#potato harvesting techniques
farmerstrend · 22 days
Dehaulming in Potato Production: Methods, Benefits, and Risks
“Learn about dehaulming in potato production, a crucial practice for hardening tuber skins and minimizing post-harvest damage, with insights into different methods and their impact on crop health.” “Discover the importance of dehaulming in potato farming, including the benefits, risks, and methods like haulms cutting, pulling, and paraquat spray to optimize your harvest.” “Explore how dehaulming…
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sapchat · 8 months
The Lord's Daughter
Cassian x Devlon!Reader
Synopsis: You’re Lord Devlon’s daughter, which definitely won’t cause any issues. Right? Fluff and Angst
Warnings: Devlon, misogyny :D, abuse, wing clipping, also you’re somewhat of a housewife because I read to many stories of people that end up with Cassian, Azriel or Rhys where they want to train and be strong. You can be strong and take care of a house, fuck that fighting shit. Also, I use female terminology, but you could read it as a more feminine male, FtM or even MtF if wanted.
Words: 7.6k
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The High Lord was coming to the house for a meeting, and then dinner. Father stated they were to talk about the camp, what the High Lord wanted to change, to talk about the girls training. Father stated it was because ‘that bastard general of his’ has reported once again the girls aren’t training. The other lords of Windhaven have all agreed that the girls can train just after their chores.
The only issue with that is the males of camp have just been giving us more work. So where I used to have time to myself to read, or play piano, I spend most of my day now doing chores and helping the younger girls of camp.
I don’t mind it, truly, it helps them out to do what they want. Train. I just don’t have an interest, and it’s not because my Father believes a female’s place is the house, I just don’t enjoy it. I’ve spent enough time helping patch up the warriors in the infirmary to know I want nothing to do with it.
I’d rather be a ‘housewife’ likely to the High Lord’s displeasure.
It doesn’t help that the General has been pestering all the girls lately to see why none of them are training.
It doesn’t help he pestered me before about it. Just before Rhysand became the High Lord. That thought caused me to look to my father, who had been in the sitting room sipping his whiskey.
“Father, do you know how many will be attending the meeting and meal? So, I might be prepared?” I ask, and the look on his face either turned to anger because I interrupted his thought or because of who will attend.
“The bastard lord, and his two-bastard ilk will attend. Not sure about his whore cousin.” He answered and downed his glass. Yea the anger is from the guests.
I wiped my hands on the apron I wore and untied it to set to the side, “Is there anything you’d specifically want for the meal? I can head to the butcher’s tomorrow when he opens. And I believe that the Huxley’s just finished canning and harvesting some of their vegetables for the season, I can stop and see what they have.”
“Get something from a pig. Just what they need to remind them what they are. No better than anyone else. Just nicer versions of pigs.” He poured himself another glass. Three fingers full this time.
“Pig sounds good, it’s been a little while since I’ve made a pig roast. I get some beans and potatoes to mash with it if that sounds good father.” If I’m to roast an entire pig for dinner, then I’ll have to go to the butchers early. Hopefully Elias can help bring it to the spit for me.
Father just grunted in reply, I’ll have to see what good alcohol I can find on short notice to serve. Possibly a cheap wine for me in order to get through it all.
Father was to spend most of the day showing the High Lord, the General and the Shadowsinger how the troops were, and how the girls’ training were proceeding, whilst I prepped the house for dinner. Turns out a pig roast doesn’t take as long as one would think to cook.
So, I got to spend some of my morning and afternoon outside tending to it and watching the camp show what they’ve learned. What new techniques have been taught from the war, whilst some of the girls stood to the side doing simple maneuvers like breathing or stretching.
It was strangely beautiful seeing the males move how they did. Like it was a dance whilst they were paired off, a dance that turned bloody and violet sure, but a dance nonetheless.
I tried my best to ignore the eyes of the three guests but at some points it couldn’t be avoided, and I’d quickly look away and go back to peeling my potatoes. Like a game of camp and mouse, except each time I’d glance there’d be some type of questioning look in one of their eyes. The General’s.
Whilst one of the three would pop in for a visit to the camps occasionally, I was never around. I’d just hear my father’s complaints later. With the occasional slap if it was a real grueling day. They weren’t the worst punishment you’ve received from the man. By the time it gets to the point he wants to slap he’s had a few glasses full, and he doesn’t have much strength.  
Besides he wanted me to look beautiful so he could still possibly find me a husband. Being the camp lord’s daughter did have its benefits. A pick of husbands, not that I’d get to chose but, and less beatings than some of the other women. Because whilst father would have rather had sons, he only has me. And as cruel as he can be I can say he doesn’t hate me. Detest me for not having a cock, sure.
But I am still his child.
Cauldron, part of me thinks just a little he hates he clipped my wings. He’d done it properly, thankfully. Had the best healer tend to it, so I still have functions in my wings and no real pain. Many of the girls and females in camp can’t say that. I’ve tended to many of them after the fact of how mangled their fathers make them. How they can barley even function.
The High Lord has attempted to ban wing clipping, imposing harsh punishments on those who still do it. It hasn’t stopped many of the fathers from clipping in secret. Which has caused more injuries than needed. It doesn’t help many of the males of camp beat their wives and daughters.
No wonder some many of the fae hate us. No wonder the High Lord and his friends hate coming around. Maybe that’s what the meeting is about. More changes to make to the camp. I’m sure father will love that. Something I’ll have to listen to until the next demand the High Lord makes.
I’d been so busy peeling and cutting up potatoes I didn’t see the massive imposing figure next to me. Red siphons littering his body, stature casting a shadow over my body, wings just posed enough to not be aggressive but catching my attention.
“Why aren’t you training with the other girls?” It was the General, Cassian, who had walked up to question me. And I’m shocked to find him talking with me. I’m trying to remember when the last time it might’ve been, and the only time I can think of it was around the time of their Blood Rite at a bonfire.
The war came not long after that, and then once it ended, I started taking care of the house more. Learning how to be a good wife from my mother, learning from some of the healers how to care for wounds.
“I’m peeling potatoes…” It’s the most obvious thing that I’m doing. He can see the potato in my hand, the others that had been peeled, and the skins on the ground around me.
“The girls of camp are to train just everyone else. So… why aren’t you training yourself?” He asked again, as if it’s the strangest thing in the world to not want to train. To rather cook, clean and care for a home than fight and get bloody and bruised.
“Because I’m prepping for dinner. After the meeting with the High Lord.” It’s a simple answer, one anyone should be able to guess, especially the General.
“Lord Devlon has been instructed that all girls of training age, or those that wish to, train before doing chores.”
“I know the rule Lord Cassian,” He cringes lightly at the title, “My father tells the camp of the rules the High Lord has created and has been enforcing. Believe it or not, I am not of training age nor do I want to train. I am perfectly content doing what I have been.”
The General almost seemed shocked at what I said. And just as he went to add something else, someone called him back to the others. He looked at the voice, then back to me, as if he was going to ignore them. Continue to question me; but he left.
Once he left, I took the food inside, to finish cooking it. The Generals presence reminding me of that bonfire. What the night brought, what rare fun you got to have. Before many of you had responsibilities for the real world….
“If your father finds out I allowed you to go out tonight he’d have both our heads.” My mother had stated glancing hesitantly at me from over the counter.
“Well, father is going to be in meetings with some of the camp lords, and other males of camp. Hence why this party is happening tonight.” I told her, the crunch of an apple piece ending my statement from the fruit she had given me for a snack.
“You’re not going to do anything… reckless are you? Nothing to…-“
I interrupted her, “Mother I’m not going to sleep with anyone. My pureness will be intact when I leave the house and will still be present when I come back. You’ll have no issue marrying me off. Even then, you and father are still able to have children.”
My mother had walked around the counter and pulled me into her chest, kissed my head and stated, “Why would I ever try to mess up perfection?” She had always said I was the best thing she made; no other child would be able to compare.
By the time I had gotten to the party it was in full swing, liquor and ale being passed around in cups, people sneaking off to the shadows to feel or hook up.
I had just planned on seeing some of my friends, only have maybe one or two drinks, I hadn’t expected the heir to the Night Court to be there. Which meant his two shadows would be around him too, both bastard low-born males, one who fought for his place in Windhaven and slid his way to the heir’s side. The other, the one everyone says was kissed by flame and shadow, who was dropped off here by his father’s guards as a favor to whoever his mother was. Just because the Lady of Night was a family friend.
The three of them weren’t much older than I, maybe by a few years, they were nearing the age and power to compete in the Blood Rite, where many Illyrian males aim for the age of 30 to compete. The name is self-explanatory, it’s a rite of passage where lots of blood happens.
I had spotted the long-hair male, I believe his name is Cassius or along the lines, standing by the fire passing a cup of ale to another female. Brushing through the crowds, I made my way over looking at the different drink options feeling hazel eyes looking at me.
Without even looking at the person staring I ask, “Going to give a suggestion or just keep starring?”
“I mean either works for me. Which allows me to stare longer?” Cassius… Cassiel… shit what is his name…
“Hmmm… giving a suggestion allows me to sip something as you stare.” I finally turn to look at him, and realize how much taller he is. He’s standing at least a head over me, if not two heads. Maybe a head and a small head.
“Ale is always a good choice. If you’d like something harder, a whiskey mixes or rum. Something sweet, I saw someone walk by with wine earlier so that’s somewhere… Cassian by the way.” CASSIAN! That’s his name.
“Y/N, and I’m okay with ale. My mixed drinks either varies by too strong and mainly the liquor or not enough and its basically just soda.” He nods his head and takes to pouring me a cup, getting no foam in it before handing it over.
“So, Windhaven native orrrr….?” He asks, and I can’t tell if he expects to end the night in my pants or not. If he actually just wants to get to know me.
“Native, my father is one of the lords sooo. Kinda have to follow the line. Only reason I got to come tonight was the meeting.”
“Yea, that was the main reason for this soiree. Helps that the High Lord is there taking the attention off of us to do it.” My eyes widened just a little, not realizing that the Lord of the Night Court was present.
“I didn’t realize he was coming to that meeting… how do you know that, figured it’d be a bit of a secret.” I watch as he points off to the side, following his direction I see how he knows, the heir, Rhysand is against a tree. Kissing another male with a female between them.
“He’s… committed?” I don’t even know how to describe it, and whilst it wouldn’t be me… I won’t judge others. That’s wrong.
“Oh,” the sharpest grin spreads on Cassian’s face, “He’s a very committed High Lord.”
“I’m sure the Night Court will be in… loving hands?” It’s a questionable laugh, one I hope doesn’t offend him or his friend.
“He will be, he’s got plans. Hopes to make Illyria a better place. But none of that, you’re drinking with one of the next Carynthian!” He’s proud of the statement, as if knowing he’s going to win no matter what.
“Oh, you’re competing this coming spring? Are… are all three of you doing it?” It’s a simple question, one because I know my father has already complained about them signing up together. It’s somewhat nice seeing others give him a headache rather than I.
“You can bet you’re sweet ass.” My eyebrows raise as I blink at what he exclaimed, “We all plan to complete it together. We started as one, we’ll end as one.”
“That’s… sweet. To many Illyrians die during it… To much blood shed just to come out on top just to come out with bragging rights.”
Cassian shrugs as if it isn’t too much of an issue. “Everyone in this camp is out for someone’s blood. The blood rite keeps everyone… sated. It’s a way to get rid of your enemy’s or people you hate without having to deal with a punishment from Lord Dickhead. Illyria is awful anyway with how everyone gets treated, if there weren’t challenges or the blood rite, we’d never be an army. Be to busy fighting each other.”
He's right but the name ‘Lord Dickhead’ throws me off… he’s not talking about…? “Lord Dickhead?”
The biggest grin ever splits across his face, and that’s how I know 1. He’s talking about my father and 2. He doesn’t know I’m his daughter. “Lord Dickhead, Lord Devlon. He’d answer to both I think.”
It had caused me to laugh, Windhaven is a big camp so not everyone realizes that my dad is one of the lords, let alone realize I’m his daughter. We talked more that night, but Cauldron knows I can’t remember. The ale was pretty strong, and I hadn’t drunk much before. But I do remember the night ended with a sloppy kiss.
We had moved to just the outskirts of the party, and he made a comment about going to be the best warrior the camp has seen. His goal was to be a general one day. And I had made a silly little comment about me being the fair maiden and him being the amazing knight.
He told me that the knight always gets a kiss before and after saving the maiden. So, he said he earned a kiss before the Blood Rite. So, I risked it. One of the only times I ever risked my status and the ire of my father.
I pressed my lips against his, hesitantly. He cupped my cheeks in his hands, tilting his head just slightly and pressed his lips against mine a rush of heat flowing through me. My brows furrowed just as he ran his tongue along my lip and in my confusion, I followed instinct and raised my hands to cup his face.
It had been a hot, hungry rushed kiss. My first kiss, something no other male got from then on. The war came after, among a thousand other things. But it always felt like a part of my soul was missing from then on.
I had been so lost in my daydream I had finished the potatoes. The type of ‘blackout’ where you just rely on muscle memory and continue doing whatever you were and come back out after going “Oh I actually cooked those right and didn’t just imagine it right?”
I quickly started setting everything out on the table, laid out the glasses, with a pale of ice cubes if wanted and the slightly expensive whiskey I found set out as well.  
And just as I finished stirring the mashed-up potatoes, I heard my father lead the males in. In walked the High Lord, the Shadowsinger and Cassian. I walked into the doorway of the eating room, watching my father lead them in, the whiskey and glasses already on the table from earlier today.
My father nodded to me, seeing that everything was out for them already. He then turned to the others and nodding in my direction and three sets of eyes lay on me. Each holding different twinkles in their eyes. “I’m not sure if you all remember back from, you’re all’s youth, but this is my daughter. Y/N Devlon.”
The High Lord’s and Shadowsinger’s expressions stayed neutral, but Cassian’s eyes widened just a bit. Either from realizing that I would in fact know the rules because of me being his daughter. Or because he finally remembered who I was. 
Either way I bowed just enough to be respectful, “Hello. Dinner is ready, and I left the option of drink choices. I hope everything is to your guys’ liking.” The Shadowsinger’s gaze glanced over the table, likely trying to see if anything would be poisoned but his gaze stuck on the roasted pig sat out, glistening with juices.
As if realizing what caught the shadowsinger’s attention, the High Lord and Cassian’s attention moves to it as well. Cassian only really seemed to have an issue with it, his teeth clenched and fist slightly clenched.
The High Lord took it in stride however, “Devlon, I’m glad you remembered how much I loved a roasted pig. Did it come from the Collymore family? They still have their butcher shop don’t they?”
My father leaned over his seat, and poured himself a glass, “You are correct Rhysand, the Collymore’s still have their butcher shop, their son has helped take it over. Truly it was them to remember your love for pig. Too many of you boys I raised and sent off to remember it all.” There’s a little eye twitch in his eye at the dig. “Please sit. Let’s not let this meal go to waste.”
I helped pour glass for the males, asked if anything else was needed before being waved away by my father. Walking back into the kitchen for my own dinner, I felt eyes follow me.
My own meal was smaller, consisting of really only the sides, pork wasn’t my favorite choice of meal, especially when it came to having to look at the face of a pig while eating. I spent most of dinner trying to ignore the conversation happening one wall over.
Voices varying in differing heights as disagreements and agreements happened. Why they elected to have a meeting over a meal? I’m not to sure. Doesn’t seem like much eating is actually happening. And as the person who cooked the meal, it kind of upsets me that my work is going to waste.
I could see the little shadow join me in the kitchen as I ate. Giving me some company, granted I’m sure it’s reporting back. As soon as that thought happens, it shoots off and another replaces. At least I think it’s a different one.
I’d been so distracted by the noises from the other room and the little shadows I didn’t see the massive frame entering the kitchen from the back. I jumped a good foot when I heard him speak.
“Why didn’t you say you were Devlons’ daughter?” General Cassian.
“Pardon?” It comes out quickly, just with one breath as I stare at him. His wings flexing with a slight irritation to them.
“You know what I asked.”
“Are you talking about earlier today or when we first met?” It’s a good question. Simple enough that if he doesn’t remember then I don’t have to possibly deal with the fact we drunkenly kissed. Or I can let him have some panic for calling my father ‘Lord Dickhead’. Even if that shoe fits.
“That depends. When do you think we first met?” I just slightly narrow my eyes, then glance in the direction of the dining room and back. What’s his game? And how do I play?
I’ve grown up around these warriors. Whilst I’d rather stay at home, I can bite back. “’Lord Dickhead.”
A saccharine smirk grows across his face, a glistening white canine peaking out. “What would Devlon thing about his daughter kissing an Illyrian bastard?”
“He didn’t know. The only one who did was my mom. Maybe your friends. But I never said a thing. I don’t kiss and tell.”
“That why you don’t train? Because he’s your father and he doesn’t allow you to?” He seems almost pissed as if it’s my father not letting me train.
I finally set my fork down with my plate and glare, “If I wished to train with everyone else. I would. It’s my choice whether I do or not. The High Lord doesn’t require me to train, he just states that the girls that wish to train, do. And I don’t want to.” My wings have started to flare just lightly, likely the only amount of dominance I’ll ever show.
He glances at my wings, eyes narrowing as if now realizing that my wings were clipped. A slight growl coursing through his chest. “So doesn’t allow you to train and clipped your wings. Wonder how Rhys would feel about him breaking both rules he’s imposed.”
I pull my wings back in close and tight to my back almost self-consciously before saying, “My wings are none of your business. It especially doesn’t concern the High Lord. What I do is not any of your business either. If I wanted to train, I would.”
“It matters if the Lord of this camp is breaking the laws that have been imposed by the High Lord. Rhysand has explained in great detail what the punishments are for wing clipping, and for not allowing the girls of camp to train.” I understand they want change. I do. But the punishments he’s talking about is either a beating or death. To “prove a point” they just kill them.
We’re in silence for a few minutes, him waiting for me to bite back likely. And when he seems to think I won’t, he turns to leave. To go back to his precious High Lord, but as he hits the doorway something makes me open my mouth, “They were clipped before I met you. Even before the bonfire.”
It makes him pause, but he continues back to the dining room.
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It’s a week later until I see him again. I had been walking around the farmer market the camp has. And he seemed to be walking around buying some of the food, either for a quick lunch or just to support some of the families of Windhaven.
So, being the peace maker, I try to be, I go up to him, “Hi.” Simple, if he wants, he can ignore me, or he can engage.
“Y/N. How are you?” Okay so not an immediate ‘fuck off’ so that’s good.
“I’m doing great! How about you?”
“Good.” Okay so maybe he’s just being polite.
“…What brought you to the market today.” He just glanced at me, and it’s really making me rethink trying to be nice.
“Have you been over by the Monroe stall since being back at the camps? Cade and his wife Calliope run it now. I think he did the Blood Rite a couple years after you.”
He sighs, “What are you doing?” He just barley looks down at me, an emotion in his eye I can’t pinpoint.
I just shrug, “I don’t know, I figured you’d maybe like the company. I know you’re not the most popular in the camps all considering. Plus, that first time we met we were friends,” I look down at that, “At least I think we became friends. Even if it was just for that short time! I didn’t really see you after…. And I know the second time we met it was tense, but you were eating dinner with my father-“
He cuts me off, “Whilst you were eating the bare minimum in the kitchen. Alone.”
My eyebrows furrow just lightly, “I couldn’t really eat with you guys. You were discussing camp policies. Not really a place for me.”
“Because you’re a female?”
“No, because I don’t know anything about camp policies. It wouldn’t make sense for me to be there. It’d be like if I showed up for a war meeting. No reason for me to be there.” It makes sense in my head so I would think it makes sense in his.
“That’s your home. You prepared the meal; you welcomed us into the home. You should have sat at the table and ate.”
“Can I ask something General Cassian?” It’s something I want to know. But his face makes me smile just a little.
“You can just call me Cassian; but yes.” It’s almost a grumble with how he answers.
“Why does it bother you so much? How I decide to do things with my life?” He pauses in his step as if debating something. Either to answer or to tell me.
“That night. The… night of the ki- of the bonfire.” He rephrases his statement as if remembering we’re around others of camp. As if he realizes if anyone overhears, my virtue will be in question. My reputation in the camps, ruined. “I… I know we’re older. Now. But I thought I felt something… that night. Something deep in my soul. And then you were gone, the Blood Rite happened, then the war.
Just to find out you were under my nose the entire time. Did you know that Rhys didn’t know Devlon had a wife, let alone a child. One so close in age. Let alone one who’s wings had been clipped, doesn’t train with the other girls and females of camp.”
“He doesn’t have a wife anymore. My mother died not long after the war ended. And I told you the other night that my wings were already clipped the first time we met.” I sharply turn in front of him, “Also, I didn’t realize I had to inform you who I was when we met. I don’t usually walk up to people go ‘Hi my names Y/N, my father is Lord Devlon lets go make out!’ When we met, we were nobodies. You didn’t have a title, such an important role, so many responsibilities. So, I stayed out of the way. No matter what I might’ve felt that night.”
It's like a ripple is sent out. Something in the wind has changed. But all we can do is look at one another. Both breathing slightly heavily from what’s been shared.
Cassian looks away for just a second, nostrils flaring. “Is that why you didn’t come around? Because I’m a bastard? A fatherless motherless brute with no standing?”
I scoff at what he’s trying to imply, “Why would your parents matter to me? I didn’t come around because 1. How did I know you wished me to? You were sent to the Blood Rite the night after, then the war came, Rhysand became the High Lord and you left. 2. You forget that even though my father is Lord Devlon, I am a woman, a daughter to a brute that cares more for this camp than I. I have no standing which is something I’ve accepted.”
“So, I just assume I’m supposed to sit here and believe, that even when I was not a general, you would’ve had me? Would’ve let me court you?”
“YES!” I exclaimed, the few people still wondering around the market glancing in our direction. I hold my stuff a little tighter before glancing back at Cassian’s eyes, “Come on, follow me before we get into any more trouble.”
The winged male slowly followed behind, as if he were a child that had gotten in trouble. Luckily, father was to be with the ‘troops’ and wouldn’t be at home until late. So, we would be left in peace for a bit.
“Won’t Devlon get pissed your in here  unchaperoned with a male?” He’s almost hesitant in walking into the house, as if he’ll be run off for just walking in.
“Believe it or not, even though I’d rather stay in the house and raise kids than fight, I am allowed to make my own choices. Much to my father’s anger.” There’s just the smallest smile that graces his face, it lights up as he does.
“Is that why you don’t want to train? Because you would just rather keep house than be a warrior?” It’s as if he’s finally understanding me, finally realizing that everyone wants something different.
“I’m an only child, I always begged for siblings, always played with babydolls, or played house. My mother couldn’t have anymore kids, I never truly knew why I just know she couldn’t. Because of that, I spent most of my time playing ‘mom’ with different things and people. That’s all I wanted to be… Then my mother passed away after the war, that disease that passed through the camps, remember? The dreams of a sibling kind of… shattered, unless father remarries.
Then the High Lord became the High Lord, started changing the rules of the camps, trying to make change. Think what you want about my father, I know how he seems and gets viewed, but he’s always been like that distant in his own way. Cass, I wish I was one of the females of camp that wanted to train, he’d allow it if I truly wanted to, but I don’t. It’s not something I want for me, I want to be in the home taking care of people, raising kids if I get to have them. And if that’s not something you can accept… then I don’t know if there could be an… us.” I glance up towards him, and the most heartbroken look is on his face.
“I couldn’t care less if that’s what you truly want. I only cared because I thought you were being kept from what you wanted to do. I didn’t know you truly didn’t want to train, I thought you were being forced to keep house. That’s why I was pushing for it so much, that’s why I cared.” He still has the look on his face, as if I’ve killed his mate…. Wait….
“Earlier… you said something… about the night we… kissed. That you thought you felt something… What did you mean?” It’s like a white sheet has draped over him, his tan Illyrian skin lighting to an unhealthy look.
“It-it’s nothing. Just I don’t know Y/N we were drunk, but I just feel like-“ He’s twiddling with his fingers as I interrupt him. Something I never picture the general doing, the famed Prince of Bloodshed.
“It felt like something more? Something… in the making, or in the forming?” His hazel eyes make contact with mine, an almost knowing glint in them. Like he’s already thought that’s what it was, although there’s still a look of fear.
“I’m not sure if that’s what it is. The only experience I have with mates is Rhys’ parents’… and they weren’t… the best examples. I just know that night I felt something, and ever since then it felt like something’s been missing. Until we met again, and that feeling came back.” I chew on the corner of my lip, chewing on the skin some.
“So… are we mates?” That beautiful grin is back on his face, the color her lost coming back to the usual tan.
“I think we’re mates.”
Right as he says it, as if talking about it summoned it, that beautiful golden bridge is formed between us.
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It’s been almost a week since the mating bond formed between us. Something that I’ve kept away from my father, which Cass has been in full support of. He has started to buy and give me courting gifts, which I can’t tell if my father noticed and is ignoring or not. Granted I did want to put feelers out at dinner tonight.
“Father?” I hope my tone isn’t as anxious as it sounds, but I fear it might be.
“What would you like Y/N?” He asks still reading the report he has in his right hand as he eats.
“Would....” How do I approach this? “Would it be okay if someone… started to court me?” This makes him pause mid-chew, and it’s then I start to wonder if maybe he is just slightly more male than I thought, than I saw.
“Is there a male in the camps courting you? Because if so, they should be coming to me for permission. Who is it?” Okay yeah maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.
“I don’t think it’s actual courting, I just think someone has been giv-leaving gifts for me. Just little things that usually get seen as courting gifts. I just wanted your opinion on it father.” Simple, appeasing to his pride.
“I’m not sure which game you’re playing child, but if someone does wish to court you, then the proper way is through talking with me and allowing me to approve it. Are they a respectable male? The one leaving gifts.”
He doesn’t believe he’s respectable, but he’s more respectable than the males in camp. “What if they’re my mate? I know it’s rare, but if The Mother and Cauldron wished it, would you still accept them?”
My father stops chewing once again, as if getting tired of my questions during our usual meals. “You’ve been reading to many of those books again, haven’t you? They still need to speak with me if they wish to court you. Mating bond or not.” Okay so maybe he will accept Cassian then! “But if he is not a male of good standing, then it won’t be happening. I won’t have my child marrying some bastard, mating bond or not.” Shit.
“The books bring me joy father. Something to do once I’m done with my chores.” Entice my father with the sweet words for the females of his time, where we’re happy with doing chores. Which for me I am but still.
It wasn’t until hours later when I go meet Cass that I told him.
“How’d your father take it?” He asks, wrapping me up in his arms holding me close to him. The bond thumping along our chests, even unmated and it thrives with life.
“I chickened out… Don’t look at me like that! I asked how he’d feel if someone started courting me, and he said he wanted them to come to him to ask permission. So, I asked what if they were my mate. But he said if that was the case, even so rare it is, that he’d technically allow it, unless they weren’t in ‘good standing’.” Cass lightly pushes me slightly away from him to look at me.
“So, your father’s definitely not going to allow me to court you. My mate. I knew your father hated bastards but…” He sounds upset about the fact, which is understandable.
I look up and run a finger along the length of his nose, “You could always rescue me, be the amazing knight again and me being the maiden. Take me away to the Moonstone Palace safely tucked away.” He gets some kind of guilty look on his face at the mention of Moonstone Palace.
“Is that what you’d want? For me to take you away from your father, bring you back to my home with me?” he’s sincere in his question, and I know he’d do it in an instant.
“I wanted my father to approve. I wanted him to be okay with our relationship, with our eventual mating. To be happy for me that I was able to find a male that could care for me. Mates aren’t something that happened, let alone happen in these camps. But I’d never forgive him if he tried to keep me away from you.” And I wouldn’t. He’s my father and I’d do almost anything for him, like he’s done for me, but this is a chance at my happiness.
“I’ll see what I can do, speak with Rhys about seeing if there’s anything that can be done. If there’s a loophole.” He’s sweet and doesn’t even have to do what he plans to do. Really, he could just cut his losses and move on.
The issue was we were wrapped up in each other, we never even noticed the male watching from the shadows. So, when I awoke the next day, my bedroom door locked; I didn’t know what was to happen. Was even more shocked when I found my father in the corner of my room waiting.
“Are you fucking him?” It was all he said. Just like that my loving father was replaced with the male Lord of the camp.
“What?” No, seriously, what?
“Are you fucking that bastard?”
“Father what are you talking about? I haven’t been with anyone, you know this.” Really, all me and Cass have done is kiss. Yet that little brush of question down the bond from him makes me wonder if it could be seen as more.
“It’s been reported to me that you have been seen sneaking out. Then meeting that bastard born foot solider. So, I’ll ask you again. Are you. Fucking. That Bastard.” He’s pissed, I’m pissed that someone’s followed me to him. Because this is going to fuck over whatever plans me and Cass made.
The anger on his face makes me pull on the bond and send just the smallest rush of panic down the bond. Hopefully letting him know that somethings wrong, that I might need assistance. “Father, I don’t know what someone claims to have seen but they are wrong. You know I would never do that, compromise us like that. You’ve raised me better than that.” He didn’t necessarily raise me at all, my mother did. He just kept us alive in terms of money.
“So, the male is lying to me and your telling the truth?”
“Father, you have nothing to fear. You know I am waiting for your approval and marriage. It would be unladylike of me to not have my maidenhead before being married.” It’s not a lie, I do still have my maidenhead, but I am kind of sneaking around with Cass.
Speaking of who, responds with my earlier tug, with one of his own, and a questioning feeling down the bond. I tug back almost instantly, sending back reassurance but still a little push of panic. Hopefully getting the point across I need him.
“If that is the case you won’t care for me to go get the male and question him again. See which of you are lying.” He knows something. Either there’s actual evidence of me and Cassian sneaking around, or someone is trying to screw me. I’m not happy about either.
I just shrug in response, “I just planned on cleaning up around the house today. So, I’ll be here if you wish to ask me anymore questions.” I smiled at him kindly.
I need to figure out a way to get out of camp.
My fathers’ eyes just narrow at me, before his lip curls and he leaves the room completely. Not locking the door behind him thankfully.
It was only two hours later I heard a knock on the back door; a sharp tug following after telling me who it was. Picture my surprise when I let Cass in and the High Lord and Shadowsinger follow in behind him.
I start to try and bow but before I can even attempt to Cass pulls me into a hug. “What’s going on?”
I push back lightly, “Someone saw us the other night. When we met and talked about leaving. Someone had followed. Father thinks we’ve…” I stop, and glance at the other two before finishing.
The High Lord leans against the wall, the Shadowsinger joining him, “So he thinks you’ve slept with him and thus are basically worthless in terms of any marriage deals.”
My face rushes to a heated tint, and Cassian growls in response, “Rhys.” It’s a simple command he makes. Don’t speak about my maidenhead so casually.
“Do you know who the male was that reported seeing you guys?” It’s the Shadowsinger that speaks now.
I shake my head, “No, he locked me in my room, waited for me to wake then basically came and interrogated me. Just said someone reported to him that they watched me ‘sneak out’ then followed me and saw me meet up with Cass.”
He shares glances with the Lord and Cass, before Cass asks, “How pissed is he?”
“Well, I can almost guarantee that when he comes back later after questioning that male again it won’t be a happy dinner.”
Cassian runs a quick hand down his face, and it makes me feel bad that I’m putting him through this stress. As if noticing my feelings, the High Lord speaks.
“Devlon would be pissed no matter what. The Cauldron themselves could be your mate and he’d be upset. It does slightly complicate things, but this is an easy issue to solve.”
“Rhys. Don’t insinuate my mate is an issue.”
“Not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Az do you think you’d be able to intercept Devlon before he finds out to much information?” Cass asks, and before I can tell them it’s likely to late, he’s gone. Shadows hiding him away taking him… somewhere.
“Y/N, do you want to stay and see what happens or would you like to pack some stuff to leave?” The High Lord—Rhys, I guess is what I should call him now. Cass has told me enough about him I feel it’d be appropriate.
“Do you think it’s needed?” I don’t want to leave my home. It’s the home I was born and raised in, the home my mother lived and died in. The home I learned my purpose of life in.
Cassian answers instead, “Me and my brothers were talking. The three of us think it may be safer if you come with us. But… I’ll leave you with the option. The choice to see how your father reacts. We just think it’ll be safer if you come with us at the end of the day. We… we don’t know what Devlon will do once finding out we’re mates.”
I must look sad about that because Cass brings me closer, if possible, and his wings just slightly curl towards me. “He wouldn’t hurt me. He might be some type of monster but he’s still my father.”
Rhys answers for Cass, “It’s not that we think he’d intentionally hurt you, but he said it himself, he wouldn’t marry you to your mate if it wasn’t a… good match. But it wouldn’t be a happy life if you stayed. I know it’s a big ask, this is your home, all you’ve known. But I also know Cassian would be a lot happier if you were with him. Safe.”
Closing my eyes, I sigh because I know they’re right. I’d be happier in the long run with him. “I’ll go pack some things. Should I wait or just leave a note?” My voice is solemn.
Cassian and Rhys look at one another, but Cass answers, “I’d leave a note for now. We can always come back if you want to see if he’d like to make amends.”
And so, I do, I leave a simple note apologizing. Telling him that I was in fact still a maiden, even if he thinks I’m not. Tell him that Cass is my mate, and I couldn’t have a higher-ranking male as my husband. If he wishes to speak with me, he can send letters.
Other than that, I take my most prized possessions. Some of my mother’s jewelry, books, a few more odds and in’s I’ve collected in my few hundred years of living.
Then we left. So, I can be happy with my mate, and his family.
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Author's Note:
This was going to be 5.6k words but last night I felt it needed just a little more angst because we all know Devlon would be pissed.
Like, comment, share/reblog.
dividers came from @firefly-graphics
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Reverse 1999 HCs: The Kitchen
I mentioned these in passing, but I finally added them in post with more detail. Feel free to add your HCs to the buffet! Word count is 960ish so you know what you're getting into if you continue down this path of madness.
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Apple tends to stay out of the kitchen unless he's looking for wine. He doesn't want to be mistaken for a tasty snack.
Regulus is banned from the kitchen but barges in anyway as the "official taste tester". She also steals from people's plates if they're left unguarded, unless it's Sotheby's. She is an exception. Vertin gets the worst of it where Regulus might lean over her shoulder and chomp down on her spoonful of food. This is the tax for sharing her premium snacks with Vertin.
As for the snack sharing, one time Regulus caught Vertin eating uncooked noodles with the seasoning packet sprinkled on top like chips as a snack. Ever since then, she gave Vertin free access to the stash of snacks in her room. There's always potato chips and Dr. Papper available to her friend.
Vertin stills occasionally eats noodles like chips because Madam Z used to do it when they were traveling together. When Smoltin caught her red-handed, Madam Z advised her not to be like her and to eat her celery sticks instead. They both knew that wasn't going to happen.
Sotheby is allowed use the kitchen with supervision. There needs to be someone there to give their opinion on her creative choices (stop her from accidentally poisoning someone).
Druvis is the head chef and Sonetto is her apprentice that does everything by the book due to her upbringing in the Foundation. For example, if they don't have the right ingredients, Sonetto believes they can't make the dish anymore. However, Druvis will teach her how to substitute things and improvise.
Sonetto is a great cook, but she operates like a robot that needs to be updated with new ideas from a programmer. All the knowledge is there, but she struggle to make her own conclusions. (This is something we see her struggle with in game but I applied it to cooking lol)
The Horror Trio have no interest in cooking, only eating. Although, Jessica and her Critter friends harvest things from the garden so Druvis can supervise/mentor in the kitchen.
Vertin can't cook per say, but she can throw together very basic meals a child could do (eggs, bacon, toast, grilled cheese, simple stuff). However, her specialty is eggs. She can cook an egg in every way possible thanks to Madam Z. The scientist told her if she learns to cook anything, let it be an egg. They're easy to cook, versatile, and a good source of protein. This is an HC but I can hear her explaining egg supremacy to Vertin. Fun fact: Eggs are a staple food in China and many Asian countries. Eat an egg for Madam Z everyone.
Vertin's also handy with a knife since it's all about technique and she's good with her hands. Before her crew, she probably ate a lot of sandwiches, Foundation MREs, and instant food (with eggs on the side).
However, one day Druvis witnessed hot bacon grease pitch onto Vertin's arm. Vertin flinched at first but continued flipping her bacon, saying, "It happens sometimes." Druvis damn near threw Vertin in the sink in her rush to run cold water over it. They didn't notice how serious Vertin's disregard for injuries were due to the lack of scars and reactions from her. Vertin doesn’t understand since it'll go away with a healing potion. This breaks Druvis's heart because even if it's healed, Vertin's putting herself through unnecessary pain since she's used to getting hurt.
That was the last time Vertin was allowed to touch a frying pan (rip her beloved eggs as collateral), but they still let her use the knife since she's adept with it. Also Vertin wants to help them because it's a way for her to spend more time with them. They couldn't chase her away after she admitted that.
There is another advantage to letting the Timekeeper help sometimes; Vertin's the only one who doesn't cry rivers when she cuts an onion. Sonetto and Sotheby are a mess when they try. Pupnetto has a sensitive nose and Sotheby is baby. Druvis keeps her deadpan face but tears will prick at her eyes.
Vertin didn't always eat her veggies as a kid and Madam Z wasn't sure how to make her eat them. It's actually Tooth Fairy who found a way to make fruits and veggies fun. Vertin now does the same for her Suitcase Family.
Imagine an elegant, celebratory dinner set up by Druvis, Sonetto, and Sotheby after a particularly tough mission. What did Vertin contribute with her knife? Sandwiches? Salads? Nope. It's this:
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Fruits and veggies decorated as little critters! It's how Tooth Fairy advised Madam Z to prepare them so Smoltin would eat them. As a kid she loved it. Vertin is creative so there are many variations (she's the opposite of Sonetto who's highly skilled but lacks creativity).
They're a hit with her crew too. Even Blonney, who normally acts like a moody teenager when it comes to her true feelings, finds them adorable. After seeing the way Jessica's eyes lit up from the little display, she was inspired to try and learn too. In secret, of course.
Horropedia said they were neat, but listed a terrifying bunch of ideas for Vertin's next fruit/veggie display: monsters, eyeball, tentacles, severed fingers, a dipping sauce that looks like slime or blood...
Regulus: Vertin! What are you doing?
Vertin: I'm making cheese toasties (grilled cheese). Don't worry, there's no way I can burn myself.
Regulus: You're dealing with hot melted cheese. On a scale of 1 to 10, how angry do you think Sonetto and Druvis would be if I called them right now?
Vertin: ...Would you like one too?
Regulus: Cut diagonally, no crust. Thanks ❤️
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batterymaster01 · 9 months
Shovelfolk Agriculture & Cuisine
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Some common dishes in the cultures of the Shovelfolk (Astutocentaurus alluvium).
The Shovelfolk are sometimes regarded as the "inventors of agriculture" by the other native sapients. In addition to their surprisingly advanced metallurgic techniques and masonry, they have been farming for over 3 million years, countless eons before most of the other currently extant native sapients even came to be. Quite a few of the planet's most widely used crops, such as the wheat-like réhä used to make bread, are believed to have originally been invented by their people.
Shovelfolk are similar to the more cosmopolitan Fauns in that they are omnivores, eating mostly starchy vegetation supplemented by some quantity of meat, eggs, and fruit. Due to the ample supply of water and minerals offered by the Takaran River, most Shovelfolk cultures are almost obligately agricultural, relying on both the running water of the river and the fertile land on the riverbank to grow their own food. Like many Astutocentaurine cultures, there is a conspicuous lack of dairy in the diets of Shovelfolk, since none of the known animals on Athyrmagaia lactate in a mammalian fashion.
To disrupt the local ecosystem as little as possible, the majority of the crops they grow are derived from species native to the area. The most common crops in their daily regimen are réhä and hetūt, the former a grain-like species of star grass and the latter an edible root. Réhä is used in a similar manner as wheat, often being ground up and then baked to make bread, whereas hetūt is more akin to a potato or turnip and can be eaten either raw or cooked. They also use zhėgel, a more primitive, water-intensive plant vaguely similar to sugarcane, to make various simple sweet treats. In addition to terrestrial crops, they also use the mineral-rich waters of the Takara to cultivate various freshwater aquatic plants as a food source. The leaves of zhattrekekc aquaphytes are used in much the same way as the leaves of lettuce, and the seeds of secondarily aquatic hehhel plants are used as a peppercorn-like seasoning.
Although mainly farmers of locally grown produce, Shovelfolk have also been known to forage for food both near and beyond the riverbank, as well as engage in occasional trade with other cultures for more exotic ingredients. During their annual pilgrimages in search of resources, namely the metals found near volcanoes, they often either harvest (or purchase) foreign spices and herbs to bring home, including those used for medicines that cannot be found in their homeland. Those who live near the coasts often travel closer to shore to harvest sea salt as a condiment and a food preservative. When harvesting fruit, which is relatively rare in the Western Weave, they will rely on the help of allied Oliphaunts, since the only plants that bear palatable fruit in the region are enormous umbrynoids that are often too tall for the tiny Shovelfolk to scale on their own.
Unlike many other agricultural peoples, Shovelfolk do not raise livestock for meat. Their primary source of carnal cuisine is a selectively bred species of tumeofauna known locally as "mėbé." Although it is technically an animal, mėbé grows and behaves more like sessile fungi, which means it is considered a "crop" rather than a form of livestock. Mėbé is farmed underground within the warren in a special higher-humidity chamber, where it is kept fed by organic refuse. Mėbé nodes are usually either eaten raw or cooked, and are a common ingredient of more savory Shovelfolk meals. That being said, they do still make ample use of other animal products as food and resources. Their sole livestock animal, the crawpig, regularly lays infertile eggs that are often eaten as a delicacy and used to make dough, and some of their more unusual dishes are given flavor by being boiled in the animal's urine. Shovelfolk are also known to eat fish and insects, and they will often sun-dry worms to eat as a snack.
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elancholia · 2 years
@oligopsoriasis I don't know if you're still interested in the farming thing, but, regarding your land efficiency vs. energy-efficiency thing:
My impression is that, when designing an agricultural system, the basic trade-off is labor against land area, i.e. you can reduce labor inputs by using more land and reduce your land footprint by sinking more labor into it.
In this framing, I think industrial row-crop monocultures are extensive rather than intensive, i.e. they sacrifice land to save labor as well as/rather than energy to save land. Sustainability and higher absolute production might well not mean using more land.
A lot of the articles and papers that talk about modern sustainable systems trumpet them as Actually Much More Efficient than “industrial” agriculture, when, really, they’re just opting for the other end of the ancient trade-off -- they lead with productivity statistics calculated entirely on land use, and quietly note somewhere down below that “of course, this takes vastly more work, and is devilishly complicated to maintain...”
But that doesn’t mean they aren’t a better bet! The point is, there are trade-offs to be made other than technology-i.e.-what-we-have-now/primitivism. It means we’d need more greenhouse-minders and algae-scrapers, yes, maybe even more people growing beans in raised beds, but that’s Jobs, not a return to peasant agriculture.
(I’m not really considering the original thing about hunting, meat just doesn’t seem likely to ever be efficient, except on marginal lands, where it couldn’t support modern population densities, alligators or no.)
[some rambling speculation about historical intensive systems:]
Anyway, historically, intensive, labor-heavy, small-land-footprint systems make sense if you have a lot of labor and not a lot of land, and include the various clever Native American polyculture systems (the chinampa, the three sisters), but also potato-farming (Ireland, before the famine, being prototypically labor-rich and area-poor: a densely-populated, highly fertile area in which people had to subsist on glorified garden-plots), modern Dutch-style greenhouse fruit/veg/cash-crop cultivation, maybe what the Cubans do. Wet rice cultivation and terrace-farms are possibly in this category. “Vertical farming”, if it’s not a nothingburger, probably will be too (multistory buildings are capital, capital is dead labor, lotta walking up stairs, etc.).
(Classic Geertzian involution is when you can’t get any more intensive, so you have to sink more people, more bodies, more hours into it, without hope of improving productivity per head.)
My conjecture is that intensive systems make more sense when you don’t have draft animals to give you access to a larger area and incentivize more drivable open layouts and planting/harvesting techniques.
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Boiling Isles Cuisines Concept
Varieties of ‘Smaller’ Meat Sources for less risk against larger beasts (Example: Fairies, Jackalope or Slime)
More Relies on fruits, mushrooms, herbs, and numbers of non-starchy plants.
Freshwater from natural sources as the main drink.
Low Carb, Low Fat (Mostly from ‘meat’), and mostly Proteins, Minerals, and Nutrients for magic-based performance.
Prefer to be consumed raw, partly cooked, or boiling as stew/soup. (Nutrition Conserving Values) 
Imperial/Covens: Influences from 18th Century British Cuisine
Starch Carbohydrate for occasions, especially bakery. (Rice, Noodle, and most non-Bakery Flour product are not quite popular)
More refining on food. Examples, jerkies, juice, sugar, or brewed drinks.
Introducing to fermentation/pickling
Covens & Regional Sub-Cuisines
More technique, cooking tools & utensils. 
Earth Cuisines Approaching, especially 
East Asian
South Asian & Southeast Asian
Influences of Nutrition Sciences
De-Covenization & Emerging “Fusion” Cuisines
Earth Technology: Some Embrace, Some Against, and Some Twist
Electricity(Or Magical Equivalent) & Clean Water for All
Examples of the Cuisines
Fresh Fairy Herbal Salad: A Heterogeneous Mixed “Salad” of live fairies, sliced acidic juice, and herbs that make fairies weaks(or even passed out without dying before being eaten).
Inspiration: Goong Then “Dancing Shrimp” from Thailand/ Southeast Asian Spicy Salad/ Live Sashimi
Mushroom & Peels Stew: Leftover Fruit Peels sometimes are good to suppress the odor of some foul-smelt mushroom, give some complex flavors, and also less food waste. 
Inspiration: Bowl of Browns from George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones/Worcestershire Sauce/Chinese Herbs
Fire Salamander Molt Rind: Collected Molt of Fire Salamander that fried by reaction between the chemical in it & salt, making it crispy & more edible. However, spicy & coarse, preferred as seasoning. 
Inspiration: Pork Rind, Fire Flake(A:TLA), and “Cruelty-Free Meat”
Golden Snails: The freshwater snail coated & stewed in yolk & herbs/spices-based gravy that made the food look golden. Considered as delicacy for its difficulty from harvesting ingredients to cooking it perfectly
Inspiration: Salted Egg-based Stir Fried/ French Cuisine/ Thick Stew
Fairy Pie
Bard’s Banshee Brew: Drink for the vocal-based bards to have the more enduring, yet, soft & flexible throats. (Alcoholic)
Candied Bile-Apple: Pineapple-like fruit that grew around the right feet of Titan(which have the color & smell of bile somehow, with tastes of complex saltiness, bitterness, and umami). It is candied to be consumed easier, as a health-enhancing food.
Griffon Breasts: Taste like chicken mixed with gamey beef. Usually being cooked as steak for the wealthy, like the Blights. Enjoyed with acidic “gravy”.
Boiling Isles’ Curry Stew: Based on Japanese Curry Rice, which is cooked to be eaten by itself. It’s composed of local spices & Earth’s dried spices, protein of choices, and some vegetables (mostly not potatoes).
Nutty O’nut: Doughnut that is made of local nut-based flour & baked instead of fried. Plus, being enjoyed with hot drinks & some fruits.
PB&J (Peanut Blood & Jackalope) Sandwich: Peanut-based version “Apple Blood”, made into jam that enjoyed with Jackalope meat
Smile Dip
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chokrihizem · 7 months
Ultimate Guide: Planting Sweet Potato Slips in Containers! 🍠🌱
🎥 Dive into the world of sweet potato gardening with our comprehensive guide! Learn how to plant sweet potato slips in containers or bags for a bountiful harvest. 🌿 Follow step-by-step instructions, from preparing the slips to providing support and optimal watering techniques. 🌞 Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this video has everything you need to know to grow your own sweet potatoes successfully! 🌟 Don't miss out - watch now and start your sweet potato growing journey today! 🚀
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idrils · 9 months
any more recipes you would recommend? i'm trying to expand my cooking skills for this years resolution!
i can't TELL you how thrilled i was to get this message!!
for Videos and Techniques i really recommend bryan lagerstrom on youtube! he does a great job of explaining WHY he does things the way he does. he's a Chef chef, so some of his recipes are pretty extra, but he always offers less labor/time intensive or less costly alternatives
as far as specific recipes, they're under the cut!
this sheet pan guy is one of my favs!
fwiw my wife and i have replaced the sweet potatoes with just making rice in the rice cooker. it's easy and filling and VERY delicious
and while i'm on the kielbasa train, this is a similar form factor but very different flavoures. even better if you roast some broccoli and/or cauliflower and throw it over rice with a slice or two of garlic bread, ultimate comfort food
(and for roasting vegetables - you really can't go wrong with cutting things into bite size pieces, and roasting at 400-425 for 20 minutes, stirring once at the 10 minute mark)
this one has been a classic in my house for a long time. easy, no fuss no muss, easy to customize your level of sweetness. i usually serve it with corn and mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes!
on the other hand if you're looking for dessert recipes, here are some of my mainstays -
in general, i trust recipes from half baked harvest, gimme some oven, and damn delicious!
all that said.
my wife does most of the cooking in our house, and she's an AMAZING cook. the recipes i have to offer are much simpler lmao. if you have more specific questions or you're up for a more adventurous level of recipe, hit her up @gibsonwitch !!
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downtoearthmarkets · 1 year
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A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the different methods of crop irrigation that farmers use and how climate change is affecting the volume of water needed to keep fields hydrated and healthy here in the northeast. Managing water use wisely by installing efficient irrigation systems is just one of many steps that farms can take to reduce their impact on the local ecology while increasing their profitability and productivity. This week, we’ll touch on the importance of protecting and improving soil health to the future of sustainable farming. Building healthy soil and preventing erosion Sustainable agriculture is often used interchangeably with the term ‘regenerative agriculture’ because of the focus on restoring degraded farmland back to its former vitality and biodiversity. Beginning in the early 1900s, traditional farming techniques underwent a rapid transformation as mechanization replaced animal and human labor. As a result of these changes, the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides was introduced, farms grew larger, yields increased and free-range, pastured animals were confined to smaller areas or moved into feedlots. During his youth in the 1950s, my father worked as a part-time laborer on a small farm in the north of England where he witnessed firsthand many of these changes occurring in real-time. The farm horse named Kit that he had grown fond of and spoiled with carrots and apples was replaced by a Ferguson tractor, while ancient hedgerows filled with blackberry briars and bountiful plum and damson trees were removed to make it easier for the new tractor to plow the land. He recalls forking out chicken and cow manure from the back of the horse-drawn cart to naturally fertilize the fields and hand-harvesting potatoes amongst other “backbreaking work” that is now performed by machines instead of farmhands. While all this modernization has spiked farm efficiency and production, it has often come at the expense of the health of the farmland, livestock and environment. Regenerative agriculture aims to restore the land back to its former fertility by reintroducing many of the traditional farming techniques of my father’s youth. At its core, it centers on promoting and bolstering soil health as fundamental to a farm’s ability to thrive and prosper well into the future by adopting a range of methods including the following:
Crop rotation and diversity: Rather than planting the same crop in the same field year after year, which eventually depletes the soil of certain nutrients and can lead to pest infestations, farmers introduce a different type of crop each year or at multiyear intervals. They can also include intercropping which involves growing a mixture of crops in the same area.
Cover crops and perennials: Cover crops such as clover, rye, buckwheat, mustard and vetch are planted in fields during the off-season when the ground might otherwise be left bare. This helps protect and build soil health by replenishing nutrients and preventing erosion from extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Perennial crops such as alfalfa and asparagus keep soil covered, suppress weed growth and maintain living roots in the ground year-round which hold soil in place and helps stabilize the areas in which they are planted.
No or limited use of chemicals: Crop rotation and planting cover crops will naturally reduce or eliminate the need for synthetic pesticides and fertilizers over time by protecting and boosting soil biology. Regenerative agriculture allows for the judicious use of chemicals only when needed, such as when restoring heavily depleted soil to its natural resilience.
Compost, animal and green manure: Farmers can increase the amount of organic matter in their soil and boost its fertility through the application of compost, animal manure and ‘green manuring’ their cover crops which entails plowing under the still-living, undecomposed plants into the ground where they slowly release fertilizing nutrients like nitrogen.
Reducing or eliminating tillage: Traditional plowing (aka tillage) prepares fields for planting and prevents weed growth by mechanically turning over the uppermost layer of soil. Unfortunately, plowing disrupts soil microbiology (bacteria, fungi and other organisms) which causes soil loss and releases carbon stored in the soil’s organic matter into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which we all know is a potent greenhouse gas. Alternatively, no-till or reduced-till methods involve inserting crop seeds directly into undisturbed soil, which reduces erosion and conserves soil health. 
Agroforestry: Agroforestry refers to the practice of incorporating trees into farmland, such as the plum and damson trees my father remembers in the old hedgerows. By cultivating trees and shrubs on their property and mixing them into their operations, farmers can provide shade and shelter that protect crops, livestock, and water resources, while also leveraging additional income from fruit, syrup, nut, or timber yields. Agroforestry promotes biodiversity on a farm and trees are, of course, critical to slowing the effects of climate change. Plus, trees promote soil health by preventing erosion, fixing nitrogen and supporting the growth of fungi and other soil microbes.
Unlike large, industrial farms that grow monoculture crops and factory farmed animals, the small, local farms that partner with Down to Earth farmers markets have long embraced many of these sustainable agricultural practices. From composting to pasturing livestock to crop diversification, our farms understand the importance of soil health and are invested in protecting the local ecosystems and communities in which they operate, while producing a range of healthy, nutrient dense foods. It’s a win-win for everyone!
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snowberry-crostata · 2 years
Clothing of Skyrim, Part V: Hairstyles and Cosmetics
Continuing on the Nord headcanons train, it's time to talk about hair and paint!
Traditionally, hair is worn long for both men and women. Nords rarely cut their hair, which some foreigners say gives them a wild or untamed appearance. In contrast to Imperial stereotypes about Nords, they are fastidious about hygiene and wash their bodies and hair frequently. Great pride is taken in their appearance, particularly their hair, and care is taken to keep it healthy and strong.
Nords style their hair with many twists and braids, and decorate it with combs, beads, feathers, and metal caps or hoops. Simple braids can be done without assistance, but more elaborate plaits and styles, especially for those with very long hair, are best done with the assistance of one or more servants, family members, or friends. For battle, the hair on the sides and top of the head is pulled back and braided tight and close to the scalp to keep it out of the fighter’s eyes.
Short hair, particularly for men, is seen in areas with greater foreign influence (either through politics or trade) such as the cities of Solitude and Riften. Veterans of the Imperial army are also more likely to wear their hair short, as the Imperial uniform discourages the wearing of long hair. Nords might also cut their hair short as a sign of grief - perhaps after losing someone close to them, or following a devastating military loss.
Many Nord men grow facial hair. Styles range from mustaches and short goatees to beards that are nearly down to one’s belt. Longer beards are often braided and decorated in the same ways as long hair. During festivals, particularly those associated with planting and the harvest, children armed with baskets of flowers will decorate the hair and beards of festival-goers, adorning them with flowers woven into crowns or tucked into revelers’ braids and beards.
Cosmetics are more frequently seen on city-dwelling Nords than on those living in the countryside, but the choice of whether or not to wear cosmetics is entirely up to the individual. Unlike the courts of Cyrodiil and High Rock, makeup is not an expected or required component of formal and courtly dress.
Kohl, mixed with a small amount of oil, is used to line and darken around the eyes both for aesthetics and for battle. Certain warriors, particularly those among Whiterun’s companions, swear that darkening the area around the eyes helps reduce glare and improve their sight in bright conditions. Beets (as well as other vegetable dyes), oil, and beeswax are combined to make rouges for cheeks and lips. Charred cloves, or even sticks of charcoal, can be used to darken the eyebrows. Powdered vegetable dyes are sometimes applied to the eyelids with fingers or a small brush for a pop of color, especially during festivals. In cities, imported rice powder is applied to the face to smooth and even the complexion. In more rural areas, potato starch is occasionally used for the same effect.
One feature that Nords are particularly famous for is their warpaint. The recipes and patterns for the paints are passed down among families and clans, with no two the same. The paints come in a wide range of colors, and are used to identify soldiers’ allegiances, advertise one’s clan membership, intimidate foes, mark oneself for special occasions and observances, and for camouflage. The paints are applied to the face, neck, arms and hands, legs, torso, and/or back, usually with fingers but occasionally with a brush. As with Nordic hairstyles, this process is often done with the help of another, typically a family member, battle-brother, or shield-sister. During events such as the Warrior’s Festival, some Nords will go shirtless to better display the designs.
Nord war paints are sometimes mixed using aromatic ingredients, such as elves ear or cinnamon bark, to give them a distinctive scent. This technique is particularly popular with clans who employ dogs and wolves as battle companions. The warriors mark their animals with the same paint to help the beasts recognize their masters in the midst of the fighting. While warpaint is temporary, some Nords take the idea a step further with permanent tattoos of clan imagery or religious symbols.
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dfrobertson · 11 months
This month I try to get better at putting out work in a consistent manner. The prompts are from the Spooktober challenge by the.plottery on Instagram.
Todays prompt is: Harvest Festival in a small town
With a soft clattering sound the bright blue box landed on the soft floor next to a row of plants. These potatoes were ready to be harvested. The leaves started to wilt down and the stalks had duped down. I made my round through the damp greenhouse putting down boxes next to rows of potatoes, carrots, cabbages, and onions.
This would be the first harvest for our small colony. Until now we exclusively ate the rations we brought here and the few microgreens we had already set up shortly after our arrival. Everyone in our colony wanted to help, as we were all eager to eat fresh food. I did not lack helping hands in my modest farming compound at the edge of our settlement. Later the school class and their teacher would come over, harvesting and preparing the food for a feast in the community hall.
It was hard to believe, that it was hardly a year since we arrived on this arid rock. The planetoid was located in the Goldilocks zone of the star system orbiting a gas giant. There is a mining operation siphoning gasses from that planet and some of us worked up there. The cramped industrial living quarters were good enough for some, but those with a family or who planned to spend a long time here wanted to live more comfortably. 
The planetoid had a low gravity and the air did not contain oxygen, but the pressure and temperature were hospitable enough to construct a colony out of lightweight materials. Most buildings were connected via tent-like walkways. But going outside was not too bad, as long as you had your rebreather with you.
The door at the end of the greenhouse opened and a group of people poured in. Around fourteen kids from age eleven up to sixteen and their teacher. A friendly tall man with thick glasses and a prominent moustache. We exchanged greetings and I gave everyone gloves and aprons. After a quick round of explanations of safety and harvesting techniques, the kids went to work. Pulling and digging vegetables out of the ground.
All the earth here was formed from some inorganic substances we found locally, a lot of rehydrated compost we packed when we shipped out, as well as a blend of microorganisms we kept in suspended animation until it was their time to optimize our soil. These tiny creatures did not know they were lightyears from home, they just did what they were meant to do. We were similar, we arrived lightyears away from home, found a bit of land, and made it our own. Then we did what mankind had done for millennia. Grow food, grow children, and grow a civilization.
I let the kids just throw their dirty gloves, aprons, and tools in piles in front of the entrance before we loaded our harvest onto a cart and pulled it to the community hall. Proud and a little bit dirty we were all looking forward to the evening. This first harvest festival promised to be good.
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Giant Veggie Contest - Part 1 - Official Patch Notes
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Greetings from the Cookie Run: OvenBreak team.
Champions League has returned, together with the newest Cookie addition—Potato Cookie (and pigtatoes)!
Here are the details of this latest update.
- Potato Cookie: Rides a pigtato and harvests Potato Jellies!
- Seedy: Creates Potato Sprout Parties.
- Pigtatoes: They deserve a hug.
- Bountiful Scarecrow: Keeps the flocks of sparrows away from the fields.
- The Cookies have grown huge crops by using their very own secret farming techniques!
- Choose farming techniques in each event stage, and gain special effects as you run.
- Some techniques have downsides, so think through your choices wisely!
- Make the most of the techniques you are given, and aim for as high scores as possible to get all the rewards!
- Spinach Cookie's Veggie Lovers President (SUPER EPIC)
- Dr. Bones Cookie's Healthiest Show Host (EPIC)
- Banner duration: May 30, 10:00 AM - July 13, 08:00 AM (GMT+9)
- Shining Actor Set (EPIC)
- Banner duration: May 30, 10:00 AM - July 27, 08:00 AM (GMT+9)
- See what Cookie, Pet, and Treasure Combis are used by the ranking leaders of Trophy Race: Land's End, Champions League, and Breakout via the Winner's Pick! badge.
- You can see what Combis are used in the Cookies & Pets Shop, My Cookies, and Cookie Details menus.
- Choose to view only Cookies with the Winner's Pick! badge.
- The gold frame for Cookies with max Level and Affection has been removed.
1. Name Changes
- Trophy Race: Champions League has been renamed to Trophy Race: Land's End. (This reverts a previous change that removed Land’s End in approximately October 2021. Land’s End was originally introduced in September 2020.)
- Champions Shop has been renamed into Land's End Shop.
2. Shop Changes
- Cookie Costumes previously sold in the shop have been replaced by Costume Bundle Tickets.
- Please look forward to the new special rewards waiting in the next season!
3. Map Changes
- The Ancient Forest Altar map has rotated out and is replaced by the Spooky Scary School map.
- In order to calculate the optimal Combis for the rotated map, Dr. Wasabi's Combi Generator will be temporarily disabled. (Estimated to return June 2)
- Champions League is back!
- Champions League is a seasonal mode that opens Thursday 4:00 PM (GMT+9) the first and third weeks of a season, where you run in 3 arenas and compete against other runners.
- In Hydrangea Season 1, the first season, the following applies.
- Season 1 begins with the update.
- The Congratulate section features the Top 3 runners from the final season of the previous Champions League.
- The Congratulation Rewards for Season 1 default to the basic rewards. (Starting with Season 2, the Top 3 runners choose the rewards.)
- Grand Champions League Invitations are now available as rewards from Champions League.
- Previously only runners who finished Top 10% of Champions League were able to obtain invitations, but starting this season all runners within the Top 20% are eligible for invitations.
- Participating in the Grand Champions League without an invitation instead requires 10,000 Crystals.
- The Grand Champions League schedule will be released at a later date.
1. Dr. Bones Cookie
- Increased points for Red Recovery Jellies (+700,000 Red Recovery Jelly Points, Level 5)
- Added Combi bonus for Bone-afide Multivitamin Jelly (+146,000 points for Pill Jellies)
2. Spinach Cookie
- The destruction points gained during Spinach Giant Mode are now shown added to regular destruction points gained
- Fixed an issue where the Blast Mode effect of Chili Jellies was not affected by Blast Mode speed increase buffs as intended
- Fixed an issue where the Magic Candy effect lasted shorter than intended during the effects of Spinach Jellies and Chili Jellies
- Increased destruction points during Spinach Giant Mode (+900,000 Spinach Destruction Points, Level 15)
- Increased Chili Blast Points (+800,000 Chili Blast Points, Level 15)
- Increased points for Vitamin Jellies (Vitamin Jelly Score - 360,000 Points, Level 15)
- Increased points for all Jellies while Garlic Shield is active (+45,000 points for all Jellies while Garlic Shield is active, Level 15)
- Increased points for Mini Vegetable Jellies (Mini Vegetable Jelly Score - 250,000 Points, Level 5)
- Added Combi bonus for Flowering Can (+292,000 points for Flower Crystal Jellies)
3. Carrot Cookie
- Improved method of making Carrot Jellies appear
4. Beet Cookie
- Screen zoom levels are now fixed during the skill
- Fixed an issue where the targets would appear too close to the Cookie
5. Centipede Cookie
- Fixed an issue where if Centipede King collected Jellies before they regularly should have been obtainable, no points would be given as a result.
6. Cream Unicorn Cookie
- Fixed an issue where if clouds collected Jellies before they regularly should have been obtainable, no points would be given as a result.
7. Roguefort Cookie
- Fixed an issue where certain explosive effects would incorrectly destroy searchlights during the skill
1. Caterpea
- Increased points for Pea Jellies (Pea Jelly Score - 400,000 Points, Level 15)
2. Paper Boat Sailor, Bunsy
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown would increase with each skill activation
1. Flowering Can
- Slightly reduced cooldown (14.6 seconds)
- Increased points for Flower Crystal Jellies (Flower Crystal Jelly Score - 2,007,500 Points, Level 12)
- Slightly reduced Combi bonus points (+292,000 points for Flower Crystal Jellies)
2. E-Z Camera
- Photos taken will now always appear at the same height on the screen
- Photos will now always be the same size (Affects Jelly Collection/Obstacle Destruction Hitbox)
3. Bear Jelly Boomerang
- Fixed an issue where the Combi bonus would apply to the relay as well (It apparently shouldn’t…?)
1. Dr. Bones Cookie & Pit-A-Pat Monitor
- Increased points for Recovery Jellies (+220,000 points for Recovery Jellies)
2. Spinach Cookie & Caterpea
- Increased points for Vegetable Jellies (+7,000,000 points for Vegetable Jellies)
1. Dr. Bones Cookie's Trial
- Score requirements for certain ranks have been adjusted.
2. Spinach Cookie's Trial
- Certain patterns have been slightly tweaked.
- Added 2 small Potions to the map.
- Score requirements for certain ranks have been adjusted.
3. Trial List
- The runner in 1st place on a New Cookie Cup's Hard Mode leaderboard will now be displayed.
- For New Cookie Cups without Hard Modes, the runner in 1st place of the Normal Mode will instead be displayed.
- Changing your in-game nickname is now free, down from costing 990 Crystals.
- When you change nickname, you must wait 90 days before you can change it again.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Hydroponics Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Hydroponics Market Overview:
As per a 2015 study conducted by researchers at the University of Sheffield’s Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, 33% of the global arable land has been degraded in the last 40 years.[1] Soil erosion, pollution, traditional methods of ploughing land, and heavy use of fertilizers have led to the rise in non-arable land. Hydroponics is a process of growing a variety of vegetable and fruit plants with the utilization of mineral nutrient solutions in liquid, sand, or gravel while discarding the use of soil, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. Hydroponics forms part of hydroculture and is a modern, eco-friendly farming and agricultural practice.
The growing population coupled with the decreasing agriculture land has increased the demand for food products. Traditional agricultural methods cannot handle the growing global demand for due to the exponentially increasing population. Water scarcity is another relevant factor associated with traditional farming practices. Thus, hydroponics has started to gradually replace traditional agricultural methods. The global hydroponics market was valued at $293.12m in 2018 and is projected to grow at a healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.45% during the forecast period 2019-2025.
Europe held the prominent share of the global hydroponics market, estimated at 43.56%, in 2018. Extensive utilization of technology for hydroponics adoption has enabled Europe to enjoy a maximum market share. The easy availability of equipment such as LED lights, HVAC systems, submersible pumps, nutrient film technique (NFT), and electrical conductivity meters has favored the growth of the hydroponics market in the region.
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Based on crop type, the hydroponics market is segmented into vegetables, fruits, flowers and foliage, herbs, and others. Vegetable hydroponics is used for growing cucumber, tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums, lettuce, coriander, and others. Increasing demand for organic vegetables, water scarcity, and unpredictable climate conditions are some of the prominent aspects escalating the demand for vegetable hydroponics. The vegetable hydroponics application segment is estimated to grow with a healthy CAGR of 13.73% through 2025.
Hydroponics Market Growth Drivers:
·         Higher yield and profit
Traditional agricultural practices involve various procedures and steps to cultivate plants. The yield is more likely influenced by soil nutrients, fertilizers, water, and moreover,  climatic conditions. In hydroponics technique,  plants are grown using mineral nutrient solutions without of the need for soil and chemical fertilizers. Consequently, the yield cannot be hindered by the factors that influence traditional practices.
·         Growing food demand
The global population is increasing drastically, which is subsequently rising the demand for food. In hydroponics farming, the yield rate is very high and plants grow at faster rate as compared to soil plants.
·         Water scarcity
Conventional farming methods utilize a large amount of water till harvesting. Water acts as a threat as the total yield of the crop depends upon the availability of water. In contrast, hydroponics requires very low amount of water for growing plants. Owing to its low water utilization factor, hydroponics is gaining momentum.
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Hydroponics Market Key Players Perspective:
Argus Control Systems Ltd, one of the leading market players, has partnered with Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc. This partnership aims to provide sophisticated environmental systems and services for hydroponic production in the U.S. and Canada.
Other key players in the hydroponics market include Agrexco Agricultural Export Company Ltd., Achdut Ltd., Agri-Plas, Inc., Koninklijke Philips NV, American Hydroponics, Anglebase Ltd., Asmir Growing Equipment Co.Ltd, CropKing Inc., and Daesan Precision Co., Ltd.
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Hydroponics Market Trends –
·         Hydroponic Indoor Gardens
The growing trend of building indoor gardens has given a huge boost to the hydroponics market It provides people, primarily in urban areas, to grow organic vegetables with the use of hydroponics technology.
·         LED lights
Plants require light to grow. In hydroponics, the light is provided using LED grow lights. The light spectrum vented by LED lights has been proven to be productive in stimulating the growth of plants.
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Hydroponics Market Research Scope:
The base year of the study is 2018, with forecast done up to 2025. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. It also provides information on unit shipments. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the hydroponics market. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to fathom their impact over the forecast period. This report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats. The key areas of focus include the types hydroponics systems, and their specific applications in different areas.
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Hydroponics Market Report: Industry Coverage
The hydroponics market can be fragmented on the basis of type, equipment, crop, and geography. Based on the type, the market can be divided into wick system, water culture, EBB & FLOW, others. By equipment, the market can be segmented into growing chamber, submersible pump, growing LED, and others. By crop, the market can be bifurcated into vegetables, fruits, flowers and foliage, herbs, and others.
The hydroponics market report also analyzes the major geographic regions for the market as well as the major countries for the market in these regions. The regions and countries covered in the study include:
•           North America: The U.S., Canada, Mexico
•           South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica
•           Europe: The U.K., Germany, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark
•           APAC: China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong
•           Middle East and Africa: Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia
For more Agriculture related reports, please click here
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hvt15 · 18 days
Fast food- French fries production process in the factory - Food around you #fast_food #french_fries
The Process of Harvesting and Producing McDonald's French Fries McDonald's French fries are renowned for their distinctive flavor and perfect crispiness. To achieve this quality, the process of harvesting and producing French fries involves meticulous and precise steps, from selecting the potatoes to packaging them. Here is a detailed look at how McDonald's creates the beloved fries we enjoy. 1. Selecting the Potato Variety McDonald's chooses Burbank Russet potatoes for their French fries. This variety is known for its large size, elongated shape, and high starch content. These characteristics help the Burbank Russet potatoes achieve the desired golden-brown color and crispiness when fried, while also maintaining a soft and fluffy interior. 2. Harvesting the Potatoes Potatoes are grown in large fields with optimal climate and soil conditions, primarily in states like Idaho and Washington in the U.S. When harvest season arrives, potatoes are dug up from the ground using advanced machinery. The harvesters are designed to lift the potatoes gently, avoiding damage to the thin outer skin and minimizing any loss. 3. Sorting and Storage After harvesting, the potatoes are sorted using automated systems. Potatoes that meet the size, shape, and quality standards are kept. The selected potatoes are then transported to cold storage facilities to preserve their freshness. The cold storage maintains ideal temperature and humidity levels, ensuring the potatoes remain fresh for an extended period. 4. Washing and Peeling Before processing, the potatoes are washed in large water tanks to remove dirt and debris. A strong water flow combined with vibrating belts helps clean the potatoes thoroughly. After washing, the potatoes are transferred to peeling machines. These machines use gentle rollers to remove the outer skin without damaging the flesh inside. Thorough peeling ensures that only clean, smooth potato flesh is used for making fries. 5. Cutting the Potatoes Once cleaned and peeled, the potatoes are moved to the cutting area. Here, advanced cutting machines use high-pressure water knives to slice the potatoes into long, thin, and evenly sized strips. The water knives allow for high-speed cutting (about 60-70 miles per hour) without crushing the potatoes, ensuring each fry is of uniform size and shape. 6. Pre-Frying and Freezing The cut potato strips are pre-fried in hot oil. This initial frying step helps achieve a light, crispy outer layer without cooking them completely. After pre-frying, the fries are cooled and rapidly frozen. The quick freezing process preserves the flavor and texture of the fries, and extends their shelf life. 7. Packaging and Distribution The frozen fries are then packaged into large bags. These bags are sealed tightly to keep the fries fresh and ready for distribution. Once packaged, the fries are transported to McDonald's restaurants worldwide. At the restaurants, the fries are cooked one final time before being served to customers. 8. The Secret to Perfect Fries One of the secrets behind McDonald's perfect fries lies in their special processing techniques and recipe. The fries are often treated with a light coating of sugar and sodium pyrophosphate. Sugar helps the fries achieve a beautiful golden-brown color, while sodium pyrophosphate prevents discoloration during storage and cooking. LIST VIDEO 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpEjIh5uRIUq2OhBvCRSZ0a2tQfJMQtK6
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creativeera · 1 month
Food Irradiation: An Effective Technique To Improve Food Safety
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What is Food Irradiation?
It is a technique where foods are exposed to ionizing radiation to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that might be present in or on the food. The technique uses gamma rays (from cobalt-60 or cesium-137), X-rays, or electron beams from a machine source to blast foods with ionizing energy, altering their molecular structure. History
The concept of food irradiation was first researched as early as the beginning of the 20th century. However, it gained global recognition around the 1950s when serious research was performed to establish its viability and commercial applications. Initial research showed irradiation could effectively eliminate bacteria from meats and spices without changing their visual appearance and quality. The first international conference on food irradiation took place in 1956. Since then, many countries approved irradiation of various food items like spices, herbs, onions, potatoes, fruits, and meats. How Does Irradiation Work? Here's a brief overview of how irradiation works: - Radiation sources like gamma rays or electron beams are used to generate the required radiation energy. - Food Irradiation Food items are placed on a conveyor belt or rack and passed through the radiation area at a controlled dose rate and exposure time. - The radiation energy penetrates through packaging and food physically altering DNA/RNA structures of microbes present. - At approved low doses, it does not make food radioactive but disrupts cellular functions and DNA/RNA structure of pathogens and insects, preventing their reproduction. - The end result is elimination or reduction of pathogens and insects without altering the visual or sensory qualities of foods. Advantages of Food Irradiation Reduces Foodborne Illnesses: Irradiation is extremely effective in eliminating pathogens that cause serious foodborne illnesses. It can destroy bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella and other parasites in meat, poultry, seafood and spices. This significantly improves food safety. Lengthens Shelf Life: By halting microbial growth and arresting ripening/sprouting processes, irradiation extends the refrigerated shelf life of various produce and foods by several weeks. This reduces spoilage losses during storage and transportation. Controls Insect Infestation: Low dose irradiation is approved globally to control insect pests in grains, cereals, dried fruits and herbs. This eliminates quarantine issues and reduces post-harvest losses from insects and insect-borne diseases. Maintains Sensory Qualities: When performed at approved low doses, irradiation does not alter the appearance, texture, aroma or flavor of foods. Irradiated fruits and vegetables look and taste fresh for much longer. Sanitizes Spices: Many spices are irradiated to kill Salmonella, E. coli and other pathogens that may be present naturally or from cross-contamination during processing. This eliminates food safety risks from consuming contaminated spices. Applications of Food Irradiation Fruits & Vegetables: Irradiation preserves the quality and extends shelf life of several delicate produce including mangoes, papayas, potatoes, onions and garlic by 3-4 weeks. It arrests ripening/sprouting to prevent losses during storage and transport. Poultry: The poultry industry uses irradiation to destroy Campylobacter and Salmonella bacteria routinely present in raw chicken and turkey. This significantly reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses from consuming undercooked poultry meat. Spices: Many commonly used herbs and spices like black pepper, cumin, coriander, basil, celery are irradiated to kill pathogens and insects. It ensures the microbial safety of spices. Grains: Low dose irradiation is used globally to control insect pests in grains like wheat, rice and pulses. This eliminates quarantine issues and reduces post-harvest losses during transportation and storage.
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Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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isherengineeringworks · 2 months
What are the Features and Functions of Potato Digger?
Features and Functions of Potato Digger :-
Gentle Extraction:
Extracts potatoes from the soil gently to minimize damage to the tubers, ensuring high-quality harvest.
2. Adjustable Depth Control:
Allows operators to adjust the digging depth according to soil conditions and potato variety, optimizing yield and minimizing soil disturbance.
3. High Efficiency:
Operates with high efficiency, reducing harvesting time and labor costs significantly compared to manual methods.
4. Robust Construction:
Built with robust materials to withstand rugged agricultural conditions and ensure durability over years of use.
5. Easy Maintenance:
Designed for easy maintenance with accessible parts and straightforward service procedures, reducing downtime during harvesting seasons.
6. Compact Design:
Compact and maneuverable design facilitates easy navigation through fields and between rows, enhancing operational efficiency.
7. Operator Comfort:
Ergonomically designed for operator comfort and safety, with features such as comfortable seating and intuitive controls.
8. Versatile Compatibility:
Compatible with a variety of tractors and suitable for different farm sizes and layouts, accommodating diverse agricultural needs.
9. Minimal Crop Loss:
Minimizes crop loss by efficiently collecting potatoes from the soil surface and preventing damage during the harvesting process.
10. Enhanced Productivity:
Increases overall farm productivity by streamlining the potato harvesting process and allowing farmers to focus on other essential tasks.
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Potato farming, an essential agricultural activity globally, demands efficient harvesting techniques to ensure maximum yield and minimal wastage. Traditional methods of digging potatoes by hand are labor-intensive and time-consuming, often requiring significant manpower. Isher Engineering Works recognized this challenge and set out to create a solution that would streamline the harvesting process.
The Birth of Innovation
Founded with a vision to enhance agricultural productivity, Isher Engineering Works has been at the forefront of designing and manufacturing agricultural machinery since its inception. The development of the Potato Digger epitomizes their commitment to innovation and excellence in the field.
The Potato Digger is ingeniously designed to extract potatoes from the soil efficiently. Its robust construction and thoughtful engineering ensure that it can withstand the rigors of varied soil conditions while maintaining high performance levels. This machinery not only saves time and labor but also reduces crop damage, thereby improving overall productivity and profitability for farmers.
Impact of Potato Digger on Agriculture
The introduction of the Potato Digger has significantly transformed potato farming practices worldwide. By automating the digging process, farmers can achieve higher yields in less time, reducing operational costs and labor dependency. This efficiency not only benefits large-scale commercial farms but also empowers small-scale farmers by enhancing their productivity and economic viability.
Commitment to Quality
Isher Engineering Works’ dedication to quality is evident in every aspect of their machinery. From the initial design phase to the manufacturing process and post-sale support, they prioritize excellence and customer satisfaction. Their ongoing research and development efforts ensure that their products continue to evolve, incorporating the latest technological advancements to meet the changing needs of modern agriculture.
The Potato Digger by Isher Engineering Works stands as a testament to the power of innovation in agriculture. By simplifying the potato harvesting process and enhancing productivity, this machinery has earned its place as an indispensable tool for farmers around the globe. As Isher Engineering Works continues to innovate and refine their offerings, one thing remains clear: their commitment to advancing agricultural practices and empowering farmers remains unwavering.
In a world where efficiency and sustainability are paramount, innovations like the Potato Digger exemplify how technology can drive positive change in agriculture, paving the way for a more prosperous future for farmers and communities alike.
For more information, please contact us!
Website :- www.veermechanical.com
Contact No. :- +91–8630287830, +91–9358434496
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