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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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Even if the ancient purpose of Āsana was not to show us that we could go beyond our limits, now a days, in a lifestyle where we have lost so much connection with our bodies, the practice of Āsana allows us also, between other things, to remember that the limits are in our minds. If you had told me on the times when I was a dancer, when I was 20 years old, that 17 years later I would not be a dancer but I would be more flexible and strong than what I was, I wouldn’t have believe it. These type of realizations can help us to remember about our potential, and to reprogram the limits in our minds. Though, I believe this acknowledgement is just a door. Then it has to be left behind. Once we remember that the limits are built in our minds we start walking the path of learning to let go of our achievements, otherwise, there will be a lot of practice and very little spiritual growing. 📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo #kapotasana #asana #sadhana #yogapractice #posturalyoga #svadhyaya #selfobservation #selfknowledge https://www.instagram.com/p/BxS5NyphllH/?igshid=1txw43ml8j9ae
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sohamstudioyoga · 5 years ago
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Il Postural Yoga è un programma di allenamento che ha lo scopo di riequilibrare la postura, prevenire alcune patologie articolari degenerative. Grazie alla funzione terapeutica delle asana (posizioni) dello Yoga e il loro mantenimento permette ai vari gruppi muscolari di lavorare in modo armonioso, lavorando gradualmente sulla correzione di asimmetrie e squilibri. Il corpo è così in grado di recuperare un assetto bilanciato e di eliminare il dolore provocato da patologie degenerative e di dare beneficio ad alcune malattie. E’ quindi possibile praticare lo Yoga non solo per le sue potenzialità di antistress, ma anche con un obbiettivo più specifico e mirato: quello di migliorare la propria postura abituale che le nostre cattive abitudini motorie, tipo la sedentarietà, la permanenza per molte ore al giorno alla scrivania seduti in posizioni squilibrate alterano in modo dannoso e doloroso. Anche la sfera emotiva interferisce con l’armonia posturale : ansie, stress, frustrazioni e paure si ripercuotano nel nostro portamento. Il Postural Yoga mettendo insieme gli insegnamenti secolari dello Yoga a quelli della ginnastica posturale moderna, permette al nostro corpo di ritrovare il giusto equilibrio tra le catene muscolari ed alleviare quelle tensioni fisiche e psicologiche che non ci permettono una buona qualità di vita. #vicenza #yoga #meditazione #torridiquartesolo #corsiyoga #lezioniyoga #workshop #posturalyoga (presso So-Ham Studio Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbDbsKl6rV/?igshid=dayqi0eu02mc
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bettytezzadanza · 5 years ago
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****YOGA INSPIRATION**** SABATO 7 MARZO 2020 h 10 - 11:30 Lezione di POSTURAL YOGA con Luca Ferrari 📍Necessaria prenotazione, corso a numero chiuso❗️ Per info e prenotazioni: 📧[email protected] ☎️0444 525228 📱348 5473146 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ #bettytezzadanza #bettytezzamovementacademy #wellness #benessere #posturalyoga #postura #riequilibrarelapostura #asana #meditazione #rilassamento #ricaricaenergia #svuotamente #respirazione #lezionediposturalyoga #curareansia #curarelostress #rigenerarsi #prendersicuradisé #menssanaincorporesano #rimettersiinforma #sentirsiinforma #equilibrarecorpoemente (presso Betty Tezza Danza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Oc3ajIuq6/?igshid=zm6eahjcek1j
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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The practice of Postural Yoga has been a gift in my life through which I have found healing, it has been a medicine in the relationship with my body, with my ego, with myself. After some years of dedicating my life to contemporary dance, and after entering in an internal battle with my need of attention and external recognition, I found Asana. In the practice of Asana I have found a way to express my deepest emotions, and the possibility to move subtle energies than otherwise would be condensed in my physical body. Through the practice of Asana, I have started to walk a path, the path to see inside, to see that which is invisible to the human eyes, that which we call soul. #asana #posturalyoga #svadhyaya #selfstudy #yogaismymedicine #practicekindnessandcompassion #yogaisequanimity https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoS5nFl7Ye/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fi4umsqhrwo7
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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The Rectus Femoris is one of the tricky muscles that when too tight can limit the range of back bending with hip extension. This is a polyarticular muscle which crosses the hip joint and the knee joint (while the other quadriceps cross only the knee joint). So most of the times we don’t reach its full range of lengthening and opposite to it we end up shortening it if we do many postures that require quadriceps strength and do not stretch it properly. When doing deep backbends such as Kapotasana one can feel the consequences of the extra tension in the muscle. Fortunately in Āsana practice we have postures such as #bekasana or Supta Virasana which stretch deeply the fibers of the Rectus Femoris. In order to create a deeper stretch in Bekasana, focus on creating a subtle posterior tilt of the pelvis by pressing the pubic bone to the floor and activating Moola Bandha. Add this to your daily practice and feel the difference in your backbends. #asanapractice #yogaasana #posturalyoga #sadhana #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogatips https://www.instagram.com/luanafarayoga/p/ByNjnEOndLR/?igshid=c0ylmdtqugt
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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What goes through your mind when you see a yoga practitioner doing what is considered an advance posture? . . . First of all, I have to start saying that this āsana, Dūrvāsāsana, is not in my practice (which you will notice immediately if it is in yours) and maybe I attempt to do it a few times times per year, mostly with curiosity and a playful intention. I don’t believe there is a difference in the dimension of my spiritual practice by doing this posture or any other, but I do acknowledge it requires a lot of mental focus in order to attempt it. Mental focus by itself without the devotion of the heart, for me, means nothing but a physical discipline. I have seen lately there is an association of complex asanas with being an advanced yogi. Just because I put my leg behind the head or because I do a handstand or a backbend doesn’t make me more yogi, it doesn’t make me more spiritual. There are two subjects here that I want to discuss: one is the fact that asana performance is associated with being a spiritual and conscious person. The second one is the collective imaginary that is built on the background of our minds about how a yogi should look (...) . (...) continue reading on my blog (link in my bio): www.luanafarayoga.com/blog-alma-nomada . 📸👉🏽 video still by @b.p.wcislo . . #durvasasana #posturalyoga #yogaasana #yogapractice #sadhana #yogajourney #svadhyaya #selfknowledge #selfobservation #practicekindnessandcompassion #collectiveawakening (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGS0fXny5F/?igshid=1vlwh20dabie4
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bettytezzadanza · 5 years ago
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Y O G A I N S P I R A T I O N 🔻 Yoga Iyengar con Elisabetta Badiello Lunedì e mercoledì h 9-10:15 Mercoledì h 13-14 Postural Yoga con Luca Ferrari Mercoledì h 13-14 h 18-19 Prenditi cura del tuo corpo e del tuo spirito! Per info: 📧[email protected] ☎️0444 525228 📱348 5473146 www.bettytezzadanza.it 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ #bettytezzadanza #bettytezzamovementacademy #yogainspiration #yogaiyegar #wellness #benessere #posturalyoga #postura #riequilibrarelapostura #asana #meditazione #rilassamento #ricaricaenergia #svuotamente #respirazione #curareansia #curarelostress #rigenerarsi #prendersicuradisé #prendersicurodelpropriospirito #menssanaincorporesano #rimettersiinforma #sentirsiinforma #buonipropositi2020 (presso Betty Tezza Danza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7nZOsVoIZX/?igshid=nzta9smey946
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bettytezzadanza · 5 years ago
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****YOGA INSPIRATION**** SABATO 11 GENNAIO 2020 h 10 - 11:15 Lezione di POSTURAL YOGA con Luca Ferrari 📍Necessaria prenotazione, corso a numero chiuso❗️ Per info e prenotazioni: 📧[email protected] ☎️0444 525228 📱348 5473146 https://www.bettytezzadanza.it/postu 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ #bettytezzadanza #bettytezzamovementacademy #wellness #benessere #posturalyoga #postura #riequilibrarelapostura #asana #meditazione #rilassamento #ricaricaenergia #svuotamente #respirazione #lezionediposturalyoga #curareansia #curarelostress #rigenerarsi #prendersicuradisé #menssanaincorporesano #rimettersiinforma #sentirsiinforma #buonipropositi2020 (presso Betty Tezza Danza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B65EmzrIMxa/?igshid=kmuue2uh4b8r
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bettytezzadanza · 5 years ago
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⚠️SABATO 30 NOVEMBRE H 10 - 11:15 Lezione di POSTURAL YOGA con Luca Ferrari È un programma di allenamento che ha lo scopo di riequilibrare la POSTURA, curare o prevenire alcune patologie articolari degenerative. Ma anche con un obbiettivo che tocca la sfera emotiva: ansie, stress, frustrazioni e paure che si ripercuotono nel nostro portamento. 🔻 🔻 Adatto a tutti gli adulti! 🔻 Prezzo promozionale! 🔻 Necessaria prenotazione, corso a numero chiuso! ☎️0444 525228 📱348 5473146 📧[email protected] https://www.bettytezzadanza.it/prenotazione 🔻 🔻 🔻 #bettytezzadanza #bettytezzamovementacademy #wellness #benessere #lezionediposturalyoga #posturalyoga #yoga #posturale #pratica #training #mobilitàarticolare #flessibilità #respirazione #equilibrio #postura #forza #sentirsiinforma #mantenersiinforma #eleganza #fluidità #consapevolezzadelcorpo #miglioralaqualitàdellavita #riequilibrarelapostura #equilibriopsichico #antistress #assettobilanciato #asana #funzioneterapeutica (presso Betty Tezza Danza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5SDzh3o22d/?igshid=1ep21m85okvn3
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bettytezzadanza · 5 years ago
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❗️POSTURAL YOGA❗️ Mercoledì e venerdì h 13 -14 IL POSTURAL YOGA METTENDO INSIEME GLI INSEGNAMENTI SECOLARI DELLO YOGA A QUELLI DELLA GINNASTICA POSTURALE MODERNA PERMETTE AL NOSTRO CORPO DI RITROVARE IL GIUSTO EQUILIBRIO TRA LE CATENE MUSCOLARI ED ALLEVIARE QUELLE TENSIONI FISICHE E PSICOLOGICHE CHE NON CI PERMETTONO UNA BUONA QUALITÀ DI VITA. Per maggiori info: www.bettytezzadanza.it ▪️ ▪️ #bettytezzadanza #bettytezzamovementacademy #vicenza #centrostorico #wellness #benessere #posturalyoga #yoga #equilibriopsicofisico #respirazione #postura #fitnrss #antistress #riequilibrarelassettodelcorpo #menssanaincorporesano #asana #pranayama #qualitádivita #migliorareilpropriobenessere #migliorarelaqualitàdellavita https://www.instagram.com/p/B3MB6HJIScM/?igshid=otcqvvrhnhnz
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