#posts brought to u by thinking some of the things in my notes apps fuck severely but will stay there
vaguely-annoyed · 3 months
there's smth haunting to me about the ficlets written in notes apps. those that are too short to be shared, too scattered to feel meaningful. the words pulled together in a fit of inspiration, typed out from the innermost part of ourselves that wants to create for the sake of creating. a paragraph. several pages. a simple sentence that lives between code lines, using as little memory space as they can. in those moments the notes are built from everything we've ever cared for in the same way that we are all patchwork of everyone we've ever loved. bits of information that carry pieces of the stories we felt like sharing and never did. what do we do with them. what do they do with us. what did they change inside of us to need to exist beyond ourselves and only behind the screen in our palm. at what point do they cease to exist. at which point do they stop being part of us. as the file corrupts? the moment we stop writing? until we stop thinking about them? something beyond that, perhaps
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myherowritings · 4 years
order’s up!
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— Osamu gets a big order of some rather strange rice ball combinations an hour before closing. He doesn’t expect that he’d find the customer who ordered to be so damn cute.
pairing: miya osamu x reader word count: 2,387 genre: fluff, post manga timeskip
a/n: first haikyuu fic and aHH it was so fun to write ,, i didn’t expect osamu to be my first but here we are and tbh i am not mad~ ;) FJSDHKJ hope u enjoy!!
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“One unagi onigiri to go-- Your order’s ready!”
A middle-aged man stood up from his seat at the waiting area and headed over to the counter, thanking Osamu for the fresh onigiri and making brief small talk. As the man left, Osamu looked at the customer next in line, thankful there was only one person in here so close to closing time.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” he stated when your gaze met his, lips quirking up to give his best customer service smile.
You nodded with a warm smile of your own before looking down at the phone in your hands, murmuring what he thought sounded like “salmon, plum, beef, extra green onions, heavy on the seasoning.” Now, he liked to think there were no rules to onigiri, but part of him did hope you wouldn’t ask for all those ingredients in one gigantic, imbalanced rice ball. Maybe you were reciting a large number of individual orders.
He shrugged. Money was money, and all onigiri was good onigiri when made with his special Miya love. Miya love that was specific to Osamu in particular, of course. Atsumu could never recreate it even if he tried-- Not that he ever tried. The day he tried in something other than volleyball would be the day Osamu said he was the worst onigiri chef in Japan.
In other words, never.
Osamu hustled over to the cash register and you took that as your cue to step forward, hands fidgeting with your wallet and cellphone.
He smirked to himself in silent amusement. A shy one, were you? By now he had lost count of all the nervous and fidgety costumers he had gotten at his shop, but to allow them to stay that way simply wouldn’t do. If his patrons weren’t 100% comfortable in his care--well, as comfortable they could be in an onigiri shop--it meant he was doing his job wrong.
As the owner of Onigiri Miya he wanted to make sure every customer would leave with a smile and a desire to come again soon. That was how he built rapport and got so many regulars after all.
“I can take your order whenever you’re ready,” said Osamu in a slow pace, encouraging you to slow your rhythm as you tapped your fingertip restlessly against your protective phone case. Were you in a hurry? You seemed rather antsy, but he went on. “There’s no rush here.”
There was less than an hour until closing and he figured you would be the last customer of the day-- Meaning there was no reason not to slow down. As much as Osamu appreciated how lively his hometown could be, he also enjoyed quieter moments like these.
Not everything had to be so loud. Not everything had to be moving so fucking fast all the time. And he learned that in some instances, he could just control the pace himself.
Your worried chatter brought him out of his musing. “Are you sure? Because I know you close soon and I really didn’t want to come in so late but the guys are still down over a loss and said this was their favorite comfort food,” you said, eyebrows furrowed in a tell of concern. “It’s kind of a big order, so if you need to start cleaning up for closing I can just go to another store-- Sorry for imposing!”
He blinked. He thought he just said there was no rush to imply he wasn’t worried and you shouldn’t be either, but you didn’t seem to pick up on that.
“Hey, you’re not imposing,” Osamu soothed, somewhat alarmed at your apprehension. “You said someone was down over a loss? You on a sports team?”
Losing sucked. Osamu knew this firsthand.
Sure, in hindsight it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but while it could sure feel that way sometimes. If it was bad enough, it could take a few days to really get over and grow from it. So hearing that Onigiri Miya was someone’s comfort food that could help cheer them up on days like those… That certainly gave him reason to puff his chest up a little more.
“Yeah! Well, kind of.” You moved your head side-to-side as if unsure of your answer. “I help assist the volleyball team at my university. It’s my last year in school and I’m sure all of the other fourth years are bummed too.” Catching the small frown on your face, you stopped yourself before it spread, clearing your throat. “But it’s okay! At least we all had fun. And now they’ll be getting some of their favorite food to cheer them up-- If you’re still taking orders, that is…?”
He nodded. “‘Course I am.” Osamu flashed you a grin intended to make your worries disappear. “What kinda store owner would I be if I couldn’t make your team their pick-me-up food?”
The two of you shared a look before you tore your gaze away, biting your lower lip to hide your smile.
“Thank you, then,” you murmured, unlocking your phone to what appeared to be a notes app.
Osamu picked up his pen with a short hum. “Ready to take your order when you are.”
“Right.” You stared at your screen in concentration before listing off what you had written. “Can I have three salmon onigiris with green onions, two umeboshi and mentaiko with light seasoning and ginger, one tempura and unagi with green onions and sesame seeds and heavy seasoning, two…”
As he noted your orders, some arguably stranger than others--not that he should be one to judge, what with his own peculiar preferences--he made a mental note of how cute your voice sounded and tucked it away in the depth of his mind. Was cute the word for it? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he guessed that sounded okay enough. There was something about hearing you talk that made Osamu want to hear more, even if it was just a list of onigiri ingredients.
He huffed. Weird.
When you finished he repeated back your order, affirming it was all correct.
“Great, so I’ll be with you in about 15 to 20 minutes with your order ready,” he informed as he held the paper with the dishes he had to make. “You can have a seat at one of the tables ‘til I return.”
You nodded at his words but hesitantly opened your mouth. “Erm-- Wait!”
He looked back at you, mere steps away from the cooking area.
“Is it just you working at this hour?” you asked, standing with your hands folded behind your back as you craned your neck.
“Yeah, we don’t get many late customers on a Tuesday night so I’m the only one closin’ today.” Osamu gave you a curious once-over. Bright eyes, nervous yet playful smile, cute outfit-- Damn, he sure was using the word cute a lot today. All in relation to you nonetheless. “Why?”
“Are you sure the order isn’t too big for you in this hour?” Once again, you were fretting. He reckoned he ought to teach you some relaxation techniques and tips of how to be less...selfless. “Do you need some, uh, help?”
The corner of Osamu’s lip twitched upwards. Help? What were you planning on doing if he said yes? Learn the basics of food safety and onigiri-making in less than 20 minutes so you could assist him in making your order?
Something told him that was, in fact, what you were ready to do.
“Stop stressin’, sweetheart,” he said with a tsk, not bothering to hide his amused grin. “I’ve handled bigger orders than this. You just rest your pretty little head and I’ll be finished before you know it.”
Though you still looked concerned, you nodded and sat down, probably figuring you would be more of a hindrance in his onigiri-making flow than anything else.
“Don’t miss me too much-- And don’t even think of saying sorry or anythin’ like that!” His tone was teasing but he meant what he said. You were a customer at Onigiri Miya and he wanted no patron of his to be worrying this much if he could do anything to help it. “The store’s still open and I’ve no issue taking your order. ‘Kay?”
You blinked. “Okay. I… Thank you, uh, Miya-san.”
“Just Miya’s fine.”
“Right. Miya. Thank you.”
He sauntered off into the kitchen to get started with your order and as he went through making your onigiri, he hoped you wouldn’t still be feeling bad about a big order that wasn’t even that big compared to others he got. Besides, you had already paid for the order. There was no point worrying after the transaction went through.
Osamu soon made his way down the list of rice balls and, just like he promised, popped his head out of the kitchen along with three, full takeout containers in record time.
“For the cutest customer here tonight-- Order’s up!”
You perked up at the mouthwatering smell of his onigiri, pressing a hand to your stomach as you hummed. “I’m the only customer here tonight, but since your food smells so yummy I will choose to let that comment slide.”
Holding the bag of takeout in front of his, Osamu smirked at your surprisingly steadfast composure. You didn’t get flustered at his unabashed compliment like he thought you would, and for some reason that made you seem even more appealing.
As you accepted the order, he quipped, “Only customer here or not, you’re still the cutest.”
You wrapped your fingers around the handle of the takeout bag, the edge of your pinky brushing against his thumb. “Hmm, then-- I guess you’re definitely the cutest worker here tonight, even though it is by default.”
Osamu laughed, both in amusement and in happiness after finally getting you to feel comfortable in his shop.
“A compliment’s a compliment and I’m not above being the cutest by default,” he said with a lazy drawl, watching as you set the onigiri bag on the counter in front of you while easing into a conversation with him.
“As if you would ever have to win by default. You seem much too handsome and talented for that.”
It sounded like you were flirting. Were you flirting? He noted the mischievous glint in your eyes and the way you lingered in the store instead of leaving once you received your order.
Yeah. You were so flirting.
“Oh, nothing.” He smiled secretively but wouldn’t expand on what he said despite your questioning look.
You narrowed your eyes. “Sure, okay then.” Your fingers wrapped and unwrapped themselves from the handle of the to-go bag, like you didn’t want to leave just yet but didn’t know what was left to say. “Well-- Um, thank you for the order! I’m sure this’ll cheer the team right up.”
“And you as well, I hope.”
“Of course. I haven’t even tasted it but it already has.”
Just being here already has, is what you seemed to say. Osamu rather liked that implication.
“But… I still feel kind of bad for ordering all this so close to your closing hours,” you said sheepishly, rubbing the side of your neck like it had a knot. “I’m sorry.”
Osamu waved his hand at your words. “Please, what do you have to apologize for? Making me do my job?” he asked cheekily, his sideways grin showing teeth. “You shouldn’t feel bad.” He noticed the way you brought your lower lip into your mouth with uncertainty and he continued, “But if you still do...there is a way you could repay me and soothe those worries.”
You looked up, eyes widened. “How? I’d do anything.”
Dangerous words coming from such pretty little lips.
He adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, unintentionally bringing your attention to his forearms. “Let me treat you out this weekend, yeah?”
Your gaze followed his hands as you nodded. “Yea--” You blinked to snap out of your daze and he stifled a laugh. “Wait, wait! Shouldn’t I be the one to treat you?”
“What kinda gentleman would I be if I were to ask you out on a date and tell you to pay?”
Maybe Atsumu would’ve made his date pay for their meal and activities of the day, but Osamu wasn’t him. Osamu had class.
“A date?” you parroted. “As in one with me? And you? Together?”
There wasn’t anyone else in the store he could be asking. Nope, just you and your awkwardly cute self.
Osamu nodded in affirmation. A date is just what he was asking you out on. “Well, only if you want, of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to contain the wide smile that threatened to spread across your face. “I wouldn’t mind a date with the cutest worker here tonight,” you teased, looking around the store before meeting landing on his face. “I still want to be the one to treat you, though. It’s the least I could do.”
As happy as he was that you didn’t reject him, he didn’t give. “Don’t worry about treating me-- Your company’s a better treat than money could buy.” You snorted at his pickup line and Osamu silently cursed his brother for saying that line would always work. And then cursed himself for believing it. “Look, I’ll pay. I insist.”
“I insist too.”
You held each other’s gaze, neither one wavering. He seemed to realize you weren’t going to give in, but he wasn’t planning on it either. He huffed, shaking his head, entertained. “Okay, then. How ‘bout we rock-paper-scissors it when the day comes?”
“Fine by me,” you laughed, hiding the bottom half of your face with your hand. He wanted to hold it in his so he could see the full smile you were covering, but Osamu decided he could save that for another time. “But don’t think you’ll have an easy win! I’ll have you know I play a mean game of rock-paper-scissors.”
“‘Course you do, sweetheart.”
And he didn’t doubt that at all.
As strange as the orders were and as nervous as you may have been at the start, Osamu found himself rather fond of you. Was working overtime worth it just for a date with a cute costumer?
Yeah, he decided. It was.
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a/n: y/n’s vball team waiting for their comfort food after a bad loss while y/n and osamu are just there flirting after hours: 👁💧👄💧👁
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 18]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, car sex, filmed sex videos, using panties as a gag, but also panty stuffing, choking, domme!reader for like .3 seconds ☠️, after all the mess of last night(iykyk) i think we need this lol, but also a bit of a filler chapter for… reasons. 💕 but also came out raunchier than I anticipated but that was maybe just a me thing LOL 😭 as always, thank you for all the love and support with cherry bomb💕💕 only two more chapters left, I cant believe it... 😭😭😭 also again, another inbox roundup tomorrow! For now, enjoy ch 18 and have a great weekend! Be safe! ❤️🍒
not me editing the notes to include the ❤️🍒 that cheol just used on weverse 😩
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - x - x
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“Did you get it?”
Jun looks around the diner as he nods, “Yeah. It got to my house yesterday but I still don’t understand why I had to help you get this… Does Seungcheol-hyung not know? I’m confused.” He laughs nervously, somewhat concerned he’s helping you do something you shouldn’t be doing.
You grin back at the confused male, blinking innocently at him while he chuckles under his breath.
“Not… for now. But don’t worry. He’ll find out! I just… Haven’t brought it up to him yet, is all! But I will! ‘Cause we’re planning something~”
Jun’s lips fall into a surprised ‘o’, eyes flitting to the group of people that enter the diner.
“I’ll be with you in a moment!” He yells, smiling before he turns to face you again. “So you’re scheming something but hyung’s just not part of the scheming… yet?”
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“Hey, what do you say we go on a picnic date on Saturday?”
You tilt your head at Seungcheol, eyebrows raised. “I mean, I’d love to but we need to… post on Saturday? We haven’t filmed anything yet so I thought we’d film early on Saturday and then… y’know.”
Seungcheol grins at you from the opposite end of the sofa; eyes glimmering with a playfulness that has you mumbling a quiet ‘I see’ before rolling your eyes jokingly at the male.
“I see you’re scheming so the answer is yes, ‘Cheol, I’d love to go on a date with you on Saturday.”
“Good, ‘cause I already have everything set up for us so it would’ve been a waste!”
The two of you share a laugh before you’re remembering what you needed to bring up to Seungcheol. “Hey, by the way… about the channel rebranding thing.” Pausing, you wait for him to give you his full attention before you continue. “I thought maybe, we skip next week’s Wednesday show and instead we do a Friday show and for the last time, do a Saturday show and that’ll be, like, the rebranding? Is that confusing?”
Seungcheol nods along slowly, “No I know what you’re goin’ for. Any ideas for the shows?”
Your face and cheeks feel hot as you squirm, “Well… I had this idea. Why don’t we each… come up with a show concept. I’ll pick Friday’s show and you can pick Saturday’s and we’ll go with each other’s idea. Not, like, a competition but y’know, I thought it’d be fun for our viewers too! They can see what we come up with when each of us have control of the theme.”
Seungcheol goes quiet, contemplating his options. “And neither of us will know what the other’s concept is until the show?”
“Mmhmm! All within our hard limits though! That’s the only rule.”
A grin finds its way onto Seungcheol’s face. 
Oh, did he have ideas.
“Sounds fun. Can’t wait to see what you come up with, baby.”
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‘Jeongguk I have a favour.’
Jeon 🥴: always favours wit u but ok, i havent been disappointed yet
Jeon 🥴: u keep me on my toes, it makes me tingly 
‘Shut up’
‘Do you have Jimin’s phone number, by chance?’
Jeon 🥴: I mean yea i do but…
Jeon 🥴: nvm i dont wanna kno
Jeon 🥴: but actually i wanna kno before i give it to u
‘Just give me the number and you can find out next Saturday’
Jeon 🥴: cryptic but i like it
Jeon 🥴: 82 13 1013 0613
Jeon 🥴: ur welcome
‘Thanks, Jeongguk, I owe you.’
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The week continues with you and Seungcheol continuing to plan without each other; sly smirks and hushed giggles passed between you both even when Friday’s show comes and goes.
Saturday morning greets you with cloudy skies and pouring rain and you pout at Seungcheol as soon as you manage to get the curtains open to watch the downpour.
“‘Cheol, it’s raining… How are we gonna go on a picnic date now?” He bites the inside of his cheek as he thinks.
“We can still go on our date, we’ll just… stay in the car. It’s not as romantic as I would’ve liked but I already had everything set up for us and even packed a basket.” He laughs under his breath, a little deflated that the rain had suddenly come and ruined his plans.
There went his idea of fucking you on a big picnic blanket out in the open.
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“I gotta say, even though we’re just chilling in your parked car on the hillside… It’s actually quite pretty out here, ‘Cheol! Kinda calming with the rain and all~”
The two of you stay bundled up underneath a blanket in the backseat; the car windows already fogged up with the warmth the two of you radiate.
Seungcheol had packed a picnic basket filled with various snacks and premade food; a sheepish smile on his face when he told you he wasn’t sure what to bring.
“I would’ve made food but I wanted it to be a surprise and I also wasn’t sure what would’ve been good to bring. Although, now I’m thinkin’ we should’ve packed a thermos of hot chocolate or something.”
You pull away from him slightly, pouting. “That would’ve been good to warm us up a bit. I totally didn’t think of it either…”
Seungcheol grins, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Speaking of warming up…” He leaves the comfort of the blanket as he leans over to the side, placing his phone precariously on the phone holder that he’d set up on the backside of the driver’s seat to catch a side view of the two of you. He opens the camera app and quickly starts recording before he settles back into his place across from you.
“Well? Give it to me, baby. Right now.”
You feel a thrum of arousal pour over you at his sudden demand, “I--but--but I’m not p-prepped yet, I--”
Seungcheol chuckles, shaking his head slightly before he leans over you; making sure the two of you are within the camera’s line of filming.
“Baby, I just wanted a kiss.” Your entire face goes hot, all the way up to your ears. “O-oh.”
He leans in, soft lips pressing against your own as he tangles a hand in your hair to deepen the kiss. You melt into his touch, lips parting on their own as you let out soft moans that mix in with the pitter patter of rain outside.
His lips leave yours and before you can even get a word out, a shiver runs up your spine when he starts pressing soft kisses against your jawline.
“So pretty and all mine.” He mumbles; voice muffled against your warm skin. “And now everyone knows who you belong to, right, angel?”
You nod shakily, throat dry at the gentleness in Seongcheol’s voice. “Y-yeah… ‘m all yours, ‘C--Cheol…”
“Should I leave some reminders? Just in case anyone forgets.”
You mewl in response, eyes rolling back when you feel Seungcheol starting to leave love bites on your neck. He sucks on the skin, only to soothe it with his tongue moments after.
“A-ah, don’t l-leave so many or e-else…” Whining, you rub your thighs together under the blanket; already feeling the arousal starting to take over your body.
“Or else…? I wasn’t aware you were giving me orders now, baby.” He smirks against your skin, leaving one more love bite on the column of your neck before he pulls away.
He kisses you softly on the lips once more before he’s pulling the blanket off of you and tugging you onto his lap; a gentle, warm smile on his plush lips. Your lust filled eyes meet Seungcheol’s before they’re flitting down to your lap where he pushes your skirt up to reveal your panties and before you can fully comprehend, he’s already tearing at the material before he tosses it to the side.
“I want you to ride my cock just like this, baby. Forget the camera’s even rolling, I wanna see you getting off in the backseat of my car and I wanna see your pretty face when you’re falling apart from how good my cock fills up your pretty cunt.”
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You rock your hips against Seungcheol’s; hands placed on his shoulder as you chase your pleasure.
“You look so pretty like this, angel. So fuckin’ cute when you’re getting what you want.” You moan in response, head thrown back when the head of his cock taps your g-spot.
“So fuckin’ wet for me.” Seungcheol pauses; hands snaking down your body until you feel them on the skin of your ass.
He squeezes your ass as you whine loudly, fingertips teasing at the puckered rim. “Ah, we should’ve brought a toy with us. Bet you would’ve liked both of your needy holes filled, huh?”
“Y-yes, fuck! S--Seungcheol!” You clench around his cock, bouncing in his lap harder when he pulls his fingers away.
“We’ll save it for another time~ Wouldn’t want to rock the car too much, y’know? And I’d want you to be comfortable when you have all your needy ‘lil holes filled, not in the backseat of my car.” He grins at your somewhat disappointed face; feet planted on the floor of the car before he’s thrusting up into you and matching your erratic movements.
“Oh, g-god, it feels s--so good! I, ah, w-wanna cum!” Whimpering, your brows furrow as your hazy eyes meet Seungcheol’s.
“Aww, my sweet angel wants to cum already? So fuckin’ easy. Only a few minutes on my cock and you’re already falling apart?”
When he smirks back at you; there’s a sudden pang of confidence that pours over you and in an instant, you move a free hand up to the column of his throat. You squeeze down slightly, only enough as a warning as he licks his lips at you.
There’s a beat of silence as the two of you stop your movements while you sit perfectly still on his cock.
“Hmm? Gonna choke me to shut me up, baby? Go ahead. Let’s see if you can.” He taunts, hands still on your clothed waist. You start swiveling your hips again, except this time you keep your hand loosely wrapped around his neck; fingertips only just pressing into the sides as he lets out a soft groan in return.
“I bet you’d like it t-too much, ‘Cheol…” He chuckles softly; nodding when he feels his cock throbbing inside of your pussy.
“Not as much as you do.” He starts thrusting up into you again, momentarily making you lose your hold on him when your body jostles from his harsh movements.
“Mmh, gonna cum in your pretty cunt ‘n then I’m gonna make you sit pretty with your fingers keeping my cum inside while I drive us both home. Fuck, bet you’d cum again just from that too. Sitting in the passenger’s seat, fingering my cum deeper into your needy cunt.”
Before Seungcheol can say any more, your other free hand quickly reaches for your discarded, torn panties; shoving them into his parted lips as he lets out a surprised noise around the fabric.
“You, ngh, t-talk too m-much…” You mutter.
Seungcheol can’t help but laugh around the fabric, quickly pulling your hand from around his neck as he swiftly maneuvers you off of his cock to switch your positions.
He presses you down into the backseat as he pistons his hips into you; his hands keeping your legs spread obscenely wide as he fucks you hard and fast.
The car rocks back and forth with his harsh movements and your moans only get louder and louder with each thrust of his hips that has the head of his cock slamming into your g-spot.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, ‘m gonna c-cum!” You feel your walls getting tighter around Seungcheol’s cock and he finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your body starts to tense with your impending orgasm. He growls around the fabric in his mouth; eyes silently ordering you to cum as his hips start to lose rhythm.
“Ah, S--Seungcheol!”
His name rolls off of your tongue in quick succession until it turns into muddled, broken whines and cries and he fucks you right through your orgasm as he chases his own. He feels his cock throbbing inside of you as your walls flutter around him and he only manages a drawn out groan before he’s unloading all of his cum inside of you; head thrown back as he lets the waves of pleasure wash over his body.
You stare up at him through glassy eyes, chest heaving as you ride out the remnants of your high. “Ngh… gonna, mmh, make a--a mess on the s-seats…” Muttering, it takes a few quiet moments before Seungcheol is slowing down his thrusts to a complete halt but the glimmer in his eyes lets you know he’s not completely done with you just yet.
Seungcheol starts to slowly ease his cock out of you as you groan softly at the emptiness, waiting for the second you close your eyes to blink to make his move.
He takes his chance; pulling the soaked material from inside of his mouth just as the head of his cock is at your entrance and he quickly places the torn panties right where the head of his cock was, just a second ago.
“That was really cute of you, baby.” You breath hitches when you feel his fingers starting to press the material into your spent hole. “Really, really cute.”
Your thighs shake at the feeling of Seungcheol slowly pushing your panties into your cunt; eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let out shaky whimpers. “Oh, fuh--fuck, Seungcheol, mmh!”
“I actually packed a spare pair of panties for you, y’know? I was gonna play nice and eat your pretty ‘lil cunt out instead of letting you sit in cum soaked panties but I guess you had other plans, hmm? Got a little too greedy, perhaps?”
He smirks down at you, watching as your face contorts in unadulterated bliss when he pushes more and more of your panties into your pussy until only a small piece of fabric is left hanging out.
Seungcheol turns to face his phone that’s still recording, plucking it from the holder it’d been in before he flips the camera and films your body instead. He lets it linger on your fucked out expression before he brings it down to your pussy, filming your squirming body as you clench around the fabric keeping Seungcheol’s cum from spilling out of you and onto the backseat.
“Mm, and now you get to sit in the passenger’s seat, your own panties stuffed into your pussy while I drive home. But I bet it feels good, huh? Your needy ‘lil hole plugged up ‘til I can get you home so I can fuck you again. Unless you get really desperate, then I’ll let you take the panties out by yourself and you can finger your cunt and make yourself cum again.”
Goosebumps rise on your skin at his filthy words and you can’t help but bring a shaky hand down, fingertips already on your clit as Seungcheol raises a brow at you.
“You should get to d-driving then, ‘Cheol… Don’t you wanna find out what, ah, I choose?”
He shakes his head as he ends the recording on his phone; tossing the device to the side before he leans over you again.
“You’ve been getting really cocky with me, angel. Something I should know about?”
You blink up at him innocently, lips in a pout. 
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risaonda · 4 years
So how many times are you going to make Salem apologize for things they did years ago before you finally take down your blog harassing them?
hi anon. i deleted ur other messages without reading them fully because i was Not going to deal with that while at work since they were all super hostile from what i did see. hope u can understand. i’ll reply 2 this one tho
they did not properly apologize to me or anyone else they’ve hurt. the apology i Did receive from them was immediately nullified by them continuing to do the things they “apologized” for, and spreading lies about me and many others they’ve hurt. which is something they have never addressed nor apologized for.
frankly though i am getting sick of them lying and claiming they HAVE apologized, because then i have to deal with instances like this. thanks for the ask by the way.
tw for abuse obviously and mentions of suicide/self harm
i want to preface this by saying i took the screenshots i have As this was all going on. so they are Old, and may look kinda weird. idk if it’s something with the messenger app or what since i don’t even have/use it anymore, but it changed their name to “facebook user” upon me blocking them. it doesn’t show up like that on desktop, however, so when i open our conversation right now it looks like this:
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so before anyone tries pulling some “um why does it say that instead of their name that’s sus”: dude, i couldn’t tell u. i’d retake the screenshots on desktop but u can see right there how much text can fit in one image. i would have maybe over 100 pictures. that is way too many when i already have So Many. unless it’s like life or death, i’m not retaking these screenshots. that said also, this is going to be very long and image heavy.
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This is the apology that they’re talking about. this is the only apology i’ve ever received from them personally. they came over to my house and we talked.
i knew exactly what i wanted to say to them. i know exactly what i wanted to talk about. but most if not all the things that i told them about were things that they had done to other people rather than things they’d done to hurt me, because i was afraid that if i told them about how they had hurt me they’d get mad at me for whatever i said. that’s fully on me, sure, but that was basically the conversation. the only thing i really remember bringing up was a comment they made about a friend’s recently deceased dog, and i only remember That because it was something they used as a point later to argue they weren’t abusive (something like “yeah what i said was shitty, but it wasn’t abusive” even though i didn’t say it was abusive, just that it was a shitty thing to say. but that’s besides the point).
i want to just drop these in here, since this gets brought up later. the rest of the conversation was basically just us talking about other stuff, and it’s like 25 images total, so i’m just grabbing these. the blocked out names are 1) a friend’s deadname that i do Not want to post and 2) my girlfriend
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i want to also say that before salem contacted me, i’d gotten back in contact with vincent after not speaking to him for some time because of them
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we talked for a while through a note on deviantart because, as u can see there, it was the only safe way for us to talk without causing any issue with them. i don’t think i really need to post the entire note since it’s basically just us talking about...that situation. i also was in the habit of using the subtext code on deviantart so the formatting on the note is super fucked up towards the end. i have this all saved as a text document somewhere on my computer, so if it really matters i have that i guess. but again, i don’t think it’s super necessary. i’m bringing this up because of this part
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note the date.
when salem and i spoke at my house, vincent was not ever mentioned once. which i thought was super weird since we were both friends with him (they literally met each other through me), and his friendship with them had pretty much JUST ended when they messaged me. call me paranoid, but i’m pretty sure they were unaware i was already speaking to him again, and i feel the only reason they reached out to me in the first place was in case he had tried telling me about them after getting away from them. but that’s just my guess.
vincent and i had another conversation that i don’t? think i have saved. where basically he messaged me freaking out because salem had messaged Him saying the same thing they said to Me: that they messed up and wanted to fix things. i remember vouching for them and telling vincent that they Seemed genuine and like they really did want to fix all of this, because i did truly believe they were being sincere and i wanted everything to get better. a few days later, this happens. also i’m sorry in advance for how i used to talk, i hate it more than u do.
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the blurred out name in this one is an old mutual friend of theirs and vincent’s, someone that i never knew or spoke to. the second blocked out name is the same person as 1) from before. the situation i’m referring to there is back in highschool, salem sent him a message insinuating they were going to kill themself because they were upset with him and then went offline. that’s been talked about on my blog before.
i never had the chance to message salem about this instance because after this happened, they suddenly blocked me everywhere.
they’ve never apologized for this situation. after this happened, they began posting about all of us on their twitter. i didn’t archive any of this because at the time i had no idea how to archive shit, so take it with a grain of salt if u want. not in any chronological order because i don’t have dates for literally any of these since they were sent to me by somebody else
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this one specifically actually was when i made the call out, i can tell u that one for free. so that would mean the rest of these were all posted Beforehand. i wrote the call out because they made a post on their blog falsely claiming that vincent was their abuser. the posts they made on twitter about us escalated into that. pretty sure the post on my blog literally right before the call out is me being like “okay i’m done allowing this to keep going on.”
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these were part of some long thread they had of Things My Abusers Did To Me. i feel i should just say we had an “argument” once because they made a rude remark about my girlfriend because she was speaking to me but hadn’t yet spoken to them that day, and i did not respond to said remark, so they started ignoring and avoiding me until i apologized for ignoring them “or else”
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also to show they Were giving our urls out to people to come after us for them. plus this one i’ve posted before already
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with my old inactive url, wherein they had also claimed they were never talking about me when posting about their “abusers.” also side note i’m leaving this as the one where i blocked out the urls but i just found out i DO still have the other one where i didn’t block out all of our urls, i just thought that was interesting.
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one of my friends, same person from above, receiving anonymous as well as Not anonymous (which i won’t post out of the goodness of my heart. they’re a popular artist that used to be friends with salem, i don’t know if they still are. i’m convinced they sent the anon as well since the typing style is similar, and they simply forgot to hit anon the other time) hate because of salem’s posts about us and giving out urls. i want to also emphasize: this person literally did NOT talk to salem at all during the apology thing. they literally have not spoken to one another since high school yet he’s one of the people salem constantly went on about on twitter saying he was their “abuser.” salem has never apologized to him for any of this. they claim they are “afraid” of him and that’s why they haven’t apologized.
they didn’t stop talking about us until i wrote the call out post and began posting screenshots. they suddenly shut up and distanced themself from the situation and claimed they were no longer going to talk about it. for them now to be saying they’ve grown past it and apologized personally, earnestly for everything? That’s Really Bold.
so let me just say, again, very concise. They Have Not Apologized For Any Of This.
salem, if u really truly honest to god want to grow and be a better person, if u really want to actually fix any of this? u need to be real fucking honest about what happened and what is STILL happening. because i am Not going to put up with people harassing me because u said something that u KNOW is not true while ur saying ur trying to work past all of this.
40 notes · View notes
etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The guys meet up for a casual Sunday farmers market trip but when they get back to Bucky’s apartment things heat up fast. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: basic second base smuttiness; swapping hand jobs and some frottage.
Word Count: 5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I told ya'll there was gonna a lot of smut in this one and I'm starting to deliver as of this chapter :) So please, enjoy some lovely smuttiness on this fine Wednesday evening lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“I told you so.” Natasha cheered over their plate of danishes the next morning. 
Bucky’s smile was sphinx-like as he nibbled on his pastry, “You did. I’m still not 100% sure he’s not going to just bolt at some point but I think that’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” 
“It sounds like a risk worth taking if one kiss has you smiling like that twelve hours later.”
“Ugh, Nat! And for the record, it was more than just one.” Bucky chuckled as Natasha shoved at him playfully.
Across town Steve was helping Sam tidy up in between classes and trying to avoid the grilling he knew Sam wanted to give. They had recapped the last class and personal training sessions and planned out the room for the next group coming in. They went over all the adjustments needed to the next week’s schedule since they were still covering for Thor who was out on paternity leave for the next four weeks now that his wife Jane had the baby. By the time they were setting the last of the kettle bells on the rack they had run out of gym related topics. Sam gave him another side eyed glance and Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.
“So are you still talking to Bucky?” Sam finally asked.
Steve had been reluctant to tell Sam about anything other than their first meeting. He hadn’t even told Sam why he’d bought the new outfit for earlier that week. It was still so new and he was unsure himself of where things were going, or where he even wanted them to go. He figured if in the end he realized he was bi or gay or whatever, then he could tell his friends. But until he was sure there was no point in announcing anything. “I am.” Steve admitted reluctantly.
“And how’s that going?” Sam seemed genuinely interested but Steve still clammed up.
“Good, he’s a good friend. We’ve been swapping memes all week.” 
“Nice. See, it all worked out and now you have someone else to send those stupid GIFs from The Office to.” 
“Hey, don’t knock one of the best TV shows of all time.” Steve glared pointedly.
“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Sam moved on, heading over to the desk to check the roster one last time before he started pulling out mats for their next class. A small twinge of guilt bit in Steve’s stomach, knowing he had let Sam make a wrong conclusion and hadn’t corrected him. But really, what was the point if he still wasn’t sure of everything himself? 
Bucky woke early on the Sunday after their date, restless in a way he hadn’t been in a while. He wanted to see Steve again but it had only been a day. Bucky busied himself with too much coffee and a book while he did laundry in his building's basement, trying to distract himself for a while. By 10am all of his standard keep busy chores were done and he was staring at his phone, trying to make Steve text him by sheer force of will. Giving up he started swiping through Instagram, catching up on his friend’s weekend adventures. Pepper had posted a cute picture of a bouquet she bought at the local farmers market and Bucky realized he had found the perfect reason to text Steve. It was innocent enough and casual so if Steve was busy or declined it wasn’t earth shattering. Plan in place, Bucky fired off a quick text.
Bucky Barnes [10:17:44AM]: hey u. im heading 2 the farmers market in sunset park. gonna stop 4 more of that wine. wanna come?
Steeeeve [10:19:23AM]: Hey! That sounds fun. What time?
Bucky Barnes [10:19:52AM]: headed over now if ur free
Steeeeve [10:20:08AM]: Okay. I just need to throw on some shoes and I’ll head out. I can be there in like 15min. 
Bucky Barnes [10:20:33AM]: k see u then
Bucky scrambled to fix his hair and pick a shirt from the pile he’d just brought up. He hadn’t expected Steve to be willing to meet up so quickly and he was still wearing his laundry day sweatpants. He was closer to the market than Steve but he also needed more time to get ready so he ended up getting a “I’m here” text from Steve on his way. 
Steve was waiting by a jewelry stand when Bucky caught up with him. He had been wandering around for a few minutes and the display of beaded bracelets caught his eye. They reminded him of the ones Bucky had worn when they first met and he wondered which ones Bucky would like. 
“Hey!” Bucky greeted him with a small wave as he approached.
“Hey.” Steve echoed happily. He almost reached out for a hug but something held him back and after a second ticked by he realized he should have just done it but the moment had passed. 
“What are you looking at?” Bucky asked, a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten their standard greeting hug and wanting to move on. 
“Oh, these things caught my eye while I was browsing.” 
“They’re nice. I love the way the translucent ones almost glow.” Bucky picked up one of the vivid pink ones, letting the sunlight hit it from different angles. 
“Let me buy it for you.” Steve offered before his brain caught up with his mouth. 
Bucky looked skeptically at him, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I want to, please?” 
“Thanks, Stevie.” Bucky said softly, handing the bracelet over. 
Steve blushed at the nickname, ducking his head and walking over to pay the sales girl for the bracelet. Once purchased, he returned it to Bucky who slid it on his wrist next to the two others he was currently wearing.
“Perfect.” Steve praised. 
Bucky was looking appreciatively at his newest addition while Steve was looking appreciatively at Bucky. God, he was gorgeous. Bucky was dressed casually in light washed jeans and a dark grey shirt with no one should live in a closet written in fancy script with a wand below it, all in rainbow colors. Leave it to Bucky. “I like your shirt. Harry Potter reference, right?” Steve guessed.
“Yep. I found it at Pride last year and I’m completely in love with it.” 
“It’s very you.” 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Bucky preened for a moment. 
Steve chuckled, “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. Altitude Coffee has a little pop up shop back that way.” 
Steve and Bucky trailed their way through the bustling farmers market, picking up things here and there. Some they actually needed for groceries, but others were just fun impulse buys. They each had overly full canvas totes by the time they were done, and hauled their finds along with them to the wine shop. They each bought a full box from the shop, having stocked up on a half case of their favorites, which only further slowed Bucky down. While Steve had the muscles and endurance to haul a giant tote and six bottles of wine around the city, Bucky did not. 
“Uh, Steve.” Bucky panted out, finally giving up. 
Steve looked over and realized Bucky had fallen a few steps behind while he was talking about a winery he had visited while in Canada a few years ago. 
“I think I need to tap out.” Bucky admitted while shifting his bag as much as he could to get comfortable. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Steve shifted his tote higher on his shoulder, wondering if he could sling Bucky’s on next to his. “Here, let me take your bag.” he extended a hand towards Bucky’s bag.
Bucky was conflicted, he wanted to try and at least get his stuff home but Steve probably could carry both without breaking a sweat. Damned muscled god of a man. “How about this? Since I’m the one wimping out, let me call us an Uber. I can probably get us one less than five minutes.” 
Steve frowned at the idea of an expensive ride all the back to Park Slope. “You don’t have to do that. I can carry our stuff.” 
“If I call us an Uber we could go back to my place and try that baguette and jam I bought.”
“Ooh, that’s a good bribe. I have that cheese I got too.” Steve looked at Bucky for a long moment. An afternoon of good food and even better company was too tempting to pass up. “You sure you don’t mind me coming over?” 
“Not at all. It’s a tiny little crap shack of a place, but it’s my tiny little crap shack.” 
Bucky was already pulling up the app and ordering them a car when Steve finally said, “Okay, let’s go.” 
The Uber ride back to Bucky’s place was barely more than ten minutes and they sat cramped in the back of a Prius with their wine boxes in the trunk and their totes in their laps. Bucky was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness and shot Steve amused glances every so often, making the blonde have to tamp down his own laughter. By the time they got to Bucky’s apartment Steve practically leapt out of the tiny blue car, grateful to stretch back to his full height again. He insisted on carrying both of their totes and his box of wine bottles up to Bucky’s apartment, leaving Bucky his own wine to carry. Thankfully the building had an elevator and Steve seemed barely phased under the weight of all their stuff. Bucky tried to ignore the filthy thoughts racing through his head of what else Steve was strong enough to do. Like pick him up and fuck him against a wall. Or something. God, Bucky hoped Steve figured things out soon because he was barely through their second date and wanted to climb the man like a tree. 
“Home sweet home.” Bucky announced as he swung the door open to his apartment. He flicked on the recessed lighting in the living room and showed Steve to the kitchen where he could put their bags down. It was a cute little one bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room and dine-in kitchen. 
“It’s nice.” Steve said looking around as he placed their bags on the faux granite countertop. 
“It’s tiny but it works.” Bucky shrugged. 
Steve noticed the would be dining room area of the kitchen was set up with a desk and three wide computer monitors instead of a table. “That’s quite a set up over there.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Bucky looked embarrassed for a moment, “It’s a little ridiculous, but when you work from home it’s kinda nice to have a sweet setup. When I signed on to work for Stark Securities they gave me a signing bonus so I splurged and bought better equipment and that fancy office chair. It was completely worth it too.” 
“Good for you, you deserve it.” 
Bucky blushed lightly at the sincerity of Steve’s tone. He nervously spun the bracelet Steve had bought him around his wrist a few times, hoping he wasn’t setting himself for heartache. “So, lunch?” Bucky offered, the momentary tension dissipating. 
“Absolutely. Let’s break out that bread you got.” Steve started rifling through his bag for the soft cheese and candied pecans he’d bought while Bucky pulled out the heavy loaf of artisan bread, the little pot of homemade plum jam, and a bottle of Chloe Prosecco he’d bought at the wine shop. The bottle had been adorable with its fancy little bow and the sales girl had said it was a popular choice.
They laid out their feast on a large cutting board, teasing each other about how posh the whole thing was. It was a simple but seemingly elegant lunch spread and Bucky liked that their official second date had a bit of a classy feel to it. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a table or anything for us to eat at.” Bucky waved his hand at his little office space. “I normally just eat on the sofa like a heathen.” 
“Honestly so do I.” Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“We can be heathens together then.” Bucky picked up their wine glasses while Steve carried the large tray out to the coffee table where they set up their feast. Flicking through his streaming channels he settled on Disney, knowing everyone loved those movies. “Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?”
Steve shook his head, “No, I heard it was good though.” 
“Good?” Bucky feigned offense, “Stephen Gilligan Rogers.” 
“Not my middle name.” Steve chuckled but Bucky was undeterred.
“BATB is not good. It is iconic. The elaborate costumes, the backdrops, the music, oh my god Steve, the music. We’re watching it. End of subject.” Bucky started up the movie, not even slightly apologetic for his dramatics. One had not lived until they saw Emma Watson as Belle. 
Two hours later Bucky was curled up against Steve, watching with misty eyes as the palace furniture turned back into real people as the curse lifted. Steve was completely engrossed in the movie, barely registering that he had been stroking Bucky’s hair for the better part of an hour. 
“Now do you see?” Bucky demanded as the credits rolled a few minutes later. 
“You were right. That was amazing.” Steve conceded. 
“It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid but seeing it redone in such a perfect way really gets to me. I’ve threatened to dress up as Belle for the past three Halloweens now.” 
Steve grinned at the idea, “I think you’d make a beautiful Belle.” 
And just like that the air shifted. Bucky was suddenly very aware of how close they were curled up together and the way Steve was looking at him like he’d hung the moon. He didn’t want to rush Steve, he was willing to wait as Steve figured himself out, but if he kept looking at Bucky like that, his timeline needed to hurry up. “You’d make a very handsome beast.” he finally said, going for levity but falling short. 
Steve blushed so prettily, his eyes locked on Bucky’s lips, the bottom of which he was chewing on again. Steve knew now it was a nervous tell and it gave him a little thrill knowing he wasn’t the only nervous one. “I think I’d like to kiss you again.” he admitted quietly. 
“You don’t have to ask, honey.” Bucky purred, leaning in to press a tender kiss against Steve’s lips.
Steve’s body was shaking with nervous energy as Bucky shifted up onto his knees so he could kiss Steve easier. Bucky tasted like wine and plums and something very uniquely him. It made Steve’s head spin as he chased Bucky’s tongue with his own. The fears and worries over what he was doing died away in that moment, his whole being consumed by his desire for the sweet man who was practically in his lap. Steve still wasn’t sure what it all meant, but he knew he wanted more. 
Bucky was so thankful for a repeat of the night on Steve’s couch. Kissing Steve was electric and Bucky couldn’t get enough. The hard planes of his body pressed firmly up against the softer ones of Bucky’s, which only made Bucky more desperate for the close contact. Despite having a thicker build, Bucky felt small next to Steve and he loved it. Feeling brave, and praying desperately that Steve wouldn’t bolt, he swung a leg over Steve’s lap and sat himself atop Steve’s thighs. “Is this okay?” he asked once he was settled. 
“Yeah.” Steve shuddered, “Yeah, it’s fine.” Steve let his hands come to rest on Bucky’s thick thighs on either side of his smaller ones. While Steve’s thighs were hard with well earned muscle, Bucky’s had natural musculature and a softness to them that had Steve wanting to sink his fingers into their plush expanse. Bucky had gone back to kissing him while his mind wandered and Steve decided to give Bucky’s thighs an exploratory squeeze. For science really, just to see if he would feel anything. The kissing so far had been fantastic but Steve worried they’d eventually hit a point where everything went to hell and he realized he was most definitely straight. And then he’d lose Bucky forever. 
Bucky made a light huffing sound when Steve sunk his fingers into the soft meat of his thighs. He was thankful Steve was getting a little braver and decided to run his hands up and down the length of Steve’s ridiculously muscled chest and stomach in a tentative exploration of his own. 
A choked noise made its way out of Steve’s throat as Bucky touched him with feather light hands. He wanted to rip his shirt off and give him all the access he wanted. But he was taking things slow, Steve reminded himself. Unfortunately, not all parts of Steve got that memo. 
Bucky had shifted a bit trying to sprinkle kisses along the sharp edge of Steve’s jaw when he accidentally brushed against an unexpected guest. “Oh, shit, sorry.” he blurted out, moving back an inch so he wasn’t pressed against the, frankly enormous, erection in Steve’s pants. 
Steve blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his throat. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” 
Bucky glanced down at the tenting of Steve’s pants. Damn, he wanted to get his hands on Steve like yesterday. “I could, uh,” he cleared his throat roughly, “help you. With that.” Steve looked at him with wide bright blue eyes, so open and unsure, that Bucky started backpedaling all in a rush, “Or not, we can stop. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” 
Steve just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bucky again, his motions almost questioning. “I think I’d be okay going a little further this time.” he said quietly against Bucky’s mouth. 
Bucky squeaked involuntarily at Steve’s words. He was now dealing with his own growing problem at the idea of getting to fool around a little with Steve. “If you’re sure. We can stop at any time.” he promised. It would probably kill him, but if Steve said stop at any point he would be off him in a second. 
“I trust you, Buck.” Steve told him, brushing a strand of hair back behind Bucky’s ear. 
Bucky wanted to melt at the trust Steve had in him. He was too good to be true and Bucky just had to hope it would all work out. Gay or straight or somewhere in between, Steve Rogers was an absolute dream partner. Bucky shifted himself forward a little so the hard length in his pants could rub against the one in Steve’s while they kissed a little more. Bucky let his hips rock a little as they moved, giving them both a little bit of tortuous friction. 
Steve was panting like he’d run a marathon, and he knew this from personal experience when he and Sam had run the New York City Marathon a few years back as publicity for their gym. He’d never thought making out on a sofa would have quite the same effect but life had been full of surprises for him lately. The friction against his dick felt amazing and there was a naughty little zing of arousal knowing it was from Bucky’s erection rubbing against his. He would never have expected to enjoy that so much but there he was, fighting for self control like a horny teenager. He wanted to get Bucky off too and not just selfishly sit back and let Bucky take care of him. Steve was well acquainted with getting himself off and really how different could it be doing it to someone else? He was feeling bold and brash, knowing a hand was just a hand and really he had to start somewhere. “I think I’m ready for more.” he spoke up in between heated kisses. 
Bucky paused, jaw hanging open in shock. “Like, more more?” 
Steve nodded rapidly. “Like second base more?” He held his breath, waiting for Bucky to process what he’d just asked for. 
“God,” Bucky heaved out a breath, “You’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, second base, yes. Get those pants off, Rogers.” He stripped his own shirt off eagerly while Steve just sat there, amused.
“I kinda have this gorgeous guy on my lap at the moment.” he teased.
“Sorry!” Bucky yelped, hopping up so Steve could pull his pants down and off, quickly followed by his tee shirt. He sat in just his boxer briefs on Bucky’s sofa, looking like every Calvin Klien ad fantasy Bucky’d ever had come to life. “Jesus.” he whispered harshly. Bucky couldn’t get his own pants off fast enough, leaving him in his own silky boxers to resume his perch on Steve’s lap. 
Unconfined by pants Bucky got a better feel of Steve’s cock and he was thanking every saint he could think of for what was about to happen. He shifted himself closer to Steve, his thighs spreading wider, and he reached down to give Steve’s cock a tentative squeeze over top the soft cotton of his underwear. 
“Ohh.” Steve gasped out, his body trembling once again. His eyes were glued on Bucky, not wanting to miss a moment. He was so handsome sitting on Steve’s lap. His long hair shining in the afternoon sun that flooded in the glass balcony doors, his lightly tanned skin decorated with a series of finely detailed tattoos. While his muscles weren’t hard and cut like Steve’s, Steve loved the slight softness of the other man’s body, giving him something to sink his fingers into along his sides. It felt nice, and right, and Steve realized in that moment he was more invested in what was about to happen than he had been for most the sexual encounters he’d had with Peggy. It was startling but Steve pushed it down to deal with another day. In the moment, all that mattered was Bucky. 
“Can I?” Bucky asked, trailing his fingers along the waistband of Steve’s boxer briefs. 
“Yeah. Can I?” Steve echoed, tugging at the silky material at Bucky’s hip. 
“If you’re sure.” Bucky prayed silently that having an actual cock in his hand wouldn’t send Steve running for the hills. 
But it didn’t. Steve pulled his underwear off when Bucky hopped up to do the same and he was all nervous excitement when Bucky resumed his perch. He hadn’t thought of what to expect but Steve was blatantly staring at the thick length of Bucky’s dick. It was shorter than his own, but Steve had already known he was considered a bit above average, and it was girthy in a way that made Steve wonder if he topped or bottomed. Because, Steve thought with amusement, these were things he had to consider now. But not right away. They would take things slow and he would see if this was even something he wanted to try. Steve reached out a hand to test the weight of Bucky’s dick in his palm. He slid his hand up and down for two quick strokes, testing how doing that made him feel and was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty familiar act. The way Bucky hissed out a sharp breath and craned his neck back, eyes shut tight, made Steve’s own dick jump for attention. Oh, this was kind of fun. Steve moved his hand for another few stokes, enjoying the way Bucky’s body reacted so blatantly to the pleasure. It was easy to get him worked up like that and Steve was genuinely enjoying himself watching Bucky become a desperate, needy thing in his lap, thrusting a little into Steve’s fist. 
“God. Fuck. Stevie, slow down.” Bucky pleaded. “I wanna take care of you too, honey. Can I? Please?” 
“Okay.” Steve acquiesced, bracing himself for the pressure of Bucky’s hand around his dick. 
Bucky eagerly wrapped his fist around the hard length of Steve’s cock, sliding it up and down the impressive length until Steve gasped. He leaned forward to kiss Steve from his jaw down his neck to his collarbones while he groped him fervently between their two overheated bodies. For as simple as it was, it was absolutely exquisite. “How you doing, Stevie?” Bucky prompted, wanting to check in to ensure Steve was still on board. He rested his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“So good.” Steve managed to moan out. “This is amazing.” 
“Wanna try something even more amazing?” Bucky grinned devilishly. “Just hand stuff, promise.” he added for reassurance.
“What can be better than this?” Steve questioned but motioned for Bucky to go ahead with whatever he had in mind.  
Carefully, Bucky shifted forward one last time, pressing as close to Steve as humanly possible making his over stretched thighs burn in the process. He slipped his hand from Steve’s cock and lined it up with his own, wrapping his fist around them both the best he could. He gave them a quick stroke, reveling in the sensation and waiting to see if Steve would enjoy it too. 
Steve’s whimper was a good sign. “Please.” he begged, “Please, please do that.” 
Bucky picked up the motion again, rhythmically pumping them in his fist. Steve was making little broken ahh sounds, unable to keep up with the pleasure thrumming through his body, and it spurred Bucky on to bring them both racing towards their release. 
Steve could feel the pressure building, his body was on fire and he could barely bite out a warning to Bucky as he felt his orgasm ripping through him. A half formed “I’m g-” was all the warning Bucky got before Steve was spilling all over his hand and cock. Watching Steve come undone, the pure bliss on his face, had Bucky following him over the edge of his own climax seconds later. His body shook hard as he spilled over his hand and across the rippled muscles of Steve’s abs. 
Steve’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining, and Bucky mused he probably looked about the same. Steve was so stunning sitting there with a wide, lazy blissed out smile on his face. Bucky giggled a little realizing how incredibly lucky he was. Steve really was just perfection. 
“What?” Steve asked, joining in Bucky’s infectious laughter. 
“You’re perfect.” Bucky admitted, speaking what was on his mind. 
“And you’re beautiful.” Steve leaned up to push Bucky’s hair back where it had fallen forward in his face. He pressed two chaste kisses against his lips before pulling back, feeling a little extra affectionate in his post-orgasmic haze. 
Bucky made a muffled mmph sound, leaning into Steve, just wanting to be close for a moment. “We made quite a mess.” he said finally, the squidgy feeling of their come between their stomachs not exactly a pleasant one. 
“We should clean up.” Steve agreed. 
“Come on, I have some wet wipes in my room.” Bucky lifted himself up off of Steve’s lap, suddenly cold without their skin to skin contact.
Steve noticed his shiver and as soon as he was standing, he pulled Bucky close against him in a warm embrace. 
Bucky basked in the warmth, his brain effectively turning to mush again at how sweet Steve was. “You spoil me.” he whispered against Steve’s firm pecs.
Steve dropped a kiss on top of Bucky’s head, “You deserve to be spoiled.” 
It took every bit of willpower in Bucky to pull back and lead Steve down the hall to clean up. He could have stayed wrapped in Steve’s arms forever, sticky cooling mess on his stomach be damned. They exchanged quick, adorably awkward glances at each other as they cleaned up. Both wanting to get a more detailed look now the heat of the moment had passed. Steve tossed his wipes in the wastebasket by Bucky’s dresser and then pulled Bucky close by his hips, “You really are so beautiful, Buck.” he told him softly.
Bucky had been careful to wall up his heart when he decided to give Steve a chance. He didn’t want to risk another heartbreak less than a year after what he’d been through with Brock. But Steve’s sweet words and affectionate touches had the walls crumbling a little despite Bucky’s best defenses. “Careful.” he teased with a pang of truth to his words, “You’re gonna ruin me for all other men, you keep this up.” 
Steve chuckled and kissed the top of Bucky’s head yet again. There were so many things he wanted to say in that moment. Raw, honest things that ached in his chest. But Steve kept them inside, not willing to let down his guard so completely just yet. He still didn’t really know what he was doing but damned if he wasn’t loving every second of it so far. 
“Come on you, let’s get dressed.” Bucky said finally, tugging Steve’s hand into his and leading him back down the hall.
Steve left shortly after they’d redressed and cleaned up the mess from their lunch. It was a long, drawn out goodbye in the doorway, neither one of them really wanting to part despite knowing they both had to get on with their usual Sunday routines. Steve promised to text Bucky once he’d made it home, insisting he would have no trouble carrying his tote and box on the subway. And then he was off down the hall, looking back just once before he got on the elevator and wishing he could have stayed. Bucky walked over to his glass balcony door, watching the street below as Steve crossed it heading toward the nearest subway station. He was trying not to get too attached but after the day they’d spent together, Bucky knew it was a losing battle.
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harryhighkey · 6 years
netflix cheating
hiii my very first imagine on this account (i had a 1d account a v long time ago where i posted some other writings and stuff but we don’t talk about her) hopefully u like this!!!!!!!!! idk netflix has just had so many good shows drop recently and i felt a lil inspired!
have an idea for a part 2 of this, so if u like this and want the second part let me know :~)
happy reading 
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Are you still watching?
The dreaded pop up message had appeared before your eyes on the large television mounted on the wall.
Fuck. You cursed inwardly, you had just watched more than half the season of the new Sabrina series on Netflix. Usually that would be fine, considering you didn’t have anything that important to do today, except it wasn’t fine as you and Harry had planned to watch it together.
“Holy shit.” You cursed out loud this time when you picked up your phone and looked at the time. The hours had vanished and you groaned out loud before hoisting yourself up from the ultimate slouched position you had fallen into.
Being a binge-watcher was no new concept to you. You loved your television series and every character you got to know so well. But, god, this couch-potato habit had only increased after Harry gifted you a lounge that felt like you were sitting on a literal cloud and the massive television he had spent all day setting up in your little living room.
“Harry... this is too much.” You never expected extravagant presents from him, you never wanted him to think you were with him for what he had in his bank account.
“The polite thing is to just say thank you.” He smiled over his shoulder at you and you couldn’t help but feel your lips pull into a mirroring smile.
“Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome.” He had that cocky expression and you shook your head with a quick laugh. Fuck, he made you so happy. “Take a seat on the couch, ‘s real comfy.”
“Don’t want me to wait for you?”
“Gotta finish putting the tele’ up.”
“Ah, so we won’t actually be sitting on the couch for a good week.”
“Hey, now. You can’t rush perfection, Y/N.”
You smiled at the memory from only over a month ago, your eyes going to the free space beside you on the massive couch and remembering the very physical and intimate way you had shown your gratitude of the new gift. Something about the way he had a screwdriver sticking out the back pocket of his black skinny jeans really turned you on. And of course, Harry making a joke about christening the couch which quickly became less of a joke as the two of you did more than just christen that couch. Multiple times.
Just as if the Greek Goddess Aphrodite was watching over you, wanting you to indulge in the pleasure you were sinking into after remembering that heated night with Harry, there was that knock on your apartment door you knew was going to be your boyfriend.
Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you dashed to open the door. “Hey.” Unintentionally, your voice was lower, slower, more sensual, there was no hiding what you were feeling. Your eyes were a little hooded and as soon as you had opened the door and spotted Harry, your teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
As soon as he noticed your very alluring mood, he knew exactly how you were feeling and instantly his own excitement began to increase. “You alright, Y/N?” His voice had that deep tone you loved hearing in your ear just as you were about to climax and fuck, did you want him right there and then.
Harry was very aware of that fact as he lifted his arm in order to simply drag just one of his fingertips down the side of your face, he could see how needy you were, and you knew he was going to drag this out. Which you both loved and hated the idea of.
When his finger paused on your neck, he then just barely cupped his hand around the base of your neck. “Didn’t hear me?” His tone was slightly dominant then and your eyes snapped open wide as you met his heavy gaze, your lips were just barely parted in thrill for what else was to come if this was how he was acting already.
“Um.. Yeah, I’m alright.” You found your voice again as you stepped back, noting that the two of you were still stood in the open door way.
As Harry entered and closed the door behind him, he did a quick scan of your living area to try and get a hint of what had put you in this mood. That is until, something else got his attention.
“What were you watching?” He questioned as he spotted the Are you still watching? Screen on your television.
This puzzled you, because you knew he had just had a complete shift in mood. The question wasn’t playful, as if he was anticipating an answer of something like Fifty Shades of Grey. He turned to look back at you and you looked away. The flip of the emotion wasn’t what you were hoping for. You were hoping he’d stroll in and fuck you against the wall right beside your front door and for a moment you thought he would. How quickly that dream crashed down. You didn’t want to answer this time, you felt guilt that you hadn’t waited for him. He was sensitive, and you knew little things like this got to him.
“Y/N?” He pressed on, and a part of you guessed he had already switched on.
“Just rewatching Queer Eye.” A quick shrug of your shoulders paired with a smile wasn’t enough for him and when you saw him take a step closer to the couch you matched his movement, reaching for the remote but his longer reach got to it first.
Your vision stayed trained on the television as you heard the remote click and the screen changed to the episode listing of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Last night, only two of the episodes had been fully watched by you and Harry. But now, seven of the episodes were watched.
“Fucking hell.” Harry muttered and you looked at him then, seeing his jaw locked tight and his face set in a frown. You figured he would’ve been annoyed but it would quickly become something the two of you could have laughed off. Now you weren’t so sure.
“I’m really sorry.” You apologised and moved an inch closer to him. You had anticipated him to sigh and turn towards you and tell you it was okay. Instead, you got the opposite.
“Sorry isn’t good enough, Y/N.” He kept his gaze locked on the television and you couldn’t help but to frown at his response.
“Harry, it’s fine. You know I love to watch things over and over, anyway. I’ll rewatch them all with you.”
“We were meant to watch them together.”
“We still can.”
“No we fucking can’t!” His voice raised as he finally met your eye sight. Both of your expressions challenging each other.
“Why are you so angry at me?! Netflix is right there, we can watch it right now.”
“I don’t want to watch it with you now.”
“Oh my god, you’re being so immature.” You verbally groaned and brought your hands up to rub over your face out of frustration. Although, upon hearing the remote being thrown against the couch followed by Harry movements, you were alert once more. “Where are you going?!” You swiftly moved to stand in front of your boyfriend, but once you were this close to his face, you realised just how angered he looked. “Hey.. what’s wrong?” An attempt to comfort him by trying to caress his cheek was cut short as he batted your hand away and glared back at you.
“You’re what’s wrong.” He snapped and you became defensive.
“Harry, I said I was sorry. It’s only a show-”
“It’s not about the fucking show, Y/N.” He admitted and with a mix of feeling guilty at the situation and not knowing what you had done to warrant this out burst, you began to feel your own anger growing in retaliation.
“You know, you’re being a fucking dick right now.”
“Coming from how much you wanted my dick when I walked in here, I’ll take that as a compliment.” He quipped back. He was stubborn, you were stubborn and when both of you were caught in this vague frustration, nothing was going to be solved.
“Fuck off.”
“Gladly.” You weren’t expecting him to head for the front door, but that’s exactly what he did.
“Why are you leaving?!” You yelled that time but it was more out of desperation than anger at this point.
He didn’t bother to turn back to you when he responded, his hand remaining on your door handle. “Jus’ sick of you letting me down all the time.”
Harry’s answer cut rigidly into your heart and you couldn’t find the proper words to respond with in time as he disappeared from out the door he had entered through before. Your mind was racing a million miles a second to try and think of what you could have possibly done - or not done.
You were drawing a blank, had you forgotten something? This couldn’t all of been over a TV show, it had to have just been the final fatal drop that was enough for Harry to crack.
Even as the hours of the night trickled on and you lay in bed wide awake, you still could not think of what else had happened. The few calls you attempted to make to Harry were left unanswered and as you signed and opened up the Netflix app on your phone to find something to watch to try and help you sleep. That fucking Sabrina show was the first title in your continue watching and suddenly, Netflix was the last thing you wanted to do.
ps, here's part two!
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literaphobe · 5 years
hello it is the “FUCK I LOVE STURCH” anon and i can assure you i am calmer and more coherent now. first, i want to say that i’m only about halfway through (though it’s not likely my opinion of it will change) and it’s quite possibly the funniest fix i’ve ever read. your little header things are amazing and original and i love them with all my heart. you don’t have to reply to this or anything, but hopefully it’ll cancel out the twitter negativity.
uwu honestly i love calm n crazy sturch love n im glad ur liking it n thank u for finding it funny 🥰🥰 i loved writing all those little headers too n i really do hope you have fun reading the rest of it!
the thing about sturch and all the hate y’all might have seen circulating around it be it through anon hate i post right here or what I’ve put up or on any other platform is that no matter how nasty anyone has been or how ridiculous some of the hate has been ive def like. internalized it? like ive def tried to analyze what was so wrong, and ive def broken down why people hate x n what doesn’t work for some people n what works for others, ive also considered the actual length of the story n many other factors! I’ve thought about why i loved sturch n what it meant for me too. ive considered the timeline during which i started n finished writing sturch. it stretched over shy of two years, and as a teenager that was a long time n a lot of development for me. no matter what people say about sturch i think i’ll always love and appreciate what it gave me, n what it brought into my life. sturch is me, as a person. it’s the drama club, it’s theatre that I’ve done for a decade, it’s partly inspired by my own experiences. it’s stuff from my mind, stuff that’s made me laugh, it’s love, it’s all the insecurities and stumbling blocks that people of the age range i depicted jake and amy could experience! it’s self doubt and trauma and deep seated issues and the feeling that you aren’t good enough for someone you love. it’s also stupid trivial things that snowballed into things that don’t need to snowball. it’s probably also a lot of other things. the jake and amy in sturch aren’t the jake and amy of b99. the jake and amy of b99 are adults well into their thirties, and of course they have some of the same trauma and insecurities n self doubt that jake and amy have in sturch, but they’ve had more time to deal with it, they’ve had more time to mature, and they definitely have more life experience. they have less reasons to run, etc etc. and that’s why sturch isn’t just about jake and amy falling in love confessing their feelings and living happily ever after. they fell in love, got in the way of themselves, hurt themselves, hurt each other, but then they figure it out. they heal, they learn, they decide to find out what they can take on together. some people might find it toxic or problematic but it’s human to do toxic/problematic things! really all it’s about is how we get back up n fix what we do. not to act like sturch is deep but that’s just what i think!! it may not be for everyone but it is what it is! and i think having this line of thought helps bc ive had thoughts about reading over sturch n changing things, and aside from whatever punctuation inconsistencies n typos i def made that I would still correct if i can someday i think i just want to leave what ive created as it is. unless im converting it into a real book or for tv/movie or whatever lmaofkskdksjd
anyway, ive not always been v open about this but sturch started in a really fucking horrible point in my life, my parents cut off all my internet n wouldn’t let me do anything for several years if im being honest, and 2017 was a year where they were stalking my accounts on the internet n catching me at every turn n tracking whatever i was doing. i lost my privacy, they’ve seen some of my fics, they’ve seen COMMENTS on sturch and once really fucking fucked me up over sth they saw that they found inappropriate n i had to explain through tears that it was a reference to a joke in the fic and... yeah. anyway if uve been through the long sturch hiatus i took its bc i was too scared to post sturch, but i was still writing it. writing it was hell but also comforting? my parents kept my phone in their room but when they left sometimes i would run in and type out whatever i wanted to write for sturch. i was allowed to bring my phone to school n although everything there was blocked i still had my notes app n i remember writing whenever i could, i would walk around supermarkets n the mall writing, delaying when i had to go home bc that meant goodbye phone n hello scary stressful abusive home environment (and also studying). writing sturch was p much one of my only outlets when in 2017 when i was taking the a levels. even after a level exams i would still write sturch after the exam ended provided i actually had sth in my head n wasn’t too drained. so yeah! sturch comforted me through some really dark times, it was also neglected by me through some somewhat decent times. it made me laugh it made me happy it made me sad n it was one of the best things ive done in writing and it expanded my world!! i hope sturch did sth for y’all, even those who grew to hate n resent it. above all, i love sturch, and i hope y’all did too :)
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tominicholland · 7 years
Time of Your Life
Pairing: Harry Holland x Protagonist (brief, planned), Tom Holland x Protagonist (main, planned)
Synopsis: Jacob Batalon’s youngest cousin (Protagonist) is now – as of August – 18 years old. At the nearly-ripe age of 17, she accompanied her cousin to the Spider-Man: Homecoming premiere where she grows acquainted with the younger crowd of the star-studded cast and – most importantly – piques the interest of two Holland boys, Harry (who’s the same age) and Tom (who’s three years her senior).
Author’s Note: I wanted to use this chapter to develop the personality of the protagonists’ friends, who I believe are going to be crucial in later parts of this fic. Harry makes somewhat of an appearance here, too, so you’ll get a little bit of how they get familiar with each other. 
Word Count: 1,538 
Part I // Part II:  Notifications In which the protagonist’s cousin, Jacob Batalon, lets the world – but more importantly, her friends – know she’s accompanying him to premiere, and Harry Holland lurks on her Instagram profile.
My phone’s alarm went off at 6:00. I swiped the message bubble to the left and saw that Victoria, one of my closest friends, had messaged me around an hour after I had knocked out. I’d lulled myself to sleep listening to “Malibu” by Miley Cyrus last night after stressing over plane tickets and everything for the premiere. I basically had two hours of shut-eye to run on. Instead of replying, I reverted to my inbox and saw an overview of other messages:
My heart raced as I swiped down and my iPhone revealed an overload of notifications, which were condensed into a few banners. I clicked the home button and saw about a hundred notifications on Twitter and more than two times more on Instagram. I deduced that the attention stemmed from an Instagram post, so I opened the app.
The earliest notification was from Jacob – he’d gained almost 200,000 followers ever since he brought Ned Leeds to life, and people were liking all his posts now. He’d tagged me in his most recent post – a picture of us when he visited my branch of the family in San Diego during one of the earlier Comic Cons, circa 2002.
“My cousin’s like my little sister. Been with me since the beginning. From Comic Con to Comic Con, and now the Spider-Man Premiere.” He added the shaka and smirk emoji and I giggled a little at first. Then my stomach pitted. My Instagram was public and I only had a few posts (pictures of me at the beach, at school during lunch, sometimes some sports pics), and most notably I had a pride of eighty-nine followers. Now my follower count had increased to a thousand, with a bunch of Spider-Man themed accounts commenting praises on my pictures.
I hastily cleared out all my notifications on all social media outlets and glanced at the clock next to me. It read 6:20. I had 0 period at 6:30, but it wasn’t mandatory, so I sank back into my sheets and calculated how much time I had to dillydally online. School started at 7:15, so I figured I’d have ten more minutes to just think about what I’d say to my friends, who were probably already on their way to 0 period ASB, student government.
“You guys never listen to me, that’s why you didn’t know I was related to him. And I didn’t really know he was dragging me to LA.” Nah, too condemning.
“Uhhhh, I didn’t think it would be that big a deal…” That’s too dismissive.
There was just no safe answer for me to draft out before I’d get to school, so I felt like I’d roll with the punches once they were thrown. What was of even greater importance was my outfit, which I had to contemplate this time around because people were going to talk about me. I wanted people to think that all this noise wasn’t a big deal, so I threw on an off-the-shoulder shirt with some flare-cut Levi’s and some jandals. I already prepared my backpack the night before, so I knew I was going to make it to school in time even if I’d stop by 7-11 to grab a taquito and Slurpee for breakfast.
“Bitch there you are!” Victoria greeted me as first period started. I was unofficially assigned the seat right next to the door, so I came in last to detract any attention.
“You know, ‘bitch’ is a really derogatory term,” I plopped down in my seat and opened my backpack, retrieving the thickest Lit textbook known to man.
“Oh my god, Maja shut up! You know what we’re gonna be talking about today,” Vicky, Sam, Imani, Carlos and I were the odd group that sat in the corner, a bunch of “intellectuals” as our teacher would say, so “jaded” with the curriculum that we typically took group time to gossip.
“So, dude, spill the beans” Sam demanded, once we were released to do our work.
“First,” I asked, “What we’re y’all thinking about equivocation in Macbeth? I’m thinking it has to do with the trees and shit moving, right?”
“Maja, shut up you’re going to get a 5 on the AP exam so can we just cut to the shit that really matters?” Carlos scooted next to me to perfect the quintet. “You’re hot shit now!”
My cheeks flushed as I looked around the room. In that moment, I realized that what all my friends considered true was a lie. People weren’t looking at me. Jake was across the room with Adam and Joey and their other friend, Ryan, asking another group for some help with all the critical reading assignments. No one really gave a shit, no one even knew… well, except for my friends, my weird friends.
Imani noticed a change in my pace from an evasive kind of jitteriness to a dreary sort of dawdling. They asked me what was wrong in a way that got everyone else to shut up. “Nothing,” I said. Obviously I was kidding everyone; I wanted people to notice me for once – maybe be jealous – especially Jake.
“There has to be something wrong—” Sam was about to go on a standard consolatory spiel that friends usually go on when you’re not fully open with them, but my phone vibrated.
“Oh my god who’s Harry Holland?” Sam asked. It wasn’t about caring for me anymore, it was about the boy with a familiar name.
“Is he related to Tom?!” Carlos burst my bubble of personal space and rested his chin on my shoulder as he looked at my screen from next to me.
“U-uhhhhhh, let’s see?” the Instagram banner read “harryholland64 started following you,” so I went straight to his profile.
“Followed by tomholland2013…” Carlos read.
“He’s got the shaka thing….followed by lifeisaloha…” Imani observed.
“HE HAS PICTURES WITH TOM,” Victoria knocked on her desk a bit louder than what was appropriate. Mr. Rosenblatt, our teacher, averted his eyes from his desktop to us.
“Ms. Maja,” Mr. Rosenblatt said in an orotund voice, “Surely you, Ms. Victoria and the rest of your court are way beyond Shakespeare, but others aren’t. You can engage in chatter but please be respectful.”
Victoria’s mouth was agape in both embarrassment and eagerness. We had no idea who Harry Holland was, other than the fact that he was related to Tom and knew my cousin.
Sam refreshed the screen on my notifications page for me and noticed that the “follow” alert was no longer there. “Dude, where’d it go?” she asked, in a curiously hushed tone.
Carlos took my phone and I was unbothered. They were all more eager about this than I was; my stomach was doing flips. It was too good to be true.
“Dude, he unfollowed you, I searched for your name under his following list and it’s not there anymore,” Carlos handed my phone back to my trembling hands. The fairytale had ended.
“Dude, dude,” Victoria took her long pointer finger with its witch-like, purple-coated nail and tapped on my desk for emphasis, like she typically did when she wanted to be the conclusive one. “Unfollow him too. That way it’s not awkward when you meet at the premiere. You guys can just pretend this shit never happened.”
“Nothing even happened,” I retorted.
Imani, with all her infinite wisdom, robbed Victoria of her moment. She let out a grunt of disbelief, as if I was unbearably naïve. “Fam, he was lurking. He follows Jacob and obviously saw the post.”
“He probably got curious and clicked on your tag,” Sam added.
“Yeah dude and he probably thought you were hot,” as much as I wanted to seriously believe in Victoria’s comment, I shook my head.  
“Maja, I think Vicky’s onto something. It may seem outlandish but I’m a dude and if I saw that one of you guys knew someone hot, I’d lurk and follow if I had stable mutuals, too,” this was a surprising revelation from Carlos, who usually provided barely any male insight. He was a listener for the most part, not particularly loquacious. But when he spoke he never gave penny advice, but wisdom worth a few grand.
“This bitch knows his shit,” Victoria nodded, while pursing her lips and sealing her beautifully foul mouth. “I do, too.” 
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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