#posts about o14
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exilegend · 8 months ago
good evening i am thinking about tragedy.
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yuliciagaming · 3 days ago
something i love about the saint and osiris dynamic is how gentle osiris is with him—how protective he is about saint’s feelings. it was osiris who said ‘he has such a big heart’ he knows best of all that the way to wound saint is to cut to his emotions. he knows saint will take on burdens even when they aren’t his, that that is just his nature. it, along with his own shame, is i think why he won’t tell saint the specifics of how he was saved, or about the extent of maya’s cruelty. he’s knows saint’s heart and doesn’t want him hurt over something osiris i’m sure believes he can handle himself. this thoughtfulness from a character who most certainly has the ability to be callous is such a specific act of care and he does it over and over. keep that up osiris and someone might think you’re in love with him or something
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kb1301 · 8 months ago
Another post-boss fight convo between my Guardian and Saint 😭😭😭
SAINT: "Guardian. Osiris tells me that he understands Maya, in a way. That he sees how he could have become obsessed the same way she was." "I know he feels guilt when he tells me that he stopped looking for me. But I am proud of him." "He felt such sadness, and shame, for losing me. But he did not use those feelings to harm others." "That takes great strength. Strength we need. And now that I am here, we can be strong together."
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jinxhallows · 2 years ago
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KINKTOBER 2023 || jinxhallows
starting team: Christopher Bang, Minho Lee, Jisung Han, Hyunjin Hwang & Changbin Seo
question - why are you only writing about five members?
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I’m really excited to bring this project to you guys, as I’ve been so deeply supported by members of this community and truly, you guys deserve for all of your wildest dreams to come true. I look forward to spending the month of October with you.✨ non-image banners by @cafekitsune
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the fine print: entries are not daily. not all entries have plot. entries will be posted at midnight in eastern standard time the day they are scheduled to drop. entries vary in length. please read warnings. please google what you do not know. order subject to change but likely will not. i don't require a taglist, but if you enjoy it and want to be alerted to any future postings, please leave a comment, even if its member specific.
October 1st entry #oo1 | costume party (knife play) | lino October 3rd entry #oo2 | accident (watersports) | birthday boy chan October 4th entry #oo3 | my turn (role reversal) | jisung October 6th entry #oo4 | busted (mutual masturbation/voyeurism) | changbin October 8th entry #oo5 | soles (feet kink) | hyunjin October 9th entry #oo6 | vile (humiliation/degradation) | lino October 11th entry #oo7 | interview (distraction) | jisung October 13th entry #oo8 | the doctor is in (medical play) | chan October 14th entry #oo9 | cat got your tongue? (asphyxia) | lino October 16th
entry #o10 | leave it off (hair pulling) | changbin October 17th entry #o11 | midnight (somnophilia) | jisung October 19th entry #o12 | collared (pet play) | chan
October 20th entry #o13 | mine (spitting) | changbin
October 21st entry #o14 | sauna (sweat kink) | hyunjin October 22nd entry #o15 | hello from the other side (phone sex) | jisung
October 23rd entry #o16 | ne sonim (uniform kink) | lino
October 26th entry #o19 | glory (praise kink) | chan
October 27th entry #o20 | landscapes (sex tape/camera) | hyunjin
October 29th entry #o22 | baecation (bed sharing) | chan x reader x lino x reader's bestfriend
October 31st entry #o23 |
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dredgen-dumbass · 1 month ago
Redo of my pinned post (again) because in the last 5 months (lmao) I've gotten a lot more accustomed to this community and what I probably actually need in it & editing the old one isn't cutting it.
...hi! again. I don't really like bios. still, there's some shit needed for context so to tick off the boxes: he/him, adult, usamerican, I think everything else can be gathered from enough time spent here.
this is primarily my destiny fanblog. it's my main. there's occasionally some crossover from other fandoms, but I try to keep it organized. tidy person.
(cutting in for March '25, I do plan to go back to being organized but the Starfield fixation is taking over for a bit. If you follow me for sf just be warned it'll probably disappear again in a week or two)
no cws beyond normal destiny content. I don't post/reblog nsfw. everything else should be tagged well enough to filter out.
i'm not going to sit and make a dni list but leave it to a general bigots fuck off.
w/ all that out of the way
i post a hell of a lot of drifter, pretty sure that's established. others you'll see a lot: saint, osiris, saladin, eido, asher, & sloane
not really a d2 shipper. I reblog a lot of ship stuff anyways bc good art & characters I like. I do quite like O14 tho :)
I do have a couple ocs, haven't posted much of 'em. I have a LONG fic sort-of in progress that I'm not sure I'll ever actually finish/post but I will talk about it conceptually anyways. I DO want to hear about your ocs. tell me. :)
Not a RP blog & don't have one, but RP blogs are free to interact. I don't know what the hell I'm doing when I respond to you guys but it's fun anyways.
Just here to fan about a couple characters and cheer everyone else on while they do the same lmao. Love y'all nerds, having a hell of a time here, thanks guys.
my (better) fanart has moved to @dredgen-dumbass-art-acc, but I still post doodles here. find them w/ #my fanart
i also run @destinythesims
just made a separate trek blog @morns-bar-tab because istg this one is still a destiny 2 blog
original posts are usually tagged #dredgenposting but sometimes I get screwy
asks & dms are always open & if there's any way I can make my blog more accessible just lmk.
(banner from @unlucky-phantom tyty)
BLINKIES TIME (I made a thread with a fuckton, feel free to steal)
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devotedlystrangewizard · 6 months ago
somewhat major lore moments & vaulted moments that live in my brain rentfree despite my 2 - 3 year ish hiatus
"Get off this line Osiris." "Make me." "You would not survive that."
"im on the moon.... its made of cheeeese...." and the subsequent "is shaxx fucked?" discussions we all had
"So feel free to kill yourself."
osiris writing poetry, sagira sending it to saint, and saint sending a PHYSICAL LETTER WITH CUSTOM WAX SEAL back
"But there is one where Osiris finds happiness. He finds atime away from strife. He finds Saint--a dream of warm serenity. The peace to his purpose. With Saint, there is a future that could have been enough."
AND "So many unlived moments lost between calls to action. He wishes Sagira had not come to watch him die. His faithful companion. His guiding starlight. His hope, his humanity. "Sagira. For as many lives as we had..you were always my better."" BACK TO BACK.
"More than anything, I hate the idea that we will be remembered as a tragedy." - Eriana's letter to Wei Ning
eriana making a new titan mark out of her old robes for wei
"Mother, I asked to be your sister rather than your daughter, and so I denied you the chance to tell me your secret, the mothertruth that is mapped in the negative space defined by the lies mothers tell their daughters. Wel here are my secrets. I love you. I have always loved you. Without you, I could never have been anything at all." from mara
the efrideet launching saladin fun fact
"I loved Sjur, as I love all we have lost, and I grieve her. But if we divert our attention now to vengeance against an unknown enemy..." "Then let it be my diversion."
"Sjur, on the day you worship me, you cannot love me anymore, for to worship is to yield all power, and I cannot love what has no power over me."
"UIdren is my brother too. I love him, and I would follow him anywhere. I would follow him into death, if he asked. Just as he would for you. And if you call that treason, so be it."
"Sjur, can you hear what I'm thinking?" "Everyone's been feeling spooky, but I'm not sure that extends to transmitting-- Mara! Good grief!"
"You're the devil," Sjur says. "You're the lone power who made death. You allowed the possibility of evil. You might be responsible for more preventable suffering than anything that has ever existed."
sjur being canonically at LEAST shaxx's size (and shaxx is repeatedly referred to as Large TM throughout several lore pieces)
"Okay, listen, JEFF. You're not THE Order. I don't give a SH --"
the drifter tapes
"[Shaxx] walked to a Hunter in a few long strides and clapped him on the back. The Hunter tumbled to the ground so hard, his weapons reloaded."
"If you fear the hearts of your brothers and sisters, speak to them. If the heart you fear is your own, speak to me." from shaxx to a recruit regarding stasis
do the new people know about "Cayde unit? Ghost? Kindly delete yourselves."
"Life does not wait for us, no matter how long we live it. Drink your drink," Zavala chuckled, his glass to his face. "Before the Lord of Pigeons summons us to attack the Pyramids."
(back to the devil's ruin quest) saint to shaxx: "brother, i have always hated you."
"What does this rifle do?" "It's a gun, Saint. It shoots bullets."
please if you somehow dont know about the devils ruin quest watch it on youtube i love it deeply and text cannot do the line delivery justice
the CoO quest where you find Saint's signal on Mercury and find a shrine with his dead body at the center. The image was so powerful. oh my god
"You can't blame yourself for every missing Guardian, Osiris." "For him I can."
The fact that they had hope that he would be alive. Only to find his body. This was WAYYYY back when o14 barely existed. this was before i was a delusional little guy saying "hey this is kind of gay". osiris says "my friend" during that quest. its insane to look back on it
that quest leading into season of dawn a WHILE later where osiris tells you he tried to break time and find saint and he failed every time. by the time saint left the infinite forest osiris had already given up on the idea of rescuing him
every day i yearn for season of dawn
season of arrivals was fun as hell too
the entire marasenna actually
shaxx beheading felwinter
felwinter not letting this stop him and sticking arond for WEEKS challenging shaxx daily
""How long will your people survive out there?" "Longer than you." It was true. A flying knee separated the Iron Lord from his head within seconds of a short melee."
"Iron Lord Shaxx?" "No."
weblore in general (because the felwinter/shaxx lore was weblore) just. hurts me
because immolant part 2. the one with what i consider to this day to be the two most painful osiris paragraphs ever written. is fucking weblore
like the early crow & glint lore where crow literally just. cradles glint in his hands
all of osiris's character development is also just lost. btw. im looking at immolant for this post and all i can think is how much of osiris's growth from his exile up until right now isnt there for new lights
obviously he wasnt the same osiris from the pre exile lore back in coo but he was still arrogant. working on being not awful. when he calls sagira his better in immolant part 2 its not empty hes acknowledging the fact that he kinda sucked. and she still gave her life to save his. because she knew what he could be. taking sagira out of the picture forces osiris to both more rely on others (because he can now Die Forever) AND to maintain his own relationships with those he loves rather than just. you know. pretending to be reluctant whenever sagira made him go
anyway everyone say hi to my favorite old man
speaking of osiris his friendship with mara. like before either of them got their recent major character development
mithrax originally being from a mission on titan where he locks you in boxes. repeatedly
zero hour in its original context. mithrax hanging out in the basement. hanging out with mithrax in the basement.
"my fiery bird"
the weblore about the sundial where drifter asks osiris why hes going this far just to save one guy and osiris is like. really vague about it
"i owe him" "i owe a lotta people" "he should get a chance to walk to the end" "he already did"
ana's canonical girlfriend who doesnt show up ingame ever
the quest for the ace of spades catalyst iirc. finding cayde's stashes and having the events of forsaken hit even harder
"they made a recap" at the start of forsaken cayde dies right in front of you. you dont find his dead body you find him dying. you cant do anything about it. you are a guardian. he is a guardian. you dont know how to handle grief.
to be fair, neither did he
another thing about destiny that still bothers me is how often ive had people say like "oh i dont get why you like this character/dynamic so much" and i had to inform them that 90% of my time with destiny was just reading lore. saint & osiris pre season of the lost. marasjur. jolyon till. ana having a girlfriend. ikora's qpr. mara sov around forsaken/shadowkeep. wei ning & eriana. andal brask. the iron lords. i can keep going
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hotgirlsforredacted · 8 months ago
o14 super post go
I know that previously on this blog that I had been calling shots on who was gonna die and who was gonna live, but this time I am absolutely terrified that Osiris is the one that's gonna go!!
Doesn't everything about him seem a bit too final this time around? The dreams, confronting is trauma in the Forest again, telling Saint over and over again that he loves him and that he's not some copy he pulled from wherever in the Vex network? It's a lot of things that hadn't been spoken of before that are suddenly being thrown at our faces all at once, like the writers are trying to tie up loose ends before taking him out back and shooting him in the head.
I don't know... I'm scared but at the same time I'm sooooo excited for the angst if Osiris dies. Saint needs a reason to go crazy again and what better reason than his Phoenix being extinguished once and for all?
Blatant plug if you wanna scream about old men with some like-minded people consider joining our discord server!!! https://discord.gg/YUkj2BW9HE
Stars above no character has ever made me feel this much stress before Osiris is such a pain in the ass. (I love him dearly!!)
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raspberrylmao · 1 year ago
idk how many people there are out there who love taylor swift and obsess over osiris but i gotta get all this off my chest cause SO MANY of her songs remind me of osiris
look what you made me do is so him going against the speaker
castles crumbling is extremely him mid/post exile. lots of lyrics remind me of him and ikora and then the “never wanted you to hate me” is so him being worried about losing saint
anti-hero is when he comes back to the vanguard but is still struggling to be accepted
evermore hits so hard. even if you don’t like taylor swift PLEASE listen to this song in the context of osiris struggling after savathun. especially the bridge - like “in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you” is so very much him reaching out to saint during this time
and don’t get me started on how don’t blame me is literally an o14 anthem
ok that’s the end of my ted talk tell me if you give any of these a listen
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hidden-scarlet-whispers · 8 months ago
Hey listen it doesnt have to be a discord server I just want to have someone I can talk to about o14 so you are welcome to enjoy the posts I make as I slowly go insane about them LMFAO
Fucking REAL same to you aswell im so feral
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kinadestiny2 · 1 year ago
OC Lore Dump: With O14 pt.1
I made a post about how Styx-5 and Shaviks are like granddaughters to Osiris and Saint-14.
Saint-14 ‘adopted’ them while Osiris was still bedridden. So Osiris learned about Saint’s new friends after he woke up.
Well Osiris knew Styx, a little bit… he has seen her through Savathun’s eyes. But even back then Osiris thought Styx was loud, annoying and rude. Styx doesn’t care how Osiris thinks about her.
Osiris never got to meet Shaviks so he was quite shocked that Saint has become close friends with a fallen. Osiris thinks Shaviks is a nice polite girl, but he still wonders what happened while he was asleep. An Eliksni? As my granddaughter?
Yes, an Eliksni. Saint wasn’t very friendly with her at first, mostly because she ran away from him all the time, but turns out Shaviks is scared of all kinds of ‘big, strong people with big voices’. She wasn’t scared of Saint-14 because he is THE Saint. She was just afraid of him because he’s a big guy.
During the season of nightmare~plunder, Shaviks finally sat down with Saint-14 and talked about her trauma. She made Saint cry a bit.
Osiris was quite frustrated that Saint-14 has ‘adopted’ two girls while he was asleep. He tried to argue, but he saw Saint being happy around them, so he decided just to go with the flow.
They baked a cake for Osiris when he woke up! They even wrote something for him on the top, too. It said ‘Get batter soon’. Shaviks is still learning human language and it was her best attempt.
Styx-5 SUFFERED on Neomuna while working with Osiris. They almost got into fight, but Styx’s fireteam leader Ulysses-3 got into even bigger fight with Osiris so she just stepped away and chilled with Nimbus. Styx never got to wield darkness so she didn’t got to use the strand either. Osiris was actually ok with her decision, but instead he pushed Ulysses even more, making him extremely frustrated and mad.
During season of the seraph, Styx got into fight with Clovis… it was mostly her making fun of Clovis and doing stupid stuff to him. Something like drawing beards on his new exo body. Or making him listen to annoying music. Or calling him dicklovis Peenbay something. Osiris actually enjoyed watching this interaction and never stopped Styx from doing something stupid to Clovis
Saint and Shaviks got sad during Lightfall because Osiris and friends all left to go to Neomuna
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yuliciagaming · 7 days ago
i love, conceptually, that echoes was focused on saint and osiris. we defeat the greatest foe we’ve ever faced and the first story we hear is of the two lovers who gave all of themselves to the city, who gave up their dreams to protect it. that one of the first cutscenes is the spark that maybe, just maybe, now their once impossible dream might be a little closer to being real. the ideal follow-up
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kb1301 · 8 months ago
I have posted a lot on O14 with how the ongoing Act is but omfg...
"And my Osiris did not hesitate to say the same." "Your Osiris?" YOUR OSIRIS???
I wish I could've recorded it but my damn computer ain't working with me. But shit man... Saint sounded desperate and in need of explanations, and Osiris is trying his hardest. Then Saint had a different perception as to how the confession went?
Damn the simulations...
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night-dark-woods · 6 months ago
[points at your 'i've had enough of this dude' crow post] yes yes yes yes yes!!! i used to like him! but i've had enough of him!!! remember when our own guardian was treated like the main character instead of crow? remember when we used to have agency in the story? i do! i do!!! [sobs into my hands]
REALLL like. i actually like the concept of crow a lot. (sidenote that isnt rly relevant but. i truly fucking LOVE uldren as a character. bitchy little gayboy <3. if d1 was happening now someone would have already made a nails hair hips heels fancam with him).
and i think they could have done some REALLY interesting stuff with crow with the thesis of "you are not your past life's sins," and i really liked what they were cooking when they were making him miserable by having tower guardians kill him for no reason. i think the stuff in chosen with zavala was sooo good.
but. i think the decision to straight up give him his memories back SUCKED and undermined a lot. how are you supposed to argue that guardians make their own fate if you make the only on-screen example of someone we've known in both lives into past life 2.0 instead of letting him be his own character.
i also think it... defuses the tension between him and mara. come ON. my favorite tragic siblings. i want to see mara MISERABLE <333 put her in the BLENDER. her TWIN BROTHER she has known her whole life (for MILLENIA!!!) DIED and was brought back as a ZOMBIE by the god she sees in many ways as a rival and a mirror to her worst deeds!!! come on!!! fuck!!! we got a *little* bit of it in seraph with her and elsie talking but like. man.jpg (horse standing in ocean). but instead of having them grapple with that its like. okay hes still crow but also he has all uldrens memories. whateverrr.
also yeah. his share of screentime is insane. even amanda's death had to be about him like come onnn man!!! i am equally sick of o14 tbqh like. bungie writers for $10 can you name a woman. for $10 more can you give her her own story that isn't a) being an evil dyke or b) emotional support for men. i think those $20 are mine for the forseeable future :/
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crow-posting · 8 months ago
Earlier I said I wasn't going to post my thoughts on Week 4 of Act I.
I lied. :)
When Saint said, "I'm just a copy of a copy of a copy," I could see that coming from a mile away. Do I believe he's a simulation? No (see this post for thoughts that are more coherent than mine). Do I believe anything that's currently being said about Saint? Absolutely not, given the unknown nature of the Conductor, the Sundial, and so on. But whether he's a temporal paradox, displaced in time like Elsie, or something else, I really only have one reaction:
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How am I supposed to feel sad about anything? Saint-14 the Guardian is a "ship of Theseus" like all Lightbearers are. Saint-14 the Exo is an echo of Saints 1-13. Saint-1 was a copy of the human Saint. If that wasn't enough, Saint is the partner of Osiris, a man known for his Reflections, who could have easily explained the nature of Saint's return (we literally saved him with a gun named Perfect Paradox) and the experience of being a "copy." In my mind, Saint's identity crisis is/was entirely avoidable from the get-go, Conductor shenanigans or not. We know who Saint is even when personhood is called into question. It can be traced, like Uldren/Crow and Ana and Micah.
(Might add more on Guardians and personhood later.)
But even if Saint's identity crisis was inevitable, why is it so bad Osiris is finally dealing with the consequences of his actions? Grieving or not, he has a history of overestimating his ability to Make Things Happen, from Dendron to Rohan. The only consequence he couldn't circumvent was Sagira's death, and he lost her through no fault of his own. But everything else was of his own making, so why should I feel sorry for him?
As much as I love O14, this feels like an entirely manufactured crisis that exists for The Angst. I feel like Savathûn when she says, "Oh no! Who could have foreseen this? :)" anytime someone says she is next. Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but I see it more as a miscommunication trope than a real issue. Cayde "came back wrong" - Osiris just fucked up.
And since "we" [the Young Wolf] were Osiris' co-conspirators in bringing Saint back, we're stuck with the aftermath too. (That "apology at a later date" better be printed on parchment.)
I get that conflict moves The Plot forward, esp. in a game like Destiny. And I do appreciate the effort that the writers put in, even when it falls flat sometimes. But god do I wish I could snark at Osiris while doing my silly little tasks for him and Saint, because 70% of this shouldn't have happened the way it did. Maybe not even at all. As said in Hamilton, "Congratulations, you've invented a new kind of stupid."
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depvotee · 10 months ago
Sorry for this random ask, but I saw your last o14 post of them bickering about when was the last time one of their spaceship got service and I wondered... is that from tfs/new season? Because i don't remember that happening (i still have to play tfs). Thank you 🙏🏻
YES! It's from the new season!
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year ago
Thinking about the two times I received anonymous hate here and how funny both were
There was the anon who hoped I never had children because I dressed Charlie up - I was tempted to reply "I'm childfree I hope I don't either" but didn't on principle of not touching the poop/feeding the trolls. I think they might've been a witch or wizard or something because I was sterile within a year; if so, I appreciate the help.
There was another person who made a brand spanking new account to make a single tagged post saying that eris/toland is a worse o14 - which was so ????? because I know literally every eris/toland shipper and none of them ships them remotely like o14 - and generally gave the vibe of (guy who's only seen boss baby watching his second movie ever) "wow I'm getting a lot of boss baby vibes from this". Instant block.
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