hate the whole girls-must-be-pretty-and-get-married-and-not-care-about-education-and-learning stuff.
2. If you could live in any fictional universe, where would you live? Wizarding world.  Hands down.
3. Least favorite ship? Oh man, this is hard...  I could probably list a couple of popular Harry Potter ships here.  Dramione.  Snarry (seriously, what?), Snermione, Harmony...  I'm not a big fan of ACD!Johnlock but I can see how BBC!Johnlock might be attractive to a lot of people... 
4. If you could kill one person without there being any negative repercussions, who would it be? Hitler, if I could go back in time.  At the moment?  I say that I would kill someone, but I don't think I would actually ever do so. 
5. What countries have you been to? I live in the U.S.  I've lived in Canada.  I've visited China, Japan, Taiwan, and Germany. 
6. Favorite book of all time? How do I pick?  HOW DO I PICK?!  I love the Harry Potter series.   Pride and Prejudice is my favorite classic.  Runemarks is amazing.  But if I had to pick...  Harry Potter.  It was my first book love.
7. Favorite author? I'm going to have to go with...  Crap.  Ummm...  I...  Can't...  I...  Don't...  Know...  Someone help me.  I can't.  I guess I'll go with Jane Austen. 
8. Do you want kids? How many? Yes.  At the moment, I'm thinking 3.  And my first born son will be named Shen and Sarah G will be his godmother. 
9. Favorite Youtuber person? Uhhh...  I don't actually watch a lot of people-specific YouTube channels.  I tend to listen to music, mainly.  But if I had to pick, I'd probably go with the vlogbrothers. 
10. Do you prefer lots of friends or a couple good ones? Easily a couple good ones.  I'm not a particularly extroverted person, but I love that feeling you get with your really close friends. 
11. What is the weirdest thing you would do for money? I don't even know.  Nothing too weird, I'm thinking.  Just a little outside of my comfort zone would be okay though.
Now, my questions.
1.  Favorite fandom.
2.  If you could meet one person on Tumblr in real life, who would you pick?
3.  One place you have always wanted to visit.
4.  Your favorite thing about yourself.
5.  What is the first thing you notice about other people?
6.  A fictional crush.  If you have several, who is your favorite?  (Admit it, you have at least one.)
7.  What do you want to name any potential future children?
8.  What is your dream career?
9.  What is your favorite element?  You can decide whether I mean one of the four or from the periodic table?
10. What is your favorite word?  Why?
11. If you could only see one person you know from now on (you could make new friends but you can't see anyone from your past), who would you pick?
And the people I tag are...
You guys should all check these Tumblr accounts because they're awesome.
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chicamalachicatriste · 12 years
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[ add_to_image_queue('notification_avatar_vastzcmcevsubwc', 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/avatar_47de67317ce6_40.png', 'src'); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: ]]> potterlockedintheshire replied to your post:...
Indeed :) Must be all the Martin-ness getting to us :)
Yes, most definitely. :D 
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chicamalachicatriste · 12 years
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[ add_to_image_queue('notification_avatar_49ravdbku72nt93', 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/avatar_47de67317ce6_40.png', 'src'); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: ]]> potterlockedintheshire replied to your post:...
Hahaha before I got to the end of the sentence I was thinking “But we already do” and then you said it and I’m like “Yay, I’m not the only one!”
Freebitches think alike. :D 
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chicamalachicatriste · 12 years
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[ add_to_image_queue('notification_avatar_7fvss53ut8wevdd', 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/avatar_47de67317ce6_40.png', 'src'); // ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>
potterlockedintheshire replied to your post: ]]> potterlockedintheshire replied to your post:...
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